#plan with me français
dulac1882 · 5 months
!! langblr introduction !!
salut !! i made this langblr to share my language learning progress and to be in contact with other people into languages<3 i'm especially interested in following people who post about their learning progress !!!
about me: - caroline (she/her), 21, finnish, uni student - other than languages i'm interested in almost everything art & culture related :) languages: - languages i'm concentrating on: french (high b1), german (b1), russian (high a2) - languages i'm learning on the side / have learned in the past: swedish (rusty b1), latin, italian (a1) (+ english). not planning on starting any new ones anytime soon..
language goals under the cut :)
some goals for this summer: - french: (1) finish b1 level textbooks and maybe go through grammaire progressive au français intermédiaire and/or avancé (2) get better at understanding natural speech (i can understand radio programmes etc just fine but movies, tv shows and youtube videos are a lot more difficult for me) - german: improve vocabulary, maybe go through a textbook (if i have the time) - russian: catch up on anki (i have over 5k reviews piled up….) and MAYBE finish my (final!) russian textbook - other: maybe try reading a book in swedish and listen to some easy italian podcast episodes, these aren't really that important long-time goals: - french: becoming as good as i am in english (or better..) - german: high b2 or c1 (currently my biggest problems are (1) vocabulary (2) can't speak…..) - russian: being able to read russian lit (+ having basic conservations without too much difficulty) - swedish: reaching a level that's ok/nice for a finnish person…??? as in being able to have a conversation if needed + being able to read contemporary texts (which i mostly am already) - italian: no big goals, i can already understand a lot based on french :) one day i'd like to be able to read italian books with ease and to speak semi-fluently but i'm in no hurry - latin: not forgetting anything i've already learned + finishing OLC 3 at some point (i only have 2–5 chapters to go)
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jules-and-company · 2 years
un jour je vais vraiment finir par péter un câble face à mes notes de concours pas proportionnelles au travail fourni en révisions
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emmarousil · 6 months
Mods opera GX
Salut ! Aujourd'hui je vais te présenter ça :
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Ce sont mes mods opera GX ! Si t'as pas le navigateur, je te le conseille par ce que cébi1 (woaw quel argument) mais en vrai si tu aimes les jeux vidéos, cébi1, si t'aimes pas euh bah euh voila.
Tu peux accéder à tes propres mods en rentrant opera://mods sur le navigateur.
Donc pour les browsers sounds j'utilise celui de ce mod car bah c'est amusant XD Je te conseille par contre de baisser le volume dans les réglages du navigateur (opera://settings/sounds_settings)
Pour les keybord sounds j'utilise plutôt un son de machine à écrire car j'adore ce son, vraiment très agréable !
(Si tu veux carrément un logiciel pour avoir des sons de clavier en dehors d'Opéra GX c'est par ici :)
Enfin pour le thème j'utilise juste les couleurs de ce mod qui sont gris clair, rouge et noir, pour avoir en même temps un game strip sympa (c'est un petit jeu que tu peux mettre en bas de la page d'accueil du navigateur).
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Voila comment rend le jeu, c'est juste un clicker.
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Je n'utilise pas les autres types de mods car je ne les trouve pas intéressants, mais rien ne t'empêche de chercher les tiens sur le GX store.
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Pour l'arrière plan je n'utilise donc pas un mod mais juste un ad-on opera pour avoir cette belle image animée de loup blanc !
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Voila à quoi ressemble ma page d'accueil bien personnalisée ! (bon j'ai censuré un peu les trucs persos hein logik)
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À plus dans le bus ! (pourquoi j'ai l'impression d'avoir vieilli d'un coup ?)
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arc-misadventures · 19 days
MFK: Jaune and FATE servants.
Nora: NORA!
Jaune: ...
Nora: ...
Jaune: ...
Nora: Y-You didn't react...? D-Didn't I scare you...?
Jaune: I hadn't seen you in several hours. It was quiet, too quiet. So I assumed you were planning something. It was only a matter of time until you showed up, and screamed something at me trying to scare me. And, you did.
Nora: ...
Nora: We're doing MFK!
Jaune: AHHHH!?!
Nora: Ha! I got my scream~!
Jaune: We're no actually doing it though, are we?
Nora: No, we totally are doing it.
Jaune: Fuck!
Nora: Let me introduce you to today's contestants! First we have this beautiful lady. Jeanne D'Arc!
Jeanne: Bonjour~!
Jaune: Wait, hold up...?
Nora: Her evil clone, Jeanne D'Arc Alter.
Jeanne: Hi.
Jaune: Hold on now?!
Nora: And, last but not least! Jeanne Arc!
Jeanne: Hello~!
Nora: Let the games b...?!
Jaune: What the hell, Nora?!
Nora: Begin...?
Jaune: Good gods... of all the people you wanted me to, MFK, you pick my freaking quad sisters?!
Nora: ...
Nora: T-They're your sisters? Oh, I guess that make sense... they're all named, Arc. Wait, what the hell is, 'quad?'
Jaune: We're quadruplets, Nora. Since we're not twins, we call each other, 'Quad.' They are my quad sister's, and I am their quad brother.
Nora: Quadruplets?! But, I thought you were the youngest, a-and that you had seven older sisters?!
Jaune: Aye. I have four older sisters... that were born one at a time. Then, mom had the four of us, at relatively the same time.
Jaune: Jeanne, the blonde one with the silver crown, is the oldest among us.
Jeanne: That's me~!
Jaune: The platinum blonde with amber eyes, who is often referred to as the black sheep of the family is the second oldest. We call her, Jalter.
Jalter: Hi lil' bro. Your teammates is weird.
Jaune: No kidding...
Jaune: And, lastly we have the third oldest, Jea.
Jea: I think she's nice; a little eccentric, but nice.
Jaune: And, lastly we have me, the youngest.
Nora: Wow... your birthday must be a nightmare, sharing it with three sisters.
Jeanne: Actually, it is not like zat!
Jalter: We were all born on, May 30. However, each of our births took so long that our quad brother, Jaune ended up being born on the, 31.
Jea: So while we three sisters all have a birthday on the same day, Jaune luckily has his own separate birthday.
Jalter: Lucky bugger...
Nora: Okay...
Jaune: Anymore questions about my quads, Nora?
Nora: Yeah, what's with... Jeanne's accent?
Jaune: Her accent?
Jalter: There is a regional language from where we're from, called...
Jeanne: Français~!
Jalter: It's called, French. That's just how you say it in, French.
Jea: Jeanne learned the language just like the rest of us, she just latched on to it so much, that when she speaks the common tongue, with a, French accent.
Nora: Ohh... that makes sense! So, uhh... since this involves your quad brother, you still want to play, MFK?
Jeanne: Oh oui, very much so~!
Jalter: Hell yeah! I can totally use this to tease my little brother! I'm not missing this for anything!
Jea: I wanna tease our older sisters with this! We'll finally learn which sister he has a thing for!
Jeanne: Oh~! Those bro-cons will be so upset when we tell them!
Jaune: Oh gods...
Nora: Well, Jaune, who do you choose~?
Jaune: Haa... I'll marry my older sister... Jeanne!
Jeanne: Oui! Oui! Oui! I get to marry my sweet adorable little brother!
Jaune: Of course you were a bro-con too... you scream 'bro-con!'
Jeanne: It tis not my fault that you are ze only man that meets all of my standards for a marriage partner.
Jaune: You have low standards then...
Jeanne: What did we say about speaking bad about yourself?!
Jaune: To do so quietly?
Jalter: That we would make you regret saying that! And, you will regret saying...?!
Jaune: I'd fuck, Jalter!
Jalter: W-What...? W-W-Why the fuck would you want to sleep with me?!!
Jaune: J-Jeanne has a warm motherly aura that I would like to find in a wife. And, you have a this cool, punk rocker girl that I wouldn't mind sleeping with, okay?!
Jalter: Alright...
Jaune: OH gods, I thought she was going to kill me...
Nora: You did?
Jaune: I love my sister, don't get me wrong, but sometimes, she scares me. She can have such a scary aura about her...
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Jalter: He pick me! He picked me! He picked meeeee~!
Nora: She does...?
Jalter: Ahem! Please continue.
Jaune: Okay...
Jaune: Last, but not least... I kill, Jea.
Jea: Naww... Why do I have to die?
Jaune: Well... Jeanne, is the spicy mom of our quartet...
Jeanne: Spicy~?
Jaune: Jalter is the hot biker bade...
Jalter: I should get a motorcycle..
Jeanne: You would look belle on a motorcycle sister!
Jaune: And, your just the female version of me, Jea.
Jaune: Without the crippling self doubt, but nonetheless, me.
Jea: Rude.
Jaune: I know, being me is terrible.
Jea: ...
Jea: Sisters.
Jalter: On it.
Jaune: Hmm?
Jea: Come here you!
Jaune: Whoa, hey?!
Jeanne: Au revoir, Nora! We will be taking our dear brother away, so we can remind him how much we love him~!
Nora: Okay! Have fun, Jaune!
Jaune: No, Nora! Don't let them take me! Save me! Save meeeeeeeeeeee...!
Nora: What a lovely bunch of people!
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cheriladycl01 · 8 months
So, you lied to me? - Lando Norris x Tourist! Reader
Plot: Going on a travel year you end up in Monaco, the plan wasn't too fall for the man who helped you to the British Embassy and gave you a place to stay when someone stole everything from you ...
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You took a gap year before university and decided to travel you'd started off the New Year on a flight from London, to Qatar to New Zealand. You travelled around New Zealand and Australia for the majority of January, before moving on to Papa New Guinea, Fiji and Samoa.
You then travelled round the South Asian countries, like Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines and Taiwan all throughout February. You then moved onto China, doing both Disney Parks while you were there and sight seeing. You did South Korea and Japan.
Coming into April, you moved onto Sri Lanka and India, and The Middle East, doing Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrian, Qatar, Oman and Saudi Arabia.
Afterwards, now having done 2 continents, you moved onto Africa, you spent the end of April and the majority of May travelling here, before leaving for Europe.
A nice 2 weeks island hopping around Greece, before a week travelling up the boot of Italy.
It was when you drove to Monaco in a rental car that things got difficult.
You were walking along the harbor where all the expensive yachts were docked wishing that one could be yours. You didn't have all your bags on you, the larger ones left behind in the hotel room you'd booked for the night. But you had your important stuff on you, like you passport, your drivers license and all your travel documents.
You were taking a picture on your nice Canon camera of the yachts and the street that had weird red corners rounding it that you put down to being measures to just help drivers slow down round the corners, but they were definitely an eyesore.
Every time nice cars drove by there was whistles and claps that made you look at what car it was, you could never tell what model it was but they looked nice and you guess you could say sporty.
As you were distracted taking your pictures a guy comes up to you with a small, parcel cutting knife in his hand. He slit the straps of what you thought was a really sturdy bag and the weight notifies you to the loss of the bag. You let your camera drop as you turn to see the guy now holding your bag and starting to run away with it.
"Hey! Stop" you shout before running after him.
"Aide, Aide" you shout as you continue to follow him, your minimal French not helping as people scold you for being a bustly tourist.
You aren't really looking where you going and you loose him at a busy intersection of people, you spin round looking at every possible direction he could have gone in.
"Shit!" you whisper to yourself quietly tears coming in your eyes. You spin round a little to quickly, bumping into someone who drops the bag that they were holding.
"Désolé, mon erreur" you try looking at the young gentleman you'd bumped into in a hoodie and jeans. He looks at you with a confused look, a smirk coming onto his face.
"Oh sorry, tu ne parles pas français? Maybe Italian, erm fuck scusa, parli italiano?" you ask with again the bare minimum of Italian you know.
"I speak perfectly good English" he smiles, laughing a little as your expression turns to shock.
"Oh! Oh I'm so stupid. Hello!" you smile looking at the very attractive man in front of you, you blushed a little looking up at him.
"You look panicked what's wrong?" he asks.
"I was tacking pictures of the harbor and some guy took my bag. It has everything in of mine and I don't know what to do" You say to him looking a little more panicked.
"Everything as in money ... because I can help with that" he says placing a hand on your arm.
"I don't care about the money, but he has all of my documents. My passport, my drivers license everything" you cry a little.
"Oh! Erm, I have a friend who was born here, and let me get him and he can help us file a police report. Then mmm the British Embassy is all the way in Paris and you cant get a flight so we'll have to drive there..." he starts to rant and your face turned shocked.
"We?" you ask, confused as to how this guy has just inserted himself into your life drama's.
"Oh yeah, I've gotta help you out now. You got that whole damsel in distress thing going on right now! Any way damsel, what's your name?" he jokes and you look over at him offended.
"I am not a damsel in distress! And Y/N" you retort.
"You so are, the tear stains, the wide, helpless eyes, the guppy fish face your pulling right now, the butchered French and Italian to a strange man who actually is British... Y/N" he laughs making you pout and push him a little.
"I don't even have a place to stay after 3pm today and I cant check in anywhere without ID" you say rubbing your head, looking around as if the man would randomly pop back up and hand you your bag back before saying how sorry he was.
"You can stay at my place, I have two spare bedrooms" he smiles and you look at him in shock.
"You live here, in Monaco ..." you ask.
"Yeah, I moved here a few years ago, for ...work" he offers, he phones his friend walking off for a few seconds alone before he pulls you along one of the side streets and too a quiet cafe he went to, to keep under wraps.
"Okay, Y/N this is my friend ... er Percy" he says pointing to Charles, so far you hadn't shown any signs of knowing who he is and he didn't want you to catch wind of that.
"Hello Percy, its nice to meet you" you smile and he looks at you with a vacant yet confused expression.
"Oh and whose this you are beautiful" you compliment looking at the girl behind him.
"Y/N this is my girlfriend Alex" Charles indicates to Alex behind him who smiles and pulls you in for a kind hug that you definitely needed. You could hear both of their strong accents as they introduced himself.
"Oh, I never got you name, what's your name?" you ask turning to look at Lando, who freezes for a second.
"Erm, my names Robert, but you can call me Bob" he smiles and you raise and eyebrow at him.
"Hmmm, you don't look like a Robert... or a Bob. Interesting choice" you voice your opinion making everyone awkwardly laugh.
Charles, Lando and Alex took you to the nearest police station in Monaco, Charles translated what they were saying and you answered to which he and Alex would help translate back.
Charles explained that they were escalating it because you are a tourist in need, but you picked up some words that made the sentence not sound like that at all.
You were asked if you had a place to say and Lando explained you'd be staying with him until everything was sorted out.
The Monegasque police got in contact with the Paris British Embassy for you, they explained that the police had sent over you information and if you wanted to hold off on a new passport for a few days to see if it would turn up you were more than welcome, but right now your passport was on lockdown.
And that was how you ended up spending the end of July and all of August with Lando, it was strange really. For a man who had and extremely nice collection of clothes and a very large apartment he didn't go to work often. There was one room you weren't allowed in which is where he often went, you assumed it was a man cave or gaming room where he played with his friends because you heard lots of shouting and aggressive banging.
He'd been so sweet, he took you on dates from going out to dinner, to picnics, to going swimming and lots more. It felt like more than a summer fling. Especially once he asked you to be his girlfriend, which you immediately said yes too.
But he got a lot more twitchy after he had.
Eventually, Lando or Bob as you knew him took you to Paris so you could get your passport. He explained that he travelled a lot for work and he would need to leave soon and you explained that before you bumped into him you'd been on a gap year travelling the world.
"Baby, why don't you come with me?" he asked randomly as you were both lying on the sofa, cuddling while watching a film.
"You wont even tell me what you do for work Baby! And besides I had a schedule that I'm already behind on. A week ago you said you didn't mind going our separate ways for a little bit until Christmas and then you'd come to England with me" you say playing with his curls.
"Okay, I'm going to be honest with you now... my name isn't Bob" he says shyly and you sit up at the speed of light turning to look at him.
"I knew it! So you lied to me?" you exclaim laughing.
"So, what's my boyfriends actual name?" you ask looking him dead in the eyes, he leans up on his elbows before sitting the full way up.
"Lando, I am Lando Norris" he smiles.
"Hmmmm, Lando... Lando. I could get used to that" you smile.
"You aren't mad?" he asks looking over you, brushing you hair back and tucking it behind your ear before kissing your cheek.
"I knew you weren't being completely honest when we first met... but I also knew you had your own reasons" you offer.
"I think its going to be easier if I just hand you my Instagram" he admits with a gulp as he hands you his phone. The first thing you notice is how many followers he had, there was around 10million and he had nearly 2,500 posts.
You look at the friends list, and one peeks your interest. Charles Leclerc, who looked exactly like Percy who Lando had introduced you too.
You then go back and look at his bio, that told you his actual job.
"So, I'm dating a super famous athlete?" you ask looking up at him away from the phone to see his head down in his hands. He turns to the side to sneak a look at your expression, his eyes a little glossy.
"To be specific, a Formula 1 driver" you ask again and he nods.
"You are such a muppet, my god" you laugh before pulling him into a hug.
"How aren't you upset with me?" he ask unsure.
"Well, I agreed to date you, because you are you. I doubt you change into Mr Hyde when you become a what was is Porsche race-car driver? I fell in love with you, not Bob, not Lando, you. So whether that is Bob, who kindly helped a crying lady on the street who just had her passport stolen from her, or Lando a cool and amazing race-car driver. Whoever you are is the person I love" you grin and he pulls you into a hug.
"So you want to join me for the last few races? Or you want to finish this world trip of yours?" he asks.
"Well, looking at your calendar, I can actually meet you at the rest of the races, While travelling. I'll continue to do Europe until you have the Netherlands, and ill go back to Italy, just for you. I'll miss Azerbaijan and Singapore because I did that, but I'll knock out some of South America, I'll meet you for Austin, then we can do Mexico and Brazil together, then we can do Vegas together! And by that point I can call it done with my trip!" you exclaim and he looks like he considers it for a second.
He's shocked, he cant remember the last time a girlfriend tried so hard to link up their schedules like this, and proved that they'd be able to work despite some potential scheduling issues.
"I love you. I fucking love you" he grins pulling you back down onto the sofa kissing all over your face making you giggle.
A/N: I've been doing a lot of Lando recently, I don't know if you can tell but I love writing about him, he's my fav to write about right now.
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klausysworld · 9 months
Your stories are so good!
How about a story where Klaus gets in over his head and ends up being taken captive by Augustine but falls in love with one of the scientist over the time he’s there.
(Made it the scientists daughter, not sure why? I think I read the ask wrong and then just got too deep with it. I can make another one if this wasn’t what was wanted)
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(TW:This does include physical and psychological abuse form Y/n’s father! Please don’t read if this will be too upsetting for you and know that you are not alone.)
Klaus often went into dangerous situations without much of a plan, he was immortal and he used that to his every advantage. To be fair to him, this always worked in his favour except for that one time with the hunters curse but other than that it was fine.
Until now.
He woke with a groan, his eyes felt heavy and his body was stiff. Forcefully, he forced himself to look around but his face was against the ground. With a grunt, he managed to roll onto his back. His breathing was struggled and released in puffs. A hum reached his ears and he turned his head slowly to see a man, no a vampire sat in a cage or a prison cell opposite him.
The guys clothes were filthy, bloody and muddy. Hair greasy and growing a touch long. He gave an unserious wave "congratulations, you've been captured" he cheered sarcastically and Klaus frowned. The vampire rolled his eyes "¿no hablas inglés?" he questioned "français? Italiano? Polski?" he fired, clearly bored.
"Where-" Klaus frowned at the dryness of his throat and tried to clear his throat but it caused a painful sensation "Where am I?" he asked, raspily.
"English" the man stated, nodding to himself. "Right uh you are in an experiment where they do fun little tests on us vampires because they have an undying hatred towards us" the man explained, laughing tiredly to himself when he said 'undying'.
Klaus stared at the man like he were mad. "Tests? What sort of tests?" he questioned, frustrated and the vampire shut up. He glanced behind Klaus before back to him nervously
"They're trying to make a serum to make vampires have the uncontrollable urge to feed on other vampires...to rip their heads clean off. Be stronger, unstoppable and filled with hatred for our own" he explained quietly as though someone may be listening. Klaus frowned in response and slowly dragged himself up into a sitting position against the cold wall of his cell.
Vampires who rippered other vampires? It reminded him of his father and he didn't exactly want to think of him. Nor did he want to feel this week, how much vervain had they pumped him full of? He groaned loudly and the other man hummed in agreement.
The sound of a lock went and the vampire opposite Klaus quickly got to his feet, holding onto the bars like a desperate animal.
The soft clicking of heels sounded and the mans face immediately relaxed slightly, his eyes looking eagerly for whoever was coming. Klaus was hit with a strong scent of vanilla before a soft sigh was heard and he could see the back of a women. Her hair hiding her shoulders and the top half of her lab coat. She wore small black heels and a coat.
"You okay?" she asked the guy opposite him, handing him something, blood. He could smell it and he needed it. The vampire scoffed it down immediately with a sound of pleasure.
"mm thank you darling...I don't suppose you have another for me?" he purred but she shook he head
"It's for the new one" she whispered and Klaus's senses perked. She proceeded to turn towards him and her eyes looked him over. Klaus let out a breathy laugh, this was who was supposed to be testing and torturing him? He raised both his brows and licked his chapped lips before pulling them into a smirk. In response she only rolled her eyes "those eyes won't work on many people here" she told him, she placed the paper shot glass of blood onto the floor and carefully pushed it into his cage. "You'll be known by 52836, answer to it or they’ll burn it into you so you remember it" she informed, watching him reach forward and grabbing the drink.
"This is all I get?" he questioned, his nose scrunched and his browed pulled together.
"One a day. None if you misbehave. You'll feel better tomorrow when you have less vervain in your system, until then keep quiet. 12144 will be here with you...get comfortable" she murmured, a certain sadness and level of pity in her eyes as she gave a tight lipped smile to both vampires before leaving.
12144 looked back to Klaus, "You can call me Enzo, she's called Y/n. One of the mean ones daughters, been coming down here since she was small. She doesn't mean much harm but she's too scared to go against the rules" he explained with a shrug "Sometimes she sneaks me two portions if she can. She touched me once, just a hand on the shoulder. I was far too weak to respond but I knew she was there"
Klaus stared at Enzo for a moment before glancing to his now empty cup. What the fuck did he just get himself into?
It was the question he asked himself every morning and every night. To start off with he fought back against the scientists, yelled and screamed demanding to know who they thought they were, making empty threats and hoping his family would find him.
Klaus began to feel a little pathetic, he was hoping? That wasn’t like him. He was strategic and powerful. So he tried to pay better attention. After a few weeks, he was able to understand why Y/n was so obedient. Her father was dreadful. She once suggested that Klaus needed a break after watching blood poor out of his eyes, her father proceeded to grab her and threaten to stick one of the syringes in her neck. She sprinted out the room as soon as she was let go and Klaus couldn’t blame her. It made him think of Mikael and how he would hold a sword against his throat.
He had sympathy for her, empathy too but unfortunately he had to push that aside and instead of help her, he would manipulate her.
He would ask her about the little marks on her skin knowing it was a result of her trying to help him. Enzo would shake his head and occasionally speak up, telling Klaus to leave her be when her discomfort became clear.
“I don’t mean to upset you sweetheart” Klaus murmured, his hand reaching between the bars to brush against her arm making her flinch and pull away. “You don’t deserve to be hurt. I know that, Enz- 12144, knows it too. You’re good and sweet” he told her, his hand reaching to touch her but she wouldn’t let him. “I could help you” he whispered, his eyes flicking to Enzo’s but he just looked annoyed.
Y/n shook her head and left quickly and Enzo sighed. “You shouldn’t do that to her” he mumbled “you’re only making her hopeful”
“I haven’t lied. If she were to let me out then I’d happily slaughter that father of hers. Then she’d be safe” he smile sarcastically
“I wouldn’t let you kill her too. She hasn’t done anything cruel since the first day I met her” Enzo muttered solemnly
“I don’t plan on killing her” Klaus stated simply as he looked down at the extra cup of blood she had given him. He wasn’t sure what he’d do to her but he wouldn’t kill her, scare her maybe but he didn’t really want to kill her.
The two vampires sat back down in their cells. Preparing themselves for the torture to come. Occasionally it wouldn’t come, instead they would hear the sobs of a fear stricken Y/n as she begged the ‘scientists’ to give 12144 and 52836 a day off. It was those moments that made him soften for her.
When she would come down to where they stay with trembling hands and cups of blood.
As she handed the small offering to Klaus, he slid his hand out to grab her wrist gently. She immediately flinched and dropped the blood making her breathing escalate in panic.
“It’s alright” he soothed, pulling her closer to the bars so he could put his other hand on her cheek.
“I’m sorry” she whimpered “I’ll get more”
“It doesn’t matter sweetheart” he murmured, caressing her face gently and wiping the tears away. “I had two cups yesterday anyway” he reminded and she sniffed with a nod. “Come here love, let me hold you” he whispered, tugging her closer despite the shaking of her head a the cry that left her lips. Enzo watched with furrowed brows as Klaus managed to wrap his arms around her. Y/n’s body was pressed against the bars, still shaking as the vampire caressed her back slowly. Klaus looked over her shoulder to Enzo as Y/n melted against him. With hesitancy Enzo nodded and relaxed.
After nearly a full minute, he let her go and watched as her tearful eyes looked at his. Silently she turned around and left, whispering softly to Enzo on her way out.
Said vampire narrowed his eyes at Klaus “What game are you playing with her?” He asked lowly
“We need to get out. She needs to get out. This is how we do it” he mumbles
“Make her trust you and then use her? Like that will help her. You’ll only hurt her more” he sighed and Klaus rolled his eyes, sitting back down on the dirtied floors and shutting his eyes.
Y/n tried not to look him in the eye after that and she went back to pushing the cup of blood towards him instead of handing it to him. He could tell and Enzo could tell that something deeper was wrong. And it was only when it actually happened did they understand what.
It was Klaus’s turn to be shackled down and tested on. What he wasn’t ready for was when one of the scientists came in dragging Y/n by the wrist. He forced her infront of Klaus and shoved a syringe into her hands. She shook her head and begged no but as soon as her father stepped into the room she knew she had to do it. With one devastating look to Klaus, she injected him with the substance.
They made her test his blood and his reactions all afternoon, claiming that it was a good learning opportunity and she should finally get involved in the family business.
By the time she was finished, Klaus couldn’t see nor hear, he was certain for a moment that he was finally dead but eventually he woke a few hours later back in his cell.
After that, Y/n rarely brought them blood, she couldn’t face them. And when she had to face them, it was because she had to hurt them and that was even worse for everyone.
Neither vampire blamed her, they didn’t fight her when she would touch them. They would simply let it happen and internalise as much of their pain as possible so she wouldn’t cry as much.
Occasionally the other scientists would leave and she would immediately try stop their suffering. Asking what she could do. Enzo assure her that it was fine and she would hold his hand for a small while and feed him some water. Klaus would ask her to distract him which always confused her and ended up in a splurge of rambling so that he would be able to focus on something else. The amount of random stories that girl had told him wonder if she was just making them up on the spot but he didn’t mind if she was. Often she would caress his hand or shoulder as she spoke to try and give a sense of comfort.
One day, when Klaus was supposed to still be knocked out, she was in his cell with him. She had been told to clean the blood from the floor so that it wouldn’t smell and not to worry about 52836 because he wouldn’t wake for another hour. They underestimated his strength and the fact that Y/n would try sneak extra blood.
When he woke, his eyes slowly found her. She was down on her knees, scrubbing at the ground with a sponge quickly. It was clear she was on edge. She made it clear when she glanced over to him a few times. Only one of those times did she realise he was looking back at her and when it hit her she froze.
Klaus made sure not to move either, he wasn’t sure if the cage was open or not and he didn’t know if she would scream if he moved too quickly. He watched as she slowly began to stand up, he hesitantly moved his arm out and let his hand touch her ankle. A sound left her mouth as she went still again and watched him wrap his hand around her. “Can you help me sit up?” He asked quietly and reluctantly she nodded.
He let go of her and helped push himself up as much as he could while she supported the majority of his weight. She whispered her apologies as she managed to get him up and leaning against the wall.
“Thank you sweetheart” he whispered, his hand finding hers. She swallowed thickly but held his hand and sat beside him staring at the ground blankly.
Enzo was in the other room, being tested on as usual so Klaus had her to himself for a moment.
His eyes flicked to the lock of the cell, it was open and he knew that if he drained Y/n now that he would make it out. He felt her shuffle a little close to that she could transfer some of her body heat to his, and sighed to himself. Slowly he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. “You’re not like them” he whispered, holding her closer.
“I don’t want to hurt you” she whispered sadly and he closed his eyes, cursing himself silently.
“I don’t want to hurt you either” he uttered “I’m sorry” he told her, just before lowering his head and sinking his teeth into her neck. He squeezed his eyes shut to try block out her cry of pain and confusion. Her blood burned down his throat with the vervain she’d ingested but regardless of the toxic herb, he could still feel his strength returning. Her hands desperately tried to push him off, sobs echoing through his cell as he drank. Klaus tried to be a gentle as he could but her squirming made it so difficult.
When her heart began to slow, and her her breathing quietened, he pulled his mouth off. She looked up at him with a look that could only be described as betrayal and fear. Still, he picked her up in his arms and kissed her head “it’ll be okay my love” he whispered, carrying her with him as he pushed the cell gate open. “I’ll be back” he promised, putting her on the ground, ignoring her cries as he went into the torture room.
After draining the three scientists in the room and tearing the shackles off of Enzo, he came back and picked up Y/n. Enzo was furious and took her straight off of Klaus, promising her that he had no idea this was what would happen.
The three of them managed to escape the building and Klaus broke into a random car, beckoning Enzo with Y/n into the back as he managed to get it started.
He glanced in the rear view mirror as Enzo stroked Y/n’s hair while she shook and cried and asked if her father was still alive.
Klaus’s eyes met Enzo’s in the mirror as he stepped on the gas. Neither had any idea what to do now.
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herasversion · 5 months
Elevator problems in Monaco
Charles Leclerc x reader
Summary: You get stuck in the elevator with your neighbor and everybody's crush, Charles Leclerc.
Author's Note: In this story, there is no use of "Y/N" there is poorly translated French; only a few words. And contains 413 words.
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How often do you need to fantasize about someone before it is considered strange? I mean, it's not every day, but often enough that I consider it to become strange. Luckily, if you can consider it lucky, there are enough people always looking at him. Is it strange to become possessive of your kind of acquaintance-slash-neighbor? I don't think it's strange for me to think about him; after all, he is a Formula 1 driver, and a good one at that. I mean, I can count myself lucky that I even kind of know him when I see him walking his little dog.
Besides seeing him walking around the hall of her complex gives me extra views of his everyday life to fantasize about. But these are thoughts I shouldn't be having, especially not when I am in the elevator with him. Although he doesn't help with how in love he looks with his dog and the look he has right now, like he just came out of bed. And right now he is giving me the look like I am one of his crazy fans who just screamed 'Sign my boobs, Charles Leclerc.'
Tout va bien?! Alright, brain, don't freak out; he just asked you a question in a language you don't understand. Which you should be able to understand if you just didn't keep on skipping your Duolingo French lessons. After all, who lives in Monaco without speaking French? Rich assholes. Shit, you became a rich asshole who doesn't answer people. I try to smile friendly at him; it feels more like a grimace. Je ne parle pas français.
Ding! The sound of my dreams. I try to really smile at him this time while he looks at me like he still wants to say something and run like Usain Bolt right to my apartment. As I close my door, I realize that I have never looked pretty while I run and that he most definitely thinks I am a crazy person. After my freak out, I realize I went outside with a purpose and that I didn't even get off downstairs, but that I ran out of the elevator without it having moved. I am a crazy person. Can I still go back? I mean, I need to get back; otherwise, my friends will kill me. This is not a good enough reason to miss a baby shower, even if he is deadly handsome.
As I gather up the courage to look out my door like a spy, I realize that I have never looked so stupid. But I'm so relieved that I don't see him standing there that I want to scream. I walk over to the lift that is still open. Luckily enough, no one is inside, including my handsome neighbor, as I click on the button to go downstairs. I realize the lift is not moving, so I click another time, and another time. The lift is broken he says. I shriek and turn around while he smiles and giggles. I try to smile all the while, attempting not to freak out about the fact that I just shrieked at my crush and try to formulate a response.
"Seriously?!" He laughs again. "Yes, I just called maintenance, but I think today will be a stairs day, Mon cheri."
Now, you wouldn't think that would be a problem until you realize that we live on the 20th floor. "Wait, Mon cheri?" What does Mon cheri mean? He smirks this time and says, "How about I take you out for dinner when you figure out what it means? That way, you don't have to stare or run away from me anymore."
Somebody sedate me, 'Is Charles Leclerc flirting with me ?' 'I think I know what it means,' I say, trying to sound confident. 'Really?' he says with a cocky smirk. 'I didn't think you knew French with what you just said in the elevator. Or are you a liar, neighbor?' I scoff while he laughs with that stupid cute smirk, and I realize he is challenging me and I don't have a master plan. I mean, I don't speak French. He is looking at me expectantly, and I think, 'Fuck it.' I walk over to him and kiss him.
The next thing I know, I wake up to the sound of ticking on the floor and an arm around my middle. I sit up fast and look around my room until I notice the ticking was coming from the most adorable-looking dog I have ever seen. But then, I remember this dog, and most definitely the red gloves that lay in the room. As I panic, I quickly look to the side. The arm around my middle moves, and Charles sits up and says, 'Good morning, mon cheri.' I exhale and reply, 'Good morning,' with a smile, then lay back down and grab my phone, only to realize that I messed up greatly and missed the baby shower.
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gachafem · 26 days
I do not know French, so if anyone wishes to translate this post, please do so! French women and girls need to know about a high profile CONVICTED rapist and sex trafficker in their area that was involved in one of the biggest sex crime scandals in South Korea.
original post / message original en français
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Jung Jooyoung, a convicted rapist and sex trafficker, has been seen in Lyon, France, and plans to open a Korean restaurant in the area.
He is known as one of the main perpetrator of Burning Sun. If you want to learn more about Burning Sun please watch this video! But if you want a TL;DR, Burning Sun was a scandal in South Korea where numerous male South Korean celebrities forced women into prostitution, raped them, and shared videos of their rape on porn sites and group chats.
Unfortunately, all of the men (including Joonyoung) have been released and allowed to live normal lives without having to register as sex offenders. That being said, French women on Twitter have found the whereabouts of one of the main perpetrators.
He is currently in Lyon, France, but he tells Lyon that his name is June and that he's from Boston. He also tells women that we is a writer and composer with prospects of opening his own Korean restaurant
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The most updated picture of him is below:
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Please let women in the Lyon area known of this sex pest in their area. And do not give his future restaurant endeavors any attention.
Thank you for your time, if you wish to translate this post PLEASE do so! You do not need to ask me, just do it of you want to!
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goldennikko · 2 years
summary : everyone has their own soulmate phenomenon, but you have one of the rarest: whenever you lose an item, it somehow ends up in the possession of your soulmate.
pairing : yunjin x (g)i-dle!reader
tags : f!reader ; soulmate!au ; idol!au ; swearing ; reader is a '99 liner ; yunjin is lowkey a simp
requested: ✘
word count : 2.5k
parts : 【 pt. 1 】 【 pt. 2 】
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it's common for people to lose their belongings. it's either because they're extremely clumsy or forgetful, or because of the soulmate phenomenon, in which you lose your stuff and they end up in the possession of your soulmate. the phenomenon began earlier this year, at least in your case, and this is the fourth time you've exchanged items with your soulmate, the identity of whom you discovered through your members.
how? well, let's recap.
first, pen and paintbrush.
when it first happened, you assumed it was nothing out of the ordinary. the first thing you lost was a pen. of course, you'd think it was a common occurrence. everyone lost a pen at some point in their lives. the only strange thing was that you discovered a paintbrush in your bag where you normally keep your pen.
you looked around the van, noting that everyone was sleeping except the manager, who was driving, and soyeon, who was in the front seat.
"unnie, oppa, has anyone touched my bag?" you queried, keeping your voice light so as to not disturb the other girls. soyeon looked at you, puzzled, while the manager shook his head.
"you hate having your stuff touched." he observed, fully aware.
"is there something missing?" soyeon asked, ready to throw hands if ever.
you rummaged through your bag for the last time. "no, actually, yes. it's just a pen, anyway. but i have a paintbrush and don't remember bringing one with me, and i know i'm artistic, but it's with words rather than painting and drawing." you showed them the aforementioned paint brush.
"it must be the soulmate phenomenon."
you and soyeon looked at the manager as if he had two heads, causing him to be concerned with how quickly you turned your heads at the same time, almost as if willingly breaking your necks.
"there's a phenomenon like that?" you inquired, your tone skeptical, and soyeon's expression mirroring it.
he nodded. "it's rare, but it exists. really odd, too. when you lose an item, it ends up in the hands of your soulmate. you would lose your possession, but gain items that were never yours to begin with."
you exchanged a puzzled look with soyeon before shifting your gaze to the paintbrush in your hand, wondering who your soulmate might be. although not everyone is gifted with their hands, there are far too many people who can paint and draw, and the world is far too large.
meanwhile, your soulmate is staring at the lone golden pen in her collection of paintbrushes. she was curious about how it got there and unintentionally spaced out. when her short-haired leader poked her head around the doorframe, she snapped out of it.
"everything okay?"
your soulmate nodded. "yeah, i'll be there in a second."
she left, casting one last glance at the golden pen before pulling out her phone to call her parents and inquire about something she remembered them telling her.
second, a random book borrowed from the library and a notebook containing french lessons.
your day started out really well because you were planning to return the book you borrowed from the library near your house, but instead found a notebook on the table. despite being annoyed that you now have to explain to the librarian that you unknowingly and unintentionally lost the book, you picked up the notebook and scanned the content. your brows raised, impressed and shocked by the french lessons written in it. you couldn't speak french, but you knew a few words and phrases.
pardon, excusez-moi. (pardon, excuse me.)
parlez-vous anglais? (do you speak english?)
je ne parle pas français. (i do not speak french.)
je ne comprends pas. (i do not understand.)
"that's some fine penmanship." you whispered to yourself.
with a defeated sigh, you went to the library, waving goodbye to yuqi and shuhua and promising to bring back food. when you arrived, you explained your situation, and the librarian almost gave you an earful, but she saw how guilty and irritated you were, so she let it slide and instead made you promise to return it once you met your soulmate.
"i'm really sorry. i'll bring it back, i swear." you bowed deeply.
"you better, child. now, go, i believe you're in a hurry. you have a schedule?"
you smiled apologetically. "if bringing food back to yuqi and shuhua is considered a schedule, then yes."
with that, the librarian ushered you out of the library. 
your soulmate, on the other hand, was in a state of panic. clutching the random book that had appeared on her table in one hand, she stormed around her room in search of her notebook but knowing her efforts would be futile.
"shit, shit, shit, shit."
when the oldest member of the group, who was passing by, heard her muttering curses, she peeked inside the room while knocking on the door to announce her presence. she spun around, a frustrated expression on her face.
"unnie, have you seen my notebook?"
"no? why? it's not here?"
your soulmate's shoulders sagged, showing her the book. "no, it has to be with my soulmate."
heads popped out from around the door frame. "soulmate?!"
third, a scarf and a brown beanie.
this time, you gained something other than the item your soulmate owns.
"you're not wearing your favorite scarf?" miyeon inquired, her gaze drawn to the white scarf wrapped around your neck. she recalls you saying you'd wear your favorite scarf that soojin had given you, but instead you had a white scarf around your neck and your gloved hand clutched a brown beanie she'd never seen before.
"yeah, well, my soulmate has it." you grumbled. the disappointment and panic you felt when you discovered the scarf was missing sent you into a tailspin. minnie found you panicking and immediately calmed you down because she knew how important that item was to you.
"don't let shuhua hear that." yuqi passed by with a cackle, nudging you.
"shut it." you hissed, but only received another cackle from the chinese and a pat on the head from miyeon. you wore the brown beanie that your soulmate most likely owns while trailing minnie, who had ushered you two outside.
later that day, just after your schedule ended, the group was waiting for food, bored out of their minds and tired from work for the day, but the sound of a unique ringtone echoing through the living room had your members crowding around you. you answered the call, ignoring the chaos that your members had created all around you.
"soojin unnie!"
a chuckle was heard from the other end of the line, clearly amused by everyone shouting her name. "calm down, it's just me."
you exchanged pleasantries, almost tearing up at soojin's check-ins and reassurances. you noticed shuhua wiping her eyes discreetly, so you drew her into a side hug, the maknae leaning her head on your shoulders. yuqi attempted to lighten the atmosphere and was successful on her first attempt. however, that was quickly broken when soojin asked you a question that had shuhua looking at you with accusatory eyes.
"did you just lose my scarf, y/n/n?"
"you lost it?!"
you raised your hands in defeat and proceeded to explain what had been going on for months to soojin while shuhua scolded you, causing minnie and yuqi to cackle in the background. miyeon and soyeon attempted to reduce casualties, but gave up and simply watched the chaos unfold in front of them.
"i'm sorry, it just disappeared!" you argued back to shuhua.
soojin giggled. "i'm not mad, i knew something was up."
everyone, including shuhua, stopped talking and exchanged a puzzled look. "how did you know?" soyeon asked.
"you know le sserafim, right?" soojin started.
"yeah?" you answered in unison, urging soojin to continue.
"well, one of the members was wearing the scarf during a live, but i'm not sure who."
soojin was only half way through her sentence when yuqi already found a clip on twitter. when she played the video, your gaze was drawn to the blonde, who had the scarf draped over her shoulders. you froze for a moment, admiring the girl's cuteness when she scrunched her nose at whatever it was that eunchae said and already enjoying the sound of her laugh in her ears.
huh yunjin.
"y/n is in love~" minnie sang, noticing your frozen figure.
you sank back into the pillows, muttering angrily. "am not."
"you sure are~" the members sang, including soojin over the phone.
after discovering that your soulmate was huh yunjin from le sserafim, you were relieved but worried at the same time. despite the girls' encouragement, you didn't approach her because you were afraid she wouldn't like you. fortunately, the group was so preoccupied with the award show and year-end performances that they couldn't push you any further, but it didn't slip your mind.
this leads us to the fourth item, your microphone and her phone.
yuqi turned her head at the sound of your cursing, amused at first because she was sure the camera had caught it, but worried when she saw you on the verge of yanking your hair. your manager stood in front of you, ready to prevent you from messing up your hair. she approached you, one hand resting on your shoulder to relieve your frustration, and you turned to face her with furrowed brows.
"what's wrong?" the chinese asked, her voice quiet.
"did you see my mic?"
shaking her head in response and already knowing where this was going, yuqi picked up the strange phone next to yours, and it was only then that you noticed the familiar keychain attached to it. so that's what i lost last month, you thought. the chinese grinned at the lock screen photo and turned the screen to you. you paused, your face flushed red, as you looked at the photo of yourself from the 'nxde' music video.
you cleared your throat and ignored her in order to speak with the manager, cursing as the girls crowded around her. "it appears that my soulmate has my mic."
"do you want me to get it for you?" he asked.
you opened your mouth but quickly closed it to think. your meeting with your soulmate was long overdue, and you couldn't really avoid her forever. seeing her set you as her lock screen makes you think she might like you after all. everyone else does think that, except your stubborn ass. furthermore, you'd keep losing your belongings, which would be a major inconvenience for the two of you.
while you were preoccupied with your internal conflict, the le sserafim girls crowded around yunjin, staring at the microphone in her hand. your microphone was customized, so no other idol had the same design as yours. it wasn't the average black one. even if you misplaced it, you'd be able to locate it quickly.
"shit! this is y/n sunbaenim's mic!" yunjin panicked.
the girls panicked and squealed, unsure of what to do. yunjin looked around, trying to figure out what she had lost, and panicked even more when she found her phone missing.
"my phone!" yunjin yelled in realization, causing everyone to jump in surprise. "my phone's missing!"
"sunbaenim has it for sure." eunchae reassured, but yunjin shook her head.
"that's the problem! she's my lockscreen!"
they couldn't think about it any longer when they heard a knock on the door. the room fell silent as the staff turned to look at the girls, particularly yunjin.
the american hesitated at first, but with a push from chaewon, she made her way to the door. she came to a halt in front of it, fingers curled around the doorknob, and turned to face her members, who gave her encouraging looks. yunjin took a deep breath, pushing down the gay that was about to erupt from her throat, and then opened the door.
you were standing there, dressed for your stage performance. when her gaze met yours, you flushed profusely, and her face did the same. your manager was nearby, filming you two, but you were both too caught up in your own world to notice. 
yunjin couldn't believe you were standing right in front of her, just an arm's length away. you were slightly shorter than she was. you'd gone blonde for the sake of your latest comeback, and she swooned the first time she saw you, and she's melting all over again now that she's seeing it up close.
you were admiring her as well. she towered over you, her pink face revealing that she, too, is shy. her blonde hair fell over her shoulders, framing her face, and you couldn't help but think she looked stunning in that black dress. you opened your mouth to speak, but she spoke first.
"you look amazing." yunjin blurted out, switching to english out of habit, and the american cringed when she realized.
you both turned even redder, the people around you either grinning or facepalming at yunjin's painfully obvious admiration for you. you cleared your throat as you noticed your members approaching behind your manager. they were beaming because they had heard yunjin's remark. you returned your gaze to the taller girl, who turned to her members for assistance, but they shook their heads in amusement, before she turned to face you with a shy smile.
"thank you. you do, too." you smiled genuinely and yunjin didn't know how to keep the gay down. "i believe you have something that i own."
you both looked down at the microphone in her hand, and she rushed to hand it to you, nearly hitting you and causing yunjin to curse herself. you took it, your fingers brushing against hers, and handed her her phone, chuckling at her flustered state. yunjin blushed at the brief skin contact before returning her attention to your face.
"it's nice to meet you, yunjin-ssi." you bowed, causing yunjin to frantically shake her hands to stop you and return the bow.
"it's nice to meet you, too, sunbaenim." yunjin replied, smiling widely despite her embarrassment. "please take care of me."
you smiled. "i will."
a crew member appeared and announced that le sserafim will be on in fifteen minutes. you noticed yunjin's shoulders sagged, sad that this would have to end soon, so you reached for the american's hand. she looked at you as you leaned up against her ears.
"good luck, ace it."
with that, you quickly walked away, not giving her time to respond. she couldn't anyway. when you grabbed her hand, she stopped functioning. she watched as you walked away with your members and manager, all of whom were teasing you. chaewon tapped her on the shoulder, and yunjin returned to reality. she saw the teasing glint in her members' eyes and knew she'd be subjected to the same teasing.
yunjin looked at you one last time, and you were already looking at her, a promise in your eyes that you'd talk later, and she couldn't wait. she was both excited and nervous about the fact that you, her soulmate, would be watching from backstage.
that night, yunjin nailed her habanera opera solo and group performance, just as you had instructed. she can only hope that you were impressed.
if she only knew how you reacted backstage.
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parts : 【 pt. 1 】 【 pt. 2 】
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xoluvx · 1 month
Le français c’est très facile honnêtement et c’est une langue incroyable i just want to flex lmao and btw do you plan on making more zendaya fics
okay now whisper that to me please
Lmao had to pull up google translator 🙈
i don’t have any plans but also not opposed? the z fandom is dead dead huh??? 😭😭
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invidiia · 1 year
you said i could do it so here i am 😇
i was thinking about this the other day—what if verlaines darling started learning french in secret while they were held captive? like they wanted to understand him better so they just found their old phone that they thought that verlaine discarded and they just downloaded an app to learn french😭
anyways that’s all LMAODH
français en secret - yan!paul verlaine x reader
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❐ - yandere!verlaine (bsd) x reader
note ; HII I LOVE THIS REQUEST?! ALSO THANK YOU GUYS FOR 150+ FOLLOWERS ILY ALL!! i do not know french, so if anyone would correct me anything i put in this, i would absolutely appreciate it!! EDIT: CREDIT TO @eroqista FOR HE,PING ME WITH THE FRENCH PART BEAUSE WBFKEF
prompt ; after being stuck with the man for who knows how long, verlaine's darling began to learn french in secret.
warnings ; kidnapping, yandere/obsessive themes, gender neutral!reader,
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it took a good while to find your old phone. you thought verlaine threw almost everything of yours out!
the screen was slightly damaged, a few cracks adorning the glass, but it was still slightly usable. verlaine had left the house again, after throwing you into the basement for whatever reason. perhaps he forgot about the boxes with your old belongings in them, boxes that he had been meaning to burn.
but the boxes weren't burned to ashes, and instead, they sat in the basement while dust collected. in another box was an old pen that had surprisingly not dried out, and a notebook.
you rarely saw verlaine visibly angry - but you could always tell when he was, after months of living with him, you learned to know his emotions. he semi-trusted you, but not enough to tell you exactly how he feels, other than that he loved you.
one thing you noticed more than often when verlaine was upset was that he would speak french - his native language. he would either be upset, talking to a colleague or friend, or just to himself, but you understood none of it.
maybe a good way to understand him more would be to understand what he was saying. that, or you could also try to escape with your new understanding of his words. maybe he would say over the phone how long he would be gone, and how far he was going, so you could create a window of time for your escape.
or you could simply learn the language and surprise him after getting good enough, and tell him the sweetest things exactly how he doesn't expect it.
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It wasn't perfect.
Only three-four months of nonstop learning whenever you had time alone couldn't get you close to perfect. Even the basics weren't easy; it was very difficult. And it wasn't like you were hiding your learning well, either. Verlaine knew you spent an awful lot of time in the basement, so he often came down to check on you, but he'd just see you curled up in the corner with a notebook in hand, and when he looked at the paper, it was just cutesy drawings of flowers and bees and everything cute you could think of.
You had time to put the phone away and hide it since you could hear the door open, since you still weren't technically allowed to have that phone, even if you were just using it to learn another language.
(now, imagine the reader purposely trying to get put in the basement because they don't want to break their daily streak and get hunted by the duolingo bird. do your french lessons, Y/N.)
It took time, but eventually you were able to understand and make basic conversation.. which also meant you could listen in on phone calls he made while speaking in French only.
This could go two ways depending on your actions.
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"You started learning French?" Verlaine looked almost impatient, looking at you while he waiting for an answer. You hadn't thought this through. How were you planning to explain to him exactly how? "I picked up on some of yours." You replied innocently, looking back down at your feet to alleviate the stress of the highly likely possibility that he doesn't believe your lie. "You just magically understood French from listening? What, did I leave a dictionary down there?" Verlaine stood up from his chair, sauntering behind you with a small smile on his face while you nodded. He wasn't smiling softly. "Good job." He placed a hand on your shoulder and turned to leave the room. It was that easy? He believed you like that?
But you should have known he didn't actually believe you. Verlaine was no idiot, it shouldn't be a surprise when you were waken up in the morning in the basement, with all of the boxes containing your old belongings gone.
The basement door was locked tightly, and the basement was now entirely empty. There was a note on the door, and attached with a paper clip, was one photo. There the boxes were - set ablaze and sat in front of a camera. The note read,
"J'ai trouvé ton téléphone, chéri. Tu vois les photos ? J'ai mis le feu aux boîtes. Ton vieux téléphone est dans l'une d'elles. Vraiment, bon travail, d'apprendre le français et de me le cacher. Tu aurais pu demander, j'aime passer du temps avec toi. Je te dirais bien "bonne chance pour la prochaine fois", mais je ne pense pas qu'il y aura une prochaine fois. Je t'aime."
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yannig · 5 months
C'est le jour des langues aujourd'hui donc vous avez droit à un poste en français
Et je vais continuer à parler de Koisenu Futari (une série japonaise centrée sur deux personnages AroAce, mon premier poste ici) parce que cette série est mon coup de cœur du moment. <3
Je ne suis généralement pas très bonne à repérer les éléments de language visuel - mais il y a un détail de cette série qui me fait sourire à chaque fois qu'il est dans le plan.
Quand Sakuko se prépare à s'installer avec sa meilleure amie, elle achète une lampe colorée très fun.
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Et c'est évident dès l'épisode 1 qu'elle va bien s'entendre avec Takahashi, parce qu'au delà d'être tous deux AroAce, ils partagent un amour des lampes colorées.
Voilà la première lampe que Takahashi allume la première fois qu'on découvre sa maison :
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Il allume cette lampe en premier, avant même le plafonnier. Je vous jure que c'est fait exprès ! Elle est parfaitement centrée dans le cadre !
Je pense qu'elle sert aussi à annoncer le côté... disons maximaliste, de la maison. Il y a beaucoup de choses, partout, tout le temps, mais ça donne un côté très chaleureux au décor.
(en opposition à l'appart moderne et lumineux mais entièrement vide que Sakuko a visité avec sa meilleure amie quelques scènes plus tôt)
(Oui je tire beaucoup d'un unique arrêt-sur-image, et alors. Quand la cinématographie est bien faite il y a beaucoup a interpréter.)
Et comme elle est installée en plein milieu de la pièce à vivre, cette lampe est régulièrement à l'écran, et elle me fait sourire à chaque fois.
La revoilà dans l'épisode 4 :
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Même éteinte elle est souvent présente :
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Et finalement au premier plan dans la dernière scène de l'épisode :
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Cette lampe est clairement un choix de décore délibéré et je l'adore ! C'est quasiment un personnage à ce stade.
D'ailleurs ce n'est pas la seule lampe à fleurs de la maison, il y en a plusieurs rien que dans le salon, et au moins une dans la chambre de Sakuko.
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pleasecallmealsip · 6 months
Marat's Address to the Parisians
Le Junius Français, no .1, June 2 , 1790.
O Parisiens ! hommes légers, faibles & pusillanimes, dont le goût pour les nouveautés va jusqu’à la fureur, & dont la passion pour les grandes choses n’est qu’un accès passager ; qui raffolez de la liberté comme des modes du jour ; qui n’avez ni lumières, ni plan, ni principes ; qui préférez l’adroit flagorneur au conseiller sévère ; qui méconnaissez vos défenseurs ; qui vous abandonnez à la foi du premier venu ; qui vous livrez à vos ennemis sur leur parole ; qui pardonnez aux perfides et aux traîtres, au premier signe contrition ; qui dans vos projets ou vos vengeances, suivez sans cesse l’impulsion du moment ; qui êtes toujours prêts à donner un coup de collier ; qui allez au bien par vanité, et que la nature eût donné de la judiciaire et de la constance : faudra-t-il donc toujours vous traiter comme de vieux enfants ? Les leçons de la sagesse, et les vues de la prudence ne sont plus faites pour vous. Des légions de folliculaires faméliques vous ont blasés à force de sottises et d’atrocités ; les bonnes choses glissent sur vous sans effet : déjà vous ne prenez plaisir qu’aux conseils outrés, aux traits déchirants, aux invectives grossières : déjà les termes les plus forts vous paraissent sans énergie : et bientôt vous n’ouvrirez l’oreille qu’aux cris d’alarme, de meurtre, de trahison. Tant de fois agités pour des riens, comment fixer votre attention ; comment vous tenir en garde contre toute surprise ; comment vous tenir continuellement éveillés ? Un seul moyen me reste, c’est de suivre vos goûts, et de varier mon ton. O Parisiens ! Quelque bizarre que ce rôle paraisse aux yeux du sage, votre ancien ami ne dédaignera pas de le prendre, il n’est occupé que du soin de votre salut ; pour vous empêcher de retomber dans l’abîme, il n’est point d’efforts qu’il ne fasse, et toujours le Junius Français sera votre incorruptible défenseur, votre défenseur intrépide.
my translation:
O Parisians! Lightweight, feeble, and pusillanimous men, your appetite for novelties reaches furious excess, and your passion for grand things is but a brief flicker; you craze after freedom as if crazing after fashions of the day; you have neither insight, nor plan, nor principles; you prefer the skilful sycophant to the stern advisor; you disregard your defenders; you let yourselves be swayed by whosoever comes along first; you hand yourselves over to your enemies over their word; you forgive the perfidious and the treacherous at the first sign of contrition; through your projects or your vengeance you are unceasingly following your impulse of the moment; you are always ready to give another push; you seek to do good out of vanity, and nature ought to have given you judiciousness and constancy: will you forever need to be treated like overgrown children?
The lessons of wisdom, and the views of prudence are no longer made for you. Legions of famished fillers of periodical papers have wearied you with silliness and with atrocities; the good things are sliding over you unnoticed: already you only feel pleased with the overblown advices, the agonising remarks, the gross invectives: already you find the strongest words to lack energy: and soon you will only open your ears to cries of alarm, of murder, of treason. So often agitated by nothing, how could your attention be fixed; how can you be put on guard against all surprises; how can you be kept continually awake? I have been left with only one way, and that is to conform to your appetites and to vary my tone. O Parisians! However bizarre this role might seem to the eyes of the wise, your old friend will not begrudge to perform it, he is occupied but with your very survival; to prevent you from relapsing into the abyss, no single effort will he not make, and always the Junius Français will be your incorruptible defender, your defender undaunted.
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emmanuellececchi · 4 months
Sorry if I'm not around much...
I am focusing on the editing of my modern romance and I have a few things to do at the house (like always) and I also have decided to take more frequent breaks, from my computer in general. I noticed the last two times I did it, my "creative juice" had been more steady.
I still have fun plans though. This thing about betar reading is exciting me non-stop. I love reading, my work had been for a long time about revising scientific articles, I love fantasy, sci-fi and so on. So why not put that all together? Également : Je peux aussi faire un "beta-reading/ une première lecture en français, donc ne pas hésiter ;)
The other things is about my modern romance. I am lacking some face claim (a lot) in my story. And I thought to myself, what better way to present my characters than telling you a bit about them and asking you, mutuals and followers, what face claim would fit the best?
As I am lacking a good library of face claim, I'll rely on you to suggest someone. After all, why not? It'll be fun to see how you perceive them and I'm sure we will find a good fit for each of my crew!
So here we are. I am editing steadily and I might even a bit of an excerpt to share soon!
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lamarseillasie · 8 months
Marat et Le Junius Français
I know it's been a while since I've done a post like this one, but that doesn't mean I've lost interest in writing about little-known anecdotes and adventures of Marat! One of them is the brief and chaotic existence of Le Junius Français, one of Marat's lesser-known newspapers, which he created and published during the month of June 1790.
The probable reason why hardly anyone knows that Junius Français existed (the only Marat historian I've ever seen mention it was Olivier Coquard in his Jean-Paul Marat, une lumière en Révolution : biographie d'un homme des Lumières devenu l'Ami du peuple) is that it only had 13 issues in total. Its publication was somewhat turbulent, lasting only three weeks, for obvious reasons. But it is still, in all its context, a very interesting and surprising periodical.
The creation of the short-lived newspaper comes at a complicated and somewhat hectic time for Marat, who had just returned from London in May and was keen to resume publication of L'Ami du Peuple and join the patriotic press. As usual, Marat had to remain underground, as he continued to be the target of legal proceedings and arrest warrants and the publication of L'Ami du Peuple was, unsurprisingly, banned by the authorities. In addition, there was also a constant fight against forgers - the fake Marat, plagiarists who published newspapers and pamphlets under his name, which may also confirm the influence and popularity he had gained at the time. These forgeries of L'Ami du Peuple began to appear in large numbers from 1790 onwards, and Marat made an effort to defend himself against them as soon as he returned to Paris. Not only him, but the Revolution in general was going through a turbulent situation. There had been conflicts involving bakers and grain, the question of war and federations, as well as other external crises that concerned France.
It was against this backdrop of accusations against conspirators, clandestinity and arrest warrants that Marat created Le Junius Français, a second newspaper, which was published for the first time on June 2, 1790. During its publication, Le Junius Français coexisted with L'Ami du Peuple, and both periodicals were published (almost) every day until the end of the first, in its 13th issue, on June 24.
On the structural aspects of the newspaper, Professor Coquard, already cited above as the main basis of this post, comments in Marat, L'Ami du Peuple [p.243]:
This second newspaper presents itself exactly like L'Ami du Peuple: an eight-page in-oitavo printed on poor quality paper that comes out of the workshops of "Guilhemat et Arnulphe, printers of Liberty, at 23 rue Serpent" and is distributed - door to door only - "every morning at number three rue Contrescarpe-Dauphine". Junius seems to focus more specifically on articles of denunciation, while L'Ami du Peuple is probably looking for more general political analysis. However, the two sheets are quite similar.
The name chosen by Marat for the newspaper, "Le Junius Français", also intrigued me. I found in this note apparently (?) written by G. Eljorf through Le gazetier révolutionnaire, a catalog of periodicals of the time, an explanation that seemed to me quite plausible and accurate about the title:
Lucius Junius Brutus and Marcus Junius Brutus are two figures from Roman history engaged in the struggle against tyranny, that of Tarquin and that of Caesar respectively. The pseudonym Junius had been used by an anonymous English pamphleteer around 1770 in a series of letters critical of the government of George III (Junius Letters).
We can speculate on various reasons why Marat might have created the newspaper in such a complex period. Perhaps it was one of his skillful political strategies to amplify his attacks on his enemies at a time of difficulty, but it could also have been the start of a newspaper that Marat actually planned to maintain, so that he could give L'Ami du Peuple another direction. The intentions and objectives of Junius Français, at least, are clearly explained on page 8 of the first issue:
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This journal is particularly intended to follow the deaf maneuvers of the revolution's enemies, to reveal their relations with foreign cabinets, to vent the plots of traitors to the Fatherland, to serve as a cry of alarm, to disconcert their dark schemes.
The history of its sessions will be followed by reflections adapted to the subject, portraits of the authors of the most important motions, of the ministers and of the most remarkable figures in the history of the revolution. Finally, it will report on new events likely to pique public curiosity.
In fact, at least in the first issue - which I analyzed more meticulously than the others - he does what he says. He first scolds the Parisians, in the same fraternal and unmistakable style as L'Ami du Peuple, and then recounts the May 31 session of the National Assembly, where a case of conflict between the grenadiers of the Royal Navy regiment was discussed in which a group of patriots had been brutally mistreated. He speaks briefly about the decisions concerning the civil organization of the clergy and denounces the Dutch. He constantly maintains the spirit of denunciation, calling on the people to take revenge. Although his name only appears in 4th issue, it's not hard to spot Marat's pen in every word.
Marat unfortunately didn't manage to keep publishing Junius Français for long. Certainly, the newspaper ceased publication at the end of June for a number of reasons, and among them there is no doubt that Marat must have been overwhelmed with writing and managing the printing and correspondence for two revolutionary periodicals at once. Expenses, lack of time and problems involving the printers of both Junius and L'Ami du Peuple must have contributed to the sudden demise of this newspaper.
I found it interesting to bring up Junius Français because, as well as being one of Marat's most unknown and neglected works, it is also one of his writings that impresses me the most, since he managed to keep both newspapers going at the same time in a chaotic context in which he had to hide from the police, manage the publication of other of his works, solve plagiarism problems and at the same time pay attention to the political situation in France, which was becoming increasingly tense. His commitment, his incessant dedication to producing even in the most difficult and theoretically impossible times is always fascinating, to say the least, and Junius Français is an example of how Marat's revolutionary activity was frenetic and tireless even underground and under threat from the government. His attempt to maintain the two newspapers, despite failing, went beyond Marat's own limits and was, in a way, a good propaganda tool against his political enemies.
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
A thing I noticed that I wanted to share
At the start, it was the English speakers and the Spanish speakers. You'd most likely be more accustomed to one of those sides and stick to the ones you speak the language of if you're monolingual.
Then the Brazilians were added, and it became the English/Spanish speakers and the Brazilians. Still two sides, but the previous ones merged. The QSMP community were used to the original members, and the Brazilians were this new group we knew nothing about.
Now the French speakers are in the server, and the existing QSMP members are the English/Spanish/Portuguese speakers. The French members are "new", and I can't help but wonder how long it'll take until "the English/Spanish/Portuguese speakers and the French members" becomes "the English/Spanish/Portuguese/French speakers and the ___ members".
You stick with who you're most familiar with, and through them interacting with the others and getting to know them, at some point, you get to know them too. They stop being "others" and they become part of the group. In my case, the Spanish speakers stopped being "Quackity's friends", and the Brazilians were no longer just "fellow Brazilians" but some of the members that make me laugh the most. Forever is my favorite and I watch him and Cellbit' for all the lore. Because of Vegetta I know the word "mamadisimo".
Very few members of this server are "others" to me anymore, and its no longer because of a language/familiarity barrier but due to me actually knowing them and having my favorites based on their specific content. I've become so familiar with Maxo and Mariana and Vegetta, Forever and Cellbit and Mike and Pac, that I can't remember the time when they were "others" in my mind. Already I've become so used to having Baghera and Etoiles on the server, and I don't even remember how it happened, it just did you know?
This is... I think this is what Quackity was talking about. Even if he didn't have these exact words, this is what he wanted from the server. For people who you would consider an "other" in your life because of a language barrier to be the bridge that you cross to learning about all the wonderful languages and cultures out there in the world.
Before this, I wanted to learn Spanish because its a common language, and I struggled to pick up on Portuguese cause learning can be hard for me without some push. Most people didn't plan to learn either.
Now? I've seen so many people trying to learn these languages because they want to understand Cellbit's theories and Quackity's spanish streams and funny Roier clips on twitter. Now, I want to learn Mexican spanish specifically, because so many people near me speak it but the Mexicans on the QSMP made me care. I know that "pomme" means "apple" and I taught it to my mother who always wanted to learn French, and I'm brushing up on my French basics and learning that "parlez-vous français" actually means "do you speak french" and not "are you French" because I didn't care to know the difference before but I do now, because Baghera taught me. And... I've finally started learning Portuguese. My mom's teaching me and I started up online classes, and I've been self-teaching the basics by translating the QsmpPOR updates account. Ain't that something.
And that's what this was about. And I feel foolish (haha) that I didn't pick up on the vision earlier. Fuck, even Chayanne just mentioning he speaks Chinese is making me want to dust off my old high school Chinese homework and relearn the basics.
This server is something special. Its a jumbled mess of languages being thrown at each other until they start making sense and its sharing and learning, and I can't thank Quackity and his team enough.
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