#parkway drive live
punkpal · 1 year
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@deathclassic tagged me in this live music ask game thing! For someone who has seen almost 500 bands live I apparently have yet to see one that starts with x, oops.
No pressure to do this if you are tagged: @discourselsdead @sw0rds-and-p3ns @revradio @spirits-in-the-dark @re-imagine @bilvy @siiickbrains @dirtnote @thotfrnk @callingallcars @x-give-em-hell-kid-x @tidal-wav3s @badbucky @patrickstumptbh @odetoslept @alexsyndrome @modernbaseball @prettyyy-boyyy @missingsatellite @dekaythepunk @deadspellz and whoever else wants to do one of these :) tag me!
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spotlight-report · 2 years
Live Photos: Knotfest Sydney 2023
What a day! Check our @KnotfestAu #KnotfestAu Sydney 2023 Gallery including over 100 snaps of a day for the books! @destroyalllines @slipknot
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Das Moosbiest hatte heute Hirn, und zwar so richtig; ich hatte gerade SO eine epiphany beim Autofahren, nenn mich bitte einfach Albert Zweistein. Das habe ich mir jetzt verdient. Aber sowas von. Und zwar gibt es einen Song von Parkway Drive den ich wahnsinnig gerne mag und wo ich die amazon-Wanze immer auf fast volle Lautstärke aufdrehe wenn der auf der “Spiel Parkway Drive!”-Liste kommt. Ich hatte nur immer keine Ahnung wie der heißt.
Heute im Auto also mal wieder friedlich Parkway Drive gehört (read: mitgebrüllt mit Tränen in den Augen) und so beim mitschreien von “dying from the inside” fiel mir auf dass das Der Song ist. DER Song. Der wo ich den Titel nicht kenne den ich aber wahnsinnig gerne mag. Also ein bisschen näher hingehört und festgestellt dass die direkt am Anfang, also wirklich das erste Wort was fällt, ‘carrion’ ist. Und ich so überlegt. Und überlegt. Und überlegt. Es gibt von Parkway Drive einen Song der Carrion heißt. Aber das wäre ja… das wär ja fast zu einfach, ne.
Also das Auto beim Fahren geärgert und geguckt, Track vier auf der CD. Bis heim gefahren, den Song natürlich brav gelooped, Karre daheim abgestellt denn beim Fahren sind die Hände ja bekanntlich beide am Steuer, maximal am Schaltknüppel, und auf Spotify den Song Carrion rausgesucht. Internet war natürlich mal wieder so geil dass der Text nicht googeln ging, bzw. Spotify mir den einfach nicht angezeigt hat, und ich dachte mir so “ach, abspielen brauchst du den Song jetzt auch nicht. Der Richtige läuft ja auf CD.”
Der Richtige läuft ja auf CD.
Also mal eben über die Mittelkonsole gehechtet (casually drüber gelehnt aber halt mit drama-flair) und die CD Case zwischen Handtasche, Notfalltourniquet, Amity Affliction Hoodie und angerüsselter Wasserflasche rausgefischt. Track 4 nachgeguckt.
Weißt du wie der Song heißt. Weißt du es.
Es ist Carrion. Hätte ja eigentlich klar sein müssen. War ja quasi IM SONG ENTHALTEN. MIT ANSAGE.
Was mich jetzt halt fasziniert:
1. Ich hätte an jeglichem Punkt diese Drecks-Alexa fragen können, wie der Song heißt.
2. Ich hätte in der played songs history nachgucken können welcher Song gespielt wurde.
3. Ich hätte die Textfragmente googeln können.
4. Warum hab ich erst in dem Moment realisiert dass ich das Lied AUF CD HABE UND DEMENTSPRECHEND AUCH DIE ZU DER CD GEHÖRIGE HÜLLE MIT TRACK LISTE.
5. Ich weiß es nicht. Ist es ADHS? Ist es Depressions-Dummheit? Ist es Schwangerschaftsdemenz?
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rockattitudegr · 7 months
Οι Parkway Drive έρχονται στο Floyd, την Τρίτη 11 Ιουνίου!
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mzmagzart · 1 year
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Attended Scranton Apocalypse Fest yesterday and had an amazing time! Parkway Drive was one of the bands and omg are they incredible live!
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dear-ao3 · 18 days
cant believe that ive had now not one but two ex boyfriends who have nearly succeeded in getting me to hate where i am from (new jersey). as if theres nothing more magical than standing on the beach at the shore at sunset and eating a bagel with the proper amount of cream cheese in a car on a sunday morning and waiting entirely too long for a cup of coffee at the local place where everyone knows you and having a usual order at the deli shop owned by the guy your mom went to high school with or driving down the parkway with the windows down blasting q104.3 with your dad or getting possessed by the devil listening to springsteen and bon jovi and talking a little too fast and a little too indecipherable and literally living in the shadow of manhattan and getting pizza that is made well and not pumping your own gas and and and jersey bestie they could never make me hate you <3
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A buyer just closed on this cool 1968 house in Belleville, IL and they got a good deal. It needs a little TLC, but it has unusual architecture, 1bd, 1ba, but I think it has room for expansion, and it was only $200K. It's way better than paying rent on a 1bd. apt. and having nothing, right?
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Drive right up to the front door and park. Very convenient.
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Not only do I love it b/c it's pink, but look at the entrance hall. Looks like a little castle, doesn't it? A little pink castle. I love it.
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Right off the entrance is the bath and it has a walk-in tub, which are not cheap. So, this is the only bath. Not bad.
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Love this. Kind of an Alice in Wonderland vibe. They left the clock and other pieces of furniture, as well.
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The entrances to this home would make me feel like a queen.
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Now, I told you that it was unusual. This is the bedroom. I'm trying to figure out what this building could've been before. This is a built-in seat.
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It has a partially finished basement, so those are the stairs.
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And, the bed goes here by the headboard attached to the wall.
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I really can't figure out what this room is, w/the small sink, but I like it.
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Beautiful room. This could definitely be a primary bedroom.
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This could be a an extended part of that bedroom. Or, it can be eliminated altogether and just make it a hallway w/the stairs to the basement, making this the primary bd.
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This elegant room is clearly the living room. The floors are terrazzo.
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This home is big, there's so much you can do with it. We're in the lower level. It even has a fireplace. This home can be so pretty, and they left the armoire.
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The kitchen is small, industrial, and doesn't have a stove, but they did leave the fridge and a very nice butcher block. So, the kitchen needs some work.
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They left a washer and dryer in the unfinished part. The floor is a nice river rock.
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For $200K this home is so worth it. Look at the gorgeous grounds.
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Isn't this beautiful?
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There's a table under here. And so many cement sculptures come with the property. It has a total of 5.49 acres that you can build on.
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That's not all- there's also a cottage on the property.
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It needs some work, but it can definitely be a rental. It's big and looks like it has 2 bds.
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Here, you can see the main house and the cottage on the bottom. Gorgeous property and it fronts the Frank Scott Parkway. What a steal!
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according2thelore · 4 months
after chuck dies, dean starts having pain in his shoulder. just his left shoulder. it's constant, and it throbs. and it throbs. and it throbs.
sam tries to buy something at the grocery store, and all their cards get declined. he tries to set up new cards when he gets back to the bunker, but suddenly tricks that have been working for ten years don't work anymore.
dean's ears ring when the room's quiet enough to hear. sam's jaw starts hurting from how hard he grinds his teeth in his sleep.
when they go on hunts, there aren't any more non-chain motels. no more local "riverside inns" or "quick sleep-n-stays" or "parkway motels." it's all motel six, motel six, best western, econolodges, motel six. places they've been staying their entire lives barely exist anymore. the rare local places like "philly red carpet suite" they do find are few and far between, and one foot in the grave.
sam gets an upper respiratory infection that lasts weeks. he can't seem to shake it. when they go to a doctor, their fake insurance bounces. dean gets stabbed in the leg by a ghoul on a hunt, and the scar twinges until he dies.
sam has internet connectivity issues that he's never had before, and has to rewire the entire bunker to access his basic files.
baby needs four time the gas she used to, and sam and dean notice that every drive across america seems to take hours more than before. it takes them five hours to dig up their next grave, and they get caught more than once.
for the first time in forty-five years, dean winchester gets actually, properly drunk, and he's laid out all day, throwing up miserably into the toilet.
sam has to get a brace for his back, years bent over tables and computers making the low throb in his spine ever-present.
they break into a museum to pull an artifact, and the cops show up in a matter of minutes, tripped by some silent alarm that they don't know the location of.
it's harder to get victims to talk to them on hunts. for some reason, no one seems to believe them anymore when they say they're FBI or grief counsellors or park rangers or restaurant investors.
it's not a lot, but it's enough for them to notice. the world doesn't work for the winchesters anymore. it doesn't revolve around them.
there is no author to make it easy.
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emo-batboy · 11 months
Trick or treat!
Hello :D Here's your treat
Battinson and Cars
He is a car guy. He loves his car. It is his baby. He can fill his car with gas, yes. That is a thing he can do on his own in his own garage with his own gas.
But he does not know how to operate a gas pump. (New Jerseyans are crying in solidarity.)
Bruce gets into so many car accidents.
Like yeah, he's Batman. But he's also that kind of driver who is perfectly okay when he's on autopilot, but the MOMENT he remembers he's driving a death machine on wheels next to other people driving death machines on wheels, and if you accidentally cut them off or forget to use your turn signal, they will rear end you?! He gets a little antsy :/
The second he overthinks it, he's making mistake after mistake. What are you gonna do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But when he's in his tricked-out batmobile engaging in a high-speed chase while narrowly avoiding death at every turn? A vigilante with no regard for the rules of the road other than "Do Not Hit People?" He’s suddenly a professional stunt driver! Fuck it!
That’s one of the reasons no one could possibly believe he’s Batman
"Bruce Wayne Reverses into Bush at Local Wawa, Cries as He Calls the Cops on Himself"
Then four hours later...
"The Batman Performs INCREDIBLE STUNT on Garden State Parkway, Saves Lives and Kitten Stuck in Tree"
You think these are the same person? Please be serious.
He is the only person in the JL who can reliably parallel park.
He's also a fucking speed demon. (This is Jersey. The Norm is going 90 in a 55. And back to the "autopilot" point) if he's lost in thought, he's definitely breaking the law. And overtaking like five cars a minute.
Alfred taught him to drive (and is lowkey the one that gave him driving anxiety. He is a very strict teacher.) Because of this, his first car was manual :) Now, he prefers it because it feels cool and action-y when he changes gears on the highway.
Bruce got into his first car chase when he was 15. (Baby's First Car Chase <3) Don't ask me how.  Don't ask why. Just know he does. (I mean, I do have an answer but I'm not giving it to you.) This also means he did it without a license because he was too young to even have a permit at the time.
He has a hatred for literally anyone with Pennsylvania or New York plates. Why? Because they’re slow as fuck and try to turn left at the intersection when there is clearly a jughandle??
(Homework for everyone that doesn't live in NJ: Look up "jughandle" or "jersey left" and tell me your thoughts.)
He was so pissed at the amount of potholes in Gotham that he personally filled them as Batman in the middle of the night. (Wtf are his billions of tax dollars going to?)
Once Bruce was muttering curses at the idiot in front of him with NY plates only to see Clark fucking Kent exit the car. Superman could not understand why Batman kept glaring at him for a week.
I did not spell-check this. Happy Halloween :)
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jackiequick · 5 months
A Visit From An Old Friend — [ Marvel Fanfic]
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Summary: What happens when an old friend comes to visit to recruit something bigger than himself? In other words, a small family reunion between friends, with a couple of ants crawling around.
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Platonic Pairing: Hank Pym & Jason Underwood
Characters featured/mentioned: The Young Avengers, Janet Van Dyne, Liz Stark, Howard Stark, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne and etc.
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ant-Man (2015)
Fic type: Short Blurb
Small warning: Some fluff and angst
The daylights were in full swing, the radio was high and bright as he drove down the road to a old house he used to call home. At the steps of the house stood a man he hasn't seen in the late 80s but never forgotten.
Above the steps stood the man with dark rich blonde curls spiked in a nicely manner, a blue colored shirt and black James Dean jeans wearing a pair of shades himself. He sipping on a cup of coffee with a half smile to boot.
He parked the car in the east side of the parkway as he existed the vehicle, flipping the keys in hand and removed his sunglasses with a smile.
As he took towards the step he heard the man said, "Hank."
"JJ." He replied, as he was handed a cup of warm coffee.
"What was the reason for this visit?"
"You got my email didn't you?"
"You missed seeing Hope."
"It was an 8 hour drive! You know how hard it was to get out of that house without Felton and Rei breathing down my neck?"
"This is why I stopped babysitting."
The blonde just playfully glared following the older one into his old home. Jason hasn't been in this house of his in more than a century, having took time to take care of his older one in Malibu. Yet, he never had the heart to throw away the keys, so instead he gave them to Hank. And by god, was he glad he did.
His old home was kept nice and cleaned, some mess here and there. A few dust particles in certain smaller areas but other than that it was fine. Keeping its cozy yet vintage style. Hank sat down on the grey couch that used to be a dark brown, sipping his second morning coffee taking in the moment of peace. Jason sat in the armchair beside him closing his eyes.
Neither man had to say a word to know that they missed the peace and quiet this house brought. No screaming children, calls from SHIELD, nor nagging neighbors trying to get you to babysit their dumb dog for the weekend. Just a moment of total silence from the world around them.
Yes, truth be told, after 1989 Hank was never seen again towards SHIELD's main offices due to his stupid fallout with Howard and the others. But he often kept in touch with people like him or Peggy, whenever possible. Mainly because Hope wanted to see her aunts and uncles, and after Janet's passing Hank couldn't deprive his daughter from not having any closer family or friends around.
Jason tended to be his go-to person whenever he needed a quick babysitter for Hope, whenever the blonde was in town and he happily said yes. He first thought Hank would want nothing to do with him after what Howard pulled on the man, but after a small debate on that very day both men realized they couldn't hold grudges against each other.
They already had too many grudges over their heads to even count, why add another? It would only lead to a bigger headache anyways.
So over the years, Hank and Jason would put aside a small time to check in on one another. Make sure the other man wasn't dead yet. It was a running joke on who would die first out of the two. But at this rate, knowing the people in their lives, they won't let them get bury in the ground so easily.
He peaked an eye open as he rested his head and asked, "JJ? You got what I sent you?"
The others eyes were still closed as he hummed, "Yeah. I sent the small package and if I'm correct, it will be brought though word of mouth soon enough."
"Good. I hope this guys is worth it. If he's smart enough, he will do as I planned."
"Why Scott Lang anyway? I gave you a list of people you can choose from and you chose him..."
"Scott Lang broke into Vistacorp Headquarters to pay back the money VistaCorp had been stealing from their users, before he brought into prison. Heard of it?"
"Yeah, he pulled strong a stunt risking to pay back all that money they took. According to the file, he has a master degree in electrical engineering, which gave him the skills to hack into their grid."
Hank smirked, "That's why I need him. He has a special set of skills as a hacker and thief. I want to test him, see if he's able to play the game right."
"If he can break into the lock and steal the suit, then he was a right fit." Jason added with a grin, "..he also has a daughter Hank. You know better than anyone the length you would go to see your kid. Chances are, he ends up in jail again."
"He won't."
"I have a plan. Trust me on this one."
"And I'll be here to say 'I told you so' when it goes sideways."
The two crack a chuckle knowing it was bound to happen whether they liked it or not. But if the plan does end up going sideways, they always had other ways of doing things. Even if it meant going undercover to bait Scott Lang into the older man's plan. Both spent the rest of the day catching up, watching some tv and grabbing a bite to eat.
None of the Young Avengers knew that Jason was gone for a short couple of days. Well, some of them noticed as he has been receiving calls from a few thought the day. Mainly ones from Rei, Liane, Rochelle, Ji-Hoon, Lydia and even Wanda. Hank commented how he was still amazed he hasn't lost his head yet.
"Who said I haven't?" Jason joked with a small chuckle.
"Who's watching them?" He asked in returning smiling.
"Elizabeth, Nat and Bruce. I hope."
"Oh dear god. Now, I gotta know, who's the hardest to watch over?"
"Depends on the day. Rei is the easiest at most, Rochelle is rather shy and hangs out with her friends..but Liane.."
"Felton's what? Oh. You can't lie to me, and not say Rei Stark doesn't turn your gears one bit."
"Rei does make me question my life choices, but I love him to death. Felton, she is a handful and a total bitch at times. It's why I always hand her off to Hill to taken care of. I need my silence."
That caused Hank to snort and laugh. He knew the man was too polite to say anything to harsh per say, not knowing who's around to hear him but if possible he will let a rip.
"Now that's the Jason I know, call it how it is!" He shouted as he tossed a chip into his mouth, "Half of them ain't even your kids."
The blonde smirked nodding, knowing the grey man's words to be truth. There are good couple of them aren't his legally or even raised them from childhood, but a part of him does care. Even if he wants to shut up half the time.
Hell, even the ants joined in on the fun. They are 247 of them after all, the ants were bound to make their appearance in carrying items around and or, helping them with alerting any incoming news on the heist they were waiting to happen.
Later on, that very night they went to the basement as they turned on the lights to reveal a high tech level of security cameras, microphones and chairs laying around. It was linked up to whatever humanity possible can find, in this case, the ants.
They watched Scott break into his house, as Hank seemed impressed by his work giving Jason a couple of approved nods, as they kept rolling the tape. The handy work, the levels of patience and precision Scott Lang had was amazing. His quick thinking and ways he moved around the area at quick speed was something he could only imagine to do when he was back in the 40s. Hank used to think and move that fast in the late 80s. More or less.
Without a better matter of minutes he took the suit and ran. They spend the better part of the next day, watching Scott and see what he would do.
That he was expandable. And that he was. Jason chocked out a laugh at how freaked out he was as Hank talked into the coms. Sadly of course, the moment he returned the suit, he was caught red handed by the cops.
It was Hope's doing. She didn't know much about the man or the fact that he had a track record he was trying to maintain. Which led Hank to toss a pair of suits over to Jason, telling him it's time to lawyer up, as the man rolled his eyes at his friend.
Once they were in the prison, Scott Lang was brought into a room confused more the most part, not understanding who they were. He didn't know about the fact that he had a lawyer watching after him. They told him second chances don't always come easily, especially for men like him, next time he gets one, he should take a closer look onto what it is. And he's smart enough, he will listen to them.
Thankfully he did, as Hank ordered the ants to get Scott escape the jail cell and be brought home that night. However the man got dizzy and past out, resulting him to be knocked out cold in one the guest bedrooms of the house.
Hank's house, since he had more tech and landscape to work around than Jason did. As they waited for him to wake up, the blonde went out grab some more supplies and food. He was hungry.
When he returned home with the items needed, entering quietly through the front door he heard it. Hope was here. He should've known she would've made an appearance at some point.
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"Please tell me you didn't call JJ." She said looking at her father with her arms crossed.
"I didn't call JJ." Her father responded with a sigh, trying to enjoy his tea.
"He is busy right now."
"I didn't call him."
She pointed to the brown leather jacket that was on the chair beside her. The one she gave the blonde years ago for a birthday present when she was in high school. Her father said he was borrowing it from the man's closet when he went to check on his home.
"You liar. Like always. Just say that you did." Hope remarked.
Hank groaned, "I emailed him."
"You tipped him. Dragging his ass here, for what? I can handle the mission myself!"
"No, you can't! He needed one-"
"You never listen to me!"
She looked over her shoulder at face the voice who called out her name like an old memory. Only to find her uncle standing there with a stern look on his face, his usual cheeky grin was exchanged for a pair of lined smile and frustrated eyes that glared into her soul. He made her feel like a child again, getting in trouble for yelling at her father or running away from school grounds to play with her friends.
She looked down, feeling less than, muttering a soft 'sorry' in his direction as he simply nodded. He shook his head and sighed at his niece. He hated seeing them fight, he knew they had their reasons but she walked away a long time ago, just to prove a point to her father that she was worth it. And she already was.
"I didn't know..I uh, would've liked a heads up that you were coming..." She admitted for being silent for a moment.
He placed the bag of groceries on the table as he gave her a small half smile, "I know..but I knew you would've said otherwise and convince me to stay home."
"You don't have to be here. I can handle this."
"I know. But I'm here now, it's not like I'm going to waste a long drive just to be stuck at home listening to ABBA on the radio."
"Still. You should've-"
"Hope. Just don't. What's done is done. I came at my own risk and I won't be staying long, just to make sure a few things are in check."
"..I uh, I missed you."
"I did too."
She pulled her arms out to be taking in by his embrace. The warmth of his hugs always felt like a nice blanket as he wrapped her arms around him and kissed her forehead. She rested her head against his shoulder having another moment of silence to relax, sending a small glare to her father. She chuckled hearing her uncle brought her favorite ice cream from Basin Robins to help ease the tension, causing a tiny grunt from Hank. Her uncle smirked and told her to get Scott as she pulled away with a small smile.
When Hope walked out, he turned around to see his old friend sending daggers swords him. Jason just shrugged, "What?"
"You can't win her over with ice cream and hugs." He remarked.
"Yes I can. That's my job as the uncle. Make you look bad, so you want to work harder for her affection."
"That's not how it's supposed to work."
"That's exactly how it's supposed to work."
Soon enough, Scott and Hope joined them in the dinning room, as they talked trying to explain the situation to the confused brunette. Hope and Hank bricked as they did, as Jason tried to defuse the issue at hand introducing the trio. Scott listened along, trying to piece together everything they said, hearing how they were impressed with his work as well. He was offered some sugar, watching the ants push it around.
"H-how do you make them do that?" Scott asked pointing to the said ants, watching one climb onto Jason's finger with ease.
"Ants can lift objects 50 times their size. They can build farms. Corporate with each other." Hank explained.
"Right. But how do you make them do that?"
"I used electromagnetic waves to stimulate their factor's nerves center using a device. I speak to the Ants. I can go anywhere, see everything and hear everything."
"And still know absolutely nothing. I'm late for a meeting." Hope injects with a clear tone, pressing a kiss to her uncles cheek and a nod to her father.
"Be safe!" Jason calls out with a half smile, sipping his tea.
"Always am!"
With that she walks out. Scott raised an hand asking who the hell they are, what the hell is going on and if he could back to jail. Jason rolled his eyes telling both men to follow him.
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They walked and talked heading down to the basement to reveal a small headquarters as Scott looked around in awe. Hank explained the suit and his role in this as Jason finished setting up a few things adding in a jab or two as he went along.
"Pym tech? SHIELD?" Scott said muttering under his breathe as he followed their voices.
"Darren Cross had heard rumors around the Pym Particles. Something that both companies tried to keep under lock and key, with only a few knowing it existed." Jason explained.
"And he became obsessed with recreating my formula." Hank continued to explain holding a vial of Pym particles, "But I wouldn't help. So he partially voted me out of my own company. Hope was chairmen of the board, so that helped. But she came back to me when she saw how close he was with his process. But without a suit, the brain isn't protected."
"Causing a fiery sensational effect that can make the brain unstable. And Cross hasn't realized that part yet. So with our luck, he'll die."
"Be nice, JJ. Cross isn't the most stable guy to begin with."
Scott listen then asked, "So what do you want from me?"
Both men exchange a look as Hank walked over to Scott Lang and told him he believed in second chances for everyone. A redemption. Saying that if he does that, he can start a new path and get some insight wiped off his records. Scott looked pleased declaring that he will go along with the plan of theirs. Within a couple of hours, they all got to work.
Scott began to start training how to use the suit, understanding the plan and communicating with the idea on how to get into the building. He got learn about the concept of the ants and their behavior in the process of the world. Hope and Jason offered to teach Scott some fighting techniques to help him later on. Hope smirked getting a good swing at Scott punching him hard enough he fell backwards, as Jason snorted at their dynamic play between the tackles to the ground.
It got to a certain point where Scott was given the opportunity to learn how to control the ants. Hank acted as director for him, telling him to focus having faith that he can do it. Scott tried but it didn’t work. Hope groan annoyed telling him how he needed to commit to communicating with them, he has to mean it. The father daughter duo, once again began to argue over the subject. Jason reminded them on how the focus should be on helping Scott with the trails.
“Really? That’s where our focus should be?” Hope said, taking the device used for the ants and held it close to her ear controlling to do more than just add sugar to the tea. She caused to room to darken as the ants blocked out the lights, Hank caught her before she can act by further. Her voice broke as she muttered a few words at her father and sighed before exiting the room.
Hank knew he couldn’t do it without her. Since day one she has requested to be put in the suit, do the trails and get the mission accomplished herself, but her father refused every request she made. Jason knew the reason why. Scott noticed the problem being a father himself and went out to talk to her, hoping to knock some sense into Hope and have her see behind the act.
The two were alone in the house, standing in awkward silence as the moment of Hope’s departure replayed in their heads. Hank walked around the first floor, fumbling with a small piece of dice he found in the living room as Jason watched from the window the car sitting in the driveway with the two figures talking inside.
He broke the silence with a scoff, biting in the inside of his cheek as he said, “You have to tell her.”
“No.” He muttered in response, knowing exactly what he meant by those words.
“If you want her on your side, you have to break the ice here. She knows Janet didn’t die cause of some accident involving a plane. I know it’s painful for you, Hank, but she deserves to know.”
“Like you told Stark about his parents death.”
That silence Jason quicker than expected. He remembered how Howard and Maria died, when he was at his lowest moments during the holiday season. He told Tony what he knew and what he only could’ve revealed of that painful memory, going as far as to show him the photographs he dug up a few days later from news reports. Hank might’ve had a falling out with Howard but he was at the damn funeral for a short period of time before returning home.
Hank knew he hit a nerve and continued, “You couldn’t even wrap your head around fact that you lost them. Worse, telling a child their mother died and they never had the chance to say goodbye. I lost Janet that day because of my misfortunes during the mission.”
“I know, I heard the story. I can only imagine how you felt when it happened, when she shrunk down to that size..” Jason added trying to find his voice again.
“Please, don’t remind me, Jason, she went sub-atomic...”
“And you tried to get her back by studying for weeks on an answer to get her back”
“I made a mistake letting her come with me..I was stupid enough to let that happen..you know how hard it is for me just to relive that experience again…Hope might hate me when she finds out..”
“I know, she might but she will forgive you…Hank..you and I have made a lot mistakes in the past 3 decades. We made decisions that we aren’t proud of..thinking we are protecting them from harm..”
“That’s the whole point! That’s our job, to keep them safe and not be heartbroken by the truth. You only gave Stark the benefit of the doubt about his parents death and how it affected the outcome, you said he hated the world for it..I can’t tell her..we have secrets for a reason..”
“Yeah well, Tony could care less about his father…How about you only tell her what you can? When the time comes where she asks for more, you go into more detail about what happened. You are driving her away now…I know you hate the looks she gives you. You said it yourself..”
There was an unspoken number of casualties among those accidents that occurred during the death of their loved ones. Only so much information, they kept closed to their chest to prevent others suffering in those moments. The amount of consequences to their loved ones being gone felt like a huge blow to the head and stuffed around in secret.
Hank knew that, especially with the fact that his very friend lost more than he can chew.
He felt sorry for bringing it up, but it just didn’t occur to him the words would impact that hard. Hell, the memories of his wife were still so fresh in his brain like it was yesterday.
Hank ran a couple of fingers cross his hair muttering, “Sorry for bringing that up. It’s just…”
“I know..I know. But you do need to let her know what happened that day.” Jason responded taking a breath to regain himself.
That was when Hope and Scott returned from the car, about to say something but was cut off by Hank’s statement. He had a hand against the fireplace beforehand turning around to face the two of them, to face his daughter with the truthful remarks she desires to know. He slowly but surely explained what he could to his daughter onto what happened to her mother as her voice broke mumbling a few questions.
He did in best to answer them. It hurt to talk about it, as it felt like he was reliving the same day all over again. She wanted to know more but her thoughts didn’t seem to allow her to think straight as she teared up even more. Hank just told her in the end he lost her mother, he didn’t mean to lose his daughter too.
Scott ruined the moment with a quippy response that caused Jason to roll his eyes, telling him to go make some tea. Afterwards the four of them got back to work on training Scott and working with the plans they had in motion.
At some point, Jason went upstairs to get something to eat and suddenly got another set of calls. He sighed deeply knowing they must've been from Liane or Rei, he ignored knowing it was probably something they could've handle themselves. They had to learn how to get along and figure out solutions to things without an actual adult fixing it entirely for them.
With a deep sigh he answered, “Hello?”
“Jason! Aha we might got an issue at the compound—dude shut up!” Said the voice that clearly belonged to Liane.
“Okay, who burnt the toaster again? Wait why are you at The Compound anyway? Your supposed to be at The Tower..”
“The adults went out on a small scale meeting, so we were left alone. Long story short, we had an incident at The Tower and decided to visit The Compound for breakfast instead—Ughhh Rei be quiet! Rick calm it’s gonna be fine—I was saying, we came here and Sam made us breakfast…and then..”
“Then what? Liane spit it out or put Rei on the phone.”
“Then we saw an issue and Sam told us to stay inside.”
Just as Liane and Rei’s voices were heard, along with the other members in the background, Jason was called downstairs by Hank to check on something. And let’s just say, he wanted to punch the older man for his actions. From the panels on the screen, shots of Scott fighting The Falcon to get inside Avengers Compound. Hope half smiled, annoyed and confused by Scott’s actions.
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It was honestly hilarious yet stressful.
He put the phone call on mute as he whispered, “Hank, what the hell?! You said that the item you were looking for was at an old building, not Avengers Compound!”
“I didn’t know that it was remodeled after all this time! You could’ve said something.” Hank remarked looking up at the blonde from his seat.
“You weren’t speaking of the specifics either! Oh god..Scott better get out of there.”
“He’ll be fine. Besides he’s fighting an Avenger, this can be taken as part of his training for the next assignment. What are you worried about?”
“Half of the other avengers are inside the building now and they’re a little terrified.”
Hope said an eyebrow confused onto what her uncle meant until she heard the voices over the phone and almost immediately laughed at the sound.
She couldn’t make out the voices very well but one caught her ears as she asked, “Is that Felton? Since when is she freaked out over something like this, isn’t she an Avenger?”
Jason just shrugged at this point and responded, “It’s a great mystery to all of this. And yes that was her. I can already picture Rei’s annoyed expressions. Whatever we do, we just have to get Scott out there and fast.”
“Or they might call the other heroes for assistance. Damn it.”
“Days like this, I wish my retirement plan was completely different.”
“You can always come stay with me instead. Wait, I’m still in the Will right?”
He winked at her meaning a clear ‘yes you are, honey.’ As they both returned their focus back onto the screen watching Hank navigate Scott across the field to fight Falcon, suddenly they lost visual contact with him as the ants couldn’t see what was happening inside. It went silent as the only sound came from the cell phone in Jason’s hand.
He raised the phone up his ear to respond, “Whatever happens stay instead. I’ll be there in a couple of hours to check up on—”
“About time you picked up the damn phone!” Yelled the voice that belonged to his first godson.
“Rei?! What happened to Liane?”
“I took it off her hands, she went to help calm Rick and the others down or whatever. I really don’t care. Do I have permission to take her down Felton and shut off the systems?”
“Permission granted—wait, hold off on shutting down the systems for a few minutes and then reboot The Compound.”
“Does that mean I’m in charge of everything?”
“Does it mean the house won’t be fire when I come over to check on you guys?”
“Yes sir.”
“Then you’re in charge. And please get a hold of an adult!”
The phone called ended with Rei’s voice being heard over the speaker as you can imagine the others not sounding too pleased about the news. Jason just smirked already picturing their faces as he watched the panels of Scott escaping and Falcon on the floor. Him and Hank fist bump at the process of the mission turning out decently well.
He knew Hank was gonna have a talk with Scott on his actions and how he handled it, but Jason knew based on the files that Scott must’ve gotten the item needed for the job.
And he was right.
Hope was very impressed with what he did as her father sighed in relief at the assignment being completed. Scott Lang had skills and knowledge to be used on a battlefield one day, possibly even a hero. The four of them talked about upcoming events that were set in motion as Jason texted his nephew for updates on the situation from earlier as it seemed like things have calmed down over there.
He will need to drive over there to check up on them later.
As of now, all he knew is that the four of them were headed into a very dangerous environment within the incoming hours. Especially after Darren Cross’s appearance at the household, assuming he was just speaking with Hank Pym, as the others were silently standing in the kitchen.
The next couple of hours were gonna be a wild ride.
That’s what I got! Thanks for reading I hope you liked it. 📺
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @rooster-84 @djs8891 @haleripley @starkleila @cherrysft @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @topgun-imagines @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs @savemewattpad and etc
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animentality · 11 months
I love my friends and all, but I would never move to fucking Florida for them.
Like no.
I'm sorry.
Ron Deathsantis is a fucking psychopath, it's hot and gross, and I hate sand.
I also hate the ocean. I hate how ugly America is because of strip malls and driving/parkway culture, but it's even worse when you have palm trees instead of pine trees and deciduous trees. I'm from a state that's basically a forest, and I refuse to move to a desert.
And most states south of the Mason Dixon line.
It says less about my love for my friends, and more about my burning hatred for Florida.
Sorry if you live in Florida...no really, I'm sorry. That you live in Florida. My condolences.
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scratchandplaster · 7 months
FEBUWHUMP DAY 21 - Lightning strike
CW: parental Whumper, conditioned Whumpee, hypnosis, betrayal
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The storm raging outside had been no surprise. Otis helped to upgrade the tents beforehand, so the aftermath would be predictable enough to not resow any doubts. In barely half a week, everyone who dared to saw Reuben's efforts to settle in as a smooth success.
His "other one" was still writhing aimlessly.
Nothing more than a few clicks and a hopeless fight against the sluggish Wi-Fi were necessary, after nearly two years in the dark, Shepard was awarded with the address of Luke's shelter. 427 Parkway Drive - the brick front was virtually smiling at him, a half turn away from the international house of pre-diabetes and Red 40. Birdie would get an aneurysm if she every caught her children in there.
A shy knock at the door, nearly inaudibly through the gusts of wind and its rumble, ripped Shepard from his thoughts. Ben slipped through and latched it tightly shut.
Perfect timing, as if appointed. The laptop screen was preventively closed down to a bright slit.
"Hey, Dad," he carefully draped his raincoat over a rack, "I brought the kids over, they are a bit restless." Over to their guardians, as it should be. Handling even two children felt like a Herculean task to Shepard, five would go beyond any reasonable cat herding.
"Well done, sweetheart." He grabbed a spare blanket from the couch to wrap around Ben's wet self. Little droplets fell from the short curls he hopefully planned to grow out again. All bundled up, Ben was pulled in closer for a hug: "We can have a sleepover too."
"Yeah, well, I'm not stepping out there again!" He, too, felt nervous about the storm and winced at every flash of lightning shining through the windows.
"Me neither," his dad huffed skeptically, "Let's hope this shed doesn't turn into a houseboat overnight!"
Nature continued to let its fury whip through the fields, twisting and turning every loose object to its pleasure. Cradling his son and arranging him so sit comfortably on his knees was Shepard's first priority, the second quickly followed suit.
"Do you know how lightning comes to be?" he spoke and let his voice offset the wild howling behind the glass, "Far up in the clouds, thousands and thousands of little raindrops grate against each other. Imagine the tension between them, the electric current jumping from every water bead to the other, over and over and over and over, never stopping, never resting. But the tension doesn't fade. It builds up by a tenfold, over and over and over, until it has no choice but to - release."
Exhaling deep on the last word, or rather command, Ben once again found himself relaxing. Any escape from the storm was welcome.
Shepard's restless scientific speech was finally interrupted by another harsh flash that pulled his son out of the comfort surrounding them. A loud boom quickly followed.
"What do you think, Ben: is it close above or already drifting further away from us? Check this for me, please."
Ben, trying his best to stay calm and secure, began to count the seconds between lighting and thunder. This skill had been a lot more important when they used to live in the old camper: just Shepard, Luke and he.
A flash.
Thunder rumbled.
Waiting for the next one didn't take long. Shepard kept himself busy by warming his son's freezing hands with his own.
Ben lulled his brain into mindlessness at his own free will, dragging himself up and down the states of consciousness without Shepard even needing to lift a finger. Every new thunderclap brought him back up, though the lingering relaxation continued to twist into itself with every new count-up.
"...sixteen...seventeen..." The tiny thoughts got swallowed halfway between his lips and ears as Ben sunk further into Shepard's embrace.
Another round, and then another. Just as nature above, Ben stared to let go of all tension that sparked up inside his gray matter.
"...twenty-two...twenty-three..." At last, the telltale soft voice, slack face and distant gaze surrounding his son made Shepard reach out for the laptop and interrupt the peaceful counting.
"Believe it or not, I found something really interesting. Be a gem and help me for a second, starshine."
Oh. Ben could always help his dad out, it was his special talent. He sat up straight, surely this hot new project was nothing more than a breed of zucchini he wanted to cultivate or a plan to cobble a different beehive blueprint together.
Shepard, cautious and at his limit, had to be play it safe. One mistake and Lukas would slip from his grasp once again; an unforgivable error.
"I need someone to greenlight the info I've collected."
Instantly, as Ben recognized the house on the screen, his expression turned from calm to startled. Brow furrowed in confusion, he began to twist uncomfortably out of the blanket, verifying everything Shepard had to know.
"Thank you, Reuben." His father's apologetic smile didn't help a bit. Ben was shocked, more at himself than the situation he was stuck in.
"I never-"
Thunder rolled through the fields, but Ben couldn't care less. Looking away in panic, he struggled to push the gentle presence in his mind away, to resist the urge to agree with every single of Dad's words. Shepard, for one, didn't appreciate the sudden antipathy. A hand sneaked to the small of Ben's neck.
He had to ignore the soothing gestures, for Luke's sake. Ben had kept his mouth shut, he knew that he did! He was so relieved that Shepard didn't even ask once, so how was this possible? 
Should he lie to his father? They both knew he was horrible at it.
"I-I don't understand!" A single finger under his chin made Ben's face turn around to witness his helplessness mirrored in honey-brown eyes. They were studying him intently.
"I don't want you to understand, Ben," Shepard said gently, only the murmur of rain withstanding his words, "I want you to follow."
The world was pulled out from under Ben like a rug.
An all too loved force spread through his body at rapid pace, forcing his pupils to blow wide. Like a deer in the headlights, only the shock let his last thought hang by a threat of resistance.
"Don't fight it, you're going to give yourself a headache again. Just listen and follow."
Eventually, Ben's heavy eyelids fluttered until they were simply too heavy to do so anymore. Weak against any command, he collapsed into his father, arms hanging numb at the sides.
Hours of persuasive assurance were now ingrained as absolute truth into the most delicate part of his mind, the one that wailed for fatherly attention. It listened without protest. In return, Shepard would always take care of it, finally making a pledge in earnest. 
There was lightning at the end of the valley.
This time, Shepard counted for his son, pressing his mind deeper into docility. Ben was safe, loved and a traitor; gone completely as he slipped down the shortcut which Shepard had whittled into the twirls of his cerebral cortex. 
The chances to twist away from him again were just as lost. The storm had moved on.
"Secrets will only eat you up, it's better to share them. I absolve you from my and Luke's complicated arguments. I swear I will never make you do something like this again," Shepard assured and carefully stroked along his son's back, allowing the fatigue to catch on, "It's an emergency, you surely agree. We need Luke, just as he needs us."
Acceptance popped up in his son's face: he was an open book you could rip newly written pages out of and blacken to your whim. Reuben would've never survived out there, nothing to be ashamed of.
Shepard warily carried him to the cot and turned the heater on high. Electricity was the office's main perk. One day, Ben's mind would explode because of all his contradictory feelings. For now, it was kept safe in capable hands.
Shepard needed to pack his essentials, yet before setting out he made sure no sting of guilt would bother Reuben in the morning.
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist]
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
For 2k celebration.
Argyle, Pizza Van, tiny baby fluffy kitten. Like I cannot express how fluffy this baby kitten should be. Maybe Jonathan is along for the adventure??? Go wild!
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I hope you enjoy this, bb! 💚 shoutout to @loveshotzz for inspiring me to make this smutty.
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), oral (f! receiving)
WC: 1.7k
After a long shift at Surfer Boy Pizza, Argyle is exhausted. He’d usually drive straight back to his place and blaze up a joint, but he has something much more important to do tonight. 
He goes to the Byers house, knocking on the door three times before Jonathan opens it, grinning and holding a fuzzy orange cat in his arms. “Did someone order a kitten to impress their girlfriend?”
“Shut up, man,” Argyle mutters, taking the kitten from his friend. “You know she’s not my girlfriend.”
“But you want her to be,” Jonathan goads, waggling his eyebrows, leaning over to grab the cat carrier. 
“I said shut up!”
Jonathan chuckles. “Dude, you are so in love with her!” He laughs even harder when he sees a blush creep into his friend’s cheeks. “You gotta tell her, bro. Ask her out, kiss her, I don’t know, but you gotta do something besides follow her around like a lost puppy. Or kitten, in this case.”
The long-haired stoner rests his head in his free hand. “Yeah, man, I know. What if she wigs out or somethin’? We’ve been best friends for, like, our whole lives, dude. I can’t just fuckin’ throw that away because of a crush.”
Sensing Argyle’s vulnerability, Jonathan’s expression becomes more serious. “That’s not gonna happen, all right? It’s obvious that she feels the same way; everyone already thinks you’re dating. You just needa go for it. Now,” he places the carrier in front of Argyle, “go deliver a cat to your future wife.”
After bringing the litter box, cat food, and toys out from the Byers’ house and loading them into his van, Argyle buckles the carrier into the back seat. “Okay, little dudette,” he says as he pulls out of the parking lot, “hold on to your little cat butt, because we gotta move fast if we wanna make it on time for it to still be her birthday.” He’s doing 50 in a 30, hoping there are no cops around. “I mean, she’s not gonna be mad if we’re late, but it’s the principle of the matter, you know? ‘Course you don’t; you’re a cat. I’m so nervous, I’m having a conversation with a cat.”
He lets out a soft chuckle as he merges onto the parkway. “Anyway, you’re gonna love her. She’s, like, the sweetest person ever, y’know? And super hot, but that’s besides the point.” He drums on the steering wheel and continues. “And Byers keeps telling me to make a move, but what if it ruins everything? It’s like, yeah, we could live happily ever after or whatever, or she could laugh in my face. Or,” he adds, anxiety rising, “we could get together and fall in love, and then break up. And that would really suck.” 
Your exit comes up quickly, and Argyle swerves onto the ramp, still chatting to the kitten in his backseat. “We’re almost there, gatita.” He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly as he parks in front of your apartment building. “Okay, I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna tell her that I wanna take her on a date.” 
Bringing the carrier and the bags to the front door, Argyle rings the bell, fingers trembling.
“Hello?” your voice trills over the speaker.
“Hey, birthday girl,” he drawls. “Can you come down? Got a surprise for you.”
He can practically hear you smile at the sound of his voice. “Args! Of course, just gimme a second.” A few moments later, the door swings open and you’re there, standing in front of him. You’re in your pajamas, but he swears you’ve never looked so beautiful.
“So, what did you get me?” you question, already walking towards the van. As soon as you slide open the front, the kitten pads to the front of the carrier and meows excitedly. “Oh my God, is that…” Your eyes widen and tears blur your vision. “Did you get me a kitten?”
Argyle nods, a grin stretching across his face. “Yeah, you kept talkin’ about how much you wanted one, and my mom’s friend’s cat had babies…figured it was the perfect match.” He watches, lovestruck, as you carefully open the carrier and scoop up the tiny, fuzzy tabby cat.
“She’s so soft,” you muse, pressing small kisses to her head. “Does she have a name?”
“Not yet,” he replies, reaching out to pet underneath the kitten’s chin. “Got any ideas?”
You ponder for a second, taking in the cat’s light coloring and the man who gifted her to you. “How about Pineapple?” you suggest with a giggle. “So she’ll always remind me of my favorite person in the world and his favorite pizza topping.” 
“I’m your favorite person?” he asks incredulously, putting the remaining bags on the floor and shoving his hands in his pockets. He ducks his head, long raven hair falling over his deep brown eyes. “That’s really fuckin’ cool, man, because you’re my favorite person, too.” He forces himself to meet your gaze. “Fuck it, I’m doing this,” he says, though you’re unsure if he’s talking to himself or to you.
“Listen, you’re more than my favorite person. I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s like…I think about you all the time.”
“Argyle,” you start, but he keeps going.
“And we’ve been best friends since, like, what? Sixth grade or whatever? You’ve always been the one who took me seriously, always looked out for me. Never called me stupid or–”
“I don’t wanna fuck up our friendship, but I can’t keep acting like I’m not in love with you–”
“Argyle!” You finally break through his thoughts, grabbing his large hand in your own smaller one, the one that isn’t cradling Pineapple. “Argyle, when you told me that you got me the gift I always wanted, do you know what I thought it was?”
Argyle just shakes his head. 
You take a step towards him, dropping his hand and cupping his cheek. “This.” You press on your tiptoes and kiss him softly and gently, allowing him to register what’s happening and part your lips with his tongue. When you part, the two of you are wearing matching blissed-out smiles. 
“Holy shit,” Argyle murmurs, leaning down for another kiss. “Wanted to do that for so fuckin’ long, and it was better than I imagined.” His gaze drops to the kitten nuzzled into your shoulder. “Pineapple clearly is not entertained.” 
As if responding, she lets out a content purr. You place her back in the carrier resting on the front seat. “Y’know, a kiss wasn’t the only present I was hoping for.” You bring your fingers to the waistband of his pants, running them along the elastic. “Only if you want to, though.”
“Oh, I want to.” If that isn’t the understatement of the century.
You kiss him again, harder and hungrier than before. He lifts you with ease, arms strong from years of kneading dough, and you wrap your legs around his waist. One of his hands supports your ass, while the other is on the back of your neck, holding you impossibly close.
“Inside?” he manages, glancing in the direction of your building.
You sigh in frustration. “Stupid roommate is home.” Biting your lower lip, you try to think quickly. “There’s always the back of your van.”
Argyle laughs. “Princesa,” he tells you, and your heart soars at the nickname, “I am not having our first time together happen in my van.”
“But it’s my birthday!” you pout, making him smile wider. “Pleeeeeease?”
It’s your begging that gets him. He flings open the back door, lowering you tenderly before climbing on top of you and closing the door behind him. “Whatever my birthday girl wants.”
You feel his hand on your wrist, sliding a hair tie off of it and tying back his own mane. “Now, Princesa,” he begins, alternating between speaking and sucking on your neck, “I wanna stay true to my word and sleep with you for the first time somewhere special.”
“But, I am not opposed to making you feel good, since it is your birthday and everything.” The van is dark, but you can tell that he’s grinning mischievously as he tugs on your pajama pants, pressing his hard length into your thigh.
“Are you sure?” But he’s already pulling down your panties, which are wet with pleasure. 
Argyle trails kisses down your torso, sending shivers through your body. His middle finger finds your clit easily. “That feel okay?”
“M-More than okay,” you stammer, still in shock that your best friend is about to eat you out.
“Good.” He flattens his tongue against your folds, teasing you for a moment before bringing his lips to your sensitive bundle and sucking lightly. “Put those legs on my shoulders, baby doll,” he instructs you. “That’s my girl.” 
His tongue laps at your pussy, leaving you moaning and gripping the van’s carpet. “Argyle, fuck, right there.” Your voice catches and you feel your eyes well up as he devours you. His fingers dig into the plush of your thighs as you let out a pornographic wail. 
The coil in your belly is dangerously close to snapping, and you buck up your hips involuntarily. “Sorry,” you mumble, embarrassed. 
But Argyle remains pressed to your core, unfazed. “Nothin’ to be sorry for,” he reassures you, adjusting his ponytail. “Take everything you need. Tonight is for you.” With that, he brings his mouth back to your clit and pumps his thick middle finger in and out of your cunt. That’s the final straw, and you cry out his name as you cum. 
“You taste so perfect,” Argyle says, wiping your slick from his chin with the back of his hand. 
You lower your legs and push yourself onto your elbows. “You’re too good at that,” you manage, still catching your breath. “When can we have sex?”
Argyle chuckles. “I wanted to take you out to dinner first!”
“I have a frozen lasagna we can split, and Pineapple can have some kibble.”
“That’ll work.”
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🐦‍⬛welcome to my blog🐦‍⬛
Hey! I’m Mercury.
🪰-I'm genderfluid, lesbian(?? mayb bi), demiromantic, nebula romantic and asexual. 🪦-I am a minor, i am fine with u/30yo interacting (as long as you’re not creepy) but anything older is a dni.
🦇-I have autism, ADHD and anxiety so please be kind and use tone tags!
💉-I have sensory issues with meat, I am a vegetarian and am easily set off by so little as mentions of animals dying.
🚬-bands/artists I like:
My chem, Bowie, set it off, ghost, slipknot, fob, the used, Paramore, Taylor swift, green day, LINKIN PARK, bon Jovi, Queen, Avril Lavigne, blink 182, good charlotte, Penelope Scott, devildriver, cavetown, Carach Angren, Headstone Villains and some others but that’s already a lot of people.
🔪-Bands I’ve seen live
Bon Jovi (2018), MCR (2023), Ghost (2023), Weird Al Yankovic (2023), Jimmy eat world (2023), Paramore (2023) and Remi Wolf (2023), Escape the Fate (2024), HALESTORM (2024), Pantera (2024), KNOTFEST (2024), Bring Me The Horizon (2024)
⚰️-Bands I’ll be seeing live later:
Parkway Drive, I Prevail, Void of Vision. The Amity Affliction, Ice Nine Kills.
🎸-Things you will probably see me post about:
Mcr (one of my special interests), music and bands, Labyrinth (my fave movie of all time), Brooklyn nine-nine (my comfort show), neurodiversity, school, splatoon and Overwatch.
🚬-Previous usernames: Mychemicalwhatever, Mercury.is.a.fr3ak
💣-DNI: Racists , Nazi’s, terfs, Homophobes, proshippers (includes CERTAIN self shippers), furry antis, therian antis, pro lifers, little/agere anti’s and anyone who is a jerk to someone for doing something they enjoy that isn’t harmful to anyone else.
💊-if I ever do anything rude, harmful or upsetting or other please talk to me about it, I will apologise and do better.
🇵🇸Free Palestine🇵🇸
🎶-current song on repeat:
Flashy lights under the cut
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deathclassic · 9 months
Year End Joy List
i was tagged by @arrowflier to do a fun little joy list of things that happened in 2023
danandphilgames came back!!!!
I started a new course and am now a pastry chef
i made some new friends, both in my personal life and online
so many wonderful fics to read across many fandoms
i was able to see so many cool bands live including my chemical romance, fall out boy, the used, paramore, slipknot, parkway drive, foo fighters, architects, limp bizkit, enter shikari and so many more
i was able to meet David Harbour and Jamie Campbell Bower
I got a passport and can travel overseas for the first time! going to the US next october for WWWY fest
gonna tag a bunch of people who also bring me joy
@creepkinginc @ian-galagher @skylerwinchester @mybrainismelted @ms-moonlight-inn @spacerockwriting @stocious @transmickey @juliakayyy @punkpal @phansterdam @ahappyphjl @freckliedan @iero @vintagelacerosette @sam-loves-seb @iansw0rld @darlingian @suzy-queued @beachcollector @swearphil @natigail @energievie @look-i-love-u @mikhailoisbaby @m4ndysk4nkovich @jrooc
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lexusiswriting · 6 months
A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 8 of ?
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Hi guys!
I know I said in the last part that this story will have 2 more parts, but apparently it would be more than that, haha. I hope it's a good thing.
Warnings: none.
Tags: @multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares,@roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens (thank you for reblogging! <3), @w743, @insanitywulf, @awkwardalex, @philomenie
Requests: OPEN.
After 6 years, Lexus’s point of view
6 years ago, I promised Chris I would be happier, and I like to think that I kept my promise. Not fully, but I’m definitely better than I was.
A wish that I always had was to have my own personal record label, where I could help the new bands to make a name for themselves, and I’m happy it actually came to life. Our beginning in the industry was rough, and now I could make it all easier for them. Even though we were busy with our band as well, the boys helped me in every possible aspect to make it work. After we celebrated one year of the record label, people started to say that everything that was signed by me turned to gold, and that was the best compliment I could have ever received.
Our band was doing better than ever. We have received lots of awards in these past years, our albums were doing great, and we were touring all around the world.
While professionally everything was going great, when it came to love it was a completely different story. It took me a little over a year to forget about Ricky, and it was the most difficult thing I had to do. He never contacted me since that tour, and I tried to avoid him at all costs. Now, I don’t have a problem when someone mentions him, but it seems like our paths don’t want to connect anymore.
After the worst year of my life, something great happened. While we were working on the album that was released in that year, we got a call that changed our lives. More precisely, my life.
The one and only Corey Taylor called to let us know he has a free spot on the Knotfest with our band’s name on it. We thought it was a joke at first, but he said how perfect we would be in the line-up. Of course, we accepted it, and we got the chance to play on the same stage as Korn, Trivium, Parkway Drive and of course, Slipknot.
While we were on tour, Corey and I got very close. At first, we would only share about our experiences on tours or talking about music in general. Then we started to know each other better and got to see what an amazing man he is, making me laugh in every occasion he got. He had a little acoustic concert on one of his free days, and I was the only one to get an invite, and he played my favourite song from Stone Sour, even though it was not on the set list. After this concert, he asked me if I would go on a date with him after Knotfest ends. I said yes.
We started dating shortly after our first date. Our relationship was always seen as weird, because to the world we seemed very different. It was true, he was more extroverted than I would always be, but we made it work. After one year, he proposed. To which I say yes.
After 3 months into our marriage, I found out I was pregnant. We were both extremely happy when we got to hold our baby girl. I remember when I got to hold her for the first time how I thought she was the most perfect thing in this world and still is to this day.
It’s hard having this kind of career and being a mother at the same time. But for our little angel, I would do everything in my power to have the most perfect life.
Today was a special day for me. While I was driving to my record label, Chris called me saying he will visit me there. Our schedules rarely matched, so seeing each other was really hard. But I still consider him my best friend.
When I opened the door, I was greeted by Stephanie, my receptionist.
“Hello, Lexus. Chris is waiting for you in your office.”
“Thank you, Stephanie.”
While I was walking to my office, with lots of papers in my hands, I tried not to drop them.
“Chris! I’m so happy to see you!”
I put the papers carefully on my desk and turned back to Chris to give him a hug.
“I missed you so much, Lexus. I think it’s been 3 months, right?”
“Yeah, too much if you ask me.”
We both laughed, and then I sat on my chair, while Chris sat on the one in front of my desk.
“Well, even though I truly missed you, that’s not the only reason I am here.”
“Is this reason more important than me?”
“Of course not, but it’s really important for me.”
He seemed worried. I saw him playing with his fingers, trying to find the best way to tell me about his problem.
“So, the thing is that… our contract will come to an end soon. We can have a new one with the same record label, but I wanted to ask you if there is a possibility to sign with you.”
At first, I didn’t know what to say. I sat there for probably more than a minute to think about it.
“Look, before you answer, let me say just one more thing. If you don’t feel okay with having Ricky here, I get it and I promise it will not affect our friendship at all.”
“I don’t have a problem with him anymore. What happened, it’s in the past. I think we can act like two adults now, right?”
“Of course. I can assure you, he is not that much of a jerk now.”
“I would be happy to have Motionless here. But I need to talk to all of you, to make sure the contract is fair for you all.”
Chris had the biggest smile on his face. I was doing this only for him, for every little thing that he helped me with.
“Is tomorrow at 3 p.m. alright?”
“Yeah, we will be here.”
He hugged me once again, spinning me a little. After I was back on the ground, his eyes moved to my desk.
“What’s with all the paper work? A new band coming in?”
“Oh, no, it’s nothing important.”
He raised his eyebrow, feeling that something was going on. For the moment he was too happy to bother with it, so he left the subject in the air.
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