#peter parkerx reader
sincericida · 6 months
the peter parker x reader tag isnt working in the website it doesnt show any latest posts fyck tumblr
Yeeeeah honey, I’ve noticed that myself these past few days. The Tumblr staff is failing to filter the bots and manage the tags - mine, for example, have also disappeared.
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lizzie-is-here · 1 year
Can I request a Christmas Peter parkerX female reader with prompt 44
christmas event!
character: peter parker x fem! reader
prompt: “keep doing that, and you’ll end up on the naughty list”
warnings: cussing, bucky threatening sam, uh a little spicy 😳, it’s just making out but like 😳😳😳
a/n: akskkddk yesssss this is such a cute idea i love it sm 🥺 thank u for requesting it 🫶 if anyone wants to request, see the event rules here! hope u all enjoy and happy holidays!!!
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Being in a relationship with Peter was everything you could want.
He was polite but not uptight, kind but not one of those “nice guys”. He got you flowers every week or so, accompanied by a sweet, handwritten letter. He helped you study, opened doors, and blushed every time you gave him even the most chaste of kisses in the hallway.
You and him started dating sophomore year, and now that you were seniors, you’d cemented yourselves as the longest-lasting couple at Midtown Tech.
This is your third Christmas together, and the last one you’ll have in high school. You’re pondering all this as you walk to his apartment, shivering every now and then in the Manhattan cold.
It’s been a little over a week since you last saw him. The beginning of break was hectic, and then he had a training camp up at the Avengers’ Compound.
Today is his first day back, and you’re more than willing to brave the cold walk.
When you finally make it up the endless stairs and knock on the door, you’re greeted by May. She’s opened the door with her foot, evidently, In each hand is a tray of cookies, and the warm smells of baking waft around you.
“Oh, hey, (Y/N).” She smiles, welcoming you in. “How’ve you been?”
“Pretty good, just glad that finals are over and done with. You?”
May gestures to the kitchen. It’s messy in the best way. Plates of baked goods are scattered around, and flour dusts the counter in odd spots. “Been busy.” She nods back further into the apartment with a wink. “Peter’s in his room.”
He doesn’t hear you come in, to your surprise. His Bluetooth speaker is blasting Christmas music so loud it might be damaging his phone, and he’s awkwardly shuffling around the room in what could be a dance. You’re not sure.
You watch for a bit, grinning as your boyfriend obliviously mouths along to Mariah Carey’s whistle tones.
“Hey, babe,” you finally say. Peter jumps and trips over himself a bit before catching his balance. He turns down his music before opening his arms wide for you.
You oblige the invitation for a hug, burying your face in his shoulder. The smell of vanilla lingers on his sweatshirt, and… is that peppermint?
“I thought you hated peppermint,” you mumble into his neck. “It’s like, a spider thing, right?”
Peter shrugs. “Yeah, but May needed help with crushing the candy canes. I couldn’t leave her hanging.”
“Aww,” you coo. “You’re so sweet.”
He hums and his grin widens a bit. “Speaking of sweet things-” He gently pulls you in for a kiss, and you can taste the remnants of cookies. No doubt May made him her personal taste-tester for the day.
Peter breaks the kiss for air. “So-”
Before he can say anything else, you tug him back in, backing up a bit to gently kick the door shut. The music from the kitchen is loud, but you’ll take the precaution. He chuckles into your mouth.
“I’m guessing you missed me?” he asks. You swat at his shoulder before pressing your lips to his jaw, tracing the defined line.
“Of course, I did, dumbass,” you whisper, trailing more kisses down his neck. “‘M gonna have to start taking up Tony’s offer to come with you for training camps.”
Your boyfriend exhales through his nose, trying to ignore the fact that your very cold hands are toying with the edge of his sweatshirt.
“Y’know, it’s not fair that you can call him Tony. I can’t manage to call him anything but ‘Mr. Stark’,” he grumbles. Despite his pouting, his own hands start running up and down your back.
His hands are a warm welcome from the chill still clinging to you. But you still shiver when his fingers graze over your ribs.
Whining, you furrow further into his arms as if it’ll make you less cold. Or less flustered.
Peter continues, kissing the top of your head innocently as he starts to lift your top.
“Keep doing that, and you’ll end up on the naughty list,” you chuckle breathlessly. He laughs back.
“Was that supposed to be snarky or hot?” he asks. You shrug.
“Whichever you prefer.”
The two of you stare directly at each other for about 12 seconds before breaking out into laughter. He kisses you again before tripping on his backpack and sending you both tumbling onto his bed.
You lay in silence for a bit, enjoying the closeness and the way the snow flurries outside the window.
Then Peter starts kissing along your neck. You’re just about to yank his shirt off right then and there when the door bursts open.
“Hey, Underoos.The team’s all here and- HOLY SHIT.”
It’s Tony fucking Stark himself, dressed in the fugliest Christmas sweater you’ve ever seen.
It’s clearly from Walmart, evidenced by the tag still attached. A jagged hole is cut in the center to make the arc reactor in his chest the star atop the offending, bright-green tree.
You fling Peter off so quickly he flies off the bed, yanking down your shirt from where it rode up.
“Uh, hi, Mr. Stark,” Peter greets sheepishly. Before the billionaire can respond, more people appear.
“How’s the kid-“ Sam Wilson begins, and when he freezes in the doorway at the scene before him, is knocked over by a certain super-soldier that didn’t see him stop.
Sam catches himself before eating shit on the hard floor, elbowing Bucky with a smirk.
“Hey, how does it feel knowing that a teenage nerd has more game than you?” he asks.
“I’m going to kill you with a Christmas ornament.”
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Coffee Days
Pairing: Peter Parkerx reader
Summary: A lot of people come to the cafe but from all of them one stands out, the guy who only comes when your coworker is around. one day after covering her shift you discover his love for foam art.
Word count: 4.8k
Warnings: n/a
a/n: hope you guys like it, as always feeback is appreciated! you can also read on ao3
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“Can you cover my shift?”
 It wasn’t uncommon for you to have your phone on mute, most of your friends knew if they wanted to contact you, calling was a very hard way to achieve that. Almost never picking up, of course she didn’t know that, not being friends and all, just people who work together.
You’re dumb lucky Michelle Jones
“Michelle I- “
“Please, can you cover my shift?”
Even if it seemed like a question she wasn’t really asking at that point, of course you could and of course you would, why wouldn’t you? It’s not like she hasn’t done the same for you and you weren’t going to say no hearing the almost plead coming from someone who usually was closed off. You sighed.
“Sure, tomorrow right?” Fuck the final that you had to study for, college wasn’t that important either way.
“Thanks, I owe you one” you noticed the relief in her tone
Your notebook was open next to the borrowed textbook when he came in. The guy who always came whenever you and Michelle shared a shift, you never saw him besides those days and a part of you knew he came just to see her. He always seemed like there was something more, a word or a question lingering in his lips after ordering his single coffee to go, but he never said a word, not once. Just gave thanks and left.
Better luck next time mystery boy.
It was funny seeing how Michelle, the most observant person you knew wouldn’t try to get those desperate words out of him.
“Come on dude! How long are you going to pretend you come for the coffee before asking me out?” she would say in another universe where Michelle wasn’t as shy as she truly was, or that was what you thought she would do. Of course that was impossible, this was the reality and there was just one Michelle Jones.
His brown eyes wandered around before he turned around deciding to leave.
“She’s not here” you said returning your gaze to the notes from the lecture, not noticing how tense your words really made him “she asked for the day”
You didn’t know why you suddenly decided to talk, every time he came there was only one task in your mind, avoid him, but it was impossible when Michelle was busy with other customers or you were up front, still his eyes always wandered to her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
“You’re not as subtle as you think you are” you smiled smugly as you closed the books “You’re here for Michelle”
He looked like a kid being caught with his hands in the cookie jar way past his bedtime, both knew you were right and still his mind wandered between the one hundred and one excuses he could give, thinking which one was the most believable even if he knew noting would change your mind.
“Not even going to ask for your coffee?” you leaned on the counter with your head resting on your hand.
He sat down on the stool in front of you, there was no way his face could get redder than this. He was cute, you wouldn’t deny it if someone asked but the way he only came when she was around and wasn’t that discreet about it made the little alarms in your head sound as loud as they could
Caution! Danger!
“Just… one for here” he looked at your books, your hands reached for them quickly taking them out of his sight, hiding comfortably behind the counter.
The day was calm, the few people that came in only ordered coffee to go and the occasional donut on the side. Until he got here, of course, sitting drinking his coffee while making you company. At first you debated whether to put your headphones hinting that making conversation wasn’t an option, but then again your boss would probably get pissed at you if he walked it.
You heard him laugh when he saw the coffee you made for him, a frown face poorly drawn on it, you couldn’t help but smile when he pulled out his phone to take a picture.
“You’re really good, I love it” he looked up at you and you could swear his eyes where shinning with excitement.
“You don’t have to lie” your arms were crossed in front of you, leaning on your back with a sincere smile
“I’m not! I swear” he took a sip from it “Fuck it’s hot”
You couldn’t contain the loud laugh that poured from your lips with a shake from your head, you reached for a napkin and gave it to him.
“Here, you can keep it just don’t tell my boss” you joked
“Your secret dies with me”
“Hope you’re not lying stranger or I’ll have to…” you made a sign next to your neck and a sound that companied it, threating him.
You both laughed.
The little bell on the door rang, meaning another costumer needed your attention, you excused yourself and walked up to the old lady who walked in, two donuts to go. She smiled and wished you a good day before walking out again, you sighed thinking about how you really needed to get back to studying.
“Peter” you heard his voice again, for a moment you had forgotten there was another person inside the café besides you.
“Excuse me?”
“My name, I’m Peter… Parker”
For some reason it felt weird knowing his name, like it wasn’t something you should know, or not really his name just one that he made up on the spot but at the same time it felt like the most common name in the world, as if you’ve heard it a million times before.
“Your names is PP?” you teased laughing a bit.
“I actually got made fun for it a lot in high school” he seemed uncomfortable, circling the rim of the mug with his thumb.
“Oh, I’m sorry… I- I didn’t mean it” you mumbled suddenly feeling dumb for treating him like you’re friends. You don’t know the guy, remember?
“Its fine really, it feels like it was a long time ago”
Your conversation continued mostly talking about unimportant stuff once the line was drawn about where your new found friendship was at, he seemed nice but your guard was still up not really wanting him to have a lot of info about you. Usually people left after finishing their orders but he didn’t, still sitting there chatting long after finishing his second coffee and the biscuit he ordered
“You know, I just realized you never game me your name” he said after standing up and straightening his jacket.
You never wore your name tag, feeling uncomfortable whenever strangers said your name mid ordering.
“If you want to find that out you’ll have to come back another day” You sat opening up your books once again.
And coming back he did, your conversations became a regular occurrence and something you looked for every Thursday. You noticed how visibly tense he got every time Michelle was around and even if you wanted to ask him about it you knew the answer he would give wouldn’t be enough, he had the habit of not really talking about that kind of stuff and you never pushed him to do it.
“You know you can always just… ask her out” you couldn’t stand seeing how he was eyeing her from afar the past five minutes without saying a word.
“I can’t” he simply responded.
“Why not? It’s not like you seem like the type of guy who loves to spend his money on this crappy coffee” you said teasing him as he grabbed his mug and drank from it.
“Your coffee is really good tho” you saw him smile sincerely
“Thanks Parker but that’s not the point and you know it” you couldn’t help but look away, feeling your cheeks heating up, your hands playing with the end of your apron.
“Yeah but- “
“No buts, just talk to her” you cut him off
“Why not!?” you leaned in
“Because she has a girlfriend” he said as a whisper closer to your face “Her name’s Gwen”
“Oh… I didn’t-“
“Guess I was too late to shoot my shot” he smiled softly when looking at her
“How did you-“
“I’ve talk to her, I still came even if you weren’t around for a while” she looked back at him and he waved “Gwen comes here pretty often, I’m still surprises you haven’t noticed”
“Well in my defence is hard to find something you weren’t looking for in the first place” you said not really thinking about it
“Aww, so you were looking for me?” he teased you, flirting in a way he didn’t know actually worked.
“Yeah, looking for the total creep that was stalking one of my co-workers” You pushed his shoulder slightly “You’re lucky I didn’t call the cops on you”
“Gotta say, I’m feeling pretty lucky” he finished up his coffee and gave you back the cup “Can I get another one?”
“Yeah sure”
You took his mug and minutes later he had a new one, filled with coffee to the brim and a little broken heart decorating the top of it, you heard him chuckle.
“Are you kidding me?”
“What? It’s for you getting rejected, cheers mate” you said in the most horrid British accent you could make “It’s on the house”
He took his phone out and took a photo of it and then one of you, you knew how much he liked to take pictures telling you how he got a part time job at the daily bugle. Still most of the time you hated when people took your photo, you always felt like the way they turned out wasn’t quite right, but for some reason Parker always found the right angle or the right lighting. You felt like yourself in every moment he captured
“Okay honey, gotta go”
That damn nickname, thanks for the lack of a name he started giving you little names he would call you, sometimes ‘mystery girl’ unknowingly mimicking your previous nickname for him, other times it was ‘coffee lord’ and or rare occasions it was ‘Honey latte’ or ‘honey’ for short. You heated the way it made your stomach feel as if it was being turned inside out.
“(y/n)” you finally said and you saw his smile grow.
“Good bye (y/n)”
✪ -- ✪ -- ✪
It was your day off but you had some spare time before going to your next class so after giving it some thought you decided to go to the café, you knew Michelle was there and how much you like her company.
“Call me MJ, all my friends do” she said one day, she was behind the counter while you mopped the floor after finishing for the day.
You gave her a big smile.
As the months passed you had gotten closer to her, learning from her how she met Gwen at a college party and how at first they couldn’t stand each other but the fact that they were friends of the same group of people pushed them to spend more time together and finally two months later she asked her out.
“You should ask Peter out, you know?”
“What are you talking about?” you didn’t look up, focusing on how tired you were and how you had to finish up quickly if you wanted to get home fast, didn’t like to walk to home alone at night
“You can fool him but not me” she smiled “I’ve seen how you look to each other”
“I’m not fooling anyone, I have no idea what you’re talking about” you lied
Of course you know what she talked about, at this point it was well past a few months since he became a regular, coming every time you were on shift, sometimes ordering something others just sitting there making you company and helping you study. You’ve gotten to the point where every slight touch felt like a burn against your skin and you couldn’t stand it.
“Yeah sure, whatever”
 The little doorbell rang and you saw the boy you were previously gossiping about leaning against the mirror, his arms crossed and his backpack laying besides him, he wore a beanie as well as the jacket he wore the first time you met. His smile was radiant and his curls were a beautiful mess.
“We’re close Parker” you rolled your eyes and continued cleaning
“I know” he smirked and took off the hat, shoving it inside his bag “I’m walking you home, it’s getting late”
You felt the mocking stare of Michelle before both of you grabbed your stuff. He was right, it was getting late.
You still didn’t know how to act around them, it was one thing when you thought nobody knew how you were slowly falling for the boy who would thank you for the coffee you made him and took a picture of the silly drawings you made on it, the one whom with a smile would make any bad day become just a normal day where he was there for you, because he just wanted to be with you. So it was a surprise when you saw him sitting on his usual stool talking with MJ with a smile on their faces.
You’ve notice how his gaze would change whenever he looked at her and how his tone softened as if he spoke to a deer scare of making a wrong move and scaring it away, it would be dumb denying the small feeling of guilt it formed in your stomach, you knew she didn’t feel that way about him and yet the way she looked at him, filled with love and a mutual understanding, it made you doubt and not about her but about you. It made you feel like maybe, just maybe, he would never be able to look at someone else like he looked at her and it would be even if it happened, it would be impossible for that person to be you.
“Honey!” he waved at you once he spotted you walking in, you saw the sheer excitement in his eyes and it made the presence of those hideous butterflies known.
You sat on the stool next to him, his knee touching yours slightly. You ordered a black coffee, not wanting to take a lot of time off of Michelle’s break.
“You can stop calling me that, you know?” you looked him in the eyes, his smile slightly dropt
“I’m sorry, does it bother you?” he seemed worried and you wanted to kick yourself mentally when he reached for your hand holding it gently.
“No” a little smile emerged on your face even if you tried to suppress it, Parker always had his way on you, his sweet smile coming back with a slight tint of red on his cheeks.
Michelle saw the same red colour on yours but decided to not point it out.
“Here you have it” Mich placed the mug in front of you and pointed at Parker with the cloth you use to clean the counter “and you get out of here, it’s almost three”
“Oh shit” he looked up at the clock on the wall “Shit! Shit! Shit! I’m so late for class, gotta go”
He reached for his backpack from behind the counter, leaned in and kissed your cheek. Michelle didn’t even try to contain that dumbfounded smile on her face when she saw Peter frozen at his sudden reaction, slowly turning to look at her. Your reaction wasn’t less funny, completely red face as you tried to find the correct way to respond.
Of course she knew how Peter felt about you, how he’s been trying to ask you out for months just like he tried with her before they became friends. She wasn’t blind knowing it all since he came in through that door for the first time, his crush on her and the small crush that she had on him. She knew that if he’d ask her before she met Gwen she would’ve said yes, but now she was glad he hadn’t found the courage in time.
 For her it was like a little sitcom, see how long it would take for the two of you to actually realize that it was mutual what you felt for each other and how stupidly oblivious you were to it, to the point of keeping Gwen informed on the progress that you’ve made. She could already hear the excited tone of her girlfriend through the phone.
“Bye Peter” you only managed to say
And that was it, the sound of your voice calling his name being the thing that he needed to finally come back to his senses and remember that he was in fact late for class leaving as quickly as he could.
“If you don’t close your mouth I swear a spider is going to crawl inside” Michelle laughed and you rolled your eyes at her “Why don’t you just ask him out?”
“Why would I, I’m pretty sure there are a ton of people that are interested on him”
“It doesn’t matter how many people are after him” she packed a croissant on a paper bag and handed it to you “What matters is who he has his eyes on, that’s on the house by the way”
“Mich, you spoil me” you took it close to your chest and putted, gaining a smile from her.
“If I don’t you would probably wait until you get home to eat”
The bell by the door rang and a blonde girl soaked wet walked in shivering. Her hair was up in a ponytail and her schoolbag hung from her shoulder, quickly Michelle took a clean towel and ran to help out Gwen.
“Didn’t check today was going to rain” she smiled after MJ cooped her face between the towel and gave her a little kiss on her forehead “Hello (Y/N)!”
“Hi Gwen, I think I left my umbrella on the back, do you want me to get it for you?” she sat next to you where Parker once were
“Don’t worry about it, I have mine, I’ll drop her by on my way back home” Michelle placed a cup with her favourite tea bag in front of her and started to hit up the kettle.
“I’m actually glad you’re here, I brought you something! Was going to give it MJ so she could give it to you but I guess the universe wants to compensate me” She shrugged and reached out to her schoolbag taking out a little keychain
 Last time you saw her you noticed the little keychain with her name on it hanging from her backpack it looked really similar to the one that had Michelle with her nickname hanging from her keys, turns out she made them herself and offered to make you one as well, you refused at first but of course she didn’t listen to you, slowly the people around her started to have those keychains as well. One of Michelle’s friends having his hanging from his old Nintendo.
“You didn’t have to” you took it and hugged her
“Told you I would give you one”
“You two get a room for god sake” MJ joked rolling her eyes before Gwen leaned in and kissed her.
“Don’t be jealous pretty girl, I only have eyes for you”
You looked at them, noticing how when they looked at each other it was like the rest of the world disappeared. It was only them and nobody could disrupt that, their gaze filled with love and the mutual knowledge that everything was going to be okay because no matter how hard something could be they would be for one another. A part of you wished you could find someone who would look at you that way and you could feel your stomach shifting when immediately your thoughts jumped to Parker.
✪ -- ✪ -- ✪
Parker: So your shift’s done by 8, right?
Me: Yeah, But I have to clean around before actually closing so I’ll be done around 8:20
That afternoon Peter came rushing, he had to get to college but wanted to stop by and say hi to you first and get his coffee to go. A while back he asked for your number and since then he would send you the photos he took of the coffees and lattes you made for him mixed with the occasional photo of you, so when you got a text asking if you were at the café you started to prepare his usual order.
A latte to go with one of your dumb drawing on the top and a biscuit.
Or at least that’s what you thought he wanted at first but then he just asked you out before you could even say anything, the order you thought he wanted still on your hands and if it weren’t for the other costumer that walked in behind him you would’ve stayed there unable to make a coherent sentence.
You placed the order on the counter, a paper bag with his name written with sharpie on it next to a smiley face and the latte “We are happy to serve” written on it. You stared into his eyes and then looked at the new costumer, walking up to him, for a second you backtracked looking at Peter before signing for him to give you a minute.
 A donut, just a donut. You gave the man his order and looked at Peter, you noticed how he hadn’t move from where he was standing. Looking at you while his hands played with the end of his t-shirt.
“Yes Peter, I would love to go out with you”
He smiled and you couldn’t stop thinking about it for the rest of the day.
He walked in at 8 sharp, part of you knew he would do that but still worried when he showed up and you weren’t ready, you apologized for not being done and complimented his t-shirt, you knew he liked superheroes but never thought he would be a fan of batman. Of course he told you not to worry.
“I came earlier than you told me” he sat on his usual stool “I really wanted to see you”
You stopped on your tracks and looked back at him smiling before continuing your way to the back of the shop “I’m glad you did because I missed you”
“Oh did you?”
It was hard being honest about what you felt when your mind told you the other person wouldn’t be on the same page, but for some reason tonight felt as if the rational part of your brain, the one who filtered out your words when for a well-deserved vacation
“Of course I did… who else is going to help me cleaned their spilled coffee”
you poked fun at the time he rushed in the coffee shop with a coffee already in hand, how you faked being hurt for his betray just for moments later it being splatter all over the floor thanks to him slipping
“That happened once” he laughed pointing an accusatory finger at you
“It happened once…” you smiled “and I’m still waiting for it to happen again”
He helped you with the cleaning, you insisted for him to stay sited but he didn’t listen, he never did. You walked to the back gathering your stuff before walking with him to his apartment, he lived on the opposite direction than you and yet he always insisted to walk you home, texting you once he got to his place.
“How do you always get there so fast?” you asked him once “What are you hiding Peter?”
“I’m actually best friends with Dr. Strange, he thought me how to open portals” he joked trying to hide how nervous he truly was. It worked.
Once he opened the door you couldn’t help to think how small his place was, you knew he lived alone and yet it was a hard paint to picture. It was cold and lonely. That’s probably why he was always prancing around the city.
Your gaze stopped at the sewing machine on the table next to the window, and you smiled.
“I didn’t know you knew how to sew” you pointed at the bed asking him if it was alright for you to sit there and he nodded.
“Yeah, my aunt thought me how” he smiled softly sitting in front of you.
“Didn’t know you had and aunt, how is she?”
“She was great” he sighed and your heart dropped, you were about to say something before he continued, cutting your words “She and my uncle took care of me after my parent’s passed, I’m grateful for everything they did for me”
“I’m so sorry Peter, I shouldn’t have-“ you reached for him, your hand on his knee.
It was the first time you’ve heard him talking about his past, the first time he mentioned his aunt or uncle and you wanted to know more, you wanted him to know you cared, that you would be there for everything and anything. He didn’t tell you but just hearing you calling his name, something you avoided frequently opting for his last name was the best comfort you could give to him.
“Don’t be” he smiled and placed his hand on top of yours giving it a soft squeeze. “I’ve learned that she’s still with me, in my actions and in how I choose to treat others”
You felt in silence, for him the quietness was comforting it made feeling your heartbeat increase easier, the truth is he didn’t know exactly what to do or say to get that reaction but he was thankful every time it happened. For you the silence was unbearable, not knowing how he felt or what he thought.
“I uhm…. Do you want coffee?” you pointed at the kitchen not really knowing what to say and he chuckled
“I didn’t bring you here to make me coffee” he shook his head before getting up “I actually made us dinner, just have to heat it up”
“You didn’t have to” you followed him to the kitchen, your eyes fixated on him.
“I know” he shrugged putting the plate on the microwave “I just wanted to”
You couldn’t help but smile before leaning on the counter, he mimic the action his hands almost touching yours and the closeness feeling like to much and yet not enough.
The dinner was great as it could be, he apologized for having to heat it on the microwave but you understood, his hearth raced when you laughed and his face blushed when you complimented his cooking abilities. The hours passed while the two of you talked not really paying attention to the clock. His eyes trailed off to your lips for a moment, maybe if you weren’t as focused on his hands and the way his pinkie brushed the side of your palm you would’ve noticed it. He called for your name and it felt intoxicating, he leaned closer and one hand reached for the nape of your neck holding it softly while the other brushed a strand of your hair out of the way.
“Is this okay?” his breathy words fell on your lips, he could feel your shaky breath.
“Just kiss me”
And yet you were the once breaking the distance, the one to make the move and reach for that thing you’ve longed for all this time, the feeling of his lips on top of yours. They were soft moving along slowly, he didn’t rush in knowing how he got all night to indulge on you. He was the first to pull away, his whole face flushed and his breath heavy trying to regain himself, you thought maybe he was second guessing before he moved closer to you, his hand grabbing your waist to keep you near him.
“Peter I don’t wanna go” you closed your eyes leaning on his chest.
“Then don’t” he kissed the top of your head. “Stay”
You did, spending the rest of the night on his bed with his arms around you, you could feel his fingers trailing along your side, playing with your hair or caressing your back. His voice soothing as he talked and answered every question that you made him, some answers where easy  and some were hard to say out loud, but you there for him and you made it clear in the way you looked at him and how your grasp became a tiny bit stronger when his words got stuck in his throat.
You slept there, wearing one of his t-shirts feeling him against your back, it was the best night of rest you’ve gotten in a while. When you finally woke up he greeted you with a mug filled with coffee with a really bad heart drawn on top it.
“Now I see why you think mine are good” he brought the mug to the bed pecking your lips.
“Rude!” he laughed sitting in front of you where he saw you taking your phone from the bedside table, taking a picture of the mug and then of him smiling to you.
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Happier ~Tom Holland Imagine~
Summary: You are at the premiere of No Way Home but you can't help but feel sad throughout the whole night because of him.
Author's Note: Am I in an angsty mooed pretending that Tom Holland cheated on me with Zendaya and I'm moving on with Andrew Garfield? Yes, I am.
Reader's Pronouns: She/Her
Song: Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo
Warnings: Some spoilers for No Way Home. Yet again, if you haven't seen it at this point, it's on you.
Part Two | Part Three
Please don't post this anywhere else
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We broke up a month ago Your friends aren't mine, you know, I know You've moved on, found someone new One more girl who brings out the better in you And I thought my heart was attached For all the sunlight of our past But she's so sweet, she's so pretty Does she mean you forgot about me?
You stared at the two in front of you. Had he really moved on so quickly? It was only a month ago where Tom had told you that he wanted to break up with you.
"I don't understand," you tell Tom as you sat in front of him.
"It's not you. You're an incredible woman but I think I need some space for now," Tom tells you. You frowned as you stared at him.
"Was it something I did?" You asked.
"It's not you, Y/n."
"Bullshit. We all know it's me. Anyone who says it's not you, it's me is lying. Just tell me, Tom," you tell him. It was clear in your tone of voice that you were hurt. You thought you both were happy. Hell, you both even went on a nice and one of the most perfect dates you had been on just a week ago.
"I'm sorry, Y/n," Tom tells you before getting up to walk out. You felt the tears form and fall from your eyes as you cried alone in your living room.
"You okay, Y/n?" You looked over to see Jacob walking over to you.
"Yeah. I'm just a little tired," you lied. Jacob looked over at Tom and Zendaya before looking back at you.
Almost everyone knew throughout the whole press tour that Tom had broken up with you just before it started. Which was a terrible move since you had to be with him for the press tour.
You had played Mary Jane in the film while Zendaya played your best friend. So it wasn't surprising how you and Tom got together despite the warning you both were given.
Oh, I hope you're happy, but not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
"He looks happy," you tell Jacob with a small, fake smile.
"Yeah but you're honestly the brave one."
"Thank you, Jacob. Wanna be my date?" You asked.
"Yeah. Sure. Come on," Jacob said as you both linked arms together.
And do you tell her she's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen? An eternal love bullshit you know you'll never mean Remember when I believed you meant it when you said it first to me? And now I'm pickin' her apart Like cuttin' her down make you miss my wretched heart But she's beautiful, she looks kind, she probably gives you butterflies
During the after-party, you watched as Tom and Zendaya stood happily next to each other as they talked to other people. You watched as Tom had an arm around Zendaya's waist before leaning to her ear and whispering something to her. You watched as she smiled over at him before kissing his cheek.
"I have to tell you something," Tom tells you as you both sat on a couch in your hotel room. You both had done another couple of interviews for Spider-Man: Homecoming and you both were back in your hotel room, relaxing for the night.
"What?" You asked with a smile.
"I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," Tom tells you.
"You probably say that to a lot of girls," you say as you looked away. You could feel your cheeks heat up as you looked out the window.
"I really don't. I was wondering if I can take you out on a date sometime," Tom said as he held your hand. You looked over at Tom, your smile widen up more.
"I'd like that."
"Hey, Y/n," you looked over at Andrew Garfield who walked over to you.
"Hi, Andrew," you smiled softly.
"How are you doing?" He asked.
"I'm doing fine. How are you?" You asked him.
"Good. You look distracted."
"Just not in the mood to party tonight," you explain. Andrew looked over to the side to see Tom and Zendaya together.
"How do you feel?" Andrew asked again. Only this time, he was implying how you felt about the two. You looked back over to the couple who was across the room from you two.
I hope you're happy, but not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, I wish you all the best, really Say you love her, baby, just not like you loved me And think of me fondly when your hands are on her I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
"I just hope he's happy," you tell him.
"If you'd like, I was going to leave early and order some pizza if you'd like to join," Andrew tells you.
"What kind of pizza?" You asked.
"I'm not sure yet. What kind do you like?" Andrew asked you.
From across the room, Tom looked over to see you talking to Andrew. He watched as you smiled widely at Andrew, laughing a little at a joke he made. Tom frowned as he watched you look beautiful in your red gown but nowhere near him. He watched as you held Andrew's hand before you both started to walk off.
"I'll be right back," Tom tells Zendaya before walking off.
"Okay. I'm going to talk to Jacob," Zendaya tells him before the two split off.
"Y/n!" Tom called out as he caught up to you and Andrew. You looked over at Tom before looking at Andrew.
"I'll be right there," you tell him.
"Okay," Andrew nodded before walking over to the car.
Tom walked over to you as you stood there waiting for him.
"What?" You asked.
"You're leaving?"
"Yeah. I'm not in a party mood right now," you tell him.
"So you're leaving with Andrew?"
"And what about it? You have Zendaya," you tell him.
"Tom, please let me move on. You obviously did."
"Y/n, can we just talk?"
"Why? Last time we did you broke up with me."
"No. I want to have the last say for once. I hope you're happy, just not like how you were with me. I'm selfish, I know, can't let you go. But I'm trying now to let you go. Enjoy your night with Zendaya," you tell him. Tom stared at you as you turned around before walking to the car that Andrew was waiting in.
"So find someone great, don't find no one better. I hope you're happy, but don't be happier," Tom said to himself as he watched the car leave.
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writseo · 4 years
MJ X Reader Headcanon | Being Bestfriends With Each Other
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You were in the library, clearly struggling to get an understanding of your English Assignment
You had to write a summary essay of The Great Depression
Clicking your pen for the thousandth time, you heard the chair in front of you move
You looked up to see MJ who had been looking at you for the past few minutes
She ended up helping guide you and eventually everything started to fall into place
After that, you asked her if she wanted hang out later
Hesitantly, she accepted the invitation
You two became best friends soon
When you found out that she had a crush on Parker, you were over the moon about it
You tried everything to get them alone together
You hated how he was always so awkward and kept ditching her
Always going to movies together
Reassuring each other about your insecurities
Trying to find out who Spiderman is, not knowing that she had figured it out a while ago
Eventually they get in a relationship together
You and Ned become the third wheels
However you start to notice Parker more and see how much of a genius he is
Peter always trying to accommodate you and Ned when you are hanging out since you are the single ones
Eventually you develop a crush on Peter but keep pushing it down
Distancing until you get control of it, leaving them to hang out by themselves
You stay with MJ but leave the feelings concealed
Always having movie nights together with just the two of you
They tried to get you and Ned together
Until Hannah came back and you never really gave in
Being a model for MJs drawings
Trying to help her get the right curves and straight lines on them
Always rooming together when you had to go to a hotel or such for whatever reason
Visiting famous crime scenes
Trying to expand her social circle and introduce her to other people
Writing on a diary to better stable your emotions for Peter
You accidentally left it open when you left to get snacks as MJ was coming over to finish your science project
When you came back, your mom told you that MJ is in your room
You open the door to see her sitting on your bed with your diary in her hands, slowly looking up at at you
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 4 years
“Y/N?” Peter asked, rapping softy at the bathroom door, “You okay?”
“Fine just... sulking.” you answer, sinking slowly into the bath you’d just run with a sigh. Peter waited until he heard you get settled and slipped in quietly.
“Whatcha sulking about?” he asked kneeling next to the tub, a little disappointed about how well the bubbles in the tub concealed everything below your shoulders. 
“Work. Life. The state of the universe... I have a list.” 
He smiled and kissed your head softly, “That’s quite a list,” he hummed, “You wanna talk about it?”
You shake your head, “I just wanna take a bath, drink this glass of wine, and then watch stupid TV until I go to bed.”
“No food in there?” he asked frowning.
“I’m not hungry... not all of us have a stupid fast metabolism.”
Peter sighed, “Still, you should eat,” he lectured, “You worked all day.”
“Or I could not and get Drunk faster.”
He smiled a little and kissed your head again standing up, “Well. You enjoy your bubbles. I’m gonna go order something for when you get out. Your tummy will thank me when you don’t wake up starving.”
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butwhyduh · 5 years
Peter x reader having a massive argument while out in fall weather, and reader starts to walk home all upset and it starts to rain. Peter runs after her and makes things right because he never wants to see her walk away, and he wraps his scarf around her and pulls her closer to him when reader tries to push her, but she gives into his cute ways which leads them to making up !!
“You know what? I’m done with this. Your stupid excuses. Professor Allen can’t keep you that long. Like there is a fucking law,” you said angrily. You weren’t yelling but that was because you were in a restaurant. The same one you spent 3 hours waiting in.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” Peter said not wanting to tell you his secret. It wasn’t just for his safety. Everyone who knew was in way more danger from his growing list of enemies. “I’ll try to leave sooner,” he finished lamely. You stared at him for a second.
“Okay,” you said standing up and grabbing your bag. Peter looked confused. You walked out of the restaurant. Peter quickly threw a 5 dollar bill on the table for your drinks and hurried after you.
“Wait, Wait!” He said stuck behind a group of midwestern tourists. They were trying to take a photo of everything. The middle aged lady with a fanny pack was certainly intimidating even to slow Peter down as you continued down the block. You began to cry despite yourself. Your sleeve was wet as you rubbed the tears away. You weren’t sad. You were frustrated and that was even worse.
As you walked you felt your hair get wet. Great. Now it was raining and Peter didn’t even care if you walked home. You quickened your pace in the damp cold evening. You felt hands on your shoulders and you shrieked.
“It’s me, it’s me,” Peter said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Or lie to you. Can you come back to my place and I’ll tell you everything?”
You gave him a look.
“Not like that. Can you trust me? Please,” he said. Peter pulled off his scarf and wrapped it around your shoulders. You sighed but nodded. The ride to his apartment was quiet.
You sat in his desk chair and stared at him waiting for what could possibly be his reason for being the flakiest person alive. Peter gulped nervously as he moved around the room. He played with his hands as he talked.
“I have a secret that I’ve wanted to say for a long time and I haven’t had the opportunity- I- I- mean I have, but not that way. I didn’t want you to get hurt and I was trying to be safe and-“
“What are you talking about?” You interrupted completely confused.
“I’m Spider-Man,” he said forcefully. You sat silent, completely not expecting Peter to say that. “I’m Spider-Man,” he said quietly.
“How am I supposed to belie-“
“I have the suit,” he said going into a backpack in his closet. You stared and your mouth might have been a little open.
“How- What?” You said as your brain basically read an error sign.
“I was bit by a radioactive spider and now I have powers,” he said with a nervous smile. “I also made web fluid in the lab.”
“Okay,” you said taking it in. “So you swing around New York fighting criminals? That’s you?”
“Uh Yeah?”
“Okay. Yeah...”
“You okay?”
“Good, just need a minute to process,” you said. “So your professor isn’t breaking every labor law ever?”
Peter laughed. “I mean, probably a few. But not like that. I’m sorry I lied. I just wanted to protect you and I felt not telling you would be better. Because deep down I am very stupid.”
“Only sometimes. But I guess you’re like a hero though? So it’s okay?”
“Oh god, no that’s worse. Just don’t leave me and I’ll call it good,” Peter said pulling you into a hug.
“Yeah, I can do that. Also your scarf smells like a wet dog.”
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softscottlang · 6 years
I Know (Peter Parker)
Peter Parker x Fem!Reader 
Summary: after finally coming out as Bisexual and being in a relationship with your first girlfriend, some people think that you should either be Gay or straight, no in between. 
Request: “ where the reader is bisexual (because I am and well jsjt) and for example she deals with biphobia,she had an ex gf and peter has a crush on her idk “
Word Count: 1.1k
Warning: Biphobia, lil angst, lil fluff. 
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“Dude, she’s obviously into chicks.” Ned said as Peter stared at a beautiful girl from across the lunch room. Her hair flowed naturally, makeup done to enhance her gorgeous features. “You just look pathetic.”
“Yeah, and?” Peter said, unable to tear his eyes from the girl across the way. Peter had a warm and fuzzy feeling in his chest. He could feel his heart pounding through out his body when you started to laugh, throwing your head back at the humorous remark your friend Stacey had made.
“You don’t have a chance Peter, have you seen her ex? Brittney is the literal definition of a goddess, yeah, she can be a bitch sometimes, but that girl is insanely gorgeous. Y/N is even hotter.” Ned said, trying to get his friend to realize that he was aiming out of his league, even for being Spiderman.
“She’s bi, I literally have as good a chance as the girl she’s sitting next to.” Peter said still staring at you, captivated by your beauty. “It’s not like she’ll ever find out anyway.”
“Then quit staring, it’s getting creepy man!” Ned quipped before grabbing his tray of food to throw away.
“He definitely surpassed creepy five minutes ago.” MJ replied before she flipped to the next page in her book. Peter rolled his eyes as he grabbed his tray as well. He knew that he had American Literature next period and you sat in front of him.
The bell signaling the start of the following class had quickly rang, causing the cafeteria to clear out. You hurried to your locker with Stacey, your best friend, grabbed your text book and went to class. You saw that Peter and Flash were already in their seats, Peter looking over the text book and Flash quickly trying to finish his homework before it was due.
“Yeah Stacey, you should wear that red dress on your date, it makes your body look banging.” You said to your best friend. She gave you a sassy look before replying with a quick ‘I know’. You were laughing at your friends quirky-ness when the boy next to you decided to speak up.
“Hey Y/N, my gay-dar is going off. You mind stepping away from me, so I don’t catch it?” Flash said with a smirk on his face. You couldn’t help but feel a sort of rage at the Thompson boy.
“First off Eugene, I’m bi-sexual. I like guys and girls. Both.” You replied, aggravation seeping into your tone. “Secondly, Gay is not a disease you fuck face.”
“Whatever you say beautiful, you just haven’t been with the right guy to make you straight.” Flash said. You felt your blood boil as you heard his not so funny reply. “just pick one. Girls or guys?” Your breathing got jagged and uneven as you tried to contain your anger, but for some reason you couldn’t shake this feeling anymore.
“You know what Eugene, how about you stop being a bi-phobic jack ass and accept than some people just want to love whoever they damn well please. It’s 20gayteen for fuck sake.” You said before pushing your chair away as you stood quickly, slamming it into Peter’s desk. You stormed out of the classroom before you made any other remarks to the idioticteen in that room.
You went towards the girl’s bathroom, feeling the tears stinging your eyes from the anger that was seeping out of your body. You wanted to punch something, so you did. The nearest locker was the victim to your first assault. You hit it, you punched it, you kicked it. You did everything in your power to make that locker feel the way you did, but you didn’t think you could ever make the locker feel the pain in your chest, the weight in your stomach, the pounding in your head. Hell, you didn’t want anyone to feel that pain.
“Hey, are you okay.” You heard a small voice say from behind you. You turned quickly seeing Peter Parker standing a few feet away. Making the boy jump when he saw your angry, tear-stricken face. His heart fell when he could see the pain that you were in. For some reason, Peter felt compelled to walk over to you and engulf you in his arms, pulling you close to his chest.
“No, I’m not okay.” You didn’t know why but you felt at ease in Peter’s arms. Like breathing was possible. He rubbed his hand over your head, smoothing your hair down. He ran his fingers through it carefully, attempting to sooth you. You felt the tears fall over the brim of your eyes and into the fabric of Peter’s shirt.
“You’re going to be okay, he’s just an asshole.” Peter whispered in your ear, causing you to laugh. You had never heard Peter Parker cuss, it sounded uncomfortable coming out of his mouth.
“Yeah he is. I know you probably don’t care but I’m so over everyone attacking me for my sexuality.” You said, your head still laying on his chest. “My ex-girlfriend left me because I wouldn’t say that I was just into girls, no guys like me because I’m into girls. I just can’t win if I’m being honest with myself. But maybe I should just hide who I am.” Your voice cracked, and your head started to feel dizzy.
“Well I’m sure someone likes you.” He responded quietly, causing you to lean away from his chest and scoff at his answer.
“Whatever.” You said starting to lean away from the boy, going to walk away from him. But just as you were about two paces away, he grabbed your hand and pulled you back towards him.
“Y/N, I know someone likes you.” He didn’t let go of your hand, and to be honest, you didn’t want him to. It was then that you noticed how absolutely adorable Peter was, his doe like eyes and perfectly kept hair. It was something that you never noticed before, and that fact made you want to slap yourself across the face. He was sweet, kind and caring, literal perfection. You let the happiness you felt show itself on your face. “um.. I-I’m talking about me.”
Once the words had escaped his mouth, he took his hand away from you and rubbed the back of his neck in a nervous way.
“Good.” That was all you said before Peter started to look at the ground with a dumb smile on his lip.
“Well then, I’ll pick you up at seven.” A new confidence came over Peter that day, but it was then that you realized that someone could like you for your honest self.
Tags: @softspideyboy @monstarbearz 
Let me know if you want to be added to my tag list!
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ssimagines · 6 years
Homecoming Proposal|| Peter Parker
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader, Ned Leeds x reader
Word Count: 1560
Summary: Your best friend asks you to homecoming.
Warnings: fluff and sweetness, minor swearing, jealousy, star wars “quotes”
Note: Peter Parker x Bug universe
This takes place after First date and before photograph. Obviously this happens during the movie
So I couldn’t Find the gif I wanted... I know it is out there, but I did the next best thing and made my own., but then I decided that This is just going to be the “promposal” and not the dance so I just changes it. 
Tag list for bug universe is open. If you would like me to tag you in them Just let me know. 
Ned’s P.O.V.
“Peter, are we going to homecoming as a group?” Ned asked as the two boys looked down at the alien tech.
Ned knew that this wasn’t necessarily the best time to talk about homecoming, but he was having a hard time slipping it into conversation with all spider-man stuff going on lately. He didn’t want Peter to stop talking about spider-man stuff after he just got cued in on his best friend’s whole secret life, but he wished that they could talk about other stuff too. Homecoming being a really important thing especially to their other best friend, Y/N.
“Ned, that isn’t really what’s on my mind lately,” Peter said as he gestured to the thing in front of him. He seemed annoyed, but Ned really needed to get this out, and he wasn’t going to back down.
Peter’s full attention was focused on the mysterious machine in front of him. Ned was having a hard time thinking of a way to get Peter to listen what he had to say.
“Peter, Y/N really wants to go to homecoming,” Ned said. He just came out and said what was on his mind. Get to the point, right?
You were over at Ned’s the other night trying to hint to him that you wanted to go because you didn’t want to just come right and say it like Ned had, but Ned already knew though. He had seen your expression when they had announced the dance. You looked so excited, but your face had fallen when Peter had made an offhanded comment about probably not going. Ned was determined to get you there, so now he was just trying to get Peter to go with the two of you.
“Y/N wants to go to homecoming?” Peter asked astonished. Peter hadn’t really been listening really until Ned had said your name. Just hearing it always caught his attention.
Peter was now mulling over what Ned had said. In the past, you had made it very clear to your two best friends that dances weren’t for you. Its seemed strange to him that you had now changed your mind about them. You had gone so far once to actually call them a standing tradition of the patriarchy. Last year, you and Michelle had gone so far to actually start a protest against the dance.
“Are you sure she wants to go?” Peter said. He finally tore his gaze away from the alien technology to make eye contact with Ned for a brief moment. Ned looked annoyed with the brunette boy in front of him.
Ned didn’t understand why Peter was here questioning him. Peter hadn’t been around you much. Ned wasn’t even sure the last time he saw the two of you hang out even with him around. He watched as Peter pulled away from the two of you, and now that Ned knew about spider-man, he had gotten Peter back, but you hadn’t. Peter had no idea what you had been up to lately let alone what you had been thinking.
“Peter, no offense, but you don’t really know Y/N anymore if you didn’t see that she wanted to go to homecoming,” Ned said. He was trying to not get upset with his best friend. “She has been talking about it every chance she gets. Hell, we were walking down the hall the other day past a freaking poster for the dance, and she said and I quote, ‘I was looking at dresses the other day, but I couldn’t find a reason to wear them.’ Peter, you were standing right next to her. If that wasn’t a big, red, flashing sign that said I want to go to the dance than I don’t what is.”
“Well, if you know so much about her, why don’t the you just ask her to go with you?” Peter said getting angry at Ned.
“Maybe I will,” Ned said raising his voice just slightly above Peter’s.
Peter stood there staring at his best friend not sure what to do or say. Peter was so close to yelling at Ned for even considering taking you to homecoming. Ned knew how Peter felt about you, yet he didn’t seem care.
The two boys just stared at each other. They were having some sort of silent stand-off. The bell rang letting them know that class was over. Ned grabbed his bag off the floor aggressively as he quickly walked out of the class away from Peter.
Your P.O.V.
You were walking down the hall laughing with Ned about your history teacher who had a habit of spitting when he talked. No one ever wanted to sit in the front row in his class, but Flash got moved to the front for talking too much that day. Now you and Ned were joking about it as you walked to lunch.
“Y/N, I have to stop by my locker, but could you take my bag to the table?” Ned said. You nodded and took Ned’s bag from him. As you parted ways, you waved a little. Ned returned the gesture before turning around the corner.
You walked silently down the hall just enjoying the moment you had alone. It was nice sometimes to just observe. You heard someone running behind you. Figuring they would pass you by, you didn’t even spare a glance.
“Y/N!” you heard Peter’s voice as the running slowed to a soft patter by your side. You turned to look at the boy who was beside you. His brown hair was tousled like he had been running his fingers through it all day.
The boy was fidgeting with the strap of his backpack nervously. You offered him a small smile, but you didn’t say anything and neither did he. When you got to the doors of the cafeteria, Peter opened it for you. Walking through the door, you offered him a curt nod of appreciation and continued on your way to your table usual table. Peter set his backpack beside you before going to the lunch line to get his food.
You set Ned’s bag down beside Peter’s, and then you did the same with your own bag. Pulling your lunch out of your bag, you settled in for a quiet lunch. Michelle took a seat in front of you.
“Whatcha got?” she said with a casual nod. You looked down at your plain sandwich (whatever type of sandwich you eat) and your water.
“Not much,” you said. “What about you?”
Michelle reached into her bag and brought out a single red apple. All you could do was nod to her as you took a bit of your sandwich. After a while, Michelle brought a book out of her bag and the silence felt less weird.
The imperial march started to play from behind you. Quickly looking around for the source, you saw Ned dressed in a Darth Vader hoodie. He even had a light saber and mask. Ned approached you as you laughed. His mobile speaker was sticking out of his jacket pocket playing the iconic Darth Vader theme.
“Y/N, join me and together we will rule the dance floor,” Ned said offering his hand out to you. You looked around the room to that most everyone was looking at the two of you. You even saw that Peter who was standing in between the lunch line and the table not moving was watching you .
“Ned, are you asking me to homecoming?” you asked looking back at Ned. Standing up from your seat, you meet Ned halfway.
“That is exactly what I’m asking,” Ned said. A smile gracefully danced across Ned’s joyous face. You looked at a few people around you. Peter caught your eye. He looked almost mad, but you didn’t really know what to say. You thought it best to just pretend you didn’t notice it in the first place.
“Then Yes, Ned,” you said placing your hand in his, “I am your homecoming date.”
There was a small chorus of clapping that followed your announcement. The two of you walked back to the table and sat down next to each other. Ned set the light saber on the table and took off the mask setting it next to the light saber. He pulled the speaker out of his pocket and turned it off.
You gestured to Ned’s bag
“That was really dorky,” Michelle said her usual bland tone.
“I thought it was great,” you said smiling brightly and glanced over at Ned to see that his expression matched yours.
A bang sounded beside you causing you to jump. You turned to see Peter who practically threw himself onto the seat beside you. He was sneering at his pizza, but didn’t say a word. Michelle, Ned, and you all stared at Peter just waiting for him to say anything, but he didn’t. He just started angrily eating his pizza.
You all just watched him in silence. It wasn’t long before Peter finished his slice of pizza and got up to leave. Peter practically stomped out of there. He threw the door open causing a loud bang to sound through the cafeteria. You jumped startled.
“What’s his problem?” Michelle said showing very little interest. Ned just shrugged. You couldn’t take your eyes off the door as it slowly closed as Peter walked away.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Iron 12 (Peter Parker x Fem!Oc)
A/N: Now let's start with Avengers! Getting closer to seeing Peter, lol.
I know, I know...
Words: 1,593
Post-credits scene II  / Chapter 13
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“Good to go on this end. The rest is up to you,” says Tony from the other end of the call.
"You diconnected the transmission lines?" Pepper asks. "Are we off the grid?"
"Stark Tower is about to become a beacon of self-sustaining clean energy.”
"Well, assuming the arc reactor takes over and it actually works,” She continues
"I assume,” answers Tony. "Light her up.”
The huge sign forms a Stark when the lights come on.
"How does it look?"
"Like Christmas, but more... me.”
“Us!" says Lily after listening to the boring conversation between the two adults.
“We’ve got to go wider on the public awareness campaign. You need to do some press. I'm in DC tomorrow, I'm working on the zoning for the next three buildings,” says Pepper.
"That sounds so boring,” Lily complains walking to the couch, leaving her legs swinging on the armrest.
“I agree with the girl. Pepper, you're killing me. The moment, remember? Enjoy the moment.”
"Get in here and I will,” replies the redhead with a smile.
“Ew," adds Lily.
Since Tony and Pepper are finally together, they can't help but be more affectionate than normal, unfortunately the girl always has to interrupt them. She already has enough trauma.
When Tony reaches the tower, he walks on a platform where several robotic hands are responsible for removing the Iron Man suit.
The redhead continues to see the levels projected in the holograms. She leans back on the desk, waiting for Tony.
"Levels are holding steady… I think.”
Tony comes to her side, they talk, and then discuss the percentage of the great success of the reactor. All while Lily continues to get bored on the couch. The adults sit on the floor in front of the coffee table, surrounded by the armchairs, along with two glasses of champagne.
Blah, blah, blah, elevator, blah, blah, blah, money, blah, blah, percentage.
Lily sighs exaggeratedly to get their attention. They both stop talking and Tony watches her.
"Oh sorry, are we bothering you?"
Pepper purses her lips to keep from laughing.
"Actually yes,” the girl sits up. “I'm supposed to be able to do more things, go out more often.”
"And you did it.”
"From the house to the tower does not count, Dad,” She answers. "It's the same as before, only in another prison…”
"Don't exaggerate,” answers Tony. She sighs and falls back onto the cushions. “I don't understand why you’re bored. We’ve just made a breakthrough for the company.”
“One, your company. Two, I did nothing, just watched percentages, values, holograms. Bored!"
"I thought you liked that," adds Pepper.
"I want to do something else.”
"Like what, Smarty?"
"What about an Iron Man suit for me?" She says turning her head towards them.
Tony laughs out loud.
"It wont happen.”
"I had to try it…”
"Sir, the telephone," Jarvis interrupts. "I'm afraid my protocols are being overridden.”
"Mr. Stark, we need to talk,” says a male voice. Tony takes the phone from him.
"That sounds interesting," says Lily.
“You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark. Please leave a message,” He pretends to be an answering machine looking at the screen, making Lily and Pepper laugh.
"This is urgent.”
"Then leave it urgently.”
But the elevator doors open, revealing Agent Coulson.
"This just keeps getting better,” says Lily. It had been a long time since they had seen Phil.
"Don't get excited kid. Security breach,” Tony complains.
"Phil, come in!" says Pepper getting up.
Tony looks confused at his girlfriend and follows her to where the agent is.
"I can't stay," answers Phil. He looks towards the couch where Lily greets him. "Hi, Lily.”
"His first name is Agent,” says Tony a little annoyed, but then he fakes a smile.
"We need you to look this over as soon as possible,” says Phil offering him a device.
Pepper is in charge of exchanging the device for his champagne glass, until it reaches Tony's hand.
"Official consulting hours are between eight and five, every other Thursday—”
"This isn’t a consultation," replies Phil.
"Now what did we do?" Lily asks, rising from the couch.
"Is this about the Avengers?" Pepper asks, then adds quickly. "Which I know nothing about.”
Tony opens the device in such a way that he reveals only a touch screen, he gestures to Lily and they both walk to a desk in the back.
"The Avengers Initiative was scrapped, I thought — And I did not qualify," He huffs.
"I did!”
Tony looks at her.
"Who told you that?"
“Nat," She smiles.
"I didn't know that either," continues Pepper.
"Apparently I'm volatile, self-obsessed, don't play well with others…”
“Bingo," says Lily.
"That I did know.”
"This isn’t about personality profile anymore,” replies Phil.
“Whatever," says Toy looking at the screen.
"What are we watching?" Lily asks, as her father obstructs her vision.
"Wait, Ms Potts, got a second?" The redhead obeys.
Tony enters some codes.
"You know, I thought we were having a family moment," He complains.
"I was having 12% of a moment.”
"Oh, not this again,” says Lily
The pair try to argue again, but Pepper changes the subject.
"What is all this?”
“This is… this.”
Lily walks to see each screen, where the profiles of some people are shown. Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Thor.
Pepper sighs. "I'm going to take the jet to DC tonight,” She says.
“Tomorrow," corrects Tony. They both talk, but Lily's attention is still in the files.
"Lily?" says the redhead and the girl turns. "I have to go."
Lily walks up to her and hugs her tightly.
"Be careful,” the little girl whispers when they part. Pepper nods, strokes her black hair and kisses her forehead. She then goes back to Phil.
"Wait, so who am I staying with?" asks the girl looking at her father. The three adults share a look. "Jess is in class, Happy’s busy and you’ll go,” She points to Pepper.
“Actually…” Coulson begins.
"I'll find a babysitter," Tony interrupts.
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible, Sir. For this we need both Starks.”
"What?" say Tony, Pepper and Lily at the same time.
"They need me? Me?" Lily asks in disbelief. She feels a tickling start in her hands, but this time she controls it and hides her hands behind her back.
"No, Phil, it's dangerous for a ten-year-old girl," says the Redhead.
"I thought she was on probation," adds Tony.
“Our base will be surrounded by qualified and knowledgeable agents to ensure Ms. Stark's protection. Besides, it’s only a search, in case the situation changes, she’ll be taken to Miss Potts immediately.”
Lily's gaze moves between the agent and her father repeatedly, waiting for an answer.
“What do you need her for? Specifically,” says Tony.
"Director Fury thinks two Starks are better than one,” He tries to joke. "His words, not mine, but everything’s explained in the files.”
"Is this really happening?" Lily asks to no one in particular. “Someone finally heard my complaints!”
“Hey, calm your sugar. I won't let you go alone like this,” Tony warns.
"So, can I go?”
Tony groans. He senses Pepper's confused look, but he ignores it. Even he doesn't know if this is a good idea, but the fact that the super agents need his daughter makes him curious, and he has a feeling that if he doesn't accept, they’ll try to get it some other way and that's worse.
The redhead sighs in defeat, waiting for Tony to have everything under control. Although that’s not common in him. She now must worry about both of them, but at least has the assurance that Phil will be around. She just hopes she doesn't regret it later.
"Please, stay safe,” She finally says to them, then he returns to Phil and the two leave the Stark tower.
Lily watches them until she's alone with her father. She turns to meet the man holding a hologram of a blue cube.
"What's that?"
"We'll find out soon,” He returns the hologram to the screen and looks down at her. "I'll prepare coffee and chocolate, you and I will find ourselves reading and talking about the new rules of the game."
"New Rules? I'm not six years old anymore, dad.”
He sighs and makes a face.
"These rules are not in case you break something, Lily,” He looks directly into her eyes. “You heard Coulson. We’ll be surrounded by agents, spies trained to do whatever they are ordered to do. And at some point that order can harm us.”
"But Mr. Fury-"
“I know we have given them permission for certain things like your training, but it was all happening under my watch and Jarvis's. This time we’ll have to go to them, and that’s a problem.”
She frowns, analyzing that information.
“But Nat and Phil… They wouldn't do something like that.”
"I don't know, Kid. We can’t take anything for granted.”
"It's not easy and anyone can fool you, Lils." She remembers Nat's words during her training. In the end she nods towards her father.
"So what do I have to do?"
“Pretend that everything’s fine, but you have to stay alert and try not to get too far away from me. I don’t know the real reason why they want you in this, but you should not believe everything they tell you.”
"This will be more complicated than I thought," She adds with a grimace.
"Don't worry,” He offers his hand. "You and I are smarter than they are.” Lily holds his hand.
@silenthappyplace @yourbonesareinmybody @aylauwuuniverse    @skittles-skittles @hufflepuffzutara @poetryislife0715 @21bruhs @heavenlymistakes @my-love-of-books @dielgonacoffee  @thelastpyle​
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piscesparker · 3 years
Hi!! Love your writing!! Could you do a Peter x Indian!reader where the reader makes some authentic indian sweets and all the Avengers love it sooo muchhh!!! Only if your okay with it!! Thank you sooo muchhh
Thank you anon!
Clearing out inbox
Stolen sweets P.P
Warnings: fluff, a terrible description of how to make gulab jamuns, and a lot of cravings by the end of it.
After having a really shitty day at school the only thing that kept you mind calm was that you had a box of your favourite sweets that you had made from scratch, back at the compound. Dumping your bag on the couch you headed straight to the fridge, grinning, you opened the door and searched for your tupperware box but to your nightmare it was empty; and that pulled the last string of your patience. You slammed the door shut and pulled the fire alarm, within seconds all the avengers were suited and rushing to the kitchen. What? It was the only way they would come.
"What happened?" Tony panicked and asked, ready to attack.
"Someone ate all my gulab jamuns!" You said furiously, showing them the empty box in your hand. Everyone, literally everyone panicked because they knew how homesick you got and to calm yourself, you usually made your favourite sweets. "I have had a really shitty day and I want to know who on earth wanted to face my wrath today." You said, closing your eyes and pinching your nose bridge. Everyone was silent, when suddenly everyone heard chuckles coming their way, apparently it was Sam and Bucky who had the audacity of devouring your sweets.
Stopping in their tracks, they figured that were caught, you gave them a glare that was enough to kill them, "Teri maa ka-" (your mother's-) You were about to charge on them when Steve and Tony held you back.
"Hey, hey calm down y/n!" Steve said.
"That was the only one thing that kept me going through today!" You croaked as the tears started to stream, you ran to your room and shut the door.
"What's going on? Do we have a mission?" Peter asked as he walked in and saw everyone.
"More like a mission for you." Tony said,and began to explain what had happened. Peter gave Sam and Bucky a glare and went to your room, knocking before he entered.
"Go away!" You sniffled. You were sitting down on the floor. Peter came around and wrapped his arms around you as you sobbed into his chest and he ran his fingers through your hair.
"It's okay, I'm here." He kissed your forehead. "Hey, I got an idea, how about we make them again, and this time I could help you." He offered.
Though it seemed tiring, you smiled and hugged him tightly before heading to the kitchen. When you came there was only silence, taking out the ingredients you began making the dough. Peter stood behind you, his hands over yours and you mixed the dough, giggling along the way. You showed him step by step how form the small balls which he kept on failing until he finally got it right, and then frying it carefully. "Y/n you're too close to the oil, you should step back."
"Aww are you scared of a little oil?" You teased, "I'll be fine Pete, I've been doing this for sometime now." You assured him. After frying and letting them soak in sugar syrup for a while, the two of you began to dig in the delicious sweet. Taking one, you fed Peter, "You have to put the whole thing in your mouth!" You laughed as your boyfriend struggled to fit it in his mouth. "It's like having a pani puri."
"You and I eat that very differently." His muffled mouth made you laugh more as the sugar syrup dripped from the corners, taking a tissue you wiped the corners of his mouth.
"Thank you." You said wrapping your arms around his torso and pecking his sticky lips.
"I would do anything to eat the delicious food you make." He grinned, "But I love you more."
"Ooh, what do we have here?" Sam interjected, walking up to the bowl of gulab jamuns.
"No!" You threatened and pointed at him before he took another step, he raised his hands in defence and walked beak as Peter chuckled over how adorable and protective you were.  
General Taglist: @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @peaches-parker @mischiefmanaged011 @hollanderfangirl @calltothewild @parkerpeter24 @whatthefuckimbisexual @yourstrulyamour @felicityparkers @peterbenjiparker @theonly1outof-a-billion @miraclesoflove @theliterarymess @osterfieldholland01 @chrisosterfield @zspideyy @chillingonlife
Peter Parker Taglist: @starlight-starks @spideyspeaches @quaksonhehe @some-major-ishues
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f-b-a-w-t-f-t · 7 years
I’m Sorry.
I am having a terrible case of writer’s block
I have been trying to get requests done, but I just can’t
So I’m so sorry! Right down to the person that had asked me to write the dreamgirls request like months ago
I have been trying to write but I just have no motivation. I’m clearing out my ask box, in an attempt to clear my mind. If I never got to your request, feel free to send it again, and I may write it
Sorry again!
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blissfulparker · 4 years
can we get a blurb where the reader is a med student and she helps stitch up peter after he gets hurt one night by patrolling and he confesses his love for her?
I accidentally turned this into a smidge of dark!peter, I’m sorry I just love dark peter🥺🤧🥰
“Hey, ow! Go easy? Please?” Peter sighed out as the needle pierced his skin again. You were the only one he trusted doing this since this was your major. He’d always find himself in your small studio apartment having you help him out with a few bad cuts.
“Peter,” you sigh and shake your head seeing how the bruises you told him to take care of worsened, the blister on his leg from last week gone but replaced with a burn. He was in constant pain. “You have to stop this.” You tell him and he only laughs.
“Yeah and then what (y/n)? Huh?” He gets snarky when he’s hurt, you don’t like it because it isn’t real peter.
“The police can help! That’s their jobs peter—“ you start and he turns his head to look at you.
“The police? Jesus (y/n), you know how many crimes there are in queens? Do you know how many police officers don’t care? Do you know how there are times where it’s only me?” He goes on about his hate relationship with the police, how he shouldn’t be compared to them.
“Well peter no one asked for you to do this! No said ‘oh yeah the scrawny kid from midtown high can do it’ no one said that! And just because you got bit by that stupid spider doesn’t mean it’s your responsibility to save the world! You know how hard it is for me to love you? How I watch you come to me in pain every night! You whimper and fall asleep so quick in my pillow it hurts me! It hurts me because I don’t want to loose you peter, i can’t loose you!” You feel the hot tears spill down your face as you shake them off and look back down at his cut. “Whatever parker.” You do the final stitch and he stares at you with his mouth open.
“You love me?” He whispers and you sniffle as you patch up the wound.
“I said whatever Parker.” You told him again and he grabs your hand and stops you to look at him.
“You love me?” He asks louder and you nod crying harder.
“Yes, yes I love you! I love you so much and I can go on and on about how much I love you but also how much I hate you. I hate you because I love you so much and I worry one night you’re not gonna send me a Goodnight text, you’re not gonna come through that window, you’re not gonna show up in bio at 9am! I love you peter.” You cry out and he feels tears build up too.
“You know, you’ve got the best stitches but also the best personality ever.” He tries fo flirt but you just shake your head and lean into kiss him. Salty tears mix with your lips but it doesn’t matter.
“G-Go get ready for bed. We have a class tomorrow.” You stop him before he gets too heated.
“Right.” He gets up and walks over to your bed, flopping down on the pillows laying on his stomach with only some sweats. You crawl in right after him, massaging his shoulders and kissing his cheek.
When morning hit you and peter had a lot to talk about but you two were both ready to hear it all.
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What if bucky is going to have a love interest?Are you still going to write Bucky fics?
Well, even if marvel does give him a love interest, it’ll probably be written so terribly and half-assed like the majority of the love plot lines in the movies. So I doubt it will discourage me.
The rumor is that Sharon and Bucky will get together. If that is true, I will be infuriated.
The thing I hate most about the marvel writers is how they toss women around as love interests for multiple people.
They implied that Natasha was with Clint in the first Avengers. Then they tossed her to Bruce in the 2nd, which literally came out of nowhere and was lazy writing and their excuse was that the romance developed off-screen. Stupid stupid stupid.
So to do the same thing with Sharon, tossing her from Steve to Bucky, would enrage me.
For the record, the love stories that I do approve of in the MCU are Tony/Pepper and T’Challa/Nakia and Peter Parker/MJ. But that’s pretty much it.
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boohooiamthefool · 6 years
You: okay, if I was the last person on earth, would you date me
Peter: y/n I wouldn’t exist if you were the last person on earth
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tommyfroggie · 2 years
Petey🥺{Peter Parker}
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Word Count: 700
Warnings: periods, a whole lot of fluff, one mention of sex??
Summary: On one of those days, where you feel intense pain, all you want is to cuddle Peter and sleep.
Pairing: Peter Parkerx Avenger!Reader
It was hell. Actually that's a bit of an understatement. It was the second day of your period and it was absolutely unbearable. It felt like your stomach was twisting itself. Horrible.
So you were here, curled up on the couch, on top of Peter. You were laying on his chest, both your legs tangled together. You lay there listening to his heart beat, and for a while, it worked wonders to distract you from the terrible pain.
He ran his hands through your hair, soothing you. Your eyes were closed, while he was staring at the TV right in front of him.
You suddenly felt a sharp pain in your stomach and you whined looking up at him through teary eyes. It had never been so worse.
The moment you told him you got your period yesterday, he was all caring and soft like any other best friend would be. He loved you and truly cared about your well being.
He looked down at you and he felt so hurt to see you like this. It hurt even more knowing, there was nothing he could do to make the pain go away.
"Petey" You whispered, tears dropping down your face.
"Aw noooo Y/n, I'm so sorry" He sat up, bringing you along with him and you burried your head in the crook of his neck, silently sobbing.
He caressed your head and whispered sweet nothings to calm you down.
You and Peter had always been very touchy. It's just how your relationship was. You would always comfort him in his low times as well. Like that one time when he came to know that MJ had a boyfriend. You held him in your arms and let him be sad there all day. You told him he deserved better and it's true, he did.
So yeah, even though you both have made it abundantly clear that you are just friends, seeing you both so close to each other, every person in the Avengers tower teases you two. And damn, one time Bucky asked you guys if you have had sex, that was awkward. So it becomes too much some times.
"I'm really, really sorry sweetheart. I- Is there anything I can do?" He asked softly, still holding you. That was a nickname he picked out for you throughout the years
You calmed your sobbing a bit and looked at him through teary eyes, "I just wanna go to my room and sleep. Cuddles please?"
"Of course, Angel" He kissed your forehead and wiped your tears away. He picked you up, holding you firmly, on his way to your room and then Steve spotted you guys in the hallway. You were already dead asleep in Peter's arms by then.
Let's just say Steve's a huge shipper but he was also like a father figure to you ever since you joined the Avengers. The moment he saw you he was about to make some sort of comment when Peter interrupted.
"She's on her period... so just, don't"
Steve nodded in understanding, you looked really peaceful in his arms and he wanted to let that be so he moved out of the way but before Peter left, he whispered something in Peter's ears.
"If you ever go for it and ask Y/n, you have my blessing"
And Peter ran away before he had to come up with a reply. He just hoped you didn't hear or see that, he was blushing mad.
"You know I'm really lucky to have you. I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you so much" He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. He opened the door with his foot and gently let you rest on your bed, still asleep.
"Might just take Mr. Rogers up on that offer. Some day..."
He put the covers up on you and got underneath with you, placing his arm around your waist and slowly massaging until he too, went in deep sleep next to you.
There were moments like this that were so heartwarming, you both wished you could hold on forever.. And hopefully, soon, Peter musters up the courage to ask you out ;)
This is pure fluff. lemme know ur thoughts. Reblogs are appreciated💗
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