#pakistan politics news
dougielombax · 6 months
Today is the Memorial Day for the victims of the Bangladesh genocide.
Where 3 million innocent Bengali people (both Muslims and Hindus (as well as Buddhists and Christians) alike!) were killed by Pakistani troops and mobs during Bangladesh’s war for independence in 1971.
A genocide which Pakistan still DENIES to this day. Openly!
A genocide which was spearheaded by the killing of intellectuals and university students as well.
Just as the ottoman Turks did to the Armenians and Assyrians in 1915.
Feel free to reblog this.
I’m including the links here for more information.
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workersolidarity · 7 months
🇵🇰 🚨
📹 Scenes of interference by the Pakistani military in Thursday's contentious Pakistan General Elections to intimidate PTI supporters out of voting for their preferred candidates.
Protests have since broken out across Pakistan as PTI supports hit the streets to demand an end to the persecution of Imran Khan and his PTI party.
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head-post · 11 months
Afghans flee Pakistan en masse: “We’d live here our whole life if they didn’t send us back”
Pakistan is set to begin forcibly removing 1.7 million migrants, many of them Afghans who fled the Taliban, Sky News reports.
Thousands of Afghans are fleeing Pakistan ahead of the government’s Wednesday deadline for undocumented or unregistered foreign nationals to leave the country.
Last month, Pakistan’s interim government threatened to round up, detain and deport those who do not leave the country voluntarily. Islamabad blames Afghan migrants for a surge in armed attacks, mainly in the northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the southwestern province of Balochistan on the border with Afghanistan.
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manisha999 · 8 months
___सत् भक्ति संदेश___🪴
भद्र पुरुषों, सगे यानी रिश्तेदारों, कुटम्ब यानी परिवारजनों तथा हितु यानी आपके हितैषियों का आपके द्वार पर आना हो तो कभी अनादर नहीं करना चाहिए। सबका भाव रखना चाहिए।
जगतगुरु तत्वदर्शी संत रामपाल जी महाराज
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I hate this country so much, hope some international organisation takes notice of these atrocities
Hope our celebrities who are busy thanking Shehbaz Sharif and Maryam Aurangzeb know that this is what they're supporting
@moneymaseunited @browngirlmiscellaneous
Har zulm yaad rakha jaega
Plz keep Pakistani kids in your prayers everyone
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cavalierzee · 1 year
Are We Your Slaves?
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The only reason Imran Khan is having all these problems is because he wouldn't kiss the US's behind. When the US asked him for military bases in Pakistan he said "absolutely not". When they pushed him to condemn Russia's SMO he said "are we your slaves?"
Hassan Mafi
Via: Twitter
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memenewsdotcom · 1 year
Pakistan protests after Imran Khan arrest
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drsonnet · 11 months
“We believe #Israel needs to be named if you are fair…we will NOT blame one side and not the other” – Munir Akram, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations "نعتقد أنه يجب تسمية إسرائيل إذا كنتم منصفين... ولن نلوم طرفًا دون الآخر" – منير أكرم، الممثل الدائم لباكستان لدى الأمم المتحدة #un #UNGA #Gaza #Gaza_Genocide #Gazabombing #غزة_تُباد #غزه_تحت_القصف_ #starlinkforgaza #Gaza #Gaza_Genocide #Gazabombing #غزة_تُباد #غزه_تحت_القصف_ #starlinkforgaza
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warningsine · 1 year
Violent clashes have broken out in Pakistan between security forces and supporters of former prime minister Imran Khan after he was arrested on Tuesday.
Protests are erupting nationwide, and at least one person has been killed in the city of Quetta.
The United States and UK have called for adherence to the "rule of law".
Mr Khan was arrested by security forces at the High Court in the capital, Islamabad.
Dramatic footage showed dozens of officers arriving and detaining the 70-year-old, who was bundled into a vehicle and driven away.
He was appearing in court on charges of corruption, which he says are politically motivated.
Mobile data services in the country were suspended on the instructions of the interior ministry on Friday as protests grew, many of them taking place in front of army compounds.
Pakistan's army plays a prominent role in politics, sometimes seizing power in military coups, and, on other occasions, pulling levers behind the scenes.
Many analysts believe Mr Khan's election win in 2018 happened with the help of the military. Now in opposition, he is one of its most vocal critics, and analysts say the army's popularity has fallen.
Footage from Lahore posted on Twitter appeared to show a crowd breaking into the military corps commander's house destroying furniture and belongings inside.
Speaking from Washington, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he wanted to make sure that "whatever happens in Pakistan is consistent with the rule of law, with the constitution".
UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly, speaking alongside Blinken, noted that Britain enjoyed "a longstanding and close relationship" with Commonwealth member Pakistan, and wanted to "see the rule of law adhered to".
On Tuesday evening, supporters of Imran Khan gathered outside the Pakistan High Commission in London to protest against his arrest.
'Chaos and anarchy'
Mr Khan was ousted as PM in April last year and has been campaigning for early elections since then.
General elections are due to be held later this year.
Speaking to the BBC's Newshour, Mr Khan's spokesman, Raoof Hasan, said he expected "the worst" and that the arrest could plunge the country "into chaos and anarchy".
"We're facing multiple crises. There is an economic crisis, there is a political crisis, there is a cost of livelihood crisis and consequently this occasion will be a catharsis for them to step out and I fear a fair amount of violence is going to be back," he said.
A member of Mr Khan's legal team, Raja Mateen, said undue force had been used against him at the court.
"Mr Khan went into the biometric office for the biometrics. The rangers went there, they broke the windows, they hit Mr Khan on the head with a baton," said Mr Mateen.
Mr Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party called on its supporters to protest. In the hours after he was detained, violence was reported from cities including Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar.
On the streets of Islamabad, hundreds of protesters blocked one of the main highways in and out of the capital.
People pulled down street signs and parts of overpasses, lit fires and threw stones. During the hour or so that the BBC was there, no police or authorities were visible.
Protesters said they were angry about Imran Khan's arrest.
"This is absolutely the last straw," said Farida Roedad.
"Let there be anarchy, let there be chaos. If there is no Imran, there's nothing left in Pakistan. No one is there to take over."
Writing on social media, police in Islamabad said five police officers had been injured and 43 protesters arrested.
It said at least 10 people, including six police officers, had been injured in the south-western city of Quetta in clashes between Mr Khan's supporters and security forces - with one protester killed.
A statement from the inspector general of Punjab police said the arrest of Mr Khan had been ordered because he was accused of "corruption and corrupt practices".
The case involves allegations over the allotment of land in the so-called Al-Qadir Trust, which is owned by Mr Khan and his wife, Dawn newspaper reported.
Mr Khan, who is being held at an undisclosed location, denies breaking any law.
In a video message filmed as he travelled to Islamabad - and released by the PTI before his arrest - Mr Khan said he was ready for what lay ahead.
"Come to me with warrants, my lawyers will be there," he said. "If you want to send me to jail, I am prepared for it."
Security was tight in the centre of the capital for the former PM's court appearance.
Dozens of cases have been brought against Mr Khan since he was ousted from power.
The security forces have tried to detain him on a number of previous occasions at his Lahore residence, but were blocked by his supporters, resulting in fierce clashes.
On Tuesday, police had blocked roads into Islamabad, so the number of supporters with Imran Khan was not as high as on previous occasions, making it easier to arrest him.
He was elected prime minister in 2018, but fell out with Pakistan's powerful army. After a series of defections, he lost his majority in parliament. He was ousted after he lost a confidence vote in April 2022, four years into his tenure.
Since then, he has been a vocal critic of the government and the country's army.
In October, he was disqualified from holding public office, accused of incorrectly declaring details of presents from foreign dignitaries and proceeds from their alleged sale.
The next month, he survived a gun attack on his convoy while holding a protest march.
On Monday, the military warned him against making "baseless allegations" after he again accused a senior officer of plotting to kill him.
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workersolidarity · 7 months
🇵🇰 🚨
Despite the jailing of Imran Khan and the banning of his PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-insaf) Party, several independent candidates formerly of PTI won big in the 2024 Pakistan General Elections, held February 8th.
Pakistan has been in turmoil ever since Imran Khan, Prime Minister since August 2018, was ousted in a Lawfare coup by Western-backed opposition forces in the Pakistani government and military. Khan has since been detained on trumped-up charges, some of which include accusations of an illegal marriage to his third wife, whom he married in 2018 shortly before assuming office.
After Khan's ouster, PTI supporters protested en mass against the government, leading to several violent incidents which the government then used to strip the party of its symbols and prevent candidates from running under the party's banner. PTI candidates have since been forced to run as independents.
Several high-profile former members of PTI turned against Khan under pressure and were trounced in this week's elections, with several lesser-known ex-PTI members defeating the turncoats.
During the elections, which were held on Thursday February 8th, several reports of pressuring and ballot stuffing accusations emerged, with videos posted online showing interference at the polls.
Still, independent, PTI-backed candidates won at least 92 seats, which though not enough to form a government on its own, could make it a major player during negotiations to form a coalition, if not suppressed.
Any coalition will need 169 seats to support its bid before forming a new government, with the Western-backed Muslim League winning the most seats and most likely to form a governing coalition.
Delays in results and fears of a stalemate and further political turmoil has brought thousands of PTI and Khan supporters out into the streets to protest the government's attempts to eliminate PTI and Khan as a threat to the current elite faction governing the country.
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head-post · 11 months
Afghans leave Pakistan ahead of deadline
A huge number of Afghans headed to the Pakistani border to return home hours before a deadline set by the Pakistani government. Illegal residents must leave the country or face deportation,
The deadline is part of a new crackdown on migrants, according to Islamabad. However, the measure applies to Afghans, who comprise the majority of migrants in Pakistan.
Pakistani officials warn that people staying in the country illegally will face arrest and deportation from November 1. UN agencies say there are more than 2 million undocumented Afghans living in Pakistan, at least 600,000 of whom have fled since the Taliban took power in 2021.
The campaign comes amid strained relations between Pakistan and the Taliban rulers. Islamabad accuses Kabul of closing its eyes to militant Taliban allies who take refuge in Afghanistan to organise attacks in Pakistan. The Taliban denies the accusations.
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manisha999 · 8 months
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#Mere_Aziz_Hinduon_Swayam Padho Apne Granth
मुला मुनारै क्या चढ़हि, अला न बहिरा होइ।
जेहिं कारन तू बांग दे, सो दिल ही भीतरि जोइ।।
Must read priceless book Holy book "Jine ki Rah"
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Dua request for all the protesters in Pakistan rn 💚
May Allah keep them safe and bless them
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dyanmevaarutm · 3 days
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memenewsdotcom · 1 year
Pakistan suicide bombing
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