#phil tommy and wilbur are related
mysticalsoot · 2 years
he said he'd cure your ills (but he didn't and he never maybe will)
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A/N: this one didn't end as sad as I intended. this was supposed to be entirely angst but I got distracted. i also can't stand to villianize Wilbur for too long before wanting to cry so yeah. it's not entirely angst, but still majorly angsty! if anyone wants a seperate one to continue this vers or the other, just lmk! I will happily write it.
TW// cheating mentions, swearing, mild manipulation, Wilbur is an asshole and honestly you shouldn't forgive someone who cheats BUT this is fiction and I am a sucker for Wilbur so that's a fault of me, mostly entirely angst, bittersweet ending, heights ummm I think that's it??
Words: 2.7k
Pairings: Cc!Wilbur x Reader
Pronouns: not mentioned, a few uses of y/n
Inspired by;  The Smiths – This Night Has Opened My Eyes
Fluff version here
"Wilbur," You begin, voice trembling and caked in uncertainty, "Don't go. You can't."
"Why can't I? I have free will," Wilbur's tone is sharp like claws that slowly pick at the flesh around your heart, begging to rip it from your chest. And you're sure it will. His arms are flayed out, stretched out on either side of him. The same way they always are when he's angry. "Who's to stop me from leaving your pathetic excuse of a person?"
"You don't mean that.." Your voice gives out at the end, and you back up from him and into the wall. You want to run.
You want to scream.
You want to call him names.
Yell at him the way he's been doing to you.
Threaten him in the same ways, only worse and more tortuous than he could ever come up with.
But he's right.
You're pathetic, and so you curl up inside yourself, you freeze, and you die inside. You're rotting from the outside in. You're rotting, and isn't it his fault?
"I mean every word." His words come out slowly, it's calculated, the way he says it. It's like he really does mean to hurt you, that every word is a swing of the sword he's wielded for months. Slowly getting duller as each swing cuts deeper.
First, it was the distance; he stopped being as affectionate in public or at home. He no longer asked for it either, he just let you initiate it as if it was a chore he'd rather forget about for months on end. But you let it go, he was probably just tired!
And then it was the phone calls; his phone would ring and he would leave the room. He always said it was "work" stuff, but you knew the people he worked with and you were even friends with his manager, let alone his bandmates. But you let that slide too. Who knows, maybe it was a secret project! It's not that concerning..
The last straw was your friends. They were his as well, but they were just as much yours as they were his.
They were the ones that caught him. Up until this point you had been willingly oblivious, always pushing the gut feelings and the second thoughts as far away from you as possible and burying them six feet in the ground.
Wilbur was out during the day, he had gone to the beach that day (although he told you he went to the studio), to meet up with them. James was walking past the boardwalk that afternoon and he saw the tall man over by the water, out of the corner of his eye. He thought it was odd given the fact that Wil almost never went to the beach without you. So, he moved to a closer spot and hid far enough away that he wouldn't be noticed by his friend but close enough he could still see. It was deceptive and over the top, yes, but James was always one for theatrics.
He watched as Wilbur had gotten closer to the person he was with, holding their face the same way he watched him hold yours. He smiled at them the same way he smiled at you. But this person, they were the complete opposite of you and it made James' blood boil. He knew that you had no knowledge of this person because if you had known, he would have known. And he was in the dark, so you must be too.
And unfortunately, he was right. He went to the others first, the band, Alex, Tommy, Niki.. He covered all the bases for your closest friends and gathered them all together for dinner and game night at his place. And so, James told them everything, everything he saw or heard; the fact you probably didn't know.
They hatched a plan that night, after discussing all of the details, and their own suspicions. The plan was simple, they would stage an intervention. When worded like that, it sounds as if they pushed you into it. They didn't, the words they used were this; we found something out and we think you should know, but we have to tell you in person; and don't bring Wilbur.
It caught you off guard for sure and it filled your body with buzzing worry and nausea. But it subsided when you had gotten to the agreed apartment (Niki's), only to build again when you saw the expressions on their faces. Ones of grief, guilt, and pain.
They told you everything.
And then you went home (after plenty of comforting until you were semi-stable again), and you told Wilbur. You knew. There was no getting past you anymore. The secret was out.
And now you're here. He's making it out to be your fault and you so desperately want to believe it's not, but his arguments are more compelling and convincing than you thought.
"You, Y/N, have always been a nuisance. You're clingy, and possessive, you talk too much and you never know when to stop. It's always Wilbur this and Wilbur that. You never give me a break. You're overbearing, you're controlling. And I hate every fucking bit of your shit existence!" It hurts so bad to hear every word he says and know that he means it. The ache in your chest feels like a throbbing and if you didn't know better you would've assumed your heart had been ripped out and shredded over and over and over again, the hole in your chest then gushing blood from the half-assed job of heart surgery. All done by the sharpness of Wilbur's words.
God, you wished this was just a dream.
"If I'm such a nuisance, why have you stayed?" You ask, tears burning the skin of your red cheeks. The bags under your eyes are more prominent now than ever, it's the exhaustion from life combined with the stress of...this.
"Because I pitied you," He pauses, eyes narrowing before stepping forward, closer to you, "I never loved you."
You wish this was a dream, it has to be. He's not this cruel, it can't be him.
"What about the promises you made? Did those mean nothing to you?" You're begging him to spare your heart now, to not rip into it in the same way he ripped it from your chest. Your tone simply begs; please spare me, Wilbur, please.
"I never meant a word." He’s stern in the way he speaks, sure to lace his words with venomous hatred. "How do you not understand? I don't like you, nobody likes you. You are nothing to me." The words slice right through you, clean and quick which doesn't help the pain of his words any. It merely worsens it, how can someone who's told you he loves you, be so cruel? What did you do to deserve this?
"How can you not understand how your actions affect people, huh? What? Did you skip basic etiquette in school? Or are you just that much of an asshole?" You spit back, your anger now overruling any anxiety you hold in your body, the grief is now anger, and its an out of control flame.
“Well, I'm fucking sorry for trying to spare your emotions!"
"Oh wow, you care so much about me. Fuck you, William." He's stepped back and you can tell he's eyeing the door, planning his escape from the burning words that leave your lips. "You, are a poor excuse for a man..and a friend."
"If you can't take what you dish, leave." You let all emotion drain from your voice, and you stand tall. His mouth opens, anticipating to speak but nothing happens. He simply groans and walks out the front door.
And then he's gone.
You had spent the next year wishing you would eventually wake from the nightmare you lived. It never happened, you split off from Wilbur and hadn't heard from him since. And to help, you moved away from Brighton to London, and made sure to avoid any of his band's gigs. You still kept in contact with your friends, they always checked in and they would visit whenever they were in town. James stayed the closest, it seemed he had the most sympathy for you. They all did, but his extended further than the rest. You couldn't understand why.
He would stay at yours for a few days at a time, instead of the hour visits the rest would do. You enjoyed his company, and his kindness never failed to make you smile. It was nice to know someone had your back, even if your life prior to your move became so turbulent.
You never found out who the other person was, you didn't really care either. I mean for the most part you were perfectly okay with just not knowing, but you are human so a part of you was just a little bit curious. But you didn't waste your time looking, you simply let the theories run wild in your mind, never seeking the truth. It spared your heart, never looking.
You had run through the possibilities of how you could find out, but you really did not expect to find out when you went back to Brighton to visit family. You didn't want to go back by any means, it hurt too much, made your chest ache where his words had clawed out the flesh and your heart in one go. But you went, it hurt, but you went.
You were window shopping for the day, passing by the shops near the beach, and then you saw the spot James told you he found them. It was by the old tattered pier, by one of the poles.
You stopped there, and stared. It wasn't the most polite, sure, but you couldn't help yourself. Who cared if you clogged walking traffic for a moment or two?
You wondered what she had that you didn't, was it her looks? Was she smarter than you? Did she annoy him less, pay more attention to him? You couldn't quite figure it out, all you knew was thinking of the two of them shamelessly gush over each other in public, turned your stomach round and round like a carousel. You wanted to puke.
This is what hell is, isn't it? Your own mind torturing yourself with what ifs and ideas of what could have been. Or what you did wrong.
You went to walk away, move on with your life yet again, and you did but you quickly ran into another person.
“Sorry, sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going.” The words slur together into a single string of sound, and you quickly walk past them and down the sidewalk before even catching a glimpse of them.
Unfortunately that isn't the last you saw of Wilbur and his new partner. This time there was a more personal interaction. Tommy had invited you out for a vlog he was filming, you hadn't been a guest in his vlogs lately and he “missed your humor”. What he forgot to mention was that Wilbur was invited too, although Tommy apologized profusely and told you he forgot he even asked his brother in the first place. You didn't mind it much, I mean it wasn't like you would get up and leave Tommy's vlog over something as petty as being around your ex. Even despite how shitty Wilbur was in the end.
For the most part you were able to avoid the man quite well. He was an hour late to Phil's place before leaving. Thankfully Phil let you take shotgun and once you four arrived at the agreed theme park you could easily hide away next to Phil as the two boys annoyed the shit out of each other. Tommy humming an able sisters song was involved. He got hit in the head. Phil did a lot of scolding during the drive.
Your plan worked out decently until it came down to the last ride, Tommy begged you to ride it with him and Wilbur-- he knew you had gone on it before and that you didn't find it very scary so you riding it with a terrified Wilbur seemed pretty comedic to Tom. You sitting there with a blank face while Wilbur and Tommy most likely screamed their heads off did seem quite entertaining to the kid.
You went in line first, ahead of the boys. Phil stayed behind holding everyones stuff that they couldn't take with them but Tommy managed to keep his camera to film. He was going between you and Wilbur and sticking it in either of you guys’ faces, trying to get the funny angles he loved to throw in.
“Tommy, what is it with you and putting cameras in your friends’ faces?” You cross your arms, a mischievous smile paintined on your features. The line ahead is a good amount of people long so you had plenty of time to goof around.
“It's funny!” Tommy lets out his usual wheeze like laugh and puts his camera away for now.
“You just like annoying us,” Wilbur adds, playfully rolling his eyes while he, himself smiles.
“Maybe!” Tommy stretches out the word and scoots to stand in front of you in the line, the people in front of you still not yet moving.
It took a good twenty minutes before the three of you were able to finally get through the line and into the ride, and once you did, you could see the anxiety fill both Tommy and Wilbur simply by how their faces went pale.
“You two okay?” Your gaze switches from Wilbur to Tommy and back to Tommy again.
“I’m fine.” Wilbur states, his voice wavering in an unsure manner you hadn't heard from him in ages.
“Also okay! As fine as ever!” Tommy’s back stiffens and he pulls out his camera to take some shots before the ride starts.
He doesn't get more than a few words in before the coaster car speeds up the incline ahead.
Both boys nervously laugh just before coaster speeds down, and they scream. You simply laugh in amusement as their faces churn into a fearful expression.
The pattern repeats throughout the rest of the ride, Wilbur and Tommy laughing and then screaming while you watch the two lose their minds. The boys' screams would get louder and more terrified whenever a twist would go upside down, or when the incline went straight down.
"Soo, how was it boys?" You tease the two of them, nudging both of them in the sides.
Wilbur's eyes go wide and he looks down to meet your eyes, "I never feared heights more." He earns a laugh from you and something twists in his gut, it's not a bad feeling, but he can't pinpoint what feeling it is.
You look to Tommy, "I can't believe this was my idea." A shiver runs down his spine and he shakes, and then runs to Phil the moment he comes into view. There Phil stands, bags and cameras, water bottles and candy in hand, holding his kids' stuff in true dad fashion.
Phil then hands out everyone's stuff to each respective person and he too asks how it was.
"Meh." is your answer.
"Terrifying." is Wilbur's answer.
"I've never regretted something more." is Tommy's answer.
Phil just laughs at everyone's answer, patting his son's on the back, before ruffling up your hair. His signs of affection.
"Hey, Wilbur- Y/n?" Phil's voice breaks his string of laughter, his smile still evident.
You both hum in response, both looking to him like little kids awaiting instructions.
"Can you two go take this extra stuff to the car while Tommy and I get stuff set up for the arcade?" The request is simple, and he doesn't mean any harm. But both you and Wil are anxious about this, surely silence will fill the air when the two of you are alone, but there's a voice in the back of your head that says it won't be as quiet.
Yet, the two of you agree and various bags and candy is stuffed in you guys' arms. Phil hands the keys to you, and Wilbur whines to him about how he's the most responsible one but Phil just laughs and shrugs it off.
You're a few feet away from the other two, "So, how's your year been?" Your question shatters the silence like a glass plate on concrete. It's abrupt, and it spooks Wilbur for a moment.
"Kinda shit, I guess." He shrugs and his voice is low and unsure and his eyes are fixated on the stone pathway beneath you.
"How's that girlfriend of yours?" You spare a glance back at him, since he's fallen behind you a bit. He sucks in a breath, body tensing.
"I'm not with her anymore." Wilbur's eyes gaze downwards, refusing to look at you. A part of you is sad for him, but another part of you is..happy? The feelings and thoughts are confusing, the conflicting ideas being entirely new to you.
"Oh." You don't say much more, instead you just let the silence take over for the rest of the walk.
It's only a few minutes before you're scrambling to unlock the car, and you haphazardly open the trunk, doing your best to not drop anything while you open it with your left hand.
"I'm sorry." Wilbur mumbles to you as he puts the last bag he was holding in the trunk.
"You are?" You ask, leaning up against the back of the car after you shut it closed. Your head tilts to the side as you look at him and you cross your arms over your chest. He doesn't look to you.
"Yeah," He nods, and then he swallows nervously.
"What you did wasn't right. You should've communicated with me, Wil." You stand up straight, arms falling to either side of you and you take a couple steps towards him.
He doesn't look up, "Man, do I know that."
You reach up to hold his face, to bring his gaze to meet yours. "You should have told me what was wrong, whatever was wrong. You still haven't told me."
"There was..a lot. I don't think you'd want to hear it all right now. In a fucking theme park parking lot at that." A small laugh leaves his chest and you smile slightly at the action.
"Maybe not today, but someday?"
"Yeah, yeah, someday."
The two of you leave it at that, and head back to meet Phil and Tommy. The four of you spend the rest of your day without cameras or arguments, you simply hang out and eat stupid amounts of candy and play every game in the arcade with the only goal of beating the high scores until you started to get tired. You were sitting at a nearby table, next to Wilbur with your head against his shoulder.
"Could we ever make up?" He cautiously lets an arm rest over your shoulders, you graciously take the touch, reaching your left hand up to intertwine your fingers with his.
"Maybe." You yawn, "Just maybe."
So you nuzzle further into him, and he sighs. He's happy, you're happy, even if the day was bittersweet, there's still hope.
He wasn't a bad person, just a person who did a really shit thing.
tags; @at0micc0la (since you reblogged the first vers lmao)
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rat-rosemary · 2 years
I am on my absolutely insane arc rn don't mind me
You know how everyone took Schlatt's body apart and Quackity ate his heart? What if that was a funeral rite?
Not everyone knew it tho, they were taking bones because they wanted to disrespect Schlatt's grave
But for some people it was the bare minimum they could have done, to not let someone rot, to keep parts of them with you.
But what if, later during el rapis, Quackity asked Sapnap and Karl to eat his heart when he died? They were horrified of course, not only by the idea of eating their fiance, but also by the idea of Quackity dying at all. But Quackity had just lost an eye and a life and he insisted.
They talk about it, ask why Quackity would want that, and he explains that it means they get to keep him, that he will forever be part of them. That for him the act of being left to rot, even with a burial, it's the biggest act of abandonment that could happen. It's a long tiring night before they agree, but they promise that they never have to, because they will protect him with their lives and as long as they're still standing, Quackity will be safe.
Today Tommy shows up in Kinoko Kindom. He's stained with blood and ash. He asks if Quackity asked them to eat him.
Karl had forgotten the worse talk of their lives. George doesn't understand it. Sapnap is alone.
He goes with Tommy, let's him explain with a uncharacteristic somber and calm tone how to do it. Sapnap follows behind, completely numb. Karl follows Sapnap, not understanding what he must do.
Tubbo is there when they get to Las Nevadas, he takes them to where the body is being kept.
Quackity's face is covered in a piece black linen. His shirt has been methodically cut off. His body is covered in cuts and burns.
A dagger sits next to him.
Tubbo explains that Sapnap needs to take the first bite, he needs to be the one to eat the heart.
He does.
He eats and let's the two boys guide him away when he's done. They tell him that he can come later to get the bones. He nods, even if he's not truly here anymore.
They give him a chain with a pair of rings and hand him back to Karl.
He throws up on the way back.
Anyway, not really good but I wanted to write about Sapnap having to go through this alone because Karl forgot, and he promised (and also something or other about how even after everything, the fight and the abandonment and the anger, Quackity still wanted his heart to be theirs)
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simplepotatofarmer · 12 days
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technodad talking about how the rest of techno's friends found out about his passing <3 <3
[first image text: How did the dsmp find out that techno died before so long nerds]
[second image text:
Several people here have mentioned some of the facts behind this question.
There were a few things happening.
One thing that happened was that Noxy was able to get in touch with Alex's mom, so Hypixel found out that way. They said they would keep quiet about the information until it was formally announced.
Another things was that there was a bit of communication over Discord among Techno, Phil, Tommy, and Wilbur. Alex told them how he was getting his last affairs in order and hanging out with his family. You can see some of these texts in Tommy's "365 Days without Technoblade" video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRF2C04WOxc
Tommy was discreet about what he included but having seen the full conversation, Techno made it clear he had only days left.
Finally, I got a call shortly after Alex died from Dream. (Charmingly, the first thing he did was try to explain to me who he was in relation to Alex, which of course I was already aware of.) One of the things I was dreading was the task of wanting to inform Alex's friends of his passing. This was at a time when I had close to zero idea how to use Discord. Dream offered to contact the people who should know, and I jumped at his offer.
So that's how some people came to find out before so long nerds.]
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antimony-medusa · 7 months
hiya medusa its been a while! im curious - as someone who has been watching phil for a while now, have you noticed anything specific thats changed with how he does rp/creates his characters? ive not had the chance to see much of his qsmp stuff, but i imagine having done various smps with various levels of rp/lore, there must have been changes to his approach
Okay so there have been two big changes from DSMP to QSMP that I've noticed. The first one is just that Phil is way more willing to do lore, and to tell his own story? In DSMP he was constantly deferring to whoever the writers were for the arc and never wanted to run over any of that, so he'd be really reluctant to join RP when it wasn't "official canon" and he'd be very careful not to overstep the bounds of the story other people had written. It was always lore being written by someone else— wilbur or techno or tommy or sam or dream— I think the syndicate end is the only one he actually fully wrote? On QSMP he's WAY more open with telling his own story. With the ender king possession arc that we just had, he just role-played for I think over two hours over two different streams, and that was a story he built collaboratively with the admins, but it was also one he clearly had a hand in himself. So I would say just the willingness to roleplay and tell a story is much increased. And he's using cinematics and special Minecraft skins and voice modulators— he's going for it!
The other change is uh, the gay roleplay and flirting. If you watch things like Hexxit Homies Phil definitely used to be more comfortable playing into the relationship rp, but on DSMP he was surrounded by minors or characters he was canonically related to or creators who didn't really go for flirting on-screen (techno). So all of that stopped. And then he went to QSMP and FitMC was there, and Charlie Slime, and Etoiles, and Missa, and boy. Phil flirts back/rps back now. And will say things like "stay away from my platonic husband!" and put his bed next to someone's, and pole dance on his husband, and tell FitMC he's stolen his heart, and talk about his cock with Etoiles, and much more. You can just tell that he has way less issue with the jokes and the implications now. Which honestly makes perfect sense, playing into gay rp with someone who can legally rent a car and who is clearly delightedly making jokes about it is not the the same as with a sixteen year old. To understate the situation slightly.
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tommy-x3 · 7 months
quick lil hot take here
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veenus777 · 1 year
◜Wilbur Soot Boyfriend Headcanons◞
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┊ ᝰ﹕SFW, please ignore my Google translate English
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♤ This man is a gentleman! He would be romantic but not in big things but in small ones.
♧ He would buy you your favorite snacks, memorize the way you make your coffee just so he could make it how you like it.
♤ He would want to know everything about you but not just about your life but about the things you like.
♧ And speaking of which, he would learn everything just to be closer to you, your favorite book? He will read it, do you like a band? He will listen to all the albums, are you a fan of a series? He will spend the entire morning watching just to have something to talk to you about.
♤ he's the careful type, he'd "fight" with you for not taking good care of yourself but deep down he knows he loves doing that, like always taking two sweaters when he leaves the house or making sure you've eaten that day.
♧ Talking about food, every time he needed to go out in the morning, whether for a Lovejoy rehearsal or a recording, he would make a point of waking up early just to prepare your favorite coffee and leave it on the counter with a note for when you wake up .
♤ Obviously he would take you to band rehearsals and take your opinion very seriously about the songs.
♧ You would have a VIP pass to go to all the shows and you always do, but when you can't attend Wilbur becomes a little less excited and anxious about the show, For him, you are like a lucky charm that makes everything perfect and incredible.
♤ He would include you in his group of friends, on trips and recordings and they will welcome you very well, but don't think you will be immune to Charlie or Tommy's jokes.
♧ If you are also a content creator, it will take you in front of the camera even if you are not have a public relationship, you will always be present in Tommy's vlogs or in some Sorry videos even if for just a few seconds.
♤ Talking about the Sorry brothers I feel like Wilbur would pull you into this (if you're a public person) even if little by little, it would all start with a few appearances here and there and then it would become something more regular and when you see it it's already part of the cast, but like Phil you try to be the point of balance amidst the general chaos.
♧ If you are not a public person you would still be present but behind the cameras, always helping backstage with clothes, makeup or video ideas.
♤ You would probably adopt a small animal, from the most common options like cats or dogs or something more different like a rabbit or ferret. Ps: they would probably have names related to music, either referencing a song or names of singers they both like.
♧ He would be the more reserved type of person in public and with little to no PDA, but he would still hold hands or have his arm on your shoulder.
♤ However, when you are alone Oh My God! this man is pure neediness, he would love hugs and physical touches, or just quality time where you are both in the same place focused on your own things but still together.
♧ I feel like he has three moods: The singer, the older brother and the boyfriend
♤ The singer happens when he is super focused and committed to his career, he has a dream and definitely wants to achieve it and he works hard for it.
♧ The older brother usually happens when he joins Tommy and Charlie, he is chaotic and playful, always making jokes and being sarcastic and picking on his "younger brothers" Tommy and Charlie.
♤ The third is something that few people see, it's the soft boy Wilbur, it's when he's not all that chaos and shouting, he just hangs out, listens to music or a movie and relaxes without having to worry about his career or the Internet for a while.
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.˚。  💋 .˚。 💌
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l'manburg language headcanons
okay so i havent sat down and actually created a language for lmanburg but I hc that they have their own language & here are hcs for that language. its a mashup of all the languages that the members speak. i know that a language couldn't really develop in the timeframe so I'm speeding up the development because i want to.
Slang / Phrases
first, it exists withing minecraft, so internet/minecraft lingo and phrases are commonplace (ie: pots, spawn, etc)
l'manburg was born out of conflict, so many phrases and slang are often violent.
because many prolific figures (c!tommy with prime, c!wilbur with being phil's son, c!eret with the herobrine stuff, c!dream with the XD stuff) are heavily religous / associated with religion, religious phrases are also very common.
there are different words for non-canon death, a canon death, and the last canonical death (the one that kills kills you)
Actual Language
l'manburg's language is a mix of british english, french, dutch, spanish, german, latin, and ancient greek. because it is such a new language, some words are the exact same as the English (given that english is the common language) words.
all military/war words have absolutely no english ties (as to provide secrecy). most are a mix of french, latin, and ancient greek (latin and ancient greek comes from c!tommy & c!wilbur, because they were taught by c!techno)
words pertaining nationality, home, or base are a mix of french (l'-), german (-manburg), and dutch (man). Most are french.
words pertaining to money or commerce are dutch & english inspired.
words pertaining to farming are inspired by ancient greek (c!techno again)
words pertaining to government/high authority are often a mix of latin, french, and english (c!wilbur is fucking obsessed with french & latin)
anything related to food is inspired by german and ancient greek.
Context / Timeline
quackity's arrival made spanish inspired words/phrases more abundant.
schlatt made american phrases and spellings very common.
the manburg administration attempted to phase out the language, but was unsuccessful.
new lmanburg caused many more phrases based on death, nature, rot, and renewal.
new lmanburg put a lot of emphasis on philosophical, poetic, descriptive, and physiological words.
words regarding cops, police, and laws are closely tied with negative words such as evil, thief, and traitor.
manburg replaced many religious words and phrases with more neutral alternatives.
the first words created in the new language were military moves and tools.
new lmanburg's descriptive words were often enderian words translated into the latin alphabet (as c!ranboo, the minute man, was the one who used and created them)
lmanburg was often underdeveloped in governmental words pertaining to the running of a country.
okay thats all i have for rn but i might add on to this when i think of it. also if u have any questions/requests please ask i love answering questions /gen
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petrichormeraki · 2 years
Tips For Writing C!TommyInnit, From A Loser With Brainrot
Tommy is LOUD. Whether he's angry or excited or playing around, he's usually yelling. He is not aware of how loud he is unless he's specifically raising his voice to overpower the conversation (which he usually only does when he's angry at someone/thing, or to make a point). He's only quieter when he's serious, at peace, or very very sad
TOMMY IS SMART!!! He thinks things through when he has time to do so. He is strategic and considers other people's behaviors when he plans something out (ex building the tower overlooking the prison slowly, so Sam didn't get as suspicious, and making a point to only inhabit it when it was dark to be less noticed). Tommy knows how people act/think if he's familiar with them, and he uses that to his advantage.
However, Tommy's very impulsive, and his emotions overrun his brains very often. This happens the most when he's angry or scared.
Tommy lets people take pity on him 80% of the time. Unless it's a serious situation and he's trying to prove himself, (ex Logstedshire) he LOVES free shit and he very easily falls into the "oh poor little TommyInnit, he has no family to his name and is dirty and cold, won't you spare some netherite for his poor soul?" narrative.
Tommy is childish. He bickers over things that don't really matter and is the epitome of "he started it!!" when he gets in trouble. He also constantly nags at people until they cave to get what he wants. I have no idea how CC!Tommy plays being a youngest sibling SO WELL since he's an only child but that is exactly who C!Tommy is
Tommy is not brave. He hides behind people to avoid danger and he runs away from conflict if he can. The times where this didn't happen (Exile, Final Disc Confrontation, November 16th) were because he was backed into a corner, literally or figuratively, and was forced to fight back.
more under the cut bc this got very long lmao
Tommy is not very private UNLESS it concerns his past trauma. He will talk about what he's doing, every thought in his head, and what he thinks of everything he sees, UNLESS it's recounting what happened to him. Getting information like that from the source is like pulling teeth, even for people he trusts completely. The reasoning for this (best as I can tell anyway) is that he simply just doesn't want to relive it.
Tommy has a very black and white way of thinking about his allies. If someone helps his enemy, they are his enemy too. He doesn't really care about personal motivations or reasonings unless they're close to him (Tubbo) and he does not forgive easily.
However, he also recognizes power. When Tommy ran from Logstedshire, he ran to the person who killed his best friend because he knew Technoblade was very powerful against Dream. Another example is when he ran to Phil when Dream escaped prison and went after him, even though Phil destroyed L'manburg WITH Dream AND killed Wilbur, two things that Tommy vehemently hates him for. Tommy seemed to not be thinking very clearly when either of these events happened, so this may have been a purely impulsive decision made out of fear.
Tommy squirrels away his riches. He only breaks into his ender chest when he really needs the resources, ie diamond armor and weapons for a showdown. He actually has quite a lot of diamonds and gold if I recall correctly, but he still resorts to stone/iron tools and no armor in his day to day.
Kind of related to above, Tommy keeps momentos of people he cares about in his ender chest, where no one can reach them but him. He is terrified of losing these things because they remind him of when times were good, and he had people he loved. (This was actually said by him, I just don't remember the stream sorry ;;w;;)
Tommy is very stubborn. He doesn't cooperate very often and views the way he does things as the best way. The only time to my memory that he defaulted to someone else was when Wilbur was alive (L'manburg, Pogtopia)
Tommy likes maintaining his surroundings. This includes harvesting crops and replacing them, patching up creeper holes, and replacing missing blocks from his house or the Prime Path. He does these things without anyone telling him to, on his "down time" if you will, and doesn't really call attention to it
TOMMY LOVES ANIMALS. He doesn't like killing them and tries to eat carrots instead of killing for meat (although he doesn't seem to have qualms with eating meat that other people give him)
Tommy has a soft spot for kids/small creatures. He tried very hard to hate Michael because he was bitter about Ranboo and Tubbo's friendship but he broke almost instantly if I remember correctly. He fawns over "cute" things and gets thoroughly distracted from whatever he was doing if he notices a baby chicken or something
Tommy is rarely still. He almost always is doing something with his hands (ie building, chopping trees, etc) if he's in conversation with someone. The only times where he actually sits down and stops is when he's watching the sunset on his bench, or having a self reflection moment/processing heavy information.
I'll stop here, but I plan on making another post that more goes into his speaking mannerisms and whatnot. I hope this helps somebody trying to write C!Tommy, feel free to send me an ask if you have specific questions!!
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wolfythewitch · 2 years
I’m so sorry if this is a dumb ask but I just started reading your zombie au recently so I was wondering want Tommy and techno’s relation is to phil + Wilbur?
im so sorry it might be more expensive jkgdfjkdfg they have a default price I cant change, i can only add onto for profit, but the base price itself for production is already over 100 :'D
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aquamarine021109 · 3 months
I started watching qsmp when it was first ever announced and I loved it, I loved the idea of people from different country's interacting with each other. And later on I loved how there were the eggs and stuff. And when wilbur got his egg (tallulah) I was so happy and I immediately feel in love with her character (not in a weird way tho) I also immediately related to her character and started to headcanon her autistic because im autistic and I thought it would be so cool to finally get good autistic representation (sense most shows betray it awfully). And as you can tell she was my favorite character (along side wilbur) and when wilbur was on tour I was so stoked to see what her reaction would be of him coming back.....but then the stupid allegations started happening and I couldn't help but feel denial because wilbur helped me through my darkest days during 2022....I then choose support shelby because people were saying if I support him then that would make me an abuser. So that's why at first I supported shelby.....but from all the evidence that she's an ableist and the actual abuser. I can't help but support will......and when I watched quackity's stream of him saying he removed wilbur from the server, I couldn't help but cry....that my favourite streamer is banned from a server that I really liked....and from seeing all of will's friends turn on him, really made me sad because him and tommy were literally like brothers, same thing with phil being like their father in a way, it just made me sad because. HOW CAN YOU TURN ON YOUR FRIEND BY TRUSTING A GIRL Y'ALL BARELY KNOW!?!?!?!?. LIKE AT LEAST TALK TO WILL BEFORE Y'ALL TRUST A PERSON Y'ALL HAVE ONLY KNEW FOR A FEW YEARS LIKE WHAT THE HELL KIND OF TRUST IS THAT. IF MY FRIEND THAT I'VE KNOWN FOR 7 YEARS JUST BELIEVED A GIRL WE'VE ONLY MET A FEW YEARS AGO IM NOT GOING TO BE FRIENDS WITH THEM ANYMORE.
(Also something that I want to say is that im probably not going to do qsmp stuff anymore sense tallulah's admin literally changed her whole character over something so stupid. And apparently she changed the name to "lullah" instead of "tallulah" which is so stupid. And I hate how the admin and the rest of the community have changed tallulah's design completely, like now she looks like a emo girl or something. no hate to emo people tho y'all are beautiful❤)
(I will still do dsmp stuff tho, because I liked that server more anyways)
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shakirawastaken · 2 years
dsmp if...they were teachers part 2
ANON I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED UR REQUEST IM SO SORRY IM GONNA CRY BUT here it is :D with techno too :) please people send in some requests for meee check out part 1 here!
techno: english (with 1 mythology class for seniors): - hates his english classes wishes he could just teach mythology - would make all the students do a little project on a greek mythology story - rivalry with mr soot  - “ill give u each 10 dollars if u go to mr soots class tmrw talkin about how im a better teacher” - supports each and every kid no matter WHAT even if its not english related - holds detention in his room cause no one wants to fuck with him - like dream he doesnt anyone to get fucked over his english class so he hosts after school office hours like its college - has read all the classic novels and makes his classes read them. he wont move to something else unless some kid IS REALLY passionate about it - “ranboo we will not be reading the diary of a wimpy kid series even if you resonate with greg heffley on an emotional level” - BUT for his english classes he makes them do a general book report project so he can see and appreciate his student’s taste in books  - albeit not the biggest fan of romance novels but knows it ends with us for some reason - brings all the projects home and keeps them in a big storage bin. he loves showing them off to future classes and even you - light. acadmeia. dresses formal, long sleeves, hair tamed, glasses on the bridge of his nose - “tommy please stop swearing. tubbo calm down?” - hold detention with him cause no one fucks with mr blade
phil: principal - best principal ever - has a great relationship with all the staff tbh  - wilbur and techno and tommy arent his sons wdym - no ones rlly scared of getting sent to the principals cause like yk theyre like “oh phil??? hes nice”  - everyone calls him phil - ok i lied everyone BUT tommy isnt scared of going to phils - “I DONT WANT TO GO TO PHILS” “tommy calm down-” - hates the school board, lets the teachers teach what they believe is best for the students - can deal with the consequences - once wilbur got him to play a role in on of the school’s productions - big year for the dsmp high thespians tbh - is married to the guidance counselor kristin - who by the way is a GOOD COUNSELOR - actually does guidance - phils whole office is green - always wears his bucket hat tbh - besties with the other school’s principals
foolish: architecture/woodworking - i think this one was another “duhhh” one - builder man teaches builder children - starts the year with teaching them the basics of everything and then sort of lets them go wild  - is so scared some kid is gonna get hurt - has goggles in every corner of his room, gloves, whatever safety stuff  - loves it when kids work together to make some big project - IN YOUR GUYS’ HOME YOU HAVE A SHELF full of little sharks all the kids made for him its so cute - he makes stuff for you in class and uses it as an excuse to teach  - wears muscle t-s or normal t-shirts never dresses formal  - “it would get in the way of the wood?? duh” - id want to be in his class - is besties with mr jacobs and mr punz the random coach who shows up just to coach basketball in the winter - another teacher everyone simps over - once refused to teach tommy cause he didnt want to “catch a case”
i kinda want to write for the bench trio so here’s STUDENT EDITION
tommy: junior in high school, ta to mr wastakens math class  - tommy signed up to TA for wilbur but then wilbur said “absolutely not” so he got put into dream’s introduction to stats class  - but he also has dream for the period after that for his ap stats class - so hes stuck there for like 2 and a half hours  - dream groaned when he saw who his TA was - makes tommy grade papers and stuff but never tests  - he doesnt trust him with that - tommy is a good kid and usually doesnt disrupt class but when he does its hilarious - expect mr blade doesnt give a second shit about tommy in his class  - tommy is rlly good at drama and math (even though hed never admit hes good at math)  - his locker is a mess  - besties with tubs and ranboo ofc - phil is his father dont tell anyone - he is so adamant on walking home bc he doesnt want people to know that his family works there - always has his red jacket on  - never gets school lunches says they are cursed
tubbo: junior in high school, ta for mr quackity’s spanish class - tubbo likes quackity so he signed up to ta for his class - he isnt good at spanish tho- - quackity knows that but likes tubbo so he lets him be  - sapnap ADORES tubbo for some reason - “TOBY!!! WHATS UP!” “hi mr sapnap” - sapnap thinks tubbo is such a good kid - but  - mr notfound knows tubbo is a menace - “good morning toby” “good morning mr notfound *innocent*” “sit down and get started please” - SO FUNNY LMAO  - tubbo is a menace - pulls a bunch of pranks on the teachers but then the blame always ends on tommy somehow “wHAT- TUBBO DID IT” “no he didnt” - besties with tommy and ranboo ofc - tubbo is rlly good at science but isnt so hot at english - but mr blade is rlly nice and takes him time to help tubbo  - tubbo appreciates it so he gets mr blade a gift at christmas - mr blade teared up - runs thru the hall dragging tom and ranboo behind him no regrets - “STOP RUNNING THROUGH THE HALLS” “no” ranboo: junior in high school, ta for mr blades mythology class - lOVES ta-ing for mr blades class - mr blade kinda lets him chill in the back, stapling papers - no interaction whatsoever - he also now cant wait to take that class next year - mr blade refers to him as my protege a lot  - i hope i used that word right - besties with tommy and tubbo - all the teachers are nice to ranboo and kinda sorry that hes friends with tommy and tubbo LMFAO  - “hi ranboo u doing ok” “yes thank u mr jacobs” “RANBOO! LETS GO! PUDDING DAY IN THE CAFETERIA” “thats my cue mr jacobs” - ranboo usually doesnt get into trouble when he does oh boy its good - not pranks on teachers but school wide pranks - is shy but when someone picks on tommy and tubbo he GOES OFF - attacks them through words - when he gets comfortable in a class he lets out these small comments that get the whole room laughing - so not the class clown but people know hes funny and people respects him 
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icebear4president · 2 months
c!Tommy being the odd one out in the SBI dynamic 95% of the time is actually kind of sad to think about. His character is the one that mostly stays true to canon.
-Canon Wilbur and Phil are the only ones biologically related, but Techno is treated by Phil as a very close and beloved partner. Now we’re just left with, let’s face it, Tommy’s delusional image he made of them being a family.
-Techno and Wilbur are twins and are either biologically related or adopted by Phil, and Tommy doesn’t come in until later, missing out on the bond the other three have already made, something crucial that he isn’t able to share.
-Tommy is the one biologically related to Phil, but Techno and Wilbur will always be better, smarter, easier to find pride in for Phil then Tommy is.
Tommy is literally always teetering right on the outside of his family, never really fitting in and belonging the way the other three do.
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 years
i'm not a stickler for canon, not really, but the one thing i'll never let go of is the fact that c!techno is not related to anyone from sbi.
yes, c!phil is best and closest friend, someone who means the world to him and c!wilbur is his son but also, like, someone who intended to blow him up and c!tommy is a kid he has no relation to except for the fact they bonded up until the point that techno realized tommy needed something that he just couldn't give.
and i think that kinda hurts more, because it could've been different, if they were different but they weren't and it's always going to be that way, it's always going to be 'tell tommy i hope he finds what he's looking for'.
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nekole-doodles · 2 months
*slams open door* @mcytblraufest
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So, this is from my Rebirth DSMP AU based on the webtoon Rebirth! I haven't talked about it on here but it's definitely one of my favorite AUs :D For those who have read Rebirth, Wilbur takes Noah's place and Tommy takes Neo's place(and yes, they are brothers in this AU).
Also, it was an absolute pleasure to work with lemon_doodles(I don't know their Tumblr :']) and @deathshadowrules!!
Here's the link to deathshadowrules's fic:
And if lemon_doodles wants me to add the link to their fic, I'll reblog this with the link :>
Here's some info on this AU for a bit more context(this is pretty long btw):
(Also, quick note: The fanfics have a different interpretations of this AU and the information the art provided so the details might not line up)
Again, this is an AU heavily based on the webtoon Rebirth, I recommend it, it's really interesting :)
There are themes of time travel/time loops, zombies/zombie apocalypse, superpowers, and this is also a modern AU.
The world ended on November 16th(date idea credits to deathshadowrules) when during a solar eclipse, everyone on Earth passed out for an unexplainable reason and when they woke up the next day, half of those people became zombies, later referred to as the Undead due to them having abilities that exceed the zombies typically depicted in media. This day became known as Armageddon. Along with the rise of the Undead, some of the remaining humans gained abilities/superpowers.
Summary: Wilbur had experienced this apocalyptic world and survived for 6 years. In the later part of those 6 years, he ended up letting Tommy, his brother who he disregarded for years before Armageddon, get captured(I think by the military) for experimentation due to his unique abilities and body. (I'm trying not to spoil too much of Rebirth so some of this is vague TvT) He regretted this decision greatly because he found that he still cared a lot about Tommy, despite their relationship not being great over the years, so he decided to save Tommy from the experimentation. In doing so, he died right after he freed Tommy from the test tube he was being kept in, wishing he had one more chance to fix his mistakes, mainly to make sure that Tommy will remain safe and to (hopefully) mend their long-broken relationship. Then, Wilbur wakes up on November 15th, the day before Armageddon began, which was 6 years ago. He had traveled back in time after he died. He realized that this was his chance to save Tommy. Little did Wilbur know that Tommy has been in a sort of timeloop where once he dies in one timeline, he goes back in time near the start of Armageddon and starts another timeline.
Extra Details Time!
When Wilbur got sent back in time after his death, he got a white streak in his hair with a few gold strands(in the art, it literally just looks blonde because I messed up and couldn't fix it, I tried ahdkshj) Also, I was originally going to make one of Wilbur's eyes gold but I totally forgot while coloring and couldn't go back to fix it. Btw, the whole thing with the gold hair strands, butterflies, text, and eye makes more sense if you read Rebirth but I don't know how to explain it.
Wilbur and Tommy are not biologically related to Phil and Techno but Wilbur is still very close with them. He's known Phil and Techno since he was young and treated them more like family than his actual family. Tommy never really interacted much with Phil and Techno and honestly kind of avoided them. He didn't really know why he avoided those two, maybe because he was salty that Wilbur was always more friendly to them than to him. But otherwise, Tommy feels pretty neutral towards them and gains more respect for them throughout Armageddon due to how stable their living situation is for the end of the world(they've got a good base and everything. Their roles are based on the Blanche family)
Wilbur's wife is Sally, but unfortunately, she's a pretty self-centered person and attempts to hide this but her actions really expresses this fact. She takes the place of Parish, for those who read the webtoon, and I deeply apologize.
Fundy is Wilbur and Sally's son. He doesn't really like Tommy but they start being a bit less aggressive towards each other as the story progresses. He takes Abel's place.
Wilbur's ability is advanced fire manipulation instead of blood manipulation like Noah from Rebirth. Since Noah's blood manipulation has an unbelievable amount of possibilities, I kind of had to twist the possibilities of fire manipulation so that Wilbur's abilities are still able to fill the role they need to. If you want to get a good idea of a way Wilbur uses his fire manipulation, think like- Colonel Mustang's flame alchemy from Fullmetal Alchemist but instead of using alchemy, Wilbur causes his fire to burst.
Schlatt takes Ian's role and is just as much of a prick but him and Wilbur aren't brothers. Schlatt is a businessman that comes from a family that is close with Wilbur's, so they've known each other since they were kids(they were introduced to each other at a young age in the hopes they would be friendly enough to be able to work closely with each other). They were sort of friends before Schlatt became a prick but Wilbur still had to deal with him because he is a genuinely good businessman for the company(btw, I should probably mention that Wilbur owns a pretty big business, for those who don't have that context from Rebirth. Idk if the business will be the same or if I'll change it to fit Wilbur better)
Tubbo is Schlatt's son(from a previous marriage) but Schlatt is a pretty distant father because he doesn't really care. Tubbo takes Iva's place but has a different personality because he's older than Iva, and therefore, less innocent.
Quackity is married to Schlatt but he isn't Schlatt's first partner. A few months into the marriage, Quackity began regretting the marriage but felt like he couldn't end it. He takes Lena's place but him and Tubbo act more like close friends. They're both happy with their friendship and don't feel the need to push it to "family". Quackity still takes care of Tubbo though since Schlatt definitely isn't :/
Niki takes Li's place but is a bit less emotionless/cold. Her ability is being able to control water and its temperature(basically waterbending). Also, since people usually ship Noah and Li, I would just like to specify that Niki and Wilbur are friends and only friends.
Some ages(these are still a work in progress though): Wilbur- 26/28, Tommy- 14, Fundy- ~8-10, Tubbo- 14, Niki- 21/22
I think that's enough lore dumping for today :| This AU is still a big work in progress but I'm having so much fun with it!
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moonimscruffy · 3 months
Because it was ctommy’s birthday yesterday I would just like to put out one of my headcanons for him. I feel like Tommy is the only human in the dsmp, why? I don’t really know I just kind of got that feeling. Since Tommy is not related to Phil, my reasoning behind why Tommy and Wilbur became so close to the point they were like brothers was because Wilbur looks very human. I think cwilbur would be some kind of bird demon thingy that just so happens to look human. I also think cdream looks very human which, most definitely, fucked with Tommy during exile since he just wanted someone to relate to, someone who is a human.
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nomsfaultau · 2 months
Sorry for the long question ;-;
Would fae!Phil and fault!Phil get along? They technically both have a group of Collected, except fault!Phil had the patience(?) to wait for his Collected to warm up to him while fae!Phil uhhh kidnapped Tommy and stuff
Along with the fact that fae!Phil is from the Winter Court, in contrast to fault!Phil who is the embodiment of fire if I remember correctly
Actually how would the rest of the fault crew react to the fae crew? Knowing that fae!Wilbur and fae!Techno used to be human, but were replaced part by part until they turned unrecognizable...and that uh fae!Tommy is on that track too
Along with the different power dynamics in their universes between non humans and humans, whilst the Fault Universe has an organisation dedicated to containing them and most are generally hunted and constantly on the run, in the Fae universe while they are still ostracized, humans can't really do much about it, heck the Fae have their own realm and territory kdkdjdjsj
SCPhil thinks Faelza is a menace and abhors him for the constant consent violations, trying to force his Collected into being something they don’t want to be, and active child endangerment like holy muffin the child endangerment. Plus I don’t think SCPhilza necessarily goes immediately for instant Collection? Prefers to get to know someone over months/years before making that decision because well it’s a life long commitment. (Tubbo is. A big asterisk on all this for multiple reasons but they’re an exception). Meanwhile Faelza glances at Tomfae and is like yeah I can kidnap that kid. So polar opposites there. Plus Faelza is extremely bound by fae rules (hospitality, counting rice, politeness, children protection magic, not lying, saying his please and thank yous or whatever), whereas SCPhilza adheres exclusively to protect xyz and abide by their boundaries. Plus the winter vs fire alignment as you point out. Honestly diametrically opposed on the Philza sliding scale. Like technically they both choose to spend immortality picking up funky mortals, but SCPhilza isn’t like a full blown cartoon villain so it shakes out pretty different. Also I’m not entirely sure who would win in a fight? Like obviously SCPhilza can go dragon mode and regen like crazy, but also his power set is fairly defined whereas Faelza has an extremely broad and nebulous power set plus can straight up control time?? So like very hard to say. Plus he’s a 2 for one special and Lady Death might have something to say if someone tried to kill him. 
The Blade is not flattered by the ‘woe im becoming a monster’ thing. Or the uncle thing, miss him with that found family crap. Can relate to Fakenoblade (nickname from fae!Tommy) fighting like hell for a kid he barely knows. Likely compare notes on the souls vs the voices, and the souls are probably more useful. Compare cape hammer space vs fluffy mane that’s so big, it’s full of secrets. The Blade wins obviously except if not for the guaranteed win I think Fakenoblade again has a very undefined bs power set where he can just pull out enchanted weapons from nowhere or chuck a grown deer at someone. Honestly power scaling is a nightmare bc Lord what fools these mortals be runs purely on what is funniest/most horrifying in a given second. 
Scpilbur thinks Nilbur (again as per Tommy) is a threat due to his charmspeak. Fairly similar to the void as far as names, bargains, manipulation goes. Nilbur probably immediately tries to learn its name, probably on impulse. Scpilbur maybe convinces Nilbur to chill since humanity isn’t that big a loss? Kinda applauds the ambition even. Will deffo help scheme against Lady Death, they bond over it even if Nilbur acts superior for all his knowledge of the Courts. Scpilbur would win in a fight BUT Nilbur would never let it get to a fight. 
Anomaltommy would clock that Lady Death is manipulating Tomfae. However. He doesn’t care as long as their affection so it would be debatable if he would even properly help stop a baby from being manipulated. Like he might be down to be kidnapped by an overly loving if dangerous couple. Man he’s desperate. Anomaltommy is shown to be awkward around kids but can connect to them. So I think he could position himself as the cool alternative to the freaky monster everyone else. And Tomfae is good at not touching him since whenever he tries his spidey sense kicks in and stops it. Anomaltommy would win but he’s not in the business of beating up children.
Red would work on the King and Queen of the Winter Court. The death toll would be catastrophic. Then they’d be like ‘oh cool to avoid that problem we’ve coated your skin in a pocket dimension so that no one can touch you so now your power isn’t a problem :)) making everyone far far worse which is really on brand. 
Within the Fae court, Fault crew wouldn’t stand out in the slightest. Well aside from being fresh meat. Wilbur, Philza, and Tubbo could do okay to well, but Tommy and The Blade are pretty screwed. As for the human realm, fae stuff is ostracized and is likely to be run out eventually, but also that’s because fae loose power the longer they’re in the mortal realm. Fault crew don’t have that and could get along somewhat well there. Human Fae relationship are tense, but they do also do things like say petition with the Courts or make bargains for power and wealth or what have you, so humans also view the anomalies as having potential for being beneficial in some way. Plus can’t really do anything about it tbh. 
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