#philosophical stuff
purplelea · 2 years
Concept: joshnekushiki but it's from Hazuki's point of view and he's just very confused at Joshua's behaviour towards those humans
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monologuesofmymind · 2 years
Hey there!
uhh...*awkward silence* ehh *ahem ahem*
hello there dear reader! welcome to my tumblr, I am Rits, a 17yr old who just discovered a few things about life, and decided to start writing about, so original, duh.
why are you here? to that question i might not have an answer...heh
why am i here? oh thats an easy question. this tumblr is just another reality i have created about myself. where i dump all my real thoughts in the most unfiltered fashion(read as: rambles)
keep scrolling until you find something that catches your eye. reblog/like as per your wish and if you do like the string of words i put together on this blog then do follow me! (^-^)
what to expect as you keep scrolling?
random theories
depressing stuff too, i'll put warnings dw
confessions *-*
memes (my sarcasm is 13ft below the deepest point on earth)
stuff about my life
truths i discovered
random facts
book reviews
movie reviews
ideas for life(this is so vague idek what it is)
uhh i guess that's all for now! see you sometime soon.
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bachaboska · 2 years
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My commanding officer has some idea that you and I are similar. A shared love of poetry and philosophy.
I wonder…if it's something more or not.
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mariathechosen1 · 11 months
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Digging too deep:
Philosophical obsession to the point of self destruction
[Image description: A collage consisting of 10 different photographs and quotes, all related to digging and holes. From top to bottom:
A wikipedia headline that says “Law of Holes”.
A close up of a shovel, digging into loose dirt.
An excerpt from a wikipedia article about the law of holes: The law of holes or the first law of holes, is an adage which states: "if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging." It is used as a metaphor, warning that when in an untenable position, it is best to stop making the situation worse.”
A lyrics excerpt from ‘The Song With Five Names’ by Will Wood: You can break a shovel when you break new ground / You dig dirt up when you dig deep down / You should know better than that by now / It's not profound to know that you could never know!
A blurry photograph of a dark rectangular hole in the ground, seemingly a grave. The hole is so dark the bottom of it isn’t visible. Besides the hole there is a pile of dirt.
A lyrics excerpt from ‘Hand Me My Shovel, I’m Going In!’ by Will Wood and The Tapeworms: Gotta get to the bottom of this/ Gotta get to the bottom of this / Gotta get to the bottom of this / Gotta gotta get, gotta gotta get, gotta get / Gotta get to the bottom of this / Gotta gotta get, gotta gotta get, gotta get / Gotta get to the bottom of this / Gotta gotta get, gotta gotta get, gotta get / Gotta get to the bottom of this / If it kills me
An excerpt from a wikipedia article about the law of holes: The second law of holes is commonly known as: "when you stop digging, you are still in a hole."
A photograph of a deep round hole. There’s a ladder going down into it and the bottom of the hole isn’t visible.
An excerpt from the transcript of episode 88 of The Magnus Archives: It was very strange. It was just the one word, solid capital letters in a small, neat typeface at the very centre of the page. It said ‘DIG’. I took that to be the title, and turned to the next page. ‘DIG’. Exactly the same. The third page. ‘DIG’. The fourth page. ‘DIG’. Dig, dig, dig, dig.
A lyrics excerpt from ‘Hand Me My Shovel, I’m Going In!’ by Will Wood and The Tapeworms: Looking down I could say heaven sent me / Hand me my shovel, I’m going in!
/end ID]
[‘Law of Holes’ - Wikipedia, ‘The Song with Five Names, a​.​k​.​a. Soapbox Tao, a​.​k​.​a. Checkmate Atheists! a​.​k​.​a. Neospace Government, a​.​k​.​a. You Can Never Know’ - Will Wood and the Tapeworms, ‘Hand Me My Shovel, I’m Going In!’ - Will Wood and the Tapeworms, MAG 88 ‘Dig’ - The Magnus Archives]
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firestar5318 · 7 months
What makes something meat or not meat?
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fearforthestorm · 1 year
okay so. plates.
there's a post floating around on here somewhere about a ceramics class where half the students were instructed to make as many pots as possible no matter the quality, and the other half were instructed to make only one high-quality pot. by the end of the class, the students who had made lots of pots were making better pots than the ones who were supposed to make one perfect pot, and the lesson there was that you get better at things by making more things and letting yourself be bad at it, rather than trying to make one perfect thing.
you have to make shitty things because you have to make things, because making things at all is more important than making good things, because making shitty things is how you make better things.
a friend made the joke that "maybe not THAT shitty though, like that's not even a shitty pot anymore that's just a plate," and while i kind of agree (that's a whole different post), i also immediately went another layer deep with the metaphor: even if it's not a pot, a plate will still teach you things. a plate has its own purpose, independent of a pot - it's job isn't to be a pot, it's not going to teach you the same things that a pot would, but it has a purpose too. just because it's not what you wanted to make or meant to make doesn't mean it's not useful! nothing made is ever wasted.
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bleachersgirl · 7 months
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also sorry i know it’s a movie and it has to move a lot faster than the book and we don’t have time to hear every mentor talk about their tribute but i was absolutely devastated that this was left out
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diorpoisonapple · 8 months
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I am a dreamer. I know so little of real life that I just can't help re-living such moments as these in my dreams, for such moments are something I have very rarely experienced. I am going to dream about you the whole night, the whole week, the whole year.
-Fyodor Dostoevsky
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danshive · 3 days
So, you can know how long a mile or a kilometer is in terms of numbers, but... Do you KNOW how long a mile or kilometer is? Is that actual tangible information for you?
Example: If something is five feet, that has meaning I can immediately understand, because I can compare it easily enough to my own height. It's not a vague idea.
If you were to ask me where I'd end up a mile north from my home, however, I wouldn't have a clear answer for you in spite of knowing the surrounding area well. Even with a map, I would require a ruler (or the digital equivalent).
If told "go a mile that way to get a prize" (and ignoring that this is very obviously a trap), would you know when to stop walking without a predetermined landmark? This general idea isn't specific to miles or kilometers. What I'm truly considering is the difference between knowing something, and KNOWING something.
If that makes any sense.
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coockie8 · 2 months
roy starts withdrawing more and more as he notices himself aging and ed doesnt understand why cause hes literally never been more attracted to this man 😭🥰
Roy, lamenting about his greying hair and wrinkles: How could the literal human sunshine I call a husband love me now that I'm not pretty anymore!?
Ed, whenever the light hits Roy just right and brings out the silver in his hair, remembering he can't just jump his husband in public:
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sincerely-sofie · 9 months
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There’s something unique about the pain of someone you love following in a trail you blazed through suffering, turning themself into a mirror of just how self-destructive you once were. There’s a wretched irony in how they teach you firsthand the pain your friends and family felt as you burned yourself up.
Now you know what it’s like to watch a lamb immolate itself. You can only watch as it dismisses your concerns with lies of how well it is— how completely, utterly, and perfectly fine everything is. You can only watch. You can only remember that you were a lamb just years before, and you taught this one exactly how to martyr itself by your example.
Anyhoo, hey elder siblings, how’s your day going?
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max-nolastname · 1 year
aang having a code against killing makes sense because as the last airbender he carries the weight of his entire peoples and culture on his wee shoulders, and that includes respecting and valuing all life. it is core to his being, and him finding a roundabout way to solve the issue of killing ozai makes sense both as an airbender and for the story. we find out later in the kyoshi series that murder literally inhibits your ability to airbend, hence kyoshi and her mother's use of fans! and dont bring your utilitarian "oh we can save more lives by killing one person" into this, because sure that can work for another show but not this one!! it is literally the core thesis of the show! have some media literacy my god
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thesoupisburning · 3 months
could shifty leave alone if she wanted to?
at the end, i mean. she talks about leaving , she says she'll know what she wants to do when she's fully together, herself. at the end, all she says is that she missed you, and she wants you to understand her, fully, taking any resistance to her as. not understanding. or seeking the conflict and change she desperately seeks from you. and she says she has to save you before you can leave.
what i'm asking is, dear stp fans, could she have left alone at that point?
or more interestingly. could she have killed us?
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sarasade · 9 months
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daydreaming about making a proper multipage Viravos fan comic some day.
I've inked several pages of this story already -Though I don't know if "story" is the right word for it since it's mostly PWP with some of my fave Viren/Aaravos character dynamics shoved in, including their first time (in a flashback)
I'll post it as I finish the pages. I've inked like 6 pages already (these are the pages 1-2 I think) I still find Tumblr's guidelines for sexual content really confusing so I'll probably just post a link or something
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pangolin-404 · 1 year
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Sources for things not directly in-game or in files:
Serious game + game concept
Consulate roof
Jazzpunk: Johnny + parody
VR compatibility
Switched engines
Polyblank's gender
6809 processor
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