#people have already talked alot about the dark world so i wanted to talk a lil about the light world
californiaispurple · 2 years
I'm sure someone on here has already said this but.
the thing that creeped me out the most about spamton's encounter was his active acknowledgment of Kris' soul.
Obviously, the absence of music leading up to the scene and glitchy-ish dialogue all add to the 'hm there's something a lil funky bout this guy and not in the good way' feeling-
But (and correct me if i'm wrong) the only time the soul was ever mentioned beforehand was during ralsei's tutorial, and then never again.
In Undertale, it was all about 'ohoho human i'm gonna steal your soul!' and 'i shall defeat you and absorb your soul!' all the time every second every major battle 24/7 steal ya kids.
In Deltarune? It's been 'kill the lightners' and 'lightners must pay for their sins' and 'perhaps turn them into my minions and maybe even Robotify Their Face'
It's always been as a collective that we were threatened, and it was threats to our party as a whole that we dealth with.
However, when we're [Alone on a Dark Night]? And this strange glitchy creature comes out with his weird spam-email-reminiscent dialogue, but little quirks like these are par for the course in Deltarune characters-
Until he mentions taking our soul. Something about freedom, something about the 'light'.
And we sit up because huh. That hasn't happened before. That hasn't happened for a long time.
And suddenly this battle feels a bit more real, a bit off, because he wants our soul. Specifically Kris' soul, and yes we've been through this song and dance before, but never here. Not in this game, not in this universe, not in this same-slightly-off life. We realize this only in the face of deviation.
It's not the same, of course. (Light? What is this light? Do you want power? Do you desire determination? Is light determination? Whom are you bound by? What level of meta are we dealing here?)
But it's close enough to tense, to jostle the edge of it all.
And you really, actually, crushingly start to wonder--
how different is it here?
(Annddd putting it under the cut since this got way too long.
Underneath: a short ramble/recounting about preconceived notions from Undertale that I subconsciously carried over to Deltarune, and trying to challenge them.
Or, I talk about things that people probably figured out a long time ago.
Or, the status of magic, the difference between humans and monsters, and Toilet Theory.)
(Fair warning, I didn't research about any of these topics before writing it down. There is probably a lot of information I'm missing/misremembering due to the fact I was just pulling it out of my brain as I went. This post is sponsored by the brainrot, so expect incoherentness here and there.)
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In Undertale, the concept of absorbing Human SOULs is introduced to the player in Waterfall, only mentioned briefly in passing before. The culmination of our being, persists after death, allegedly holds our compassion and hopes and dreams, the monster that arises from a being with both a human and monster soul, all that jazz.
The menu that Kris has in the town is the same as the normal Undertale menu, while the Dark World menu is completely different. Is this meant say that the Light World is more comparable to the Underground than the Dark World? Maybe.
The SOULs book in the town library spouts the same things as Ralsei in regards to the nature of the SOUL. It only notes that nobody really knows the true inner workings of the SOUL. Nothing about human souls, or if they're even stronger than monster souls.
Magic may not even be present in the Deltarune Light World. Toriel indicates, by both dialogue and flavor text, that she uses the oven to bake as opposed to fire magic. There aren't any nudge-and-wink allusions to bullet patterns or magical spears when you explore the town.
In the room that Kris is taken to after being captured by Queen, they have a 'how to do magic' book. When I first saw that scene, I thought it was cute that maybe Kris saw one of their family members doing magic and wanted to be just the same, but couldn't since they were human. Thinking about it more though, I couldn't recall any mentions of magic in the Light world before.
Now that I think about it, Darkners having SOULs hasn't been implied in any way either. While we can assume Light World monsters have souls due to the town library having a book on it, nobody ever mentions anything in regards to a Darkner soul.
(... Ah. So, I just looked up No-Mercy runs of Deltarune, and like... I've only ever played pacifist routes before, right? They run away, huh. I was expecting dust... which I suppose is what this list is for.)
Kris' soul has the power to 'shine their light' on others, and their soul is what pops up when Susie fights Lancer. You can see it fly in from the upper right during battle. Kris also has the power to seal dark fountains-- and apparently only Kris can seal the dark fountains. Is it because they're human? Why can't Susie do it?
When Queen mentioned DETERMINATION, I was very, very interested. How it's used to make Dark Fountains, and how it appears that all Lightners can utilize the power of DETERMINATION. It takes DETERMINATION to make a dark fountain, I think, but does it take determination to close it? It can't just be about determination though-- it's something about Kris' soul specifically. Is it because they're human? Is it because of Player Intervention?
I cannot remember if, in Undertale, Undyne was able to get her DETERMINATION upgrade due to Alphys' help, but I think that's how it went?? You probably already know about UT DT and the goopy lil Amalgamates.
So, could you recreate Amalgamates within the parameters of the Deltarune universe? The monsters melt when injected with DT due to their body being made of magic and dust. Is Falling Down still a thing in Deltarune? Rudy fell down in the UT universe, I believe, so is the same thing happening here?
Monsters who fell down in Undertale can be found in the Deltarune cemetery.
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(another thing: on the crystal's grave, there's something at the foot of it which I think is some kind of flower? The brown part looks vaguely stem-shaped. Suspect that either the Snowdrake in our class or his dad at the apartments left it there. Sad, but sweet.)
Right around here, I realized I've subconsciously accepted that monsters turn to dust in Deltarune as well. But, honestly, how do I know that?
Looking to these gravestones, though, that fact may still hold true for Deltarune.
From left to right, the inscriptions are:
With the exception of Gerson, each grave has a special item, including a corresponding image. As you may know, in Undertale there's a practice of spreading a monster's dust over their prized possession when they die.
"(It’s a school report about monster funerals.)
"Monster funerals, technically speaking, are cool as heck. When monsters get old and kick the bucket, they turn into dust. At funerals, we take that dust and spread it on that person’s favorite thing. Then their essence will live on in that thing... Uhhh, am I at the page minimum yet? I’m kinda sick of writing this.""
Taking that into consideration, it might be reasonable to infer that the same practice happens in Deltarune. Why else would they call special attention to these objects? As such, this would imply that Deltarune monsters dust when they die as well.
Of course, this could just be a cheeky wink alluding to the idea of that Undertale practice, but is not Actually A Thing in the Deltarune world.
Other misc. questions: Do human souls persist after death? Are boss monsters still a concept? If so, do their souls persist after death as well? Can you absorb souls in the Light World? Can you absorb souls in the Dark World? Do Humans, Monsters, and Darkners all have inherently different souls?
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Humans and Monsters living in harmony is another point of interest. That peace presumably extends further than HomeTown as the library possessing a published book on 'How to Take Care of Humans'. Kris seems to be discomforted by the sight or existence of other humans, closing the book once they glimpse photos of said subject.
As for humans' place in society, everyone seems to treat Kris pretty normally. There's not really any malice/fear being directed toward them on account of being human. And, obviously, no allusion to any the Great War Between Humans and Monsters.
There are still things like 'humans under the bed' (which is a riff off of the monster variation, but still is something) and that aforementioned book needing to exist in the first place. The young bunny in the window at the brick apartments saying we're the 'human who lives on the hill'.
There is a very, very slight sense of otherness on account of Kris' human status. However, that's largely eclipsed by them being excluded because they are, as once said by a Great skeleton, a Frickin Weirdo.
(I mean this with love, by the way, go steal that pie and terrorize your childhood friend, Kris. )
Anyhow, that means their behavior/demeanor is the main thing that makes them 'different'. They're called a weenie just as much as any monster. Having Toriel/Asgore as parents affect the way that other people interact with them more than being human. No 'human culture' vs 'monster culture' at all, perhaps because it's all one in the same. Not even any comments about a Weird Difference Between Human/Monster Biology.
This game isn't about humans and monsters-- it's about Lightners and Darkners.
But the fact that Kris is a human while everyone else is a monster is a little strange. Why isn't Kris considered just another kind of monster? Why is 'human' an 'other'?
In Undertale, humans and monsters had both physical differences and a long, tension-filled history between them that would warrant such a degree of separation.
Monsters have weaker souls, wield magic, and are made of magic/dust. Humans are much stronger, made of water, and are much more similar to each other than the Monsters. The blue books in the Snowdin Libarby also imply that humans cannot use magic, "they will never know the joy of a bullet-pattern birthday card..".
(Frisk as a character may technically have 'magic', resets and saves and all that, but it's a little wobbly and you could consider that 'magic' just being the player's intervention. Stranger still is the fact that monsters were sealed by a 'magic spell', but who knows what's going on there.)
Aside from these physical differences, there also seems to be an equal amount of total monsters and to an equal amount of total humans in UT. All the Snowdrakes + Snowcaps + Vulcans + etc etc all add up to a group called 'Monsters' that equal the amount of 'Humans'. Or, that is how it seems to be portrayed, but still might yet be another assumption by me.
If it is true that there's an equal amount of monsters/humans, it does make sense for humans to want to stick to their own while monsters do the same. Because these humans stuck to people so like them, they might begin to fear the unpredictability of the monsters. Monsters have to get used to different types of monsters and attacks and patterns and quirks that I imagine they're pretty adaptable.
Back to Deltarune, what could be the reasons that separate 'Human' and 'Monster?'
It could go back to physical differences once again, and is likely the most prominent reason. As stated before though, the status of magic is ??? in the Lightworld. Monsters seem to still be made of dust, but is magic what's holding them together? Are Light World monsters still made of 'magic'? The concept of a SOUL is alive in Deltarune, which sorta leans into magic still being a thing in the Deltarune Light World. If so, then why does no one use magic? Are there laws on it or something? Have the Light World monsters forgotten how?
Could the separation between humans and monsters come from the 'there's an equal amount of total humans and equal amount of total monsters' theory? Since both groups form their own individuality over time, that may cause the distance between 'human' and 'monster'.
Or, was there a war to cause hosility between the two groups? A battle? Could this be a world where the war of Humans vs Monsters went differently? A different conflict entirely?
If so, do you think the Darkners were just watching from the back like <_< >_>
And don't get me started about Darkners, they are STRANGE they do not DUST (but do freeze) and run away. Would the Darkners play meditator to, at least what they perceive as, a Lightner civil war if they had to? Could the Darkners be the reason there isn't any war?
... What is up with Darkner magic??? What are darkners even made of?? Why do they turn into objects in the Light World?? Why is it their duty to 'serve'?? Why are Darkners aware of Lightners, but Lightners not aware of Darkners?? We know that Lightners aren't aware of Darkners, as Undyne seems be amused at the idea of a 'Dark World' in the school.
Speaking of differences. There's a toilet in Kris' house.
...I know, weird point of contention.
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(Do I just want an excuse to call something 'Toilet Theory'?
... Maybe.)
Now, I KNOW Monster Food has been heavily theorized in the past, though I don't remember any particular posters. As a result, my conceptualization of monster food and the lines of logic that I follow are a result of these half-buried, half-remembered 2016 memories. Highly recommend searching more through posts about it though!
In Undertale, a lot of monster food is most often assumed to be made of magic in lieu of the whole non-digesting thing and many monsters having food-based attacks (i.e vegetoid). I'm sure there are other reasons for this headcanon, and it could be directly confirmed for all I know. Aside from special cases, monsters cook/bake their food. Toriel baking the pie, Mettaton having a cooking show, Burgerpants flipping patties, etc.
It does make me wonder-- do the ingredients make a magical dissolving monster food? Or is it the act of cooking itself that makes it magical?
I also think? The garbage dump probably plays a role with the food in the Underground?? Food probably falls down from the surface? Isn't that where Alphys gets her Instant Noodles from?? Or are there wheat farms in the underground?? There IS flour though?? In Mettaton's show?? Where do the eggs come from??
I'm unsure if gaining HP is indicative of magic monster food, as I don't have anything to back up that assumption. If that assumption is correct, though, then the reasoning that cooking/baking itself makes monster food magical wouldn't hold up. Astronaut Food gives you HP, and you found that in the dump, presumably washed up from the surface. Perhaps entering the Underground itself makes a food item a monster food item?
Contrary to the conversation above, there does have to exist bathrooms of some variation within the Underground as Papyrus "showers in his battle body suit". Regardless, there'd be no wanting for a toilet with monster food apparently not going through the digestion process.
With the presence of a toilet in Deltarune, four possibilities come to mind:
a.) All Deltarune Light World Food DOES have the same properties as Undertale's monster food, monsters simply Do Not Poop, and that toilet is for Kris and Kris alone. Which, uh, they apparently choose to flush bath bombs down...?
b.) The toilet is E for Everyone and Deltarune, Light World food does not possess that non-digesting magical quality. Monsters poop.
c.) The Deltarune Light World has a combination of both monster food and human food, therefore the porcelain throne is a needed essential in any well-to-do house.
d.) Deltarune Light Word Food has some variations of properties that operate on another set of unrelated rules.
Or, at least, that's what I thought. However, in the case of option (a.), if this non-digesting Monster Food is the norm in the Deltarune Overworld, then Kris wouldn't really need a toilet either, would they? Maybe in the beginning of their assumed adoption, but definitely not now. So that makes option (a.) a little moot.
I cannot think of any alternatives that would pave the way for option (d.), so it's likely (c.) or (b.). I'm more inclined to lean towards (b.) just for the fact that there are not any present indicators that (c.) is true. Even something small would suffice, like a package saying 'magic-made' or something. If (b.) is true, then that raises the question of Where The Heck Is The Magic even more.
The hot chocolate doesn't show any HP healing when checked. Funnily enough, the box of chocolates does affect your health, dropping to a solid 19/20.
(If [b.] is true, the hot chocolate would lend credence to the idea that HP healing means magical food, and visa versa. The two points would feed on each other like a neverending worm eating worm.)
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Christmas is a Thing. Wonder how that happened? Humans make it? monsters? Both?
Is DR Christmas related to religion? I gotta tell you I'm eating whatever DT religion world-building I can get. Seems monotheistic? Or is it more of a life-style dealio? Not of the confessional type, something something angel, the sick fruit juice, what is the Story There. Hymns?? I find it funny that presumably, the deltarune carpet Kris has in their room is equivalent to hanging a cross up. There's also the Deltarune on the school door so.
Imagine you fall inside a storage closet with your classmate-bully who eats chalk and all of a sudden you got your fancy new glowup and you've just been attacked for some reason and you meet this random cloaked figure in the castle. He starts telling you a story that boils down to 'ay yo secret world here you gotta save the Earth. If you don't do anything Jesus Christ is gonna come down here and wreck stuff' like huh??
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(Emphasis on 'light' here??)
The angel seems to be a positive figure in Kris' religion, even maybe the central figure. It could be akin to a God or something like a prophet. It could be the one who spread the religion in the first place. But in the Dark World prophecy, we have to stop the 'Angel's Heaven'-- making the Angel our apparent opponent.
This could be calling back to UT Gerson's telling of the Deltarune. There, it was left up to interpretation whether the angel was gonna make the Underground 'go empty' in a good way or a bad way. It'll be interesting to find out more about it either way.
Other interesting things include the currency being actual dollars in the Light World. Dark World has dark dollars, obviously, but the money in Asriel's drawer is specifically referred to as 'dollars'. No gold here folks.
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Anddd that's all the world differences that I can think of at the moment. This was supposed to be just about why the words [HeartShapedObject] sent a shiver down my spine when I first played the game. I haven't really written things like this before, but I suppose the brainrot needs to fester somewhere. I'm pretty sure I've seen videos floating around about SOULs and Deltarune DETERMINATION on YouTube already. This list is moreover for me to figure things out, so there's probably stuff that people have known for a while~
All in all, I want to continuously keep in mind that Undertale rules do not automatically apply to Deltarune rules. It's fascinating to see if/where they differ. While I'm pretty sure some rules of the Undertale world are supposed to carry over, I'll wait until those details have been confirmed within the game of Deltarune itself. Deltarune is its own world and I can't wait to see whatever the Light World has in store.
If anyone in the Deltarune fandom (who for some ungodly reason has read this far) knows any theories/facts that might answer some questions that popped up here, or if anything I've said so far is Blatantly Wrong, I'd love to know! (Nicely, please.)
Evidently, I might be into Deltarune again. Now excuse me while I replay Chapter Two...
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saturnbellfromhell · 1 year
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On today's astrology post I will list my favorite placements, signs and aspects. Now, there are many of them so I'll make a part two next week if this this one is liked by all of you. Hope you enjoy!
🟤 Jupiter in the 1st House
This placement is like finding a pearl in the ocean. These natives ooze positivity, truthfulness and cuteness. Their desire to make others feel content and loved is something I admire about them. They are the wise and thoughtful one of the group and they truly deserve the biggest hug anyone can give.
🟤 Mercury in the 9th house
The dictionary on two legs. These people are so interesting to befriend. They always have new knowledge to spread and are interested in anything from novels, essays, poetry, encyclopedias...they are hungry to learn and spread their knowledge. They also love learning other languages and others traditions. Very open to talk about anything and everything.
🟤 Cancer Moon
I've already wrote about this placement in my Moon saga, but it definitely needs another reminder. The softness, loyalty and nurture these people have is healing, physically and emotionally. They will do anything to make you feel comfortable and safe, always help you with anything you need and never back down from you even if the whole world is against you.
🟤 Lilith in the 1st house
They're just the definition of sexiness. You can spot them from a mile away and the moment you touch them you can really feel this raw energy they give.
🟤 Sun in 8th house
Having such a personal sign in one of the darkest houses can be quite a storm to overcome. Nevertheless these people are so brave and utterly beautiful from the inside. They hold their pain away from the world with a hard shell of humor and sarcasm. This placement is the one which inspires many. They deserve recognition and to be taken care of.
🟤 Mercury in Pisces
They just know how to explain everything in your manner, being that you're a child, teenager or grown adult they are so patient and talented for it. Never wanting to fight, always thinking before speaking and truly an emotional fairy of words.
🟤 Moon in the 12th house
These natives feel everything and anything. They always know how to make your day better of what to get you for your birthday. With a collective sense of emotion and the willingness to constantly heal, these are the witches of the zodiac. The one's always seeking the darkest parts of others and seeing beauty in it.
🟤 Scorpio Rising
They have such a captivating appearance with their fierce look and everylasting eyelashes. They seem scary and creepy to some, but I beg to differ.
🟤 Scorpio Sun
Even though people love to hate Scorpio sun's, I absolutely adore them. I mean I am a Cap, so dark humor, making fun of others, the cold shoulder and sarcasm are nothing new to me. They are very loyal individuals, that's a fact, even though I've never dated one...but the friends I had as Scorpios are amazing people to have around.
🟤Sun trine Moon
What can I say, the harmonius aspect between the ego and the heart. These individuals are the calm one's who always have a wise answer for everything. Down to earth and an amazing support system.
🟤 Pluto in the 9th house
These individuals cam experience some rocky times in school and/or college, but after some ups and downs they are such interesting individuals. I've also met alot with this placement who love anything crime related especially serial killers and looking into their demonior and motives. They are the curious cats and are highly intelligent. Absolutely oppressed with these people.
🟤 Leo Venus
Even though they're not for me, being a earth Venus they are the one's that love showing their partner off and put them on a pedestal. They make you feel like a Hollywood star and being out the red carpet out every other day. They are the one's to spoil the hell out of you.
🟤 Neptune in the 11th house
Having this placement myself I know the struggle of always believing others and getting hurt by their selfishness. You always feel like your peoples second even though ypu try your best. So all my Neptune 11th hoursers, you're not alone. Love you alot!
Xoxo Numa
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heartfullofleeches · 11 months
Yan Clown/Circus + Imaginary Friend Darling Blurb
Throughout life, friends come and go, but you - were always the first.
Things were simple in the beginning. Sit with that lonely kid at the playground, wipe their face with your sleeves, and ask if they wanted to be friends. They always said yes. You were inseparable. Playing until streetlights came on plus a seat saved for you at the dinner table when they reluctantly returned home. The biggest fears you faced where the monsters under the bed and the dark... then came school, homework, the future. Your playdates became so far and few, they put in the efforts to make new friends and you were so happy for them.
"Y/n? Who's that? Quit talking to yourself and come hang out with us."
But none of them ever wanted to be yours. Your friend was never home anymore and when they were it was always school work or video games taking their attention. Your place at the table was given to someone else. They'd gradually drift away from speaking to you and it was like you never existed in the first place to them, and maybe you never did - so you left. Back to that empty that existed before it all. There, you remembered all your friends. All your precious memories and the treasures they gave you their parents questioned them about when they disappeared. You hated it there. You didn't want to reminisce on the good times - it only lead to wordless goodbyes. Why - why did they always leave you behind?
"I got invited to a slumber party this weekend... Everyone turned out to be so nice once I gave them a chance like you told me to.... You'll... always be my best friend, but I have real ones now. I'm not a kid anymore - and I can't live in a fantasy world forever."
Of course you always knew - but did your time together really mean nothing? The smiles and tears, joys and fears - were those fake too? This was how life for you went and has gone your entire path. Make a new friend, wait for them to make their own, force yourself to forget, and repeat. You never, ever blamed them for abandoning you. It was your biggest dream to see your friends go out in the world and do all the things you rambled about for hours - you just wished you could've been their when they made their dreams come true. If they could make those fantasies reality, why couldn't you be real too them? It's not fair-
"Hey! You gonna put your raspberry in the square yet? I don't mind waiting cuz you're really cute - but I've eaten most of the blueberries already and if I eat one more I won't have enough for a win."
A new friend - you kept them waiting, lost in your thoughts like that. There's something different about this one... They're a lot bigger than your old friends and dress strange just like those funny people in shows. How old are they?
"28..... Is my favorite number because that's how many waffles I can eat before throwing up. I dunno my age really, I like a lot of candles on my pie so it's hard to remember. I'm probably waaaaaay older - or younger, but I'm definitely not younger than eighteen because I get a new doll every year - and there's a ton. Hey, when's your birthday so we can get your collection started?"
An adult - An adult can see you, but why?
"Hmmm, I dunno how you got in here either. I was just thinking about how great it would be to have someone to eat all these waffles with since I made 29 today - and poof you appeared outta nowhere. You gotta so me that trick eventually - wanna be pals? I'll give you... a quarter, no- half the stack if ya stick around. My name's Gus. Gus the clown."
A clown... Alot of your friends loved those, others were terrified. This one reminded you alot of them. So silly and carefree, just like they always were before reality kicked in. It was never that way for Gus. You'll never forget the shocked look on their face when you told them chocolate milk didn't come from brown cows. They serenaded you with songs detailing your adventures together and nearly had a heart attack when you played peekaboo together which they later tried to play off as good acting - the tear smudges in their paint was just from hot how was is.
At the same time, Gus was far more mature they let on. They fantasized about finding the missing piece to their act and heart, and hopefully marrying that special someone someday. They were all smiles - but as soon as someone got hurt they knew when to drop the act and when to use it to their advantage. You prayed the day they found someone they wouldn't ditch you like everyone else.
It turned out there were a lot more like Gus. True to their status as a performer, they worked and lived in a traveling circus with others who were accepting of you - and had the eyes to see you. They never doubted your existence like parents used to and believed near ever word Gus said even when at the point in time you were nothing more than the ramblings of a mad-clown, and greeted you in kind. Overtime, you became corporal for these performers too and the brief hellos turned to bear hugs thrust upon dolls Gus' sibling made for everyone to have when they wanted sat hello. They still couldn't touch you, but for the first time everyone knew you were their and love you the same, if not more than the friend you came for. Sometimes it really did feel like you were a real person. If only....
You pull your hand away from Gus' as the clown bursts into a fit of giggles - yelping in pain as they clap their hands together, electrocuting themselves on the buzzer.
Whoo! That definitely sends a shock through ya. Can't believe that got you. Hey - that got you... you've never been hurt by any of the things we've done before."
They're right. That really did hurt. Wait. It hurt. You've never been able to interact with anything before - leaving Gus overwhelmed on brunch dates when they devoured your share. What's going on?
Gus expresses the confusion you're both feeling with a high-pitched scream. They dart around the room, nabbing their emergency supplies of candy from beneath their pillow. "Ahhhh, idea - Y/n, try one of these - hurry!"
You take one of the licorice sticks and shove it in your mouth. If picked up the treat wasn't proof enough, the explosion of flavor on your tongue confirmed your theories.
Gus races in a circles, squeeling in delight as they grab and pinch your plush - warm cheeks. "They've never been warm before! This is amazing. Ahhh, next test- here goes!"
Shutting their eyes, Gus rams their lips against yours - grinning with teeth against your skin. They kiss your lips, cheeks, and noses - smothering you with a hug, soaking up the beat of your speeding heart.
"You have no idea long I've wanted to do that...."
You're still reeling from everything going on. "W-what's happening, Gus?"
"No clue! If you want my guess, I'd say so many people believing in you made you real like that one movie with the puppet. The others! Oh, man everyone's gonna love this! Come on!"
Gus picks you up and sprints to the main show room. They gather everyone into the area along with the biggest mirror they could find. They try to explain, but the excitement gets the better of them. Frustrated by everyone's agreeable questions - they rip off the blanket covering the mirror and your reflection, and the crowd goes wild.
"That wasn't there before! Can we touch Y/n now???"
"I call dibs on giving them their first piggyback ride!"
"Wonderful timing! I knitted you a lovely scarf before I forgot you technically were a figment of our combined imaginations."
"If they're really here and can touch stuff... They can be part of the show - can't they?"
Thats right. You'd fit right in with your history too. After a celebratory dinner and cuddle session - the preparations for your big debut were made. As expected, everyone loved you. You and Gus were the starting act, and two halves of the same whole. People saw you, they praised you, loved you. The adoration of the crowd was like no other, but everything after the curtains were closed was even better. Gus kept to their promise of never leaving you behind. You were that missing piece - someone they couldn't live without. It was time for you to finally grow up and leave the ghosts of the past where they lied.
"Aw, don't be like that, sweetie. You'll love it once we get there."
This is bullshit. Their college gradation and their folks were dragging them to some circus. Luckily they had a few buds pull through for an aftershow at a nearby bat.
"Maybe your opinion will change when you see the staring act. That clown reminds me a lot of that friend you used to go on about. What was their name again? I think it was -"
Y/n. Your name and smiling face were plastered on a billboard they passed. It was no vague resemblance - that was their first companion down to the scrunchie you wore around your wrist that they gave you on the day they gave you the lukewarm mercy of a goodbye. It couldn't really be you - right?
"Look how big you've grown...."
"Your parents tell me you're graduating this year. I'm so, so proud of you. Are you going to become a scientist just like you said?"
"You always said it was so you could find a way for everyone to see me too... I'm sorry for holding you back for so long. It's good that you made friends. I made alot too - really good ones. With them, I can live in fantasy and the real world at the same time. It's so much fun."
What are you apologizing for? Why are you acting like you're the one that abandoned them. You were everywhere to them. Everything they ever achieved was because of the shoulder you gave them to lean on. Being with you was like a dream - but everyone has to wake up eventually.
"Oops! Looks like a wasted all our time. I have a few more scheduled greets, but maybe if you stay after we can chat a little more before you leave. See you!"
They don't want to leave. There's still so much to be explained; to say and do, but just like them - you were gone as you appeared. They had to see you again in a better time. Do imaginary friends drink coffee?"
"How's it feel to be the one on the other end of the stick?"
Another clown stands behind them. It was the same one that shared your act. Gus. What do they want?
"Y'know I know alllll about what happened between you two. I know everything from their past since as their bestest friend - and potential future spouse - it's my job to make them loved enough to spill every, little detail. You shouldn't have come here. You're not the first to recognize them - and you won't be the last.
The ball of their wrist juts painfully against their skin as the clown grabs their arm.
"I won't let any of you get back into their heart. I won't let anyone hurt them again. You can't just take back what you broke when someone else fixes it. I'll make you feel what they felt. I'll make them forget you - and anyone who tries to take them from us that I promise and promises are meant to be kept. Quick question before you go though - think Y/n will like these matching necklaces I made us? Anything looks cute when its on them - but think it'll fit better than that old scrunchie."
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 3 months
@fatisthenewshape is in charge !!
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“Omg I can’t believe how boring his life is. I know he told me before that his life was nothing but I didn’t expect it to be this bad.” Finishing up the paper work from the most boring job ever I pushed my chair in. I wonder what he’s doing in Paris right now. Sure therapy wasn’t intentional but it happened somehow and now I knew I was in his American body. Right when I was about to walk out of the office I heard my email go off. I went back to check and it was yet again another down sizing. Me being good at this job of his wasn’t on the list hit it just meant his boring job was about to get more boring !!
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I screamed looking at that computer. “I can’t take this shit anymore!” I slammed the door shut to the office and on the way home grabbed some beer. In the apartment that night I just stared at the glow of the tv. I was only on my first beer and I was already feeling sleepy. I didn’t want to be in this body anymore. This life was so boring !! It was so much more fun when we just talked about transfo….. I sat tight yo on the couch. Maybe this was a way to really live a transformation. Maybe this was the chance I had to really make a change. Pulling up his tumblr account i reread everything he posted. I didn’t realize how many different changes he had written about. But needless to say after couple hours I have decided on the changes I would make. Closed my computer I walked back to the living room and opened up another beer.
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It was a couple months of my new ambitious beer drinking that I finally had a beer gut. He has written so many stories about having one that it was odd he didn’t actually have one. This was my first change I was going to make to him. And now here I am. Rubbing this big gut while I’m walking out of this office for the last time. It was now time for me to go onto the next phase of my plan. Destroying his education was right up his ally. He always talked about being dumb. And a dog. Well he needed a job that would fit that role.
I managed to get a job at a Construction site. The work was hard and labor intensive. I sweat all day and I smelled like crazy. But I kept drinking my beers and continuing on the path that I had set for him.
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Making so much less made my next changes a little hard. One of the things he fantasized about clearly was tattoos and I wanted to make sure he had them. But the massive decrease in pay from the corporate world made it hard. I started asking some of my coworkers about the I tattoos and before I knew Indians out they was an artist and was offering to give me some at a discount
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It was long before I was making daily visits to get as much ink as possible on his body. I was loving how fast his body was getting covered in tattoos. And the looks that people were giving. I was soon looking like a walking piece of graffitied skin. I began to do other things. Like adding gauges to hjs ears. One I had them completely obliterated to the point of now return I knew that his physical changes had to come to a close.
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For the next part in his journey I decided to delve deeper into one of his stories tropes that he wrote about alot. Problem was that I wasn’t willing to do any of the work. I found myself on the dark web one night and with a couple thousand dollars and his social security number it wasn’t long before the stranger had logged into the federal system and began to add charge after charge to his record. Drugs, possession, firearms. He was making this man a low life thug criminal and now there was nothing he would be able to do about it. He would be able to find the chat rooms or anything to get this resolved. I even perfected his signature and sending a copy to the stranger online he used that to validate the claims of all the charges he was placing on this body. We even managed to invalidate his college degrees and even high school degree. Now he was a high school drop out who went down the path of being a hard criminal. It wasn’t long before his face was being seen all over tv. Armed and dangerous. I was now living the body of a wanted man just like in those stories he wrote. It was t long before the police came and aggressively arrested me. And I just smirked. Bring in prison was going to be the utmost change to his life that would be able to make. And from the sounds of it. With all the charges I had managed to get on his record, he was going to be here for several years. Especially after I admitted to everything for him.
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endclover · 1 year
Loyalty - Chapter 1
Doublelife!Xisuma x Reader
1,525 words, 8,115 characters
《Loading world》
You spawn into a fresh world, free from sin of mankind.
In the world that you awoke in, it was almost unbelievable that it was soon to be filled with blood and cruelty.
This death game was worse than used to be. Death is even more inevitable now that every player is paired up with someone.
Soulmates shared a life.
Pain and agony, life and happiness. You had to endure whichever of those they go through.
The hardest part of it all was that you have no say in whoever becomes your soulmate.
Your 3 life, all depends on fate.
The first thing you did when you spawn in was to get tools and adventure to find the perfect place to settle and to potentially find your partner.
You arrive at the mountains to find easy to get ores and resources on the surface, there you find a group of people; Grian, Scott, and BigB.
"Oh [reader]'s here" Scott announces.
"Hey everyone! Watcha'll up to?" You wave.
You smile at Scott who gives you a few melons to regenerate your lost hearts, which admittedly was not the doing of your soulmate but rather your own clumsiness.
Behind an amused BigB was Grian, taunting a goat, which made you chuckle a bit.
"Hey Grian! Having fun?" You greet him.
"No, I keep on getting bad horns, I have like 3 of 'em already" he answered, eyes still focused on the goat that's about to charge at him.
Soon enough, the goat ran to attack but banged his head against the wall instead.
"Finally! Let's see if this is want good" the bird said. He picked up the horn and blew it, a loud call resonated across the land.
"Honestly Grian we should spend our time on something more meaningful" sighed Scott.
"This is meaningful!" He argued.
While the two exchanged a few more words, you start crafting up some tools.
"So, found your someone yet?" Scott started.
"Not quite, I am kinda glad with whoever i have though they havent been talking as much damage."
"Safe to say it's not Jim then." you both giggle
"right! Wanna see if we're paired up?" You ask him
With sparkles in your eyes you give him a light hit, and to no surprise you dont receive damage.
"Ah what a bummer." You mumble.
His wish was granted.
A few blocks away from you, a bird was waching. While having your moment with Scott, he was pleading whoever so hard for you to not be with Scott, but rather him.
This was it, he was about to find his soulmate, his other half.
"By any chance [reader], have you been taking alot of damage?" He asked.
"I'd say I've took plenty."
It was hard to hide the smile on his face, and your words only proved his prediction.
"Let's try!" Grian beamed.
He had his hopes up, surely it was him you're meant to be with!
You give Grian a light tap and
"Ah." His disappointment reached his voice.
"Well, that's tragic"
You sighed and instead of adding to the upsetting scenario, you opted to comfort him seeing as his wings drooped down.
"Hm, you should cheer up! Not having me as your soulmate probably means you'll get to live a little longer."
"This was heartbreaking."
You chuckle at his joke.
After a while of adventuring and checking out the surroundings you settle by the jungle near the plains. You set up camp but didnt make it too permanent as theres a huge chance you'd have to move... choosing a very flammable area wasnt the brightest idea.
You make a small hut (better not be a dirt one) and put all your belongings in the chest but keeping all your valuables with you.
It was a cozy little house, a bed, furnace, crafting table and a chest monster was enough for you to call it a home.
It's been a moment since you last saw sunlight.
Well below the ground you were, in a cramped cave that was crawling with monsters.
But it was well worth it, you thought, as you mine your first vein of diamonds.
You were getting ready to head back up to the surface as you were getting tired of the darkness and constant jumpscares from the countless amounts of mobs you encountered.
You've had a few too many close calls with creepers, hah I wonder how your soulmate is dealing with the constant loss of hearts.
with your goodies ready to be crafted, you start heading back up. However, as annoying as it may be it was dusk when you reached the grassy plains.
It wouldve been the better and more wise decision to let the night go before going back to your house but you were getting impatient and very tired so you decided to make a run for it.
With your nearly broken sword and crappy armour you swiftly dash across the trees in hopes of not encountering any deadly hitches along the way.
But my oh my the world must hate you alot, to your right behind foliage was a skeleton who started shooting at you while behind you was an ever growing hoard of zombies. And of course will be forget that enderman who you swear you never even looked at yet it still after your precious life.
You had no choice but to keep running, despite the weariness of your body you still managed to carry all the resources from your mining trip.
Thankfully your soulmate was better at keeping your heart up, so despite taking constant damage, you keep on regenerating hearts.
As you were praying your partner wouldnt absolutely despise you for losing so much hearts you hear something, or rather someone but it was a bit inaudible.
Dawn was quickly approaching you realized, you grasp your sword and slashed in all and any directions, you really should've crafted up a better sword while you were down there.
You found yourself in quite a predicament, you were in the jungle and every direction you head there seem to be more and more mobs your way.
You regret thinking you can take on zombies, creepers, and a few skeletons with an iron sword.
You clutched your sword that was about to shatter any moment as you walked backwards 'til you could barely move anymore.
Hearts werent regenerating anymore and you were starting to lose hope when you heard a voice.
"Need a hand?" He said.
"Very much." You hastily replied.
"Attack on 3. 1...2-"
"This is a bad idea."
Everything right after felt like a blur. It was purely an adrenaline rush, only when a creeper behind you hissed you regained your senses.
You observe as Xisuma swung his sword at the last 2 zombies as they disintegrated into thin air.
He and you both didnt fail to notice the way you simultaneously took damage when the creeper behind you exploded, leaving you on 3 hearts.
After the initial panic you two had over the low hearts, you both started to calm down and feel fatigue after the adrenaline wore off.
He handed you some food and chuckled.
"So it's you huh"
"Yep, its me who you'll be stuck with" you giggled.
"I'll be more than glad to be stuck with you." He teased.
"So, [reader] where shall we build our home?" Xisuma asked.
You and Xisuma were walking across the map to return to both of your camps to retrive anything of value, and while doing so you conversed with him quite a bit
Seems like you'll get along just fine.
He was your type of guy, kind but still had that bit of sass on him... You'll have to admit he's also kinda cute.
Through your chitchats you explained the reasons you kept on taking damage, including that one time you tried getting a horn of your own but ended up getting hit by the goat and when Pearl tried showing you her new moves with an axe. She's very unhinged.
You had a good laugh about it and he also shared some stories.
Even gossiping about how bdubs and impulse act like a married couple on a honeymoon.
"I'm not sure, maybe somewhere on the north, havent seen any bases there."you replied while struggling to climb the hills.
Xisuma reached his hand out to you and you gladly took it "By the world border, in the corner of the map might be a good idea."
Soon enough, you reach the place you're planning to settle in. It was a quiet area but some people's bases can still be seen from a distance.
Xisuma built a tent out of wool and planks to settle in for the night while you gathered up a few seeds to make a farm.
"I wouldn't say this is a good build but I did just fine." He commented on his own build.
"Looks better than what I can put together on most days."
A/n: well folks this is where this chapter ends. this was a pretty drawn out process, finals is approaching so I dont know when chapter 2 is going to be posted.
After finishing up the temporary tents, X decided it was best if you both interacted with others, to find allies.
On the bright side, I'm about to have lots of free time with school nearing end.
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kindnessisweakness2 · 8 months
Coco Request from @your-space-brain!! I hope you liked where I went with it and again sorry the wait, I'm so critical of my own work it takes me ages to build up the courage to post🤦‍♀️
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Growing up being Bishops daughter wasn't easy. Most girls loved the thought of it, being so close to the MC. But Bailey Losa hated it. Don't get her wrong she loved the club, it was like one big extended family. But things that were simple to other girls, were never easy for Bailey. While all her friends snuck out to house parties and to meet boys, Bailey Losa stayed well within the protection and watchful eye of her father and his henchmen. If her father had his way she would be walking around covered from her neck to her ankles, never in sight of a horny teenage boy. Almost 20 years old and she still has to keep her door open if she had friends over. But you know what they say about strict parents? They create sneaky rebellious kids.
Coco watched as Bailey made her way around the club house collecting the empty bottles. The Friday night party was starting to get busy as it hit 10pm with More and more people starting to arrive. He couldn't deny she was beautiful. Her long hair pulled back in a messy ponytail, her blue denim shorts hugging her hips and her smile. Her smile was the best thing about her. It'd been a week since he kissed her. 1 fucking week and she had consumed his mind. No one knew about their secret make out session in the small stock room behind the bar. She had been putting away a delivery, slamming the bottles in to place a little too hard after another argument with her father, when Coco walked in. He'd always had a thing for her and up until that day was able to pay careful attention to the OFF LIMITS sign above her pretty head, placed there by her hot head of a father. Coco would be lying if he said he regretted giving into the intrusive thought of pushing her against the shelves, hands twisting in her hair as he captured the soft lips of the Mayans Princess in his own. The mischevious glint in her brown eyes telling him she enjoyed it as much as he did. But that didn't mean he was oblivious to the looming shit storm he would be in the centre of if Bishop found out.
"Coco can you take Bailey home?" Bishops voice broke his thoughts and instantly he felt sick. Bailey groaned loudly from behind the bar. "Dad are you serious right now? It's barely 10.30." The look Bishop threw his daughter instantly told her not to argue. Anger was clear to see on her face as she threw the empty beer bottles on the bar top, not giving a shit if they smashed. Grabbing her bag she stormed past her father without a word. Coco sighed grabbing his keys ready to follow her outside, but Bishop called out to him. "Make sure she's safe brother, shes my world." Not being able to muster words Coco swallowed the lump in his dry throat and nodded. He made his way out towards his bike, a fuming but silent Bailey already having her helmet on.
The ride to the Losa Residence was completely silent. Pulling into the driveway, Coco cut the engine and hopped off his much loved Harley. Bailey raised her eyes at the tall Outlaw as he held his hand out for her. "Law breaking Gentleman, Huh?" She smirked as she let him help her off the Bike. She had liked Coco for a long time, but never in her wildest dreams would she ever have believed he would look at her twice. She knew how much shit he would get in if they got caught, but she would be lying if she didnt admit it made her excited. "Look i know you and your dad disagree on alot, but he cares y'know. Just cut him abit of slack yeah? Your his pride and joy." Coco tried to reason with her, but Bailey rolled her eyes. Standing on her tip toes, her lips brushed his as she looked into his eyes. "I dont want to talk about that. Lets go inside..." She kissed him softly, fingers linking with his. Coco let her lead him to the front door. Pushing her gently against the dark wood, his hands found her waist, lips leaving a trail down her neck. God she was like a drug. She pulled him in, made him feel euphoric. Every gasp that left her mouth was like music to his ears.
Realisation hit him hard when she broke away from him to unlock the door. Fuck what was he doing? He wanted her, there was no doubt in his mind about that. Not for the short term either. She could never be just a fling to him. Fuck no he could get easy pussy at Vicki's any time he wanted. But Bailey? She was all woman. The kind he could imagine siting up late at night talking shit with. Debating the stars, history and what they wanted from life. The kind that would make him want to be a better man. She was too good for him ofcourse, but damn he wanted her. "Wait." Bailey's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Coco resisted her trying to pull him inside. "Bailey, we...we cant." Hurt flashed instantly in her eyes, and it made him want to throw up. "Do you know how many rules I'm breaking by being here?" Coco pleaded with her. Tried to make her see how much shit this would cause for the both of them. But Bailey just smirked as she wrapped her arms around the worried Mayan.
"Rules? Im a grade A rule breaker baby.They are made to be broken. And havent you heard? Im the Princess, i get what i want. When i want. And right now i want you to take me inside and together we are going to break every rule in the goddamn book."
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wolf-knights · 2 years
The Night We Met
Pairing:Draco Malfoy x m!reader (ftm)
A/N: here I am again, had this in the works as I was getting over the writers block and I know alot of you are waiting for my other fics. To be honest I haven't had the motivation to write for a while (because of personal reasons) but I'm slowly getting back into it. Love you all and I hope you all are doing well :)
mentions: strong language(?), angst(?), gay pining. DO NOT READ IF UNCOMFORTABLE OR FEM ALIGNED. if theres any warning i left out please let me know.
-> do not repost, copy or translate my works nor post them anywhere else. Reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated.
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Last year did have its ups and downs but one thing about it was i found a family not like the Weasley's weren't already mine and harry's family, but having to know someone so close to your parents made you feel like you knew a little more about them. And having your go fathers be there for you meant something, you would try to write to Remus when ever you could especially when you felt alone, he was indeed quite surprised finding out harry's twin is a boy now but both Remus and Sirius were loving as always.
Now here I was getting ready to head to the Quidditch world cup, I was walking with Fred and George to the portkey. It was my first time using such a thing but as everyone puts their hand on the manky old boot, i do so too after Mr weasley tells me and Harry to, before I knew we were spinning around. Mr. Weasley tells all of you to let it go and I fall on the ground with the others making me groan before fred helps me up and hands me my bag. I walk in the tent with the twins and look around with a surprised look seeing how spacious and comfortable it looked.
It's night as we all walk to our seats
"blimey dad, how far up are we?"
"Well put it this way." The Malfoy's walk up as draco talks with a smirk "if it rains you'll be the first to know" we both hold eye contact for a bit before he continues while looking somewhere else "Father and I are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." I let out a small sigh and walk away from where they all stood before I could get a little farther I hear Mr. Malfoy say "do enjoy yourself, won't you...while you can" we all move to get to our seats "come on up. Take your seats. I told you these seats would be worth waiting for."
As everyone returned to the tent i excused myself to take a walk to get some time to myself, as i walk around I hear screaming making me pull out my wand before someone pushes me down "get down dumbass" I hear draco's voice as people run around in havoc "get off me" I push him off me "I'm trying to protect you so shush" he says before pulling me up and taking me away from the chaos and to the forest near by "mind telling me what's going on now?" "no" he whispers as he keeps looking here and there, we both sit there for a while before i look at his annoyingly handsome face again "why are we here?" "because I don't want you dead" he mumbles while looking around "what?" "I knew you were Potter's brother but didn't think you were this dumb, there is something happening out there...something dangerous" "well that's vague" I sigh getting up but draco pulls me down making me stumble and fall on top of him. For a moment we both stop thinking and be in the moment unintentionally moving closer to the other as if to kiss 'this is exactly like last year' a thought in my mind makes me push myself away from him as I breathe heavily, in that moment both of us come to our senses and look away from each other moving to sit away from each other but I couldn't take it, I get up and walk away to find harry by now draco knew it was okay for you to be out there, as he saw the dark mark in the air making him take a deep breath. He would always keep you safe no matter if he was on the dark side...
We were on the train back to hogwarts, I didn't pay much attention to what the others were talking about as I was reading a book remus got me for my birthday "y/n where did you go when the whole thing happened?" Hermione asked making me look up at her "what thing?" i ask confused not knowing what they were talking about "the death eaters chaos" "oh i-i took a walk remember i-i was in near the forest s-so I just hid there" I try not to sound suspicious
As we arrive at hogwarts we see a carriage being pulled by winged horses "well there's something you don't see every day" A large ship comes out of the water.
We head back to our dormitories to change and go the great hall for the feast. After sorting out the first years Dumbledore makes his speech "well now that we are all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well" Filch runs up to Dumbledore "you see hogwarts has been chosen-" they talk for a moment then he walks away "so Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, The Triwizard Tournament." some people look around excited while the other look confused "for those who don't know the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone and trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint- hearted. But for now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress Madame Maxime" the doors open and a group of ladies walk in and wave out their arms and run as the butterflies fly. "blimey that's one big woman" you look to see a very tall lady walk in, they bow as everyone claps and cheers for them. Dumbledore raises his arms to quiet everyone "and now our friends from the north, please welcome the proud sons of Dumstrang and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff." We turn to see a group of guys come in banging staffs on the ground doing a chant then run up doing flips while Krum walks in "Blimey it's him, it's Viktor Krum!" They blow fire that forms a snake to a bird. After the feast ends a little tower like structure is brought in "your attention please! I'd like to say a few words. Eternal glory. This is what the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament but to do this that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks and for this reason the Ministry has seen fir to impose a new rule, to explain all this we have the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Bartemius Crouch." The sky ceiling makes lighting, then someone calms it down
"bloody hell. That's Mad-Eye moody"
"Alastor moody? The Auror?" you ask confused "Auror?"
"dark-wizard catcher. Half the cells in Azkaban are filled thanks to him. He's supposed to be mad as a hatter these days" he walks up to Dumbledore and shakes his hand before walking away and drinking something "what's he drinking?" I look confused at the flask "I don't know but I don't think it's pumpkin juice"
Mr. Crouch walks up "after due consideration the Ministry has concluded that for their own safety no student under the age of 17 shall be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament. This decision is final" alot of students get upset as i look at my watch before looking up accidentally making eye contact with draco "silence!" the voice pulls both of us out of the subtle eye contact, I look at Dumbledore as everyone quiets down, he points his wand at the tower like structure and it disappears showing a goblet before blue flames are above it "the Goblet of Fire. Anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament need to only write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly. If chosen there's no turning back. As from this moment the Triwizard Tournament has begun." The feast comes to an end, we head to our dormitories, I head to bed and grab the book I was reading "goodnight y/n" I hear Harry say "goodnight Harry" I say before laying down on the bed, soon falling asleep with one specific person in my dreams...
Hope you had a good time reading this. Thank you for reading, and I hope you all have a good day/night. ❤️
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krunktrunk · 7 months
When it comes to the Finn thing I've mainly just seen ppl come in the tag and say that Finn would "not want to kiss noahs zionist ass" so bylers are "freaks" or whatever. Then others respond with/bring up that Finn is "friends with racists, abusers, and has yet to speak about the i/p conflict himself". Idk im sorry for bringing anything negative up but it's just... yes dark times in this world for many reasons. I hope it didn't seem like i was trying to make real-world issues into fandom drama
nono of course, I haven't seen these comments but I have heard people say things about how noah schnapp being a zionist means byler won't happen,
it's funny because actors have to act with people they don't like all the time, play lovers with people they hate, for whatever reasons. and if byler happened it wouldn't be a kiss between finn and Noah, but a kiss between will and Mike. and I'm sure you already know this, so I'm not telling this to you, but maybe anyone who comes across this who thinks that.
talking about real world issues that also come into play in a Fandom isn't making it a Fandom drama imo. I think people speaking out about how Noah schnapp is a, piece of shit, for lack of a better word, no matter the context they are bringing up what he is saying (as long as it isn't the people who are trying to defend him lol) is good, as it gets people talking about it, and people who didn't know about it prior to be educated about it. it's better to have people talking than to have it be silenced.
as for who finn wolfhard is friends with, I don't know alot about that as I don't tend to get involved in celebrities lives past their roles/content so I don't have anything to say about that :]
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bucketwritingpail · 6 months
The Person I Admire The Most (by Jason Todd)
Post Ethiopia, grieving
The Person I Admire The Most
By Jason Todd
6th grade Language Arts
Mrs. Smith
The person I admire the most in the whole world, is Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman is very strong and she helps people alot. I think she is very cool. She is an Amazon, which is a female warrior from Greece, but she left her island of all woman warriors to help save the world. And now, she is in the Justice League. She actually helped create it!
She is well known for her compassion and diplomasee diplomacy, but she can also crush steel with one hand, Just like Superman! I admire Wonder Woman the most! I want to be just like her when I grow up!
Diana saw her tears soaking into the page before she had even registered that she'd been crying. Snuffling, she rubbed them from her eyes and looked back to Bruce. His eyes were just as watery as hers and he looked awful. It was a disconcerting to see from the otherwise stoic Batman.
"We found it when we went through his things," he explained, voice ragged, "I thought you might like to have it." Suddenly it was unreasonably hard to breathe.
"Robin." She didn't know if it was a statement or a question, but images of that sunny child that had visited the watchtower only a few weeks ago, flooded her mind. He had been so excited to meet her he had tripped over his own feet. He had never stopped talking either, he wanted to know about her, and her homeland. He had rambled about how excited he was for school and how happy he was living with Bruce. The man had had to practically drag the kid out of the watchtower. It was almost hard to believe that such a sweet kid-
Bruce had only told them the news two days ago.
Diana looked back at the paper, wiping her eyes to prevent anymore stray tears from marring the precious surface, and flattened the creases, holding it close to her chest. They had already missed the funeral. It was hard to blame Bruce though, even if that didn't stop the inkling of hurt that lingered hot in her chest, the man looked terrible.
"I-" she started, her voice shaking. "Can I hug you?" She was expecting a no, maybe a signature Batman grunt as he turned and left, but that didn't happen. To her surprise, Bruce shook. A nearly indetectable tremor passed through his body and he pitched forward into her arms. Diana barely had time to safely stow the paper before Batman was sobbing in her arms.
Before Bruce was sobbing in her arms.
But she was sobbing too.
And she knew they both needed this.
So Diana held the Dark Knight as he fell apart, and they mourned the brightest child either of them had ever known.
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phr0gg13 · 5 months
Can you do an angsty Will fic? Where he breaks down from being touch starved (he became used to giving hugs than getting hugs after being thrust into a role of leadership and having to act like he's always okay for his siblings) and Nico comforts him? It's kinda specific, so its completely your choice! im just really desperate for some Will angst
Pls no smut! and possibly Will X Nico! Thank youu <33
Ahhhh!! I love Will and Nico soooo muchhh, the minute I saw this request I already made a photo thingy for the fic and Im so excited!
Will Solace x Nico Di Angelo
Warnings: Angst/comfort, mentions of negative self image, and also infirmary stuff!
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Will was tired to say the least, as the head counselor of the Apollo cabin he had a lot on his plate. Not only did he have to help out the new Apollo children but also the current ones. He felt like a mom at times, struggling to stop all her kids from accidentally dying. Oh and he also was one of the head healers at the infirmary. He spent all his time helping others but no one ever really helped him. Of course he had friends and of course he had his siblings but none of them ever really picked up on his stress or negative thoughts. The dark circles under his eyes went unnoticed as well as the constant yawning.
Will had managed to get away from the busy day he was having. Opting to chill near the strawberry fields. He even picked a few to snack on, safe to say he knew this break wouldn't be long. Camp Half-Blood seemed to have a dramatic increase in new campers, Will didn't understand how the gods could have so many kids all the time, this meant that he had a lot more to do. A Lot more people to show around, explain things to, and also a lot more children that end up injuring themselves.
He always kicked himself mentally when he sighed at the new campers asking him for help. He was supposed to be a bright eyed, happy-go-lucky Apollo kid. Yet he wasn't happy, he was stressed and in a constant state of self loathing. Will felt water drops on his hands, looking up at the sky he saw it was still bright and sunny out. He was crying. In the middle of the Strawberry fields. He felt stupid. He was fine and a little work wasn't the end of the world. He tried to find the motivation to get up and go back to the infirmary but he couldn't. He couldn't stand the thought of going back to the bloody noses, and the bruises, and the whining.
He didn't want to. He just wanted to stay put in the fields. Streams of tears came out of his eyes, the stress of everything was too much. He put his head against the tree he was sitting next to and let himself cry. This was fine, he was fine. No one was around anyways.... Or so he thought.
"Hey you okay Sunshine?" Will knew whos voice it was. Nico Di Angelo, a child of Hades and someone Will was quite enamored with. Will quickly wiped his face, "Yeah, I'm great... It's just really hot out, some sweat got in my eyes." Will resonded sheepishly. He wasnt trying to lie to Nico, he just didnt want to burden him with his problems. "You sure? Cause from where I'm standing it seems like you are hiding in the strawberry fields crying..." Nico sat down next to Will. Will looked at Nico, who was wearing some black jeans and a black shirt (He never wore his camp half blood shirt) with a skull on it. He gave Nico a small smile, "I'm just stressed I guess...". Nico nodded and looked around the camp. Everyone was doing their own thing, they didn't notice the pair at all. "You do alot for the camp, I'm not suprised you're stressed. You should talk to Chiron about some time off or something..." Nico's suggestion was nice but Will couldn't stand the thought of not being useful. He didn't want to be dead weight. "I'm fine. I just...." Will couldnt find the words he was going to say. Nico faced Will and gave him a concerned look. "Please stop overworking yourself. It's not healthy and you're supposed to be a doctor or whatever..." Nico joked with the blonde. "I'm not a doctor, I'm just a kid they put in charge of the health of countless other kids..." Will sighed. "Yeah, but you're damn good at your job, Solace." Nico's compliment made Will's cheeks burn. "Thanks..." Will looked away from Nico trying to hide his blush.
A horn could be heard in the distance, it was dinner time. Will sighed, he would have to go back to everyone, put on a smile and pretend all over again. The moment with Nico was just a moment. It wasn't permanent. "Guess it's time to eat..." Will sat up and got on his own two feet. "Thanks for talking to me Nico." He started to walk away until he felt a hand grab his wrist. "Wait... You can sit with me if you'd like. The hades table is always empty..." Will smiled at Nico and nodded his head. "Yeah, I'd like that alot Nico." Nico gave Will a small smile and closed the distance between them, wrapping his arms around Will. Nico had his head against Will's chest considering he was a few inches shorter than Will.
Once again tears threatened to leave Will's eyes, but for a different reason this time. He returned Nico's hug and placed his chin atop of his head. The two stayed there for a few minutes. Just enjoying the embrace of the other. That night at dinner Nico and Will talked on and on about everything. Nico even convinced Will to talk to Chiron about his stress. Safe to say there were a lot more moments in the strawberry fields for Will and Nico.
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Lucifer x Mc with Hazel eyes
(Doing this cause i saw no one do this and im hella self conscious about my hazel eyes so HERE WE GO)
-due to devildom being dark, he didnt pay attention to it.
-what peaked his interest the most was how his brothers aswell as alot of people kept commenting on how pretty they were
-it seems everywhere u went people would always mention it, hell even a lower demon wouldnt let u walk past cause they wanted to look longer
-it came to the point where asmo would always ask to do ur make up since he loved how ur eyes looked with it
-after seeing ur eyes under some light angles he really got lost in them
-even before befriending u he would find himself looking at them
-it made u nervous from all the staring he did, and he would notice u we’re nervous, and it was common for it to happen. At first he would just dismiss it or come up with a logical excuse, however he would then make flirtatious remarks, complimenting ur eyes.
- he knew human eyes were all unique, so he already was curious about seeing human eyes first hand. So see it so happen to be a rare eye color even peaked his interest more
-when he noticed mammon got a marble that resembled ur eye color he got one aswell and kept it in a box in his desk. He keeps it to look at it whenever he wants to get some energy for paperwork. Though he doesn’t tell anyone this
-when in the human world and got a better look of ur eyes he snuck some pictures of them, seeing them under the sun and different lighting made them pop out more and he found them all so interesting.
-when he kisses u (and of course doing other sinful acts *wink wink*) he always looks at them, finding ur nervousness with the intense eye contact cute.
-oh and be prepared for when u dont let him look/look away👀
-if mc is a artist he would often offer to model for her art just to have her stare at him
-he kinda gets flustered by u looking at him but will never admit it
-will find excuses to talk to u or anything really to look at ur eyes, aswell as inspect any eye freckles u have
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signedkoko · 4 months
AAAA HI MOOTIE❤️❤️ could I request a romantic Hazbin hotel match up?? (Help me I'm shy) ANYWAY
I'm bi with no real pref, I'm a Taurus and an INFJ!!
Appearance!! : 5,5 with shoulder length black hair, Blue-Green'ish eyes and Glasses! People tell me I look very Intimidating and unapproachable, I have a very vintage 1950s women's way of dressing with a hint of cottagecore into it! I'm also always wearing heels <3
A lil about me! : chronically ill ex dancer and writer, I also sing and I love to act aswell!! I love walks alot even though I can't much anymore, I have a cat his name is Morty!! I can be kinda loud and hyper, I'm usually very in your space if I know you well (and ur comfortable obviously) I also love doing things for others! Id like to say I'm a pretty skilled cook and baker, I also love card games and board games (oh and video games y'know) I always have music running in my headphones, I'm super clingy to the people I hold dear and I absolutely love showering my friends in love and appreciation; I can also be quite the hassle, I'm not all smiles and kisses which I'm trying to work on; I struggle with empathy and love, I can be very brutal and rude and sometimes borderline cruel but I try and reserve that for people that do me wrong!!
I love birds and Foxes! Oh and deer and moose those are my favorite animals I love them sm ( I'm Scandinavian don't look at me weird) I'm the kinda friend you can come to with anything, to listen or for advice or a solution I'll always be here for everyone :3
Some hobbies : dancing (on some days) playing the violin, Writing, baking and cooking
Bleh things: Alcohol (get away from me) smoking or any substances for that matter, dark coffee, bright lights, unprompted loud noises,sudden physical contact
You got…Rosie!
Already, you've got the cutest height difference and aesthetic match in the world. You come to just about her shoulders and that's not counting her hat! Fortunately, since you wear heels you can inch a little closer to her—unless she's also wearing them. 
Rosie loves fashion, so you two go shopping together a lot. She's always offering her clothes to you, but when they wind up too big (as always), she will tailor them herself to suit you or bring them to a proper tailor to fix them up. You don't wear exactly the same style, but Rosie will incorporate more of your elements into her wardrobe so people know you're together. 
Oh my, and you can dance? No matter the kind, the moment you tell Rosie that she is already talking about the pep she used to carry in her step, and she wants to go out dancing with you a lot more. Rosie is an amazing dance partner because she is very good at following your lead or showing you how to do what she has going on. 
She also LOVES your kitty Morty. Oh yeah, shes going to spoil that cat to death because, isn't it just the cutest furball ever? Rosie is the type to get bit by a cat and coo about how strong a bite it has. 
Now, she isn't one for video games, but she is more than happy to learn all about the various types you play! Be it board, video, or card! Rosie is actually really bad at these games and often reveals her hand or her plan, but she still loves trying it out with you. The one game she could beat you in 99.9% of the time is chess.
One thing that really surprises her is your ability to get along with Susan. Knowing you have a habit of being cruel to those who deserve it, she expected you to hate the woman! Instead, you bonded over your hatred for a lot of things, and Susan insists on you always being the one to help her in the emporium. 
Expect a lot of listening to oldies music while she shows you her old dance moves, working in the emporium with her, and the cannibals being extremely protective of you when it comes to other demons.
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Author’s Note - I'm sorry I know its OBVIOUS but when I was going it Rosie got 7/8 and Alastor was the closest with 3/8!!! I just think she really is your match made in heaven 🖤
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sometimesthatsbetter · 4 months
Everything I've read in Jan. 2024
Yona of the dawn
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Yona was the first story that i read this year and damm was it the right way to set the tone for the year. It's a story that has all of the elements that I adore in the fantasy genre, its got the action, political drama, the multi-facted characters. I won't be saying much about this manga because i have already have an older post talking about my favorite aspects, so if you want more in depth thoughts you can search for that
Kashoku no shiro
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Now here is a fun setting, Taisho era Japan with supernatural elements. Quick run down of the story, people are being affected by a mysterious disease that makes flowers bloom all over their bodies, once the flowers wilt so does the person but there are cases where they recover and become even healthier. But plot twist, the ones who survive will become demons who feast on human flesh. So thats where our protagonist Shiraume comes in, she acts as 'bait' for these demons, essentially luring them out for her master to slaughter
If i had to tell you what drew me to this story, it would be the art style, like it is drop dead gorgeous. Also the design of our heroine is just my type too which is a bonus
Plot wise it does feel a little all over the place, it jumps persecptive quite often. Like it jumps form a detective story, to a josei love story, to Demon slayer which feels kinda jarring for me. But the backstory of our protagonist was done quite well, one thing i can praise is that our heroine isn't a simpering doormat. It's true that she has lived a hard life but she just keep living in the best way that she can manage. Shiraume is never the type to mope around or bemoan her fate, she takes charge and endure, she does everything in her power to live for her loved ones.
Its a good read all in all, but since theres only about 20 chapters that are out i can't really tell if this is gonna flop or not. I'll be keeping on eye on it to see if the author manages to get it together.
Bibliophile princess
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The most mediocre otome isekai story i've ever fucking read. Its vanilla, like 'sex with the lights off no kinky shit' vanilla.
Story-wise, it's a very simple set up. Book enthusiast Elianna is in a contract fiancee relationship with the crown prince who i cannot be bothered to remember or google the name of. She is beloved by all of the staff memebers, all the secondary male characters love her and she has a great family but oh no! It seems that the prince has fallen for another woman, which means that her engagement with the prince will be ending soon. Yeah if your an otome isekai reader you can guess where this is going, villainess tries to ruin our heroines rep by spreading false rumors yada yada yada...
Similar to Kashoku no shiro, what drew me in was the art nouveau style. I mean the amount of details in the illustrations are amazing, coupled with the dreamy pastel color palette it creates this feeling that you really are in a fairy tale world
One of my main problems with the first volume is how weirdly structured the story is. Like it begins with the prince asking Elianna to enter a contract relationship with him and them jumps to a four year time skip for no apparent reasoning? Like we don't get to see alot of romantic development between them so now suddenly Elianna is in love? But moving on, i felt like Elianna has like little to no self awareness or agency. The first volumes conflict is about how this noble girl is rumored to be the princes lover and is planning to take Eliannas place. At this point you would expect to see our heroine stand up for herself and assert her place in the court right? Wrong. She was basically left in the dark about whats truly going on until the end of the volume. It was revealed that the noble girl was a villain all along who was trying to frame Elianna for shit she didn't do, also conveniently our MC has a mile long list of accomplishments that we as the reader didn't know about, and apparently she didn't either. So yeah, the male leads basically was protecting her for the whole story and she just wandered around feeling insecure about being replaced
Cold game
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Do you like the story of king Henry the eighths six wives? Do you wanna see all six of them do a battle royal for the chance to become queen? Do you like crossdressing heroines? Well look no further than Cold game
Our MC is princess Aruna of the B kingdom, yes i know weird name but bare with me here, who is meant to be engaged to the king of the E kingdom. But here's the sus part, he already has a queen from the S country but he's demanding another wife from the B country? Quite the odd request but since B is weaker than E they had to comply with the demands. Aruna knows she's being sent as a sacrificial lamb but her lord father told her to hang on for a bit, one day he will get her out of that place. So to protect herself, Aruna swap places with her handmaiden and pretended to be crossdressing knight.
One of the best things about this story is the political intrigue. Like from the get go, we are shown that the court is a brutal place where an inconspicuous letter can be the cause of your down fall. People here will always watch your every move, everyone fears one another to an extent. Also the side characters are so fucking cool, like these people can star in their own spin off kinda cool.
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pikawarrior · 1 year
Welcome back to reaper talks bitches, i just finished my first playthrough of Shadows Over Loathing and have already started on my second and
I fucking love this game. I mean its made by the people who made of my favorite games ever, West of Loathing so yeah im gonna enjoy it.
But this, this is new, this limits me in sooo many different ways but also opens up the game in ways i couldnt have imagined
[Alot of spoiler filled ramblings of a mad man slightly broken by a weird time/dimension loop that are only vaguely understandable under the cut]
Okay first off, not picking you class right at the very very start is great weirdly enough, atleast for me.
It gave me time to see the world through the basic unfiltered lens of someone who has an idea whats to come cuz of me playing the previous game but also no clue as the game hasnt given me any story yet.
Literally, it starts off with you having a copy of LOOK magazine on your face. You also get to really choose your look or well hair situation mainly, you're a stick person hair and accessories are all you got and its early game soooo
But anygays, it doesnt give you story till thr bus ride and even then you dont know your class or if there will even be classes!
I choose pigskinner or whatever my head is running at a million miles per hour rn cuz this hyperfixation is really new and free so double the speed of thoughts
And yeah i could have tried something new especially since 2 out of my 3 wol saves were that game's pigskinner class (cow puncher(?)) But come on, i like my familiar class also i suck as magic/effect heavy builds outside of my spamming of stuff like bleed or on fire
But anygays, the uncursing stuff is super fun tho pretty confusing. Thankfully you cant mess them up to my knowledge, they really test you puzzle skilss and you remembering that most things in this game are interactable (very very important)
Also omg i love any chance to piss a narrator and there are some great ones, the main ones that i can remember rn is the one about you working at all these different places and even being employee of the month despite you either being super young or not born at that time. And the one about you digging wet globs of hair out of sinks, mainly at frat houses. Gross i know, but i fucking dug through every single spittoon in wol, nothing can stop me anymore
The narrator def regrets following this dumbass (me) around but they cant leave so HA
But back to the uncursing, the sickle curse was actually super scary. Like that scarecrow was after ME, not the person i was currently in the body of, no he was after ME, my character also nick come on buddy you dont take loans/favors from The Shadows, thats like rule #265, your ass deserved a lawnmowing.
Also wtf i got sent the lawnmower i made with a note that said "see you in 66 years" or something like that. Like HELLO???? WHICH BITCH GOT MY ADDRESS AND WHO WANTS A PIECE OF ME AND MY LAWNMOWER
Seriously the sickle curse was hands down the scariest part of a game ive played in years and ive somewhat play resident evil 7
Also gods i love the to do list, don't get me wrong i loved asking my companions for reminders but this is super convenient and go for when my companion cant you know, accompany me somewhere
Plus being able see everything together and whats a main quest vs a side quest helps. And making my own notes in game helps since i still havent gotta a notebook for my gaming notes yet
Also the whole thing with the mob was great, 10/10 i love being chaotic and getting paid the big bucks for it. Seriously its worth it and theres even some more pacifist options in those quest lines to. Im very much a nice person to my core despite my nature darkness and chaos, so being able to handle things nicely or well with limited blood shed is nice. Also helps with you, like me, tend to avoid battles you dont gotta fight. Its also a nice puzzle sometimes cuz i cant just shove like 9 different thing down my throat and kick ass. Its one potion and one food at a time.
The combat is definitely different but more in a "its harder to be able to wipe everyone out in seconds" then a "heres a whole new system to learn good luck"
In wol its stupidly easy atleast for me to become a lesser god and wipe out half the map basically even during early game. Tho thats mainly cuz of my past experience and cuz i was raised really good and weirdly so my skills work with this-
But in sol the fights are actually pretty tough, i found myself really rationing my items out even in late game but also heavily relying on them and effects
Which btw go fucking on items and stuff that cause effects like bleed and on fire, trust me its actually kinda necessary
Also the last(?) fight (and the optional golem fight) are like stupidly hard even with all tbr help (finale(?)) While the golem is apparently a push over yet also god number two idk im working on it, apparently they didnt play test it and honestly it kinda shows (neutral)
Also i fucking lost, i can go back but i decided to learn from my mistakes by starting fresh instead of fixing them after they've already been made
AND im gonna help more people, im gonna save those two kids from that monster that haunts their family, im gonna help rufus find my past/other self from the first game, IM GONNA HELP EVERYONE I CAN ESPECIALLY THE ONES I FAILED BEFORE
Reaps now signing off to work on MEP parts see yall in like another 6 months
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meikostan · 1 year
OK finally watching oshi no ko anime, it turns out all i needed was to go outside for like an hour and im normal again
my thoughts under the cut (writing as i watch) (long) (lots of thoughts) (beautiful and true?) (manga reader) (don't read if anime only) (spoilers) (seriously) (i talk alot) (lots of thoughts)
at this point i've reread oshi no ko enough times that even if i didnt already know japanese i could probably make it without the subs SDJLF but its so cool to see lines and panels that im so familiar with brought to life!! i also liked goro's death scene, especially the way they used static and cut between shots. i keep on pulling out my physical copies of onk (well mostly vol 1) and pointing at my screen and the corresponding part of the book like
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2. AIIIII little known fact about me is that ai is genuinely my favorite character... WHICH SUCKS BECAUSE SHE DIES IN THE FIRST VOLUME. seriously we only ever get to see her after this when a. her name or demeanor is invoked by another character b. aqua has his numerous mental breakdowns or c. flashbacks (including but not limited to aqua's mental breakdowns). i am always down for ai content!!!
3. its so much easier to ignore the weird vaguely sexual stuff from their babyhood because i know the rest of the series is normal and cool and not into that sort of stuff👍
4. speaking of normal yayayay it's aqua back when he was actually normal and not "normal" :D like he is just a baby. do you think now that oshi no ko is popular people will get into internet arguments about whether you can ethically have aqua as your favorite character post-normalification. actually wait this may already have been happening in the dark depths of some discord server out there.. but i dont use discord so im blissfully unaware
5. OH i dont think ive seen all of the OG b komachi before? or at least not in high detail. epic!
6. infant ruby telling people on the internet "kys" before age 2... truly a model twitter user
7. not gonna lie i havent really ever liked the way babies are drawn here (including manga)... idk their heads just look way too big like adult heads drawn on toddler bodies then ""cutified"". but this is a personal gripe
8. do you think because of infantile amnesia the twins forgot about the whole pretending to be amaterasu moment. do you think miyako still remembers. can you imagine being the foster mother of two kids who you believe to be gods sent to earth. do you think she remembers that she was "charged by the gods with keeping ai's secret" and then aqua. you know.
9. imagine: you married the ceo of a mid production company because you want to date hot men. there are no hot men in sight. you have to watch over one of the idol's twin infant babies. they reveal to you that they are divine messengers of god and also they can speak normally. there are no hot men in sight. you tend to their every need because you don't want divine retribution. you explain the intricacies of the idol industry in detail every couple of days when they complain about the injustices of the world. there are no hot men in sight. you become their foster mom after they witness the traumatic death of their mother, whose secrets you where charged with keeping safe. at least 12 years pass. they never mention any of this again. you manage the idol group one of them is in. there are still no hot men in sight. your name is miyako. every day you wake up.
10. i like how gotanda gives his business card to a toddler. whats he gonna do, call you on his fisher price dial phone? well actually nevermind aqua is probably the only other toddler (alongside ruby) who could make use of a business card
11. KANAA LETS FUCKING GOOOOO but also nothing will ever top 'lick a lying snitch/flick a crying switch'...... nothing ever... :( also taking the opportunity now to say ive always found it hilarious she assumed 'aqua' is his stage name and not his actual legal name, that's how ridiculous it is DSKLFJ
12. sobbing at the ruby ai dance... dont even have that many words i just really like it.. do you guys think ai was thinking about her own mom [& abuse/lack of relationship thereof]? not even just in this scene but in her more serious moments when she's thinking about her kids it's like "i want to make millions so they can go to the nicest schools and have the nicest things" "i want my daughter to dance freely and happily and i will support her in this" which ig can also be excused as 'thats just what a normal parent wants' but idk i like taking into consideration her own past and lack of parental support when looking at the way she tries to raise her children (not that she exactly got a chance to, even while still alive)
13. also i realized at this point that ep 1 is like an hour long not just because of the whole 'we gotta make sure no one drops this before the reveal that shows what this story's actually gonna be about', but also because it would be kinda awkward to have cut any of these scenes out? or not like out completely but like from each other. like if we had ended ep 1 at for example where they do their silly baby dance and go twitter viral (chapter 5 aka the midpoint of vol 1). that wouldve been terrible. but we can't cut it any earlier, or any later. ai's death feels like the natural conclusion to this problem. also i can't really see much of the other sections being stretched out to fit a full episode length being done very well. having ep 1 be a full 90 minutes lets them be as long as they need to be, aka a 1:1 adaptation of the manga.
14. oh boy chapter 9 time
15. i don't have anything to say about ai's outlook that has not already been said but this is the scene that made her my favorite character. not being able to tell at what point your lies become reality.. not really knowing if you've ever loved or been loved truly because your entire concept of 'love' was based off insincerity necessary for survival.. and now not ever being given the chance to explore what 'real love' means to you. FUCK
16. aww i love all these little family moments they added! very cute ^_^
17. yayy go kids get traumatized ^_^ also for some reason i remember the stalker as having really light hair o-0 fascinating. i remembered his name though!! just like ai fr
18. speaking of hair i also did not realize saitou was blond i thought he had brown hair..
19. hey the bandana (? i forget the word) guy holding the ai fan sign during the news montage is from one of the intros to the vol 1 chapters where hes like 'oh yeah i wonder where those dancing babies are now'!
20. another part of that montage shows a house with a wii in it, which came out november 19 2006. characters are shown using twitter which started earlier that same year; it was a pretty popular website even in 2008, but the mobile app only became a thing in like 2010. i'm seeing a mix of flip phones and smart phones so this has gotta take place sometime around 2010. it's kinda difficult to tell exactly what age the twins are in the main story because like the first page of vol 2 has ruby listing her age as 14, but - and the proof is not at my finger tips rn - i swear to god they're like 16 at this point. i have legitimate reasons to believe this but i need to grab exact proof adding to that we also have 15 years of lies, which if im remembering right would be referring to the twins age? i was trying to logic out exactly what year oshi no ko takes place in even though i already know the answer is 'in the modern day' but anyway yeah i'll just finish my episode and move on
21. THE IPHONE RUBY IS HOLDNIG HAS A HEADPHONE JACK. i want so badly to say that's an iphone 4 but there's like a separation between that and the power button. i also dont have an iphone 4 with me so i cant check it irl :( but anyway the iphone 4 was released in 2010, meaning the evidence is piling up for this part of the story taking place some time around 2010. or maybe i'm looking too deeply into this and should go back to actually watching the episode.
22. this is reminding me i was gonna write a fic specifically about this time period where the twins go to therapy and have to adjust to life without ai, having miyako graduate from fake mom to actual mom, aqua faking being fully recovered from the incident so he'd be released from therapy (fic concept was inspired from him stating this in like vol 6), etc. i never did because i spent like 3 hours researching play therapy and never got anywhere with it.. but maybe...
26. MEM!!!!
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27. AHHH POST CREDITS AI MAKING HER VIDEO FOR THE TWINS "i don't think i'll still be an idol by then" YEAH BUT AT WHAT COST 😭
FINAL THOUGHTS: i liked it alot ^_^ i dont really watch that much anime anymore (not that i watched an incredible amount before, but i am familiar with it) but i really liked this. i think they did a very good job of adapting the first volume! i know the rest of the episodes will be not-film length which does make me a bit sad because i think it would work out well, or at least not badly, if they were. it does also make me really excited for the future, seriously i will actually explode when i see the theater arc in full. cannot wait to see aqua mental breakdowns and ruby evil arc and and and and
the only thing i would've liked is if they could somehow have found a way to incorporate the pre-chapter intro scenes from the manga where they're talking about 15 years of lies, interviews with their pre-school teacher, etc. though both the pre-school teacher and the aforementioned bandana guy appear which may have been their way of doing it? like adding a fun detail for obsessives like myself to point at like 'my god it's those guys from exactly 2 panels in the manga'
tumblr ate my post and erased everything up to #2 while i was writing it and i was about to flip but it turns out that it automatically saves posts while youre writing them now and it was in my drafts safe and sound soooo crisis averted ^_^ anyway those were my thoughts on ep 1
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finnzhal · 2 years
I'll take care of you
Diavolo x GN!Tired!MC
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@erina-leah asked :: Can I get Diavolo x GN!MC who is feeling really drained and unmotivated , Barely wants to get out of bed , and is struggling with a little bit of anxiety ? ? I would love to see how Diavolo Helps his S/O when they're down !
Of course ! Thank you for requesting ^^ I'm sorry I sped this one up and making it so short . . I have a headache and lost creativity on the last part T T
If someone's interested on requesting , Please read this first !
Little side note , I only researched the Anxiety symptoms / Types / causes and treatment from Google .
TW MENTIONS :: Lesson 16 Spoilers‼️ , Just serious and dark topic on the little story I've made , Remember that Anxiety effects people differently and I wrote some of the effects I have .
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Little Context
Ever since Day 1 , Getting into another world without your knowledge and not knowing what the hell is Devildom . It already stressed you out . How can someone be so calm after getting taken away by some random demons just for an exchange program ? ?
Suddenly giving you some tasks you didn't even agreed to and forcing you to be in some college school , The six demon brothers just talking insults about you . But of course , you just accept it all just so you can live .
You've learned some magic / curses , History , the Celestial realm , Knowing the youngest brother getting locked in a room , Making pacts because of the youngest brother peer pressuring you . You getting pushed by the 2nd demon brother into anything , getting into lots of trouble , just making you completely anxious . You've been handling your problems and attacks on your own but the himbo red head man Demon prince always asks you to come by for tea , Those tea times and little conversations always calms you and distracts you from the problems . How can such a kind man be a DEMON prince of Devildom ? ? It was nice having someone to talk to .
After a few months
Traumatized by Leviathan's and Belphie's childish acts . It was still bothering you since it was not too long ago , , Your neck itches everytime you remember it but you're becoming more open with them after a few months and actually getting more comfortable .
Now . . You still are the same but you're more off than usual . The brothers thought you're just having a rough day but it turned into days to weeks .
You barely get out of your room , you isolate yourself away , rarely talk to your friends , Grades dropping , You basically decline into every social events / hang outs , You tried doing your favourite hobbies as a distraction but now it turned into feeling like a chore , You feel anxious or feel the sense of danger on everything you do , You talk to yourself alot but whenever you're talking to other people you feel sweaty and anxious and need the urge to get out of the conversation , You felt uncomfortable on just social interaction , You're easily distracted , You overthink alot more , You're having a hard time controlling your own emotions , Extremely unhealthy sleeping schedule , You forgot to eat meals to the point that Lucifer or other brother have to bring You food , tried to force yourself to do something or find something that makes you motivated but everything you do just makes you even more unmotivated you try so hard and try to be at your feet again . It's worse that the devildom is making you more unhealthy , having no sun , the air , haunted house , etc . You sometimes wished to be in your own world again but you know it will be the same . You wanted to get out of this unhealthy routine but you felt this pressure on you that makes you feel down everytime
The brothers tried to help you whenever they can but it just makes you more frustrated
I don't really have an idea on how you guys start having romantic feelings or date in the first place . . So it's up to you !
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Diavolo wouldn't notice this at first because of him being busy . Lucifer would probably talk about it with Him , Yes Diavolo felt something was off because of how different your text messages look like but he brushed it off thinking he was being overdramatic .
After he heard about the news , He literally ask Barbatos to do his job for him and run to your room . Jumping on to you and whine about why you didn't tell him about it sooner
After explaining why you didn't told anything about it to them , He didn't get it but later then understand and ask you to tell what you're feeling in the future and that it's fine that you feel this way . He felt so bad not knowing you're mentally drained and you of course reassured him aswell .
You guys talk about it for hours while cuddling face to face and after you finished talking , He comforts you with sweet words and compliments you . His words were . . Rather corny but you didn't mind it and it made you feel warm but you cringed at the part where he tried to make flirtatious jokes and ask him to stop it .
After jokes and laughter , You got ask sit up and wait for him . Well after a few minutes , he carefully open the door with a tray full of food he cook for you , he spoon feed you and says 'ahh' everytime . .
After that he peppers your face with kisses and tells you how he's so lucky to have you
Since this is hell , , there aren't really have therapy there and so Diavolo just learn the things he saw while he was in the human world and help you with your Sleeping schedule , putting alarms to your phone to remind you , helps you stretch / exercise while on the bed . He ask Barbatos , Solomon and Simeon for help since they know more about this .
He'll go by his way to cook for you , bath you , hug you , kiss you , hug you again and kiss you again
You can see and feel how the demon brothers are more calmer[?] towards you and always checks if you're doing alright
Of course he's still busy and have no choice but to work . You're always on his mind and he spam text you , Replying messages along with photos
Whenever he's free , He comes by to see you
He sometimes sneak out or make tons of excuses just to hang out with you but Barbatos always caught him
Buys you gifts that reminds him of you
Whenever your anxiety gets worse , He'll drop everything just to help you .
He'll always try and ask you if you can come with him on more calmer places in Devildom or do something fun together without feeling pressured
He always looks at you with those love struck eyes
Overall , He would treat you the best of the best whenever you're feeling down .
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That's it for today !! I hope you like it , I have some major problems with this one . I'm sorry once again if this isn't what you asked for . .
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