#pieces of him
petchricor-creates · 5 months
Little sneak peak of Pieces of Him, the multi-chapter fic I've been working on
"So, Carolina and I have been talking," Wash started, shoving his hands into his pockets as he looked out the window. "And, we think we need to take the AIs."
Tucker scowled. "Take them? What do you mean?"
"I mean, take them," Wash said, this time with conviction. "The past iteration of them were experimented on and tortured. I don't know that I could live with myself if that happened to them again."
Tucker looked at his feet as he walked, taking the thought in. He couldn't agree more, if on a wildly different principle. The AI were all there was left of Church and he'd be damned if they got hurt.
He looked back at Wash, stopping when he wasn't there. Tucker turned to see Wash standing a few paces behind, staring out the window.
"Wash?" Tucker headed over and looked out. He scowled deeply at the amount of press lining the front lot. "Oh." He could see Dr. Grey and Kimball out front, answering questions. The press surrounded them like a pack of hungry dogs, wanting to be the first to share every scrap of information about the almighty Reds and Blues. He felt guilt well up in his chest. They shouldn't have to deal with this shit, after all they'd been through.
"Look at them," Wash muttered bitterly. "Can you imagine what would happen if we even told someone those AI existed?" He turned to Tucker. "They'd suffer."
Church never really went into detail about what The Director did to him during Project Freelancer. All that Tucker knew is that it was bad enough to completely fragment his mind. If that was anything to go off of, Tucker knew Wash was right. He couldn't let that happen to Church. Or, well, what was left of him.
"We can't let that happen," Tucker said. Wash nodded in agreement before he started walking again, Tucker moving with him. "Where would we take them?"
"Far from here, far from anywhere." 
Tucker rolled his eyes. "Thanks, Captain Cryptic." He smiled when Wash laughed a little.
"Kimball found an uninhabited moon we could go to. It's barely even an hour's jump." Tucker felt skeptical and it must have shown because Wash put his hands up. "I know you have worries, but hear me out."
"Hear you out? Wash, what about food? And medication? I know at least two people who have meds they need access to." Wash made a face.
"I know Sarge, who else?"
"None of your beeswax, it's not the point," Tucker snapped lightly. He'd be damned if he spilled important secrets. Wash put a hand up, acknowledging the statement.
"Okay, fair enough. We would get shipments from Chorus with what we need every so often."
"How do we know it won't be traced? Especially after the hero's disappear, people will go looking for us."
"They would send us with enough supplies to last us months and after the hype dies down, we'd get our shipments." 
Tucker scowled lightly. "What about variables? What if the hype lasts longer than we planned?"
"Then we'd figure it out, like we always do. Besides, we'll overcompensate, we'll take more than we think we need."
Tucker sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. This was a ridiculous plan, it could go wrong in so many different ways. Yet, Tucker knew Wash was right. They had to leave.
"Alright. Let's say we do this, how do we take them? We can't just keep them in their chips, that's cruel too." 
Wash nodded. "I know. Carolina and I discussed it, we want to implant them."
Tucker stopped dead, watching Wash walk for a moment before he realized Tucker had stopped. Wash turned to face him, clearly expecting this kind of reaction.
"Yeah, cause that went so well last time," Tucker muttered, crossing his arms. Wash had given him a good idea of what happened at Project Freelancer. It hadn't ended well for anyone. 
"Tucker," Wash said, his voice soft and calm. Somehow, that irritated him more. "This will be different. I trust you guys." Well, that was a punch to the gut in a way Tucker hadn't expected it to be.
He sighed and moved to catch up to Wash. "Alright, fine. On one condition."
"Name it."
"You and Carolina don't get one."
Wash scowled. "Why?"
"One, after all the shit you specifically went through? Hell no, you don't need an AI, Wash. Two, you guys know the most about these things, you should be there to watch and care for the rest of us while we go through it."
Wash looked down, thinking for a moment. He nodded and looked back up. "Alright, fair enough. There's enough for each of you, so that works anyway."
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