#parental abuse ment
cupboard-of-npd · 7 months
'You had self centered intentions so while your actions were good this is still bad because intention is much more important than action' - people who hate pwnpd
Hey! Thats actually an abuse tactic! Lets not encourage the mentality that intention is always more important than action because it can easily become 'My intention wasnt to hurt you so I wont take accountability for hurting you because my intention is more important than my action'
Hope this helps!
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coulsonlives · 7 months
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c0rpseductor · 7 months
i still get mad sometimes thinking about how when i was a kid anytime autism affected me negatively or i had other learning difficulties (im still not sure if i have dyscalculia but math was very hard for me as a kid) my parents just got so frustrated and angry, like i wasn’t Trying Hard Enough to think and act right and it was my active fault i was like this. i had a lot of behavioral problems and they were pretty much all because i was disabled and just receiving abuse at home on top of it instead of any help or intervention. i wasn’t physically disabled, that didn’t start becoming an issue for me until i was a bit older, but it was such a pain in the ass sometimes for them to give a fuck that i was sick and they interrogated me for faking basically every illness so much that i can’t imagine what it would’ve been like if i had been physically disabled as a kid. Nightmare
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puppysdog · 4 hours
righttt i should say since im talking about it so much that the series has an incredible amount of potentially triggering content and to read at ur own discretion 👍
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priestbit · 18 days
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                                  [ ˑ ˑ ˑ ] 𝑫𝑶𝑵𝑵𝑰𝑬 𝑾𝑨𝑻𝑻𝑺 & 𝑭𝑨𝑴𝑰𝑳𝒀 , a comprehensive study.
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This meta will discuss Donnie's relationship with his actual family members and his relationship with family as a concept. Here I'll be exploring how his attitude towards it has shifted and changed throughout his life. I will be touching on some fairly triggering topics in this meta, all of which have been tagged and listed below. For that reason, this meta is under a read more. Please take care when reading, and don't worry if you aren't in the headspace to read this, there's no hard feelings.
Please be aware that the following topics will be discussed, some in greater detail than others: addiction, child neglect/abuse, allusions to csa, religious trauma, homophobia, pregnancy, addiction, drug use, alcoholism, family death, suicide, trauma, and discussions of war.
Donnie, despite all the misconceptions one may have of him, is motivated by family and legacy. It haunts him in a way that nobody talks about. Every man in the Watts family tree, as far back as they can trace being in the States, has served the military in one way or the other. Every man in the Watts family, since the end of the Civil War, has owned and trained horses for one purpose or the other. They may not have been in that profession their entire lives, but they all started there. Donnie did. His father did. His brother did. You get the idea. This is part of the reason why Donnie always felt so conflicted about what he'd do once he'd graduated high school. Would he continue the family legacy and enlist like his father had? Would he follow in his brother's footsteps and look to make a name for himself as a rancher? Or would he follow his heart and become a rockstar?
Ultimately, Donnie decided to follow his heart. He's always had something to prove, his mother made sure of that. He was going to make his family (and to him, at the age of nineteen, his family consisted of his brother, his sister-in-law, his niece, and his nephew) proud. He was going to do something that would, in his eyes, make him worthy of their love. Achieving his dreams would also show them how good of a job they did in taking him in, as he always feels as though he owes them for that (even though they volunteered to do it, and were happy to help out their little brother. Brody especially, as he carries so much guilt for leaving Donnie alone with their mother in the first place.)
I think that, as a child, Donnie based his notion of family off of what his mother told him. His idea of what a family should be was very much in line with the nuclear family, a mother, a father, the white picket fence, and two children. The idea of it was hammered into his head so often-and so brutally-that he felt othered by the fact that he was being raised by a single mother. This othering led to him resenting the very idea of the family home. He hated it whenever his mother would try to engage in things like family dinner at the dining table. Or dragging him to church every Sunday because that's what families were supposed to do.
When he was taken away from his mother at the age of twelve, he was introduced to what an actual, healthy family unit looked like. Brody Watts had gotten away from Texas and made a damn good life for himself. He had two beautiful kids, a wife who adored him, and Dogwood Ranch in his care. Spending his teen years with Brody and Cassidy helped heal a lot of childhood wounds, so much so that by the time his eighteenth birthday rolls around and his mother contacts him for the final guilt trip he'll ever receive from her all he can do is feel hatred for her. Hatred for her and love for the brother who'd taken him in, love for the sister-in-law who had become the older sister he'd always wanted, and love for the kids who called him 'Uncle D!' whenever they saw him. He wanted that. He wanted a home like theirs, warm and welcoming and the total opposite of the crucifix-infested battlefield that his mother had raised him in.
His early twenties were rough. Addled by fame he was not prepared for, and an addiction to anything that takes him skywards for a couple of hours. Heroin was the real killer. He overdosed twice, and was saved twice by a family he didn't share a single drop of blood with. Rancid Creature wasn't just a successful metal band, Rancid Creature was Donnie's entire world, and a love letter to the dear friend he'd lost in Lee Bennett (who had conceptualised the band when they were thirteen and still fumbling their way through learning how to play their instruments. Lee played bass, Donnie was the drummer. The dream rhythm section.) Izzy, Sammy and Clara were, and still are, like siblings to Donnie. He would drop anything to help them... he knew it wasn't the conventional family, but it was his. It was the only one he could have around all the touring and the TV interviews anyway.
Family wasn't just a loving partner and a couple of kids running around to Donnie anymore. But it's the prospect of a family that ultimately pushed him into getting clean. Anita Huerta, a long-term on and off girlfriend, revealed that she was pregnant, and that she wanted to keep the baby. She wanted to get clean for the baby, and so did Donnie. He'd swore years before that he'd never abandon his children, he'd never subject them to his bullshit the same way his mother had. Donnie, wanting nothing more than to cultivate a warm, safe, family environment for his and Anita's child, got clean.
Now that he's in his early thirties, he knows that he doesn't need to have the conventional nuclear family to be happy. A happy family home doesn't look the same for everyone, and despite the fact that he's always stressing over being as good a dad to Emma as possible, he knows this. Family is whoever you feel safe with, family is whoever helps when you're at your worst, family isn't just blood. Donnie took a long time coming to this conclusion, and he still struggles with undoing the mess his mother made of his brain, but he's there. And he doesn't intend on backing away from it anytime soon.
For some quick-fire headcanons about Donnie's family members and his relationships with those family members, look no further!
𝑅𝐸: 𝑀𝐸𝐿𝐼𝑆𝑆𝐴 𝑊𝐴𝑇𝑇𝑆 ( fc : Willa Fitzgerald & Mary Mcdonnell. )
Melissa Rose was the youngest of five daughters. Her father detested the fact that his wife would only ever give him daughters when what he really wanted was sons. This made him angry, abusive, unfaithful, and a drunkard. Her father, Adam, was a Baptist pastor. His sermons were the very definition of 'Brimstone and Hellfire.' He was a stern but charming man, with an agreeable face and the picture-perfect family. He was all about image, and this attitude would stick with Melissa all her life.
She actually wanted to run away from Texas her whole life, she had dreams of becoming a Hollywood star. She was always told that she was pretty enough to be in the movies.
Melissa married Colton Watts on a total whim, their romance was an intense whirlwind of emotions and intimacy. She'd never been treated so kindly by a man before Colton came along. He promised her the world. And then he went to war.
When Colton returned home, he was a totally different man. He was emptier than she remembered him, and she was resentful. He would have weeks, even months, of being the happy-go-lucky sweetheart she'd married. Then he'd retreat into himself and would prefer to speak to the horses he cared for than he would to her.
Eleven years of unsteady marriage later, Brody Watts was born. The euphoria of being a new parent didn't last long, Colton would soon retreat back into the stables. The same would happen ten years later when Donovan was born.
After Colton's death, and after Brody ran away from his mother's venomous tongue, Melissa was left alone to raise her youngest son. She never called him Donnie, she would only ever call him Donovan.
Donnie, as a toddler, would actually prefer the company of his mother. He enjoyed being bounced on her hip while she went about the household chores. He enjoyed listening to her read. He found his father to be something of a ghost. However, he did run and hide under Brody's bed whenever she'd get into one of her bad moods. She was vicious, a caged animal unleashed on her family.
When Colton died, Donnie was seven. And Melissa fell hard into heavy drinking. Her fuse grew shorter, and even the smallest of mistakes made by Donnie would set her off. If he cried? She'd shout. If he spilt or dropped something? She'd shout. Without even realising it, Melissa had become her father.
Donnie grew older, more vocal, and pushed back against Melissa's temper. He was rewarded with violence, with unwarranted sermons. She would punish him by making him copy entire verses from the Bible by hand. She would take scissors to his hair whenever he refused to go and get it cut. Donnie's defensive, and often explosive temper, was born here. As was his desire to solve everything with his fists.
Melissa didn't hide what she thought of her son from him. She thought he was gay, and would tell him so. She would often fling slurs at him. She thought he was a sinful child, a demon given to her as punishment for running away from her family with his father. She would tell him this too.
She would also blame him routinely for his father's death. Something that Donnie still hasn't been able to shake.
Donnie was sent to a "summer camp" that the local church ran by his mother to "fix" his behaviour. The children would learn to camp, would learn to work, and would learn to be "more Christian" in their attitudes. It was essentially a behaviour retreat for delinquent kids. It was here that one of the pastors would assault Donnie.
The second he returned home, Donnie bypassed telling his mother anything and took himself straight to the local sheriff's station. He told them everything about the pastor, and about his mother. The sheriff was an old army friend of Colton's and had suspected that something was amiss for years. He was the one who saw to it that the social services took Donnie away from Melissa.
Donnie hasn't seen his mother since, and he hasn't heard from her since his eighteenth birthday. He doesn't even know if she's still alive or not, he hasn't thought to check. He's glad to have cut her out of his life, even if there has always been a longing in him to try and get through to her. Sometimes he misses her reading to him as a child, sometimes he misses her embrace. Sometimes he just wants his mom.
He only ever refers to her as 'mother' or 'Melissa.' Only in really vulnerable moments does he ever slip up and call her 'mom.'
A lot of Donnie's self-loathing stems from the way his mother treated him. A lot of Donnie's internal homophobia stems from his mother. A lot of Donnie's issues with his own masculinity stem from his mother. All of his issues with religion and the idea of a benevolent god stem from his mother's attitudes and the fact that she sent him away to that "summer camp." He's slowly coming to terms with this and feels so much resentment towards her for it that whenever she's mentioned he tends to get stiff and oddly quiet. It takes him a long time to learn to talk about her without feeling angry, and he does so for Emma's sake.
Donnie looks most like his mother, with her soft features, curly hair, and pretty green eyes. It's why he'd always take great offence to anybody ever calling him a girl when he was a teenager.
𝑅𝐸: 𝐶𝑂𝐿𝑇𝑂𝑁 𝑊𝐴𝑇𝑇𝑆 ( fc : Robert Redford. )
Colton was the middle child out of three. His older brother, Tristan, died in France, and his youngest brother, Michael, moved to Europe in the summer of forty-seven. His parents owned Dogwood Ranch, as many Watts had before them. It was the ancestral home of the Watts family.
He was raised Catholic, as many are in Longing.
He moved to Texas with his older brother to pursue a Rodeo career. Colton was a promising young Bronc rider and adored working with horses more than anything else. He also enjoyed playing guitar and singing. Music was always going to be a huge part of Donnie's life.
It was there he met Melissa Rose, who looked as though she'd just wandered off of a movie set. Colton was smitten with her, and she was smitten with him. They were young and reckless and felt invincible, and Colton wanted to give Melissa the world. They were married within six months, and, with Tristain's help, living on a plot of land in Copeville within the year.
Then he enlisted and went to war. Colton took his guitar with him to France and would sing for his fellow soldiers whenever he was able. He kept them entertained and happy despite the horrors they saw. He burned his candle at both ends and returned with bullet holes in his guitar, and holes in his heart.
He tried to fight the numbness with all his might. He tried to be present for his sons, but he'd often find himself feeling the chill of The Bulge even in the height of a Texan summer and would slip into his own mind for hours at a time.
To cope, Colton hid himself away in the shed or the stables, fearing what he might do if he was around his family for any longer than a few hours at a time. He could not trust his own body or mind.
As a result, his sons often saw him as a stranger. He tried to make up for it by teaching them guitar chords, showing them how to handle horses, or singing with them. He felt especially close to Donnie, who seemed to take better to his musical inclinations than Brody did. Brody seemed more interested in horses.
Donnie recalls several key moments with his father. Being taught to play the guitar, how to handle a gun, how to ride, how to be a Bronc rider, and being taken to Dallas when his father was due to meet with old war buddies.
Whenever talking about his father, Donnie often calls him his 'old man.' He seems to talk about him with far more respect than he ever does with his mother, despite feeling like he hardly knew him. Donnie also feels an affinity with his father now that he's an adult, especially since he's been through trauma and had to deal with the aftermath.
Donnie still owns his father's guitar, it's easily his most prized possession. He owned a silver signet ring with a cursive 'W' on it that his dad took with him to France and gave to Donnie for good luck. The ring had been in the Watts family for as long as anybody can remember. Donnie gives it to James Gallowes for good luck and as a symbol of his love for him.
In terms of appearance, Donnie takes after Colton's physical build. Looking at photographs of the two of them where their faces aren't visible, you could be forgiven for thinking it's the same person. Donnie also has his father's toothy smile and, according to Brody, Donnie's voice is freakishly similar to their dad's.
Donnie used to resent the fact that Colton put a bullet in his own mouth. It sent Brody away because it made Melissa worse.
𝑅𝐸: 𝐵𝑅𝑂𝐷𝑌 𝑊𝐴𝑇𝑇𝑆 ( fc : Charlie Hunnam. )
Brody is ten years older than Donnie. Has their mother's softer face shape like Donnie does, but the rest of his face is all Colton. Right down to the scruffy blond beard and pin-straight hair. Brody's whole demeanour is gruff, but kind. He's quick to smile and far more optimistic than his younger brother.
When they were kids, Brody would jokingly refer to Donnie as Yosemite Sam from Looney Tunes whenever Donnie lost his temper. It's why Donnie has a Yosemite Sam tattoo on his arm.
Brody always stepped in and took Donnie away from their mother whenever her temper would flare, and would play with him or read to him to keep him occupied. Sometimes he'd take Donnie up to the stables to look after the horses with him. In that way, Brody was more a parent to Donnie than their actual parents were.
At first, Donnie was confused when Brody took off after Colton's death. Then his mother got worse, and then he got angry at him for abandoning him with their mother. He was so angry that a month into being put into Brody and Cassidy's care, the two had a fight that almost came to blows. It didn't, because Brody outright refused to hurt Donnie anymore than he'd already been hurt. This made Donnie break down and cry. Brody held him and the two spoke about things more calmly.
This blowout didn't diffuse Donnie's resentment entirely, but it helped Donnie understand his brother's reasons for leaving.
The ten-year gap between the two meant that talking as brothers was often difficult for them. But Brody always did his best to be patient with Donnie, to be careful around his trauma and what might set him off. He would also cut through Donnie's moping and ensure that he wasn't self-sabotaging.
Brody also gives full embarrassing dad energy whenever Donnie's got friends over. He endearingly refers to Donnie, Lee and James as 'The Three Stooges.' James would also often find himself staying over at Dogwood Ranch after Donnie discovers that his uncle is mistreating him. Brody allows it because he really wants to encourage Donnie to be more emotionally vulnerable and have more friends.
Donnie and Brody love each other fiercely and will jump to one another's defence without question, even if they find it hard to have deep discussions without the help of a few beers.
Donnie hates disappointing Brody (and by extension, Cassidy), and so doesn't reach out to him for help when he should. He often needs pushing into contacting Brody by his bandmates whenever something's going wrong or he's struggling with Emma on his own.
Donnie's object permeance (yay ADHD!) extends to people. This means, that if things aren't in his immediate everyday life, he tends to neglect them. This makes him terrible at calling Brody and keeping in touch, thankfully, both Brody and Cassidy understand this and will often check in with him of their own volition.
𝑅𝐸: 𝐶𝐴𝑆𝑆𝐼𝐷𝑌 𝑊𝐴𝑇𝑇𝑆 ( fc : Freema Agyeman. )
Cassidy Jonas met Brody Watts and immediately fell in love. They bonded over a love of horses, rock music, and spicy food. They just clicked. Their friendship turned into love and ended with them married at the age of twenty-one. It was the most natural thing in the world.
Cassidy Watts was pregnant with twins when Donnie Watts crossed the threshold of Dogwood for the first time. He reminded her of her grandmother's three-legged cat, Nelson, who used to swipe at newcomers whenever they entered whichever room he happened to be sleeping in. He was jittery and jumped at every little noise. It broke her heart to learn what had happened to him, it made her angry too. Brody had to talk her out of driving to Copeville and giving Melissa Watts a piece of her mind. She couldn't conceive of ever hurting her children.
At first, Cassidy attempted to approach Donnie with kid gloves. That seemed to send him further into his shell. What seemed to appeal to him was being spoken to like an adult. A person in his own right. So she did. Because of the honesty between them, Donnie and Cassidy grew close.
Donnie had the messiest, most unhealthy head of curls when he came to Longing, and not a few months later, Cassidy had them styled and healthier than ever. Being a black woman with tight, coiled hair, she was perfectly qualified to help Donnie treat his curls properly. It was a long, careful routine that Donnie keeps to even now in his early thirties.
After the twins were born, Donnie took to being an uncle like a duck to water. He helped Cassidy with feeding them whenever Brody was out working, and would often keep them entertained when he wasn't out causing mischief with his new friends.
When Donnie's fifteen, Cassidy started to attend classes in hopes of becoming a Doctor or a Nurse, as she'd always dreamed of becoming one as a child.
If asked, Donnie would name Cassidy as the woman who raised him. She was the one who helped him out of panic attacks and soothed him whenever he couldn't sleep, she was the one who talked to him about his romantic feelings for James, she was the one who encouraged him to follow his heart after he graduated. She was also the person who put him in his place whenever he was letting his anger get the better of him.
Donnie almost exclusively calls Cassidy 'Cass', and it's always with the utmost affection. He adores her with his entire being.
Cassidy is also the first person Donnie comes out to, officially. She's the person he turns to whenever he finds himself stuck. He knows she won't judge him or think less of him for messing up. Neither would Brody, but Donnie isn't so confident with that knowledge. He's getting there.
𝑅𝐸: 𝐺𝐼𝑁𝐴 𝐴𝑁𝐷 𝐽𝑂𝑁𝐴𝐻 𝑊𝐴𝑇𝑇𝑆 ( fcs : undecided. )
Georgina and Jonah Watts are fraternal twins and are the only two children of Brody and Cassidy Watts. Donnie views the pair of them as his younger siblings.
The twins refer to Donnie as 'Don' or 'Uncle D' pretty much exclusively.
Gina falls in love with rock music because of her parents and falls deeper in love with metal and alternative music because of Donnie. Donnie often catches her rifling through his tapes when he's not keeping an eye on her. When he leaves Longing, he actually leaves the vast majority of his tapes and vinyl at Dogwood, so that Gina can listen to them. Gina also gifts Donnie with an Iron Maiden poster on his fourteenth birthday, Cassidy informs him that she wanted to give her uncle a present that meant a lot to him. He still has the poster now, it's in a frame on the wall of his office.
Jonah and Donnie bond over horses. Brody held no interest in actually participating in any kind of Rodeo events, and neither did Donnie, but Donnie knew a couple of tricks to help Jonah get started. He showed him how to ride and how to tend to the horses alongside Brody. Jonah also shares Donnie's love of Star Wars and sci-fi. He even starts to copy Donnie when Donnie starts keeping journals and writing things like song lyrics down. Jonah's got a big imagination and an even bigger heart. Donnie encourages him to feel things unapologetically and to talk to his parents when things are bothering him. When he leaves Dogwood, Donnie leaves a good chunk of his books with Jonah, knowing he'll take care of them.
Donnie misses a good chunk of the twins' milestones while he's touring with Rancid Creature, but that doesn't stop them from sending him letters and getting excited whenever he calls. He feels guilty for not being there more for them during this time, and he's always trying to make up for it, even though they hold no hard feelings over it.
Donnie also misses these milestones because he's too high, which he feels deeply ashamed of, despite the understanding he gets from Brody, Cass and the twins.
He might be terrible at calling, but Donnie has an uncanny ability to remember dates, even when he's deep in the throes of addiction and depression. He always sends thoughtful gifts and birthday cards/letters to his niece and nephew. He dedicates more than a couple of songs and awards for his music to them and their parents.
He's their favourite uncle, despite being their only uncle. And they will die defending him. They even show up to one of Rancid Creature's shows in Santa Fe to surprise him one year, and Donnie almost cries with happiness at seeing them. That's his little sister and his little brother! And he will die for them!
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 6 months
why the fuck does my father get to have a life of his own. When I cut him out my life he should have stayed exactly where he was until I was ready to forgive him. He spent my whole life trapped in his trauma he should have stayed there begging for me to talk to him again until the end of time. I will always bear the damage he did to me, he doesn't get freedom from that, he shouldn't get love when it took everything for me to deny him it. Why was she enough for him to change- why wasn't I.
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aether-amalgam-system · 4 months
I saw a post the other day (blocked the account of course) with an ask that was basically “I wanna be a system how do I do it” with an endogenic system responding with “how to create a system” like it’s some fun little game. So I’m here with
How To Become Plural, by Someone Who Is Plural
Build a Time Machine. It doesn’t have to be perfect or take you back very far, as long as it takes you back to when you were before the age of 9 ish. The earlier the better. Ignore all your other selves coming to stop you. Be prepared to break the space time continuum.
Use the machine and find yourself in the past. Do not let your younger self know that you are who you are.
Here’s the tricky part. Take baby you and enact repetitive acts of abuse upon you. Any type is fine, as long as it’s long lasting and repetitive. Do this for as long as you can and maybe even rally others, such as your parents or peers, to help you. Side effects of this method will be mentioned later, but it’s not that big of a deal right? You wanna be a system don’t you?
Sustaining the abuse even after your younger self turns 9 is preferable. Remember, this isn’t a foolproof plan. Not everyone develops a system, but this is the best way to do it!
When you return home to your time, you’ll have people in your brain! (Maybe)
Side effects include: PTSD (severe), depression (chronic and severe), anxiety disorders, physical disability, mystery pain that no one can diagnose, memory loss, identity confusion, borderline personality disorder, migraines, stomach issues, disregulated thinking patterns and behaviors, attachment issues, panic attacks, fainting, getting lost in your own hometown, never having a good relationship with at least one of your parents, hatred of the world, and other possible side effects.
But that’s what you wanted, right? Anything to get your favorite anime character in your head, right? Thats what you fucking wanted isn’t it?
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fella-lovin-fella · 5 months
"you're making me look like a bad mom!" well i feel like if you have to say this constantly to several kids over the course of a couple decades and most of them end up with a drug problem then well... maybe... you are a bad mom
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Every day I am having concerning and painful health problems, and the reaction is always one of these:
"That's normal, you'll be fine" (i know damn well it's not normal and even if it WAS normal then it shouldn't be this painful)
"Oh! That's exactly what I have (baseless assumption that we are exactly the same in every possible way and could never differ) and I was fine after getting some kind of treatment for it a couple of times. So you don't need help about it, you'll be fine"
"Oh! That's exactly what I have (baseless assumption that we are exactly the same in every possible way and could never differ) and I never got help for it, so you'll be fine."
"Well, there's nothing we can do about it, so can you just stop being upset and help me instead of ruining my peace"
"Being in so much pain that you can barely sit up, struggling to breathe so much that you're dizzy and confused, are not reasons to be so rude (rude as in still trying very hard to say the right nice things, but your TONE is covered with pain and annoyance at YOURSELF, and autism isn't a reason to struggle with tone either because ALL autistics learn to mask. Your nice words should also be said nicely, even if you're fighting to push them out with each breath, even if you're gritting your teeth from pain.) Why can't you just be nice to me? Why do you only complain?"
"I'm sowwy..." (grown 50 something year old woman saying "sorry" like "sowwy" to be Cute and Sweet and offering no other help)
Thank you, mother, being a disabled adult who can't function adequately for you and doesn't deserve medical care is so cool.
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returnedfromthepurge · 9 months
I still remember.
I remember when I couldn't even stand people talking about the problems they had with their children on a radio show because I was so overloaded with stress about the 20+ children at the daycare I was parenting*. (* What daycare is these days.) I would legitimately get so angry and turn it off for the rest of the ride because I didn't want to hear anything anymore. And I had an hour drive to get home.
I would lay down for sleep and try to do my nightly routines and my mind would play back any sound I'd heard that day, their screaming, the tiny voices shouting my name and their whining. I'd try to do things for stress relief, and needed headphones to separate my mind, to avoid replaying the songs in my head that had to be played all day, because stereo player silence was not looked positively on by management or auditors.
I remember being so sick of the mascots and insisting to the children that they were real, and these characters were the reason for art and music and why we study them. I felt like I was experiencing Corporate Hell and brainwashing three year olds to talk to a plastic sticker on the wall of a mascot when I didn't have time to interact with them. We were encouraged to use that tactic often, when a child would come to us to interrupt, not knowing better of patience.
The main mascot was used as a moral guidepost, however vague.
Everything below the cut is what the tags are about.
I had a parent who told me he was surprised his five year old son was still dressed when he came to pick him up- because at his old daycare, they left him undress whenever.
I never had stress like the day I reported to CPS about a child who'd did and said things that no one his age group should even know about. That child knew evil and it was present in his eyes. I have never wanted violence so desperately, to kill what he had been made into before he got to hurt more people. I wanted to kill a five year old boy and the human creature that turned him into this .His family could die too, the entire bloodline as far as I was concerned. I wanted the satisfaction that I could not have years ago, to kill the one that had possessed someone I'd loved and adored years ago, that was now infested in this child that I could see perfect dullness in his dead eyes. They had no life in them, and I wanted to be the one to be the one who stopped the flow of blood to his diseased mind. I saved many young minds from trauma by resisting that urge in front of them. He was transferred by his parents to a different school.
The day I vented about it to my friend, I was so distracted talking to the phone in the passenger seat, I rear ended someone, and wrecked my vehicle so badly it was undrivable. Everyone was uninjured. It was ruled an accident due to the slick roads. I still think that pickup driver was texting at a green light.
Weeks before I decided I would quit, I sat out beside a large bush next to a fast food place, and tears escaped before I knew why they were coming. I laid in the dirt until it was time to go clock in. A week before, I had had a panic attack terrible enough to take myself to the hospital, afraid what I would do if given the chance to run into traffic .
I bought myself a new shirt on the first day after the hospital, because I was told to be around people, for my own safety. For the days I took to recover, I bought myself a print of that one Louis Wainwright painting , " I am happy because everyone loves me." and framed it a month later.
I don't know that I'm strong enough anymore to handle having children of my own. I think I might be the best example of a person who should not have any. I think I'll be surgically sterilized as soon as possible.
I'm better now. I very truly love the job I'm at. But I know my limits more intimately than I ever thought I could. And I'm never putting myself in a situation again where I'm doing the emotional labor for parents and employers who throw money and gifts at me.
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coulsonlives · 7 months
Real talk for a sec. (CW abuse)
Today, I realized one of the big problems with car dependence that people don't ever really talk about is how it hides and perpetuates household abuse.
I know someone who was abused as kid, in a suburban area full of detached houses, but I never realized how much this environment made it all worse. Here's what happened: because they didn't have a license, if their parents blew up at them, they couldn't leave the house without their parents driving after them and finding them within like, a minute. There was no one else around to help them, or see what was going on, because obviously these suburban areas don't have a lot of people walking around. They knocked on doors a lot, but nobody answered. There weren't any buses. There weren't any places to hide, no businesses to go into and get help, because everything was lawns and gated-off yards and closed doors. They were stuck walking away for a super brief escape, until their parents drove up behind them, threatened them to get back them into the vehicle, and gave them a verbal lashing.
Imagine being 14 and needing to get away from an abusive situation, but all you see when you go outside is this:
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It would be so isolating! Where do you even go? How would you feel as a kid, knowing you can't get away geographically? That no one's gonna help? Hopeless would be an understatement!
What's worse is apparently, their parents yelled at them all the time, and slammed doors, and this person and their sibling both screamed at the top of their lungs for their parents to leave them alone and let go of them, but not a single person called it in, nobody called the police, because nobody heard what was going on. Everything was too far apart, and no one ever passed by to hear things from outside. If someone did pass, they were in a car, and nobody was gonna hear anything through both the walls of a house, and the sound-muffling interior of a car. There's no inherent support system, no chance for someone in an abusive situation to get spontaneous, in-the-moment help, because these neighborhoods literally promote seclusion with how walled-off they are.
Worst of all? This person considered calling the police and support lines, but they were abused and gaslit into thinking they shouldn't because their parents said they were crazy and overreacting. They needed somebody to step in for them.
But nobody got the chance to even realize it was happening.
Yeah, their parents were well-off financially to have a house, but the fucking price that was paid by this person and their sibling. Finances aren't a benchmark for mental health.
This blew my mind, but it makes sense, and it makes me super angry. And I'm gonna guess this doesn't just happen with kids. I can't stop thinking how, when I was a kid, I lived in a place like this, and how many other people could've been in this situation, and I just didn't know it because of how the place was designed.
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twcfaces · 1 year
Idk he tried to kill his dad when he was like 14 but also sorta repressed that but that's more or less how he ended up being on his own. He got too big and too mean and too strong to bully.
... hm.
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dudeshusband · 2 years
i try to have a conversation with my mom. i politely correct her on a word. things escalate. she says I'm an abuser just like my father and blames me for the fight. rinse and repeat.
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echidnana · 1 year
feels silly to need validation about this, but is it ok for us to be upset with the body's father for treating us like a young child? he told us what time to go to bed at tonight and what time we have to wake up at tomorrow (not because there's anything to do, just for no reason). and he's just been very rude and not treating us respectfully.
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bilover · 2 years
do u ever pay attention to the way ur dad treats ur mom and start feeling so fuckin violent lol
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I don't know whether I've mentioned this, but currently I'm in a half here - half there situation regarding abusive family because (yaaaaaay!) I moved out for uni but (nooooooo!) Still have to see them every two weeks and they're still complete motherfucking assholes. But, matter of fact is: I still spend 80% of my time away from them now, which means suddenly, after literally having an entire life spent under a concrete block of dysfunction, my brain is experiencing life where I am mostly safe.
Which means the last few weeks have been... Interesting.
At first, it came as sudden panic attacks from literally nothing, and I was just sitting in the flat, confused as to what the fuck was happening and why was my body having a reaction that's usually caused by an abusive episode.
After a week, that settled.
Then, passive trauma processing began - which I could decipher from the mood spikes and the absurd amount of emotion that was not supposed to be there, in general. Which was fine, I was used to balancing processing with a healthy life, so I thought to myself, no big deal, if this is what my brain is doing, so be it.
And once again I miscalculated.
Because now, it's as if all of the horrible shit that was tightly kept under wraps suddenly broke free and exploded.
I can physically feel the trauma that's swirling in my chest. More - it's like I am merely a physical shell that purely trauma inhabits. Instead of the usual sluggishly bleeding wound that has closed and healed up in some sections, it's like a hurricane - raging and claiming every free space.
It's so fucking chaotic and encompassing and how the fuck am I supposed to function like this????? What the fuck, brain?????? What happened to letting me process one memory at a time?????? Why did you have to dump 18 years of bad emotions on me????
I am not having a good time. No, I am in everything that isn't my mental state, but when it comes to my mental state, I'm not having a good time.
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