#logan became very overwhelmed.
echidnana · 1 year
feels silly to need validation about this, but is it ok for us to be upset with the body's father for treating us like a young child? he told us what time to go to bed at tonight and what time we have to wake up at tomorrow (not because there's anything to do, just for no reason). and he's just been very rude and not treating us respectfully.
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snake-and-mouse · 5 months
Regarding the issues surrounding the Kindergarten Mafia discord server, a large fandom server mostly dedicated to the kinnporsche fandom. It is an issue that encompasses multiple events and many other people have been hurt who I do not want to speak for, so this will not be the full picture, just a part of my part. If anyone reads this and has questions, they can reach out to me.
I am Will/Logan, also known as Sweet-William in fanfic circles, and I am not making this post because I have a vendetta, or to be malicious, as some of my previous actions have been called by the moderators of the server. I am making it because I have the right to speak on my experiences (as others I hope will speak up and share theirs, now that they know they are not alone), and because I want to warn people so what happened to me does not happen to them.
I am also making this post because @accal1a aka Hann the admin of the server has refused to delete content created by myself and many of my friends from the server, all of who left because they like me felt unsafe. The original request was sent by proxy as Hann has me blocked, and though they said they would unblock me so we could discuss it, they never did. As a writer I take it seriously when my work, and also details of my personal life, are taken. When I even offered to go through and delete it all myself if temporarily given access to the server, my messages were completely ignored.
The server is not a safe place for people of colour. It is not a place safe from racism, or xenophobia, and its leadership has historically been and continues to this day, to perpetuate racism in fandom spaces and shelter people who have hurt others with no real repercussions, accountability, or transparency.
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The original issue was the result of this conversation between myself and Rachael, one of the moderators. I earlier stepped into a conversation where several microaggressions occurred regarding native american culture. As a Native, it was my right to speak up.
After this conversation I was urged to bring the issue directly to Hann, and from there the issues spiralled out of control. Hann originally was very supportive, and we became what I thought to be close friends. They made many reassurances Rachael would be held accountable, and changes would be made to the server to make it a safer place for pocs.
Rachael was never actually held accountable. Even when it came to light she had messaged me to issue the warning while lying to the rest of the mod team that she had "checked in on me" to see if I was alright after the incident. This was not the only time she secretly issued warnings to people, usually to defend her friends.
She was "demoted" but in actuality, the entire mod team was restructured and she simply was not on the top rung. Over the next two months many things happened, most of which are not my story to tell, and then it came to light Rachael had even further lied and never issued any warning or otherwise spoke to the person originally being racist in a mod capacity, this person being her friend, and refused to show what messages she did actially send.
To avoid any punishment she tried to "step down" as a mod before a choice could be made. And this was allowed. She was allowed to step down and continue to be in the server with no one knowing the actual story or that she couldn't be trusted and had abused her position.
After an incredibly vague statement was posted by the mod team regarding Rachael no longer being a mod, I broke and posted the conversation publicly and laid out the actual events. This was met with an overwhelming negative backlash, where it became clear to me this was a community where I was not safe, and any poc speaking up and calling for accountability would be seen as malicious and rocking the boat unnecessarily, while the moderators just watched on in silence.
The few moderators who were advocating for the poc server members were promptly fired, and though at one point a timeline vaguely outlining the events was posted, it and all evidence of what happened to me has since been deleted. And while Rachael originally left saying I was obviously trying to run her off the server, she has already returned at the urging of Hann.
Protecting people of colour and standing up to racism and xenophobia was never a priority in the kingergarten mafia server. And now that Hann has escalated to stealing work from people of colour that they have absolutely no right to, I am speaking up.
Respect us, be an ally, or face the consequences of what your community looks like with us gone.
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thatawkwardmoth · 2 months
Rachel Summers Childhood Headcanons
Scott used to have to stand over Rachel's crib and keep a hand on her stomach to keep her asleep. She was born premature (supposed to be due in the spring like Nathan) and got too used to falling asleep with one of her parents hands on her through the incubator. 
Rachel refused to smash her cake on her first birthday. She liked picking off the designs on it but when Bobby pushed her hand down so she could actually smash it, she started crying. Scott and Jean just let her eat her cake how she wanted. 
Used to purposefully leave out Legos so Logan stepped on them. Had the most beef with this man as a toddler just because. 
Was labeled a colicky baby by everyone else outside the mansion because of how fussy she was. Jean being a telepath figured out quickly that it was more sensory issues than just random crying. By the time she was a year old, she was no longer as fussy. 
Had an entire nursery for Rachel in the mansion that Scott and Jean never used once. Eventually it became her bedroom when she was a little older but for the first year of her life, she stayed in Scott and Jean's room. Both of them were constantly worried and the school was loud but the teacher's rooms were soundproof. Easier for them all the way around. 
Rachel's first cuss word was damn and Jean almost killed Logan over it until Bobby admitted it was him who taught her it. 
Rachel loved her universes version of Kurt when she was little and was offended when people would be scared of him. He'd make a game out of snapping his teeth at her to make her giggle, knowing he'd never actually hurt her. 
Hated having long hair, used to find any possible way to get her parents to cut her hair until she finally just admitted she hated her hair long. 
Looks exactly like Scott but with Jean's hair and eyes. So childhood pictures of Scott are only different from childhood pictures of Rachel by the hair color and the lack of a little brother. 
Alex might've fought with Scott almost every time he saw him, over whatever little thing, but he never yelled at Rachel and was often the one to spoil his niece rotten. He was a sucker for her from day one of Scott introducing them. 
Despite having an entire school ready and willing to babysit Rachel, Scott and Jean used to have her sitting in their classrooms while they taught.
As the only baby in the school for the longest time, Rachel ruled the school without knowing it. Everyone was looking out for her. 
Storm is her godmother and she took the job very seriously. Any issues Rachel had, Storm was there. Ororo enjoyed spending time with her niece and telling her stories of Africa and her journeys. 
Warren was her godfather and in her universe, before he died, she had a hefty fund set up for her to help her future. 
Scott, as much as he loves piloting, put off taking Rachel on a plane ride for so long. He was terrified of something happening to her or the plane, his childhood coming back to haunt him. But he over prepared like always and the flight was perfectly fine. It started Rachel's love for flying. 
The Phoenix Force is fiercely protective over it's child, something not even Jean thought would happen. But she could feel it, in the back of her mind whenever she was around Rachel, the overwhelming entity of cosmic energy and it's love for their child. 
Rachel enjoyed spending time with Rogue a lot as a child, purely because Rogue never touched her like the others did. She didn't have to dodge hair ruffles or pokes or hugs. She could just sit and read with Rogue or listen to the southern belle rant and rave about Remy while the tiny ginger giggled away. 
Always wanted a sibling but Scott and Jean were never really ready for a second kid. Whenever they thought it was time, something new was happening in the world, something against mutants. Rachel always felt sad about that, she wanted siblings like her parents had. 
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Caregiver!Charles Xavier Headcannons
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A/N - No this was not requested but I wanted comfort from Charles
•Calls you Bunny, Little one, Darling, angel, sweetheart. (I feel like he would have a long list of nicknames that he uses.)
•As the headmaster of the academy he has rules, both you and Charles had sat down when you first opened up to him about your regression and made rules together on a coloured piece of card.
•If your a mutant in this situation he would make sure that you could control your ability and if you can't do that he would make sure that he can keep you and people around you safe.
•He trusts you greatly and is more than willing to be vulnerable around you, knowing it will show you that he feel safe around you as you should him.
•Charles is very particular about your safety, very few people are allowed to look after you without Charles there. I believe Charles would let Logan, mystique and potentially Erik (depending on his relationship with him at the time) look after you whilst he's not there.
•You and Peter became friends, Charles would supervise while the two of you hang out.
•Charles bought you a bunny plush (Like the one in the Moodboard I made)
•If you get overwhelmed easily, Charles knows how to help you. He has ear defenders on stand by for you.
•Honestly imagining having a movie night and pretty much everyone joining. Like everyone in the academy would gather round when is was time for a movie and would watch something.
•Charles would sometimes read you mind (mostly by accident) when it came to what movie you wanted to watch, due to you being too excited.)
•He gives the best hugs!! And he'd be amazing at comforting you in almost any situation.
•He wears jumpers that he know the fabric doesn't bother you for to allow himself to be as safe as a place for you.
•If you ever slipped during class I think Charles would have spoken with you before hand so you knew it was okay to slip and he'd catch you up on what you missed at another time.
•If there was a time that you couldn't slip he'd make it known and would allow you to slip at another time as soon as he could.
•Charles messing/playing with your hair or better worded Mystique basically telling him off for messing with your hair after she's just made it neat. 😂
•Overall Charles would be an amazing caregiver <3
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mamirhodessxox · 3 months
Hey There Delilah (Part 8)
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Cody Rhodes x Fem OC!Reader
(Delilah Jones)
Storyline: Delilah was born and raised by the beach in L.A and grew up in a home where her parents expected her to go to Harvard & become a well known woman who marry’s a man who is a lawyer after high school. But that’s not what she wanted, She always wanted to own a boutique/flower shop & she did, once her parents discovered she wouldn’t attend college they left her to fend for herself but allowed her little sister Kinsley to visit or sleep over whenever, Her little sister always had an eye for WWE but Delilah never understood why but little did either of them know one of Delilah’s customers would become well acquainted. (Creds to @alyyaanna for helping me w the storyline)
Contents: Toxic parents, Angst, Fluff, Smut in later chapters, Based in May 2023, Alcohol, Violence, Corruption Kink, Size Kink, Daddy Kink, Crying Kink, Hand Kink, Praise Kink, Soft Sex.
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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It was finally the end of summer, most of autumn was a breeze for everyone, Randy was still having issues with deciphering his emotions towards Mira in which that developed a drift between the pair causing Mira to get into a situation-ship with one of his fellow wrestlers Logan Paul, He was kind to her in general but he also wasn’t Randy. Kinsley was just settling into the apartment Lilah lived in & got used to the privacy & care she wasn’t used to receiving, Randy was still being difficult with communicating his emotions & became irritated Mira wouldn’t wait around but he also refused to fess up about the emotions he told Cody about.
Meanwhile Delilah was internally overwhelmed and overstimulated, A lot was happening in her life, she was engaged to Cody which she was more than happy to be, she was running a store that got more attention merely because Cody’s presence would be there, while planning a wedding with him at the same time. She also had to prepare for Kinsley’s first day back at school which was this morning. Delilah & Kinsley spent the night at Cody’s after going back to school shopping for the necessities.
Kinsley was upstairs getting her uniform on while Cody & Delilah paced past each other in the kitchen taking turns on 2 other things like Breakfast & packing Kinsleys lunch. At some point after switching counter to counter the two knocked into each other and Lilah held her head laughing a little bit along with her Fiancé who kissed her cheek “Your as fast as a mouse y’know that? You just scamper around the kitchen, I don’t think I can keep up sweetheart.” He teased before pushing Kinsleys lunch box into her backpack just as she came downstairs “Hey! You excited for your first day of school?” He questioned as she shrugged giving him & Lilah a good-morning hug “It’s the same boring school so not really.” Cody awkwardly smiled up at Delilah and nodded “Well aren’t you just a little shiny ol’ ball of joy.” He teased.
Delilah smiled and gave her a breakfast sandwich “Here you go Kins, I taught Cody how to make it just the way you like it.” her little sister smiled thanking them before eating her breakfast while Cody quickly put her hair into a braided bun which left Delilah a little curious on how he knew how to do such a thing until she realized last night after putting Kinsley to bed he was on youtube studying something that he thought was important “You learned that from youtube huh?” He looked over smiling “You can’t possibly think I was gonna let her go to school without some classy looking hair right?” She shrugged while letting him do his thing “All done. We should head out now before her attendance is already screwed.” Delilah had nodded in agreement while everyone hustled into the car & drove off to drop Kinsley off. Once they got to the school Cody noticed 2 familiar faces that he knows shouldn’t be there without his or Delilah’s permission “You’re kidding me.” Kinsley mumbled under her breath before Delilah had her wait in the car while Getting out & approaching her parents.
“You’re insufferable, really, You’re the most irritating people ever and a pain in the rear.” She told them while adjusting her pencil skirt while her heels clapped against the concrete when she started approaching them “Is that seriously what You’re wearing to a school Delilah? I thought I raised you better,” her mother commented on her choice of clothing which was a simple women’s White Button up with a black pencil skirt & High heels. Pretty appropriate if I do say so myself. “It’s literally business casual clothing you’re acting like I came to school in a damn romper.” Cody watched from the car rubbing his forehead sighing “It’s to tight on yo-“ she rolled her eyes & stood with her hands ontop of her hips letting no out a slight laugh about how stupid this entire situation is “I don’t know why I’m even entertaining this conversation right now. You guy’s aren’t supposed to be here or near Kinsley without my permission you know this. So turn around go into your car and leave. She doesn’t want to see you, that’s why I’m out here.” She got stern before her father caved in and turned around walking off while Cody quickly got out with Kinsley & walked her up towards the front crouching to her level “I’ll be at this exact spot to pick you up after school alright?” The little girl nodded before hugging him tightly along with her older sister.
After she made her way into the school Cody & Delilah got back in the car to go somewhere else for the day, He tapped his hand against her thigh to certain songs he liked or just did it because he felt like it and even ran his finger over the ring both of them picked out to solidify the engagement between them, He thought the ring they both picked suited her, But he also became curious on things like when she & Kinsley were going to move in. A lot of things ran through his mind but Delilah’s head was loud. She heard every single thought & worry that popped up all at once. Cody drove towards the store so Delilah could help Mira open it up and once that was finished Lilah went upstairs to her little apartment to change into more comfier clothes while Cody stood in the doorframe of her bedroom
“So, I’ve been thinking since we’re engaged and clearly getting married maybe we should start getting ready for you & Kinsley to move in? Not immediately but at some point before the year ends.” Lilah froze for a second and slowly became overwhelmed feeling as if things were moving far to fast for her own liking despite the fact that he was right, She was getting married to him soon & they needed to start moving in very soon. “Lilah?” He tried getting her attention but she was too zoned out before she nodded in a skippish way “I- Maybe- I haven’t really thought about it yet there’s just so much happening everything’s moving so fast!” She breathed out and brushed out her hair looking over at him “Delilah we need to start thinking about it.” She sighed nodding “I- I know! It’s just maybe we should just take things a little slow! Relax for a little bit!” She nervously suggested while he furrowed his brows, “Sweetheart we don’t necessarily have time for slow, we’re actively planning a wedding to get married soon you do understand that right?” Lilah nodded before lowering her head “I just feel a little overwhelmed and freaked! This is a really big step in life an-“
Cody sat next to her but she scooted away “I just need things to be At least a little slow paced so I can process.” He nodded in an understanding manner before she got up and rushed downstairs to handle things she needed to complete within the shop while Mira sat behind the register “How’s the Logan situation?” Lilah questioned while setting up a few bouquets that were ordered while Mira sighed sitting behind the register “I think he’s fun to mess around with, Randy’s being a pain in the ass still since August & now he’s pissed beca I’m in this weird situation with Logan but he won’t communicate his feelings sooo..” Lilah shrugged picking off a few thorns “It’s okay, Cody & I almost argued but it was dumb.” Mira’s ears perked up “Why’d you guy’s argue? You never argue.” Lilah turned around before wrapping up the flowers “Well it wasn’t necessarily an argument just a slight disagreement, he wants me & Kinsley to move in but I’m still just getting used to a lot of things like having Kinsley around full time, Planning a wedding & overall still overwhelmed over recent events, being engaged is exciting but overstimulating, just wanna take things slow y’know?.” Mira laughed “I get that, getting married is a big step in life, but I get his question, you do have to start considering moving in soon before you don’t have much time left.”
Delilah sighed nodding her head before leaning against the counter while Cody finally came downstairs & pressing a kiss on her temple & ran his hand down her back while Mira smiled a little bit before standing up “Lilah why don’t you & Cody go outside, walk around & I’ll take it from here alright?” Delilah looked over & nodded along with Cody before leaving the shop, it was silent for a little bit until Cody finally spoke up. “You know I don’t want to rush you right?” She looked up and nodded a little bit “I know.. I’m just really overwhelmed we just got Kinsley back & there’s school we need to worry about & A wedding to plan & I’m just worried my presence around you 24/7 in your home will be a burd-“ He shook his head in disagreement “Baby your already around me 24/7 if you were a burden which you aren’t I wouldn’t have randomly proposed to you completely unprepared, I want you to be around me 24/7 I want to be able to help you with Kinsley, I want to see your face every goddamn day for the rest of my existence on this planet Delilah.”
She smiled & held his face in her hands before pressing a kiss onto the tip of his nose “I love you.” He smiled back and pressed his lips against hers “I love you more Angel.” he pushed away any stray hairs before kissing the ring displayed on her finger “Your so beautiful.” She muttered out tracing her finger over any minute detail that was on his face, it was true, she thought he was one of the most beautiful men on earth, he really did live up to his “dashingness” even up to this day, everything about him was beautiful to her, His eyes, his nose, his lips, every. single. detail. She was madly in love with his flaws & beauty. He hummed kissing the palm of her free hand while chucking when she ran her finger down his nose “You hungry?” She shook her head “Not really no, just wanna do something.” Cody grinned and wrapped his arm around her waist before they kept walking around the pier “I know exactly what we could do.” Delilah raised an eyebrow before pinching his arm which made him laugh out “We should get Kinsley soon, it’s already 2:30” he pointed out while walking towards the parking lot that he usually put to his benefit, she nodded her head as her hands were intertwined with his before he stopped right at the door before grabbing her jaw very softly while giving her a kiss & lightly biting her bottom lip while his free hand gripped her hip before pulling away and holding the door open for her while she smiled in a flustered way & sat in the passenger seat while Cody got in and began driving to pick up Kinsley.
For the next few days when Cody & Lilah had free time they would lay in his bed doing a variety of things, showing each other something they found interesting or funny off of each others phone, have sex, Make out, Read a book together or nap & proceed to repeat that entire process every single day. Delilah knew Cody was her person, & Cody knew she was his person aswell, they fit together like a perfect puzzle piece, after a week since the minor disagreement between them Delilah finally moved in & organized her things, Cody helped Kinsley decorate her room & even pick out new things to put in there while Delilah would unpack her clothes and out them in a now shared closet with cody but in a way where one side consists of her belongings & the other his. Tonight was slightly special since they decided to gold a party to celebrate the engagement properly, Seth, Jey, Randy, Mira, Logan, Rhea, Becky were coming along. Delilah stayed in the kitchen making a few snacks before everyone got to the house while Cody stood in Kinsleys bedroom hanging some things up “See how refreshing it is to have a whole new vibe to your room now?” She smiled nodding before hugging him tightly “Thank you Cody, you’re the best.” He smiled and hugged her back until he heard commotion downstairs which was obviously Seth & Mira arriving, Seth went over to Delilah after not seeing her for awhile & hugged her “Congratulations you’re a more successful person at life than I am” he joked while Randy came in with liquor while Cody hustled downstairs kissing Lilah on the cheek & help set the table. Logan would stand in a corner with Mira while they talked with someone while Randy would stand across the house scoffing while Cody looked over “What’s up your ass?” Randy took a sip of beer he had in his hand “Mira is just being co-“ Delilah shook her head “Nobody in this house is being complicated Randy, You couldn’t confess your feelings to her and she didn’t feel like waiting for you, If you want her back go get her back. Stop standing against the wall and actually get her.” Lilah advised to Randy before turning into the kitchen to handle any stray appetizer dishes.
Delilah liked the Idea of having a happy ending to her fairytale, But her fairytale was far from over, she still had many things to accomplish, in-fact it was only the beginning of a new chapter in this fairytale of hers, especially now the two most important people in her life were no longer going to be in the picture for a very long time.
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🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @valkyrurr @niknakbucks92 @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41
xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
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𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚕 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔,𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜
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𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟:ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟ ᴘᴀʀᴋ
𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔:ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟ ᴘᴀʀᴋ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ/ʏᴏᴜ
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->He is the sweetest and softest boyfriend in the world.(besides eli and zack ofc)
->The first time he met you was probably back when he was still being bullies by the fat fu–i mean logan lee.he admired you for being confident enough to stand up to him and not getting your ass back to you.Mainly because you were the principal's kid.
->Anyways,after you defended him from logan,you befriended him.well,not really but still you tried to if it weren't for daniel's overwhelming anxiety of thinking that he'll be in trouble for just breathing next to you.
->So after you two became friends,it was going well.he wasn't being bullied anymore and he even got a friend that didn't give a damn on what he looks like.you are extremely patient with him and he respected you for that.this goes on for 2 months until you transferred schools.
->Appearantly,your dad wanted you to focuse more on your studies than the piggy you're friends with.you argued with him for a while,until he basically forced you to transfer schools.you say goodbye to daniel and promised him that you'll come back for him.
->And back to hell he goes.
->He was devasted when he learns your father forced you to transfer schools.he lost his only friend because of him,and now his life has gone back to square one!just great...
->But of course that didn't last too long and he also transfer schools which he hoped it was the same as yours so he can meet you again.
->And when he discovered that he had two bodies,he thought he could've had a chance with you since...you know.a world where the unattractive people are treated like dirt and the good-looking people are idolized and worshipped.so,he thought you would like him with his much more slimmer and more handsome body.
->He introduced himself in school,beat zack lee's ass and had a bunch of girls fawning over him and yet he still can't find you.
->But later on,he did.
->It was the third day of school and he was in the fashion department,where he saw you.he was excited but paused since he remembered that if he talked to you in his tall body,you wouldn't recognize him.
->After thinking,maybe it wouldn't be bad if he were to chat with you even if he's in different body.so,after gathering enough courage he speaked to you and my,my,were those some envious glares that were staring right through you.
->He was very nervous in the inside thinking you would just reject him on the spot but you didn't.
->You smiled and shook his hand like you were buddies and you two hanged out ever since.
->Of course you became part of the group with his friends and highkey everyone thinks that you guys should date.which you waved your hand at them disapprovingly,telling them that you already liked someone which truly breaks daniel's heart.
->He guessed that he really doesn't stood a chance with you.well,that's what he thought.he met you again,but this time with his original body.
->You smiled happily at him,greeting him and hugging him while telling you missed him so much that he couldn't help but blush hard from the contact and you're words.
->You asked him how was he from the past month,and he told you it was fine,nothing special.you two kept chatting like this until the late midnight strucks and you had to go now.but that wasn't the last time he would be seeing you.
->Every night now that you will visit him,bring him some snacks in case he got hungry,chatting with him about your day and always asking him if he had a good time,god he can't really cover the blush on his cheeks.
->Of course there are some rude costumers who makes remarks about him and why does he always blush with someone too good for him.in return,you told them to fuck off and mind their own business instead of coming inside to insult someone who's working.
->If they are some god complexed guys,then looks like you two will be hearing the longest rant of why daniel is just a fat piece of shit that doesn't deserve someone attractive like you and why you should just date them instead.which you responded with,
->"Why would i date garbage?"
->Welp,great job for destroying their pride.they will never visit the store ever again.you huffed and contiued to chat with daniel who still had his jaw dropped into the floor and only closed it,when you tell him there will be a fly going inside of it if he didn't close his mouth.
->After maybe like....a year or something,when he finally gained more confidence with his original body,he finally confessed to you.and you accepted it which caught him off guard cause he didn't really expects you to say yes and also for the fact that you told him in his taller body that you had already liked someone else.
->He asked you about that which in respond,you laughed and told him that HE is the one you liked.
->Daniel became a shy blushing mess after that.
->But we all know,daniel's secret of having two bodies will be found out by you anyway.it wasn't hard but you put two to two together,and boom,you confronted him about it.
->He was conflicted and tried to hide it once more,but you coaxed him gently that this is a private matter and you won't tell anyone about this EVER.which kinda makes him calm down a little,but he still has some worries but eventually he does tell you about it.
->You do two will have to worry,because sometimes you two sometimes forget that he has two bodies.and you are STILL dating daniel(his original body)which almost everyone thinks you are cheating on him with daniel(his taller body)if it weren't for the fact you managed to convince them that you two were just joking around.
->Now you two vow to never be lovey-dovey with his normal body in school or anywhere else at all,since it might take risk for someone to find out about his secret.
->So,the only time he actually got to be more affectionate is where no one can see you.also,lucky you for having two comfortable bodies that can give you the most heart-warming hugs/cuddles that you can ever dream of.
->Also,like i said before,daniel is one of the sweetest and softest boyfriends ever.
->He is always blushing over every compliment you have him,and is definetely the type to kiss your cheek or forehead every and each night before going to sleep.
->His dates are simple,either going to a cafe or to the theaters,it still gave you two a fun time.
->Also,i am very sure that daniel's mom will love you,A LOT.
->And yeah,remember the one chapter where sophia(?)i think her name is in the one night II arc.you had never thought that the cute young boy infront of your apartment will be the same chubby boy that you dated for 3 months.the change was immaculate,that you almost didn't recognize daniel for a whole minute.
->Yeah but overall,you and daniel may be wary for the dangers in the near future but you two are happy together nonetheless.
->Daniel is also lowkey thinking on what you two might had in the future.he does wish that after a few more years of dating,and when he finally had enough money to buy a new place to live in,you two will get married.
->But we all know you are going to accept it,you are so inlove with this sweet boi that you will gladly accept the marriage proposal he will do in the future.
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fruitcoops · 2 years
would you write something about Leo being insecure about his age/how he’s so young compared to the team & finnlo? I sure would love to read it!
Sure thing! If anyone knows whether the tiktok contact paper hack actually works, please let me know. Character credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
“Yes, my Nutter Butter-iest darling?”
“Is it weird that you’re almost five years older than me?”
“In my opinion, no.”
“We were never in high school at the same time.”
“Logan is only nine months younger than you.”
Cellophane crinkled as Finn set his book down; one ‘hack’ from Tiktok and eight hours later, every book in the apartment looked like it had been stolen from the local library. “He is,” Finn agreed. “Does it bug you?”
“Sometimes.” Finn’s shifting paused. Leo kept his eyes on his page, heart thudding in his chest. He swallowed around the lump in his throat. Why was it always so hard to find the right words when they talked about this?
“Not—it’s not things that you do,” he added when it became clear Finn was struggling for a response. “I’m happier with the two of you than I’ve ever been in my life. The gap doesn’t bother me because I know myself and I know you, but I do think about it and I wanted you to know.”
The corner of Finn’s mouth dipped; he rubbed an absent thumb over the thin leaf of contact paper protecting the embossed cover, then looked up with a quiet intensity in his eyes. “You’re a different person than you were in high school. I am, too. And I’m a different person than I was in college, for better and for worse.”
“Better and worse?”
His freckled nose scrunched slightly under the bridge of his glasses. His gaze dropped to his book, though Leo could tell he wasn’t reading a word. Finn did that, sometimes—the long pause to collect his thoughts. It was unbearably endearing.
“I’m more open, now,” he said at last. “I’m kinder. I’m smarter. I’m braver than I ever pretended to be back then.” He got that funny look on his face again, the one Leo had come to associate with ‘thinking about Harvard’, and not the fun parts. “But I’m also more cautious with my friends. I worry more. I’m not as daring.”
“You’re still daring,” Leo said softly. Finn looked up with a smile, then over to the freshly-organized bookshelves. They had spent hours on it, the pair of them. Finn’s calm attention guided Leo through the constant fear he was going to fuck up one of his boyfriend’s precious novels like a lighthouse in the storm.
NHL salary, baby, he had said when guilt over a misaligned corner overwhelmed Leo. Besides, you know how I feel about tiny bookstores.
He watched Finn’s chest rise and fall in a sigh. “I wish I had been less daring and more brave.”
“I think you were exactly what you needed to be.”
“I think I did the best I could with what I had.”
“I think—” Leo groaned as he hauled himself upright and dragged Finn, grinning now, over to lay across his chest. “—that you were being very brave, and very kind, and very smart while I was off getting my heart broken by a jock with stupid hair.”
“If it helps, I had pretty stupid hair in college,” a soft voice said. Leo raised his head and met Logan’s wry smile where he was leaning in the doorway. “In case you needed something to bond over.”
God, Leo was so glad they could joke about that, now. It still made him ache to think about the endless pining they put themselves through, but Logan and Finn had returned from their Cup run with a few essential cracks sealed up. He cracked a smile at Logan and caught a split-second wink. “How long have you been there?”
Logan half-shrugged. Long enough. “I know I said I didn’t want you at Harvard, but there are parts of it that would have been better with you. It would have been nice to have a study partner who could sit still for more than 30 seconds.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Finn scoffed through kisses to the bend of Leo’s neck.
Leo opened his arm and Logan complied immediately, taking full and shameless advantage of their new couch to squish Leo into the back of the couch without knocking Finn to the floor. A smacking kiss to the cheek made him laugh—Leo shifted until he was sandwiched between Finn’s solid warmth and Logan burrowing into the front of his tshirt.
When he closed his eyes, it was almost too easy to imagine. Finn, doing his reading while Leo distracted Logan from his fancy business classes. They could be in the library, or a shared dorm, or some secluded area of Harvard where nobody would bother them…
“C’est compliqué,” Logan sighed into the bend of Leo’s throat. “The funny thing for me is that I wouldn’t have felt like this if we met then.”
Leo paused. Logan had told him he loved him a thousand times, had said it silently even more. “…you wouldn’t?”
“You were, what, 15?” His expression was entirely unbothered when he looked up, teasing and playful. “Un bébé. And I was entirely stupid and repressed.”
“But it’s the same gap.”
“But it was different people.” Logan placed a kiss on the dip of his sternum without breaking eye contact. He cupped the side of Leo’s face in one palm, tracing his cheekbone with a soft smile. “You said it yourself. You were busy doing high school stuff. We would have had nothing in common. Now, we do.”
High school stuff, Leo thought as he ran a hand through Logan’s hair and let his head fall back against the armrest. As much as he hated to think about it, Logan was right—the NHL had given them a point of contact, something to build a foundation on. If they had met two, three, four years ago…well, Leo would have been just another moon-eyed high schooler hoping for his big break. He wouldn’t have the experience of getting his heart broken. He wouldn’t have the sense to understand why he should love them quietly in public and loud at home.
His younger self would never believe how happy he was now.
“I love you,” he said.
Logan’s lips twitched with a smile. You figured it out, it said. Leo couldn’t help his blush. “Je t’aime, aussi.”
Behind him, Finn shifted until his chin poked Leo’s shoulder. “Wait, did I miss something?”
“Just me putting puzzle pieces together, Harz,” Leo said without looking away from Logan. Pretty boy. Logan bit his lip and leaned up for a slow kiss that drew a sigh from the bottom of Leo’s lungs.
Logan’s hand settled on his collarbone, rubbing gently over it before he leaned back until just their foreheads touched. “This is hard to talk about for you, sometimes.”
It wasn’t a question. Leo nodded.
He could taste Logan’s smile in the next kiss. “Merci beaucoup, mon soleil.”
How could so much happen in 18 months? Leo wondered to himself as he relaxed into the couch cushions and let Logan rearrange him into prime snuggling position. A deep, happy sigh warmed his bicep when Finn settled down again; on days like this, when high school felt so close and the last two years blurred, he really couldn’t believe his luck.
Leo closed his eyes, one hand coming up to rest between Logan’s shoulder blades. Sheer dumb luck had brought them here. In an alternate universe, he would have been snapped up by a different team. He would have gone to college, himself. Or perhaps Logan and Finn would already be together, or still too afraid to do more than agonize over each other. Perhaps everything would go as it had, but none of them would have been brave enough to step up.
But luckily Finn had always been braver than he thought he was, and Logan had let his fire burn past the fear, and Leo had been right there to catch them both before they tipped over the edge. It had brought them to where they were now; he wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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lily-janus · 1 year
Take A Break
Summary: Logan first thinks of Janus as a smart but lazy person, but he's about to be proven wrong.
Pairing: pre-romantic loceit
Warnings: none that I can think of but do let me know if I missed any.
Word count: 1,225
For @loceitweek day 3 Law School/Astronamy
(I have no idea how law school work so it might sound more like regular school but bare with me😅)
"...and then I will argue that the evidence is not really reliable because- are you listening?" Logan stopped his explanation, noticing that his… partner was, once again, not paying attention.
"Hm?" Janus hummed, focusing his gaze on Logan's own, "were you saying something?" He smirked, knowing full well how that will annoy Logan.
"You know as well as I that I've been," he used air quotes, " 'saying something', for the past hour. We need to do this assignment perfectly, Janus." Logan said, exasperated by his classmate.
Okay, don't tell Janus that, but Logan really does think Janus was an incredibly intelligent person, there were multiple occasions throughout the semester where Janus had impressed Logan with his arguments.
That being said, Janus had a tendency to be… extremely frustrating. Acting cocky and smug most of the time, egging people on with no more reason than simple amusement… and, of course, his cryptic way of behaving. And, for some unknown reason, Janus seems to enjoy annoying Logan the most out of all their classmates.
Always cornering him after lectures, arguing with him during lessons no matter what side he chooses, or are assigned to.
So, when they were chosen to work this assignment together… Logan was, at the very least, not pleased. Not that he'd ever defy the will of their teacher, so he was stuck with his smug classmates who didn't seem to care enough to even listen to Logan's ideas.
Janus shrugged, "maybe I know that, and maybe I don't, I could have a very short attention span for all you know about me, which isn't much besides my brilliant intelligence that I repeatedly show in class." Janus smirked smugly again.
Logan let out a frustrated sigh, "can we just be serious long enough to finish this?" He asked, on the verge of begging. He never ever failed at anything and he's not about to let Janus change that.
Janus groaned, "Jesus, Teach, ever heard of relaxing? We still got months until the due date." He pointed out.
"While true, you neglect the fact that this assignment is only one out of many others we have from other classes, plus my reputation to hand in assignments early-" but he was interrupted by another, rather exaggerative, groan from Janus.
"You talk a lot." Janus complained.
Logan could feel his eye twitching in annoyance, "well, it would seem like I'm the only one out of the two of us who's doing anything, why are you even in law school if you're not willing to put effort into anything?" Logan asked with a groan of his own, not really looking for an answer, mostly wanting to annoy Janus back.
But of course, that didn't work, as Janus' smirk only grew, seeming more satisfied the more frustrated Logan became. "I wouldn't say that, I put lots of effort into my studies, I'm just balancing it more so I won't get overwhelmed and burned out. Surely you can appreciate a healthy work balance, right Teach?"
Logan's fist hit the table, "stop calling me that!"
Janus was unphased, "how about… professor? Nerd? Glasses? Ooh, maybe Specs?"
"How about simply Logan?" Logan suggested, as calmly as he could.
Janus faked thinking it over before shaking his head, "nah, I like Specs best."
With a growl of frustration, Logan dropped his pen and pushed his chair away from the desk, "I think we're done for today.."
Janus clapped his hands together in glee before standing up, "marvelous! Same time next week?" He winked at Logan.
Logan blushed slightly at the gesture for some reason, "ah.. sure."
Janus smirked again, "it's a date, Specs!" He called as he walked out of Logan's dorms.
That statement caused Logan's blush to deepen, which was… odd.
"Oh he is totally flirting with you, Lo!" Roman, his roommate, said after Logan finished telling him about Janus.
Logan huffed, "I doubt annoying me is considered flirting." Roman was being ridiculous again, there's no way!
Roman shook his head with a sigh, "sometimes I forget how little you understand about the delicate art of romance." He said, "it's because he likes you!"
Logan almost laughed at Roman's statement, "that's absurd, we're both completely different and he always gets out of his way just to get a rise out of me and… always corners me after class and…" he trailed off in thought.
"And trying to get your attention and more time to be with you?" Roman finished for him with a knowing smile.
The more Logan thought about it now, the more Roman's explanation made sense… is he feeling the same way?
"Oh my stars! You're blushing! You like him too! Oh, the robot finally found his heart!" Roman swooned, placing both his hands on his heart in a dramatic gesture.
Logan shook his head, "n-no, no. Janus doesn't like me and I don't like him."
Roman was still smiling knowingly at him, "ah ha, sure, whatever you say, Calculator Watch." He winked at him.
"You're late." Logan said when Janus finally showed up to their second meeting to work on their assignment.
As usual, Janus was unphased, he simply walked in, took his seat on Roman's red beanbag, put his legs up on a chair and leaned back on his hands. Choosing the most dramatic position to show his carefree attitude towards this assignment that they were supposed to work on together.
"Sorry, Specs, it took longer than I thought it would, but I'm here now aren't I?" Janus looked up at Logan to where he sat in front of his work desk.
"It?" Logan asked, "what were doing that took so long?" He asked, barely two seconds passed and he was already starting to get annoyed. What could possibly be more important than law school? Does Janus hold no regards to-
"Our assignment, of course." Janus said casually, halting Logan's thoughts in their place for a minute.
"Excuse me?" Logan asked, surely he didn't hear that correctly.
Janus smirked and handed Logan the notebook he's been holding, "o-u-r a-ssign-ment." He said slowly, emphasizing every syllable.
Eyeing Janus suspiciously, Logan took the notebook and looked it over… he really did do it…
Janus suddenly hopped to his feet, offering Logan his hand, "now that the boring stuff is out of the way, it's time for you to relax with me." He smirked at him.
Logan frowned, "what do you mean?"
Janus sighed, "I really need to spell it out to you, huh?" He chuckled to himself, "fine. Logan, will you go on a date with me?"
Logan flushed a deep red, "b-but there's still work to-"
"Logan." Janus cut him off, suddenly serious, "you really need to learn to take breaks from time to time, you're not helping anyone by running yourself to the ground."
"I'm… not running anywhere, let alone to the ground…" Logan stammered, trailing off.
Janus snickered again, "it means you're overworking yourself, c'mon, I'll take you to my favorite Cafe' on campus." Janus gently grabbed one of his hands and tagged on it.
Still flushing, Logan gave in, putting Janus' notebook on his desk before standing up and following Janus.
Perhaps Janus had a point, he doesn't remember taking a single break other than sleep since the start of semester. And, well, Janus wasn't the worst person to take his first break with…
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rottentiger-art · 1 year
Hm I think all the theories make sense. That second proposal is definitely (to me at least) the end of the movie. There’s clips in the trailer of everyone dancing in the same casual outfits in the same spot meaning everyone is there for that proposal. it’s almost like the initial wedding became too big and too overwhelming for Quinn. so Logan or whoever gets everyone to plan this last minute thing at pca that’s more intimate. Whether it’s just a re proposal or a wedding we don’t know. And yes the whole thing can be hard to tell because Quinn looks genuinely happy in most of the shots besides a few so it’s definitely a last minute thing of running off. He could be re-proposing with another more simple ring, maybe one Quinn has mentioned before hence why she already is wearing one. her hairs snorting cause she doesn’t have long extensions in most people do for their wedding. I don’t know why people are worried about a breakup that 100% won’t happen and as much as I would like bliss and butterflies, thinking about whatever Logan must say to make it right has be squealing LOL. Also I’ve seen people mention to wedding dresses but one is clearly the rehearsal dress
I mean, Zoey is holding a bouquet on the scene of Logan "proposing" to Quinn, so I'm hoping it's a more intimate surprise wedding and we do get to see them getting married in this movie, even if it's at the end.
omg I want to hear what he says to propose, Quinn seems touched, so it must have been something beautiful. I can't wait for this movie, I miss them so much.
I think the rehearsal dress is actually not a dress, if I'm not mistaken, I think those are white pants (which I love, seems very Quinnly) but I'm not totally sure. Like sometimes I see a dress and others pants lol.
Tumblr media
also can we talk about how cute this pose is? I'm melting.
I worry about a breakup bc I'm paranoid tbh, I really don't want them to ruin Quogan. But I'll take a not wedding as long as they're together (but I will be pissed and complain and write a wedding fic myself if I don't get one)
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whqreforstevengrant · 2 years
Sander Sides Highschool AU
General Information
Everyone is 17
11th graders
Roman, Virgil, Thomas, & Janus are all in Drama club together.
Patton is in cheerleading.
Along with Drama club Roman is also on the football team.
Remus does Hockey.
Logan is in Chess club
Virgil is Thomas protective older half brother.
while Virgil isn’t a bully people do fear him bc no one knows much about him outside of being Thomas’s brother.
Virgil Storm
I’m gonna start with him first seeing how the story revolves more around him and logan bc their my faves & deserves the world 😝.
6’4 and gay
Stoner gang
He really kept to himself until Logan moved to Florida.
Virgil’s closest friend is Patton, they basically grew up together after Thomas brought him home for a play date in kindergarten.
Virgil is the drama club techie despite his ability to sing just as well as the others but this is also mainly bc he is absolutely terrified of acting in-front of strangers.
After Patton the next Virgil met was Janus, he saved him from a bullying situation in 3rd grade, which they got along good until 7th grade to which Virgil became paranoid of Janus secrecy to where they just became kinda distant.
Virgil met Remus before Roman, he was dumpster diving and scared the absolute shit out of Virgil on his walk home from school in 6th grade.
Was absolutely stunned to know that Remus was related to Roman but the more he thought about it the more odd similarities came up.
Didn’t trust Remy at first with Thomas but warmed up to him after pulling an all nighter together binging the office to where Thomas fell asleep.
He fell first, and felt really guilty about it.
Logan Berry
5’7 and Demi
Logan was okay with his height until he moved to Florida.
I hope y’all could tell that’s a hearing aid on his ear. (will and has turned it off mid conversation, mostly on the Charming twins)
He’s moved there from the New York city orphanage. (He has the accent and the others find it funny when he’s grumbling like an old man)
The first person Logan met was the one and only Remus Charming. Logan was pretty sure that he was the embodiment of crazy Florida men.
Then it was Patton who was in his Home Ec class and invited him to lunch to which he didn’t regret until he spilled sloppy joe all over Virgil.
It was an embarrassing moment and he completely expected to be clocked out but Virgil seemed more terrified than he was, quickly assuring Logan so he could speed walk out the lunchroom.
Logan completely gave up on getting lunch that day after that and just sat at the table with Patton to where he met everyone else and was very embarrassed when Virgil came back with a different hoodie and they formally met.
Thomas Sanders
5’11 and gay
Younger brother of Virgil by 7 months.
Knows sign language bc/for Virgil whenever he felt overwhelmed with anxiety.
Bonded with Patton over cookies in kindergarten.
When the Charming twins moved into the neighborhood in 5th grade Thomas became friends with Roman first not aware of Remus’s existence until the next year.
Romans excuse was that he never asked.
His circle was pretty much Roman, Patton, and Virgil with the odd tag along of Remus and Janus until 7th grade where he met his future boyfriend and mom friend.
Remy liked Thomas first but would never admit to it even tho he did ask out Thomathy first.
Met Logan the day he bumped into Virgil with the sloppy joe, and gave logan a glare for mortifying his brother but quickly got over it once Logan began talking about broadway.
Remy Siesta
6’0 and Pan
100% bleeds starbucks.
Has really bad insomnia but calls his bags gucci.
Remy is a little insecure about his eye bags but is quickly reassured once Thomas starts kissing all over his face.
He had a hallway crush on Thomas for about a year until Picani chalked him up to actually talk to Thomas.
Remy was full aware of Virgil’s original contempt for him. Those glares were killer and what kinda kept him off from asking out Thomas for a while.
A party person but not a party addict, he mainly just loves sleeping in on weekends with Thomas.
Remus Charming
6’1 and Gay
Stoner gang
He’s never really offended whenever someone is shocked that he’s related to Roman.
They both don’t mean to keep it a secret but iykyk.
Remus can well afford pretty much anything he wants but enjoys dumpster diving or thrifting so he could make it better.
Him and Roman get along as tolerant as siblings can but don’t be fooled they are ride or die for one another.
Both of them are Puerto Rican and Spaniard! and is fluent in Spanish as that’s their family’s first language.
Remus’s streak of white is a birthmark known as poliosis and runs strongly through his mother’s side of the family.
Really open and honest, and days what comes to mind. his intrusive thoughts truly wins everyday with him.
Eats pickled ginger & blood sausage as a snack and it truly disgusts everyone associated with him except his mother for she also enjoys blood sausage.
Completely did not expect to fall for Patton, but when he figured out that Patton returned his feelings he did put Patton on hold in fear of he chose the wrong twin and that he “corrupted” him.
Roman Charming
6’0 and Bi
A dramatic himbo is how most sum him up.
Schools golden boy, their quarterback star, and lead actor in most of their plays.
The pressure does get to him sometimes though.
The R in his jacket was embedded by Virgil.
Lives right next door to Patton and was the first person he talked to and was introduced to Thomas and Virgil thru him.
Roman and Virgil had their banter of course but bonded over art pretty quickly.
Him and Janus definitely became academic enemies to lovers, but it was more over the spots in the plays.
But then he quickly soon started falling for Janus and all his sarcasm.
Janus Guile
5’8 and Pan
Use to be bullied a lot in elementary school until Virgil stood up for him and everyone quickly cut the shit.
Janus was always wary of people and didn’t really trust anyone but himself.
He did genuinely enjoy being Virgil’s friend tho and he does enjoy being everyone in his circle friend but he doesn’t ever allow himself to get too attached so you could imagine the fear for when he fell for the Hotshot Roman Charming.
Super sarcastic tho, think Chandler Bing but worse.
Pretty well known and popular by high school mainly bc of him also being a leading role in the school plays too.
Patton Hart
5’9 and Gay or Moronsexual as Virgil refers to him.
The dad friend, still makes dad jokes and is super supportive of everyone.
The sweetheart, but can be super passive aggressive whenever your talking down on yourself. (Has punched Virgil several times)
Cheer Captain
The way he can flip and bend is absolutely mind blowing.
Never seen Remus on the day of the Charming’s moving in but met him later in their towns local skating rink.
They had played Ice Hockey together and quickly bonded over the fact that Patton gave Remus a real challenge.
Gets along with everyone no problem.
When Patton did confess to Remus though he was really hurt that Remus implied what he did but everything eventually turned out for them.
Emile Picani
Logan isn’t the mom friend he is.
Emile lives in the same housing area with Remy and they practically grown up together.
Remy was the only one who really binged watched Cartoons with him and still do.
Emile is also really supportive and a good listener, he tries his best when people vent to him to give a good response.
Don’t worry though whenever he needs to vent Remy is always there for him.
1000% a secret party animal, he’s gotta keep up with Remy somehow.
That’s why he couldn’t just sit there and watch his bsf pine over Thomas and quite literally shoved him into talking to him granted he almost got murdered by Virgil.
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Logan's/Mateo's behaviour/personality explanation (I'll make text smaller since I think it's quite. Long.)
TW: Self-harm, suicidal/stalker-ish behaviour, mentions of ED and PTSD
Logan is a complex character, so here's a straightforward explanation to his behaviour as I see people mischaracterize him for some sweet and "would never hurt a fly" man. (P.s he would hurt a fly and smash it across the wall)
Logan is reckless and selfless, he doesn't value his own life and health due to him knowing he's immortal as long as his pocket watch is in a decent working state. He will overwork himself just to manage to help his loved ones in time even when they didn't ask for it, to the point some people left him because they felt constantly overwhelmed and worried about his state.
That man is suicidal and harms himself. His right arm is corrupted and is seen as a skinny and deformed limb (if not covered by his prosthetic one) because he would constantly leave cuts and scratches from overstressing before entering the hourglass pocket, where old scars from trauma would corrupt and mutate a person. He still has a habit of scratching his prosthetic arm, even if it's just metal. Logan has tried to crack his pocket watch and end it all in his manor game after getting rid of everybody, but passed out from Mateo knocking him out.
Until he turned 8, he was isolated 24/7 from his actual family (his siblings and uncle) not knowing he wasn't the only child, and that he was one of the favourites. After growing and realising this, he became really curious and desperate for straight forward answers. If people never answered his questions which meant a lot for his situation, he would have a stalker-ish behaviour. At times, he would go after one person for a month just to get an answer to his question and then leave. If the truth after investigation dissatisfied him, he would become way more closed with the person and avoid them.
He has horrible issues with alcohol, he's an alcoholic. He tries to always drink alone and isolate himself during such periods as he knows people might not like his habit.
The man makes contracts with desperate people at their lowest who crave to feel their better past or restore their memories, basically giving them THE ONLY choice as he's at some point "a golden coin amongst junk" situation for them, making it so they wouldn't read the whole contract. He enjoys how vulnerable and desperate they can be, but at times he sees how some of them can have tragic stories, feeling empathy for them, yet he still makes that contract. If they dare to be unloyal to one of the rules of it, he will make sure that person will never exist again despite if there was a reason for them to do this.
Logan is touch starved (quite obvious I know). He craves an affectionate touch which isn't just out of pity, but because some people actually like him. With some people he will always be more clingy and touchy (as long as they're okay with it), patting their hair and shoulder, clinging onto their arm like a child. He craved as a kid to be treated kindly and with genuine love and care by his parents for 8+ years for WHO he is and not what he CAN do and what he can become.
He's 100+ yr, mentally he's 45~ yr. He's skinny because of his ED, and has horrible PTSD from a sight of a fire bigger than a single lit candle.
He isn't the kindest. He's very judgemental of mortals, especially the ones who are connected to religion/cults heavily, as he doesn't trust much of them due to being betrayed by a whole group and being burned down in his own house by them.
He can still feel sympathy, of course, but it's rare, and it's even more rare with humans. The only person he bonds with the best is Logan, seeing him as his little nephew but he still at times mistreats him by giving him inability to sleep well, or no sleep at all due to his power side effects.
He's very self conscious, he hides in shadows all the time, only a few people can really get him out of there to talk to him. Mateo at times walks around the manor in his past mortal form, but it happens so rarely it's seems like a dream if you really did.
He's most of the time aggressive to other people or even threatens them, but never manipulative.  He only does that to avoid getting attached to somebody, to escape that feeling of grief, unfairness and pain again.
He has issues with smoking, the only time he isn't absolutely terrified and paranoid from source of fire is when lighting a cigarette.
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oh my god you guys @loganmothman and i are working on a Good Omens AU and AAAAA ITS SO COOL
most of this brainrot so far is my doing, but to be fair it was his idea first (and when we get a plot going i will be writing and he will be drawing :DD right? i think so- (logan plz confirm that)
ANYWAYS! enjoy this for now! there will prolly be more info added later hehe :3
Church AU Brainrot
-Crowley- 🐍
- serpent from eden, became a priest to avoid the choice between heaven and hell
- holy water tears, leaving scars due to the half of him that is still hell incarnate
- he/him (secretly he/they)
- feels extreme guilt on behalf of both sides of him, when he does something good he betrays hell and when he does something bad he betrays heaven
- religious trauma to the MAX (if that wasn’t obvious already)
- becomes good friends with Nina and Maggie (will develop backstory for that later)
- often very quiet. he doesn’t lead any like mass, he mostly just hides in the background (to avoid being found out by the churchgoers) but he does occasionally allow people in to see him one on one (this is a very rare occurrence tho)
- remembers the angel of the east gate, and thinks about her often. he can’t really figure out why, but he often feels like she’s there with him.
- They were together (as in how they are in the show, running into each other every once in a while) until 1827 (grave robbing minisode) when Crowley decided to become a priest. He was overwhelmed with uncertainty about how good heaven actually is, but he didn’t want to stay with hell and be forced to hurt people, or let them hurt themselves.
- he often writes in a journal, sometimes seeking God’s help and sometimes seeking Satan’s. (it’s like his personality is split in half, and when he feels both he is in immense emotional distress)
- When he gets very stressed/angry his eyes turn full snake and he has to step outside of the church (consecrated ground)
- when he feels happy (rarely) or feels love (aka the presence of Azi) his eyes turn blue
How Crowley met Nina and Maggie:
There’s a small apartment right above Nina’s coffee shop, and one above Maggie’s record shop. Nina has her own apartment, so when Crowley got his Hell Appointed apartment taken from him- he didn’t know what to do. Nina noticed him living out of his Bentley and offered for him to rent out the apartment. Because he doesn’t make much money as a priest, he helps out at the shop when he can and collects tips to begin paying off his debt to Nina. (Even though Maggie has convinced her not to make him pay as much as often. We also see a little of Maggie and Nina’s relationship explored through Crowley’s interactions with them. Because of their love, he begins to find hope for himself- later finding out about the ineffable bureaucracy and having a crisis)
-Aziraphale- 🪽
- Angel of The East Gate
- uses all pronouns (i use she for her mostly tho)
- A representation of a biblically accurate angel (multiple halos, tons of glowy eyes and extreme power)
- fell in love with Crowley in the garden of eden.
- Azi did have a “human ish disguise” up until the incident in 1827, where Crowley decides to become a priest due to not wanting to get punished for saving and helping people. Azi was therefore banished to heaven for failing to “defeat evil”
- They were obviously distraught to be torn away from him, especially when he could use guidance now so she started to secretly watch over him when she could. they became a guardian angel of sorts
- behind the scenes she’s been trying to find a way to get back to earth for him
- Started her studies to become a “better servant of god” which then in turn made her a guardian Angel of sorts
- they desperately want to help Crowley choose (mostly heaven but it’s a guilty thought for them) so he isn’t stuck in this terrible limbo between
- Azi isn’t respected in heaven, but he holds out hope and never lets it get him down. they’re the good guys, so whatever they do has reason :) (oh yeah, she’s got trauma too. very very blinded. she struggles to understand why Crowley won’t pick a side, but she loves him anyway)
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crcve · 7 months
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𓏲  *   ( logan lerman, cismale, he/him, harry styles cc )   ⸺   pictures of EVAN COHEN have been showing up all over my feed, and considering the last time they were #trending, it was due to yelling at the paps outside of a club — i'm not likely to unfollow anytime soon. with their wide leg black pants, white undershirt with a sweatshirt on top and comfortable high top sneakers, i'm not surprised to hear that they are considered part of the BLUE BLOODS. after thirty years, they've managed to garner a reputation for being more captivating than frenzied, but their critics say that they're more fickle than passionate when they aren't too busy focusing on their at least folded corners of a journal, unsent letters and scribbled out words, barely decorated and cold penthouse, scratched out polaroids, the feeling of finding the theatre seats empty when you're backstage, cinnamon gum and black coffee. when they aren't occupied with their work as a musician, they've been sighted painting portraits of his closest friends. reputation.com has taken to calling them VENOM in order to avoid a lawsuit ( again ).  ──  pinterest tbd.  
grew up to trevor cohen [ one of the biggest film directors/producers in hollywood ] and rachel cohen [ his muse ].
his parents rose to fame due to their love story. classic film lovers and rachel inspired a lot of trevor's filmography. they were almost love letters to her and it was very much a honeymoon stage for the majority of their relationship.
and though their relationship had been solid to everyone in hollywood, there was always something stopping them from settling down together, mainly from trevor's side.
evan came along, a very unexpected surprise and though his mother was THRILLED, trevor was terrified. he never wanted kids. his biggest fear was having kids and not being good enough for them.
that fear drove him away from evan during the most important years of his life, the time he needed his father the most. he was so scared of screwing things up, he just didn't try at all.
trevor avoided showing any signs of parental love towards evan and instead of encouraging his musical talent, he resented him. he didn't want him in the spotlight and he brought him down as if that would pull him away from it.
when evan turned sixteen, he secretly auditioned for the xfactor and was eventually eliminated. which was embarrassing to go back home with considering this was his shot to prove his dad wrong. his mother was the mediator and tried to encourage evan either way.
a few days later, he got a call that they were interested in making a boy band with him and a few other contestants from the show. evan was a little bit wary of the idea but at this point, there was not much else to do so he said yes, mainly to escape from his father's disappointing glares.
obviously, the band took off and became the largest most popular boyband in the country. [i.e one direction]
and suddenly, evan was launched into overnight fame.
nights alone in his bedroom singing were replaced by a lot of responsibilities. recording, press, tours, albums.. etc it was all very overwhelming for him.
the fame got to him and he fell into a deep party/fuckboy phase. got into a lot of scandals in the media and his publicists found him to be a nightmare to work with.
im leaving this up to plotting but a specific scandal/incident shook him into wanting to change. that was when he decided to quit the band and go solo.
he went on to release two studio albums, garnering a lot of new fans that didn't really like him in his boyband.
he eventually grew to love acting too so he went into it, booking a few roles like don't worry darling, my policeman.
before the fame and the glamor, he was mostly a bookish loner. he never really went out and kinda kept to himself.
after the band, he partied a lot and was really messy. didn't care about anyone's feelings but his own and was really shit towards people / his own band.
he's now trying to be better and he's matured a lot too. so he's a reformed party boy. he's always one scandal/mess away from going back though so he's really trying his best to stay on a clear path.
harry styles [alternatively named EVAN]
fine line
evan's house
don't worry darling
my policeman
wanted connections;
he was rly messy at some point so literally anything goes
childhood friends pre fame
ex friends
exes / ex fwbs / ex situationship
pr relationships/friendships/enemies
pr incident that kind of made him want to stop being shitty
person he writes songs about constantly or someone he speaks to through music
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moonofthenight · 1 year
Next one I choose to trust, I hope I use some common sense
Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates! This is the outcome of a discord fic exchange and I am actually quite excited to post it here :) It’s been a hot minute since I wrote in @lumosinlove ‘s universe and the characters but I missed it. 
Cw: Regulus’ past, anxiety about the future
It was a cold Saturday morning in Gryffindor and Regulus found himself sitting on his bed in his brother's house, a white paper in his slightly shaking hands. He had expected it but actually holding it between his fingers made it so much more real, too real, if he was being honest with himself. 
Regulus Black’s life has been flipped upside down more than once in his few years on earth. When he was little, he went from playing ice hockey with his friends for fun to being in the NHL under the watch of his parents; then, his brother made national news and he suffered the consequences too and now his life is being flipped upside down once again. Only this time, it was his own choice that got him there. He simply wasn't used to being on his own, wasn't used to having his own free choice. Overwhelmed would be the word he would use if someone asked him how he felt at this moment. 
                      N e w  Y o r k  U n i v e r s i t y 
The letters stared at him and he stared right back. He should feel thrilled, right? This was what he wanted, or so he thought he did. He did want to go to university and NYU was his top choice so why- why was he feeling weird about it? Why was he not happy? He took a deep breath in.
Regulus was never one to cry, maybe it was because of his upbringing but he did however knew how it felt being so close to crying it would only take opening your mouth for the tears to spill over, so close that the lump in your throat almost hurts. What if he's not made for university? What if nobody will like him? What if people recognize him? What if he will be all on his own again?
And that was what the elephant in the room seemed to be, wasn’t it? He was not ready to be all by himself again. The more he thought about it, the more clear it became how little he actually knew about life outside of hockey. Friends, for example, are one of the most important things in life and he wasn’t sure how to make them. He didn’t think there really was a guideline, if he was honest, but the only close friend he made along the way, who didn’t count as a direct family, was Leo. And even he was connected to hockey. Hockey was always involved in some shape or form. And while he loved hockey, it was always and will always be connected to his parents and until a while ago, it was all he had, really. He never had something just for himself. 
He remembers the conversation they had a while ago quite vividly, about Reg’s future. Sirius loved his family, he really did but asking them for advice wasn’t the best thing at that time. They met at the Dumais’ house for dinner and they weren’t even half way through when Logan and Finn were talking over themselves, praising Harvard. Dumo tried to see the more reasonable side, while Remus was just quietly laughing to himself in the corner, being no help whatsoever and the others didn’t even have the chance to give input with Finn and Logan entertaining the whole house with their bickering. He had pulled Regulus aside after they finished eating, asking him what he wanted to do. His brother answered in a very small voice, as if he was ashamed to speak his wants out loud. New York University was something that was the talk of the night after the other’s heard of it too.
Sirius finds him like that a little later. He usually checks on Regulus a few times a day, respecting his privacy and choice of wanting to be alone but he missed his brother and nothing could stop him from checking in once in a while. At that moment, it seemed like it was a good thing he did. Regulus was still sitting on his bed, the letter open between his hands. Worry made its way into Sirius’ mind. It looked a lot like a rejection letter from a university to him. At least that’s what the last few letters addressed to Regulus were about. He knocked gently on the frame, to not startle his little brother. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked quietly.  Regulus blinked, his head turning slowly towards Sirius’ voice. “Mh?” “Did you-.” Sirius stopped himself, not knowing if it was the right thing to ask. Instead he said, “Which college is it?” 
“NYU,” came a quiet answer. Sirius sucked in a breath. Shit. 
Sirius breathed in, “Did you get rejected?”. To his complete surprise, Regulus shook his head, “No, I got accepted.” Sirius’ mouth dropped open, hands clapping excitedly, “That’s amazing, Reg!” It took him another moment to realise the lack of response from his brother’s side. “It is amazing, right?” 
A beat of silence. Another one. 
Regulus’ body shuddered. He wasn’t used to all those complicated emotions going through him right now, unsure how to handle the situation. 
“I want this. This is like, the first thing I chose for myself in a long time. Something I want. I should be excited. Why am I not excited,” Regulus choked out, voice thick with emotion. Sirius rushed over, sitting down in front of him on his bed with a respectful distance. 
“Talk to me Reg, it’s just me. You are safe with me.” That was what it came down to again, wasn’t it? He looked up again, finding his brother’s eyes looking at him. Safety. He can let go. He felt tears in his eyes building up, not quite spilling over yet. “I am scared,” he says in a small voice.
“Can I hug you?”
Before he could think of it, Regulus felt himself nod and not a second later, Sirius was scooping him up in his arms, holding his head close to his chest. Just like he did when we were kids. He returned the hug, snuggling a little closer. 
“I cannot say I know exactly how you feel but I want you to know that it's valid. It’s okay to be scared,” Sirius said. “I don't know how to make friends, how to not be on my own again,” he mumbles into his brother's chest. He felt Sirius’ calm breathing under his cheek, trying to follow it. “It’s going to be a big adjustment but Reg, it will be so freeing. I don’t know how to describe it differently. Just… let yourself be, enjoy yourself, find yourself and it's going to be okay. Be exactly who you are and the right people will find their way into your life. You just gotta let them in. Its scary as fuck but look where it got me, I couldn’t be happier.” His brother paused, stroking his head, before he continued, “I am so proud of you, Reg and I'll just be a call away, so will Leo or Remus or the rest of the family. You will never be on your own. I need you to understand that.”
“You sound like Dumo,” Regulus said, a little laugh escaping his throat. He felt Sirius’ laugh under his face, still squished against his chest. It makes Regulus chuckle again too. If Sirius heard it sounding a little wet, he didn’t mention it.
“The old man is rubbing off on me.”
“I’ll tell him you said he’s old.” Sirius laughed again at that and Regulus felt a kiss on his hair. 
“Okay,” Regulus said, pulling away from the hug, “Enough physical contact for today.” He shuffled away, leaning against the coussions and while Sirius was standing back up again and walking towards the door, they heard the bell ring.
“Are we expecting any visitors?” Regulus asked, wiping his nose. Sirius smiled a little sheepishly, stopping and leaning against the doorway. 
“I might have texted Leo before I came upstairs. I figured you needed a distraction. I saw the letter on the table this morning and when you didn't leave your room all day, I assumed the worst.” Regulus barely had the time to shoot him a grateful smile before said blonde boy came bolting up the stairs. 
“Regi!” Regulus smiled, glancing at his brother.
“Get out of here.” Sirius smiled too, making his way back to the bed to press a kiss on Regulus’ head once more, almost running into Leo while leaving the room for good now.
“On a scale of 1-10, how much recharging do you need?” Was the first thing Leo said when he fully entered the room. 
“Solid 8.”
“Recharging?”, Sirius asked, confusion clear on his face. Leo and Regulus shared a knowing look, trying not to laugh.
“Go find your partner, Cap,” Leo said, nodding his head in the direction of the stairs with a fond glint in his eyes. Sirius rolled his eyes at that, the little smile on his lips betraying him as he closed the door. 
Yeah, Regulus thought, he will miss this a lot but he will be okay.
Leo turned his attention back on Regulus now. “I brought emotional support ice cream and blueberry muffins, I didn't know what to expect. Sirius’ text didn’t give much away,” Leo said, a little wary. 
“Blueberry muffins,” Regulus said, his smile growing bigger. Leo screamed in joy, tackling Regulus to his bed. 
“I am so proud of you, I cannot believe you'll leave me,” Leo said, rolling them around. 
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typically-untypical · 2 years
Down by the Water
AU: Canon ish
CW: Suicide attempt
WC: 1227
Date: July 1st, 2022
 This wasn't the first time that he had been here, standing at the lake in the imagination, staring out at it, wondering if they would even notice he was gone. Logan had conjured himself a bench, sitting at it quietly. From the outside he looked like a picture-perfect version of peace, a quiet man, sitting on a quiet bench, by a quiet lake, but no one knew that inside there was a storm. Inside his mind, the winds raged, and howled, and spoke of terrible things. Inside his mind, the world was far from quiet. Every misdeed, every slight, every cruel word whipped around until they were almost indiscernible. Logan had been fighting with his own mind for a very long time. 
It hurt.
He knew that the words that he heard were real, they existed, but he also knew they weren't real. Patton might have asked him to be quiet, might have skipped his dialogue, but that didn't mean that he wanted Logan gone. Patton had been stressed, both times, he had lashed out because emotions for him were overwhelming and call consuming.
'What about you?'
What about him? He was logic, he didn't have emotions, didn't need them. It was far more important that Patton's emotional health was taken care of because Patton needed comfort, Patton needed care. Logan didn't need those things. He wasn't the heart, he didn't hold the emotional center of all of them. His emotions weren't needed. He didn't have emotions that needed to be taken care of. 
A wind picked up, creating ripples on the lake. It was mid-winter in the imagination. Roman had taken Virgil ice skating and Patton had tagged along, Logan had not been invited. He was certain if he asked they would allow him to go, but Logan liked clarity. He didn't like having to ask to be involved because he didn't want people to feel obligated to include him. Virgil was similar in that regard. They had figured it out after accepting him. Virgil's anxiety made it hard for him to understand that he was wanted. Virgil's anxiety was cared for, his needs were carefully addressed and there were often discussions of how they might be able to serve him better. Virgil was specifically invited to things because otherwise, he didn't feel as if he was wanted there. This courtesy was extended to Virgil because he had anxiety, and because he needed clarity.
'What about you?'
Logan didn't have anxiety. Logan wasn't afforded the same courtesy. When he opened his mouth to explain what he needed, he was silenced. When he discussed his desires, he was made into a joke. Logan thought back to when they became puppets to help with Thomas' struggle. When he couldn't change back, when he needed help, they laughed and walked away. Logan didn't have anxiety. Logan didn't need to be treated carefully because he was logic. He was strong. He was solid. Logic didn't need direct information. He could extrapolate from incomplete data.
He knew he wasn't wanted.
Pulling his leg onto the bench, Logan curled up, shivering slightly and closing his eyes. He had expected it to be cold, but he wasn't sure he realized how cold. Still, he didn't want to turn back now. If he did, what was the point? 
He was tired. Tired in a way that sleep and rest would never fix. He had been fighting so hard for so long. First, it was just Roman, Patton, and Virgil, but now it was Remus and Janus as well. He was tired of fighting, and it would be nice when he didn't have to fight anymore. 
He had sympathy for the others, not fully accepted by Thomas, but known. It couldn't have been easy. It was different from Logan, accepted, but not fully known, a ghost in his own life. Virgil had once called him the least popular. It was meant to be a pointless jab, a joke, a tease. Logan was sure that's what it was meant as, yet, Virgil had been proven right hadn't he? Tossed aside by both 'light' and 'dark'. Silenced, pushed to the edge, removed. Logan hoped this wasn't what they intended. Logan hoped that they would find him and be sorry, but he also hoped they would never find him at all, that he would be replaced by someone who meet their expectations. 
Dying wasn't like ducking out. When a side died, emergency procedures went into effect. Logan knew because he had experienced it once before. The split occurred when the original creativity died. Maybe there would be another split. Maybe this time it would be curiosity and procedure, or maybe it would just be another logic. He wasn't as complex as creativity had been. Logan doubted there was enough of him to split cleanly.
He started to lay down on the bench, his eyes falling closed. 
Maybe, with this, he would have freedom. That was something he had always envied about Remus. He was always so free. He did what he wanted, when he wanted, and everyone listened to him because he couldn't be ignored. Remus was a special talent, and Logan hated to admit it, but the chaotic side always had a method to his madness, even if he would never admit it. Maybe he knew this was what Logan would do. Maybe the reason he pushed was because he knew that Logan would shatter under the pressure.
Logan's eyes finally slid closed as he was cradled by the wind. This probably would have been quicker in his room, but if the new Logic formed there, he didn't want him to associate the room with such a gruesome sight.
"Micro-turd what are you doing here?"
He wasn't supposed to be found. Oh well, it was probably too late anyway.
"Nerd?" Remus' voice took on a much quieter tone, he almost couldn't hear it over the wind. That was okay, the darkness was calling him.
[Section break]
Was this what happened to sides when they died? This soft glow of warmness? If so, he was thankful this was what creativity had experienced. Logan had always worried about that, not that he would ever admit it. How could he? He wasn't supposed to have emotions.
"Pat, you need to bed," That was Virgil's voice. Why was he here? He shouldn't be here.
"I can't." Patton's voice broke and cracked, was he crying? "I can't just leave him here. What if he thinks we left him alone again? What if we don't notice something else?" Patton was crying for him? Why? It wasn't as if this wasn't an inevitable conclusion.
"I'll stay with him." That was Janus. Were they all here?
"Are you sure?" Patton's voice continued to wobble, and Logan wasn't sure what the response was because he couldn't see anyone yet, but he heard the chair shift and two sets of footsteps walked away.
He survived.
How did he survive?
A chair shifted, and Logan felt Janus' hand gently stroking his hair. "You scared us there Logan, please come back, everyone is worried." He wasn't sure he could believe that. They hadn't cared then, why would they care now. It was illogical. His breath must have shifted because Janus paused before he went back to stroking Logan's hair.
"I'm here, and we aren't letting you go. Rest."
Tag List: @simplestoryteller @fantasticfangirl21 @joylessnightsky @melaniidarling
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fanfictionwithchatgpt · 9 months
Once upon a time in 1979, the music world was abuzz with excitement as the gay comedy rock band "The Cajuns" hit the road for their very first nationwide tour. Comprised of three talented and quirky musicians – Matt, the bassist and vocalist, Logan, the guitarist, and Timmy, the drummer – The Cajuns were known for their wild on-stage antics, clever lyrics, and infectious energy that had earned them a loyal following in their hometown.
Behind the scenes, a complicated love triangle was unfolding among the band members. Matt and Logan had been secretly in love with each other for years, their feelings buried deep beneath the camaraderie and music they shared. At the same time, Timmy, who had been Matt's best friend since childhood, had developed feelings for Matt, unaware of the emotions brewing between Matt and Logan.
As they embarked on their tour, the emotional tension between the three was palpable, leading to both heartwarming and heartbreaking moments. Matt and Logan tried to keep their feelings under wraps, afraid of jeopardizing the band and their friendship with Timmy. On the other hand, Timmy couldn't help but feel an unspoken distance growing between him and Matt, unable to understand the true reason behind it.
During the tour, late-night conversations in hotel rooms turned into emotional confessions, and laughter onstage masked the turmoil within their hearts. Each member of the band struggled to balance their feelings for each other while maintaining their professional and personal bonds.
In one poignant moment during a tour stop, Matt finally mustered the courage to confess his feelings to Logan. Surprisingly, Logan revealed that he had been feeling the same way all along. Their hearts raced as they shared an intimate embrace, overwhelmed with emotions, but mindful of their surroundings and their friendship with Timmy.
Meanwhile, Timmy couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss between Matt and Logan. In an attempt to understand, he confronted Matt, who hesitantly admitted the truth about his feelings for Logan. Crushed and heartbroken, Timmy struggled to come to terms with the situation.
As the tour progressed, tensions rose, leading to heated arguments and tearful moments between the band members. The once strong bond between them seemed to be fraying, threatening the future of The Cajuns.
However, during a surprise meet-and-greet event, they crossed paths with members of Metallica. Lars Ulrich, James Hetfield, and the others, sensing the emotional turmoil within the band, offered their support and advice. They shared stories of their own struggles as musicians and friends, encouraging The Cajuns to find common ground and cherish the magic of their music.
In a moving finale performance, The Cajuns poured their emotions into their music, connecting with the audience on a deeper level. As they played their hearts out, they reaffirmed their commitment to one another, acknowledging the complexities of their feelings but choosing to cherish their friendship and the love they had for each other as friends.
And so, as "The Cajuns" completed their nationwide tour, they emerged stronger, wiser, and closer than ever before. They had weathered the storm of their complicated love triangle, choosing to prioritize their bond as friends and musicians. Their music continued to bring laughter and joy to their fans, and their story became a testament to the power of love, friendship, and the music that unites us all.
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