#pet euthanasia tw
lifeinpoetry · 10 months
Hi I'm so happy to see you on my dash again :) Your blog has always felt like a safe space to me. How are you doing? I hope you're well. Thanks for posting the free Palestine reading list.
Hi, thank you so much, lovely <3
Had been holding onto the links for a while and even posted to my then brand-new Bluesky account but kept thinking I should post the links I'd bookmarked here but wasn't sure I wanted to jump back into posting regularly anywhere. The ongoing genocide felt more and more urgent and keeping silent while I had a platform felt like being complicit even though the only place I was truly active on was Goodreads.
I am okay. I wasn't okay for a good long while, but I think I'm in a likely short-lived easing of the depression/anxiety/hallucinations that have made up the past year.
I don't know if I wrote about this but we had to make the decision to have Bear, our then-14/15-year-old poodle, put to sleep because his health had gotten so bad. We had taken him in from the streets when he was 1-2 year(s) old after his owners had their house foreclosed and left him behind. I miss him all the time.
Baby S had brain surgery to put in a shunt and is doing a whole lot better though she does have PTSD/medical trauma. Baby A is nearly two, boisterous and as clever as Houdini in freeing herself from anything with straps/play pens/etc. We became a family placement after she was taken at birth by social workers and nearly adopted out to non-family.
These two small humans have made the past year bearable even though I'm not a parent and have never wanted to be a parent. I love them with all my heart.
The rage is gone now that the verbal/emotional abuse is over, has been over for about three years (?), and it doesn't seem it will return. I thought rage was just part of my natural make up but it isn't, it was a response to being attacked daily with no true response, deflection, or attempt to end the conversation that was acceptable. People would tell me to walk away, to change the subject, to say to agree to disagree and I tried all these but it was hard when the majority of the time it would lead to them raging and let's be real, it's near impossible to walk away when you were in your room minding your business and the other person is looming at the door.
I know that's old news but I've been thinking about it a lot because of the babies. I'm glad I can be my best self, feel no desire to snap at them, and have tapped into a well of patience for both myself and them.
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bitchesgetriches · 6 months
NEW POST! A Hand-Holding Guide To Planning the End of Your Pet’s Life
We each lost a beloved dog this month. So we decided to turn our pain into what we hope is a helpful guide.
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mango-pup · 4 months
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A morning of snuffling and likimats with all of the forbidden foods. Mango went happy, full of peanut butter, and with cheese spread still on her lips.
Thank you amazing girl. It was a blast.
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stellesappho · 5 months
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detailed commission info contact me: [email protected] can't catch a break, so here we go again. i don't know how to talk about this. my cat has been sick for a while and because we're poor we haven't been able to diagnose or treat him properly in time. now it looks like late stage mouth cancer. i don't want to go into details, but it's hard to watch him suffer. euthanasia also requires money we don't have. please consider commissioning me or donating even a small amount, i'd be very grateful for any help
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horatioandalice · 8 months
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I'm afraid I have some bad news about Harriet.
Yesterday morning when I got the budgies up, I noticed that she wasn't able to use her right foot. (The picture attached was taken before she lost the use of her foot.) I thought that maybe she and Pippa had had a fight, or that she had injured it in some way, so I toweled her and gave her some of Pippa's leftover pain meds and looked at her foot. There wasn't any visible sign of injury, but she was definitely unable to move her toes. By an unbelievable stroke of luck, my vet had an opening at 2pm, so I took Harriet in to get looked at.
Unfortunately, the prognosis is not good. The vet found a significant amount of bruising in Harriet's abdomen, indicating that she likely has some kind of organ dysfunction that is resulting in pressure being put on the nerves that control her right foot. The most likely causes, according to the vet, are either kidney cancer or reproductive disease. Because budgies are so small, and because of Harriet's age (she's 9) and relative fragility (since she's already had surgery for reproductive issues), the vet isn't confident she would survive the major surgery required to determine the problem, and the odds are there wouldn't be an effective treatment anyway.
So the decision has been made to try to keep Harriet comfortable with anti-inflammatory pain meds and in a hospital cage until her quality of life declines enough that it will be kindest to euthanize her. She is still allowed out with the other budgies, so she's not totally isolated, and as of this morning she is still eating well, destroying toys, and being very active and vocal (her wonky foot doesn't slow her down at all!), so right now she's doing well. She has already outlived all my other past budgies by three years (!!!), so although of course I will be heartbroken to say goodbye to this little fierce warrior, I am grateful for whatever time we have left.
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amandacanwrite · 7 months
My dog’s health had been yo-yoing the last couple of days and tonight she’s finally deteriorated to the point where I am letting loved ones know that they may want to come say goodbye.
I’m so distraught. I’m know that i have had 12 magnificent years with her but I thought I would have at least a few more. I’m not ready at all.
Ive cried more the last few days than when I helped take care of my grandpa in his last few days.
I will miss her little snore and her barking so much. Ill miss her stinky little kisses and her cuddles. Ill miss greeting her in the morning and when I get home from work.
God I will miss her so fucking much.
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fireladybuckley · 9 months
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I have been dreading this day for years.
Today, I had to say goodbye to my best friend.
Leo has been with me for 13 years. He is the best companion I’ve ever had. A total Momma’s boy, he followed me everywhere. Even if he was fast asleep and I was just going to the bathroom, within 30 seconds he’d show up. I had never had a cat so affectionate before him. He always loved @firemedicdiaz too, and took to her like a second mom when we moved in together, but I was always His Momma.
He was always so funny, so playful, so affectionate. He loved his sister, and when she passed after ten years together, he was lonely, despite all the love I gave him. Six months later, we got Buck, and it was like he was a kitten again. Buck brought out the youth in him for a while and I will always be grateful for that. They played and hung out together for a good two years before Leo started to decline.
For the last year or so Leo has been having health issues. He was diagnosed with diabetes in May of this year after months of losing weight and being sick. By the middle of September, he’d already beaten it and gone into remission. But he’s been having problems ever since. He lost so much weight and no matter how much he ate, he couldn’t gain it back.
He developed feline dementia last year, but it got significantly worse after the stress of his illness. For weeks now he’s been confused, having bathroom accidents all over, crying and wandering aimlessly. He also clearly had some arthritis, as he stopped jumping up on most surfaces, walked gingerly and hesitated when lowering himself down.
He still was having some good days, but they were decreasing, and the digestive issues were constant. Poor guy couldn’t go a day without issue, and he was always hungry no matter how much he ate.
He was not at death’s door, but I know he was headed there. I had that horrible feeling about a week ago, that intuitive premonition that long time pet owners just… know. I made the decision to put him to sleep now, before it became a time where there was no choice left.
I chose to have in-home euthanasia for him, and it was the best thing I’ve ever done. He had an amazing morning, filled with all his favourite treats, all the love he could ever want, and a nice long nap on his favourite cushion in the sun. He ate his favourite treats just two minutes before the sedative kicked in, and then I held him until he fell asleep. His passing was quick and peaceful and I could not have asked for more for him. I wouldn’t have wanted him to go any other way. His two moms will miss him more than he will ever know, but at least he is at peace now.
So long, my sweet boy. You were the best friend I could ever have asked for and then some. I will never forget you. Go find your sister; I’m sure she will have lots of stories to tell after 3 years apart.
I’ll see you again when it’s time, and you can regale me with all of your stories and purrs and aggressive nuzzles. Love you, buddy. Til we meet again. 🌈❤️🤍🖤
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a-polite-melody · 2 months
Okay. Seriously.
It might be for the best that I have no options for transporting myself and a giant dog to a vet because if I could I honestly might have taken my neighbour’s dog I’m caring for to be euthanized for quality of life concerns by now. She is constantly in respiratory distress, and like. It’s severe and gets worse with basically any movement.
Like. Just now. All within a few seconds.
Zero indication beforehand that she needed to go outside. She gets up to walk over to the door. I go from the dining room to the living room to follow after her and grab her leash. She paces back over from the door panting heavily and flops down onto the ground before I can get to her. Once I’m right by her but before I can attach the leash she lays down fully into her side. I’m confused because this is usually how she tells me “no” if I offer to take her outside but she doesn’t want to. I attach the leash anyway but kinda just drop it so it’s there and attached if she changes her mind and as I do this she rises kinda quickly back up into a typical down, I assume in response to the leash being attached. It then looks like she’s about to lay on her side again but she snaps back upright, and it quickly happens again. I think maybe she was actually losing consciousness. She also pees while this is happening.
Now she’s panting really heavy and her tongue is actually fucking purple (and her tongue is naturally not exactly typical pink but like. This is not the normal colour) and she doesn’t want to move out of her pee because moving at all is only going to be more exertion.
And the dog understands none of this. Why she can’t oxygenate properly. And it seems terrifying to her. It’s terrifying for me to be watching, I don’t want to even imagine going through it with no frame of reference for it.
But it’s not my dog. But this dog Is Suffering.
Fucking hell this is awful.
Maybe I take the dog to be euthed and off myself. Take myself out in righteous fury for this dog’s condition and knowledge that I could be prosecuted for killing someone’s dog. I’m joking, mostly because, again, I have no way to actually do it. Kinda a “maybe if I fantasize about actually doing something this will hurt a little less” because I’m fucking stuck.
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windwardrose · 6 months
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We said goodbye to the little wug last night. I took her back home from brother this last weekend, hoping that her health issues were things I could turn around with a little extra care and support; unfortunately it was just the beginning of the spiral, and a much quicker one than I anticipated. We spent some whiles outside in the yard yesterday and she couldn't walk, but found a daffodil to stare at anyway, being one who did always like to Observe things. And she did get a last chance to obsess over the birds from a distance, once we got indoors. She took her last mercy very calmly, and slept more gently than she had for many a night, in my arms where she always knew she was secure.
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coolbeesbro · 4 months
Enough Black Cat Slander!!
I'm convinced that people who have said that black cats are bad luck and are mean have never interacted with a black cat in their life. I have one, and he is a big dumb stupid baby boy who wants nothing more than to be held and be given kisses all over his big dumb stupid silly face. You could spend hours annoying him and he wont growl or hiss or ANYTHING! He only knows be silly, and be cute and friendly.
If I'm going to do something, that becomes a group activity because he HAS to be there. If I leave the room after like 5 minutes and he can't follow, he starts to yell until I return. He loves to be picked up and carried everywhere, and if I had one of those baby slings I think he would simply die of happiness. I'll be working on a project, and he'll slowly inch his way onto my lap and push it away, and if I relocate him because I need to get work done, he just does it again until I give in and give him the snuggles he wants.
Statistically black cats are usually the hardest cat to get adopted from a shelter, and some shelters will flat out refuse to take in black cats because of their low adoption rate. Meaning, a black cat is statistically more likely to spend their entire life in a shelter, and are more likely to be euthanized because of that fact. That's not even taking into account that because of their reputation they are more likely to be abused and killed by others who are superstitious of them.
Outside of their unfair treatment, here are additional reasons to adopt them!
Research has shown they are less likely to get sick, and have a stronger resistance to viruses like Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (Commonly referred to as FIV) which is permanent, contagious, and can be deadly since it slowly destroys their immune system.
You have a miniature house panther.
You'll save a life (theirs).
So next time you go to adopt a cat from a shelter or pick one from a litter of kittens, please consider adopting a black cat.
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I got this baby from a catch and release shelter I volunteered for a bit at back in 2016, and bringing him home has been one of the best decisions of my life. Dipper is just so good, and every other black cat I've ever been around has been the biggest sweetheart ever. Think of silly orange cat brain power mixed with an incredibly cuddly and loving baby. He has 2 younger sisters, and has accepted them each the second they enter the house, even defending them (especially the youngest who is blind) right out the gate if they start to get spicy with the other sister.
Anyways, this has been my TedTalk on why black cats are the best and deserve a better reputation than they have.
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lifeinpoetry · 1 year
It's okay now for me to write a little about the family crisis that was going on from March-May on top of the mental health stuff now that my sister has made a public post about it.
My niece, S., was born at the beginning of March but came down with meningitis by her second day of life. There were failures at all levels of care for both my sister and baby S., both of them nearly died, and S. wasn't released from the NICU until the very end of April.
Right now they're in the wait and see stage of seeing what effects the illness had on S. but we're all hoping for the best. Can't say much more because it wouldn't be fair to my sister and S.
Major depression has lifted for real this time, it's been weeks of being at my regular level of depression though more stuff re: to the schizophrenic side of things recently but that's probably stress-related because Bear, our dog, is at the point where we're discussing quality of life. It's bringing up a lot related to previous putting off of care for both humans and pets in crisis/near crisis moments. Remembering the overdose at 17 where the parent that was home discovered me and allowed me to take a shower and just generally took no action until my other parent got home and took me to the ER, couldn't walk without support by the time we got there. Is it a freeze response for that parent that they can't jump into action, I honestly haven't ever gotten an answer.
I know I really need to get back into posting, btw. Hopefully they've fixed the issue which was making unique spacing in poems impossible, I was not made for the screenshotting life.
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bitchesgetriches · 1 month
A Hand-Holding Guide To Planning the End of Your Pet’s Life
If you found this helpful, consider joining our Patreon.
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beatricecrumplebottom · 11 months
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In Loving Memory of Jet | Lap of Love
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roseate-felidae · 11 months
Rabbit worries and greif
My poor baby black rabbit was born with recessive congenital tooth problems.
Her undershot incisors can be taken care of easily and affordably.
But she has developed the dreaded molar spurs. They require anesthesia that leads to £300 biannually burring or £600 removal.
It's considered a pre-existing condition and cannot be covered by insurance. I also tried contacting the local RSPCA for help and they said they were full from rabbits and recommended euthanasia.
I only work part time minimum wage. Anesthesia is hard on rabbits and she is so young that it doesn't look good. The vets don't even recommend removal due to the anesthesia toll. But I can't afford £300 twice every year for potentially 10 years.
My step mum had talked about euthanasia aswell. It's what the RSPCA recommended. I agree that this is most likely the best option.
But that does not make it any easier, she is very friendly and trusts me quite a lot. I feel as if I'm taking the easy way out and betraying her. This will be the first pet I've ever had to put down.
The parents (rabbits) had perfectly healthy teeth, but they obviously carried a recessive gene. I will not be breeding the rabbits again. Thankfully her sister is perfectly healthy.
It's going to be a very tough time for me, she shall be done next month.
@themarginalthinker @mekanikaltrifle @robotslenderman
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Bad news, got back from the vet and my beautiful baby son is going to have to be put down soon, probably tomorrow or the next day, so send him best of wishes for his next few days~ Luckily, he's actually not in a lot of pain (for now, hopefully he won't be) and is acting pretty normal, so I'm hoping he won't suffer at all and everything will be peaceful for him.
#pet death tw#death mention#let me know if I need any other tags#I would post something to help pay for his euthanasia expenses or etc. but I don't know of any secure methods#since I don't know much about stuff like that. I've heard that like on paypal and ebay and stuff people can still get your real name#and some information from their payment receipts or whatever sutff like that. thats part of why I've held off on selling clothes and sculpt#res for so long is trying to find a way to do it that's the most safe. aside from literall yhaving to start an llc and open a business bank#account and run everything on an entirely sepreate thing just so it has no association with my name and etc.#and obviouskly I don't feel like figuring out all of that stuff right now lol#I am busy just trying to make my beautiful meatloaf son comfortable and spend some time with him whilst I can#It's sad. but I'm glad the issues were caught before he was in terrible pain or anything. So suprisingly it was actually a pretty easy#decision. I would rather him go out while he's feeling okay and relatively content then wait until he's in severe#pain or extremely lethargic or etc. So it seems all very sudden but . It's better that way for him.#anyway#of COURSE this has to happen during a heat wave also.. hhrgghhh...#more fuel for my vendetta against summer lol.. Not that it's the season's fault but. something bad happening in the winter#vs. seomthing bad happening in the summer which just adds an extra layer of 'oh yeah on top of everything else#you're going to be sweating and nauseous and chronically uncomfortable!' is like.. >:T#Also for him. part of the issue is lung cancer which has spread and caused a bunch of fluid to build up in his stomach (which is what I#noticed. even though he's acting perfectly fine and normal his stomach was weird and bloated suddenly)#but if part of the problem is his lungs (which look absolutely crazy on xray) then him breathing in hot shitty thick air is definitely#not as comfortable as if he were able to be nice and cool and snuggled in some blankets. etc. etc.#ANYWAY ghhb... send him much luck and positivity!! Really hoping he can make it through the next day or so without#taking a turn for the worst. So hopeing for a peaceful quiet exit and not like tramatic sudden things. etc. etc.#cross your fingers pray to your gods whisper to the night sky so on and so forth. whatever you do that's meaningful to you.
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faraway-sunshine · 1 month
Wat did he do to your cat?
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She was sick, but he only took her to the vet when it was too late.
And then he made us leave her there.
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