#part 1 i guess
noemitenshi · 8 months
Crazy Dog didn’t look violent now. Moody, yes. Annoyed that he had to be here – though what did he have to be annoyed by Troy didn’t know. They’d won after all and he felt bile rise at that thought. At having failed so abysmally. The ranch had lost, it was written on the faces of his comrades. And he was just sitting around like an asshole, fantasizing… he was sick.
And the Indian – the Indian kept stealing glances at him, too, their gazes meeting more than once and Troy burned to know what was going on behind those dark eyes. It felt like a calling, the more it was happening – or a taunt. ‘I know what you want from me – but you’re not getting it now.’
Oh, how he wished he could just punch that face. But no, he wouldn’t start anything. He wouldn’t. He owed that to Jake.
So he just sat there, averting his eyes whenever their gazes met, trying to at least keep his companions’ spirits up or whatever talking shit about the Indians qualified as. Even Terrance, who normally steered clear of the militia, like all teens, seemed to want their support now. Things really had to be dire for him to suck it up and come sit at their table.
His and the Indian’s eyes met again and Troy lost his train of thought…
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yomeiu · 8 months
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akai-anna · 6 months
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one of the best things in detco: conan and shinichi appearing side by side in frames/panels
another note: shinichi literally forgetting he's kudou shinichi bc he got used to being conan. iconic. it slipped his mind. oops.
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multiseb21 · 6 months
F1 drivers as tweets that made me laugh this month 🫡 (part 2)
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shobogan · 2 months
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orphiclovers · 6 days
It's sort of implied Yoo Joonghyuk starts off every regression in his signature outfit already and I have. Headcanons on how that is possible.
It's explicitly stated in canon that his coat does not travel back to him when he regresses (kdj says so to sp), so the two possibilities are either he buys it as soon as possible and just does the first couple scenarios in a normal outfit (boring, unsupported by canon) or... he was already wearing the coat on the day the scenarios started. Which is what I think, and is more interesting. Since those coats already have so much narrative weight in yjh's story let me add a little more.
I think when Yoo Joonghyuk spawned into existence on the side of the road one day, he was wearing the full WoS outfit, coat included. Because, what else would the protagonist wear? This was the only outfit he was written in.
Eventually, he of course did buy normal clothes (in yoo mia side story, which happens a few years later, he wears 'an old jacket') but that coat he started off with with would have been one of the very few pieces of evidence of his supposed 'past' that he wanted to discover so badly. So even if he stopped wear it day-to-day, I think he wouldn't have gotten rid of it.
For years, A Black Infinite Dimention Space Coat hangs in his closet, totally anachronistic in a pre-scenarios world. Like Yoo Joonghyuk himself.
It's important to note that on the day the scenarios started, Yoo Joonghyuk was taking the train to meet his parents for the first time. Perhaps he felt the need to dress up, and what better way than the unusual clothing he wore on the first day he remembers? He would have finally gotten the answers he had been looking for - perhaps even to the comparatively insignificant question of why he was wearing this coat when he forgot his past.
Well, his parents house was empty, but he still gets the answer to his questions eventually, when at 7 p.m on the ride back, the scenarios start.
In a bitter irony, that outfit he chose to wear on that day would be what he wore for the next thousand regressions. But of course, it never could have happened any other way.
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rontra · 2 months
(this is comic #12) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [all posts] [from the start]
the school festival, part 1
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well, it's important to learn how to organize and problem-solve independently, but it's also important to learn that you can & should ask for help when you need it. right? (looking at kawakami) RIGHT?
i miss becky so bad i need maid time soon
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kroosluvr · 2 months
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spare bento [ part 1 / you are here! / part 3 ]
"kasumi was always so insistent about that. ...and, thinking about it now, i guess she was right all along."
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egophiliac · 1 year
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personally, what made me most gleeful about the update news is that the part 2 description implies that they forgot to invite Malleus to Lilia's farewell party. god yes rub that salt into the wound, Monday can't come soon enough
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sincerelywhistler · 5 months
✨PART 2✨ of things my husband does that are so violently Asher Coded, I had to compile a written list and turn them into headcanons:
part 1
- Draws himself a bath, pours a glass of wine, disappears with an entire box of cookies. Calls me into the bathroom 5 minutes later to sit with him because “there are too many cookies, I need help”
- Asks to be read a bed time story with full expectations of you actually reading him a bed time story
- disaster bi
- Gets flustered whenever our usual pizza delivery guy shamelessly flirts with him and I do nothing but watch him crash and burn
- Slides around the house in his socks. Has fallen down a few times because of it
- Lives in and breathes in and will die in his From Under The Cork Tree hoodie
- Already canon but has a million watt smile that could power a small country alone oh my god
- Unironically says “oh my lanta” ???
- Scarily in touch with others’ emotions. You don’t even have to speak and he knows exactly what’s up
- Lays on the bed kicking his feet like a teenage girl when texting or FaceTiming his bestie who is also- as you may recall- named David
- me: *bumps into an inanimate object*
him: *squaring up all big and tough* “THIS GUY FUCKIN BOTHERING YOU BABE? THIS GUY BOTHERING YOU??”
- Accidentally nearly Engaged In Activities with a group of swingers (he works at a coastal country club as an event coordinator and was asked to deliver drinks to someone’s party boat thing, didn’t see the instructions to leave the order at the dock, didn’t know why the pineapple decoration on the locked door was upside down when he knocked….)
- Hands always on me and his closest friends in some capacity while out in public
- Oh is it raining outside oh no can’t get your shoes wet let me just HEAVE YOU INTO THE AIR AND CARRY YOU TO SAFETY EVEN IF ITS ONLY TO WALK 10 FEET (he’s 6’3”, I’m 5’11”… it’s a spectacle)
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Crazy Love
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader (plus platonic fem!reader x Ellie Williams)
Summary: Ellie has a nightmare and you and Joel help calm her down [1.3k]
Author’s note: Apparently I’ve been on my tlou found family trope kick recently
Warnings: mentions of David, nightmares, a panic attack, I can’t think of anything else!
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Ellie's screams rattle you from an already light sleep and shake the house. You and Joel are out of bed and sprinting to her room before you can even think about it. She's sitting up in bed when you open her door, gasps wrenching from her throat as she struggles to breathe, and she's in your arms not even a moment later. "You're home. You're okay," you tell her as you pull her close. She curls her head into your chest and sobs loudly. "We're right here with you, baby." Joel pulls the chair from her desk to sit across from you, an ever-present but silent figure. 
This is the third time this week she's woken up screaming. Each time, it sounds like thunder splitting the sky in half. It reminds you of every terrible moment that unfolded over the year it took to get to Jackson. Your heart aches, and tears fill your eyes as you rub her back and remind her that she's safe, that you and Joel would never let anything happen to her, and that you love her. Joel rests a gentle hand on your knee when he sees your tears, and you nod at him over Ellie's head. It's hard for both of you to see her like this and know there's nothing you can do to shield her from her own mind. 
She tells you bits and pieces of her nightmare in between cries. You're able to put together the words David, fire, blood, and know what she dreamt of. "Oh, sweet girl," you murmur as you push her hair out of her face and kiss her head. You hold her to your chest, tucking her under your chin, and hum an old song quietly. Joel reaches out and rubs soothing circles into her back. After a few minutes, her sobs die down to soft sniffles, and her breathing returns to normal. 
"You okay, kiddo?" Joel asks quietly. She nods against you and pulls away enough to look at him. Her face is red and splotchy, and her eyes are swollen. 
"Just felt so real," she says. You tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear, and she takes a shaky breath. "I'm sorry I woke you guys up."
"You have no reason to apologize," Joel says in that firm, loving tone reserved for Ellie. "We get them, too."
"Yeah, but you don't wake everyone up when you do,"
"That's not true. We've probably woken each other up hundreds of times over the years." You tell her, glancing at Joel, who's nodding in agreement. Ellie looks between us and relaxes a little bit.
"Does it get better?" She asks. "Like, do they go away?" 
"I don't know if they'll ever go away, but it gets more manageable. They become less real. Sometimes, we'll still wake up cryin' and screamin', but we can't remember why. We just know it was a nightmare, and we talk about it and go back to sleep." He explains, his southern twang peeking through his words as he gets sleepier. 
"Does talking about it help?"
"Sometimes. The great thing about us three is that we went through all of that shit together, so we trust each other. We understand each other. Joel knows that cars make me nervous because of what happened in Kansas City, and I know that Joel's right hand is a little weaker than his left because it didn't heal right after we left Boston," You say. Joel makes a mock, offended face, and Ellie smiles. You swear, his eyes twinkle in the low light of her room when she does. "And I know that you are an incredibly capable girl who saw a lot of things you shouldn't have. You're still learning how to live with these things, and that's okay because we're here for you. We'll always be right down the hall." 
"Even if I have shitty table manners?" She asks at the end of your emotional, vulnerable speech, and Joel laughs. She gets that from him, you think. The sass in her question and the smirk pulling at her lips have Joel written all over them. They may not share any DNA, but that girl is a Miller through and through.
"Even if you have shitty table manners." He confirms.
"Even if I tell you puns all day?"
"Yes, that too."
"What about-"
"When you go to school tomorrow, ask your smartass teacher what the word 'unconditional' means, alright? Tell her you need a vocabulary quiz or somethin'." He says, and you laugh along with Ellie. Her face lights up, and the weight drops from her shoulders. You may not know what tomorrow will bring, but this, right now, is enough. You kiss Ellie's head again, the love you feel for her pouring out of you, and she lets you before rubbing at her eyes and yawning.
"Tired?" You ask, and she nods. "Do you want us to stay with you until you fall asleep?" 
"I think I'll be okay," she says, untangling from you and tucking herself under the covers. You and Joel stand, tell her goodnight and remind her you're not far. Right before you can close her bedroom door, she sits back up. "Could you... maybe leave it open? Just a little bit."
"Anything for you, kiddo." She smiles at your answer before finally laying back down and closing her eyes. When you turn to walk back to your bedroom, Joel cups your jaw and kisses you. Your hands rest on his chest as his smell surrounds you—something sweet and smoky and so inherently him. He kisses you slowly and deeply, stealing the air from your lungs. When you pull away, he chases your lips and kisses you once, twice, three times before looking at you. His eyes are warm and heavy with fatigue and something more. "What was that for?" You whisper, careful not to wake Ellie.
"Takin' care of her," he says. "Takin' care of us. I wouldn't have been able to do that without you." You smile and kiss him again. 
"You're getting soft on me, cowboy." You murmur against him, and he huffs a laugh.
"Now, you keep that one to yourself. I've got a reputation to uphold."
"You mean the residents of Jackson don't know that mean old Joel Miller is secretly a huge softy for his family? I'm shocked." 
"You like mean old Joel Miller."
"I love mean old Joel Miller," you say, and he smiles, creasing the corners of his eyes. "Let's go back to bed before we have to get up for patrol."  
"Yes, ma'am," he says as you untangle from each other, but he stays close, keeping a hand on your lower back as you walk to your bedroom. Together, you pick the blankets off the floor and reset the bed. When you crawl back into bed, his arms wrap around your waist, and he pulls you to his chest. It's easy to get sleepy with the human furnace holding you. 
"Were you humming Van Morrison to her?" He asks right before you can fully fall back to sleep. You have to laugh because the idea of him wracking his brain for the familiar tune through all of that is hilarious. You also have about five hours until patrol, and he's still awake, asking you about the song you were humming.
"I can't believe it took you that long to recognize it. Maybe you are losing it." You turn to look at him, and he rolls his eyes, trying to hide his smirk.
"Go to sleep."
"I'm trying. You're the one asking about Van Morrison." He doesn't fight you on getting the last word in. Instead, he kisses the back of your neck and squeezes you a little tighter. You fall asleep listening to big, scary Joel Miller humming Crazy Love into your skin like a gospel. After all these years, you have to think that maybe Van Morrison got that one right. Maybe love is enough to make us whole again. 
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beaulesbian · 2 months
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I was once again thinking about this goofy Luffy moment after his Lucci punch™ and i had to see it frame by frame.
first the force of it throws them both away, and while Lucci is seen on screen tumbling for a long moment, Luffy is just away in a blink of an eye.
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and then his funny scene - his legs are like jelly that he tries to get under control,
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he stumbles, falls, rolls into a mix of all his limbs and eyes,
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and then only the cloud behind him cushions his fall
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- which would be interesting if he can subconsciously control that while he tries to regain the control over his movements - that the environment around him still adapts to his awakened Devil Fruit abilities and morphs to help him. Where others would probably fall through that cloud, for Luffy that cloud backs him up like a trampoline.
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It's just fascinating!
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perkedelktg · 3 months
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Anjana Vasan as Amina Hussein
We Are Lady Parts 1.01 "Play Something"
Inspo: x
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marikodraws · 1 year
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A Knife Cuts Deeper on the Way Out
Part 2 of my accordion book comic project! Part 1 >here<
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cluescorner · 1 month
A Batman who kills people is a bad Batman. Except for Terry because he is my special boy. Terry can drown a man it's ok. He can literally shatter a woman it's fine.
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pepperpixel · 5 months
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Scott pilgrim art dump!!!! I started working on these like a fucking month ago and just have not been able to finish them cuz life has been so fucking busy… but I FINALLY! I finally managed to finish them now!!! So behold!!!!!! My blorbos! My favs…. I rlly enjoyed every scene w these 3 they were adorable and awesome and cool…. I hope u guys enjoy my art of them even if it is super freaking late ghgh
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