#phandom picnic
phandompicnic · 1 month
UK Phandom!
I'm planning to host a picnic somewhere in Southern England this summer! (location TBD)
If this is something you would be interested in PLEASE let me know! Once I have a bit more of an idea of interest I will begin trying to plan! Reblogs would be appreciated to reach more people!
My asks and dms are open if there are any questions!
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jamiethebeeart · 3 months
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Lineart by me! (extra info for colorists in og tags) I couldn't resist a dappled light variant on this. @green-with-envy-phandom-event
fun fact: this lineart originally had the actual lunch/picnic table ridges and then i realized that was too much, especially without access to the layers of lineart (personally, I would color the lineart for the table and then the support bars would be colored and the layer moved underneath the table top. I decided not to put colorists in a position to try to color it with one layer of lineart, but I did get quite far before making that decision)
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plinthofmylife · 3 years
Green wall. Is it:
- green screen wall
- green wall painted nostalgic AP bedsheet green
- “green” wall made of houseplants
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emotigonecreative · 3 years
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“It’s nice how warm it is,” his dad said, mirroring Danny’s thoughts. He was staring at the water, pushed by the wind.
“It is,” Danny agreed.
“Especially compared to the weather at home.”
“Yeah. You could even say that it’s hot out.”
“And if it’s hot out,” Jack said, turning to Danny with a wide grin, “well. That’s perfect for swimming.”
Danny matched his dad’s smile. He tentatively began to get up, keeping his hands firmly on the wood picnic bench in anticipation. His dad matched the movement and the two stayed like that for a few beats. Then his dad pushed off of the table and began to sprint to the shore.
“That’s cheating!” Danny yelled, failing to hold back his laughter. The teen and his father stripped down to their boxers and sprinted into the water.
-Wake Me Up To Say Goodbye, Chapter 4 by ZombieRed
I participated in this years Invisobang event partnered with the lovely ZombieRed! I joined hoping to get to know some of the other phans in the phandom, and I came out with some great friends~<3 Thank you to the lovely mods@invisobang for organizing this event! Its been a blast!! :D Also I'm never drawing water again this page succckekeeeeddd
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taiteilija · 3 years
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Me, being in so many fandoms I can hardly even grasp it myself, just went back (again) to my old, old The Phantom of the Opera fandom I never actually stopped loving. I may be posting some phandom stuff now and then (just for you to know). 
I love the gothic ambiance of Leroux book, many versions of ALW musical (Ben Lewis is my Phantom both in POTO and LND and, unpopular opinion, I do actually adore LND) and also I need to mention the guy in my quick sketch above - 1990 ver., Charles Dance, the big, soft, let’s-have-a-picnic Phantom, underrated and magnificent sweetie-cinnamon-roll.
Chaotic as it may be, that’s the post. 
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phanfeed-ao3 · 2 years
🌸 cherry blossom 🌸
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ytIMku4
by natigail
It had been a silly dream at first. The idea to have a cherry blossom tree in their garden they didn't even have yet. It hadn't felt like it was something that would really happen.
But it was real. Dan was watching their tree, Phil's arms around him, and hoping they would get to see its first bloom soon.
Words: 4225, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 23 of Phan Reality One Shots
Fandoms: Phandom/The Fantastic Foursome (YouTube RPF)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dan Howell, Phil Lester
Relationships: Dan Howell/Phil Lester
Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Forever Home, Sakura (Cherry Blossoms), 2022!Phan, Hugs, Picnics, Established Relationship, Dan and Phil are so in love and showed us yet again so I had to write this in their honour
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ytIMku4
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miss-nov · 3 years
Over-Emotional: Danny Phantom Oneshot.
Original idea by @amabsis on their post right here!!
[Originally written on a reblog of the prompt but it went all screwy and left an incomplete version so I made it it's own post and I've made a few grammar and spelling edits. Sorry for any confusion!!]
(This is the first thing I've ever written for the DP Phandom so I apologize if it's a little OOC)
  Danny drifted through the skies of Amity Park, following the streets which were slick with recent rain. The stars twinkled merrily above and the beams from the street lights seemed to buzz through the comforting, crisp air. Not a sound disrupted the mellow atmosphere and ghosts had appeared to leave tonight alone and retired to their lairs. A soothing night such as this would have been Danny's favorite; it would have been a much needed break from his overly stressful life.
  Yet Danny couldn't shake off the creeping apprehension even as he twisted in and out of alleyways back into the lit roads.
  His parents had been working tirelessly  on a project that they wouldn't tell him and Jazz about. Jack, their father, would always jump at the chance to describe what he was doing and couldn't keep his antics quiet for long. Maddie's, their mother, eyes would have brightened as she recounted the innovate idea she had conjured and the necessary calculations she could toy around with. These facts coupled with Jazz and Danny casually inquiring about their latest project would make them incredibly ecstatic.
  But whenever the two had asked about it, put off by the unusual quiet of the parents, had only been given an amused smile and an occasional wink.
  Tonight, before Danny's patrol and during dinner, Jazz had managed to weasel some information out of them. Though, it left more questions than answers.
  "So, you guys have been in the lab a lot recently," Jazz said conversationally. "Working on some new ghost stuff? It seems important if you're spending most of the day down there."
  Maddie had given her a deliberate look like someone who'd finally decided to take a second cookie.
  "It's our greatest invention yet," she said lowly and excitedly. "I think your dad and I have found the solution to our little ghost problem."
  The siblings gulped and tried to suppress their shudders.
  "It's not going to hurt them is it? Phantom and the other ghosts." Jazz's voice was even and didn't show a hint of a tone shift.
  "Surprisingly, no. No harm will be dealt to them. It's not like they can feel anyway. That's exactly the problem," Jack chimed excitedly before going back to his ectoplasm contaminated lasagna.
  "Besides, we wouldn't want to hurt the object of our daughter's affection.  We all know about your crush on Phantom," Maddie teased but then added with a small frown. "Though it's not healthy to have a crush on ghosts at all."
 Jazz gave an aggressive gagging noise and Danny was torn between hysterical laughter and a gag of his own. Dinner resumed as normal —well, as normal as you could get being a Fenton— and Danny took note of the fact his parents had refused to say anymore.
  Danny was busy going over and dissecting the conversation and lax in his attention to his surroundings by the inactivity that he didn't notice the two shadow-cloaked figures tailing him. The taller one with a broader build was holding an intimidating gun, that looked like it was straight out of an eighties sci-fi movie, on his back.
  Maybe I should head back, Danny thought to himself. I have so much homework due and a test tomorrow. A pop quiz in calculus and a lab in science. I have to meet Nathan at my study hall period and at lunch. Liz needs my help…
  On and on the list went as Danny subtlety started flying home. Just thinking of things that needed done was making him more anxious and tired.
  "Phantom, we'll have you now," Jack cried, his voice echoing in the hollow streets.
  Danny turned around, slightly aggravated when he was struck by a violet beam and plummeted, crashing to the sidewalk.
  "Jack! I told you to wait," Maddie chastised as they walked over to Danny who had barely sat up.
  His head swam and Maddie and Jack looked like the reflections of a carnival fun house mirror. Though his vision corrected itself quickly.
  "I think you might have given him a concussion. But that doesn't make sense, ghosts don't have brains," Maddie said, slightly confused. She reached out to gingerly place her fingertips on Danny's temple and he flinched.
  "Don't touch me!!" Danny had yelled louder then he meant to and his voice came out with an extra echo; like he had been about to use his ghostly wail. The three stilled before Danny began crawling backwards, keeping his eyes on Jack and Maddie at all times.
  "I don't wanna hurt you," Danny whimpered and tears sprang to eyes like a line of men ready to battle. Why the hell was he crying!? He didn't cry easy, at least not of late, and he'd been in these situations and worse without crying so why was he breaking down now??
  Maddie looked at him with wide eyes and her hand, which had still been suspended in shock, dropped to her belt and Danny panicked.
  "Don't hurt me!" Danny tried to pick himself up to fly, to get the hell out of dodge but when he went to stand his vision and black an —god why were his veins burning with adrenaline???
  Danny's chest was caving, that was the only explanation as his ribs seized and threatened to crush his lungs. His heart had left its place and sprinted from the back of his throat down to right beneath his collarbone before starting all over again. Has his hands always been this sweaty??? Tremors wracked through his limbs —he couldn't deal with this now!! He needed to finish his Hamlet essay, and review his history notes, and hadn't Liz asked him to buy popsicle sticks for their art project??? That's what he had forgotten!! He can't think of this now!! Maddie and Jack could easily catch him now —but oh, God was he screwed when —if— when he went to school the next day.
  "Phantom, you're having a panic attack," Maddie said calmly.
  "No, shit there, Sherlock." Danny bit his bottom lip to prevent another scathing comment from escaping. Usually he had better control of his mouth believe it or not. He put his head between his knees, closing his eyes and trying to focus on, well, nothing. He felt tears slip from his eyes and barely stopped himself from screaming.
  "You know what a panic attack is?" Jack titled his head as he scanned over his shaking form.
  "Jack did you put the settings up too high while we were following him?"
  "Of course not! I was very careful not to bounce anything out of place. You've Done the math, four times, it should be perfectly calibrated." Jack twisted the purple and silver metallic gun in his hands, giving it a thorough look over.
  "What the fuck are you two talking about!!" The scientists' head whipped back to see Danny's eyes glowing a tad brighter than before and his mouth transfixed into a snarl. Maddie slid a careful hand to her holster.
  "Our newest invention. Ghosts, well most of them, are just whispers of feelings that people once had. They can't actually feel and so they do bad things or... or they mimic human behaviors really well to make it seem like they do, like they're human." Maddie's voice trailed off at the end as if seeing if he would explode.
  Danny felt that normally he would have but he started to hyperventilate. How was he going to reverse it??? Was there even a way to do so or did they not include a reverse button by mistake (on purpose?) like they had mistakenly put the 'on' button inside the portal??
  "We're going to take you to the lab. Check your... concussion and to stabilize your mood. Run a few tests..."
   They would strap him down and cut and lay his chest open like a butterfly steak and their hungry eyes would roam over him and their hands would devour him by pulling at his nerve endings and removing his organs and Danny would scream until his voice was hoarse and then some like a helpless lamb. Would he bleed blood or ectoplasm when they drained him? Would they take turns as he bleed out?? Or would they flow out together like some sort of demented, holiday dinner?? Or—
  "Phantom! You need to calm down." Maddie was at his side (when had she gotten there?) and was squeezing his hand. Danny briefly noted her eyes were filled with worry as her goggles hung at her neck. "Just breathe with me okay, please."
  "Breathe with her, buddy" Jack, who sat on the other side of Danny, whispered as he gently rubbed circles on the boy's lower back. "It's gonna be okay. We aren't going to hurt you."
  Danny wanted to say a smart aleck remark about them not having the same sentiment five minutes ago but instead focused on his breathing. He faced his head skyward and tried to count the stars. Nothing but him and the stars, no home— just the stars.
  Danny was reminded of the time he went stargazing with the rest of his family. A rare occasion as Maddie and Jack seemed to always be working. They had smiled so big at him as he pointed out constellations, awestruck. Jazz had nodded along as she listened attentively with a smile of her own. The night hadn't been more clear in months and more stars then usually were out. The picnic blanket they laid on was soft and him and Jazz had rested in between their parents and God they had been so happy then—
  Danny let out an involuntary sob. The melancholy seemed to come from the depths of his chest but at least it seemed to push out the panic.
  "Phantom," Maddie asked as she huddled closer to him. Phantom, not Danny. It hadn't really bothered him before; they didn't know it was him so why would they call him by his name?
  But it still made him cry harder. He wanted to tell them. He wanted to so, so bad.
  Jazz had urged him to tell them. But Danny had always been afraid. Scared that they wouldn't want him anymore.
  Now the sadness had overwhelmed the fear and the panic. He felt so isolated even when his parents were next to him, right there, trying to coax him into being calm. He had to tell them. He had to do it now because he wouldn't be this impulsive again.
  He felt the white rings gloss over him and heard Jack yell out "Phantom". When it was over he heard them gasp.
  "D-Danny," Maddie choked out.
   "I'm so sorry," Danny said through his tears. He chanted it over and over again as his parents reassured him that he had nothing to be sorry for and that they should apologize.
  The three sat there for quite some time, huddled close and crying together.
  Soon they would head home and take care of Danny's quickly healing concussion and reverse the effects of the gun. They would ask questions tomorrow after school but, for now, they tucked him into bed, something they hadn't done since he was eleven, and gave him their good night kisses on his temple before creeping to their room unaware of Jazz watching them from her bedroom door. She would text Sam and Tucker an explanation and ask them to give Danny the answers to the homework in the morning. She slipped into bed and fell asleep.
  The streets were barely slick with rain anymore. The stars twinkled merrily and the street lights buzzed. The crisp, cool air was calm and mellow. The night soothing and the Fentons were a family once again.
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anironsidh · 3 years
AnironSidh 2020 fic and moodboard masterpost
I didn’t write very much this year between the general mess of 2020 and senior year, but here’s what I did manage to write this year (sorted by fandom). If there’s no chapter count for a fic, it’s a oneshot
Just Keep Losing My Beat || jimercury Hogwarts au. Freddie Mercury/Jim Hutton (jimercury), Brian May/Roger Taylor (maylor). Hogwarts au, found family, maylor, jimercury, i will post more soon. Chapters: 7/?
Summary: Hogwarts is not ready for Freddie Mercury. Not even close.In which Brian May is trying to be successful, Roger Taylor is just confused, John Deacon doesn't want the spotlight, and Freddie Mercury just wants to find somebody to love and make his place in the world.
(Love Of My Life) Don't Leave Me || hardzello (for borhap summer cast event) for the @queenandborhapevents and written for @johndeaconshands. Hardzello, fluff, happy ending, love confessions, first kiss
Summary: Joe's worried about what kind of future he and Ben may have once the movie is no longer keeping them in the same place, and he may find something more waiting for him to ask. - Written for johndeaconshands on tumblr for the BoRhap Summer Event 2020
Love Was Such An Easy Game To Play || tyob 2020 gift fic for xofunghoul / @heybuddy-drabbles. This fic was for the @queenandborhapevents two years of borhap event. hardzello, flashbacks, fluff, picnic, proposal.
Summary: A look back at how Ben and Joe figured things out, got together, made a home with each other, and in which Joe has just one question in mind. - A gift fic for xofunghoul and the two years of borhap exchange on tumblr (modded by @maz-zello and myself). Prompt was for hardzello, fluff, domestic moments. I think I did pretty well, let me know what y'all think in the comments!
Phandom/Dan and Phil
For The Dreams of Youth || phandom reverse bang 2020 parent!phan au for the @phandomreversebang 2020. art by @akikaji and beta @rainbowchristy. Dan/Phil, fluff, parent!phan Chapters 2/3
Summary: Dan isn't quite sure about a kid of his own. It hadn't felt like a possibility, not until recently. He may find that he's more ready than he expected. Dan and Phil's journey towards parenthood told through a series of videos to one day hand over to their child.
I Wonder When We're Gonna Make It || phandom reverse bang 2020 (1980s au), for the phandomreversebang 2020. Dan/Phil, queen references, 1980s au, period typical homophobia, happy ending, angst with fluff. Chapters 1/2. art by @luisaloveshoney and betaed by @i-might-leave-soon / @eilidh 
Summary: When a new neighbor moves into the town that Daniel Howell has lived in his entire life and finds his safe spot in the town's vineyard, he will challenge Dan's view of himself and his town. Soon enough, they find themselves in an attraction nothing like Dan's ever known and one that those around them cannot understand. This may be Dan's only chance to escape and truly be himself. - A fic for a phandom reverse bang 2020 prompt in which Dan and Phil live near a vineyard, sneak grapes, drink stolen wine, and fall in love despite the times (1980s). Also, in which I project my love for queen onto Dan, because Muse doesn't exist yet and because I can.
I Ain't Gonna Face No Defeat a good omens au for the @phandomreversebang 2019, masterpost and art by @hiwatari-art here. Dan/Phil, good omens au, post bookshop scene, Crowley!Dan x Aziraphale!Phil. betaed by phanandpenguins/ @ringsandbutterflies
Summary: Daniel Howell has been stationed on earth for six thousand years, his only constant companion Phil Lester, an angel of Heaven. When his angel is nearly taken away from him he begins to realize just how important Phil is to him. -the bar scene in ep6 of good omens where Aziraphale is discorperated and Crowley is in the bar mourning him- Please be sure to check the art by hiwatari! Thanks to phanandpenguins for their beta work!
Good Omens
Songs Full Of Sad Things || Ineffable Husbands Raphael!Crowley for the good omens big bang. Crowley was Raphael, eventual happy ending, angst and fluff, wip. Chapters 8/15
Summary: -Crowley and Aziraphale are quite happy in their new Tadfield cottage five years after Armageddon, or rather, the armageddon-that-wasn't. They've settled into a routine with each other and the Them. Everything seems fine. Anathema and Newton are even getting married soon. -And then everything Crowley has built up for the last 6,000 years comes tumbling down with a visit from Gabriel and the revelation of his past, of how high he Fell. He hadn't wanted to remember his past as an archangel. Not now. His past is told bit by bit while those brought together by the almost-end of the world must pick up the pieces. - aka Crowley was the archangel Raphael, Gabriel's a dick, and Aziraphale just wants to help. Also, Warlock WILL fight anyone who hurts his Nanny, even God.
As You Wish || Good Omens/Princess Bride au, inspired by @anotherwellkeptsecret. Princess bride au, another one I promise i will get back to, eventual happy ending. Chapters 2/?
Summary: Warlock is sick and Nanny Ashtoreth reads him a story of romance and swordfights, perhaps inspired by a certain angel she knows. In which Aziraphale is Buttercup and in love with the handsome Crowley, a farm boy. When he is reported dead, killed by the Dread Pirate Nutter, Aziraphale falls into despair and eventually agrees to marry the devious Prince Gabriel. He is kidnapped by a con artist, Beelzebub, and their two henchmen in order to start a war. Crowley, who survived his rumored attack, rescues him from the trio. They must now free Aziraphale from Gabriel's clutches if they wish to have a new life with each other. Inspired by anotherwellkeptsecret on tumblr (penumbra on ao3)
Before I Lose You || gomens holiday swap gift for @gregayy and the Good Omens Holiday Exchange. post-canon, fluff with a sprinkling of angst but there’s barely any tbh, ineffable husbands, (technically for the gomens 2019 holiday swap, but it was posted on the third of january so I’m including it)
Summary: Armageddon has been averted, and yet their troubles are far from over. Heaven and Hell want their revenge for a Plan foiled. Crowley knows this far too well, knows he has far too little time for what he's wanted for so many centuries... Aziraphale. Believing they may not live to see another sunset, they take a step usually taken by humans. They've only got this one chance, don't they?aka they get married, believing they may not have another chance to, as requested by gregayy/scmnz
Can't You See || good omens ficlet for @wheeloffortune-design. Ineffable husbands, ficlet, happy ending, first kiss
Summary: Crowley being brave - wheeloffortune-design on tumblr. Based on this art, I think I wrote this instead of studying for a midterm lmao
By His Side || Happy Hobbit Holiday 2020 Bagginshield fic for KeyWolf25888 for the @haveahappyhobbitholiday 2020 exchange. Gen, M/M, Bilbo/Thorin, happy ending, fluff, bilbo stays in erebor fic
Summary: Bilbo Baggins is just staying in Erebor for now, just until he knows every member of the Company will be alright after the Battles, but his feelings for a certain dwarven king may change his plans just slightly.Or, a Bilbo Stays In Erebor fic as requested by KeyWolf25888 for the Have A Happy Hobbit Holiday 2020 exchange! I haven't done much Hobbit fic in a while, but it was nice to get back to these characters. 
you're nothing, but not to me || reylo fix-it. Rey/Ben Solo, poe/finn, tros fix it fic bc i was mad after watching that movie, I promise I’ll get back to it soon I just need to work out the plot (and it could also use a beta, if anyone’s interested) Chapters 3/?
Summary: The aftermath of the victory. They may have won, but what comes next? What happens when the battle is won, when the fight is over, but a former enemy is brought into their midst? What happens when Rey brings a near-death Ben Solo back with her? The remaining Resistance is not willing to forgive him easily for what he has done as Kylo Ren. It will not be easy, but it must be done.
Phandom/Dan and Phil
Phandom Reverse Bang 2020 Pride Au Moodboard, fics by @judearaya and @counting2fifteen Summary: Dan goes to pride for the first time, traveling to London on his own. He hasn't come out to his family yet, just a random person online called amazingphil. At pride, he sees a man (Phil) on a float and decides he has to talk to him. Eventually (maybe after a few times hanging out/dates) he finds out that Phil is amazingphil. The moodboard for my prb 2020 pride au, with fics by counting2fifteen and judearaya!
Royal Maylor au honeymoon in Japan
Queen Iliad au with hardzello, maylor, and deacury
Brian’s Birthday moodboard
Maylor Hamilton au
Jimercury Sad moodboard (hurts like hell)
Titanic au
Moodboard for You’re Nothing, but not to me
Reylo good omens au
Moodboard for the Heartbreak Prince, fic by the wonderful @kylorenvevo (Thea)
Reylo Frankenstein au, idea partially by @indefinitelyindia
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q-gorgeous · 4 years
Danny Phanturd?
Prompt by @phandom-phriend​ false hope
Words: 1591
this is a more light hearted false hope but i hope its still fun sdvfygah
Dash was walking home from school. No football practice today, no Nasty Burger hangout. So he had to walk all the way home and start working on his dreaded homework right away. He wished that everyone wasn’t so busy. 
Just as he was about to cross the street, Dash saw a figure gliding through the sky. Looking up, Phantom was flying through the air, looking this way and that. Probably looking for some ghosts to take care of. What a guy, protecting the city like he does.
Suddenly an idea crossed his mind and a grin spread across Dash’s face as he started waving Phantom down from where he stood on the sidewalk.
“Phantom! Phantom! Hey!”
Phantom looked down at Dash, an indescribable expression on his face, and flew down to meet him.
“Uh, hello! Citizen… What can I do for you today?” Dash squinted at him. “Did you forget my name?”
“Huh, what? No, of course not.”
“When we got chased by that hunter robot you knew my name. Why would you not be using it if you didn't forget it, hmm?”
Phantom scratched the back of his neck. “Uh… Professionalism?”
Dash nodded vigorously, his mouth the shape of an O. “Ohhh okay, that makes sense. Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later? At the park or something?”
Phantom looked away. “I don’t know… I’m sort of busy, and I have a lot of stuff I have to do…”
Dash clasps his hands together. “Please, Phantom! All my friends are busy and there’s no football practice right now. Please? Can’t we hang out for just a little bit?”
“I guess…” Phantom sighed. “Did you have anything in mind that we’d be doing or would we be chilling?”
“You like stars, right?” Dash asked. “I thought we could meet at the picnic table near the big tree around nine and stargaze or something.”
Phantom smiled and his freckles lit up a soft green. “Yeah. Stargazing does sound kinda nice, actually. See you later?”
“Yeah! See you later!”
Phantom waved goodbye and shot back into the sky. 
Dash turned back to face the crosswalk again, smiling. Finally, something to look forward to today. He just had to get his homework done first. 
On his way to the park, Dash was smiling big and bright. He got all his homework done for once, he had a nice dinner, and now he was on his way to hang out with Phantom! Danny Phantom! He couldn’t believe he got the ghost boy to agree! When he got to the park he was prepared to point out the big dipper to Phantom in display of his constellation skills. 
As he walked up to their meeting spot though, Phantom was nowhere in sight. He wasn’t sitting on the bench or floating in the air nearby. 
Ok, ok. Maybe he's just running late. Phantom’s a busy guy, always disappearing to who knows where all the time. He probably just got caught up in something. 
Dash sat down on the bench and started picking at splitters in the table. And waited. 
After he had gathered a hefty pile of splinters, Dash checked his phone to see the time. 
10 pm.
Where was Phantom? Did he have to go fight a ghost or something? He hoped he’d be alright. 
Dash moved to lay on top of the picnic table and looked up at the sky. His eyes traced the constellations that dotted the black abyss until he finally found the big dipper. He looked around more, taking in the other stars. Perhaps he should have looked up more than one constellation. 
Another half hour later, Dash lay on his stomach, reaching down towards the grass and plucking it up and whistling with it. Phantom still wasn’t here. What if he forgot? Yeah that could be it. Maybe he’d remember soon and they could finally hang out. 
11 pm.
Dash sat on top of the picnic table, feet resting on the bench below him looking somberly at his phone. Shoulders hunched, his grip tightened on his phone before he sighed and tucked it in his pocket. 
Maybe Phantom really didn’t want to hang out.
Slowly, Dash stood up and started his trek home. What a waste of a good couple of hours. He could have been at home playing video games but instead he was here chasing some false hope he had. Why would the town hero wanna hang out with him? There’s nothing special about Dash Baxter. He’s just a normal civilian. 
He trudged the rest of the way home, where he promptly flopped directly on top of his bed. 
The next morning Dash woke up, blearily blinking until he could see. He didn’t get much sleep last night and his face hurt in tired. 
He throws back his blankets and stomps his way downstairs. Once in the kitchen, he pours himself a hefty bowl of cereal and grumpily chomps it down. 
Why’d he have to get his hopes up? This is the problem with that whole “dream big” phrase. This dream wasn’t even that big of one! What’s the point of dreaming big if it goes nowhere?
Maybe today would be better once he got to school, if you could imagine that. Today’ll be some prime nerd wailing. He could get a few rounds in with Fenton, that’d be nice. 
Finishing his cereal, he plops the bowl down in the sink and gets ready for school. After gelling his hair back and brushing his teeth, Dash smiles in the mirror at himself before running down the stairs and out the door, pulling it closed behind him. 
Slamming the door shut, Dash fumed and threw his backpack on the ground before falling onto the couch in front of the tv. Fenton wasn’t even at school today! His favorite nerd to wail on! It wasn’t the same as beating up the other kids, they didn’t make it interesting. Now he’s been building up steam all day, with nowhere to let it go to. Angrily, he hits the power button on the remote and watches as the news flickers on. 
Dash leaned his head back onto the couch. Did life just hate him? Why was it making him suffer?
He glanced back at the tv and furrows his brows when he saw the tree he had been waiting by in the park last night. Did somebody get mugged? That’d be tragic. He turned the volume up. 
“-Fenton boy was found passed out in this tree all the way at the top. A passing couple found him this morning and called the fire department when the boy did not wake up to their calls. When helped down and asked what he was doing up there, he simply replied ‘tired’ and went on his way home.”
Huh. What a coincidence. When did Fenton get into the tree last night? The exact tree that he was supposed to meet Phantom at. Fenton surely couldn’t have known Phantom was going to be there. So why was he… 
Slowly, the cogs in Dash’s brain began to turn and he held his chin in his hand. 
“Phantom… Danny Phantom. Danny… Fenton?”
His eyes blew wide open. 
“Danny Fenturd is Danny Phanturd?!”
How the hell would that even be possible?! It would explain how Fenton got to the top of the tree, coincidentally in that exact spot. Ghosts are supposed to be dead! Not still alive and going to school and getting the breath knocked out of them when they got punched in the stomach. 
“How the FUCK!” Dash yelled, ignoring the call of his name from his mom upstairs. How’s the dude even still alive…? He’s fighting ghosts all the time and getting knocked into the pavement and through walls! 
Hurriedly, Dash pulls his phone out of his pocket and brings up a contact with a picture of a black haired boy giving him the bird and pressed the call button. 
It rang a few times until a voice spoke.
“What the fuck, Fenton!” Dash yelled. “You, Phantom. Tree! The park!”
“Dash?” Danny sounded confused. “What are you talking about?”
“You were supposed to meet me in the park yesterday! Well, Phantom was. But then they found you in that tree this morning! How the fuck did that happen?”
Dash heard an intake of breath over the line and a nervous chuckle followed. “What do you mean, Phantom? I’m not Phantom.”
“No, you can’t deny it now! You guys have the same name and everything! Why else would you have been in that tree?”
“Didn’t you hear? The fire department had to get me down. Phantom wouldn’t have needed that help, no siree! Haven’t you seen how brave he is? I’m sure not brave!”
Dash groaned. “Why can’t you just admit it? It’s not like I don’t already know now. Heh, maybe I’ll go easier on you when I’m… When I’m-” Dash’s face falls and he stops talking. 
He’s been wailing on his hero. All this time. All this time! Dash has been beating up the guy he’s looked up to since freshman year!
“Uh, Dash?” Danny’s voice called. Dash didn’t respond. “Well, uh, I’m gonna go. I, Danny Fenton, not Phantom, have lots of homework to get done. I’m a very busy man, so I gotta go.”
Just before Danny hung up, he could hear a yell and the cackle of that… techno ghost? Over the line and then the call was over. 
Dash gaped at the phone and just sat there.
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fandom-games · 4 years
"Ultramarine" Phandom A's Fic
“Sometimes I really just wish you could really be with me.” Phil sighed, placing his palm up against the glass. 
Norman brushes his fin against the glass fish tank and spins around a few times. It’s been five long months with his cerulean-scaled love, and he just wished more than ever that he could just touch him. Being in love with a betta fish wasn’t easy, but Phil truly believed that the pain was fully worth it if it meant he could be with Norman.
“Let’s go somewhere tomorrow for our anniversary, love.” Phil smiles, crouching down in front of the tank so that he’s eye to eye with the fish. Norman settles down onto his leaf and gazes into his boyfriend’s eyes. 
“How about a picnic? I’ll bring your favorite flakes. We can pick them up on the way.” Phil exclaims excitedly. Norman swishes his fins happily and Phil swears he can see his mouth curl upward into a smile.
  That night, suddenly the door to the bedroom creaks open. Someone walks in and shuts the door behind them, but they’re too far away for Norman to make out who it is. As they get closer, Norman can see that it’s Dan, Phil’s flatmate. Dan raises his index finger to his lip as if he’s telling Norman to be quiet and then reaches into his shorts pocket, producing a small plastic bag full of what looks like golden flakes.
Dan opens the bag and raises it over the top of the tank. Slowly, the gold flakes begin to fall into the water. Swimming over, he quickly smells and recognizes it as food. He swishes his face around to look at Dan. Dan nods and smiles, trying to indicate that what he had dropped into the water was safe. 
Slowly, Norman takes one of the bits into his mouth. It was the most delicious fish food he had ever tasted! Turning around, Dan is no longer there. Norman begins to feel very tired and soon finds himself in a deep slumber.
How he’d been able to stumble into the bathroom without being noticed, he did not know. Regardless, here he was, looking in the mirror and taking in his appearance. His eyes were a deep blue, matching the hues of his hair. He needed to figure out a plan, and he needed to do it before Phil woke up. Scrambling with how his new fingers worked, he attempted to cover himself around the waist with a towel. He’d seen Phil walk around like this before. It definitely wasn’t the most comfortable- hell, he had a lot of new anatomy to figure out- but it would work for now. 
Timidly, he walks back into the bedroom where the morning sunlight has begun to fill the room. He looks down at his boyfriend, his Phil. His brown hair covers his face slightly and he sighs in his sleep. Slowly, Norman tries to lay down next to him. He notices that he’s not that much different in height from Phil, thankfully, and his skin is slightly tanner as well. As the bed shifts from Norman’s weight, Phil rolls around, causing Norman to stop immediately in hopes that he wouldn’t wake him up. After he settles, the fish-made-man gently reaches his hand out toward Phil’s arm. This was the first time that he would be able to feel the warmth of his lover. He presses his palm to Phil’s shoulder and focuses on the smoothness of the skin there. Unable to hold back, he allows his whole body to relax and flops down next to Phil, throwing an arm around him and pulling him in close. Phil quickly wakes up at the sudden movement and flails, pushing Norman off of him.
  “Hey!” He shouts groggily, turning around to look at who had just woken him up. 
“Sorry.” Norman speaks out, too clearly for his own comfort. He immediately throws his hand over his own mouth, shocked that he even just spoke.
“What are you doing in my house? Let alone my bed?” Phil says, looking at the strange man that was now sitting in only a towel next to him on his bed.
“Me.” Norman manages out, scared to speak too much.
Phil stares at him quizzically, standing up from the bed.
“Phil!” Norman shouts, “Me, Norman.” 
Norman looks into Phil’s eyes, searching and hoping that it would be enough to convince him. Noticing that he’s still scared, he summons the courage to use his new voice.
“I just…woke up like this. I promise that it’s me.” Norman tells him.
Phil doesn’t speak, but he begins to sit back down and come closer. Norman reaches out and takes Phil’s hand in his own, allowing it to come up and feel his heart.
“I’m human.” Norman says, feeling water come into his vision. He’d seen crying, but to feel it was much more.
Phil’s chest rises and falls faster and faster. He brings his hands up to cup Norman’s cheeks and immediately kisses him. 
“I don’t even want to know how. I’m just happy.” Phil giggles, his tongue peeking out between his teeth. Both boys feel all of the tension in their muscles release as they pull each other into a tight embrace and continue to kiss. 
“Picnic now?” Norman asks, sitting back on his heels. 
“Yeah. But I do think we should get you some clothes.” Phil laughs, reaching up to run his fingers through his boyfriend’s royal blue hair. 
  Under the cherry blossom tree, they sit eating pizza together. Norman lays with his back across Phil’s lap, staring up at the pink petals clinging to the branches above them. Across the park, a corgi plods along chasing the tennis ball its owner keeps throwing. Phil rubs Norman’s shoulder as he takes another sip out of their bottle of moscato. Naturally, they had both forgotten to bring glasses, but that was okay. Anything abnormal was welcome today.
“Phil?” Norman asks, sitting up.
“Yes, love?” Phil responds, putting a hand on Norman’s knee.
“What if this isn’t forever?” Norman sighs, enlacing his fingers with Phil’s. 
“I don’t want to think about that. Just enjoy what we have right now.” 
Phil offers the wine bottle over to Norman and he takes it gracefully. 
“I don’t want to go back in the water. Ever.”
“I know.” Phil brushes the hair off of Norman’s forehead and leans down to kiss him there. 
Norman smiles, feeling the warmth of Phil’s tenderness light up his entire being.
  “To think I would have never had pizza!” Norman laughs, reaching for another slice out of the Domino’s box. 
  “What a sad thought,” Phil laughs, “to not have pizza. Don’t worry, though. We’ve got a lifetime to try new things together.”
When they get home, Norman immediately jumps on Phil, wrapping his legs around his torso and leaning into his chest. Phil carries him all the way back to their bedroom and gently lays him down on the bed. With a kiss, he slowly lowers himself down to lay on top of his love. Norman grips Phil’s hips and brings him in closer. 
  “I blubbing love you.” Norman whispers in Phil’s ear.
“I blubbing love you, too.” Phil whispers back against the skin of Norman’s neck.
I love the little story before the picnic and the picnic itself was nice! You did great with describing! Also you had me cracking up! 95 points! -Jade
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doomedhowell · 5 years
Phandom Fic Fests: Phanfic Finder Rec List
I had so much fun finding all of these fics and reading some that I’ve never read before! :) I’m really awkward when it comes to leaving my thoughts on every fic for some reason but just know that I loved every fic that’s on this list!
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1 - Fic Written Before 2015
This Night is Sparkling (Don't You Let it Go) - @phanlight Summary: phils reluctant to go to the stupid firework display his family make him go to every year but once he meets one of the new neighbours he realizes maybe he won’t have to spend bonfire night alone
2 - Migraine
Reasons Why Phil’s Body is a Fail - @slightlydizzier (4k words) Summary: Phil didn’t exactly draw the best numbers in the gene pool lottery, and here are a few reasons why
3 - Party Games
I Dare You - @fiction-phan (2.5k words) Summary: “I’m egging your house for a dare but you parent is a cop and they’re yelling at me so I told them that you were my ex and you wronged me but now you’re coming outside and please go along with this, I don’t want to go to jail.”
4 - Written In First Person
Vous Êtes Mon Tout - @chocolatesaucelester Summary: Phil really loves Dan.
5 - Apocalypse
It’s Only The Beginning - pasteldanhowells (2k words) Summary: Dan and Phil are currently on tour in America. They’re just getting to LA, unfortunately they’ve been stopped before they can even get to their hotel due to traffic. Phil think it’s about the virus going around, Dan doesn’t believe it.
6 - Siblings
A Very Lester Christmas (ao3) - cafephan (1k words) Summary: Upon their arrival to the Lester family home for Christmas, Kath has special gifts ready for her sons.
7 - Set In 2016
(Not So) Clear Skies And Bright Blue Eyes - @fleurdelester (0.9k words) Summary: 2016!phan goes on a picnic, only to have the weather interfere with their plans
8 - Age Difference
Sucking Too Hard on  a Lollipops - @gorgeousdan (1k words) Summary: Phil Lester was the head of a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical company. Dan Howell was a broke college student. Both are in need of a little love.
9 - Office Coworkers AU
Jokes, Costumes, and Taxi Fares - @placingglaciers (8k words) Summary: In which all his coworkers just adore Phil and Dan can’t see why they do. Until, of course, he figures it out.
10 - Featuring A Cat
Plants, Pizza, and Possibilities (ao3) - wekingsandprettythings (5k words) Summary: My cat keeps breaking into your apartment and eating all your plants…. Dinner to make up for it?
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seritydoll · 3 years
agsgsh we’ve been moots since the d&p days!! i remember all ur selfies from all those tumblr proms!! (i cannot even believe those were a thing i-🧍🏽‍♀️) im that same anon from a while back who said ‘u called me hot once and its the best compliment ive ever gotten’ idk if u remember that or not 👀 im the same anon that has sent u a lotttttttttttTTTT of anons over the years shdhdh,, im the one who was like ‘wait YOURE HOWELLODDLE?!’ but like yes ur stunning and u are very much my tumblr crush,, and yes im also that anon who told u that youre the reason im questioning if i like girls too bc ur just rly pretty and,, its 3am im so shshd im rambling 😭😭
but like also,, nO i would never kill u!! instead i would come to your house with a picnic basket full of food i made for us both and we would have a picnic and watch netflix in a room w the lights off with some pretty christmas lights with lots of blankets and pillows!!!! ^^😤💖💖
omfg.... not the phandom proms thats so menacing why did we do those (and why is twitter doing them now- thats a dif convo tho)
this ask is actually so... satisfying?? bc i started using xkit to tag all my anons automatically bc of YOU sending me such nice ones (that sometimes i go back and read sndfknjd) and any time i get an ask thats even SLIGHTLY complimentary i wonder if and honestly assume its the same person aka u, its nice to have some of the asks confirmed as the same person. my brain is on overdrive rn trying to make connections between like every corner of my tumblr existence to which moot u are lmaooo my virgo ass has had a list on my corkboard for the last year of all the people i think u are based on who likes my asks/personal posts around the same time as receiving asks... so yes i remember ALL these asks ur mentioning jkdns i cant believe im admitting this
also that sounds like the 2014 esque date of my DREAMS hi im ready every second of every day for this i will happily join u for an aesthetic netflix picnic, making food is my love language and when asked my dream date it always involves a picnic so this speaks to me deep💕
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Fic - Take a Star
So I had this cute idea for a fic, and I know I said I’d update a Strange Picnic when I was able to write again, but this idea just wouldn’t leave me alone! But yeah, I hope you enjoy it!
Tags are at the bottom - if you want taking off just let me know!
Title: Take a Star
Warnings: a little bit of self-doubt and insecurity
Pairings: Polyamsanders - written as platonic, but could be read as romantic
It began with a jar.
It once held coffee beans, but it had since been cleaned until it gleamed, the label carefully peeled off and the residual glue rubbed away, until the glass sparkled like new.
A sunny yellow sticker was stuck on the front, and across it were scribbled the words which started it all:
“Take a Star to Brighten Your Day!!!”
And it was full of small, purple paper stars.
“It’s for you!” said Patton eagerly, when Virgil walked into the kitchen for breakfast and frowned at the jar placed at his usual setting at the table.
Logan set down his cutlery, and began adjusting his glasses – a nervous tick that immediately made Virgil suspicious.
“Patton is indeed correct. It has come to our attention, Virgil, that you suffer from worrying amounts of self-doubt and insecurity, particularly regarding our appreciation for you and your contribution to Thomas’ wellbeing. While, in an ideal situation, we would like to be with you to offer support when you experience these moments of doubt, we know this may not always be possible. Therefore, we have created a method through which to show our appreciation – “
“It’s a compliment jar!” Roman interrupted, through a mouthful of pancakes.
Logan sighed, “Really, Roman? Must you interrupt me? While still eating?”
Roman rolled his eyes, “You were taking too long to explain, Brainiac!”  
Logan adjusted his glasses again, “I think you’ll find I was being perfectly succinct – “
“A what?” Virgil interrupted, before the argument could escalate further. He hesitantly took his place at the table, being careful to avoid touching the jar. It was an unknown entity, a break in routine, and he did not like change one bit.  
“It’s full of messages from us, kiddo!” Patton beamed as he handed him a fresh stack of pancakes, with syrup and blueberries on the side, just as Virgil liked them.
“Messages?” Virgil looked at the stars doubtfully.
“They’re compliments! And let it be known that it was my idea to fold them into paper stars!” Roman gestured dramatically.
Virgil looked down at his pancakes and frowned.
“I – I don’t understand. Why…?”
Logan cleared his throat, drawing Virgil’s attention. “As I was saying, before Roman’s unnecessary contribution–“
“–we have identified that you experience instances of self-doubt and insecurity, and are aware that you may find it….difficult to ask for assistance. After much deliberation and research, we have worked together to create a Compliment Jar for you.”
Virgil eyed the jar, before picking up a blueberry from his plate. He began to roll it between his fingers nervously.
“What do I do with it?”
“We envision that, whenever you are feeling strong negative emotions, you can collect a star from the jar as a reassurance that we appreciate you and…” the tips of Logan’s ears flushed red, “…to show you that we care for you and your wellbeing, Virgil.”
Virgil looked at the jar and silently counted the many, many stars. He felt his cheeks grow warm, and quickly turned away, hoping his foundation would hide his blush.
“…it’s really for me?” he mumbled quietly, almost too quiet to be heard.
There was a moment of silence, thick like the syrup on his pancakes, and then Virgil felt a warm hand carefully clasp his own.
“Of course it is.” He started at the contact, and looked up into Patton’s eyes, full of warmth and something else, something Virgil didn’t want to name, just in case he jinxed it.
“We made it especially for you Verge,” Roman piped up, his voice soft and warm.
Virgil looked at the jar, filled with bright purple stars, bright purple compliments, written just for him, and he felt the tell-tale prick of tears gathering in the corner of his eyes.
He quickly looked down and pulled his hand free, but couldn’t hide the small smile lighting up his face, nor hide the blushing tips of his ears from observant eyes.
“…Thanks guys.”
The rest of breakfast passed quietly (and, if a few small happy tears were shed over syrup-covered pancakes, the other sides pretended not to notice).
 Several days passed before Virgil found himself alone in his room at 3am, his thoughts racing and chasing each other, like cats chasing their tails.
- Why are you so useless no one cares for you why do you even bother - 
He was curled up under his blanket, trying to keep his breathing steady and wishing it was daytime, because then at least the others would be awake and he could sit with Patton and let him play with his hair or do a puzzle with Logan or watch movies with Roman, but they were sleeping and he couldn’t bother them, couldn’t wake them up just because he was being a giant baby and couldn’t stop worrying and doubting and hating himself, it wasn’t fair on them and they’d hate him -
And then he remembered the jar, full to the brim with purple stars.
Virgil sat up, his thoughts suddenly fixated on the jar in the kitchen. He’d left it there, not yet brave enough to pick it up and carry it to his room with all the others watching.
…Could he get a star? Did he need a star?
He frowned and rubbed at his chest.
Maybe he didn’t need a star, but he really wanted one.
He jumped out of bed before he could change his mind, and sunk down, reappearing moments later in the kitchen. It was dark, but his eyes quickly adjusted, until he could make out the shadowy shape of the jar on the table.
He liked to think he could even see Patton’s quirky handwriting on the label in the darkness, calling out to him.  
Take a Star to Brighten Your Day!!!
Well, it wasn’t quite day yet, but it still counted right?
Hesitantly he shuffled forward and reached out a hand, until his fingers met cool glass. He took a deep breath, and before his bravery could desert him, he quickly unscrewed the lid and grabbed at the stars.
As soon as he felt the paper in the palm of his hands, he rescrewed the lid and sank back out into his bedroom, his heart racing with adrenaline and excitement, because he’d done it, he had a star!
He sat on his bed and opened his hand, and frowned.
Oh, great. He’d taken three stars by accident.
Now what? Should he take two back? But then he’d have to put them back in the jar, and they were already crumpled from his hand, and what if the others could tell he’d put them back?
What if they thought he was ungrateful, that he didn’t like them?
Could he open one and keep the other two in his room? No, that was too tempting. How could he ever sleep if he knew he had two stars, written just for him, just a few feet from his bed? He just couldn’t.
Virgil looked down at the paper stars, the same shade of purple as his jacket.
He would just have to open all of them.
With shaking hands, he reached forward and gently unfolded each star, being careful not to tear the paper. He squinted in the dark. He could barely make out the handwriting on each, so he reached for his phone, using the screen as a light.
I love your smile kiddo! – P
Your make-up looked magnificent today! – R
I enjoy our debates immensely, you are an excellent conversationalist – L
And as he read each message, each little compliment, over and over and over again, he felt his chest grow light, and his breathing grow calm and steady, and he knew without a shadow of a doubt, in that moment in the dark, that he was loved.
(And in the days after that, when he felt the self-doubt and hate and fear creeping up on him again, he would return to the kitchen and take another star - not even noticing that the jar never seemed to empty - and he would let a few kind words chase away his worry, even if it was just for a short time, and replace it with something warm, and kind, and loving).
@thegeekgirl42 @nourstudies @demonickittykat @xix-leiloves-xix@uniquelyinsane7@podcastsandcoffee @the-potterhead-phandom @waste-disposal-unit @musicphanpie-b@superwaywardangel @thebrightsilverlining@here-to-vent@elder-jeremiah @gracefullyinsanedancingunicorn@zamoradraw @reallyawkwardlyawkwardhuman @makingsunshine@virgilmood @data7-cyber29 @mintelion @colie7700 @holdnarrytight @lizziepopanime @lostgirlgwen @wammygirl 
The jar looks a bit like this btw, but the stars are big enough to open and are all purple.
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leesacrakon · 7 years
83: "stay there. I'm coming to get you" for logicallity?
aaaaaaa i love.
another anon asked to combine 80 and 83.
80: “Is your seatbelt on?”
This is a Human!College!AU
tag list: @here-to-vent @fandomsofrandom @mylasagnaisraw @virgilsspidercurtains @justanotherpurplebutterfly @tiny-mudkip @romananalogicality @pattonpending @edgeworthsnoodle @lovely-chaotic-goddess  @aph-curls-n-dimples @the-babysitter @sunnyside12pershon @xix-leiloves-xix @cup-of-blue @thegeekgirl42 @the-potterhead-phandom @emupoppyjay  @introverted-slytherin-of-history @virgilmood  @uriteurite-likethatlikethat @shimmerthenerd @theawesomestofsauces @poisin-youth @juju–universe 
Fandom(s): Sanders Sides, YouTube, Thomas Sanders
Warnings: Implied violence, homophobic slur, blood, implied gang jump, hospital mention, and robbery.
Ship(s): Logicality. Can be seen as romantic or platonic.
As soon as Patton heard crying on the other end of the phone, his heart lurched in his chest. He listened to Logan babble on for a few moments before cutting him off.
“Stay there. I’m coming to get you,” Patton said firmly into the phone. Logan sobbed and let out a weak ‘okay’ before hanging up. The bespectacled man quickly grabbed his car keys and ran out the door, hopping into his car and driving off towards the park. Logan had gone there for some peaceful, late night studying, which had turned into anything but. Through his sobs and tears, Patton had been able to make out the words ‘guys’, ‘hurt’, ‘jumped’, and ‘money gone’. He skidded into the park’s parking lot and jumped out of the car, running to playground surrounded by park benches and picnic tables.
“Logan? Logan, are you here?” Patton called out to his roommate, searching the grounds frantically. He heard a faint sniffled and a weak “Over here, Pat”, and quickly sprinted to the source of the sound. Logan was hiding underneath one of the plastic sets of stairs leading up to a slide, curled up tightly in a ball and shivering. The color drained from Patton’s face as he saw blood staining Logan’s trembling hands.
“Hey, Lo, it’s okay now. I’m here. Can you come out to me?” Patton said softly, extending his arms out to the other and trying to keep the tremble out of his voice. Logan nodded before carefully climbing out from under the stairs army-crawl style, grimacing as his belly slid across the ground. Patton scooped him up into his arms as soon as Logan had made it out, holding him tightly and thanking any God who cared to exist that his friend wasn’t dead.
“What happened? Did someone stab you?” Patton asked as he helped Logan to his feet and walked slowly towards the car. Logan looked up with a pained expression and nodded.
“S-Some other guys from the U-University. Said a f-fag like me deserved to be- agh -to be put in my place. They attacked me and…and destroyed my books and t-took all my money,” Logan said between grunts and wheezes of pain, eyes misting with tears. Patton squeezed his shoulder and helped him the rest of the way to the car, saying nothing as he gingerly assisted Logan in sitting down before hopping into the driver’s seat.
“Is your seatbelt on?” Patton asked as he slipped on his own. Logan nodded, patting the strap, before pressing his hand against his wounded stomach. Patton reached over and squeezed his free hand reassuringly.
“Let’s get you to the hospital.”
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alvadee · 7 years
@annabellioncourt replied to your post : A thing the phandom can mostly agree on: Giving a...
seriously, its so beautiful. Their entire relationship was beautiful in that one.
I’ll always love that thanks to the format of a mini-series they actually had time to show us interaction between Erik and Christine (the music lesson hug (UGH), his hilarious reactions to the restaurant singing competition, the painfully awkward picnic). Usually movie adaptions with their 90 to 120 min have to rush through so many plot points that the relationship of Erik and Christine before disaster gets no space.
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A Strange Picnic - 1/2
Hi guys! I’m back with my third Prinxiety fic (I’m a sucker for this pairing, can you tell?) This is my first fic I’ve written in two parts - I haven’t finished writing yet, but I really wanted to share it with you before I lose motivation. So yeah, I hope you enjoy it! 
Tag list is under the read more, under the fic!
(also the title gives away a bit of part 2 whoops)
Title: A Strange Picnic
Pairing: Prinxiety 
Warnings: N/A, other than some mildly angsty thoughts. 
Virgil groaned, defeated. His bedroom lay in tatters, with cushions scattered across the floor, drawers overturned, and clothes thrown haphazardly around the room - even his bed had been completely stripped, his blankets now a distressed pile on the floor. It was a scene of chaos, and Virgil was stood in the eye of the storm, head in his hands.
It was gone. He’d looked everywhere, everywhere, and he couldn’t find it.
His favourite eyeliner pencil, the one that managed to capture the perfect shade of the deep and endlessly dark void, the one that smudged just the right amount across his pale skin, not too little, not too much, as if it was made for him, had disappeared.
It was a disaster. And today had been difficult, his anxious thoughts circling and circling, and he needed his eyeliner, needed like Patton needed hugs, or like Logan needed books, like he needed air to breathe.
Okay, maybe he was being a little overdramatic. Obviously, he’d been spending too much time with Sir Sing-a-Lot.
Or at least, he had been.
Virgil sighed, suddenly remembering why he was in such a bad mood in the first place. And, as usual, it was Roman’s fault.
Honestly, he and Roman had started getting along, especially since the last video. It was awkward at first, learning how to turn their arguments into friendly teasing, and Virgil couldn’t really forget all the name calling of the past. But the morning after he’d tried to duck out, Roman had turned up at his door, holding cookies as a peace offering, and apologised. It had been...unexpected, despite his efforts to make Virgil feel appreciated the day before.
Roman had clearly decided to try and reach out, and so Virgil had taken a deep breath, and decided to reach back. 
He couldn’t really forget all those years of snide comments, but he could try and forgive.
The first few weeks of Roman actually being civil and actively seeking out his company had been weird, but sooner than he realised, Virgil had begun to look forward to their joint movie nights and Disney marathons. He’d started to enjoy their friendly bickering over the dinner table, become used to Roman’s dramatic eye roll, or his boisterous laugh. Heck, he’d even started appreciating Roman’s spontaneous musical outbursts.
And recently, whenever he stumbled into the kitchen for breakfast, half-asleep and grumpy,  after he’d collapsed into his chair, he’d glance up through his bangs, and Roman would just be smiling at him, his eyes shining and full of such happiness, like he was actually glad to see him.
It was…nice.
Really, really nice.
Too nice. 
He’d grown used to seeing that warm smile every morning, and so when he’d joined the others earlier that day for breakfast and looked up, and Roman hadn’t been smiling, hadn’t looked at him or even spoken to him throughout the entire meal, Virgil had felt his heart plummet and his stomach turn.
He’d barely eaten anything, and couldn’t even muster a smile when Patton began pestering Logan with dad jokes. 
Virgil and Roman were meant to be going on an adventure that day (after much cajoling and pleas from Roman the week before), but when breakfast was over the fanciful trait had just disappeared into his room. He hadn’t even acknowledged Virgil. He’d walked straight past him, like he was nothing. Like their friendship over the past few weeks had meant nothing.
It had been painful, more so than anything Roman had ever said to him before, and Virgil had fled to his room. 
He’d spent a few hours on tumblr, trying to distract himself from the doubts and worries circling around his head, but it hadn’t worked. In the end, he’d decided to reapply his eyeliner. Having to keep a steady hand as he carefully applied the makeup was usually a good distraction, and so he’d grabbed his make-up bag and began hunting down his favourite pencil.
And that’s where he was now. In the midst of chaos, sans eyeliner pencil.
Virgil slumped against the wall and slid down, until he was cradling his head in his knees.
Now that he thought about it, Roman couldn’t be blamed. Virgil was a nuisance, an annoying side who did nothing but make the others worry. He was a burden, and useless, and he only brought the others and Thomas down. No wonder Roman had grown tired of his company - he’d probably woken up that morning and remembered how pathetic Virgil really was, and decided to cut his losses.
Still, it would’ve been nice to have a warning before his hopes were dashed against the rocks. Maybe then his stomach wouldn’t be full of knots, and his chest wouldn’t feel so tight. Maybe then he wouldn’t have destroyed his room looking for his eyeliner pencil.
Roman! His eyeliner pencil!
Virgil jumped up in realisation. If his eyeliner wasn’t in his room, really there was only one other place it could be. There was only one other side who had his own stash of make-up, and that was Roman.
Roman must’ve stolen his eyeliner! But why?
Had he done it just to spite him?
No, Roman wouldn’t do that. Not anymore.
But he ignored you this morning. 
He had, but he wouldn’t steal from him. Not Roman.
He must hate you.
No. Enough.
Virgil took a deep breath and pushed the thoughts away. His fight-or-flight instinct was kicking in, and today...today he wasn’t going to flee.
He was going to find out why Roman had taken his eyeliner.
(And maybe, maybe, why he suddenly hated him again).
Tag list: 
@thegeekgirl42 @nourstudies @demonickittykat @xix-leiloves-xix @uniquelyinsane7@podcastsandcoffee @the-potterhead-phandom @waste-disposal-unit @musicphanpie-b@superwaywardangel @thebrightsilverlining @here-to-vent @elder-jeremiah 
(if you want adding to the tag list for part 2 let me know!)
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