#pisces work
moonastrogirl · 2 months
Signs and Body parts related to them + attributes
Aries = head (brain, hair, face, eyes), adrenals, blood pressure
Taurus = neck, shoulders, throat (and voice), ears
Gemini = arms, fingers, heads, hands, lungs
Cancer = chest wall, breasts, some body fluids (uterus)
Leo = heart (blood, veins), spine, upper back, spleen.
Virgo = abdomen, intestines, gallbladder, pancreas, liver, digestive system (stomach)
Libra = lower back (butt/nyash), hips, kidneys, endocrines
Scorpio = reproductive organs (vagina, penis), pelvis, urinary bladder, rectum
Sagittarius = thighs, legs
Capricorn = knees, bones, skin
Aquarius = calves, ankles (Archiles heel), blood vessels
Pisces = feet, some body fluids (lymphatic system)
If you have any health issues look at where they are located in your body then start healing yourself by using the energy of the sign related to it. Exercise also that part of the body to strengthen it and make it heal naturally.
Work also on what the sign means to heal the sign.
Aries = Authenticity (True self)
Taurus = Self support
Gemini = Self thinking
Cancer = Self feeling
Leo = Self love (Courage)
Virgo = Self analysis
Libra = Balance of self (Confidence)
Scorpio = Self desire (Sexual energy)
Sagittarius = Vision of self (Self protection)
Capricorn = Usage of self
Aquarius = Knowledge of self
Pisces = Self belief
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astrosouldivinity · 4 months
Random Astrology Observations: 🌌💜
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💟 Pisces energy acts as a blank canvas for people to project their subconscious and shadow aspects onto. People see what they want to see when it comes to Pisces energy but often not the reality.
💟 It’s similar to Aquarius, as both Pisces and Aquarius are perceived conceptually, but the reality of who they are is not being perceived.
💟 Others’ perceptions of Pisces energy are often shaped by their personal desires, insecurities, and subconscious aspects rather than objective reality.
💟 Scorpio and Gemini, like Pisces, often find themselves misunderstood as people will also project abstract perceptions onto them that don't always reflect who they truly are.
💟 Gemini acts as a mirror, reflecting these misconceptions back to others while Scorpio embodies a void shouldering the burden of people’s darkness.
💟 It can be a lonely existence living with any of these signs energy. These individuals are rarely ever seen, but often fantasized about and projected on instead.
💟 8H and 12H placements can deal with this type of behavior from people as well.
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dionysianivy · 6 days
⋆。˚𖦹 🌕 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐫 𝐄𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐞 𓆝⋆。˚𖦹
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The Full Moon In Pisces and Lunar Eclipse, occuring on September 17th 2024, will bring very intense emotions connecting us deeply to the water energy. You may feel an intense need to close one chapter and begin a new one, with raw, vulnerable emotions rising to the surface. You can expect heightened Neptunian energy, bringing deep emotional waves under the influence of a full moon in a water sign.
A strong connection to feminine energy may occur, urging you to spend time alone for reflection and emotional release. The combination of Pisces and Virgo energy fuels creativity that might inspire you to work on something artistic or start a new project. It’s a great time to turn those ideas into action. This is a highly spiritual time, connecting you to other realms and tuning you into the call of the water element.
This energy will also bring your toxic patterns to light, giving you the chance to recognize and release them. Remember to go with the flow and let this lunar energy guide you to be your true self, reacting to situations as your heart directs, even if it stirs up a little chaos.
𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨:
𖦹 Shadow work
𖦹 Get some rest, try to sleep
𖦹 Allow yourself to cry. It’s healthy and can be healing.
𖦹 Connect with the water element
𖦹 Watch your fav movies
𖦹 Focus on your heart chakra
𖦹 Connect with your feminine energy
𖦹 Take a bath with flower-scented essential oils
𖦹 Do generous acts for others
𖦹 Let yourself react from the heart without holding back
𖦹 Practice dreamwork
𖦹 Meditate
𖦹 Light some candles, and you can carve Neptune and Pisces symbols on them
𖦹 Drink plenty of water or herbal teas
𖦹 Use your imagination to manifest
𖦹 Dance or sing under the moonlight
Tip jar♡
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cyberclouddream · 3 days
What Makes You Feel Isolated or Confined
The 12th house represents how we delve into unseen and hidden aspects of existence. Sometimes we’re not ready to confront these areas, and they can turn into a prison.
Aries Rising
- escapist tendencies
- absorbing other people’s emotions
- struggles to articulate feelings
- unfulfilled dreams, ideals, or spiritual longings
- lack of clear boundaries with others
Taurus Rising
- pressure to conform to expectations
- feelings of unachievable freedom in circumstances
- lack of understanding from others
- regrets about impulsive behavior
- restless energy that makes them feel stagnant or unfulfilled
Gemini Rising
- attachments to material comforts
- pressure to maintain appearances
- suppress emotions in favor or practicality
- rigid routines that resist unpredictability
- emotional dependencies on people or situations
Cancer Rising
- fear of commitment
- overthinking that can lead to paralysis
- balancing need for interaction and solitude
- superficial connections that lack depth
- inability to express deeper emotions
Leo Rising
- strong attachments to the past
- fear of abandonment
- the pressure to nurture others
- fear of exposing true self
- need for security, making it hard to take risks
Virgo Rising
- pressure to maintain confident or fun facade
- fear of being under-appreciated or overlooked
- stifled creative expression
- need for drama or excitement
- tendencies to seek validation from others
Libra Rising
- pressure to appear perfect
- need to control details
- overthinking and cycles of self-criticism
- emotional baggage that’s hard to sort through
- desire for routine that can feel stifling
Scorpio Rising
- desire for harmony that prevents expressing true feelings
- tendencies to overanalyze relationships
- emotional dependencies on others
- longing for connection
- pressure to maintain appearances
Sagittarius Rising
- trust issues because of fear of betrayal
- need for control
- unresolved trauma or emotional wounds
- tendencies to repress desires
- the intensity of their inner world
Capricorn Rising
- feeling restricted by obligations and responsibilities
- fear of being tied down
- fear of missing out
- overextending themselves, leading to burnout
- the need to find deeper meaning or purpose
Aquarius Rising
- pressure to always be in control
- fear of failure
- suppressed emotions after prioritizing practicality
- guilt over not achieving enough
- sense of duty and obligation
Pisces Rising
- need for individuality and innovation
- fear of losing freedom
- desire to rebel against societal norms, authority, or traditions
- need to always remain objective
- overanalyzing emotions
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yourwitchmama · 1 month
Manifestations for tonight’s Super Blue Pisces Moon:
♓️ emotional healing and release
🌕 intuition and psychic abilities
♓️ spiritual growth
🌕 creativity
♓️ self love and compassion
🌕 aspirations
Magical Focus:
📿Spiritual cleansing
🌌 Astral travel
🔭Connection to other realms
⛓️‍💥 Cord cutting
🧿Reiki healing
Crystal healing associated with Pisces:
💎 aquamarine,
🌙 moonstone,
❄️ labradorite,
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capricores · 1 year
pisces/virgo placements... it's about time you took care of yourself, too, ok?
you burn yourselves out allowing yourself to be pulled by so many people in all different directions. you exhaust all your resources and empty your cup - no, your entire well - to help those around you, even people you don't know. it's such a beautiful thing, and i know you genuinely love helping others, supporting people, seeing them thrive. it's such a beautiful trait! but you constantly end up neglecting yourself, right? you don't realize that you have permission to set aside time to care for you, to cater to your needs for once. you often feel like no one puts a drop in your cup, the favor is never returned - it's exhausting; you might think if you just keep giving your all it will come back; i understand. you will find the people that give the same energy back to you one day, but regardless of whether you've found those people yet, you need to learn to step aside and fill your own cup!
setting boundaries and saying no is the most important thing you will learn to do in this lifetime. it will not be easy for you, sometimes it will feel painful. but you cannot help the world if you're constantly drained and tired! you deserve to take care of yourself in the same way you do for others. be gentle to your kind soul, nourish yourself; do the things you love to do. learn to worry about others less, as hard as it is, and focus on yourself more.
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doodlingwren · 3 months
✨️Gold Saints✨️ if they were to be ✨️Dungeons and Dragons✨️ characters
If you were wondering what I’ve been up to in the last few days, I was making this list based on my own headcanons. Mostly, I decided for what kind of class or subclass they could be. I don’t think I will add a race or a background for them because I am not up to date with the latest released manuals 😂 and these are just the official builds. If I had to look through the homebrew material I'd still be searching. Also, I used the classes of the fifth edition ^_^
Aries Mu
He’s an artificer (or if you are more familiar with the older name, he’s a tinker). There’s even an Armorer subclass, that let him have proficiency with heavy armours and so he can go in the middle of the battlefield without too many problems while still being a smith. When I say it’s perfect, I’m not even joking. Mu is possibly the easiest one to translate as a DnD character.
Taurus Aldebaran
Look, I would love to say paladin, but since he’s more on the pure physical strength rather that paladin stuffs, I’d assume for him a class like a fighter. I wouldn’t mind for him some sort of fighter + paladin multiclass where for the bigger part is a fighter. Maybe a Champion fighter + some levels of an Oath of Devotion paladin. Those subclasses are very basic, but they do the work. I cannot put his as a barbarian because well, I don’t think it would fit him (maybe the strength part, but only that).
Gemini Saga
He’s the dungeon master.
Okay, joke aside Saga is a bit more difficult. Visually, I think he’d be a paladin. Unlike others he has a good balance between physical strength and use of cosmos (both for attack and defence purposes). The subclass is a bit tricky, in the end it could be the Oath of the Watchers, since at least at the beginning, his wish was to protect Earth and then maybe he could later become an Oathbreaker? I’m partial to the Watcher since one of the spells for this class is Banishment and if it isn’t the poorer version of Another Dimension ability, I don’t know what it is.
Cancer Deathmask
He has the necromancer vibes without being a necromancer. In short, Oathbraker paladin: he can cast the ✨edgy✨ spells with ghosts and undead and it kind of makes sense that during the fight against Shiryu his cloth yeets off because of how bad he fucked up.
Leo Aiolia
Undecided between a normal fighter or a paladin. If he had an animal like Leo Kaiser in ND had those huge lions, he would be the ultimate ranger (subclass: Beast Master). But he doesn’t so… paladin. Maybe the subclass could be Oath of the Ancients, but I’m not sure.
Virgo Shaka
I’ve been thinking of where to put Shaka for almost two hours. My mind says monk, but my heart says wizard, but he must be a paladin somehow. Monk could be the perfect class for Shaka: you can easily see ki (the magical energy that empowers a monk attacks) as cosmos and the training/asceticism part would make sense for him. My only problem is that personally, I don’t see Shaka as someone that would resort to fighting bare hands against enemies (which is the core concept of the monk class). And mostly important, the monk class don’t have armour proficiency, which is the point of being a Gold Saint (neither does the wizard). As a wizard, I’d put him in the War Caster subclass, but being a wizard would make him a sort of cannon glass (wizard have the highest damage output, but at the same time the lowest number of hit points, aka life). Unless it is the Shaka from KotZ, then I could forgive a monk/wizard multiclass. As a paladin, I’m not even sure if he should be an Oath of Devotion. So, I will use the ace up my sleeve and say: Shaka is a cleric either with the Light Domain or the Order Domain, but I’m partial to the first one.
Libra Dohko
MONK. ASCENDANT DRAGON SUBCLASS. And if you feel silly enough, either a few levels of Paladin – Oath of Devotion or some levels as a Fighter - Battle Master .
Scorpio Milo
I am afraid that I have no clue of what Milo could be. My personal idea would be to make some sort of rogue, so I could imagine his scarlet needle to be a kind of sneak attack with a poisonous dagger. The subclass in this case would be either an Assassin or a Swashbuckler, to have the best implement of damage output. Maybe also a multiclass with a fighter (Champion subclass)?
Sagittarius Aiolos
He could be a paladin (Oath of the Crown?) with a feat like Crossbow Expert or a fighter with the Arcane Archer subclass. But because of his role as the Sagittarius Saint, I’m for the second option. Truth to be told, I wouldn’t mind a multiclass between those two.
Capricorn Shura
Another character that could be a paladin or a fighter BUT I say fighter AND the subclass must be Samurai, which is one of the best for striking powerful attack with a sword. No paladin class could do such things.
Aquarius Camus
Camus, like Aphrodite, has that kind of power that can be based on some sort of natural element, that would make me go “HE’S a DRUID!!!” if I didn’t know better. My main problem with druids is that they cannot wear or wield anything made of metal, therefore there would be no possibility for him to achieve a gold-saint-like kind of armour. As a paladin, Oath of the Ancients has a few spells that are ice-based, and I would implement that by giving him some levels in the sorcerer class (the subclass isn’t important for choosing those spells, but I’d like for him the Storm Sorcery subclass).
Pisces Aphrodite
Like Camus, he could be a druid, at least on paper. The ranger class has access to some druid spells, but I don’t know if it would match Aphrodite aesthetic completely. As a ranger, I’d go for a Fay Wanderer subclass and maybe a few paladin levels (Oath of the Crown subclass). He can have some levels a cleric (Nature Domain) as a treat.
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sortvaniliekrans · 2 years
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Future stuff for Pisces Caelestis, Y/N will be sleeping with the fishes... literally!
Pls go read my fic I promise there’s not too many awful puns
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elenagoeslightly · 11 days
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I want to climb into this ribcage and make a home there
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hiddenpie · 2 months
You ever wonder how many people created a whole imaginary relationship with you in their head but never made a move? How many people literally waited for your arrival just to be around you even if only for a few minutes? How many people stayed up thinking, journaling, imagining about you?
Tbh, I don’t think doing things like this is weird at all. I used to have mixed opinions but I think it’s a beauty in being able to love someone and imagine things with them without needing it be returned or ever happen yk? I think it’s the beautiful things about imagination.
Yes there are many cases where it turned weird but I’m speaking of innocent romantic fantasy’s. I think it’s needed in a way…not everyone you admire or are attracted to is going to be a long term partner..sometimes it is better to just enjoy them from afar.
What do you think?
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xomoonlover11 · 1 month
My heart breaks often for the little girl in me who felt like she never stood a chance, who has so much trauma to heal from(doing the work everyday), who didn’t feel accepted, who felt like her emotions were too much, who felt like she was too much, who felt misunderstood, rejected, unworthy, unsafe. But I’m doing everything in my power to make sure my inner child and current self knows how untrue that is. Idc if it takes me a whole lifetime to prove to my inner child and current self how worthy we are how enough as we are! To give myself the grace and space to be authentically me.
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elderwisp · 7 months
Thank you for the tag @pralinesims ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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NAME: atlas dubois
NICKNAME: ... cassanova (*me wheezing in the background*)
GENDER: he's just a boy
STAR SIGN: pisces ♓︎
HEIGHT: 5'11 (180 CM)
FAVORITE FRUIT: strawberries
FAVORITE FLOWER: poppies, roses and lily of the valley
FAVORITE SCENT: the smell of the sea, taryn's perfume
COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: hot chocolate! he’s not a fan of coffee
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: if he's lucky, 6 hours
DOGS or CATS: he honestly used to not like having pets but after leo, he absolutely adores cats and wouldn't go back
DREAM TRIP: he'd love to spend a summer in portofino, italy on a boat
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: he likes sleeping with nothing or like those sheet covers O_O can't be me
RANDOM FACT: he used to work as a bartender and used his charisma to make hella money before becoming a fulltime freelance artist. he honestly whips up a good drink every now and again
I tag: @lynzishell @goldenwaves @roos-bowl-o-soup @kazuaru @acidheaddd @vicciouxs @moonfromearth if you'd like :)
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astrosouldivinity · 5 months
Random Astrology Observations: ⭐️
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❀ Virgo and Gemini placements may struggle with intrusive thoughts. Being Mercury ruled, their m inds are constantly active and racing. I forgot to add this to my OCD in a birth chart series, but it definitely applies.
❀ Remember, you are separate from your thoughts. Meditation is a good option that can help you process your thoughts and feelings, and hopefully lead you to this realization.
❀ I used to struggle with intrusive thoughts due to OCD, but I no longer do because I came to understand that I am separate from my thoughts. I also managed to heal and work through my feelings of shame.
❀ You can have bad thoughts but it doesn’t mean you will act out on them. It is important that you hold space for all aspects of yourself, including the light and dark.
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❀ Don’t mess with Capricorn or Aquarius placements, as being ruled by Saturn they dish out karma to anyone who harms them. I would say Libra too because they are exalted in Saturn.
❀ I’ve never met anyone who has messed with these signs/placements who are doing well in life. They are suffering immensely, which is truly unfortunate.
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❀ Pisces karma has spiritual, & energetic, and subconscious elements. Your shadow and soul would be in Pisces house. Pisces energy can be triggering for people at a soul level.
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yesidoodles · 1 year
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I miss drawing in Nomura's art style, it's been a while so it may look weird lol
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boba-beom · 7 months
I was telling my non-kpop best friend that taehyun’s been on my mind so much lately and I keep bringing him up and talking about how fine of a man he is and she goes “you’re no longer being bias wrecked, you’re being bias railed.” and honestly, I agree 😵‍💫
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Inna is literally too cute :,)
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