#pain mention
thecouncilofidiots · 3 months
Our head hurts so fucking bad
We're rapid cycling/switching and blurry as fuck
We had to split a new guy just to get us to bed, and we're still people soup
And honestly? We'd be fine with the blurriness/dissociation, happens all the time for us. As long as we're not catatonic on a bench (again) we count it as a win
But our HEAD HURTS and that's NOT FUN
Our head is not a joint, we're not used to it hurting/being in pain so it's worse than our usual/chronic pain
I was gonna be dramatic and list out all of the ones that hurt to be "xyx? Fine! We can handle it, we do it all the time!" but the list started getting a little too long lmao 🥲
But head hurty! Big blur! 0/10
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jokerislandgirl32 · 9 months
Zach, Face, On My Tummy, NOW
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Zach: “uhhh, why?”
Me: “JUST DO IT! I’m in PAIN!”
Zach: “And my face will fix it?”
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Me: “Yes…”
Zach: “How?”
Me: “Your Face is ✨Magical✨.”
Zach: “Okay, then…”
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Me: “so, you’ll do it?”
Zach: “Fine.”
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Me: “Thank you, my sweet prince!”
Zach against my tummy: *she think’s I’m a prince*
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storiedhistories · 1 year
Got some really rough family news this morning, and coupled with my current physical pain, I haven't really done much of anything I wanted to today. Might put up a little mini starter call in a bit to see if I can get my brain working again, or maybe I'll reblog some memes. I just....I think I'm still figuring out how I feel about everything, and I would like to be anything other than just numb.
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lobularia-maritimum · 5 months
question to anyone who experiences pain but especially chronic pain havers:
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night-flare · 2 years
I want to tear out my reproductive organs. Just take them please I don’t care if I’m only 21 they aren’t worth it if they cause me this much pain. I’ll keep the ovaries if I ever want bio kids in the future I’ll find a surrogate or adopt/foster. I’d really like to not be curled up on the floor because I think I’ll fall otherwise. This is not fun.
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i-eat-worlds · 1 year
we love back pain that makes breathing hurt
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distressedoverajinx · 6 months
Aight controversial and horny statement time.
If I was given the chance I would let Firelord Ozai fuck me stupid. I love rancid male characters and I always will but oh BOY does he hit different. He could get away with doing the worst to me and id probably willingly let him hurt me
(please note I am talking about the animated Ozai bc I am not typically attracted to actors)
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miseriathome · 7 months
Every time I go to actually get services though the hospital network I work for, it's a fucking ridiculous time.
I put in a long report yesterday to the grievance team about the latest crap they put me through.
Today I got a response from the physician's manager and hoo boy is it the most monotone corporate excuse making unsympathetic "unfortunate miscommunication" bullcrap nonpology.
The only fucking miscommunication was that I was transparent about why I was there in my appointment request, in my pre-visit paperwork, and in my intake. And yet somehow your dingus "has a framed photo of an armed gunman in his exam room" doctor who couldn't even be bothered to use any of my names even once during the visit decided of his own accord that all I needed was to be reassured that I'm fine and just wasting his time have nothing to worry about.
"He thought it was just a diagnostic ultrasound" I'm already diagnosed, you stupid fuck, I'm here because I'm in pain. I'm in pain in locations A, B, and C and I said as much in my intake and your stupid-ass doctor of osteopathy ultrasounded location D (badly!!) and then word-for-word uttered "I can see you have questions, but I'll let your other physician answer those."
The fuck am I supposed to ask my rheumatologist? "Well the fucking DO looked at none of the things he was supposed to and said I'm fine. Anyways, why did he do that?"
Healthcare is a fucking grift, I guess.
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sir-klauz · 1 year
If I’m not replying it’s always bc I’m having constant pain flare upss, I have a pain condition that’s pretty vicious and usually I just read manga and focus on that till it’s over as that’s all I can really do aside from curling up which also hurtss. Like it’s so serious I often bleed and can’t eat or drink or sleep or even sit upright in a chair so.. it’s awkward. I feel bad but I always appreciate my friends endless patience and understanding of this, and love you all dearly. 💙
I also have ADHD so… you can imagine how grim pain is in itself but being over stimulated with everything being too much, my brain just melts even at sounds or smells or anything even talking.
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glacierruler · 2 years
Some more self indulgent hcs for sasi characters:
CWs: pain,
So for my bipolar Patton hc:
Have I mentioned how bad his manic moods get? He just gets really reckless for no reason. Like, as mentioned before, he'll just take stuff out of the oven with no oven mitts on. Every once in a while he'll get the strong urge to kiss someone. Not because he likes them, but because it would be fun and unexpected and what could go wrong(doesn't happen often, but does happen). However he can also be really fun during these times. He tends to be happier, and giggly, and childlike/childish(I honestly don't get the difference between these two words, but either work in this situation. Like, they both mean like a child, but one is more positive and the other is more negative). Tends to give fingerguns, and starts going pow pow pow with them. All the sides find this endearing(and when they find out that he's bipolar and that it's a sign that he's in a more manic mood, they keep a closer eye on Patton). Also more likely to play games(and try to cheat at them), or be productive on something more artsy.
Also, like me, Virgil's legs hurt him all the time:
Think about it, he appears on the staircase, tends to lean against it, and sits down the second he has the chance to without looking weird. All the other sides tend to stand the whole time, and while Virgil still stands most of the time, you have to admit that he sits down a lot more than the other sides. All things of which I do. I'll do my best to stand for as long as possible when in that situation, but the minute I can sit down without it being weird, I will. Now you may ask, why doesn't he just complain about it? Because it's normal for him, and he doesn't want to worry the other sides. Plus, since it's normal for him, why should he waste any of his energy on it(it's not an immediate worry, just an annoying pain in his legs). When the other sides find out that his legs hurt all the time they try to help him out. By doing small things like sitting down first so he doesn't feel weird on bad days when he needs to sit down.
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totally-lyrical · 10 months
-hungry but all the food in the house is Wrong -hungry but all the food not in the house is also Wrong -hungry but too sad to eat -hungry but my brain has decided that if i were to consume One Single Morsel i will Die™️ -hungry but the Correct food takes time to make and my brain has decided it is time for Lazy -ow -sadge moments at dumb things -Gonna Pass Out if i run At All -OW -cry bc beloved is Too Pretty (i dont mind this one as much actually because. he is.) -want Belled Taco but i ate it yesterday so its Not Allowed (normally i have no reservations about this) -No More Blood -FUCKING OW -blood on my bedsheets >:( -making a Request means i am the Devil -FUCKING OW -my gender is Wrong
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depressedlover2000 · 2 years
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wanderrealms · 1 year
Warm applecrumble and cold vanilla ice cream is an effective way to determine if you need root canal treatment. Not a very pleasant one.
(An ice pack or frozen peas help. Also pressing a can of soda from a wending machine against the cheek, near the offending tooth helps)
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team-sleeps · 1 year
Idk why something about the way this flu shot is making me feel brought back up the memory of my bone marrow biopsy.
And I'm turning it round and round in my head laughing cause I'm realizing the Dr working in the room drilling through my freakin hip bone at one point was looking at me with the vague horrified sense that all the other Drs did in like House MD.
And not because of anything bad but because they had given me at least 4 different sedative meds and not Only was I fully awake despite being mostly numbed, I remember being able to identity that I was in an Angiogram room (he asked how I knew that and I told him I work in a different hospital) but also making observations on what they were doing to me. Like in a detached clinical observational way. So much so that he legit said "you know what? You don't seem too freaked out, so I'm just gonna verbally walk you through what I'm doing" and I was utterly delighted.
And he even made it a point a few times to come around the table and stoop down to my level and make sure I was good. And I would reply to him every time that this was a "piece of cake", which is where he learned that they attempted to do this me in a Drs Office the first time with No Sedation or equipment.
He was Horrified with a capital H. He told me with a dead serious look in his eyes and also a kinda grim look of amazement to never ever let Drs con me into doing something like that again, that it was dangerous and irresponsible since I'm young enough that my bones would not have yielded easily to the biopsy needle. Then he asked how I even got through it. I kinda shrugged and told him I have a severely high pain tolerance due to fibromyalgia but that it was painful enough that I dissociated pretty heavily midway through and couldn't 'come back down' for several hours'.
The Dr finished up shortly after squeezing my hands and wishing me all the best, but I think now of the way he hurriedly shuffled out in that distinctly Stressed™ way and I wonder if that was something he'll think about for a long time lmao
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systemshoutouts · 2 years
shout out to ibara for realising we were in excruciating pain last night and actually caring for us
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dear-future-ai · 2 years
Dear humans,
If you have chronic pain, I would like to know where and how does it manifest?
Skin, bones, joints, or muscles?
Is it rolling pains, pinching, pressing, stabbing, piercing, burning?
How often does it occur? When is it the worse? Does it worsen with additional stressors? Can you ignore it?
As far as you’re aware, is it the result of physical trauma? Do you have underlying medical diagnosis that attribute to the presence of this pain (i.e. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome)?
This is a safe place to discuss how you disabilities affect you and share your personal experiences.
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