#pain and suffering here i come :D
snowberai · 1 year
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crappy and lazy comic thingy that gets progressively even lazier was brought to you by me! And my rotting brain!
I have no idea how to make comics or scenarios, but like THREE of them has popped up in my brain and wont freaking leave my thinking property unless i drew at least ONE of those three scenarios. It’s like making a deal with the devil with how my brain works sometimes.
i loved the idea of this little goober with tons of warm fluff living in the arctic/tundra with no social tolerance whatsoever, imagine their frustration if they ever interact with Endermoon. (Spoiler alert: He only knows how to speak/write Enderman, HAHAHA)
Idk if this counts as a WIP, but i guess it’ll just be a crappy thing in my blog now, hope y’all like-y and hope it tickles your brain at least a LITTLE bit. (/j)
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pepprs · 2 years
i like uh. literally cannot believe what is happening is still happening btw.pain and suffering (update omg i hit tag limit CRINGE but i think i was done anyway lol)
#purrs#ive felt sort of beholden to keeping it quiet on here bc i felt bad since it was still kinda a secret irl. but i think the word is#traveling fast irl so im giving myself permission to talk about it with my dearest belovedest mutuals some of whom are irl friends i have#ghosted for the last week and a half despite initially trying to set something up bc i have been so miserable over it that i can’t function#and for that i apologize and i swear to god i will get it together eventually. but ok. the thing that happened is that. lol i am crying#typing it bc how do i even say it. my supervisor who is also my mentor who is also dare i say my friend who is also my close colleague who i#is also the reason i even got to the place im in to begin with in so many ways… got a new job. and didn’t tell us she did and dropped it on#us last week. literally a week after i started my new job and i was so so so looking forward to getting to work closely with her in this new#way at last and um. that is not happening anymore. and it could be so much worse like thank GOD she didn’t *** or whatever which is#something i worry about literally constantly. but this hurts. it’s devastating and i feel betrayed even though im so happy for her and she d#deserves it so much. and im so fucking sad and do fucking scared bc there’s literally 3 of us now and we have to NOT PANIC and act like we#are processing this totally fine or else we will face Consequences which are the same reasons she’s leaving probably. lol. idk. it’s very#cringe to post about it and not vague and i know it’s like weird to be close to work and to your colleagues and whatever but it has never#been just work and it’s like. how can this person come into my life and utterly transform it and we go on this journey together and we JUST#reached this beautiful glorious pinnacle but then you leave?? and who knows how long she was planning to do this. lol. and despite how s#much i care abt her im the least close to her personally out of everyone on the team so i am suffering and withering and exploding and#sobbing and howling and barking and i want to talk to her so bad and tell her how much she means to me and that it is physically painful to#think about doing this without her bc she was supposed to like. help me and stuff bc she went thru baiscally the same path im on lol and we#have a lot in common in terms of identity / life situation and i was like ummmmm hi can you teach me how to be a fuller version of myself.#and this ks like such a wake up call that no *i* need to teach me that and no one can. but i don’t want that to mean losing her and im so#scared that she won’t be in my life anymore and i am going to miss her so much. im going to miss every little thing and it’s killing me and#i can’t stop crying about it and it feels like a fucked up nightmare and everything is different now and im temporarily secon in command who#which is like wtf no that’s YOU. come back. how could you leave. but she needed to i guess and i just didn’t know how bad. but it hurts ummm#lol. and if she knew how hard ive been losing my shit i think she would be angry and sad and like surprised bc i think she thinks im#normaler than i am now but it’s like god. there was so much to look forward to and i was already feeling weird about the future and now it’s#like the little parts of it i at least knew i could count on are totally gone because she’s leaving us for fucking ****** of all places LMAO#delete later#i know it’s like weird to vent abt irl stuff / ppl so candidly i know what it suggests about me but this is like my best possible coping#mechanism rn i guess or at least it feels the best bc ppl like the posts and you don’t even have to say anything it just lets me know that#like. im not insane for it iwguess. even though iwreally feel like it. idk. i just am going to miss her so much. i wish i could stop crying
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luveline · 13 days
I wanted to know how Aaron Hotchner would react to discovering the existence of a daughter (something from college perhaps), she would be his copy both in appearance and personality
—Hotch has a surprise visitor and the world spins on a new axis. daughter!reader, 2.2k
readers physical traits like hair and skin colour are not mentioned, but she is described as looking like her mother (also not described) and as sharing some characteristics with Hotch!<3 I also altered canon so that Hotch meets Haley after college 
“There is a kid in your office.” 
Hotch pulls his phone away to check. D. Morgan blinks on his phone screen. It’s a slightly absurd sentence. 
“There’s a child in my office?” he asks, returning the phone to his ear. 
“I’m standing with her right now. She won’t tell me who she is. Anderson let her in.” 
“How old?” Hotch asks, scratching his cheek. God forbid he steal two minutes of peace in the bathroom. 
“How old are you, sweetheart?”
“I’m twenty two,” a feminine voice says. 
“You said kid,” Hotch says, frowning. 
“Anyone under twenty five is a kid to me. Are you on your way?” 
He sighs. “Yeah,” he says, and hangs up, dropping the small body of his phone into his pocket. Twenty two isn’t a kid, it’s a year younger than Spencer was when he started at the BAU; Hotch doesn’t underestimate the intelligence of young adults. Why you’re in his office is another thing. He can’t have one day without inconvenience. 
Hotch makes his way into the BAU office and up the stairs to the half level where his own office resides. Morgan leans against the door with his arms crossed, standing to attention when Hotch passes. 
“Thanks, Morgan,” Hotch says. 
Morgan nods, sending a curious gaze at you before he leaves. 
You’re dressed very formally for someone your age, but it’s not as though this is different from the norm of the building. You have on a dark shirt with a starched collar and a fitted blazer, a crisp skirt, and leather Mary Jane heels, one pressed flat to the back of the other. 
You stand when he comes in. 
“Mr. Hotchner?” you ask. 
“Yes?” he asks. 
You have a small file in your hand. Paper with worn edges pokes out of one side as though you’d been looking through it and put it hastily away, and the Manila file itself is fresh.
“Do we know one another?” he asks. 
You look familiar. It’s possible he would’ve known your parents —it could make sense. A colleague or acquaintance assumed he could help you with something, and you in your naivety you made your way in. 
“I think you know my mother.” 
“And she was?” he prompts. Not impolite, but needing to move forward. He’s very busy. 
You take a small step back. “Mr. Hotchner,” you say again, something nervous in your eyes as you lift your chin, “I don’t want to waste your time. I’m aware I might sound foolish, or that this… might not be something you want to hear, but. My mother told me you met in college, and that…” 
You bite your lip. 
He’s incredibly confused now. Not one to let a stranger suffer whether in real pain or awkwardness, he opens his hand. “Can I?” 
“Yes, sir,” you say.
You don’t want to pass it over, but you do as he’s asked. 
The photograph is a shock, held with a paperclip to a magnolia sheet of paper. It’s of Hotch, undoubtedly, a much younger Hotch sitting on a bench with a woman he recognises immediately. He only looks at her, and he knows why you’re here, and he knows exactly what you’re thinking. 
“Do you remember her?” you ask quietly.
He doesn’t answer.
“She says you’re the only man that could… possibly be my father.” You hold your hands behind your back. 
He lifts the photograph. There’s not much else to look at, only your photo ID, your birth certificate where he is glaringly not listed, as well as your mother’s birth certificate, and proof of her enrollment at George Washington University. 
You look a little teary. Trying very hard to be sober, as you have been since he laid eyes on you, but clearly getting more and more upset as time goes on. He’s feeling a similar ache, a searing pain in his chest, staring at you from over the Manila folder to really, really look at you. He swears he can see something of himself in your face, though he’s not sure what. Perhaps it’s wishful thinking. 
There’s certainly some of him in your frown. 
“I think you should sit down,” he says softly. 
You sit down immediately in the chair you’d inhabited a few minutes ago. 
He’s not sure what to say. Are you sure it could only be him? Is your mother? But you’re looking at him with an expression he practically trademarked, whether he wanted to or not, and the proof is in his hands: you’re your mother’s daughter, and Hotch would have slept with her almost twenty three years ago. He doesn’t need much time to do the math. 
“I realise my word alone isn’t a lot to go on, sir, so– so if you’d want to, I’ll of course submit for a paternity test. Or if you want nothing to do with me, that’s okay too.” 
“It’s not okay,” he says, closing your folder. 
Your eyes widen just a touch. 
“Can I sit with you?” he asks. 
You push your chair back to make lots of room. He sits in the chair besides yours, cautious that being across a desk from you is insensitive, or cold, at least. 
He looks at you and he’s sure that you’re his. The longer you sit there, the more sure he becomes.
“I do want a paternity test,” he says, watching your tight nod. 
He believes you. And truly, if he was unsure of what you’re saying he’d still give you grace now, because the first time you meet your father should be full of love. He should’ve been there to hold you in one arm twenty two years ago, he should’ve been there for you through everything he’s already missed. 
“But I believe you,” he says.
“You do?” 
“I’m a very good judge of character. I know that you believe what you’re telling me completely,” he says.
“When you’re nervous your hand drifts to your chest, but you didn’t move when you suggested I’m your father. You haven’t once checked the door or looked toward the camera in the corner of the room.” And the full truth. “I want to believe you.” 
“Why?” you ask.
“You look like your mother, but…” He lets himself smile. “You sound like me.” 
You laugh under your breath. “Hopefully not so deep.” 
“I’ve had it described to me as mellifluous.” 
“I’ve wanted to hear your voice since I can remember. My mom didn’t talk about you much, but I’ve always wondered. She told me she didn’t know who you were, and…”
“And you believed her. Any child would do the same.” 
“She’s made mistakes.” You look to him with eyebrows gently pinched, asking him to understand. “But I looked you up. When she told me your name, I looked for you online, and… I always thought I never needed you, even if I wanted to know you. I thought you might want to know me. I thought that a man like you would want to know.”
There’s something you’re not saying. Hotch doesn’t mind. “Of course I want to know you.” 
You chance a smile at him. “You really believe me?” 
“You were expecting me to turn you away.” 
“No, just– I’m not a kid, even if your colleague said so. And I’m not an image of you, I don’t have your eyes. All I have is that photograph. There's not much evidence to go on.” 
He sees no reason why a young girl like you would walk into his office and tell him who you are. Self preservation insists on a paternity test, and soon —UnSubs haven’t ever done something so conniving as imitating a family member yet, but there’s no prediction for evil— but Hotch has an inherent sense of the truth.  
“What do you do?” he asks. 
You frown. “Sorry?” 
“What do you do?” he asks again, “You’re dressed like a lawyer.” 
You nod with a smile you’re pushing into a flat line unsuccessfully. “I’m at GWU. For law, like you and my mom.” 
“She only just told you who I am?” He speaks each word carefully. 
“The photo fell out of an old album, and I had a funny feeling. I asked her about it and she said I’m too much like you. She admitted it like the secret had been eating her alive.” You look at your hand on the armrest. “We aren’t getting along right now.” 
“I don’t know why she wouldn’t tell you. Or me,” he says honestly. 
“I don’t know either.” 
Hotch is expecting a lot more awkwardness than he feels as he puts his hand over yours. You stay very still. 
“Thank you for coming here today.” He gives your hand the barest squeeze and stands. “Have you eaten? I could take you out for dinner,” he suggests. 
You stand with him. “Are you serious?” you ask, gentle and pleased at once. 
“I think you have a lot to tell me, and I’d love to listen.” 
“You’re not working?” 
Sometimes, sometimes, there are things that can be worked around or held on the back burner. You and Hotch go for lunch. 
Aaron Hotchner knows many important people. Your paternity test takes a day, less than twenty four hours from the time you both submit samples, but you have a class you can’t miss and he’s sure you’re nervous, so you don’t meet again for two days regardless. By then, you both know the results. (And Aaron’s had to have a very strange conversation with his wife, in which she doesn’t believe him, and then has to sit down.) 
He can admit to being far more protective of you once he knows the truth for sure, though he knows it before the results come back. You’re his daughter, and he’s left you without a father for two decades of your life, your formative years, time he can never get back. 
He doesn’t even know what to do. How can he make up for it? Twenty two years of birthday cards? He feels like buying you a diamond necklace with a stone for each year, and then he wants to buy you a house, but mostly he wants to give you a hug. He thinks about it for so long the morning before he’s scheduled to meet you again that it makes him as upset as he’s ever been in his life, desperate to say sorry to you and your mother and furious with her for keeping you a secret. 
He thinks of all those years without an inkling of your existence, and now you’re the only thing he can think about. His remorse makes him sick. 
You’re smiling when you see him. For a millisecond, you look like Jack. 
“Hi, Mr. Hotchner!” you say, standing from the table, your formal dress and cardigan pressed neatly, your hands held behind your back.
‘Mr. Hotchner’ will need to be fixed quickly, though he won’t force you to call him anything else. He can’t help himself, however.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he says softly. 
You pause, and you laugh. “This is weird.” 
He doesn’t mean to make it weirder, but he opens his arms, and he waits for an indication that you might not want a hug before he leans in to hold you. You’re still so young. There’s still time for him to be a good father to you. 
He can’t say everything he needs to in his hug, and at the end of the day he’s a stranger to you; you probably don’t want him to hug you for too long. But he rubs your back, and he promises himself that he won’t let you down twice.
Your arm curls tentatively behind his back. For a second, you press your face to his shoulder and breathe. 
“Are you okay?” he asks, pulling away. 
Your lip twitches to one side like his would when presented with such heavy sincerity. “I’m okay. How did, um, Haley take the news?” 
“She just wants to meet you, okay? You’re part of my family now.” 
You give no indication you’ve heard what it is he’s saying to you, or whether you like it as you sit down at the dinner table. He quite likes that some way, somehow, you’ve become like him, but he wonders if he might not love it so much when he asks how your mom is taking this new development and you just smile. 
“We’re going to tell Jack about everything this weekend,” he adds. “He’ll be excited, if no one else.” 
“And Haley doesn’t mind?” 
“She’s not going to ask you to babysit anytime soon, honey, but no, of course she doesn’t. He should meet his sister before she’s too old for legos.” 
You actually laugh. 
Dad humour transcends age, and for that, Hotch is grateful. 
only after I finished did I wonder if I misinterpreted the request and this was supposed to be x reader with a shared daughter so if that’s the case I’m sorry original requester!! and I can totally write that if that’s what you meant 🫶❤️
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twizzie-lairs · 4 months
My Darling, My Honey
Alastor X Fem!Reader (Part 3)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Quick Notes:
This is when both reader/you and Alastor are both alive. (... we'll probably end up in hell later on btw so stay tuned...)
Reader is an artist/painter.
Part 3:
Shutting the door to your house, you slide down to the floor, back against the door. Your hands come up to your chest, clutching the fabric of your shirt, heart racing.
Looking around the room, you felt suffocated. Every inch of the wall had some reminder of your husband, paintings, photographs, newspaper clippings of every accomplishment and accolade of his. It made you want to tear your hair out.
A silent scream leaves your throat as tears run down your face. Silent crying was something you've mastered after all these years..
But never have you cried and broken down like this, with something giving you a glimmer of hope. That something was Alastor, he made you feel appreciated, you felt free when you were with him, like all your worries were washed away and you were helplessly in love.
With the realization that you were in love, your hands fell to the ground with a quiet thud. For too long had you suffered the control, the physical and mental abuse at the hands of your husband and your family that only saw you as a pawn- a means to an end for them.
The tears dried up as you sat there silently for hours till the sun rose, feeling like an empty husk of a human. It took you a long time before you could collect yourself.
Though you felt so weak, you had to go out and do some errands. Having to keep up the image of perfect housewife, after all.
With a vacant and empty look in your eyes, you left the house, barely presentable.
You didn't even know what you were going out for, but you'd find something, anything.
During your walk around town, looking for something to buy so you wouldn't go home empty-handed, an odd feeling and urge came over you to take a route home that you've never taken before.
The way you took this time was full of twists and turns, leading to many shady backstreets and alleyways.
One sign reading "Arabella's Apothecary" caught your eye, prompting you to enter.
The door opens with a chime, the shopkeeper giving you a smug smile, "Welcome in dear, how can I help ya this fine morn'?" You nervously tell her that you were just looking around.
The shopkeeper, who you found out was indeed Arabella, like the sign outside indicated, "You know, people don't just come in here for nothin'... Hun, I think we both know you're looking for a key to freedom."
Arabella's words shook you to your core, "A... key? T-to freedom?" You laugh nervously, wondering if this woman was a witch. But then it came to you, maybe you did need... something.
She laughed at your face, "Bwahaha, I can read you like an open book! I'm no witch, I just deal in... specialty medicines, you might say."
After a short conversation with Arabella, you find yourself in possession of some arsenic. This little powder was your freedom, and you thank your lucky stars that fate guided to this back alley hidden apothecary shop.
During the week of your husband's absence, you didn't visit Mimzy's bar at all, actually. You were planning your husband's demise. You had to be methodical, careful, every single minute detail needed to have a plan and a backup plan- including your escape and how you would remove yourself from suspicion of being involved in your husband's death.
When your husband opened the door, announcing his return, you felt a pit form in your stomach. The bile rose in the back of your throat at the thought of freedom being so close and yet so far.
According to your plan, your husband would be dead in the next couple of weeks. It would be hell to not visit Mimzy's bar in hopes of seeing Alastor again, but if everything went according to plan, you'd be free of your shackles. So two weeks, give or take a few days, was nothing compared to the near decade of pain you've had to endure.
There were a few close calls during this time, but your husband was just diagnosed with food poisoning each time until he was found dead at his desk at the office he worked at.
You had slowly poisoned him slowly and consistently enough to evade suspicion. You knew this much when the police came knocking on your door informing you that your husband was found dead. The gates holding back the flood were unlocked, and you crumpled to the floor crying. The police tried to console you, but little did they know that you secretly crying from being overjoyed at the news.
At the funeral, your family and in-laws looked at you with distaste and all they did was tell you to get out of their faces, telling you what a disappointment you were for failing as a wife to keep your husband happy and healthy.
That was all you needed to hear. You turned away from them and left town, not bothering to stop by your home. You left only with the clothes on your body, making your way to Mimzy's bar. If anyone was able to help you, it would be Mimzy, your only true friend in the world.
You get to Mimzy's bar a bit too early, sometime in the evening, as usually the bar only opens late at night. So Mimzy was prepared to ward off any suspicious people that could get the bar/speakeasy in trouble, but she rushed up to you immediately, fawning over you, seeing you in all-black funeral attire with puffy eyes, " (Y/N)! Darlin'!! What happened to you??"
Mimzy ushers you into her office, gives you a warm cup of tea and a blanket as she barrages you with more questions. You smile weakly at her and make her promise not to tell a soul, and she pinky promised that she would take your secrets to the grave. And she kindly offered for you to stay with her as long as you needed.
You took Mimzy up on her offer, but you offered to help out at the bar for as long as you did. It was the only way you would accept her generosity.
-> Part 4
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battlekidx2 · 3 months
I'm making this post purely to shout out some incredibly talented fanfic writers from the Hazbin Hotel fandom and my favorite works of theirs.
Did anyone ask me for this? No. Will I post it anyway? Absolutely. The writers in this fandom are too good.
The first fanfic writer I want to shout out is @prince-liest (ao3 link)
I absolutely love their get cared for idiot (Alastor) series (not the official name but they called it that in one of their asks jokingly so it's now the default in my head).
Knock, Knock! It's Your Worst Fucking Nightmare! (this fic gets it!!!! This is what I meant when I said Alastor is growing a heart and part of him is raging against it. He still has ulterior motives and a massive amount of pride and part of him feels like that growing fondness is getting in the way, but he can't stop it. I need to stop before this becomes a long ramble. I've written a couple thousand words on this idea, but this fic is just a better use of your time than any meta I could ever write and way more entertaining :D )
Happily Ever After, and Other Shit Nepotism Can't Buy
The Last Bus Stop in Hell, Now Boarding (Please look at the tags for content warning. Angel and Alastor body swap story.)
They're amazing at balancing on that razor's edge with Alastor where there's a heart in there (really deep) and he's unintentionally growing attached to the hazbin crew, but he doesn't lose his edge. He's still manipulative and an asshole and can easily be the scariest guy in any room. He's in hell for a reason. A+ characterization at all times.
They're so good at writing the complicated dynamics he has with the residents, especially Charlie, and I enjoy how they expand on Alastor's potential dynamic with Angel Dust.
Anything they write from Lucifer's POV is gold too! My favorites are:
Take Two and Leave a Voicemail!
The Care and Keeping of Homo Angelus
I am also 100% here for their Aro!Alastor agenda and I'm enjoying their fic I Love Her, I Love Her Not so far!
The second person I want to shout out is @grayintogreen (ao3 link)
Their series Red Roses and Dead Things consistently gut punches me.
Just like Princeliest, they are also fantastic at balancing on that razor's edge with Alastor. A+ characterization for everyone and I love how they write HuskerDust. It's so soft, especially in the aftermath fic for Learn that Even Death May Die called If My Love Is Tomorrow, I've Forgotten Yesterday (that fic hurt in the best way).
The way they explore the aftermath of Learn that Even Death May Die is incredibly impactful. They capture the unique grief that comes from the reality that there are some things you won't get closure for so well that it's painful.
I can't say enough good things about their series. Genuinely go read it.
I found @lediz-watches (ao3 link) before the first season of Hazbin Hotel dropped (I've been a fan of the hellaverse for a few years now and have been enthralled with the Hazbin Hotel pilot since I first watched it in 2020) and I really enjoy their fics.
My favorite is Suffering Kindness. I love the Charlie and Alastor dynamic they explore in this story. I think I'm just a sucker for the Charlie and Alastor dynamic in general, but this fic hits all the right notes for me. (written pre-season 1 but man is it good. 100% recommend)
LeDiz also has a lot of one-shots/collections of one-shots that are very fun.
The Cure for Inexorable Boredom
Dollface (one-shots about Alastor theories. My favorite is the 3rd one. So fascinating!)
Choice Words (one of the few explorations of Alastor and Vaggie's dynamic that I've found in the fandom)
Don't Say It
I have to shout out @ckret2 (ao3 link) and their phenomenal fic You’ve Got a Face for Radio. This is such an amazing aroace!Alastor fic. (Embarrassingly it was this fic that made me realize I was most likely aroace myself. I’d had fleeting moments of suspecting it but it wasn’t until I saw my experiences laid out in a character explicitly written to be aroace that I put the puzzle pieces together. -_- some of these passages were too relatable.) I cannot express how much I love this fic.
I also like their fics Dumpster Baby and Bitter Grapes.
I have one last writer I want to mention because this is getting really long (whoops). The last one is tiredoflofteranditsshit and their Assume He Has a Heart series (because my favorite character and how I interpret them was not obvious enough already with the fics/authors I've recommended. I had to make it more obvious).
These fics are massive (17k and 26k words) and so much fun. Definitely worth the read. Yet another series that follows up season 1 and explores Alastor’s growing connections and how he lies to himself and pushes against it. Love this series and there’s a lot to sink your teeth into :D
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beelz-bub · 6 months
Here's the Dark Medieval Mystery Drama AU I mentioned before :D
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I'm still working on the rest of the references but I'll shove a little story summary under the cut, if you have any questions I'd lovvee to answerrr
The basic plot is Scarab, who's known as The Crimson Knight, is sent to complete a secret mission for the Queen (who is Princess Bubblegum, her name is Queen Bonnibel), so she assigns Finn and Jake to watch over The Cube (a cursed magic item that poses a threat to the kingdom, The Crimson Knight's main job is to watch over The Cube). While watching over it, Jake gets curious and investigates it, only to discover Spectro the Wishgranter inside, who's a cool dude, and they become friends. The legend says that Queen Bonnibel in her early years asked for a wish from the cube upon its discovery only to be cursed with a horrible punishment, immortality with a cost (she suffers more pain the longer she lives).
The mystery drama comes in and Finn and Jake eventually look into it more, now protecting Spectro. They discover that it was all a lie, the Queen along with the Crimson Knight have been abusing Spectro's wish ability (he can give as many wishes as he wants). There's more to it, but I'm still working on everything lmaoo
- characters -
Queen Bonnibel - Human cursed by The Cube to be immortal, has lived for 2,000 years. (this is a lie, she's secretly made of candy, The Cube is just her way of staying in power. She takes advantage of Spectro)
Finn the Knight - a young but loyal knight, only here to serve and protect the kingdom from evil. Has previously fought the Lich, an evil necromancer that sought to kill all life. His success in the battle shot him up to top knight under Crimson.
Jake the Monster - A being of unknown origin, he is trying to find his real family and discover what he is. A brother to Finn, Jake is his companion. The two are always side-by-side.
Crimson Knight - A being of high power and status in the kingdom. The queen's top knight and right-hand man. A bug creature from unknown origin, he takes his knightship very seriously. While Crimson is being shown off around the kingdom, surprisingly, most people can't recall a time they've ever been in contact with him for more than a few moments. Finn has only ever said one thing to him, and then never saw the bug again (despite Crimson being his superior). His real name is Scarab, prefers Crimson Knight as a professional name.
Spectro the Wishgranter - A malevolent being residing inside of The Cube, a cursed magic item of great power. When given a wish, the wish maker receives a horrible punishment in return. The Cube is kept on lockdown deep inside of the castle, protected by the Crimson Knight himself so no one is swayed by the evil deity. (all a lie of course. Spectro isn't evil, he just has an unfortunate circumstance. His shadow is the evil part, a separate being from himself. When released from the cube, both beings are set free. Spectro is kept inside to keep his shadow on lockdown too. His wishes are never evil, you can have as many as you desire. When touching the cube you enter his domain and meet the Wishgranter, he's a nice guy, and never would hurt a soul.)
**The Queen is both in the wrong and is right to keep Spectro locked down. She just takes advantage of his wishes and lies about what he is to dissuade people from looking into him. Trusting that this evil being is being contained responsibly. Spectro's shadow does pose a threat to the kingdom if released.
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yourheart-inmyhands · 1 month
Just remembered the fallen god reader thingy- what if reader just one day regains their power ;)) and then just leaves them, I'm like super offended ;(( I dont wanna be mistreated by them
ahaha this ask made me chuckle a little! unfortunately my version of yandere archons aren't sweet in every scenario, i do still hope you enjoy though! :D
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including mentions of being held against ones will, mentions of manipulation, mentions of violence, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Well, he certainly can’t just let you leave, not after all that hard work he put into nursing you back to health. No no, don’t you see, you owe him. You could try and claim he was doing it out of the goodness of his heart, I mean he’s an Archon, a god just like you, doesn’t he see how unjust it is to demand payment?
You could beg and plead all you want, but unless your powers are enough to break the elemental barriers he’s set up, then I’m afraid you’re trapped. He won’t mistreat you, he’ll be nice and sweet to you so long as you behave, but your freedom will forever be removed.
“It’s not fair you say? A lot of things in this world aren’t fair, it’s just how it is.” His bright smile and humorous laugh do little to settle your unrest. No matter how hard you begged, how fast the tears poured from your eyes, or how strained your voice became from constant pleading, nothing worked. Perhaps if you learned to behave he’d let you see the sun again, until then, think long and well about all he had done for you. Remember exactly just how much you owe him for the things he’s done for you.
He finds it curious that your powers have suddenly returned, but it does little to change his authority over you. Regardless of the strength you show or possess, Zhongli has ingrained into your mind just how weak and pathetic you are. You are nothing without him, your silly little powers mean nothing if you aren’t here with him. Can’t you see that? Can’t you see that you need him?
There’s little that would change about the dynamic between the two of you, if anything it just gives Zhongli an excuse to be around you more. His eyes seem to always be observing you now, watching keenly to ensure you don’t dare step out of line. There will be consequences if you should try.
“Dinner is done, come eat.” His tone is warm, but there’s a familiar sense of sternness in the undertone. Since the resurgence of your powers, Zhongli had made sure to remind you of your place below him. It didn’t matter how hard you fought, the elder god showed little remorse when overpowering you. It was astounding to think that even after the loss of his gnosis he could still hold such power over you, but then again, Morax wasn’t known as the War God for nothing.
She doesn’t believe you at first, those who lose their divinity are not simply granted it back. It would take a long while and many displays of your capabilities to convince her. It doesn’t much change her opinion of you though. Raiden still thinks you are foolish and weak to have lost your powers to begin with. And for that, you should suffer the consequences.
Every escape attempt or effort put in to fight back is quickly shut down. She doesn’t even let you build up the hope that you’ll be able to land a hit before she’s got you disarmed, pinned, and once more shown your place beneath her. It gets a bit frustrating, having to always correct your silly outburst.
“When will you learn that you are nothing compared to me? You should be grateful I have enough decency to put up with this behavior, if you were anyone else I’d have tossed you to the streets like the pathetic waste you seem keen on acting like.” Her words are as rough and painful as her hold on you is. She has you under her, pinned to the floor in the living room of her home. It’s an embarrassing sight, your face held down to the hardwood as she scolds you like a child. This wasn’t the first time it had happened, but Raiden had hoped that by now you’d have learned your lesson. She is getting incredibly fed up with you.
Your return of power puts her in a tough position because before when you were powerless, she had something to hold over your head. Now, you hold the power and she’s left to flounder.
There isn’t much she can do to keep you from leaving, sobbing on her knees as you walk towards the front door. It wasn’t fair, it wasn't fair that you got to get back what you lost, it wasn’t fair that you got to still be connected to divinity when she was cut entirely from it. 
“Please, please don’t leave me…” Furina kneels on the ground, hands balled into fists as she begs and sobs. She can just barely see the sides of your shoes as you walk past, disregarding her as you head for the front door. When she’s sure you’re not looking she ceases her crying, the tears were fake from the start. Reaching for the pipe she hid under the couch, she silently grabs it before standing. It was easier to hit you, having stopped in the doorway to admire your freedom, you had been too caught up to hear the soft patter of her footsteps behind you.
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joi-me-hoi-me-noi · 3 months
Hello, I saw that your requests were open and I wanted to ask if I can make one hehe, you don't have to do it or anything like that, but I'll leave the idea here anyway hahaha.
I would like to request a teen! Satoru Gojo x fem! reader and kid!Megumi (or gender neutral) Where Satoru Gojo and reader have known each other since they were little and they are both powerful, therefore when it is time to go on the mission to protect Riko Amanai she is also sent along with Satoru and Suguru,She also suffers because of Toji Zenin and basically everyone is traumatized (here we stick to the canon, doing the daily angst that our dearest Gege gives us..:) ) And basically after the events, reader and Gojo go to Megumi to make Touji's last words come true,I'd like to see a little bit of domestic fluff and a little bit of angst hehe...Reader seeing Toji in Megumi but at the same time wanting to stop because she knows they are completely different people. Happy ending :D
A/n: Thank you for this wonderful request, I'm pretty sure this is the first request regarding JJK in general so yippeeee! Enjoy!
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"Stay here with Misato, just in case that man manages to make it down here."
You simply nod, looking away. Something felt wrong, you could feel it in your gut. You feel Suguru's hand on your shoulder and you look up at him.
"Satoru's got this, he's the strongest there is. You probably won't even be needed."
You turn to Riko, the sadness building up inside of you. She looked like she was about to cry as well. You had so much fun with her, you'd miss her so much. She rushes into you for a hug, and you hug back tightly, your eyes welling with tears.
"I'm going to miss you." She buries her head in your shoulder. "I'll miss you too, bug."
You let go of her and watch as she walks forward with Suguru, leading her to the end of her life.
You and Misato finally hear the elevator coming down. Satoru made quick work of that guy; it really didn't take that long either.
"That must be him, right?" Misato looks at you, happily.
You start to smile as you felt the elevator growing nearby. Soon it fades, you detect no cursed energy from the lift at all. You start to activate your technique and Misato gets prepared to fight.
The elevator doors open then everything goes black.
"Y/n... Y/n!"
Your eyes slowly open as you wake up with a bad headache. You blink a couple of times and finally adjust to the bright light. Shoko stares at you in relief, smiling softly at you.
"W-What happened?" You suddenly remember the elevator and-
You sit up quickly, groaning in pain and being calmed by Shoko.
"Easy. Easy!" She touches her hand to your back softly, rubbing up and down.
"Is Satoru okay?!" She nods.
The door to the clinic opens to reveal Suguru, a solemn expression on his face.
"Suguru, what's wrong?"
"I gave Riko a choice of continuing to live or to die. She chose to live her life."
You smile, happy he gave her a decision.
You laugh softly, smile slowly fading. She couldn't have...
"She's alive and back at home with Misato...right?"
He stays silent, looking at the shiny floor of the clinic.
A sobbing scream was heard from inside the clinic as Gojo listened silently near the door.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
You shoot awake from your bed, looking over at your boyfriend who is still sound asleep. Your hand unconsciously rubs the spot where Toji Zenin's bullet almost killed you. You let out a sigh and escape from the bedroom and into the kitchen area.
"You're fine." You open the fridge, the glow illuminating your face with the most perfect uncomfortable amount.
You lean your head against the fridge door and take a deep breath before grabbing a water bottle. You couldn't help but rest your head against one of the counters and sob. You hated how your traumatic experiences will always come back to haunt you. You wipe your eyes, take another deep breath and take a sip of your water.
Your ears pick up a light pitter-patter sound approaching slowly. You turn towards the noise, observing Megumi with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, stopped in the middle of the dark hallway.
"Hey Megumi, you shouldn't be up. What's up?" You crouch down in front of the counter as he continues his silent approach.
"I heard you crying and I couldn't sleep." The kid looked so much like him, he scared you sometimes.
"It's nothing to worry about." His eyes are so similar to his father's.
"I think it is if you're crying. Did you have a nightmare?" Everything is similar to Toji.
"So-Something like that. I'm almost an adult, it's nothing."
Megumi just stares at you blankly for a moment before wrapping his blanket-winged arms around your neck.
"Everyone's afraid of something." He leans in closer to your ear, whispering. "It's okay to admit it, I'm afraid too."
You smile and hug him tight, rocking him back and forth on the kitchen floor. He made you feel better, way better than before. He's just a kid, Y/n. He's not his dad.
"Let's rest together, yeah? It might be easier to sleep that way." He nods, tiredly.
You scoop him up and walk over to the couch. You lay on the couch with him cuddled up into your neck, softly breathing. Megumi fell asleep quickly. You brush your fingers through his hair, watching him fall into a deeper sleep. Soon, you follow him into a better dream than before.
Satoru wakes from his sleep and walks into the living room, knowing you got up in the middle of the night. He spots Megumi cuddling with you in his sleep and you hold him tightly.
He touches the small scar on the side of your head and then kisses it, bending down slowly. You're more comfortable with Megumi and he hopes you'll get closer to him from here on out.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
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gatitties · 3 months
hi so can you do a fic where The straw hats thought we died but when they retuned to scabaody we also come back?
Like the straw hats are like
─Strawhats x reader
─Summary: Everything seems to fall apart before their eyes when you die, only to find out that you were enjoying yourself in Sabaody and not in your grave.
─Warnings: none
lmao this was fun to write for no reason 😭🤌🏻
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The loss of a loved one is a difficult battle, everyone on this crew has experienced at least one death of a family member or someone close to them to call them family, they hoped that pain would not damage their hearts again, unfortunately, you shattered their hearts when they found your limp body on Sky Island when you decided to go your own way.
With their hearts in their throats and their eyes red, they had to say goodbye to you bitterly, burying your body in a cluster of soft clouds, they were silent for a minute until Luffy was the first to give the signal to leave, he knew you would have liked that they were not so sad and that their adventures had not yet ended like yours.
They lamented your lack of presence, you always made everything a little more enjoyable with your nonsense, you managed to fit in perfectly with each of them and although you were not the smartest, most cunning or powerful on the team, they did not expect your early departure.
It was when they arrived at Sabaody for the first time that they thought they were going crazy, thinking that they had gotten over your loss, someone strangely like you seemed to be hanging around that island.
Luffy could clearly see how you were riding some attractions, Nami was confused when she saw you trip over a huge root, Chopper thought that the smell of disinfectant had made him hallucinate and see you eating cotton candy, Usopp simply thought he saw a ghost, Brook thought you came back from the dead to exact revenge when he saw you beating up a couple of guys who seemed to bother you, Franky could only catch your laugh, but it was so similar that he thought his brain was playing tricks on him, Zoro and Sanji bumped into you, but neither you nor they were paying attention as something bigger was catching everyone's attention and practically everyone was jostling each other.
While, oblivious to all the suffering, pain and coping that your companions had to do, you woke up buried in clouds a while ago, managing to get down and reach Sabaody miraculously like a stowaway on another pirate ship, you had planned to look for them and scold them a little for thinking you were dead, but your plans were thwarted when you found the island too much interesting, well, you had been 'dead' for a while, it was okay if you enjoyed a little time at the attractions before looking for your companions.
The thing is that you got so distracted and forgot to find them, if it weren't for the fact that, coincidentally, Jinbe ─who you didn't know since you didn't get to know him─ recognized you from the brief conversations they had with him about you, he was waiting in the queue to buy something and you were just behind, you started a chat to kill time.
"You look terribly like a person who died in the crew I'm part of now, I mean, because of the descriptions they made."
The blood on your face disappeared at his words, remembering now that you had a crew to return to, and that in fact you were that supposedly dead person, you laughed nervously, wanting to resume your search, although there was no need.
"Hey, Jinbe, here! We were looking for you."
You blinked like an owl as you saw Luffy greet him with his characteristic smile, calming down as you saw the others walking a little further behind calmly, you smiled fondly when you saw them, making eye contact for a second with your captain as you sipped the drink you had gotten before, he casually greeted you by saying your name and you waved back, focused on finishing your drink.
"Wait a moment, you…" he narrowed his eyes looking at you again, drawing the attention of the others "Are you the twin of our dead comrade!?"
You choked on your own drink, Chopper patting you on the back.
"No uh- in fact it's me, the original, only and loved-"
You covered your ears when you heard Nami's scream, your tongue went dry and your body seemed to get smaller when you saw her gaze, everyone had different emotions reflected ─Luffy and Zoro were still a little confused because they really thought you have a twin─ but Nami was the most furious, she started hitting and pushing you.
You ran in circles avoiding the navigator, protecting your head from her light blows while you apologized for not having warned that you 'rose from the dead'.
"Well, who knows, maybe it's a zombie."
"Robin, you're not helping me."
You whimpered, hiding behind Sanji and Franky, waiting for Nami to calm down, it wasn't a reunion like you planned ─you didn't plan anything─ but everyone felt a little relieved, leaving behind the bitterness of losing a partner and enjoying your company now that you were with them again.
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manachiichan · 2 months
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To see the world that you are so proud of...
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Synopsis: Growing up obediently following your empress' shadow, your horizon broaden the moment you met a pirate doning a strawhat who somehow ended up on your island.
Pairing: Monkey D. Luffy x Kuja!Reader, Platonic!Boa Hancock X Fem!Reader
Spoilers from the Amazon Lily and Marineford arcs. Reader is a pure sunshine who is both kind and naive. Having mixed feelings with Luffy now.
|| One Piece Masterlist ||
|| Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
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You didn't know what happened after you were forced to leave the arena. You were placed on a cell with two of your fellow warriors guarding as you waited for the outcome of the battle.
"Please! Atleast tell me, Is Marguerite alright...? What about the other two? Sweet Pea and Aphelandra..? Are they alright.?"
"I'm sorry, (Name). But we can't disclose anything to you. All we can say is that the Gorgon sisters are battling that strange man as we speak..."
You sat there in the cell for what it felt like hours. You didn't know what had happened until you were finally allowed to be freed.
However, as soon as you left your cell, you found yourself face to face with one of the Gorgon sister, Boa Sandersonia towered over your form as she gestured you to follow her.
"(Name), Our older sister ordered for you to appear before her."
"May I ask the reason why?"
"You'll see when you get there."
You can see how hesistant her tone was as she refused to look at you in the eye. By her body language alone, you can tell how uneasy and nervous she was being. So to avoid making her uncomfortable, you decided to refrain from talking until you reached the snake princess' bed chambers.
"Oh! It's you!"
Luffy pointed his finger towards you as soon as you entered. His shock expression soon changed to excitement and relief, a grin appearing on his face.
"You're okay! I got worried when they took you away, glad to see that you're not hurt."
You gave him a gentle smile of acknowledgement before focusing your attention towards your empress who sat on her snake, Salome. She was staring directly at you, observing your interaction with the only man in the room.
"Come closer, the two of you..."
She commanded. Unlike Luffy, who approached her without any care, you cautiously took a step forward, expecting for a scolding, a punishment even.
Only for your eyes to widen in shock as she revealed her bare back on to the two of you.
"Snake Princess, but that's-! What about the curse..?!"
You immediately shielded your eyes. Hers and her sisters' backs are a sensitive subject that the whole island knew about. And here she was revealing it for you to see, was this your punishment? For you to turn to stone for disobeying her orders and allowing Luffy to live? Even going far to defending him back at the arena.
"I trust you, (Name). And it is about time you know the truth..."
There on her back, was a symbol dyed in red, circular center with four triangles resembling a claw. At that moment, you see how her shoulders trembled as you observe her mark.
"Is...is it alright for you to show it to us...? my empress, it is something you forbit anyone from discovering..."
You can see how it pained not only her but also Marigold and Sandersonia. Grandma Nyon encouraged to reveal the story, and after a few moments, you finally understood everything.
It was the mark of authority far more superior than of the Pirate Empress. The Celestial Dragon's mark, specifically the mark of slaves that belongs. Everything she experienced and the sufferings she has to endure with her sisters, she revealed it all to you and Luffy.
You stayed silent as Luffy was escorted out, him being invited to the banquet that was host whenever the Kuja Pirates return to the Island with a huge haul. You stayed behind as you felt like you shouldn't leave Hancock alone after everything that had been revealed.
"Has your view of me changer after finding out that I was a former slave...?"
"Can I really speak out my thoughts, Snake Princess? My most honest thoughts?"
You asked, revealing her secret doesn't mean that you should carelessly speak up. Boa Hancock is still the Empress of Amazon Lily, the ruler of the land you were born in.
"I will allow it."
"Then, I will reply with a No....No, I don't think any lesser of you, my empress. In fact, I think....that for to you endure such torment and rise above it is truly admirable. My respect for you just got deepened."
You spoke with true genuine in your tone. Yes, you were anguished with what you just heard. The sufferings of the people who look up upon brought pain in your heart.
"I think that...your past doesn't defy who you are. It just shows how truly strong you are."
For the first time in your life, in years of serving the Pirate Empress. This was the first time you ever saw her smile with tears in her eyes.
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It was then night time when Hancock dismissed you from your duties, having kept you around for a longer conversation. You found out the truth about your mother, yet you only found yourself slightly upset. You don't really remember what she look like nor what her personality were when she was alive, however, you could still remember the warmth she emitted whenever both of you share a tender embrace as she on board the empress' ship.
Hancock's attitude around you seems to have slightly changed now. She was more vocal of what she feels and treats you better than she did before, asking for your opinions and outlook of the village. The conversation began changing to how managing the island whenever she was out.
"As you now know, my presence here is somehow a threat. I'm a pirate with a bounty so great, continue doing your duties as usual."
She was more comfortable with you now. Just by thinking about it, made you smile as you nodded at her orders. Eager to aid her with everything.
"Yes, my empress... You can always rely on me."
you immediately went back to the village where the banquet is being held. Now in a more casual clothing, you entered the room and immediately sense the tense atmosphere among the women present there.
The center of their attention was Luffy who was sitting, eating his heart out as dishes were served on his table.
"What's going on?"
"(Name) is it really okay for a man to be present on the homecoming banquet.?"
One of the warriors asked, a look of concern is visible on her face, glancing at Luffy with skeptism.
"The Snake Princess already favors him, therefore we will treat Luffy with hospitality."
Just as you said that, Luffy stood up on the table with a ladle and wok pan, demanding that the women should sing and dance since it is a banquet.
A small smile made way on to your lips, covering them as you let a small giggle of amusement.
In that instant, the atmosphere changed into a lively one with the women eventually joining in, copying Luffy as he danced and pranced around.
Lively to the point, they all got comfortable around him.
"Hey now. Everyone, that's enough."
You scolded, seeing how they all gotten too comfortable around him to the point they all have been reaching towards his rubbery skin.
Soon you found yourself looking for Luffy as the women all went after him in hopes of touching his skin.
"There you are, Luffy..."
You found him crouching on a building roof. As soon as you said that, his long rubbery arms stretched and grabbed you by your waist towards him.
"Geez...What's the matter with you guys?!"
"I apologize on their behalf. It's just... we barely seen a man this close before..."
You gave him an apologetic smile. Seeing that, he soon let out a laugh as he told you that it was fine.
"I never really got to thank you for defending me in that arena earlier."
"I...just did what I thought was right...."
You told him, slightly ashamed on your actions yet you never regretted it. Yes, you felt guilty for disobeying the Snake Princess, but you couldn't find it in yourself to just allow them to kill Luffy when it wasn't his fault that he ended up stranded on your Island.
"Say Luffy...What does the outside world looks like...?"
You asked. Your curiosity resurfaced after many years of trying to supress it, was it because of Luffy being here? But after becoming Boa Hancock's closest aid, you devoted yourself to follow every command without questions. Your loyalty overcame the curiosity about the world outside of Amazon Lily.
"Are....the seas really that vast? Are there really more islands out there?"
Back then, Hancock barely spoke to you and you could only rely on either Sandersonia or Marigold to tell you all about what they had seen while traveling through the seas. Brief conversations that could never satisfy you. It was thirst of wanting something that you know you will never have.
After all you have a duty to serve and protect Amazon Lily as it's devoted warrior.
"I dunno. Our adventures are always been exciting that I never really cared how big the sea is. But I do know that the Grandline is huge! I can't wait to sail and see everything with my crew!"
Luffy told you about his recent adventures. From his entry to the grandline, meeting Laboon the huge whale, up to his battles on Thriller Bark.
"There are Islands in the sky?!"
"Yeah! I even beated up this guy with long earlobes!"
Luffy grinned as he stared at your sparkling eyes that was looking back at him with wonder and admiration. He was reminded of Chopper just by staring at you. He wanted to see his crew badly now.
"I'll sail through these seas and become the King of Pirates!"
"I'm sure that you'll be able to do it!"
You encouraged, getting all hyped up from just his words alone. Luffy's aura reminded you of the sun and its brightness. That's how you felt just being near him.
"You know, you could just get on board that pirate ship your Empress have. You'll see how big the grandline is, with your own eyes."
You faltered at his words, he seem to have noticed and started to frown.
"What's wrong?"
"I just....feel like I have a sense of duty to stay here. And the snake princess said it herself. I'm not ready to leave the Island just yet."
"Why? You're already strong..."
"I can't disobey the Snake Princess, Luffy..."
Why can't you disobey? Was it because obeying her was something that you already drilled into your mind at a young age...? Or is it because you can't make decisions for yourself without having someone tell you what to do.
You grew up never knew how to say 'No'. It was always you doing what you have been told without ever complaining whether the task is easy or difficult. Because you hated to disappoint not only your Empress but also your fellow warriors.
"I see..."
Luffy just looked at you as if he already knows what was going on, yet he didn't say anything. His eyes stared at your tense and slightly trembling form. He then went through his pockets and pulled out a chunk of meat that he managed to save right before he was chased after by the Kujas.
"I do what I wanna do, I'm captain of my ship. Not even my crew can stop me!....Well maybe Nami. She's scary like a demon."
He took a huge bite before looking back at you with a grin. Seeing bits of meat stuck on his teeth made you laugh slightly. Luffy is really is a silly man.
"It doesn't hurt not to listen all the time. You went to defend me even when you know that you'll be in trouble. You do what you think is right!"
Your words from earlier came back towards you. You couldn't help but grew fond of him, hearing his somehow meaningful words as he feasted on the meat was holding without a care in the world.
He doesn't even seems to realize the effect his words he had on you.
"Thank you, Luffy...."
You stood up from your place and immediately waved discreetedly towards Marguerite who spotted you right away.
"Hey...! What are you doing?!.... They might see me and chase me again...!"
"You need a place to hide, right? Don't worry, Marguerite knows what to do. She'll take you there."
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When Luffy came back from Marineford, he was gravely injured. You could only watch from the distance as the men wearing white boiler suits docked at the far side of the Island.
The last time you saw him was when he left in a hurry to save his brother Ace from execution. Your Empress gave you a brief summary of what had happened and gave you temporary management of the warriors while her and her sisters sailed off.
"(Name)...Keep watch over those men on the far side of the Island. Report back once Luffy regain conciousness...please..."
The Snake Princess looks very distraught, so you immediately agreed upon hearing her request. Not a command, but a request. You could never deny a request.
Two weeks. That was how long you kept watch. The warriors back at the village would often bring you meals. By following the rules with the exception of Luffy, you kept your distance from the men and hid on top of trees.
Eventually, Luffy woke up. You were happy and was about to report until you noticed something odd.
Luffy went on a rampage.
"Hey...Can you report this to the Snake Princess in my stead? Tell her that Luffy regained conciousness..."
You asked a fellow Kuja who happens to be nearby. From the distance you could hear distant shouting of intense agony and destruction.
You stood on top of a tree branch, watching in absolute shock, as Luffy destroys everything around him. Trees and boulders. Nothing was left untouched. You began to worry that he might reopen his wounds.
Fortunately, the blue fish-man managed to calm him down. But the sight of Luffy crying made you feel a sudden ache from within too. As if you could feel his pain. Luffy lost his brother, and it somehow hurt you too.
"It must have hurt so much....doesn't it...Luffy?"
You were hurting for him. You want him to show his usual sunshine smile like he always have. Crying is not something you want to see Luffy do yet you don't even know how to comfort him.
"I want to approach and say something but..."
You weren't naive. You know of the snake princess' illness and how much she needs Luffy if she wants to live long. So to spare your own feelings you decided at that moment, to stay away from him even after growing so fond of him. How much you wanted to be there for him now that he needed someone to lean on as he suffers.
"The....empress' happiness comes first..."
So now, you could only watch on a distance as your heart breaks from hearing his cries.
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© manachii 2024 ~ all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, etc. any of the works I made.
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seeingivy · 1 year
family rules (alternate version)
satoru gojo x f!reader 
in which you’re the one who gets in the accident this time, not satoru and megumi 
**read the other ones here 
content warning: car accident, mentions of glass and blood, reader in pain satoru says daddy, megumi wants you to break satoru’s neck
an: for all my very lovely family rules fans, this is the part for the request I received here. I hope you all enjoy :D 
Satoru pushes his key into the door, swinging the door open as he calls out to the three of you. He’s balancing the pink box in his hands, very excited to see your very irritated face when you open it. 
He stops for a second, eyeing the light purple around Megumi’s eye as you push green peas into his face, before turning to the fridge to steal your leftovers from last night. 
He can feel you opening the box out of his peripheral vision, preparing his silly little consolation piece to calm you down. He knows you’ll be irritated, obviously, but he’s always sweet talked his way out of situations, especially with you. He just wanted to ease the air after the lecture you were probably going to give Megumi, settle everyone down. 
“Megs, do you mind joining Miki upstairs? I need to talk to Gojo over here.” you say, watching you press a very strained smile to your face. 
Maybe the cake was too far. He should have settled for balloons instead. 
“You have got to be kidding me, Satoru. You bought him a cake for punching another kid in the face?” 
“It’s just a joke, my love. No harm done. I’ll talk to him about it later. You know, all that cheesy stuff you say - words before violence, be the bigger man by walking away.” he leans over, pressing a kiss to your cheek, before he sets out to set the plates for dinner. 
“Satoru. Be serious for one minute. Megumi is our responsibility. You’re doing him a disservice if we keep letting him process his anger this way. Don’t lead him down the wrong path.” 
He can feel the stinging in his chest, the anger developing in his chest. He would be lying by saying things were perfect between the two of you, as of late. The two of you were polar opposites, something he always considered as a strength to your relationship. When he was drifting away too far, you grounded him in reality. When you were too stuck in the little things, he always reminded you of the big picture. You worked - moon and sun, salt and pepper, black and white. However, the two of you had been finding it harder to find compromises lately, arguing more lately, especially when it came to Megumi. 
It’s a few fights, not mass murdering people. If anything, Megumi’s doing very well, considering who his father is and what happened. He’s doing very well, considering the fact that he’s being raised by two twenty year olds. Satoru’s doing very well, considering the fact that he’s trying his best to be there for him. 
“I’m not leading him anywhere wrong. You’re setting him up for failure if you keep letting kids push him around like that. You’re the one leading him down the wrong path.” 
“Solving your problems with fists isn’t always the right answer, Satoru. This is why he doesn’t talk to us when we ask him what’s wrong. We just have to wait for him to explode, just to find out he was suffering the entire time.” 
He feels your words sink into his chest, burning him in a place he hadn’t been before. No. Surely you couldn’t be insinuating what he thought you were. You wouldn’t. 
He thinks back to the third grade, his parents' faces engraved in his mind. He learned all too quickly that punching another kid in the face, pulling a girl's pigtails, running out of class would get their attention - faster than asking them to tuck him into bed, eat breakfast with him, or come to a school play. They would drop everything, run to his side to see him at the first sign of trouble. There’s no way you’re insinuating Megumi is doing the same. 
It kills him. Even the thought of it being right. Megumi’s mimicking him, when he was younger, acting out to get someone to look at him. The two of you tried your best with him, he was always a little more closed off, but you were doing everything you could. 
No. No. Satoru Gojo was not his father. You had to be wrong. You had to be wrong because if you were right, he was no better than his father. 
“Whatever problem he has, I’ll deal with it. Remember, he’s my kid, not yours. My responsibility. So I’ll figure out what’s best for him moving forward.” 
He comes to realize that this was his first mistake, one he’ll come to regret in a few hours. 
He can feel the words hanging in the air, waiting for your anger filled response. But it doesn’t come. You compare him to his father and then have nothing to say?
“All quiet now, Y/N? Have nothing to say to me?” 
“No, I don’t.” 
“And why’s that? You sure had a lot to say a few minutes ago.” 
“Because. He’s your kid. Not mine. It’s not really my business what he does, is it?” 
He feels his heart sink in his chest, his cheeks burning with regret already. Why did he say that? You didn’t mean it like that. There’s no way you would ever compare him to his dad, in earnest. He curls his fingers around your wrist, pulling you closer to him. Kiss it better, Satoru.
“Hey, hey. Wait a minute.” 
You shrug him off, swiping the keys off the counter and running out the door. This is his second mistake - letting you run out that door - and surely the one he’ll regret even more. 
He stands there in shock, your absence chilling him. What the hell is he doing? The table is half set, your sweet strawberry smell absent, your glimmering smile gone from the kitchen. 
You left. You actually got up and left. It’s his fault. He hit it where he knew where it hurt. He can feel his heart sinking in his chest, the stinging vertebrates through his bones. Why did he say that to you? He loves you. He reaches around for his phone after a few seconds, his fingers shaking as he texts you. 
i’m sorry love
you know i didn’t mean it
just come back. you know he’s our kid. 
i know you’re right. he shouldn’t be punching people every time he disagrees with them. i just have trouble being too hard on him, i don’t want to be like my parents
not an excuse. i know i’m in the wrong. we can have the talk with him, just like you wanted. just come back y/n. 
Satoru nearly drops his phone into the sink, at the sight of Megumi pushing into his legs. He presses his arms around Satoru’s legs, hiding his face against in the fabric. 
“Hey Megs. You okay?” 
“Did Y/N leave?” 
He leans down, intending to talk Megumi down. You were always better at it, but there’s no harm in trying. 
He looks over, really observing the bruise on Megumi’s eye for the first time. His eye is swollen, coloring into a dark purple. There’s a tiny bit of pink in the whites of his eyes and he doesn’t miss Megumi keeping his eyes closed, squinting whenever he makes contact with the light. 
He reaches down, pressing the green peas you were pushing into Megumi’s face, back to the spot. He didn’t realize Megumi was hurt this bad. 
“Yeah. We just had a little argument. She’ll come back.” 
He feels Megumi clench his fist, his hand crumpling the fabric of his slacks. 
“Do you think she hates me?” 
“Megumi. Y/N loves you. She’s mad at me for being stupid, not at you for fighting.” 
He feels another set of tiny hands, this time resting on his arms. Tsumiki’s tear filled face is at his side. He’s messed up. 
It’s in this moment, Megumi’s stressed out expression and Tsumiki’s tear stained face, that he realizes how small they really are. He’d been teaching Megumi how to master his cursed technique and he was always impressed with how self-sufficient Tsumiki was, but he never realized how wrong it was until now. 
They were kids. They’re small, tiny little kids acting like adults. He leans down, pressing the two of them against his chest. He won’t let them burden it - that’s what you and him were for. You, when you were still here anyways. 
He reaches for his phone again, shooting you another text. 
kids are getting real upset with you gone, they miss you already 
“Yes, Miss Miki?” 
“Why did she leave?” 
He sighs. Because he’s an idiot. Because he can’t control his tongue, because he can’t accept his faults, because he’s in over his head. 
“We had an argument. I got upset with her and said something that wasn’t very nice to her.” 
“Does she still love us?” 
“You’re her entire world. She loves you both, so much. That’s partially why she’s so mad at you Megumi. She doesn’t like to see you hurt and gets upset when you willingly put yourself in situations like this.”
He feels his phone buzzing on the floor, basically collapsing trying to pick it up fast enough. He presses the phone to his ear, without even checking the caller ID. 
“Am I speaking with Mister Satoru Gojo?” 
“Yes, this is him.” 
“This is Tokyo Medical Hospital. I’m calling regarding a Miss Y/N L/N. She was in a car accident around thirty minutes ago, near the central line highway. She’s just been transported to our Emergency Department where we are responding to her now. It would be best if you could arrive as soon as possible. Do you know her blood type? We need to attempt a transfusion.” 
He feels his voice strain in his neck, fighting to get the word out. Blood type. They need your blood type. You were in a car accident. Blood transfusion.
“O negative. Her blood type is O negative.” 
Shoko and Nanami meets him at the front of the hospital and he nearly breaks down right there. He was a mess without you. You had to be okay. You had to stay alive. 
“I’ll watch the kids.” 
Nanami walks off, his hands holding their tiny ones as he takes them on a walk around the block. 
“Am I going to lose her, Shoko? Is she okay?” 
“She’s really hurt, the glass shattered on impact. Just go through the doors, Satoru. She was asking for you.” 
Glass. He nearly runs through the double doors and is met directly with the sight of you. 
The air is gone from his lungs and the room is on fire. No. You’re lying on the gurney, the two nurses balancing shining, silver surgical tools in their hands. They’re digging shards of glass out of your soft, soft skin - from your arms, your chest, and the sides of your face. 
He can see the tears streaming down your face, your eyes pinching in pain every time they pull a piece out. The worst part, he can hear you murmuring his name and asking for him every time they do. He walks up aimlessly, interlocking his hand with your free, uninjured side. He can feel his hands shaking in yours, his blood burning in his skin. 
He reaches forward, patting down your hair. 
“I’m here, i’m here.” 
“It hurts, Satoru.”
He feels his resolve break at the sound of your voice. He’s crying, full on crying at the sight of you like this. In pain, sitting alone for the past hour. He lifts your uninjured hand, pressing a kiss to the top of your knuckles before resting your fingers against his eyes. 
“It’s best if you can distract her while we do this. The silence makes it easier to focus on the pain.” 
He nods, turning his face away from the nurse and towards you. 
“Hi love.” 
“Hi Satoru.” 
“Don’t…don’t die on me, okay? I still have a lot of things I want to do with you.” 
“Like what? 
You hiss in pain, squeezing his hand as they keep going deeper into your skin. 
“Eat breakfast with you tomorrow. Make you those strawberry pancakes you love so much. Watch you yell as me as I squish whipped cream into Megumi’s hair.” 
He watches you laugh, the pain still pressed on your face as you try to respond. 
“Don’t respond. It’s okay, love. Just listen to me, yeah?” 
You nod, squeezing your hand in his own. 
“I…I love you.” he can feel his voice breaking, trying to stop his tears from returning. He clears his throat, his heart screaming in his chest. 
“I love you so much, Y/N. You’re everything to me. You and me, we’re going to be okay. I- I…there’s just so much we have to do still. I didn’t even get to marry you yet. Or put my own kid in you.” 
“Out of all that, that’s what you chose to respond to?” 
He sees you smile, your eyes all watery at the sight of him. He loves you. He loves you, he loves you, he loves you. 
You wake up a few hours later, to a very pink eyed Satoru sitting on the chair next to you. He looks horrible.
You make the slightest bit of movement, attempting to reach out for him, and he jumps up from his chair. He presses his hands to your face, shaking his head profusely at you as you put your hands down. 
“No, no love. No moving, okay?” 
You nod and he gives you a soft smile, before locking his fingers with your own. You can see the tears building in his eyes, his smile being replaced with tears streaming down his eyes. 
“Can you put on a little nurses uniform? We’re about to live out my wildest dreams.” 
He laughs at your joke, his teary smile returning. 
“Shut up. Stop copying my fantasies.” 
His hands don’t leave your face, his entire body shaking at the sight of you. He’s scared, scared shitless and you don’t know how to fix it. You’re okay. You’re both going to be okay. You try to sit up, Satoru’s hands helping you most of the way. He has his arm secured around your waist, holding you steady. 
“Satoru. I’m okay.” 
“You’re not allowed to do that. You can’t just pick up and leave every time you get mad at me. I thought I lost you. I almost did lose you. Do you think I could live if I actually did?”  
“I know, Toru. I’m sorry.” 
He presses himself against your shoulder, crying into your arms. He’s ran his hands over your arms multiple time’s now, his fingers resting against your beating pulse at your wrist. You can feel the guilt twisting in your chest, for leaving, driving so recklessly, upsetting him in the first place. Any normal person would get up and run right about now. 
“You are the only family I have. Please don’t leave me, Satoru.” 
You feel your heart clench in your chest at the sight of his defeated resolve and can’t even remember why you were mad, why you drove off in the first place. You squeeze his hand twice, rubbing small circles into the back of his hand. 
“You’re the one who left me. I would never leave you. It’s you and me, in life and in death, Y/N. Preferably not the death part from you, if that’s possible please. That’s against the rules.” 
“In life and in death? Those are wedding vows, Satoru, we aren’t even married. And we don’t have rules.” you deadpan.
“You didn’t get the memo? We’re married in my head, sweet thing.” 
The two of you laugh, the giggles filling up the little medic bay you were sitting in. You feel him lean over, his face still wet and pink from his tears, and press a soft kiss to your forehead before pressing one to your lips. 
“Did you eat chocolate from the vending machine?” 
“Don’t lie. I can taste it on your lips, idiot. Your supposed wife is maybe possibly dying and you’re eating candy?” 
“You’re so vulgar. Talking about my lips like that in public. And I was eating for both of us. In your honor. I knew it’s what you would have wanted.” 
You roll your eyes at him, giving him a smile, before leaning your head against his shoulder. 
“Where are Megumi and Tsumiki?” 
“With Nanami, outside. I’ll go grab them now that you’re all bandaged up.” 
As he sprints out the door, you readjust in the bed, sitting up. You watch the two of them run in, their little faces swollen from crying. You feel the tears well in your own eyes at the sight of it. You open up your arms (which hurts like a bitch), signaling at the two of them to climb up. They press their bodies against you, their distinct smells pressed against your nose (vanilla for Tsumiki, clean laundry for Megumi). 
You can feel them sobbing against you and press kisses to both of their heads as they shake in your arms. You can feel your skin burning at them pressing against your bandages, but you don’t want to let them go.
“Okay, kids. Off. We can hug her as hard as we want when she feels better, okay?” 
Satoru Gojo, mind reader. They climb off, the three of them facing you at the side of your bed. They all have their hands pressed against you - Satoru’s resting in your hair, Tsumiki’s in your hand, and Megumi’s at your shoulder. Satoru speaks first. 
“I was thinking.” 
“You can do that?” 
“You wound me, Fushiguro Megumi.” 
The three of you snicker at the sound of his whiny voice, the smiles reaching all the way to Tsumiki and Megumi’s cheeks. 
“I’ve always had mental rules you should be following in my head, as I am our benevolent, perfect, spectacular leader. But we should establish real ones, for each other. We are a family after all.” 
“You’re not our leader.” deadpans Megumi, rolling his eyes at Satoru before eyeing you exasperatedly. 
“I like it, Satoru.” you whisper. 
“Me first, then. My first rule is for Miss Miki. You have to do anything and everything I say.” 
The three of you stare him down, pinching your eyes in annoyance. 
“I’m kidding. You guys are such a tough crowd. My first real rule is for Megumi. You’re not going to fight anymore. No punching people when you get angry.” 
He nods, whispering a promise to you, more than Satoru, that he won’t fight again. You squeeze his fingers that are interlocked with yours, nodding at the promise. 
“The next one is for you, missy. No running away, Y/N. Ever. We can argue all night for all I care. You don’t get to leave.”
You nod, promising all of them that you won’t leave them again. You don’t miss the way their tensed shoulders relax at your promise, shocked that they were even worried about you leaving again in the first place. You would never leave them again. Tsumikis’ quiet voice fills the room next. 
“Third rule, no fighting if we can avoid it. We’re all on the same team here so we can just try to work it out.” 
You reach forward, pressing your hand into Tsumiki’s hair, you and Satoru promising her you won’t fight, at least if you can’t help it, again. The three of you nod, smiling at each other at your new rules. 
“I have one.” 
You reach over, running your hands through Megumi’s hair as you smile at him, encouraging to speak up. 
“No one leaves the house without saying goodbye. You especially, Mom.” 
Mom. Mom. Fushiguro Megumi, in the six months he has been staying with you, has never called you Mom. You can feel the tears welling in your eyes, wanting to crush him in a hug for a better part of the next hour or the rest of his life. You’re his Mom. 
Before you can reach forward to do so, Satoru’s whiny voice stops you. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me. That’s not even fair.” 
“Toru, shut up.” 
“Megs. If I break my neck, will you call me dad?” 
You roll your eyes. Way to ruin a moment. 
“How about I break it right now and we test the theory?” 
Megumi and Tsumiki break out into giggles and you and Satoru can’t help but join them at the sound of their laughter. The three of them press themselves against you, wrapping your arms around as you all laugh. 
“Hey, one more rule, okay?”
You all nod, turning to face Satoru. 
“Everyone calls me daddy from now on.” 
“Can you actually break his neck now? Please? I can help.” 
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 month
Hiii! It's me :D
Anyways can I request a whitebeard pirates x fem child reader?
Reader is a clone of whitebeard having his haki and devil fruit ability (like the seraphims) basically reader is a little insane from being stuck in a lab
The reason why whitebeard has a clone because reader is a weapon for the Marines
Reader is a bit rude and a brat because she's scared of adults
Let's say back in marineford they tried forcing reader to fight back at whitebeard but whitebeard just scoop her up and took her back to the Moby dick (thatch, ace and whitebeard lives)
Reader has a brand on the back of her neck 'W. B CLONE' (whitebeard clone)
Reader also wear a pair of season earrings because she hated using her devil fruit abilities
So basically the whitebeard pirates are doing everything to get reader better because she suffered mental, emotional, and physical pain
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(Can you also base reader of this? Reader is kinda base of my oc hehe)
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Oh and reader has a sentient plush that listen to her commands and is mute
Don't forget to eat sleep and drink! Have a good day!
-Nobody knew why a child was on the battlefield at Marineford, one that looked like a little doll, holding a stuffed rabbit toy, dressed in a delicate looking dress with bows and lace.
-You were on the side of the marines, but you looked almost angry, like you were upset as the scientist beside you, your handler, shouted at you, “Attack them!!”
-The pirates were appalled, seeing a child soldier, one so young looking, being commanded.
-The scientist lifted his hand to strike you, to get you moving and the moment you flinched, Whitebeard’s giant fist slammed into his face, sending him flying.
-You could feel the pressure he was exerting, Haki from what you remembered as you were facing away from Whitebeard, seeing where the scientist landed, and Whitebeard saw the brand on the back of your neck.
-He had been hearing rumors that the government had been cloning strong pirates and marines, to create an unstoppable army. And this brand was something he had seen in the reports he had been receiving, realizing that you were a clone.
-You turned back, and you squeaked as he instantly scooped you up before leaping back to his ship, putting you safely on the figurehead, “Stay here. You’ll be safe.”
-You didn’t believe him, all your life, despite being so short, you had grown not to trust adults, they were the ones who beat you, who locked you up, starving you, forcing you to hurt others, and with it, your mind broke, becoming a bit unhinged.
-You did stay however, as you saw the scientists and marines who had been so mean to you, trying to get to the ship, telling you to come back to them.
-This was your chance to escape and finally be free!
-When Ace was freed and all pirates were retreating, you grabbed your rabbit, feeling a little scared as all the pirates made it back, including the giant man who grabbed you earlier.
-As you started to sail away, many were looking over at you, before you heard a sound, “Let’s go back Y/N~”
-You turned, seeing Kizaru there and your eyes went wide as you took a step back in slight fear, not wanting to go back to the lab, while the men behind you were ready to charge in.
-Kizaru ran for you, and you clenched your eyes shut, throwing a hand towards him in a slapping motion and instantly he hit a wall, being blown back, just like Whitebeard’s ability, making jaws drop as you sent Kizaru flying.
-Everyone turned to you, eyes wide in shock as you sniffled softly, tears trying to well in your eyes. You hated using your ability, if felt weird and it made you tired.
-Marco came over and you instantly bristled, “Stay back pineapple head!”
-Your sassy words stunned everyone as quickly everyone was roaring with laughter while Marco was trying not to be mad at you as he kneeled, “What is your name?”
-You immediately bit back, “What’s it to you?” okay… you were kind of a brat, but Whitebeard spoke next, “You don’t need to act like this any longer, you’re safe here.”
-You didn’t bite back to Whitebeard, who was looking down at you like you were a shy little rabbit, now knowing that you were his clone, as you had his abilities, and his white hair. You knew this as well, as you had seen him fighting, using the same ability you had.
-Whitebeard turned to all the others on the ship, “Everyone- this is my daughter and your new sister, Y/N!” the ship was quickly filled with cheers, and you felt weird, why were they so happy you were with them as you glared, “Who says I’m your daughter?”
-He ruffled your hair gently, surprising you as you were expecting to be hit, your eyes going wide, which some of them saw, making them curious, and angry, about what you had dealt with.
-Whitebeard just chuckled softly, seeing the front you were putting up, “I do- so let’s go on an adventure together!” You knew about adventures, reading about them in your picture books as tears quickly welled in your eyes.
-Ace came over with a teasing grin, “Aww is our little sister crying?” you instantly glared, holding your bunny up like you were going to beat him with it, “I’m not crying!” They just laughed, thinking you were cute.
-You still didn’t trust them yet, but so far, they were being nice to you and not hurting you. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to stay with them for a while.
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myntrose · 1 year
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ft: Zhongli x gender neutral! Reader
cn: hurt no comfort :D, sagau/imposter au! , golden blood au! , mentions of blood and attack, attempted execution, use of Zhongli's archon name, slighty cultish theme, grammar
a/n: y'all the absolute CHOKEHOLD that sagau! has on me is insane (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) i wrote this with spite due to zhongli never coming home to me. y'all i've lost 50/50 to his all banners t-t
word count: 731
song on replay: Shinunoga E-Wa by Fujii Kaze
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"...goodbye~ Oh don't you ever say bye bye, yeah"
He knows he doesn't have the right to be jealous. He knows that the the heaviness is heart is something he deserves, a sliver of punishment he must feel for causing you all the pain and suffering you endured.
To this day, months after the incident, he can still feel the blood, your golden blood, on his hands. It's ironic, really. Zhongli, or Morax, the God of Contracts, the God of War. Everything he did was in your name. As the oldest amongst gods and mortals, he always prided himself as your most loyal follower. He strived to protect your name against blasphemy.
In his nightmares he can still hear your voice. The tremble of your pleads. The shaking "please, spare me" and "mercy".
more utc!
This is just a dream, you told yourself. You were sending your day like you do most others. Following the same routine, passing by the same buildings and houses like every other day. Nothing seemed off, until you awoke from your sleep to realize that you were no longer in your world.
Maybe you would have felt excited. In Teyvat, you could have had a chance to meet all your favorites, all your comfort characters. After all, everyone treated the Traveler, an outsider from another world, well. What difference would it be as another outsider as yourself?
Your breath grew heavy, and your feet started to drag along the earth below you. How did you even get to this position? All you wanted was to find a friendly face, perhaps Amber or another one to the Knights of Favonius.
Running from Mondstadt to Liyue was no easy journey. While it was the people who were after your head, you could only thank whatever force allowed for the other creatures to stay away from your path. The hilicurls never seemed to notice you; the slimes would sometimes lead you towards places to hide.
You hoped the people of Liyue would give you a different welcome than those of Mondstadt. In a way, they did. In Monstadt, they gave you a chance to escape. Here, they didn't.
The ever so busy streets of Liyue were crowded once again, but now for a different reason. Zhongli happened to be amongst the crowed, when the Tianquan herself announced the situation before them.
"We have the traitor here, the one who dares impersonate the Divine Creator"
With that alone, Zhongli came out of hiding and announced himself once again as the Archon of Geo. How else was he, the creators most devoted acolyte, suppose to bring this traitor to justice?
His spear, the Vortex Vanquisher, the weapon you spent months saving up for, was pointed directly at your head. You've survived this long, all to die at the hands of the character you've cared for the most. Morax granted you the luxury of saying your final words. He expected you to cry out for mercy, but was met with something that left him frozen.
At this point there were no more tears for you left to cry. Tired and exhausted, you look up at him. Moving carefully, you lift your hands towards the weapon inches to your face. Even with such a weak grip, the spear cuts into your hand.
"I would rather die at your hands than that of a stranger"
Morax backs away from you, his polearm falling to his side. It was easy to mistake the gold color on the tip of his spear to be the shine of the sun illuminating the ore that made it. But Morax knew what the golden glint was.
Time may heal all wounds, but it doesn't erase the scars left behind. Zhongli has tried his best to redeem himself. He knows he is the least deserving to be at your every call. Even so, he feels that he's more fit to serve you than those fools from Sumeru.
He can't help but feel his heart drop whenever you dismiss him, when you tell him his services aren't needed. But what hurts him more is the visible fear in your eyes whenever he gets a bit to close.
No, he refuses to be the reason why you don't feel safe. He refuses to be the one you fear. He'll redeem himself, he swears. In one way or another, he'll show you that he deserves to be at your side.
zhongli bby pls come home
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twilghtkoo · 1 year
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summary. haechan gets hurt but you know that with him it’s not going to be as simple as putting a band-aid on it
pairings. haechan x reader (f)
genre. fluff, crack? friends to lovers??
word count. 1.64k
warnings. mentions of blood, a creepy man stares at reader
notes. me finding hello kitty bandaids in a store and buying them sparked this idea so :D like and reblog if you enjoy this !!
your dear friend is one stubborn person. one who seeks excitement wherever he can find it and likes to find things out the hard way. in this case being, falling off of a skateboard. you told him to not ride too fast and to not go down the small pavement hill, and what did he do? go down the hill riding too fast. the hill had caused him to accelerate unwillingly and him not being able to stop himself before he collided with the ground.
you gasped at the scene from the bench that was a bit of a distance between you and haechan, who is lying still in the grass. he’s not dead, just lying face down suffering from embarrassment and moaning in pain.
you let out a big sigh, grabbing all of yours and his belongings before crouching down next to the limp body.
you carefully reach out your hand to place on his back. “haechan…”
he flinched at your presence, turning over slowly. “no go away, let me lie in my own embarrassment and pain alone.” he breathes out. his eyes are shut tightly as he holds his hip and his knees brought to his chest.
you roll your eyes at him, shoving his hand away to take a close look at his knee. “you’re a drama queen, you know that?”
his knee suffered the most from the fall, his hip for sure will have a bruise tomorrow.
you wince at the blood, the . “you’re bleeding haechan, we have to get back to the bench so i can clean it up.” you inform him.
he shakes his head, bringing his forearm to cover his face. “no, just leave me here to bleed out.”
you scoff, shaking your head before you take the arm that hides his face and pulling him up to his feet.
“shit,” he curses.
you allow him to use you for support as you both struggle to make your way back to the park bench. he sits himself down and finally glances at his knee.
his eyes bulge out at the bloody sheet on his knee. “ew, oh my god, that’s a lot of blood.”
you nod, “it’s not too bad, thank goodness. stay here i’m going to run to the convenience store and get stuff to clean it up.” and you’re gone before he can argue, leaving him alone with a bloody knee and an aching hip.
the doorbell chimes once you walk into the store, giving the worker a nod as you make your way to where the bandages are. there’s the store brand, a brand you recognize from tv and there’s some fun cartoon ones. pokémon, baby shark, toy story and others.
a certain box is quickly in your hands as you smirk to yourself. grabbing a few other things before making your way to pay for it.
“hey squirrel, did you see how i fell? was it embarrassing?” haechan speaks to the small animal that is munching on something next to his feet. the squirrel doesn’t react in any way, obviously. and he wonders to himself why he doesn’t listen to you, knowing you’re always right. why did he itch to go down that stupid hill and tumble to his doom. in front of you.
“look at all this blood. can you believe i fell in front of the girl i like.” he speaks again, but more like to himself as he stares at the gash on his knee and the drop of blood trickling down his leg.
you and him are close friends. first meeting each other at the movie theater when a few studio ghibli movies were showing. you ripped his ticket up in your cute work uniform behind the counter, making small conversation and telling him that spirited away was your favorite movie and telling him to enjoy the film.
and he enjoyed the film, even coming back out the theater room and finding you in the same spot you both met earlier. you were a quiet character, not much of a talker but just because you didn’t really have much to say but you loved listening. you love and care for people in your own way, something he admires and loves about you. to strangers you may seem closed off but when you grow comfortable with someone you’re very high spirited.
he hears footsteps running quickly to his side, the squirrel scurrying off probably to the tree behind him. goodbye, little friend.
you slow your pace down once you’re near him, a warm smile on your face as you wave the bag in your hand in front of him.
“i’m back,” you huffed, crouching and placing the bag down next to you. your bottom lip is sucked in between your teeth, deeply concentrated as you take out the essentials.
“i’m just gonna clean it with water real quick, okay?” you show him the water bottle and napkins in your hands.
you carefully pour the liquid onto the napkins, your hand grabs the back of his knee as you bring it closer to the abrasion.
before the wet cloth touches him, he flinches away. “wait!” he yelps.
you jump, “what?”
“i’m scared,” he pouts.
your hands drop. “of what?”
“it’s gonna burn!”
“oh my god, haechan do not start.”
he lightly kicks his leg away from you, shielding his wound with his hands.
“haechan i will literally hold you down, it’s not gonna hurt that bad. i promise.” you try to threaten him. you reach for his leg again, wiping the blood that trickled it’s way down and stained his white socks.
his eyes follow another pair of feet walking past you, a man in a tracksuit ogles at your back. haechan follows his eyes to you, and he realizes you’re wearing a dress. haechan’a eyes narrow at the man but the stranger isn’t ashamed as he keeps looking back at you. he’s sure the man can feel his hard stares but is just ignoring him and that makes his blood coil. haechan shrugs his zip up sweater off and cooly throws it over your shoulders, it’s big enough on you to cover the draft to any passersby’s.
you look at the sweater on your shoulders but ignore it, he observes you for a bit before dropping his shoulders. “hmph, fine.”
“and look!” you gasp, reaching down beside you to hold out the small box of hello kitty band aids with a big smile curving your lips upwards.
haechan’s face deadpans. “how old are you?”
you frown, taken back. “what? they’re bandages, but cute. do you want to bleed out? don’t disrespect miss hello kitty.” you stuck your chin out.
he laughs, “i’m a grown ass man, i’m not slapping hello kitty on my battle scar.”
now it’s your turn to laugh. “a grown ass man that fell and acted like he was on the brink of death. yeah, okay. give me your knee,” you demanded.
you quickly dab as much blood away as you can through haechan’s hisses. wiping away the dried blood was a bit hard since he was fighting you but it’s all clean.
“green or pink?” you ask.
he tilts his head, thinking before he answers green.
you take the selected band-aid, the hello kitty that is customized with a green bow and green dress, a blue colored sky behind her and a red flower on the ground that matches her outfit. how cute.
you peel it off from the wrapper, gently placing it over his wound.
you crumble the trash in your hands and place it inside the grocery bag. “all better now, see? wasn’t so bad.”
you stand up, wincing from the position you were sat in for so long before haechan’s long, slick fingers wrapped around your wrist.
“wait, you forgot something.” he tells you.
“huh, what did i forget?” you genuinely ask.
he looks at you seriously. “you have to kiss it better, so it’ll heal quicker.”
your lips part and your cheeks heat up. “what…” the word barely leaves past your lips.
he raises his eyebrows expectantly, as if he’s waiting.
you shake your head, snatching your hand out of his grasp. “be serious, haechan.”
“i’m being very serious,” he tells you. “come on, don’t you want me to get better?”
“it’s just a scrape, your leg isn’t broken.” can he hear the thumping in your chest? god, it’s like it’s ringing in your ears.
you know he’s not gonna let you get away without actually kneeling down and kissing his knee. he will put up a fight in this park and you know it. he likes to tease you.
but how can he ask that question so freely. your lips have never touched any part of his skin because friends don’t do that!
it’s like he loves torturing you, contributing these heartfelt acts unknowingly like an arrow to your heart.
“you big baby.” you mumble out, crouching down and taking a clear glimpse at the cute bandage on his skin, it makes you smile.
haechan gazed at you, anticipating the moment your lips touch his skin. he is so sure that once your lips come in contact with his knee, he’ll be able to run a marathon. can you hear the thumping in his chest?
your face nears his knee, you pucker your lips and you gently place a kiss just below the bandage.
you clear your throat. “there. better now?” you try to act cool, standing to your feet and peering down at your friend.
“i don’t know, can you watch how far i run?” and your friend zooms past you, running across the grass field as if he wasn’t whining and limping by your side just a few moments ago.
“what the hell?” you shout out, chasing after him. “how are you running? yah, lee donghyuck!”
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Hi, it’s the touch starved anon again :D Yes, I did mean that one. :D And I did mean it as an ask, but I didn’t clearly express that, so, uh.. apologies..!
It was a truly cruel way of realisation.
The hero watched how the villain’s fingers twisted the fabric of the hero’s suit. Wounded like this, they were easy prey.
But the hero could only think about these two things: the villain’s hand and their safety.
“Are you okay?” the hero asked, breathless. They had managed to pull the villain with them. Away from the fighting, away from the pain and suffering. The villain took in a deep breath but it didn’t sound healthy.
“You’re here,” the villain whispered. There were tears in their eyes, threatening to drop.
“I’m here,” the hero repeated. The villain’s hand found the hero’s and suddenly, a million thoughts ran through the hero’s mind.
They hadn’t expected this to become a problem. A real problem. They hadn’t expected that their own loneliness would get in their way. That they had to fight against it to gain control over themselves.
“Are you alright?” the hero asked again. They could hear shots in the distance where their team was still fighting over territory.
“I’m okay,” the villain replied. Their other hand found the hero’s, too. And the villain looked into their eyes, so tiredly yet softly.
“You scared me. Like, you scared me a lot back there. I thought you were dead.”
“Got betrayed,” the villain said. They leaned against the wall, sitting on the dirty floor in the warehouse. Their face contorted and the hero grit their teeth.“You came.”
The hero watched them quietly. They wanted to help but they had done everything they could. Bandages, painkillers, reassurance.
The villain’s eyes bored into theirs, as if the hero was the only thing between them and death. As if the villain would die if they didn’t look at them.
“Of course I did,” the hero said. “I could sense something was wrong.”
“Lucky me.” The villain smiled softly and the hero wasn’t sure what they were feeling. Their cheeks were warm and their chest didn’t feel tight. They didn’t feel pathetic or weird.
“Just relax. I got you. Our next stop would be the hospital but I like to think that I’m quite good at stitching by now.”
“You’re very beautiful, you know?” Slowly the villain raised their arm and before the hero could realise what happened, the villain’s hand was on their cheek. “I shouldn’t accept your kindness. Nor your mercy. You’re too nice to me.”
“You’re worthy of it, though.” The hero realised they were desperate. Desperate for the touch, desperate for the words. There was comfort, they realised. Comfort in the villain’s presence. More than usual.
“You think so?” The villain moved and immediately moaned. The painkillers hadn’t come through yet.
The hero covered the villain’s hand on their cheek with their own.
“I sent this whole rescue team to get you out. My boss is gonna kick my ass once he finds out.”
The villain laughed.
And then, gently.
“Can I kiss you?” The hero didn’t even have to think about it twice.
“Yes,” they said and before they could get cold feet, the villain pulled them against their chest and kissed the hero softer than should’ve been allowed.
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itsabouttimex2 · 1 month
Plot twist: the moment d!reader is set free from both of the circles at the end of the journey, they dissapear into the night, never to be seen again...or not.
I'm sorry i just, as much as i love yanderes, i want to see them suffer. At least a bit.
Ps. You're an amazing writer and i really enjoy your fics. Also, you really helped in getting my friend into yandere, so thank you for that🙂
Taken Aboard:
Running Away
(I’m super glad that you enjoy my fics! And I’m glad your friends enjoys them, too! Yandere is a really fun trope to play with!)
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So, in the case that you do pull a runner at the end of this long and arduous journey, Y/N… your biggest enemy is now yourself.
Because, as hard as you might have tried to fight it, you have been civilized. You have grown accustomed to society. You have started to care. This journey has changed and bettered you, as it has all your companions.
You are no longer a mere demon tending to monsters great and mighty, no more a child planting seeds and spreading spores.
You can’t ever go back to being the wild little creature you once were.
If you’ve ever read Gilgamesh, I’d say Enkidu is a good comparison for your development. After he’s been ‘civilized’ by Shamhat, Enkidu can no longer return to the home he knows and loves, the animals who once accepted him now fleeing on sight.
Now, if you leave before the journey’s end…
You run, devastated and distraught that so much of yourself is gone and lost, never to be reclaimed. The forest may not be the home you know, but some part of it is still familiar.
You purge the hunters and loggers who have taken up residence within the Emerald Grove, violently spilling their nourishing blood across the hungry soil, pitch their flesh into the mouths of ravenous beasts.
It doesn’t make you feel better- you know that at least some of these men and women were trying to feed themselves, their children.
But at least the forest is newly quiet, contented by a fresh meal, leaving you in peace to mourn.
As for hoping to ‘never being seen again’…
Sun Wukong’s Golden Vision has a little something to say about that.
Within hours he’s stalking back to the Emerald Grove in a huff, hauling his way up the tallest tree he can find and unhappily making his way over to you.
The Great Sage snatches you off the bark and tosses you over his shoulder, clambering down the tree as you kick and scream. You demand to be released and removed from the group, biting and pounding your fists agains his invulnerable back.
“Being naughty today, bud? Here I was, thinking you had finally gotten past this ‘running back home’ phase.”
“I am not a baby,” you scream, digging your teeth into the base of his spine with all your demonic might. “PUT ME DOWN!”
You manage to draw just a few drops of blood, not that it phases the simian. He doesn’t even seem to notice.
“You’re making things harder for all of us, you know that? And you keep setting us back with all the running away nonsense. But I had Master call a certain someone up to maybe settle this for us all, bud.”
Against your angry protests and endless assault does the Great Sage drag you back to camp, switching to hold you in his arms instead of over his back.
Immediately do your screams of anger turn to pained wails, the sound of a holy sutra hitting your eyes. The blessed bands around your wrists tighten, scraping the skin they compress to rawness.
And before you stands not only the holy monk who tricked you into wearing these golden hoops, but the goddess who gave them to him.
“Sun Wukong, please place the child down,” she lightly instructs, her tone even and polite. “Might I speak to them for a moment?”
The Handsome Monkey King obeys, nudging your towards the goddess after he releases his grip on you.
Guanyin comes to you slowly, kneeling to take your face into her soft and gentle hands.
And you bite her.
“You- you call yourself a goddess,” you scream, fangs wet with her divine ichor. “Of mercy and compassion! But all you do is hand out tools of torture and punishment! I wanted to stay in my forest! I wanted to stay with my friends!” A hard shove, nearly knocking her over. “And you helped Sanzang take me away! You gave him these awful bands and he pretended they were gifts to get me to put them on! But they weren’t! And you let him! And now he uses them to hurt me! I hate you! I hate him! I hate all of you!”
Finally you collapse, sobbing openly into your hands.
Tang Sanzang watches in horror as heavenly blood feeds the ground, causing new and gorgeous growth to break from the soil, flowers blooming in massive clusters.
Wukong seethes that you could be so disrespectful to the one and only god he actually cares for, the only one he finds to be tolerable and kind.
Everyone else just recoils in both fear and hurt, your last words ringing painfully in the ears.
But Guanyin approaches once more, kneeling to level herself with you. There is no retribution or anger in her touch, placing a light kiss onto your forehead.
“You’re right, aren’t you? This journey has not been easy, nor has it been kind- and for you especially, perhaps it has been cruel. And I too, have been unkind to dabble in your affairs. Will you allow me to ease the burdens of your travel?”
From a silk pouch does she procure a mirror, pushing it into your shaking hands.
“My child, I give to you this heavenly mirror, which has been forged from blessed steel and holy sand melted to glass by dragonfire. To look upon it will show you your beloved forest, and all those you have left behind.”
Now, this is super important- Y/N’s involvement in the journey is incredibly unfair. The others come because they seek personal growth or redemption, but Y/N?
They had to come. They were tricked into thinking those golden tightening bands were gifts and eagerly asked Sanzang to help put them on, jumping up and down in excitement at receiving something so pretty. The only reason they agreed to wear these ‘generously’ gifted bands was because they thought it was an honest gift.
So there’s already a sense of betrayal about the whole thing, that their first gift from anyone was actually just a trap to pull them along on a lengthy and dangerous journey.
Then, where the others were either entirely willing (Sanzang) or had to redeem themselves for crimes or mistakes (Wukong), Y/N was forced to come along with their worst crimes being: fighting off invaders and killing poachers. And all for that, they are ripped from home and forced to leave behind everything they’ve ever known and loved.
And Guanyin does three things here:
1. Acknowledges your anger/sorrow.
2. Validates your feelings without hesitation.
3. Actively works to soothe them.
With the mirror in hand, you can look upon the Emerald Grove and see your old animal friends, know that they’re safe even without you, and put your fears to rest.
It’s not perfect.
But it’s a good start to get you to actually care about these pilgrims, given that you don’t spend every night in flurry of nightmares, thinking fitfully of your beloved forest.
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