#period: rotj
otterandterrierwrites · 4 months
I did that wrong.
14 Days of Scoundress 2024 ♥ February 6th
More of that
He had been trying to ignore it all for the past hour of the routine meeting. The tiredness that was creeping up on him, making it hard to keep his eyes open and his brain engaged in what was being said; the ache in his joints; the slight blurring of his vision; the headache. All souvenirs from his time as Jabba’s wall decor. There was clear progress, the medics said; he was slowly getting better. But not fast enough.
Somehow he’d made it through, even waited whilst Leia exchanged a few last words with Dodonna—mercifully, she’d kept it brief.
As they walked together through the corridors of Home One before going their separate ways, Han’s right leg seized, drawing a strangled Huttese curse out of him. The pain stopped him in his tracks and he swayed slightly, close enough to a bulkhead to lean sideways against it.
Han squeezed his eyes shut as his vision swam; when he opened them, Leia’s worried face was the first thing he saw.
‘Mm,’ was all he could manage as he rode the waves of pain.
With Leia’s help, he bent down to massage his calf, digging his fingers into the muscle until the contraction eased up, although he knew his leg would still hurt for a while.
Whatever they ended up doing to stop the second Death Star once they had all the intel, he was supposed to stay and help. He hadn’t told Leia yet that he was finally going to accept a commission with the Alliance—he thought it was implicit that he wasn’t going anywhere, but he wanted to surprise her once things were clearer. How was that going to work if he was still half as useless as a newborn nerf? He fucking hated the feeling of being powerless in his own skin that disease and injury often brought about—a sentiment he shared with Leia. He didn’t have to tell her what it was like. In fact, when he straightened up and looked at her, lips clamped as he held back every emotion he was feeling, he knew she could see right through it all.
Casting a quick glance around the then-empty corridor, she grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled herself up on her toes to kiss him—just a quick pressing of her lips against his, lingering only a few seconds longer when held on to her waist before she broke apart.
She cupped her hand around his cheek. ‘Better?’
‘I mean, I could do with some more of that,’ he told her, giving her a half smirk that Leia returned with a grin of her own.
‘If you want me to kiss it better, I’m afraid you’ll have to wait a bit longer, hotshot,’ she said, low enough that only he could have heard her as foot traffic picked up around them.
Grabbing her hand, he gave it a squeeze before they started walking again, his silent thanks for sticking with him through his various bullshit—like he hoped she knew he’d stick by her, no matter what.
******* Prompts:
37: as comfort
21 swapped for 20: “I mean, I could do with some more of that.”
14: [stolen] a quick, stealthy, and impromptu kiss snatched in secret
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hanleiaarchive · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Star Wars: Rebellion Era - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Leia Organa/Han Solo, Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker & Han Solo, Luke Skywalker & Han Solo Characters: Han Solo, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader Additional Tags: Han Solo Needs A Hug, Leia Organa Needs a Hug, Leia Organa/Han Solo Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Battle of Endor (Star Wars), Movie: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Bedtime Chatter, Insomnia, Han Solo is a Good Person, Han Solo and Leia Organa Can't Sleep Summary:
On the night before the Battle of Endor, Han wonders why Leia is acting so strangely.
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dailydragon08 · 6 months
Luke when you wear shoes that make you taller than him
this has lived rent-free in my head for so long, so here's a lil Christmas Eve gift for you all. hope everyone is having good holidays! more content coming soon!
ANH Luke is gawking and immediately ready to be your personal assistant for the day. He tries to play it cool for a minute until you turn your attention on him. Then it's lots of "ma'am/sir/yes, right away," whatever you prefer. Just thinking about you in heels and towering over him has always turned him on a bit more than he'd like to admit, but actually seeing it in real time - he's a complete goner and isn't ashamed to admit it. Although, he will still attempt to defend himself when Han starts teasing him.
ESB Luke is a bit intimidated at first. He also thinks he's doing a good job playing it cool, but he's very fidgety, bright red, and struggling to find words when you speak to him. This era of Luke is much more assertive and his newfound commanding officer role still has him on a bit of a high, so the height difference at first throws him off. He also wants you to see him as a protector and isn't sure how you can when you're the one looking down at him. But once you do make eye contract, he's retracting all his earlier mental statements and can't help how much it turns him on. His admiration isn't as puppy-like as it would've been in ANH era, but he's definitely still hanging on every word you say and ready to agree to them all. He does a little better at hiding it, but those who are around him for extended periods can tell he'd run head-first into his x-wing if you asked.
ROTJ Luke is the most composed - at least, after the initial surprise of having to look up to meet your eyes fades. You see his eyes widen slightly before he clears his throat and regains his composure, minus the very obvious red tinting his cheeks. This older, more mature Luke won't immediately jump the gun into people-pleaser mode, but he also has no issues with any assumptions that might be made based on height. In fact, he has some very un-Jedi-like thoughts running through his head about you keeping those heels right where they are. Although it isn't as obvious to you or those outside his inner circle, to Han, Leia, Chewie, the droids, and even Lando and Wedge, he's obviously even more smitten than he was before. Han is definitely ribbing him out of earshot about how he keeps staring at you with doe eyes whenever you turn around or aren't paying attention before quickly looking away the second you adjust your gaze.
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antianakin · 9 days
Hey there! Do you have any good anti-Vader/Vader critical during the Original Trilogy/ with the OT group? I don't know if it is the tags I use or anything, but most of the fics I find with the OT group + Vader tends to go towards being nice to Vader, with a 'Good Parent Vader' and all.
I'm going to assume this is asking about fic recs. I don't tend to read as much with the OT characters, I'm just less invested in them, but I have a few that might fall into this category. I don't have any way of helping you look for fics via tags, but I can recommend the same trick I always do which is to find fics you like that ARE more critical towards Anakin/Vader and then go through that author's other work and bookmarks and just keep moving forward from there. If they write Anakin critical stuff, chances are pretty high that they probably read it, too.
Ahsoka is Mace's Padawan series (Stintless Stars) by SkyeBean: The last fic in this series is set during ROTJ at the last strategy meeting the Rebels have about the battle on Endor. It's definitely meant more as an end to this series to just wrap up a lot of the character development for Ahsoka and give a glimpse at how she and Mace and the Jedi have changed things in the decades leading up to ROTJ, so I don't truly recommend reading the last fic without having read the rest of the series which is (obviously) more Prequels/TCW focused. The fic does sort-of briefly touch on Luke and Leia, but it's told through Ahsoka's perspective. Luke is, as usual, more positive towards Anakin, but Leia is not. The entire series is Anakin critical (as well as Padme and Anidala critical), but the focus isn't on the OT or its characters.
Meet in the Middle by BilbosMum: Luke and Leia connect with Obi-Wan and Rex through a shared dream that will allow them to meet each other through the power of love. This is set somewhere between ROTS and ANH and mostly focuses on Obi-Wan and Rex's relationship, but there is some discussion of Anakin and his current decision-making in there.
may you inherit his light by notbecauseofvictories: Leia reflects on Bail and Anakin and her feelings about both of them and how her two fathers have shaped who she has become after ROTJ. This fic is definitely critical of Anakin and immensely positive towards Bail, but it's not what I would call ANTI Anakin. It's honestly my favorite Leia fic I've ever read, it really digs into her and while it sort-of touches on the "Leia is angry like Anakin" trope, it goes deeper than that and considers WHY Leia might be angry and whether it truly is anything like Anakin's anger at all.
that was a spring of storms by blackkat: Leia accidentally time travels herself, Bail, and Luke back in time to the first year of the Clone War. This fic is VERY much a WIP, there's only 2 chapters of it and it hasn't been updated in quite a while, but the concept still really appeals to me a lot. This is cheating in terms of your prompt since the majority of the fic is obviously going to take place within the Prequels/TCW era, but it obviously is dealing with a Luke and Leia from ANH, so I'm letting it count.
ring the bells that can still ring by rain_sleet_snow: Reva trains Luke and Leia post-ANH. Reva is not an OT character, but it's set in that time period and Reva is having to interact with multiple OT characters and isn't exactly someone who is going to be positive about Anakin.
Compromise by gaeasun: Dogma reflects on his life during the celebration on Endor as he speaks with Rex and Leia. This one's stretching the definition of being Anakin critical, Dogma makes a single comment that sort-of discusses his feelings about Jedi in general as he looks at the bonfire for Anakin's body, and Dogma is obviously not an OT character at all, but I like the concept of how much Dogma would have had to grow over the decades since the war and the hint of his relationship with Leia.
finally cleaning, cleaning my closet by dee_lirious: Leia deals with Anakin's ghost trying to interact with her post-ROTJ. It's a really interesting exploration of what Leia WANTS Anakin to be to her and what she starts to decide he ACTUALLY is to her. It's a look at what forgiveness is and how it might look for Leia. It's not precisely positive towards Anakin, but it does ultimately recognize that what is causing Leia's anger is fear that stems from an unimaginable loss. It's perhaps more positive towards Anakin at the end than you might want, but it's left relatively open-ended, as well.
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brucewaynehater101 · 14 days
I’ve got some headcanons for JJ!Tim that might fit in with the AU:
Early on, he has a weird obsession with the BANG!!! Gun. Like, every time he fights Batman, he uses it in some way. Probably to cope if he killed The Joker in this AU.
As the years go on, JJ’s DNA is slowly recoded by the Joker chip to be more like Joker, and is fully Joker much sooner than in Batman Beyond, dropping the Junior in his name by his 20s.
Sometimes, Tim does rarely take control back, and completely disappears for months at a time. Sometimes he turns himself in, only escaping once Joker is back in control.
By RoTJ, Tim is completely gone, and is defeated nearly the same way by Terry Batman, just much earlier.
Hello! If you're referencing a specific AU of mine, I'm not sure which one. My memory sucks when it comes to remembering stuff, even if I've written it myself. Let me know which one specifically if it is tied to a certain AU.
TW: implied suicide
On that note, I like the hc that JJ keeps using the BANG! gun in fights with Batman. For other JJ AUs (especially Reverse Robin ones), this would be super rad to see! Gods, more use of the BANG! gun (or references to it with other dramatics) should be played around with.
Also, Tim turning into the Joker makes me so fucking sad. It's excellent angst, though, and the sped up timeline (including brief periods of lucidity with Tim) would suck in the best way. Some extra angst would be Tim indicating that he's fully aware and usually present when Joker is in control, but he can't do anything. Joker is aware of Tim's mental presence and torments the hell out of Tim whenever he's bored (so a way to pass time, basically).
For a hurt no comfort JJ AU, Tim manages to trick the Joker into messing with a device that would temporarily knock out Joker's consciousness. This would allow Tim the time to permanently end both of them (similar to the lengths Tim would go to prevent Gun Batman).
That, or every time Tim gains control, he tries to end his life. Having Joker use his body for evil ends and having him as a head mate would suck.
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marvelstars · 8 months
Anakin & Padme vs Obi-Wan & Satine
I have some thoughts on both of these relationships especially because I enjoy both but I don´t like when some fans use one to put down the other in terms of their relationship with the Jedi Order
First off, Obi-Wan and Satine deciding to go on their own way because Satine had a duty to her people and Obi-Wan wanted to remain a Jedi despite loving her is totally in character to the kind of people they are and what they care for, Obi-Wan was raised at the temple, he didn´t know his birth family, the order is his world and Satine didn´t want to put him in a position of leaving his world for her world and she most probably wasn´t going to leave her duties to her destroyed planet as the heir of Mandalore, especially after a civil war.
In this I agree with the majority of fandom, in what I disagree is the fact that Satine and Obi-Wan decision not to pursue a romantic relationship is a legitimate one while Anakin and Padmé´s choice to begin one is selfish and a show of attachment, I believe both decisions and both relationships ARE legitimate, after all being a Jedi is a choice and just like Ahsoka showed, you can leave without being made an enemy of them precisely because the Order is supposed to offer this freedom.
Anakin was born in a family, he wanted to become a Jedi to be able to free the slaves on Tatooine, later he had to sacrifice this dream to remain a Jedi because freedom of slaves on Tatooine or the outer rim simply wasn´t a priority for the Jedi Order because they did mostly what the Senate asked of them and freedom in the Outer rim wasn´t something the Senate cared about at all.
In this scenario Anakin falling in love with Padmé, the girl he helped when he was a slave on Tatooine, the same one he promised to help free her planet which he ultimately did, is a good and honest feeling, just as Padmé´s auntentic feeling of wanting to have a family with Anakin once her period as Queen was done, so she could execute her plan of them going to live on Naboo once her time as a Senator was done.
Anakin´s decision to leave the order to built a life with Padmé and a family is a legitimate decision. At no point did he wish to impose his pov on the order or make them change their oppinion on marriage, his position was simple, he could not remain a Jedi if he was married to Padmé, he stayed during the clone wars to help the order but he had already decided to leave once peace was achieved and who could condemn him for that? if that decision could very well have led to him finally achieving his childhood dream of freeing the slaves once he wasn´t a subject of the Senate dictates as a Jedi? especially given Padmé´s help and influence on Naboo could have helped in achieving this and who knows, without Palpatine´s direct influence over Anakin, this could have helped fulfill the chosen one prophecy in a better context than ROTJ
In both cases, the characters are making a decision that makes sense given their background and point of view which is completely legit, even in the real world, life long compromises of the kind monks/ catholic priests make, they are made aware they have a choice if they ultimately decide to live their life as part of a family and that it´s an honest and legitimate decision, in fact catholic priests are given a whole year to decide before making their formal votes.
So in Anakin´s or Obi-Wan´s case, while the Jedi Order certainly didn´t take well seeing their members leave, it wasn´t banned, it was a legitimate decision one could take if the circunstances led to it as Ahsoka showed and I believe this is the least they can do given they take their members so young, before they are able to fully understand the decision they are making.
My two cents.
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Double date by Ame
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walkawaytall · 10 months
Oh no, I’m participating in Star Wars discourse.
Uh, so there’s a post floating around that I’m not reblogging mainly because it’s just this person’s headcanon and, whatever, people can have headcanons, but the main points they make in the midst of talking about their headcanon that I’ll be addressing are:
Leia and Han getting married and having kids is the most boring thing you can do with Leia
Leia should be a Jedi like every other dang Skywalker because somehow continuing an assumed dynasty isn’t the most boring choice you can make for her
Leia is more cut out to handle lack of attachment than Luke which we know because of her lack of response to Alderaan being destroyed
Leia and Han shouldn’t get married or even be around each other much because Han is a wandering soul and needs to travel and go places
Leia never expresses a desire for marriage or children in the OT, so removing these things won’t contradict George Lucas’ canon
And, look, these are just…missing the point of the character growth that occurs in these two during the OT.
(there's just a whole-ass essay below the cut if anyone cares to read about the many thoughts I have on Leia Organa and Han Solo.)
So, I'm not saying existing or past canon/EU has done it right, but I disagree with the statement that having them marry and live kind of basic lives is the most boring choice. If that's all there was to it, sure, but those two choices by themselves show a monumental amount of character growth for both Leia and Han. (I mean, frankly, I think "Skywalker = Jedi every time no matter what" is a pretty boring choice storytelling wise, but I also think the Jedi on the whole are incredibly boring characters, so, uh...I'm biased.)
Leia was never going to live a quiet life even if Alderaan hadn't been destroyed. Like, she did not have that option, period. She would have either remained in politics or taken over as queen, may or may not have had to marry for political reasons, and may or may not have been involved with the Rebellion. Her life was chaos starting as a teen and she had no reason to believe she wouldn't die living a hectic and chaotic life.
And then she loses everything. This isn't emphasized in the movies obviously because they are fun family romps and not gritty dramas, but, good night, in a single second, she loses every family member, nearly every person she knows, every place she finds most familiar and comfortable, everything and to top it all off, the guilt that it's happened because of her unwillingness to give up the Alliance will probably always be there. She was tortured, they lost lives in battle, and, yeah, they destroy the Death Star, but at the end of that day, literally all she has left is the Alliance and those three pilots who managed to unlock her cell door without too much trouble.
I don't know about you, but I'd be straight-up shut down emotionally at that point. Like, I don't think PTSD even covers what Leia probably has going on in her head. And I think that's kind of what we see in ESB (I know the filmmakers weren’t thinking in terms of PTSD, but there are still hints of it there regardless). She's angry, she's afraid of losing people (she's obviously pissed Han is leaving after he said he'd stay, but also, there's a scene that was cut -- a good move in my opinion because the dialogue is beyond dramatic and Carrie seems out of it, but it stands that this was the intended source of Leia’s frustration -- where Luke is telling Leia he's leaving the Alliance for Dagobah and she is extremely upset that both he and Han are leaving, goes on a whole rant about how she should know better than to trust anyone but herself, etc.), and when she finally lets Han in, she promptly loses him and nearly loses Luke.
And then the events of ROTJ happen and she finds out that the man who tortured her, who stood idly by while her entire planet was destroyed, who tortured the man she loves and handed him off to the space mob to be murdered, who cut off her brother's hand and nearly allowed him to die, who has terrorized the Galaxy in general, that guy is her bio dad. And that guy is the entire reason she's Force-sensitive.
Leia stopping her Jedi training in the new canon was for a dumb reason, I agree there. Leia not wanting anything to do with the thing that, from her point of view, nearly ruined her life and the lives of those she loves about a thousand times over...I dunno, I think that's way more interesting than her just going, "Ope, I'm a Skywalker! You know what that means! Gotta be a Jedi!" And as far as her being more of a natural at it...do we know that Leia is better at healthy non-attachment than Luke? Like, any response to a planet being destroyed could easily just be a trauma response. Is shutting down like that good, actually? Or is it just going to cause problems down the road, Anakin-style?
I don't know, I just think that after living through all of that as well as a freaking war, girly might want a quiet life -- that she gets to choose -- with a husband -- who she gets to choose -- and kids -- who she gets to raise without the threat of the Empire or her nightmare of a biological father looming over their lives. And the very fact that she's able to open herself up to that sort of love and affection when the fear that it might all be ripped away from her is likely ever-present is a big deal. Her having kids knowing they'll likely be Force-sensitive even though that aspect of her biology terrifies her is a big deal. And as far as her not expressing a desire for marriage and kids in the OT...I mean, Leia isn't given the opportunity to express her desire for much in the OT, let's be real (she also never expresses a desire to become a Jedi in the OT either. We can't use what Leia didn't express in the OT to dictate whether she wants or doesn't want something is what I'm saying). They're at war. She's a military leader. She probably can't even hazard wishing for anything beyond waking up the next day. But that's not to say she didn't want such things or grow to want such things once she felt it was safe to do so. We literally don't know, but I don't think the absence of that expressed desire is indicative of anything.
As far as Han goes, I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure in every iteration of his story, his itchy feet weren't like...a part of his personality. He had a highly traumatic childhood that left him with few options and ended up living a transient lifestyle out of necessity. He actually seems remarkably easy to keep around if you don't treat him like garbage. I mean, he's given exactly one day of friendship, and he sticks around with the Rebellion for three years before some run-in with a bounty hunter makes him realize he needs to take care of his debt with Jabba. He's not leaving just for funsies or because he's bored or just really needs to be a smuggler again...and he seems legitimately sad have to leave when he's not busy getting pissed at Leia for not having the emotional response he wants her to have (first half of ESB Han is being a big ol' baby and I'm perfectly fine admitting that). And what character growth to see Han "I'm in it for the money" Solo learn to care for his friends, learn to support a cause, learn to love Leia when he's spent so much of his life unattached. Han making boring life choices is indicative of character growth and learning to care about others more than himself. What a lovely thing for this man to learn.
The call for Leia and Han to remain living separate lives but still committed to one another kind of demands that they move backward in character growth in my opinion. We have two people who are in rough places due, by and large, to trauma, who eventually open up to one another and seem better for it and then they...just go back to what they were doing before except they occasionally see each other? Why would they want that? They've grown as people, they've won a dang war, and they're finally able to live somewhat securely. Why wouldn't they want to live basic lives when they were denied the privilege of such choices for so long? And how is them making choices based on their love for another person — love that they had a heck of a time coming to terms with — boring?
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pomplalamoose · 9 months
⭐Luke Skywalker Masterlist⭐
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Requests for any kind of Luke headcanons and ideas are currently closed⭐
find the updated psa regarding this here
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Counting Stars
Luke and gentle dominance
headcanons and ideas
let me fall asleep in your arms
waning dreams
a problem difficult at night
two possibilities (smut)
Master Luke Skywalker
to love from afar & bonus chapter
Dilf Luke - modern day AU
headcanons / story draft
story draft part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
spending a December with Luke
Mistletoe Misery
a relationship's development
✨asks, requests, ideas, etc.✨
relationship / x reader headcanons
pre ANH Luke: x reader hc's
ANH Luke: x reader hc's
ESB Luke: relationship hc's
ESB Luke: x reader on Hoth
ROTJ Luke: relationship hc's
post ROTJ Luke: x Force sensitive!reader
post ROTJ Luke pt. 2
post ROTJ Luke pt. 3
TboBF Luke: dating hc's
Sith!Luke: x reader hc's (slightly nsfw)
Dilf!Luke x reader fluff: hc's & a drabble
general Luke headcanons
ANH Luke after joining the rebellion hc's
Endor Luke hc's
random Luke hc's (slightly nsfw)
random Luke hc's pt. 2 (slightly nsfw)
random Luke hc's pt. 3
fluffy, lighthearted Luke hc's
domestic Luke hc's
Sith!Luke and the light side
Dilf!Luke thoughts
nsfw Dilf!Luke hc's
Luke x a reader with mental health issues 1 & 2
Luke with a neurodivergent reader
Luke with a mute reader
situational Luke requests
making out with Luke
teasing Luke by obviously flirting with him (nsfw)
you're stuck on a tropical planet (smut)
enemies to lovers hc's
friends to lovers hc's: rebel pilot!reader
Luke's reaction to you wanting a child
Luke with a partner on their period 1 & 2
Luke being clingy after your first time
wearing Luke's shirt hc's (slightly nsfw)
spending your honeymoon with Luke
Dilf!Luke dreams of you (smut)
Dilf!Luke being jealous
breaking down in front of Luke
Dilf!Luke being your work husband
resting your head on Luke's shoulder
Dilf!Luke: what if...?
...he was happier and less traumatized
...his child was much younger than you
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notebookishtype · 2 months
Hello, do you have any recs for star wars books and comics with the best lukeleia content? In my lukeleia era and I really wanna start reading some OT legends stuff but I don’t know where to start.
Stories that take place during, between, and shortly after the Original Trilogy? We are lucky to have decades worth of content set in this time period! It’s the only place we can find things published before the sibling reveal, and/or acknowledging that Luke and Leia were attracted to each other.
✨I’ve included links to every book and comic mentioned below. I don’t think it’s immoral to pirate from a corporation. If you (general) take issue with that, I have bought most items listed at least once, and I would lend it to you if I could.
✨Some of the comics are only available in large collections, you may need to scroll to find the correct issues.
Legends Books
The first that comes to mind is Splinter of the Mind’s Eye. It was published in 1978, Luke and Leia were still love interests, and it takes place after ANH. They crash land on a mining planet and discover there is an Imperial presence there.
Fun Facts:
This story was commissioned to be a low budget sequel if A New Hope flopped.
This novel also inspired some of the canon lore for kyber crystals.
I started an impromptu reread earlier this year, and I did not remember how shippy this book was. This is just four pages into the book:
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Splinter of the Mind’s Eye was also adapted into a comic in 1995… and it was still incredibly shippy? I recommend both if you have the time and executive function. If you’re low on focus or time, go with the comic.
I’ve been told the novelization of A New Hope also has the same vibes, and is by the same author. So if you enjoy Splinter thats another place to look.
As far as other novels, we’re mostly looking at crumbs. Off the top of my head I know both Shadows of the Empire and The Truce at Bakura acknowledge their feelings for each other.
Shadows of the Empire:
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The Truce at Bakura:
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I would only recommend these if you’re interested in the rest of either story.
Shadows is a take on what happened between ESB and ROTJ, published in ‘96. Want to see how the Rebels get the plans for the Second Death Star? Read this. Want to see Darth Vader forced to play politics? Read this. If Han and Leia’s relationship is a no go for you, you might consider skipping it. Content Warning: the antagonist attempts to “seduce” Leia via pheromones. Read: rape. He is a serial rapist.
Truce takes place immediately after ROTJ, and has some great character moments for our heroes, again a lot of focus on Leia and Han. I do, however, choose to view the fact that Luke’s love interest in this book is a young Imperial Senator who we are meant to compare to Leia, through a shippy lense. I cannot escape the idea that Luke is projecting. Otherwise this book is about dinosaur looking aliens using human’s life energy to power their ships.
If you’re interested in checking any of these books out I recommend looking here or here.
Legends Comics
Splinter of the Mind’s Eye (1995)—as mentioned above.
Star Wars Tales (1999-2005) 15, Do or Do Not—Takes place immediately after ROTJ. Luke is processing after the Battle of Endor, and uncertain of his place. His feelings for Leia are acknowledged.
Star Wars (2013) 1-6, In the Shadow of Yavin—Takes pace after ANH. Leia is working with a handpicked X-wing squadron, to expose a spy. Her position in command causes friction between her and Luke. This is one of the few stories really leans into Leia having feelings for Luke.
Star Wars (2013) 15-18, Rebel Girl—Leia accepts a political proposal in exchange for a secure base location. Luke is a jealous brat about it, puts himself in danger, and plans to run away.
Marvel Star Wars (‘77–86)—I haven’t read these yet, but I’ve seen plenty of panels and pages posted on Tumblr that give lukeleia vibes, even some that take place after ROTJ. These have been gathered into several omnibuses. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Disney Comics
Star Wars (2015) 1-6, Skywalker Strikes—After ANH, the gang is infiltrating an Imperial arms factory, Vader shows up, Luke has a crisis. The Luke and Leia interactions are primarily in issues 3 & 4, but it’s a solid story arc.
Star Wars (2015) 33–Actual Publisher’s Summary: The Hero of the Rebellion & the Princess of the Revolution! Luke and Leia finally get some time alone… Unfortunately, it's stranded on a desert island.
The Storms of Crait (2017)—After ANH. Our heroes travel to Crait, in hopes of establishing a base there. Luke is delightfully flustered by a kiss on the cheek from Leia.
Star Wars Adventures (2017) 4 & 5, The Trouble at Tibrin—Leia and Luke are on a diplomatic mission that goes awry. Leia rescues Luke in this one. Acknowledges Luke’s feelings.
Star Wars Adventures Annual 2018, Mind Your Manners—Another diplomatic mission gone wrong. Not all that shippy, but discovered it while making this list, so it felt wrong to leave it off.
Star Wars Adventures (2020) 7 & 8, The Princess and the Bog, A Twin Tale—Leia and Luke are scouting base locations. Luke is terrible at following Leia’s orders, and wants to pet all the animals.
Star Wars Hyperspace Stories (2022) 2–Another search for a base location. There are several cute moments between them in this one.
Deleted Scenes & Behind The Scenes
I know the ask was about books and novels, but I’d also recommend—if you haven’t already—searching for deleted scenes, alternate takes, behind the scenes photos and promo photos, etc. There are goodies from each film, but the most substantial stuff is from/for ESB.
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Is That Everything?
I doubt it. There are many other stories that take place in this time frame that I haven’t investigated yet. Here are some that are on my list:
Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor (Legends novel)
Heir to the Jedi (Canon novel)
Heart of the Jedi (unpublished Legends novel)
Star Wars (1977-1986) (Legends comics) (mentioned above)
Star Wars (2020) aka Star Wars V3 (Canon comics)
Razor’s Edge & Honor Among Thieves (Legends novel duology)
I’d bet on there being content down the timeline that reads as shippy, but that’s a whole future post.
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eveningserenityyy · 6 months
luke thoughts, hm. how about his sleeping habits? what position does he usually fall asleep in? i imagine on the farm he was an early bird, but does he stay that way in the rebellion? what does he wear to bed? does he dream, or remember his dreams? i’d love to know what you think :3
eeeeee I actually love this <3 thank you!
I feel that, on occasion, Luke will be one to mumble in his sleep; maybe even twitch his hands up as if he is reacting to something, or do a little face scrunch while dreaming deeply. I can imagine that happening to pre-rotj Luke often enough, at the very least.
I have a few ideas for him when it comes to sleeping positions; firstly I can imagine that, younger him especially (think pre-anh or just anh), would constantly be thrashing around in bed through the night, awake or asleep, therefore it would be constantly changing through the night at that time in his life. On the other hand, I imagine Luke as someone who has always needed to hold or cuddle something/someone to sleep more comfortably no matter which Luke period this is, so if he doesn't have a partner he falls asleep on his side and clutching a soft pillow close to his chest. I also have this image of ESB Luke asleep on his stomach, cheek squished against his pillow as his arms are hooked underneath it. and just imagine that bedhead...his hair would be so messy yet soft and fluffy at once.
I too can't help but think that when it comes to ROTJ Luke, or post etc... that he is a much better sleeper, he tends to fall asleep on his back, on his side with his hand tucked under his cheek, or even in a sitting position at times when he meditates a little too hard. He is also a light sleeper, driven awake by any small sound as he's always so in tune with his surroundings even when fast asleep. Yet despite how he has this calmer mindset to enjoy a peaceful sleep, I can imagine that there are stresses in his life that disrupt him from time to time. He worries about his students, his sister and Han wherever they may be, and occasionally he will feel something deeply wrong in the force that has him waking in a cold sweat. He feels too much, he's been through too much, and it still effects him no matter how great a Jedi he is.
He also was definitely forced to be an early bird on the farm, but I don't think it to be something he ever truly got used to. And unfortunately, I doubt he had much time to sleep in when in the rebellion, for it was more stressful than his simple farm life- although, when he DOES get a chance to sleep in, Leia has to physically pull him from the bed after an hour or two of peaceful slumber. He also gets so grumpy about it too, his tone raspy yet whiney at once when he begs for five more minutes. Spoiler; Leia does not give in to his wishes. (Pssstt, and he's almost just the same even as a Jedi when he has students to teach if he has a partner; he cannot bare to part from them when they are so adorably nuzzled into his side. He would stay in bed with them all day if he could, keeping them close to him as he places sleepy kisses to their hair or cheeks. the only difference is that Jedi Luke understands he cannot ignore his responsibilities as a master to his students).
In regards to what he wears to bed, I have a few ideas: I think his sleepwear is pretty generic when he's in the rebellion, a basic tunic and sweats that are either off white or beige (maybe a sweater in the echo base since its so cold), and ROTJ/post-rotj Luke would be essentially the same, except I DO very much like to imagine him in black, perhaps even with slightly fuzzy pyjama pants on (shirt? no shirt? depends on his mood or temperature too. but if he has a partner, he keeps the shirt off knowing damn well where their eyes like to wander). But ANH Luke? I love to picture that aunt Beru maybe puts together some handmade pyjamas for him, especially as a child. They're so soft, and sometimes fuzzy if she has the material for it. He still thinks of them from time to time, wishing they hadn't burnt to ash in the fire, so perhaps when he has the time and is somewhere with market stalls and the like, he tries to find a similar material or even tries his hand at making his own like she did for him (He may not be very good at it, but he tries.)
In terms of dreams, I imagine he has always been much of a dreamer. When he was a child, he used to have these vivid dreams of a woman, sometimes where she appeared very sad or another where he saw her with flowers in her hair as she slept. He found comfort in these somehow, and they always seemed to happen around his birthday, but that part he didn't really understand and eventually they began to fade with time as he grew older. Only later as a Jedi did he remember them and realize he was seeing his mother. I also like to imagine that he has either the most chill dreams ever (Pretty normal. Maybe where he is following some beautiful path in a meadow with flowers and cutest little bugs buzzing around him, or he is speaking with a friend either old or new, maybe even doing some maintenance on his ship), or the most insane in every sense of the word (buildings and people turn into different shapes or colours around him, or he dreams someone is speaking the most illogical words to him before he's pushed off a cliff and lands in the most random of places. maybe he even dreams his lightsaber turns into a baguette, who knows?).
When he becomes a Jedi, his dreams start to make some sense. They give him signs, warnings, or even just messages to help him through his days. Sometimes he dreams of his father, and he wakes up in serene peace for reasons he can't fully comprehend. He often meditates on these, and takes them seriously when the need arises. But thats not to say his dreams are always helpful as a Jedi by default. He still has those occasional crazy ones, or those random yet calm ones that don't mean much at all. He enjoys dreaming, though. He enjoys allowing sleep to overcome him as his subconscious treats him to an adventure.
-thats not to be said he doesn't get nightmares either, though. Sometimes he wakes up in the night and can feel the force lightning coursing through his veins, and if he has a partner next to him, he will hold them for comfort, maybe talk about his fears if they're awake. He can still remember how he burned his own father to ash, dreaming of that very fire as his voice croaks out from the darkness. Luke even has horrible nightmares about Leia dying tragically, and the very next morning he has to figure out if this was simply a nightmare or something to genuinely worry of.
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otterandterrierwrites · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Leia Organa/Han Solo; Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker & Han Solo Additional Tags: Movie: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi; Angst; The Bridge Scene™; the love triangle in Han's mind
No matter what she says, Han knows it’s not nothing. Something happened on that bridge with Luke. Something that can’t be taken back. Han's thoughts during the bridge scene from Return of the Jedi.
Written for Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2023 at @hanleiacelebration, for the prompts of Day 4: Favourite Scene/Quote.
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anghraine · 10 months
I know most of you aren't here for my m->f genderbent faves fics, but I also know at least some of you do read at least some of the fics. And I feel like working on one, but am having trouble deciding which to pick! So I leave it in your hands:
Love, Pride & Delicacy is a period-set, slow-burn f/f Elizabeth/Darcy fic.
Daughters of Númenor is an episodic AU where the Númenórean throwbacks in LOTR are genderbent; Aranor/Míriel.
One More Tomorrow is an Amon-centric Legend of Korra AU with f!Tarrlok.
The Lucy Skywalker series is a sprawling AU that is approaching the ROTJ storyline.
The queer Rogue One AU is a series/fic where every member of the core Rogue One team is queer, including a firmly lesbian Cassia Andor.
The fic for The Borgias has mostly unposted scraps about Cesarina's life as a marriageable young woman.
The unnamed modern P&P AU is this AU with lesbian!Darcy/Narcissa as a rich Seattleite.
The Lady of Gondor only genderbends Faramir and is Aragorn/Fíriel/Éowyn.
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eagna-eilis · 9 months
The metaphysical mechanics of Anakin's Force Ghost are the single biggest mystery of the period between RotJ and TFA to me.
If he can Force Ghost, or at least sometimes, then what governs what he can and cannot do, and who he can or cannot speak with?
If he can appear to others the way Obi Wan, Qui Gon, Yoda, and eventually Luke can, it makes very little emotional sense unless something is blocking him.
I like to think that Anakin, in death, had enough respect for Leia not to appear to her. His actions killed her real mam and dad, the people who raised her into a kind, strong person with integrity in every step. He tortured her, he destroyed her homeworld and her culture. He wouldn't be so stupid as to think that a nice father-daughter chat would solve everything.
I like to think that he loves her from an observational distance, and brims with pride at every step she takes for the galaxy that he injured gravely and so nearly destroyed. So like Padmé, her justice-seeking Naberrie qualities nurtured like rare orchids by Bail and Breha, who were themselves so principled and just. Anakin might also see the ways in which she is not like any of the senators or royalty who made her who she is. He might want to take credit for the parts of her that are so brave, so impassioned, so willing to challenge any authority she sees as unworthy or unjust. Obi-Wan told her, when she was very young, that this was her inheritance from Anakin. But Leia doesn't want anything from him, and he understands. So he spends time watching, in grieving pride, at what his daughter became in spite of him.
I also like to think that at a certain point he would have to try, if he could, to intervene in what was being done to her family. In my heart there is no version of a redeemed afterlife Anakin who does not try to save another Skywalker child from what he went through.
He would have tried to materialise, blue-aura-lit and kind eyed, into the living room of a Chandrilla apartment, to try to soothe the terror and discomfort of a tiny child levitating cambiblocks and breaking glass in distress. He has far more experience with child murder than child rearing, but by the Force he'd damn well TRY.
It probably wouldn't work, and I think some of us fans (esp those who love the sequels or those who are more interested in the Skywalkers than the Disaster Lineage as a family) deserve to know why.
Why, in my headcannons, does Anakin spend years trying to send thoughts of 'no kiddo that isn't me, I'm me, your grandpa, and I can tell you that your mom and dad love you so much and that those other voices are full of bantha-poodoo, please trust me, please believe me, please hear me' out through the Force, only for them to never find their way to their intended recipient?
Why can he not appear to Leia and say, 'I know you don't want to talk to me and I don't want you to have to endure the distress of talking to me but it's about your kid. I can't make the past alright, but let me please give you the information you need to stop the cycle repeating'.
Why can't he warn Luke? 'There's a storm coming and the lightning is not natural. You have seen that lightning before, standing right by my side, and it comes from the same source. Our nephew dreams things that are not his own. Consider striking him and you will doom the world, but also our family. Don't let the Darkness guide you, its only goal is to make more Darkness.'
There are several potential answers, of course.
The first is that Anakin can get through but nobody listens. It's a steady stream of 'stay away from my child, stay away from my academy, don't corrupt our future with the evil of the past'. This option reflects negatively on Luke and Leia, but it also feels true to traumatised families. I'm a firm believer in the fact that Luke, Leia, and Han as having unwittingly done poorly by the next generation of their kin does not 'ruin' their characters, it makes them more sympathetic and human, and so it doesn't upset me if this is the option. It's bad parenting and good storytelling.
The most obvious answer is of course, Palpatine. He can block Anakin's access to the likes of Luke, Leia, and Ben. This means that a dead Palpatine is still torturing a dead Anakin. Excuse me while I cry for a thousand years. Now either this means that Palpatine thinks Ahsoka is small potatoes and it doesn't matter if Anakin can see her in the WBW, or that Anakin could only communicate with Ahsoka BECAUSE she could enter the WBW. So, considering that the Ahsoka show takes place after 'Last Shot', it still makes no sense that Anakin doesn't go 'please see what's going on with Leia's kid, I'm worried about her and about her lil guy.'
The third option is the one that I find genuinely upsetting. Not in-world upsetting, but what-are-they-doing-with-our-story upsetting. It's also the one I find the most likely:
DLF in general and Favroni in particular are pushing Disaster Lineage out in front, and trying to sublimate the Skywalkers. I see Ahsoka as Anakin's sister, and I don't think it is inappropriate for him to love her the same way he loves his children, his grandchild, or his brother Obi-Wan. It makes emotional sense for him to reach out to her, and love is not a finite resource.
But a set of wider storytelling choices is highlighting that the most important inheritance of the story is Yoda to Dooku to Qui Gon to Obi Wan to Anakin to Ahsoka to maybe Sabine, or Jacen Syndulla. I feel in some ways that shifting Anakin's attention, or the context in which we encounter him, may give the audience a sense of the greater legitimacy of the Disaster Lineage to the long term future of the galaxy.
I have ZERO problem with this being the thread by which Force training is maintained in the GFFA through the sequels and into the post-sequel era. I prefer it to watching my beloved Rey of Jakku doing it all alone.
I have a HUGE problem with the idea that we may never get more Skywalkers in context with one another. And more importantly, the idea that we really shouldn't care about what happened to them after Return of the Jedi. That the sequels don't matter.
Anakin is the greatest silence in the sequels. I suspect that they didn't get Hayden back because they were still nervous of prequel hate (sweet summer children that they were, not knowing that the penis-brains were gunning for them, too). Many of us hoped that the New Republic Era TV series would inflect upon the ST the way that Clone Wars inflected upon the PT.
So far it really hasn't.
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antianakin · 4 months
I just saw a YouTube video about how the clone wars were portrayed by legends writers in between the end of the OT and before the Prequels, and it's so very interesting the various ways authors chose to expand upon what would have been, at the time, nothing more than a throwaway line.
One of the comments even talks about a theory that, apparently, came about after New Hope (Of course, then just Star Wars) released. It speculated that the *Jedi* were the clones the wars were named after, and that Obi Wan was himself a clone of Ben Kenobi, designated "OB1." How crazy is that!?
Yeah I mean that's pretty much how the original Thrawn trilogy that was written pre-Prequels chose to interpret it I think. The "clones" were all DIFFERENT clones of different people, mostly Jedi, and one of the primary villains in that trilogy is in fact the clone of a Jedi. But the clones in this trilogy don't have that sense of individuality that the canon Jango clones do as per TCW, they seem to still think they are the original person and have no idea that they're a clone. The cloning process also seemed to cause some level of mental and emotional instability in that trilogy, which was part of what made the clone wars so devastating and dangerous or something.
One of the most interesting parts of reading that trilogy, for me, was seeing all of the various things that were in there that they had to just sort-of... make up and assume because there wasn't any more information to be had yet. The Thrawn trilogy also had a particularly interesting timeline wherein the implication seemed to be that Luke and Leia's mother got together (or at least was impregnated by) their father AFTER HE'D BECOME VADER rather than before (which leads to some very interesting questions about their mother, like was this consensual at all or not, and if it WAS then what the fuck kind of person was she and why did she leave and only stay with one child instead of the other). Vader was also a lot older than he ended up being in canon, which makes sense given the way he looked in ROTJ. Leia's relationship with the Organas is vastly different than what it ended up being post-Prequels, especially since the ROTJ dialogue implies she'd known her mother long enough to have memories of her. There's even things like what abilities Jedi would have that they don't know yet and so Luke ends up refusing to jump off of a wall 10 feet high which I found particularly funny given everything we've seen the Jedi jump off of since then. 10 feet was NOTHING.
So I applaud the writers in that time period for doing their best to come up with ideas for what the clones might have been, but I can't say I prefer it to what we got in canon. I fucking LOVE the clones, I love all the different characters it created for us that are all so incredible, I love their relationship to the Jedi, I just love them and I wouldn't trade them for ANYTHING.
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from-a-legends-pov · 3 months
Is this going to be set up like the FACPOV books where each character has only one story per movie? Or could say, someone write about Mara on Tatooine at the beginning of RotJ, and then someone else also write about her at the end of RotJ after the destruction of the Death Star?
Great question! The short answer is that while we don’t have any rules that are that hard and fast (e.g. “only one story per character per movie”), we purposely designed our pitch guidelines so that we would have a variety of time periods within the OT timeframe, characters, and events to choose from in determining which pitches folks would write for the event and building a diverse collection of stories. As much as we’d probably all enjoy 20 stories about the same four pilots on Hoth right before ESB (we have a very talented fandom, they could make that work), part of the spirit of the event is to read a lot of different points of view.
That said, a lot depends on what the whole universe of signups looks like. If we had two writers, each of whose first choice was a pitch about Mara Jade at different points of ROTJ, we might assign one writer their second or third choice pitch (or fourth or fifth, if they’ve chosen to pitch more than three ideas) instead. Or, if the pitches really did offer different perspectives (a lot has changed for Mara by the end of ROTJ!) and there weren’t a lot of other stories with Mara as the point-of-view character already, we might assign both writers their first choice.
You didn’t ask for advice, but our advice is to pitch what you most want to write as your first choice, no matter who else might be pitching the same character and/or timeframe. And make sure your other pitches are ones you would also enjoy writing, too. But the collection is going to be best when we have a lot of writers who are really excited about what they’re contributing — so as long as you’re following the pitch and story guidelines, don’t feel the need to limit yourself before you begin.
Thank you so much for the ask!
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marvelstars · 1 year
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Leia & Vader: Rule of Law, beliefs and family
Another aspect I liked of Leia and Vader first scene in A New Hope is the different way in which Leia tries to appeal her case with Vader in constast to Tarkin. Lest remember Leia was trained as a diplomatic since a young age as a future Senator and member of the Organa monarchy so the way she wields her words there tells much about what she knows of the person she´s talking with.
With Vader Leia uses the "I am a member of the imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan" card when Vader mentions this wasn´t about a "mercy mission" and she was a rebel and a traitor.
This tell me two things:
1.- Leia believes Vader will respect the authority of the Senate on this matter.
Vader may be the Emperor right hand man but he´s someone Leia knows who at least tries to follow the rules and Vader response talks about previous experiences of this happening.
2.- "You werent´on any mercy mission THIS TIME" Leia and Vader meet before, possibly during one of Leia´s mercy missions and on the Senate.
Vader is impliying here if Leia was truly on a mercy mission from Alderaan then he would have not problem with it, he says she should stop trying to play games with him and to tell him where are the plans the rebels sent her.
What´s interesting for me here is that Leia is appealing to Vader´s sense of law and order because this has worked before, she has used many mercy missions to help the rebel alliance making it look like she was sending help to planets in trouble which Vader seems to not have a problem with.
Vader says to Luke on ESB about becoming leaders of the Empire to "put order in the galaxy" so Leia going on mercy missions to help the population in other planets falls neatly into Vader´s idea of order.
Leia also believes she can lie to him, which is understable, he´s someone Leia believes can be talked down to given how the Emperor treats Vader, he shares "Vader´s leash" with Tarkin and maybe other officials, so Vader may have some personal authority but she knows he´s completely subjected to the Emperor´s will and Tarkin´s, she doesn´t know why but know´s is the truth.
This is in complete contrast with Tarkin who Leia automatically starts insulting and says she´s surprised he´s going to take the responsibility for executing her, Tarkin is the Emperor proxy there narratively speaking.
Leia doesn´t try to appeal to Tarkin using the Senate, the diplomatic laws or the fact she´s on a mercy mission because she knows he doesn´t care for any of that but he may care for taking responsibility for killing her because she´s a member of a Monarchy from one of the Core worlds of the Galaxy and a Senator. She´s trying to use her power in relation to his own because Tarkin main motivation and what he responds to is power.
All this tells me Vader and Leia meet on the Senate and kind of had a rivalry for their respective political agendas but despite this fact, Leia still expected Vader to follow the Law when the Emperor and Tarkin would not if they didn´t choose to.
It´s a shame this period, the meetings between Leia and Vader before the Death Star is completely ignored and once Vader shows Leia his other face, the face of the executioner, he losses all credibility she may have given him previously and while she´s a aware Tarkin gave the order to destroy Alderaan she blames Vader by proxy because he was the only one left alive of the first Death Star and I believe their previous meetings makes this more personal for her and I think this plays perfectly later in ROTJ when Luke told Leia about Vader being their father.
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Leia believes Luke, Leia wants to keep Luke´s safe but more importantly, Leia doesn´t think Luke is crazy for believing he can bring Vader back from the "darkside", she doesn´t think his self appointed mission lacks merit despite her having all the reason in the world to tell Luke he´s wrong for ever believing Vader could be other thing than evil or stop being the Emperor´s slave and I think the reason why she understands Luke´s mission is because she herself has seen this little light, this aspect of Vader many other people ignore but she cares way more about Luke´s safety so she tells him to run and hide while wishing she could go with him because they are family.
Leia´s actions here also oppose her rebel leader persona, as leader of the rebellion Leia could have the right to detain Luke because he plainly told her, "I want to make sure Darth Vader isn´t on the second Death Star when the alliance blows it up because he´s my father and I want to save him" Leia stays on her mission because she´s loyal to the alliance but truts Luke to do his self appointed mission and scape safe because he´s her brother and she loves him, even if it means the rescue of the second in command from the Empire. This is an amazing show of trust and loyalty from Leia to Luke, her trust that he may have a point in trying to save Vader.
I know Leia being Luke´s sister and Vader´s daughter wasn´t planned in a New Hope but this still connected neatly with the first movie because those subtlies were still there.
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