#permanent magnet alternator
Powerful Performance: Testing a 5KW 500RPM 220VAC Single Phase PMG by J.D. Engineering Works
Welcome to J.D. Engineering Works! In this exciting video, we show you the powerful performance of our 5KW 500RPM 220VAC Single Phase Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG).
Our dedicated team of engineers has put their expertise into creating a high-performance generator that pushes the boundaries of single-phase power generation. In this video, we are showing you the highest standards of quality and reliability of the 5KW 500RPM 220VAC Single Phase Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG). . As we fire up the 5KW PMG, you'll be amazed by its steady 500RPM rotation, producing a clean and stable 220VAC output. The consistent power generation capabilities of our Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) make it an ideal choice for various applications, from off-grid setups and backup power solutions to integration with renewable energy systems.
Our team at J.D. Engineering Works is committed to sustainability and renewable energy solutions, and this Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) exemplifies our dedication to delivering cutting-edge technology that drives the future of green power.
Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more exciting updates on our latest innovations and projects.
Thank you for being part of our journey towards a greener and more sustainable tomorrow. Together, let's power the world with clean energy solutions from J.D. Engineering Works.
For any queries regarding 5KW 500RPM 220VAC Single Phase Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG), email us at [email protected], or Call or WhatsApp at +919582345931, +919289311243, +918851614166, +919999467601.
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charmedreincarnation · 10 months
Hey, guys! I've been receiving a ton of messages in response to my last post. It's reminding me of how I first discovered shifting. I feel like doing a little story time since Ive just passed the three-year mark of my discovery, and I've been reminiscing with friends about it.
I remember being in a very dark place when I stumbled upon shifting. I was depressed, and very suicidal. Yet, there was this unshakeable optimism inside me that I was meant for an extraordinary life. Despite my mental state, I had a lot of knowledge of subliminals and the law of attraction (-_-). These gave me hope, but they weren't enough tbh. I didn't want to attract my dream life through practicing gratitude or becoming a magnet for my desires or whatever. Nor did I want to have to listen to subliminals for years on end to achieve my goals. My list of desires was so long, and I needed everything to change that going step by step and waiting years for each one to manifest just wasn't feasible.
But I refused to give up. One day, after a particularly hard day of being sad per usual, I searched on Quora for something like "fastest most powerful subliminals on YouTube ever" (Y’all 😭😭). Among the recommended sub creators, I found a video called "Desired Life: Reality Shifting". The description promised everything I had ever wanted: waking up with all your desires fulfilled permanently in short. It piqued my curiosity so much. Could I really just wake up with my dream life, family, house, wealth, all based on my scripts and imagination?
Growing up, I was a heavy maladaptive daydreamer. From ages 10-17, I created alternate lives in my head, telling myself I would go there someday. I was always doing SATs (State Akin to Sleep), and I think that's what kept me from ending it all. I was constantly in the wish fulfilled state, even though I didn't know what that was at the time.
Back to my story, I went into the comments of that video and came across a guy who claimed that after a week of using this subliminal, he woke up with a new life as a multi-millionaire living in his dream penthouse. I messaged him, and he gave me his Instagram which showcased his luxurious life. He had what seemed like a perfect relationship, he was very attractive, had so many cars, and travelled 24/7 while having a six figures amount of followers. He was living proof that this wasn't just scripting. Also the law of attraction community is known for their mad expensive coaching.. like hundreds of dollars per hour for questions and he was answering it all for free something I didn’t see the law of attraction community. And I talked to him for hours! He never got mad, he had proof, and he was kind, proof and the behavior of someone who really had mastered the art of life.
After our conversation, I spent the next couple of months doing research. I found numerous stories about glitches in the matrix, accidental shifting, people entering parallel realities, and eventually, shifting communities on platforms like Amino and Reddit. It was stuff I already believed in and did in my imagination; I just didn’t know there was a term for it.
Then I got reminded of a memory that I had seriously repressed bc it was so fucking weird. When I was 6 and my brother was 3, we were absolutely obsessed with dodo birds. One day, we were outside playing, and on god time seemed to stop. Out of nowhere, a dodo bird appeared. I know you’re probably like “maya be so fr rn you were a kid” but no, This wasn't just our young imaginations running wild - there was a bird that was huge, dinosaur-like, exactly how dodos are described in books and pictures we had.
Then things got weirder. Suddenly it started raining eggs. Big, large eggs everywhere it was so gross and my brother and I were a mess. We were young, sure, but not stupid. We knew this wasn't normal. My brother and I rushed inside to tell our dad. When I managed to drag him outside, he was furious, accusing me of throwing eggs everywhere. To this day, he tells the story of the time I "trashed the backyard with eggs." And every time, I'm like, "Dad, where would I get that many eggs?" We didn’t have eggs but so he assumed I stole them and we went inside for hours and it was magically cleaned. So he also tells the story of how responsible I am and how I took accountability for my actions even as a child. I didn’t clean that shit bro and I tell him that too and he just laughs it makes me so mad.
My brother, who knows I'm into reality shifting (though he doesn’t really believe in it), can't explain that day either. He often shrugs it off as a "glitch in the matrix," which honestly, well no duh it is a shift dummie. He does believe in manifesting but only bc he has seen me use it and he experiences the good things I manifest as well. They’re the same thing anyways but that isn’t the point
The reason I'm bringing up this bizarre childhood memory is because during my months of research into shifting, I found countless stories of accidental shifts, people entering the void, entering parallel universes, time glitches, examples of the Mandela effect first hand, glitches in the matrix and etc. It was like uncovering a myriad of experiences that confirmed what I already believed: we can change and choose our reality. I just didn’t know the phenomena had a name. Obviously in the future I came across other things like the law of assumption, the void state, etc etc but this was where it started.
I wish I had saved all those fascinating stories, posts, and blogs. I might go back and compile everything I found because they were so real and enlightening. It will probably take forever tho if I do choose to do that, but I think it's worth sharing.
In the meantime, check out this accounts of accidental shifts that my friend shared with me this account https://instagram.com/tessicavision?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== based off the Glitch in the Matrix subreddit which is also a goldmine of people experiencing similar phenomena. It helped me make sense of my own experiences and might do the same for you.
I don’t want this to be too long and I already got to the point I think! but regardless stay curious and realize you’re really not that special. I mean ofc you are, i mean this is not some tumblr thing teens girls discovered or created and isn’t even limited to “spiritually/manifesting inclined people” I think at the beginning of my journey people talking about accidental shifts and such, inspired me more than purposeful success stories because they really have no reason to lie and they were looking for answers just like I was.
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drnikolatesla · 12 days
Tesla’s Genius: Direct Current Without a Commutator!
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In 1888, Tesla made waves by patenting his alternating current (AC) system, which proved far superior to Thomas Edison’s direct current (DC) for long-distance power transmission. The real kicker? He did it without a commutator. This clunky mechanical device was used to reverse the current direction to make DC flow in one direction, but it was notoriously unreliable, prone to wear, and inefficient. Tesla sidestepped this by using high-frequency AC and a rotating magnetic field to generate a more reliable current without the mechanical hassle. After revolutionizing AC with his commutator-free approach, Nikola Tesla wasn’t ready to rest on his laurels. He turned his attention to a new challenge that many physicists of his day thought was impossible: creating direct current (DC) without using a commutator. As always, Tesla wasn’t concerned with traditional boundaries; he was determined to push the limits of what was thought possible.
Tesla’s Ingenious Method
In 1889, Tesla took things even further with a groundbreaking idea. He proposed a method to produce DC without using a commutator. He described how he “sifted” the alternating current into different branches of the circuit. Here’s how he did it:
1. Sifting the Current: Tesla used the concept of directing the AC waves so that the positive and negative halves of the wave were separated. He set up the circuit so that AC waves of one sign (positive or negative) would pass through one branch, while the waves of the opposite sign would go through another. This separation allowed him to create smooth, continuous DC from the AC input.
2. Electrical and Electromagnetic Methods: Tesla proposed two main methods for achieving this. One involved using electrical devices like batteries to create a counteracting electromotive force, which would oppose the AC waves and help separate them. The other method used electromagnetic fields to create active opposition within the circuit, guiding the AC waves into different branches.
3. Magnetic Method: Another method Tesla described used strong permanent magnets and soft iron or steel laminations. By carefully calculating the amount of magnetic metal, Tesla created a setup where the magnetic field interacted with the AC in such a way that allowed continuous currents to be extracted.
Historical Context
Here’s an important note: While Tesla did indeed demonstrate a method for converting AC to DC without a commutator, it’s crucial to understand the broader historical context. Rectification methods—both mechanical and electronic—developed independently over time and were not solely based on Tesla’s innovations. It wasn’t until more than a decade later that practical AC-to-DC conversion technologies, such as vacuum tubes and silicon diodes, became mainstream.
Tesla’s approach did, however, lay the groundwork for modern power electronics by eliminating the need for mechanical parts, making DC conversion more efficient and durable. The principles he introduced continue to influence technologies we use today, from phone chargers to large-scale industrial power systems.
So, the next time you plug in your phone or marvel at the sleek electronics in your home, remember that Tesla’s 1889 breakthrough was a significant step forward. It’s just another example of how Nikola Tesla was light-years ahead of his time!
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polarisblitzwing · 15 days
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Ford's World - Dimension Fri3nds46/’
◇ Alternative Earth Variant ◇
● Humans have wings and feathered tails
● Alternative Pines family decisions timeline
◇ Stanford Pines ◇
● Ford is a minor god of dreams and a self-proclaimed god of anomalies
● 30 years old here (Young Immortal)
● Met Bill when he was 5 due to him attempting an interdimensional dreamwalk link, with Bill trying the same thing by chance, something that wouldn't work at their age without each other
◇ Gods Among Them ◇
● Most gods were mortals whose power was drawn to them like a magnet due to their personality in some way
● Fairly secretive and prefer to hide their works
● Rely on their believers to notice their efforts, resulting in an increase in power
● Can reveal themselves to the public, but building up power from faith alone is more sustainable for less powerful gods
● Stop aging between 25 and 100 (depending on what age someone wants to live forever)
Bill's World - For3verEuclydia
◇ Alternative Euclydia Variant ◇
● 360 years is the average lifespan of a Euclydian in this au
● No massacre
◇ Bill Cipher ◇
● Bill is a minor god of dreams and a self-proclaimed god of weirdness
● 30 years old here (Young Immortal)
● Met Ford and Stan when he was 5
◇ Gods Among Them ◇
● Only gods have wings and tails as a power symbol
● Their wings and tails are invisible to anyone that doesn't believe in them specifically
● “Omnipotent” Euclydian gods only know everything about their own world. Bill's knowledge of the third dimension is seen as false teachings to even them.
◇ Bill’s Family ◇
● Scalene is a goddess of Truth and Euclid is a god of Reality
● No one believes Bill is a god except his parents, as godhood is a power grant at birth to someone who the power is drawn to here. It can skip generations.
Bill: So here's my problem - I need to show them the stars. It gets real flat to hear “you're delusional, Bill” and “stop talking about a third dimension!” “Shh, you're gonna get arrested!” “It's not real!” Over and over again. It's time to change up the law and their perspectives.
Ford: Hmm.. that'll be quite the endeavor. You might need more power for that.
Bill: Ohh-ho-oh, definitely. Some of my ideas get real difficult along the way. The kind of stuff only a god with twice my power could pull off. 
[ Pulls up a holographic board with his first idea. ] 
Bill: If I could turn their eyes towards the stars and give them the same vision as I do, that'd be ideal. 
[ Ford manifests a danger sign over Bill's board; a buzzer sounds in warning. ]
Ford: Doing that to the entirety of Euclydia could potentially be devastating. Even if you get that newfound power, without centuries of diligent practice, you could end up permanently mutilating thousands of people in the process. Too risky. 
Bill: Uuugh… even if the people I wanted to show the most were immortal too, I don't think I could put up with more of their talk for that long. It has to be this century.
Ford: I get where you're coming from. I’ll do my best to make sure it happens when we figure out a plan that won’t have too many risks involved.
Bill: I could probably have the world dream of stars if you help, but that isn’t real enough to me. It drives me crazy that I can’t see you in real life. 
Ford: We’ll meet one day, I promise it. 
Bill: I sure hope so, Sixer. 
[ Pulls up two more holographic charts. ] 
Now.. back to my list of extremely great ideas.. what if I put really tiny stars in the world and contained the heat? Or flipped the world on the y-axis just to prove a third dimension exists first?
[ Ford manifests two more warnings in succession. ]
Ford: Could easily start a fire if anything went wrong, and for all we know, flipping the world vertically could cause everything to fall bottom to top infinitely until it’s fixed. Also runs the risk of killing a lot of Euclydians. Not to mention there could be other forces in your space that could affect the world.
Bill: Yeesh. Alright then, you got any ideas?
Ford: Actually, come to think of it.. 
[ Ford summons a hologram with a vision of his own forming. ]
Maybe instead of dreams, we tried something just a step up from multi-dimensional dream-walking, something like astral projection. We bring them out of their bodies, but tethered to their world, into space. Without the limitations of their physical forms, their eyes should be able to see more than what they could before.
Ford: Hah, well, I try.  
Bill: NOW THAT'S SOMETHING I COULD ACTUALLY PULL OFF RISK FREE! It might take splitting up the days people get to see it, but, they’ll finally see.
Ford: Well, hold on, splitting up the days could be risky for the groups who see versus who don’t on the first day, so, here's what I'll do. I'll give you my powers for as long as you need them for this. I would like to help personally, but I’d need to physically be there. This will be my contribution to your paradigm shift for Euclydia.
Bill: ..you really trust me that much? 
Ford: (smiles and nods) Of course. You're my best friend, my muse, the sun in my galaxy, Bill. I want you to be happy.
[ Ford offers his hand and godly powers out to his partner. ]
Bill: (chuckles, smiling) You’re the best, Fordsy.
[ They shake on it. ]
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cammiluna · 3 months
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For maybe half a year, I wanted an Android tablet with a pen after hating the idea for almost a decade because Android's tablet ecosystem is garbage and it lacked good art software for a while.
Currently, there's a 2024 Galaxy S6 Lite refresh that's exclusive to Amazon at around $250, and I jumped on that to try out the Android artist space again.
Since I already have a tablet PC and an ipad to do my main art projects, I didn't need a high end android tablet. Just something I can take on my regular commutes for notes and doodles which the other two devices are too bulky for.
I can tell you though, that this is pretty slow. Takes a while to load anything, charges maybe half as fast as modern phones or tablets in the $500 range, and while Clip Studio ran fine for drawing, I've had slight lag using the Concepts App. I suspect you can't make print-resolution comics with this thing, but it draws, and i do all my media consumption on other devices anyway.
Another thing to note is that the pen (which is included, yay) looks exactly the same as the S-pens that come with the normal Galaxy S models (at least my S7 from a few years ago), but it's not as weighted because there's no bluetooth hardware inside. I'm drawing with it fine, though I do switch pens sometimes.
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If anyone is interested, I can write a long info post one of these days about all the S-Pen alternatives I know of and tried. At first, I was gonna save up extra money to get the new XP-Pen android tablet, but I like the flexibility of Wacom-powered EMR pens where i can choose between things like comfortable grip or something that magnetically attaches to the device or something. It's also easier to get cute cases and screen protectors for samsungs since they've been around forever!
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There's three versions of the S6 lite. The new one has a slight spec bump and runs Android 14, so it should last a few years (both the XP Pen and Huion Androids are permanently stuck on Android 12). I believe the 2020 version is still supported, upgradeable to Android 13 and the third version is the 2022 version. All three are exactly the same in size and features- they just have different processors and android versions out of the box.
I won't call this a beginner's tablet. If you're a beginner artist who hates apple and wants a standalone drawing tablet, but you also happen to have $500-700 standing around, splurge in getting a better tablet. If you don't like it for drawing, it can still be used for media consumption.
I don't regret this purchase because it does what I need it to in the most basic sense, but I would only recommend it if your needs for an android drawing tablet are the same as mine (super casual art and being able to try out android versions of drawing apps), or you are on a super tight budget. I believe the Galaxy S9 FE and the XP-Pen Magic Drawing Pad are good mid-tier models while the normal Galaxy S9/Plus/Ultra are the high tier.
This is probably the cheapest EMR Android tablet that comes with a pen and oh boy does the pen write so smooth!
I wish i can retire from using an ipad for art, but I need to learn how to use Clip Studio first since I've become overly-dependent on Procreate.
ah well!
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bleaksqueak · 2 months
a while ago you mentioned an alternative to paperlike screen covers that you really liked and I thought I had saved it but apparently I did not and have now forgotten what it was. could you be so kind as to give me the name of that again ?
Thanks for waiting on this reply, but yes! I did like it, but I have an alternative to suggest if you want to go that route. So, the Rock Paper Pencil matte/cling cover and metal nibs do make for a longer lasting screen protector and ballpoint-on-paper feel, and they do last quite a bit longer than regular paperlikes! They definitely aren't permanent though, but you can bring them back to life for a bit if you clean the protector with soap and water and let it dry. Sadly, to get the full grit of the screen back, it will have to be replaced. So, with that said, what I recommend is to get a basic, cheaper version off of (amazon or wherever) of the screen protector. Matte/paperlike/grit, often labeled as a magnetic screen (they aren't magnetic, they attach via static cling), and a pack of metal nibs--any that strike your attention and have good reviews should do. This will give you the same setup as Rock Paper Pencil, but at a far cheaper price. It should last a few months (at least, it did for me) before you'll likely want to replace it. Much more efficient than buying the usual paperlike screens that wear out far too fast and wear down your standard nibs.
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phenikas · 10 months
Here's some pictures of the environments I created for this render - requested by @jack-jerky. More specifically: a random Atlas HQ hallway (or at least somewhat close to resembling one) and Jack's AR chamber he's been occupying ever since Rhys decided to bring him back about 2 years after the fall of Helios.
Final Render
Alternative Shots
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Despite still having trouble plugging in some specific materials for the models (particularly the walls, which are actually rotated the wrong way but have been instead masked with additional models), this environment turned out better than I was expecting. Of course, there was a lot of trial and error but with each environment I make, I create some assets that are usable in other places. E.g. for my Jackothy render I made a lot of visual effects, like fog, flames, dust, etc. that I've also repurposed in this render as well as several other renders before this one. And as with most of the assets, I actually borrowed the sprites used for these effects from the BL games themselves so that they would fit right in.
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When it comes to the chamber itself, I wanted to capture a very "hazy" and "unreal" feeling. After all, none of these things inside the chamber are as real as what is outside. They're somewhat of projections created from countless collections of data - honestly the closest comparison I'd make is to the VR missions in BL3. Like, you can still see and interact with stuff, there are collisions, but they're not real. Sure you could sit on top of that chair, but you can't really feel its texture and material, can't tell if it's hot or cold to the touch, or how much it weighs.
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The change in lighting in, however, is done by Jack himself, who had been preparing for this particular moment for weeks on end. By this point he is fully integrated with the chamber's system, knows the ins and outs. Heck, he's even got access to the ECHOnet by now ("only" took him about a year to convince Rhys to get someone to install a driver into the system). But this is where the question comes in. Why is Rhys absolutely down throughout the whole thing? What's this thing Jack's been talking about that's making Rhys' frown a permanent feature on his face?
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Considering the fact that the two have been broken up for over a year now because of an argument they can't even remember, and conveniently neither party can find another significant other (nor do they even try to... after all, they still feel an indescribable magnetic pull toward each other despite refusing to admit so), Rhys is rightly worried, and jealous, when one day Jack announces he managed to snag himself a date. However, Rhys has no idea that this is all a game to Jack, who is trying to see just how jealous he can make Rhys. If Jack's learnt anything over the years, it's that Rhys will never make the first move on him. And with Rhys' recent visits fluctuating in frequency (both because he is a busy man, and because Rhys feels no point in coming over anymore now that his and Jack's lives are not as intertwined as they used to be), Jack knows he needs to do something. And he needs to do it fast.
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When Jack sees him that day, however, his entire plan to win Rhys over falls apart. The bouquet and wine he had ordered arrived early, sprawled over the coffee table like there was no thought or preparation made by Jack for his date. Not even that. Just the sight of Rhys makes him short-circuit. Every word he had meticulously planned to say disappears. Nothing else mattered to him besides Rhys. He needed Rhys. He needed him to stay. To be with him. To be his. His mind was filled with nothing but Rhys.
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Remember how I mentioned Jack had been fully integrated with the chamber's system? Well, let's just say that the chamber sometimes also projects Jack's needs and desires.
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thetardigrape · 11 months
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In Permanent Ink
Words: 14,568 Author: @thetardigrape Artist: @cxionbonan Beta Reader: @ghostalservice Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Our Flag Means Death (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, Lucius Spriggs, Israel Hands, Roach (Our Flag Means Death), Fang (Our Flag Means Death), Oluwande Boodhari Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Tattoo Parlor, Idiots in Love, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Loves Stede Bonnet, Stede Bonnet Loves Blackbeard | Edward Teach Summary:
Ed, world-famous tattoo artist known as Blackbeard, owns Queen Anne's, a tattoo shop full of black leather and heavy metal. Stede, brand-new to the tattoo world, owns The Gentleman's Revenge, where the ink is magic.
After letting Stede ink him, Ed has to remind himself constantly that the things he feels aren't real. The ink's magic is making him giddy, making him feel magnetically drawn to the gorgeous owner of the rival shop. It would be a terrible idea for him to do anything about it. He should just let the magic fade, and let the feelings fade with it.
That's what he tells himself every day.
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cypherscript · 1 year
The King in White
So my idea of DPxPNAT has been bouncing around in my empty noggin until this pretty much wrote itself so here's part 1/chapter 1. Let's see if chapter 2 writes itself as easily. The chapter's aren't going to be coherently connected; jumping around from piece to piece kinda like Paranatural does sometimes. Enjoy.
Max steps into Mr. Garcia’s class, apparently Mr. Spender had a mission for the Club after school so he just had to make it through the day and~ that’s not Mr. Garcia. A black haired man wearing a space themed button up shirt with blue jeans was at the front of the class, setting up a large track of something around the room from a massive cart. He turns at the sound of the door opening, “Ah, good morning. You’re… Maxwell, correct? You can call me Mr. Fenton, Jean informed me that the class has a sit wherever rule so take a free seat.”
“It’s Max and sure, where’s Mr. Garcia,” Max asks as he takes his normal seat by Cody and Jeff, giving Jeff a fist bump when he offers it.
“Sorry about that, Max,” Mr. Fenton corrects himself, “Mr. Garcia is currently having health issues and has been put under house rest for the foreseeable future and has asked me to fill in while I’m in town visiting some friends. So,” Mr. Fenton claps his hands loudly as he finishes setting up the strip, “I’m here to science the crap out of your little minds while Jean rests. Today’s lesson is about magnetism.”
Max perks up at that, thinking about Scrapdragon and his bat, “Magnets, sir?” Jeff and Cody share a laugh when Jeff asks how they work, classic meme. 
“Yessir~, I’m more of a hands-on type of teacher so today we’re experimenting with magnets after a little lesson.” Mr. Fenton goes up the blackboard as the bell rings and begins quickly jotting down his lesson plans for magnets, “As some of you may know, Magnets have two poles; being the north and south poles. Both are repelled by themselves yet attracted to one another through an invisible magnetic field.But first what are magnets, anyone want to guess what they’re made of?” Cody raises their hand, “Yes, Cody?”
“They’re made of iron right?”
“Indeed they are, usually most magnets are made of ferro-magnetic iron but any piece of metal can become a magnet under the right conditions; hence the electromagnet was born in 1824 by William Sturgeon by using a horseshoe and copper wire and running a current through the wire.Like permanent magnets, temporary electromagnets come in different sizes and strengths.  You can make an electromagnet powerful enough to pick up paperclips with a single 1.5-volt battery or use a much bigger voltage to make a bigger electric current and you can build an electromagnet powerful enough to pick up a car. That's how scrapyard magnets work. The strength of an electromagnet depends on two main things: the size of the electric current you use and the number of times you coil the wire. Increase either or both of these and you get a more powerful electromagnet.”
Max thinks on that for a second, wondering if that’s what Scrapdragon does; channeling various electrical energies for its magnet powers. He’s snapped out of his thoughts when Mr. Fenton drops a large box onto the front desk, “But did you know magnets can produce electrical currents? It is one of the ways your parent’s cars run, a series of magnets on a rotating rod surrounded by copper wires induce electron movements in the copper wire generating electricity which can be fed back into the car’s battery to keep it charged as the car is running. This is called an Alternator. I have a very rudimentary Alternator here connected to a lightbulb and a hand crank. Who thinks they can spin the magnets fast enough to keep the light bulb lit?”
Everyone in the class starts raising their hands trying to get him to pick them, he then spends the rest of the class letting everyone try and see who can keep it lit the longest without flickering, chuckling at everyone’s hype to win. In the end Ed’s hyperactivity wins him the contest by causing it to burn out the bulb by dipping into his spirit trance and speed winding the little motor.
Mr. Fenton gives a long look at Ed, causing him to sweat before smiling, “Well done Ed, I’ve not had a student pop the bulb in quite a while. My daughter can but that little gremlin lives off sugar and chaos. I heard a bunch of stories from the teachers that the students go crazy for stickers so here you go.” 
“We can get Starchman Stars from you,” The class unanimously shouts in shock.
Mr. Fenton reaches into his bag and pulls out a sticker of a small green ghost with red eyes waving at you, “What are Starchman stars? I’ve just got ghost themed stickers,” He wilts as the class reacts in disappointment, “They uh, they glow in the dark?”
“Awesome,” Ed shouts as he snatches it from Mr. Fenton, sticking it under his shirt trying to see it glow.
“Sorry to disappoint you guys but before you leave for the day, I have one last demonstration for you. We talked about how magnets can affect metal objects such as iron or copper but what if I told you I could make it so an item is neither attracted or repulsed by the magnet? That I can make it just float in place?” He pulls a palm sized puck of black material from his box on the desk, “This is ceramic composite, that means combination, made from yttrium, barium, and copper. This is what is called a superconductor and they interact very interestingly when cooled far below natural temperatures.” He sets a track of magnets and a styrofoam tray over it and puts the puck in it, pouring something from a metal container into the tray. He waits a few seconds before taking it out and sliding it into an electrical tape wrapped box. “Here comes the fun part,” he sets the small styrofoam car on the magnet track and it hovers in place before giving it a hard tap, causing it to speed down the strip around the room without losing speed.
The bell rings shortly after that much to the disappointment of the students as they shout questions to Mr. Fenton as they leave. “If you think that was great, wait until tomorrow. I’ve got something better planned for next week. For tonight, read pages twenty-four through twenty-eight and we’ll be having a small quiz tomorrow on the properties of magnets.”
Max heads down the hallway, catching up with Ed who’s still messing with the sticker on the stairs, “Hey man, have you noticed there’s a surprising lack of spirits around here? Other than the weird deer princess at the front door?”
“Yeah,” Ed slides the sticker into his pocket as Max sits down, “It was a very quiet patrol this morning, Mr. Spender will handle it if it’s a problem.”
“You mean like he handled that bat spirit this morning?”
“Ha, yeah…”
They sit in silence until Isabel climbs past them, “Sup dorks.”
“Wondering why I’m here,” Max said as he looked into the now empty hallway.
“Max asks the deep questions,” Ed nods as he strokes his freshly painted beard, smearing it slightly.
“I mean why am I here, I’m supposed to be in Study Hall right now.”
“Normal study hall is for dweebs and geekaboos. Welcome to real study hall,” Isabel says as she lights her fist in a red mist. “First lesson is manipulating spectral energy for a specshot!”
Richard Spender was walking down the hallway to the science class, students trailing around going to lunch. He swings open the door and steps in, “Hey Jean, want to go get some lunch- You’re not Jean.”
Danny Fenton looks up, chinese food hanging from his mouth that he then slurps up, “Hello Dickie, no I’m not Jean. You really don’t pay attention to staff email do you? Jean’s taken some personal time, I’m the sub until he comes back.”
“It’s Richard, not even that it’s Spender to you. Where the hell have you been? How did you get into Mayview,” Mr. Spender angrily asks, catching the ear of Isaac as he’s walking down and stepping back behind the door frame to listen.
Mr. Spender’s worldview is slowed incredibly as his spirit pulls him into a spirit trance, the small yellow bird in a cage tries to drag him back, “You foolish man, do you have no manners? Can you not feel him? He’s changed much in the thirteen years he’s been gone.”
Spender whirls around on Lucifer, “I don’t care how powerful he is now, he left us to deal with that monster! Then we had to pick up after King Catnine without him and now Isaac is blacklisted.”
“You should really listen to the bird, Dickie.” Danny Fenton’s voice causes much confusion as Spender turns around to find him not slowed down right behind him.
“How are you- That’s not possible.” Spender backing up next to the door. 
“A lot can change in thirteen years, Dickie–.”
“Stop calling me that, you lost that right when you left!”
“Bite your tongue you fool,” Lucifer shouts, trying to cover Spender’s mouth with poor results.
“It’s fine Lucifer. I don’t think he can feel it. As for how and why I’m here; I walked in and I’m here because your solution for your spirit problem is causing more problems than it’s worth. This place is a petri dish eating itself from the inside out.” Danny’s form flashes in a bright white light, standing in place of the space shirt and jeans there was now a white haired man clothed in pristine white furs and speckled black hide.”Everyone who dies here is stuck here to be food for the Neverweres and Outside is just as bad! Drawn in from miles to either get in and be trapped or eat anything that comes here just like they were, I felt this place from Illinois, Richard.”
“Everything is under control–”
“”No it’s not,”” Danny and Lucifer say at the same time but Danny continues, “Abigail may be content to let you sit on your hands but while I’m here I’m going to fix what I can.”
“Boss Leader,” Danny tilts his head at Spender’s confusion, “You don’t even know your boss’s name?! Ancient’s sake, Richard…” Danny flashes back to his normal self, exasperated with Spender’s lack of knowledge.
“For one she’s  not content with my actions. They’re sending an Agent to assess the town and the Cousinhood of Man’s recent inquiry to the Consortium.”
“Well that’s not my problem for the time being, I’m here to do my job so just keep your club on their path and when you see mina tell her I have words for her.” Danny grabs his food and sits back at the desk, eating and losing color as he drops out of Richard’s trance.
 Isaac has just enough time to get behind the door to see the two teacher’s eyes glow and begin speeding around the room at high speed. There’s a flash of light and Isaac hears King Catnine’s voice, “Run boy, if you’re ever going to listen to me do so right now and flee. Do not let him catch you.”
“Not so hot now are you, I thought the great King Catnine bowed to no one? What’s got you shaking in your dog paws from Mr. Spender?”
“Not the glowlight you wretched worm, the other one. Get out of here before they exit the trance, NOW!” Isaac hears a clap of thunder and he’s gone from his spot, running down the hall hearing Spender give a curt goodbye to whoever that other teacher was. 
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watchmenanon · 2 years
How Will Byers became the heart and soul of Stranger Things.
By Adam White
30 October 2017 • 5:00pm
Warning: this story contains Stranger Things 2 spoilers!
Last year, when the young cast of Stranger Things began to tour the world, making personal appearances and becoming the faces of fashion houses, one cast member seemed to be permanently excluded.
Millie Bobby Brown was a grenade of preternatural charm, and Gaten Matarazzo won hearts with his endearingly candid Instagram account, but there was always the feeling that there was one young star missing.
Maybe not as funny or as quirky-looking as the others, 13-year-old Noah Schnapp was principally recognised as the Stranger Things Kid people seemed to forget about. Part of this was by nature of the show itself, Schnapp’s character Will abducted and taken to an alternate dimension known as the Upside Down during the very first episode. It was his disappearance that kicked off the show’s irresistible mix of sci-fi mystery and whimsical nostalgia.
But Stranger Things 2 has seen Will take on a far bigger role, becoming the drummer behind many of the show’s most emotional beats. And it’s been an impressively manageable task for Schnapp, who may have only just become a teenager but who has given one of the most heartbreaking portrayals of post-traumatic stress disorder in recent memory. He’s quickly cemented himself as the heart and soul of Stranger Things itself.
Oddly, despite Schnapp’s relative lack of screentime in the first season, he was arguably the most experienced of the show’s young cast going in – having already played Tom Hanks’s son in the Steven Spielberg movie Bridge of Spies, and voiced Charlie Brown in 2015’s The Peanuts Movie. He somewhat adorably learned he was hired while attending summer camp, before being whisked away to meet his fellow cast members.
Unlike them, however, his haphazard appearances in the first season meant he didn’t have much time to strike up a bond – but they still made him feel at home.
“I was trapped in the Upside Down,” he told Dazed, “so I wasn’t in the same scenes as the others. I’d be going back to school and stuff, but every time I came back it was like a big reunion. I’d drive into the studio and they’d be there waiting for me, screaming. When we were all there together, though, we’d all have sleepovers and stuff.”
With most of his scenes in the first season consisting of looking terrified in pools of inter-dimensional gloop, it took until its second for Schnapp to properly come into his own. His most moving performance occurs in the season’s fourth episode, wherein he confides in harried mother Joyce (Winona Ryder), telling her the truth behind his recent out of body experiences.
Desperate to push the narrative that he’s no longer affected by his time in the Upside Down, he has kept secret the fact that he has been glimpsing monsters and nightmarish, apocalyptic visions. That is until it all comes crashing down over breakfast, where he hesitantly confesses.
Schnapp captures all of the shame and horror of keeping a secret from your loved ones, and the odd sensations of disgust and relief as it unspools in floods of tears. It’s an incredibly powerful moment between both actors, but Ryder’s magnetism is less of a surprise considering she’s been in movies for over three decades. For Schnapp, it’s a revelation.
As the season continues, and Will’s body is entirely taken over by the feelers of the Upside Down, Schnapp conjures a sinister adolescent intensity similar to that of Harvey Stephens, the young actor behind Damien in The Omen, or even Linda Blair from The Exorcist.
While at least a few members of the young Stranger Things cast seem to be stagnating in the show’s second season (looking at you, Mike and Eleven), Will’s development has been particularly nuanced and interesting this year.
It also helps that Will best personifies many of the show’s strongest takes on teenage trauma. While the majority of the Stranger Things kids are depicted as prototypical outcasts, they also sometimes feel annoyingly photogenic in their social marginalisation, as if they weren’t Hawkins High's biggest geeks, but rather the heroes of a particularly inspiring Coca-Cola commercial.
Rather, they are “Hollywood nerds”, the kinds of outsiders with cool, charity shop wardrobes who find themselves with tight, unbreakable friendships. Aside from a few moments in which conformist, retrograde bullies call them names, never has high school loserdom been so enviable. Those who have actually encountered teasing or isolation as a pre-teen, you’ll know it’s worlds away from the kind so often depicted in the series.
Will, on the other hand, with his bowl haircut and wan complexion, better embodies the sort of child typically left on the sidelines of a PE class or isolated from their peers. The sadness of it all carried by Schnapp’s incredibly expressive face.
Even in a group Will somewhat disappears. He is smaller than the other boys, yes, but he has also experienced trauma, both before and after his time in the Upside Down. Hints of his life before the events of the series indicate a child who has always struggled to interact with his peers, possibly because of a fractured relationship with his father, who halfheartedly attempted to forge a bond before giving up entirely.
His impressively ramshackle fort in the woods, which he dubbed Castle Byers, also signals a child of particular introversion, for whom withdrawal from the world is a luxury.
There’s also the ever-discussed subtext that Will is gay – a theory spun by Joyce’s early aside that his father abandoned him amid a litany of homophobic slurs.
An only-somewhat-fanciful essay in The Advocate last year proposed that both Will and beloved mom jeans pioneer Barb were so quickly pulled into the Upside Down because it acts like something of a metaphorical closet – a terrifying embodiment of the shame and persecution that would so often envelope queer teens growing up in small-town America during the mid-Eighties.
Schnapp has said that he hasn’t thought of any queer subtext when playing the character, but welcomes the different readings fans have had. While we aren’t yet privy to Will’s sexuality, the idea of his slowly coming to terms with it only increases the power of his obvious marginalisation – the feeling that he doesn’t quite belong in ways that are very different to the rest of his friends.
We don’t yet know where the rest of Will’s journey will take him, particularly as the show seems to have finally closed the book on his time in the Upside Down, but what’s guaranteed is that in Schnapp’s hands it’ll be convincing. And that the Duffer brothers, the geniuses behind the show, would be smart to capitalise on his talent.
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shine-reblogs · 4 months
Thanks @chicken-magnet for the tag! Thread was getting a little long, so I'm starting a new one :3
coffee AND tea | early bird or night owl permanently exhausted pigeon | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet amber! | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | either rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet neither xD | london or paris tokyo | vincent van gogh or claude monet *shrugs* | denim AND leather (denim jeans and leather jacket) | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
I tag @randomfae and anyone who wants to join! (leave a note if you want to be tagged in stuff like this in the future!)
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squadrah · 2 years
You've brought up a few times that Prosciuttos' stand has alternated Prosciuttos' taste buds has anyone else's stand had some kind of physical or maybe mental effect on them? Thank you take ur time and relax tis the holidays
Haha, thank you for your consideration! Where I live we don't celebrate any holidays at this time, but to everyone else I am wishing (very belatedly since this post will have to wait its turn in the queue) a very happy holiday! You are all lovely and deserve a celebration!
Risotto: Compared to the others, he first and foremost sees himself as a host or vessel to Metallica, and the idea of his Stand wreaking havoc within him has crossed his mind many times. Physically, I have seen fans attributing his eye condition to the Stand, which I like even if I have a different interpretation. To me the physical impact is that he has become slightly magnetic (strong fridge magnets will stick to him up close), and he pays way more attention to his iron intake than anyone else on the team.
Formaggio: Despite a slight inferiority complex at present, it used to be worse and his self-image actually improved a lot when he gained his Stand and went from some vagrant punk to a real trickster who can also slash your throat if nothing else gets through to you. Physically he feels no different, though some of the others sometimes take jabs at him saying Little Feet has probably been shrinking his brain, his balls, or both. If they suspected he had often entertained permanently shrinking them a little, they'd stop.
Prosciutto: His Stand has mostly damaged his palate, having been for a long time in his life without the ability to speak out, and restraining himself so often that his Stand sometimes activates automatically and dulls his nerves a little before he might flip a switch and unleash the fury of ten gods. Being a short sleeper, he already had a higher threshold of pain tolerance than most, but The Grateful Dead has actually made this worse without him being much aware of it himself, which is a huge hazard on missions.
Pesci: He had always been a very observant person, both by nature as well as the necessity of reading the room and knowing when he is in danger, and Beach Boy has only heightened these sense by giving him further information he is now able to sense. Like Formaggio, he thus received a confidence boost. Physically, his Stand has not affected him directly, but indirectly, since Pesci started exercising in earnest in order to build up the core strength required to wield his Stand and bear the weight of any victim(s).
Ghiaccio: Another person whose self-confidence was improved by gaining a Stand. On the physical side of things, I loved the anime's decision to show him emanating cold fumes when he was experiencing terror at the sight of Sorbet's body. They know when he is overcome by the sight of those fumes, and that it's time to either defuse him or take cover. He's also in the same boat as Pesci, but with greater willingness to exercise in general because it helps burn his stamina and calm his mind.
Melone: Though he cannot actually prove it, he is convinced that gaining a Stand improved his mental faculties from his memory to the time and effort it takes to theorize and calculate. He also gained a sense of safety because even when he's down, his Stand has energy enough to go and alert the others. Physically he doesn't feel different as a whole, but whenever Baby Face Laptop eats something it shouldn't have, he not only feels abdominal pain but can also very remotely taste whatever entered it.
Illuso: He is the one who was most *and* least improved mentally by the acquisition of a Stand. On the one hand, his wish of complete control over his own space was granted and it gives him a sense of power as well as smug self-assurance, but on the other hand, having the means to hide in order to assert his dominance has done nothing to help him address his many issues. Physically he has been improved as well as "confused" by the mirror world and can read text normal and mirrored, but mixes up the directions of his letters.
Sorbet and Gelato are non-users to my mind, so they are unaffected that way, but I'll include them because they do see Baby Face Laptop moving about and think it's interesting/funny, have seen White Album's armor, and have been subjected to literally every Stand effect out of curiosity and the willingness to understand. This is another one of those things that made the others think both of them batshit crazy indeed.
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Scientists take an important step toward using quantum computers to advance materials science
A team of scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames National Laboratory demonstrated a way to advance the role of quantum computing in materials research with an adaptive algorithm for simulating materials. Quantum computers have potential capabilities far beyond today's computers, and using an adaptive algorithm allows them to produce solutions quickly and accurately.
Quantum computers have a completely different way of computing than the computers we use today. They are built of quantum bits, or qubits, which can encode much more information than the bits in today's computers. These unique capabilities allow quantum computers to make calculations beyond what is currently possible with classical computers.
A team of scientists at Ames Lab are working to harness the power of quantum computers to make materials research easier and more efficient. A primary research focus at Ames Lab is rare earth materials. These materials are used in a variety of technology, including smart phones, computer hard drives, light-emitting-diodes (LEDs), electronic displays, and permanent magnets for alternative energy technology, such as wind turbines.
Read more.
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ladyriot · 7 months
This is the closest to humour I ever get. Snippet from a Blindspot fic, zapatterson, "Triboelectric" after the iconic elevator scene of course. Slightly suggestive.
Tasha needs to learn to listen to her own damn advice. The leather couch in her apartment squeaks in protest as she throws herself down onto it, but she can't be bothered to care. Memories of her morning infect her brain instead. It's karma, really, how she'd pushed Patterson to move on and get back on the horse, then gets called into Reade's office only to hear that he's gotten engaged to Meg. 
Her chances have been swallowed up with the ring on Meg's finger. And it's only exactly what she deserves. She rejected Reade, when he kissed her all those years ago after the hospital. She doesn't get to take it back. Patterson's face had gone all… soft and concerned when she'd said that, told her "things change." Tasha had tried so hard not to spit the next words out, not at Patterson who could never deserve that; "and people get engaged." There's finality in that, at least the suggestion of permanence.
Her body is heavy and aching, like the air full of pressure before a storm. She wonders if that's what a body feels like when you refuse to let it feel all its feelings, hold back the tears and suck in breath after breath only never to exhale. How do you breathe again when you know you'll be alone forever, when the only person in years to want you, to think the two of you <em>just make sense</em>, finds somebody better, somebody not afraid of themselves, not too afraid of loss to commit to anything?
Her doorbell rings, startling her. But it's Patterson, with a six pack of Tasha's favourite beer.
"Thought you could use this," Patterson says, holding out the case. "I can stay or I can leave you alone, no offence taken."
"Stay," Tasha says. "Thanks for…" She takes the six pack in her hand. "Sit down, I'll get ice."
Patterson nods and goes. Tasha walks into the kitchen, fills a bowl with ice in contemplative silence and mindlessly sticks some beers in it to cool. She turns and opens her fridge, grabbing her last already cold beer to start with and wishes Patterson were just here to hang out, the morning's events having never happened, never led to her feeling so bitter.
Because, well, Tasha has never taken a more interesting elevator ride in her life. She'd stepped into the elevator of the FBI, greeted by the flustered nod of her friend as she got hit on by the scientist from upstairs. Patterson was delightfully pink, turning a shocked look over to Jack and revealing the tiniest sliver of a smile when he called her magnetic, stuttering out that the charge was actually triboelectric. Tasha had only grinned wider, both at Patterson's awkwardness and just… 
"Tribo," Patterson had explained, waving the errant dryer sheet as she spoke. "The greek term for rubbing"
And oh, Tasha knew and absolutely delighted in the humour of it. Tasha looked down so her laugh wouldn't be obvious in the space of the elevator. To her surprise, Patterson shrugged off the prospect of a date with just about the worst excuse Tasha had ever heard in all her life.
And now Tasha stands barefoot in her kitchen, thinking that talking about that elevator ride would be much more fun had it not ended in Reade's office with a ruined mood, if it didn't leave her in her apartment conjuring alternate endings to that moment before Reade's announcement, endings which would not end in her being upset, thoughts that spark little embers or like sparks on livewire in her stomach.
Tasha shakes it off, closing that box off in her head and marking it with a giant, red letter X. Patterson was, in her own way, incredibly vulnerable right now, untrusting of dating, of connecting. She'd come here as a friend. Tasha asjusts her shoulders and goes to meet Patterson in her living room, passing her the already cool beer while she pops open a lukewarm one and sticks a few ice cubes into it. Common decency or hostess code or something, not chivalry. Not… of course not. 
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Patterson asks carefully.
"What's there to talk about?" Tasha said. "I can't change it. And I don't even think I want to. I want him happy and he is. So." Tasha shrugs. "I'll be fine."
Patterson's face scrunches.  "You will be. Okay, I mean. You'll find someone else," Patterson insists. "I fully believe the right person's out there. Maybe it's just not now."
"Patterson," Tasha says as she raises an eyebrow and inclines her head. "You're the one who's magnetic. Me, not so much. No one's hitting on me in the elevator."
Patterson blushes. And then laughs. 
"Okay okay okay," she says. "Fine. But it's triboelectric. And I'm sure one day someone will hit on you in the elevator."
Tasha snorts through her nose. "Yeah, right."
Then she starts laughing. It just sounds so dirty.
"Stop laughing, no!" Patterson says. "You're worthy of love, you're attractive, funny, it'll happen if that's what you want. Whoever it is will be lucky."
"Thank you. But I'm not laughing because… but, triboelectric?" Tasha lifts an eyebrow suggestively.
Patterson blushes fiercely in response.
"I didn't think you'd fully get what I meant," Tasha leaps. "Did you...? When did you—wait, nevermind. I shouldn't ask that."
"I didn't say it was ever, you know, successful. The.. uh… anatomy has to match up."
"Oh, I know, Patterson," Tasha agrees. 
Patterson seems to stumble, her mouth not knowing what shape to move in. "I…"
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ask-anarky · 1 year
The Aftermath
The tangled mess that made up Detroit Steel was laid out in its hangar, dozens of engineers working on cutting out the damaged parts and salvaging the rest. The problem being there wasn’t much left that wasn’t warped by the impact, or a pile of molten slag. The decidedly not holographic form of Markus Barnes stood on the gantry, looking over this exceedingly expensive mess, with the pilot in a wheelchair to his side and covered in burns, while at his other side was the head of the engineering crew. “Thing wasn’t fast enough sir, those spiders ran circles around me, and the main gun sent me flying back too soon to be accurate.” “I didn’t ask you to be accurate, I asked you to fill the room with lead! How hard is it to gun down a room full of people with no way out of that room? Detroit steel cut down daemon lords and the masses of the undead in its first excursions, it practically won the battle of Lethe single handedly, how do half a dozen idiots in spandex bring it down?” “They’re faster than it?” Barnes seethed, his grip on the metal railing tightening before he took a breath, and turned to the engineer. “How do we make it faster?” The engineer was practically holding his clipboard up as a shield between him and his boss, who was clearly in a bad mood.
“Well, its motors are classed to move a lot faster, if we repaired it, and.. Replaced all the broken parts, we could set it to move much faster.” “Why didn’t we do that TO BEGIN WITH?” The engineer was practically bent over double, now actively blocking strings of spittle from Barnes as he turned a deeper shade of red. “Its- Its the cores sir, the abrahamic cores. They’re.. Well they run hot, they need a lot of ventilation or..” He pointed at the now frozen slag at the center of the wreckage. “We could fit one easily, but there’s no way the pilot would survive, and the cooling problem would just be even easier to exploit.” “So.. We need more power, and it can’t be our cores.” “That’s the long and short of it sir. If we could get our hands on one of the new Arc Reactors from-” Barnes ripped the clipboard out of his hands, and started smacking him with it, mostly on the helmet in a fairly pathetic display. “WE CANNOT! START BUYING PARTS! FROM STARK!”
The crew of engineers down on the shop floor stop their working, staring up at the man who signs their paychecks. “Alright sir, we get it, we'll work on some kind of solution. I’ll have some proposals on your desk by the end of the month.”
Quietly, almost unsettlingly, one of Hammers R&D Department crept up behind Markus, and tapped him on the shoulder, making him jump half a foot in the air. “Sir, if I may, you know I’ve been working on an alternate energy supply, one that would put Stark and the Abrahamic cores to bed permanently.” “Yes, yes I remember. I also remember telling you that you were blowing your entire teams budget in a tenth of the time the others were and to focus on something more affordable.” “Well.. I may have kept working, within my means of course. With your approval, and a little more funding, I may have a solution to my problem, and to yours.”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- New York 2079
Obediah Stane’s old Monger Core was whirring with activity, the copper discs set around the room were spinning far beyond their capacity, making the walls of the room more like a blender than a surface. While the core was crackling with energy, arcs of electricity slamming into the walls, and ball lightning sparking to life for moments before dying. All the old monitoring equipment in the control deck was pulsing as the magnetic fields grew larger and larger, already breaching containment. Reed Richards and Susan Storm frantically tried to override the sequence while inside the core, Johnny Storm and Spider-Man were dodging the chaos as well as the bolts aimed straight at them. The charge at the center kept building and with swinging not an option, Spidey was forced to dodge blasts of super charged electricity with just his reflexes. As Electro was staggered by a blast of fire, Parker made a run for the console at the base of the core. “We can’t let you do this Electro! The magnetic field’s gonna destroy the earth, and I just put a down payment on an apartment!” Electro caught the next blast from Storm, warping the electro-magnetic field around the plasma, and sending it back at Storm who went flying into the blender. Parker was halfway through the shutdown sequence when his Spidey-sense went off, and he jumped to the side, the bolt of electricity coursing through the space he just occupied, and obliterating the console. “I wasn’t asking Spiderman! I’m about to be the biggest lightning bolt in history, then you’ll all pay! You, the blue wonders, and then everyone else!” Spidey shot a double bolt of webbing at him as he started to float towards the center of the core. “Really felt like you didn’t use the hyphen there Max! And you gotta have bigger goals, there’s a good chance this’ll kill you!” Electro just fried the bolts as they came near, cooking them so thoroughly they hit the ground with a clang as they landed, solid lumps of charcoal at this point. “You wanna see a light show Spiderman?” “Not feeling like no is an option here”
Peter jumped for Electro, just as his hand made contact with the contacts at the center of the core.
Electro screamed, but no noise came out, as his body was still coalescing. Tiny streaks of power made the air crackle, some of them sticking around, arcing to one another, some dissipating. More and more sparks, more strings of lightning, the spherical field started to have arcs cross its width.
“Give it more power” Barnes watched as the team upped the power poured in, it had cost a fortune to recreate most of the monger core, with some extra containment fields, but it was looking like it might not be a waste.
More arcs crisscrossed the field, forming a glowing, partially muscled skeleton, then a circulatory system, layers of glowing plasma and energy forming faux tissue, finally vocal chords. A distorted guttural scream through superheated air as Electro returned to life. “What- Where am I?!” 
He tried to send a bolt of power into the field, and was disappointed when it dissipated. “Mr Dillon, I’m Markus Barnes, CEO of HammerTec, and you have just come back from the dead.
“What do you mean back from the dead?” “Reed Richards threw the magnetic fields into overdrive, the only thing he could do with you burning out the controls was turn it up, and change the frequency. You were ripped apart by a thousand different overlapping magnetic fields. There wasn’t anything left of you.” Eletro clutched his head, memories of agony flashing through his head. He flared out his powers, energy crackling through the field and again, doing nothing.
“Keep going Mr Dillon, we’ve set up what could be the world's biggest power sink, you’re certainly going to keep the lights on for a long while!” Barnes patted the lead scientist on the back.
“You see, I need a power supply for my mech, a new one that won’t superheat it, and a pilot that can survive inside. It seems like you’re a two in one deal. And in return, you get to live! I’d take the deal if I were you.” Electro chuckled.
“You pumped a lot of power into me, yknow that? Needed a whole lot to pull myself together right?” “Right you are, Mr Dillon, but as I said, that field is connected to a sink, it doesn’t matter how much you pump in, it can take it.”
“Yeah, and so can I.” Electro slammed his palms onto the field, drawing in more and more power. “Trip the breakers! Disconnect the field!” One of the skeleton crew working on this project ran to the fuse terminal, flipping the switches over to disconnect the sink. Electro grunted, and the switches flicked back over. The labcoat went to switch it back over and the terminal instantly started to glow. Their skin around their hands started to blister and burn, and the sound of their own muscles snapping bones could be heard by the whole crew who grimaced.
“I’mma take the juice back if that’s okay with you Mr Barnes. And the name isn’t Max Dillon, it's Electro.” The spherical field started to glow so bright that the onlookers had to avert their eyes, most of them running for the exits. Markus Barnes just looked on hopelessly as the field emitters gave up the ghost at the sheer voltage running through them.
Electro floated above the scorched podium, electricity arcing from limb to limb.
“You got a lot more juice nowadays huh? I like that..” He dropped down to just above the floor in front of Barnes, small sparks flickering from his feet to the ground.
“I gotta thank you for bringing me back HammerTec, I’m gonna leave now but, I do owe you one. So I’m not gonna cook you, this time.” He reached up, and tapped Barnes at the center of his chest, and he dropped like a stone.
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