jelixpo · 2 months
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Click for higher resolution. Hopefully this is helpful!
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mindblowingscience · 3 months
If you do a web search for "back pain and posture," you'll be met with articles about the effects of poor posture on the body, guides telling you how to reduce your back pain with posture exercises, and ads for all kinds of posture-correcting back braces and ergonomic devices. It seems to make sense. After all, we've been told that good posture makes us healthier and less susceptible to injury, and that bad posture leads to aches and pains down the line.  But several researchers and clinicians say that there's not much evidence to support commonly held beliefs that bad posture leads to pain.
Continue Reading.
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cosmicpoutine · 3 months
i think bernard dowd should be aroung the batfamily 24/7. not to help with their cases or anything, just to judge them for being absolutely fucking insane
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sky-is-the-limit · 1 year
Price is the type to corner you against a surface, press his front against your back, leaving you no space to move.
He is obsessed with the way your body gives up control completely to his touch, so fragile and delicate compared to him. Your head gently resting in the crook of his neck while his hands trail up and down your arms, caressing every inch of naked skin.
He can't get enough of looking down at your body, the way his buldge is pressing against your ass, his muscular thighs towering yours, hand placed on your upper spine just to watch you lean forward intuitively.
He'd take his time with it, appreciating your submission, whispering sweet nothings in your ear before pressing your front down entirely on whatever surface is before you so he can fuck you merciless. Kitchen counters, tables, in his office against the desk, you name it.
Give this man an excuse to show off his size and you're guaranteed to be fucked real good.
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(if this pic is not from the game, credits to the artist)
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sidetongue · 5 months
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sweet babies
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idontknowreallywhy · 9 days
A little Flying Fish one-shot thrown down on my commute. Less plot, more vibes, but inspired the fact my tiny Scott keeps enduring this Situation:
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And not at all that a certain someone not too far away may have tried to approach a certain thing in a certain way. Nope…
Featuring One Idiot Flyboy and One Wise Fish
“Better not let the Virg see you limping about like that old man.”
Damn observant squid. Scott immediately corrected his gait and strode purposefully into the kitchen.
Ow. Ow. Ow. Damn it.
Gordon followed, because GORDON.
“What? I just had a wrinkle in my sock.”
“Uh huh.”
“Yeah ‘uh huh’. Now it is gone.”
“Course it is.”
Scott set the coffee machine running and for a few blissful seconds conversation was made impossible by the sound of grinding beans.
It also handily covered the noise of him cursing the entire physical therapeutic profession under his breath.
Sadly, between them Brains and Virgil had upgraded this to be the most efficient coffee-production mechanism on the planet, and the excuse was gone before Gordon got bored and left him alone.
Who was he kidding? Once the limpet latched on… a different tack was needed to scrape him off. And after all, attack is often the best form of defence…
“So, how’s your back after the super-sub rescue, Fish?”
“Getting there. I know the drill now. Slow and steady, just gotta be careful not to rush or over-extend it. The physio helps…”
Gordon had an eerie way of making an ellipsis audible.
“Good good, keep it up.”
“Thank you, Mr Motivator.��� Gordon perused the range of noxious-coloured energy drinks in the fridge and in a clearly fake-casual voice threw the return grenade over his shoulder:
“How’s your physio going?”
“Fine. Good. Smashing it actually.”
“You don’t smash physio, bro.”
“I do.”
“Oh. Well, you’ll have to give me some pointers. For example, how to smash it so hard you appear decidedly more uncomfortable you did yesterday… I can tell by your posture - that ain’t no sock wrinkle, Scoots.”
Scott immediately stood up straighter and took a long gulp of scalding coffee to disguise the wince.
Gordon raised an infuriating eyebrow.
Scott eyeballed him impassively and took another swallow, just to make sure his throat lining was entirely obliterated. No point doing things by halves.
The raised eyebrow was replaced by an even more irritating expression of concern.
“Hip dislocations take a while bro… and your leg very nearly parted company with the rest of you… there was a lot of swelling in that joint. Give it time.”
Scott shrugged.
“Is all good, I’m nearly there. As soon as I get full rotation, I’m back in the air.”
“I knew it!”
“There’s nothing to know.”
“You’re trying to fast track it! It’s meant to be a GRADUAL extension of range! Faster isn’t always better, you great lanky donut!”
Scott didn’t have to listen to this. So he spun on his heel and made for the desk. He absolutely did not wobble and tip the rest of his coffee down his sleeve as his treacherous pelvis made a ridiculous fuss over nothing.
An even more treacherous part of his brain wondered if his little brother didn’t have a point. Scott threatened it with hyper-specific lobotomisation.
Little Mr Got-Straight-As-In-Physio slid under his shoulder and took a good proportion of his weight just as he stubbornly stepped forward again. Blinking frustrated moisture out of his eyes, Scott heartily wished it hadn’t helped as much as it did.
“Pretty sure you’re meant to use the crutches for a little longer yet too, huh?”
The groan escaped before he could stop it.
Gordon manoeuvred Scott to the couch. Scott’s right hip point blank refused to resist and the rest of his body meekly followed.
He dropped on to the couch, yelped, muttered a few words Grandma would have disapproved of and then stared mutinously at the ceiling.
He was so very Done with it all.
Little brother cocked his head to one side and then handed him a fluffy cushion. A hot pink fluffy cushion.
THE hot pink fluffy cushion.
He looked up at the one person who really and truly Got This. Gordon smiled and inclined his head towards the much loathed eyesore he must have brought up its home from the infirmary. Prescient little guppy that he was.
Scott glared at the cushion. Then pressed his face into it and screamed and shouted for what could have been thirty seconds or thirty hours.
Eventually he was spent. Taking a couple of shaky breaths he sat up and threw it with all his strength across the room. It hit the wall of the stairwell and dropped out of sight.
Gordon gently lowered himself on to the couch and looked down at his hands, slowly flexing his fingers, one by one.
“Sometimes I was so crushingly bored with all the teeny tiny increments… it felt like I was going backwards… so I’d push until it hurt. Like, really hurt. Because at least then I had something to fight. Then at least it would be interesting, you know?”
Scott nodded, quietly. Then rested his head on Gordon’s shoulder.
“Think I’ve made it worse.”
“Yeah. You’re an idiot. Runs in the family, I guess.”
Gordon ruffled his hair and Scott growled.
“You’ll get back on track, bro. Just might have made it a bit of a longer one.”
Scott couldn’t summon up anything more profound than a sigh.
“Y’know… I could always keep you company. When you’re doing the exercises, I mean. Could make a game of it or… or something. If you wanted, I mean… you don’t have to if it wouldn’t…”
“It would. I’d like that.”
“Cool. Team Hip Flexion is Go!”
Scott made a valiant attempt at the audible ellipsis thing.
“The Upright Knee Raise Crew? The Abduction Gang? Aaah I’ll work on it…”
For the first time in what felt like weeks Scott’s mouth twitched into a grin.
“I’m going to regret this aren’t I?”
“You can bet on it.”
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fawcetttweets · 2 months
Physiotherapy sucks. Gonna quit and join the circus. Sure it’ll probably make all my issues 200% worse, and I have terrible balance so those big shoes and tight wires will be difficult for me, but at least I’ll get a cool red nose that honks whenever I fall on my face! But I doubt they’d take ‘making fake tweets’ as a skill worth showing off to thousands :(. I gotta put Billy in a Situation to make me feel better about this. Maybe ill make him join the circus to fulfil my acrobatic dreams.
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celestiallymar · 12 days
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back to school
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fatal-blow · 10 months
Beighton score
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NOTE: if you used to be able to do these, but cannot because of PAIN (not because you got older, children are more flexible in general) then add those points regardless.
Chronic pain is defined as a pain that has been going for three months or longer. This applies to repetitive stress injuries. Hit yes regardless of what causes your pain, i am willing to accept that error in results.
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angryschnauzer · 1 year
Look, i'm not saying its something i'll ever write, but if modern day Geralt was a physiotherapist then that would 100% explain the guy that just twisted me into a pretzel and gave me accupuncture for my injured back.
White hair and beard, late 30s, tattoos, thicc, twisting me onto my side whilst telling me to relax my hips and he'll take the weight of my legs and then to push my knee against his waist as hard as i could.
Sir. You were surprised when i stood up a little dizzy. It wasnt a surprise to me.
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(And i can use this as an excuse to share my favourite edit Nixakimbo on insta did for me years back)
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seasidesandstarscapes · 3 months
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Via jackmulhernmoon and productionphysiotherapy on Instagram
Interview Pt. 1 on YouTube
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actuallyadhd · 4 months
Hi! I really appreciate this blog’s presence on Tumblr. I’ve been following for years and it’s comforting to see what others go through and y’all’s realistic responses.
That said, I now have a problem/question of my own that I keep having difficulty finding answers for.
I have to do physical therapy exercises to prevent knee and sciatica pain, but I have a ton of trouble keeping the exercises up. I can do a short round of them one day, but the unless I’m in pretty bad pain the novelty+urgency wears off and all I feel is deep dread towards the boredom/hell that is PT—uninteresting but important repetitive tasks that I have to focus on. I end up avoiding them and then forgetting their importance for long periods of time.
When I do manage to do a PT routine two or three days in a row, the dread is validated because *my goddd* is it horrible. It’s the type of boredom that I realized affects me physically and mentally in a way that is definitely connected to my adhd. It feels overdramatic to type, but my (also adhd) mom agrees with me— this type of boredom is hellish and practically unbearable. Legit worse than physical pain most of the time.
It might be easier when I have a set schedule again (am at a wonky summer job and wake/sleep at different times most days), but even when I’ve had better/stricter schedules, I’ve had no luck repeating PT exercises.
Any suggestions, personal successes with adhd-PT, etc, for this problem?
Thanks for taking the time to answer! No worries on the timeline as I’ve faced this problem for years and will continue to do so lol.
Sent May 30, 2024
Doing physio is boring, yup. I have always done better if I was actively going to PT sessions every week or two, since I didn't want to disappoint my physiotherapist.
Things that make it more bearable: fun music to listen to or sing along with, having one of my guinea pigs out for floor time while I exercise (seriously, that was the cutest; he would go up on his hind legs and back down again when I was doing squats), focusing on counting reps and whatnot, and having a checklist so I can mark off each rep of each exercise as I complete it.
Followers, how about you? Have you got any tried-and-true ways to get yourself to do important repetitive activities like physiotherapy exercises? Please share!
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rimbaudsleg · 1 year
Physiotherapy after hip disarticulation (+pretty physiotherapist)
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petr1kov · 3 months
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her silly chicken leg (and what i've lovingly taken to call a pussy undercut)
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aquanuvens · 11 months
Y'all I think Hataraku Saibou (along with its many spinoffs) should be considered an actual valid piece of literature for anatomical study. Med schools don't know what they are missing pls listen to what I say
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keyboard-home · 11 months
Doctors dealing w musculoskeletal issues be like 'your [x] body part hurts? AND you have [z] pre-existing condition? Ok, this MUST be caused by [z] & I'm immediately going to treat it as such. I am not going to do anything to rule out the 10 most common causes of this type of pain, just treat this with physical therapy, but it's going to be the wrong kind because I put so little effort into figuring out what's actually wrong with you. Now :D get out of my office byeee!'
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