#peter parker x lia stark
pinkykitten · 5 years
we’ll be okay
Peter Parker x Lia Stark (oc) 
Warning: death, did not re-read srry, sadness 
Specifics: angst, romance, fluff, comedy, one-shot, oc
People: ...everyone....
Words: 3,375
Requested: By @barnes-parker peter parker x stark!reader, if you accept ocs her name is Lia, please hehe. they both reunite in the battle after peter was gone for 5 years. they both miss each other then share a kiss before they go on with battle, thank you!!! <33
Authors Note: i actually cried so hard while writing this beauty of an oc(༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ). i love how it turned out regardless lol. if you havent seen endgame like pls do not read this cuz there is spoilers up in here. thank you for requesting if yall know me i love writing yalls ocs like so much so thanks and hope you peeps love this one!(ˇ⊖ˇ)
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All this time Lia spent fighting, convincing herself it wasn’t the end. Peter was not really dead. “I’ll use all that my father has taught me.” She would reason with herself over and over again. Trying every formula, every possible way and she always felt she was missing something. All the fails she has had just ended in sadness and loneliness. 
“Dad I’m back,” Lia entered into her father and Pepper’s house. It was cozy, a comforting feeling that actually felt normal. Lia never blamed her dad for leaving and trying to start a new life. He went through something traumatic and didn’t want to waste his life away trying to cure or fix a problem that was not fixable. Lia smiled, running her hands through the drawings Morgan put up. They were happy drawings, dolphins, rainbows, stars, unicorns. “At least someone has an imagination.”
“Lia?” Morgan ran down the stairs, jumping into Lia’s arms. 
“Hey sweetie,” she gushed over Morgan’s cuteness, it never got old. “Did you take down that evil pirate yet?”
Morgan squinted her eyes and went into her battle position. “I’m glad you asked. He’s been hiding all morning, I think I may need some back up.” Morgan lifted her arm up just like her father presenting a fake Iron Man arm. 
Lia set her purse down and got on her knees, ready to “fight”. She scanned the area. “Alright sport, so we gotta the evil land of Legos right in the living or dead room. In the cafeteria base we got a,” Lia gasped as she through her keys to make noise in the kitchen. “I think we found him Morgan.”
Morgan put on a brave face and they charged into the kitchen. Morgan impersonated Tony’s blast noise. The high pitch shriek probably waking the whole house up. Lia pretended to fight the pirate. Swinging back and forth, “I think I got him Morgan!”
“No wait! Mrs. Lavender is still on the battle field. She’s gonna get hurt. We’ll never make it!” Morgan pointed to a teddy bear lying in the middle of the hall. 
Lia as fast as she could ran and slid to pick up Mrs. Lavender, “got her!”
Morgan clapped her hands excitedly, “thank you Lia! You saved the day!”
Lia ruffled Morgan’s hair, “couldn’t have done it without you.” Lia picked Morgan up but was startled by a certain clapping. 
“Wow, my two girls are having fun without their dear, old, dad,” Tony grinned, a twinkle in his eyes making Lia feel calm about his safety and happiness. 
“Yeah daddy, you are old!” Morgan giggled as Tony scoffed. Lia sat Morgan on the counter, “sorry dad, did we wake you?”
“No not really. Beside’s I love to hear you guys laugh,” he went to Morgan and picked her up hugging his youngest tightly. He brought Lia in the group hug, loving both his girls. “So,” Tony clapped, “did you have breakfast yet?” Tony asked Lia. 
“No not yet, but I can make it.”
Tony set Morgan down. She jumped up and down raising her hand high up, “ooh ooh I know what I want! I would like a cheesy egg sandwich.”
“Then you shall get that my dear warrior princess Morgan,” Lia deepened her voice to sound high and mighty. As Lia got the items out Tony leaned against the counter, sipping his morning coffee. 
“So, how have you been doing?”
Lia put the eggs in the pan. The sizzle of the food was the only thing heard. Lia hated that question. She always wanted to breakdown and tell her dad how she truly felt but she didn’t want to pain her father or see him in distress, especially not in front of Morgan. Tony sensed the issue and called for Morgan, “hey baby, why don’t you go in the living room and watch some TV?”
Morgan nodded and sprinted off, following her dads orders.
“...Lia, you know you can tell me anything, right?”
Lia faked a smile, “I’m fine dad...I just miss him thats all.”
“I know sweetheart I know,” he embraced Lia, kissing the top of her head. “I do too. He was, he was something else that kid.”
Lia cried silently into her dad’s shoulder. 
“You know its okay not to be okay. Even though I have my family I still miss him.”
Lia wiped her tears in distraught, “yeah but how do you move on? I try to dad, I really do and it just feels like I never can. I see him all the time. I hear him. I miss holding his hand, his laugh, just everything about him. Its like I will never get over him...never.”
Tony bit his lip in thought. He wished he could take Lia’s pain away. To make her feel good again but after what happened he counted himself as one of the lucky ones, blessed that he still had the loves of his life with him. 
“Do you still try?”
Lia’s lips trembled as she watched the sprinklers turn on outside from the window. The heartache she felt was unimaginable. “All the time, dad...everyday.”
Tony was about to lecture his daughter but he was interrupted by a knock at his door. 
“Hold on.”
Tony went outside leaving a curious Lia. She could hear chattering quickly back and forth. She peaked through the window to see Natasha, Steve, and Scott. She gasped as her heart sped up. Could this be they found something?
“Hey who knocked?” Pepper asked, drying her hair as she just came out of the shower. 
Lia knew Pepper didn’t like discussing about what happened and frankly neither did Tony. “Oh its nothing Pep-”
“Mommy its the Avengers!”
Lia mentally slapped her self as she got a look from Pepper, “what? That is nothing to me.”
Pepper looked out the window, annoyed as well. “Hey honey why don’t you go save daddy.” Pepper told Morgan. 
Lia eyes widened as she heard the muffling voices of them. She heard about a Time Heist and going back in time to save all humanity and bring back all those who were snapped away. Morgan ran outside “saving” Tony. Tony walked back inside, looking distraught at remembering the past. 
“Hey dad are you o-”
“Yeah I’m fine I just need to think for a moment.” Tony walked to the backyard with Pepper going after him. 
Lia knew something was up. She couldn’t let this opportunity go. Opening the door she startled the others. “You think you can save them.”
They all looked shocked at one another, “Lia we told your dad already he didn’t want to-” Steve started. 
“Thats my dad, thats not me. I heard about all of it, the going back in time and all that my question is...do you think it will work?”
Scott smiled as he knew they had gotten Lia on their side. “We have a plan.”
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Lia had just helped put Morgan to sleep when she heard F.R.I.D.A.Y come on and could hear her dad downstairs. Sleepily, she wobbled to see what he was up to. To her amazement he was putting the plan Scott had talked about together. Tony almost looked as if he were about to cry as he saw it was possible. 
“Holy sh*t!” Lia broke her cover. 
“Hey young lady what are you doing up at this time?” Tony quickly took off the model. Acting like nothing happened. 
“No, no, no! Don’t pull that crap on me. I saw everything! I heard what they were talking about earlier. Dad if there is a way-”
“Sweetheart this is just a model, its not for sure that it will work.”
“Are you serious right now? So what? Dad if there is even a small chance that I might be able to bring Peter back, you da*n right I will. I will keep trying and trying until my very last breath.”
Tony was quiet, knowing this mattered a lot to Lia. 
“Dad I know you’re scared. I know you don’t trust Cap but we’re in the endgame. We are more than desperate. You have Morgan and Pepper and thats great an all but its sometimes not fair. I feel like I don’t have no one. There are people out there that have no one. I want to help, I want to go back and change what needs to be changed.”
Lia clenched her fist, “what?”
“You...you forgot about you. I have Morgan, Pepper and you. Baby, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I should tell them or just keep it locked up in a box forever. Should I set it free?”
Lia placed a hand on her father’s face, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Dad I believe you will make the right decision.” Lia was about to go back to bed but Tony called out to her, “you want to help me work on it?”
Lia beamed as she embraced her father. Nearly suffocating him. “Thank you daddy. Thank you.”
All night Lia and Tony worked on the model to perfect it. Only donuts, cookies, candy and coffee keeping them up for the job. Until the morning, “its perfect dad. I can’t believe it, it might actually work.”
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Everyone got the stones back. A life was lost during that. Lia kept a remembrance of Natasha as she fought alongside her father. 
“I can’t let you do this Lia. You’re too young and you can’t fight with me.” Tony gripped your arms tightly as Thanos sat only a few feet away, waiting. 
“I have to kill that monster dad! He killed Peter!”
“No okay no! I can’t risk losing you too.”
They all fought with Thanos as Lia awaited behind some debris. Thanos punched her father and Lia flew to Thanos. She made a version of the Iron Man suit for herself just less technical. She always thanked her father for teaching her those things. Teaching her from when she was little about atoms to now saving all of humanity. She knew the great importance knew what was at stake and in the end all she wanted to do was bring back all those people. 
“How dare you touch my dad!” Lia screamed as she fought Thanos. Getting in a few good punches but Thanos caught her leg, swinging her, her hitting a piece of debris. 
“No!” Tony yelled as he flew to Lia’s body. “Baby, stay with me, baby?” He took his mask off to inspect his daughter further. “Sweetheart please talk to me.”
Lia took her mask off. Her nose dripping with blood as it seeped in between her teeth, she smiled, “I’m okay dad, just...thats gonna leave a bruise.” She looked to see Steve. He stood there seeming to wait. “Dad?” Lia pointed up into the sky and down came Thanos’s battle. 
“Holy sh*t,” Tony whispered in fear. They were only a few and this army was coming down from the sky. It was all over. Tony shook as he remembered the past. All the nightmares, panic attacks, they were all resurfacing, and Lia was not safe at home like last time...she was here, about to fight. 
Lia could sense her father’s fear, placing her small hand on his, “dad, its okay. At least I am with you.” Tony’s lips trembled as he accepted his and his daughter’s fate. 
“A voice...,” Lia shushed her father as she listened intently. She could hear a voice on Steve’s ear piece. “Dad?”
All of a sudden portals started to open up. Out came King T’Challa, Okoye, and Shuri. Lia held onto her dad, fearing this was all a dream. “Dad...whats going on?” Lia felt her heart beating rapidly. 
“Oh my god...,” Tony and Lia stood, amazed. 
The portals opened up, one by one. All those who had been snapped away were...there. Lia placed her hand on her mouth, shocked. Could it be? Planet Titan appeared and who swung by was no other than Peter Parker. 
“Oh my god dad look,” Lia looked to Tony and then Peter, sobbing uncontrollably. 
When Peter made instant contact with the ground his eyes searched for no other than his love, Lia. 
Lia stood, silent, breathless. She wanted to scream at him, call his name but it all felt so surreal, like a dream. Peter looked and looked until his brown, puppy eyes landed on Lia’s. His smile melted Lia’s heart as he looked at her full of love. 
“Oh Peter!” Lia flew to him, not even bothering to close the mask. With a loud thud she landed in front of him. “Oh my god Peter...is it really you?”
Peter chuckled, his eyes getting watery. His hands found themselves on her cheeks. Her smile never faltering. “It is Lia...it really is me. I’m,” he glanced around her, his head down, “I’m sorry Lia. I’m sorry for everything that I have put you through.”
Lia scooted her face to be under his. His eyes widened as he saw her beaming grin, tears falling effortlessly down her face. “Peter, you have nothing to be sorry of. It was not your fault. I’m so happy you’re here. You can’t believe how much I missed you-”
Peter picked her up in a embrace. Twirling her around as he giggled and cried, stuffing his face in her hair. “I felt so lost without you too. When Dr. Strange told me how long you had waited, I just, I cannot imagine.”
“But its okay now because you’re here with me and I’m never ever letting you go Peter,” Lia and Peter fell onto their knees. Peter inched closer and closer until finally kissing the love of his life. Lia closed her eyes, her lips moving slowly with Peter’s. Peter kissed all over her face making her chuckle. 
“I love you so much Lia,” Peter exclaimed as he held onto her tightly, not wanting to let go. 
“I love you 3,000 Peter.”
Peter stood alongside Lia, the two holding hands. “Are you ready?”
“Oh yeah Peter, I think I’m ready to kick some as*.”
Peter and Lia knelt down, giving their superhero landing. Peter covered his face and so did Lia.  
“AVENGERS...!” Steve shouted...”assemble.”
In that instant they were ready. Lia flew into the air alongside her father and Pepper. Blasting any of the enemy she can get her hands on. 
They gave Peter the gauntlet. Peter was saved but then he crashed leaving Lia worried, “Peter!” She quickly flew to him, forgetting about the battle and only about his safety. 
Carol swiftly took down one of Thanos’s ship. Peter lay against a piece of debris. “I don’t know how you’re gonna get through all that.”
Carol smirked, “don’t worry,” Wanda appeared. All of a sudden the women superheros appeared. 
“She’s got help,” Okoye held her head up high. 
Lia giggled as she landed beside Peter, “she will always have help.”
The ladies all shouted and proceeded to fight. 
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He held his gloved hand, all the Infinity Stones placed in their correct orders to be used. 
“And I...am...Ironman.”
One by one they started to disappear. They, the enemy, Thanos and his men, his army all started to wander about but only to poof away, their ashes swarming in the air. 
Until finally, the one and only Thanos disappeared himself. 
There laid Tony. His skin pale as a ghost. Some of his armor already broken off. Lia, everyone knew time was important. That there was not much time left. 
Rhodey, Peter, and Pepper said their goodbyes acknowledging the fate of Tony.
Lia knelt in front of her weak father. Peter stood beside her, consoling her. Lia kept her cries at bay not wanting her father to feel guilty. She held onto his hand. It took everything out of her to not want to scream for her father not to leave. She felt like she needed him, but she was okay. She had people there who loved her and would make sure that she was fine and happy. 
“Hey daddy,” she sniffled as she clutched his limp hand, “its okay. I’m okay. I’m gonna be okay. You can go to sleep. I’ll be alright...I’ll watch over them...I’ll watch over her you have nothing to worry about. Sweet dreams daddy...I love you.” As her tears hit the ground Tony Stark was not alive anymore. He made such incredible memories with everyone. He managed to make an impact on each soul and he left some amazing people that will forever keep his name going. 
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Lia sat on the couch, being there for Pepper and Morgan. Everyone watched as Tony gave his last recording. 
“Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back... it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited. I hope we get it back, in somewhat like a normal version of the planet has been restored, if there ever was such a thing.
God, what a world. Universe now. If you told me 10 years ago that we weren't alone, let alone you know to this extent... I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised. But come on, you know. That epic forces of darkness and light that have come into play. And for better or worse, that's the reality Morgan's going to find a way to grow up in. So I found a private area to record a little greeting in case of an untimely death on my part. Not that death at any time is ever timely.
This time travel thing that we are going to pull off tomorrow... it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of all this. But then again that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end. What am I tripping for? Everything is going to work out exactly the way it's supposed to.
I love you all 3000.”
Lia smiled as she wiped her face with her sleeve, holding onto tightly Morgan’s hand. “I think its time.”
They all walked outside. As Lia was about to head outside as well she heard the recording still continue playing. 
“Hey Lia, you still there sweetheart.”
“Dad?” She turned around hastily. 
“Hey kiddo...I hope he’s there with you. I hope you continue growing and learning, and teach Morgan all the stuff I taught you. Don’t teach her the bad things though, Pepper would hate me.”
Lia chuckles as she stares longingly at her dad’s recording, wishing he was there.
“I’m proud of you Lia, I really am. You have grown into such an incredible woman and I’m proud to have you as my daughter but I left you something.”
Lia raises a brow.
“Its in the garage...remember me Lia, but most importantly live on. Live your life how you want it. Make your own story or however the saying goes. I thought if anything should happen to me, theres gotta be a new Iron Man and well I thought who would be better than my own daughter so go and save people ,” a tear cascaded down Tony’s cheek, “now...go get’em.” The recording ended with Tony’s hand laying flat against the recording. Lia held up her hand against his hologram one. She smiled as she ran to the garage. 
As she turned on the lights she gasped in shock, “no way dad!”
Standing in the garage having all the gadgets of the Iron Man suit stood Lia’s own Iron Man suit.
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(not mine! do not own!)
“Holy crap that thing is awesome!” Peter said in awe. 
Lia laughed as she saw the beautifully made suit. She saw something peeking from the bottom of the boot and looked to see, “I love you 3,000″ carved from Tony. “I love you too dad.”
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After the funeral Peter and Lia walked through the forest are of Tony’s house. 
“You think you’ll be okay babe?”
Lia wrapped her arms around Peter as she got on his back. Peter and her share a laugh as Lia kisses Peter’s cheek lovingly. 
“With you and my family by my side...I’ll always be okay.”
“So, what are you gonna name yourself now that you have the new suit?”
Lia grinned, taking in the setting of the trees, nature, and now knowing her responsibilities
“I am Iron Girl.”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @dirbel, @eastcoasthaven, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @marwantr, @divaanya, @wassupitschloe, @idontknowwhattocallthisworld (wont let me tag), @spycii, @eminemsgiraffe 
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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missnxthingg · 3 years
girl u r so talented with ur writing. if ur taking requests, I would love a enemies to lovers w/ Peter! maybe w/ smut or mentions of? no pressure to do so :)
Enemies With Benefits
Summary: Peter Parker and (Y/N) Stark hate each other since they first met, but destiny (named Tony Stark) puts them living under the same roof to try making them get along.
A/N: Sorry I took too long! I wrote and rewrote this so many times to try to make it the best quality work I could. I have @softholand's approval for this one, so I hope you like it. Also, I didn't add explicit smut because I'm no longer comfortable writing it, but I have some mentions of it. Hope you don't mind :)
Words: 9.3K
Pairing: College!Peter Parker x Stark!Reader (Enemies to Lovers / Roommate AU)
Warnings: Mentions of sex and swearing (can't remember any more warnings)
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Dad: “We need to talk about college.”
Dad: “Dinner tonight? I’ll pick you up at your mother’s.”
(Y/N) had been avoiding the college topic for a while with her dad. But past her 18th birthday in the previous month and the beginning of the school year approaching, she needed to sort things out before moving from New York to Boston. As everyone expected from the Stark prodigy, she had gotten into MIT to study physics and engineering to someday be the face of Stark Industries. And don’t get it wrong, (Y/N) was more than excited to finally go to college and focus on studying things she loves doing. But there’s always one thing to get in her way.
“Peter Parker? You mean that nerdy boy that sometimes takes a ride with us?” Lia, (Y/N)’s best friend, asked one day at a café where they were having breakfast. They have been talking about college all the time, even with (Y/N) being stressed with her father’s decision of how her college experience should be like. “Your father is really fond of him.”
“He’s my dad’s favourite intern.” (Y/N) sighed. At least she got to keep Peter’s secret as her father asked her to. “And he took full responsibility to pay for his college, accommodation and other accounts. All of that so Peter could keep an eye on me.”
“So pretty much like a babysitter.”
“I guess.” (Y/N) shrugged. “But I hate Peter. I don’t know why I need to go through what’s supposed to be the best years of my adult life with him.”
“But why do you hate him so much?”
Not even (Y/N) could answer that question. Since Peter enrolled in the Avengers team through a mission they had in Berlin, he became Tony Stark’s protected boy and the son he never had - and probably never would. And even though (Y/N) is Tony’s favourite person in the world, he saw in Peter the need to protect and be there for him for whatever he needs. And it made her burn in jealousy. That was probably the reason why she can’t be in the same room as him.
But Peter didn’t make it easy for her to try liking him. He isn’t the type of guy that doesn’t care about what other people think about him; he actually thinks too much about it. The reason why (Y/N) didn't like him was unknown, even though he wanted to know it so badly to make things right. Since the very first day they met, when she scrunched her nose in disgust at him, Peter stook with his first impression of her: she’s just a spoiled little girl whose daddy always gives her what she wants. And so, for the very first time, Peter started hating someone.
“It doesn’t matter.” She shrugged. “I just don’t wanna talk about college right now. Can we change the subject?”
But eventually, that conversation would catch up with her. Last week, at her graduation party hosted at the Avengers Compound, Tony said it would be just a matter of time until they would have to talk about college. Apparently, the day had arrived and she was now getting ready for dinner with her father, praying to anyone who could help her feel calmer.
“Why are you all dressed up?” Tony furrowed his eyebrows when she came down her building to meet him and Happy Hogan, who would drive you to your dinner. (Y/N) was wearing a pretty feather mini dress, perfect for dinner at a Manhattan restaurant.
“I thought we were going out for dinner.” She looked confused. Wasn’t that what they agreed on?
“Oh, but we’re not going anywhere fancy. Actually, we’re going for something… homemade.”
Happy started driving and it was taking him too long to get to their destination. But when he approached the Midtown Queens Tunnel, (Y/N) already knew what was happening and she let a loud groan leave her mouth before speaking up.
“We’re going to Queens.”
“Yes.” He cleared his throat, knowing he had been caught in his little plan.
“You’re taking me to Parker’s house.”
“May invited us for dinner,” Tony said. “Because we need to finish our college conversation.
“I can’t believe I’m about to walk into Parker’s apartment looking like a freaking chicken.” She rolled her eyes. “You could’ve at least warned me.”
“I’m sure May or Peter can lend you a change of clothes.”
“If you think I would ever put on Parker’s stinky clothes, you are damn wrong.”
The night was alright going down the drain, but seeing Peter holding his laughter when he saw you dressed in a fancy dress for dinner at his apartment sent her over the roof. She wanted to leave and stick her face in a hole.
“(Y/N), you look so pretty!” May commented with a sympathetic smile on her face. As much as she hated Peter, no one could ever hate May, not even (Y/N). She knew how to read the room and she knew how to make people smile. May is one of the kindest women she had ever met.
“Thank you, May.” (Y/N) said. “I’m sorry I’m all dressed up. My father didn’t warn me that dinner wasn’t going to be at a restaurant.”
“Don’t worry about it, sweetie.” May shook her head and invited her inside. “If half of the people I know made this effort on dressing up just to see me, I would be much happier.”
(Y/N) passed through May and met Peter standing in the living room with his arms crossed. He was wearing the same outfit she was sick and tired of seeing him in. His Midtown High hoodie, jeans and funny science-themed socks. He had his arms crossed and a mocking smirk painted on his face.
“Shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything.” He said, letting a laugh come out with his words. “You look lovely.”
“I said shut up.”
“(Y/N)...” Tony apprehended and his daughter rolled her eyes. “I’m so sorry for my daughter’s behaviour, May.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. I know Peter isn’t always easy.”
Peter tried his best to be polite to (Y/N), even though he hated her so much. When they met, he was just this shy nerd that had just gotten amazing powers and was being trained by one of the biggest superheroes in the world. He got lucky enough to have found Tony Stark and The Avengers to train him. But deep down, he still is just a kid from Queens who loves his best friends, his aunt and Star Wars. But she didn’t read him that way and somehow ended up hating him in the process. With the passing of the years, he gave up on trying to befriend her, but he was always polite to her as his aunt May taught him. Peter eventually started to think she only hated him because he’s poor, which is a stupid theory, but it could fit her behaviour. It was the only explanation, right?
And it was fine to carry on with all the insults and eyes rolling through High School, but when both of them got accepted in MIT and Tony started talking about them going to college together, things got a little more shaken up in their "relationship" - if you could call it like that. (Y/N) plainly said one day: “I don’t want you to ruin my college experience”. And Peter 100% agreed with her. He just couldn’t stand the thought that maybe his first opportunity to start fresh would become a living hell with (Y/N) wanting to control his every move.
And then Tony made the situation worse by wanting Peter to keep an eye on his daughter as if he was some sort of babysitter. Peter would be fine to go to college with (Y/N) because MIT is big and it didn’t mean he would have to cross her at any moment. But knowing Tony Stark, he would want daily information about his daughter.
“I don’t wanna be Stark’s babysitter,” Peter complained with MJ and Ned during one of their daily meet-ups at the cafeteria MJ worked to gain some extra money for college. “I’m really grateful for everything Tony is doing for me, but after years of (Y/N) hating me, I really don’t want her in the middle of something that’s really important to me.”
“It’s not like he’s asking you to be friends with her,” MJ said. “He just wants you to keep an eye on her, mostly for safety. It’s not like he’s asking you to be best friends.”
“Honestly, I’m scared of this dinner he’s planning with May tonight.” He sighed. “I feel like I need to be prepared for some big news.”
“Dude, just think about it,” Ned said. “You’re starting a new chapter in your life. Don’t let (Y/N) get between your happiness.”
“She’s just.. annoying! We’re so different, you know? She has literally everything she asks for, but nothing is enough to please that little brat.” He said. “Honestly, I just wish you guys could come along with me.”
“But I got into Princeton and Ned’s staying in New York for Columbia.” She said. “And you’re gonna have an amazing time at MIT. Don’t worry about it. You’ll handle (Y/N) just fine.”
Peter wished he could have a better relationship with (Y/N), mostly for Tony’s sake. He considered Mr Stark as a father figure, someone to look up to. But his daughter grew up being the most spoiled kid in the United States, turning her into someone who can’t handle a simple “no” in her life. And Peter is the one who she chose to toy with whenever she was bored.
“I guess we’re gonna have to wait and see.”
Later that night, he helped May set the table for dinner. She was going to have pizza to eat, but she figured it would be better to make the table since they were having guests. His aunt wasn’t the best chef in the world, but she at least tried hard to make everything look presentable.
“You look tense.”
“When a multimillionaire that’s paying for my kid’s college is coming over for dinner it’s hard to not be tense.” She admitted.
“Don’t worry about it.” He kissed the crown of his aunt's head and before she could say anything else, the doorbell rang and she rushed to pick it up.
The night started normally: with (Y/N) ignoring Peter under all coasts and him pretending to not care. For everyone’s sake, Peter tried to keep his mouth shut. Normally, whenever she would start being a bitch to him, he would throw some small teasings to make her mad. But today he figured it wouldn’t be a good day to start a fight, especially when the conversation got heated once they started talking about MIT.
Tony and May made some small convenient about her being grateful of having someone like him to help with her nephew's education and Tony went on and on about how much Peter was a smart kid and a good boy who deserved it. That only made (Y/N) more upset. She tried everything to make her father proud, but all the credit always goes to Peter.
"As we all know very well, the kids are going to MIT together," Tony said. "And since you two dipshits don't get along, I came to a decision."
The pause between his sentences was taking forever and (Y/N) just wanted to scream at him to say it already. But Tony sighed and leaned with his elbows over the table and hands united in front of his mouth.
"For you to learn how to live together like normal people, I'm putting you under the same roof."
"What do you mean, Mr Stark?" Peter frowned and (Y/N) groaned before he could say anything.
"You have got to be shitting me." She cursed. "Means that he's gonna make us live together."
“Oh…" Peter was speechless. He didn't have anything to say on that, mostly because Stark was doing him a huge favour and he would never complain about his decisions, even if it bothers him. But (Y/N) could have her say in it.
“I don’t wanna move in with him.” (Y/N) frowned as she looked over at Peter. “We hate each other.”
“No, you hate me.” Peter tried commenting, but she sent him a death glare. “I’m sorry.”
“You’ll live together and that’s final,” Tony said. “I found a really nice apartment close to the science department where I can give you everything you could use to have the best education ever."
“This is unfair.”
“What’s unfair? That I’m paying for your college and not asking you anything in return? That I am providing you with the best and only the best?” Tony asked. “Honestly, kid, I don’t know what to do to please you anymore. So I’m now taking the decision and I won’t bother asking you.”
(Y/N) didn’t dare to reply. Instead, she dropped her pizza and crossed her arms, looking away and blinking back some tears to not cry in front of everyone. Peter felt like he needed to say something to break the ice.
“I’m fine with whatever you decide, sir.”
“Good.” Tony nodded. “We’ll leave for Cambridge in two weeks, so get your bags ready and we’ll go together.”
(Y/N) shot up from the table and left the apartment in seconds, leaving the tension hanging in the air. Peter and May were worried about Tony’s decision because they didn’t want to be a rock in the Stark family relationship.
“Don’t worry about her,” Tony said. “And I apologize for (Y/N). She’s… difficult.”
“I really don’t want to get between you and her, sir.” Peter said. “I can pay for my apartment. I’ll just get a job and…”
“Peter, I’ve already decided on that,” Tony said. “And she needs to learn that life isn’t always the way we want. And I think it will be good for you to finally get along.”
Peter took a deep breath before nodding in agreement. He didn’t want to spend his college days fighting with his roommate. But if that’s what it takes for him to get the best education he could, all for free, he was willing to go through the stress.
“Let me go talk to her.” Peter got up from his seat, receiving concerned looks from May and Tony.
“Kid, you don’t need to…”
“I think it will be better if I talk to her,” Peter said and Tony agreed with a nod.
He found (Y/N) sitting on the front steps of his building, not really caring about her white expensive dress. Honestly, she just need a place to cry and be alone. But her moment was ruined when he took the place to sit next to her.
“You got to be fucking kidding me.” She wiped away her tears and tried to hide her face from Peter. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m just checking on you.” He said. “I know I’m not the best company right now, but I think you need someone to hear what you have to say.”
“I don’t wanna talk right now.”
"Alright." He nodded. After a few seconds of silence, Peter put the coat he got before leaving the apartment over her shoulders. When she frowned and looked at him to ask what he was doing, Peter only shrugged. "You looked cold."
"Thank you."
"You know, I'm not really thrilled with the idea," Peter said. "But this is the opportunity of a lifetime."
"What? Living with the Stark princess?"
"No, going to MIT without spending a single penny." He sighed. "I know you won't ever understand this, but maybe we could call it a truce for both of our sakes."
"You know, Parker, I don't get it." She frowned. "I don't get why you always have to make me feel miserable."
"I'm not here to make you feel miserable, (Y/N)." He sighed. "I'm just making things right. And maybe you should come up and finish your pizza because it's freezing out here."
"I'm not going anywhere with you. Not upstairs and not to MIT."
"Please." He asked one more time, this turn standing his hand in the air to help her get up. She reluctantly took his hand and got up.
"Alright." She said. "I'll pretend that I don't know who you are and we'll try not to kill each other."
"So we can call it a truce?"
"Call it what you want, Parker." (Y/N) shrugged before entering the building
The last few weeks he spent in New York, Peter packed his entire room and slowly shipped them to Boston with the Stark Industries jets along with (Y/N) bags - which apparently were a lot since Happy would call him once a week to ask if Peter had anything to send to Cambridge because they were leaving with a few of Miss Stark's bags.
"I bet she's making our apartment a whole damn boutique with all of her stuff." Peter groaned after replying to one more of those texts from Happy. He was chilling with Ned and MJ at the mall after all of them getting together to buy more clothes for college.
"Didn't you guys call it a truce?" MJ frowned.
"Doesn't mean I don't get to complain about her with my best friends." He said. "When are you guys leaving?"
"Two weeks until I move for good into the Columbia dorms," Ned said. "It's going to be awesome."
"I'm leaving next week," MJ said. "Everything is pretty much ready and I'm just trying to enjoy my last days in this filthy city."
"You're so lucky, MJ!" Ned commented. "You'll get to see the beach every day."
"Whatever, I hate sand." She said.
"At least you won't be living with the devil incarnate."
"I still haven't met my roommate yet. She could be worse than (Y/N)."
"Fuck, can I maybe move in with you to Columbia, Ned?" Peter groaned. "I'm Spider-Man, I'll just swing to class every day."
"You're insane." Ned slapped the back of Peter's head. "Get yourself together, dude. Soon you'll have to accept that this is happening."
"I know." He said. "Just promise me we'll text all the time."
"Sorry, man. I'll be busy making silly faces at strangers hoping one of them can understand my sense of humour."
Peter enjoyed his last moments with his best friends as much as he could and he even got to visit Ned in his new dorm. When MJ said her goodbyes, it was all starting to get too real. A week after she left, Peter was all ready to leave New York - at least for a while.
"Call me every day." May held her nephew's face between her hands and she glued her eyes to him. Peter smiled at her and nodded.
"Promise, May."
"I love you, Peter."
"I love you too, May." He whispered in her ear and she held him a little tighter.
(Y/N) was getting impatient as she waited for him at the airport's check-in. Apparently, for their demise, Tony flew a day earlier to Cambridge, leaving the two of them to go together and meet them there.
"I think I should go. Miss Perfect is waiting for me." Peter kept his voice low to May and she nodded in agreement.
"Go, baby. Have a safe flight and call me when you get there."
"I will."
Peter said his last goodbyes and met (Y/N) by the check-in, where she was surprisingly taking care of both of their tickets.
"Daddy booked us first class." She said. "All because he used our jet and didn't want us to sit together."
"I bet he thinks we would be able to crash a plane if we have to spend a flight sitting together."
She smiled cynically before taking her handbag to keep walking. After that, Peter didn't get to talk much with her. (Y/N) drowned herself in her book until their flight called boarding for once. They sat on the best seats on the plane and while (Y/N) got to sleep through the whole flight, Peter took advantage of everything the first class had to offer.
"Chill out, you're gonna choke on your peanuts." (Y/N) giggled through one of the brief windows where she was awake.
"We're about to land by the way." He commented and she only nodded.
Cambridge was having a beautiful and bright day to welcome them to what would be their new home for the following years. Peter smiled when they drove past their university, but (Y/N) didn't dare to show him a reaction. They only met Tony Stark at the apartment, where he was making sure everything was in order.
Apparently, he hired someone to organize everything they owned. (Y/N) once mentioned that the Starks do that a lot - getting personal organizers to have everything in place once in a while. Peter was so glad that he could forget about unpacking after the several stressful weeks of packing.
The apartment was everything any of them could ask for. Not only it was close to campus, but it was one of the best locations in town since it was so close to everything they needed to survive and have fun - plenty of party places, malls, markets and restaurants. (Y/N) eyes shined when she saw a Sephora right around the corner.
"So, what do you think?" Tony asked both of them, who were too busy looking at every good thing around them.
"It's fantastic, Mr Stark."
"I had a Stark Industries building station installed in the office. That way you can make your own projects with the best technology we can provide."
(Y/N) started to take a tour around the house. Starting in the living room with a huge TV so they could watch whatever they wanted in the best quality ever. Following that, she got to see the office full of technology for them to study, practice and be creative. The kitchen wasn't so big but she was sure neither she nor Peter would need space for their amateur cooking. But she took a good look around the house only to find:
"One fucking bathroom?" She asked angrily with her eyes crossed. “How am I supposed to fit every single one of my skincare products in this tiny bathroom and still share it with Parker?”
"Sweetie, we had to transform your bathroom into a closet since you have so many clothes," Tony said. "I guess you're gonna have to reduce your cosmetics for now."
"Dermocosmetics." She corrected, making Peter roll his eyes. “And if I see a single drop of pee outside the toilet, I’m gonna throw you out of the window.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Peter muttered, keeping his voice low to not cause any confusion. “It’s perfect, Mr Stark. I loved the apartment.”
“Would be better if his stinky ass wasn’t here.” (Y/N) faked a smile before dropping her handbag in her new bedroom - which was the biggest one. Peter would never complain about it, mostly because he didn't want to cause a fight that would destroy his peace. (Y/N) could have whatever she wanted at this point.
“It could’ve been worse, you know?” Tony said. “I could’ve chosen that tiny apartment with no walls where you would be obligated to be with each other 24/7.”
“Lucky enough, you’re an overprotective dad that won’t want your baby daughter changing clothes in the same room as a boy.” (Y/N) smirked and Tony rolled his eyes.
“Don’t care what you do. If you two hooking up means that it’s the way for no more fighting, then I’m on board.” Tony sighed. “I need to run because I still have a few meetings to do, but we'll have dinner together, alright?"
"Alright, we'll see you tonight."
Peter and (Y/N) were left alone to explore the new place. Stark - well, probably his employees - made sure to buy all their groceries and new things for the apartment, including tiny things like trash bins or plates for eating. Peter was also impressed with how easy it is to move places when you're a billionaire. You blink and everything's in place.
He got to take a quick glance at (Y/N)'s room before she slammed the door in his face. They had pretty much the same things available for them, except that she had a bigger closet and a dresser for makeup - which he sighed in relief to know she wouldn't have to use the bathroom for makeup every day. And for the first time since the news that they would be living together, Peter felt relieved, as if things were going to work out just fine.
And they did for a while. (Y/N) pretended that Peter didn't exist for most of the time. Her routine would always remain the same: waking up early in the morning, having a quick breakfast, hitting the gym and coming home to get ready for classes. He only got to see her at some classes and at night, when she would bring dinner home and eat it in her room.
"At least you're not fighting," May commented on the phone while Peter tried to make some food. He went for the obvious: pasta. But the thing about college students is that they don't know how to do shit.
"Yeah, I really don't know what's worse." Peter sighed. "But apart from the silent treatment, everything is fine."
"If you ever need me to come over and help you…"
"You'll be on the first flight, I know." Peter smiled, even though she couldn't see it. "I miss you, May."
"Oh, you have no idea how much I miss you, Pete." She said. "Everything is so quiet around here lately."
"You should go out with friends, have a good time."
"I'll try doing that. Now go eat your dinner."
"Alright, good night."
"Good night, Pete. I love you."
"Love you too."
When Peter hung up and turned around to put his plate over the table, (Y/N) was entering the kitchen with her eyebrows arched.
"Wow, you already have a girlfriend on the 'I love you' stage?" She giggled and Peter sighed.
"It's just May checking on me." He said, but (Y/N) wasn't interested anymore. Now she was scamming for something sweet to eat in the fridge, settling with a pot of chocolate ice cream. "Have you eaten?"
"Obviously. Or I wouldn't be eating ice cream."
"I was just trying to be nice." Peter kept his voice low, but (Y/N) definitely heard it.
"Yeah, whatever."
And once again she returned to her room to not bother Peter for the rest of the night. But the sun came up and he didn't wake up, being too late for classes. He took a quick glance at his bedroom mirror and saw that he looked awful: his hair was starting to get oily and he definitely didn't smell good. Peter one hundred per cent needed a shower.
But unfortunately, the bathroom door was locked and loud pop music was coming from inside, meaning that (Y/N) was in there. And she took forever to get out, to the point where he heard her turning the shower off and she still remained in there for an extra 10 minutes.
"Come on, (Y/N)." He knocked on the door. "I'm going to be late."
"You should've woken up earlier."
"I slept through my alarms." He shouted. "Please! I can't miss this class and I look awful."
"You always look awful."
"I'm doing my skincare, damn it."
Peter had to take a deep breath to not explode with (Y/N). But if he didn't do anything, she would remain there for another hour. So he banged on the door again until she finally opened up.
"Jesus fucking Christ, you smell." She scrunched her nose in disgust.
"That's why I needed to shower, you idiot."
"Oh, we're out of hot water." She cynically smiled before entering her room again.
"Fucking great."
And even if Peter got to shower and get to class in time, things started to go down after that one morning. He knew it would be difficult to live with (Y/N), but when the place started to get messy and he was the only one trying to keep things clean and organized, he started to lose his mind. The breaking point was when he left town for the weekend to visit May on her birthday and came back to find the house completely trashed. Apparently, the Stark princess threw a party when he was away.
There were empty bottles and chips everywhere. The place smelled like vomit and sweat. Peter had never seen anything like that before. But things only got worse when his bedroom, which he left perfectly clean and organized, was completely messy, with used condoms over his bed. (Y/N) was only found between her bedsheets, wearing what seemed like an extremely uncomfortable tight dress and stilettos.
“(Y/N), wake up,” Peter called, keeping his voice firm in an attempt to not lose his temper. “Come on, wake the fuck up.”
“Why are you shouting?” She groaned in her sleep and Peter sighed.
“Because our apartment is completely trashed and I am so fucking pissed.” He said, now raising his voice a little bit more. “Just because I was out of town, doesn’t mean it’s okay to let people have sex in my fucking room.”
“It’s just a small party, chill out.”
“Chill out? (Y/N), my bed is full of used condoms and the whole apartment smells like vomit and alcohol.” He said. “If this is what it’s going to be for the following four years, I don’t know how we’re going to handle things.”
“Look, I’m sorry, okay?” She got up from bed and rubbed her eyes. “Things got out of control and I couldn’t help it.”
“You have no consideration for me, anyway.” Peter shrugged before leaving the room. (Y/N) had to take off her shoes before following him to the kitchen, where he started putting empty beer bottles in a trash bag.
“I’ll clean it up, alright?” She took the bag from his hands and returned to do the job he was doing before. Peter sat by the table, rested his face between his hands and sighed. “I thought we were on a truce.”
“It’s hard to keep up with the truce when you are out there doing things like this.” He said. “(Y/N), I hate that we have to keep on with this feud.”
“So what do you think we can do to make things better between us?” She asked, and this time, Peter felt some truth in her voice. “Because I really feel bad about this party.”
“I think we need to talk more, alright?” Peter said. “Communicate, you know? Because we’ve been ignoring each other since day one. But if we want to make it right, we need to be partners.”
“That’s it?”
“Yeah, of course it is.” He said. “Me and May we never fight because we talk all the time, about anything.”
“I don’t really talk to my father about anything.” She half-smiled as she finished up cleaning the bottles over the table. “So you’re gonna have to be patient with me.”
“Just… stop treating me like shit. It’s a good start.”
“Okay.” She nodded at him and he sighed before getting up from his seat.
“I’m gonna clean my room. Ask if you need any help.”
Luckily, and surprisingly, their relationship changed after that day. (Y/N) woke up on Monday and skipped gym due to a hangover. So she saw it as an opportunity to get ahead on the shower and make breakfast, this time including Peter in this equation. He woke up in the morning with the smell of eggs and bacon in the air and (Y/N) softly calling him with a hand on his arm.
“Wake up.” She said without raising her voice. Peter yawned and turned to face her, who was standing next to his bed. “I made breakfast.”
Peter frowned before rubbing his eyes to shrug tiredness off. “You made breakfast for both of us?”
“Of course.” She said before tapping his arm again. Peter followed her into the kitchen and sat down where she had put his plate. “This is my way to say I’m sorry for the weekend party.”
“Uhm, thank you.” He said before taking the food to his mouth. (Y/N) was surprisingly a good chef and he was impressed with how great her food is.
“It’s nothing.” She shrugged before taking her seat next to him. They watched the morning news together and no insult was shared between them, which was very odd and nice at the same time. After that shared moment, they seemed to improve their relationship.
Their occasional discussions were practically non-existent. They come home every night and share what happened in their lives throughout their day. Oh, and don’t forget about the college projects they were helping each other achieve. For a while, things seemed to be driving them into actually being friends for once.
“You look nice.” (Y/N) commented when Peter showed all dressed up on a Friday night.
“Thank you.” He said with a shy smile. Peter was wearing beige pants and a white button-up, all matching up with white sneakers.“I’m going to a party. Do you think this is too formal?”
“Nope, don’t worry about it.” (Y/N) smiled at him as she approached to unbutton two of the buttons. “This will make you more stylish.”
“Oh, nice.” He shyly laughed. “Aren’t you going out tonight?”
“I have a date with the couch.” She joked. “I thought it would be nice to have a movie and home SPA night.”
“I’ll join you later if you’re still up.” He said as he took his wallet from the table, getting almost ready to leave. “I got this last-minute invite to the party and I’m trying to live the whole college experience, including the stupid parties.”
“You’ll have fun, I promise.”
“Alright, I’ll see you later,” Peter said before leaving the apartment.
(Y/N) spent the night with a strange feeling, the longing of wanting Peter to be back soon to join her at her relaxing night. She’d always glance at the door in the hope to see him coming in, but he never did. It’s a strange way to feel about someone who she hated one and a half month ago. Suddenly, the idea of having Peter spending the night with her didn’t seem so bad.
He only got home a few minutes past midnight, with his shirt wrinkled and a stupid grin on his face. (Y/N) was halfway through a movie with a facemask on when he let his body weight fall next to her. Peter let out a good sigh and he couldn’t keep a smile off his face.
“Someone is very happy.” She joked.
“Oh, sorry.” He tried to suppress a smile, but he just couldn’t help it. “Tonight was a very good night.”
“Did you have fun?”
“Lots of fun.” He said. “I even got to kiss the prettiest girl in our class. Gwen Stacy. You might know her.”
Gwen Stacy is a part of New York’s elite just like (Y/N). Daughter of the resigned captain of The New York Police Department, she was in every tabloid showing off her luxurious outfits. Gwen is also a very smart and nice girl, who anyone could very easily fall in love with. But (Y/N), as a stupid spoiled kid, always envied her. Knowing that she got to have Peter, right when some strange feeling about him started to pop in her chest, only made (Y/N) hate her more.
“Oh, Gwen.” (Y/N)’s tone completely showed that she didn’t really like that idea, but Peter was too over the moon to notice it. “Yeah, she’s… pretty.”
“Isn’t she?” Peter dreamed. “I got a date with her tomorrow. We’ll have coffee together.”
“Good for you, Peter.”
Little did he know that a small date would take him to square one. On Monday, (Y/N) didn’t make him breakfast and when she got home from class, she went straight up to her room. When Peter knocked on her door to ask if she was hungry, she pretended to be asleep. That went on until the point where she started being rude to him again.
“Are you staying home tonight?” Peter asked (Y/N) on Friday night and she shrugged, not daring to say a word to him. “Well, maybe we could watch a movie together.”
“No, thank you.” She answered before taking a bottle of yogurt in her hands.
“Alright, I’m done.” He snapped. “Why are you ignoring me? You haven’t talked to me in weeks. I thought we were friends now.”
“Don’t be stupid, Parker. We were never friends.” She shot. “I was just being polite.”
Peter clenched his jaw and took a deep breath. “Alright, if you say so.”
“Don’t you have somewhere to be with Gwennie?” At this point, (Y/N) was just being petty in order to show him why she was truly upset.
“Are you acting like this because of her?” He frowned and she shrugged. “Oh my God, you can’t help yourself, uhm? You’re always so jealous of me.”
“What are you talking about?” She frowned, opening her mouth in disbelief.
“First your dad and now Gwen… You’re really unbelievable.” He said. “Why does my life bother you so much?”
“Not everything is about you, Parker.” She said. “What happened between me and Gwen was way before you.”
“I don’t fucking care about this.” He said. “You know, what hurts me the most is that I really thought I found a friend in you.”
“Well, you thought wrong.” (Y/N) spun in her heels, but Peter held her by the arm and turned her around.
“Look me in the eyes and tell me that you never really were my friend.” Peter had his jaw clenched and their eyes were glued to each other. (Y/N) gulped, trying to come up with a lie, but the eyes gave her away. “I thought so.”
“Why, (Y/N)? Why did you start treating me badly again?”
“Shut up…” She tried saying but Parker shook his head.
“No, I need to know.”
“Shut the fuck up!” She shouted before holding his face between her hands and pulling him down for a kiss.
Peter easily melted into her, letting his muscles relax to embrace (Y/N) in a hug. Their lips moved so softly against each other as if they had all the time in the world to just enjoy being with each other. Maybe, after all this time, their little feud was all sexual tension building up around them? But it was so easy to forget about hatred when they were connected.
The night ended with both of them in Peter’s bed, trying to catch their breaths after a moment of intensity that led them to sleep together. (Y/N) immediately fell into her senses and she had to pull the sheets around her naked body to shoot up from bed.
“This is so wrong.” She panicked. “You’re with Gwen, I’m so sorry. This should’ve never happened.”
“No, no… I mean, I’m not really with Gwen, we’re just hanging out.” Peter said.
“Still, this is wrong.” She sighed. “Peter, we fucking slept together.”
“And now the anger is gone, right?” He said. “Maybe that’s what’s been missing in our relationship.”
“Yeah.” He said. “Channelling all that anger into sex, maybe that’s the key. Us sleeping together.”
“You have a girlfriend.”
“I don’t have a girlfriend.” He said. “I haven’t talked to Gwen in a week and honestly, I don’t think she’s very interested anymore. So maybe this could be something… casual.”
“Are you suggesting that we could be friends with benefits?”
“More like enemies with benefits.” He said. “Look, I don’t like you and you don’t like me, but we have to admit that we’re very good together. So maybe we can try making this thing work in bed.”
“You’re crazy.” She said as she tried to get out of the bedroom, but Peter rushed to grab her by the arm again. This time, he pressed her against the wall, letting his face very close to her.
“Please.” He whispered. “Maybe give it a try.”
“I don’t know, Peter…”
“You can always call it quits whenever you want, and I’ll leave you alone.” He said and she closed her eyes for a second, feeling his hot breath hit her face.
“I want to say no, but I don’t think I can.” She admitted. (Y/N) would never lose the opportunity to have Peter for herself like that. “We hate each other.”
“I don’t fucking care.” He said before kissing her again.
“You have to promise me you’re not with Gwen because I don’t want to hurt anyone.” She said between kisses.
“I promise you I’m only yours.” If her feelings were already a mess, this only made it messier. But it was so easy to give into Peter after learning that he’s a lovely boy. “No feelings, no relationship, just sex.”
“Just sex.” She said with a nod.
And at first, they got it just right. Whenever they had a fight, things would end up in one of their bedrooms, but they would always leave when they were done. Also, keeping it from anyone on the outside was so easy, because they pretended to not even be friends to people around them. But behind closed doors, things were very different. But it was getting harder and harder for (Y/N) to hide her true feelings, especially because she got to learn how great Peter is from close by.
It worked out so perfectly that they started to get along again. (Y/N) was still more contained to herself, trying not to fall deeper for him, but Peter started treating her the best he could, better than he treats other people. He takes her to bed whenever she falls asleep on the couch and he always makes sure that she’s alright. That made it even harder for her not to fall in love with him.
One night made her certain that she was definitely crossing their limit line. She was tiredly trying to finish her essay after a stressful day where she had a fight with her dad over the phone. Peter got home after a long study session at the library to find her almost falling asleep on the table.
“Hey, there.” He called and she smiled tiredly at him. “I think it’s time to call it.”
“I have to finish this essay to get it out of my way.” She said as she yawned one more time.
“You definitely don’t look so good.” He said as he took place in her bed. “Are you alright?”
“No.” She admitted. “I had a busy day and I had a fight with my dad.”
“I’m so sorry.” He said and she shrugged before turning back to her essay. Peter jumped out of bed and closed her laptop. “Come on, you need to rest.”
“No, Peter! I already had some rest during my dinner break.” She whined and he pulled her to get up from her seat.
“You urgently need a nap.” He said. “And maybe, if you want to just vent about your dad, I’m here to listen.”
“I can get your work done for you tomorrow morning.” He said. “Just please, take a break.”
Peter pulled her to his chest and held her tightly. (Y/N) immediately relaxed in his embrace and it only made her realize how tired she was. That made her cry, which in the end was a relief. Crying is good and he let her cry as much as she wanted to. Peter took her to bed, where she straddled his lap and rested her head on his chest to cry and vent about her day. He just stood with her, listening to everything she had to say. In the end, she fell asleep with him running his fingers along with her hair.
The next day, things seemed different. She woke up with his arms wrapped around her and his breath hitting her face. He had a small grin on his lips and he looked so peaceful sleeping next to her. It would be almost a sin to wake him up, but they needed to get to class.
“Good morning, Pete.” She called him and he hummed in his sleep. “We need to get to class.”
“I wanna skip it.” He said. “I never miss classes, this is the day I get to rest.”
“Are you sure?” She asked and he hummed in response.
“Do you want to stay too?” He asked. “I know you’re tired and I think you should take a day to yourself.”
“Okay, I’ll stay.”
“Good, I didn’t want you to go.” He said before falling deep into his sleep once again, but not before pulling her closer to his body.
Maybe this was the start of something new? In time they would cut the crap and properly go on a date to make things right between them. But it made (Y/N) even more afraid of this relationship. What would happen when they started fighting again? Because that’s all they knew what to do and eventually this whole thing would fall apart. She tried to shrug those thoughts off, especially while they were having a lot of fun cooking lunch later that day. Peter played a few songs from his playlist and they got to sing together as they shared the kitchen to create something delicious. Their little moment was only interrupted by the doorbell.
“Dad, what are you doing here?” (Y/N) asked once she opened the door.
“I had a meeting in MIT and I thought I could surprise my two kids,” Tony said before frowning at the scene he found. “I also had a fight with you and I wanted to talk in person to apologize.”
“Don’t worry about it, dad. Everything’s fine.” She said. “Peter helped me rest last night.”
“You two seem to be getting along.”
“Uhm, we stopped fighting,” Peter said and Tony nodded.
“I can see that.” He commented. “And you were even singing together.”
“Yeah, we’re getting along just fine, right?” Peter winked at (Y/N) before laughing.
“Yes.” She rolled her eyes before turning back to her dad. “Wanna stay for lunch?”
“As much as I want to, I can’t. The meeting is in twenty minutes.” Tony said. “But I was hoping to get dinner with my favourite daughter later on, to redeem myself from yesterday.”
“Of course! I’ll be in the apartment all day.” She said and Tony nodded.
“And maybe we can all have lunch tomorrow,” Tony said, but Peter shook his head no.
“Sorry, Mr Stark. I have to study tomorrow, so I’m gonna skip it.” He said. “But I’ll be in New York soon, so we could meet up.”
“Alright, so I’ll see you guys later.”
Tony only brought their proximity up at dinner, when (Y/N) started to avoid the Peter talk. Her father kept bringing the subject back while she tried to change topics all the time. At some point, Tony noticed she was keeping more from him.
“I know when you’re lying to me,” Tony said. “I know there’s something behind you and Peter’s friendship. I can see it in your eyes.”
“We might be hooking up.” She admitted before stuffing her mouth with more food. Tony arched his brows in surprise before falling into laughing. “Stop it, you’re making it more embarrassing.”
“Oh, I always knew this day would come.” He said and (Y/N) whined.
“Don’t laugh, dad! I am so screwed because of this.” She cried. “This was supposed to be something unpretentious, but I think I am falling in love with him.”
“This is new,” Tony said. “But why is this a problem?”
“Because all we know how to do is fight, dad.” She said. “And I am afraid that if I let myself fall for him, we’ll end up fighting and I’ll get my heartbroken.”
“Baby, the only advice I’ll give you is that you’ll never know if you don’t try.” He said. “Tell Peter, because I know he surely feels the same. It’s in his eyes.”
(Y/N) left dinner optimistic and sure that she would soon confess his feelings to him. When she arrived at the apartment, Peter was already asleep, and when she woke up the next morning, he was already gone to the library. She had decided to prepare a very special dinner for them and that maybe she would admit her feelings later that night. But her plan went down the drain when she passed through the coffee shop close to her apartment to buy groceries and caught Peter having a coffee with Gwen Stacy while they both laughed together at the corner table.
She dropped her whole plan and went home to cry all of her feelings. Peter came back hours later only to find (Y/N) sobbing in her bed. His world completely crumbled the second she saw her crying, making him immediately rush to her. (Y/N) tried to push him away, but Peter still got to sit next to her in bed.
“Tell me what’s wrong and I’ll make it right.” He said and she shook her head, too busy choking on her own tears to speak.
“You can’t make it right. I was just so stupid for believing this one day would work.” She said.
“You can always talk to me, (Y/N).” He tried making her open up, but she only got to cry harder.
“I think we should quit our little thing.” She said. “I’m done pretending that this is working because it’s clearly failing when one falls in love with the other, but the second person is in love with someone else.”
“What are you talking about?” Peter asked and she met his eyes, who were now in the brim of tears.
“You were having coffee with Gwen today.” She said and he sighed, closing his eyes to regret his actions from earlier today. “Which is stupid, I know you can have coffee with her because we don’t have anything. But if you are going to date her, I think we should end it.”
“I don’t want to end us.”
“Well, I’m not going to be your little secret, Peter. Someone you can toy with.” (Y/N) cried. “I won’t be the one to fulfil your needs and she the one who gets all your love. It’s not fair.”
“But I don’t want to be with her, I want to be with you.” He cried. “Fuck, (Y/N). This little thing we started completely changed me, you know? And I’ve been trying to keep it all to myself because I didn’t want to cross the limit we put at the start. But all of those nights we shared, especially the ones where we’d just be there together, quietly holding each other, they made me realize that this little feud we used to have only blocked us from having something great.”
“So, you mean that…”
“I want you, (Y/N). And I regret every day where we fought because they only pushed us apart and wasted our time. I would do anything to get those years fighting with each other back just to enjoy them by your side.” He said. “I want to lose the four closed walls and take you out to have an ice cream at the park or maybe take you to the movies to steal a kiss whenever you’re distracted.”
“You don’t get to say it on the day I caught you with her.”
“We met at the coffee shop by accident and we ended up sitting together. But in the end, Gwen asked me out again and I declined it because I don’t want to be with anyone else but you.”
“Peter, I’m scared.” She cried. “We never work out. We always end up fighting somehow.”
“I’m willing to try it.” He sat next to her and held her hands between his big ones. “Because I need you in my life, (Y/N). I want to make us work, even if it doesn’t work out in the end. You’re worth the try.”
“I love you, Pete.” She cried as she finally admitted it and he cleaned off her tears before kissing her cheek.
“I love you too.” He whispered. “I can let you think about it if you want.”
“That would be great, actually.” He nodded before pressing one more kiss to her forehead.
“I’m here whenever you want to talk.” He said. “Good night, (Y/N/N).”
They didn’t talk for a week after that night. Peter tried to give her the needed space and she avoided him as much as she could to have her own time to think. But not getting to be with him was killing her and she wanted more than anything to give in to his charms. The last drop was when she walked past his bedroom and heard him weeping through the door. (Y/N) opened it only to find him almost passed out from crying. She was trying to be strong, but she would never be okay with him crying at all.
So (Y/N) sat in his bed and hugged him, letting her legs wrap around his body and her face to be close to his one more time. She wiped a few tears from his face before kissing them away. Peter’s breath easily slowed down with her touch.
“I can’t stand to see you cry.”
“I’m crying because I can’t stand to sleep without you.” He said. “I’ve been trying to sleep for seven days now, but I can’t when you’re not next to me.”
“I’m here now, okay? And I’m not going anywhere.”
“You’re my everything, (Y/N).” He said. “I don’t know how we got to this point, but I just miss you so much and I want to be with you so badly.”
“I had my time to think, Pete.” She said. “And I am willing to try too. Because you’re more than worth it.”
“Stay with me tonight.” He asked and she nodded.
“Tonight and every night. I promise.” She kissed his last tear away before pulling him closer. Both of them lied quietly in the dark, afraid that one word would ruin everything. Peter also got to feel one more time after a full week without talking. His lips found her cheek in the dark and his hands gripped on her so tightly he was afraid it was hurting.
"How did we come to this point?" He asked. "I mean, we used to hate each other and now I can't be without you."
"I guess we just needed to stop being stupid to let all our differences aside. My dad somehow always knew that." She said. "And I have a lot of sorrys to say to you."
"What's in the past stays in the past." He said but (Y/N) shook her head and hummed in response.
"I was such a bad person to you for no reason at all. You didn't deserve it."
"Well, I wasn't exactly fair to you." He said. "So I'm sorry too."
"I forgive you." She kissed his forehead and Peter cracked a big smile. "And we'll learn how to grow from this together."
"Yes, of course we will." He said. "We'll grow together and we'll learn how to make this right."
"One step at a time."
"You and me together." He said. "Until the end."
"And forever."
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90swandamaximoff · 3 years
I’m Camellia and welcome to my tumblr!! I hope you enjoy and maybe stay awhile? Check out my page? This will be updated when I write or think of anything to add! All my works will be tagged under “Camellia’s writes and works” and are also kept under the cut.
Name: Camellia!! Like the flower!! You can call me Cam, Lia, or Ell!!
Hey, unrelated but would anyone like to be the nat to my wanda? Like wifeys and friends? Just wondering.
Stuff I will write::
1. Wandanat or ScarletWidow (Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanov)
2. PepperMay (Pepper Potts x May Parker) 
3. Parkner (Peter Parker x Harley Keener)
4. Ironhusbands (Tony Stark x Stephen Strange)
5. Stucky (Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes)
1. Marvel x reader (only for Wanda, Nat, and Pepper)
2. Ships x reader (example: wandanat x reader)
2. Requests! I take all types of requests so don’t be shy! Here are some prompts lists: (x) (x) 
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Fandoms I write/draw for(+ masterlist and request rules)[UPDATED RULES]
1, I have my requests on anon if you would like, but please let me know your age so I don’t feel uncomfortable writing(or drawing) NSFW for a certain character.
2, Due to comfort reasons, both Mod Daniel and Mod David will not be writing NSFW.
3, I will NOT write Inc*st, P*dophilia, Non-con, Non con Somnophilia, Zooph*lia, M*rder, Su*c*de of a character, or homo/transphobia. 
4, Same rules from above go for my art.
5, No hate on my art please
Check out my carrd!
Mod Applications!
Good Omens
Dear Evan Hansen
+Makoto Naegi+
+Kyoko Kirigiri+
+Leon Kuwata+
+Toko Fuwaka/Genocider Syo+
+Celestia Ludenburg+
+Mondo Oowada+
+Kiyotaka Ishimaru+
+Byakuya Togami+
+Chihiro Fujisaki+
+Akane Owari+
+Hajime Hinata+
+Chiaki Nanami+
+Gundham Tanaka+
+Hiyoko Saionji+
+Ibuki Mioda+
+Mikan Tsumiki+
+Nagito Komeda+
+Kokichi Ouma+
+Miu Iruma+
+Shuichi Saihara+
+Rantaro Amami+
+Kaede Akamatsu+
+Maki Harukawa+
+Korekiyo Shinguji+
+Gonta Gokuharu+
+Kirumi Tojo+
+Tony Stark+
+Steve Rogers+
+Bucky Barnes+
+Peter Parker+
+Pietro Maximoff+
+Stephen Strange+
+Thor Odinson+
+Jennifer Walters+
+Loki Laufeyson+
+Wanda Maximoff+
+Alexander Hamilton+
+John Laurens+
+Thomas Jefferson+
+James Madison+
+Elizabeth Schuyler+
+Angelica Schuyler+
+Margarita Schuyler+
+James Reynolds+
+George Washington+
+Charles Lee+
+Samuel Seabury+
+Philip Hamilton+
+Marquis De Lafayette+
+Mark Evan Hansen+
+Connor Murphy+
+Zoe Murphy+
+Jared Kleinman+
+Alana Beck+
+Hannibal Lector+
+Will Graham+
+Alana Bloom+
+Freddie Lounds+
+Abigail Hobbs+
+Jack Crawford+
+Frederick Chilton+
+Beverly Katz+
MCYT(If anyone in this list is uncomfy with fanfic, do not hesitate to let me know. P.S. No NSFW will be written for Tommy, Dream, Fundy, and Tubbo)
You’ll Always Be Pog in my Book
+Brahms Heelshire+ (Brahms: The Boy)
+Micheal Myers+ (The Halloween Franchise)
+Jason Voorhees+ (The Friday the 13th Franchise)
+Norman Bates+ (The Psycho Franchise)
+Billy Chapman+ (The Silent Night,Deadly Night Franchise)
+Stu Macher & Billy Loomis+ (The Original Ghostface Killers)
+John Kramer+ (The Saw Franchise)
+Freddy Krueger+ (The Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise)
+Charles Lee Ray+ (The Chucky Franchise)
+Damien Thorn+ (The Omen)
+Sweeney Todd+ (Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street)
+Harry Warden+ (My Bloody Valentine)
+Jennifer Check+(Jennifer’s Body)
+Jason Dean+(Heathers)
+Jack Torrance+(The Shining)
+Vincent Sinclair+(House of Wax)
+Jack+ (The House That Jack Built)
+Gerard Way+(My Chemical Romance)
+Frank Iero+(My Chemical Romance)
+Adam Gontier+(Three Days Grace)
+Patrick Stump+(Fall Out Boy)
KAKEGURUI(We barely write x male reader for Kakegurui, but you can request it, just know we might not do it)
+Mary Saotome+
+Runa Yomozuki+
+Midari Ikishima+
+Kirari Momobami+
+Kaede Manyuda+
+Yumemi Yumemite+
+Jason Dean+
+Veronica Sawyer+
+Heather McNamara+
+Go Yoo-han+(Color Rush)
+Choi Yeon-woo+(Color Rush)
+Jeong Joo-haeng+(Color Rush)
+Shi Yi Jie+(HIStory 2)
+Fei Sheng Zhe+(HIStory 2)
+Wei Wuxan+(The Untamed)
Wei Ying(Wei Wuxan) with a reader with tattoos
+Lan Wangji+(The Untamed)
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liaaacantwrite · 4 years
hi! i’m lia, and i’m going to start posting fanfic on here. i’ll write for my original characters and who they’re with, but i’ll take x reader requests! if you’d like, i could also put your name in a one-shot if you request. (i don’t write lower caps btw) i don’t write rape, incest, or anything too out of character.
i will write for some other characters not listed but in the same universes.
i write for:
peter parker
steve rogers
tony stark
bucky barnes
wanda maximoff
natasha romanoff
finnick odair
peeta mellark
katniss everdeen
harry potter
ron weasley
hermione granger
luna lovegood
cedric diggory
draco malfoy
fred and george weasley
spencer reid
emily prentiss
aaron hotchner
derek morgan
jennifer jareau
steve harrington
billy hargrove
jonathan byers
nancy wheeler
robin buckley
eddie munson
poe dameron
rey skywalker
luke skywalker
han solo
leia organa
scott summers
charles xavier
erik lensherr
alex summers
raven darkholme
jean grey
peter maximoff
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ardentmuse · 5 years
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Hello, my little love bugs!
2k followers is fast approaching and I am not willing to wait for it! So we’re having a celebration now.
As many of you know, toddle started daycare, which means I have 4 hours every morning just to myself. So for the next week, I am devoting all of that time to writing. And with The Good Place coming back so soon, why not do some prompts based on the wittiest, silliest, most gut-wrenchingly romantic dialogue on television? AND why not add two new fandoms while we’re at it, just to get some good stuff goin’!
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The Rules:
Must be following me (@ardentmuse)
Must submit me an ask with a number of a prompt and a character
Must like this post
Should reblog, but obviously live your own life, run with your blog aesthetic and just be happy
Only one submission per person, please!
Block “#ardentmuse almost 2k celebration” if you don’t want to see these for whatever reason (though I promise they will be good. My story with the most notes ever - over 1.5k now - was from one of these challenges)
Each ask will become a reader-insert imagine. Aiming for ~1k words for each of these, but we’ll see where the spirits take me.
Note that as I am going to be devoting all my writing time for the next week to this, I am not setting a hard cut off regarding number of submissions, but do know that I won’t be addressing these forever. Once the new Good Place season starts, I’m going to be washing my hands of whatever requests still sit in my inbox.
Character list and prompt list below the cut.
Hugs, Lia
Note: all responses will be reader inserts (no x ships). Also, this list is off the top of my head so if I missed anyone that you really want to see, let me know.
Harry Hart
Merlin (Hamish Mycroft)
Eggsy Unwin
Whiskey (Jack Daniels)
James Spenser (Lancelot)
Roxy Morton
Harry Potter:
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Percy Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ron Weasley
Harry Potter
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Talbott Winger
Barnaby Lee
Felix Rosier
Bruce Banner
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Thor Odinson
Steve Rogers
Scott Lang
Game of Thrones:
Jon Snow
Robb Stark
Ned Stark
Tyrion Lannister
Jaime Lannister
Sansa Stark
Margaery Tyrell
Theon Greyjoy
Gendry (Waters)
Podrick Payne
Sandor Clegane
Petyr Baelish
Good Omens:
The Prompts from The Good Place: 
Hi, guys! I’m broken.
Ya basic.
I was dropped into a cave and you were my flashlight.
Humans only live 80 years and they spend so much of it just waiting for things to be over.
I promise I’m worth it.
Kill me. Kill me. Kill me.
I gotta stay jacked. It’s who I am.
You know, sometimes a flaw can make something even more beautiful.
This is a real low point. Yeah, this one hurts.
I never thought I’d be the one to say it, but this is getting out of hand. I think we gotta go to the cops.
Well, I’ve narrowed it down to two possibilities: yes and no.
Well, I’m sure you’re busy, you probably wouldn’t want to talk to me. I get it, I wouldn’t either. I’m as dull as a rock. Ugh, even that analogy was boring. I’m sorry, I’m so dull, and I’m ugly. I’m like a rock. Ugh, stupid! Stop talking about rocks!
She’s so pretty, like Nala from The Lion King. And she talks so smart, like, um, Nala, from The Lion King.
It’s devastating. You’re devastated right now.
Okay, bud, whatever’s going on right now, just shove your feelings way down deep, plaster on a fake smile, and pretend like you’re having fun. Okay?
Ugh, of course your hugs are amazing.
Long story short, it was all a dream.
Right now I’m just a girl, towering over a boy, asking him to admit he loves me.
Pay it forward.
Now I’m living my truth and creating my bliss.
I am attractive, yes.
I don’t think this can be solved with a book.
Searching for meaning is philosophical suicide.
Now I’m bored. Walking is dumb.
You’re awesome! Be nicer to yourself.
I would say I outdid myself, but I’m always this good. So I simply did myself.
Lies are always more convincing when they’re closer to the truth.
Why do bad things always happen to mediocre people who are lying about their identities?
Rule number one– I get to do whatever I want, and you all just have to deal with it.
Principles aren’t principles when you pick and choose when you’re gonna follow them.
It’s a rare occurrence, like a double rainbow.
We are not in this alone.
Pobody’s nerfect.
Yep, shouldn’t have said that. Regretted it immediately.
You’re kind of, you know, turtling.
You and I are very different.
I’d say it’s like 50 million simultaneous orgasms, but better.
… I can work with that.
But then I remembered that I’m a naughty bitch.
Oh come on! You and I both know I’ll never read those.
What’s the secret? Is the secret more books? How many more books do I need?
Cool stance. Counterpoint: Get over yourself.
I’m outtie. See you in hell.
That broke me. I’m – I’m done.
I am your hottest friend!
You’re barfing Wikipedia over everyone to avoid talking about your feelings.
No matter what he does, we will find each other. And we will help each other. Because we’re soulmates.
I’m going to hug you because I love you. And because you feel just as alone as I do.
That’s insane. But it’s also like the eleventh most insane thing to happen today so who cares.
A: That’s not a question. B: So you agree, it’s a fact.
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spideymybucky · 6 years
Make it stop 4
Pairing: Peter parker x MJ, Peter Parker x Reader, Avengers x reader, Tony Stark x Adopted!daughter!reader
Word count: 600+
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
“I mean, what the hell is your problem with MJ? You’ve been a shitty friend (y/n), ignoring her calls, not talking to her. You’re acting like a bitch towards her.” It all rambles out of Peters mouth, word by word,  (y/n) stood up. He took a step back, scared for her stance.
“You want to know whats my fucking problem Peter? She is my problem, she’s fucking manipulating this whole entire situation.” Peter looked at her. He had never seen her so rilled up. He thought about just leaving, ending this fight here. He knew this wasn’t going to end well. He was just adding fuel to the fire, and someone was going to get burned.
“What the hell, (y/n)? Don’t be such a liar.” She looked at him, really looked at him and knew that he was on her side no matter what. He blood boiled. She was done with them.  She was done with everything.
“You’re the one wanting to know what my problem is, so here it fucking is Peter Parker. She’s the shitty friend here,” (Y/n) gestured at him. Peter took a step back and narrowed his eyes. She was angry. He had never seen her like this, not even when her parents died.
“she betrayed me and then when I found out, she denied it. God dammit, I wouldn’t have mind if she just told. We wouldn’t be here if she wasn’t such a selfish, lying, egocentric bitch.” She screamed.
“Don’t talk shit about her, (Y/n).  Why are you so angry towards her? What the hell could’ve MJ done to get you like this? The only one being and egocentric bitch is you.”
“You don’t know shit Peter, so fuck off.” (Y/n) glared at Peter. He rolled his eyes in anger and looked at her.  
“Your just jealous that she has everything, a family, a boyfriend and fucking friends, cause she doesn’t scare them off” (Y/n) stood stunned. How could he mention my parents? How could I have considered him my friend?
“We’re fighting over you Peter.” (Y/n) said in defeat. She had no one anymore. Ned and Betty belonged to them, she was friendless.
“I liked you, MJ knew that I liked you a lot. She knew since… since the day we kissed at Taylors party.”
“Wha-what they hell are you taking about?”
“She knew, and I don’t fucking care if you chose her and not me. I would have chosen her too, but she denied everything. It was you or me, and she chose you. I was never her fucking friend Peter and I don’t give a fuck if you think It’s my fault anymore.”
“(Y/n) I-” He still didn’t believe her. She couldn’t have feelings for him, she just couldn’t.
“You should leave.” She said, almost in tears.
“(Y/n), if you could jus-”
“The fucking egocentric bitch wants to be alone, don’t you fucking get it?” (Y/n), screamed at the top of her lungs.
“God dammit, Listen I-” He insisted on talking. He had to fix everything. He was a fixer, he couldn’t stand leaving something broken but this was shattered beyond repair.
“Fucking go” (Y/n) shouted, pushing him towards the door. Peter didn’t cooperate. He stood still in his place.
“Peter leave, now.” Steve commanded, as he entered the room. F.R.I.D.A.Y. had, rapidly, informed the avengers about the situation in (Y/n)s’ room. They had thought the screams would stop, that they would talk it out and be friends again. They were wrong, they should’ve stepped in long ago.
Peter turned around and looked at an enraged Steve and a disappointed Tony. He sighed and hurriedly left the room. He couldn’t understand what just happened. He was confused, scared and overwhelmed. With a swing, he left to the only place he knew had answers.
@run-girl-on-fire-run @savvythedork @iwokeupinabadmood @thechickvic @its-shaula-wii @unicorngummybears @hahajalen1@melaerica @phenominiallfabiola @takeabreathandbeanxious @kealohilani-tepise @she-had-theworld  @schischi @h0tshotholland @profangirllex @richiethotzierz @bellagrayson-wayne@chonisberonica @rockyrocket15 @mariejoycarter @charlsxblog @alainabooks143 @mercurys-rhapsody @its-a-mess-here @omg-i-am-lord-voldemort @bartonsbowandarrow @andreuskystuff @avatheexceed @imma-witch-bitch @chewymoustachio @rachelscosplay @au-shay-lia@fuckingpasssword @liveanddiehere @loxbbg @beckastark
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pinkykitten · 3 years
marvel masterlist
✰menu✰ cakes: one-shot macaroons: blurb/drabble or imagine with less than 1,000 cupcakes: headcanons baguette: preferences pies: chapter or series
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✰ — cakes:
“trust” | bucky barnes x frankie winchester (oc)
“vegetarian life” | m’baku x fem! reader
“traveler” | erik killmonger x calantha morrison (oc)
“tour of wakanda” | t’challa udaku x fem! reader
“short tickles” | james howlett x short! fem reader 
“heaven’s light” | kurt wagner x fem! reader
“safe and sound” | loki laufeyson x fem! reader
“the gala” | tony stark x plus size! fem reader
“come back to you” | stephen strange x wizard! fem reader
“make you feel loved” | matt murdock x plus size! fem reader
“we can be the greatest” | yon-rogg x fem! reader
“due date” | steve rogers x pregnant! fem reader
“inhaler” | peter parker x asthmatic! fem reader 
“the bracelet” | hank mccoy x fem! reader
“sun rise and mangoes” | bucky barnes x wakandan! fem reader
“sacrifice for wakanda” | t’challa udaku x wolf powers! fem reader
“inconsolable window” | tony stark x gn! reader (platonic)
“i can be loved” | stephen strange x plus size and fire power! fem reader
“dressed up” | yon-rogg x fem! reader
“i’ll walk you home” | peter parker x fem! reader
“the unspoken story” | bucky barnes x raina zeller (oc)
“are you acting jealous?” | tony stark x fem! reader
“mission fail” | yon-rogg x starforce! fem reader
“we’ll be okay” | peter parker x lia stark (oc)
“self conscious” | bucky barnes x fem! reader
“melted laughter” | bucky barnes x fem! reader
✰ — macaroons:
“icy kisses” | m’baku x fem! reader
“comfort” | kurt wagner x fem! reader
“based on a gif” | loki laufeyson x little girl! fem reader (platonic)
“based on a gif” | thor odinson x werewolf! fem reader
“lost friend” | yon-rogg x fem! reader
“based on a gif” | clint barton x fem! reader
“based on a gif” | steve rogers x smoke abilities! fem reader
“based on a gif” | peter parker x villain and angel! fem reader
“attention seeker” | thor odinson x fem! reader
“to the future” | yon-rogg x pregnant! fem reader
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spideymybucky · 6 years
Make it stop 3
Pairing: Peter Parker x MJ, Peter Parker reader, Avengers x reader, Ned x Betty. Tony Stark x Adopted!daughter!reader 
Warnings: Betrayal, insults, sadness, friendship break up, ya know the angst. SO MUCH ANGST. 
Word Coutn: 1.2k+ 
A/n: ok, I was gone cause tumblr staff made me change my email and some shit happened. The only way I could’ve entered tumblr was via phone and ugh... like its not been my month but March is here soo maybe this month is. I’ll start uploading more now. Love y’all. ALSO THE TAGGING PROBLEM IS WORLD WIDE TO PLEASE REBLOG, LIKE PEOPLES WORKS AREN’T BEEN SHOWN IN TAGS AND ITS ANNOYING. BTW MJ, FROM READERS PERSPECTIVE IS LIKE THAT. SOON WE’RE GONNA HAVE EVERYTHING THROUGH MJS’ EYES AND UNDERSTAND HER. every story has to sides
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
“God dammit (Y/n), we were so worried about you.” He said. His eyes were gleaming with worry, as he hugged her. She stood still, not moving. She wasn’t ready for this. Her body was screaming run, run away now and don’t look back. She was in flight or fight mod, and he could sense it. He took two steps back, his warmth leaving her body, and looked at her.
She pushed past him and started running. She couldn’t, nor wouldn’t, be near him. He wasn’t hers. He can’t touch her like that. Her heart shouldn’t thump like that. Why can’t he just leave? Why couldn’t I disappear? The whooshing of someone above her, knowing who it is, made her speed up.
The twigs were cracking, under her feet. The crunch of her hitting the floor, was combined with the screaming of her name, Her hair moving past every tree branch. Her legs and arms covered in scratches and Bruces. She ran until she was face to face with the avengers. FUCK. She thought.
“What the fuck (Y/n)?” Tony’s cold glare threw her off. She huffed and puffed with every breathe., standing in the middle of the street. With a thump, Peter landed next to her.
“S-sorry Mr. Stark, I scared (Y/n) and she ran.” He said, lying through his teeth. (Y/n) glanced at  him and nodded.
“Don’t worry kid, it's not your problem.” She sighed, pushing through them to get to the car. Steve placed himself infant of her. She looked up, annoyed, and tried to pass. Tony grabbed her arm, turning her around.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Tony sighed. His hands were shaking, as he pushed his tousled hair back. His eyes bore dark circles and his breathe smelled of whiskey and coffee. He was a disaster.
“To the compound, if thats still my home.” Steve stiff shoulders sagged down instantly. He stepped back, looking at her. He hadn’t realized how much of a mess she looked. Her hair was all over the place, skin lifeless-even though it was spring, almost summer-and her eyes were tired, lacking their spark. How could he miss that? She was losing her will to live, just like Bucky did.
“We should talk at the compound, Tony.” Tony raised an eyebrow as Steve glanced at Peter.
“I’m taking her with me.” (Y/n) sighed and stepped into Tony’s black SUV. He slammed the door close and looked at her.
“What Tony?” Her flat, uninterested, voice echoed around the car. He looked out the window, seeing the trees pass by as Happy, who was stealing glances at them, drove.  
“Why?” She turned her head and looked at him. His defeated stance made her cringe. He was done, she had pushed him to the edge. He was done with her and she knew it. God, why do I ruin everything? Why can’t I be enough?
“I-I don’t know.” She mumbled to herself. He looked at her, really looked at her. (Y/n)’s eyes were puffy and swollen, her lips dry and cracked, her skin looked dull, she looked like a mess. Closing her eyes, she wished that all these feelings were gone. She couldn’t understand why it was all hitting her now and not months ago.
Happy stopped the car, turning It off and slowly retreating. He was a meddler, but this was a mess Tony and the others needed to solve. (Y/n/n) and Tony left the car, immediately, not talking to each other.
This was rare, in fact this was weird. (Y/n) had always been a talker, never shutting up. Once, as happy recalled, when they had go and take her molars out, the doctor had stated “No talking for a few hours until the bleeding stops.” That didn’t stop her. She had been joking and taking nonsense, not matter how much she bled out. Tony had to tie her mouth shut. He grabbed one of star-spangles scarfs used to “disguise him”-even though we all know it never works.- and tied it around her jaw and head, shutting her mouth. She looked like an adorable little girl, with a big black bow on her head.  That didn’t stop her from smiling or joking around.
Steve looked at Peter and at Wanda, through the review mirror. Maybe she’s right and (Y/n)’s in love with the kid. He sighed and looked at the road ahead. It wasn’t a long drive, maybe 5 minutes top but he had to tell the kid to leave. Peter’s just going to make everything worse, much harder. He looked at Bucky and nodded, he had to do this.
“Peter, I think you should go home.” Steves asserted. Peter rapidly looked up from his phone and opened his mouth but the shut it up. He looked confused and scared, all at the same time.
“B-but Mr. Rogers I’m (Y/n) friend and I really wanna talk to her. She just’s been avoiding my calls for the past few days, and yesterday when she walked out of school she was acting all strange and I-” He ranted out. His mouth kept going until Bucky stopped him.
“Look kid, some time apart won’t kill ya, ok?” Bucky shut him up. “And if she wants, she’ll call ya later, but right now we need to talk to’er.” Peters shoulders slump in defeat. He looked at Bucky and nodded. He grabbed is backpack and looked inside, realizing he had a way to see her.
“I’ll leave but… shouldn’t I give (Y/n) her homework?” Bucky looked up at Peter. He was grabbing some kind of text book. His eyes roamed to Steve, who only nodded.
“Go ahead kid.” Peter nodded and ran out of the car towards (Y/n)s’ room. He knocked on the door and waited for a few minutes.
(Y/n) expected to find Steve or Tony at the other side of the door, not Peter. She raised her eyebrows in confusion and nodded at him.
“Miss Glenda gave out the instructions for the end of year project, we’re in a group with MJ.” Peter rambled on. (Y/n) rolled her eyes, making Peter stop. He bit his lip and looked down.
“Oh, Yeah, I almost forgot. Here, you can copy my notes for history and we have an exam on Friday. Read chapter 10, or maybe just ask Bucky and Steve. It’s all about World War II, the howling commando.” He kept going on and on. (Y/n) grabbed the spreadsheet about the chemistry project and saw how important it was. How was she supposed to work with MJ? She hated her right now, but most of all she felt hurt. It’ll be torture seeing them together. She thought. It’s enough with school, its enough with being Tonys’ problem, now I had to pretend everything’s ok? I just need a break.
“(Y/n), hey, hey, hey, you ok?” She looked up at Peter and sighed.
“I can’t do the project with you and MJ. I’m sure Ned or Betty would want to trade. I could ask Luna to work with you… but I can’t do this” She stumbled out, moving away from her door towards her bed.
“Why can’t you work with us? It’s not a big of a deal, it’ll be a week of us working together at max.” Peter stated, walking after her.
“It’s that I don’t want to work with you, it’s just I’m not in the best of terms with Mitchell.” Peter noticed her harsh tone. He noticed how her lips curled in anger when she mentioned MJs’ name. He couldn’t comprehend why she was so mad at such a wonderful and intriguing  person. Weren’t the supposed to be best friends? He asked himself.
“Whats your problem with MJ?” 
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