#people very vocally hating his wife simply for being married to him
shiveringsoldier · 10 months
Who is the best actor with the worst fanbase and why is it Cillian Murphy
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theenpcbracket · 1 year
The TTRPG NPC Tournament FINAL MATCHUP: The Shrike vs. Mary Byram & HE
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Images are in the order of the poll! Image ID included, click to see the full image please!
More about each NPC below the cut!
Character 1
Name: The Shrike Party: The Fosters Relationship to party: Mom, stepmom, former boss, current leader
What makes them the best NPC: She's a thousands-of-years-old gnomish planar-physics prodigy from the future. She's divorced. She's engaged. She misses her wife. She's an absentee mom and she's mom of the year. She bakes the best scones in the world. She will shoot you with a harpoon without hesitation. She invented robotics. She loves prime numbers. She built her own legs. She sold her soul to a dubious and unknowable god in order to save her species' future. She's even a lesbian. The Shike. Bwaaaa
To learn more about The Shrike, check out the extra propaganda in her tag here!
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Character(s) 2*
*Due to an agreement between the parties during a tie very shortly before the polls closed (and due to it being the semifinal round of the tournament), Mary Byram and HE, though not from the same campaign, move forward as a team. Both descriptions are listed below in the order of their images above.
Name: Mary Byram Party: Ambiscade Gang Relationship to party: Coworker, divorcee
What makes them the best NPC: Mary Byram is living proof that the song “No Children” by The Mountain Goats doesn’t just have to be about romantic relationships gone wrong. She’s a bright red tiefling rogue with a storied past, currently working for a guild called the Thinfingers alongside one of the party members. Previously, she worked with a tiefling rights movement called Hellflame, but something happened there that she doesn’t really talk about. She’s still passionate about both the movement and the group, though.
Our bard lovingly calls her “Mare-Bear.” She hates this. She’s a day drinker. She’s exhausted always. She cares so much but will never admit it unless under duress. I think she genuinely thinks that god cursed her by metaphorically putting her in a get-along shirt with our rogue PC. Their dynamic allowed our party to coin the term “Coworker Divorce” except they’re literally not allowed to actually get rid of each other. She is also constantly saddled with the skater-pilled rogue who was also submitted to the bracket, so she’s usually outnumbered when it comes to harebrained schemes. She’s largely anti-antics, but is down for some antics if she's in control of them. She’s a mastermind and usually gives the help bonus action either by telling people what they fucked up or by telling them NOT to fuck something up. She deserves a break she’ll simply never get.
Quote: "Thoughts?" -the warlock, asking Mary about a proposed plan. "...More than you. Apparently." -Mary
To learn more about Mary, check out the extra propaganda in her tag here!
Name: HE Party: The Misdemeanor Mateys Relationship to party: Businessman, aggravating party stalker, final boss
What makes them the best NPC: Mysterious tiny man with static for a head, and the loudest screechiest voice you can imagine (DM once blew out their vocal chords because of him). Levitates and teleports at will, and can pop objects in and out of existence. Runs a business granting magical favors. Originally tried to hire the party to help his business but the group said "fuck no". Now regularly pops in to nag, cause trouble, or play meme songs on a calliope, and occasionally provides useful information. HE controls an alternate dimension called the Mercantile Pile full of items from different times and places, including lots of modern-day technology (unlike the D&D campaign setting). He can be summoned by writing out his name. His calling card is a 7 of Spades, which he can also use to influence the world & cast spells remotely. HE mainly wears business suits & suspenders, but has also appeared in a hazmat suit (riding a tricycle), turtleneck sweater and thigh holster, wetsuit with suspenders painted on, sequin jacket with '69' on the back, peacock burlesque, and nurse drag outfit. He once killed 20 guards with a snap of his fingers. He also destroyed a walkman with a flamethrower. Implied to be the father of the ultra-powerful kid whose primary pastime is handing out enchanted "friendship nuggets" [chicken]. His #1 business competitor is Michael's Wonder Emporium. Eventually turns out to be one of the most central characters to the story.
"You're going to call me when you need me!"
To learn more about HE, check out the extra propaganda in his tag here!
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rouge-variant · 2 years
Hi, how would Levi in ur opinion act if he was jealous? Would it be different if reader was his crush or wife? I believe that according to Isayama he would act grumpy and try to hide it until he cant anymore and explodes. Have a nice day/night!
Huh...funny, I act the same way 😅. This was fun. I did them as two separate headcanons, I hope that's ok!! Thanks for the request and I hope you enjoy!!!!
Jealous Levi with his Crush Headcanons:
Levi hates this. He knows that you're not his and he hates it.
The poor bean knows that he'll turns heads if he suddenly loses it over another person flirting with you, making you laugh or touching you even if it was a pat in the shoulder.
As a result, yes he would be grumpy. He would attempt to distance himself from you as much as possible. Keyword here is 'attempt'. Are you in his squad? Yes. Is his office and your room close together? Yes. Can he stand to be alone without your presence which he's come to love? No. As much as he wants to, he can't stay away from you.
Levi's going to become more of a grouch and he will become harsher. If you try and talk to him about it, he will either push you out of his way or ignore you. Every small thing will start setting him off until he snaps.
Unfortunately it would be at you. You would've ended up pulling him away from everyone and poking at him for why he punished Armin so bad so simply coming to your room after a nightmare last night. Or why he punished Conny for ask you for help when wrapping his hand after he cut it badly during training.
"Because I can't stand another man touching you the way I want to! What's so great about them compared to me?" Levi snapped and then immediately his ears turned pink when you just stood there after his outburst. Not the way he planned to confess to you.
This wasn't even suppose to be a confession but that's what it turned out to be and now Levi won't even look at you. You would have to gently life his chin for him to look at you.
Asking him if he was jealous would be a bad idea. You would get no response except for the blush on his face. Even after you became his girlfriend, no way in hell would he confess about being jealous.
Jealous Levi with his Wife Headcanons:
Trigger Warning: Levi gets a little touchy near the end. It's with consent as he would never force you into anything
No one in their right mind should've tried anything with you. Unfortunately not everyone knows that you're Mrs. Ackerman.
Levi watches from the side of the room and he's trying to ignore the other captain hitting on you. Over the time you two have been married, you've proven yourself that he can trust you to handle things yourself but he still hates when people do this to you.
He looks away and plays with the ring on the chain around his neck. He wants to go and drag you back but then it would that he didn't trust you and that's the last thing he wants. He'll glare at the person but nothing more. Not unless you make it obvious that you need help.
Later when you both are alone, Levi will pull you close. If you guys are lying down, he'll place you head against his chest. If you guys are standing he'll wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head on your shoulder. Don't ask if he's jealous, you need to ask WHY he's jealous. If you just ask him if he's jealous. You'll receive a huff in response. By this time in your relationship, you know when he's jealous but he won't admit it because of his pride. The likelyhood of him bottling it up until he snaps again is very likely. So start getting him to talk about it.
You know it works when he says; "You know I love you right?" He doesn't vocally express his love for you so when he does, you know something is up. He just needs a little reassurance then he'll be fine again. If you tease him, he won't return it. Instead he'll tell you to shut up with a blush on his cheeks.
However, if the same person isn't leaving you alone and instead trying to do more to get with you, Levi will mark you. He will come up to you, not day anything and drag you back to his office. You'll be lucky if you two even reach the attached bedroom before his lips are against any part of your exposed skin, leaving love bites to make sure that people know that you're his.
He'll probably do more to you at that point too. However, this is only if your ok with it too. He wouldn't never want to push you into uncomfortable situations, especially since what happened with his mother. He just wants to show you that no one else can make you feel as good as he can.
Levi's doing this out of love and he can be a little over possessive so he will let you cover up some if they're really noticeable. He loves you and just wants to make sure other people are always hitting on you or flirting. Point it out to him when it gets too much and he'll back off with an apology but still keep an eye out for you.
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darkmulti · 4 years
Firstly, just wanna say that I LOVE UR WORK I FAN READ IT FOR HOURS ON END! U HAVE AMAZING TALENT. Also I was wondering if it was ok, to ask for a Yandere BTS royalty headcon of them impregnating you (Even by force if you tell them you don’t want to have a child)
This is not edited so I apologize for any mistakes.
Thank u bb🥰
⚠️: NON CON! Yandere!BTS, slapping
Seokjin always used a condom. You didn’t want to spend the rest of your life with him, you simply had each other for your sexual needs. Jin on the other hand was falling for you. He tried to make it obvious but you were still oblivious. It was another night with him. He was in between your legs, doing the dirty. He wasn’t wearing a condom on purpose. You were too needy to even realize. It felt so good because he was repeatedly hitting your gspot. You didn’t realize until hot fluid filled you up. You gasp and immediately take him out of you. “Jin! You’re suppose to wear a condom! I-I’m probably pregnant. No! My moms gonna kill me!” Before you could freak out even more, Jin hugged you and calmed you down. “Your mother won’t freak out when she finds out that the baby’s father is the king.”
Yoongi always gets what he wants. His parents arranged a marriage with some random chick. After hearing about the news, you were a little heartbroken but also relieved. Yoongi has been angrier than usual. He’s been taking that anger out on you for some reason. Yelling at you, aggressive sex, being extra possessive. The man you once loved whole heartedly has turned into a scary monster. Yoongi on the other hand was even more frustrated. He wanted to marry you not some random chick. The only way he could escape out of this marriage is if he gets you pregnant. He didn’t waste anymore time. He ran to your house and explained the situation. You look at him in disbelief. “Yoongi, I want you to be happy with your wife. It’s okay. Don’t worry about me. Your wife will also make you very happy and give you children. You’ll fall in love again.” He looked at you with a bizarre expression on his face. “Are you hearing yourself? You’re just gonna give up on us just like that? Did I ever mean anything to you?” You sigh, “of course you did. But I can’t interfere with your marriage. Your parents hold a lot of power. They can kill my family. I can’t let that happen.” Yoongi was pissed off. You didn’t seem to be sad. Was he just a toy for you? Yoongi didn’t care if you didn’t want to be with him. To save himself from this marriage, he forcefully took you. You tried to crawl away but he pulled you back and slapped your ass. “I’m getting married to you! You’re gonna have my children and we’ll be a happy family.”
Hoseok never forced anything on you. That’s not how his mom raised him. Yes, the husband has power over his wife but after learning what his mother had been through, he hated other men. Hoseok was a gentlemen. The husband every girl wanted. You were his lucky wife. He never brought up having a family, but you didn’t mind. You accidentally made Hoseok jealous by talking to one of his friends. After the event, you both arrived at your shared room and he was all up on you. He wasn’t screaming or anything. He was being possessive. “Have you forgotten who you belong to? Mmh? Let me remind you.” Usually, Hoseok is a soft dom. But tonight he became a hard dom. He had you screaming and crying his name out of pleasure. He kept reminding you that he was going to “pound his babies into your swollen pussy.”
Jimin: You didn’t want kids. They were annoying. You never told Jimin though. You knew that he adored children and you being his wife would have to give him some eventually. But you couldn’t face reality. You were afraid that you wouldn’t have a connection with your kid. You had a rough childhood which is why you did not want kids. You’re traumatized. Jimin was out, seeing how the city was doing. Since he will become king soon, he wants to learn how to improve everyone’s life style. While he was out, a rumour started going around. Apparently you cheated on him with another man. Jimin had noticed that you became distant from him but he still trusted you. But now there are people saying that you’re cheating on him. It all made sense to him now. He rushed back home and didn’t hold back. He yelled at you then slapped you without letting you explain yourself. He ripped your dress off you covered your mouth before taking you. “You fucking slut, I’ll show you who you belong to!” Every time he came in you, you cried harder. “P-please Jimin, I don’t want kids.” He held onto your jaw and looked you right in the eyes. “Too bad.”
Taehyung has been very vocal about wanting kids. You - his arranged wife - weren’t ready for kids. Especially not his kids. Taehyung wasn’t a gentlemen. Well, in front of his mother and family, he was. But behind the scenes he was aggressive with you. He wanted a typical, wife worships husband marriage. You were getting ready for bed when he walked in. He helped you take your necklace off and fixed your hair. His arms wrap around your waist and he placed his chin on your shoulder. “Don’t you think we should start a family?” You quietly whisper a “no” and avoid eye contact with him. “Why not? They’re gonna think that you have an infertility issue. My mother will flip and I’ll have to marry another girl who can get pregnant.” You turn around and face him. “Then marry another girl! I’d rather die than have your baby.” Taehyung slapped you. He picked you up and threw you on the bed. “Why can’t you just obey me for once?! I want a child. You’re gonna give me a child.” You did struggle under him. You kicked, cried, begged, screamed but nothing worked. You didn’t get out of his grip in time. He was already cumming in you. He didn’t stop until he felt confident that you were pregnant. The following week you experienced morning sickness and your period being late, confirming that you were pregnant.
Jungkook: He kidnapped you and kept you locked up in the basement of his palace. He was an arrogant prince and you had every right to call him out. You made him look like a fool and he was angered by it. The following night he kidnapped you and showed you who’s in control. Jungkook could destroy your life in a blink of an eye so you had to obey him for the sake of your parents. After being his doll for god knows how long, he brought you upstairs to his bedroom and had unprotected sex with you. You were too scared and weak to defend yourself. But you did warn him that you might get pregnant. He had the most aggressive sex with you to the point where you couldn’t do it anymore. You cried into the pillow and begged him to stop. His cum was overflowing in you. “Please, I’m gonna get p-pregnant.” Little did you know, that’s exactly what he wanted.
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nordleuchten · 3 years
Who was Lafayette friends with throughout his life, and were there people he wasn’t so friendly with? Thanks :)
Hello Anon,
La Fayette was the sort of person who made friends easily. He was not a grumpy person, being on good terms with somebody was his default mood so to speak – but there were also more than enough people with whom he was not on the best terms. During the French Revolution they did not call him “the most hated Man in Europe” for no reason. After all that I have read it strikes me as if you either loved or hated La Fayette and that there was little middle ground. The point that I want to make; I had to draw the line somewhere. The list I am going to present you is by no means complete. There are many names that could (and probably should) be added. Without further ado, lets get started.
Starting in America, we have George Washington. I think there is not much more that needs to be said about their relationship. It is commonly known how close they were and how much their relationship meant for both of them. Beside Washington, there was Alexander Hamilton. He and La Fayette first met early on in the War for American Independence. Hamilton was fluent in French and close in age to La Fayette. Their friendship was quickly formed and grew stronger as time progressed. Back home in France, La Fayette wrote Hamilton with a special proposal. Hamilton should send his oldest boy, Phillip, over to Paris, there to be educated under La Fayette’s guidance, while La Fayette would send his boy, Georges Washington, over to America, there to receive an education with Hamilton as a guardian. This plan never came to fruition, but when Georges Washington had to flee France for America during the French Revolution, Hamilton and his family took him in and tried to help him as good as they could. La Fayette never forgot that. After Hamilton’s untimely death in 1804 he wrote to George Washington Parke Custis that:
“Hamilton was to me, my dear Sir, more than friend, he was a brother. We were both very young, when associated with our common father; our friendship, formed in days of peril and glory, suffered no diminution from time: with Tilghman and with Laurens, I was upon terms the most affectionate; but with Hamilton, my relations were brotherly.”
This quote not only gives insight in La Layette’s with Hamilton but also perfectly sums up his relationship with John Laurens and Tench Tilghmam: most affectionate.
On to some people who are sometimes forgotten - James McHenry and James Monroe. James McHenry first met La Fayette when they both were members in George Washington staff. McHenry later transferred to La Fayette’s staff (March of 1781) and was one of his most trusted aide-de-camps. He often was chosen as La Fayette’s “liaison-officer”. I have three excerpts from letters by La Fayette, detailing his relationship to McHenry. The first one was written by La Fayette to McHenry on February 15, 1781, a few months before McHenry joined his staff:
My tender friendship and affectionate Regard for You, will Not lengthen this letter with Assurances from My Heart While the Heart itself must Be known to You. I intend to write You Again in a few days and with Every Sentiment of Attachement and Esteem Have the Honor to be Yours Lafayette
The second letter was addressed to General Greene on August 12, 1781, concerning a potential transfer McHenry’s in Greene’s staff.
McHenry is So well Acquainted with My Sentiments for Him that He knows My attachement is independant of whatever Steps He Might take on the occasion. He knows I am not of a temper that finds faults with the Measures of My friends, and that I will ever feel an obligation to the Man who obliges General Greene.
The last letter was written to McHenry on December 26, 1783. McHenry at this point had already retired from the army.
As an ardent lover of America I am glad to Hear of the influence You are said to Have in Congress. As Your most affectionate friend I shall Be glad whenever You Have an opportunity to display Your abilities. If Congress do not send me Any Commands, I shall Most Certainly embark in the spring. If they Have Commands for me, I would Be thrice Happy to Receive You along with them, and to Make with you french and European travels. You ought to Make them charge you with some political commission to Courts in Europe, and I would like going as a volonteer with you. [Manuscript torn; part a line missing] Your family and our friends. Most affectionately I am for [manuscript torn; several words missing]. Lafayette
I showed you this many letters for several reason. First, McHenry deserves more attention if you ask me. Second, they show not only their emotional relationship but also their professional relationship and illustrate how convinced La Fayette was by McHenry’s merits - and lastly, I like them all and could not decide. :-) Years later, during La Fayette’s imprisonment, McHenry was among the people who tried to help him gain his freedom.
On to James Monroe. Monroe was, just like Hamilton, close in age to La Fayette (actually, La Fayette was older then Monroe by several months) and spoke French. They both moved in the same social circle during the Revolution and had some common friends. It was also Monroe, who, with the backing of Congress, invited La Fayette to visit America once more in 1824/1825. La Fayette received the rights to some land during this visited and later gifted some of this land to Monroe so that Monroe could start paying off his mounting debts. Here is what La Fayette wrote to Monroe on December 19, 1784:
My dear Sir I Have Received your letter to mr jefferson, and shall very Carefully deliver it. Our old friend Gibbs will give you a Bundle of papers for McHenry which I Beg you will keep for Him untill He Comes to Trenton. To morrow morning, My dear Sir, I set out for Europe, and Before I go, it is pleasing for me once more to assure you of the value I Have By Your friendship, and of the affection and regard I Have the Honor to Be With My dear Sir Yours Lafayette
I may or may not have chosen this letter because McHenry also makes an appearance - but Thomas Jefferson is also mentioned, so the selection is valid, because Thomas Jefferson is the next one on our list. Jefferson’s and La Fayette’s friendship blossomed especially during Jefferson stay in Paris as ambassador to the French. La Fayette even consulted with Jefferson when writing the Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen de 1789. Later, when they met again during La Fayette’s last visit to the United States in 1824/25, they embraced each other and cried tear of joy over the fact of being able to see each other again.
With that, I would like to leave America behind and move on to England. More people could be added though. We see in La Fayette’s letter to General Greene for example, how close these two were. La Fayette had a very friendly relationship with most generals, officers and aide-de-camps in the army.
In England, we see something very interesting. Many of his friends there were actually former opponents of his during the War of Independence - when the House of Commons discussed whether the British Government should try to take actions or not, some of La Fayette’s most vocal allies were veterans of the War of Independence. Another noteworthy friend of his was the Whig politician Charles James Fox. Who really stands out among La Fayette’s English friends tough, is a young women. Her name was Francis “Fanny” Wright. I have planed to write on her separately at some near point in the future and because this post is already way too long we keep things brief. Fanny was a feminist, abolitionist and social reformer. I wager that some of her ideas and proposals would even today be considered somewhat controversial. But she and La Fayette grew quite close and she even accompanied him on his tour in America in 1824/25 (although not officially). Their friendship illustrates two things about La Fayette. He had many female friends – not just female friends, but strong and intelligent and outspoken female friends – and he was not at all faced by that. He also had friends that were considered “bad company” – and again, he was not really put off by that. With that being said, let us continue to France.
France was his native country and he had many friends there; starting with his family and his in-laws. With only a few exceptions La Fayette had close and loving relationships with his family members. There is this one lovely quote from a letter he wrote his wife Adrienne on October 29, 1777 that I simply had to quote:
“(...) for my daughter will be always, I trust, my most intimate friend; I will only be a father in affection, and parental love shall unite in my heart with friendship.”
You have to keep in mind that La Fayette was a nobleman from the 18th century. Such affection for your children, especially daughters, was common not as one would like to think. But of course he had also friends outside his family.
First in my mind there is the La Tour-Maubourg family. Three brothers with all three of whom La Fayette was close. Marie-Victor-Nicolas de Faÿ, marquis de La Tour-Maubourg was a General during the Napoleonic Wars and saw a lot of action. For a short time he was imprisoned with La Fayette but then quickly released. I would say that La Fayette was probably the least close with him. Next up is Juste-Charles de Faÿ de la Tour-Maubourg who was also captured by the Austrians but just as quickly released as his brother. He later married La Fayette’s oldest daughter Anastasie. The current King of Belgium is their descendant. The last brother was Charles César de Fay de La Tour-Maubourg and again, as if to continue a family tradition – he was captured together with La Fayette but unlike his two brothers, he was only released in 1787. I would say that La Fayette was the closest with him. After the death of his wife Adrienne, La Fayette wrote him a very, very long letter, basically laying all his grief and pain and anguish bare. Another dear friend was Bureau de Pussy, again one of La Fayette’s fellow prisoners (being in prison or fighting in a war together appear to be La Fayette’s go-to bounding-activities).
Soooo ... after we have scraped the surface of the category “friends” we can move on to the category “not-so-friendly”. Great parts of La Fayette’s live were spend on the public stage ... and as you all can  very well imagine, he was bound to make some enemies there. Beside the people with whom he had a personal misunderstanding, there were the ones he enraged with his political opinions. He was a  well known supporter of the American Revolution and therefor not too dear to many people on England and to American Loyalists. Things became really interesting though, when the French Revolution gained speed. La Fayette was a centrist, he was searching for a middle path. That actually worked quite well for some time but as soon as more radical factions began to gain influence a middle ground became harder and harder to pursue. He Royalists called him a traitor to the monarchy and a revolutionary while the Revolutionaries called him a traitor to the Republic and a Royalist – he really could not win. While he was not well liked among the leading Revolutionaries (Robespierre, Saint-Just, you name them), few disliked him as much as Doctor Jean-Paul Marat did. I am currently reading  Marat’s L’amie de peuple and there a literally complete issues of the paper dedicated solely to La Fayette and all his alleged wrongdoings.
Things were not necessarily better on the side of the Royalists. When La Fayette entered the palace of Versailles after the event that came to be known as the Women's March on Versailles, he had to pass through a crowed of courtiers in order to reach the King and confer with him. Suddenly, a voice rose from the anonymity of the crowed – “Here comes Cromwell”, a courtier shouted. That is how many people at the court saw La Fayette at this time – as a French Cromwell. The Queen Marie Antoinette was on a later occasion reassured that she did not have to worry, La Fayette would protect her and the King. To that the Queen replied: “Lafayette is here to defend us, but who is to defend us against Lafayette.”
La Fayette’s troubled relationship with the Monarchs of France continued after the Revolution. He and Napoléon hat their ups and downs in their relationship – but mostly downs as time progressed. His relationship with Louis XVIII and especially with Charles X also was strained to put it mildly.
As I have said repeatedly, this is just a brief overview of La Fayette’s different relationships. I nevertheless hope that I could help you out with your question.
I hope you have/had a wonderful day!
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halfpint55 · 4 years
A Defence of Kataang with regards to how they are portrayed in TLoK (it’s long but there’s headcanons at the end)
Note: This is not about shipping wars. This is a safe zone. This is not about Zutara vs Kataang. This is me defending Kataang and the characters themselves...from the writers. 
I initially wrote this as a response to a post that got me heated. My reblog just made it too long so here it is as its own post. 
Now this post ripped apart Kataang as a couple but more than that said some stuff about Aang himself that hurt my heart. I didn’t really want to pick on this post but its condemning of Kataang was based almost entirely in what we know of them as parents in TLoK and honestly it’s that lil nugget of canon that I take issue with. It has bothered me from the get go because it doesn’t make sense from a writing and story perspective, and it’s been pissing me off since I watched it.
TL;DR nice and early bc this post is gonna be a long one:
This particular condemnation of Kataang rests almost entirely on the SHITTY way they were portrayed as parents by the writers of LoK, and in all honesty, on this particular topic, canon should be ignored.
Overall Kataang parenting is of my biggest gripes with LoK because in terms of writing it’s totally incongruous - it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t align, and it makes zero sense for what we know of those characters, and I don’t know if I can ever forgive the showrunners for allowing it to be written it into canon.
I will also preface this by saying I like LoK - love it. I had a scroll through the comments and reblogs on this post, and a lot of the hate towards this portrayal of Kataang ended up being blamed on the “terrible writing of LoK” which is not where I stand at all. That being said I am so angry at the writers for this one.
The other portion of the concurring comments that were very hateful towards Kataang came from Zutara shippers and honestly for me, although I do ship Kataang, this not a just a Kataang issue. I’m of the belief that Zutara would’ve just as easily been written to have similar issues due to very similar dynamics - Zutara also would have been two powerful benders from very different cultures, and with Zuko/Aang (whoever you ship w her) having a massively important global leadership role that is embedded in who they are, and therefore impossible to ignore as a factor in their relationship.
Now let me be clear, my desire to reject canon on this front is by no means me wanting to believe the best of my faves, and not wanting to hear a word against Aang. It’s not even necessarily a defence of Kataang bc I ship it that hard (I mean I do but I can set that aside for the sake of argument if that’s what you need from me here). 
The first, and main issue people have with Aang/Kataang in Korra, is the first point of the original post:
So why in hell would [Katara] be okay with Aang ignoring TWO of their children’s complete existence once he found out they had an airbending son?
And I agree with the post on this front; Katara would not have allowed her children to each be treated differently by their father. I had the same initial thought when watching LoK, and it’s the reason I hate and want to ignore the canon of LoK so badly. 
As much as it hurts to think of, we have to accept that Aang wouldn’t have been able to stop his preferential treatment for Tenzin from bleeding through into his parenting just out of a desperate desire to save his culture (which is absolutely understandable - doesn’t make it okay, but it’s understandable; Aang suffered an incredible loss, a massive cultural trauma which he alone carries the burden of). So of course he wasn’t able to hide how excited he was, and forgot to be mindful of his attitude and behaviour towards Kya and Bumi. So this aspect of canon Kataang? Yeah, I’m with it. So far so good. EXCEPT the most unrealistic element of canon is now that Katara would let him. I simply do not believe for a second that Katara would’ve allowed Aang to be the kind of parent LoK painted him to be.
However, I do not think it would’ve been a point of contention between the two of them! Katara would pull him aside, Katara would gently (but firmly) point out what Aang mightn’t be able to see for himself - he’s focusing too hard on Tenzin.
And Aang would listen.
All throughout A;tLA the two of them often help the other sort through their stuff. Aang has a great track record of being receptive to Katara’s advice and help (calming him down when discovering Monk Gyatso’s body, The Desert when he Appa is stolen, Serpent’s Pass when he’s bottling his feelings about Appa being missing). He’s also just so receptive to others’ ideas - he just goes with it and trusts in his friends (think of his trust in Katara’s plan to rescue Haru, his trust in staying behind with Sokka in the library to get the eclipse info). Aang’s humility is one of the most incredible things about him and it’s at the core of who he is. He would absolutely be able to hear Katara telling him he’s focusing too hard on one child - he would be open, and he’d listen.
So to me now canon just does not make sense at all. it does not align with their established character traits. And yes, people change as they get older and grow into adulthood but honestly, the elements of their respective personalities that we’re talking about here are pretty core elements of who these two people are.
Katara has always been fiercely protective of those she loves, strongwilled, stubborn, and ready to (vocally or physically) fight for what she believes is right and that wouldn’t disappear as she gets older. She wouldn’t let Aang’s preferrential treatment slide.
Aang has always been, and chose to be despite his loss, an optimistic, kind, believe in the best of humanity kind of person. He’s open to all points of view, he’s a good listener, he always tries his absolute best to find solutions that are good for everyone. And again his humility, his willingness to love, is who he is.  He believes all humans (including fkn OZAI) and all life are sacred, he believes in the absolute right to life. The kid is a vegetarian for crying out loud.
Now the parts of the take in the post that hurt my heart to read about what OP thinks of Aang:
“Aang never made an attempt to establish anything resembling a real familial unit with Katara, basically just stayed around until she popped out an Airbender [...] she was treated like some trophy wife to give birth to airbenders and that’s it!”
I wasn’t going to address this in this post until I read the comments in the notes, because people seem to agree. They share the sentiment that Katara was reduced to “just a love interest” by the two ending up together.
However I do very much take issue w the notion that Aang “basically just stayed around until she popped out an Airbender” (and honestly that entire paragraph - we don’t actually know that Aang didn’t make an effort to establish a family unit). As much as the LoK writers fucked up in their portrayal of Kataang as parents, this is a much harsher judgement of Aang’s character as a husband and father than anything implied by Aang and Katara’s children. I just don’t buy that Aang would view Katara (or anyone he married, even if you don’t ship Kataang) as a trophy wife, whose only role is to have airbender children. He never has viewed her that way - he has always looked at her like she’s the sun, and the most important person to him after she pulled him out of the iceburg. He loves her the most of anyone on the planet. It does not align with his character, his values or beliefs that he’d think of her (or any partner) that way. He is so besotted with Katara for who she is it HURT me to read that part of your take. Aang simply would never. Look at how he looks at her! 
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What’s more is the unwavering respect and deference he shows Katara as his waterbending master - he recognises and loves her as the whole, complete, three dimensional, TALENTED POWERFUL INCREDIBLE WOMAN that she is. She is NEVER “just” a love interest for Aang. (But ALSO, do we respect Suki any less for being Sokka’s obvious love interest??? No. suki is written to be so badass that Sokka is HER love interest and I think Katara has equally badass energy but I digress).
Moving on!
OP made an excellent point that there would’ve been culturally different values between the two but I don’t think it would’ve been family that was the clashing point. Yes the airbenders value spirituality and enlightenment. But they lived together in massive communities! They supported and raised one another. Their community and culture was strong, and they were bonded in their spirituality! They value love, as well as enlightenment, peace, and the lives of all.
Now, again the points they made about the cultural divides within the Kataang family unit are valid, but also again I dislike how they chose to portray this in LoK. It would definitely be a struggle they faced as a couple. However I think they really missed an opportunity here with where they took it. Because they do at one point in the comics have Katara bring up the fact that their family will be a blend of two cultures, and she brings it up because Aang is trying so hard to bring balance back to the world by means of seperation.
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They’ve known from the get go of being a couple that they’re going to have to navigate being a culturally blended family unit.
So I find it so shitty that they wrote it so that Kya got to learn the waterbending culture, Tenzin got Air and bumi got…nothing? It’s dangerously close to the way Disney does the “the girls are carbon copies of mum, and the boys are carbon copies of dad” thing (think Lady and the Tramp). It’s lazy. Especially when we had that “separation is an illusion” episode, AND things like Zuko learning different nation’s styles and applying them to his firebending, and Sokka learning an element of strategy or fighting from every nation. 
So give us Kya using Airbending moves with her waterbending (maybe she invents the water scooter)! Give us Tenzin doing more grounded moves that Aunty Toph (or Lin, while they were together) taught him from earthbending.
There are much more creative ways to illustrate the bumps and troubles Kataang might have run into in trying to navigate incorporating equal parts of their cultures in their children and family unit. Even just smaller scale issues like food and meals - how do they figure out how to do mealstimes with Aang’s vegetarianism with Katara’s culturally significant Water Tribe meat dishes? And then even taking into account how picky little kids can be!
Give me a scene where they literally just ate moon pies for a week because toddler Kya would scream if you put anything else down in front of her.
Maybe Bumi demanded sea prunes over and over but Katara and Bumi are the only ones who like them, and Bumi bonds with his mother this way - they go on little one-on-one outings to water tribe restaurants in Republic City, searching for the most authentic sea prunes!
Kya maybe likes the water tribe fashions the most because it helps her connect with her namesake BUT Kya also has a playful sense of humour - not unlike Monk Gyatso - Aang sees how much she loved moon pies and teaches her to throw them with waterbending.
We know Tenzin was a calm, quiet, and possibly shy child. Maybe he loved to hole himself away learning crafts. Give me Tenzin learning to tattoo, Tenzin learning to carve (and carving his first glider - it crashes of course), but also Tenzin learning to carve water tribe adornments and necklaces. Katara tries at first but when she gets busy Sokka comes in and teaches Tenzin to break all the carving rules Katara has laid down (”it doesn’t need to be perfect my little pupil - let the creativity flow!”)
Tenzin may not be able to waterbend but that doesn’t mean he can’t learn other means of healing. As the littlest he spent a lot of time watching Katara work - she teaches him to tie splints, dress wounds, and yes deliver babies.
If you made it here I love you so much for reading. I love sharing my thoughts so HIGH FIVE YOU MADE IT, ur now my friend - the friendship is non-refundable sorry 😌😌
94 notes · View notes
lazyangeltreemoney · 5 years
Never Doubt I Love
One Shot, Royal AU
Description : Prince James is to wed Princess Y/N of the neighbouring country after the war to try and strengthen their countries. Bucky is less than happy about it and is shamelessly rude to Y/N, one day she has enough.
Pairings: Prince!Bucky x Princess!Reader (platonic), Prince!Bucky x Natasha, Loki x Princess!Reader
Word Count: 4987
Warnings: mentions of war, arranged marriage, death, insults, swearings.
A/N: just had this idea in my head all day and I’m a sucker for AU’s. Hope y'all enjoy
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Bucky hated her from the second he saw her. When she stepped out of the limo in front of the palace an instant disdain burned in him. He would say it was from how she dressed being so dull, or her hair and makeup seemingly so perfect to the point of she looked like a doll, not a real human being. Natalia looks real. She was by no means the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Natalia is beautiful. This, this was who his parents expected him to marry?
When they finally got to talking it only cemented his hate. He hated how proper and ladylike she was, a proper princess who knew all the curtseys and proper rituals, it was almost robotic. Natalia at least would talk like a real human being. She talked to his parents and said everything she was trained to say, nothing seemed real about her. Natalia has a personality.
As time went on and she would try talking to Bucky she would be able to talk circles around him, any insult he gave she was able to bat back in a moment. Natalia knew when he did and didn’t like being pushed. He didn’t like being outwitted, especially on his own turf. 
“You just hate her because you can’t marry Nat without giving your mother a heart attack.” Steve stated as he took a swing of his water. 
“No, I hate her because she’s the most boring and insufferable woman I’ve ever met, I would say human but I’ve met Sam.” Bucky commented back. 
The pair had been sparring and training. Steve was Bucky’s cousin and Head of the Royal Guard. The pair had been friends since they could talk, thick as thieves. They had gone to war together and by some miracle survived and came out stronger than ever. Bucky was the soon to be King, he had no reason to be training but some of the old army habits he was never able to kick. 
“She’s in a new country, a country she will soon have to rule, it’s a lot to take on.” Steve tried to get his friend to sympathise with Y/N. 
“Not my problem, now if we’re done here I’m going to see Nat.” Bucky retorted and walked away. 
“I’ll see you at the ball tonight!” Steve called down the hall. 
Bucky simply ignored him and kept walking on shaking his head. Of course Steve would have to remind him of that stupid ball, the one to announce Y/N’s and his engagment. Y/N had been staying in the palace for nearly over a month now, to try and not raise suspicion of an ‘arranged marriage’. Bucky had gone over his proposal speech about a thousand times to try and give it something to make it believable. Nothing worked, it all sounded robotic and cheesy to the point where the press would see right through him. 
This led to him sitting with Natalia in his bedroom trying to think of what on earth he was going to say tonight. The pair were both naked with only a sheet covering them, Bucky was sat by the window smoking a cigarette to try and clear his head. Natalia was going over what he had already written down so far. 
“-I love you to the moon and back’ oof.” Natalia laughed. 
“I know, I know, it’s awful and I’m about to make a fool out of myself in front of the whole kingdom.” Bucky huffed, stubbing out his cigarette. 
Natalia leaned forward and began to card her hands through his hair to try and comfort him. Telling him how some of it was sweet or how he could close his eyes and try to pretend it was her, he was proposing to. 
“Urgh, it doesn’t matter what I write how I can be any form of genuine when I’m proposing to an iceberg.” Bucky groaned holding his head. 
“Come on, she’s not that bad, Wanda speaks pretty highly of her.” Natalia offered. 
Bucky was so sick of everyone trying to convince him Y/N ‘wasn’t that bad’. Even Nat, apparently her and Y/N would often go into the gardens with Wanda for some form of a book club. Y/N knew full well what was going on between Nat and Bucky, she had told her in person and she gave Nat her blessing. Told her that she was simply doing right by her country and had no claim over Bucky’s heart. 
Bucky didn’t buy it, he was convinced Y/N was trying to play some bigger game. He was the only one in his conspiracy theory. 
“Nat I’m having to ask that bitch to be my wife, to stand by me, raise my heirs, how can I?” Bucky let out an exasperated sigh. 
“Because you’re a King and like it or not she is your Queen.” Nat tried to calm him. 
“Well right now I want to pretend that you are my one and only queen.” Bucky smirked and grabbed Natalia ready to ravish her again. 
So lost in the moment he had no idea Y/N was just right outside of the room, hearing their whole conversation. She had gone to talk to Bucky about tonight, about how to play in front of the press watching and just them in general. Y/N only closed her eyes and let out a small frustrated sigh as she marched back to her room. By the time she was just outside her room she didn’t know how or why but she was crying. Endless streams of tears seemed to be flooding and nothing she did could stop it, but why? Did she love Bucky? No, but at the very least she wanted him to respect her. Not call her a bitch or human iceberg. 
Rushing into her room she slammed the doors behind her. In her room were her clothes for this evening, a gorgeous gown with silver trimmings and heels to match. However the very sight of the dress made her feel sick. It was less of a gorgeous gown and more like shackles. As if she was submitting to a life of ridicule and hate from her husband. 
Falling to her knees she held herself for a second. It was never meant to be like this. It was meant to be so much kinder and happier, the life a princess was supposed to have. This however was the reality, cruel and ironic at every chance it had. 
Y/N wasn’t sure how long she had laid on the floor but she knew it had been a while and she would have to start getting ready. As she had been trained since birth, she wiped her eyes and gracefully rose from the floor, back straight and head high, thinking of all she would sacrifice for her kingdom. 
It was now only a few hours til the ball and Bucky still didn’t know what to say during his proposal. Anything he had down was tibits he had gotten from people Y/N actually talked to, like Steve or Wanda. However none of it sounded like him, he had always been vocal in the press, they knew how he talked. Defeatedly, he walked towards Y/N’s room knowing she was the only one who could fix this. 
Y/N had a way with the people, even Bucky couldn’t deny that. When the war was at its worst, it was Y/N’s speeches or public acts that seemed to give most of the soldiers and citizens hope. If anyone knew what the public wanted to hear it was Y/N. So Bucky now stood in front of her ornate door hanging his head. Letting out a frustrated sigh he knocked on the door. There was a short pause before a voice called him in. 
When he walked in he saw Y/N in her dress. It was a dark blue silk that was sleeveless, that seemed to hug her figure just right. She wore white silk gloves that had the most delicate lace and pearls wrapped around her neck. Bucky hated to admit it but he was speechless at the sight of her. Her hair was in a bun but a few loose hairs cascaded down her face shaping it perfectly. Her makeup was a lot more natural and her lips seemed to be the perfect shade. The more he looked at her the less and less she looked like the girl who first appeared in the palace. 
“Was there something you wanted to say James or are you just going to stare?” Y/N asked bringing him back to reality. 
Bucky coughed slightly and stood up a little straighter. 
“Ah yes, I came to talk to you about tonight,” Bucky began before Y/N let out a sarcastic laugh. “Something funny?” Bucky raised a brow to her. 
“Just surprised that you would want to hold an actual conversation with me is all.” Y/N spoke in that tone that made Bucky cringe. 
It was royal and regal, just the right amount of sweetness with the right amount of authority. No one had a voice like that unless they had been trained from day one. Bucky hated that even now she was playing mind games with him and talking so many circles around him his head could spin. But right now he had to let it slide because he really needed her help. 
“Look I need your help on conning an entire country that we’re in love.” Bucky tried to explain. 
“Love.” Y/N scoffed back. 
Bucky was now losing his patience. 
“Yes love.” Bucky’s tone was getting dangerously dark. 
Y/N however didn’t care, she had been pushed too far. She was too tired, tired of his arrogance, his childishness, his stubbornness and how he was convinced that Y/N wanted this. Especially when he didn’t know the first thing about her. 
“How can you when you hate me, god James I know you don’t love me and I don’t want you to but you could at least tolerate me.” Y/N exasperated, he was finally getting put in his place one way or another. 
Bucky went to argue back but Y/N was nowhere near done. 
“I tolerate you, I tolerate your lover, even befriended her but you can’t even look at me without insulting me, God, you think I want this? You think my heart doesn’t belong to someone else as well, at least you get to see your lover everyday.” Y/N ranted. 
So much information was coming at Bucky at once it was hard to process it all. His brain was almost on autopilot. 
“How does any of that help me write this?” Bucky asked. 
Of course, of fucking course, Y/N just poured her heart out to him and he still doesn’t care. Well now neither does she. 
“Say whatever the fuck you want.” Y/N yelled storming out of the room. 
Bucky was left alone in the room feeling uneasy. Y/N had never swore once in the whole time he had known her, not even with anyone. She had always tried to be the perfect lady but now that seemed to all go out of the window. Sighing, Bucky sat on Y/N’s bed and let his mind wander. The words Y/N spoke seemed to be playing on a loop until it finally hit him. 
 “You think my heart doesn’t belong to someone else as well”
It was about an hour before the ball was supposed to begin when Bucky finally found her. Y/N was on one of the balconies having a cigarette. He had no idea that she smoked, but she even made that look graceful. She seemed to be deep in thought, almost relaxed. However her little moment of peace seemed to be ruined when Bucky showed his face. She looked at him for a moment before turning away to look at the night sky. 
“So who is he?” Bucky asked, leaning on the railing. 
Y/N remained silent and took another puff of her cigarette. Her face was like a statue wanting to give nothing away. 
“Is he back in your country?” Bucky hummed. 
“He’s buried there.” Y/N finally spoke. 
Bucky looked at her in astonishment. Y/N had revealed one of her deepest secrets so casually he wasn’t sure if he was hallucinating. He tried to study her more to see if she was lying but he honestly couldn’t tell, until she stubbed out her cigarette. 
“His name was Loki and he was beautiful.” Y/N spoke softly with a sad smile forming on her face as the memories came flooding back. 
Thor was her usual royal guardsmen. He was a bit of a goof with more brawn than brains but Y/N got along with him just fine. Just like all the guardsmen in her country Y/N trusted them with her life. However one morning Thor greeted her before she went riding accompanied by a dark haired man. He was a lot shorter than Thor and paler. His eyes were an emerald green that seemed to be locked on Y/N from the second he walked into the stable. 
“Ah Thor, ready for our ride?” Y/N spoke enthusiastically
“Actually your Majesty will have the joy of my brother with you today.” Thor explained, gesturing to the man next to him. 
“Brother?” Y/N raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Adopted.” Thor explained. 
“Call me Loki.” The dark haired man introduced himself. 
“Only if you call my Y/N.” She replied. 
Loki instantly smirked at her. Something about the tone of her voice told him this was going to be fun. The pair saddled up the horses and were off into the royal woods. Y/N led the way and Loki had to try his best to not lose her. After about half an hour of riding Y/N finally stopped by a lake. Loki was exhausted and more than happy to have his own two legs on the ground. He practically collapsed off his horse and gulped some water from his bottle. 
“Anyone would think you didn’t want my protection.” Loki said breathily. 
Y/N only giggled at him and began to set up her camp. Loki noticed she was building a small fire, she then took out a metal can and took some water from the lake. With that she took out a book and a tea bag she placed into the can of water. 
“Would you care for some tea?” Y/N asked. 
Loki merely nodded and sat down beside her. The lake was beautiful, the water was so clear and glimmering, it seemed to show his reflection perfectly. The woods circled around them, it almost felt like he was in the eye of a storm. He glanced over to Y/N who was pouring him a small cup of tea. She was so beautiful as the light shone on her, regal, elegant. 
“What are you reading?” Loki mused as he took the cup. 
“Shakespeare's sonnets.” Y/N showed him the cover as her eyes went back to the pages. 
“Would you mind if you read them to me, I’ve always had a soft spot for his works.” Loki admitted. 
He wasn’t sure why he was telling her this but he felt like he could, he felt like he could tell her anything within a few minutes of knowing her. She had the air of comfort around her. Y/N nodded and began to read out loud to him. Her voice seemed to give the words meaning, as if before now they were just words on a page. The pair sat together like that for hours, eventually Loki began to read to her instead. They discussed and argued about what he truly meant when Shakespeare wrote certain rhymes. They continued to jest and tease each other on the ride home. By the time they got to the stable it was nearly sunset. 
“Thankyou for this today, usually when I go with Thor he gets bored after an hour and I have to head home.” Y/N smiled at Loki as she tied up her horse.
“Anytime, Y/N.” Loki replied smiling at her. 
Y/N wanted to scold herself for how her heart fluttered when he said her name. The two bid each other goodnight but the lingering glances were clear neither of them wanted to part ways.
Them running away to the lake quickly became a little tradition between them. Even if they could only have an hour there they would wake up at the crack of dawn or dead of night to simply be in each others company. It was one of the times when they both had busy schedules the next day so they were in the dead of night Y/N’s head laid in Loki’s lap by the lake. The moonlight shining down on them. The soft neighs of horses and gentle lapping on the lake could be heard. It was the most peaceful thing Y/N had ever experienced. 
“Doubt thou the stars are fire;Doubt that the sun doth move;Doubt truth to be a liar;But never doubt I love.” Loki spoke softly
Y/N nestled into more as his words rang seemed to lull her to sleep.
“Love maybe we should head back, the sun will be coming up soon.” Loki reminded her. 
“Just a few more minutes.” Y/N sleepily mumbled back. 
Loki couldn’t help but chuckle at her sleepy stubbornness. To be completely honest, he didn’t want to leave either, this was their little sanctuary, away from their duties, the fear, the pressure. But they couldn’t hide away forever, Y/N especially would never abandon her people like that.
“Alright Love.” Loki spoke softly. 
He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. By the time he finished reading the page Y/N was asleep. Her soft snores and gentle eyes closed. Loki wanted nothing more than to see that sight every night, to have her fall asleep in his arms every night. But she was a royal, the princess no less and he was not. It didn’t matter though, he had this and it was enough for now. 
“What happened?” Bucky asked. 
“The war happened.” Y/N replied. 
She had to hold back the tears as the memories played on in her mind. 
Loki had agreed to meet her at the lake early that morning. They both needed it, the war had just begun and they were both on edge. The war had barely begun and Y/N was trying to think of ways to end it. Meanwhile Loki was more scared for Y/N’s safety than ever, scared she would end up performing some act of Martyrdom just to end the war. 
Loki and Y/N had ridden in complete silence to the lake. It was weird, usually their ride together would be filled with teasing and discussing whatever book they were reading. This however was uneasy and uncomfortable. Too much was on each others mind for them to just be themselves. 
However once they reached the lake and Y/N had made the tea it was as if everything outside those woods no longer existed. Y/N laid her head on Loki’s shoulder and he began to read aloud to her, pausing occasionally to make a remark about it or flirt with Y/N. To which she would merely giggle and kiss his cheek to tell him to keep reading. 
It was one of those moments when Y/N went to kiss his cheek did he turned so to catch her lips with his. Loki dropped the book and wrapped his hands around her waist. Y/N had hers around his neck as she deepened the kiss. The two only broke apart for air, resting their foreheads against each other. 
“I’ve missed my Love.” Loki spoke breathlessly. 
“I’m sorry, I just want this war to end.” Y/N admitted guiltily. 
Y/N noticed how Loki’s face turned slightly when she mentioned the war, as if there was something he needed to tell her about it. No, surely not. 
“I got my draft letter yesterday, I ship out in a few days.” Loki almost hung his head in shame. 
Y/N broke apart from him. This couldn’t be happening, no she wouldn’t allow it. She had given almost all of herself to her people, to the crown but they couldn’t have Loki. 
“No, no, no.” She rambled pacing up and down but the lake. 
“Love.” Loki called trying to soothe her. 
“No, I won’t allow it, I decree it as the Princess of this land you will not set one foot out of the palace grounds.” Y/N tried to sound strong, use her authoritative tone so Loki wouldn't argue. 
But it was to no avail. 
“You think I want to leave you, but if I stay on your orders, what will people think?” Loki explained. 
“I don’t care what they think, I’ll marry you, you’ll be their king and adore you.” Y/N pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes. 
“We both know that’s not how this works.” Loki sighed, he hated to see her cry. 
He hated any form of sadness she had to endure. He hated how she would never be able to let it show, always internalising it and keeping it hidden. She only let her emotions go when she was with him, which made all of this hurt even more. 
Slowly he walked over to her and held her close. She sobbed into his shirt until no more tears could physically come out of her. Even after that Y/N still held him close, afraid that the second she let go he would be gone. 
“Promise me that you’ll come back to me, that no matter what happens you will come back here to this very spot.” Y/N’s voice was crackled and strained from the crying. 
Loki knew he couldn’t truly promise her that, but nonetheless he did. 
“I promise, Love.” 
Y/N watched him get shipped out. She went in disguise to kiss him goodbye on the dock. Tears were in both of their eyes. She used her spies to give him love letters and gifts of books with their favourite passages circled. Loki saw the work Y/N was doing and the speeches she made in the papers and on posters everywhere he went. He had never been so proud of her, she was truly going to make a wonderful Queen. 
It was the very last year of the war when Thor knocked on her door in full uniform with that damned letter and dog tags.No body could be recovered, there were too many hidden among them. She had locked herself into isolation after Thor had told her the knews; Simply wanting to be alone with her books and memories. Then her maid came and dropped breakfast by her door while slipping a letter under the door. 
Y/N walked towards the door and picked up the letter when she gasped at the handwriting, it was Loki’s. She felt almost feral as she tore it open, instantly checking the date, it was from three weeks ago, two weeks before…
To My Dear Y/N
I miss you my love, miss you more than you will ever know. I’ve seen your face all around the city, in the papers and although I am proud of you it does make my heart ache, a constant reminder of the distance between us. 
It is something I can bear no longer. Which is why when I keep my promise to you I will meet you at our spot and march into the palace demanding the King to make you my wife. I know I am no prince or lord but I am yours and I hope with everything in my being you are still mine. You are the only thing that makes this war worth fighting for and we both know it is drawing to a close. So please just hang on a little longer my Love. 
Soon we will have all we can desire; we will be wed; we’ll have children and take them to the lake. You will splash them in the water and then we’ll dry them while we read them stories with tea sat round the fire. Until then we will just have to read our stories apart, me around the fire here and you in front of the fire there. 
All my love, 
“I took his dog tags and the letters he wrote me,put them in a box and buried them by the lake, In the spot where I would always light the fire.” Y/N’s voice shook a little, she had never told anyone where she hid the letters before.
She couldn’t take them with her, if anyone ever found them there would be hell to pay. Burying them seemed like the only option and what better place than in their sanctuary. After she buried them she swore that she would never visit the lake again. About a week after she was told by her Father that she would be marrying Prince James within the next year. 
Bucky had listened to her story and his heart broke for her. He remembered all the times he thought he would never see Nat again while out in the trenches. All the time he was under heavy fire and prayed for some miracle to get him out of it. It made more and more sense now why she had such a hard time opening herself up to new people, especially him.
“I’m sorry, I get it now.” Bucky spoke softly. 
“Thankyou.” Y/N replied offering him a small smile. 
“Did you two have a favourite story in the end?” Bucky asked looking up at the stars. 
Y/N was honestly touched and surprised he had actually been listening to the story. 
“Hamlet I think, it was one we could talk about endlessly.” Y/N smiled at the memory of them. 
With that Bucky excused himself. Y/N simply thought he was allowing her sometime to herself before the big night. For the first time in a long time she let herself think of Loki and not feel too distraught about him.
The ball finally came around. All the Ladies and Lords, prime ministers and ambassadors seemed to be there. Y/N even got to finally see her Mother and Father, she knew she couldn’t but she wanted to so desperately run into her Mother's arms and stay there for the whole night. Instead she merely curtsied to them and shared a few dances with her Father. 
The party seemed to be in full swing, everyone took turns dancing with Y/N while they waited for Bucky to actually arrive. First Steve danced with her, always the gentleman, then Sam, then Pietro who kept remarking on how beautiful she looked tonight and if ‘Barnes screws up I’m more than happy to take his place.’ When Y/N was finally all danced out she sat down at one of the tables with Wanda and Natalia. 
“Do you think Bucky isn’t coming?” Wanda asked concerned. 
Nat and Y/N shared a look. Bucky had always been emotional and brash that after his and Y/N’s talk he could have decided to call off the whole engagement. As much as Y/N wished Nat and him could have a happy ending Y/N had to put her country first. Worry began to spread between the three when suddenly. 
“His Majesty Prince James.” The announcer beconned. 
Y/N looked up the the top of the room to see James and finally arrived. They made eye contact across the room and Bucky came practically bolting down the stairs towards her. Everyone watched the Prince cautiously, knowing what tonight was going to be. Bucky reached Y/N’s table and leaned down towards her. 
“Close your eyes and imagine his voice.” He whispered in her ear so only she would hear. 
Taking a fork and champagne glass he tapped the two together and the crowd instantly went silent. Bucky shot Y/N a look almost saying ‘Do you trust me?’. Y/N simply nodded and Bucky got down onto one knee as Y/N closed her eyes trying to remember Loki’s voice.
“I’ve never been good with words so I’ll leave summing up my love for Y/N to someone who is far better at it than me. Y/N, Doubt thou the stars are fire;Doubt that the sun doth move;Doubt truth to be a liar;But never doubt I love. I love you more with every book we read and every fire we light, will you do me the honor of becoming my Wife and my Queen?” 
“Yes.” Loki
Bucky got up from one knee and placed a small kiss on Y/N’s cheek. 
“Thankyou.” Y/N whispered back at him. 
The whole crowd cheered as the sight of the newly engaged couple. It turned out all those hours Bucky had been gone he was reading Hamlet trying to find the quote Y/N had mentioned when she told him about Loki. It was the start of friendship between Bucky and Y/N and understanding. That no matter who they gave their hearts to, their country would come first. A fondness grew between them over the years, they paved the way for a long and peaceful reign. When Y/N reached the age of 86 she passed away, Bucky buried his Queen back in her homeland by the lake she had told him about, along with a marked grave stone for Loki. The gravestone read, ‘Never Doubt that I love’.
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sooibian · 4 years
Tempting Fate (I)
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@is-that-baekhyuns-shirt​ thank you, thank you, thank you for this beautiful poster!
Chapters: One | Two
Pairing: Minseok x You x Kyungsoo
Description: You’re forced to make a choice between a present that you didn’t choose and the idea of what could have been.
Themes: Angst, Exes!AU, Arranged Marriage!AU
Warnings: Strong language, indicative of emotional infidelity
Word Count: 3.7k +
A/N: Writing in quarantine hasn’t been easy so this is me trying to get back into writing by channeling all the rainy day melancholia into an angst piece. A huge thank you to @fightoh​ who inspired this Kyungsoo. I love you, Melissa! ^_^
We’re looking at a two-shot here, so lemme know if you’d like to be tagged for the update :)
‘Settle down’
You often mulled over your father’s words of advice. This was one of the very few he’d cared to vocalize a little over a year ago. Settle down - as if you were an inanimate object devoid of any thoughts or feelings. As if you were lifeless. There was an undeniable ounce of truth in that, though. 
He had left you lifeless, cold, and pathetic.
So you settled. 
Gradually sank under the weight of the very same thoughts and feelings you were not supposed to have. Especially not after, as your step-mother had so eloquently put it, you’d spread your legs for the spawn of Satan. 
These questionable archaic edifices threw you back by decades, centuries even. You’d started to loathe them all - your parents, the society and to a large extent, your own self. Either way, you did what you were asked. 
Like dust, you settled.
The buzz of your phone alerted you of a meeting that was scheduled thirteen minutes from now. Twirling the cup of long gone cold coffee, you took some time to compose yourself. Ten minutes. Taking a huge gulp of the bitter liquid, you proceeded to head out of the cafe. 
“Hello”, said the man who accidentally bumped into you on your way out.
The sound of his voice could sweep you over with a wave of recognition even in your most unresponsive state. Dreading, you looked up to meet his eyes. The same big, brown eyes you’d once have endless conversations with. The very same eyes that saw you for who you were. The eyes that had already started to say the things you weren’t emotionally equipped to hear. 
“Hi”, he exhaled. You were enchanted by the way his lips moved. Flushed and soft, with a subtle pout. Plush and voracious they’d once felt on your skin.
He looked exactly like you’d remembered him. Soft brown hair fell in shaggy bangs across his forehead. A black shirt over ripped denims that outlined his lean frame and his right wrist wrapped in dark beaded bracelets. Your gaze dropped and stayed fixed on his combat boots, as you fought back tears.
Your phone chimed. Seven minutes.
Kyungsoo’s lingering gaze saw you out of the cafe.
“How was your day?” your husband asked, in the trademark gentle tone he’d use with you.
Dinner table conversations with Minseok were cumbersome. They felt heavily rehearsed and unnatural. You usually had polite responses and courteous questions to subdue the pressing silence that filled up any space Minseok and you inhabited. But tonight was you felt pushed to the wall. You felt hollow and rigid. 
A dazed stupor had steered you through the day after the man who’d splintered your heart had chosen to resurface after two years. The very same man because of whom you weren’t the wife Kim Minseok truly deserved.
This wasn’t exactly the dinner table conversation you'd ever pictured having with your ever so sweet and kind husband. 
“Nothing out of the ordinary”, you smiled, “did you manage to get Yang Ho Sung on board for the expansion?”
“Not to jump the gun but we might be able to lock in his signatures come Monday”, a pleased Minseok flashed his toothy grin. 
“Not to jump the gun but congratulations!”
He chuckled, “If all goes well, I might have to fly out to Hong Kong. You know, raise capital...move funds...”
‘Raise capital, move funds’ was a part of your job description as Financial Controller, not the Head of Strategy's. Hong Kong was where the Company’s Head Office was situated. It was also where both of your parents had taken permanent residency. It was a place both you and Minseok frequented and for most part it meant bothersome soirees (generously sprinkled with intrusive questions) with his side of the family as well as yours. And anyone with a pair of functional eyes could spot trouble in paradise. So you were glad as you were grateful that you didn’t have to do much to dodge this trip. 
It was almost as if Minseok read your thoughts, “You’re working on the Nakamuras’ merger project and it didn’t feel right pushing this expansion onto your already full plate.”
Pursing your lips into a slight smile, you nodded in agreement.
The day of Minseok’s flight to Hong Kong found you seated across from Kyungsoo at the very same godforsaken cafe.
“How have you been?”, he asked plainly. 
Devoid of expression, your eyes bore into his as you clutched the teacup closer to your person, the rock on your finger conveniently on display.
“You mean after you suddenly disappeared? All things considered, peachy.”
His jaw tightened, “Don’t be like that.” What should’ve been a plea, came across as an audacious command.
“Why are you back, anyway?” You hated sounding like a jilted past lover straight out of a soap opera but you felt exactly like one.
“Because you deserve the truth”, brows furrowed and voice down to a whisper, he leaned in closer.
“I deserve much more than just the truth!” You were seething with anger.
“Let’s start with the truth first.”
“Okay”, you squeezed your eyes shut and shook your head, “this attitude is quite brazen, don’t you think?”
His hands landed on the coffee table in a soft thump, and spoke as if he were spelling out every word for you, “You’re clearly not ready for this conversation so call me when you are, yeah?”
“Go fuck yourself, Doh Kyungsoo”, grabbing your purse you dashed out of the cafe as angry tears streamed down your cheeks.
Locking away every vicious little memory of Kyungsoo in the farthest corner of your mind, you went about your mundane, monochromatic life until unsubtle baby pink and powder blue onesies peeked out of Minseok’s luggage as you helped him unpack.
“Just Mother being over enthusiastic, that’s all…I’m sorry...”, his face flushed as he yanked the Harrods bag out of your hand and hastily dumped it in his closet.
If only she knew that your hostile home environment wasn’t conducive to...reproduction.
“I know my face looked a little puffy during our last video call but that doesn’t mean I’m...”, you said quietly.
“I know, I know...I’m sorry, she shouldn’t have.. I had half a mind to...to discard them or... give these away to Ho Sung considering, you know, his wife’s expecting but I couldn’t...aish...I think I’ll go take a shower.” 
Averting your gaze, he rummaged for fresh towels in his closet.
“Minseok”, you gingerly sat down on the edge of the bed feeling guilty for having put him in a spot.
“Hmm”, his voice sounded shaky.
“Minseok”, your grip on the sheets tightened as you chewed the insides of your cheeks, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”
Scratching the back of his neck, he turned around to look at you. The upward curl of his lips didn’t meet his eyes. He knelt before you and took your icy hand in the cozy warmth of his. 
His hands were always so, so soft and warm, yet so firm and steady.
Bringing the ring on your finger to his gentle lips he whispered, “I know.”
His incessant phone calls and messages coupled with your unbridled desire to understand the reasoning behind that one decision that steered your life onto a downward slope was why you agreed to see Kyungsoo again.
“Is ‘How have you been?’ still out of bounds or...”
Kyungsoo chose wisely with this quaint little overpriced Italian restaurant. There was no way either of you’d end up creating a scene here.
“It is not and I've been well. You?”, you ask civilly, twirling spaghetti on your fork. 
“I left because - ”, he started.
“Diving right into it, I see.”
Leaning back into his chair, he let out an exasperated sigh, “Would you please?"
“Okay. Go on...explain what good reason you had to turn my world upside down, Kyungsoo.”
“Thank you. Remember my art gallery?”, Kyungsoo asked.
How could you ever forget! It's what your step-mother used to attack with you every chance she got. Wayfaring, college dropout Kyungsoo's mildly successful upscale art gallery in Gangnam.
You nodded curtly in response.
“Dad handled everything...right from the actual sourcing process of art pieces to the finances. Although it was my business, I was simply a curator. You of all people should know how our parents like to meddle.”
“Kyungsoo, what's your point?”
“He apparently used the art pieces to launder money. And before NTS could get a whiff of it we had to go underground - I had to go underground. So he declared business bankruptcy, salvaged whatever little he could after NTS got their fair share of it, obviously and we went off the grid. Only recently we were made aware  that all of our other Companies have been cleared off defaults - Dad pulled some strings to make that happen - but all of this is behind us now.”, Kyungsoo’s eyes enlarged as he chewed on his lower lip anticipating your response.
“Well, you could’ve called.”, you sipped Riesling to steady yourself.
“We could’ve been tracked, love!” 
Feeling yourself disintegrate at the way that term of endearment rolled off his tongue, you pressed a napkin to your lips.
“What is it that you want now, Kyungsoo? I’m married - it’s all over!”, your voice quivered as you tried to reason with him as softly as you could.
“It’s not! It’s not over! Kim Minseok isn’t the man you chose -- this isn’t the life you chose! You didn’t escape my mind once in these last two years, baby...my hands were tied! Please understand, there was nothing I could've done. But I’m here now and I’m not leaving.”
The picture frame in your secret possession remembered Minseok as a portly little lad in a penguin onesie. 
Him in his mother’s arms and you, an infant, in yours. Your mothers had been childhood friends, thick as thieves but the only memory you had of Minseok was this picture frame from the scenic Guri, where you spent the first five years of your life - until your mother passed and your father spiralled into despair. Minseok’s mother took pity and urged her husband to offer your father a position in the Seoul branch of his company. 
The job paid well since Mr. Kim’s company was flourishing. Your father immersed himself into work leaving you with sitters for most part of your childhood. He successfully managed to add a chip-making division to the already thriving semiconductor line making SK Group the largest memory chip-maker in Asia thus elevating him to a Keyperson’s position. In his forties, he found himself a botoxed, gold digging beauty to marry and lived his life forever indebted to Mr. Kim.
So when the conglomerate’s matriarch proposed an alliance between you and Minseok, your father couldn’t refuse.
The alliance came a year after Kyungsoo disappeared.
Doh Kyungsoo. Your first love. The only one who’d stood by you when your own father couldn’t care less. You’d met him in your sophomore year at the University where he studied Archeology and Art History and you, Business Administration.
You had little to no memory of the night Kyungsoo played your knight in shining armour on Baekhyun’s bar hopping 21st birthday. You were drunk out of your wits. And when a sicko tried to take advantage of it, Kyungsoo stepped in. He drove you home, tucked you in bed and even brought you Haejangguk the next morning.
You’d managed to tame the beast according to Baekhyun but the truth was it was Kyungsoo who saved you from your dreary life. He brought out your exuberance and ferocity. 
You ditched the pastels in your wardrobe for radical florals, the straight black hair, now an untamed, red tempest and modest little diamonds in your ears replaced by the dazzle of the glittering galaxy.
Your grades declined meteorically as you painted the town red with him on his Motorrad and come senior year he recklessly dropped out of college. That’s when things started going south for the both of you.
After a failed acting stint, he dabbled aimlessly in Seoul’s art scene. You didn’t greatly approve of his life choices, especially these major shifts which were solely his decision since he hadn’t bothered to consult you once. You, on the other hand, picked up pace academically and after graduation, Mr. Kim’s conglomerate took you under its wing - just as planned.
You tried to be there for Kyungsoo during this "phase" of his which lasted well over two years but he kept pushing you away. Until finally, with the help of his father, he set up his own art gallery in Seoul. It didn’t create a lot of buzz at first but it brought a welcome change within Kyungsoo. He was focused, driven and tried to make the best of the opportunity. 
Both of your careers kept you busy and you slowly began to drift apart. Petty fights and misunderstandings only deepened the cracks in your relationship and Kyungsoo, being a man of few words that he was, didn’t help the situation.
You both did and said things you shouldn’t have and all that should have been said was left unspoken. Often you even decided to part ways but every other night found you in each other’s arms. Come morning, the very same issues would resurface. 
But you both tried. Tried to make it work through the tears and the pain for the thing called love. You’d both been inseparable for four years now and this was nothing but a minor roadblock.
And when things finally started to look up, he left without a goodbye.
Minseok looked nothing like the toddler you’d remembered him to be except for his striking angular eyes. He was lean, suave, well mannered, albeit slightly awkward (you didn’t blame him considering the blind date setting) and definitely deserved a better wife than you. He shyly complimented your neutral beige flare dress and you both shared the rosy bits about your life.
His father had decided against giving him a directorial position on a platter so he’d worked his way up from Assistant Manager, Sales to freshly anointed Head of Strategy and you were working towards a better position in Finance. 
Minseok was, plainly put, nice. Very much unlike the broody, flighty, reckless Kyungsoo you’d known and loved all these years. But Kyungsoo was a distant memory and Minseok looked like someone who was married to his work. 
All things considered, you believed you could make this arrangement - that was your marriage with Minseok - last.
The expansion kept Minseok busier than usual while you were busy plotting away with Kyungsoo - looking for ways to get back with your first love and break the news to Minseok in the gentlest way possible. 
“Ripping the bandaid off is the only way forward”, Kyungsoo suggested, helping you with a generous serving of kimchi stew.
His studio apartment was a stone throw away from your workplace. So you took an extended lunch break to see him in the privacy of his house. You felt a tinge of guilt at the frequency of your rendezvous but you let your heart have it’s way. As much as you hated the predicament his reappearance had put you in, his presence made you feel alive again. You no longer dreaded the morning alarm, the commute to work or even work itself. You had something to look forward to everyday - you had him to look forward to everyday.
“Hello?”, he interrupted your train of thought.
“Hmm?”, you looked up from your bowl.
He chuckled, “Nothing’s changed...” making you eye him questioningly.
“You still space out a lot”, he said, scrunching his nose affectionately.
Guilt weighed heavier.
You smiled, “No, it’s just that - there’s so much at stake Kyungsoo. I don’t think I can just rip off the bandaid.”
“Higher the risk...”, his eyes widened in an attempt to convince you.
“I know...but...he’s a nice guy and --”, you fought back tears.
“Run away with me?”
“I’m sorry”, he muttered.
“Did you find a new place for the art gallery?”
“Mhmm”, he avoided your eyes, “just off Samcheong-ro.”
“Kyungsoo, this is huge! Samcheong-ro is the heart of the art scene!”
He smiled, “And this time around I’m working with people I can trust.”
Putting your hand on his arm, you squeezed it lightly. Nodding you said, “I’m really, really happy for you.”
He sighed, “Listen I’m sorry about earlier...I didn’t intend to rush you, I’ll be patient...I love you.”
You couldn’t say it back.
“Minseok, the Nakamuras accepted our offer”, you started with some happy news.
His feline eyes widened in astonishment and his shoulders went up as he pursed his lips to contain a big smile, “Really?”
You nodded.
“This means a hell lot of more work for you”, he chuckled, “but it’s a huge reason to celebrate! Let me take you out to dinner tomorrow?”
In your one year of marriage, Minseok had made this offer only a handful of times.
“Sure”, you smiled, “I was thinking of a weekend trip to Jeju. You know, clear my head?”
“Ah! Of course, anything you need. Will you be travelling alone?”
“Yeah”, you lied through your teeth.
Looking mildly dejected, he forced a grin, “You deserve the break.”
You woke up well before the break of dawn, not nearly as enthusiastic about the seaside getaway as you’d been when you’d planned it with Kyungsoo. Nevertheless, you went on to physically and mentally ready yourself for your flight at noon.
Minseok, an early riser by habit, was still in bed at half past eight.
You leaned over his asleep form but nothing. So you put an arm on his shoulder and tried to lightly shake him awake only to receive a muffled groan in response. A hand on his sweaty forehead confirmed your suspicions.
Without giving it a second thought, you texted Kyungsoo, called off the trip and to avoid the inconvenient onslaught of questions, turned your phone off. Feeling an overwhelming sense of concern, laced with guilt and anxiety, you shook Minseok awake.
“You’re burning up!”, panic struck, you nearly yelled at your groggy husband.
“I don’t feel so well… Please call Soo-ah, she’ll take care of me. What’s the time? Have you called yourself a cab?”, Minseok spoke in laborious gasps.
“There’s no need to call Soo-ah”, you said, straightening the duvet, “I’m not going anywhere.”
To your utter surprise, Minseok did not, in any way, nudge you to carry on with your plans. Instead, he thanked you with a slight nod and a small smile. His gentle, cherubic smile made your heart skip a beat, it cooped you up in an inexplicable warmth.
To you, an uwell Minseok was uncharted territory and during the course of the day you realised he wasn't very different from a tantrum throwing infant. 
You started your day with committed the cardinal sin of denying him his morning cup of coffee.
“I’ll drink twice as much water to rehydrate!” He whined.
“Ugh! Don’t make this harder than it already is! I'm grasping at straws here!" You shouted from the kitchen while whipping up rice porridge for breakfast.
His protests against the mushy bowl for his first meal were comparatively milder, which was a welcome relief but your caffeine deprived husband sporadically kept shooting you snarky sideway glances. All hell broke loose when you had to nearly shove the acetaminophen pill in his mouth.
“Yah! Are you trying to kill me? This is fatal!”, he’d started talking in pouts now.
“Yah! Kim Minseok!”, annoyed, you glared at him.
A round-eyed Minseok stared at you in disbelief before quietly dry swallowing the pill.
The medicine was quick to act, stabilizing his temperature. So you asked your stickler for cleanliness husband to go take a quick shower but the man wouldn’t budge. 
“I want to stay in bed all day”, he smiled adorably.
“You’re not exactly smelling like fresh lilies right now, Minseok. Who’s to take care of you if I faint?”, you teased.
His face flushed as he begrudgingly stepped out of the comfort of his duvet. Grinning with glee, you proceeded to cook him chicken soup for lunch.
Lunch was awfully quiet.
“Did you not like the soup?”, you asked in mock concern. You were sure your comment from earlier was the reason for his mopey face since the fragrance of his cologne overpowered the aroma of your chicken soup.
“No, the soup’s just fine”, he deadpanned, making you chortle.
“You should fall ill more often, this is fun!”, you giggled.
A pink blush rose to his cheeks as he swirled the spoon in his bowl, “I agree.”
While Minseok napped, you prepped for dinner. The www suggested a light bean sprouts soup with a side of rice and kimchi.
“Shall we eat in front of the TV today?”, you asked Minseok.
“Sure! Anything you wanna watch?”, slumping into the sofa, he flipped over to the primetime news. 
You groaned.
“What? You love this anchor!”
“And how do you know that?”, you asked, slurping your soup.
“I follow you on Twitter, remember?”
“Hmm but I lack the cerebral capacity for this tonight”, you snatched the remote out of his hand and played The Running Man instead.
Yoo Jae-suk and Lee Kwang Soo’s antics left you in splits. Dinner ended with you sniffing water up your nose and an alarmed Minseok furiously thumping your back as you continued to giggle foolishly.
“I don’t remember the last time I laughed this hard”, you cried.
Minseok smiled awkwardly taking in your behaviour he wasn’t accustomed to, “Let me help you clean up...then I should probably head to bed.”
“Wait”, you floundered out of the couch, “just one more thing!”
“I swear I took the last dose when you weren’t looking!”
“I know that because I was looking!”, your voice carried from the kitchen.
“Here…. I’ve been too harsh with you today”, you offered him a slab of tiramisu making him almost jump out of his seat in delight.
“What’s this?”
“Your question is low-key offensive, Minseok!”
“No, I know, I mean...thank you. For everything.”, his lips curled in a sincere smile making your heart flutter.
For someone who holds his liquor well, flu medication made Minseok really drowsy, real quick. 
As you tucked him in bed, you switched your phone on with your numb fingers. It beeped furiously with a flurry of angry messages from Kyungsoo, making Minseok stir in his sleep.
“I’m sorry”, you whispered.
“I love you”, he mumbled in his sleep-befuddled state.
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ANGST KAZUMAJI ANON AND WOOF. FUCK. GOTTA LISTEN TO THOSE SONGS AFTER WORK. EXCITED. Your idea though OW. I haven't seen Y6 yet (I watch playthroughs don't have the console and my computer laughs at me trying to run the games) the streamer thats playing it finally got to Y6 and I am Refusing To Watch It. My heart can't take even starting the VOD.
You’re welcome for the music cc: 
A LOT of people haven’t seen 6 yet, so I did my best to get through that without spoilers ^^; Hope I haven’t ruined anything for you. And I feel that, my laptop and I have constant arguments and I’m not a good gamer anyway ^^; I should try Kiwami 1 someday though... I have it, I'm just Nervous about Being Bad ^^; 
Nice, following one streamer, well done c: I just hopped around to different playthroughs on youtube ^^; My wife and I binged all 7 games in I think 2 months, max. ^^; She crazy tho and a bad influence on me xp She likes to just sit and binge things and I am, understandably, weak for my wife <3 
6 isn’t so bad, I promise. You can do it c: It’s very pretty, you get to stare at Kiryu’s juicy ass the entire game, there’s lots of cute minigames of Kiryu with a baby, uh... *running out of nice things to say about 6* ...did I mention it’s very pretty? Fuck... Listen, I have... Feelings about game 6, but I don’t want to ruin it for anyone ^^; Everyone’s allowed to experience things in their own time and form their own opinions and I don’t want to deprive anyone of that. Please watch it and when you see it, feel free to come tell me about it c: 
And as a reward for all that, another angsty idea: 
The Nishikiyama Opera! 
So I composed the entire thing on a car ride with my wife last week and it’s WILD. Y’all ever see opera? If you’ve never seen an opera you SHOULD, they’re fucking Great. Operas are all about being The Most, comedy or tragedy, they’re all horny as shit and everyone is extra as fuck. If you living for the drama, you HAVE to get your ass to an opera. I’m lucky enough to live somewhere with a relatively robust opera community. And anyway, my point is, The Nishikiyama story? RIPE for an opera adaptation! 
First, you gotta know some of the opera tropes. There are two categories of opera, comedies which are kinda rare and tragedies which is... constantly. And operas are pretty good at telling you almost immediately which one they will be. There’s also a lot of meta about the voice parts themselves: 
Soprano - heroine, ingenue, beautiful. Will win if this is a comedy, will die if this is a tragedy. 
Alto - mothers & witches. Not the heroine. Will probably die regardless of comedy or tragedy. Unless she’s the villain, then she lives in a tragedy. 
Tenor - hero. Given the sexiest parts to sing. Sometimes unbearable. Everything is about Him. 
Baritone/Bass - fathers & villains. Gorgeous voice, never utilized properly. 
Knowing the vocal parts and what they classically represent is key to knowing who will win and who will die in the opera. For example, in Carmen, Carmen is actually an alto, not a soprano, and Don Jose is a tenor. This immediately tells you that shit’s fucked. Tenors are supposed to fall in love with sopranos, never altos. So this story can only end in tragedy because he’s interested in the wrong kind of voice part. There’s even a counterpoint of a soprano who is madly in love with him, and the baritone toreador for Carmen. They’re given their proper voice partners, but Don Jose still pursues Carmen which is a ginormous mistake by operatic tropes. 
So, opera education over, picture this: 
ACT I  Kiryu (soprano) is the loveliest yakuza in all the land! He’s just delightful. The Chorus sings his praises and he demonstrates his impeccable fighting ability. (Forgot to mention, any opera worth its salt has a Chorus and I will die on this hill.) The Audience is assured of his might and grace. 
Kiryu, obviously, does not want for admirers, but has not chosen to court anyone formally. 
Here enters Kiryu’s brother, Nishiki (bass). The Chorus explains that Nishiki is second to his brother in strength, but is formidable in his own right. Nishiki explains to the audience how he longs for Kiryu, how he covets him, his strength, his beauty. How after a lifetime together, affection has turned to love. Nishiki must have him. 
Kiryu hears none of this. Nishiki approaches to make his case when Majima (tenor) sweeps onto the scene. Majima is brazen and glib. The Chorus tells us to beware his charming smile, he is as dangerous as he is flirtatious. Majima has heard of Kiryu’s reputation and calls him into the street to defend his title. Kiryu responds and they do battle. 
In the midst of the battle, Majima finds himself won over by Kiryu’s skill and grace, his kindness and strength. Majima is bursting with love and there and then makes a proposal to Kiryu, offering his whole heart. 
Kiryu is stunned. Majima is not a weak fighter, he is not a braggadocio, despite appearances. He was a real challenge and Kiryu was not expecting the fight to take this turn. He is so surprised he cannot make an answer and politely, but quickly, leaves. 
Nishiki has been watching the entire time and finds his heart gripped by jealousy. He plots to claim Kiryu for himself and hates Majima bitterly, despite the fact that Kiryu has given no answer. Nishiki believes he knows his brother too well not to know that Kiryu returns his affections even if he won’t say. Nishiki leaves, concocting a plan. 
We find Kiryu at his balcony, lamenting his situation. Majima may have been exciting, but Kiryu’s no fool. He has no proof that Majima’s feelings will not waver in time. Majima steals into the garden beneath Kiryu’s balcony and professes his love once more. 
Kiryu is startled and makes to flee, but Majima sings so sweetly, entreats so gently, that Kiryu is compelled to stay. Majima doesn’t even ask again, just sings of his feelings. Kiryu, in his heart, is wooed by this. He may have been ready to answer when Nishiki interrupts. Majima quickly hides in the foliage. 
Nishiki counters with his own confession, his own proposal. Kiryu is shocked and saddened. He begins to sadly tell his brother that he cannot accept. Nishiki flies into a rage, demanding if there is someone else, someone else Kiryu prefers. Kiryu hesitates, but answers honestly that he has always seen Nishiki as a brother, regardless of any other feelings. He cannot accept Nishiki on the grounds of their previous relationship. 
Nishiki was expecting this. He reveals a vial of poison and threatens to drink it unless Kiryu will marry him. Majima gasps. Kiryu pleads with Nishiki not to be rash, but Nishiki only demands his answer, the vial nearly at his lips. 
Kiryu swallows back tears and collapses to his knees. Sorrowfully, he agrees, unable to bear the responsibility of his brother’s death, and the act finishes to the sound of clamoring wedding bells. 
ACT II The lights come up on Kiryu and Nishiki in their home. Nishiki is pacing the floor and making increasingly outlandish suggestions for things to do. Kiryu says yes to all of them, gently and politely. Nishiki’s frustration and annoyance increases with every yes. Eventually he snaps at Kiryu, demanding why he won’t fight him, demanding why he will give no more reaction than a placid yes. Kiryu shrugs helplessly and tries to soothe his brother, but Nishiki won’t be soothed. 
They have been married less than a year and it has been like this the entire time, getting worse by the day. Nishiki can see the pain he’s causing his brother, but can’t stop himself. He loves him too greedily to stop. He departs, hoping to take his mind off things. 
Kiryu is left alone in the house and sings a longer, sadder version of his lament from the balcony. Distantly, we hear strains of Majima’s love song, now broken and echoing. 
The scene changes and we see Kiryu sat down in a busy cafe. At first we assume he’s alone, but people move and we can see he is sitting across from Majima. They do not touch. Their careful, polite space around each other is conspicuous. 
Kiryu is tired, he looks wan, almost sick. Majima sings heartbrokenly, telling Kiryu he needs to take care of himself. He is desperate to take Kiryu away from all this, and asks several times, but Kiryu always sighs and shakes his head no. Majima knows Kiryu will not break his word once given, he is too good and honorable for that. But he cannot help singing for him all the same. He cannot touch, he will not permit himself to touch, but he can sing. 
Kiryu eventually cannot take the heartache anymore and departs sorrowfully. Majima looks after him, just as sad. Nishiki is revealed to have been spying on them the entire time. He confronts Majima, furious and accusatory. He insists that he and Kiryu have been having an affair. Majima simply looks at him and shrugs. Nishiki screams for Majima to admit it, to admit that Kiryu loves him, has always loved him, this whole time. Majima only says that Nishiki knows Kiryu best. He will not confirm or deny anything Nishiki says. Shaken and stymied, Nishiki flees. 
We return to Kiryu’s balcony, where he sits, silent and pale. Nishiki storms in and begins to berate Kiryu with his accusations. He is half-mad now, not seeming to hear Kiryu’s denials. Kiryu professes over and over that only Nishiki is his husband, that he loves only Nishiki. Nishiki cannot accept this as true. Nishiki screams that Kiryu ought to ask him for a divorce. Kiryu cannot claim to want a divorce. He gave his word. Nishiki reveals that he had been watching them in the cafe, that he knows all, the secret contents of Kiryu’s heart. Kiryu manages some resistance at last and asks Nishiki for proof. What proof of his indiscretions? What proof of adultery? What has Kiryu done that has angered his husband-brother so? 
Nishiki has none. Kiryu has not done anything wrong, not in word, not in act. Whatever thoughts he might accuse Kiryu of having are ephemeral and will never be real. Still... Nishiki saw how they looked together and his heart was sore. He knows he has stolen Kiryu from what was rightfully his. Moved to regret, Nishiki withdraws the vial of poison again. 
Kiryu gasps and tries to prevent his brother. 
Nishiki swallows the poison quickly, insisting this will set things right, this will free his brother. He says he did it for love. He falls. 
Kiryu collapses next to him, sobbing. 
The final scene is Nishiki’s funeral. Kiryu kneels next to his brother’s grave, all in black. He sings of his regrets, of his sorrow. Majima stands close by, but still not touching. He does not look at the grave, only at Kiryu. His broken love song is the last thing we hear. 
The End. 
...this opera was a tragedy ^^; 
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
Working For Love: A TerrorMoo Story 10/17
Er.... I mean, enjoy this drabble?
Previous Part
Start from the beginning
Brian wasn’t a fan of surprises. 
He liked to be a part of them when the focus was others, but he never enjoyed when the attention was placed on him. Evan always claimed it was a control thing, and that it lead to Brian always taking initiative with his potential partners. He didn’t want to be thrown off his game, whether it was in his professional or romantic life. Brian picked the same times to run classes, looked at his lists a half hour before they were due to start, and never strayed from his guided plans once the class started. It was not only safer for his participants, but it kept the area calm and left Brian little to no chances of being left unsure of what to do next.
Unfortunately, nothing would have prepared him for how he’d felt when seeing Brock cry in the locker room the week before. Tears had looked so out of place filling the brown eyes when he’d stared at Brian, as if hoping Brian could fix all the broken parts inside him. Brian didn’t know what had cut Brock so deep, what had made him tremble under soft touches and feel unworthy of compassion. But it’d been an unpleasant weight in Brian’s chest that had lingered for days after. Brock had to take two days off from the gym because of his foot, but even when he’d come back, a somber aura had settled around his shoulders like a cloak. Brian did he best to cheer him up, and at times he’d catch the glimmer of his normal smile. But Brock still wasn’t fully happy, and it left a bitter taste in Brian’s mouth. 
And then, because the universe felt like he needed another swerve, Craig showed up to his morning yoga class.
“Hey, don’t blame me,” Mini had said when Brian had tossed a glare his way. “Ingrid seduced me with blueberry vodka smoothies; how could I say no?”
“Why do you still hang out with them?” Brian asked, Craig pressing his hand to his chest with a dramatic sigh.
“These are my people, Brian. They resonate with my old soul.”
“How are you friends with Brock?”
“You worried your lover boy’s gonna realize our love potential and let me whisk him away?” Craig raised his voice enough to catch some of the ladies' attention in the class, and Brian had to bite back a swear at their curious gazes. He loved his yoga classes, and he didn’t mind being friendly with the vocal older women. But there were times when their forwardness tended to be overwhelming, such as their desire to find him a wife. 
“Ladies, please start your first position. And you-” He pressed his finger into Craig’s chest, pushing him toward the corner of the room. “Don’t start shit.”
“I would never.” Innocence looked wrong on Mini, and the faux blinks of naivety he sent to Brian made his spine tingle in discomfort. His shoulders didn’t relax until Mini plopped himself down onto his mat, sending Wanda a shit-eating grin while sliding into the first pose. 
The class, for the most part, followed the normal routine. It left Brian with the calmness that he attributed to yoga, and his mind drifted back to Brock when moving into his seated position. His eyes stared down at his ankle in silence, remembering how warm Brock’s skin had been under his touch. But the memory, which should have been embarrassing or pleasant, was tinged with sadness at the thought of Brock’s trembles. Brock said he wasn’t okay, but what had made him feel like that? Despite getting to know Brock better with each month that passed, there were still parts of him that were a mystery. He rarely dabbled in the romantic side of Brock’s past, only knowing he was interested in men from mention of ex-boyfriends. Names and time frames were never introduced into the conversations, though Brian hadn’t brought up his own either. Still, to think that Brock had looked so broken because Brian had simply allowed him to be broken-
It made his nails dig into his calves, and he switched the position to keep from punching the mat in frustration. It took time to lower his anger, but he’d captured it back into his chest when finishing the final stretch of the routine. 
“And remember that when you do these moves at home, to have a flat surface to place your mat on. Otherwise, you’re at risk of hurting yourself.” The smile he pushed forward felt more real than it had any right to at the moment. “Any questions before we wrap up?”
“When are you going to ask that young man out?” Velma asked, blue tinged hair a curled mess above hawk-like eyes. Brian caught his jaw before it could fall open, any sense of fatigue from the week vanishing from his sudden spike of adrenaline. One glance around the room proved that Velma wasn’t the only interested participant in the conversation, none of the woman moving from their mats while staring him down. It didn’t take much to realize that the question hadn’t been sporadic, but pre-planned by the group to catch him off guard. 
God, Brian hated surprises. 
“I meant about the poses-” Brian tried to start, but Mini looked far too pleased when he cut in.
“Yeah, Brian, when you gonna make an honest man out of my best friend?” Brian’s eye twitched at the feline grin that tickled the edges of Mini’s lips, bright blue eyes glancing at the attentive women while he counted on his fingers. “They’ve been flirting for months, Brock’s been single well past the allowed time after a terrible break-up, and I think we’ve all discussed enough at our Saturday Smoothie Brunch how their chemistry is simply adorable. The problem is that we all know Brock’s far too shy to ask out Brian, so he’s gotta be the one to put on his big boy pants and do the work.” 
“What a sweet boy, that Brock is.” Ingrid sighed like she wanted to be in her twenties again simply to have a chance at Brock, and Brian wasn’t sure if he wanted to laugh to smack his head into the wall. 
“And just a perfect match for our Brian,” Velma added, sending another pointed look toward Brian. 
“Why is this even a topic?” Brian blurted out, wondering when it was that Craig had hi-jacked his yoga class. He really needed to get Tyler to fuck Mini just to keep him out of his hair. The women hadn’t been this riled up since Brian had forgotten to wear boxers when running on the treadmill. 
“Well, isn’t that obvious?” Mini pulled his knees up in front of him to rest his chin on them, rolling his eyes to show how unimpressed he was with Brian’s arched eyebrow. “We want Brock to be happy again. You’re not the only one who cares around him.” 
“What?” Brian blinked, genuinely stunned at the collective nods that the women shared at the answer.
“He’s been so sad lately,” Wanda continued, the hot pink lipstick emphasizing her frown. “Normally, when I see him in the gym, he gives the warmest smile. It reminds me of how my Howie used to look when we were high school sweethearts, so bright and endearing. But this past week, that shine just...hasn’t been there. And we can see how that affects your, which means that both of our favorite boys are sad.” 
“The only time we get Brock to really smile is when you’re in his orbit. Even when I’m showering him with love at the apartment, it just doesn’t get the same reaction that you do.” For the first time since meeting Craig, his voice was lacking the confident bounce that was a staple of his character. The point he was trying to make was serious, and grabbed Brian’s attention. “Brock’s working through some stuff, and I’m going to respect him by not spilling it. But that doesn’t mean he has to be alone while he’s healing. If there was someone who helped the pain, someone who maybe would treat him right, then I’ll do whatever it takes to get that guy off his ass and make a move.” 
“The double dates between you and Tyler would be so cute with Brock and Brian.” Ingrid pinched Craig’s face affectionately, and he laughed through his pinkened cheeks. Brian, dumbfounded at how much energy the group had put into Brock’s happiness, made him sit back on his mat, hands falling limp in his lap. 
“You guys really think Brock would give us a shot?” 
“Honey, that man looks ready to marry you.” Wanda’s eyes held a haze of romance, and Brian felt his smile grow at her confidence in Brock’s feelings for him.
“And that’s before he knows what you’re like between the sheets,” Mini tossed out, snickering when Brian scoffed. 
“Then again, he was there during the treadmill incident; he’s got a very good idea what you’re working with. We all do.” Never too shy to say her peace, Velma gave a pointed glance to Brian’s crotch, the rest of the woman erupting into giggles and whistles. Brian’s shock was loud for a moment, but it fell to the side when he laughed, head shaking at the absurdity of his life. But one thing was sure; they were all right. Brian didn’t need to wait for Brock to be 100% to pursue him. Brock was great now. And if he never got better, Brian would still want him for as long as he could keep him. It was strange to feel so comfortable with his decision that had seemed so impossible an hour ago. 
But life was full of surprises, and not all of them were bad.
Hee hee Mini hanging out with dirty old women is just too funny not to put it. Okay, so! I actually had a ton of fun writing this one, and this little mini story is one of my favs so far. So like, reblog, and let me know what you think! <3
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hilarieburtonmorgan · 3 years
Hilarie Burton Morgan On Home Beyond Hollywood And Working Beside Her Husband On ‘The Walking Dead’
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From her standout performances on beloved television series to a recent bestselling memoir, Hilarie Burton Morgan continues to take us along on her journey called life. Beginning her career as a MTV VJ in 2000 to regularly lighting up the small screen ever since, the 38-year-old actress and author wears multiple hats these days, with an even more important title of mother & wife leading her charge. Now with several exciting projects on the horizon, including her long-anticipated introduction into the expanding world of The Walking Dead beside her husband Jeffrey Dean Morgan , Hilarie is no doubt maintaining a lasting impression.
To truly appreciate her on-screen chemistry with Jeffrey, it would be helpful to know how they first connected off-screen. “I knew right away,” Hilarie tells Forbes about how soon she knew Jeffrey was the person for her, while sharing the story of how they met. “My very dear friend Danneel Ackles is married to Jensen Ackles and I would stay at their house every time I would go out to LA. When I was 26, I went to stay at their house and I think they got sick of me dating drifters. So Jensen was like ‘I’m going to introduce you to someone that I want to hang out with’ and he introduced me to Jeffrey, who had played his dad on Supernatural . It was pretty from the jump. He started sending me packages right away of books and love letters and he laid it on nice and thick and it worked! Here we are 12 years later.”
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AFP via Getty Images
Easter Sunday on AMC, The Walking Dead will reveal to viewers the backstory of Jeffrey’s character Negan and his ailing wife Lucille, played by Hilarie. Even though this important “Here’s Negan” season finale episode will be the first time you will actually see Lucille in action, Hilarie points out that her character has played an integral part on the hit series for some time now. “The mythology of Lucille has been around as long as Negan has been around,” Hilarie explains. “When it was introduced that he had a baseball bat that he used to kill people named Lucille, obviously there were questions surrounding who that was named after and he has been pretty forthcoming throughout the series that his dead wife was the inspiration for the name and he has talked a number of times about her cancer diagnosis, about her death, about what that loss meant to him. While Negan and my husband have been vilified over the last five or so years, to me what Lucille is, is a real glimpse into who Negan was pre-apocalypse and the man that she wanted him to be.”
Hilarie says being a real-life married couple portraying a married couple on television was an experience they really enjoyed together. “It was really wonderful. We have a really similar energy on-set. Neither one of us takes ourselves very seriously. We like joking around.” Hilarie also hopes that fans will better understand the violent ways of Negan after they get to see the love and heartbreak that he came from. “If there was ever a time for people to understand Negan’s aggression or his way of doing things, I feel like the entire world has been prepped for that over the last year. So Lucille comes in as the person who loves him the most and loves him even with his flaws. Perhaps the audience if they don’t already love him, which they should, perhaps they can follow Lucille’s example and love him through the tough stuff.”
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Josh Stringer/AMC
In reality, Hilarie’s life with Jeffrey and their two kids is far less dramatic. When their son was in preschool, the couple decided to set roots as a growing family in Upstate New York and ultimately build their home on a farm. “We rescue animals and we got tons of chickens and ducks and cows and llamas and an emu and a donkey that are in love. We have got a really large vegetable garden that we definitely expanded on during quarantine and our son just turned eleven and our daughter is three and they are fully onboard with getting involved in there.”
Following the unexpected death of their local family friend Ira Gutner, Hilarie and Jeffrey decided to become co-owners of Samuel’s Sweet Shop to keep Ira’s storefront from closing, with the help of a handful of nearby friends, including another familiar face, actor Paul Rudd. “It has been such a wonderful experience for our kids because they all know what their first job is going to be,” Hilarie adds. “It has been fun for our community because we have been able to use it as the trophy case for all our food artists in town. During quarantine, when you can’t celebrate with the people you love, we hired all new people and created a new space to do gift baskets. It was so wonderful that our community and people from all over the country were supporting a small business, because we know what lockdown did to those this year.”
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Last May, in the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, Hilarie published her memoir The Rural Diaries: Love, Livestock and Big Life Lessons Down on Mischief Farm . In the book, which she says is meant to be a love letter to her husband, her community and her children, Hilarie very openly discusses the miscarriages she endured and says she did not expect so many people to connect with her story over the past year. “This has been a book that people have gifted their friends or their loved ones during a really difficult time. For me, the responsibility of being a voice for people who have felt like they needed to keep miscarriages or infertility a secret, I’m very serious about it. I never want to cheapen that for anyone because I know how terrible it is to fall asleep at night devastated.” Hilarie is currently writing a second book, which she hopes to have done by next year.
Even as new projects continue to pop up for Hilarie, her nostalgic fan-favorite projects from yesteryear also seem to have the possibility of returning in some capacity. When discussing her role as Sara Ellis on the stylish con artist series White Collar and her commitment to finding a way to work with that cast family again through a revival series or simply together on a new project, Hilarie says, “We’re going to get the band back together, hell or high water. We love each other.”
Hilarie’s six seasons starring as Peyton Sawyer on the hit drama series One Tree Hill has led to her having a substantially large and vocal fanbase for nearly two decades now . “Peyton was the Negan of One Tree Hill because there are people who really hated her and then there were people who really loved how messy she was. Those are the characters that I have always been drawn to, which is probably why I am so defensive of my husband’s character. I love Peyton Sawyer. I put so much of my real self into that character and really fought for her a lot behind the scenes.” When reflecting on the longevity of this series that ran from 2003-2012, Hilarie has noticed the loyal One Tree Hill fan community growing larger and larger as time goes on, as younger generations are now experiencing the series for the very first time through the in-demand world of video streaming. “It’s going to be weird when my son or my daughter comes of age and has to reckon with all the dumb stuff their mother did in her early twenties because it’s there forever,” Hilarie jokes.
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When referencing her One Tree Hill co-stars, which include Sophia Bush, Bethany Joy Lenz, James Lafferty and Chad Michael Murray, Hilarie says, “Those are going to be the people that I’m close with forever. Those are the people who were with me when I was most unsure about myself and we’ve all seen each other fall in love and break up and been through it. All of those life experiences matter, now that we are almost twenty years later and we’ll love each other forever. We’re always scheming on how to continue to work together.” When hoping Hilarie will elaborate further with any hints for fans, she responds, “I will say that the girls in particular are very, very close. We went through a lot together on that show and we evolved together on that show and so we may have some things in the works that we will be excited to promote later this summer.”
As Hilarie strives to make time for her new and revisited projects, she is consistently striving to make her family’s schedules work as one. “We definitely take turns. Jeffrey’s Walking Dead schedule is obviously the thing that takes precedent. So if I can maintain my side hustles around that (laughs) . The kids’ school year is a big deal for us and what has been really lovely is that in the time we have lived in the Hudson Valley, the film community there has really blossomed. Everything is about making it work for the family and I think once you have that as your center point, it makes every other decision that rolls around it very easy.”
Hilarie wrapped up our conversation thinking about other women in the world right now that have to juggle many responsibilities at once during this life-altering era of the pandemic. “For me, the struggle is always between being a good mom and working and quarantine pulled so many women out of the workforce. When I see those numbers of the amount of women that had to leave work to be able to take care of their children because schools were closed and because we didn’t know what this virus was going to do, that’s heartbreaking. Being able to be a working mother from home and take my kids to school and take them to dance class and write my book and produce movies is something I don’t take for granted at all. I want a shine a light on all the women who are doing it. Homeschool and working and cooking dinner and cleaning the house and just all of it. You’re never good enough. So for the women who out there trying their absolute best, I just want you to know you’re good enough and you’ve kicked ass and your kids are going to be great and they saw how much you cared and how hard you worked and that’s important.”
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hpdabbles · 5 years
Kindness and Remorse Part 2
The thing about being a toddler again is that Dudley finds it all rather embarrassing. He can’t walk correctly, his vocal cords are the bane of his existence, don’t get him started on the nappy changes and maybe worst of all, he had limited ability on his surroundings.
His parents, who he can’t help but resent, try their best to smother him in love and toys. He has to fight to keep Harry within arms reach, throwing the strongest tantrums his little body can produce the moment they so much as try to separate them. 
Dudley knows his mother is hurt by the way he squirms out of her hugs or the lack of smiles his father receives when the man makes funny faces at him. It feels like a cheap attempt to re-buy his love and he knows, on some level, that to these two people it’s not a son well into his mid-thirties their hatred and intolerance have pushed away but a toddler that doesn’t like mommy or daddy holding him.
But oh, do they try. They love him to bits even when he’s being difficult and always speak to him with such adoration it would be heartwarming had he really been a baby. 
There are times where he almost allows himself to start to forgive them but then Vernon sneers at Harry causing the poor little boy to start sobbing and Dudley remembers why he cut them out of his life.
It’s not easy, those first few weeks. Despite how hard he tries, and how many temper tantrums he throws some things he can’t stop. He managed to let allow Harry to sleep with him but it’s not every night and they are always quick to baby talk him into understanding the freak can’t be allowed in the good beds. 
He can’t stop the hissed words, the quick slaps and sneers they aim at Harry. He can’t make Vernon or Petunia return the toys they rip out of the little one’s hands. He can’t stop them from locking the boy, while he stands behind a playpen frustrated he can’t get the stupid thing open so he can let his cousin out of the cupboard. 
Even getting food or clothing is hard. Try all he might, stumbling around on his pudgy baby legs isn’t enough to reach the clothes or the food cabins. The moment the Dursley couple realizes what he attempts to do- “Oh my little angel is just too curious. No, no, no Diddy, you can’t go in there”- they start to buy those annoying baby gates and installing them at all major doorways. 
Nothing is more frustrating than being a mentally thirty-six-year-old man and losing to baby proofing of all things. 
Still, there are some small victories here and there. He shares the toys which bring him no joy with Harry, and the baby’s green eyes light each time. He always finds some excuse to hug his cousin or hold his hand. The temper tantrums do sometimes allow Harry to spend the night in his crib, safely tucked away in his arms.
Wherever Harry goes Dudley follows even if his parents are a physical barrier, he just makes himself so fussy they crumble after three or more hours of screaming which means Harry doesn’t spend too much time with them. 
Harry smiles at him too. Which makes all of this somehow worth it, if only so the baby has something to smile at.  
Weeks turn to months.
 Dudley does his best to make sure his parents understand that Harry is his favorite playmate, and there are times where they try to rip that away but he makes life very difficult for them each time. It’s not long that he starts to babble in broken sentences, and he stumbles a lot less when his legs start to get more strength. 
His speech is coming along better, by the time he’s two and three months old he’s able to make simple sentences. He tries to avoid bigger words because while he hates being talked down to, standing out for being gifted could mean he be place in higher schooling. 
Which means he won’t be able to help Harry. So he sucks it up and watches what he says, making sure to keep an eye on the telly for baby channels and repeat baby books his mother reads to him. 
He’s doted on by all of his parent's friends, who all coo and congratulate Petunia for such a smart and well behaved little boy. He guesses they like the fact he doesn’t grab everything in sight and actually stays where they tell him to. Heaven knows that when Daisy and Josh were tots it was like herding cats and there were nights where he passes out exhausted after trying to keep them from running around. 
All in all, he’ can say he’s nicely balanced. Some days he’s an angel and others he’s a screaming banshee. No one really bats an eye at it, thinking his good behavior out weights his bad. 
Dudley makes a face each time his mother starts spreading her lies about Uncle James and Auntie Lily, however, and sneers when the people of Privet Drive eat it up. It makes him sick to think their name is being dragged through the mud when they were murdered protecting their little boy.
“Oh, how dreadful. Drunkards dying in a car crash and then leaving you their problem? You must be so strong” says one lady. Dudley can’t remember her name but he’s fairly sure she lives at Eight Privet Drive.
Petunia preens just as Dudley stubbornly says  “Harry not problem”
Miss. Eight looks down at him with surprise on her face. “What was that darling?”
“Harry not problem.” He repeats daring her to say otherwise. Petunia hastily moves the conversation along with a quick  “Kids say the darnedest things don’t they?” even as his mother shoots him a long look. Dudley barely reframes form curling his lip back at her.
He looks around the little party that his parents have thrown for the neighborhood. They claim it’s to be friendly but Dudley knows that it’s his father's attempt to make good connections and to flaunt Harry’s money. Recently they bought a new state of the art grill which was wowing the group men surrounding the laughing Vernon.
The adults are scattered through the yard, some teenagers are giggling hunched over a table on the far right and much younger children who appear around Dudley’s physical age have all piled around the sandbox. There are four of them, and it takes him much longer to realize he knows two. It’s Piers and Dennis. 
He’s always known they were friends since young but had he really known them this long? The last time he spoke to Piers was when the man got married and moved away to Wales with his wife. Dennis was said to be released from jail in five more years with good behavior.
Seeing them now, felt odd. 
Staring at them he didn’t notice Petunia give Miss Eight a knowing smile before she gave him a gentle push.  “Why don’t you go over and play with them Popkins. No need to be shy.”
“Okay, mommy.”  He was halfway across the yard leaving the two cooing women behind when he realized something terrible. Where in the world was Harry? Stopping in the middle of the party, Dudley twist all around filling with distress at the lack of wild dark hair and green eyes, grabbing the attention of one of his father’s co-workers.  “What’s wrong, little fellow?”
“I no find Harry.”
“Is Harry one of your toys?”
“He’s cousin.” Dudley looks up at the man, his eyes tearing up without him meaning too. Curse his emotional body. “I no find him.”
“He’s inside, probably up to no good. He doesn’t behave well in crowds you see.” Vernon cuts in, smile tight against his co-worker's rapidly growing concern. His father's face pulls slightly and he adds on as if though it’s a great misfortune. “He’s mixed you know. His father was a gypsy.” 
Dudley faces clouds over in rage at the implication his father is attempting to make and he quickly gets very angry at the way the other man’s face twists with distaste. First of all, that’s not even correct. Uncle James was Indian, and gypsy is a fucking slur which is supposed to be about Romanian people.
Romania isn’t even on the same continent as India! 
Kicking both men in the shins as hard as his little body could, out of childish spite, Dudley bolts before he starts sneering at them for their close-minded awfulness. He hears his father apologize profoundly and it’s worth the stinging pain in his toes.  How could he forget how racist his father was? How racist all of this Drive were? 
He rushes inside, through the back door mumbling angerly under his breath. He needs to find Harry, the boy is only two now and he could get hurt if no one was watching him. 
Dudley finds him sitting in front of the washing machine in the kitchen. Harry is playing with some broken tin soldiers that his father had given him from Vernon’s old things. Pursing his lips, he tries to calm his rage as Harry happily babbles away to the little figures. 
Their tiny things, and if he were to swallow them, Harry could chock. Making up his mind he wanders over which caused Harry to see him for the first time. The toddler's face lights up, as he waves his tiny hands happily at him.
“Dudley, come play?” Harry asks offering the half-melted blue lieutenant to him with a cheerful smile. Dudley’s heart melts just a little and he pushes away his anger to sit down. He takes the toy in his hand before giving his cousin a stern look. 
“Play. No, eat.” He demonstrates the no putting this into your mouth by shaking his head when he makes the blue lieutenant tap against his lips. Harry repeats his head motion with a quick “No eat.”
Satisfied, that he understood, Dudley joins in on the game which turns out to be making the little soldiers jump up and down every so often. Harry is content with smacking his hands against them and making noises that could be considered sound effects. 
As they are playing, Dudley gets bored rather quickly and lets his mind wander. He hopes he can convince the boy to go draw with him instead since this toy waving is getting rather old, even if Harry waving the toys around rapidly is downright adorable.
Harry is in some of his old clothes but they don’t quite hang off his body as before. While before Harry used to drown in fabric, the clothing is now just simply lose in certain areas. Dudley is also happy to note that while he may have lost a few pounds, Harry is a little more filled out then he was the when he was a baby last go about. This time around Dudley isn’t nearly as chunky, mostly due to not demanding sweets from his parents as much. He’s thinner but he still has more meat on his bones then Harry or the other kids.  
Once upon a time, he would think about how disgusting his body was and how maybe that had something to do with him being cruel as well. After all, more than one person pointed out that he started to get nicer around the same time he started to lose weight. 
Tiffiny had been quick to beat that out of his head.  “You were mean because you chose to be mean. Your weight had nothing to do with it. It’s called coloration does not mean causation, darling.”
Sometimes he forgot his wife was raised by two therapists when said field was considered a joke. Other times, it just made him happy she was able to communicate her thoughts and emotions easier. She taught him a lot of neat tricks to do so himself. 
“Dudley? Come. Mommy and daddy outside” Harry says suddenly, standing up. He motions with his tiny hands to the noisy adults as he wabbles away into the yard.  Getting up and going after him, Dudley suddenly gets hit with a startling nauseating realization. 
Harry thinks the Dursley are his parents. He doesn’t remember Uncle James or Auntie Lily. Right now Dudley is most aware of them and he barely knows anything at all. Heck, Harry probably doesn’t even know he’s half Indian. 
....In his past, Harry didn’t know anything about that part of his culture, did he? Not a single thing. It makes the abuse they put him through more disgusting, adding a whole other layer.  How long did Harry feel out of place? Since in the future-past, it was said cousin that told him about Uncle James, at one point Harry had to learn what he was missing out on didn't he? 
Reaching out he grabs Harry's hand feeling very very sad. “Not mommy and daddy. Auntie and uncle.” 
His cousins stare at him for only a second and the baby bods his head obediently used to Dudley correcting him.  “Auntie and Uncle.” 
Giving the little hand in his hold a squeeze, he tries for a smile and it rewarded with another in return. Harry squeezes back his hand before they release hold. Together they go out in the yard where Petunia has been calling everyone’s attention for some cake. Dudley makes sure to pass his plate to Harry, after sitting the boy down at the sandbox. He keeps half an eye on the toddler who smears the treat half on his face, eating with his fingers in joy. 
Mentally, he starts to think of a way to help Harry learn more about his heritage. He has to admit that it will be quite hard when he knows next to nothing about it. Heck, he doesn’t even know what part of India, uncle James was from or what religion he took part in.
Did wizards even have religions? The Weasleys celebrated Yule and Daisy did say that Hogwarts did have Chrismas Feast but was that religion-based or merely festive based? Would Harry want to part take in these kinds of celebrations or would he prefer the Indian ones? Heavens was there a difference between them?
This was giving him a headache. He’ll think about it later he decides because right now he needs to focus on making sure Harry has fun while eating without chocking.  Just as he thinks that fate tests him. He looks upwards, asking for some patience when Harry drops his plate and attempts to still eat it covered in sand. 
“Harry. No, eat!”
“But Dudley.”
“No, eat!”
Harry's face scrunches up causing Dudley to mentally groan. He recognizes a two-year-old tantrum, after raising two children. Not to mention the party was long from over. Around them, people were throwing his cousin nasty looks, shaking their heads and doing nothing to stop the boy from eating the food on the ground. They're just feeling mighty tall for allowing it aren't they?  He sneers back at them the same moment Harry starts crying.
The adults' faces stiff and most turn up their noses.
What have they never seen a little boy cry!? Look away number Two! Look away. 
He feeds the rest of his slice to Harry to get him to calm down. After everyone leaves his parents lock up Harry in the cupboard for “embarrassing” them at the party and Dudley exhausts his lungs with all the screaming and crying this causes.
He’s straight-up dizzy from his tantrum but sadly his parents aren’t willing to let Harry out this time. He can hear the poor thing crying from his room well into the night. He wishes he could get out of his crib and go down there. Help him fall asleep because he knows Harry doesn't like the dark. The toddler always eyes Dudley's nursery night light with big green eyes the same way Josh used to be amazed by him shaking his car keys.
Or at least give him a teddy to hold on to since Harry was a cuddle bug to the extremes. 
He falls asleep thinking about how terrible it is that sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you can’t change terrible people unless they want to. His parents will continue to choose to be monsters it seems. He couldn’t wait for the day Harry got away from their toxic behavior. 
Unknown to him, his desire to just help Harry through the night bleeds through the floorboards and makes the little boy a soft large pillow that functions as a makeshift mattress. He calms down quickly since the pillow smells a lot like his beloved cousin. Suddenly his little cupboard is lightened up by dancing teddy bears and shaking keys above his head and the toddler watches them until his eyes lids are too tired to remind open.
In the morning, the pillow and lights disappear in a swirl of silver sparkles before Pentuina or Vernon could see it.   
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mysaldate · 5 years
!!! Similar to what you did with Kamanue (the babiest baby of all babies) could you please write a mini analysis/general hcs for Susamaru? I love her so much
@kimetsuno-yaiba-imagines This probably isn’t you but I’m writing about your girl so I thought I’d tag you. Sorry if I don’t do her justice!
So this is then the third in the General + Past headcanon series! I’ll link the other two at the end of this post just in case anyone is interested in my takes on the others.
General Susamaru headcanons
I’ll open it up with the obvious this time. You would hardly find a more playful demon than Maru-chan. It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel like playing with her, if she says you will, you don’t have the right to refuse. If you try that, she will make sure you know why it’s a bad idea. You will be lucky if you live to get another chance.
It doesn’t even matter all that much whether it would be playing with the temari or with something else, though if you choose the former, she will be much more pleased. But she will also enjoy other outdoor activities. Sports, of course, are her strongest suit.
She is quite good at most calmer activities as well. Most board games are a-ok with her. She doesn’t appreciate long strategy-based games though so don’t bother asking her for a game of chess. The most you would get out of her is playing for a few minutes before she would start flinging the pawns at you.
Karaoke. Take her to a karaoke night and you’re about to witness a real monster. You thought you took a cute girl out for a date? Hah! This cute girl will utterly destroy you no matter what song you pick. She can do anything, and I mean absolutely anything, from opera to metal, her vocal range is just as impressive as her football skills.
Despite all of this, she will still enjoy it when you call her cute – even if she won’t tell you. She might scoff and deny it, saying she’s powerful and scary and cool but there’s really a little part deep inside her that still enjoys that for reasons I will more expand on later.
She tends to get carried away really easily. It’s not unlikely for her to receive a mission that’s supposed to be stealthy but end up entirely blowing up the place. But well, if nobody is alive to tell the tale, she did technically go unnoticed, right? It’s not like anyone can pin the blame on her if she’s quick enough to disappear before anyone can come and doesn’t leave a trace.
She has a lower pain tolerance than most other demons. Why? Not sure. But when you compare her reaction to Muzan’s curse activating to other demons’ reactions to having their heads off (Rui, Enmu, Wakuraba) or getting their whole body sliced to pieces (spider sister), she still does feel like someone who feels more than she probably should. Or it might just be because Muzan’s curse is simply THAT painful, I’ll leave this one up to you (if it is the pain tolerance, it could hint at something I will mention later on so stay tuned!). Also she actually shrieked when Yushiro punched her and that didn’t even draw blood.
Another one to really idolize and adore Muzan, as seen from her confrontation of Tamayo. While it’s true we never saw any other demon being confronted with anything like that, it’s not unlikely that few of them would react anywhere near the extent of her anger. Much like Tanjiro points out, she is very childish so it’s not completely impossible she sees Muzan as a sort of father figure as well.
I imagine she also hasn’t been a demon for a long time, and neither has Yahaba. Since they don’t seem to know about the eyeball engraving for the Demon Moons and simply believe they’re part of them because Muzan told them so, they probably haven’t met anyone higher in the hierarchy other than Muzan himself.
It’s true that they have only been put together with Yahaba for that one mission but that doesn’t rule out the possibility of them seeing each other before. Naturally, they didn’t talk or anything since demons can’t really group up together for the most part. But it is possible they have at least a little idea about each other’s abilities as well. After all, Tokyo is only so big, it’s highly unlikely they would never run into each other.
She is a surprisingly humble girl for someone of her flashiness. After all, she doesn’t mind Yahaba giving her instructions and even though she clearly finds his worries about dust to be ridiculous, she never puts him down for it. They don’t really bicker either, nor do we ever see him complaining he didn’t support her enough. Oh and let’s not forget she didn’t really think there was a house being hidden and just acted on Yahaba’s orders during the first attack. And she did admit he was right. She also has no issues recognizing Nezuko’s strength. She’s really not a proud girl, just very very dedicated and certain they could win since Muzan trusts in them enough to give such an important mission to them.
Susamaru backstory headcanons
I’ll start, again, by the type of background I see her growing up in. This time, I am quite sure it was a rich family. Not insanely rich but the colour of her kimono as well as the colourful sash were usually a sign of power, influence, money. Not to mention the stripped inner yukata she wears, they’re usually made in plain colours unless you want to show you can afford better. She also has what appears to be pearl earrings, those would without a doubt be expensive. And even if they’re not pearls, the fact she’s the only demon in the series to wear earrings (and the only character aside from Tanjiro’s family) seems to hint on something because as we’ve already estabilished, the past has a lot to do with a demon’s clothes.
But don’t get the wrong idea, they weren’t rich by inheritance or family fortune, both her parents worked very hard to make that kind of money. It’s probable they owned a large company, possibly with an overseas branch (remember the story of KNY is set in early 1910′s so she would become a demon some time before that) that kept them busy most of the time.
Another option is that they might even be a samurai family, just a lesser known one than Kokushibo’s, a smaller clan if you will. And possibly did some business too because by then, it was no longer very benefitial to just be a samurai since the industrialization and all.
Either way, they had little to no time for her. And she didn’t have any siblings. She saw her mother more than her father who was practically absent from her life. This lead to her often being very lonely. And that’s not even mentioning her tomboyish tendencies that caused the girls from her neighbourhood not to want to play with her. Girls playing with boys was being frowned upon, especially since she came from an influential family.
Basically, she needed to be a “proper lady” regardless of whether she wanted to or not simply not to bring shame to her family. She hated it, naturally, but there was little she could do about it. It didn’t get better when she got older.
She might have had a cat. Since temaris are often used to play with them, maybe the cat was the only companion she had. I feel like she’s the type who’d pick up a stray kitten and then refuse to give it up even when her parents (or mother since her dad was never home) were against it. She might have even pulled the “You don’t have time for me so let me have this” card.
She wasn’t even the age to get married yet and people around were already saying she would never find anyone. A lot of them mentioned she’s just not cute, not suited to be a wife, not womanly enough, too wild, too loud, not gentle enough. Her mom often cried over that and it made Maru-chan feel kinda bad. Still, it was a part of herself and she didn’t want to give it up.
She has first met Muzan when she was still quite a little kid. She was hanging out around the house after the sun has gone down, playing with her cat when he walked by. Being the mischievous and fearless kid she was, she threw the temari at him, then straight-up went to ask him if he wanted to play with her.
He was quite tempted to just kill her then and there but she showed a good amount of courage by approaching him in the first place and she didn’t shrink back after seeing his red eyes. I have a feeling she might even call him cool which fluttered his ego just enough to let the little cupcake live. No, he didn’t play with her.
It wasn’t too long before the troubles of owning a large corporation caught up to them. Her mother ran away with a lover who paid her more attention than her husband and Maru-chan was left alone with their few house servants and her always busy father. In hopes to make it up to her, her father started giving her many presents, such as the afforementioned earrings but, naturally, none of that could really replace the human contact she needed (I imagine she could be some 10-12).
Now for the theory regarding pain tolerance. My theory is that a demon’s ability to tolerate pain grows based on how old they were when they were turned and how much blood have they received over time as well as the number of humans they have devoured. For example, Rui was turned at a very young age but he is a Lower Moon, he received a large amount of blood and he devoured a lot of people, thus, he was able to cut his own head off without much any issue. Rui’s spider mother, however, didn’t receive that much blood and most likely didn’t devour nearly as many people as he did. As a result, both Rui and the spider father could easily cause her a lot of pain. The spider sister was turned into a demon when she was older than her and she ate a fair share of humans so even when Rui cut her body to pieces, she was able to pick herself up rather quickly and run off with just a few hisses. As for where does Maru-chan come in, we know she received a fair amount of Muzan’s blood because she says so to Yahaba. In spite of this, Yushiro’s punch is enough to make her scream out and Muzan’s curse hurts her to the point of tears even before ripping through her. So my explanation for this is, she was turned into a demon at a young age and she didn’t eat that many humans.
Basically, I believe that after her mom left, she no longer had anyone to spend time with in her house, nobody who would care for her. So after her kitty inevitably left this world, she was all alone. This is around the second time she ran into Muzan. And it was she who recognized him before he could recognize her. Once more, she ran up to him, this time not asking to play but rather asking why was he there.
She was very contact starved, alright? Chatting with him was the closest she got to a proper talk since her mom left. And he didn’t really have anything more important to do back then so he suffered through her complaining about her life. She certainly had a lot of bitterness inside of her at that point and she still had that childish courage from when they first met. And she was also just desperate enough that when he asked if she wanted to go with him, she nodded to it without a second thought.
One of the main reasons she admires Muzan so much is that he was the first person to fully accept her. He took her in when her own mother ran away and her father couldn’t care less as long as she didn’t bother him.
The reason she doesn’t look that young is simply because, as mentioned, some demons can shapeshift. Her powers are far from as impressive as Muzan’s but she can at least alter her physical age slightly. Seeing as Muzan can shapeshift to the point where he changes even his own aura and even his fellow demons have troubles recognizing him makes her strive to be like him. The fact that she can do just a speck of what he can is what draws her closer to him. And also why that final betrayal when she gets killed by his curse hurts so much more than just physically.
Previous demons in this series: Kamanue | Enmu
Wow, these things are getting longer and longer the more of them I do xD
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camillemontespan · 5 years
the making of drake walker [interview]
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@jovialyouthmusic @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @sirbeepsalot @moonlightgem7 @pug-bitch @burnsoslow @ibldw-main @mskaneko @emceesynonymroll @katedrakeohd @emichelle @notoriouscs @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @star-spangled-eyes @drakesensworld @gardeningourmet @rainbowsinthestorm @stopforamoment @dcbbw @iplaydrake @drakewalkerisreal @nazariortega
The Duke of Valtoria gives a deep chuckle as he studies the screen that shows the photographs of him for this interview. He points at the photograph that will become our chosen cover and says with his face blushing, 'My wife will frame that one.'
I look at the photograph and avert my eyes. It's a good picture of the Duke of Valtoria. It's completely different to most stiff upper lipped Dukes who have been our interview subjects before - for one thing, he is standing in a swimming pool with a white t-shirt that has gone see through, showing off his broad chest and muscles. He is the complete opposite of what you imagine a Duke to look like and I have to say that the change is very much welcome.
He's wearing a denim shirt now and his hair has been dried. We sit down at the bar by the hotel pool and he orders two coffees for us.
Drake Walker has been the Duke of Valtoria for five years. In this time, he has married the woman of his dreams, become a father to two children and set up a mental health campaign which has exploded into something much bigger than he anticipated - more on this later. He has had a busy five years and I wonder how he feels.
'I feel really good,' he tells me with a warm smile. 'Genuinely really good. I finally feel comfortable in my own skin which has been a long time coming, believe me.’ 
I’m meeting him today to discuss the expansion of his mental health campaign, Mind over Matter. What started as a small campaign to raise awareness of mental health in men has now switched up a gear and is being made into a registered charity. 
In case you missed it (have you been living under a rock?) Mind over Matter is a mental health campaign which involved Drake, his friends and men in Cordonia going on outdoor activities. What was mocked as simply being a glorified 'boys weekend' was suddenly praised when Drake had the idea to Vlog their activities. As the men trekked up mountains, abseiled, kayaked etc, they opened up and started talking about their worries, fears and hopes. It became a safe space for men who felt like they couldn't share feelings. Maxwell Beaumont admitted that he still thought about his mother who passed away when he was ten years old, but he didn't want to burden his brother. Drake told him to be honest because 'you are brothers, you're blood. Share the load.' As they talked, a charity donation line was set up so viewers could donate money to various mental health charities. It became a huge deal and it was all the brainchild of Drake Walker. Did he see this coming?
'Never in a million years,' he answers honestly. 'But now it's happened? I want to go bigger. I want it to become one of the main charities in Cordonia. If there's a guy out there struggling with depression, anxiety, alcoholism, anything, I want him to know he can contact Mind over Matter so he can speak to a qualified health professional and get the help he needs. I don't want anyone else to feel as alone as I did.'
I ask him to elaborate. He smiles. 'Growing up in court, I felt like an outcast. I hated everyone and they acted like I was the shit on their shoe. I built up walls around myself - no, scratch that, I built a fucking fortress - and I didn't let anyone in. But it all changed when I met Camille.. She basically saved my life.'
I've met Camille a handful of times and she's always been warm and kind. She looks like the type of woman you can share a bottle of wine with and chat about men. Drake let's out a deep laugh. 'Oh my god, she is! If you ask her to do that, she would do it. She's always up to talk.'
I imagine she has played a part in making Drake more vocal about his emotions. He nods eagerly. 'Absolutely. When we first met, I was such a dick to her. Thing was, I always found myself watching her, wanting to be part of her conversations but I stopped myself.'
He looks at me seriously. 'Because I felt like I wasn't worthy. Trust me, when people treat you like you're the shit on their shoes, you start to believe it. Why would this amazing woman waste her time talking to me? So I tried to hate her but couldn't. She took the time to talk to me, joke around. She broke down those walls I built and I'm forever grateful to her.'
Drake is keen to stress that he forces himself to be open about his feelings now. 'If I don't, I'm a hypocrite. I am the figurehead of a mental health charity. If I can't discuss how I'm feeling, then how can I preach to everyone else?'
I ask if it takes work. He nods. 'Every day.'
I decide to move the conversation onto something lighter. I want to know about his kids. Are they different?
He grins, happy to be a father. 'Well, Luna is a baby so it's hard to tell, but she is certainly a different baby compared to how Lily was. Luna is so quiet. She observes everything with these big round eyes, like everything is a wonder to her, and I constantly catch myself thinking baby girl, if I could just be in your head for one minute.. '
He goes quiet with a dopey smile on his face. He then shakes his head. 'They both have my smirk though.'
I ask to see the smirk.
He smirks.
Oh my. The Smirk makes me melt (it deserves capital letters).
Drake leans forward and whispers conspiratorially, 'My wife loves my smirk.'
I ask what family life is like. What is a day in the life entail?
'Usually, Lily wake us up when the sun hasn't even risen yet and screams IT'S MORNING TIME! She will usually be carrying her sister. Somehow, Lily's managed to work out how to unhinge the crib which is actually terrifying..'
Secret genius?
Drake chuckles. 'I think she has plans for world domination. She's only five and already, she's got the mind maps and dastardly plots..'
I smile at his easy humour.
'Camille refuses to get a nanny so she will look after Luna while I do the school drop off. I come home, take Luna, Camille goes to her appointments, she comes homes, we switch and I start work.' He stops then looks at me steadily. 'Jesus, this is such a boring article. I'm sorry. I'm a dad now, my life is just nappies, lack of sleep and wondering if my daughter's poo is a natural colour.'
I will be honest here. I've met Drake a few times and he used to be.. Well, he was always friendly, but he was never this forthcoming. Now he opens up more, jokes around, smiles a lot. I ask if Mind over Matter has helped him.
'It has, yes. But also I'm just happy. I feel content, like I'm right where I'm supposed to be, you know? I have an amazing wife, two beautiful daughters and I have a purpose. I'm more sure of myself now.'
Now he seems to have matured, what kind of dad is he? I imagine he's quite serious and overprotective.
He laughs. 'Yes, I'm very overprotective. God, Lily came home the other day and showed me her collection of leaves. Yes, leaves. Apparently, in her class, if a boy has a crush on you, he gifts a girl a leaf and vice versa. Leaves have become a sort of declaration of love. And she has four! FROM THE SAME GUY!'
I tease that Lily has a boyfriend. Drake shudders. 'Don't push me.'
He then grins. 'Clearly, he's got good taste.'
Is he serious then?
'Hell no! I'm honestly a really fun dad. Am I embarrassing? Maybe.. I do Iove a dad joke. But I take part in Lily's tea parties, I wear a plastic crown and everything. Sometimes, if we're pushing the boat out, we pour chocolate milk into the teacups.' He smiles again.' Tea party days are the best days.'
I ask if he can see himself having a son. He bites his lip thoughtfully.
'No.. I used to. When I allowed myself to start dreaming about raising a family, sure I wanted a little Drake Jr. But nah, I like having girls. They're cute and they're miniature versions of their mom. How can I not want that?'
He clearly adores his wife. You see paparazzi pictures of them and they always look so close. Often, Drake would be shielding her from the cameras or taking her hand to help her out of cars. 'I'm a gent,' Drake shrugs. 'I'm also of the opinion happy wife, happy life. She's my priority. Always has been, always will be.'
I ask what's new for the Duchess. She is very engaged with her duties and seems to aways be visiting children's hospitals or promoting charities.
'She fits into her role brilliantly,' Drake tells me. 'Given she was a commoner before, and an American one at that, she's really settled into being a Duchess. I was in awe. She takes the time to get to know her public, she never complains, she cares. I'm so glad that we both got to learn our roles at the same time. She kept me feeling positive.'
Did he ever think negative?
'I always worried I was failing as a Duke,' he admits. 'I thought I wasn't doing anything. I felt like everyone could see right through me.'
Imposter syndrome?
'Yes!' he cries. 'Definitely. It took me a while to find my feet.'
The interview is beginning to wrap up. Since the past five years have been a whirlwind, is he expecting the same to happen for the next five? He is launching Mind Over Matter as a charity after all. He gives me a warm smile. 'Honestly? Once it's launched, I'm taking it easy. I'm taking my family camping for a weekend. I've got it all planned. I know I go camping a lot for Mind Over Matter so you'd think I'd be sick of it but honestly, I don't. I love being outside and if it means I get to have fun with my children, teach them new things and spend time with my wife, I'm happy. But the next five years? You can't plan it. Everything that's happened to me in my life so far, I never imagined ever happening to me. But I'm excited. So fucking excited.'
I can tell you this, reader. Drake has found himself on steady ground. Long may it continue.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 5 years
Okay, let’s get to know Despair, Apathy, Rebel, Insomnia, and Malice now that all of them have been introduced.
Despair Sanders
Real Name: Jean Ezra Sanders
What They Represent: Jealousy, Envy, and Despair
Animal Half: Chameleon.
The Ways This Manifests In Them: His ablity to camouflage himself when hiding, the scales that cover his hands, his cold-bloodedness, and his tail.
Height: He’s the shortest of both the dark sides and the sides collectively at 4′10 (the fully grown ones, of course, Nathanael is actually the shortest side since he’s still a child).
Their Color: His color is orange, though he can make some other colors like pink or yellow. But he does prefer to make his own color.
Hobbies: He loves playing trick on the people of the Imagination, not that he can and/or does anymore. Usually his pranks were coordinated with Skye(Insomnia) and Rey(Rebel), who usually help him with it, and Devin(Apathy), who was their lookout.
Personality Resembles: He used to have a personality similar to the MCU Loki, albeit much calmer and a lot less murderous. Now he is a much meeker more docile version of himself from Malin grooming him to be that way.
Favorite Color: His favorite color is, of course, orange, but he loves both peach and yellowy-orange the most, but he doen’t make them anymore because Malin gets mad at him if he makes colors that mix with other sides’ colors.
About Them: He’s very secretive, he likes to keep things to himself if he can. He does this with all his weaknesses especially, he hates others knowing what to do to bring him down.
Fun Fact About Them: He used to wear a mask before Virgil left, but has since stopped because Malin broke it.
What They Wear: Usual clothes are an orange sweater of some kind, black or grey jeans, and knee length black boots (usually with short heels or wedges because he’s so tiny).
Their Hair:  His hair hangs down in front of his right eye giving him some true emo vibes (it looks like Patton’s hair when it flopped in his face at the end of Moving On Part 2).
Apathy Sanders
Real Name: Devin Ashton Sanders
What They Represent: Depression, Apathy
Animal Half: Rabbit/Bunny.
The Ways This Manifests In Them: Fluffy hair, he’s the quickest runner by far of all the sides, he’s great at hearing things he shouldn’t, and his puffy brown tail.
Height: 5′4
Their Color: Pink, he makes a lot of color once he moves to the light side, but he doesn’t when he’s on the dark side.
Hobbies: Making music, making songs, recording vocals for songs.
Personality Resembles: His personality is a lot like April Ludgate, as he’s closed himself off to expressing his emotions during the last seven years, so as to not allow Malin to manipulate him like he did with Deceit and Despair.
Favorite Color: He likes dusty rose pink the most, but coral pink is a close runner up.
About Them: Dev is very antisocial now, but he used to be slightly more social and less reclusive, back when Virgil and Deceit lived in the dark side.
Fun Fact About Them: He loves old records, he makes almost every song he’s ever come across into a vinyl record and he plays them at night, usually when Malice is asleep, so he can hear his favorite songs without fear of them being broken again.
What They Wear: He used to wear a lot of skirts and cute shirts. But has since stopped once Deceit left and Malin started attempting to groom any other dark side into his new spouse. He now wears black sweatpants and long sleeve sweatshirts or hoodies.
Their Hair: Since his hair is a lot softer than other sides’, his hair is exceptionally fluffy and wild. His hair is usally is simply over his eyes because he can’t control it. Sometimes he pins it up with bobby pins to see.
Insomnia Sanders
Real Name: Skye Isaac Sanders
What They Represent: Courage and Insomnia
Animal Half: Hedgehog.
The Ways This Manifests In Them: Naturally spiky hair, 
Height: 6 foot even, he used to like to using his height to carry around the shorter dark sides and was the designated cabinet helper.
Their Color: Brown, he makes a lot of color since he has the freedom to do so in the Imagination and as its citizen as well as a side.
Hobbies: Metal and woodwork, he makes everything from full blown metal armor or just little wooden dolls he sends to Devin and Rey.
Personality Resembles: Undertaker from Black Butler. He likes doing things his own way, he doesn’t like others telling him what to do. He also very much likes tricks and jokes.
Favorite Color: Dark brown like oak tree bark.
About Them: He has his own quests out in the Imagination, he likes keeping the villagers safe and, in return, they let him live in one of their towns so he doesn’t have to go home.
Fun Fact About Them: He’s an excellent bladesmith and metalworker and he loves doing so. He’s made this job in the town he lives in and the citizens love his metalwork.
What They Wear: Usually, jeans and a tee shirt because he never knows when he’ll start a new project. Sometimes, he’ll put on a graphic tee shirt and an open button up with jeans if he knows he doesn’t have a project for a while.
Their Hair: His hair is pulled back into a bun for convenience of his quests.
Rebel Sanders
Real Name: Rey Dorian Sanders
What They Represent: Rebelliousness, Insecurity (fused side)
Animal Half: Turtle.
The Ways This Manifests In Them: Thick skin (all his tattoos via the tebori method because it was the only way to get through to make them), ability to breathe underwater for kind of long durations of time, he gets a lot more introverted when scared, and his sensitivity to loud noises, vibrations, and sudden bright lights.
Height: 5′6.
Their Color: Green, he loves making anything green, he makes it quite frequently in the form of paint.
Hobbies: He loves making art even though he’s not the Creative side.
Personality Resembles: His personality very much resembles Sam Manson from Danny Phantom.
Favorite Color: Both mint green and deep forest green, he likes to use them both a lot in his art.
About Them: Rey has a lot of trust issues having to live on his own without his room in the Grey Area, so he’s not very friendly unless he knows who you are. But these issues will be solved soon, hopefully.
Fun Fact About Them: He’s secretly married to Insomnia and Apathy. They don’t have much physical contact (with Rey staying in the grey side, Skye in the Imagination, and Devin staying in the dark side house) but they still love each other a lot and text a lot. Their weekly date nights are a videochat.
What They Wear: Ripped black jeans, black platformed boots, and either a green tank top that’s always covered in paint from his latest art excursion or a black and white skull tank top with a black leather jacket over it.
Their Hair: Despair likes to french braid his hair so he usually wears his hair braided from front to back with it in a bun at the back end of his longer hair (he is a weak weak man to big puppy dog eyes, plus it’s the only alone time they get when he visits the dark side when Malin is resting).
Loyalty Sanders
Real Name: Nathanael Damon Sanders
What They Represent: Loyalty, Trust, Faith
Animal Half: Gecko.
The Ways This Manifests In Them: His clinginess, if prompted, he can stick to things with his hands and feet, his tail, and he loves a lot of fruits.
Height: N/A, still a baby.
Their Color: No set color. But he’s the only dark side able to make the color white.
Hobbies: N/A.
Presonality Resembles: N/A.
Favorite Color: He loves the colors yellow, orange, and purple, but he can’t make them. 
About Them: He has a gecko toy that both Deceit and Virgil made together during the week they had him. When Nathanael ‘died’ his gecko toy was left in his crib until Deceit found his room again.
Fun Fact About Them: Nathanael loves being held when he sleeps. If you put him down, he gets fussy. He loves cuddling with his parents.
What They Wear: Various onesies. But his favorite is a white one with purple bats on the body and a yellow snake around the neck.
Their Hair: Fluffy blonde hair that still has yet to darken. Permanant state of bedhead.
Malice Sanders
Real Name: Malin Ian Sanders
What They Represents: Malice, Insanity, and Greed
Animal Half: Rat.
The Ways This Manifests In Them: His ability to hear extremely well, his tail, his beady eyes, and his habit to bite things.
Height: He’s tallest dark side, but not the tallest collective side, at 6′2.
Their Color: He can’t make any color, but his color is grey.
Hobbies: He doesn’t do much, he doesn’t like doing things, he deems it a ‘wife thing’ (which is what he refers to Despair and Deceit as, even though neither identify themselfs as transgender women and both have stated to him that it’s against their preference). 
Personality Resembles: Joffrey Baratheon from Game of Thrones (in the sense of his sadistic nature, his tyrannical views, and his temperment) and Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory (in the sense of selfishness, insensitivity, arrogance, and inflated ego) [OP Note: I don’t watch these two shows, so feel free to scream at me if it’s not accurate]
Favorite Color: He can’t make color so he says he doesn’t have a favorite color, but it’s dark grey (his eye color).
About Them: He doesn’t like breaking schedule unless there’s a special exception (like when he kidnapped Deceit), he’s very particular about his schedule, what he does, what others do, and what happens. And, if something breaks schedule, he gets unhappy and has a fit.
Fun Fact About Them: He’s the darkest side in the sense of morality and doesn’t even regret his own actions to get there.
What They Wear: Usual clothes are a pair of baggy black jeans, a black tee shirt and black steel-toe boots.
Their Hair: His hair is spiked up into a pseudo-mohawk because he claims he’s the punk side (he’s not, that’s Rebel).
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iwritethat · 6 years
Fantasy AU
Dick Grayson: Forbidden
A/N: The final one albeit late! My apologies but here you go.
Warnings: None???
Being a noble maiden of the kingdom was strenuous, being the Princess of Ravaryn made it even more so. With aspects of being the 'perfect' daughter and influential figure added to your shoulders it was no wonder you had phases of rebellion.
If anything the King should be grateful you even showed up to the ball, the congregation of available Princesses and Duchesses also looking for a husband in their expensive flowing gowns and beautiful features maintained the fleeting attention of various suitable noblemen. The amount of suitors that had tried their luck was credit to your beauty enough, but you were not naive, it was the title they desired and they'd probably have the women they'd flirted with prior as mistresses during your union anyway. Alas, to appease the masses you played nice and observed almost all guests throw themselves at members of the Wayne family, Dick Grayson in particular. Admittedly you found him attractive, but he could have a flock of women with simply a smile - it's been that way since you were young. Although in your previous brief encounters, he was always so genuine - you recalled him informing the young ladies that he was from the circus, hoping that'd rid him of the crushing admiration they 'apparently' held for his handsome features and it worked, all lost interest except you who only grew more intrigued. That's why you associated so often despite your father forbidding such a union, his past and lack of true royal blood didn't change how you viewed him unlike other monarchs. Even as you matured, it was difficult to keep your distance from one another, carefully avoiding your families informants and suspicion of other Nobles when doing so. Though currently, you'd managed to sneak out of the ball undetected opting to change into clothing more fitting of your disapproving destination.
It wasn't uncommon for you to be seen wandering the streets and many of the townsfolk favoured you because of your friendly attitude toward all beings regardless of species or wealth. So when you burst into your local bar, a wave of cheers and greetings sounded from friends that were deemed unworthy to attend the Palace event.
"Hit me with my usual~" You sung once reaching the ancient oak bar, the Faun bartender pleased with your regular business automatically slid over your favourite alcoholic beverage and proudly leaned over the counter to talk to you like always.
"I saved some for you Princess, knew you'd be in tonight or at least I sure hoped so. And by the way, Happy Birthday!" At his last sentence, the whole pub sparked to life with 'Merlin' the mage illuminating the warmly lit area in an array of morphing sparks and colours that delighted the senses, the iconic noir grand piano of the Inn belted upbeat music accompanied by the rest of the jazzy band which set rhythm into people's feet with your friends and locals dancing together. Laughter surrounded you with occasionally out of tune vocals echoing over the music as everyone enjoyed the surprise party as well as some humorous shenanigans encouraged by the constant serving of alcoholic beverages.
"Hah - bet our celebration is a lot better than that fancy pants gig you came from huh your highness?" The young Blacksmith grinned, offering you a tastefully crafted dagger by his own hand as a gift.
"You- you all remembered? I thought-" You couldn't even expressed your gratitude properly but they understood.
"Of course we did, as mates of yours we weren't distracted with getting you a husband like those nobles are. Now c'mon, enjoy your birthday your Majesty!" The faun enticed, lightly herding you off of your barstool before a handsome villager pulled you into the fray, you danced with them, next being spun into a witch coven who wished you well, your feet were non stop, being met with the paces of werewolves to vampires to townsfolk each twirling, dancing and offering you their blessings and suddenly the music halted with your new partner.
You turned into him, the man who caught you by the waist thus silencing all surrounding you by appearance alone. By the rich texture of his clothing and the golden medals adorning his chest you knew he wasn't local.
"So you thought you could leave all by yourself? Not very smart of you my Queen." His voice was smooth, tone knowing that he had one over on you with a playful spunk to it.
The accurate nickname was the giveaway but you gazed into the sparking sapphires of Dick Grayson anyway, taking the time to remove your hands from his chest.
"Don't call me that yet - shouldn't you be looking for a wife or something?"
"Oi oi your Majesty! The mans' calling you his Queen, don't that mean you're his wife?!" Instantly, one of the ale mugs was shot across the Inn courtesy of your favourite Faun, hitting the Blacksmith square on the skull thus knocking him out cold much to your relief.
"Well... I knew you were strange (Y/n) but I didn't expect to see you in a place like this." Dick commented, overlooking the less than regal scenery.
"Oh really? What's wrong with it? Aside from drunkards jumping to conclusions obviously..." The last part was muttered in a sheepish manner but the defensiveness in your tone was admired by your friends.
"Nothing, it's awesome!" The pure happiness in his voice surprised you somewhat, as well as the rest of the guests but you could tell they’d already accepted him.
"...You're not like the others are you Dick Grayson?"
"It takes one to know one (Y/n) (L/n). Anyway I saw you disappear and I couldn't exactly let you leave without me so..." He trailed off, almost embarrassed as he spoke which indicated he was hiding something and with an expectant look he would tell you.
"Okay to be honest the Ball was super boring and I only attended to hang out with you but you disappeared, plus this party seemed pretty sweet."
"What I can I say? My friends know how to entertain." You laughed, guiding him to a quiet secluded corner booth where drinks were served as you sat down to catch your breath.
"I agree, but you're not going to find any approved suitors here."
"Ah yes, I'm missing out on the blissful marriage to some aristocrat I may not even like in hopes of making the rich richer. He'll probably only cheat on me anyway, and so I doubt I'm missing out on much.” You offhandedly shrugged, taking a sip of your beverage.
"Ah you might be right but we're not all bad, for the record if I were allowed to marry you, it wouldn't be for my Kingdom, nor for the Royal Courts. They would matter but those duties would fall second to you, you'd be my one and only - forget mistresses or whatever they'd expect me to indulge in." It was reassuring to know that you both agreed with one another, despite this opinion most likely being frowned upon by the King.
"It would be the same for me if I were to ever have the pleasure of marrying you, you'd be the one thing I'd truly love more than anything. You'd come first."
"Maybe that's the real reason we're forbidden to marry, because it would be for love and not power." The male spoke truthfully, sheepishly running a hand through his raven hair.
"Are you saying you love me?" Your voice held a degree of mischievous merit, amused at the position you found yourselves in.
"That depends, are you saying you'd want to marry me?" Dick matched your tone, equally pleased with your wit.
Instantly you were on your feet, conversation long forgotten and curious glare directed at the Royal Guards situated at the Bar entrance.
“You’re with - It matters not, your father has ordered your return but under these circumstances, we are to place you both under arrest.” At his statement, the bar fell into silence and you knew that your friends would be willing to fight the Guards for you with no hesitation - you lowly raised your hand, a respectful nod sent to the Faun who immediately understood, they were not to involve themselves in this, those were your orders.
“You can’t, I forbid it!”
“I regret to inform you that the Kings commands outrank yours. By far.”
Your expression hardened at their honest explanation despite a majority of the group watching over you since birth, Dick placed a careful palm on your waist leaning to whisper in your ear.
“I can take them, all you must do is ask.”
Instantly your gaze softened as it locked with his crystal ones, you knew he was perfectly capable but that would only make the situation worse.
“No, I won’t let you get in more trouble.”
“Step away from the Princess immediately!” The lead Guard demanded due to your close proximity, sword pointed in your general direction. You were aware how your father hated the bonds you shared with an ‘unworthy’ suitor but this was ridiculous.
However, Dick obeyed albeit reluctantly - on the other hand, you weren’t as disciplined when it came to your fathers orders. As a result you pulled him toward you, hands placed on his chest before gently reaching one to his neck to bring his lips to meet yours with more passion than there should have been. You pulled away, both of you exchanging meaningful looks before turning your attention back to your loyal guards.
“What if I want him as close as possible?” Your words held mischief, playing with idea of taunting your father through the guards who no doubt would diverse the event in full detail.
“Then we shall arrest you... My apologies your majesty.” And they did just that, separating the two of you with their weapons before escorting you out of the bar with little resistance as you laughed under the flurry of witty remarks courtesy of Dick Grayson.
“So my Queen, I’ll take our current situation as a yes to my previous question?” His time was charming yet held underlying sincerity.
“Yes! Of course it is, how could I say no to a man like you my love?” Yours more sarcastic but truthful none the less as the Guard urged you toward the carriage.
“Then I promise I’ll do it properly once we’re out of this mess (Y/n).”
“I look forward to it.” You gave him a wink as you we’re seated opposite one another in the carriage - no doubt on the way to face the wrath of your father.
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