#pamona sprout
blackstargazer · 2 months
Viva La Vida!
The obsession I have with this fic is borderline offensive. Hunger Games AU featuring Marauders Era characters. Fall in love with these maniacs as they fight for their lives during the games and place your bets on who will come out victorious.
The characterization in this fic is top tier and every one of these characters holds a place in my heart (for better or for worse).
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ala-baguette · 10 months
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Poppy Pomfrey/Pomona Sprout A romance and a reckoning, in the last year of the War.
For @hprecfest - Day 9: A rare-pair fic
I have recommended Knotweed, by @turanga4 before, and I will likely recommend it again. The quiet delicacy of this piece is everything. It feels so soft and so real and leaves us hanging with that bit of uncertainty for the future, but also that bit of hope, all while set in a time when there was so little hope to be had. A story of young passionate love is all very good. But give me a love story with maturity, with gentleness, with subtlety... I'm melting.
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diagonalleyhq · 5 months
Mw characters?
ooh, we have so many still open and honestly any of them would be loved, but to name just a few : alastar moody , amos diggory , amycus carrow ( last name cakir ) , aurora sinistra , bellatrix black , bertha jorkins , billius weasley , dorcas meadowes , ludo bagman , benji fenwick , charity burbage , pamona sprout , tilden toots !
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aparecium-rp · 2 years
Could you see Jade Fernandez work for any of your characters in particular?
Hello anon! Jade is absolutely beautiful and I can see her working for these canon characters:
Pamona Sprout
Arabella Figg
Poppy Pomfrey
Sinistra Lowe
Or a character with one of these last names:
Hope this helps!
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quintalon · 3 years
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Trope Mashup: The Remix has revealed!
I’m so excited to share these amazing stories and gorgeous artwork! A huge thank you to everyone who participated in this mini-fest.
An Accidental Confession by mcal
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott
Rating: G
Summary:  Lord Malfoy has begun to make his intentions towards Miss Granger known, and Mr. Nott, who has loved Hermione since childhood, is quite at the end of his sanity.
Tracking the Storm by sun-celine
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Rating: M
Summary:  Hermione was found abandoned in a grange twenty-one years ago in the hamlet of Elston, Wiltshire. Young Master Draco Malfoy is just back home from his Grand Tour, most displeased with the situation he finds at his ancestral home. The approaching storm will bring them together, but what will be left in its track?
Sanguis by LadyBlack3
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Rating: E
Summary:  If someone had told him a few years ago that he would consider Hermione Granger a colleague, and dare he say, a friend these days, he would refer them to the Janus Thickey ward post-haste. Returning to his life after she was turned into a creature of the night, will sharing very close quarters and only one bed finally make them face up to their attraction and reveal a hidden truth?
Web of Lies by emsallthat
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Charlie Weasley,  Hermione Granger/Lucius Malfoy
Rating: M
Summary: Hermione, a young little girl is adopted by Druella and Cygnus Black back in 70s. She is pure, blameless, trying to figure out her life in new magical reality. But this new normal is not as ideal as in people minds. During her school years she would slowly reveal the truth, constructed of lies, society beliefs and old, strange traditions. She would learn that, despite being an inconvenient child, she could be useful for Blacks family.
As perfect mistress for Lucius Malfoy.
But it would require preparation.
The Artist by IzzieStellar
Pairing: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy
Rating: T
Summary:  Nude art model has a strange experience with a new client.
And That's That by prophet_of_troy
Pairing: Neville Longbottom/Pansy Parkinson
Rating: G
Summary:  Neville is scared of everything, all the time, especially when Professor Lupin pairs him with Pansy Parkinson.
A Sprig of Heather by hermioneclone
Pairing: Minerva McGonagll/Pamona Sprout
Rating: T
Summary: Pomona looked skeptically down at the cat at her feet.
“This is my protection?” she asked Inspector Dumbledore, her voice laced with doubt.
“Minerva’s the best in the business,” Dumbledore told her. “She’ll make sure no harm comes to you or the Aibrisiscus orchid.”
A Familiar Rivalry by motherbearof3
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Rating: G
Summary:  Potter's Protective Wear and Malfoy Industries are competing against each other to be awarded a contract with the Ministry, but only one company can be chosen. Which one will win?
You Breathe Out and I Breathe In by Blessedindeed
Pairing:  Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Rating: N/A
Summary:  The more time they spent together, the more he realized he could not fight her. He watched as she stepped away from him into a background of blues and greys. She took a deep breath of the crisp night air, lifting her face to the overcast sky.
Rumor Has It by lrs002
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy,  Hermione Granger/Charlie Weasley,  Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Charlie Weasley
Rating: T
Summary: All the students at Hogwarts like Hermione Granger. She makes learning about Muggles fun. So the students wonder why their lovely Muggle Studies Professor hasn’t been whisked off her feet by an eligible bachelor yet.
However, not all romance is dead because Professor Granger has a date to the annual charity ball.
But rumor has it that she’s actually married? What in the world is going on!
Mind Magic by storyofeden
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Narcissa Malfoy
Rating: M
Summary: It had been seven years since Hermione and Narcissa's relationship ended. Of course, it wasn't really a relationship because they'd only spent two weeks together one winter, and three months together one summer. It was all secrets and lies, and those were not adequate foundations for a relationship. There was no reason for them to talk about it either. They might live together now, but that didn't mean they had to have a bloody conversation about it--didn't need to talk about how Narcissa had been Hermione's first crush or why Narcissa left in the middle of the night or the way heated looks and mischievous glances still sparked arousal.
Nope. Absolutely nothing to discuss.
Twilight of the Chosen One by AlocYrrehc
Pairing:  Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Dudley Dursley/Pansy Parkinson
Rating: T
Summary: Nothing had prepared Harry for what he saw when they walked in.
“Harry, is that…” Hermione trailed off, stunned.
Harry, having lost the ability to speak, merely nodded.
“But he’s dressed like a…” she continued.
“Yeah,” Harry croaked, having found his voice again.
“And he’s singing about…”
“It would appear so.”
“But… why?”
and some things you just can't speak about by NeonDomino
Pairing: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Regulus Black/James Potter
Rating: T
Summary:  When Sirius almost dies in his attempt to protect Remus, a fae in the forest, he doesn't expect to survive. He certainly doesn't expect to find himself bonded to the other man, or fall in love.
Rose des Vents by Vertraymer
Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy
Rating: M
Summary:  Prompt: royalty au + flower shop au
Time is Running Out by AccioMjolnir
Pairing:  Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Rating: E
Summary:  Hermione Granger takes a posting at Hogwarts for a year and finds herself inexplicably drawn to the mysterious and withdrawn potions master.
See the whole collection here!
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I’m convinced that Pamona Sprout is a lesbian and lives in a cottage with her wife and their pet cat
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harrymalfoy · 4 years
Can we just take a second, just hear me out here, Hufflepuff's are known for being great with plants, right? But you can NOT convince me that they don't absolutely adore every animal they find too. Don't believe me, see Newt Scamander, author of Fantastic Beasts and Hufflepuff af.
We all know in the spring the Hufflepuff common room wod be full of plants sprouting and budding and blooming, but what about the stray cat and kittens one of the older kids found in Hogsmead? Or the baby owls that someone smuggled back from the owlrey? What about the Niffler someone caught trying to get into Gringotts in Diagon Alley?
Give me Hufflepuff kids that can't leave animals outside in the winter and have to nurse the babies all spring. Professor Sprout would bring them plants for the smuggled in fawns to eat, and they would have a corner dedicated to all the babies they bring in, but pretty quickly it would turn into animals taking over the common room.
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themaraudersadvent · 4 years
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Title: An Unexpected Christmas
Author:  meditationsinemergencies
Prompt: Baby, It's Cold Outside
Rating: E
Characters/Ship: When James' Christmas gift to Albus goes awry, he finds himself stuck 1955 for twelve hours. Cold in just his underclothes, he stumbles into a greenhouse where he meets a young Pomona Sprout.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27751156
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prettylestrange · 5 years
Pamona Sprout
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The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness 🌱
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crimebunny · 5 years
Headcanon: Harry got everyone in on pranking people by making up "When in doubt, the Pureblood is wrong" and pretending it was a common phrase that had been used for years. Most of the professors are in on it. Then Umbridge shows up and they get to fuck with her randomly like
Snape: Well, you know what they say, when in doubt, the Pureblood is wrong.
Umbridge: I don't think that's a saying--
McGonagall: What do you mean? It's been a saying for generations! This is nonsense, the rest of you agree, yes?
Flitwick: Definitely.
Hagrid: 'at's what they say.
Sprout: Oh yes, I think you're forgetting yourself Dolores.
Umbridge: ?!?
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purplejedislytherin · 5 years
They would have all the fun.
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drawstheclouds · 6 years
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Professor Pamona Sprout
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headcanonsandmore · 6 years
JK Rowling has some interesting names going on; 
Diagon Alley. Diagonally. 
Nocturne Alley. Nocturnally. 
That werewolf guy? Remus Lupin.
That outdoorsy teacher who’s tough? Grubbly-Plank. 
That stuck-in-their-ways politician? Fudge. 
The head of house for the Snake house? Snape.
The Herbology teacher who works with plants? Sprout. 
So you could forgive me for thinking that Luna Lovegood was going to end up marrying Harry. 
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blacksheep-art · 6 years
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gryffindor-bookworm · 6 years
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Herbology Aesthetic
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poony-madfoot · 7 years
Christmas in the Hufflepuff common room would be like
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Warmest Christmas experience
House mates would invite in students from other houses for Christmas muggle games
Slytherin would pretend to see them as games for kids but secretly loving all of them
No tree would be treated as ineligible. Even the most withered of trees would be brought in and decorated.
Colours of Christmas would be everywhere, but the decorations would be subtle and as per everyone's preference.
Setting up mistletoes but instead of having to kiss, students could hug a pet to relieve holiday anxiety
Would allow and encourage anyone to decorate the tree from a week before
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Would set up an enchanted roof so that it's snow lightly all the while but it wouldn't pile up on the floor and the warmth of the room would make it much less colder.
Exclusive Secret Santa presents for those in the hospital wing or those who didn't go back home coz of domestic problems.
FREE SWEATSHIRTS FOR EVERYONE, knitted by certain talented students of the house- even slid some to the elves though they would never take it.
Quidditch matches while dressed as Santa Claus or elves or even Jesus Christ for that matter
Making the quaffle look like a giant snowball
The plants in the house would be enchanted to sing carols randomly in a soft, low voice so that the common room always had that music going on
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After Christmas, anyone could take something from the tree that was their favourite and keep it by their bedside to keep them going through the entire next year.
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