#pet sociopath au
f1-disaster-bi · 1 year
Charlando for the haunted ask thingy?
Oooo, for this I'm going to go with an au that @f1-birb and I have been talking about for a while: Clueless Lando having a partner who could be classed as a sociopath but absolutely adores Lando: Charles. Lando has no idea how far Charles would go for him, but he just knows he loves Charles
Which one is more fond of scary movies?
Lando. Lando loves being scared and getting to cuddle up to Charles. He insists on watching with the lights off, and Charles enjoys getting to wrap his arms around Lando and kiss his forehead when Lando get's freaked out
Which one gets the most excited about Halloween?
Charles loves to go overboard for Halloween. He enjoys finding the most fucked up costume ideas and convincing Lando to do them with him, even if they're just going to Max's halloween party. He also loves decorating their apartment and front door for halloween
Which one would be more likely to survive the apocalypse?
Charles is most likely to survive, especially on his own.
Lando would be least likely to survive if they were split up but with Charles by his side, nothing is going to happen Lando. Charles wouldn't let anything happen him.
Which one would literally kill for the other?
Both of them always say "I'd kill for you" or "I'd help you burry a body, no questions asked", but Charles actually would (and possibly has) killed for Lando, especially if it was someone that was harrassing Lando.
Which one likes to scare or startle the other?
Lando tries. He likes to think he is scarier than he is and jumps out of places at Charles, sometimes he does get Charles to flinch or react, but most of the time Charles just smiles and calls him "cute"
Charles, however, is very quiet and sneaky. He unintentionally scares and startles Lando constantly by seeming to appear behind him
Which one is more likely to need comforting when they get spooked?
Lando seeks out physical comfort and so does Charles. Lando reaches or asks for it more when he's scared. He often burries his face in Charles's chest and clings to him.
With Charles, he only ever gets spooked when he thinks something has happened to Lando like the time Lando text him that he was being followed and was scared and Charles rushed to find him, to protect him, and when he sees Lando, he has to physically hold and touch Lando to know he's okay
Which one always puts on a brave face?
Charles would. He's very careful with his emotions and what he lets show, and normally his emotional capcity is taken up by his affection and love for Lando. So that often involves keeping a straight face when it comes to situations that even rattle him
Lando tries, but he's very emotional and Charles can read him like a book.
Which one would be more dangerous if they suddenly became violent?
Charles becomes violent whenever Lando is threatened, and it'd be terrifying. He's always careful never to let Lando see this side of him because he goes primal and feral. If you hurt Lando, Charles is like a predator, he stalks and then strikes
Which one would be more likely to commit a crime?
Charles would commit crimes, and not think twice. He's careful about never getting caught.
Lando stole chocolate once and felt so bad he overpaid the net time he was in that shop to make up for it
Which one believes in ghosts?
Lando does. When things go bump in the day or night, Lando calls ghost. Charles rolls his eyes and explains it rationally, but Lando refuses to accept it. He names the ghost in their apartment, and continues to try make charles believe in them
Which one likes to watch spooky show on television?
Charles would like to watch creepy and spooky things. He finds them fascinating. Lando sometimes enjoys them when they're about ghosts, but some of the things Charles watches are too spooky or creepy for Lando
Which one would propose the idea of holding a seance?
Lando because he lost his bracelet and wants to ask the ghost in their apartment where it went.
Which one has nightmares more often?
Lando has the most frequent nightmares, normally when he's having a bad day or after a particularly scary movies.
Charles occasionally has nightmares about losing Lando
Which one would want to explore a real haunted house?
Lando because he'd find it fascinating despite being scared out of his mind every second that they are in there. Charles finds on where you can do overnight paranormal invesitgative tours and Lando loves and hates it. Charles enjoys it because he spends most the tour with Lando clinging and cuddling him
Scary OTP meme: send a pair and I’ll fill this out
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pureblisswrites · 1 year
A guide to being kidnapped and escaping 101
Chapter 1
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"I know you tried to move. Otherwise there would've been no marks." He looked at you accusingly as if you were the one who commited a crime or were covered in blood.
Pairing: afab! Psychologist! Reader x Bang Chan
Word Count: 1.6k
Genre: Crime, mafia au, eventual romance, slow burn, comedy (an attempt was made)
Warnings: kidnapping (not with malicious intent), use of injection(s), mentions of blood although nothing graphic, criminal activities of course.
Summary: You are a fairly renowned psychologist and therapist but definitely not renowned enough to be getting kidnapped in the middle of the night. Is it one of your past patients with a criminal record? You don't know what the kidnapper wants but you have a feeling you are about to find out.
This story takes place in the same universe as "A guide to accidental murder and cover up 101" but with a different reader. I suggest you can read that too if these kind of stories are your type. But both can be read as standalones too.
Completing Mrs Kim's therapy sessions, check. Because God knows that woman would rather chew glass than talk about her mommy issues and inferiority complex. Being promoted to senior therapist, check. Getting another new pet, check. Being kidnapped from your home, check. Okay so being kidnapped was definitely not on your this year's bingo card.
It's not everyday a bunch of well built men approach your apartment in the middle of the night, inject a needle into your veins, and take you in an expensive looking car with tinted windows. You feel yourself going limp and your mind filling with cloudy haze. Yeah you'd much rather have another therapy session with Mrs Kim than feeling like this, you think to yourself before loosing consciousness completely.
You wake up after God knows how many hours or possibly days? That thought scares you, you hadn't even submitted a leave of absence. What if they fired you? No they wouldn't fire you right? You were one of the top therapists in the country. There was no way they would fire you just after promoting you. And more importantly, what about your pets?
You look around you, observing your surroundings. The room looks like a 5 star suite room. You look down to see silk bed sheets wrapped around you. When you attempt to move you find that your movements are restricted. Your hands are free though, so you remove the sheets from around your legs. Only to find that your feet are cuffed from the bedpost. Great. Just fucking great. You jerk your legs in an attempt to unlock them but it's of no use whatsoever except making some noise.
Should you scream? What if the people who kidnapped you are psychopaths or sociopaths and it sets them off? It certainly won't be your first time dealing with psychopaths or sociopaths. But you needed to be very careful if you wanted some answers and didn't want to die.
"Hello?" You say. Your voice barely above a whisper because your throat feels so fucking hoarse. Just how dehydrated were you? You cough a bit to try to regain your voice. "Hello?" You repeat again. A little louder this time. "Is anyone there?" You almost scream now. Still no answer. You'll have to say something that they couldn't ignore now. You just hoped someone would be on the other side of the giant door. "I'm sorry but I really really need to go to the washroom. I'm not kidding." What the fuck? Did they just brought you here to leave you in a bed and go on with their days? You wished they would talk to you at least once so you could grasp what kind of people they were and what to say and not say to them. "EXCUSE ME?" You shout with all the voice you're left with now and then cough violently afterwards.
Suddenly the door opens by a man dressed in all black with a mask on his face, but his eyes are directed downwards and he isn't coming in. You see the reason mere seconds later. When a man with really well built body enters. His eyes as cold as the cuffs on your feet. He's wearing a white shirt with black harness belts over it. Who wears stuff like this? But that's definitely not the most concerning thing about him. It's the way his white shirt is splashed with blood. And not just one kind of blood. Different shades of blood. So are his black gloves and wrists.
You have worked with people who have been diagnosed with violent behavioural disorders and have seen your fair share of blood in your years long career as a psychologist. But never in this much quantity. And definitely never in this situation where you're tied to a goddamm bed. This was pretty fucking scary.
"Oh hello." He said like he was surprised that you were here, as if he wasn't the one who kidnapped you in the first place. "Did you need something?" He asked politely as if he was some underpaid staff at the local convenience store.
Deciding to not test the waters right now you just uttered one word. "Washroom."
"Oh right." He held out a hand towards the man who had opened the door in the first place and the man placed a a tiny key in his hand. He then walked towards you and opened the lock of the cuffs in one swift motion. It took you longer than this to open the lock of your door. That means he is pretty skilled at what he does. Which is scary because you suppose he murders people. Or animals? What if he is just a butcher? No but he kidnapped someone, the someone being you, he is definitely involved in criminal activities. He frowned when he noticed the red marks on your ankles. As if! Did he not know this would happen? He also seemed fairly experienced in whatever it was that he did considering the number of men working for him, you assumed. "You shouldn't have done that." He stated.
"Huh?" You questioned, too busy analysing his every move. Who knew for how much time they would leave you here again.
"I know you tried to move. Otherwise there would've been no marks." He looked at you accusingly as if you were the one who commited a crime or were covered in blood. This man needed to get his priorities straight.
"Can I go now?" You asked. It felt so weird after asking for permission to go to the fucking washroom after telling people what to do for years as a therapist.
"Uh yeah. It's that black door on your left." He gestured to said door. You stumbled to walk and heard him talking to the other man near the door. "Why did you fucking cuff her?" He sounded a bit angry.
"Because you told us to Boss!" The other man exclaimed while looking pretty shaken up.
"Yeah well I didn't-" he cut himself off and looked at you watching them while standing near the door. Fuck. You rushed inside quickly, afraid of what will happen now that he heard you eavesdropping on their conversation. Even though technically they were talking right in front of you.
You used the washroom not knowing when will be the next time you'll get to get out of the bed you were chained to. You go out and see the man who was not the "boss" standing next to the bed. Trying really hard to unlock the cuffs from the bedpost.
"I- uh sorry I'm kind of an intern here so-" he was clearly struggling to get the key out of keyhole now. Did he get it stuck there? "So- um I wanted to apologise for the inconvenience caused to you on my behalf. Boss ordere- uh asked me to apologize. Did that sound too formal? Sorry I used to work in retail before this if you couldn't already tell." You could.
"Let me see this." You go up to the lock as the man makes way for you. "I think you pretty much broke one of the latches in the locking pad." You observed. You had some experience with broken locks from that time you had your first internship in an asylum.
"Well then I'll go prepare for my funeral. In the meantime you can wait here. Someone will be here soon enough with some food for you." He sighed in despair and walked away. Not even bothering to close the door. Yeah he definitely was an intern.
Well then you might as well observe this place right? Right. You approach the giant door with slow and light steps. Not knowing what you could see on the other side. You look out to see dark hallways on all three sides with multiple doors in them. They are dimly lit from the sunlight that's passing through the huge windows on each end of the walls. You can see greenery. Maybe there's a garden somewhere.
Now... you were a psychologist but no psych vol. 6 book ever had notes about how to escape from a supposed mansion after being kidnapped by God knows who and for what. So you decided to throw caution out of the window and run out. Future you will just have to deal with whatever happens.
Confused between whether to go right, left or center, you decide to follow your instincts and go center. You run as fast as you can, which isn't actually fast because you had long ago decided that you would never have to run. Your job was to sit in a room with someone and talk to them. Why would you need to run? Yeah right. You hear footsteps following you behind so you look behind you just to find... no one? Running while looking in the opposite direction was definitely not a good idea. Because you just know you ran into someone you weren't supposed to run into.
You look up from the well built and hard chest your face had collided into, only to see the "boss" looking at you with an expression you couldn't identify. He was unusually cold yet held a soft look in his eyes. Very contradicting. Thankfully he had changed his blood stained shirt for a plain black one, although he still had those bloody gloves on. You can feel him staining your t-shirt as his big hands grip onto your shoulders from when you had lost your balance while faceplanting into his chest. And you really wish he hadn't held you and let you go so the ground could swallow you whole.
"Going somewhere doc?"
A/N: I wanted to make this longer as well as show their first proper conversation but I've been running low on motivation lately so I thought I should just post this first. Please let me know your thoughts on this, comments and reblogs are much appreciated!
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bluelightning16 · 10 months
Serial Killer AU Headcanons
Sooo apparently I have more thoughts about this AU than I initially anticipated...
Lilia is a former general who defected, frustrated with all the rules surrounding permissible killings
Malleus is an aspiring politician who’s looking to make his rise to power as smooth as possible
They’re murderous besties <3
Silver is the son of their very first victims (a couple known for their corporation’s corruption + rampant bribery)
They take him as a special token or trophy of sorts, to commemorate the occasion
He grows up hearing stories of his birth parents’ crimes, and how his Papa and Uncle Malleus had been so noble to “take care” of them…!
Death is very, very normalized in his life (:
Malleus eventually settles down in a major city to pursue his career while Lilia and Silver continue to move between different towns and countries (though they still visit him often)
Silver first learns to fingerpaint with blood
His wardrobe consists entirely of whatever clothes Lilia and Malleus can salvage from their victims' bodies
His meals are provided via those murders, too (i.e. the meat), because they’re just so sustainable like that!!
It’s gotten to the point where his stomach can’t handle anything other than flesh
Silver keeps his hair long because it helps him maintain a more androgynous look, which is extremely useful for honeytrap missions
He often crossdresses, which the other children ruthlessly tease him for
Thus, his only true friend is his Papa :)
(Any other attempts to play with his peers results in yet another body to bury in his flourishing garden, courtesy of the quality fertilizer Lilia is constantly supplying)
The most notable murders Lilia and Malleus have committed so far are: the older boy bullying Silver, the teacher lusting after Silver, the girl attempting to court Silver…
In Silver’s eyes, death is something that only happens to people who deserve it—and his beloved family members are the best people to determine that
He comes off as mildly sociopathic at school when he displays zero empathy for others’ losses of grandparents and pets
Despite all that, however, he really does try his best to be kind and sweet and likable…!
He currently aspires to work under Malleus and become someone who can educate those around him about how to be virtuous and prevent some awful fate from befalling them
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annabelle-creart · 6 days
Ok, hear me out-
Just as I been thinking about Life of Rescue Bots Au, I've been thinking about Au's of it (DnD, SG, RP, Humanformers, Swap...)
Two of them, SG (Shattered Glass) and RP (Rescue Prime) are my favorites, cause they have something
In both Au's BoulWave is not canon because of my ansgty shitty need but if we combine them...👀
Some context first:
In the Shattered Glass au, which I call Torture Bots (It started as a joke and now it's their unnoficial name) the bots are kind of... energon starved, see:
Chase is a decepticon fugitive and a sociopath (literally, I'm being serious) with 0 remorse
Heatwave is an autobot fugitive, a jerky asshole who only cares about himself and Chase (he's obsessed in an unhealthy way)
Blades is an ex terrorcon with the weird need of put everything and everyone under his pedes.
And then there's Boulder, a dinobot who left the day Grimlock became Optimus' pet
Just imagine Boulder and Heatwave from this universe, just about to end with the other because can't stand their nature.
✨️In the other hand there's the RP universe, the Rescue Prime, an Au where Heatwave became Prime by Primus itself instead of Orion after an accident at Iacon.
But cause of my MegOp problem...
Boulder became soldier instead of rescuer after his tutor's death and in some time fighting against decepticons and the new Prime's resistance became commander.
So, without knowing each other, Sol Prime, leader of Prime Resistance and Autobot Commander Boulder became enemies to death
Imagine, just a moment, maybe in a dream or in one of Nani's fixing the multiverse thing, they met each other, Dinobot Boulder and Sol Prime
Imagine a secretly kind and beautiful spark meeting a brilliant and real bot in a place where the war is not important, or loyalty to a faction, just the two of them knowing each other and being themselves, figuring out how much they wanted someone and how much they love to have a person to share their lives, secrets and sparks.
But it was mostly because I wanted a dinobot Boulder and Sol Prime (Heatwave) ship, nothing to care about :v
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Hi! I'm looking for fics where they meet when they are slightly older, 20s or 30s and Mickey is out and proud, but no Yev or Svet (cause that never happened). Thanks for any recommendations you may have!
Hi! Sorry, it took the longest time... We didn't know which AUs you've already read or how far from canon you want them, so here's a mix of older and relatively newer fics :)
Last of a Dying Breed - After the death of his sociopathic PO, Ian’s sent to work at XK9, the dog rescue that gives second chances to the unwanted pets and ex-cons of the southside — and it just so happens to be run by the most unlikely success story of them all.
Ian Gallagher And All Of His Mistakes - In which everything is about the same, except that Ian Gallagher and Mickey Milkovich meet each other a little later in life - a little more mature, a little more stable - and manage to make a million mistakes anyway. (It's unfinished but you can safely read it without being left on a cliffhanger.)
Cubicle Wars - As a seasoned security expert, Mickey has protected all kinds of high-end merchandise, but he never thought his cubicle, or his heart, would need protecting too.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - Workplace AU. Mickey starts working for Ian Gallagher, a CEO of Southside Enterprises' Skid Row.
Heartbeat - South Side Native Mends Hearts -the title of the article that Ian Gallagher, probational journalist for Chicago Sun Times, is given the chance to write about Mickey Milkovich, the rags to riches medical engineer.
Muse - Interior designer!Mickey meets stripper!Ian.
Can't Figure You Out - Mickey meets a mysterious and frustrating redhead in the lobby of his workplace. He can't seem to get rid of him.
Africa - AU. When Ian lands himself an internship with famous wildlife photographer Mickey Milkovich he can’t believe his luck. Spending one month traveling through South Africa with his big hero is a dream come true.
And let me suggest you two fics which have grown up Ian and Mickey meeting for the first time which both have Yev in it, but he was concieved in a different way and otherwise these fics are exactly what you asked for. Maybe you'll find them interesting :)
Iron & Blue - Freed up from his responsibilities, Ian heads down to a small, isolated town to deal with Monica's fallout.
There Goes The Neighborhood Mickey lives a quiet life in the suburbs with his son. Until Ian and his dog move in next door, that is.
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pokespefangirl · 1 month
(For the Pokéstar Studios AU)
Hey this is the same anon, I'm super happy that you liked the idea! Sincerely, I am extremely stoked, thank you so much!
This concept has been running through my mind nonstop ever since that ask and I have a few more ideas. Not to pressure you to add this in the fic or force these ideas on you, yet again I'm just having fun sharing these.
Anyways, Blake and Black brother-in-law moments REAL?! Whitley and White sister-in-law moments TRUE!? Ugh i'm eating up these hypothetical scenarios.
White most likely assigns Black to be Blake's bodyguard whenever he decides to go out, since he has celebrity status and all. The same thing goes for Whitley, though I see Blake accompanying her a lot too. So Black has to thirdwheel, not knowing it's Blake enacting vengeance for all those time he was the thirdwheel when it was just White, Black, and him at the BW Agency.
Also more of how I think Blake would be as an actor, though in this scenario he never received super spy training, he probably got super intense media training from White. They're both coming up with insane, genius, absolutely unhinged strategies to manipulate the media, Light Yagami monologuing typa bamboozlery. And Whitley and Black are just having a pleasant chat, side eyeing them every thirty seconds or so.
I imagine Blake's acting style to be refined, perfect, infallible that it's almost too much. Since he doesn't understand emotions, he studies, studies, studies, and studies. Writing down what his character would do, analyzing every line of dialogue, down to the body language and speech patterns etcetera. That's how he's able to nail so many different characters. AKA Christian Bale ahh acting style.
Now for Whitley, she's the opposite, she's new and unrefined, full of flaws. But full of emotion, her performances reaches out and captures. Delivering the feel needed for the scene and character.
And it really fascinates Blake, how she's so in tune with her emotions, making him kinda obsessed with her reactions...
That's it for now, I haven't even touched the surface for Blake and White's sibling dynamic but I sort of don't want this to be novel-length. Yet again, I am so happy that you accepted that ask! I really look forward to what you're cooking up, take as much time as you need!
Lil Bonus:
Blake: *trying to spook/fluster Whitley* Great job on set, your acting needs a little more work but you've got potential.
Whitley: Oh! Um, thanks...
Blake: You should learn how to be more confident, we don't want people to think you're easy to take advantage of...those rumors in Pokéwood are not to be taken lightly. *attempts to rizz* don't worry I'll-
Whitley: OH NO, w-were you a victim!?
Blake: Wh-what of course not-
White: *Bonks him on the head* Of course not! I made SURE that never happened to him, and I will DEFINITELY do the same for you!
Blake is studying Whitley right?!!! Almost out of a curiosity as to how she feels and experiences all these emotions?? So naturally!! Especially her beautiful eyes that get teary whenever shes thinking about something sad! He could study her all day!!
To add to that: Blake never had pets or cared for animals bcs you know... sociopath and all, but he starts seeing Whitley feeding a stray cat!! ANd EVENTUALLY (WHEN THERES SOME ANGST POINT) HE STARTS FEEDING THE LITTLE KITTEN HIMSELF just from seeing Whitley when he's walking by all alone!!
And you're so right he'd craft his image with the convoluted intelligence of Light Fucking Yagami lmaoo that's so good!!
AND UK WHITE IS THE MOST AMBITIOUS GIRL LIKE SHE'S MAKING SURE BLAKE IS TOPPING ALL THE RATINGS AWARDS WHATEVE, BUT her YOUNGER BRO ALSO ANNOYS HER SOMETIMES W HIS HEINOUS SOCIOPATHY AND SHE HAS TO DO DAMAGE CONTROL LMAOO (mostly it's him being with all sorts of ladies before being w Whitley and unintentionally breaking their hearts cus they didn't interest him for too long)
so yeah Whitley!! Whitley is pure!! Unfiltered!! And blake doesn't know what that's like aside from his family everybody else in Hollywood tend to be shallow and judgemental and fake!! But Whitley s not afraid to cry, to smile, to laugh, she's not afraid of what ppl think and guess what!! Blake needs that bcs he's been hiding his sociopathy all along! Bcs his career would be over if anybody revealed his diagnoses!!
Initially it started out as fun that he studied Whitley and tried to get emotions out of her!! Initially he just joked she was becoming an addiction! Just something to have!! But then things started to get real and he began to experience!!
Something big!! Something else!! Nobody had ever kept him that interested in his life!! Jumping from person to person!! Director to Director!! Everybody was fed up with him but then came in Whitley!! And this man just cannot let her go!!
And ya know Black is ready to defend his whole family!! He's outside of his work hours still doing his job cus that's what he should do!! Is Prez okay?? Where should we go next?? Lemme be with you Prez i cant risk anything happening to u not on my watch imma be the best bodyguard ever!! And Blake's just standing there like- "Bet"
ANYWAYS I SAID I DIDN'T HAVE MUCH TIME BUT I GUESS I HAD TO RESPOND HAHAHA, thank you so much this whole au and concept is honestly making my day and i can't wait to finish it!!
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myersobsession · 3 months
Human! Michael myers hcs (based on my au)
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so i think human! michael prob ends up attracting a lot of girls, as seen in one of the movies a girl on the radio's actually attracted to him lol (it's cuz he's so "mysterious" so i'd think he'd have the same charm here)
i also think human michael had average grades in hs, like c's n all
alot of people think he's attractive, but are too intimidated to talk to him, and thinks it sucks he has no personality
if u think he talks here ur WRONGGG!!! i like to think he's selectively mute. but the chances he speaks to anyone is 0 to 0. (i'm sorry but it irks me when people make him speak)
tbh, i feel like michael doesn't rlly gaf abt his other family members or anyone at all in general hes kind of js in his little headspace
with laurie/cynthia he might disapprove of her having a bf, or he'll js not gaf.
he's aroace, he just doesn't know it. i like to think michael doesn't see gender and just sees people for what they are- meat and flesh but he doesn't terrorize him like his counterpart.
michael was probably compared to the other kids his age when he was younger, but didn't care
when he was younger, people thought he was a sociopath because of his lack of empathy and care for others. (he is)
he had therapy once, and that's how he met Dr. loomis. it didn't go well since he remained unresponsive. michael isn't all into the thought of telling a stranger ur problems lol
michael had no friends growing up, bc of how intimidating he came off, some kids also thought he was strange
people always thinks he's upset or mad at someone or something because of his facial expression 24/7 (it's his normal face)
he's autistic,,, he does fixate on people (otherwise known as his obsessions) that eventually transfers, his lack of empathy, the non verbalism
michael's very smart and strategic, generally speaking. he just doesn't present it around people as much so people think he's harmless or just dumb
when he was younger, he did hurt animals but it never reached to the extent of hurting people. he eventually grew out of it when he became a teenager
the only way he ever expressed himself as a child was because of his drawings as a kid. he used to draw disturbing things time to time though, because of his thoughts troubling him. it kind of served as an outlet or a physical manifestation of the things he thought
he does have dark thoughts/intrusive thoughts but doesn't act them out.
alike his counterpart, he probably did get thoughts about killing judith but like i said, didn't act them out!!
alot of people think michael's a cat person but personally i don't. generally speaking i think he doesn't like house pets at all, he thinks they're excess (too loud and too much work to take care of) however he wouldn't mind cats as much as dogs since they aren't as loud and occasionally clean themselves.
as a kid, he was left in a daycare, or occasionally judith had to watch after him, but she never did. he was left at a daycare sometimes because his parents would work so late.
he still doesn't like judith. even as adults they don't get along. he thinks she's annoying lol
i like to think his parents got him alot of clown themed toys, such as a jack in the box and etc bc they thought he liked clowns
michael used to use judith's and their mothers makeup for his drawings, or would go to judith's room to steal any crayons or coloring supplies she'd probably have.
michael's a stay at home guy, going out is too draining tbh :(
he doesn't like family dinners either. he's not very fond of his family (even as a kid)
when michael's older he becomes a mechanic.. i like to think it would js stay true to his counterpart with the coveralls n all, + i can't imagine him being a bigshot doctor or something. he js does something basic
he's very careless when it comes to his job, though. which is why his eye is still scarred lol
he has a huge pain tolerance though. he probably got hurt alot as a kid and can just brush it off. most he'll do in reaction to being wounded is getting irked because his actions are limited to an extent
michael's a very messy eater. even though he may be more civilized here, he won't hesitate to eat his food, hands on. (he knows how to use utensils, he just thinks it's tedious.)
that's it guys, lolsies!!! i have alot more to rant about him but this is all for now lolll
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hidemation · 4 months
{HIDEVERSE! AU Jack Richard}
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Real Name: Jack richard
Nickname/s: Jake, apple jack, mama's boy, junior/jr
Age: 321
Weaknesses: his fears, impulsiveness.
Fear/s: current guardian of magic, he fears corporate slaves
Likes/loves: nullus, neil the cat, animals, sweets, bananas
Dislikes/hates: retro(Hide! Fresh), Hide! Ink, current guardian of magic
Weapons/abilities: weapons summoning but mostly long-ranged weapons because he prefers them more, shape-shifting, healing magic, regeneration, empath, emotional and mental manipulation, telekinesis, telepathy
Backstory: so the person that Quetzalcoatl created years ago had a weapon that can kill guardians and the weapon was somehow lost and a random person found the weapon didn't know what it is thought it look cool and handy and kept it and years later a mortal has a weapon that can kill guardians(the original weapon eventual came into the hands of people who were aware about the 3 trees sadly some of them had bad intentions and found a way to make guardian killing weapons but the process of making it is extremely difficult so theres only a few of it) came with a group and tried to steal from the tree but nim and nullus killed them but like I said the mortal had a guardian killing weapon so they were wounded so nim got hella pissed and killed the mortal's family but nullus sympathize of the baby(jack) nullus convienced nim to spared the child but nim decided to curse and turn him into a guardian and ripped one of nullus' eye out because nullus failed to protect her and the tree almost got one of the apples stolen because nim thinks nullus gotten soft hanging out with that cat monster(neil)
Funny fact nullus had no idea how he was going to raise a kid and when jack was a still baby and he didnt know what to name him nullus originally was gonna name him apple but luckily neil was there
Jack doesn't have his wings I just drew them there and idk why I did
His pet munchkin was given to him by Ccino
Goes to fluffytale alot
Is a picky eater but will eat anything nullus or neil make
Since he is cursed to be a guardian and is semi-immortal alcohol, drugs and poisons effects on him(but poison makes him act high or drunk depending on how powerful the poison is)
wanted to practice more on manipulating and feeding off negativity, but his body couldn't handle it, so nullus convinced him to practice more on positivity
Surprisingly, he talked to nim a lot when he was younger but she was a bad influences
He is a sociopath but surprisingly an enthusiastic and seemingly simple-minded individual who finds joy in the small things in life but he an odd behavior, and sometimes resort to violence without hesitation and is moral ambiguity
He has issues
Can be affected by reset and overwrite but will still remember
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Bittie starscream au: hungy! (But no touchie!)
Starscream, in ratchet humble opinion, was a loud, sociopath with a superiority complex as an adult, with a lot, and he means a lot of murderous tendencies.
as a sparkling?
He's a squeaky, loud as all pits, bitey, skittish brat who only let ratchet touch him and followed him around like a lost cyberkitten.
And when he wanted something, oh he'll make sure you hear it.
And currently, starscream was wiling in frustration and anger because he's hungry, but he didn't want optimus or bumblebee or anyone else but ratchet to feed him
"Please doc-"
And a lot, and that means at least a hour or two of screaming match between ratchet and his frustrated teammates, and a wailing starscream to bregudingly feed that damn thing so he can shut up.
And the moment starscream was un ratchet arms he snapped shut instantly, his small engine purring up a storm, and purred more when ratchet handed him a makeshift bottle of fuel.
It was oddly enough, very adorable.
And when starscream feed and asleep, it gave his teammates to coo and pet and babytalk the small seekerling, once before should they even bother getting a a smidget close to him he was scream up a storm.
While admittingly cute, ratchet was not so easily falling for this seeker's charm, sparkling or not, this is starscream, and a decepticon, he will not fall easily for such acts.....
Surely he wouldn't...
This hurts my heart so much 🥺💖 hr is just babey, your honor. Please give him love
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How many AUs are there for the MAJ boys?
Well, we have the canon universe that's pretty linear in terms of Jonas gets kidnapped, tortured, and eventually released to develop Stockholm Syndrome
Then I guess technically each Bad Ending branch is it's own AU, so there's a couple where either of them die
There's the reverse AU, in which Jonas is the whumper who kidnapped poor, not-homicidal Malik to be his pet
There's fem!Jonas AU which is exactly what it sounds like, but that's pretty fun to play with since we get to have Malik as a husband
There's vampire!Malik AU, but that only comes out for Halloween
There's romantic!Malik AU where he's psychopathic rather than sociopathic, meaning he falls head over heels yandere lovesick for Jonas the second he ends up in his basement
There's a couple one off AUs like tiny!Jonas and alternate!Malik where I just merged by current hyperfixation on my little brain lads
I thiiiiiink that's it?
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likethetrench · 2 years
November Fic Recs
12 pages in my ao3 history for the month, very scattered in terms of fandom, a lot of rereads.
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hang your last lariat in the hallway by whimsicalimages star wars mandalorian, din/boba, 9k - 5 times Din didn’t show Boba his face + 1 time he did. a frequent reread.
Baker Street Papas by sanguinity sherlock holmes (1980 TV whitehead!holmes), holmes watson, kidfic, 17k - holmes has perfect unconventional thoughts on childrearing, watson almost denies himself happiness by not realizing another way is possible. one of the best confession scenes ever. a comfort reread
Will Save The Galaxy For Better Credit Ratings by zuzeca star wars, obi-wan/maul, 19k - taken more seriously than the title suggests. featuring pet sociopath Maul and annoying uncle holocron Darth Plagueis
The Dustin Henderson Protection Squad by melodicvinyl stranger things, chrissy/eddie, no vecna au, 26k - very sweet
You Can Never Go Home Again by flawedamethyst marvel, clint/bucky, 49k - clint and bucky accidentally time travel to 1930s Brooklyn
Put your empty hand in mine by K_R_Closson star wars clone wars, obi-wan/cody, 55k - au where obi-wan does join the agricorp and works with the clones after the war to help them establish a home. the messy feelings in this are brutal and perfect.
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nugget--daddy · 3 months
An OC for my GF Sleep Experiment AU
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She's so preppy! And a character for my girlfriend's au on the Russian Sleep Experiment
(what the image says: sociopathic, and psychotic. She is extremely determined to do good in life without the wealth of her family . She is known for a dissecting and running experiments on animals. She has unfortunately tortured her past tutors, for example by taking their eyes. She nearly killed the last tutor she had, and that's what sent her to The Kyiv Reformitory School. 
      She avoids being a class pet, but does try and tip the scales towards her favor. She is an excellent liar and manipulator. She is very intelligent. Her father is one of the highest ranked officers in the Ukrainian Navy, and has used lots of what he knows to teach Yana. she believes everyone is beneethger. she is an unwanted child. And her parents hired someone two years older than her to be her "best friend." 
Yes I did bring this from my Quotev
Unfortunately, Mykhaila, her "best friend" is her only friend she has made, besides one of her tutors. That tutor, was her last. 
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milanisanowrites · 2 years
DOLLHOUSE Masterlist
# Character Details
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Fandom : Tokyo Revengers
Pairing : platonic tokyo revengers x fem!oc
AU : aged-up, slight canon divergent
                                 … 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡 . . ﹙ ☁︎ ﹚!
      ◦full name ; kuina imaushi
      ◦nickname(s) ; koikoi, dolly
      ◦gender ; cis-female
      ◦sexuality ; bi ace
      ◦ethnicity ; asian
      ◦nationality ; japanese
      ◦age ; 15 (in 2005)
17 (in 2007)
27 (in 2017)
      ◦birthdate ; 14 / 02 / 1990
      ◦zodiac sign ; aquarius
      ◦occupation ; non-commercial practising artist
                                 … 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙨 . . ﹙ ☁︎ ﹚!
      ◦hair colour ; dusty red
      ◦eye colour ; green
      ◦hairstyle ; long voluminous curls
      ◦skin tone ; pale
      ◦build ; shorter than average height, ectomorph
      ◦fashion style ; casual, preppy, extravagant
      ◦notable features ; freckles all over her face
                                 … 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙖 . . ﹙ ☁︎ ﹚!
      ◦overall ; she has antisocial personality disorder and often gravitates towards solitude. she may come off as rude to new people she meets but she really only doesn't know how to communicate. can open up if you stick with her long enough.
      ◦usual mood ; nonchalant, playful
      ◦rare mood ; sad, bitter
      ◦introvert/extrovert? ; introvert
      ◦likes ; art, dancing, baking
      ◦dislikes ; sappy gestures
      ◦pet peeves ;
      ◦fears ; arachnophobia (fear of spiders)
      ◦dreams/goals ; to open a bakery/cafe where members of all social communities can showcase their talents and be accepted as who they are
                               … 𝙛𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙨 . . ﹙ ☁︎ ﹚!
      ◦food ; onigiri, any savory dish, marshmallows
                    ◦drink ; strawberry smoothie
      ◦colour ; yellow
                    ◦animal ; foxes
      ◦season ; winter
                    ◦weather ; super cold weather appeals to her somehow
      ◦time of day ; night
                    ◦holiday/occasion ; christmas
      ◦subject/topic ; english, science
# Chapter Masterlist
1. Chapter One
2. Chapter Two
Fire on fire
3. Chapter Three
4. Chapter Four
5. Chapter Five
6. Chapter Six
7. Chapter Seven
8. Chapter Eight
9. Chapter Nine
10. Chapter Ten
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tags <3 : @idktbhloley @sakinotfound
[requests open for a tag in the taglist]
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dayseternal-blog · 2 years
Heyyyy!!! I wanted to ask you if you have some hardcore sex / slave & master fanficiton about naruto and hinata. I would love to if you would answer and iam sorry if you already answered a question like this. Have great day! Byee <3
👀 kinky
"hardcore" might mean different things to different people, so... I'm going to recommend kind of whatever I think even slightly fits the request.
BDSM & Dark NaruHina Fics
“Out with the Old” by agitosgirl - Rated E and includes cheating, Modern AU, Two-shot. Hinata’s been mistreated by her current Dom, Toneri. Thankfully, another Dom has had his eyes set on her for awhile now.
"The sacrifice" from "Endless Lemons" by agitosgirl - Rated E, Demon AU, One-shot. In a land ruled by demons, there is one king who rules them all. A king who demands a sacrifice be brought to him, every year. But this time, a certain blue-haired maiden becomes his next offering.
“Secrets of the Hidden Leaf” by Sessakag - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. The author’s summary hints at NaruHinaSasu, but they never got that far in the story. Naruto and Hinata push the boundaries of propriety and decency in a budding relationship of profound love and wild, sexual exploration.
“I want you to cry” by Devahhole - Rated E for lots of awful things, like dub-con and graphic murder, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. A sociopath blinded by revenge runs into his greatest opponent.
“Echoes of Silence” by @ellaroundpanda - Rated E, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Hinata Hyuga was trapped. Her relationship with Toneri was leading to nowhere and she wanted to find a new Dom. Naruto Uzumaki seemed to be the answer to all her prayers, but her fiancé wouldn’t give up that easily…
“Honeymoon” by DemonOfTheFridge - Rated E and includes graphic rape/non-con, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto always left on a secret mission once a year for a whole month. A curious Hinata finally had enough and followed him to an underground house. A house she finds herself trapped in, with a dark Naruto. Curiosity Killed the Cat.
“Breeding Season” by BlackMajjicDuchess - Rated E and includes rape/non-con, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Completely out of pattern, Kyuubi leaks free and causes terrible destruction that Naruto cannot suppress. There is a solution, but it comes at a terrible price.
"Nightmare" from "Nice Legs, Daisy Dukes" by Star-Child-Yeci - Rated M, Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. "Why do you got that in your hand, huh, pet?" The words slid off his tongue, and she shivered.
Chapter 7 & 8 from "Naruhina Oneshots" by @powerful-niya - Rated E, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. A young girl at the age of 19 completely throws away her old life and discovers a new way of living. A thrilling but dangerous lifestyle. And that's, entering the life of a sex slave. She soon discovers she's matched with a very handsome blonde master. But, as they all say, looks can awfully be deceiving. And in this case, she's in for a very, very, wild ride.
"Listen To Me" by SullyR - Rated E and includes domestic abuse & non-con, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata is terrified out of her mind. She has no choice but to listen to him or else he gets physical, and by physical, she means fast!
If anyone knows of others, please add them!
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buckttommy · 3 years
sterek fics that make me go feral
So a couple weeks ago, @apollosfirstborn asked me for sterek recs, and since wolf man and little red riding hoodie have all but consumed my brain, i have many recs to give! <3 hope you enjoy!
50,000 - 100,000
Play Crack the Sky - WeAreTheCyclones
[122k | Rated M | Jack's All Time Fave]
Excerpt from “Hale Pulls the Plug on the Future of Rock,” Rolling Stone, Issue 1203 – Oct. 2014 “Fans and music industry vets alike are left reeling in the wake of bassist Derek Hale’s sudden departure from Smokes for Harris. At a time when the foursome from Beacon Hills, California seems to be on the cusp of rock superstardom after just one double platinum record, Smokes has everything to lose.” Excerpt from “Smokes for Harris: Gladiator,” SPIN.com – Feb. 2015 “Smokes for Harris gives in a little to the pop punk of yesteryear in their sophomore effort, but rather than pandering to fans of a lost era they elevate the genre in a way that hasn’t been seen in quite some time. Frontman Stiles Stilinski works double duty as singer and primary songwriter and proves that he can handle the task even without former bassist Derek Hale."
Stand Fast in Your Enchantments - DevilDoll, Rahciach
[77k | Rated E]
"Stiles knew damn well what a pissed-off wolf sounded like, and every hair on the back of his neck was telling him that somewhere in this room was a very pissed-off werewolf." An AU in which Derek is feral, Stiles is magical, and they eat a lot of fast food.
Pack Up; Don't Stray - the_deep_magic
[55k | Rated E]
AU – Werewolves are an enslaved underclass, collared and tagged by human masters. Detective Stilinski’s on duty the night they bring in an untagged stray.
Oh baby give me one more chance (to show you that I love you) - LunaCanisLupus_22
[54k | Rated E]
“You like Derek,” he says slowly. “Derek Hale.” His father grimaces at the accusation there. “Look, Stiles it’s complicated-" “So when I was married to him,” he continues, voice rising. “He wasn’t good enough. He was taking advantage of me. ‘He’ll never be able to love you like you want, Stiles’. That’s what you said-" Or the Sweet Home Alabama AU that nobody asked for.
10,000 - 50,000
Better Fortunes - SmallBirds
[39k | Rated E]
When a group of sinister men attempt to kidnap Stiles Stilinski from the Brooklyn apartment he shares with his stepsister, Lydia, Stiles is forced to activate a spell that translocates him to where he'll be safest. Derek Hale isn't sure what to do about the soaking wet young man he finds wandering down a Beacon County roadside during the middle of a thunderstorm, but he feels compelled to help him. There's something about Stiles that Derek finds fascinating, and before long the two become embroiled in each other's lives. Despite the threat to his life and the sudden upheaval of everything he's ever known, Stiles is having a hard time feeling too upset about that.
don't know what i'm supposed to do (haunted by the ghost of you) - crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli)
[30k | Rated T]
Stiles sees dead people. Yep. Seriously. (He’s got this. He’s totally got this. So what if one of them is Derek’s mom?)
Hide Of A Life War - Etharei
[26k | Rated E | Jack's All Time Fave]
“We have received confirmation that there is a hostage situation in progress at a warehouse compound two hours out of Los Angeles, following a multiple-vehicle pileup on Highway 101 this morning...” The one in which Stiles has lived to (legal) adulthood and, along the way, become a bit of a badass himself.
Start Small, Like Oak Trees - SmallBirds
[24k | Rated M]
The months following Allison's death have passed Stiles by in a haze of monotony. He sleepwalks through days that seem to lose their color, an unwilling passenger in a body he no longer trusts. Eventually, he thinks, he'll just fade away. He isn't sure anyone would notice. Then, during a spur of the moment grocery run, he stumbles upon Derek Hale attempting to console a lost child, and for the first time in recent memory the world doesn't seem so awful. He's not sure what he'd been expecting when he eventually convinces Derek to move into the Stilinski's spare bedroom, but a newfound passion for weeding and topsoil certainly isn't it.
The Price - theroguesgambit
[18k | Rated M]
Stiles must surrender the most important thing in his life to protect the town… and no one can figure out what it was.
Living for the Right Now - Lissadiane
[13k | Rated T]
An unfortunate incident at a petting zoo leaves Stiles unable to keep his child safe from the hunters that have been looking for them for months. Desperate, he returns to the one place he swore never to step foot in again -- Beacon Hills. But just because Derek has managed to turn himself into a decent Alpha while he's been gone doesn't mean Stiles is willing to forgive him for everything that happened six years before. Besides. Wererabbits, as far as he can tell, don't need Alphas anyway.
love always wakes the dragon - hoars
[11k | Rated E]
“If you could only protect one person, who would it be?” “Derek.” “What would you do to keep him alive? What would you give up?” “Anything. Everything.”
The Division - traveller
[11k | Rated E]
They recruited him right out of high school. He doesn't know why he accepted, he. He just did. Maybe because at eighteen he'd already seen more death than a lot of people did by eighty, and maybe this was a chance to get around it, get ahead of it, put an end to it. Some of it. Death itself can't be stopped, not without something worse. Maybe he thought they'd show him how to be the something worse.
1,000 - 10,000
Where to Search for Snow - suburbanmotel
[8.9k | Rated M]
Stiles and his Gigantic Repressed Feelings accidentally affect the weather. A lot. Like. A lot. // “It’s snowing, Stiles,” says Derek. Stiles looks up. He nods. “Yeah. Yeah it is.” Derek looks at him. “It’s snowing, Stiles. In your bedroom.” //
The Pretty Things (are going to hell) - FaeryQueen07
[4k | Rated E ]
“You have something of mine,” Stiles says, and he reaches for his hood, pushing it back to reveal the rest of his face. Lips curled up in a smile promising pain and eyes like death, he says, “And now I’m going to take it back.”
in the practice of my calling - kellifer_fic
[2.7k | Rated T]
For the tumblr prompt - Nurse Me
New Morning - Captain_Loki
[2.7k | Rated T]
Stiles was caught in the Supernatural crossfires and ends up in the hospital, a protective Derek is dutifully at his side, despite the Sheriff's concerns.
When Everyone Else is Gone - entanglednow
[2.1k | Rated M]
Scott doesn't get there in time, Derek loses an arm.
Kill For You - bloodwrites
[2k | Rated M]
Kate Takes Derek. Stiles snaps. Or, the one where Stiles embraces his inner sociopath, and Kate doesn't stand a chance.
Scratchy, Sharp and Stub Pens - KeriArentikai
[1.8k | Rated G]
When Derek leaves, Stiles wants to make sure he's not dead.
Piece of Mind - rufflefeather
[1.1k | Rated G | Jack's All Time Fave]
Derek goes to say goodbye to Stiles before he leaves.
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Hey can you suggest some completed AU where Mickey and Ian's personality and behaviour is similar to that on the show and the story has a gradual pace ( like not meeting and falling in love two days later)?. Thanks in advance.
Hey! So you want to read well-written in character fanfiction :D Great, this is what we’re here for :) Not sure how much have you read, so we’ll rec some of the classics and the newer ones:
Iron & Blue - In one day, Ian loses his career and his year-long relationship... and then ten days later learns that Monica has taken her own life, leaving him with all her possessions. Ian heads down to a small, isolated town to deal with Monica's fallout.
Restoration - Old house, new love. Construction workers Ian and Mickey meet on a home restoration job.
Someone To Ride The River With - 'Mad' Mick is a bounty hunter, infamous for being one of the most violent head-hunters in the West. Ian Gallagher is a man from a family of ranchers, on the run and wanted for a crime that he didn’t commit.
two young lovers, half-priced drinks - Bad first dates at grimy bars don't feel that terrible when you're saved by the hot bartender. These things never lead to anything but catching feelings. Here's to letting go of bad memories and making new ones together.
Bon Appétit - Ian can't stand the new chef at the restaurant he works at. Until he gets to know him. 
Last of a Dying Breed - After the death of his sociopathic PO, Ian’s sent to work at XK9, the dog rescue that gives second chances to the unwanted pets and ex-cons of the southside — and it just so happens to be run by the most unlikely success story of them all.
Life, or Something - Ian has worked hard on stabilizing after a long period of illness. As he approaches the two year mark, Fiona suggests he get a job. He doesn't expect it to be a funeral home.
The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Ian Gallagher - Ian gets involved with a dangerous mobster and falls in love with said mobster's right hand man, Mickey.
Bandage Your Wounds (With the salt on My Tongue) - Ian's the EMT on scene after Terry's been shot. Against his better judgment, Mickey is drawn to him.
Belladonna - Ian is a monster-hunter contracted by local villagers to kill a wyvern. Mickey is a witch who doesn't appreciate monster-hunters killing his neighbors.
Can’t Figure You Out - Mickey meets a mysterious and frustrating redhead in the lobby of his workplace. He can’t seem to get rid of him. 
Bad for Business - Ian keeps returning to Mickey's shop to make use of his magical abilities.
looked like a teenage runaway - Ian is seventeen when he moves to the South Side. Lip tells him to stay away from the wrong people, but no one remembers to warn him not to fall in love with the neighborhood thug.
I also think you’ll enjoy our ‘favorites’ tag, many of the fics we’re mentioned here are in that tag.
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