#part one drawing him until im actually good at it
liothebiblioklept · 4 months
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He's my favorite character and I havent even drawn him that much this is a crime!!! Hes so funny I literally laugh at every joke hes included in I cant think of a single one that doesnt bring tears to my eyes tbh.
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icarusredwings · 20 days
Thinking about Wade's life and his mental health issues a lot, and I just thought about this. Not only being abused, but his entire brain being made out of cancer, and the fact that oxygen was physically taken from his brain over the course of 2+ days multiple times?
We see him coloring a lot and claim multiple times that he doesn't/ can't read (this is probably a bit, I guarantee he can read), but it had me thinking what if some days were more childish then others as part of his coping mechanisms?
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At first, Logans was really confused about why Althea puts up with it until he realizes that it's extremely good for him to just... be taken care of? Praised and given affection for the bare minimum? He thinks it's weird. This wasn't the same man he was fighting with yesterday.
Coming into the living room, he sees Wade sprawled out with crayons and markers all around him with multiple pictures already coloured, his notebook having pages ripped out of it as he kicks his feet and hums.
On the tv, there are cartoons playing. Once in a while, he'll look up at the tv and then go back to coloring. "What are you doing??"
"Hi wolvie. 'm colouring."
"He's behaving, so don't ruin it." Al says. There's pictures by her, and she is holding a box of cereal.
"O..kay??" Sitting down, he's almost too curious to just walk away, picking up puppins so she doesn't ruin his drawings, petting her confusedly.
Sometimes, Al will hold out some cereal in her hand. "Wade." And he will see him shimmy over and take the cereal. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, baby."
As hes scooting back to his color spot he stops and watches the tv for a bit longer then usual.
"...What.. the fuck." Logan says to her and she gives him a brow raise. "What?"
"What is he doing?"
"He's coloring. And I thought I was the blind one."
"No no I mean.. those aren't murder plans. That's puppins."
"Yes? And?"
"And.. what did you do to him?"
"Treated him like a human being. Give it a try once inawhile." She says, and he comes back with more pictures, climbing in between them with no regard for space as he leans into her.
"Oh thank you. What is it?"
"It's you."
"Oh? How sweet. Do I look good?"
"Im glad. How about you show our friend here your amazing pictures. And he better be nice!"
So wade turns and now is leaning on logan as he points to a different picture. One of Logan with Puppins on a leash with a sun in the corner and crappy grass, a hearts all over the place.
At first he wants to tell him to get off of him, but seeing the pictures and how excited his eyes were to show him, it hits him and he understands.
".. uhm.. thank you?" But he puts it back in his hand. "Oh- you want me to keep it?"
Wade nods and starts cleaning up his crayons.
Logan turns to whisper to Al "How long does this go on?"
"About 2 hours or so."
"God only knows, but it helps with his nightmares."
"Colouring helps with his nightmares??"
"Its more then that. Hey sweetheart? Why don't you bring your ponys out."
"Theyre horses."
"Oh im sorry, my mistake. I think logan here wants to play horses."
Logan gives her a look like excuse me? When did I sign up for that? "No.. uhm.. I think im good."
Wade gets this look of sad innocence but goes to get them anyway, beginning to play by himself, brushing them and making them talk to each other quietly. As if he speaks any louder, he would get hit.
Logan groans and is like "Gimme a fucking horse.."
From then on, Logan is quick to understand what's happening and is much nicer to him, starts giving him snacks, buying him actual coloring books, and has pinned his drawings to the fridge each time he's gifted one. His horses name is Buttercup, by the way.
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enden-agolor · 4 months
i fucking LOVE the way you draw/write jesse, as someone with a chubby/buff build i kind of struggle with insecurities about my size but the way you draw him makes me feel very good. idk im describing it badly but i wanted to ask if your design for him is more chubby or muscly?
Dude thank you 🥺🩵 You described it very well.
It really depends on which time frame I'm drawing Jesse in actually.
In the beginning, I imagine Jesse is quite scrawny. I mean did you see his work out routine in the beginning? He was was doing sit ups and punching flowers. He was definitely lacking muscle (but had enough to be able to lift Reuben up and down that ladder) and as the first couple episodes progress, he stays scrawny but progressively becomes more scarred up until the Portal Hallway episodes.
The Portal Hallway episodes, it takes place many months after the events of the Witherstorm. Jesse and his friends are going on many more adventures, really honing their skills that they acquired over the past few months. Jesse is much more built now. He's buff and tough with the true heart of a hero. Although, once he and his friends get stuck in the Portal Hall, that's when things take a really devastating turn for him. Feeling hopeless and lost for weeks on end, he begins to feel withdrawn from the positivity he was feeling before he ended up stuck here. Traumatic events keep occuring, and with these events, Jesse is of course drawn to remember and replay the events of Reuben's death in his head. He keeps the most of these feelings to himself because his group is already feeling so disheartened about their current situation that the last thing he'd want for them is to know that he's breaking emotionally, so he ends up taking less care of himself. He starts eating with the idea that he has to stay strong for his friends, but even those moments are rare. Food is scarce depending on what portal they are in, so when he finds food, he'll take anything that will keep his energy and strengths up.
By the end of it all, he's actually put on a significant amount of muscle. But it's kind of like a 'at what cost?' scenario.
Things get a bit better for him between then and Season 2 where he's eating better again and keeping all that muscle, but once Season 2 comes and goes, and with everything that happens in the Sunshine Institute and the Underneath, he loses a lot of weight.
It's only after Season 2, where he stays in BeaconTown and eventually finds a love life with Lukas when he really begins putting on weight once again. He's done with hero work. He's done with going on crazy life threatening adventures. Now he just wants to live life for himself rather than putting others first. Lukas helps him a lot through this, with body positivity and lots of love and affectionate touch, it's all the reassurance Jesse has ever needed to feel okay with being himself again. So he ends up putting on that happy weight that couples typically adopt over time when they're in a healthy relationship. Lukas treats him so, so unbelievably well. Finally Jesse gets to eat food for himself without the idea of needing to keep himself strong and powerful once he's finally retired. He indulges himself in his sweet tooth and loves to eat cookies, cakes, and other baked goods that Lukas will bake or bring home. He also really enjoys the fact that he doesn't have to eat alone anymore. He loves sitting at the table and enjoying a meal with his hubby. And the best part, which is something Jesse was horribly self conscious about, is that Lukas loves and adores his pudge. He is so supportive of Jesse's eating habits, but he doesn't hesitate to sneak veggies and fruits into Jesse's lunch box for work.
So yeah uh Jesse is chubby, buff and loved at the end of it all 😍
Here's some lil doodles of him I have lying around. The first one is pretty old and could probably use a touch up since now I don't see much of a difference, but you get the point ☠️
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choccy-milky · 13 days
A few months back, I asked if it was okay to write using Clora and Seb. Finished the work - thought I'd lost it on my hard drive and a virus scan located it.
Not sure if it's sad or happy, but the basic premise of it is Clora getting frustrated/upset at Sebastian and Sebastian comforting her, Sebastian getting upset at a predicament Clora's in and Clora comforting him, and them both getting frustrated/upset and having to comfort each other.
If you'd rather I didn't post it, that's fine too, but just wanted to test the waters and double check that you'd be okay with it if I gifted it to you via AO3, or see if you wanted a sneak peak of it before posting it.
OMG im so happy you were able to find it and recover the work you did!!😭🙏 AND YES OF COURSE YOU CAN POST IT AAA I CANT WAIT TO READ IT!! you can DM it to me first if you want, but i also dont mind if you post it straight away on ao3!! IM LOOKING FORWARD TO IT SM AAARGHHHA💖💖💖IT SOUNDS ANGSTY WE LOVE THE HURT/COMFORT I HOPE MY HEART CAN HANDLE IT🥺💖💖TY AGAIN FOR USING CLORA AND SEB AND TAKING THE TIME TO WRITE SOMETHING ABOUT THEM😭
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@sunshine-goblin AAA THANK YOU!!! im honoured its your fav fanfic AND ALSO THE LONGEST YOUVE READ BAHAHAA fr, when you say its as long as four books in lotr it rly makes me realize how insane i am😃👍 aw IM GLAD I COULD INSPIRE YOU TO DRAW MORE AND WRITE AS WELL😭 I was curious so i creeped you and everyone go look at their HL blog @sunshines-legacy your MC is so cute and so is your art🥹💖 as for tips on writing a longfic and brainstorming and motivation and stuff, my motivation was my brainrot and unhappiness with the canon story/ending LMAOO, and looking at the story of the game and playing around with what i was unhappy with/what i WISHED could have happened instead, was a lot easier than just coming up with plotlines from scratch. but something i highly recommend is just OUTLINING and making a timeline, one of my fav parts of writing was just putting on some cafe ambience in the background and doing stream of conscious type word documents where id just barf ideas and then worry about making it pretty later....like look at how many versions of the same chapter i have BAHAHA or like different renditions bc i couldnt decide if id wanna keep a scene/what order, so id make a timeline and keep smoothing things out until i was happy with it and whatnot
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brainstorming is defs my fav part of the process and the most helpful part to me. just getting a blank document and writing stuff you want to happen without worrying about how it connects to the story, and then a lot of the times as i was doing that id just keep going and it would kinda tie itself together/id come up with a solution as i was writing / once the ideas kept flowing. so basically : TIMELINES AND OUTLINES I VERY MUCH RECOMMEND, but very low pressure and barebones ones. for example, this is what my outlines/brainstorming look like
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its honestly just me talking to myself LMAO, and a lot of the time ill interject and be like "OH YEAH AND THEN THIS CAN HAPPEN" as the ideas come while im writing BAHAHA. its a super fun process and honestly nothing feels better than just getting hit with that flash of inspo, and since its all very low effort theres no pressure to actually write well and its just a chill fun time AND GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR OWN PROCESS / WRITING💖💖💖it can be difficult but HOPE U HAVE FUN TOO💖💖
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@a-little-lysdexic WAIT REALLY?? LMFAOO OMG THATS CRAZY....SAME BRAIN...🤝🤝...that would trip me up so much if i were you omg BAHHAHA but aside from having similar tastes in names, IM GLAD YOU LIKE MY ART AS WELL, TYY💖💖💖
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THANK YOUUU im glad you're liking it!!! and that its taking over your life BAHAHA💖💖 the video you're thinking of was by @silverxstardust for chapter 13 of my fic, and you can watch the video here! (AND TY AGAIN TO SILVERXSTARDUST FOR DOING THIS!)
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Hidden embers
Chapter 3
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Chapter summary: Joel needs help with his yard, you need help with figuring your feelings out
A/N: Im so excited you guys have been liking this!! last chapter was a good one, but this is my favorite so far. I also started a tag list so if y’all want to be part of that comment down here <3 Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: No outbreak AU, Age gap, DBF!Joel, Mean!Joel if you squint, some accidental physical contact lol, sexual tension but no smut
Series masterlist
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“You can’t spend your whole summer doing nothing. You should really find something productive to do while you’re back home.”
Four years of college, every summer break, and most holidays spent working to cover tuition and other expenses—a lifetime of never catching a break until now—and that’s what your mother tells you after just two weeks of "doing nothing"?
You knew this was coming. It was only a matter of time before she decided to insert herself into your life and dictate your every move. It’s nothing you haven’t dealt with before. “I’ve been helping out around the house,” you say, trying to sound casual.
“Oh, sweetheart,” she says with a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes, “that’s not what I meant. You can’t be locked up in here all day. People will think you’re wasting your life away. I’ve been asking around at the town’s pageant commission, and they would be absolutely delighted to have you around to help us organize this year’s Teen Country Queen Pageant.”
There it was. Nothing your mother did was ever for anyone’s interests other than herself. If she had no interest in parading you around her pageant organizer friends, you were absolutely sure she couldn’t care less what you did with your days.
Right on cue, just before you’re about to give her a piece of your mind, your dad walks in. “What’s the long face for?”
“Oh, Hank, great! You can back me up here. I was telling her she needs to find something to do with her days. All this lazing around can’t be good for her. My friends at the—”
“Actually, I was thinking the exact same thing,” your dad says, surprising both of you.
“Really?” you ask incredulously. For all his flaws, your dad has never been one to meddle in your affairs.
“Yeah, Joel has been complaining about his front and back yard looking like shit since Cindy left.”
“Hank! Language!” your mom’s voice rises to that ear-shattering pitch she uses when she’s trying to be stern.
“Sorry, looking terrible since Cindy left,” your dad corrects himself, laughing it off. Sometimes he forgets he can only be that relaxed when he’s alone with you; your mom is a whole different ballgame.
“Um… Cindy?” you ask, drawing a blank on the name.
“The ex-wife. That’s not the point, kiddo. The point is he’s been whining about it for the longest time but is always too lazy to figure out gardening by himself. Then I remembered you were in the gardening club back in high school. It’d be nice of you to offer him some help. Poor man doesn't know how to keep a cactus alive.”
“Dad, that was ages ago. I don’t know if I remember much of it anyway. I only joined for my college applications,” you retort.
“It’s just a few plants and flowers here and there. How hard can it be? He even said he bought everything he should need for it but never got ‘round to actually doing it, so it’s all laid out for ya.”
Your choices were clear: spend however long it took to finish Joel’s yard while pretending you don’t have a massive crush on your dad’s best friend, or run around town with your mom organizing a beauty pageant. The decision wasn’t hard at all.
“I’ll go over and check it out.”
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The walk to Joel’s house should’ve been short—barely a five-minute stroll up the road—but a nasty crack in the pavement had other plans. You were so lost in your thoughts today that you missed it entirely, stepping right into the trap.
Alright, maybe it wasn’t just today. You’ve been in your head ever since you first saw Joel standing at the bottom of your stairs. The way his hands had gripped your arms, steadying you, had left an imprint that you couldn’t seem to shake. And now, here you were, back in that same position, your mind consumed by this man who seemed to be as bad for your sanity as he was for your attention span.
So what should’ve been a walk up the road turned into a drawn-out pause as you sat on the sidewalk, waiting for the sharp pain in your twisted ankle to dull.
About ten minutes later, you finally make it to Joel’s lawn. You brace yourself to climb his porch stairs, pretending your ankle wasn’t bothering you, when you notice his garage door open. You hadn’t seen him from your previous angle, but as you got closer, the view of Joel's back muscles came into frame. And what a view that was. He was leaning over his truck, completely absorbed on whatever needed fixing under that hood.
For a moment, you just stand there, staring at the way his shirt clings to the sweat glistening on his skin. It takes a few seconds to remember that it isn’t socially acceptable to ogle someone from their front lawn, so you clear your throat and take a few more steps toward him.
“Hey” he greeted you, looking up from his work.
“Hey, yourself” you say back, playing it as cool as you could. It wasn’t a particularly hot day, but Joel's face glisten with sweat, as do his arms and you don’t not even want to think about what’s going on under that t-shirt.
“Come to pay me a visit?” he asked with a smirk
“My dad didn’t tell you? I’m your gardener for the day… or however long it takes to make your front lawn and back yard pretty.”
Joel’s response is a breathy laugh, followed by him dropping his head between his forearms resting on the truck.“My gardener, huh?” he finally brings his eyes back up to meet yours. “Your daddy don’t know how to mind his own business, do he, sweetheart?”
Let’s unpack that. This motherfucker didn’t just throw in a new pet name you’d be replaying in your mind at any random moment of the day, but he also said it in that tone he seems to reserve only for you—or so you hoped, at least.
And that other word coming from his lips… you were aware people in the south used it more casually, without the connotation it had in your mind, but the way it sounded coming from him…
Oh, it made you think of a million ways Joel Miller could say the word Daddy in plenty of different contexts.
You quickly drop your gaze, hoping to hide the intense blush creeping up your cheeks. “I uh… I’m afraid not.”
The sound of his boots on the garage floor pulls you back to reality as he steps closer. “You don’t gotta do this, y’know?” His tone shifts, becoming more serious. “It’s no big deal, I’ll get to this mess eventually.”
You look up at him once again, more desperate than you’d like to admit. “Joel, I’ve been cooped up in my house with my mother and her pageant friends for weeks now. Please, give me an excuse to be anywhere else.”
A chuckle. You could live for those, make it your entire profession to earn them. You really need to calm the fuck down and get a grip if you were to spend the entire day around this man.
“Alright, then. If it’ll make you happy, I’m not gonna say no” says before turning back into the garage. He returns with a small crate filled with gardening tools and a few potted plants, setting them down on the grass. “Got most of what you’ll need here. Not much, but it’s a start.” His gaze drops to your ankle. “You doin’ alright? You’re limping.”
You wave off his concern, not wanting to admit just how much your ankle is actually bothering you. “It’s nothing, just a little misstep on my way here . I’m fine, really.” You flash him a smile you hope is convincing enough.
Joel studies you for a moment longer, then nods. “Alright, but if it gets to be too much, you let me know, okay? Last thing I need is you hurtin’ yourself on my account.”
“Deal,” you lie. There’s no way in hell you’re backing out of this now.
He gestures toward the mess of overgrown grass, weeds, and flower beds that haven’t seen attention in who knows how long. “I guess that’s the worst of it. Clearing out the weeds should leave enough space for these plants. Don’t overthink it, I trust your instincts.”
You take your first good look at the pots he brought from the back of the garage. “Oh, daisies! They’re my favorite.” You glance up at him, sweetness lacing your tone.
He pauses, something unreadable passing over his face. “ ‘Course they are.” He says, the corners of his mouth tugging up a bit. “Well, let me know if you need anything else. I'll be working over there.”
With Joel back under the hood, you set to work on the lawn. Despite the dull throb in your ankle, you find a steady rhythm in the repetitive motions—pulling out stubborn roots, digging small holes for the flowers, and patting down the soil around them. It’s oddly satisfying, watching the neglected garden start to come to life under your hands. You’ve always had a knack for taking rugged things and making them pretty.
Every so often, you glance over at Joel, who’s completely engrossed in whatever he’s tinkering with under the hood. The way his muscles flex as he works, the concentration etched on his face and how it makes him look a lot more serious than he ever is when talking to you—it’s hard to not get distracted.
There’s something about him, something that pulls you in despite your better judgment, despite every self-preservation instinct in you. Maybe it’s the way he makes you feel grounded, even when your mind is spinning out of control. It’s such a foreign concept for you, you’ve always been the one who has to defuse tensions, be the bigger person, manage the chaos. It’s never like that with Joel.
You’re careful to keep your ankle steady, not wanting to give Joel any more reason to worry. But as the hours pass and the sun climbs higher, you can feel the strain starting to build. Ever the overachiever, you push through it, there isn’t much left to get done in the front lawn anyway.
By the time you’ve planted the last of the daisies, you’re more than a little proud of yourself. There are still a few bare spots here and there and a handful of marigold pots waiting to be planted, but the lawn is starting to look less like a jungle and more like somewhere you’d actually want to spend time in. You wipe your brow, satisfied.
Joel must’ve noticed you slowing down because he calls out from where he’s working, “How’re you holding up? You thirsty?”
You hadn’t realized how parched you were until he mentioned it. “Yeah, a drink sounds good.”
Joel gives you a quick once-over, his eyes lingering on your ankle for a moment longer than you’d like. But he doesn’t say anything as he leads the way into the house, holding the door open for you.
The cool air inside is a welcome relief from the midday sun, and you sigh as you step into the kitchen. Joel pulls a couple of glasses from the cupboard and fills them with ice water, handing one to you. You take a sip, feeling the cold liquid soothe your dry throat.
You lean against the counter, trying to take some weight off your bad ankle. But as soon as you shift your weight, a sharp pain shoots up your leg, and you can’t hold back the small whine that escapes your lips.
Joel’s eyes snap to yours, his brow furrowing with concern. “You sure you’re alright?”
“Yes, Joel. I’m fine,” you insist, even though you know you’re not fooling him. “It’s just—”
“ ‘S that why you’re whining every time you put weight on it?”
“It’s just a bit sore. Don’t—”
Before you can finish, Joel’s on you in a flash, closing the distance between you. He’s careful but firm as he lifts you effortlessly, setting you down on the kitchen counter. “Let me see.”
“Joel, really, it’s not a big deal,” you start to protest, but the look he gives you silences any argument you might have had.
“Humor me,” he says, his voice low and steady. There’s a note of authority there that makes your heart race. There’s no disobeying him when he uses that tone.
You sigh dramatically, letting him gently take your injured ankle in his hands. His touch is warm, and the way his fingers graze your skin sends shivers down your spine. He inspects your ankle with a seriousness that makes your heart flutter, his brows knitted in concentration.
“This is more than a ‘little misstep,’” he looks back up, his eyes stern and serious. He slowly drops your leg, turning back to reach into the freezer and pull out a pack of frozen peas. He presses it against your ankle, holding it there with one hand while his other hand lingers on your calf.
It doesn’t take long for his thumb to start brushing up and down in a way that feels more comforting than it should. He starts adding a little pressure to his touch, the lingering touch from before turning into a massage up and down your calf.
Your breath catches as you look down at him, the way he’s so focused on taking care of you. The tenderness in his touch is at odds with the roughness of his hands, and the combination is making it hard to think straight. It’s even harder to keep the little sounds his touch arises in you contained, some of them escaping out of your parted lips despite your best efforts.
“Joel,” you start, your voice softer now, almost hesitant.
He looks up at you, his eyes meeting yours with an intensity that makes your pulse quicken. His hand is still on your leg, his face overtaken by a dark expression you hadn’t seen on him until now.
For a moment, neither of you says anything. The air between you feels charged, like something unspoken is hovering just out of reach. You can feel it in the way his grip on your leg tightens ever so slightly, in the way his breathing seems to sync with yours.
And then, as if realizing where his hand is, Joel slowly pulls back. “I should get you back home, let you rest that ankle.”
You frown slightly, the way he spoke such a stark contrast to the tenderness of his touch still lingering on your leg. “I’m alright. I’m gonna have to be kneeling down for most of what’s left anyways, so I won’t be putting any weight on it.”
“No, it’s best if you just go. I’ll sort the lawn out later.”
The words hit you like a bucket of cold water. You’re left staring at him, confused by the sudden shift in his demeanor. Normally, your pride would keep you from asking, but something about Joel makes it impossible to let this go. “Did I… do something wrong?”
Joel pauses, his eyes softening for a split second before his expression hardens again. “No, you're fine. Thank you for your help, but I’m taking you home.”
He doesn’t leave room for discussion as he brushes past you, heading into the living room to grab his truck keys. Your chest tightens, the shame of the moment crashing down on you all at once.
Except… you didn’t do anything wrong. You weren’t the one who was running her hands up and down his body, or pulling him close and throwing him on the counter like it was nothing. He did all that. He made you feel like something more was happening, and now he’s treating you like some desperate girl who threw herself at him, needing to be ushered out of his house as quickly as possible.
The ache in your heart is quickly overshadowed by a fiery rage, building more and more with each passing second. You turn sharply in the kitchen, your mind made up as you march toward the open door leading to the garage.
“Don’t bother,” you snap, your voice cutting through the silence as you head for the exit.
“What?” Joel turns around just in time to see you storming out.
You don’t even answer him, your steps quickening even as pain shoots up your leg with every movement.
“The hell are you doin’? You can’t walk home with that busted ankle,” he calls after you, his tone much harsher than it was just moments ago.
You laugh bitterly, not bothering to look back. This man clearly doesn’t know you and your stubborn ass well enough yet. “Oh, I’ll fucking live.”
Without another word, you push through the pain, taking it one torturous step at a time. Each step feels like defiance, a middle finger to your own pride and to Joel’s sudden coldness. But it’s better this way—better to feel the sharp sting in your ankle than the dull ache in your heart. The whole way home, you curse yourself for being so goddamn stubborn, even as the fiery rage keeps you moving forward.
Tag list:
@yesjazzywazzylove-blog , @untamedheart81 , @mellymbee
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dianagj-art · 3 days
Is there Oneion facts we can know about?
(the baby boy in question is ten years older than me)
I'm gonna go canon stuff first, then some fun crossover stuff:
The version that I'm using is 35-ish years old (a few years before the movie events), he's been the leader of the resistance for around a decade
He still has all his brothers and loves them very much, would kill and die for them
Way more chill than One is right now, still a beast on combat
One can manipulate vines only using the seeds Draxum makes, Oneion can summon them at will from the ground with little issue
In the story he mostly goes by Leo now, very few people call him One (but lets keep calling him Oneion to avoid confusion)
The protesis he uses is an old one from Raph, but he outgrew it and gave it to Oneion when he lost his arm. It was a bit ridiculously big for him at the time, it's still a *little* too big for Oneion, but by the time he's 40-something (movie events) its gonna fit right in
The scarf he has is not the same One has, but as One's it was a gift from Draxum, he has carry the same scarf the whole apocalypse
Still has a lot of gold accents on his clothes
He's still the best fighter out of the four turtles
He loves being around kids but doesn't, he's afraid of hurting them. He knows he didn't had a normal childhood but is not 100% aware of what part was normal and ok and what part is not, and he rathers not take a chance and do something wrong.
He ends up enjoying teaching martial arts, tho he doesn't like being called sensei, and he wont spar with anyone bellow his level (again, being afraid of hurting them)
Casey Jr becomes the exception to these
Crossover stuff!
he can and will beat the shit out of One, he knows how much One can take so he's not really worried about that
when the apocalypse started he basically lost contact with the multiverse, so no fun crossovers for him. Until by the power of "@intotheelliwoods started doing fanart of Oneion before I even had finished his design" he had access to the multiverse again!
First of his "old frieds" he saw was Poptart and Sprout (2al huggy leos) and first thing he did was to hug Sprout<3 (well, he first kinda yelled at him but I'll draw that some day)
I don't think he has met again with the rest of the separated council? I don't remember if I've stick him in any crossover situations
he loves hugging Poptart, he's teddy bear size<3 and he'll never get tired of calling him his friend and loving him "the way he deserves" because he still hasn't forgive himself for the shitty way he treated Poptart (dont worry about it)
he fucking destroyed the attempt of a slau/2al crossover time line
he says he's fine by it but he keeps bringing up the "jawbreaker" incident, I dont think he got over it, actually
he hangs out with Sprout a lot
something something, being with Sprout makes him feel like a kid again, and it makes Sprout feel like a kid again because Oneion reminds him of Big Leo
Sprout and Oneion have a spa day, they deserve it<3 they also go shopping together. Also, they are not exactly good at cooking but they try and they love working together on the kitchen
Oneion got the "Oneion" nickname by Sprout and Poptart
he stronk. he can lift Sprout with no problem, and even Toast
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if you wanna have a good time scroll down the besties tag on ell's blog or mine (2)
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pixiestickie · 1 year
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so . i did something ^}*#*}*%+%
(more parts might come and if that happens this post will be the masterlist)
ramble ⏬
so . ok here goes nothing. first things first.
this is like the “fisherman meets mermaid and they are in love” AU trope but jamil isnt a fisherman: he pretty much retained his canon life, aka he is a servant and one day he found a merman and he just hangs around him to escape from his shitty life situation (and the merman is completey enamoured).
so, apart of NRC not happening, more details about the canon divergence should be revealed at a later date
thiat is the info about the au out of the way. ill just do personal rambling here esp bevause im insecure about some things about this so you can stop reading if you want.
this is a trope ive seen around a lot, especially on twitter, so ive had this idea since a bunch of months ago. i then proceeded to forget about it until i saw a twitter post about this same exact trope again except it was with fucking miguel o’hara but thats besides the point. the original post that made me get the idea were 2 ocs (they had the blood-cut-to-call-merman idea. I completely stole it from that. im coming clean) and i was like “wow do you know who else is a mermaid? azul fucking ashengrotto”
ok so no the art style i used. i started using it really recently to doodle stuff, since 2 days ago actually im so serious. i tried using it here as well bevause its an easy art style, really quick to draw with it and also looks good. or so i thought. because im now having doubts about wether it looks good or not and i fear it might just look weird. i kinda wanna hear if people prefer this art style or my “actual” one from my other posts
this style looked way better when i used it to doodle stuff, but i dont think im capable of using it in comic format. the style i was going for is mostly evident in the colored “poster” because ive actually redrawn the comic sequence a bunch of times so the style was lost there. I do like how the “poster” looks but im not sure if y’all would agree so id love to hear wyt
now the biggest part. ive never made comics in my life!! so these are going to look so damn akward. u can already notice it here!!!!! crowd starts booing
also i cant draw water and also i dont know how to draw azuls octo patterns bc the material we have of his design are so vague and fragmented but his patterns are not easy to draw so im struggling and i need to make a reference of him for myself 😭😭
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sentoooo · 7 months
Hiii I’ve been following your writing for a little bit and first off want to say you write so well! <3
I saw your requests are open and I was wondering if you would possibly consider writing something for mk11 Kuai Liang with a masc/gn reader who hasn’t gotten top surgery?
✧ a/n: THANK YOU NONNY... of COURSE i'll do more than consider it... teehee.... needed this tho lowkey.... hgrhghrhrghhh anon you GENIUS im frothing at the mouth, actually.
🗒 cw: afab, male reader, manhandling, slight body worship, nipple play, titfucking, praise, yeah..., he whimpers too btdubs, not proofread
✎ wc: 544
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ᴋᴜᴀɪ ʟɪᴀɴɢ [ᴍᴋ11] + ᴀ ꜰᴛᴍ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ [18+]
Regardless of where you are– pre-T, pre-top surgery, on T, anything– Kuai loves you for you. So, he doesn’t mind, really. That being said… he is a chest man. He’s kind of grabby in the bedroom, and when his hands wander, they often end up on your chest.
He’s oh so touchy, half of foreplay is his hands roaming your body, all sorts of praises and compliments spilling from his lips. Good god, he won’t initiate any penetration unless he’s been able to run his fingers over every single inch of skin.
He’ll pepper kisses from your neck, to your collarbone, down to your chest. Every little noise you make is worth it, as you squirm in his touch. Sometimes you feel him smile against your skin when he nears your nipple… and he pulls away, only to continue teasing you with lingering touches.
Kuai enjoys making it a game, really. See how long you can last until you’re begging for him to get to the point. But, he breaks easily. All you have to do is pout a little and ask nicely, and he won’t deny you. As much as he’d like to draw out foreplay and tease you till you can’t take it anymore, you are his ultimate weakness.
He doesn’t do all of this to highlight your insecurities. The opposite, actually. He loves you for you. And there’s nothing that will make you any less attractive to him. If it makes you uncomfortable, then he can focus on other parts of your body. He’s got a myriad of favorites (and it’s just you. You in general. You’re his favorite.)
And if you’re shy? He’s slow, he’s real slow and tender and gentle, and sooooo goddamn sweet. Every little thing he does, he’s asking for permission. Don’t you dare hit him with the ‘what if you don’t like what you see?’ line, because he loves you. He’ll shut that line down immediately, damn near lecture you on why he loves you, and he’s going to do his darndest to make sure you KNOW.
But, holy shit, if you let him titfuck you… good gods, he’s in heaven. He can barely stay quiet, moans and whimpers and all sorts of saccharine words slipping from his mouth. He’s not necessarily quiet in bed, usually he’ll groan a bit, but something about this rips his composure from him. Sometimes his eyes will roll back, or his head will… force him to look at you and he’ll cum right then and there.
Ride him. For the love of all things pure, ride him. He will lose his mind. Kuai squirms a little underneath you, always. He finds it hard to stay composed. He doesn’t know what to do with his hands– one moment they’ll be on your hips, guiding you, the next gripping the sheets, and sometimes straying up to your chest.
His eyes go from your chest, to your face, to your chest. He doesn’t know what to focus on, really. He’s mesmerized by the way you move, and sometimes he can’t help but buck his hips up into yours. He isn’t trying to be mean or unfair, he swears. He just can’t take it, how beautiful you look, your entire body… he’s almost speechless.
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© sentoooo, 2024 | masterlist | kofi
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lyrakanefanatic · 4 months
3: knox landry (tw, sexual assault)
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• closest to in the game: brady daniels
• love interest: im not too sure but im just gonna hc that he gets a boyfriend/girlfriend outside of the game
• person they dislike the most in the game: lyra kane
• personality traits: hardworking, reliable, selfless, trustworthy, creative, strong, intelligent, and independent
• negative personality traits: cruel, destructive at times, irritable, petty, hesitant to trusting people, good at keeping others away, and is mean as a coping mechanism (💔)
• he’s bisexual
• does boxing as a hobby, as well as art
• his father died when he was just a few months old and he has a step dad and mom
• was sexually assaulted when he was 12 by his uncle 3 separate times. even now, he can still feel the ghosts of his uncles hands on him. 💔
• has trouble sleeping most nights because he wakes up from the memory of being touched
• he pushes others away because of it too. he’s never really had a lot of friends since the incident or could never keep a lot because he kept pushing them away and being mean as a coping mechanism
• he’s 5’10 and 23 years old with hair that looks black but is actually really dark brown, and hazel eyes
• is very harsh on himself with his art but can draw literally anyone or anything at any given time. he’s defo one of those people who can, in fact, draw zendaya (iykyk)
• tells everyone that his favourite artist is arctic monkeys, when in reality it’s laufey 💀
• he has a twin sister who is older by like 2 minutes but he’s always acted like the older brother
• very attractive and has a crazy good jawline (and an eyebrow slitttt)
• he has an irish accent that’s not too strong, but when he’s anxious or pissed out of his mind you can’t understand a word that’s coming out of his mouth
• the reason why his accent is more watered down is because he moved from ireland to texas with his mom, sister, and stepdad after the incident to avoid his family who gaslit him into believing that his uncle didn’t sa him
• although it’s been hard, his family has always been supportive, and immediately fought for him once they found out about his uncle touching him
• lyra kane: lyra and knox are both people who can be cold and stubborn, so because of that they didn’t mix well when they first met. knox immediately saw her as an enemy and lyra was returning the favour. it wasn’t until hawthorne chutes and ladders where they really started seeing each other as people instead of just contestants that they were supposed to beat in the game. once they do get over their rivalry though, they end up being best friends and knox sees lyra as a little sister. he teaches her more efficient ways to fight and punch, and she helps the old grandpa with tech and computers. 💀 they’re very close and when grayson and her started dating, knox immediately went out of his way to piss him off just to be petty. 😪
• odette morales: knox honestly sees odette and lyra as a package deal, so whenever he hangs out with odette he has to bring along lyra too. at first odette was kind of unsure of knox because of how lyra felt towards him, but once they started warming up to each other knox and her became better friends. he loves how kind and soft spoken she is, and wishes that he was like that instead of being so “cold hearted” and “destructive” 💔 he defo taught her how to box too, (as she had no idea how to) and now she’s pretty good at it.
• brady daniels: brady and him became close immediately, and although knox would never and will never tell him, he had the teensiest crush on him when he came to the island. but once that crush dissolved into friendship and he got over it, they have the best banter and are constantly getting into dumb arguments over dumb things. although bradys way taller, knox can fight way better and has kicked his ass before.
• rohan: rohans british, so naturally, knox doesn’t like him. JKJK, but fr they get into so many arguments about the whole “british vs irish” thing, and their banter is a lot like michelle and james’ banter from derry girls. (if you’ve watched it, you know) knox sees him as a dumb cocky little brother, and finds his crush on savannah so cute. also, they definitely box together ALL. THE. TIME. like you CAN’T convince me otherwise.
• savannnah grayson: he was definitely cold to her once he found out about the whole “game master being her brother” thing, and held it against her. but he never tried to outright accuse her because he knew she was young and he was not about to start beefing with an 18 year old girl when he’s 5 years older 💀💀 they do warm up to each other eventually though, and although they don’t hang out a lot, when they do they have a lot of meaningful talks. also, like everybody else, he taught her how to box because “she should know how to defend herself in a situation where she’d need to”. (now savannah threatens grayson with the fact that she can fight whenever he pisses her off)
• gigi grayson: even though knox didn’t really trust her at first because of the same reason he didn’t like savannah (*cough cough* because she’s a nepo baby *cough cough* who said that?) he never tried to show it because he loves how bubbly and cheerful she is and doesn’t want to do anything to turn her sour. (because he knows what that’s like and wants to protect her) he definitely doesn’t like mattias and thinks he’s not good enough for her though 💀 gigi loves to paint with him even though her paintings are… not that great, and his are van gogh level good because they have a really good time. <3
i just KNOW knox is gonna be one of my favs <3
i didnt get to see any of the contestants tho because they hadn’t arrived yet 😓 (i think??? i actually don’t know why they weren’t there)
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regencyrosalie · 17 days
Hey there! <3 I really loved the way you write about modern! Anthony and I was wondering on maybe doing something with Benedict?
I was thinking always a modern one, either a xreader or maybe dating! headcanons!
in that case, thanks in anticipation and have a good day/night!!🩷🌸
hi hon ! thank you so much for sending an ask ! im going to structure this like i did for my anthony hc’s, i hope thats okay! im working on a fic rn that’ll be out hopefully soon!
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biblically accurate modern!benedict hcs
- benedict WILL draw you
- he will draw quick little silly sketches of you in funny outfits and hats with exaggerated eyes and show them to you while giggling relentlessly
- but he also has an entire sketchbook filled with accurate and detailed drawings/paintings of you. he gets bashful every time you find a new one.
- may or may not have a caffeine addiction
- when you move in with him he moves his little art corner to a different room so you can still sleep while he works
- will get frustrated and come back into the bedroom and watch you sleep until he gets motivated/inspired again
- he loves dogs, specifically small dogs. chihuahuas are probably his favorite but he wont tell anyone.
- his sleep schedule is HORRIBLE, but it evens out when you live together because he wants to fall asleep with you.
- speaking of, i feel like Benedict is a human heater
- which is amazing during the winter
- but when it’s hot it is actually torture because hes trying to fall asleep practically on top of you.
- and youre like PLEASE get the FHUCK off of me and then he pouts and huffs until you make it work or he falls asleep
- benedict is close with every one of his siblings. but especially anthony and eloise.
- has funny uncle vibes
- especially with the younger siblings. he will sneak them candy and also probably money.
- anthony and violet have yet to find out
- i think he probably likes savory foods more than sweets, but will eat anything you make him.
- i feel like hes fully clothed about 50% of the time. the man despises pants i can just feel it in my bones.
- favorite color is red. he likes the versatility.
- cannot sing. but will sing. and will sing loudly. every shower is a concert.
- probably the closest with his mother
- love language is quality time
- this means picnic dates, movie dates, target run dates, going to the grocery store dates
- will make you handwritten cards and paintings for holidays, and puts sticky notes with sappy notes and bad pickup lines on everything you own.
- other than visual art, i think he has a few other hobbies. he likes movies, in fact, he pretty much likes every movie he watches. cant get into shows though, his attention span is not long enough. he also likes puzzles, and will frame them and keep them hoarded in his closet.
- i think a part of him is still grieving his father. violet was in constant agony after he died, and anthony was busy inheriting everything and dealing with the trauma of witnessing it: so benedict was left to pick up the pieces with the rest of the siblings. ie. explain what happened to the younger ones, try to cheer them up, etc.
- for that reason, i don’t think he ever really processed it completely, and he gets weirdly quiet when he thinks about it too long.
- cant be in anthony’s office for more than an hour at a time, because it used to be edmunds, and all he can think of is how he would pester his father all day while he worked.
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niftukkun · 1 year
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New from RECAP Weekly!!! An Exclusive Interview from Hermitopia's Emperor?!?
for the third week of @shepscapades ’s hermitcraft character design event, i offer grian as an empires smp member!
ok so first off, that head. thats just p03 from inscryption. but grian. it fits! but also! go play inscryption go go its on sale Right Now (until june 30) go play it its so good then go watch this video afterwards join my fandom please please please join us
ok back to hermpires! so i originally was gonna take an empire from s2 and just insert grian into it, but while browsing through the esmp s2 wiki i came across/remembered hermitopia and my brain went yep! this one. so i thought a bit about what grian would do if he was an empires smp member and how hermitopia would happen, and i think grian would crash the economy on purpose. i mean it almost already happened when the hermitpires crossover happened so i dont think im too far off. i think grian originally exported something simple, like maybe sugarcanes or mud, something easy to farm yknow, but then i dunno got bored or something so he made a couple more farms. then kept making more farms. then the hermitopia we all know and love happened!
actually maybe hermitopia isnt grians first empire. i think grian has a separate empire but decided to invite his friends to help him make some farms and then it just kept going. then hermitopia happened. i like the collaboration aspect of hermitopia so i think thats how that happens. hermitopia isnt necessarily grian's but its under his command so it gets called his. (isnt there a word for this? was it vassalage? i think its vassalage)
with that in mind i went with a robot-y grian because grumbot and a snazzy cool suit because business man (sidenote im looking over my pre art notes and one of them is just capitalism man and. yeah! not wrong). i gave him more steampunk-y wings than the usual feathery ones cause that fit better. i gave him a crown not really sure why but it fits since without it the design was more Just A Guy but with it he's more Emperor yknow. the buttons have a g on it because he would and an (attempted) gold trim cause that looked nice and fancy. originally he was gonna have four wings cause fun fact four wings is part of my base grian design but four wings kind of crowded the drawing so i didnt include them (sad) and i also didnt include the tail hes supposed to have because i couldnt find a good way to add it in with the pose. but in my heart he has both four wings and a tail
now why magazine style artwork? i 'unno. i thought itd look cool. and it does!! it looks SO cool!!! im so proud of it. recap magazine!! because of course im gonna make a hermitcraft recap reference are you kidding me recap is practically already a magazine reporting what gossip is happening on the hermitcraft server on any given week. its very specifically volume 9 issue 34 because thats when the crossover happened season 9 week 34 babey we love little esoteric details hell yeah!! i looked up how magazine covers work and its supposed to be like, main article big and smaller supporting side articles just kinda floating around so i did that!! and i made them funney references because of course i did! local bard catches scurvy because you cannot convince me that oli orionsound would not catch scurvy he would. does god is gay is a reference to that does bruno mars is gay nonsense article that makes me laugh everytime specifically in reference about mr smallish bean because he. has so many children. and none of them as far as i know from the lady server members theyre all lovechilds from gay lovers its hysterical and hilarious. quit your job join our sun cult is about the dawn empire because thatse the vibe that empire gives me and i think its funny. also!! thats hermitopia!! in the background!! i got the image off of the empires smp wiki and just Biggen'd it and it makes a bomb ass background hell yeah ^-^!!
also version with no text here lookit it!!
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dontexpectmuch · 8 months
part 4 - [Lost in Madrid]
author note; btw for those who dont know me. im a whore for angsty fics w no happy ending 🤭 just for ur information hehehehe,, hope you enjoy this part, mwah mwah
- did not proofread!
shit, you should have gone to the toilet one last time before leaving, your nerves messing with your stomach in an uncomfortable way. your hands feel clammy, getting warmer the longer you hold the bouquet of flowers.
you don’t even know why you feel so nervous, it’s not like you’re meeting a friends [yuck] parent for the first time. you try to reason with it by telling yourself that you simply do not want to be annoyed by judes presence in front of his mother [yeah sure], you actually want to meet her.
taking one last breath, trying to stay calm, you knock on the door and put on your best smile you could muster, not wanting to come off as rude.
you hear plates cling and metallic utensils fall down, before the door is opened abruptly by none other than jude himself. he looks out of breath, chest heaving up and down, you note, but he also looks good [too good, yes you admit].
black baggy pants, an oversized grey shirt and a necklace in the middle of his chest on top of it, his face adoring a smile.
“already in love with me?” he greets you, smirking as he leans against the door frame.
you roll your eyes, turning around to just leave. you can’t even take one step as you feel judes hand closing around your upper arm, [unfortunately] halting you movements.
he laughs, pulling you inside and telling you where to put your shoes, “mum’s been cooking all day.” he tells you, making you follow him to the kitchen.
your eyes look around, the apartment is beautiful, you think, nice view over the city from the living room, high ceilings and a homey feeling greeting you as you step into the living room slash kitchen area, the smell of fresh food finding its way to your nose.
denise calls your name as she sees you walk in, drying her hands on her apron to invite you to a hug which you gladly accept.
“these are for you.” you take a step back to get the flowers from judes hands, handing them to his mother who smiles at you widely.
“you didn’t have to, honey!” she lifts them up to her nose, smelling them. “they are wonderful, thank you.”
“just as wonderful as you are, denise.” you genuinely say back, watching her chuckle as she moves back to the kitchen to find a vase.
“just as wonderful as you are.” jude mocks you, his face near your ear to keep it between you guys.
without looking at him, you hit his chest [should’ve been his face], making him choke on his spit.
he coughs roughly, hand on your shoulder to stabilize himself, “dude, that’s mean!”
“you’re mean!” you draw your eyebrows together and decide to move to the kitchen to see if you could help.
however it seems like denise already prepared everything for dinner, the only thing left is to sit down and enjoy it together, which you do.
the room is filled with laughter and conversations about various topics, creating a warm atmosphere. even though you haven’t noticed it so far, the feeling of eating together as a family is truly one thing that you have missed since you’ve been in madrid, filling your heart with a sense of peace. you wouldn’t tell jude about [he would never live that down], but you are quite thankful for meeting him, him granting you this opportunity of feeling familiarity in a foreign country.
“how long until you finish university?” denise asks, taking a sip of her drink.
you swallow your food, “well, after my internship it might take around eight weeks to get the results.” you hum, organizing your thoughts, “afterwards everything goes pretty fast, i would have to hold a presentation, explain and defend my results and own theories. after that i will hopefully graduate.”
her eyes widen, “that’s a lot, no?”
jude speaks up as well, body leaning back against his chair, “that takes so long, no wonder you’ve become a grandma-“
he suddenly yells, almost jumping out of his seat, “ow! guys no need to attack me from both sides!”
“deserved.” you roll your eyes, sweetly smiling at denise who returns the gesture, asking you if you would like to eat some more food.
“yes, please! everything tastes amazing, denise. thank you so much.” you hand her your plate, watching her get up to move to the kitchen.
“my legs hurt.” jude whines from beside you, making you scoff.
“shouldn’t have been so rude, then.”
“how am i supposed to know that i would get attacked from both sides! my legs are very important, y’know!” his voice gets louder, body leaning towards you.
denise comes back, hand your plate back to, “doesn’t mean that you can say rubbish to our guest.” she comes to your aid, smiling at you.
“wow, you two really work against me, eh?”
“yes.” denise and you say at the same time, focusing on the food in front of you.
judes whining is heard every now and then throughout the dinner, however the two of you decide to ignore him and focus on your pleasant conversation. you help her with the dishes afterwards, while jude takes out the trash. [obviously complaining about how he always has to do the hatd work, you continue to ignore him.]
“i heard that you live close-by.” denise continues your conversation as you sit down on the couch in the living room, half empty cup of tea in your hand.
you nod, [wishing wouldn’t have to] “jude told me that you guys live down the street after we met at the grocery store.”
“best thing to ever happen to you.” you hear judes [attra-, annoying!] voice from behind you, his hands now resting on the couchs back behind you.
“mh, sure.”
denise laughs at you two, getting up to put her cup back. you follow suit, also getting ready to leave as you have seen that it has been already two hours since you came. you hug denise, thanking her for the food and kind hospitality, and also telling her to visit you sometime.
jude walks to the front door with you, watching you put on your shoes, “why are you leaving already?”
you pause, looking up, “eh, it’s getting late?”
you finish putting on your shoes, grab your bag and move to open the door. jude does the same, your hands now meeting on the doorknob, making you pause your actions. you quickly pull back, clearing your throat as you watch him open the door for you.
“want me to walk you home?” his voice is low, making the hair on your neck stand up. [because it’s annoying, nothing more.]
you shake your head, stepping outside, “‘m meeting a friend.”
“this late?” he crosses his arms in front of his chest, once again leaning against the doorframe.
frowning, you stem your hands on your hips, “pardon? who are you again?”
“your bestest best friend?” jude copies your attitude, smirking as he sees your eyes roll.
“‘m going.” your start to walk away, putting an end to this [ridiculous] conversation.
“text me when you’re home! and don’t stay out for too long!” he calls after you.
“yes, mom!” you call back, not bothering to turn around to look at his [handso-, no, stupid] face.
“but what is so wrong of being friends with him?” amanda asks, setting her glass of wine down.
music is heard through the box that was standing on the coffee table, filling the room quietly. the moon shines through the windows, amandas chain led-lights dimmed down, a comfortable vibe hovering within the room.
you sigh, leaning your head back with your eyes closed. fuck, you don’t even know why you’re so against it.
“i just,” you try to gather your thoughts, taking a sip from the glass, “i won’t be here for long, y’know? i don’t want to bond with someone like that only to never see them ever again.”
amanda chuckles, patting your knee softly, “mija, why wouldn’t you guys see each other again? that doesn’t make sense.”
“it does!” you try to defend yourself, sitting up, “i have to focus on my studies, afterwards get a job. i won’t be able to meet him in madrid whenever i miss him.”
“so you admit that you like him?” she teases you, nudging your foot with hers.
you groan, [sadly] admitting that you actually grew to enjoy his presence in the past month.
“i mean, he is annoying, loud, rude and calls me grandma, pushes me away to cheat when we race, throws his sweaty towel at me, and water too, and he-“
amanda cuts you off, telling you to get to the point.
“he, i don’t even know, he is actually fun to be around. being friends with him, getting used to his presence isn’t hard, it almost came naturally.” you explain, pulling your knees to your chest to rest your chin on them.
“but why be so upset about something that hasn’t happened yet?” amanda asks, sipping on her wine. her eyes are on you, and even though it’s the rooms lights are dimmed, you can still see the warmth seep through them, a sense of comfort washing over you.
“but it will happen, ‘manda.” you know that you are being unnecessarily pessimistic, but you can’t help it. “i don’t want to get attached only for it to break my heart into pieces.”
she sighs, “what will you do then?”
you shrug, not so sure yourself. you could create a certain distance between you and him, trying to lose some attachment that you [unfortunately, you would never tell him] have. but that wouldn’t be fair to jude, either. he didn’t to anything wrong. how would you explain that to him?
‘hey, i actually quite like being around you and being friends with you, but i don’t want to get used to you because i know that it will break my heart, yeah, so, bye!’? you scoff at this thought, head starting to hurt as you try to come up with different explanations.
amada gets up to go to the bathroom, hand on your shoulder as a sign of comfort as she passes by.
now that you are alone, you put your forehead against your knees, deeply exhaling. the music in the background helps as a distraction from your thoughts, though this sound of it gets interrupted by your phone. a new notification. you don’t bother to check who it is - your heart starts to beat fast as you think of someone who it might be. but you don’t lift your head, wanting to be left alone during your [pitiful] situation.
you have never had this problem before. you loved to meet people whenever you travel, creating memories with them and cherishing those whenever you think about it. this situation, everything about jude is just weird, you don’t know [or do you?] why he is such a big concern of yours, as if you actually are the moon, turning i orbits around its sun, in this case, jude. you should be friends with him, enjoy the time the two of you have left and then leave madrid, letting him be a new, nice memory.
“still thinking ’bout it?” amandas voice pulls you out of your thoughts, eyes now focusing on her.
you nod, sighing. it seems like it is the only thing left to do for you, sighing and hopelessly waiting around, though you are not sure for what exactly.
“do you like him?” she asks, filling her glass with some more wine before taking a sip.
“well, yeah. i think we’re friends.” you reply, feeling weird [like betraying yourself] when actually admitting that you think of jude as a friend.
she laughs, shaking her head, “no, no, i meant like, do you like like him?”
“no!” you tell her [yeah sure], quite offended that she would think that you would fall for someone like jude [you would].
“then why are you so sad about it?”
“don’t know, don’t wanna talk about it, please.” you lay down on the couch, looking up the ceiling.
your phone rings again, this time thrice in a row. you sigh while rolling your eyes, lazily lifting it up to look at who has been bothering you for the last few minutes.
[from; Jude Bellingham]: four new messages.
you immediately sit up, eyes wide. fuck, why is he texting you right now? you don’t have the nerve to talk to him right now [you always do].
“is it him?” amanda asks, looking up from her won phones display, smirking.
“yeah.” you mumble, unsure of what to do. you shouldn’t let him wait, should you? that’s not very nice, maybe it’s an emergency?
amanda speaks up again, “well, answer him, chica! why the hesitation?”
“don’t know.” you shrug, laying down again.
you hear amanda sigh, but she doesn’t comment on anything anymore, seemingly giving up on the situation. you take a deep breath while unlocking your phone, heart beating against your chest.
[from; Jude Bellingham]: r u home yet?
[from; Jude Bellingham]: dk what u did but mum still talks abt u
[from; Jude Bellingham]: u ok?? wya?
[from; Jude Bellingham]: txt me when ur home
putting your phone back down, you sigh, head between your hands. you don’t understand why his texts make you feel so, how should you describe it, anxious? he doesn’t do anything wrong, he is just trying to be a good friend, you should appreciate it instead of panicking.
groaning, you get up, taking your now empty glass to put it into the dishwasher in amandas kitchen.
“you leavin’?” amanda asks you, still seated on the couch, her head turned towards you.
you nod, tiredly rubbing your eyes as you walk back to kiss her cheek as a goodbye, “thank you for today.”
she smiles, her hand resting in your cheek in a comforting manner, “text me when you’re home, ‘kay?”
you put on your shoes, tell her goodbye one last tome before leaving her home, the soft breeze of the night welcoming you. it isn’t cold, you don’t have to wear a jacket, but somehow you can’t help but cross your arms as you begin to walk home. the night is still young, you hear people shouting and talking amongst themselves down the street, music accompanying their conversations.
the walk back doesn’t take long, you arrive just about fifteen minutes later as you open the door to the building, sighing as you see the stairs in front of you.
[to; Jude Bellingham]: just arrived home
[to; Jude Bellingham]: what can i say, moms like me :)
you lay down in your bed, night routine done and ready to sleep. you try to concentrate on your breathing, laying still on your back as a contrast to the chaos going on in your head, not letting you rest properly.
“tsk,” you try to lay on your left side, back now facing your phone on the nightstand, “stupid stuff.”
as soon as you hear your phone vibrate you immediately turn around, the brightness of your display hurting your eyes.
[from; Jude Bellingham]: cool cool
you move to type an answer, though a new message from him comes in,
[from; Jude Bellingham]: were u w dk what his name was?
rolling your eyes, you can’t help but smile at his [cu-, stupid] text.
[to; Jude Bellingham]: his name is lorenzo
[from; Jude Bellingham]: basic ass name
[to; Jude Bellingham]: no i was at amandas
[from; Jude Bellingham]: shouldn’t u be at sleep rn? grandmas should go to bed early
oh you can practically hear jude giggling at his own text, him finding joy in reminding you that you are older than him. you catch yourself stupidly smiling at his text and clear your throat, sitting up properly before texting back.
[to; Jude Bellingham]: was abt to but u texted me
[from; Jude Bellingham]: okok sry
[from; Jude Bellingham]: good night
[from; Jude Bellingham]: sweet dreams (of me)
[to; Jude Bellingham]: id rather choke
[to; Jude Bellingham]: good night :)
“guys, please don’t forget to finish writing your team report for next week, ask for help if you need to, please.” you remind your students as they walk out of the room, smiling your way as they tell you goodbye.
you turn around to pack your own things, a knock on the door catching your attention.
“hola, señorita.” lorenzo greets you, smile wide and cheeks rosy, probably from the heat outside.
he walks up to you, kissing your cheek as a greeting before leaning against your desk, watching you as you continue to pack your bag.
“how can i help you, señor?” you say, happy to see your friend.
it has been a while since you last saw him, getting caught up in work and writing your thesis, and well, other people.
“are we walking home today?” he asks, tilting his head to the side, his eyes staring at yours.
“you see-“
“ah! there you are!” judes voice appears by the door, cutting you off.
you roll your eyes, trying to fight of a smile. he always greets you loudly when he picks you up to walk to the open field together, comfortable banter hovering between you two on tour walk there.
“i have a practical session afterwards, sorry.” you point towards jude, who is still standing by the door, eyes focusing on the guy next to you.
poor lorenzo, you think, he didn’t do anything wrong, yet jude always finds way to hate on him, comparing the two of them. [he somehow is always the better one]
“i see.” lorenzo looks at jude, then he turns back to you, kissing you on the cheek as a goodbye before leaving the room.
jude walks inside, rolling his eyes as he points at the direction lorenzo went, “what is his problem?”
your eyebrows pull together, “eh, nothing?”
you sling your bag on your shoulder, walking out of the room with jude following you, “think you gonna score today?”
jude laughs, scratching his cheek, “i will, if you stop directing your negativity towards me.”
offended, you look up at him, walking through the tunnel that leads to the field, “what’s that supposed to mean? i don’t even have the time to look at you.” [that’s a lie, you catch yourself following him around the field more than you’d like to admit]
“you should, though, i am very exciting to watch.” jude blinks - in his case winks - down at you, putting his bag down next to your seat.
you hum, not wanting to ket him now that he’s right, taking a seat on the bench as you pull out your writing block and pencil from your bag.
señor lagarde yells at jude from the field, telling him to get moving. jude shouts out that he is coming and gets moving, hitting your foot with his one last time as he leaves.
the suns heat makes you feel dizzy, and you wish that you would have taken your water bottle with you, instead of relying on the water bottles at the center. your shoes feel tight, your dress makes you want to throw yourself off a bridge and your hair isn’t looking as good as you wish it did.
“we should definitely cook together like, at least once.” jude throws in as the two of you walk past a restaurant.
you don’t register what jude says, “yeah, sure.”
“wait, really?” his voice sounds surprised at your agreement, and suddenly you feel awake, the feeling of having said something that you might regret sinking in.
“uh, wait, what did you say?”
“nah,” jude shakes his head, mischievously smiling at you, “can’t take it back now.”
“jude,” you whine, hating yourself for giving him such power, “c’mon dude, i’m tired.”
“don’t care.”
you come to a halt in front of the apartment building, getting ready to say goodbye to him, but he speaks up again, sounding too excited for your liking.
“let’s do it now, i’m ready.”
fuck, did you actually agree to sleep with him? is this why he won’t tell you?
nervously, you back off, “listen jude, i didn’t mean it, i mean yeah, you’re nice, but i really don’t want to-“
“c’mon, cooking together is actually really cool, i’m not that bad, ask mum.”
you feel relief wash over you, like a ton has been lifted up from your shoulders. suddenly, the grass looks greener, the birds chirp sweeter, the sky looks cleaner, today is such a nice day, you note, everything is just amazing-
“hello?” jude flicks your forehead, pulling you out of your daydreams as you cover your forehead with your hand, offended by his actions.
“let’s go, c’mon!” he tells you once more. you decide to give him, otherwise he won’t stop annoying you.
you open the door and the two of you walk up, jude tries to make you trip once, you alap the back of his head, but you safely arrive at your apartment door. opening it, you take of your shoes, you move to the kitchen while jude goes to the bathroom. looking through your fridge, you take out a few ingredients to cook some pasta with vegetables, simple but tasty.
you wait for jude to come back before you also go to the bathroom to freshen up, then you quickly get changed into something more comfortable.
“where’s your-“ jude walks into your room as you are in the middle of putting on your shirt, stopping mid sentence. “oh, fuck.” he shuts the door fast, an awkward apology leaving his mouth.
quickly putting on the shirt and taking a deep breath, you walk out the room to find jude awkwardly standing next to your door, his hands placed in front of him.
“‘m genuinely sorry, dude, like, i should have knocked.” he apologizes once more, his behavior making you smile. [because he looks stupid, not cute.]
“it’s fine, nothing to worry about.” you try to lift the mood by bumping your hips against his, winning a smile.
you walk back to the kitchen and start to give him the instructions to prepare the vegetables, yourself focusing on the sauce and the pasta.
it is like athletes getting in ‘the zone’, jude and you entirely focusing on your tasks at hand. you wanted to put on some music, but somehow the thought falls short, now the sound of you two working and moving around the kitchen filling the room. it’s nice, you don’t have the need to fill in the silence with small talk, since it doesn’t make you feel awkward. you hear jude hum the melody of a song and decide to listen to that, though it sounds rough.
“this big enough?” judes voice us soft, he moves next to you to show you the size of the tomato he cut, his body’s heat closing around you, relaxing at his closeness.
“yeah, just make sure that it doesn’t get too small.” you tell him, still stirring the sauce.
“yes, chef.” he salutes, continuing to cut up the vegetables.
everything goes on really well, the pasta looks great, the sauce tastes good and the vegetables are done. you plate the food and ask jude to take them to the table, which he does. as he comes back to put a dirty knife into the sink, you feel his big hand on the small of your back.
only when he moves back to the table you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding, your heart threatening to jump out of your chest.
without further ado, you sit down around the table, “buen provecho.”
“you too.” jude immediately puts some of it into his mouth, groaning [literally moaning] at its taste.
though you agree with him that it tastes good, you don’t moan, but laugh at jude for shoving the food in to his mouth.
“the food won’t run away, y’know.” your teasing makes him look up from his plate, like a deer caught in the middle of the road.
“it’s so good.” his cheeks are full of food, however his sentence comes out clear.
a laugh escapes from your lips, somehow this entire situation is just funny to you. if someone would’ve told you two months ago that you would cook and eat dinner with jude bellingham during your internship, you’d pay their therapy from your own money. but now, look after you. here you are, eating some delicious pasta, the sun setting in the background and jude calling your name over and over again because you won’t listen to him. [you leaned how to ignore him]
“yes, jude?” you decide to answer him, his voice starting to irritate your ears.
“what are we gonna eat first dessert?”
“you leaving will be my dessert.” you sarcastically smile at him.
jude slumps back against his chair, exaggerated sigh leaving his mouth, “you were supposed to say ‘you’”
“tsk, you? where are you a dessert?” you can already feel your eye start to twitch, knowing that he will annoy you until you do as he says.
clapping his hands once, jude laughs, leaning forward, “people on the internet have other opinions, though.”
you get up to clean your plate, not bothering to continue this [stupid] conversation.
jude appears next to you as you rinse your glass, plate at hand, “soo, ice cream?”
“don’t you miss your family?” judes side profile is highlighted by the moonshine, the many stars in his eyes now present in the deep blue sky.
though it is still warm outside, you have a thin blanket draped over your shoulders, ice cream bowl sits empty on the little table between jude and yourself.
“don’t you miss leaving me alone.” you respond, bith of you aware that you don’t actually mean it. [you do, you’re really tired and want to sleep].
“answer me, jalapeño.”
you scoff, turning your head to look at him, “that’s a stupid name.”
he turns to look at you as well, sleepy smile on his lips, “suits you, though.”
“answer my question.”
you take a second to think, “well, yeah, i guess.”
“you guess?” judes eyes follow you as you get up to lean against the rail on the small balcony, eyes looking down at the street.
you hear him get up as well, his body now next to yours, its heat slowly coming your way. you have to fight the urge to lean against him, not wanting to cross any boundaries.
“i do, i really miss my mum and my nephew,” you begin, the thought of your two year old nephew making you smile, “but i also love it here. i think i’ll even sadder to leave madrid than i was when i left home.”
jude hums in understanding, softly bumping his body against yours, “it’s because of me, right? i’m just so amazing, i’d miss me too.”
“tsk, yeah sure.” [it’s a lie]
the sound of a car passing by fills the silence between you, and you feel judes body slowly lean against yours, staying there. you don’t bother telling him to move away [you don’t want to], your body starts to tingle, warmth spreading through it. even though the night is calm, your mind is anything but that, different scenarios passing through your mind as you try to concentrate on anything but judes body. you feel his finger touching yours, slowly moving up your arm. you feel the hair on your neck stand up, heart rate picking up and each breath like its fueling the fire inside of you. you know he feels it, too, his finger is shaking as it moves up to your back, hand now caressing your neck.
you turn to look at jude, he does the same, it feels oh so slow as you two near each other, his eyes moving from your eyes down to your lips and back up, you feel it down to your feet, the tingling now numbing all of your senses. jude leans down, your faces now centimeters apart as he closes his eyes. you tilt your head to the side, feeling his breath on your skin as you also close your eyes.
the moon slowly disappears between you two, and you move to close the gap until -
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bordysbae · 1 year
can you do 8. “are they fighting again?” “worse, they’re kissing” with Alex Turcotte?
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“round what?”
alex turcotte x reader
warning: cursing, slight mention of underage drinking
you and alex never end on good terms. you’ve never actually dated, but everyone knows you guys are only interested in each other. but somehow the both of you managed to mess up the two other previous attempts at being a thing. alex being the first one to mess up used the excuse of ‘well we aren’t dating,’ and you used the same one on him two months later.
you met through a friend group, and the group has been awkward ever since you and alex ended, again, nearly a month ago. if the group decides to hang out, they always do it when either you or alex cant come. there has been a few times where you and alex are there at the same time, but you avoid speaking cause it just causes problems. as you’ve learned from past experiences.
“alex can you stop glaring at me when i talk to jack? jesus, i’m not allowed to talk to my friend?” you scofffed in the beecher-family kitchen.
“i just don’t appreciate seeing my ex all over my best fucking friend,” he shrugged.
“your ex? we never even dated alex! you’re so self absorbed it’s crazy honestly,” you angrily chuckled.
“we basically dated, you can’t tell me we were nothing,” the dark haired boy stated before he sipped the water from his glass.
“you’re joking right? you literally used the excuse ‘we’re not even dating,’ alex! this is so stupid, i was literally just talking to jack. you’re so fucking insecure, i cant deal,” you rolled your eyes as you exited the kitchen.
but now you’re sat at the group event with a raspberry white claw in your hand. being in the same room as alex is going fine, until someone gets the bright idea to play truth or dare. “turcs, truth or dare?” trevor asks with a devilish smile on his face.
“dare, i’m not a wuss,” he cockily shrugs before taking a sip of his beer. a few ‘ooh’s can be heard, making alex’s massive ego inflate ever larger.
“good answer! i dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with y/n,” he smirks, making both you and alex’s eyes go wide.
“what?! hell no man! no offense y/n,” alex says, turning to face you during the last part of his sentence.
“none taken,” you mumble making jack push his shoulder into yours.
“alex, i thought you said you weren’t a wuss? you know if you skip the question you have to shoot fireball, right?” cole chimes in, making alex groan. he rises from his spot on the L shaped couch in the hughes’ family basement, and he gives you an ‘im sorry’ look as you stand up as well. trevor sets his timer as he locks you both in the closet.
you sit on the floor by the coats, and alex sits against the wall in front of you. your legs are stretched out by his waist, his doing the same. you can’t help but notice the small hole forming in his gray socks as you avoid eye contact with the boy. “i’m sorry,” he blurts out, drawing your attention from his socks to his face.
“for what?”
“everything, y/n. i’ve always been such a dick to you, even when we were talking. but god do i miss you,” he admits as an adrenaline high begins to form from the nerves.
“you do?” you hesitantly question.
“of course i do. do you even realize how much i liked you? hell y/n, i still do. i hated myself for hooking up with that girl at the party, and instead of admitting my wrongs i used some dumb excuse. and then i changed myself for you, but when we started talking the second time you hooked up with that guy. which really hurt. i know it shouldn’t have, but that’s when i truly realized how much i had hurt you when i was the one did it. so yeah, i miss you. a lot,” alex rambles.
your face heats up, and you scoot across the closet closer to him. you readjust yourself so that you’re sat next to him, and turn to look up at him slightly. he then leans in, and you connect your lips to his. you guys continue kissing for a moment, until trevor unlocks the door and gasps. he snickers before closing the door and heading back to the group in the other room.
“i’m so done with them!” trevor groans as he sits back down on the couch.
“are they fighting again?” cole asks.
“worse, they’re kissing!” trevor chuckles, making everyone’s eyes widen and a few laughs escape.
“this round what, like.. seven?” johnny teases.
“it’s round three, but hey third times a charm!” jack shrugs, just as you and alex walk back into the room.
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preciadosbass · 1 month
14/8/24 [4x DIYS + a drawing <already posted> today!! key & significant photos at end. technically a journal from yesterday as it was posted on a later schedule.]
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woke up at 9 and opened instagram to find out about danielle’s [vic fuentes’s wife] second pregnancy. im so happy for the both of themm!! [that explains vic’s freaky comments on danielle’s posts…] i stayed scrolling on insta and doing those story template/prompt things up until 9:50 when i finally went out to properly say good morning to boris. id already mouthed it to him through the front door after waking up, but i can’t go without actually sitting with him. i had breakfast as the heat is making me faint and he kept on jumping up on my knees to try and eat it. he did at one point lick the bottom of my toast [i got it on video yipee] and the way he tucks his paws and places them on my leg to get to it is so cute.
my mum said i should take off that bit of toast so i did, and stayed outside with him until 10:15 because apparently my sister has people [keyworkers [[?]] come over aswell and two people turned up on the driveway. once i was back inside my room, i wrote the entry to this journal and listened to linkin park’s ‘meteora’ [their best album in my opinion] i thought that i wouldn’t be able to leave my room in ages due to the people round, but my dad came in and told me that they’d left to shop/bake/cook with my sister. which is good for her, and ideal for me because i can get on with my diy windcharm inspired decoration/bottlecap charm.
i waited for my dad to get his tools and he started drilling the holes through the bottlecaps at around 10:40. after he was done, i brought the shells i collected from the beach inside, and my dad started going through the different ways he could drill through them as i couldn’t decide. i decided on one and made my bottlecap charms while he drilled. i finished one out of two of the charms when i realised the elastic was drooping and it looked weird so my dad drilled through the tops of the caps to make things easier. obviously you can see where it was originally drilled but i still think the results are cute. [photos at end]
i went outside to get sticks for my ‘windcharm’ thing, and put ‘jaime’ on my favourite bottlecap charm, which isn’t revolutionary for anyone else apart from me. it is at the moment because i don’t have my name on anything i own, and i finally put it somewhere!! the best part is, i can just say it’s because i love jaime preciado, as my family already know about my interest in him. they’ll never know whahahaha
i don’t actually know why i made the charms, they don’t serve much purpose other than hanging somewhere in my room and being something to look at. but i like randomly making ‘useless’ stuff — it gives me something to do. hopefully i can put up some more hooks and actually put them on display, maybe use the jaime one as a keychain if i do ever come out. i finished re-doing them, took pictures of them, and then said a quick hello to boris before starting to make my windcharm thing at 12:40.
i felt conscious over everyone in the house watching me make it, so i took the shells with me went into my room. i measured out all the elastic and started making it at 1. i threaded all the shells and a few odd tiny beads onto the frame. i originally meant to make one the bits that hang down to have silver beads on, but they didn’t fit through the elastic, so i resorted to bigger cream coloured beads. i finished it at 1:40 and stood on my stool to work out where i wanted it hung. i organised a place for it to go and hot glued my favourite shell onto the centre of the stick frame. my dad put a hook in my ceiling and hung it at 2:20. it dosent really look anything close to a windcharm, but at least it’s another thing in my room to glance at. [picture at end]
i listened to my atticus cd while making it, and i love it — my favourite track so far [im not sure how long i listened to it] was american nightmare by am/pm. it’s one of the only cds i have where all of the tracks/most of the tracks; [i cant remember] are all recorded by different artists. afterwards i went outside with boris until 3. my mum and dad were on the other side of the garden gate, being shown my sister’s nunchucking. upon getting inside, i started putting up some more photos at the side of my desk [3:20] i also stuck my jaime charm up there aswell. as for the other target looking one, i’m going to leave it hanging on my mini bass. [pictured at end]
i feel like i haven’t put up anything in decades even though i did not too long ago when i stuck pikachu on the side of my shelf, but still. while doing this, i listened to my main playlist [WIP] [link at end]. once i was done, i got out a few scrap parts of old jeans that id cut up and drew on them with a paint pen. i cant actually make any patches because i’ve lost my fabric paint, but i thought i might aswell make the ‘template.’ i made a my chemical romance once, along with ones of fall out boy, ‘all cats r beautiful’, the pierce the veil symbol, the frank iero logo, a killjoys patch, and a party poison patch. kobra kid is my fav out of the killjoys, but there’s no way on earth i’m drawing a kobra on denim or whatever the fabric im using is. i’m bad at drawing as it is. [will post photos of the finished product if i remember]
after putting all my supplies away, i posted for the first time on the mcr community i joined [which was scary wtf everyone’s so good at art there]. it was a picture of my diy black parade mcr trinket box. afterwards i wrote a decent amount of this and added a few full albums to my main playlist along with changing the playlist image. i also added three more can tabs to my tab bracelet as i found two out of nowhere this morning, and my sister brought one back from her outing. i listened to some more music and made drafts up until 5:40 when i started collecting black + white/dark blue pics of jaime and chi so i can redesign my homescreen and app icons. i finished after an hour and im super happy with the result. hopefully my favourite colour dosent change again because actually going through every app and changing the icon is boring asf. [photos at end]
i drew a killjoy oc from 7 to literally 12.. it took so long because it was my first time every drawing digitally and i made up their design on the spot. i wasn’t planning on finishing them so i had a break at 9, also. i’m okay with how it came out considering what i just mentioned. i love their ray gun design and i’m obviously yet to give them lore/a proper gang etc. i continued adding text to the drawing and posted a picture of them at 12:30. [the post under this]. at 12:50 i started looking at other peoples killjoy oc’s as i haven’t really done that before. i continued doing that while collecting band/musician gifs along the way until 1:50. i had already been in my parents room for 15-20 minutes but i did my questions about boris around the time just listed.
i did them quite quickly, went downstairs, did my teeth, and started saying goodnight to boris at 2:30. i told him/showed him the things i’ve made today and finished speaking to him at 3:20. i fed him before going into my room and wrapping up this journal. i posted this before going to sleep, but i’ll say i went to sleep at 3:35 and update the actual time in tomorrow’s journal.
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🗝️ — boris/my cat, questions about boris/i ask my parents questions about my cat to verify he’s okay + will be okay in the morning. its a compulsive thing and i’m hopefully going to be tested for OCD in the future.
have a good day/night O_o
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definitelynotshouting · 3 months
context: ik most of my asks are pretty disorganized, stream of consciousness type of thing but GEEZ this got out of hand. you know that thing cats do when they bring you a dead mouse and *they're* super proud of it and you're just like dude.. why /lh
i usually put whatever my immediate thoughts are after reading the chapter and this time i thought it might be fun to write it out before. can you tell im running on five hours of sleep?? lmk if this made any coherent sense because even i dont understand it!!
so last chapter ripped my heartt out and stomped on it. i am LIVING for the way this whole thing was written, gorgeous prose as always <3. i was very curious as to wether Mumbo would question Grian but i think him NOT doing that was SO in character, and i adore it. I feel like w/ some fics (my own writing included) Scar is the ONLY one Grian relies on for support (in ANY area), and whenever Mumbo is even in the picture, he's just kinda "there", he doesn't check up on Grian or broach the topic of whatever is currently plaguing our little bird guy (basically, he's not involved in Grian's life despite being "his best friend"). And the way you characterized him was just So Real?? I would wager a guess (correct me if im wrong ofc) that part of it is that he just DOESNT know, (because Grian is oh so good at telling half truths and privately justifying his self sabotage) but a part of it is also him being lowkey willfully ignorant. he doesnt WANT Grian to be sick (mentally or otherwise) but definetly knows that SOMETHING is up. he really WANTS to help fix whatever is going on (evident by the gold farm) but he doesnt know what Grian needs or how to help him.
i have been OBSESSING over how Grian saying goodnight to Mumbo was ACTUALLY his goodbye to him but Mumbo DOESNT KNOW AND ITS EATING ME ALIVE. (also thought it was super interesting how Grian sort of took Mumbo leaving to sleep as "permission" to do the deed)
side ish note: how tf does Grian even plan to do that?? ik he's got the spider eyes and i *think* he's planning to turn the healing potions into weakness potions but like?? how is he going to do that??? i would assume that the gang would be watching the potions AS they were brewing, and even if they weren't, healing potions and weakness potions are.... vastly different colors. (unless im mixing them up with something else). also aren't they going to walk in on him prepping or already being in the middle of it and just save him like last time? the team as a whole has done a pretty good job on keeping an eye on Grian (from just a "this person can't walk" standpoint) so far. is he waiting for a chance when everyone is busy or does he plan to use MORE weakness potions to make it stronger or quicker?? im interested to see if he's even going to follow The Plan, because up until this point he's been pretty careful with trying to make plans and sneak around EXCEPT for the spider eyes basement adventure, which makes me wonder is he'll get more frantic/desperate as the appointed time draws closer.
Real talk though, Mumbo (and everyone else) is going to be beating himself up over not noticing when stuff goes down (which i would assume would be next chapter, but idk). Also, the fact that Grian asked him to stay means A LOT. To me (and idk if this is what you meant to convey) that signals that a part of him WANTS to stay. theres a part of him that wants to continue to experience the comfort and joy he gets from his friends, but he feels like he's only going to continue to hurt them, so to him this is the ONLY option to keep them safe. also the majority of his existence is just misery and pain so thats probably not helping. (PLUS the whole slew of mental health issues, this is not purely self sacrificial).
anyway, i LOVED this chapter as always, it was like chicken noodle soup for my overworked little soul and i savored every bit of it!! (also, no need to apologize for not having enough spoons!! i dont have any chronic illnesses but i know that shit sucks. this is a particularly long ask for me so dont feel compelled to answer everything in it, or answer right away. hope ur doing well <3)
you hit the nail exactly on the head for where im going with mumbo's characterization-- there is 100% a level of willful ignorance there. Ive always felt like mumbo is the kind of guy who has a thing about avoidance-- he feels very much like a character who will absolutely do his best to ignore things that hes decided arent his business (right up until he stops LMFAO) and part of that in hunger au is him being so anxious for grian to get better that he stops looking at the red flags grian is aggressively waving around. It'll work out!! He's sure of it!! Grian even directly said he's trying to get better!! And i think if he looked at that for longer than it takes for him to flinch away from the entire subject, he would see how much of a bald lie that is.
But he doesnt, because thats a LOT to deal with, and hes never really??? Seen this side of Grian before??? Not the way Pearl and Scar have. Theres a lot of intricacy there that i feel im skimming over but like Mumbo is very much keeping his own sanity in mind here too and thats another painful factor to the whole situation. Idk i have lots of thoughts about it and about the choice here to depict Mumbo giving in to that willful ignorance, and how its going to affect his and Grian's relationship in the future of the fic
(Quick tw for frank discussions of suicide below)
You've also completely nailed the subtext i was getting at with Grian asking Mumbo to stay-- smth ive always felt is a bit underrepresented in narratives like these are how at its most base core, suicide and suicidal ideation are often about needing something to fundamentally change in your life. It takes a LOT of both hopelessness and sheer willpower to actively try and overcome your body's instinctive will to survive. That instinct is baked into our very cells; when someone commits, it means their hopelessness for meaningful change to happen in their lives was so strong it overpowered everything else. And that is something deeply, deeply tragic, and also something i really wanted to respectfully highlight in this portrayal-- how bad things are when you spiral that far. Grian is starving to death. He wasnt lying about maybe having a week to live-- the intermittent feeding has kept him alive longer than anticipated, but its like trying to wall off an avalanche; theres only so much you can do in the face of all that :( and that hopelessness, in combination with how guilty he feels for what he did to his friends, has manifested in him feeling like his only recourse is to kill himself... but at the same time, that instinct to survive and KEEP SURVIVING is still blaring in his veins, and that manifests as him asking Mumbo to stay. Its a bit paradoxical, but its meant to really show how bad his mental state is, that he is willfully ignoring all the frantic signals his body is screaming at him to try and stay alive rn 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Also, with the potions-- without revealing too much about how this is going to happen, Grian is planning on making fermented spider eyes and using them to turn the healing potions into harming potions, which he'll then drink in the in-between to make sure he dies immediately. Now.. i know how this is gonna go, and i know the exact mechanics around how this is gonna shake out, but smth to keep in mind is hes not thinking logically anymore, he has FULLY capitulated to his own storm of emotional wreckage. So yes there are DEFINITELY some questions to be asked about how hes gonna try and get this done, but in all honesty they mostly boil down to "sheer opportunity" which you'll see a bit more of in the next chapter >:] but yeah its meant to be a bit illogical skdbwkdjskd since he just isnt thinking coherently anymore at this point :(
Bug anon thank u for my entire life this comment was so sweet and so wonderful to receive, i really love it when my writing is analyzed like this and seen and understood!!! Its amazing its such a wonderful feeling to have your work be seen like this and its something i very much do not take for granted :]]]❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ tysm for the ask i am seriously treasuring it SO MUCH rn (and also thank you for the well-wishes!! Im doing my best to stay silly out here HEHE)❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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xo-zozo · 2 months
heyyy! could u pls write Alisa Ortega headcannons. thnxxx 💖
I would also absolutely 100% not hate it if u included how her romance life would be after Nash ❤️❤️❤️
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hi!! im so glad i got a request for her!!
tags | @x-liv25-jamieswife @flowers-for-em @nqds @sophiesonlinediary @reminiscentreader @zoyaaaabear @clarissaweasley-10 @off-to-the-r4ces @lxvebelle @lyrakanefanatic @peterlcsingwendy
i’d like to think that after nash, she does move on and finds love
even though jameson annoys her, when they were kinda growing together, he was her favorite
nan always said that she was gonna be a great lawyer (which is surprising coming from nan)
this was mainly because when she was a kid she was always bossing people around (in the nicest way possible ofc)
she can actually draw and she’s really good at it but because she was a lawyer she couldn’t pursue it
she has very specific taste in men
but she didn’t find this out until after she didn’t marry nash (inconvenient am i right)
although she dosen’t get much attention from fans and stuff she has her own secret little online fan club that not even she knows about
she dosent even start to date around until/after the second grandest game
only drinks very specific types of coffee/tea
thanksgiving is her favorite holiday becuase it’s like the only time she gets to relax
even though she’s really busy she makes sure that she stays close to her family
very good sense of fashion but dosen’t get to show it off much
avery asked her to like actually come to one of her events as one of her guests and she acted cool but she was actually just excited she got to go somewhere
she goes to coffee shops and restaurants when she has a lot of work to get done and just does it there
used to read a lot when she had time to
always finds time to do the crossword though
when xander was younger she would always try to take care of him (even though she would have been pretty young herself)
secretly wants kids (she has the names picked out and everything
same goes with her wedding, like she has that whole part of her life planned out
she definitely has some random fast food restaurant that she’s addicted to but only nash knows it fromm when they were together (probably chick fil a)
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