#peppermint brush for real pencil feel
a-flappy-bat · 6 months
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Messy Jesse and Darling sketch studies :3
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ccghastly · 2 years
Van Der Linde boys (include Arthur please and the rest is up to you!!) x reader who can't ride a horse, what do you think about that? Whenever I reader fics from rdr2 I'm like "damn, this ain't me" cause I was riding a horse once in my life 😭 thank you!!
Van der Linde fellas with a S/O that can't ride (a horse)
GN Reader
Arthur, Charles, Hosea, & Bill
Misread the prompt and thought this was 'reader asks for riding lessons', so the most of the fills lean in that direction.
I take requests! Feel free to ask!
Tries so damn hard to be helpful, but he's really really not.
He's been riding a horse for longer than he's been walking, it's all muscle memory and he's horrible at trying to get it into usable words.
Prepare for a lot of, "You kinda just…" "No, uh, you gotta lean with it" "Steer with your hips" "No, not like that" "... That's… Almost better?"
You're frustrated, he's frustrated.
"I'm real sorry, Darlin'. I ain't got no clue how to make any of this make any kinda sense."
If you stick with it you'll probably get there, but you probably would've made the same progress without Arthur's help.
Arthur later gets you a horse that's so incredibly far from wild it could be a nursemaid in its next life and you're happy to accompany him on his little journeys around the countryside. It's exciting to experience his strange encounters in person, rather than as funny stories he brings to the fireside.
A more patient teacher you couldn't hope to find.
He starts you with horse care. Brushing, picking hooves, tack maintenance, feeding, feeling for injuries. Just getting you used to being around horses.
He's very keen on posture and being as helpful and kind to the horse as a rider possibly can be.
Taima is a sweetheart throughout, long pauses for explanations are immediately grazing breaks, but she listens when you try to ask her to do something.
You make great progress and are riding with some confidence by the end of the month, following Charles and Taima for short trips out of camp on your own borrowed horse.
Eventually you get your own horse and it becomes common practice for you to follow Charles on any of his outings, just to keep him company. You get surprisingly good at reading while your horse follows Taima.
Strange techniques, but he's too enthusiastic to turn him down.
You didn't even ask him to teach you, just mentioned in passing that you didn't know how to and you were suddenly penciled in for lessons.
Unsaddles Silver Dollar to make room and has you ride in front of him as he guides the horse.
"Just get a feel for the horse, Dove. Feel how I move with him."
Silver Dollar is confused by the many many circles he's asked to make, but as long as there peppermints at the end of it, he's happy.
Hosea's teaching style is dubiously helpful, but you do eventually learn how to sit a horse.
Once you're comfortable steering your own horse there are many long strolls to 'scout the area' and 'look for game', that usually end with cuddling up in front of a pretty view.
Feels guilty about it, but kind of likes that you can't ride on your own.
Enjoys being useful and likes being able to help you like this.
Really likes that you don't ask anyone else to take you where you need to go, always asking him with such sweet manners, if when he has a free moment if he could please take you into town please
Yes. The answer is always Yes. Immediately Yes. As soon as he's physically capable of making it happen.
"Just gimme two shakes, Honey. I gotta ask Sean to take the rest of my shift, the layabout owes me a few."
Also really really likes lifting you onto and off of Brown Jack. If you wanna make this man light up, give him a kiss while he does it.
It's a very badly hidden secret that he enjoys getting to act like a gentleman and take care of you, so this is right up his alley.
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bluravenite · 1 year
Hey I know I'm a total stranger but I follow you and I think your art is really cool! I wanted to ask what brush is best on Procreate? New to digital art and I'm trying to make art of my own characters. Taking a lot of inspo from you!!
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I am of the firm belief that most basic brushes are real good!! I came from clip studio so i was mainly used to charcoal/pastel feeling pencils, as well as REALLY smooth/textured inking brushes and LOTS of opacity, which i think has changed but you can still see the influence??
I am also an avid hater of procreate brush settings which is why I sorta chose to modify most of my basic brushes!!
Mainly i usually pick two brushes per drawing... Sometimes I'm not feeling the same sketch brush so i tend to switch between script, Sean sketcher, hb pencil, and peppermint!
For inking i tend to do script or gesinski ink but i recently inked zephyr with the marker brush!! It was so fun!! I also sometimes ink/clean up with my sketch brushes, it can be faster.
I started using peppermint and spectra because of @purlty though i have kept spectra as a texture brush rather than for coloring :D i like it a lot
My brushes really aren't special but i have the odd habit of changing EVERY setting until i find one i enjoy so I'm going to link my brush set below!!
Make sure if you want all the brushes in Raven's set, you only download that file, and additionally you will need to download HB pencil block, and Script Sketch, to have all of my brushes, but otherwise you can pick and choose which you want!
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There's also some resources on how to modify brushes/import them and some REAL good tips and tricks i have found to make the program more usable, however!! It's a learning curve and it will only get easier with time, I've been using procreate as my main program for a year now and I still sometimes have to go back to clip studio or traditional art to be able to get a grasp haha!!!
↓ ↓ ↓ !!
These videos are A LOT OF INFORMATION but will likely help you get a good grasp of BASIC procreate functions! My suggestion is, don't take everything to heart, because you actually won't use a lot of the things they show, just stick with what you understood and are interested in using!! You don't have to master it right away :D
Most importantly i am very happy to be able to help you with this, even if you are just a stranger, so am I! And when i started with art programs and digital art I had to spend YEARS trying to figure out how to be like the artists i looked up to without being able to buy so many of the cool brushes and expensive software, so anything i can do to help, even if it's just sharing my already modified basic brushes so that you don't have to fidget with all the settings!! I'm more than happy to do!! And i really hope this helps you and anyone else who might need em!
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chloeleau · 1 year
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Nobody asked me but these are my favorite Procreate brushes and ones that I use pretty much daily when I’m making art 🩷
1. Peppermint- comes default on procreate. I like it for sketching because it feels very much like a real pencil and it’s good for making very fine marks as well as big, broad strokes without having to change the size. I also have an irrational tendency to prefer brushes with cute names.
2. Micro Nib- my FAVORITE inking brush. I like nasty, gritty, messy lineart because I don’t particularly like to render and this way it gives my art a lot of texture and personality without having to do all that. I downloaded it from a pack called the Rusty Nib that ordinarily costs a lot of money but my friend sent me her file. I love the way it looks and how easy it is to control. 10/10 amazing. If you like textured lineart but don’t want to download brushes, I used to use ink bleed, which is a default.
3. Studio Pen- comes default on Procreate. I use this brush to fill in colors. I don’t like using the select tool cause it takes forever and I am so bad at accidentally clicking out of it. This is a nice, clean brush that I can outline areas to fill in with the paint bucket. I also like to use it to make word balloons in my comics.
4. Savage- I downloaded this from a free pack called Rough and Raw a really long time ago. This is my go to brush for shading. It works great as a blender brush and I turn the opacity down really low. It blends beautifully and it’s great for shading that looks good without having to spend ages on it. I hate shading and lighting cause I’m not great at it but this makes it easy.
5. Freycinet- comes default on procreate. My newest addition to the collection but I’m quickly becoming obsessed with it. This brush is great for backgrounds and adding some more texture.
6. Oberon- comes default on procreate. I also use this brush for backgrounds. It has a really nice, textured, acrylic paint feeling that I love.
7. Fat Nozzle- comes default on procreate. My FAVORITE brush for backgrounds. It’s a secret weapon. You can create a gradient effect that looks super dope and textured and interesting with zero effort. I feel like the spray paint brushes on procreate are my own little secret.
8. Clouds- comes default on Procreate. My other secret weapon. If you want to create a dope background with zero effort, make a gradient with fat nozzle and throw some clouds on there with a really low opacity. The piece looks dope and that took 3 minutes. You’re welcome.
Once again nobody asked but it’s taken three years to find a process that worked for me in digital art and I’m very pleased with it! Feel free to take this advice or recommend stuff to me
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lazyvoyager · 3 years
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I really enjoy doing style challenges, and recently I was hoping I'd get to do one that would give me the opportunity to draw some real fun sneakers. But then I realized I could come up with one myself~ So hey! If you've ever thought that crazy shoes seem fun to draw, but were always a little afraid of diving in, give it a shot✨
Some style notes I kept in my head if it helps:
The shoes are one of the main focal points, it's about the shoes~ I focused on sneakers, but go with what feels right
Lots of movement in the loose hair and clothes
Use whatever colors make you happy! Or match the shoes or character. Go nuts with it~
I used the peppermint brush in Procreate for my lines, just some kind of pencil texture
And if you think shoes are a little too complex for you, I like to think of shoes like a really simple wedge shape, or like a slice of cake on its side~🍰 It makes it less overwhelming
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idreamofplaid · 4 years
A Longing for Home
Summary: The reader has made a home for herself, but it isn’t complete without Sam.
Characters: Sam x Reader; Dean
Word Count: 1641
A/N: It’s another fic from along the way on my journey as a writer. It’s Part 1 of a two parter.
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Raindrops hit the window pane gently soothing your worn and bruised heart. You opened your sketchbook and took your favorite drawing pencil in your hand. The sound of the graphite scratching across the page was the only noise in the room. With each line, an image of Sam began to materialize. This was your own kind of art therapy. 
When you were done, the result was a good likeness. Anyone would recognize it as Sam, but you hadn’t been able to capture the warmth in his eyes the way you wanted. Who he had been was still perfectly clear in your mind. You still heard his voice whispering to you in the dark of a motel room in Nebraska, Indiana, or Tennessee. It had never mattered to you where you were as long as you were with him. That was when Sam had a soul.
He had no feelings for you anymore, you or anyone else. You’d reached your breaking point and told Dean you needed to get away. It was too hard for you to be around the man who looked so much like Sam but clearly wasn’t him. Your Sam would have never flirted with other women right in front of your face, not that you could even call it flirting. It was too calculated. What Sam did, he did with purpose. And that purpose was to...
You slammed the sketchbook closed and tossed it on the bed next to you. Rain was still hitting the roof in a steady rhythm that should have been calming. You closed your eyes and hugged yourself. The flannel of the shirt you were wearing was soft and warm to your touch. There was a time you had worn Sam’s shirts, and he’d smiled every time he saw you in one of them. Sometimes you’d worn them just to see his dimples, but this wasn’t one of Sam’s shirts.
You shook your head to clear away the memory and dropped your hands to your sides. You scooted across the bed and stood up taking a minute to stretch before heading to the small kitchen. This cabin had always been your refuge. Your aunt had brought you and your cousin, Brianne, here when you were little girls. It was your aunt who had raised you and taught you to draw. She’d also taught you how important it was to take care of yourself. Self care was her legacy to you, and you needed it now more than you ever had.
You wished Aunt Laura was here now to offer her advice or give you a shoulder to cry on. It had been nine years since the heart defect she’d been born with had taken her from you, eleven since Bri had gone to France to be a pastry chef. When her mother had passed on, Bri told you the cabin was all yours. You were, after all, the sentimental one.
It was that part of you that longed for a home. So, you’d made this cabin as cozy as you could and let it serve as the representation of that dream for you. You filled it with your favorite things. There were bookshelves overflowing with every kind of title to suit any of your moods and a big overstuffed chair where you could sit and read by the window. There was a soft wine colored throw draped over that chair that you could wrap around you when you felt the need to be held. The kitchen was stocked with every flavor of coffee and tea you liked best. In the cupboard, there was a supply of your favorite shortbread cookies to have with your warm beverage of choice.
Today, you decided some peppermint mocha coffee was what you needed. You poured some water into the coffee maker and put a filter in the chamber. You opened the bag of coffee and inhaled the rich scent, one of your favorite smells in the world. You emptied some out of the bag onto the filter without measuring. You never measured. The sound of the coffee brewing filled the tiny cabin. 
Steaming mug of coffee in hand, you positioned the pillows on the sofa just the way you wanted them and snuggled in with your throw over your lap. The first taste of chocolatey richness was warm and comforting. You picked up a favorite book from the end table with the hope of losing yourself in another world for awhile to take the edge off the pain you were feeling in your own. It wasn’t long before your eyes began to droop, and you lay your head down allowing memories of a better time to invade your dreams.
Seeing Sam smile gave you the same feeling you had on the night before Christmas when you were a little girl. It felt like being on the verge of something wonderful and not knowing exactly what it was, but having him here in the cabin, in this place that was so special to you gave you a very good idea of what that something wonderful was for you. It was Sam, being with him, having him as a part of your life. 
More and more, you were certain that you wanted him in your life forever. That’s why you’d brought him here. You wanted to let him into your past by opening up this part of you. You’d never brought anyone here. It was your refuge, and you were letting Sam in hoping he would want it to be his too. It was a new feeling for you, wanting to share yourself like this. 
You handed Sam a mug of the hot chocolate you’d made and sat down next to him on the sofa tucking your leg beneath you. Sam took a sip then gave a little shake of his head and almost smiled. “I don’t remember the last time I had hot chocolate.” 
“If you don’t like it, I can make coffee.” You pulled your leg from beneath you and started to sit up.
Sam reached out and put his hand on your thigh stopping you. “No, I do. It’s perfect.” 
He took another sip as if to prove his point. When he finished, this time his smile was big. For right now at least, Sam didn’t look like he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. His dimples softened his face taking away the hard edge that was there too often from carrying the burden of knowing too much.
Sam took your cup from you and put both mugs down then cupped your cheek in his hand. He brushed his lips softly over yours, barely touching them before he kissed you with such an intense and tender passion you saw your life flash before your eyes, not as it was but as it could be. You saw the way it could be with Sam in it and how you could show him a little of the normal he had never known. You could feel Sam’s hand resting just below your waist on your hip. It was warm, solid, and strong. 
He stopped kissing you to look in your eyes slipping his fingers up into your hair. When he kissed you again, it was even slower and more deliberate. Sam’s tongue pushed against your lips seeking entrance, and you let him in. He held you and kissed away every doubt you’d ever had that you could be happy. 
The sound of your cell phone ringing pulled you from your dream. You rubbed a finger over your lower lip, the feel of Sam’s mouth on yours still so real. The phone kept ringing pulling you back to now. You pulled it from your pocket. It was Dean. You dragged your finger across the screen to answer it. 
Dean got right to the point. “I think I know how to get Sam’s soul back.” 
“Sam’s soul is in hell, Dean. In...Lucifer’s cage.” Your voice broke on the words. “It’s not like we can just walk in there and get it.”
“We can’t, but Death can.” Dean outlined his plan. He was going to have someone stop his heart so he could see Death and make a deal. It was a long shot, but it was the only one you had. “I want you to meet me at Bobby’s, Y/N.”
When you ended the call, you sat staring at the phone for several seconds before you moved. Hope stirred in your heart, fueled by the vision of Sam sitting next to you on that sofa with that same hope lighting his eyes. You could hear him saying, “Thank you for bringing me here.” It has eased his pain if only for a little while, helping him forget the apocalypse loomed. 
Your hand reached out to the empty place next to you remembering how he’d looked with the firelight reflected in his golden hazel eyes. You whispered the words you wished you’d said to him. “I love you, Sam.” You could feel the prickling of determined tears behind your eyes, and you spoke again to the emptiness. “I’m going to tell you. You’re going to know.” 
You walked back to the bed and picked up your sketchbook. You picked it up and looked at the likeness of Sam you had drawn. “You are going to know. This is going to be okay somehow, and I’m going to bring you back here. You will know something besides struggle and pain. I swear it.” 
You tore the picture from the pad, folded it, and put it in your pocket. Your rain jacket was hanging on a hook by the door. You put it on and pulled the hood over your head. Then you walked out into the storm. You were going to bring Sam back, bring him home to you.
Everything Forever: @gambitwinchester @princessmisery666 @onethirstyunicorn @peridottea91 @logical-princey @emilyshurley @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @fangirlxwritesx67​ @waywardbaby​ @atc74​ @ledzeppelinsbonzo​ @shaniquacynthia​ @mariekoukie6661​ @tumbler-tidbits​ @67-chevy-baby​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @terrarium-jpeg​ @emoryhemsworth​ @crashdevlin​ @heycasbutt​ @jules-1999​ @mrsdeannafuckingwinchester​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @sammyimpala-67​ @queenoftheunderdark​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @mrs-meghan-winchester​ @timelordy-fangirl2​ @sweetness47​ @hobby27​ @awesomesusiebstuff​ @kickingitwithkirk​ @gh0stgurl​ @neveratease​ @becs-bunker​ @sandlee44​ @supernaturalgrandma​ @lonewolf471​ @sea040561​ @dawnie1988​ @maddiepants​ @volleyballer519​ @outcastedangel​ @iknowwheremytowelis​ @kdfrqqg​ @lizette50​ @daisymoder72​ @sorenmarie87​ @oldfreakything​ @triiitoo​
Sam/Jared Love: @girl-next-door-writes​ @stunudo​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ @idabbleincrazy​ @evansrogerskitten​ @focusonspn​ @i-joined-social-media-finally​ @wingledsam​ @autumninavonlea​ @spnxbsessed​ @durinsbride​ @deansyahtzee​ @wendibird​ @fantasy-shadows​ @team-free-will-you-idjiot​ @waywardnerd67​ @neii3n​ @fullmooner​ @supernatural-took-me-over​ @julesthequirky​
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save-the-spiral · 5 years
If my mouth could marry a hurt like that!
title from Sylvia Plath’s poem Poppies In July
The storm wizard’s mouth has a small indent from a pen or pencil they chewed on while they were solving a problem. They taste metal on their tongue and their teeth feel like they’re about to vibrate out of their mouth from ambient electricity in their body. They crunch chips too loud, probably in class, and like to have lollipops only because of the dramatic energy of the stick sticking out of their mouth while they smirk and lean over into another person’s conversation, solving their problems in a sentence or two like it’s nothing. They paint their lips dark purples and reds and always forget when they do, smearing it eventually.
The ice wizard’s mouth is a thin grimacing line when they watch others mess up, hesitant to interfere and get involved. Their lips shine with a sheen of flavorless lip balm, or their lips are ragged with chapping and them picking at it. The soft burn of peppermint in their mouth lingers, they keep mints on them in a metal tin that rattles. When they exhale, if it’s cold enough there will be a pale blue-white cloud of water vapor, of condensation that can’t help but sparkle with magic and emanate a faint light.
The fire wizard’s mouth is burned from trying hot drinks too quickly. They paint their lips bright reds and oranges and golds. They don’t bite their tongue often enough and social mistakes fall from that mouth. They yell, snarl, and bite with that mouth like it is a deranged rabid dog on a fraying, charred leash, and they let it happen because they’re better at burning things than anything else, and awful at changing.
The death wizard’s mouth is painted black with lipstick of any quality. Eulogies drawl from those lips, names of those deceased easier to say than those still among the living. They can taste something awful in the back of their throat sometimes, reminiscent of the scent of freshly turned dirt and fake floral perfumes. Their teeth are just another imprint, another way to identify a body if all else fails. They cannot help but whisper goodbyes and greet with the relief of seeing someone alive that shouldn’t be.
The myth wizard’s mouth has a bit of ink just at the corner, because they fiddle with quills and cannot help but make a mistake. Plain pinks and soft corals paint their mouth, though the daring go for electric yellow and blue. They enunciate every name in every dead language perfectly. They make puns, and the wide break of a facade when they grin is enough to stop anyone in their tracks. That mouth will rasp prophecies one moment and drop open with reverence over an old text the next, and they will eventually forget both instances anyway, everything lost to time.
The life wizard’s mouth is frowning with concentration as they do their work, shoulders aching from endless burdens. They do their duty and don’t hesitate when it requires mouth to mouth, ready to give a breath of life, remembering to tap into their internal magic to make it work all the better and save a slim few that can be saved with that extra bit of magic. Plain reds are best when they look for lipstick, but they tend to pick ones labeled with flower names just to stay on brand. The color doesn’t really matter when they bark out orders, quick, efficient, and life saving with every social nicety skipped.
The balance wizard’s mouth is dry as they study, forgetting the water at their side all too often. They tug at their bottom lip with their teeth, letting the color pale from it with the pressure only to release it, captivating to anyone who appreciates their aesthetic beauty. They choose nude lipsticks and plain lip balms. They are slow to taste, quiet and appreciative, trying to pick out flavors, find a meaning in almost everything. This won’t stop them from murmuring insults under their breath when annoyed, even though they are merely a bystander most of the time.
The star wizard’s tongue sticks out, immature and childish. They pick any bright color or fancy lipstick that catches their eye, collecting them with an intent of simple ownership over something pretty. They laugh too often and don’t feel like laughing enough for how much they do of it. They have a quick trigger finger on their smile, bringing it up in the presence of others and just as fast to holster it, leaving something vacuous and empty in its place. 
The sun wizard’s mouth grins wide, and they shout and grin, they announce themselves. They wear borrowed colors from friends on their lips, smiling and thanking whenever they need to. They bite at their lips when they try to strategize, to think things through so they don’t lose anyone. They blow kisses, kiss a hand, brush their lips across offered knuckles, a smaller, more intimate and real smile showing through.
The moon wizard’s mouth is smudged with food or stray makeup. They give a tired half smile, they huff and groan and move anyway. Their mouth is slow to smile, but when they do its soft and brilliant and captivating, enough to whisper poems about and want to trace with careful fingers. They can shift expression and faces, never sure what constitutes a real show of emotion and who they are, flickering television glares of who they are becoming a blinding ray in the face of their adversary. 
The shadow wizard’s mouth is obscured by hands and darkness and the fact that sometimes they bend reality so it just isn’t there. Their lips are left uncovered, unless they find a dark purple, blue, or black that suits their particular tastes. They have teeth, you’re not sure just how sharp. Their mouth is a slash, beam of lights slicing through anything to illuminate their darkness. The rarity of smiles makes every grin a sparkle of hope, it’s created a false desert of happiness, eternally cold, a reminder that as extreme highs happen, the fall is quick to sweep them off their feet.
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stxn-the-mxn · 5 years
The Gift Of You || College!Steddie
IT Secret Santa Gift for @maxine-gayfield​
IT Secret Santa Organized by @itfandomprompts​
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November 11th, 1994
“I just don’t understand why they need to do… this?” Stan furrowed his eyebrows, watching as a boy he recognized from his history class and a girl he had never seen before hung up another garland across the hallway. He acknowledged that the garland was a nice shade of green, and it was pretty to look at, but that didn’t change his opinion on it.
Eddie, who could barely see through his layers upon layers of beanies and scarves, turned to Stan, seeing the contempt in his eyes. He followed Stan’s eyes to the winter garland that draped across the wall, just brushing the top of a doorframe.
“People get excited for Christmas, Stan. It’s bigger than Hannukah, especially here. But that doesn’t mean we can’t cele-” 
“No, no, I don’t care about that. It’s fucking November.” 
“Oh.” Eddie blinked in surprise, as Stan’s hands curled into fists. He was almost shocked at how frustrated Stan was getting. Sure, he knew that Stan often felt left out at Christm- December,
(Eddie had sworn to Stan that he would be inclusive around the holiday season. Stan had told him he didn’t have to do that, but Eddie had smiled sweetly and crossed his fingers over his heart)
but he hadn’t expected Stan to get so annoyed at people hanging up decorations early. Maybe, a thought occurred to him, Stan would be less annoyed if it weren’t just typical Christmas decorations being hung up everywhere. But then again, maybe Stan meant what he said and he was just frustrated that it was only November. 
Let’s hope that Stan avoided any and all shopping malls until December.
“-vember is way too early for holiday decorations. It’s barely been two weeks since Halloween, yknow?” Eddie glanced up at Stan again, his neck hurting a little, due to their difference in height.
Eddie used to complain about his small, 5’5 height in comparison to Stan’s 5’8 height, or anyone else’s height quite regularly, so much so that Stan had once made a comment that their heights were not that different, and Eddie was simply being dramatic. Eddie hadn’t said anything about his height since.
“Stanny, I think you’re being a bit dramatic.” Eddie hummed, a small smirk on his face as he remembered the height conversation, his voice muffled through a scarf that he’d moved to warm up his face more. Stan huffed, but shifted his thoughts away from the decorations, and instead listened to Eddie talk about whatever his mom had sent a letter about this time.
As Eddie spoke, fumbling over his own words as he complained about his overbearing mother, Stan took one last look at the decorations that plagued the college hallway and made a mental note of the date.
November 11th. 44 days until Christmas.
November 20th, 1994
“So, you want to celebrate Christmas for the first time, because of Wheezy?” Richie Tozier snorted, eyeing his curly-haired dormmate over the top of his comic book. Richie had not stopped laughing since Stan had slammed open the door and collapsed on his bed, muttering unrecognizable sentences under his breath.
These sentences, as one might come to wonder about them, were very much related to the day Stanley had spent with Eddie. These comments were in no way negative. Stan would never dream of saying anything even remotely harsh to the smaller boy. No, these comments, as anyone who heard them could tell you, were simply muffled confessions of a newly burning adoration.
“Yes, I do. And his name is Eddie, thank you very much.” Stan rolled his eyes at Richie, a common occurrence in their dorm.
Richie, however, was well aware that his name was Wheezy. Not only did he share some classes with the boy, but he slept in close proximity of Stan, and that reminded him of the brunette boy’s name enough. Stanley Uris had a terrible habit of talking in his sleep. 
“Okay, so, you - a Jew - want to celebrate Christmas - a not Jewish holiday - because of some boy that you like?” 
“Yes. Wai- No, I don’t like him!” Stan glared at Richie, who simply shrugged his shoulders in response, the smirk across his face kept hidden behind his comic. Stan, in a moment of defeat, slumped back onto his bed, unaware of the conversation happening across the hallway.
“Ben, it’s just not fair! He’s too pretty to be real.” Eddie groaned, his pale skin flustered so much that his freckles were practically hidden. Ben Hanscom, who had been trying his hardest to finish his architectural sketch and not giggle at Eddie’s predicament, gave up and put his pencil down.
“Deal with it, Eddie. Some people are just too pretty.” He mused, eyes drifting to the set of four photobooth pictures pinned to the wall, flaming red hair drawing in his focus.
“But I don’t wanna deal with it!” Eddie whined, shoving his face into his pillow, leaving Ben on the verge of a giggling mess. “Why can’t- why can’t he deal with it, and be- be less pretty?” 
“Well, I don’t think you’d like that, would you?”
“No… I suppose not. Fuck, I hate when you’re right.” Eddie, upon hearing Ben’s triumphant laughter, stuck out his middle finger, frustrated grumbles spilling from his lips. Eddie’s fist met his mattress repeatedly, each impact paired with a sweet, but angrily spoken, comment on Stan.
Ben, figuring he wasn’t going to be having another conversation with Eddie for a while, stood up and walked over to there calendar. It had been a gift from Sonia Kaspbrak, who had no clue how to give suitable presents to her son and had presented him with a calendar with a different health fact each day.
Ben ripped off that day and its fact (blood makes up about 8% of your total body weight) revealing the new fact for the 21st of November.
November 21st, 34 days until Christmas.
November 30th, 1994
“Benjamin Peter Hanscom, I am 100%, without a doubt, completely and utterly in love with Stanley Reuben Uris.”
Ben, who had not been expecting Eddie so early, almost knocked poor Beverly off the bed in shock. Bev, who had simply wanted to spend time with her boyfriend, gaped at Eddie, his words coming as a surprise to her.
“Ben, why aren’t you saying anyt- oh, hi, Bev.” Eddie collapsed on his bed, which had become a regular occurrence since Eddie had realised he had any semblance of feelings for Stan. 
Oh, he definitely had feelings for Stan. Stan, who would barely speak up in class, but always had so much to say. Stan, who would always wait for Eddie outside the classes they didn’t share. Stan, who knew Eddie’s order at every nearby restaurant and cafe. Stan, who was a straight-A student, yet would sometimes arrive late to class due to being distracted by a bird.
Stan, who Eddie could talk about for hours. 
Yeah, he absolutely had feelings for Stan.
Looking up, Eddie saw the awkward expressions on Beverly and Ben’s faces and rolled over to face the wall and not them.
“Continue. I’m not watching.”
“You’re in love with Wheezy! You’re in love with Wheezy! You’re in love wi-”
“Yes, Richie! We get it, okay? Stan’s in love with Eddie.” Mike placed his hand over Richie’s mouth, only to receive the sensation of Richie’s tongue across his skin. “You, Richie, are disgusting.”
“S-so, Stan, when did you r-realise you liked, or love, him?” He watched as Stan’s cheeks lit up red, a smirk now adorning Bill’s face. “I’m sorry, S-Stan, is love too strong a word f-for you?”
“You guys need to shut up!” Stan cried out, leaving the other three boys in fits of laughter. “Oh, fuck you guys!”
“Cmon, Stan, you know we’re just messing with you, right?” Mike sat beside Stan, patting his back comfortingly, while Bill and Richie continued to laugh. Now, as cruel as it may seem for Bill and Richie to find such humour in Stan’s feelings, they were actually quite happy and proud of their best friend.
“Hey, Rich?” The glasses-clad boy looked over at Stan. “What would- I can’t fucking believe I’m asking you this- What would you do if you thought you’d found your soulmate?”
“Whoa, Stan the Man! You saying that Kaspbrak’s your soulmate?” Mike exclaimed, springing to his feet. Bill and Richie’s eyes widened as Stan fiddled with his fingers.
“Well… yeah. Do I sound insane, or ridiculous or obsessive or-”
“You and Eddie are absolutely soulmates. Just ask him out. If he doesn’t say yes, you can just go out with me.” Richie smiled and tried to pull Stan into an affectionate embrace, trying to keep up a serious facade, Stan slapping his arms away and laughing loudly.
“How do you ask someone out?” Stan asked, earning eye rolls from his three friends.
“W-well, it’s got to be special. And important. Especially to Eddie.” 
Stan wracked his mind for something special and important to Eddie. And of course, things that might actually make Eddie say yes. That, to Stan, meant no disease, no illness, nothing that reminded Eddie of his mother.
“Wait! Stan, Stan, Stan, Stan, Stan!” Richie shook the curly-haired boy by his shoulders, Stan simply rolling his eyes in response.
“Yes, Richard?”
“Didn’t you tell me you wanted to celebrate Christmas because of Eddie?”
Stan, in a moment of realisation and possible brilliance, bolted to the calendar.
“It’s the 30th of November. I have 25 days to give Eddie the best Christmas of his life.”
24 Days Until Christmas
“G’morning Stan!” Eddie’s cheerful voice called down the hall, causing Stan to choke on his peppermint latte and almost spill the gingerbread hot chocolate in his hand. As Eddie practically bounded over to Stan, the taller boy took in his appearance. Eddie’s cheeks were flushed red, and the white flakes of snow on his head stood out among his chestnut curls.
He looked utterly adorable and Stan could only just keep himself composed.
“How are you, Eddie?” Stan smiled, not unaware of Richie standing not too far behind Eddie, gesturing crudely at the pair of boys.
“Well, it’s December 1st, and Ben got up early to decorate for Christmas, so I’m in quite a festive mood.” Eddie smiled, remembering the string of red, yellow and green lights that had woken him up.
Stan blushed at the sight of Eddie’s wide smile, and the way his hair bounced as he shook out the snow. The burning sensation tingling through Stan’s hand reminded him of the drink he was still holding.
“Oh! Eddie, I brought you a drink. I remembered you texting me at, like, 2am about how excited you were for a gingerbread hot chocolate, so I thought I’d get you one.” Stan breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn’t stammered or messed up his words.
“Fuck, Stanley, I love you. I can’t believe you remembered!”
Stan froze at Eddie’s words, the dorkiest smile imaginable breaking out across his face. He handed Eddie the cup, laughing softly as he aggressively started drinking it. It was almost gone in a minute, Eddie giggling awkwardly as he realised he’d downed the whole thing.
Stan was yet to tear his eyes away from the small brunette, eyes open wide in pure shock and admiration. His next words barely matched a whisper.
“How could I forget.”
18 Days Until Christmas
“Eddie? Really?” Beverly sighed as she watched Eddie shove a bobby pin into the lock. Sure, he could’ve just asked Richie for the key, but as if that dickweed would just hand them over. Especially if he knew why.
Beverly and Ben had boxes stacked to the skies that Eddie had filled with decorations and other surprises he’d bought the past week. He could only hope that Stan would like the surprises too.
“Fuck yeah!” Eddie swung the door open, only to be met with Richie, Mike and Bill’s scared faces as they huddled together.
“The fuck are you doing here?” Tozier screeched, pushing up his glasses that were slipping off.
“No point in lying now,” Eddie groaned. “I- We were planning on decorating Stan’s dorm. I’ve spent the past week shopping for Hannukah items and simple decorations in Stan’s favourite colours. That’s what we’re doing here.”
Bill and Mike shared a knowing look with Ben and Bev, while Richie let squeaky laughs to escape through his smiling face.
“That’s kinda gay, Kaspbrak!”
“Oh, go suck your boyfriend’s dick, Tozier.”
The two continued to bicker, as Bill and Mike moved to help Ben and Bev unload the boxes. In the time it took for Richie and Eddie to calm themselves down and move on, the other four had already hung up all of the blue and silver decorations, and were in the process of stringing up the little bird-shaped fairy lights Eddie had hunted down for three days.
“Hey! I was meant to hang this all up!” Eddie gasped, genuinely upset.
“Don’t worry, Spaghetti, they left the most important part for you,” Richie said, handing the extremely expensive menorah (which had cost Eddie all his savings. But it was for Stan, so he didn’t care.) over to Eddie, being careful not to drop it.
Eddie placed it carefully on Stan’s desk, making sure it didn’t disrupt the perfect order that Stan kept everything in. Once that was done, Eddie left the room, Bev and Ben not too far behind.
10 minutes later, Stan unlocked the door and gasped in surprise. There was barely an empty area of wall, and usually, this would have upset Stan, but when he took a moment to actually examine the festive explosion, it brought a smile to his face.
Blue, silver and birds.
Three out of four of his favourite things. His fourth favourite thing was Eddie. And there, on his desk, was the most gorgeous menorah he’d ever seen. He was so enchanted by the new item on his desk, he hadn’t noticed Richie reading another comic.
“It’s gorgeous,” Stan spoke, seemingly to himself.
“Yeah, Wheezy did quite a good job,” Richie muttered, almost causing Stan to scream in shock.
“Wh- Eddie did this?” 
“Yeah, who else? Me? Nah, I’ll leave this kind of sappy shit to your tiny boyfriend.”
“He’s not my bo- I don’t care. He did all this for me?”
“Jesus, Stanley, get it through your head. Yes, he did it for you. Now go run to his dorm, sweep him off his feet and fuck for god sake.” Richie sighed, more serious than he’d ever sounded.
10 Days Until Christmas
“No. I’m not hanging Mistletoe in the doorway, Benny. That’s a stupid plan.” Eddie sighed, tossing the leaves behind him. Ben sighed, reaching down to pick up the discarded decoration. 
“But wasn’t that your plan?”
“It was. But that’s so basic. And there’s no consent because of “tradition”, which is stupid and dumb. And it’s a Christmas tradition and I want it to be more… Stan, y’know?”
Ben sighed again, burying his head in his hands. Eddie was truly one of the most frustrating people he’d ever had to deal with, but he loved the boy nonetheless, and all he wanted to do was help his friend get together with the boy he was so clearly in love with.
“Fine, we’re scrapping Mistletoe. What else you got?” Ben queried, staring at Eddie with an inquisitive look. He was quite intrigued to see what Eddie could come up with.
“What if- and I know this sounds stupid- but what if I gave Stan a Hannukah present, but the present was me and I kiss him? Is that stupid?”
Ben stared in shock. Never did he imagine that Eddie Kaspbrak, the resident germaphobe, who sometimes screamed at the slightest breath on him and ran miles away from any cough or sneeze, was thinking of kissing Stan Uris.
Ben couldn’t assume that Eddie hadn’t thought of kissing Stan before, because there was no way he hadn’t. But Eddie was ready to put his thoughts into action. Ben couldn’t help but be proud of him.
“Fuck. Ben, I’m going out. December 25th is too far away.”
Eddie sped out of the room, not giving time for Ben to process his words. When the realisation dawned on him, the smile on his face swelled, and he rushed after Eddie, excited to see what he did.
“Stan The Man! You’re gonna kiss Wheezy as a Christmas-Hannukah present? Now that’s a move!” Richie nudged Stan in the shoulder, only receiving a light shove back. Stan was an alarming shade of red, which only made Richie happier.
“Shut the fuck up, Tozier. I’m only doing it cause Mike told me to.”
“No, I didn’t.” 
“Shut the fuck up, Hanlon. I’m not in the mood.” Stan laughed softly, as did Mike and Richie. When the laughter fell to silence, Stan began to mull over his tumbling thoughts. Fuck, was he really going to kiss Eddie? Yes. Yes, he fucking was.
“Hey, guys?” The two boys hummed in response, gazing up at their friend. “What if I… didn’t wait until Christmas?”
Their eyes widened, and so did Richie’s smile.
“Stan my man! That’s what I’m talking about! Sweep the little fucker off his feet and kiss him until he has an asthma attack! Go, you fucknut, and get your man!” Richie headlocked Stan, ruffling his already messy curls.
“I believe in you, Stanley. As Richie said; go get your man!” Mike cheered, clapping him on the back.
“I also said fucknut.” Richie stated through laughs, to which Stan simply rolled his eyes, a smile evident on his face. Stan stood up from his bed and headed for the door, ignoring the cheers and wolf-whistles from his friends.
He swung open the door, only to be met with Eddie’s closed fist, as if he were about to know on the door.
“Eddie!” Stan exclaimed, his voice breaking in surprise.
“Stan! Sorry for almost punching you…” Eddie sighed, dropping his arm to his side, letting it swing awkwardly. “Oh! You’re probably wondering why I’m at… your door and very clearly trying to get in, since I was about to knock… I really am sorry for almost punching you. So uh, basically, I was going to wait until Christmas- sorry, Hannukah- but I couldn’t wait so now I’m here and I’m so sorry for just showing up but I ju-”
Their lips moved perfectly together, their bodies moulding as if they were clay being sculpted into each other. Time seemed to slow as Eddie grabbed Stan’s waist and Stan grabbed Eddie’s face, both pulling each other closer.
“You need to stop apologising,” Stan murmured, drawing Eddie nearer. “Just keep kissing me.”
Mike stood from his viewing position, shutting the door, much to Richie’s frustration. Ben coughed awkwardly and scurried off to his dorm, leaving Eddie and Stan in the empty hallway, their lips still brushing against each other.
“Happy Hannukah, Stan.”
“Merry Christmas, Eddie.”
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ivybucky · 5 years
soft (s.r)
prompt: it was cold and rainy. it was near perfect. the company of a blond super soldier would make things a whole damn lot better.
A/N: this is literally just to satisfy the mood i’m feeling right now with this weather. i’ve noticed literally all of my steve fics start with s and i dont know how to stop
Current Masterlist
author: abby
words: 1473
pairing: steve rogers x reader
song: in the arms of love - andy williams
“Hey FRIDAY,” you’re muffled call from under your covers sounded to the AI. “What’s my schedule like today?”
“You’re meeting with Captain Rogers has been cancelled and training with Sergeant Barnes is pushed back until he returns from his mission tomorrow. You have a day off, Agent Y/L/N.” You silently thanked whatever gods were out there that you didn’t have to get up at that moment. 
“Perfect. Now, what’s the weather going to be like today?” 
“Thunderstorms started last night and are going to continue well into tomorrow morning. It’s also going to be pretty cold today.”
“So I have nothing to do today AND it’s raining? FRIDAY, open the blinds, and lock my door. I don’t want anyone barging in today.”
“Would you like me notify you when someone is approaching your door?”
After agreeing to that, you continued what you were doing. Relaxing. Rainy days were your favorite, but with your line of work, you hardly ever got to enjoy them. But now a day off presented itself. 
For a few minutes, you just continued to lie in your bed, allowing your body to sink further into your blankets with every deep breath. Your thoughts started wonder and you couldn’t help but think about the blond super soldier who made your day. 
Steve and you had been best friends for a while and recently, you felt your feelings start to change. You acted a bit more shy around him than you did before. He’d been distancing himself and you had begun to see your best friend less and less. And now, while you were glad you had the day off, you felt a little sad your meeting with him had been canceled. That’s when you had a thought. 
“FRIDAY? Did Steve say why the meeting was cancelled?” You pondered. 
“He mentioned to Mr. Stark that he was gonna give you the day off because it was raining.”
You smiled. Steve purposefully knew you’d want to sleep in and relax for once. You grabbed your phone to text him. 
“Can we hang out today? I feel like I haven’t seen in forever.”
“I thought you’d want the day to yourself since it’s raining.”
“For you I can make an exception,” you grinned as you pressed send on your message, letting yourself flirt a little more than you usually would. 
“I’ll be up in a bit.”
You moved out of your bed to put on a record, some smooth old jazz to match with the mood you were feeling today. Feeling the temperature of the room drop due to the weather outside, you put on a sweatshirt you stole from Steve a while back and some fuzzy socks with some soft pajama shorts. You grabbed your sketchbook off your desk and placed it on the brown leather chair placed next to the wall-sized window you had in your room. 
“FRIDAY, let Steve in when he comes.” you called, as you headed into your bathroom to brush your teeth and fix the mop of a bun you had after a night’s sleep. 
Steve knocked and entered the room, taking in the soft mood of the scene before him. The lights were off but the grey light from the day outside was enough to brighten the room. That and the smile you gave when you saw him. 
“Hi Stevie,” you sweetly greeted from your sink drying your face after washing it. You looked down at his hands full with a sketchbook and two mugs. “What’s this?” you questioned.
Steve blushed a little before handing you on of the mugs. “Well, I know it’s pretty cold out and peppermint tea is your favorite.” His hand went to the back of his neck, rubbing it nervously. You sighed, taking in the smell of the tea and the warmth in your hands. You looked back up at Steve’s slightly pink face before grinning widely. You cupped his cheek and stood on your toes to give his cheek a peck.
“Thanks Stevie, that’s awfully sweet of you,” you practically sang. His face split into a wide grin matching yours. You pointed to his sketchbook before motioning to the two chairs. “Do you wanna do sketch prompts? I’m in the mood to draw today.”
Steve moved to the paired chair a couple feet away from you and smiled. “I hoped we could do that.” he hummed, setting down his matching mug on the table in between you. 
You plopped down on the soft worn chair and threw your legs over the side, pulling the sketch book into your lap. You reached your hand into a jar that sat on the table in between you, filled with small folded up pieces of paper with sketch ideas on them. After rustling around the papers a little you pulled one out and read it. Your face reddened slightly knowing the topic was seated right in front of you. 
“Uh,” you stumbled. “It says draw something you love.” 
Steve’s cheeks reddened once again, coughing to distract his thoughts. “Hmm, okay.”
Both of your pencils started dancing across the page as began outlining your drawings. You thought back to Steve and took a deep breath knowing that this might be the only time you had enough courage to tell him, even if it was a little indirect. 
You started to sketch a raindrop, slightly smeared across a window, but on a larger scale, much like one of the ones clinging to the window next to you. As your gaze wondered, you noticed a small reflection of Steve across from you in a drop. It was distorted, but it was him. You smiled, inspiration streaking through your mind to your fingers as the mirrored the droplet in front of you. 
As the both of you drew, conversation was here and there, talking about the other Avengers, upcoming holidays, and passing inside jokes. Some of the silence was filled with the both of you humming along with Andy Williams and Fred Astaire, occasionally looking up to admire the other. 
As you finished the details on his face, Steve cleared his throat. You looked up at him, smiling. “I think I’m done,” he said almost shyly. 
“Me too,” you sighed shakily, holding the sketch to your heart, before passing it to him face down. He did the same to you, with almost the same amount of hesitation. You both grinned at each other nervously, before you started counting down.
“One,” you breathed.
“Three,” and you both turned the sketchbooks around. You gasped slightly at the image before you, shaky hand coming up to your lips in shock. 
It was you. Steve had drawn you. From the folds of his sweatshirt, your sock covered calves dangling over the chair, to your furrowed concentrated brow and the loose hairs on the back of your neck and the ones framing your face. You didn’t know you had been biting your lips as you drew. You didn’t know you had been so damn concentrated on your drawing of him to not notice him constantly looking at you. Your face flushed red realizing you’d been caught up in the fact that Steve drew you, that you were something he loved, that you hadn’t seen his reaction. Because you drew him. 
Looking up, Steve’s eyes were already on you, his plump lips parted in shock, with the same red you’ve seen multiple times now dusting his cheeks. Your eyes started watering, unable to turn away now, too full with emotion. 
“Steve,” you whispered. He quickly stood up, letting the sketchbook fall into the chair he once was. The sketchbook your lap fell to the ground shifting to face him. He stepped forward resting his hands on the back of your chair, leaning over you and caging you in, before pressing his lips firmly into yours. 
One of your hands cupped his cheek, while the other fell to the back of his neck, running your fingers through the short soft hair. Your lips moved against each other with so much emotion in them, relief and happiness that you both finally knew how the other felt. His soft lips stole the air from your lungs, but you didn’t care. He could take as much as he wanted. But eventually, you both had to come up for air. 
Out of breath, Steve rested his forehead against yours, grinning widely. You matched it, looking up into his eyes, a breath away from you. He pressed his lips to your forehead, sighing. 
“Thank god,” he chuckled. “It was getting hard trying to stay away from you.” You giggled as he picked you up and sat down in your chair, letting you rest against his chest. You hand cupped his cheek again, bringing his face to yours, noses bumping. 
“I’m never letting you go, now.”
Add yourself to the taglist
Forever Tags: @srgntbarnes, @i-like-tubs, @shamvictoria11, @blaackpanthr, @avengers-do-it-better, @fab-notfat, @with-a-hint-of-pesto-aiolii, @captainrogerss, @sebbies, @seabassbarness, @hdthdthdt, @katzuhira, @ailynalonso15, @nostalgicbex, @conspiracy-teen, @fireismysaftey, @wonderless-screwup, @winchester-gospels-67, @whiyen-has-a-crush, @saltwater-in-the-afternoon, @wooshytooshy, @jjamesbbarness, @i-put-the-bi-in-bifrost, @nanners-the-great, @marvelsundies, @property-of-loki-x, @imagines-4-you-blog, @wizards-magic-and-witches, @alexindahouse , @theglowstickofdestiny, @sobbingforseb, @memory-of-a-goldfish ,@aletheladyinred , @timelordy-fangirl2, @girlwhoisfearless @alexiamiky2003 @thisismysecrethappyplace @silverkitten547 @real-kate-bishop-aka-hawkeye
Steve Tags: @cotidi3morimur, @fruiterias, @goldenkillmonger
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bigtiddygandalf · 6 years
Stucky HC
-idk why but I have this headcanon I think about so much it almost feels canon to me at this point
-pre-serum Steve was really really into art
-Every year for Christmas, Hanukkah (from Bucky and his family) and his birthday he got some new pencils and a new notepad
-And he started out okay, but he worked up to capturing the likeliness of someone just by seeing them walk by
-he sketched the landscape, and pigeons on the fire escape, and people walking down below, and frames from moving pictures about the war.
-since Bucky and him were living together at the time, yeah he drew a lot of Bucky
-Bucky was his first real portrait
-and then Bucky’s sisters
-and Buckys mom and dad and co-worker
-and then the nice man who snuck them peppermints when his candy shop closed for the day
-and then the nice mans dog and the stray cats and even a few self portraits that Steve didn’t really enjoy too terribly much.
-my point is, Steve loved to draw
-he always wanted to try painting one day, but canvas and paint is so expensive and with saving for the war effort, he always figured he would wait until after the war to try painting
-but with that tickle in his throat, and the wheeze in his lungs, he doesn’t really know if he’ll make it to the end of the war
-with the way Bucky looks at him after each asthma attack it seems he’s thinking about it too
-Steve tries to joke that once he’s hospitalized he’ll have tons of time to paint before he actually kicks the bucket
-Bucky doesn’t much like that joke
-when they get together Steve art style changes a bit
-it gets whimsical, imaginative, and filled with a lot more portraits of Bucky
-he even convinced Bucky to pose in the nude for him
-“all the classics did it Buck”
-“yeah all the classics had pretty models though”
-“jeez Bucky I think you’re pretty”
-“we’ll at least someone does. Now hurry up before I turn blue it’s cold being naked ya know”
-they realize his art becomes a bit more blatanetly homoerotic and they try to hide it best they can
-when Bucky goes off to war, he sneaks out the door early morning without saying goodbye
-When Steve wakes up to an empty apartment he finds a small packet of colored pencils on the counter tied with a rubber band.
-a photo of Bucky stands on the right with a note that says ‘you best be making some great drawings of me when I’m gone. Make me look like a hero pal’
-and Steve tries not to cry
-but who can blame him
-he clutches the photo and says “I promise Buck”
-when Steve goes to war he uses his last few cents to buy himself a new sketch book
-he doesn’t want the guys to find his old one and shuffle through it. He can’t get kicked out after all this time.
-and that tickle in his throat gets worse and when they offer him the position he thinks it’s worth the risk.
-sure the procedure might kill him, but he’ll die without it anyway
-and when he wakes up in his new body all the colors seem brighter and the world seems bigger and he wants nothing more then to paint and paint and paint
-but he’s got some nazis to punch
-When Steve goes under the ice, he becomes famous
-well, more famous
-and they raid his home to shove all of his work in a big old museum to commemorate his life and his sacrifice
-and Peggy knows what they’d say when they see his art
-so she hides as much of it as she can, two notebooks full of nude poses, sketches of Bucky and Steve’s hands intertwined, a picture of Bucky on the fire escape smoking
-she wants to preserve his image
-until the 70’s when she proudly reveals it and uses it as support for the growing Gay Rights Movement
-and eventually it gets placed in the museum as well but with the normal historical lense with a very heterosexual description of ‘Steve Rogers anatomical study of male body with model by friend James Buchanan Barnes’
-but there’s still questions
-and when Steve wakes up in the 21st century rumors resurface
-a tumblr post reads ‘reminder! Captain America was a poor scrawny disabled bisexual kid from Brooklyn who fought for gender and race equality! Stop putting his face on your Make America Great Again bumper stickers you hick’
-Steve doesn’t even realize the rumors until someone asks him about it in an interview
-he doesn’t respond
-Steve can’t bring himself to draw anymore. He has access to everything, oils and acrylics and canvas boards the size of him, but he can’t pick up a pencil, can’t pick up a paintbrush
- when Steve has sensitivity training he starts to understand that he doesn’t have to be gay, just because he likes guys
-Steve likes the label ‘bisexual’
-which he doesn’t share with many people
-except that guy with the brown hair and blue eyes who looks a little too familiar to Steve.
-this guy doesn’t know him as Captain America, just as Steve
-so he invites him up to his apartment the night he meets him
-kissing him makes him forget his anger and it makes him feel a little less lonely
-though afterwards he feels dirty and empty and sad
-in Winter Soldier, when in the car with Natasha after their undercover kiss she asks him if it’s his first kiss since 1945? Steve explains it wasn’t, and Natasha doesn’t push but he can tell she’s wondering who was
-In Civil War, after Steve comes to comfort Wanda in her room, he doesn’t know why but he feels like he can open up to her.
-“it’s my fault” he admits “he mentioned Bucky and suddenly I’m a 16 year old kid again”
-“are the rumors true?” She asks from behind her folded legs
-and he can’t bring himself to lie. So he just swallows thickly and says “yes”
-and everything gets easier, he can breathe and smile and think again.
-the gov. doesn’t agree with Steve going AWOL to save Bucky but at least they can understand
-you do what you have to do to save the person you love
-and eventually, Steve comes to wakanda to visit Bucky, not the winter soldier but Buck. His friend- his old boyfriend, his new... whatever they were to each other...
-and they wander through the market and stop on top of this beautiful hill near when Bucky has been living and tending sheep.
-Bucky fidgets and uncomfortably reaches into his bag
-and Steve hates that he flinches
- but Bucky just pulls out a small white canvas, some brushes, and a platter of water colors
-“I don’t know if it’s a true memory, or just a feeling but I always wanted to get you some paint... I think... and I found them at the market so I...”
-and Bucky can’t say anything more so he just shoves the items at Steve and looks away
-and Steve can’t speak
-and he feels like he’s going to cry
-but he can’t, because slowly but surely he’s getting Bucky back.
-so he swallows his tears, smiles brightly, and says
-“here let me paint you. I got a promise to keep”
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hookahazz · 6 years
Toes |Harry Styles|
Warnings: a lil bit of cursing, lots of fluff , sexual comment or two nothing serious.  
Word Count:  1k
A/N: This is a lil short blurb I wrote in like 15 minutes because I haven’t posted in a while. I dunno, I like the idea of Harry painting his gf’s toes he’s so excited about it. oH im soft! Anywho enjoy it’s really short! if you guys want to request lil blurbs plz do I love a soft!harry.  
Harry thinks (Y/N) is a real, put together woman.
She has a college degree, goes to work on time every day, a beautiful home that smells strongly of peppermint every time he comes over (something he quite enjoys), a collection of work clothes, pencil skirts, blouses and pants suits, that she tries on just for Harry because he cannot seem to get enough of her when she's all dressed up from head to toe looking very professional, and she always always always has her nails and toes done. She doesn't get them too long (only for when she goes on vacation) because she usually has to type all day but they're long enough to where Harry has found himself daydreaming her wrapping her fingers around his cock and pump him a few times like the tease she is at the wrong times. He's always thought a woman who keeps her nails and toes painted and trimmed was sexy. He really doesn't like nubby fingers, thinks they're quite gross but he'd never say that aloud. There have been a few occasions in which he's had to shake hands with someone who has those god awful nubs but he's managed to hide his disgust and greet them with a tight-lipped smile.
He doesn't know why but it's just one of those little things that make his cock hard. Some women, (Y/N) for example, find things like men reaching behind the passenger seat while backing out, sexy (don't judge her, she can't help but drool at the very prominent veins that happen to poke out of Harry's arms when he does so.) And Harry just likes nails and toes. He likes her toes a lot, maybe a little too much perhaps. Like the good boyfriend he is, he's always offering a foot massage after a long day of work to ease her nerves. Sometimes if it's a movie day and she has her feet on his lap, he can't help but play with them, just thinks they're the cutest things!
"Please baby, if you let me do them you won't even have to go to the shop. Promise I won't mess them up!"
He's been begging like a baby for the past ten minutes or so if he could paint his girlfriend's toes. Of course, she's apprehensive, no one's ever offered to paint her toes and she's not even sure if Harry's capable of doing it himself. She's absolutely sure he'd make a mess. She's doesn't favor doing them herself which is why she has no problem going to Ky's Nails just down the road and paying someone to do them for her (they do a much better job than she ever could anyway). "I dunno babe, do you even know what you're doing?" she smiles, raising an eyebrow at Harry who's found comfort in resting his head on her thighs recently. "Course I do! Couldn't be that hard, no?" he sat up, his green orbs meeting hers. He really really really wants to paint them. Thinks he'll do a proper job, maybe even better than Ky! "Fine, you know where the polish is," she rolls her eyes, giving in. He shouts a yes! and runs to the back to grab the white polish and the top coat she keeps for dire emergencies. She's only had to use it once or twice, she didn't do a bad job but she is a perfectionist so she spent nearly twenty minutes on each foot, carefully applying the polish and cleaning up the edges with a q-tip dipped in acetone. Took too much of her time, which is why she began getting them done professionally. They even give her a small bottle of lavender scented lotion for free right before she pays.  
"You should get more colors, white's boring petal," Harry entered the living room again plopping down right in front of her feet. She explained how that'd be a waste of money, no matter how cheap polish is, to buy more colors when she'll never use them. "Oh come on! I'll buy them, just wanna paint your toes more they're cute! They'd be cuter with more color, love." he suggests, (Y/N) rolls her eyes and flicks her wrist telling him to get on with it.
He snickers, smacking the bottle on his hand a few times before opening it and he's off!... to a really bad start. He'd already managed to spill polish on (Y/N)'s floor (thank God it's wood and not carpet) and he's apologized profusely, each time she kisses his cheek assuring him that it's fine, I'll clean it later. She thinks it's quite funny though, but she does her very best to contain her laughter. "Oi, stop smirking like that. Already feel bad enough," he mumbled, brushing over her toe getting polish all over her feet and she laughs, unable to contain it anymore. Her left foot looks as though she's spilled white paint all over her feet; he's managed to get it everywhere, clumsy boy he is. "Oh for fucks sakes!" he laughs, wiping her foot "M'sorry lovie. I'll stop now." He closes the bottle and places it besides the top coat and the nail polish remover he's yet to make use of. (Y/N) smiles, leaning down to kiss his cheeks, "keep going baby, I love them." He’s grinning from ear to ear opening up the bottle again to start on her right foot. "Gonna do it right this time," he whispers, more to himself than her.
She watches as he carefully paints each of his toes, cursing if he gets too much on it. He bites his lip in concentration and focuses solely on painting her pretty little toes. He finishes not too long after, lifting her foot gently to admire his work. "Did a better job on this one, yeah?" he giggles, bursting at the seams with joy of how good he did. "Could do your toes from now on, button!"  
(Y/N) thinks that's a splendid idea.
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gothify1 · 6 years
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There are a few things that I've come to rely on Amazon for—books (along with an intense feeling of immediate guilt that I should have purchased directly from a bookshop instead), emergency gifts for basically everyone before Christmas and weird household things like light bulbs and batteries that I always  forget to buy when I'm at the supermarket. Beauty products? Never. While I might be something of a beauty purist—preferring to shop for my cosmetics IRL where I can swatch and smell or via knowledgable beauty web spaces, there's no doubt that the popularity of Amazon in the beauty and cosmetics arena is ever-growing. In fact, in the U.S., Amazon is the fifth most popular destination for beauty purchases. Putting the best-selling Biore pore strips to the test. Just one whiff of this product was enough to transport me back to the year 2001 when my 12-year-old self was suffering with a particularly nasty bout of dandruff. (Not what you want when your school uniform is a black blazer.) These days, my scalp is mainly flake-free—although I do experience bouts of psoriasis during particularly stressful periods. While I wouldn't reach for this coal tar shampoo when my scalp is feeling healthy, it will definitely be a welcome staple in my bathroom cabinet for those times when my scalp feels itchy and uncomfortable. It genuinely does a great job at ridding your head of flakes and irritation and, if you can get past the strong smell, leaves your hair pretty shiny too.  If I had to pick just one product off of the Amazon beauty best sellers list to recommend, it would be this Nip + Fab exfoliator. Infused with 3% glycolic acid and a dose of salicylic acid, it does an incredible job of brightening the skin, minimizing the look of pores, and generally leaving your complexion looking better than it did before. While I wouldn't describe it as harsh, it definitely has a gritty texture, which is probably why it does such a great job of scrubbing away dirt and impurities. However, I used it on a day when I had a few active breakouts and didn't find it irritating in the slightest. I used this in the evening after my usual cleanser and found that my makeup glided on incredibly smoothly the next day. Just remember to use an SPF if you're using this product, as the glycolic acid can leave your skin particularly sensitive to the sun. During my teenage years, I exclusively used Maybelline mascaras (its Colossal formula in the distinctive yellow tube was my jam), but it's been almost a decade since I last reached for one. The Lash Sensational formula claims to provide a layered lash look with a brush that captures even the tiniest of lashes—ideal for someone with short, curly lashes like myself. This mascara has a curved, plastic-bristled wand which I feel did a great job at gripping onto my lashes and coating them with product. Although I wouldn't say that it's the most volumizing mascara that I've ever used, I really liked how it created a fluttery, fanned-out lash. For me, this is a great daytime mascara or one to reach for when I'm wearing a bold eye shadow color but don't want to look too overdone. Personally, though, there are other mascaras that I would reach for if I was looking for a bolder finish. Fluttery lashes courtesy of Maybelline. Experimental taste in eye shadow is my own. My guilty beauty secret is that I absolutely adore pore strips. As a beauty editor I know that any pore unclogging or skin exfoliation should be conducted via a carefully curated routine of muslin cloths, chemical exfoliators, and regular facials—but who can deny the innate satisfaction that comes with peeling off a pore strip and examining the results? When it comes to pore strips, Biore really is the best, so I was overjoyed that these witch hazel and tea tree oil ones were on the Amazon best sellers list. I applied one on a Sunday night after cleansing my face and sat back in front of the TV for 10 minutes while it did its thing. Once it had set hard, I peeled it off—slowly, slowly—and was genuinely gleeful to see the gory results. These things definitely work when it comes to removing the gunk that sits in your pores, but the downside is that it's only too easy for your now-open pores to quickly get clogged again. I always use a salicylic acid or toner afterward to keep the area as clean as possible, but they're definitely the kind of product that you need to use regularly for long-term results. (Not that I mind, of course.) Despite having a major love affair with lip balms, I'm ashamed to say that I'd never actually tried this classic beeswax formula from Burt's Bees. Its tinted lip balms and lip shimmers have all worked their way in and out of various handbags of mine over the years, but this was my first dabble with the no-frills best seller. Of course it delivered. A nourishing blend of beeswax, vitamin E, and cooling peppermint gave this 100% natural balm a refreshing feel when applied to lips and a healthy dose of hydration. For around the cost of your morning coffee, you really can't go wrong. I would definitely repurchase were I not incredibly fickle when it comes to always trying the latest lip balm launch on the market.  When I say I tested this Aveeno body lotion, what I really mean is that I took it home, used it once and then my husband claimed the rest of the bottle for himself. In some ways, that tells you a great deal about the versatility of this gentle formula. Incredibly gentle, it uses finely milled oats and their natural emollients to care for skin—and it's particularly great if you're particularly dry. I'm an avid body lotion user, so my skin is generally pretty good in the hydration stakes. However, this is a great fuss-free lotion if you're looking for a basic formula with a gentle scent that won't interfere with your perfume. My husband, however, suffers from eczema and dry patches and was really impressed with the way this lotion left his skin feeling soft and healthy-looking in just a few days.  I'm incredibly loyal to my Beautyblender. (For those of you that don't know, it's an iconic bright pink egg-shaped makeup sponge that makeup artists, celebs, and beauty editors swear by for foolproof foundation application.) However, a lot of friends that work in the industry also love these complexion sponges from Real Techniques, so I put my beauty snobbery aside and gave them a go. These are lot firmer in texture than the Beautyblender, but I have to say they really did a great job of seamlessly applying my foundation—although I definitely don't feel they meshed the product with my skin in as natural a way as my usual makeup sponge. However, if you're looking for a purse-friendly alternative (these are half the price for double the amount of sponges), I would definitely recommend them. My brows are unruly at the best of times, so I was a little scared at the thought of using a product promising a 108% improvement in the appearance of eyebrow density. It's packed with keratin, sweet almond extract, and polypeptides and promises to transform thin, sparse, and uneven brows in 60 days. I'm genuinely surprised to say that I loved this product. Although my brow hairs are long and grow quickly, I do have some sparse patches left from that regretful teenage period of over-grooming them. However, after just a week of using this product I've noticed that my brows are starting to look subtly fuller and are in much better condition overall. Even if you don't need help in the growth department, this serum leaves your brows soft and glossy—and I've found that I've needed to use less of my beloved Benefit Gimme Brow since I've started using it. A definite keeper. Much of the Amazon beauty best seller list is something of a trip down memory lane for me—case in point, this Rimmel London powder. Who didn't have one of these tucked in their pencil case? This powder came out regularly throughout the school day to combat the unwanted shine caused by my raging teenage hormones and the unwieldy line for the snack shop at break.  All these years later and this powder still stands up to some of the best of them. Okay, it might not be as finely milled as some of the higher-end formulas, but it still does a damn fine job of keeping shine at bay. I love a gel manicure. Find the right place, and a good one can last up to three weeks on my nails. As someone who always—without fail—smudges their nails within moments of painting them at home, a gel mani saves me from infinite amounts of first-world stress. When it comes to removing them, however, I've been known to forgo salon removal in favor of scraping them off myself and damaging my nails in the process. This acetone has hundreds of four- and five-star reviews on Amazon with people claiming its "better than the salon" and "it removes gel and glitter effortlessly" and, I can confirm, they are indeed correct. Okay, you still need to do the tin foil trick—soak a cotton pad in acetone, press it onto your nail then wrap your fingertips in kitchen foil for 10 minutes while it soaks in—but my gel polish glided off afterward with only a little coaxing needed on a few stubborn spots of polish. My nails are I are very happy.
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zitavoros · 6 years
happy thoughts
I wanted to take a moment to write about the small things in life that bring joy. 
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These past few weeks have been stressful beyond belief, and I let myself be overwhelmed completely by negativity. That's not to say that I feel any better whatsoever, having gotten through the week, but instead of thinking (or writing) about it, I wanted to make a list of things that bring small moments of happiness. 
Writing down positive things and moments of gratitude can actually improve mental health. Not only mental health, but optimism can help improve physical well-being as well. Optimism can help people struggling with depression with various coping mechanisms such as participating in more exercise, abstaining from substance abuse, and lowering stress by focusing on outlets like humour to cope with problems. All in all, small doses of optimism can benefit everyone, and while it may be hard, it’s good to take part in it. 
If you're feeling down or helpless, take a moment to reflect and write your own list. It may help a lot, it may not, but if anything, you have a list of things you can look back on that bring some form of happiness to your life. 
In no particular order, here are 100 things that make me happy:
All the ranges of the colour yellow
Pantone Yellow 012
The number 2, my favourite number (which is also yellow)
When the laundry creases in the right places the first time and I can fold it perfectly without re-doing it multiple times
When a doodle looks as good as a finished piece
Beating personal records, whether it's in video games, workouts, or anything else
Learning a new skill, or discovering a new method of doing something
New episode release of a treasured TV show
Beautiful camera shots in cinema
Costume design in movies
My planner
Plot twists that have not been spoiled, that were shocking and wonderful to see unfold
New office supplies, especially pens of different colours
When you are able to reply with a funny quip at the right moment in a conversation, and everyone laughs with you
Enamel pins of unique art
Miniature containers of Play-doh
Unscented body lotion
The lilac blossom candle that smells like our backyard in Hungary
Highlighting something in a perfectly straight line
Odd numbers, especially ending in 5
The firetruck red colour of the number 5
Putting on brand new glasses and seeing leaves
When nails are long enough to shape and file
Organizing workspaces
Throwing out old papers that are no longer needed
Freshly vacuumed carpets
Absence of pain
Homemade soap
Turning off all lights except for the string lights in my bedroom
Kinetic sand
Happy family photos, before we grew up
Freshly baked bread
Cute drawings of desserts and foods
When everything is in its right place, right container, right order, correctly aligned in all manners
Labels, especially when on containers
The feeling of relief when an assignment, job application, project, or other form of work is finished and submitted
Succulents and other houseplants
Fresh air, on a day that is just perfect
Your favourite team winning a close game
Daffodil (my cat) running into my room and meowing at me
Waking up and having your hair still look great
Outfits that are comfortable as well as look flattering
Floral drawings
Vintage drawings, especially botanical in nature
Warm sweaters and gloves
Restful sleep
My SPF Chapstick that somehow smells like Trix cereal and makes my lips super soft
Messages from people who I haven't heard from in a long time, saying "I was just thinking about you"
Being alone in nature
Shower after a long day or a difficult workout
Textured painting brushes in Photoshop
Sparky, my Dalmatian beanie baby I've had forever
Checking an item off my to-do list
Random acts of kindness from others
Going shopping specifically for a little bit of junk food when it's just "one of those days"    
Glasses of water
When anxiety medication does its wonders
Polaroids using expired film
The moment when you finish cleaning the bathroom and it's like-new
Cancelling plans
Being able to breathe through my nose
Not feeling hungry
A successful full cracking of the knuckles, back and neck
Apple pancakes with cinnamon sugar on top
Ice skating
Hot chocolate with mini marshmallows and a tiny bit of peppermint sprinkled
Crockpot meals, especially when made for the first time ever
Sharp X-acto knives
Papercutting small plants from coloured papers and gluing them together
New songs / albums from artists I love
Wholesome photos, stories and other content about people / animals
Successful fundraisers
Funny vine compilations
Pencil sharpeners
Winning at a raffle
Starbucks strawberry frappuchinos with whipped cream
Whenever Hungary is mentioned or featured in mainstream media (movies, TV), or positively represented in any way in the US (articles about food, etc.)
Pöttyös Túró Rudi (A Hungarian sweet)
Rakott krumpli (my favourite Hungarian dish)
Csiga soup noodles
Brand new art supplies
Buzzfeed's Tasty videos that actually look good
Getting e-mails from real people (not spam or mailing lists)
A well-lit room
Baths with bath bombs and all the time in the world
The rare occasions I wear makeup and feel good
When I can wear what I want, without gendered expectations or constraints
Cute dresses and high heels
Nice slacks and button-down shirt with a vest
Good hugs
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Pro Makeup Tips You Can Easily Do at Home
Image: Imaxtree
We’re (still) looking for ways to occupy ourselves right now. After weeks of streaming movies, putting together puzzles and posting countless TikTok videos, you’re probably running out of ideas on how to spend your free time. Our suggestion? Learn a new skill, like how to expertly apply your makeup. Easier said than done, you say? Not when you have access to pro-level makeup tips.
There are two types of advice when it comes to getting the perfect look at home: the advice you can use and the advice you can’t. You know, you get all excited to read a “pro” tip list and it’s “go out and buy $100 worth of brushes and this expensive product from France and this powder no one has ever heard of from MAC.” Well, we’d do much better as an amateur makeup artist with pro products, too.
So what can you really do? Actually a lot. Read on to discover easy makeup tips and tricks you can try at home. And remember, practice makes perfect.
Lips that look fuller and more defined
Line the skin on the outside of your lip line with the cream highlighter you typically use on your dark circles. Blend it in. Your lips will stand out and look more defined.
Perfect lip liner every time
The next step for a perfect lip job? The colored lip liner you use on the inside edge of your lips. It’s hard to get it just right and perfectly even, but if you draw little markers that help even up your lines and fill them in, you’re basically home free. So start by creating an “X” in the top center of your top lip. The top half of the “X” should be drawn where your lip bow is. Next, draw two short lines at the corner(s) of your mouth; they should look like the greater-than and less-than signs: < and >. These will give you a visual guide as you fill in the rest that helps keep your hand straight. Not to mention, many of us don’t get into the corners at all (a major mistake). Now yours are all set!
Turn your favorite lipstick into longwear lipstick
After you apply your favorite lipstick, place a tissue gently over your lips. Then gently tap translucent powder over the tissue (it will get through to your lips) with a brush. Now your lipstick will last much longer.
Plumper lips
Not feeling lipstick but want a fuller look? Add cinnamon or peppermint oil to your gloss right before you apply. They’re natural, temporary lip plumpers.
Thicker brows
Grab your translucent powder and tap it on your eyebrows, then follow up with a tinted brow gel. Voila! That little over-plucking mistake is fixed.
Instant cheekbones
We all know (thanks to the Kardashians) what a difference contouring can make. But there are so many ways to do it and so many powders involved it can feel like a hassle. So here’s an easy cheekbone trick: Take an eyebrow pencil and draw two parallel lines underneath your cheekbones. Blend.
From pencil to gel liner
Need a dramatic line? Hold your standard pencil liner over the flame of a candle or lighter for a couple of seconds. The crayon will melt slightly and now you’ll be able to get longer-lasting, gel-like lines.
Eyeshadow that really pops
Every season there’s a bright “it” color of shadow we’re tempted to try, but it just never quite looks like it does on the runway. Maybe it goes back to those expensive shadows, but if you’ve got the standard Rite Aid fare on your makeup table, here’s how to really make them pop. First fill in your lid with a white highlighting pencil, then apply that electric blue shadow on top.
Lashes out to there (without falsie drama)
If you’ve got baby powder, you can have fuller-looking lashes without the glue issues. First, apply a coat of mascara. Next, brush a Q-tip dipped in baby powder over them. Apply next coat. Repeat.
Dewy skin like you’re sixteen
This is the one brand name product we highly recommend: High Beam by Benefit Cosmetics is a liquid highlighter with a touch of shimmer that will give your skin the perfect dewy finish that makes us all look a little more youthful. Use a stripe on the apple of your cheeks, the center of your forehead and the center of your chin, all blended in, of course.
A longer-lasting blowout
Ditch the hair tie. At night, twist your locks into a top bun and secure with a couple of hair pins. The next morning you’ll have soft waves that can be touched up fast. No more weird kinks or broken strands from elastics.
Depuff and conceal circles — for real
Oh so many tricks abound to depuff eyes and get rid of circles. Here’s what works in a pinch. Forget the cold spoon or lemon juice or whatever the trend is this week, take out a can of soda from the fridge and hold it under your eyes to depuff. Now apply concealer in dots rather than stripes under your eyes. Pat to blend instead of wiping and you’ll have bright eyes like the best on the red carpet.
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Tony Norraphon Amazing Beauty Tips And Tricks That Are Easy
Tony Norraphon Professional tips provider.  Everyone, all around the world, seeks to be beautiful. Real beauty is made up of not just external, but also internal, attributes. Even a small change in your appearance can radically change how others see you. You can become more beautiful to others by making changes to your appearance.
Letting your hair air dry is the best way to prevent heat damage. Combined heating tools like hair dryers and flat/curling irons can majorly damage the scalp and hair. If you must use your hair dryer, keep it on low heat. This ensures that your hair will be kept soft and silky for many years.
Make sure that you are not allergic to your fake eyelashes. Put a small amount of the adhesive on another part of your body to check for allergies. Put a small amount of the glue on you arm and cover it.
The best way to bring out the color of your eyes is to wear eyeshadow in complementary colors. For blue or gray eyes, yellows and oranges are ideal. Look for eyeliners and mascara that are brown with touches of deep purple and maroon. These darker colors will help your eyes stand out.
Tony Norraphon Professional tips provider.  Use a face mask at least once a week. Depending on which one you choose, this will help remove impurities from your face. A mud or clay mask is best for removing impurities. You will see results immediately. Once you find a mask you like, you should stick with it.
If you have the money, you may want to get another set of cosmetics that you normally use, like foundation, lipstick or lotion. You should keep them somewhere you can get to them easy. This ensures you always look your best.
Remember that drinking plenty of pure water is one of the best ways to stay beautiful. It cleanses your system and helps keep your skin moisturized, your eyes bright, and your joints well padded and flexible. Pure water can be considered a "fountain of youth". Enjoying plenty of it will keep you beautiful throughout your life.
You can make a homemade, alcohol-free mouthwash using peppermint oil and purified water. Only put in one drop of peppermint oil for an ounce of water. To prepare your mouthwash, boil your water. Measure the oil into a heat-proof container that will hold the amount of water you're boiling. Add the boiling water to the container. Cover the container with a clean cloth (i.e. a handkerchief) and allow to cool. Decant into a bottle with a tightly fitting lid. You now have a great mouthwash!
Tony Norraphon Professional tips provider.  To make red lipstick last longer, apply powder and lip liner to your lips before applying the lipstick. First, powder your lips with your usual face powder. Next, draw a line around your lips and fill them in with a red lip liner. Finally, apply the red lipstick on top of the powder and liner, blotting with a tissue to remove any excess lipstick.
Tone down a lipstick that is too bold or bright. A great way to make an overly pigmented shade easier on the eyes is to put some on the back of your hand, dab it with foundation, mix, and apply to lips. Your new shade should now be a better match for your tone.
Blot oily skin. If you are out on the town and notice your face is oily, use toilet paper to blot your skin. This works as well as any blotting paper and will remove any excess oil you may have on your skin and give you a perfect flawless look.
Pineapple is very beneficial for those wishing to lose weight. Bromelain is the key ingredient for weight loss found in delicious and nutritious pineapple. Bromelain helps your digestion when it comes to fats, proteins, and starch. If you include more pineapples in your diet, your metabolism will increase.
When looking at beauty products, you should always be sure to check out as many reviews as possible. Sometimes it is not worth it to spend a lot for a product when you can purchase the same type of product for much less. Other times it is essential that you spend the extra money to get the right product.
When going to the beach, use this trick to make your waist look narrower. With a white pencil liner, dot the shape of an egg on both sides, starting just below the rib cage. Then fill the egg area with a little self-tanner just one shade darker than your natural skin tone and blend it in.
You are very good at applying your makeup and washing it off at the end of the day. Are you as diligent when cleaning your makeup brushes? Chances are, you are not. It is advised to wash your makeup brushes at least once a month using a gentle soap such as baby shampoo. Lather them up gently, rinse, and let them air dry.
Tony Norraphon Professional tips provider.  If you suffer from ingrown hairs when shaving, try using a bit of quality moisturizing cream on your legs as soon as they're done "� that is before your legs are fully dry. A quality moisturizing cream is rich in emollients, which means that existing hairs will grow straight outward, rather than embed in your skin.
To help your makeup last longer, layer it when you apply it. Place your blush over your foundation, and then set it with a powder. Layering makeup gives the makeup something extra hold, and also creates a softer, more youthful look. Primer is especially useful when trying to create layers of makeup.
If you are using makeup, you should be absolutely certain to use proper cleaning at the end of the day. If you leave traces of makeup on your skin while you sleep, it can lead to skin problems! This, in turn, will end up hurting the effect you are attempting to have with makeup in the first place.
Tony Norraphon Professional tips provider.  As you know, beauty is something you can directly control. You can start right now to enhance your beauty. You have the right to feel and look your best. The beauty enhancing tips you learn can last a lifetime, but it is up to you to apply them.
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princesfitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on My Fitness and Nutrition Store
New Post has been published on http://myfitnessnutrition.princefamily33.com/2017/05/15/beauty-tips-to-fit-your-modern-lifestyle-3/
Beauty Tips To Fit Your Modern Lifestyle
TIP! When nail polish becomes sticky and thick, adding a bit of nail polish remover can be very helpful. Use a little bit, put the top back on, and shake it.
Yes, real beauty is more than skin deep, but everyone can use a few beauty ideas every once in awhile. Many people want to enhance their natural beauty. The advice in this article will help you do just that!
TIP! It’s important to exfoliate the face. Dry or sensitive skin should be exfoliated at least three times a week to adequately scrub away dead skin and let the skin that is beneath it breathe.
Exfoliation is the first step in applying self tanner. This process will smooth skin and remove layers of dead skin cells. As a result, your tan is going to appear more even and smoother. You will also find that it looks more like a realistic tan and lasts longer.
TIP! You can create the illusion of bigger lips if you put just a bit of shiny white eye shadow on your cupid’s bow. The slight shimmer on your top lip will give the appearance of a full upper lip.
Sunscreen keeps your skin looking flawless. When purchasing one, look for one with additional skin-friendly ingredients. These ingredients will help to yield a more natural look, which will improve your appearance.
TIP! Never leave makeup on overnight! You should us lukewarm water with a gentle washcloth or a good makeup removing solution. After this, wash the face normally.
You can use Vaseline to keep cuticles healthy. It will help your nails grow quicker as it feeds them. It will also make your nails and cuticles look healthier. Results will happen instantaneously, as Vaseline can be a permanent help in this area.
TIP! Peppermint oil and water can be combined for use as a mouthwash. You will use one drop of oil per ounce of water.
Condition your eyebrows with Vaseline every night. This conditions your eyebrows and helps them look lustrous. If you do use Vaseline, make sure to avoid areas where you do not want it, since it can cause your pores to become clogged, resulting in acne.
TIP! If you are truly focused on a healthy beauty routine, then you have to make the choice to cut caffeine out of your diet. Caffeine can leave you feeling jittery and looking tired after consumption.
You want to keep your skin moisturized during the winter so that it stays fresh, and selecting one with a warm gold or pink tone will give you a healthy glow. Get that glowing, radiant effect by using a sponge to apply cosmetics to your brown bones and cheeks. Do not do any more than this because you will end up looking shiny.
TIP! A brush with boar bristles is useful in combating frizzy hair. Many people have frizz issues.
You can narrow your full face by changing your hairstyle and its color. Styles that are longer and add length to the face will help. Opt for a hair length that lays somewhere between the chin and shoulders, but no shorter than the chin. Highlights or lowlights to frame your face can also be added. These are quite flattering and highlight the features of your face.
TIP! For clear and sparkling eyes, apply drops throughout the day. This can prevent redness and dryness from taking place too.
One of the easiest and most affordable ways to get clear skin is to drink enough water. Hydration with nature’s basic element, water, has the ability to cleanse your pores and release toxins that have accumulated in your skin. This internal cleansing can lead to healthier and clearer skin.
TIP! Include more Epsom salts in your beauty products. This type of salt can help alleviate sore muscles.
Use a teabag piece to protect a fingernail that rips off. Start by dumping out the leaves in the teabag. Then, cut a small patch from the teabag making sure your patch will cover the tear. Finally, paint over the bag and nail with a clear polish.
TIP! After you put on lipstick, put one finger in your mouth and then slowly slide it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.
Find some room in your refrigerator for your beauty products. In hot weather, cool products are especially soothing to the skin. Oils, lotions and toners that are refrigerated can be applied even in the worst heat. Your skin will appreciate the cooling relief you are giving it.
Eye Drops
TIP! Layering eyeliner and shadow can be used to make eyes appear larger. Applying primer is the first step, then add foundation and powder.
Use eye drops to help your eyes sparkle. This will help to reduce redness and pain associated with dryness. Anyone who stares at a monitor all day should keep these eye drops handy. Keep a bottle handy near your desk, and place those drops in your eyes every four hours.
TIP! Hair is sensitive, and a towel is one of the quickest ways to cause frizziness. Use a soft towel and scrunch your hair lightly, and gently pat it dry.
Short on concealer? Use the foundation stuck in the threads of your makeup cap. If you have no concealer, use the makeup from underneath your foundation’s cap. This excess makeup can help act as the perfect concealer due to its thick nature and its ease in covering imperfections.
TIP! Eyebrow tint is a great way to look better. You can do this with some eyebrow pencils or have it done professionally with dye.
A lot of people aim to be attractive outside. Try playing up your strengths instead of hiding your weaknesses. You can find help for both in this post. By applying the advice above, your beauty will have a chance to shine through.
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