#part of me thinks she and Zoey did it as like a girls day out or something
myplace2fangirl · 9 months
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They’ve loved each other for over 15 years.
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purplecoffee13 · 10 months
The Fake Girlfriend - pt. 4*
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Summary: “Harry and Y/N faked their break-up when they got back to the wedding, and they haven’t seen each other since. But Y/N can’t handle the silence, and decides to confront him.”
Wc: 5.2k
Tropes: semi-enemies-to-lovers (she hates him)
Warnings: angst, overdue confessions, possessiveness, feral!Harry, elevator sex, multiple orgasms (f!receiving), overstimulation (slightly)
A/N: The final part is here!!! I hope you enjoyed this little ride. Thank you for the likes, reblogs and comments. I just wrote this in one sitting, and I haven’t actively proof read it, but I wanted to upload it anyway and I’ll go over it again tomorrow. Enjoy!
It has been three weeks since Harry and I flew back home. After our adventure in the broom closet, Harry’s entire energy had shifted and he was being distant, except when we needed to prove to everyone that we were a couple.
The flight was nothing short of excruciating, and a part of my soul, one that I had decided to lock up for my own sanity, hoped that the plane would never hit the ground. It had become evident that once back home, everything would go back to how it used to be. That stupid flight was the last time I could pretend Harry and I would ever stand a chance.
I was in awe with how fast I'd fallen for him, but seeing him around his family, having him touch me in the ways he did, and watching his eyes sparkle whenever he looked at me. I'm positive I'm making half of it up, especially because I've been reeling over everything that happened over the past week.
Harry and I had agreed, before we even stepped on the plane to Italy, to just tell our friends that it didn't work out once we got back. To say that we got into a fight on the way home, and we were back to hating each other's guts.
At the time I wondered how I was going to fake being heart broken in front of my friends, but I didn't have to lie. Zoey and Natalia were shocked to see how affected I was by this supposed break-up. They never said 'I told you so', but I know they were thinking it. Nonetheless, they stayed with me, talking about it all night.
I managed to twist the story to fit the narrative Harry and I told everyone. I just needed to talk to someone about the whole situation with Ophelia and how I felt foolish for ever thinking we'd have a shot in the first place.
A week after we got back, I saw him in the hallway of the literature building. He doesn't take any literary classes, so I was startled when I saw him standing there. He was alone, and looking at me, but he didn't walk up to me. I tore my gaze away from him and walked into the classroom. I still don't know what we talked about in that class, but I remember sitting by the window to watch him walk to the engineering building, hands buried in his pockets.
Thirty days have passed, and I'm still not entirely over it. Zoey and Natalia asked me to go out for drinks tonight, and I reluctantly accepted. I need to get out of this house and start moving on from the confusing mess I worked myself into.
We meet at a local Irish pub near the campus. Upon arriving, I almost immediately spot the girls sitting in one of the bigger booths. As I near, I spot a few of Malcolm's friends, and my ex himself in the booth too. Zoey sees me and comes running as fast as she can, pulling me away from the table.
"I am so sorry!" She begins, a stressed look on her face. "We texted you that he was here, but we weren't sure if you'd get them in time. I swear, we didn't know he was coming."
I throw her a smile, then pull her into a hug. Zoey stays still first, but slowly wraps her around me too. When I get out of the hug and look back at her, her wide eyes are filled with question marks.
"I really don't care, but thank you for trying to warn me." I rub her arms soothingly. I still sound sad, I know that, but I can't help it. Maybe a beer will help me relieve some of the weight I've been feeling on my shoulders these past few weeks.
"You really liked Harry, didn't you?" She asks me, and I nod, because it's in the past now so there is no point in denying it anymore. "Even though you dated for such a short time."
"He just... I don't know, Zoe. He felt so familiar, and I thought that meant something..." I shrug, feeling my heart strain as I talk. "But it didn't. My mistake."
Zoey gives me a sad smile, and suggests to go get a drink. I agree and we walk to the bar together, where we both order some kind of special beer we've never tasted before. We get caught up in a conversation, and our huge glasses are half-empty by the time we get back to the booth. I greet everyone, blowing a kiss to Natalia who sits in the middle of the booth. She shares the same worried look as Zoey, but at the sight of our faces, she relaxes a bit.
I feel Malcolm's burning stare on me. He is sitting with his arm around another girl, slouched back, fiddling with his empty glass on the table. I don't gift him the satisfaction of meeting his eye any more than necessary, and pick up the conversation with Zoey where we left it off.
An hour goes by, and no one dares to mention Harry so far, which makes me a lucky girl because I don't want to hear about him right now. But I think my mind jinxed it, unfortunately, because over Zoey, Natalia and my laughter, I hear Malcolm's voice say something I didn't even know I was dreading until the words come out of his mouth.
"Did you see that blonde chick Harry was with the other day?" He asks Noel, one of his idiot friends, who has always hated me for some reason. Noel nods intently.
"Oh yeah she was insanely hot, where the fuck did he even get her from?" He replies, and even though I'm not looking at him, I can feel the smirk in his voice.
But I don't really care about the malice with which those words were spoken. All I can think about is the word 'blonde', and how much I wish it isn't who I think it is.
I take a deep breath and finish my beer in one go. I have taken note of the awkward silence that dominates the table, but I don't let it get me self-conscious.
"I have to go." I say to Zoey, and start moving towards the end of the booth. She moves along with me and gets out of the booth so I can get out, but she looks concerned.
"Don't let Mal get to you. He's a jerk." She pleas, and I shake my head.
"He isn't getting to me. I just need to go, I need to see Harry." I explain, even though I'm risking the chance that Natalia and Zoey will physically restrain me from going.
"I'll drive you." I hear Natalia say from behind me. I turn around and see her getting out of the booth as she throws on her jacket.
"Where are you guys going?" Noel asks, a bit of an angry tone in his voice. Natalia turns around and scowls at him.
"To find guys whose balls have dropped."
With that, Zoey and Natalia escort me out of the pub, and we giggle as we get into the car.
"Okay, where does he live again?" Natalia says, getting her car GPS ready. I give her the address, which is actually quite close to the pub, and in under five minutes we have arrived at his apartment complex. I've never been here before, but I keep that to myself, of course.
"All right," Natalia and Zoey turn around to me, who is sitting in the backseat. "let us know when you're inside and if you want us to wait, okay?"
I nod at them, and they cheer me on as I get out of the car. Anxiety fills me as I make my way towards the door, and I feel like I might just throw up as I ring the bell. However, Harry doesn't answer it. To my luck, a woman opens the door from the inside, and holds the door for me so I can walk inside.
Utter fear and excitement make my body shiver as I stand in the empty elevator, waiting to reach the seventh floor where Harry lives. I speed walk towards his front door, but once I'm in front of her, I get increasingly more anxious about knocking.
What if Ophelia is still here? What if they're inside together? I'd look like a fool. Hell, I already do. What part of me even assumed he feels something for me in the first place. For all I know, he doesn't give two shits about me.
But the second I take a physical step back, I shake my head. No, I need to talk to him.
I knock a couple of times, but there is no answer. I stand there for a minute, then knock again. After three minutes of standing there in silence, my shoulders start to slump. He's not here. But there is a string of motivation that pulls me along anyway, and it makes me pick up my phone and dial his number.
Much like his door, he doesn't answer the phone, and I am connected to his voicemail. I take a deep breathe as the peep reaches my ear.
"Hi," I softly say when the peep has faded and it's up to me to leave him a message. "I... I'm uh, I'm at your apartment, but you're not home— Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have had to leave this voicemail."
I squeeze my eyes shut at the awkward trailing off, and clench my jaw to shut myself up before I say too much stupid shit.
"But uhm, I heard you were with— never mind. Can we talk? Let me know, okay?" I stumble, before hanging up. I sigh, rolling my eyes at my own stupidity as I walk back to the elevator.
When I'm back at the car again, the girls are quick to jump me with questions, but their voices fade at the sight of my disappointed face.
"We'll drop you off at your apartment, okay?" Natalia says as Zoey grabs my hand and squeezes it. I silently nod, feeling too stupid to talk or move.
It doesn't take long to get to my apartment, which is on campus. I huh the girls goodbye and make a beeline for the elevator, wanting to get into my bed as soon as possible and watch movies for the rest of the night.
When the elevator reaches my floor, I am quick to step out, but my eyes widen at the person I spot.
At my front door is Harry, whose head shoots towards me at the ping of the elevator. His eyebrows raise at the sight of me, like he's relieved to see me. In a matter of seconds, he's standing in front of me.
"What are you doing here?" I managed to say, my mind cloudy from the surprise of him standing at my front door after I just came back from standing at his front door.
"Making up for my stupidity." He says without missing a beat, a sad look in his eyes. It looks an awful lot like the way he looked at me in the broom closet as his energy completely shifted and he emotionally closed himself off from me for the rest of the trip.
"D– did you get my voicemail?" I ask him, but he shakes his head. I stare at him, doe eyed. Freaky.
"I was just at your apartment. You weren't there, and I thought you were with... Malcolm said he saw you with a blonde girl and I... oh, I don't know I'm rambling." I wave it off, shrugging my shoulders.
"I wasn't." Harry leans down to meet my eyes, and when he does, he says it again. "I wasn't."
He cups my face with his hands and waits for me to respond to him. I nod, softly, my stomach turning at the touch of his hands on my face, and I fight the urge to close my eyes.
"Look, this whole thing is stupid. I caught feelings, and I think I saw things and found meanings that weren't there." I confess to him, the tension in my body already starting to fade away. "I just got weirdly jealous of Ophelia. I mean, here I was with this crush that had been developing for a couple weeks, while she has this deep history with you. I know I can't compete with someone like that."
Harry frowns as if I'm telling him lies, and it gets me a little bit insecure.
"But, I don't know. I guess I just wanted to apologize for if I made things weirder than they needed to be." I give him a half-smile. "So, sorry."
It stays silent between us, for a couple of minutes, but then Harry let's put a short laugh. My cheeks begin to heat up at the sound of it. Is he laughing at me?
I roll my eyes. I thought he was serious about talking to me, and now I feel stupid for what I just said. I go to walk past him, but he doesn't allow me to.
"Let me through." I demand, trying to push his arm away, but he just shakes his head.
"I'm not going to stand if you're just going to laugh at me. Let me through, Harry." I argue, but he doesn't budge. I groan loudly, then turn around and walk towards the elevator. I hear his footsteps behind me , but I ignore them.
"What are you doing?" He asks, watching me as I push the button from the elevator over and over again, as if it has any effect on the speed with which it will arrive.
"Getting away from you." I grit through my teeth, a little sense of victory washing over me as the elevator door opens. I have no idea where I'm going, but I'm currently opting for tattling Harry to the janitor so he'll get kicked out of the building.
Not so much to my surprise, he follows, standing in front of the buttons. He smirks lazily as I try to move him away, and eventually manage to push the '1' button. The door closes, and I go to turn around, but Harry pulls me back against him, and suddenly the elevator starts shaking a bit, and we come to a halt. I push Harry's arm away from my waist and turn around to see his hand still around the emergency stop. My eyes widen at the realization of what he just did.
"What did you do?!" I cry out.
"We weren't done talking." He says, face turned serious again.
"We were." I argue, crossing my arms. He rolls his eyes at me, just like I did before.
"We were not."
"Well, I was!"
"You can be so difficult sometimes, do you know that?" He tells me, voice strained with irritation.
"Says the guy who stopped the elevator!" I fight back.
"You won't hear me out." Harry reasons, and he's right. I don't. I'm too mad to hear him out right now. So, I don't respond to him with anything but a scowl. He takes a step closer, and I instinctively take one back, tearing my eyes off him and instead staring at the ground.
"And if you don't hear me out, you wouldn't know that Ophelia was never here. I haven't seen her since the wedding. They probably saw me with someone from class." He tells me, and while I feel relieved, I also feel like an idiot for ever having the plan to let janitor Hector throw Harry out of the building.
"And you also wouldn't know that when I was eighteen, I went to this pool party, and I saw this girl in a lilac bikini, playing volleyball in the pool with a beer in her hand," He steps closer again, and I let him. My brows knit and I meet his eyes. "and I fell in love with her right then and there."
I remember that party. I didn't know he was there, too.
"But she was dancing with someone else, so I hooked up with this girl named Marie. And when I went on a date with her, I discovered her best friend was the girl from the pool party." He explains, and I scoff. What a pretty fairytale like story, too good to be true. Harry shakes his head slowly, and then cups my face with his hands again.
"I swear to god, Y/N. I've liked you from the first time I laid eyes on you three years ago. I was young, and stupid and I'm sorry you lost that friendship because of me. I shouldn't have made a move on you while dating someone else, that was stupid and I can't take that back. But I got too excited with the fact that I could finally talk to you."
"You worry about me and Ophelia's history. Well, I've wanted you for three years. I've just been waiting for even a sliver of a chance, and I promised myself I wouldn't fuck it up when I got it." He tells me, and the generosity in his voice makes me want to cry. "I just got a bit nervous, after what happened those two nights. I didn't want it to be a one time thing. But I acted too distant, I shouldn't have done that. But I swear, from the moment I saw you, it's been you. Not Ophelia or anyone else, just you, okay? And if you don't believe me, let me add that my parents actually don't know Leila's gay."
I take a deep, shaky breath, unable to take my eyes off of him, and then push my lips onto his. It's sudden, and it's needy, and it stems from the overwhelming urge to be as close to him as I possibly can. I can't articulate what I feel but I can show it by the way I kiss him.
He doesn't waste anytime and deepens the kiss as soon as my arms have flung around his neck. His tongue dances around mine hungrily, but there is still this gentleness in his movements. He is holding back a bit, as if he kissing me like he really wants to will make me disappear. I decide to pull out of the kiss for a moment, and we stare at each other, breathless with the passion that is burning in both our bodies.
"I missed you." I blurt out, shocking myself and him. Harry's mouth forms into a wide smile, and dives his head straight into my neck. A moan escapes my mouth the second I feel him starting to suck on my skin.
"Harry... we probably shouldn't do this here." I protest ever so slightly, because I actually do not care but I'd rather have him in my bed than against the hard wall. "Let's go back to my place."
He kisses his way up to my jaw, and gums in agreement. I go to step away from him to push back the emergency stop, but Harry doesn't let me. He puts his left hand around my neck and kisses me again, while his right hand hikes up my skirt. Upon stopping the kiss, he leans into my ear.
"We'll get out of here once you've had an orgasm. Consider it an apology for laughing just now." He purred. The combination his heavy breathing and his fingers slipping into my panties makes me shut my eyes tightly. He strokes my pussy with two of his fingers, getting a feel of my wetness.
"Poor girl, I've got you all soaked, don't I?" He taunts as he begins to rub my clit. I moan a 'yes', too aroused to be able to handle the slow teasing. I just want to come so we can get out of here and he can fuck me on my bed.
"Harry, please..." I plead with him, and somewhat of a growl leaves his mouth. His fingers disappear from my heat and I whine at the sudden coolness of my underwear's fabric in my pussy.
I hear the jingle of his belt and I look down to see him taking his rock hard cock out of his pants. Before I can even ask what he's doing, Harry grabs my ass and lifts me up. I instinctively wrap my legs around him, gasping at the feel of his cock against my wet folds.
"I'm going to give you my cock baby, and you're going to take it like the good girl you are, alright?" He commands, taking my underwear between both of his hands and ripping it apart. I widen my eyes at the sight of him pushing away my torn panties, but I'm too turned on from it to get mad.
"Harry, we're in an elevator. What if other people—"
"Do I look like I give a shit about other people? They can take the stairs for all I care." He interrupts me, voice raised a bit. I shake my head ever so hesitantly. "Now, do you want my cock or not?"
He slaps my thigh when I don't respond to him immediately, so I nod as fast as I can.
"Yes, I want it. Please." I look at him, and he leans in to kiss me again. This time it's harsh, and sloppy and needy, the passion having turned into a rough fire that can only be put out with a hard fuck.
He stops the kiss, aligns himself with my pussy, and then pushes himself into me. I let out a shameless cry at the feeling of his dick gliding into me. It's so easy because of how wet I am, and I like how big he is and how it hurts the first minute.
"Fuck, you have no idea how much I've dreamed of this, love." He starts out slow, knowing his size is something to get used to, but I want none of that.
"Go faster, Harry. I don't care if it hurts, I just want you." I gasp into his mouth in between kisses, and he groans loudly before pushing himself into me with a sharp trust that gives me a burning feeling in my core. It's like I've turned a switch, because Harry's pace is unbelievable and I find it might be too much to handle. Every thought I have fades away until the only thing I can think about is him.
I moan like we're in an isolated room and watch his beautiful face and the curls that fall in front of his face because of the harshness of the thrusts.
"Ah! Fuck, fuck, Harry!" The only words I'm able to articulate from all that are flying through my brain.
"Thaaat's it baby. You get what you asked for " He smirks, his fingers finding their way to my clit. I cry out from the moment he starts to rub circles on it, and I know I won't last very long anymore.
"Are you gonna cum for me already, baby? Are you gonna cream all over my thick cock?" He asks and I can't help but scream out. My tits are almost spilling out of my top because of the way Harry's fucking me against this wall.
"Yes, yes, please! I'm gonna—" I can't even finish my sentence before my orgasm takes ahold of my body, mind and soul. My walls are pulsating around Harry and I'm pulling on his hair for some kind of support as I fall apart. I try to catch my breath, but I'm not able to because Harry drills into me even harder than before.
"H– Harry what are you, oh..." My eyes roll to the back of my head at the amount of stimulation that I'm currently feeling. My grip on his head loosens and I slowly start becoming nothing but a rag doll for him to fuck stupid.
"You're mine now." He growls, and I nod at him, too out of breath to say anything. "And I'm going fuck you until I cum inside your sweet pussy, and you'll hold it in there until we get to your apartment. Do you understand?"
I nod at his request, but he isn't pleased with that. He wraps one of his hands around my neck and squeezes ever so slightly.
"I said: do you understand?"
"I understand." I sputter out, and with that he is back to pounding himself into me. He doesn't take his time, and I know it's because he needs this release just as much as I do. His thumb finds its way to my button again and he continues rubbing and rubbing until I'm nothing but a shivering mess under him.
"Look at you, getting fucked stupid in an elevator by your boyfriend. Such a little slut, all for– fuck! All for me, huh?" He rambles and nothing but words of agreement leave my mouth at his dirty words as I feel my legs tremble with the arrival of a second orgasm.
I push Harry's face against mine to muffle my own scream, but the way he moans into me doesn't quite help my case.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum, baby." He says, and I gather all my mental strength to return some of that dirty talk he's been providing me with.
"Cum for me, please. I need it so fucking bad, baby. Make me yours." I mewl and his thrusts become more erratic with every word I utter, and by the time I'm done talking, I feel the hot spurts of his cum coating my walls.
We're both unable to talk for a minute. We stand there, catching our breath with our foreheads pressed against each other.
"I'm gonna pull out, baby." Harry says after another minute of coming back to earth. I nod tiredly, and hiss as he removes his dick from me. He slowly lowers my legs to the ground, but I hold on tight to his neck because my legs need a few seconds to adjust to holding up my entire body weight.
Harry puts on his pants again and shimmies down my skirt for me before pushing the emergency stop. The elevator goes up almost immediately, but it feels like forever, especially with the feeling of Harry's cum starting to leak out of me. I do my best to hold it in, but it's hard when your legs have just done the most intense work-out they've ever done in their entire life.
When the elevator door opens on my floor, we are met with another couple, who looks at us with a frown when met with the state of us. It doesn't help that the elevator smells like sex now, so we walk out as quickly as we can, Harry adding a cheeky 'goodnight' before we rush to my door.
We both burst into laughter the second the elevator closes and I open my front door for us to get in. Once inside, Harry picks me up and Carrie's me to my couch, where he lays me down on my back. He lies on top of me, partly holding himself up so I don't crush under him, and gives me a deep, long kiss.
His hands stroke through my hair as our lips brush against each other. It's delicate and I could cry at the softness of it all. Harry pulls out of the kiss to analyze my face. He takes in every feature, as do I, and after a bit of silence he speaks up.
"I can't believe you let me have you." He says, those stars in his eyes that I love so much.
"I can't believe your parents don't know Leila's gay."
That makes him laugh, and in time me, because his laugh is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard, apart from his moans.
"You liked me for three years." I state what he said earlier, and he nods a genuine nod.
"Three and half, to be exact."
"You're crazy." I shake my head with a chuckle.
"Deal with it. Your boyfriend is a crazy guy." He says and kisses my neck again, before moving away from me.
"Where are you going?" I ask with a frown, not happy with him just going away out of nowhere. I roll my eyes when he hikes up my skirt once again and starts kissing my thigh.
"Harry, I already came two times. I don't know if I'll be able to come."
"Ssh, baby. Just want a taste." He says before attaching his mouth to my clit. I let out a shriek at how intense the feeling is, especially in regards to the sensitivity of my clit.
I become a moaning mess right away, and my hand finds its way to his hair. He sucks and licks long stripes all over my pussy. He lifts his face for a moment, mouth and nose glistening with our arousal and pushes two of his fingers further and further into my mouth. I suck on them with a satisfied moan, until he retracts them and shoved them into my already filled up hole.
"Oh, m– oh my god!" I whimper as his fingers pump in and out of me, and he knocks me out of the park when he starts flicking his tongue over my clit.
I know my orgasm is closing in, but I've never experienced three orgasms in one night before, and I have to say I'm slightly scared of this one. Everything feels so intense that I don't know how I'm going to react to this third one.
A string of curses and moans are the only thing that leave my mouth as I shut my eyes so tight that I swear I see stars, and my entire body pulsates as he helps me ride out my high. I don't even have the strength to open my eyes until Harry gets back on eye level with me.
"Open your eyes baby." He whispers, his fingers caressing my cheek. My eyes flutter open and I whine incoherently.
"I know love, I know. I'll get you all cleaned up and then we' go to sleep, alright." He tells me, planting a kiss on my cheek before getting up and scooping me up from the couch. I already feel awake enough to walk myself, but I keep quiet so he can carry me to my bathroom.
He strips both of us from our clothes and turns on the shower. He cleans me up, even though I insist I do it myself, and afterwards he also fancies himself in charge of what I'm wearing to bed. He picks out a simple, oversized Metallica t-shirt I got from my dad, and helps me put it on before getting into bed with me.
I have to say I am quite sleepy, so my eyes fall shut quite easily. Harry keeps on playing with my now wet hair, making me even more drowsy.
"I won't mess this up." He says, mostly to himself, I think. But I respond anyway.
"I won't let you."
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i think the saddest part about how man-focused tdroti was is that I can see remnants of storyline attempts with the girls yet they were still literally not fleshed out at all, nor did the girls hold any meaningful relationship with each other.
For example, Jo's whole deal with femininity and the "big hairy body issues" line in the dress up episode that was completely dropped? That could have become a small arc with her and the other girl maggots. Jo should have been able to get over her insecurities and realize that maybe she IS like other girls. She doesn't have to insult them over how girly they are. The maggot girls really should have interacted with each other past their strange rivalries in general, actually. Anne Maria and Zoey never got a chance to really move past that perceived love triangle, and they really should have considering how much relevancy Mike and Zoey had the season after.
Most of the tdroti girls are such missed potential in my mind and oh how it Sucks to see . it could have worked so well with the right screentime allocation. I know that Anne Maria was initially meant to be in TDAS, and I really wonder if they would have fleshed her out at least a little more if that were the case.... i still love tdroti so much but dear lord can someone take me to a universe where we had jomaria rivals to lovers arc i would kill for that any day of the decade
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soupdwelling · 10 months
i copied down the descriptions of the actors in the workin boys program cause they made me giggle
ZOEY CHAMBERS (Henrietta) is humbled beyond words to be a part of this groundbreaking production. Zoey has been entrancing audiences for years with her portrayal of girl-bosses like Sandy from Grease and Fantine from Les Miserables. Zoey would like to thank her brother Zack for giving her the actor bug in the third grade! It’s ironic that Zack thought he was the actor of the family. But Zoey would go on to overshadow him in every way. Sucks to suck, doesn’t it Zachary? Zoey would also like to thank her roommate and fellow cast member Haley! Haley is perfectly cast in her very small and inconsequential part. The role of Marge is just so uninteresting and one dimensional that it helps mask Haley’s limited range as an actress, as well as other flaws, such as not being pretty enough to pull off an ingenue. Enjoy the show and be sure to check out Zoey’s Only Fans for spicy pics, JO’s(?), and other lewd content!
HALEY DILMORE (Marge) is so lucky to be part of the best cast in the world! She has no idea how she managed to worm her way into this talented group of ladies! You may recognize Haley as a Pink Lady for Grease or Disciple #3 from Godspell. Haley would like to thank her fellow cast member, Zoey Chambers. Zoey has been an inspiration, a mentor, and above all, a friend. She’d also like to thank her parents and her dog, Walter. Also, she’d like to apologize to the cast once again for blowing up the bathroom every single day during rehearsal. She’s so sorry that she made it stink so bad that everybody had to cross the street to use the toilet in Bank of America. She really doesn’t know what’s happening to her bowels. She’s going to the doctor after the show closes to get everything sorted out. Enjoy the show!
RUTH FLEMING (Secretary #4) is so fucking stoked for her acting debut! This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I mean, her. Ruth ran the lights for her school’s production of The Barbecue Monologues and was also the Assistant Stage Manager for The Wizard of Oz…it sucked. She got bullied and excluded by the whole cast, even though her job was just as important as theirs. More important, actually! Being in the cast is way better. You don’t have to think of an excuse to barge into the dressing rooms. You can just walk right in! Everybody takes off their shirts and lets their titties tumble free! It’s the most awesome thing I’ve ever seen… I mean she’s ever seen. Anyways Ruth doesn’t wanna thank anybody because nobody ever did anything for her.
CASSANDRA KING (Eve) is excited to be present with you fellow vessels in these fleeting moments. Everything has transpired exactly as the lights in the sky foretold. Casse had never been a believer in prophecy or the ethereal space between… but she’s seen too much to deny that truth now. She no longer fears the visions, or the pain that comes with their descent. Pain is the price of knowledge. Pain is the language that unites the children of (???) no matter which star they may hide(??) from. Casse wants to see what lies at the end of the cold hall. She is ready to see the face of the girl screaming in the dark.  How did she find herself aboard? And what is the destination of such a magnificent ship? Is tonight the night Casse departs? The lights give no answer. And so she waits for deliverance. Casse would also like to thank her boyfriend, Chris.
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Actress bios on the Workin' Girls playbill:
ZOEY CHAMBERS (Henrietta) is humbled beyond words to be part of such a groundbreaking production. Zoey has been entrancing audiences for years with her portrayal of badass girl-bosses like Sandy from Grease and Fantine from Les Misérables. Zoey would like to thank her brother, Zack, for giving her the acting bug all the way back in the third grade! It's ironic that Zack thought he was the actor of the family, but Zoey would go to completely overshadow him in every way. Sucks to suck, doesn't it, Zachary? Zoey would also like to thank her roommate and fellow cast member, Hailey! Hailey is perfectly cast in her small and inconsequential part. The role of Marge is just so uninteresting and one dimensional that it masks Hailey's limited range as an actress, as well as other flaws, such as not being pretty enough to pull off an ingenue. Enjoy the show and be sure to check out Zoey's Only Fans for spicy pics, [something I can't really read, it kind of looks like it says JQls], and other lewd content!
HAILEY DILMORE (Marge) is so lucky to be part of the best cast in the world! She has no idea how she managed to worm her way into this talented group of ladies! You may recognize Hailey as a Pink Lady from Grease or Disciple #3 from Godspell. Hailey would like to thank her fellow cast member, Zoey Chambers. Zoey has been and inspiration, a mentor, and above all, a friend. She'd also like to thank her parents and her dog, Walter. Also, she'd like to apologize to the cast for blowing up the bathroom every day during rehearsal. She's so sorry she made it stink so bad that everyone had to cross the street to use the toilet in Bank of America. She really doesn't know what's happening to her bowels. She's going to the doctor after the show closes to get everything sorted out. Enjoy the show!
RUTH FLEMING (Secretary #4) is so fucking stoked for her acting debut! This is the best thing that's ever happened to me, I mean, her. Ruth ran the lights for her school's shitty production of The Barbecue Monologues and was the Assistant Stage Manager for The Wizard of Oz... it sucked. She got bullied and excluded by the whole cast, even though her job was just as important as theirs. More important, actually! Being in the cast is way better. You don't have to think of an excuse to barge into the dressing rooms. You can just waltz right in! Everybody takes off their shirts and lets their titties tumble free! It's the most awesome thing I've ever seen... I mean, she's ever seen. Anyways, Ruth doesn't wanna thank anybody because nobody ever did anything for her.
Richie's hand is in the way for Bryce's character, but her name is Cassandra King (Eve), Matt said she's being haunted by extraterrestrial forces
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felyatepa · 4 months
Same vein as my last post
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these bios are fucking hysterical, Richie's hand is always blocking at least one of them so I'm just gonna transcribe them below.
ZOEY CHAMBERS (Henrietta) is humbled beyond words to be a part of this groundbreaking production. Zoey has been entrancing audiences for years with her portrayal of badass girl-bosses like Sandy from Grease and Fantine from Les Miserables. Zoey would like to thank her brother, Zack, for giving her the acting bug all the way back in third grade! It's ironic that Zack thought he was the actor of the family, but Zoey would go on to completely overshadow him in every way. Suck to suck, doesn't it, Zachary? Zoey would also like to thank her roommate and follow cast member, Hailey! Hailey is perfectly cast in her very small and inconsequential part. The role of Marge is just so uninteresting and one dimensional that it helps mask Hailey's limited range as an actress, as well as other flaws, such as not being pretty enough to pull off an ingénue. Enjoy the show and be sure to check out Zoey's Only Fans for spicy pics, JOIs, and other lewd content!
HAILEY DILMORE (Marge) is so lucky to be part of the best cast in the world! She has no idea how she managed to worm her way into this talented group of ladies! You may recognize Hailey as Pink Lady from Grease or Disciple #3 from Godspell. Hailey would like to thank her fellow cast member, Zoey Chambers. Zoey has been an inspiration, a mentor, and above all, a friend. She's also like to thank her parents and her dog, Walter. Also, she'd like to apologize to the cast once again for blowing up the bathroom every single day during rehearsal. She's so sorry she made it stink so bad that everybody had to cross the street to use the toilet in Bank of America. She really doesn't know what's happening to her bowels. She's going to the doctor after the show closes to get everything sorted out. Enjoy the show!
RUTH FLEMING (Secretary #4) is so fucking stoked for her acting debut! This is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I mean, her. Ruth ran lights for her school's shitty production of The Barbeque Monologues and was also the Assistant Stage Manager for The Wizard of Oz ... it sucked. She got bullied and excluded by the whole cast, even though her job was just as important as theirs! More important, actually! Being in the cast is way better. You don't have to think of an excuse to barge into the dressing rooms. You can just waltz right in! Everybody just takes off their shirts and lets their titties tumble free! It's the most awesome thing I've ever seen... I mean, she's ever seen. Anyways, Ruth doesn't wanna thank anybody because nobody ever did anything for her.
CASSANDRA KING (Eve) is elated to be present with you fellow vessels in these fleeting moments. Everything has transpired exactly as the lights in they sky foretold. Cassie had never been a believer in prophecy or the ethereal spaces between... but she's seen too much to deny the truth now. She no longer fears the visions, or the pain that comes with their descent. Pain is the price of knowledge. Pain is the language that unites the children of Az'zoxish, no matter which star they may hail from. Cassie wants to see what lies at the end of the cold hall. She's ready to see the face of the girl screaming in the dark. How did she find herself aboard? And what is the destination of such a magnificent ship? Is tonight the night Cassie departs? The lights give no answer. And so she waits for deliverance. Cassie would also like to thank her boyfriend, Chris.
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sprnklersplashes · 16 days
Zoe 🌼 🌸
Ivy 🌼🌷
Robin 🌼🌱
Sadie 🌼💐
Sophia 🌼🌲
Claire 🌼🌲🌱 also the piercing one (couldn't find the emoji)
Lily 🌼🌲🌴🍀☀️🌈☁️❄️💐
lets gooooo!
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
I think the fact that whatever they do comes from a place of wanting to see justice done where there isn't any. She saw how services like the police weren't working so she took matters into her own hands. And if I may say so myself, she is pretty badass.
🌸- What’s this oc’s favorite and least favorite color?
She wears a lot of black in her superhero persona but out of that she likes orange/yellow. Her least favourite is dark green, but at the end of the day she's not a person who has strong opinions on colours.
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
Her capacity for self respect. She's incredibly sweet, but that doesn't mean she'll let people cross her or push her around.
🌷- How does this oc take their coffee?
with a lot of milk.
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
I think they're really relatable. A big part of their driving force is their need to be indispensable and yeah maybe that's me projecting a little... but also hopefully something people can relate to.
🌱- Does this oc have any pets? Do they have any pets they want?
They don't have one yet but they would love a cat.
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
Quite similar to Zoey, she is driven by a desire to do good in the world. She is also incredibly stubborn and demands to be taken seriously, which I think makes her fun. Especially because she's 12.
💐- Where is this oc’s favorite place to relax?
If she needs to blow off steam she'll run laps in the park, but to actually relax she'd either go to her art classroom or her garden.
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
She embodies what I like about morally grey characters. She did what she had to do to survive and while she wishes she could have had different options, she doesn't necessarily regret it because she never had other options and she's aware of that fact.
🌲- What is this oc’s greatest strength and weakness?
Her greatest strength is her ability to read people and use their strengths against them.
Her biggest weakness is, depending on how you define weakness, her capacity for selfishness (which makes her a weak link in the group) or that her emotions win out when her personal triggers are involved (which lands her in some difficult situation). She's also cocky which can make her blind in certain moments.
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
she's just so lovely. she's such a steady presence and jd's life, and ronnie's, and she takes their problems so seriously.
🌲- What is this oc’s greatest strength and weakness?
Her greatest strength is her endless capacity for love for other people and her ability to adapt to other situations.
Her biggest weakness is... she overestimates her capabilities in certain other areas (rip the TV)
🌱- Does this oc have any pets? Do they have any pets they want?
She had a dog when she was younger but she doesn't have one now. Although she and JD have discussed getting a dog, they haven't got one yet.
☘- Does this oc have any piercings? Do they want any?
No and she doesn't really want any
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
She's my baby! Okay I'll give a proper answer, there's something adorably innocent and optimistic about her.
🌲- What is this oc’s greatest strength and weakness?
Her biggest strength is her curiosity. Her biggest weakness is her curiosity and idealisation of her dead dad.
🌴- Who is this oc’s favorite person?(Can be another oc, a fictional character, a celebrity, anyone)
Who else but her mum? Or her dead idealised father? Or her Aunt Martha?
For real though, she's a Mama's girl.
🍀- Around when does this oc get up in the morning?
On school days she gets up around 6:30. On holidays it can be any time between 10 and 12.
☀️- Does this oc make good or bad first impressions?
Well, she's adorable so she would make good first impressions. But sometimes she can come on a little strong or open her mouth and insert her foot.
🌈- What does this oc like and dislike about themselves?
She likes her intelligence and prides herself on being smart.
She dislikes how she can sometimes be too much or say stupid stuff in conversations.
☁️- What is this oc’s clothing style like?
loads of bright colours, striped and graphic t-shirts, blue cuffed jeans and sneakers, and a blue denim jacket she wears almost every time she goes out.
❄- What is this oc’s favorite and least favorite food?
favourite food; she's got a sweet tooth, so donuts.
least favourite; salmon.
💐- Where is this oc’s favorite place to relax?
her living room or her mum's room.
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nymphoasis · 11 months
from this prompt list by @vyladromeave !!
“Hey there handsome,” A whistle broke Garroth out of his thoughts of Malachi and the Crazy Cat Guy. He raised a brow as he craned his neck around to lock eyes with the owner of the voice. A girl stood there, no older than himself, leaning against the wall and grinning at him. 
“Haven’t seen you around these parts before. Name’s Aphmau, head guard of Meteli. Although you can call me anything you’d like, baby.” She winked. 
His eyes widened, taken off guard by her boldness. “Lord Garroth of Phoenix Drop.” He responded, bowing his head slightly down towards her. “I was inquiring if you knew of a Shaman nearby.” 
Her smirk faltered for a second, a twinge of annoyance falling through her expression. “A Shaman? Why a Shaman?” She leaned forward on her sword, getting closer to him.
He groaned, hands coming up to massage at his temple. “It is quite a long story…” 
“How about I treat you to a nice meal and you tell me all about it.” There was a suggestive look in her eye, causing Garroth’s cheeks to redden. He cleared his throat awkwardly and took a small step back away from her. “Is there a Lord around who I may speak to?” He attempted to change the subject, making her sigh. 
“There was… an incident.” She trailed off, her expression falling. “It was my- nevermind. Meteli is in a power struggle at the moment, two very prominent candidates fighting for the position. Perhaps they can help you, their names are Dante and Urla. They are always full of information. Anything else I can help you with, my love?” 
He laughed, awkwardly and took another step back. “No, I don’t think so. Thank you, Aphmau.” 
She sighed dreamily at him. “Oh, I love when they’re shy…” 
He turned and sped away before she could see his cheeks grow redder. Urla and Dante… huh. The sooner I can find a Shaman, the sooner I can find Malachi’s mother, and return to Phoenix Drop. He sighed. I hope Laurance and the rest of the village are okay…
Kate here! If anyone’s curious - here’s our full MCD roleswap!! Most of them are self-explanatory but we did a three-way swap for Garrancemau and four-way swap for Aaron, Lily, Matilda, and Malik! Sticking with our Gartilda agenda. Also- off topic but today is (in our canon) Nicole's birthday! Happy birthday Nicole!
Garroth → Aphmau
Aphmau → Laurance
Laurance → Garroth
Aaron → Malik
Lily → Matilda
Malik → Lily
Matilda → Aaron
Cadenza → Zane / Zane → Cadenza
Dante → Kenmur / Kenmur → Dante
Gene → Castor / Castor → Gene
Nana → Emmalyn / Emmalyn → Nana
Michi → Sasha / Sasha → Michi
Nicole → Katelyn / Katelyn → Nicole
Vylad → Zenix / Zenix → Vylad
Lucinda → Travis / Travis → Lucinda
Zoey → Azura / Azura → Zoey
Malachi → Levin / Levin → Malachi
Kiki → Brendan / Brendan → Kiki
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rhondafromhr · 4 months
good morning, afternoon, day or night to you!
This is a free pass for you to talk about anything you want, as much as you want! Exposit! Lore dump! Rant about your interests, or something that irks you! Whatever it is, use this as an excuse! Someone out there is interested in what you have to say (it's us. We're the someone)
Thank you <3 I’m going to take this opportunity to go more into detail about my Linda Monroe and Zoey Chambers friendship agenda, because if those two could actually get along, they’d be the most chaotic, iconic duo in Hatchetfield and make everybody absolutely miserable.
-They meet at Beanie’s. Linda needs a pick me up after an exhausting day of shopping for River’s birthday gifts and goes to get her extra hot quad shot no foam almond milk latte with exactly five and a half pumps of toffee nut syrup and not a drop more. She sees Zoey spitting in Becky Barnes’ coffee, Zoey sees her being rude to Emma and they hit it off.
-At first, Zoey sees befriending Linda as more of a means of gaining access to Linda’s wealth and connections to help her get ahead, but starts to genuinely enjoy her company and her advice (which is like 90% enabling and encouraging all of the bad things Zoey already does). She tells Linda what she did to Zach to steal his part of the inheritance and Linda completely takes her side and commends her for taking the initiative to get what she wants, although she does make fun of her when she finds out the entire inheritance is only $10,000.
-They still argue, but it’s friendlier. Linda will make fun of Zoey’s hair and clothes, but then buy her an entire new designer wardrobe and take her to a ludicrously expensive hairdresser like it’s nothing. She’ll say her tastes are trashy, then take her to the most expensive restaraunt or cocktail bar in town so she can learn to appreciate the finer things. Zoey will call her a boomer and make fun of her for not being up to date on the current slang and trends, but then take her to a concert or a hot new nightclub. Linda loves feeling young and wild again and always sends Snapchats of their adventures to Gerald once Zoey shows her how to use the app. (Do people still use Snapchat? I barely do social media outside of here, I genuinely don’t know.)
-Zoey tells her about how she sabotaged everyone in her way to become the star actress in the Hatchetfield Community Players. Linda’s impressed by her technique, but thinks Zoey should set loftier goals. (Zoey: “I didn’t get this far by being nice.” Linda: “You didn’t get very far by being conniving, either! I mean, a local community theater? Really, Zoey? Aim a little higher.”)
-Linda’s tired of Zoey not being able to go on girl’s weekend trips because she has to work and uses her connections to land her a cushy, Monday-Friday 9-5 corporate job until her acting career takes off. This cushy job just so happens to be Paul’s position at CCRP, which Linda also used her connections to get him fired from. Well, she got him transferred to Clivesdale and he quit because he’d rather die than go there. This forces the guy who doesn’t like musicals to get a job at the singing coffee shop, but hey, at least he gets to work with Emma now.
That’s all I have for now <3 I had fun rambling about this, hopefully you find it entertaining too!
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livvyofthelake · 4 months
movie may 2024 ranked!
23. always a bridesmaid. i apologize to yvette nicole brown and i want to clarify that i DO support women writing mediocre movies. but i must be real i watched this for jordan calloway. and i didn’t care for him in this. he was a lovely character i’m sure it was huge for someone’s mom idk. not my buddy jake though! nothing more to be said frankly
22. the idea of you. bad! anne hathaway what do they have on you that got you to be in this…. prince sad eyes addicted to being in musical adjacent movies with bad soundtracks that no one has ever cared about listening to!!
21. the other zoey. mid… which was so disappointing because all three main guys are actors i enjoy… archie renaux someday they’ll let you be a real romantic lead but for now i LOVED you in shadow and bone season 2 episode whatever. literally you’re my flag alina you’re my nation. lol! josephine langford someday we’ll get you in a period drama queen and you’re gonna eat it up. your time is coming! drew starkey maybe someday they’ll let you be in something that is good <3 i believe in you!
20. thanksgiving. fun! and yet ranks low because well i haven’t thought about it since i saw it. not really much to say! addison rae served cunt and should have lezzed out with the final girl!
19. after everything. somehow not the worst after movie…? crazy i know. do NOT get it twisted it was still bad. it’s after 5… but idk. it’s after 5 i’ve been watching these freaks for five movies i was invested i cared i wanted them to live happily ever after forever… love won!
18. life partners. it was good but i could not get over that i hated the boyfriend so so so bad. i wanted jakey to dieeee fr. yeah he was fine. sure. whatever. as if this is even about him omg
17. dungeons and dragons: honor among thieves. too long frankly! but we had fun! and genya was there :)
16. plan b. my favorite part of this movie is that in the beginning when i first saw the best friend character i was like oh cute she has a gay girl best friend :) and then they started using he/him pronouns for her long distance relationship and i was so shocked and disappointed i didn’t even know what to think. and then they got to the long distance relationship’s band performance and it clicked to me that it was supposed to be a Narrative Twist that she was gay… and i was like ohhhhh haha YES! that was awesome lowkey. and the rest of the movie was nice as well <3
15. strawberry mansion. weird ass movie fr… fucked with it heavily! had me staring at the tv completely enraptured that was crazy. don’t have much to say other than that the experience of watching it was fun to ME. i was also very sick that day so take what i say with a grain of salt maybe? idk. probably won’t watch it again but it was nice!
14. música. well first of all they’re going in the timeless video 2.0 but let’s not even get into that because it doesn’t matter. anyway camila mendes we loveeeee you being booked and busy post riverdale <3 yess girl be in movies!!! um she is not the main character and this movie is not about her i just really like camila mendes!
13. asteroid city. kind of an odd one! loved the wes anderson rpf implications this narrative had! also really enjoyed that little alien freak!
12. the hunger games: the ballad of songbirds and snakes. and this was a rewatch but it counts because i said so. watched it with my parents this time who did NOT get it as well as they could have. which is what brings such a beloved movie to me down to number 12, THEY are the ones who dampened the experience NOT the movie!
11. buffaloed. what if there was a woman played by zoey deutch who sucked sooo bad. yay! when she’s literally a bad person who scammed people for money 😁
10. remember the titans. what if the most important thing on planet earth was FOOTBALL. and learning to not be racist. and denzel washington was there. and will patton was also there doing his adam parrish voice. i don’t mean to be hung up on that it’s just hard to ignore… i didn’t read those books i listened to will patton read them in his delicious south carolina drawl am i supposed to not recognize one of the distinct character voices he did consistently for four books get real. it was also an excellent movie <3 tee was there they can verify if you don’t believe me!!
9. anyone but you. what if we did much ado about nothing but hero and claudius were lesbians and beatrice was a modern day disaster woman and she’s suchhh a hater and so is benedick and they’re in true and beautiful love. also. and i will never be able to describe this scene in a way that will truly do it justice. when they were fake dating but needed to prove they were together and everyone went hiking. that was the funniest shit i ever saw in my lifeee it had me dying… also. the natasha bedingfield unwritten needle drop moments…. yesss bring back real cinema!!
8. crossroads. there’s just nothing like a shonda rhimes written feature…. she just gets it i fear. i wanted to hate jakey soo bad but alas he charmed me!! shonda your power!!! and britney got to sing and it was soooo fun <3
7. the birdcage. first of all cat grant was there everybody clap for her! secondly this is like a perfect comedy drama film… i could have broken my ribs from laughing so hard at this one i’m serious robin williams save meeeee…. it’s veryyy much a product of its time but i don’t think that’s a hindrance i think it’s beautiful <3 what if movies were made when they were made and we all loved that there’s added narrative context to it’s time!
6. the secret life of bees. i can’t get into it but let’s just all understand that this girl was huge. cried like a babyyyyy so bad. we literally love queen latifah she has never flopped. now if only people would tune in to that damn cbs and watch the equalizer…. (show my mom loves that i catch an episode of sometimes)
5. ever after. well i am a cinderella girl first and foremost. as i said on letterboxd you would genuinely have to do something vile and heinous to make me dislike a cinderella movie… i gave the camila cabello one five stars i LOVE cinderella… and i loved how in this one the prince’s name was henry yayy that happened to a buddy of mine! and i loved the whole look of the movie the costumes were slaying the production design was slaying drew barrymore’s shitty accent was slaying. just loved it…
4. the clique. they don’t even make movies like this anymore. because of Woke… the tweens yearn for problematic girl leads like claire and massie we need to give this back to them… i think everyone should watch this film i’m actually being so serious and real
3. city of bones. ok it’s cheating to put a rewatch so high on the list. don’t care! she’s my friend!!!!! it’s our ten year anniversary!!
2. mamma mia! here we go again. you might think that due to my hater moments when i started watching this movie i might not have liked it that much… and yet you’d be wrong the only reason i was initially disappointed was because i didn’t know what was going to happen and sophie and sky sang that breakup song and it made me so sad i had to stop watching. i literally love sophie and sky it was RUDE to do that to me… but anyway when i went back to finish the movie i realized it slayed sooo hard. and then at the end they all sang super trouper… yayyyyyy!!!!!!
1. damsel. i do not care if you thought this was bad. they made it for ME ok what everyone else thinks does not matter… it was for me the whole time don’t even worry about any of it. they put my girl millie bobby brown in a girlfantasy action flick… netflix stop making her be in stranger things and let her produce her fun little movies full time it’s so serious you can’t keep putting her back in the duffer brothers torture chamber…. millie we are getting you out of there!! i eagerly await the day you star in a feminist remake of the breakfast club or something or whatever. anyway. the winner of movie may because it made me really happy to watch :)
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aro-laurance-zvahl · 1 year
A Dance Under The Stars A Garroth/Zoey Oneshot
Summary: Garroth and Zoey share an impromptu dance as night falls.
Helpful Context: A moment from my rewrite. Takes place sometime around season two, near the end or post. Lynn is the name Lillith Garnet has in my rewrite (her full name being Lauralynn Garnet), and while Garroth and Aphmau are coparenting they are not romantically involved at this point
While I didn’t incorporate Aphmau seeing it, thank you @freddiefagbearsdiner for plaguing me with the wonderful image of Garroth and Zoey dancing
The stars were just appearing across the sky as Garroth and Zoey made their way down the path from Aphmau’s house, having just joined her and Lynn for dinner. The night was peaceful and the town below them was quiet, most noises they heard coming from the wind and wildlife.
Garroth was usually one for silence, he enjoyed the clarity it provided his senses, but something about being with Zoey made him want to speak, “I’m sure Aphmau already told you, but dinner was wonderful,”
Zoey gave him a small smile, wondering when she would get sick of compliments to her cooking, “Thank you, it’s always nice to know it truly is enjoyed,”
“Your cooking actually reminds me of my mother’s, it’s...it’s nice,” Nice did not begin to describe the nostalgia Zoey’s dishes occasionally captured, but it was the only word that Garroth could think of.
“Really? Was she a big cook?” Zoey nearly pounced into the opportunity to learn about Zianna, memories of her always seemed to bring Garroth more joy than pain compared to the rest of his family and her bloodline was truly fascinating.
“Oh yes, she practically lived in the kitchen. It...it was her happy place I think,” Garroth’s words trailed near the end, voice getting a little quieter as bittersweet memories from the kitchen flickered through his mind.
Zoey could feel the sad edge to the statement, something rustling just under the surface which she would help him face another day, “Did she ever teach you how to make anything?”
“No, not for a lack of trying though. I...I just never took that time. My days were often filled with lessons and the free time I did have I just...I didn’t want to spend it in the kitchen so she always cut me loose,” Garroth tried to keep his tone light, as if he was making fun of the restlessness of his child self, but the regret plaguing his words was hard to miss.
“Was there anything she did teach you?” Zoey tried to pull him away from the feeling, hoping whatever he could think of might bring a smile to his eyes.
“...Dancing. She was...very insistent we all learn how to properly dance with a girl. I was somehow the best at it between the three of us,” Garroth didn’t think that was all too impressive though, considering how Vylad had nearly lost a tooth and Zane could never stop stepping on people’s toes.
However Zoey’s interest was piqued, part of her wondering why she had never even considered the fact he would have skills like that, “You know how to dance? Ballroom dance I’m assuming?”
“If I remember any of it, yes,” Garroth doubted he did, at least doubted he remembered anything beyond simple steps.
“...Will you dance with me?” Zoey stopped in the middle of the flat part of the path, suddenly overcome with a need to see this man dance like a noble.
Garroth had to turn back and step over to where she had suddenly stopped, a look of confusion on his face from her request, “Here? Now?”
Zoey nodded, this was the flattest part of the pathway down and was safe from foot traffic because of the time, anyone coming up would be doing so because of an emergency, “Yes here, yes now. I want to see how good you are,”
“I-I can’t just start dancing, I would need some music,” Garroth stammered out his reasoning, still not over the nearly out of the blue request he doubted he could fill.
Zoey reached out and tugged him a step closer, determined to get him to dance, “That is a problem I can solve,”
Zoey rested a hand on his shoulder and pulled one of his hands into a waltzing position and then started singing to continue to try and get him to dance with her. The song was an Elvish one, he was able to make out the occasional word from what Zoey had been teaching him but most of it held no meaning to him. Her efforts were rewarded thoughts he finally relented, his other hand resting on her waist as he tried to fall into the flow of the song and give her the dance she had somehow roped him into.
And so they danced. Garroth knew it was not his best, probably for a large variety of reasons ranging from their ballroom floor being an uneven path to years of rust on the skill. He couldn’t help but think if he was back in O’Khasis the dance wouldn’t have lasted three steps before getting corrected and criticized to the point of insult, but he wasn’t in O’Khasis. He was with Zoey. She didn’t seem to mind any of the mistakes, a smile clear on her face as she continued to sing after they had found a beat.
Even when Zoey had stopped singing, the song being done or the rest of the words escaping her, they still slowly swayed. The hand that was rested on her hip was now instead an arm wrapped around her waist that had pulled her a step closer to him, while her hand placed at his shoulder had turned into an arm wrapped around his neck with her head placed against his chest. Their other arms were no longer held in the rigid position for the ballroom style dance, instead held loosely at their sides with their hands more comfortably intertwined together. The moment felt nice, felt solid.
“You have a beautiful voice,” Zoey felt Garroth’s chest move with his words, though he said them soft enough to where only she would hear if they had an audience.
The compliment made her heart feel warm, she had heard the exact same and similar variations of it throughout her whole life but something about it coming from him felt so powerful, “You’re a good dancer, didn’t even step on my toes,”
Garroth let out a soft laugh, the fact he was able to clear the low bar was nice at least, “I’m sure you’ve danced with better,”
“No, I don’t think so,” Zoey shook her head enough for Garroth to feel, her hand squeezing his as they continued to sway to no music, “No dance has ever felt better than this,”
Their soft swaying eventually also stopped, leaving them standing and leaning into each other under the rising moonlight. Zoey was the one who started to move away first, lifting her head from Garroth’s chest and loosening her arm from around his neck. He started loosening his own arm from around her waist, however Zoey’s hand moving to his cheek caused him to pause.
He met her eyes and was able to understand the silent questions that this was. He wondered if she didn’t dare say it out of fear, thinking he would reject her and it would harm the moment they were sharing. That was not the case, he leaned into her hand and a little bit downwards, asking his own silent questions of Meet me? Kiss me?
And she did. She lifted herself enough to brush their noses together and pressed their lips together. The kiss was soft, simple even. There was no desperation or fear laced into it, nothing looming over them other than the night sky. It was nice, it filled Garroth with the feeling of ease Zoey always seemed to fill him with and his arm securing itself around her waist brought Zoey the feeling of safety Garroth was always able to provide.
The moment was truly far from ruined, it was now rooted securely into their hearts as something to remember, to cherish. Though it did have to end, both of them pulling away and taking slow breaths and pink cheeks. Garroth wasn’t quite ready to let go of the moment though, leaning down just a little more to press their foreheads together.
Zoey didn’t want it to end either, it felt too good to end now and she felt comfortable enough with taking a risk to keep it, “If you...if you’d like, you could spend the night with me. Stay the night, stay for breakfast, and then we can do your elvish lesson,”
“That...that would be nice,” Once again the word nice seemed to fall flat compared to what he really meant, but from the smile on her face he thinks she understands anyway.
They finally separated, arms unwrapping from around each other but hands still intertwined as they continued down the hill and towards Zoey’s house. Something new had just started. They would talk about it in the morning, perhaps even share another kiss, but for tonight they would find comfort in how this felt easy despite being scary, unlike so many things in their lives. It wasn’t even that becoming something together was what felt scary, so maybe it wasn’t scary at all. Maybe they just had to learn how to feel excited again.
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merrhea39 · 7 months
Cellmate Ch 2-1
 The next day you tried to keep your distance from Rhea, well as much distance you could get in this tiny cramped cell. A guard brought a breakfast to your cell and dropped 2 trays full of ‘food’. “I hope you like slop bitch cause I’m taking the good shit.” Rhea takes the toast and eggs and leaves you with some brown slop. Maybe oatmeal? Maybe grits? Definitely terrible. “We got yard time, try not to make anymore enemies you stupid cunt.” She said with a devilish grin as she kicked you stiff in the ribs which made you whimper in pain. You were still bruised badly as your beating was only last night but you did your best to hide it and stay away from anyone once you were in the yard. “Zoey, look it’s that bitch that's roomed with Rhea.” You flinch a bit as you hear the familiar voice of Shayna along with a new girl by her evidently named ‘Zoey’. They both smirk a bit as they look down at you. “Surprised she’s not dead yet” Zoey chuckles and turns to Shayna. “Easy to beat up too, bet Rhea must’ve beat the hell out of her cause clearly she ain’t her bitch.” Shayna said in a slightly arrogant manner. “Man it would’ve been easier if you just were her bitch, but apparently you’re just a dumb slut that likes being hurt.” Zoey said, shrugging at you. You tried your best to ignore them but this made them want to hurt you more. “Hey look at me you stupid whore.” Zoey shoved you trying to assert her dominance over you. You pushed her hands off you but this is all it took for them to start beating you up in front of the whole yard and no one did a damn thing, not the guards, no one, they only stopped when they felt like it. Zoey and Shayna left you bloodied and beaten but you had no time to rest as the guards picked you up and shoved you into a cafeteria and you limped your way to get the ‘food’ and to a table with no one at it. “Hey there you doing alright?” A girl with a smaller stature and a friendly voice sat right next to you. “I saw you getting beat up out in the yard.” The girl started to eat her food waiting for you to actually speak to her. “I-I’ll be fine…” You were a bit hesitant to trust her having already learnt a lesson. “Lemme cut to the chase my name’s Liv and I’m a part of a group of girls like us, either in for a crime they didn’t do or a nonviolent crime. It’s less of a gang like some other groups but more of a strength in numbers type of thing.” Liv spoke quickly, almost a little excited that she could get a new member. “Well… h-how many of you are in it?” You asked, getting your hopes up just a little bit. “Well, right now there’s 5 of us but you can be number 6!” Liv said to you surprisingly cheerfully almost like she was trying to convince herself that you’d be fine together, but you knew that wouldn’t be enough especially if Rhea and her gang attacked you. “I-I don’t know about that… I’ll think about it.” Said not wanting her to get angry at you after you were practically defenseless right now. “Ok! I’ll see you in a bit.” Liv quickly ate her food and ran off.
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eiseryn · 9 months
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Today is not only the first day of 2024, but also the the birthday to best boi Vail. I drew him some soft uwu art because he is a soft uwu boy. Well, he is to Lei LOL. I would not say he's soft and uwu to anyone he has killed.
This outfit is based off the one I designed for Lei and her friends way back! I'm planning to redesign it XD cuz it's concept art for a series of illustrations I want to draw... I have so many WIPs both in sketches and in my brain it's kind of painful... cri... Anyways this outfit is more modern and I didn't change too much for Vail's design but I did add some patterns into his parka -- the cat face and some of his signature V's! The blue plaid inner lining is actually one of my fave parts of his whole outfit! :3 Cuz the theme in that series was their theme colour + plaid... man I really like that series 🥺🥺🥺 I want to draw that concept art so bad.
I think he turned out pretty cute here! I especially like how his hair turned out~ His blue gradient hair is one of my fave parts of his design, after all!
So what did he receive on his birthday as gifts? In my headcanons, not sure what Lexi would have given him tbh... but she's a rich girl so I imagine a previous gift was the red bike he uses XD Zoey's gift to him would be some nice alcohol or maybe one of the masks from her stash. Keeper's gift to him would definitely be something SHE personally finds cool... which probably happened to be a shiny holographic card from her personal collection. Possibly of a cat because they both like cats. Rose's gift? I'm not really sure. In my headcanons, Rose usually is the one who buys Vail cake since Rose knows of Vail's sweet tooth (specifically strawberry shortcake!). For dad vibes I imagine Rose often gets Vail some clothing as well xD Maybe fuzzy socks this year? :3 Maybe accessories some years? (Ex: like those silver chains he's wearing. In my design of Rose I gave him gold chains XD #drip).
As for Lei? Oh boy buckle up. It went something like this (this may be copium delulu and not canon but that's okay):
After already seeing his friends throughout the day, Vail sat on the couch of his apartment and waited for Lei to come home. She had asked him specifically to wait toward the evening as she apparently had a special surprise for him.
He was petting their cat Meng, a cat he had technically got for her during her last birthday, when he heard the sound of the door being unlocked. Meng let out a loud meow and leapt out of his lap and ran toward the door, being the loyal and affectionate cat she was. Vail followed suit.
Lei scooped Meng into her arms and gave the cat little pets and scratches on the chin and head. Meng purred as she always did, flopping over in Lei's arms and wiggling around.
She then turned to Vail with a smile and kissed his cheek, while still holding Meng in her arms. "I'm home~ Did you miss me?"
"Yeah." Vail replied honestly. He kissed her back. "I did."
Lei hummed happily and went to the kitchen table, placing the cat on there as she began to rummage through the multiple bags she had brought home.
"I heard Rose already got you a cake but I had already placed the order so you'll get two." She was saying, as she pulled out a cake box and placed it into the fridge. There was already a strawberry shortcake sitting in the fridge, so she seemed to struggle to place it on another shelf. Ever since she had moved in with him, there was considerably more food in the fridge.
"Do you want to have dinner first or are we having cake for dinner today?" She asked as she turned back to face him.
Vail smiled at her cheekily. "Depends on what kind of cake."
It seemed to take her some time to process his words because she first furrowed her eyebrow, looking at him with confusion, before a blush crept on her face. But she leaned in anyways to whisper, her breath hot in his ear, "You can have whatever cake you desire~ You're the birthday boy, after all~"
He barely resisted the urge to throw her over his shoulder and do as he pleased with her, but luckily she stepped back to the table to go through her other bags so this thought passed.
"Before that, though, let me give you your gift." Lei said, as she pulled out what looked to be a leather collar. It was dyed a light blue, similar to the colour of his hair and had a silver buckle. There was a silver tag on it, and when he flipped it over, the words "Belongs to Lei" were inscribed in the back. "Since you've been a good boy and all." She smiled mischeviously at him.
Looking at such a cute smile, he felt like there was no choice but to take the collar, which was soft and supple, and he started to put it around his neck, right above the turtleneck underlayer he always wore.
Lei seemed to be much more hesitant and less confident now. "You don't have to actually wear it..." She said, her voice trailing off. "This one was actually a joke and your real gift is in this other bag." She tapped another bag and there was a solid knocking sound.
"Of course I do." He said with a smile, showing off the sharp canine teeth she liked so much. "It's a gift from you, after all."
She looked at him then, biting her lip a little, as she raised the green eyes he liked so much to meet his. "I do have to say, it's a good look for you~" She reached out and slid a finger under the collar, gently pulling him closer to her. "I have good taste, if I do say so myself~"
He went with her willingly, as he always did. It was near impossible for him to resist what she wanted. "Is part of my gift the same as the one from Christmas?" He asked with a little smile.
She smiled back at him. "But of course~ You can take that part of your gift whenever you'd like."
"I'm looking forward to that~" He said. "After we have dinner. You're going to need the energy."
But he couldn't help but give her a few hungry kisses. They were appetizers for the main course after all.
[insert suspicious line break]
Later, when she had fallen asleep, he gently twirled a piece of her hair in his fingers. It had gotten longer and the green underdye had shifted in position. She had asked him once if he preferred long hair or short hair, but he had told her honestly that he would like whatever length of hair she had. It wasn't so much the hair that mattered, but the person who that hair belonged to.
Months before if you had asked him if he planned to find a lover he would have scoffed and said no. It would be a bad choice for any runner who could die at any moment. And at the time, there was no one he could imagine liking him in such a way. Although there was someone who came into mind when Rose had asked him. The smug bastard probably already knew what was in store for him.
When that same person he had thought about at the time asked him if they could be more than friends... he couldn't help but give into such a dream. The dream of being loved and loving someone.
He was already relatively content with what he had: He was good at his job as a runner if you could call it that; he had people who he could talk to and understood him as they had gone through the same things as he did. They had taken away his ability to dream at night, but it didn't stop him from daydreaming. As his parents had told him -- or perhaps warned him -- long ago, he was a dreamer who always wanted to dream of more.
He still dreamed for himself. But he now also dreamed for others; wanting others to have their dreams fulfilled. It was only fair, when some of his dreams had come true.
He took the sedative he needed to fall asleep. Lei always looked so sad when she saw him take sleeping pills, so now he always waited until she was asleep before he did. After all, he needed to sleep, as there would be another day he'd have to get through when the morning broke again.
Wrapping his arm around her, he let himself daydream a little longer, thinking of sunshine and a future where his friends and loved ones were safe and happy. He was still thinking of these happy things when the sleeping pill took affect and darkness claimed him.
Yeah so the collar was a gag gift but u know I write these two as very horny so uhmm... things had to happen.
The actual gift she got him was a bike helmet that is made of out of sturdier material which matches his red bike! He broke the last helmet he had in the campaign LOL + I imagine the bike helmet she got was a cat eared one! Also hopefully from the same vendor / store Maric buys his helmets from cuz that shark boy has never revealed his face XD
BUT I MEAN I THINK THE ENDING IS KINDA GOOD XD Soft hours and some hurt with comfort thoughts you know
I love them so much 🥺🥺🥺 My OC OTP.
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purplerose244 · 1 year
Watched the ninth episode of LEGO DreamZzz: LOVED IT!
So, I might be crazy, but I think I saw a video on Youtube saying that... there are episodes after the tenth? Like another set of ten episodes? Is this for real? I'D BE VERY HAPPY IF IT WAS BUT I'M NOT SURE IF IT'S TRUE 🥹
I'm curious on how the finale will play out, I'm pretty confident Logan will do something stupid as it is basically his meme at this point, as for the rest do we have enought time to meet the Sandman at this point?
Alright, my guess is that the title is a play on words with the fact that it's sheep week... but I can't tell what it is so I guess I'll move on 😅
I was wondering why choosing this animal, lol, and the Wolves are the enemies so yeah that makes sense 😂
Back to Logan making very questionable choices, including breaking in!
He might actually have less self esteem than Mateo at this point, which is a pretty low bar if I may say. While Teo is getting more confidence, it looks like Logan is losing it, interesting parallel
Also I just noticed that Lance got Kai's LEGO hair model, kinda funny seeing this with Vincent's new character
No I will not stop talking about Vincent Tong I love him and he deserves it ❤️
Not sorry
I don't think I'll get over having the Nightmare King going bro or dude 🤣
Aaaand the boy got taken
I think Logan improved some, I scream at him mostly because he's a doofus that needs some judgement
Maybe that's why he hangs with Cooper lol
Yooo look at Coop not taking any more of Logan's crap, I'd say he's forgiven a gargantuan amount of flaws in that guy so it makes sense for him to be at his tipping point at last 🤷🏻‍♀️
Wait wait WAIT did he say "at the Hamptons with his moms"? Like a couple of moms? I don't wanna read this wrong and maybe it's mom's for some reason, but if it was it would be AWESOME 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Izzie got powers beyond our imagination, and I don't know if I wanna know what she said to the coach 😂
Pff Z is just there eating chips
Heeeeeyyyyy Zoey!
After hearing that bit of backstory I feel sorry for her, but I agree with Mateo, she should do something other that plan revenge all night 😅
Aaaand she got offended. Plan was good Mateo, I was on board
I mean, we knew Lunia's hourglass was broken, I don't know why they thought it would work just like that
I just realized that the Night Hunter's VA is Alessandro Juliani, and I'm still amazed by this guy because he is seemingless! I can never recognize him on my own, he blends with his characters so well it's so cool 💚💚
TEO IS SO SWEET I SWEAR 😭😭 I like that at first it seemed like him and Zoey had nothing in common, but in fact they both have problems with people
I love this sassy girl so much
Huh, I... huh. I did not expect Logan to actually befriend one of those creatures, but I think it has a nice sense to it. If there is someone treating the whole dream situation chaotically, it has to be him
Aaaand they're gonna use that against him. Great 😰 Also do all creatures form the Dream World like chips?
Yeah, sorry Teo, but if you wanna be the protagonist you gotta learn how to make inspiring speech during difficult times. That's just the rule 🤷🏻‍♀️
Logan is still looking for ways to dream craft, huh? Poor guy just wants to be part of the team... he has a bit of a confused perception of how to be a team player, granted, but poor Logs 😅
Nuuuu don't make Logan fight his new friend, why?? Is crafting without a hourglass even useful, like, it's possible and we saw it but I don't really know to which extent it can be brought without hourglass
... that's actually an interesting thought 🤔
Cooper is the goal keeper then?
Why are these kids playing dirty and why does it make sense this is middle school?
Yeeeee, that's it Mateo! That's how you inspire people! 😍 Of course he got mad after they went after Zoey 💕
THE FLIPPING CHICKEN 😂😂😂 Mah boy here is creative everywhere
AAAAAAAAAAA LOOK AT THOSE HUGS OMG AAAAAAAA 😍🥰🥰🥰😍🥰🥰😍😍😍🥰🥰😍🥰😍🥰 You don't understand, I LOVE LEGO hugs for whatever reason! Cooper hugged Izzie and made her swirl!! 😍😍😍😍 ZOEY PICKED UP MATEO!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Zoey is a strong girl, Mateo got great taste
Aww, Logan gave up on the power! Good on him... after making a HUGE mess, but baby steps as always 😅
Oh yeah you guys should head to where Logan is, only to tell him you won... no other reason other than celebrating... no reason at all... did I say no reason?
Okay maybe one reason
So the finale is saving Logan? I mean, they're pretty good at saving people, I'd say it can end pretty well! 💪💪
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rottentiger-art · 1 year
What do you think about the lack of glasses for Quinn. Part of me gets it because I wear glasses and honestly it can be a pain sometimes and I often wish I could take to contacts, but the more nostalgic side of me is sad the glasses are gone considering that is pretty much were this all started. Logan literally told Quinn she didn’t need to compete with another girl, put her glasses back and then the kiss happened😍😍 so it feels a little sad that the glasses are gone now. A part of me HCs that maybe she still wears them when it’s just the two of them, like when they are having down days, just spending the time at home etc and not been the power couple they present to the world. I would love to see the glasses return at some point.
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I don't think it's that deep tbh, I think the hair could be attributed to the actress having that hair color already and them deciding to not change it. And like you said, for the glasses, it can be bothersome to have them on all the time, so she might have switched for eye contacts. I desperately wish to do the same, I can't stand these damn glasses.
I do hope she wears them at some point on the movie though, like maybe at night checking some papers about the wedding with Logan, or something, because I think she would look so good with them and this new hair style. Or in an scenario like you described, of them just being cozy and comfortable, alone in their home.
Sadly, I doubt they will grant us those fluffy moments, I have the feeling we won't get as much quogan content as they promised and instead it'll be majorly focused on Zoey and Chase (ughhh)
I think it's normal for someone to change their style in a 15 years span lol. But I do hope they give her some little detail at least on her outfits, something to show her excetrisism, something that reminds us of the old Quinn.
I don't think she would have changed for Logan, nor would he ask her to. It would be very out of character for both. On the bench scene Logan did tell her that about not needing to compete with anyone, and we saw her the next episode back to her style. I think it would be out of character for her because she already learned changing for a boy to get him to still like you is worthless, and with Logan's words, she learned she rather have someone liking her for who she is than what she could be.
A thing I hate about reboots is that they often forget what the characters are about and went through, it's like they don't read the source material before making it and by consequence the characters end up acting ooc, it's also due to the change of writer/producer including their personal interpretation and it often seems to get in conflict to the original character portray (don't get me wrong, I'm so glad Dirty Dan isn't involved in this, I just worry about JLS being a producer in this and putting her own interpretation of the characters, I hope the director and writer do a good job)
let's hope for the best!
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andbeeart · 2 years
Ohk.. Tell me something about Your fankids
(poke, contest, ikari)Btw they are sooo cute and precious!
Thanks for appreciating the kids! It makes me happy someone finally asked about them lol. Pokeshipping: Kiyoshi/ Ronan Ketchum is actually the 2nd out of Ash and Misty's 3 kids. Unlike his parents who are so determined on becoming Pokemon Masters and claiming titles, which his eldest sister Akane/Lori shares, he doesn't care much about status. Kiyoshi is lazy boy and does not really have much passion initially. He feels secured on his status as the Champion and Elite's child and thinks that everyone is already aiming to be a Pokemon Master of some sort. He loves playing his games and doing cooped up in his room. He actually does not mind staying at home in Pallet Town and just grow up helping grandma in her cafe and live a peaceful life. Kiyoshi has a very sharp mind, puzzle solving skills and empathetic nature. He loves Pokemon a lot too but not the training part.
When he turns 10, Ash and Misty had to push him to finally go out and explore the world. They believe that he is too young to just stay inside plus he is way too smart for school. Kiyoshi intently arrived late at the lab so he can have an excuse to never leave. His mother read him like an open book and surprised him with a Chinchou to bring with him. He finally agreed and head out for his adventures. He becomes interested in traveling after knowing that there were mysteries and cases in each town that has not been solved. Pokemon: Chinchou, Meowth, Growlithe, Natu, Misdreavous, Nuzleaf Contestshipping: Ayaka/ Dahlia is the eldest daughter of May and Drew. She have a younger sister. She was so exposed to Pokemon Coordinators since she was a kid that she wanted to become one herself. Her favorite is any grass type Pokemon and she is determined to study anything about them. She is a total big Erika fangirl so she made her way to Kanto to study under her. Clumsy and ditzy but very hardworking.
In Celadon, Ayaka met Kiyoshi and became friends after he solved a case involving a missing Pokemon. Even though she was 5 years older than him, she was so impressed by his detective skills that she decided to ask him for help to find her travel companion's missing Pokemon. Over time, Kiyoshi figured out that Ayaka was actually his sister's companion who she had a fallout with due to the missing pokemon.
Her first pokemon is Sprigatito because she chose to study in Paldea to start her Pokemon Journey. Pokemon: Sprigatito (evolves to Meowscarada), Dolliv, Applin, Bellossom, Abomasnow, Parasect, Rowlet Ikarishipping: Shiori/Prairie is the only daughter of Paul and Dawn. Her parent's divorced when she was a kid and now she lives with her Mom and Step-Mom, Zoey. Like Ayaka, she was exposed to Pokemon coordinating since she was a baby but she grew up very neutral about it. She is shy, quiet and sweet and people usually underestimates her for that but just like Paul and Dawn, she had a great battle sense. She is considered very beautiful but after seeing her father's pokemon battle with a girl from Kanto (Akane), she became determined to better herself.
She wanted to challenge herself so she asked her moms to send her to Kanto plus she wanted to meet Akane again. Her favourite Pokemon is a bidoof which Paul gave to her on her 10th birthday. She received Bulbasaur from Prof. Gary and she went on her journey the same day as Kiyoshi did yet they only met when they were both in Pewter City. Kiyoshi found her in front of the gym hesitating on going in because she was having anxiety with talking to people. With a push, Kiyoshi accompanied Shiori in the gym and faced Forrester. There she got her first gym badge. She wanted to thank him but he already left. Shiori met Kiyoshi and Ayaka in Saffron City. With the knowledge that they are heading to Vermillion, Ayaka invited her to their journey. Pokemon: Bidoof, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Abra, Machop, Munchlax - she evolves them all over time. *Additional* Akane is Kiyoshi's eldest sister and Ayaka's travel buddy. She is hotheaded and impulsive like their parent's young self. She took on Paul when she came to Sinnoh and she loves battling so much. But due to a tragedy, she changed and became more obsessed with winning.
----- I hope to write more about my Pokemon FanKids! I hope i can be more in detail but it'll take us dayssss lmao.
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