#please don’t judge to harsh I have skills but I don’t know how to use them
lostandfoundbook · 4 months
Chapter 7
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Tech week had been brutal. Running the routines together spontaneously while being mic-ed up was completely different. It made it feel all that more real, like she was actually about to be one of the biggest stages in the entire country and everybody would actually be watching her.
It had ALWAYS been one of her dreams to perform here. She used to stare up at the tall skyscraper building with her brother and sister by her side. She'd take their hand in both of hers and they'd walk along the sidewalks while waiting for their parents. Alex had known better at this point. Her parents were off doing shady things and she had to protect her siblings.
Instead, they'd find little solace in the shops in front of them as they paced the sidewalks. In the front of the theatre, where they'd stared at those signs countless of times as they watched the names light up in flashing colors. Over the years Oliver had gotten a digital display to replace the ones his dad used to have up, and Alex thought they didn't shine the same way.
This didn't stop her excitement when she saw her own name being plastered up on that building the week before tech week had begun. She knew it had to happen eventually, but it was like a real dream come true for her. All her hard work with this production was slowly starting to pay off.
All the people from the group chat Alex was in was sat in a circle backstage, and she figured it was probably time for her to join them. Over the past couple of weeks a few of her castmates had made their way up to her asking for photos of autographs of some form. All of them given the same warning not to post about her yet.
She thought she would be accepted but instead she was met with awkward stares from everybody as she placed her butt on the ground, sitting criss cross style. "Hey" Alex spoke weakly, giving a small wave. The crowd all lowly greeted her. The energy had clearly dipped when she arrived.
"Anyway.... What were you saying, Scott?"
"Never mind." The man-- Scott-- shot Alex a regretful look before darting his eyes in the opposite direction. "Please, don't let me stop you. I'm not someone who judges"
"No, it's oka--" Scott started, before a plump brunette girl wearing glasses stood up. "Nobody likes the ballet, and most of us think you're kissing up to the director. This is supposed to be some fine art academy teaching us high tier skills we'll be able to take on into our careers and we're being handed this bullshit. It's bullshit!"
"Amira! Not so harsh" Brandon barked out, pulling on Amira's hand to lead her back towards her seat. She ripped her hand out of his grasp and huffed as they sat down. Alex was left feeling conflicted. The statements made didn't feel accusatory, the same way they hadn't felt accusatory when Brandon mentioned them before.
It felt like co workers taking their complaints up the chain of command to their boss, with the boss in this situation being Alex. She didn't know how she found herself in this position.
"Listen. I like the ballet because I think it's pretty! I think it's fun and it's what I know how to do and I'm finally not in over my head drowning in stuff I don't understand and he made it really..." Alex started to trail off in her speech. She wasn't doing to well. "Easy?" she shrugged.
"That's exactly the issue" Scott added in. "It's easy for YOU guys. Not for us. It doesn't make sense why he's focusing on all the men in a musical centered around women and their story."
"It's not just about women, it's--"
"I know what it's about."
Alex pulled her bottom lip into her mouth. "I just think, maybe, my opinion on the matter isn't relevant? The director doesn't like me, and it's way to far into the production to make any drastic changes. I mean. It's tech week. we're supposed to be running through this to really polish it up."
"I know!" Amira replied back, standing again as she did so. "I mean, look at it" She motioned towards the room they were all sitting in.
A couple of people stopped to turn around and look. It was a big wooden built room that was divided into sections by columns and curtains so tall you could break your neck from looking at it's height. scaffolding lined the ceiling where the trestle lay which lead to the catwalk above the stage for ease of access for crew workers while still being unseen by the audience.
We weren't running our lines or doing anything significant, because tech was currently busy trying to code the lights to the band, so the cast members were in a constant state of Hurry Up And Wait
"So why don't we just rehearse on our own? We know the moves" Scott finally spoke out after a minute. "And what? Get yelled at by Dr. Mike for not being in our assigned locations? Yeah right." another voice spoke out, one she didn't recognize yet but knew she would have to learn eventually.
"It's worth a try, isn't it?" Brandon asked, his eyes quickly glancing over towards Alex's as if he were asking permission. "Let's do it"
They really did have it down. Their issue was lacking the passion for the project. "What's holding you guys back for this?" Alex asked, crossing her arms as she spoke. It was another form of default for her, as if she used it as a defense mechanism. "Well, part of it is not wanting to look like an idiot" Julia popped out.
"You guys don't look like idiots. Trust me." Alex shot back with an heir of caution in her voice, almost as if she didn't know how to approach the girl. "Well, I think we should try the lift, then." Brandon replied as he fiddled with his fingers. He seemed anxious about it.
"Uhm..." Scott started to say while side eye-ing the two. Brandon's arms went straight down to his side in fists as he began to get heated. "What?! You don't think I can do it? I can do it."
"You haven't done it yet" Scot chewed back. "Shut up! You haven't been able to get your arabesque without shaking. That's basic stuff to know. Don't come shouting at me for a more advanced technique when you can't even do grade school moves."
Alex could feel her cheeks heating up. She had never been able to afford advanced classes. Everything she learned was because she enrolled at an age where it was free for her, and her teachers saw the potential she had and after a certain point, but just couldn't let her attend for free anymore.
She found odd jobs on the side to make up money for classes when she got older but it wasn't cheap. Hearing the guys so openly share their experiences made her a bit envious.
"Alright, why don't we just settle down? We can try the lift. We have the space and we aren't needed for at least another hour, so why not? What could it hurt?"
"My pride." Brandon laughed out. "I'm kidding. Let's do it. Right now?"
Alex nodded in turn and stretched her arms out to prepare for the lift. It wasn't difficult. She was supposed to run and jump into his arms, and if his balance was steady enough, he would catch her. From there he would lift her onto his shoulder and spin around as the ensemble swarms in around them, just nearly blocking them.
And then the true life. Alex would be hoisted up above the sea of people crowding below and she would spread her arms in a flying motion. She would be a free bird and everybody would see her clearly. It would be exhilarating. But Brandon couldn't keep his balance steady, and that was where the issue lay.
"Just run towards me" he said as his knees practically buckled underneath him. "Um. You need to fix your footwork" Scott yelled out with his hands cusped around his mouth in a dramatic fashion. Alex darted a look towards him that said 'keep it to yourself' and readied her feet.
"You ready?" She spoke out, the two of them meeting eye to eye for just a brief moment. She could see the sweat gleam across his forehead. He steadied his feet beneath him before barking out, "I'm ready, do it!"
Alex made a dash towards the boy, her arms by her side in a zig-zag motion to help her keep her momentum. "Wait!" Brandon called out before pushing his arms in front of himself and wincing. Alex couldn't stop her speed enough in time and crashed right into him. "What was that for?!" She called out.
She looked underneath her to see Brandon looking... she wasn't quite sure how exactly he was looking in this moment. Confused? Upset? She couldn't quite place the emotion on his face.
"My footwork was all off. Scott was right."
"Your footwork doesn't matter. You need to catch her" Scott shot back, lifting his arms into the air as if to show him. "I know that! Lay off."
Alex stood up from being on top of Brandon and dusted herself off, offering a hand to Brandon so he too could stand. "Ignore him. Your footwork doesn't matter, I'm being serious here. What matters is the mindset you're approaching this with. You need to give it your 100% and approach this as if you've already done this lift."
Brandon gave her an exasperated look. "You can do it, Brandon. I believe in you!"
"Me, too!" Julia shot out, pumping her fist into the air. "You can do it!" Another voice rang out. Scott just rolled his eyes. "Just lift her up! You got it" He added in after a minute.
"Alright! Alright. Just give me a second" Brandon walked to the other side of the backstage area and took a couple of breaths. He was attempting to cool his nervous system down from whatever was eating away at him and preventing him from following through.
The thought of somebody barreling at you full speed isn't exactly an easy thing to deal with.
"Okay. I'm ready." He finally said and turned around again to face Alex. He motioned his hands in a 'come here' motion and nodded his head. "Okay" was all Alex said before she began to run towards him again.
She could feel the air brushing past her hair as she made her way towards Brandon. It was almost like the movies portrayed it. One lover runs towards the other through the field, their hands drawn out towards each other in desire and hope to embrace one another. Once the two made contact Brandon lifted her up into the air with his arms extended wide.
He stumbled a bit as he did so, as if he needed to catch his balance. Alex's weight was even on top of him and for once he actually held her weight above him. "That's what i'm talking about!" Scott yelled out and clapped his hands together, a few other people following in his footsteps.
Brandon looked towards the crowd of cast members and began to stumble. His knees shook and wobbled as he held her and he slowly lost his grips on her sides. The two of them came crashing down on top of each other again.
"You did it!" Alex called out, putting her hands between Brandon's shoulders and head. "Yeah, if you mean dropped you again!" he called out, pushing her off of him. She tumbled to the side with a grunt. "No! You lifted her, dude!" Julia called out, running over to help Alex stand up.
"Yeah. I lifted her, and then dropped her. Again. How am I supposed to go out and perform this piece if I don't even know how to put her down properly?! I don't know why I got this role and Scott didn't."
Suddenly the mini rivalry between the two made sense to Alex. "Brandon, you got this role because you're an amazing actor, singer, and dancer. This one piece doesn't represent you as an artist and you shouldn't let it hold you back, either. There's so much more to your abilities than being able to lift a girl above your head. That's a pretty arbitrary skill."
"It's not arbitrary in ballet" his eyes narrowed on hers, an expression of doubt in his face. "No, but it's a stupid prissy theatre that you shouldn't really give two shits about. Stop giving it so much weight in your life. It really doesn't matter" Alex finally said. There was a gasp from behind her.
"Ms. Gray! If you'll please, this is one of the most prestigious schools in the country!"
Alex whipped around to be met face-to-face with the director. "Sir! You missed our full conversa--"
He cut her off "I don't think that's matters!" Alex turned to look towards the other cast members who had all dispersed and made their way away from the scene. Typical. All of them, except for Brandon who resided on the floor. "I need you two for tech. Go out on stage and test the microphones. I don't want to hear another blasphemous word!"
"Right.." Alex said, sucking her lower lip into her mouth to bite. She reached a hand out towards Brandon to help him up again.
* * *
Making her way back to her room was easy at this point. Alex had slowly added the theatre and dance studio to her mental map of places in the hotel and had really become familiarized with her surroundings. She noticed all the cream moldings lining the banisters of the wall and the prissy, uptight wallpaper with a texture she couldn't quite name. What she new is it felt rich.
The hotel itself was very modernized and business-like. You walked in and it felt like you were there to do business, whether it was a work trip or some event happening there at the hotel. But one you got up to the VIP suites, the story changes. It feels older and different, like it was a picture taken out of a book from the 1930's that you were reliving in real time. It was more special than the rest of the hotel.
She understood why people stayed here on residencies. Being tended to in these nice suites, room service at your fingertips, servants at your beck and call, clothing in a walk in closet decked up to the nines, and the hotel even had a private pool located on the east side for the VIP residents.
Alex didn't get to partake in any of these luxuries. Currently, her room was being taken out of the check she receives each week from partaking in the Haven Entertainment Company. She didn't think she could afford it, until one day, she went ahead and checked her bank account. And she saw the $50,000 sitting there.
It made her giddy with glee. Like she was informed of some sort of secret that had been kept hidden from her. But it wasn't. Why hadn't she thought to check her bank account sooner?
Realistically, she couldn't just spend it on whatever, but she was interested in trying to seek out Morphine, somehow. She wasn't really interested until Everette had said something to her about it. It made something inside her yearn. For simpler times, for simpler solutions, for simpler relaxation. It all made sense in her head.
She was going to go on a date with Everette and get him to get her Morphine. This might mean kissing him, this might mean doing... other things. She actually didn't want to think about it. If she was being honest, some piece of her knew that she was asexual. That playing with men (and occasionally women) was just something she did because that was what was expected of her. It was the "right" thing to do, she would tell herself.
She was currently rummaging through her closet looking for an outfit to wear. She had already texted Everette and the two agreed to meet up at the bar downstairs. He was excited because she agreed to take photos with him. Anything she could do to butter him up.
She was stuck between the option of wearing shorts or a skirt. If she wore a skirt, she knew she wanted to wear a long sleeve shirt with it. But the bar could get pretty stuffy, and she didn't have anything cute to wear underneath a big shirt like she was planning.
Her option of wearing black shorts wasn't too appealing, either, however. She would've paired it with a lace patterned crop top that came down to about her ribs, and showed just a bit of midriff. This however was just a bit too revealing for a date.
When coupled with the issue, she decided to pull out her phone and go to Instagram. She put the outfits side by side and laid out a third option, just in case. She put the photo on her story with a poll saying "which is cuter (no context lol)" and put the third option, just as a joke.
To her surprise, that was the outfit that everyone picked. It was a black business skirt with a blazer, paired with a black bralette. It was more a club outfit than it was a date outfit, but it honestly was cute. She put it on and looked at herself in the mirror, fiddling with the blazer jacket.
She looked down towards her feet and noticed how shoe-less she was. She grabbed a pair of black strappy heels that went up her ankles and legs and she liked how they complimented the outfit.
She liked how it looked in general, but decided she needed to do a little bit of make up. b-lining it out towards her vanity in her bedroom, she was met face to face with Avery. "Oh! Hello"
Alex stopped dead in her tracks. "Hi!"
"I was just looking for you, but you seem busy." She said, pointing towards the door. "No! No, you're perfectly fine. Was there something specific you needed?"
"Well, first off, you look really beautiful. I don't know what you're doing but, gorgeous. Second off, the theatre just needed your measurements for costumes so that everything is set up for day after tomorrow!"
Alex paused and knitted her brows. "Day after tomorrow? Why not do it tomorrow?"
"Well" Avery started "It takes time to make the costumes, and we have multiple of them being made, not just for you, but for the entire cast and ensemble. It's going to be a lot of costumes and we're going to need a lot of people working on it. So it's going to take time."
Alex nodded, pretending like she understood the depths of what it took to run a production of this scale. "Right. Got it. Was that all?"
Avery smiled and nodded. The two exchanged their information and Avery was fast on her way out of the room with another 'You look beautiful' and 'I hope you have a good night'. She really was a sweet girl, but Alex didn't think she'd understand everything that involved Alex's addiction.
She didn't like calling it that. Her addiction. But that is what it was. She sat down at her vanity and continued to stare at herself. She hadn't really had the time to just stop and stare at herself in the mirror. She was much older than she remembered being, but maybe that was the amnesia. She hoped she'd get her memories back, soon.
In the mean time, she reached into the drawer of her vanity and pulled out her make up palette. She didn't remember the brand name, something like "Lara Michelle" that had faded away over the years. She smudged her finger into one of the brown colors on the palette and pushed it onto her eyelid.
She'd always heard that using a sponge or a brush was better, but she preferred this method. She achieved her classic look that she always wears out over the years by doing this, so she was going to keep doing it. She dotted the color white into the corner of her eye with her pinky finger and smudged it out, attempting to blend.
She grabbed the false lashed and the glue bottle and popped the lid off, slathering a hearty amount onto the little strip. After letting it sit for the near-minute it took to dry, she placed it onto her eye and rearranged it until it was perfect. She did the same for the other eye and suddenly they were complete.
All that was left to do was pick out a simple nude lipstick with some lip gloss and the look was complete. She did so with ease, and applied them just as simply as she did with her eyes.
When she was done she reached for a purse she had sitting on her vanity and passed it around her shoulder. She walked over to her night stand and grabbed her phone, scrolling through all the messages she had received.
"Be there soon. Love u babe."
0 notes
sugxrslushy · 2 years
Hi maxx! Saw your pride event and would like to ask for a request of HCs with Law/Kid/Ace with a genderfluid s/o. I understand it can be a bit tough to write so if it is please don't worry about this ask.
Either way, thank you so much for this event! I know it means a lot to me and everyone else as well, so everyone stay safe and happy pride
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ a/n: these are kind of short and I do apologize!! mentally not been at my best but I'm giving it my all <3 I hope I did your ask justice. I just went with whatever came to mind haha!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ details: SFW//Law, Kid & Ace x reader//w.c: 0.7k
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Trafalgar Law
Law doesn’t treat you any differently than before he even knew that you were genderfluid, he doesn’t see the point in it. You’re still you to him regardless of gender and identity and that’s why he loves you. It was the person you are that he fell in love with
You don’t need to explain it to him, he knows full well what it is which is always helpful. Coming out can be scary enough and explaining your feelings even harder, making it a relief when there was no explaining needed when you told Law
He’s read about it plenty and will use that to comfort you whenever you feel insecure about your identity, reassuring you that it’s a completely valid identity that has existed for years so he doesn’t want to hear anything about you undermining your identity or anyone else doing that
He’s very on top of using the correct pronouns, sometimes it feels like you don’t even need to tell him and he’ll still have it right. He complains plenty about how easy it is to do whenever anyone gets it wrong
However you like to express your identity you’ll get a nice compliment from him, you can catch onto the certain things that always draw compliments from him and they become some of your favorite things to help express yourself. Especially with how Law can’t seem to take his eyes off you for the whole day
Also his devil fruit is perfect for this, although a bit unsettling at first thought he can switch out any body parts of yours for what you may want
Eustass Kid
Kid has an idea what it is but doesn’t really care to know much about it. Kid couldn’t care less about gender and what defines something as a certain gender. To him none of it matters, rules aren’t something to be followed and that’s the biggest reason he became a pirate
When you first told him you got a harsh “why should I even care?” which was off putting to be honest but you finally caught on it that it wasn’t him being rude or brushing it off. Kid just meant it as in he’d see you no different than the rest of his crew even with your identity
Even though his first reaction may have made you nervous, he's incredibly respectful of you and you being genderfluid, he uses the right pronouns for you and will correct himself without second thought if he has them wrong. He’s not against putting people in their place who misgender you
He understands how certain things such as articles of clothing can help you express how you feel depending on the day, he lends you his clothes whenever you feel more masculine and will help make sure they fit you properly
His makeup skills are very helpful, when he’s getting ready and you want him to do your makeup he’ll dedicate a portion of the morning to doing so. He’s good at more masculine looks but it takes some practice to get more feminine ones down. Sometimes it feels like he has a death grip on your face while trying to do winged eyeliner but it comes out gorgeous 
Portgas Ace
Similarly to everyone previous, Ace is very accepting towards your genderfluid identity. You’re still the person he fell in love with so who’s he to judge you for anything, your a pirate and want to be free so he may as well let you be free
He asks you questions a lot, it’s not necessarily because he doesn’t know much about your identity but more so because he wants to understand your perspective and how you feel. He’ll hold on to those little pieces of information to better help you when you need it
He’s a wonderful support system, he’ll affirm you and your gender whenever it seems like you need it. He’s never been one to be against handing out compliments like candy so you’ll always get one that makes you feel much better about yourself
Ace tags along whenever you go clothes shopping to give advice on the clothes you find, he’ll tell you where to find the best and most comfortable shorts and will look through dresses and give you little opinions. He likes the ones with softer material and almost ends up shopping according to his taste
If you’re ever feeling dysphoric he gives you his hat to wear. At first it was a bit odd of a gesture from Ace, not knowing how this would solve your gender related issues but it became a comforting part of him you could carry around with you. It makes you feel safe without him present to cheer you on
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brandyllyn · 3 years
To sell your love for peace (01)
Javier Peña x f!reader [no use of y/n]
Summary: You weren’t his type but he was willing to make an exception.  Words: 2500
Other Chapters My Masterlist 
Rated: Hella Explicit.
Warnings: language. fingering. PiV. prostitution. Javier is a normal amount of asshole.
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You were pretty. That was the first thing Javier noticed after you threw open your apartment door. Not the brittle beauty of the girls that he usually preferred, but a basic almost wholesome kind of pretty that he knew a lot of men paid good money for. Javier stepped inside, carefully scanning the street behind him and then guiding you back into your apartment with one hand on the base of your spine. He closed the door behind him, being sure to lock it.
You introduced yourself and he nodded. "Javi," he offered, holding a hand out and taking note of the calluses on your fingertips when you took it. He scanned the small living room, taking in the quilt hung on the wall and the small painting of flowers near the kitchen.
"Can I get you a drink?" You asked, hands nervously running down your thighs. He nodded and you disappeared into the kitchen, the skirt of your dress skimming across your thighs. He took in your assets almost dispassionately. You had a cute, girl-next-door vibe. Someone a man could pretend to be in love with for the night.
You probably had more work than you knew what to do with.
The whiskey bottle you held up was exactly what he was hoping for and he nodded at your questioning look. You met him in the living room with two glasses, walking around the threadbare couch and settling onto one end. He sank into the other, shrugging his jacket off.
"Vanessa says you know each other-"
"From work," you finished for him, glancing at him from the corner of your eye before looking away. He was used to this. A lot of men were harsh with the girls, and as a result there could be a hesitancy in women in your profession around unknown strangers. It was important that he made himself as non-threatening as possible.
"From work," he echoed, taking a drink from his glass but not probing on that subject further. "How long have you lived here?"
Glancing around the apartment you shrugged, "A few months? I moved her from Medellín last fall."
Javier made a note of that, sipping his whiskey. "The place is nice, I like the quilt."
You smiled, finally, seeming to relax a bit. "My grandmother made it."
He smiled back, "I have a blanket my great-grandmother crocheted. Ugliest thing you’ll ever see. Old bat was colorblind." You gasped and choked on the whiskey and his grin grew wider. "You okay?"
"Yes," you croaked, holding a hand to your throat. "Just, went down the wrong way." Your eyes met his from under long eyelashes. "My grandmother would murder me if she heard me talking about her like that."
"Mine’s already passed," he shrugged. "I’m not worried."
"I’m sorry." You reached out and touched his knee and then jerked your hand back. He clocked that as well.
The whiskey was good, not expensive by any stretch but not cheap shit either. He watched as you fidgeted with the hem of your skirt, glass in one hand. Finally you said, "Vanessa says you’re… that you can pay. For… information."
This was what he had been waiting for. He leaned forward, dropping his glass to the table and turning his body towards yours. "That depends on the information."
You swallowed and nodded to yourself. "I know some… I heard something. About…"
He knew this dance as well. Knew why you were hesitating. "If you help me I promise to do everything I can to keep you safe."
You nodded again, still not looking at him. "If I knew something about Escobar. And his plans. That would be worth something?"
"If it turns out to be true," Javier raised an eyebrow. "If it helps us, then yeah. It’s worth something."
You nodded, silently staring into your glass.
"Do you know something?" he asked, watching your face. You stared into the distance before the words tumbled out.
"There’s a hit. On Friday. The Minister of Finance."
Javier blinked. He knew that. Six weeks of surveillance by the CIA hoping to find a connection for their own purpose had dropped the nugget of information to the DEA. It had taken a lot of wrangling and horse-trading to get the info, and even now he could admit it was more dumb luck than skill that had gotten them the notice.
Dumb luck, skill, and now you dropping it in his lap.
"How do you know that?" He asked and his eyes narrowed when you shook your head at him.
"I can’t- please don’t ask me that."
Also not uncommon. If the relationship continued he’d get it out of you eventually. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a pack of smokes, giving you a questioning look and offering one to you. He lit it after you gave permission, letting it dangle from his fingers as he watched you.
"How do I know this is good intel?"
You sighed, setting your glass down on the coffee table. "The man, the one who is going to do the hit, his name is Jackal."
Javier sat bolt upright, dropping his cigarette across his empty glass. That was a name he’d only heard a few times. A sicario that had thus far evaded any attempt to get a photo. "How the fuck do you know that name?"
Again you shook your head. "I asked you not to ask me that."
He bit off his retort. If you had a lead on Jackal, even if it was only hearing about him in passing, then he needed you to keep offering him intel. Needed you to trust him and tell him how you knew this. He pulled his wallet out with a grunt, opening it and thumbing through the contents. Javier looked at you through the cigarette smoke as he dropped a twenty onto the table.
"Until I can confirm," he paused and looked you over. You weren’t really his type. He liked his girls primped and preened, long nails and perfect makeup. But then again, there was something about the smooth skin that your dress showed, the curve of your thigh, the way he could see your nipples pebbled against the fabric. You weren’t his type but he was willing to make an exception. Slowly raising an eyebrow, he held your eye as he counted out another sixty bucks. "Yes?"
You nodded, licking your lips, the action making his cock stir. He added another twenty onto the pile, making it an even hundred, before folding the remaining cash and shoving it back into his jacket. "Drink up," he motioned at your glass, picking his cigarette up and taking a puff.
"You’re beautiful," he said conversationally and you choked again. His brow furrowed. It was just something to move the night along. To get out of the idea of you being an 'informant' and back into your day - well night - job. The girls usually liked it when he complimented them, winking at him and offering to show him all of their beautiful parts. But you seemed flustered and your chest heaved.
It was an amazing act.  
"Can I kiss you?" A standard question. Every girl had a different standard for what they were willing to do - the intimacy they were comfortable with. Judging from your look and demeanor - your schtick was 'hometown sweetheart'. Javier was pretty sure the answer would be yes.
Sure enough you nodded and he carefully set his cigarette to the side, shuffling across the couch and cupping his hand behind your neck. Pulling you closer to him and gently pressing his mouth to yours. Your lips parted on a gasp and he took advantage of it, thrusting his tongue deep and licking inside of you.
You smelled sweet. Tasted it too. He was used to women who tasted like cigarettes, maybe alcohol - just like he was sure he did. But you tasted like sugar and he delved his tongue deeper into your mouth to chase it. He wondered, idly, if you would taste as sweet all over. If maybe tonight would be the night to break his general distaste on going down on a hooker. He always thought, in the back of his mind, that he would end up with a mouthful of someone else’s cum if he did.
He didn’t begrudge you your profession, but there were some aspects of it that frankly didn’t interest him.
You moaned softly and he wrapped his arms tighter around you, guiding you backwards until you spilled down onto the couch. He slipped his hand under your shirt to palm at your breast, your back arching up to him with a small gasp. Oh, he liked that. The air of inexperience rather than the usual carefully orchestrated arches and moans. He thrust his tongue into your mouth, finding your nipple with sure movements and rolling it between his fingers.
You cried out, your hands tugging at the strands of his hair and your thighs parting so he could settle more firmly between them. His lips ghosted down your neck, digging his teeth into the soft flesh and you trembled. You fucking trembled and Javier made a mental note that he had gotten a deal with the hundred he had dropped for you.
His hands pulled at your clothes and you dropped your own to help, pushing the top of your dress down. Reaching behind his neck he pulled his shirt over his head, not bothering with the buttons, and then leaned down and pressed his chest to your bare skin.
"Fuck you feel good," he groaned into your mouth, tongue darting out to taste you once again. Your fingers skimmed down his spine, slipping beneath the band of his jeans and then rising back up. He wanted your hands on him and he reached behind himself to catch one of your wrists, dragging it between your bodies and pushing it beneath the denim. Your touch was soft at first, hesitant, but a thrust of his hips pinned your fingers between his cock and your stomach and he could rock himself into your palm.
It took very little adjustment to press his mouth to your breast, to pull your nipple into his mouth and tug. Your hand clenched around his cock and you let out a soft whine that sounded almost like his name. He grinned, moving to your other breast, rubbing his cheek to your soft flesh.
"You smell like cookies," he groaned, licking underneath your breast and then up to your neck. "Fuck, how do you smell like fucking cookies?"
"It’s vanilla," you gasped and he pressed his nose to your neck, inhaling the soft scent. It reminded him of home, of lazy weekend mornings and a domesticity he had left behind in Laredo. Powdered sugar on almond dough and canned preserves pulled out for Sunday breakfast.
Fuck he definitely hadn’t paid you enough.
He shifted his weight on the couch, reaching down to stroke up your thigh. He felt you shiver and then his fingers met soft cotton. Soft, damp, cotton.
"Oh sweetheart," he pressed his lips to your cheek, pushing the fabric aside and running his hand through your slick heat. "You’re so wet. For me?"
You didn’t answer but your thighs parted further and his thumb slipped over your clit. He heard you gasp, pulled back to see you bite your lip and arch your neck.
"Can you come for me pretty thing? Come on my fingers before I fuck you?"
The hand that was in his pants shifted, fingers wrapping around his cock more fully and he dropped his forehead to your shoulder and matched your movements, slipping two fingers inside of you. Felt you squeeze around him even as your hand tightened and slid across his cock. If he wasn’t careful he was going to come in his jeans like a fucking teenager.
He sat back on his heels, using his free hand to pull your hand out of his pants. With a careless twist of his wrist he flipped your skirt back and tugged your panties to the side. "Oh that’s a pretty little pussy," he growled, "you think you can take three?" He didn’t wait for a reply, pulling your hips up so they rested on his thighs and then slipping three fingers deep inside you. You reached over your head with both arms, twisting your hands into the pillow under your head. The action lifted your breasts up higher and Javier wished he had a third hand so he could pinch your nipples while he played with you.
Three fingers in your cunt, two fingers of his other hand rubbing across your clit. He could fucking hear how wet you were for him, felt your muscles clench around him, your knees rising further to his sides. "Yeah, fuck baby that’s it."
He wouldn’t say you screamed when you came. The sound was lower than that, more of a helpless cry than anything else. Your mouth opened in a perfect 'O' - a shape made to take his cock. Maybe next time. Right now, he wanted to be inside of you.
His jacket was on the floor and he retrieved a condom while you were still recovering, slipping it on and giving himself a couple of short tugs. Leaning forward and propping one hand on the pillow next to your head, he pushed your panties to the side. Lining himself up and slowly sliding inside of you.
You had been tight on his fingers, on his cock you fit like a fucking glove. He pressed all the way, watching your face as you took every inch of him. The way your forehead crinkled and you bit your lip. Then your eyelashes fluttered open and you met his eyes.
Fuck, you smiled at him.
He fell across you, thrusting his tongue into your mouth and taking you hard and fast. He could feel your nails raking down his back, your legs lifting to wrap around his hips. He wanted to make you come again, wanted to feel you shudder and moan beneath him.
But your hands came up to cup his face and you moaned "Javi" directly into his mouth and he fucking came. Body hunching over yours as he cursed and grunted, fucking hard into you and then dropping his forehead to yours.
"Fuck I’m sorry," he mumbled, kissing you softly.
"For what?"
He groaned and pulled out of you, leaning back to the other side of the couch and stroking his hand along your calf. "I’m not usually such a fucking two-pump chump."
You pulled a blanket from the back of the couch, tucking it under your arms and covering your legs before sitting up and placing your hand over his. "Maybe… maybe we try again?"
Javier leaned his head back and shut his eyes. How the fuck did that make him feel worse? "No, I have to go. There’s something I gotta… anyway. I can’t stay."
He turned and looked at you, reaching out and chucking you lightly under the chin. "Maybe next time?"
Your smile was bright enough to light up the fucking city. For just a moment Javier felt like he was the only man in Bogatá.
God damn you were good at this.
Pt 2
@hnt-escape, @kesskirata , @supernaturalgirl , @notabotiswear , @wonderlandgabby , @pascalesque
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moonstruckbucky · 4 years
The Recruit (8/?)
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Summary: Becoming a SHIELD agent had been your dream and finally, you’ve achieved it. You’re at the top of your class in every field except one—hand to hand combat, and it doesn’t impress Captain Rogers in the slightest. Instead, it seems to convince him you’re useless, setting off a tense relationship between the two of you. In an effort to bridge the gap, Bucky offers to help you train to earn your way back into Steve’s good graces. What could possibly go wrong?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader x Bucky Barnes (not Stucky)
Warnings for Chapter: Angst, pouty Steve. More soft Bucky. That’s it, that’s the warning. 
Notes: Thank you all for the feedback of the previous chapter and for your patience while real life took over for a bit. Someone mentioned that they felt like Bucky/their relationship wasn’t featured enough, so I hope this chapter fulfills that for you! x
Also, a giant thank you to @marauderskeeper​ for this beautiful artwork!!! I’m so fucking in love with this! How perfect is this artwork, y’all?!
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Steve finds patterns in the ceiling, shapes. It’s near-silent in the room save the sound of peepers through the open window, the soft breathing beside him. The weight against his chest shifts, sighs, rolls over, and he swallows thickly. Traces the lines of her body even though they’re all wrong, catches the scent of her hair - the wrong color.
He isn’t a stranger to the modern concepts of love and relationships, but it’s an indulgence he doesn’t frequently partake in. The women he meets are great, just none seem to strike that chord in him. None that seem to challenge him or intrigue quite like you.
The woman leaves with a friendly smile, an easy exit with no lingering questions of another night together or anything. He remains in bed for a little while longer, hands tucked up behind his head as he connects constellations in the ceiling. Training begins in thirty minutes, and he inhales deeply to quell the raging in his belly. He’s nervous; it’s the first he’ll see you after his apology.
He’d heard about your successful mission and he’s proud, almost excited for you, even though he knows he has no right. His treatment of you only serves to prove he’s failed as Captain; he’s meant to lead and guide and encourage. Instead, he judged and ridiculed and humiliated, drove you to the point of persevering to prove him wrong.
And you did. He’s embarrassed, ashamed - but proud all the same.
He dresses slowly in the SHIELD-issued black tac pants and navy t-shirt, the SHIELD logo emblazoned on the breast. Someone like Nat or Bucky or even Sam might accuse him of stalling as he carefully and meticulously laces his sneakers, but to anyone else he’d appear sluggish. To anyone else, he’d say he’s tired, that he’d had a late night, but if it were any of the aforementioned three, he’d pointedly keep his mouth shut.
He’s nervous - he’s man enough to admit it. He’s unsure of what to expect, unsure if he’d imagined his apology and your reluctance to believe him. He hates not being sure, not being confident, hates being thrown off his axis, out of balance. Structure, routine, and control is weaved into his DNA, and by apologizing, he’s given up that control, given a piece of him away for someone to do with as she pleases.
He hates it, loathes the way it makes his movements slower, stiffer, like he slept on a bad mattress all night instead of his cushy pillow-top next to a warm body. A warm body he really had no business bringing back here last night, but he brushes that thought away.
He takes a little longer than usual brushing and inspecting his teeth, snarling into the mirror and using floss of all things until he looks at the time and knows he can’t put this off any longer. Schooling his features into impassive steel, Steve sweeps from his room. The ride in the elevator down to the training room is spent building up a wall in his mind, a wall away from her - from you.
You’re already there when he enters, along with Bucky and a few other recruits. You’re smiling, teasing Bucky, and it puts lead in his chest. Absolutely scorches when you notice him and your smile promptly drops. He feels his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows heavily, and the burn in his chest lessons only a little when you offer him a respectful nod.
He returns it, catches Bucky’s eye and his friend gives him a reassuring smile. Steve’s not sure it helps. Mentally shaking it off, he begins the session, starts them off with running laps while he and Bucky spectate.
Steve can’t help but watch you; you’ve got near-perfect running form and you seem unbothered by your knee. You keep pace with everyone, even set it once or twice, and his scrutiny of you means he catches every little side-glance you give his best friend. The little curl at the corners of your lips, a darting glance away.
He catches the same expression on Bucky’s face - and he knows. How could he not know? The way he’d intervened when Steve was being unreasonably harsh, the easy, gentle teasing between you just now, the ever-present smile on Bucky’s face whenever he looks at his phone, the secret glances now as you increase the pace and pull ahead.
As Steve moves the group on to sparring sessions, the looks between you and Bucky become less sneaking and more appraising, and Steve has to dig hard beneath to find any joy that his friend has found his own happiness. Steve knows Bucky deserves it, after all he’s been through and yet.
The obvious connection between the two of you makes his chest hurt and jaw clench so tight it aches. When Bucky calls on you to demonstrate with him, Steve has to hide his curled fists in the pockets of his sweats.
His mind is muddled; he has no reason to be this angry - jealous, surely - but angry? No. Aggravated enough he wants to knock Bucky’s teeth out, sick enough at the sight of the two of you, moving in such synchrony, that he almost looks for the closest trash barrel.
Instead, he pushes the recruits hard, calls out tips to avoid making his previous mistake again, and offers assistance where it’s needed. An adjusted position here, a tip about roundhouse kicks there. He can almost ignore you and Bucky grunting and shouting only feet away.
You, meanwhile, are almost hyper-aware of Steve and the one-eighty he’s seemed to have made. He’s keeping his distance, though you don’t miss the pinched expression to his face or the underhanded glances he shoots you. Probably anticipating a snarky reply or otherwise prove you aren’t trying to remain civil.
He’s made his way over as Bucky pulls you into a headlock, the position warming something deep within you. His arm is loose enough around your neck that he isn’t cutting off any air, but his pelvis is flush with your backside and you even think he’s grinding it - imperceptibly enough that it goes unnoticed by the others. He’s fresh, you’re learning, pushing boundaries wherever he can.
Normally, you’d play along, dig and push a little back, but not with Steve watching the way he is. Arms crossed, feet hip-width apart in his typical Captain stance, but he’s far less rigid than he was. You execute S.I.N.G. (solar plexus, instep, nose, groin) with anxious butterflies, but you manage to successfully complete the move, spin, and move to jab Bucky again. 
Steve’s voice is even gentle when he tells you, “Move your feet. Don’t lock up or remain stationary.”
It’s such a far cry from his previous gruff behavior that it throws you, knocks you slightly off-kilter so that you stumble into Bucky’s chest. With heat in your cheeks, you push away from him, try to resume as if you didn’t fumble at all. You’re meant to be the picture of indifference and yet Steve’s one-eighty has you completely floored.
Should you be, though? He did promise you he’d be better, and so far he’s kept that promise. Perhaps a part of you hadn’t believed him, hadn’t had any reason to believe him - about anything. The fact that he’s trying stirs something in you, and it leaves you open to wind up face-down on the mat.
“Shit,” you grunt as the wind rushes from your lungs.
“That’s what happens when you get distracted,” Bucky teases before reaching with his metal hand to help you to your feet. “Your enemy won’t hesitate to exploit that opening if you give it to them.”
“Yeah,” you agree on a sigh, “yeah. Let’s do it again.”
The warmth in your cheeks doesn’t cool as you run through your spar again. This time, you manage to block out Steve’s close scrutiny and get Bucky on his back, a knee pressed into his chest. You know he can toss you off without a hitch but he lays there, lets you have the win.
“Better,” Steve compliments with an approving nod. You can’t bring yourself to meet his eyes, so you stare at his chest - which, to your shocking admission, isn’t all that much better. The intrusive thought forces you to duck your head, busy yourself with your water bottle as Bucky and Steve begin a rundown of the next exercise.
If either notice you take a little longer to collect yourself, they don’t say anything. After a few more moments of distracting yourself with your water bottle, you return to the group as the Captain and Bucky begin a mock-mission to sharpen your skills.
By the time you’re released from training, you’re covered in a layer of sweat that shimmers under the overhead lights, your mind is tapped, and your entire body feels like it went a round or five against Mike Tyson - super soldiers in your case, but they’d pulled their punches. The muscles in your back pull taut as you stretch, a tightness that makes you wince, expel a tiny whimper.
A gasp as a set of hands lands on your back - one warm, the other just slightly cooler - and the thumbs dig in, find the tightest muscles and press.
“Fuck,” you hiss, arching against Bucky’s skilled hands. A pained smile over your shoulder and, “Hi.”
“Hi.” He grins and leans forward to drop a kiss to your temple. “You did good today.”
“Feels like I went ten rounds with an MMA fighter, but thank you.” Another hmph as Bucky digs his knuckles into your lower back, and a sigh as the tightened muscles release. You slouch against him, disregarding the slight dampness to his compression t-shirt, and turn your face into his neck.
“Feel better?” he asks, throat vibrating against your forehead. Wordlessly, you nod.
“Until tomorrow when it really sets in. You’ll have to carry me everywhere,” you retort cheekily, tilting your face to meet his glimmering eyes.
“Oh, will I?” A teasing upturn of his lips and your eyes dart to them, hold there for a moment as your heart trips over itself in your chest.
“Uh huh.” A pause, then you shrug. “Or you can just stay in bed with me.”
The darkening of his eyes is offset sharply by the awkward look that suddenly shadows his face, cheeks going rouge as he quickly averts his eyes. It’s an odd reaction, and you tilt your head, mouth popping open before he overrides you.
“Whatever you want, doll,” he assures with a smile, all traces of bashfulness gone.
It’s a bit disconcerting how quickly his charming, easy-going demeanor is back in place, but you chalk it up to his former status as an assassin. Give nothing away, a mask he can flip off and on. He further pulls your mind away by lifting your hand to his lips and dotting small kisses across your knuckles.
“C’mon. Should take an ice bath for those muscles.” And he tugs you down the hallway.
“Mother of fucking SHIT.”
Bucky chortles, applies pressure to your shoulders to keep you from popping out of the bathtub he’s filled with ice and water. There’s a burn in your limbs from the cold, and your nails scrape at the ceramic of the tub, squeaking in the small space. Breath rushing in and out as you try to relax, loosen your sore, tightened muscles to let the coldness do its job.
But it’s hard, your mind whines, and your verbalize said whine pathetically.
“It’s so cold.” It’s a whisper, because speaking any louder is downright impossible as your brain works overtime to warm your body.
“I was frozen in ice off and on for seventy years,” he reminds you teasingly, “you can handle it.”
You hiss a laugh, and it makes his mouth twitch. He recalls the first time he ever made a joke about his history with HYDRA. Steve nearly shit a brick before chiding him about how he shouldn’t joke about such things.
“Steve, it happened to me,” he’d reminded, “I should be able to joke about it all I want. Better than going into total shutdown every time HYDRA is mentioned.”
Steve hadn’t said anything after that, but each time Bucky made a jab at HYDRA, he didn’t miss the disapproving gleam in his friend’s eye.
He feels relief that you laugh, feels, well, normal, and like he’s made progress if he feels he can confidently joke about his trauma. He knows he’s made progress, but there are still instances where he feels the others aren’t so sure.
With you, though, he doesn’t have to second-guess it. You don’t treat him like glass, like he’s going to shatter at the first sign of distress. It’s refreshing from the overbearing manner with which Steve treats him on most occasions. He’s thankful you hadn’t known the Bucky from before, the one Steve grew up with, the ghost of a time that’ll never come again. You’ve nothing to compare him to, nothing to miss like Steve does. It’s as refreshing as ice cream on a hot day...or an ice bath following a rigorous workout.
“C-Can I g-ge-get out yet?” Your teeth are chattering, arms crossed tightly over your chest and rubbing at your arms, riddled with gooseflesh. Your lips are even turning slightly blue as they wobble with the cold. 
“Can you feel your muscles?” he asks, reaching for the towel he’d placed on the toilet seat.
“I ca-can’t f-f-feel my lips, never m-mind my mus-muscles.” The snark is lost amongst the clicking of your teeth, but it gleams heavy in your eyes. Smirking, Bucky holds out the towel and helps you stand on shaky legs, like Bambi on ice.
Leggings and sports bra plastered like a second skin, they in no way help to warm you even out of the ice, and after you’re wrapped in the towel, Bucky gives you your privacy to strip down and get changed. Movements unsteady, your wet clothes are plopped into a pile on the tile floor and new, warm, dry clothes are hastily thrown on. Despite the rigorous workout this morning, you feel freshly invigorated, like maybe you could run a mile - once feeling comes back to your legs, that is.
Burrowed in the new clothes, you step out of the bathroom to see Bucky reclined on your bed, looking quite at home. It puts a warm, fuzzy feeling in your chest as you approach, and it only grows when he opens his arms for you to burrow into the heat of him. His arms wind around you, the metal one a comforting weight against your back.
It’s silent for a little while, a peaceful blanket pulled over the two of you in the small space of your room. Bucky’s chest rises and falls gently beneath your cheek, slow breaths, and you almost think he’s asleep until he speaks.
“Whatcha thinkin’ about?”
You ponder for a couple beats. “What’s your favorite part of the 21st century? I mean, you were frozen off and on for so long, you didn’t really get a chance to enjoy anything right?”
He hears the trepidation in your voice, the slight intonation that you might actually be crossing a line by asking. He smiles, chuckles a little so you know you haven’t offended him.
“Is it predictable to say the food?” At your head shake, he goes on, “I mean, in the 30s and 40s, we barely had nothin’. Sometimes we’d all go to bed hungry with no dinner, and sometimes I gave my sisters my portion of food. I was the oldest, you know? Had to take care of my family. But now...now there’s just, so much. And so many different kinds! You know, when I first came to the compound, after Shuri fixed my noggin, I didn’t eat a lot. Ate only what I thought I was allowed to eat. One small serving.  Was still going to bed hungry even when all this food was at my disposal.
Then Steve came to talk to me. Told me he was the same way, when he first came out of the ice. Said he had to take it slow because even though he was bigger, his body wasn’t used to eating so much. Neither was mine, even though I was healthier when I... before. HYDRA didn’t feed me, not really. No hot, home-cooked meal for the Fist. It was MREs, or a feeding tube - if I was awake long enough at the base. My system got used to it, and then when HYDRA fell, it was always...Ramen or canned meat, some fruit, if I could afford it. Nothing real substantial. Even in Wakanda, I was still only eating small portions. My first three-course meal here, I puked it all up. I was so astounded by the fact that I could eat as much as I wanted to, but my body wasn’t ready for it. It was used to rationing itself on small meals, used to fasting sometimes, too. But it got better. I ate a little more at each meal, got my body used to eating three times a day. Started working out more, too, to up my hunger. Eventually I could put away three servings at each meal and still have room for dessert. I’ve got a wicked sweet tooth.”
The last line is so unexpected, it makes you snort, choke on the breath, before you can laugh for real. It’s short, though, when you take in the entirety of his story and realize there’s so much you still have to learn about one James Barnes, so much of himself to reveal, so many layers to peel back so you can see who he truly is. A little skip in your heartbeat betrays your excitement to find out, if he’ll let you.
"I’ve got a list,” he then says, “of things people have recommended I try. Maybe you can help me cross some of them off, huh?”
“Bucky Barnes, are you officially asking me on a date?” you tease, leaning your head back to aim a cheeky smirk his way. 
His chest rumbles against with that warm chuckle that warms you to your bones. “Suppose I am. You gonna leave a guy hangin’?”
“Hm, I suppose then I could assist you with this foodie bucket list. We’ll make a cultured man out of you yet.”
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mianavs · 4 years
Savior Complex
He stripped you of your lifeline but refused to let you perish
Chrollo x f!reader
a/n: some chrollo content for your enjoyment
tw: dubcon, imprisonment
wc: 2.1k
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Stealing Hatsu from others was akin to eating for Chrollo Lucilfer. He did it to strengthen his abilities and spared little thought on how it affected his victims. To him, people were equivalent to puppets in that they could be used and discarded without a second thought. The only time he spared a thought for his victims was when their Hatsu disappeared from Bandit’s Secret indicating their demise. Chrollo likened it to mourning his victims despite the depravity behind the sentiment.
You were different, however, in more ways than one.
There was no other way to put it—you were a genius nen user. Without any formal training, you developed your ability to manipulate the minds of others. While other geniuses profited off their Hatsu and used it to rise the ranks of society, you were trapped by yours and used it strictly for survival. Bought by a Mafia boss at a young age, you practiced your ‘gift’ on anyone your master sent.
Everything changed when a new esteemed client of your master’s walked into your workshop. Chrollo’s original target had been your master’s rare treasures but, after hearing about your gift, he altered his plan and included your Hatsu. It was a riskier plan, showing up in person for a session, but to Chrollo your ability was worth it.
The first thing that caught his attention was the cold emptiness of the room. Concrete walls, harsh fluorescent lighting, and the smell of disinfectant and death pervaded the small room. You sat on one of the chairs in the center with two armed men on either side. You were a frail young woman in a dirty white gown and with equally dirty hair that lie atop your head in a tangled mess. You were obviously malnourished judging from your sunken cheeks, bony wrists, and knobby knees. The most damning evidence of your mistreatment, however, had to be the leather shackle around your ankle that was connected to a large chain and attached to the wall.
In spite of your dreadful conditions, you rose from your seat with the grace of a newborn deer and greeted Chrollo with a bright smile that caught him off-guard.
“Welcome Dearest Client and please take a seat.”
Chrollo was convinced your lilting voice could soothe a raging beast as he unconsciously lowered his guard and sat down in front of you. Warmth dripped from your eyes as they traversed Chrollo’s face while yours radiated a child-like innocence as you started to explain the process.
“I will look into your eyes for a minute to search your mind for emotions I can use to create your fantasy. Is that alright, Dear Client?”
“Of course, Miss—I’m sorry but I didn’t catch your name.”
Your eyes widened at the word ‘name’ while the men behind you shifted uncomfortably. “Um…name? I-I don’t know what—”
“What do other’s call you?” Chrollo interrupted.
“Oh! Then I guess I have multiple names. I’m called ‘You’, ‘Witch’, and ‘Woman’ so please pick whatever you prefer.” You stated and Chrollo started to assess your character and the situation you were in.
“I’ll stick with Miss for now,” he declared before initiating Skill Hunter. “Now, can you tell me a little bit about your gift?”
“Of course,” You were completely oblivious to the growing tension that radiated from your guards and started your explanation. “My creations all take place in the client’s mind but I am always present. They are crafted around positive emotions or memories that I find.”
“So these fantasies are all positive?” Chrollo’s voice successfully masked his disappointment.
“Yes,” you replied fondly. “I use my gift to make other’s happy even if it’s only temporary.”
“Oh…and how long do they usually last?”
“At first, I could only last a couple of minutes but after making a vow, I was able to create fantasies that lasted up to three hours.”
“And what vow is that?” Chrollo asked, genuinely curious.
“Loss of my sight if I ever stopped using my gift. My eyes have no purpose if I can’t use them to search people’s minds and create fantasies for them.” Your smile dimmed as you uttered those words while something akin to pity stirred inside Chrollo; however, it wasn’t enough to spare you.
“What a beautiful sentiment,” Chrollo’s honeyed compliment warmed your heart and your smile brightened once more. “Shall we begin?”
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Unlike most of client’s you dealt with, Chrollo’s positive memories and emotions revolved around a group of people instead of jewelry, money, fame. Instead of the luxurious mansions, clear skies, and sandy beaches you normally created the setting of Chrollo’s fantasy was a junkyard city.
You distanced yourself from the client as you usually did and watched from afar. Chrollo greeted each and everyone of the group members but tears welled up in his eyes when a large muscular man approached him.
You panicked at the sight of tears until you felt a wave of happiness from Chrollo and your worries faded away. For you, these moments were priceless and made you forget the pain in your stomach or the weariness in your bones. Seeing your clients happy negated any unpleasant emotions you held against your master and gave your life meaning.
Other clients merely forgot about your existence or purposefully ignored you but Chrollo surprised you by seeking you out.
Where are you? I want you to meet my family.
A strange warmth settled in your stomach at Chrollo’s request and you emerged from your hiding spot. You approached him hesitantly until he reached his hand out causing you to freeze in shock.
“Is there something wrong?” Chrollo asked, confusion written all over his face.
“I-I don’t know. Client’s usually don’t want to see me…why do you?”
“I want to share some of my happiness with you. Is that wrong?” Chrollo’s smile dazzled you and before you realized it, hot tears prickled your eyes.
“T-thank you,” you cried. “N-no one has ever done s-something like this f-for me.”
You accepted Chrollo’s hand and interacted with his family as if the fantasy were real. After delving into Chrollo’s mind some more, you learned that the muscular man was actually deceased and focused on perfecting him for your client.
Like always, you wished your fantasies could last forever along with your client’s happiness but it was an impossible desire and your masterpiece started to crumble. The flaming red sky of the junkyard city turned to fuchsia, then pink, until it became a white void. One by one, the group members disappeared as well until Uvogin was the only one left. He bid Chrollo farewell with a toothy grin on his face before he too became one with the white void.
“I see it’s time to return.” Chrollo commented staring into the white void that was once his beloved city.
“Yes, I’m sorry it ended so soon.” You answered, lowering your head.
Suddenly, Chrollo’s hand grabbed your chin and you met his eyes full of emotions that went beyond your comprehension. “No, Miss, it is I who is sorry.”
You wanted to ask what he meant but your fantasy dissipated into nothing and you were kicked out of Chrollo’s mind.
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Your eyes fluttered open to blood splattered walls and your hand lying on an old book held by Chrollo. Everything had gone according to plan and the spiders eliminated everyone in the building including your owner. As the Phantom Troupe hauled out the treasures located in the bunker, Chrollo regained consciousness and fulfilled the last condition of Skill Hunter.
“What…happened?” Your eyes widened in horror when they landed on your fallen guards lying in a pool of their own blood. “H-how?!”
Chrollo watched as you whipped your head around for help only to be met with silence. Your seemingly constant smile was long gone replaced with a horror-stricken face Chrollo was used to seeing on his victims—but you were no ordinary victim.
You trembled as you watched the old book in Chrollo’s hands disappear and darted to your feet in an attempt to run away only to collapse on the ground when your chain extended its entire length.
Teary-eyed, you looked up at Chrollo who decided he never wanted to see that terrified expression on your face ever again. He softened his own face as he crouched down next to you and dried your tears with his thumbs. Confusion replaced fear on your weary face and Chrollo sighed in relief knowing it would be easier to dispel confusion as opposed to fear.
“I’m sorry it had to be like this,” Chrollo apologized, before knocking you out in a fraction of a second. “But I’ll take care of you now.”
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When you woke up to the black void that was your vision, a broken wail erupted from your chest that alarmed various voices in the room. You flailed your arms in front of you to see if you could at least make out their outline but it was to no avail. With your vision gone, the gravity of your situation pumped adrenaline to your limbs causing you to scramble to your knees and crawl on the bed only to fall out of it and onto the cold floor.
“Are you okay?”
“Get the boss!”
The shoulder you landed on throbbed painfully but the ringing in your head from listening to disembodied voices you didn’t recognize was worse. Curling up into a ball, you clamped your hands onto your ears to cancel out the harsh noise but it was to no avail. A plethora of negative thoughts filled your mind only to be dispelled by a familiar soothing voice that overpowered all noise.
“Dearest Client?” You uncovered you ears and uncurled your body only to hit your shoulder on the ground once again causing you to hiss in pain. Warm hands gently lifted you up and you jerked from the sudden movement.
“Shhh it’s alright, Miss. My name is Chrollo Lucilfer and I’ll be making you happy from now on.”
“B-but my sight…my gift—” The soft bed surprised you as he sat you down on the edge. “W-what are you—”
His hands cupped both cheeks and turned your head forward. “I’m sorry about your gift but I promise I’ll use it well.”
“W-what…how did…I-I don’t—”
“Stay still for me…please.” You were captivated by the gentle firmness of his voice and did as he asked.
When the meaning behind his words hit, you wondered if your gift would even work in your current state. Before you could voice your doubts, however, the darkness that enveloped you turned lighter and lighter until it was a white void you would recognize anywhere. Splashes of color materialized until they formed your last creation—the junkyard city.
“This…made you happy?”
Seeing Chrollo again made your heart swell and you ran to him wanting nothing more than to see his features up close.  You took in his disheveled black hair, pale skin, and pools of grey and teared up from simply being able to see another person once again. Raising your hand, you touched his cheek and gasped from how real it felt being on the receiving end of the fantasy.
“Amazing…I-I can’t bel—”
Chrollo’s hand shot out and pulled you into his chest while his arms wrapped around your frail form possessively. His scent and warmth assaulted your senses making your head spin but Chrollo only tightened his hold pressing against your skin harshly. Overwhelmed by the sensations pulsating through your body, you clung to Chrollo not knowing what else to do.
“You’re mine now,” his voice rumbled against the sensitive skin of your neck. “I’ll be your eyes from now on.”
A chill ran up your spine as Chrollo’s mouth trailed kisses up your neck to your mouth. An uncomfortable knot started to build in your stomach as his tongue probed your mouth and pressed against yours. You gave Chrollo free reign over your body not because you reciprocated his desire but because you didn’t know any better.
Your entire existence revolved around pleasing others, so when your tainted fantasy ends and you return to your dark reality; you learn to accept your new role. Moving forward whenever Chrollo visits your room, you continue to let him do whatever he wants to your body by convincing yourself that it’s his happiness that is most important. So when he leaves you naked and trembling with a dull ache between your legs, your mind does what it has always done best—it makes things up to help you cope with your miserable life.
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Found you
Oikawa Tooru x gn!reader
Summary: you fell in love with him at the wrong time, slight enemies to lovers trope
Warnings: angst (disappointed but not surprised)
Word count: 1909
a/n: sorry I’m a sucker for pain and I’ve been CRAVING unrequited-love-kinda-heartbreak for the past week so yeah sorry again. Also I just finished reading the song of Achilles and didn’t cry so I NEED this
You first thought he was an asshole. Always wanting to be the center of attention, being the teacher’s pet but talking shit about them as soon as they turned around to continue with the lesson. He was the typical perfect boy who everyone loved, so sweet, so polite, so talented. Or so they thought.
You changed school during your third year of high school and started going to the same one as your childhood friend, Aoba Jōsai High. Kyōtani (aka mad dog) wanted to join the volleyball team but didn’t want to go alone ‘cause he knew he’d screw it up and go back to training by himself. So, you offered yourself to go with him and apply for the manager position. Boy was that the worst choice you’d ever made. Not only did you have to spend lots of time (worth of studying) in that stupid gym but you also had to deal with their self centered captain. The first thing he said to you was “hey cutie where’s my hug at” (a/n: I’m so sorry but he would) you wanted so badly to punch him in the face, but you knew better so you just rolled your eyes and ignored him.
He kept flirting with you every now and then but he grew tired of your indifference pretty quick and started behaving like the spoiled child he was. He’d argue with you during practice over some stupid shit or blame you for having given him really cold water to drink during the last match on purpose just to make his throat sore and sabotage his performance. You were petty and didn’t let him off with this behavior so easily, you’d point out every wrong answer he gave during class just to piss him off or boo him every time he’d miss a serve.
The team seemed to find your relationship with Tooru entertaining. They’d make bets without the two of you knowing, wondering who’d win the next argument or how long it would take you to punch their captain in the face.
After a few months as the team manager you grew closer to the boys and started to listen to their personal problems, giving them the best advice you could think of in order to help them out. They became your friends. Even Oikawa came to you every once in a while to ask for your opinion on some ugly outfit he was thinking of wearing to some party, only to then clarify that he was asking you so he’d do the opposite of what you’d said.
Eventually the bickering ceased and you two started to get along, greeting each other when you crossed in the hallways and making small talk when you were the only ones left in the gym. That last one happened very often. Oikawa was known not only for his good looks and popularity but also for his hard work and volleyball skills. You’d seen him staying at the gym practicing until god knows what hours of the night, Iwaizumi always being the one trying to get him to stop but failing.
One night it was just the three of you, you were about to leave when the two boys started screaming at each other. You’d seen this exact same scene before, Iwa begging him to stop and Tooru yelling at him for not being a good friend and support him. But this time it was different, Iwa was tired of this and didn’t know how to help his stubborn best friend so he exploded.
“ You are a stupid, selfish asshole ” were the words that left the boy’s mouth “ You’re so blinded by your goals that you don’t realize how bad the people who love you are suffering. All because of you and your stupid need for perfection. And I’m tired of this shit”
After that he left the gym and headed home, leaving you alone with Oikawa. The boy seemed to ignore your presence as well as his friend’s words and continued with his practice. He served over and over again, running out of breath with every hit. You didn’t really understand what the big deal was, why he would overwork himself or why Iwa was so mad at him.
“Hey, shittykawa ” you called, expecting him to ignore you. He turned around, volley ball in hand and nodded his head at you.
“What? You gonna yell at me too?”
“No, actually I just wanted to ask you what is going on. I’m still new to this whole manager thing but I’m pretty sure part of my work is to make sure you guys’ heads are working all right, and yours seems to be a bit fucked up ” it wasn’t until the words left your mouth that you realized what you had said. You looked up at him and waited for the argument to start. Again, you were surprised.
“I know, I can act like an idiot when I’m hating myself” his answer was meant to be sarcastic but his face said otherwise.
That day something changed between you two. You sat in the middle of the court and Oikawa opened up to you. He told you about his dreams and goals and how close he had gotten to achieving them, only to have them snatched away because of some mistake he had made. Kyōtani had told you about the match against this Karasuno team and how the lost had affected them, but you felt there was something he wasn’t telling you. Now you understood. Oikawa blamed himself for it. And that wasn’t all, he also talked about the amount of stress and pressure he had put himself under and how tired he was of giving it all only to be beaten by more talented people. You watched him cry and throw balls at the wall, screaming about some first year student who was a better setter than him even though he had worked ten times harder. He was mad, furious but also exhausted. You didn’t really know what to say so all you did was listen to him. Once he had calmed down he apologized for his behavior and walked you home.
That night you couldn’t sleep. You hadn’t expected to see that side of him, you hadn’t even considered that maybe that annoying egotistical self was just his shield, a mask. Ever since that night you started being nicer to him, asking him how his day was going, if he had drank enough water, etc. You were becoming friends.
It wasn’t long until Oikawa’s fans started rumors about the two of you being a couple, the team would make fun of him but he’d just brush it off and deny it. He was Oikawa Tooru, the great king, he couldn’t date someone like you. That’s the lies he’d tell himself but the truth was that he had found a good friend in you and was scared to loose that.
Late night talks in the gym became a regular, he’d always walk you home after practice (along with mad dog ‘cause he was your neighbor) and every now and then you’d have lunch with him. At first it felt nice, you liked being friends with Tooru and being able to help him out with his problems, letting down his walls and showing you his true self. It was close to the end of school that you started to feel weird around him. Suddenly the gym seemed a bit smaller than it used to be, the air felt a little dense too specially after watching Oikawa train intensely, sweat running down his neck. It’d get harder to swallow and talking to him without going blank was a challenge, something was wrong with you but you couldn’t tell what.
You didn’t tell mad dog about it, knowing he wouldn’t really have an answer to give you, so you kept it to yourself and waited for it to go away. It didn’t. You started to think about him on a regular basis, wondering what it’d feel like to hold his hand in yours or to cup his face and give him a soft pe- wait what, oh shit. Could it be? Could you be in love with Tooru?
One night, while he was walking you home after practice you decided to put your feelings to the test. Without really thinking much about it you got your hand out of your pocket and grabbed his hand. It felt cold, harsh, it wasn’t soft at all like you had imagined but you still liked holding it.
“ What are you doing?” you looked up at him with a boring expression on your face, his cheeks were... red?
“ I’m holding your hand” god you were stupid.
“Yeah, I can see that. Why?”
“ I don’t know it just... looked cold, I’ve heard you have cold hands and so I thought I’d help you out” it sounded like a better excuse in your head.
“ Oh, eh okay, thanks I guess?” He gave you a small smile and squeezed your hand, holding it tight until you reached your home.
After that incident you decided you were definitely in love with him. That same night Oikawa realized his feelings towards you were purely platonic, he loved having a friend outside of the volleyball team who could see him for who he really was and would not be afraid to judge him, you cared about him and weren’t afraid to show it. He remembered the words you’d said to him that night at the gym after his fight with Iwa.
“You’re lucky to have someone who cares so much about you, I can really tell he loves you. I know you probably can’t see it right now, but all those things he said he only did cause he’s worried you’re gonna get yourself hurt. He loves you”
He loves you.
The graduation day came and you all cried, laughed and hugged each other. You had planned to confess your feelings to Tooru once the ceremony was over, but before you could get a change it all went to shit. It’s like it all happened in slow motion, him grabbing your hands and pulling you into his arms, making you feel so warm inside.
“ Thank you for giving me a second chance, you’re such a good friend” Ouch. “ I need your advice once more, please?” He looked at you with his puppy eyes and you couldn’t say no. He took you away from the crowd of students and guided you through the halls, finally sitting on the steps of the stairs.
“Okay, so, what is it?” A part of you hoped this was a love confession, the other part knew that it wasn’t.
“ I’ve been thinking about what you said to me that night at the gym” he started “ The night I had a fight with Iwaizumi” his checks were turning red, he was playing with the rings on his fingers, and suddenly you understood. This was a love confession, except he wasn’t confessing to you.
“ You love him” Tooru looked up at you and smiled, you’d never seen him smile so bright.
“ I think I do, but I’m scared. He’s my best friend you know, there’s a lot at risk. I couldn’t bare to loose his friendship over some crush.” He let out a frustrated sigh. “But I’m sure this isn’t it, it’s not just a crush” Ou-“ I love him” -ch.
Next part
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aliceinteyvat · 3 years
Genshin Impact Idol AU ideas
So we all know the groups Veechu made with 4nemo, DCKZ, L/yue and, TVT DREAM however, I thought it was a crime the actual idol Barbara wasn’t in a group so, I made my own! I do not have the skills to draw this so, I will be including concept photos by actual groups(older and newer as well as the time in those examples i think suits them just for an example bts run era - dope era for a boy group) for the general vibe. Click on their names for a link to the kpop wiki about them. I also won’t include Lumine because many fans have made their own headcanons for that I like.
Feel free to use the ideas I added to this in fanworks just please credit me for the idea of the groups I made myself if you do. All will be under the read more so mobile users don’t break their fingers trying to scroll past. Wiki links are included for each real world inspiration. If looking for a specific character use ctrl+f on PC to search for them to make your life easier.
Note: their stories can be changed if you would like to make it different for your art/writing/whatever. I just think a bit of drama makes them feel more real. None of the stories are 100% based on any real group even their inspirations aren’t direct copies. As new characters are released/shown in stories I will be adding onto existing groups I made up or, making new ones so if you like my ideas save this and come back to it.
                             7evelUp! [pronounced Level Up!]
A rookie girl group created from the top seven trainees(voted by judges & public vote) in a survival show that quickly gained international fame from their debut single and, performance. No one doubts their talents however, some question how legitimate the voting/ranking was in the show.  No one blames the girls themselves for this and, there is no real evidence to prove this. All of the members believe the show to be real due to their own experiences too although, a few of them due to their low self-esteem believe other trainees would’ve been better suited in the group even if they are thankful for the support. It will take a while for all of them to adjust and, have it all feel real. Will they rise to super stardom or, crack under the immense pressure?
- Members
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Amber (leader, main dancer) 3rd place(got the leader position because she is the one who brought every team she was in together to usually win the challenges showing her leadership skills not from ranking)
Barbara (main vocalist,maknae,center) 1st place
Noelle (lead dancer,visual) 6th place
Sucrose (lead vocalist) 7th place
Xiangling (lead dancer, lead rapper)  5th place
Yanfei (main rapper,oldest) 2nd place
Yoimiya (lead rapper, vocalist) 4th place
- Real World Inspirations
Weeekly(Tag Me era - 7Days Tension era)
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Girls’ Generation(Into the New World era-Gee era)
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TWICE(Like Ooh Aah era - Heart Shaker era)
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An unconventional girl group with a unique sound. Despite their enormous amount of talent/skill , they haven’t been as successful as their small company had hoped. However, they continue to invest everything they can into this group much to the displeasure of the other idols under the company. Will their burning hot passion find success with the masses or, will they disband early leaving their company in complete ruin?
- Members
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Hu Tao (leader, main rapper, vocalist)
Fischl (lead vocalist, lead rapper, maknae)
Mona (lead dancer, vocalist, visual)
Rosaria (main dancer, vocalist, rapper, oldest)
Xinyan (main vocalist, dancer,center)
- Real World Inspirations
Dreamcatcher (Chase Me era - Odd Eye era)
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1NB (Stalker era - Once again, Winter era)
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                                    1MP@CT [prounced Impact]
A previously underrated boy group that seemingly appeared out of thin air on the #1 spots of all major top music charts. Most attribute their overnight success to their newest song going viral on social media but, some who work within their company secretly wonder if it has anything to do with the CEO’s private life and, the new anonymous investors. Regardless, they have made a name for themselves. They have a work ethic like no other and, will do whatever necessary to rise to the top. Even though fans are starting to worry their agency is pushing them too far. Will they become legendary performers the kind that future generations remember by name or, will their boss’ dirty little secrets make them guilty by association to the press when/if the time comes?
- Members     
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Baizhu (leader, lead vocalist, lead dancer)
Dainsleif (main rapper, lead dancer, maknae)
Scaramouche (main dancer, lead rapper, oldest, center)
Albedo (main vocalist,visual)
- Real World Inspirations
Big Bang (Fantastic Baby era - Bang Bang Bang era)
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ATEEZ (Wonderland era - Fireworks era)
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B.A.P (Badman era - Hands Up era)
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A junior girl group for kids/tweens made(and managed) by Alice to promote her daughter Klee and, have her gain experience for her dream of being a real idol. Although they perform, act, model and, release music similar older groups they still are children so, their concepts are always wholesome feel-good things to appeal to kid’s even younger their age or, younger. They also don’t have the same restrictions or, work hours due to their age. This group is very popular with Elementary schoolers and, sometimes even their families but, can be annoying to anyone older due to how cheesy it all is.
(Note: I don’t personally agree with kids being idols irl especially some I’ve seen that look like older teen/adult idols it’s scary. However, since it is a thing that exists and, this is a fictional head canon let’s pretend this is a world where none of them get hurt and can live pretty normal lives during & after their time as idols if they choose to do so. I just didn’t want to leave a playable character/important story character out of the AU entirely. Also, Sayu would be here but since she’s not officially released yet and, we don’t know any story about her I think it’s best for her to join later.)
- Members
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Klee (leader, main dancer, vocalist, maknae,center)
Diona (main rapper, dancer)
Qiqi (vocalist, oldest)
Yaoyao (main vocalist, rapper)
- Real World Inspirations
RE:KIDS ANGEL (Ocean era) note: also their only era so far it seems but, apparently RE:KIDS is a larger thing with many other kids kpop groups so I assume others would have a similar concept.
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CutieL (Debut era - Jungle Journey era)
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A girl group that has stayed at the top for the past 7 years known for their elegant concepts although, they have had other concepts in the past(sexy, cute, etc.). Not only is Dandelion super famous but, each member has their own solo careers just as successful. Outside of the group Jean is known for her solo albums and, charity work. Lisa is known for her modelling career and, secretly is a successful author under a pen name. Eula is known for her many wins on dancing contest shows and, the many important roles she plays in dramas. Since this year marks the dreaded 7 year curse fans worry they might disband or, go on a permanent hiatus. Before this year they seemed inseparable to fans but, something happened during their last tour. Jean and, Lisa who were known to be best friends suddenly won’t even sit next to each other. Eula who was usually more reserved during interviews is having to do most of the work since they’re just awkwardly sitting on the opposite sides of her. Eula has never been the best at public speaking and, her blunt responses are causing antis to go on huge smear campaigns on social media. Jean who previously wanted to renew her contract is thinking about starting her own company. Lisa who previously wanted to renew her contract now wants to leave and, join a modelling agency. Eula still wants to renew her contract but, she doesn’t want to be solo yet. She is trying her hardest to get the group back together but, her harsh personality is only making the problem worse she feels. Will they stay together or, will they split? And if they stay together, will it be the same Dandelion fans fell in love with or, are some bridges burned forever?
- Members
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Jean (leader, main vocalist, center, dancer)
Lisa (main rapper, visual, sub vocalist, oldest)
Eula (main dancer, vocalist, maknae)
- Real World Inspirations
IZ*ONE (Violeta era - Panorama era)
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GFRIEND (Sunrise era - Mago era)
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TWICE (Fancy era - Alcohol Free era)
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Solo Idols
- Ayaka
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From a wealthy Inazuman family Kamisato Ayaka (known as Ayaka) shocked the entire nation when she decided to stop pursuing traditional dance(which she had earned many honors and, was famous for since she was a small child) and, instead go overseas to become an idol. Due to her connections it wasn’t long after becoming a trainee that she was put on the same survival show that formed 7evelUp!. However, her good luck ran out when after filming she got into an accident in her company’s car on the way to her company’s trainee dorms. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured but, she sustained an injury to her ankle that made her unable to perform for the rest of the show and, therefore was disqualified. She was a fan favorite and, everyone was heartbroken that she couldn’t compete. Due to her popularity, her company decided that if she could prove she was able to work after being healed they would let her have a solo debut. She far surpassed their expectations being even better than she was before, resulting in her debuting the same time 7evelUp! did. She doesn’t have any negative feelings towards those girls but, she views them as her rivals. She is quickly gaining popularity for her insane talent in singing, dancing, acting, modelling and, song-writing. She is known to the media as “The Idol Princess” for her family’s wealth, her talent and, her graceful demeanor. Don’t put her into a box though, she can pull off any concept with ease. The question is though, will her company allow her the freedom to express herself to the fullest?
- Real World Inspirations
Note: I am not saying she would be super similar to these artist’s work but, I am saying she has the range and, the potential to reach this level of fame. Since I can’t pinpoint a single solo artist that has what I think she would do I’ll put the ones I think have the insane talent and fame I think she would have as well as a similar feeling although it will take a while for her to get to their level
- IU
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- Taeyeon
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That was all of the Genshin Impact characters that I know enough about currently to feel comfortable making headcanons for them! Let me know what you think and if you make fanfic of or fanart of these ideas please credit me for these specifically and veechu for the idea of the idol au in general! Feel free to spread this post around if you want to or repost it too with credit. I also would love it if you tagged me if it’s on here or would be kind enough to send me a link to your work/work you find of it.
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obx-writings · 4 years
Enough is Enough
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Gif from @rudypankows​
AN: Hi! Here it finally is! This took me a long ass time to make and I've never written smut before so idk how it is but it was definitely fun to write! I hope you enjoy it!
JJ Maybank X Reader 
Summary: You and JJ have been pining over each other for years now, constantly hurting each other without knowing. Your friends can’t stand by any longer and decide it’s time to interfere.
Warnings: SMUT!! unprotected sex (wrap before you tap guys) I think that’s it honestly
WC: 4.1k oof
It had started as a game. An unspoken game of who could break who first. You and JJ had known each other for years, the feelings between you two and the subsequent sexual tension between you rising with every passing glance, every hug, every lingering kiss to the cheek. The game however, was between John B and Kie. Which one of them could get their respective best friends to admit it first. They’d wagered a decent chunk of cash on it, Pope constantly rolling his eyes at the two for meddling. “It’s not our job to push them, they’ll get there on their own.” He’d say, but they’d just shake their heads and laugh.
Kie’s argument was that she was done watching you pine over JJ for years, your heart shattering every time he’d bring a new girl home to the Chateau, for you to listen to while he wished it were you under him. She was done with watching JJ sulk, drinking away his feelings so much he’d pick up a Touron that always had some semblance of you in them; They’d wear your signature color, they’d use a similar shampoo, or JJ’s personal favorite, they’d drink the same cherry flavored liquor at the boneyard. Kissing them always tasted like how he’d imagine you did. And John B? Well he was sick and tired of listening to JJ fuck some tourist, only to kick them out the next day, slam the door to his room, and cry.
At this point, John B and Kiara had decided that enough was enough. Their usual jealousy attempts to try and get one of you to admit it only resulted in one of you starting a fight and then not admitting as to why you were mad. John B decided he was just going to tell you what was going on, even if it meant that JJ would kill him. He had watched the two of you suffer in silence long enough.
You two were breaking each other by holding onto your feelings as long as you had, and they decided enough was enough. Which leads you to tonight. You had no idea that Kie and John B had this bet going, and you had no clue that JJ felt the same way. You washed your sorrows down with that cherry flavored liquor JJ longed to taste on your tongue so much. Kie had dressed you in her clothing, saying “You deserve to feel like an expensive bitch every once in a while!” Which made you laugh. JJ was chatting up some girl in the corner, and everytime you looked over, you felt your eyes burn with tears that refused to leave. Respectively, every time JJ looked your way, watching you dance around, sweaty and care free and absolutely beautiful, his heart panged, aching to be the one grabbing your waist, pulling you back into him, whispering the things in your ear he dreamed of doing to you when you two left. It was killing him.
As if almost on cue, John B and Kie looked at each other, determined for this plan to work. Pope took notice of this and rolled his eyes.
“You’re crazy if you think this will work.” He laughed. “You’re last six attempts all tanked bro, just give it up. They’re both too fucking stubborn.”
“Pope, they’re killing each other. It’s getting painful to watch.” Kie stated, taking a sip.
“Hey, it’s your guy’s funeral when JJ goes insane and punches you.” He pointed a finger at John B. John B just shrugged and stood up, setting his cup down in the sand, he walked over to where you were dancing with some guy who obviously was a Touron considering his Outerbanks t-shirt and bad sunburn.
“Mind if I cut in with the lady?” He asked, sending you a wink. You laughed and took his outstretched hand, not giving a second thought about the boy behind you. Dancing with John B always made you feel the happiest at parties. He knew how to make you laugh, never judged your horrid dance skills, and most importantly, he took your mind off of a certain blonde haired boy. You never looked at John B as more than just your best friend, your brother. He was there for you through everything, and you for him as well, which is why it surprised you when tonight he turned you around, his chest pressed to your back. He pulled you close, dancing against you. He leaned down and whispered in your ears.
“Y/N, there’s something I need to tell you, and know that I hate that I’m the one who’s saying it to you.” You felt a rush of anxiety wash over you. Was this where he tells you he knows you like JJ, and he doesn’t feel the same? Is he going to admit to something that you don’t reciprocate? Your mind wandered, worry radiating off of you. You nodded, and waited for your heart to break.
JJ, sitting on the other side of the beach, took notice of this. He watched as his best friend walked over to the girl he loved, sweeping her off her feet as he pulled her to dance with him. He watched as John B spun you around, grinding against you. He balled his fists and his jaw clenched. He watched as John B leaned down to whisper in your ear. What could he have possibly said that made your face red. That should be him. That should be him holding you, dancing with you, making you smile, blush, giggle, scream, all of it. He noticed when you nodded, his mind wandering. What had you agreed to? Were you about to hook up with his best friend. His best friend that he never told his feelings about. Did he deserve to be this upset at John B? JJ never told a single soul his feelings for you, thinking if only he knew, it would just go away. He didn’t blame John B for wanting you. Your carefree spirit, your infectious laugh, the way you care so deeply for others around you. He noticed when John B said something, and your beautiful eyes met his in an instant. He noticed that John B was still talking, but your eyes were glazed over, focusing on JJ’s, not paying attention to what he was saying. He noticed when you left John B’s grasp, shaking your head, tears threatening to spill over. He noticed when you backed away, turning and walking quickly up to the Chateau. He never stood up so quickly. He walked over to John B, his voice strained, slightly raised.
“What the fuck just happened, bro?” JJ asked. Kie and Pope watched the scene unfold, walking over to join their friends. “What was that.”
“I told her bro, I told her everything.” John B stated, treading carefully with his words so as to not provoke his already ansty friend.
“What exactly is everything.” JJ stated through gritted teeth.
“You know, J.” JJ went to raise a fist, not sure if he was angry at John B for telling you, or angry at himself that he couldn’t. John B grabbed his arm, pushing his back.
“You were never going to tell her, and I was so sick of listening to her cry every goddamn night over something that wasn’t even true. So go, tell her yourself. Fill in the gaps, go and get the girl, for once JJ.” John B was staring at JJ so intently, his hands bunched in the collar of JJ’s shirt. His words were harsh, and they hit JJ like a truck. Did this mean maybe, just maybe, you felt the same way about him? How could he have been so stupid to parade a string of women in front of you. JJ looked at John B, nodding, and pulling his hands off him. He looked over at Kie, who sent him a sympathetic smile. Turning on his heels, he walked up to the Chateau.
The sand under his feet shifted with every step, his heart pounding beneath his chest. What if you really didn’t feel the same? What if you were utterly repulsed by the idea of him seeing you the way he did. His thoughts raced as he pulled open the old wooden door. There you were, sitting on the couch, your head in your hands, gripping the strands of your hair tightly. The creak of the door surprised you, and you lifted your head to be met with the most beautiful shade of blue staring back at you.
“Y/N, I…” JJ started, but you held your hand up, signaling for him to stop. You stood up slowly, wiping away the stray tears that had fallen, running a hand through your hair.
“I just wanna know why. Why would you bring your parade of Touron sluts through the door, practically throwing them in my face. All I did was lay on this couch and cry my eyes out as I listened to you fuck the shit out of someone I wished was me? God! Why didn’t you just tell me?” You practically screamed. All the pent up anger had been released, and you were left with your chest heaving, trying to catch your breath. You watched as his face went from guilty, to angry within a few seconds.
“You didn’t say anything either, Y/N! You don’t get to pin it all on me! How was I supposed to know someone like you would ever go for trailer trash that is JJ fucking Maybank?” The veins in his neck were bulging out, his eyes ablaze, until they softened watching the realization cross your face at his words. “Look…” His hand came up to his face, rubbing his eyes to try and stop the tears from leaking out. “I never, in a million years thought that you would go for me, so I pushed the feelings down, drawing them in women I wished were you, and crying myself to sleep after. I fucking hate myself for it.” He was tugging on his hair at this point, walking over to the counter in the kitchen and placing his palms on the surface, his jaw clenched. His back was to you, and you walked over to him, placing a hand on his back.
“Hey, J, look at me, please.” You pleaded, and after a moment, he turned around to face you. The air between you was limited, and thick with the tension between you two. You were both heated, buzzing from the booze and weed, and high off of the mutual knowledge that both of your feelings were reciprocated. “I...look, I don’t care about what’s happened in the past. If I keep thinking about it, it’ll just mess up everything, and I have you now. And I’m so fucking in love with you it hurts.” Your hand came up to cup his cheek, his face nuzzling into the warmth of your palm. He looked at you, searching your eyes for any trace of regret for the words that just passed your lips. All he found was love, and adoration. His rough hands came up to both sides of your face, behind your neck, pulling you in.
“God, I fucking love you too.” He muttered, before his lips crashed onto yours. After a brief second of “Holy shit, JJ is in love with me too, wait, JJ is literally kissing me.” you began to feverishly kiss back. The hand that was cupping his face went behind his head to thread through his hair, tugging slightly. The action caused him to gasp slightly, allowing you to slip your tongue into his mouth. He growled slightly against your mouth, one hand staying in your hair while the other went to your hips, spinning you around so you were pressed against the counter. He bit your lip before trailing his lips down your neck, leaving hot wet kisses on the soft skin. You breathed out a few moans, feeling his arousal press against your stomach. He brought his lips up to your ear.
“God, I love you so much, Y/N.” His breath was hot in your ear, and he attached his lips back to yours a second later. He trailed his hands down your back, under your butt to your thighs, lifting you up onto the counter, stepping in between your open legs, pulling your waist towards him.
“I love you too, J. So fucking much.” You mumbled against his lips, your words getting lost in his mouth, his tongue teasing yours. His hands at your waist began to play with the hem of your tank top, signaling he wished to take it off. You pushed his shoulders back slightly, gripping your shirt from the bottom and lifting it over your head. His eyes darkened at the sight of you, clad in a simple dark blue bra. You smiled at his reaction and pulled his head back to yours, kissing him greedily. You began to pull at the hem of his top as well, beginning to strip it off, your lips only leaving his for the brief second the shirt passed over his head. Your hands trailed down his abs, your nails scratching at the skin. You felt his breathing hitch at the feeling, and he groaned into your mouth. You started trailing kisses from his mouth to his neck, biting every so often. When you got to the spot under his jaw, he moaned, and you stayed there, sucking harshly at the skin. The grip on your waist tightened, and you felt the prominent bulge of him through his pants against you again.
“God, Y/N. I need you. I need you so fucking bad it hurts.” He spoke through closed teeth, you could practically hear them grinding together. His breath was heavy and uneven, and you could tell how bad he wanted you.
“Then take me, J. It’s been too fucking long. Take me and make me yours.” He wasted no time at your words, beginning to unbutton the front of your jean shorts, his fingers fumbling slightly. Before you could even think, he lifted you up slightly, pulling them down your legs, leaving you in nothing but your underwear and bra. He began unbuttoning his own shorts, never breaking his kiss with you, letting them drop to his ankles before stepping out of them. His hands went around your back, unclasping your bra, pulling away slightly to remove it from your body. His eyes gazed hungrily at the new exposed skin of your breasts, you chest rising and falling with the intensity of his gaze. He pulled his hand around to the front of you, grazing your nipple slightly, watching as you let out a slight moan, lost in the pleasure. He leaned forward, attaching his mouth to the other one as his tongue and figures worked in harmony to cause sparks of pleasure in your lower belly.
“God, J….feels so good.” You breathed out, lost in the moment. You felt his mouth smirk against you, before he began leaving wet kisses down your stomach, lowering himself onto his knees between your legs. His hands went to your waist, gripping your hips as he pulled you forcefully forward to the edge of the counter, hooking his fingers in your panties at the same time. He slowly pulled them off of you, teasing you with light kisses to your inner thighs. Your hand reached down and threaded into his golden hair, desperate to hold onto something. He looked up at you through hooded eyes.
“I want to taste you...I’ve wanted to taste you for years, please baby, let me.” His eyes were pleading, and his voice begging. You couldn’t resist how sexy he looked at that moment, between your legs, begging to eat you out.
“Please J, yes…” That was all the encouragement he needed, as his mouth lurched forward, his tongue instantly finding your clit. You gripped his hair harder, letting out a loud moan at the sudden sensation. It fueled him further, as he began trailing his hand from your thigh to your opening, slowly sliding a finger inside you.
“You’re so tight, so wet for me baby...tell me it’s for me…” He mumbled against your clit, the vibrations sending shockwaves through your body.
“For you, JJ, all for you…” Your eyes rolled back at the sight of his before you, messy hair, flushed cheeks, his tongue drawing lazy figure eights on your clit and his finger pumping in and out of you. He smiled at your words, adding a second finger and pumping even faster. He began to curl them each time they entered you, hitting a spot inside of you you didn’t even know existed. Moans left your mouth without warning, and you could feel that familiar tingle in the pit of your stomach.
“J…’m close…” You breathed out, your voice raspy and loose from the pleasure you were feeling. He pulled away for only a moment to speak.
“Fall apart for me, Y/N” He dove right back, working your clit with his tongue. His words were enough to push you over the edge, your head falling back, unable to keep your eyes open any longer as you felt the waves of pleasure crashing over you. You knew JJ was skilled in bed, hell you heard it almost every night, but you had no idea he was this talented at all. Your entire body was buzzing, you didn’t even register him pulling away or standing up until his mouth was on your again, letting you taste yourself on his tongue. The unfamiliar tang of sweetness was odd, but it gave you another surge of tightness in your body, and you wanted him all over again. You moaned into his mouth, bringing your hand up to the back of his neck, tugging at the strands at the base of his head, slightly damp from the activities you two were taking part in. Your other hand reached down to begin palming him through his boxers. You weren’t shocked at the size. You had seen him changing enough times to know that JJ Maybank was indeed packing down there, and your body tingled with excitement. He let out a pained groan into your mouth, making quick work to rid himself of his boxer briefs, leaving you both naked to the steamy air. Your hand made its way to his length, stroking him a few times before he forcefully grabbed your wrist, biting his lip.
“You keep doing that, Princess, and this will be over very...very quickly.” His breath was ragged and his voice rough, you could tell he was on edge. He took a deep breath before reaching his hand back up to cup your cheek to kiss you sweetly. He pulled away, looking you deep in the eyes. “You sure, baby?” His eyes were looking for any sense of doubt or disdain with the situation, but all he found was adoration.
“Please...please J, I need you…” Those words were all he needed, because the second you spoke, he grabbed your hip with one hand, using his other to guide himself into you. Both of you moaned at the feeling of finally being connected with each other. He gave you a few seconds to adjust, hooking his hand under your knee to bring your legs more around his waist, and began thrusting slowly. Your body was on fire, every movement felt like the most pleasurable feeling you have ever experienced. His hot breath was on your neck, and you were hyper aware of everything that was him; the taste of his tongue, the smell of his cologne lingering on his skin, the roughness of the calluses on his fingertips, the softness of his hair, the love pouring from his blue irises. You were completely encapsulated by everything that was JJ Maybank.
“God, baby..feel so good, you’re so good.” His moaning was the sexiest sound you had ever heard, and you knew you’d never get enough of it.
“JJ!” You gasped, feeling him hit that spot inside you again, tightening around him. His grip on your hips tightened, bruising the skin.
“Shit, do that again baby.” You did, and a string of curses left his mouth. “I don’t know how long I can last baby...I’ve waited too long...you feel too good.” You could tell by the strain in his voice he was holding back his high, trying to stick it out for you. You shushed him, petting his hair and kissing his neck.
“Let go baby, come for me, I want to watch you.” You whispered in his ear, and his head tipped forward onto your shoulder as his groan at your words echoed through the empty house. “Look at me, J. Look me in the eyes when you come inside me baby.” He lifted his head, and the second he made eye contact with you, he was done for. He released into you without a second though, riding out his high for as long as he could before his body was shuddering at the stimulation. His lip was cut slightly from how hard he had been biting it, and his pupils were blown wide from the pleasure. You grabbed his face, kissing him sweetly. Pulling away, you rested your forehead against his, catching your breath.
“Fuck, I love you. I’m so sorry I waited this long to tell you.” His words brought a calm wave over you, making you smile.
“I love you too, J. So much. And I don’t know exactly how this works, friends to more or whatever, but I know that I never want to not be able to kiss you again.” He giggled at your words, kissing you again. You were both so lost in each other, you almost didn’t notice the distant voices approaching. The rest of the Pogues were coming up to make sure you two didn’t kill each other. As soon as you heard Pope’s voice, you pushed JJ away, looking frantically for your scattered clothes. JJ hissed as he quickly pulled out of you, finding his boxer briefs and shorts quickly. You hopped off of the counter, pulling your shirt on frantically, and finding your shorts, sliding them over your legs and buttoning them quickly before the door loudly swung open.
“See, I told you they were fine.” Kie said, pointing in your direction. “Now can we leave them to sort their shit out.” She sounded annoyed that the boys had dragged her up here. John B and Pope were too busy assessing the situation in front of them to acknowledge her words. Both of you had wild, messy hair, flushed faces, and were standing at an awkward length from each other. John B noticed your bikini top sitting on the kitchen counter, your bottoms on the floor underneath it. He smirked, as Pope stared with wide eyes.
“Looks like they already figured it out.” His smug expression made your face flush even more so, not being able to look at anyone.
“You guys didn’t….on the freaking counter?!” Pope shook his head in disgust while JJ just smirked your direction.
“Wait you too...Oh my god! Finally!” Kie screamed with excitement. You laughed at her outburst, happy your friends didn’t seem to mind.
“I mean seriously, Y/N, next time you wanna hide it, maybe don’t leave your bikini sitting out...or put your shirt on backwards.” He smirked as you looked down confused, laughing at yourself. You had been in such a rush you hadn’t even noticed.
“Well, now that you guys are finally not pining anymore, can we get back to the party?” Kie said, laughing at you and your backwards shirt.
“I’m down, I’d love to show you off as my girl, babe.” JJ smirked again, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, making you blush further. You nodded as the five of you made your way back to the boneyard.
“Okay, but like, try and keep the macking in front of us to a minimum.” Pope said, looking at JJ, still scarred from almost walking in on you two going at it.
“No promises, man.” He laughed, turning his head to face you, leaning in to whisper just so you could hear him this time. “Now that I finally got you, no fucking promises at all.” You smiled up at him, eyes sparkling in the moonlight. You finally had JJ Maybank.
@heywards​ since you asked me to tag you bb hehe
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
Can I ask request Straw Hats reaction to (gn) reader that has a loss of motivation
Straw Hats React To A Shipmate Who Loses Motivation To Continue
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A/N : ahhh, this is a little more angsty than I thought- thanks for requesting! :D hope you enjoy.
Note: I wasn’t sure if you wanted separate or together, so I did semi-both?.. ALSO wasn’t sure if there was a specific reason for the loss of motivation so I varied it.
Warning : small.. triggering words near the end. Implications / mentions of possible suicide.
Summary : The straw hats react to your loss of motivation and what they’d say to you.
Luffy would be most upset when he sees you’re losing motivation. It wouldn’t matter what for, he’s upset by it.
He doesn’t understand why you wouldn’t want to continue but he’s actually quite understanding. He’s there to try to comfort you.
Luffy is the most understanding one, even if he doesn’t show it. Though there hasn’t been many times where he’s completely given up, he has experienced it once so he knows how I feels.
So when this happens, he doesn’t say anything. He just goes over and pulls you to his chest and hugs you tightly.
“...It’ll be okay. You can start again when you’re ready.. but don’t give up. If you need help, I’ll be there..”
When Zoro learns of your loss of motivation, your loss of will to fight on, he doesn’t quite become angry, but he’s harsh about it.
He’s not too good with words and emotions, he’s very blunt, but he is a bit apologetic about it later. He tries to tell you that there’s nothing to lose but rather, something to gain, if you continue to fight. But if you give up, there’s nothing.
So if you had a choice, wouldn’t you keep fighting to benefit something? Why give up and get nothing? Keep fighting. No matter what it takes. And if you need help, Zoro is there for you. You aren’t fighting alone.
“Look, if you get knocked down, get back up and prove your enemies that you aren’t weak. Show them just how tough you can be. Don’t give up.”
When Usopp hears you’re losing motivation to continue fighting for your dream, he’s heartbroken.
You remind him of his past self from two years ago. He remembers giving up often, because he was too afraid or believed he was too weak, but luckily, he had friends to be there for him. To bring him back to his feet.
So that’s exactly what he does for you. He comforts you. Tells you to not give up to keep fighting on to achieve your dream, because it’s not impossible. It will become a reality one day, and you won’t be alone.
Because the mighty god Usopp, the brave warrior of the sea is right there by your side, ready to help when you need it.
“Because I, the all Mighty God Usopp! Shall be there whenever you need him! This brave warrior will show you the way and bring you up when you’re feeling down!... so don’t give up. Okay?”
When Sanji notices you losing motivation to love, he’s crushed.
He’s been raised to love and respect women, and there’s many men who he respects for their goals and skills. He loves and treats people equally, you are included.
But why don’t you feel the same? Why do you not care anymore? What do you not love?
Depending on your reason, Sanji will do everything he can to show you love. Appreciation. Affection. Endearment. Caring. Etc.
Whether it’s simply doing daily checkups, making small snacks, opening doors, or even listening to you talk all night while he gives you a massage, he will make sure you understand and know why it’s important to keep loving. Whatever happened won’t ever happen again with him or the crew around. You can be happy.
“Don’t give up on love, just yet, [Name]-san. I promise you, everything will work out and be okay. Besides, the crew and I love you. And we always will.”
When Nami sees you losing motivation to keep smiling, she’s quite devastated and actually feels pain and regret building up inside her.
Why didn’t she notice sooner? What causes you to have so much pain and sadness that you can’t even smile?
She wouldn’t even know how to react or what to do at first, but then once it settles, she confronts and talks to you calmly, the softest and sincerest expression.
She’s sit beside you and make you tell her what’s going on as she listens to every word and holds your hand as comfort. It reminds her of Arlong. Where she felt so much pain and misery, she couldn’t even smile anymore. Until she met Luffy, and the crew that only begun to grow then.
When you finish telling your story after being forced to, she gives you a soft reprimanding before hugging you tightly. She reminds you of her story before stating that the crew is there, and are with you when you need them.
“You aren’t alone, [Name]. I’m here. The crew as well. You don’t have to fight this alone, and if you ever need a lift or a hand, remember, there’s 9 of us. We’ll be with you every step of the way. So don’t give up. Keep smiling!”
When Chopper sees you losing motivation to be yourself, he frowns and thinks about his past self. Where he was a monster to society.
He becomes teary and pained at the memory of being feared and hated, that’s why he never liked himself. He always despised himself.. until he met Luffy.
So Chopper talks to you. He tells you it’s bad for your health to be so negative on yourself, talking to you as a doctor. But as a friend, he tells you that you are worthy to be who you are.
Even if other people hate it or judge it, you can always trust Chopper to never do that. Because he felt the same once before. You aren’t alone in this, and you never will be.
“Be yourself, please! It’s good for your health to be happy.... please don’t change yourself for others, [Name].. you deserve to be yourself with your happiness. I won’t ever judge you so be who you want and are meant to be. Don’t give up on yourself.”
When Robin hears you lose motivation to learn and explore, she’s saddened and deeply upset by it, even if she doesn’t quite show it.
As a historian who loves to learn, she didn’t understand why you were losing motivation for it, but she does eventually. She understands a lot of losing motivation for something.
Though she may not be too good at expressing her concern and encouragement, she tries. Robin would sit beside you and listen to your reason if you shared, before listing off some benefits to learning and exploring new things.
“Let’s not lose hope, [Name]-san. There will always be an adventure waiting for us, for us to learn more about history, about our present, and about our future. To learn new things that will come. So let’s not give up.”
When Franky sees you unable to continue with your passion, he’s a bit straightforward when trying to comfort and encourage you, only because he doesn’t know why you’re losing motivation.
Everyone has a passion for something, Franky’s was being a shipwright / carpenter. He never wants to stop it. So when you tell him that you’re losing motivation for your passion, he’s a little put off because he doesn’t expect anyone to lose passion.
So Franky talks to you, he’s a bit awkward at first with all of his trying to lighten the mood and all his SUPERS~* but eventually, he calms down and talks to you better.
“Come on, don’t give up on your hope and passion like this! We gotta be SUUUPPERRR~ positive and keep moving forward with our goal. Okay?”
When Brook hears that to wish to stop being creative, because you lose motivation, his spirit becomes soulless. He’s sad.
Brook is immediately talking to you about it. First, he’ll ask if you’re willing to share your reason for your lack of motivation. If you are, he’s all ears. ( even if he doesn’t have any )
If you aren’t, he respects it and just makes sure to leave a reminder on why it’s good to be creative. It’s a method to let out and express emotions, whether it’s pain, sadness, anger, joy, or more.
He makes sure that you understand because he truly wants you to not give up and keep being creative, because everyone is creative inside. That’s what he believes.
“Express yourself. Write, sing, laugh, dance, play, do anything to let out all your feelings and emotions, be true to yourself and let loose, [Name]-san. Don’t give up on your mind letting it imagine the many possibilities that can come. And I promise everything will be alright.”
Straw Hats
When the whole crew hears you giving up on living, each of them have mixed reactions but all of them are completely speechless and feel their hearts sinking.
None of them would even know what to say. How could they? One of their own, a comrade, a friend, a family, just told them that they’re losing motivation to live. How could they possibly know what to say, think or feel?
The realization eventually settles in, some slower than others.
And the reactions are mixed. Anger, sadness, confusion, panic, regret, and most of all, pain.
“Did something happen? What’s wrong? Why are you feeling this way?”
“Please don’t even think of doing what I think you’re going to do.”
“Why the hell are you giving up on living?!”
“You DESERVE to be alive though! You’re worthy of living, so why do you want to throw it away?”
“I don’t understand..why..why are you giving up on something of so much value?”
“Is something the matter? What’s the cause of you feeling this way?”
“Please don’t say things like that. It frightens me that you’re implying you’ll do something and I don’t think any of us can take that.”
“This better not be a joke because this is not funny at all. Please tell us what’s wrong.”
“You better take back those words, you understand? Your life is not something to casually toss away just because you don’t feel like it. What caused this?”
Each of them would talk to you throughout the day, before leaving you in peace. But they keep a close eye just in case.
And eventually, they all meet up with you again to talk, to make sure you remember that you have value, that you are worthy, and that they care for you, deeply.
“Don’t give up on yourself. Don’t give up on life. We are here for you, every step of the way. We will never abandon you, [Name]. So don’t give up!”
“Don’t Give Up.”
A/N : idk if y’all noticed but you notice their quotes and what each one have in common?- lol it’s right there above this— ^^
I hope you like this and I’m very sorry for the ending part, with the straw hats. I did leave a warning though.
requests are taking forever to doooo.
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jaskiersvalley · 3 years
CW major character injury (beartrap)
Splitting up for winter seemed like the most sensible idea. Geralt would head north with Ciri and, at his insistence at not leaving his muse, Jaskier. Meanwhile Regis would lead the others south, down to Touissant for a bit of downtime. Privately Geralt also hoped their infuriatingly stubborn Nilfgaardian shadow would opt to head for the warmer climates and leave them alone. It wasn't even that Geralt was worried about the man following them. Over the weeks it had become abundantly clear that he was trying to help in his own way, even fighting off a stray bandit or two to keep their tail clean. Rather, Geralt simply couldn't be bothered to exert the energy to get to know yet another person and it was another mouth to feed. Given his rather solitary nature, the fact he was travelling with a ragtag bunch was already quite exhausting.
As luck would have it, Geralt ended up with the Nilfgaardian trailing after them, heading steadily north. The weather got colder and sometimes Geralt caught the whiff of another camp fire, creeping a little closer as it that small lessening of distance would give their tail a smidgeon more warmth. It was pathetic and Geralt was more than a little pissed off. Still, at least the trip up to Kaer Morhen would lose him. Nobody was foolish enough to try and reach the old keep alone, even Witchers succumbed to the trail, a human by himself stood no chance. So either their foolhardy idiot would find shelter for the winter in the surrounding villages or he would perish.
They were at the bottom of the mountain, one last night to get some rest before they braved the slopes. Jaskier and Ciri definitely needed sleep and to give their bodies a break. Geralt was content to meditate, keeping them safe. In the distance he could hear their Nilfgaardian make camp, daring to stray as close as he ever had. Frustrated, Geralt found himself wishing that a bear would appear and deal with the annoyance for him. Alas, he couldn't hear or smell a bear in the region despite the villages mentioning that there had been some bears sighted earlier in the year. Thankfully the local hunters had taken care of them. Lost in thought, Geralt almost didn't register the sound of something snapping shut before a pained cry echoed in the forest. Immediately he was up, sword in hand while Jaskier was on his feet too, looking around in the darkness.
In the distance Geralt could hear pained hitches of breath plus a few agonised grunts. Whatever had happened, it wasn't the swift death he'd wished on the Nilfgaardian. There wasn't anyone or anything else in the vicinity so whatever had happened, the idiot did to himself. Probably stabbed himself with an arrow in the dark. Despite all his ill-wishes, Geralt couldn't bring himself to ignore someone in trouble.
"It's the Nilfgaardian. He's in trouble."
There wasn't any argument when he set off, Jaskier and Ciri behind him, treading carefully, a flaming torch lighting their way. Geralt almost wished they hadn't had the torch because then he wouldn't have had to see the scene in front of him in full colour. The Nilfgaardian was on the ground at the edge of a small clearing where he'd obviously planned on making camp. However, the stench of blood around him suggested that something hadn't gone according to plan. Walking up to him, Geralt watched as the man realised he wasn't alone and jerked upright. A beartrap kept him rooted though. His hands were bloody, even worse, his palms had been cut open from where he'd obviously tried to pry the metal from his leg. What struck Geralt though was just how young the man looked. Wide blue eyes stared up from shock paled skin, lips almost white enough to be missed. Only slightly older than Ciri, probably about twenty, Geralt couldn't fathom why someone so young was so desperate.
"You'll need to keep still while we get this off," Geralt said, crouching down. The young man tried to scramble away but aside from leaning back, he couldn't go anywhere. "Why don't we help with the pain a bit?" Hand raised, Geralt prepared to cast axii. Before he could, a rock connected with the man's temple and knocked him out cold as Jaskier stood behind him, hand wrapped around the lightly bloodied rock.
"That will keep him still and out of it," he declared. "It was the kindest thing."
"Or you could have let me use axii to keep him calm." Geralt tipped the man's head to the side to check how badly the rock had split his skin. It was going to give him quite the bruise, possibly a black eye and one hell of a headache. Still, it did made life easier and Geralt pried the trap off. It had snapped in bone deep, probably even broke his leg. Humans were fragile like that and the trap was meant for a bear. Sighing, Geralt looked around the miserable excuse of a half made camp. It screamed of skills learned on the fly, for the sole purpose of survival rather than something practiced in safety before being put into reality. "Grab his things. We'll head up to Kaer Morhen tomorrow and take him with us."
They had more in the way of bandages with them and, while the man was unconscious, Geralt did his best to clean the wounds, splint the leg and bandage it as well as the cuts on his hands. There wasn't much to be done for the headache of the future though.
In the morning Geralt roused from his meditation to find a pair of blue eyes staring at him.
"You going to make an example of me and kill me?" The accent was harsh despite the soft voice. It wasn't what Geralt had expected coming out of the man's mouth.
"Yeah, I wasted all the bandages on you just for that. Name's Geralt."
"Cahir Mawr Dyrryn aep Ceallach."
"Quite the mouthful. Cahir alright with you?" The nod was answer enough and Geralt set about getting breakfast ready. It was only thanks to the events of the previous night that he kept an eye out for more beartraps and avoided falling victim to one himself. He set it off with a stick and winced as it splintered under the metal jaws.
Despite their best efforts, by the time they'd loaded Cahir onto the cart strapped to Roach, his cheeks were flushed with fever and Geralt could smell the sickness on him. The valiant effort to get to know his new travelling companions better was foiled by the way Cahir kept drifting off, a combination of sickness and from the hit to the head. When he woke, it was only Jaskier's quick grab to the back of his shirt that kept Cahir on the cart as he threw up over the side.
It wasn't looking good. The first night they stopped, Geralt helped rebandage Cahir's injured leg. As the cloth fell away, it became amply evident that infection had thoroughly set in. The cuts were an angry red without defined edges to the inflammation while the wounds themselves were puckered with puss.
"It's fine," Cahir tried to reassure with a wobbly smile. "I've survived worse." Which may have been true but he'd probably also been in a place with better medical supplies. The gnarly scar below his collarbone and through to his back attested to his words but Geralt didn't think it was caused by an old, rusty beartrap. If they didn't make it to Kaer Morhen soon then no amount of surviving worse injuries was going to mean anything.
Come next morning Cahir was no longer quite so chirpy. He was still and silent on the cart, Ciri sat next to him and sometimes gesturing for Geralt to look, worried that Cahir had stopped breathing. He hadn't but his deathly pale complexion wasn't giving Geralt much hope. They were still at least a day and a half out from Kaer Morhen, maybe even two because of the additional weight on the cart.
A fever peaked and fell in cycles, each time Geralt hoped it would be the last but, before long, he reached to feel Cahir's skin and winced at how hot to the touch it felt once more.
By the time they made it up to Kaer Morhen, Geralt feared it would be just a corpse for a funeral pyre that they'd be dragging in. By some miracle it wasn't. With Eskel's help he pulled Cahir off the cart, floppy as unresponsive as he was, there was still air in his lungs and an erratic heartbeat in his chest.
"What did you bring us this time?" Lambert teased before getting a better look and his grin turned into a frown. "Well shit. I'll get Vesemir."
It took three days before Cahir was declared out of immediate danger. Geralt spent a lot of it down in the infirmary, sitting next to him. The others could start Ciri's training and Jaskier was no doubt pleased to get to spend time with Eskel again. It left Geralt in the quiet, watching over someone who he had convinced himself he hated. But this wasn't the person he'd conjured up in his mind. Barely older than Jaskier had been when they met, Cahir didn't look like he had any youthful optimism or naivety.
"I'm sorry." Geralt murmured, watching as Cahir slept, breath a little less thready. He should have been better. Shouldn't have judged, not when he was on the other end of so much of it himself.
By the time Cahir roused, everyone had settled into their winter routine. Ciri trained most days, reading tomes Vesemir left her when it got too cold for the outside obstacle course. It left Geralt free to sit with Cahir, watching as glazed eyes opened, unseeing. The worst thing was, not once did Cahir cry out for someone or reach for an invisible source of comfort. In all his years Geralt rarely found someone so lonely. Even Lambert, in his training days, had called out for his mother and, of late, for Aiden. It was a struggle to believe Cahir had nobody.
"Why?" The first word from cracked dry lips and Geralt jumped. He grabbed a wet rag and dabbed it against Cahir's lips, squeezing a little water into his mouth.
"Why what?" There were a lot of questions Cahir could have and Geralt wasn't a mind reader. He startled when a weak hand clasped around his wrist, keeping his hand close. It felt all too natural to take the rag in his other hand so he could cup Cahir's sunken cheek.
"You stayed."
Something told Geralt this wasn't something Cahir had encountered before and it broke his heart. Why nobody would stick around for him was baffling. Even a Witcher had more people looking out for him, he was certain. He cleared his throat, trying to think about why he stayed. It was true, he had no reason to. "I wanted to."
The soft 'oh' from Cahir pulled at something in his chest. He let Cahir tangle their fingers together shyly, looking up at him from the infirmary bed with so much awe and gratitude, Geralt didn't know what to do with it. So he sat back down into his chair and kept holding Cahir's hand. There was a lot of talking, of getting to know each other in their future. But, for now, Geralt was content to offer whatever comfort he could, vowing to be better than all those who had come before him.
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costellos · 4 years
author’s note: this wasn’t a request, just something super self-indulgent that I wanted to do! ❤⃛(*ૂ❛ัᴗ❛ั*ૂ) also this ended up taking 2.5 hours to write aldkf;j so much for unwinding at the end of the day. overall, I’m super proud of how this came out — please enjoy!
❥ ┋ ❝ bucci gang realizing that they’re in love!
bruno bucciarati.
Bucciarati realizes he’s in love when he sees you defending civilians.
he is a man made of love. for his people, for his community, for his goals — he firmly believes that everyone and everything can be built on yes, but more importantly, taken care of.
he sees you protecting an elderly couple during a stand battle. in a split second do you throw your stand at the couple, taking a hefty amount of damage in their place. you’re bloody and your arm is definitely broken, but you still turn to them. "you need to leave. now,” you say. although your words are harsh and hoarse, your smile reminds them that yes, everything will be fine, I just need you to trust me.
you didn’t have to protect them. any other gangster would have left them to die. they’re old, no one would miss them.
but you did. you put these two strangers, two no ones at the wrong place at the wrong time, before yourself. even if it meant you’d die.
Bucciarati would visit you shortly after the battle. Giorno had already tended to your wounds, evident by your lack of bandages. his hair is normally neatly placed, but it looks like he had been rustling it, with his clips out of place and the braid atop his head uneven. his concern is apparent; he’s wracked his brain waiting for your recovery. you knew that Bucciarati cared about his team, but when did he care this much? ↳ “I admit, your actions were certainly reckless,” he would say to you, taking a seat beside your bed. “you’re lucky that fight didn’t end worse than it did. nonetheless...” his voice is tired yet soft, comforting. “I’m glad you’re okay. I’m... I’m incredibly glad.”
leone abbacchio.
Abbacchio realizes he’s in love when he sees you upholding true justice.
although he would never admit it, he is haunted by his inability to save his partner during his time as an officer. as such, Abbacchio envies those who back justice in spite of the system Italy lives under.
you’re patrolling one of La Passione’s turfs with him when you see it: two officers harassing a young girl. even though Abbacchio tells you not to get involved, you quickly storm over to the scene. their voices are loud and clear, despite them being several meters away. the girl looks scared.
it turns out she had stolen a handful of painkillers from the corner store. the cops noticed her scurrying out as they were buying a pack of smokes. and now, they were threatening to take her into the station. “I need them for my family!” she explains, but the cops don’t buy it. they huff something about her bringing them to school and selling them to her friends.
“here. I’ll pay for her. just leave her alone.” Abbacchio watches as you flash 30 euros to the cops, more than enough to pay for the medicine. playing them at their own game, he sees. thankfully, they relent, pocketing the money and leaving the scene. and after you talk to the girl, explaining that if she needs more help to come find you, you both leave the scene too.
it’s a brief affair. truthfully, he wouldn’t have gotten himself involved. he wishes you hadn’t either. it would’ve been less of a headache, and now that girl is going to pester you again in the future. but he can’t stop replaying the scene in this head. how you willingly stood up for her, reassured her that everything would be okay. how you smiled and looked so content after the fact. ↳ “ I envy you,” he would say as you walked away from the scene. “doing the right thing is...” he pauses. stupid? naive? “...it’s not easy. you didn’t have to do anything but I admire your valor. just don’t be surprised if that girl comes up at your doorstep begging for more money.” nonetheless, he wants to learn more from you. to be good again, he thinks. maybe then he can be someone that he himself is proud of. and maybe, eventually, he’ll make you proud too.
giorno giovanna.
Giorno realizes he’s in love when he sees your ambition.
he prides himself on his resolve. to him, resolve is committing to something regardless of the difficulties that a person faces. seeing you be so goal-oriented would make him believe that he’s found his match.
it doesn’t have to be a huge goal, like dedicating yourself to a field of practice or learning a new language. it can be as simple as trying to keep your houseplants alive. in fact, those little things come off as more charming to him. it shows that you’re passionate about everything you do, no matter what it is.
seeing you continuously try despite numerous failures would make Giorno’s heart pound. you refuse to give up. even with everything against you, you still roll up your sleeves, take a deep breath, and pick yourself up again. he adores this about you.
he realizes it when you’re rambling about your next move in your goals. your face is so excited, your eyes so wide and bright. your mouth is voicing your steps a million words a minute but all he can focus on is how beautiful you look. the smile on his lips is unmistakable. ↳ “tell me more. I want to know everything. tell me about every detail, every step, what you’ll do when you’re finished... all of it.” he won’t say it — after all, he doesn’t want to come off as too desperate — but he wants to be there every step of the way with you. and when you’ve completed your goal, he wants to be the one next to you, the one to say, “I am so, so proud of you.”
guido mista.
Mista realizes he’s in love when you laugh at one of his jokes.
life should be simple. that’s the mantra he lives by. despite being a gangster, he just wants to have a simple life filled with simple pleasures. one of those ways is through telling stories.
it happens when the group is eating dinner at a local restaurant. Mista is telling some long-winded anecdote, something about how he heroically beat up a landlord for harassing his tenants over money. at the end, it turned out to be the set up for a really brief and really stupid punchline.
everyone is looking at him. “ah? ahhhh?” he muses, but no one responds. the silence in the air is unbearable. hm. wow. is it hot in here or what? finally, Narancia breaks the silence, muttering that he doesn’t get it. Fugo tells him that Mista could have made the joke so much shorter. Bucciarti exhales quickly from his nostrils, a half-assed attempt at laughing. Giorno and Abbacchio don’t say anything.
but then you. oh, you. it takes you a moment to get it, but when you do, your giggling disrupts the awkwardness. it sounds like bells, Mista thinks. sweet bells, ringing like how they used to at the church every Sunday morning in his hometown. it makes him feel warm, welcome, and he can’t help but feel his face flush when he hears your laughing.
Mista stays in place afterwards, pushing his white beans to and fro on his plate. he’s not hungry anymore. he keeps looking up at you, and while he had acknowledged you were attractive before, something about you was now beautiful. you were happy here, with your eyes bright and your smile wide. eventually, he would say: ↳ “hey, thanks for covering me back there. those guys never laugh at anything I say.” he rolls his eyes playfully, adding a slight shrug of his shoulders. “lemme make it up to you. what can I do for you?” he’s trying to be smooth, but he’s so giddy at the prospect at spending more time with you!
narancia ghirga.
Narancia realizes he’s in love when you don’t lose your patience with him.
he doesn’t have much of a formal education. hence, critical thinking skills don’t come easy to him. he tries his best, he really does, but it’s difficult when he’s hardly flexed his brain.
he’s writing a song. nothing fancy, but music has always been a part of Narancia’s life that he wants to give it a go himself. maybe one day he’ll be a famous hip hop artist, touring across Europe and maybe even the U.S. one day! the thought makes him excited. but for now, he needs to establish the lyrics.
rap is easier said than done, though. Fugo is teasing him about his inability to write poetry — what makes Narancia think that he could write a whole song? he grits his teeth and turns back to his paper. 
that’s when you approach him. you sit down with him, asking him what he would like to write about. “oh, uh... growing up in the streets, I guess,” he mumbles. he’s taken aback by your help. plus, talking about it now makes him embarrassed. but you don’t judge him, no; you sit down with him and try to help him nail down the theme. and once you have that, you assist him in finding snappy lyrics and catchy rhymes. 
you don’t criticize him for his ideas. you don’t yell at him for his suggestions. you just listen and add on. the encounter is foreign, to say the least... but not unwelcome. Narancia finds your help incredibly productive (much better than Fugo could ever offer him). and the time goes by so fast! within a few hours, his song is done. yet he’s not happy... no, he starts to feel lonely the moment you stand up, off to assist Bucciarati with whatever he needs. ↳ “wait, hold on, [Name]!” shit. his voice is way too desperate. he softens it as best he can muster: “can... can we write another song sometime? I have a lot more ideas and I can’t do it without you.” fuck. he did it again. but when smile at him and nod, promising that you’ll help him hit the Top 40, Narancia can’t help but smile back.  
panacotta fugo.
Fugo realizes that he’s in love when you put him before yourself.
genius. prodigy. failure. Fugo is defined by how others see him. after his parents abandoned him for leaving an abusive establishment, he finds himself lost in the world. who is he? what is he worth?
he’s escorting you to your mission when his car is attacked by a rival gang. the assault is a blur. he can remember the car flipping over, tumbling off the road and into the Mediterranean Sea. it happens so fast. the salty water surrounding you both. the windshield cracking. the airbag goes off, suffocating him. he can’t see. he can’t breathe. and suddenly, it’s dark.
when he wakes up, he realizes that you’re both on the beach. “where are we?” he musters out. it hurts to talk. you hush him to take it easy, that he had most certainly broken a few ribs. and that’s when he sees it: when he looks down, his wounds are tended to. gashes have been tenderly wrapped in gauze and minor cuts treated with balm. a pain relief patch has been placed on his chest, no doubt where the air bag hit him. but when he looks at you, you’re bleeding through your bandages.
that’s right. there was a first aid kit in the car. based on his injuries, you spent the majority of supplies on him, even though you definitely had it just as bad. “why?” is all he can say.
why? you shake your head. “because you’re my friend,” you answer, adjusting the gauze on his wrist. “I’m taking care of you because you’re worth it.”
your words catch him by surprise. he doesn’t believe it, but... your face is honest enough. his thoughts are jumbled, as mixed as the sand and water at the shore just a few meters away. and when your hand touches his wrist... he shakes his own head.
↳ “you should’ve tended to yourself first.” his tongue tastes of nothing but blood and salt and his words show it. a beat, and gentler this time: “I appreciate your thinking of me. thank you.” that’s all he can say, at least for now. it hurts to much to talk, moreover think. so he places his hand over yours as a gesture of thanks. friends, huh? the idea before sounded laughable, but now... there was something warm about it. the answer to his question — who is he? — had come as quickly as the waves beneath him: a friend.
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imthepunchlord · 3 years
Kagami’s Best to Least
Marinette, Adrien, Alya, Nino
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Kagami, unfortunately, wound up having some very different personalities depending on the episode you’re watching, so can’t entirely work off narrative as she got some of the worst in writing. Forewarning that I’ll be working off preferred traits that I have seen and picked up for this that seem persistent and are potentially what her character truly is. 
Kagami herself is very dynamic, direct, and intense. She can be (aggressively) competitive, has an eye for detail, and is incredibly skillful at a lot of what she does, making her very adaptable and versatile. She is another who is ruled by her heart, which when she feels, she goes all in to that feeling. When she falls for Adrien (somehow), she goes with the feeling a 110%. There is no doubt, no hesitance; she knows what she wants and she will go for what she wants. She has issues of being too reactive, can be reckless in her bravery and aggression, and can be quite closed minded and cold. This sets her up as a no nonsense character but most of her eps set her up to have surprising tolerance, allowing her to have more patience than expected. 
Kagami’s best is the Bee, Bee matches her in how driven she is and how she delves into her goals at a 110%. Similarly to how bees work off their own sense of order, Kagami also works off how she expects things to be, living off her own sense of order, from dealing with issues and wants immediately to the bafflement of seeing others fumble around. This miraculous also allows her to be directly involved and on the front lines where she would like to be. And playing off that tools adjust to the user’s wants, the trompo’s point could easily extend and be a rapier for her to use in battle, allowing her to fully embrace her fencing theme. 
Despite this there are some issues still, as Kagami can be way too aggressive and bees aren’t meant to be aggressive. They can only sting once so that aggression should be saved as a last resort. Chances are incredibly good that when she uses Venom, it’ll be used well, but she can end up too quick to sting. 
Growth wise, this would offer her the most. To learn patience as she can’t be too hasty with her sting, can have her work with a team more as she’s quicker to be reactive and go in herself. And according to Ikari Gozen, she would like to make friends and bees are sociable creatures that work off with their hive. This can have Kagmai work on her relations with others to find her own hive to be apart of. 
 Though kwami wise, I see things being tense with Pollen, especially at first. In Kagami’s eyes, Pollen would probably appear to be a suck up and pleaser and she’s not one who wants a pleaser. And chances are good that Pollen would be intimidated by how intense Kagami can be. I can see the possibility that Pollen will step up as she does want to please and connect with her current human, and clearly a more direct approach is more desired with Kagami, but over all, at least for a while, I do see tension between the two as they struggle to click. 
Kagami’s second best are the Turtle and Peafowl. Turtle keeps that theme of being very involved and in the heat of things and reacting to them quicky. Peafowl has enough flexibility to allow Kagami to be in the heat of things where she would like, and allows her to play by her rules as she would like. But what keeps these two from being part of her best is the less ideal aspects. 
Turtle at the core isn’t meant to be an aggressive miraculous, it’s a deeply involved support miraculous that’s about self protection and protecting others. Kagami at the core isn’t one to be conscious of others or be conscious of her own safety, she can be as we see in Miracle Queen, but its not a core aspect of her. She’d rather directly deal with the issue itself than being a protector. She wants to be the aggressor and Turtle will limit her on that. Especially since a shield isn’t what she’s used to. Mindful, the miraculous could adjust normal items and adapt her rapier to be a tool to use, so she can use a sword and shield, but that’s something that has yet to be confirmed. If its a possibility, Turtle could be bumped up to a best fit as well. But assuming its only a shield and there’s no adapting extra tools to it, its currently a 2nd best. 
Growth wise, Turtle can help cool down that aggression, and help her form connections with others like she wants to, but it would take some time and require an adjustment period. Ideally can also help her slow down and not be so quick to react, hang back and take in more details. 
Kagami and Wayzz I do see headbutting a bit, largely more due to her being a very reactive character who is quick to judge and quick to respond. While Wayzz is one for quick actions, he’s not one for reckless choices. I do seem him trying to slow Kagami down and to be more conscious of all factors than just what she sees at surface level. On Kagami’s end, I can see her getting irritated as Wayzz would intervene with her choices often, but she’d listen to him more than she would Longg as Wayzz gets to the point (where Longg is a rambler which Kagami doesn’t have patience for). Adaptive as he is, they would quickly become friends and she would hold his views in high regard and consider his words. Assuming Turtle has been used a lot, especially in battle, I can see her being very interested in the stories Wayzz could share in where he’s been used. 
With Peafowl, issues can stem with how quickly Kagami responds to things. She’ll work off her quick evaluations, and while many would work, she doesn’t take the time to look past surface level details. This will lead to moments where the golem she makes isn’t so ideal for a situation. it will be better than Butterfly as the golems she creates will be on the same page as her, but she’ll need to be more conscious to not always go with her first evaluation, which is the biggest thing to offer growth wise for her. Otherwise this miraculous can be solid for her. It’s flexible enough that she can be wherever she likes in the field, and offer a new type of Japanese fighting style to try and explore, using the war fan. Something I see her being intrigued in exploring. 
Based on the little we see with Duusu, I don’t see Kagami having a lot of patience for her with her bubby energy and chattiness. Kagami likes straight to the point and focus, while Duusu is a reactive kwami that takes in a lot and has a lot to say. And with Duusu, I see her regarding Kagami being too stiff and intense. She’ll work on Kagami seeing more than the surface, but she may not be listened to that often with her spazzy energy. It’d be a pair that would struggle to work something out. 
Kagami’s least fit are the Fox and Butterfly. Much like many of the least fit, they can offer a lot of growth, as they are opposites of what Kagami currently is, but as opposites they are the ones Kagami would struggle most with. When you want a miraculous to be used as effectively as possible, it doesn’t make things so ideal for her to get these. 
Despite being ruled by her heart, Kagami isn’t the sort to get others feelings well, which would make Butterfly a struggle. She’s not one to take a moment to try and understand where someone’s coming from with how their feeling and why, she’s too quick to judge what she sees at surface level, too direct with her words and can end up harsh, can be intense, and doesn’t easily let things go and give someone distance to handle things themselves. This is also a power that’s more about relying on another where Kagami is largely a solo show, ready to rush in and address things herself before the thought of working with another comes to mind. There’s also an issue that this miraculous requires capability of easing away and allowing breathing room, to have patience to allow another to sort issues out. Kagami herself can be intensely involved and pushy, seeking to have things resolved quickly, which can lead to issues with her connection to her champion. 
Growth wise this can offer a lot as she’ll have to learn to be more patient and conscious of others, not be so quick to judge or intense; but that’s not an aspect that will come naturally and will be a struggle to adjust for her. 
With Nooroo, I see some similar issues that she’d have with Pollen, particularly Nooroo being very gentle and soft spoken, I can see Kagami’s intensity being a little much for him. Though he’s not a pleaser and will be direct and to the point, chances are better for Kagami to listen to him and may do what she can to not intimidate Nooroo. But this is a pair that will take some time to get used to the other. 
With Fox, Kagami can match as a risk taker, and we see that Kagami is capable of lying (specifically to her mother to spend time with Adrien), but the deceptiveness and manipulation aren’t who she is at the core. She is ultimately upfront, direct, and honest. She is also the sort who prefers to be directly involved and in the heat of things. With her lack of subtlety, how reactive she is, and the factor that she takes everything at face value, Fox would be a struggle for her as this is more designed to be in the shadows and look more underneath, to evaluate and consider everything. To know people well. Kagami doesn’t easily know people well. Chances are incredibly good that her illusions will be direct and upfront and will lack the needed subtlety. 
Growth wise this offers her patience and a means to step back, and to reconsider everything about a situation and the people she sees. But this will take a lot of time to adjust to as she’s quick to react and likes to be upfront and direct. And while capable of manipulation and being deceptive, its not who she is at the core or her preference.
With Trixx, I see a lot of respect and frustration in her interactions with him. While not one to ramble, Trixx is vague, as he likes to verbally guide his humans along into making the right decisions, leading them to come to their own conclusion through the smallest nudge. With Kagami, who likes those to be upfront and direct, Trixx’s intentional vagueness I see getting on her nerves as he wants her to figure things out herself, never telling her his thoughts and opinions. While capable of being adaptable and having a very good read on people, Trixx can be more direct when required, but I can also see him intentionally keeping up the vagueness as a means to both rile Kagami up and to get her mentally working. Ultimately I see him as a kwami she wouldn’t enjoy having in her presence for too long. 
Between Ladybug and Cat, Kagami should receive Cat. Cat has a lot of the appeals of Bee, and allows for more variety in attacks, making it not as limiting as the Bee is who only has one aggressive move to make use of. Only thing to struggle with would be her recklessness but I don’t see it being as big of an issue as Adrien as we see her being more battle smart in the field. 
Biggest thing to bring down this match up is Plagg himself. I can easily see him as a kwami that would drive her up the wall with his lazy nature and selective attitude on responsibilities. And he himself will probably find her to be too hotheaded and stiff. With his attitude and behavior, I don’t see her having a lot of patience or respect for him. There’d be a lot of clashing and headbutts at first as these two are polar opposites. Plagg I do see ultimately helping Kagami with her desires to rebel and explore new things and have fun, but it’s going to take a while to get to that point with them. 
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mummybear · 4 years
Re-Write The Stars
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Words: 2142
Warnings: Angst, Swearing, Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Dirty Talk, Hair Pulling, Throat Holding, Watching In Mirror. (Think that’s it!)
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Summary: After a very eventful and life changing day, Jensen shows you just what you mean to him. But is it enough?
A/N: A massive thank you to my incredible beta for all of her help as usual @negans-lucille-tblr you are a God send my love❤ I wrote this for the lovely @ne-gans back to the movies writing challenge! My movie and song were - Re-Write The Stars - From The Greatest Showman
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Your heart is pounding wildly in your chest as you flee the room. You hadn’t expected this, you couldn’t handle this right now. After reading some of the worst hate ever aimed at you online, you feel sick to your stomach. God, when he’d asked you, you’d wanted to say yes, more than you had ever wanted anything. You loved him beyond reason, more than you ever thought was possible, but you just couldn’t do this anymore, they would never accept you.
You slam the bathroom door closed behind you, only to hear it open and slam closed again seconds after.
“Jensen, I said don’t. Please, I can’t do this right now,” you sigh sadly, walking away from him as he edges closer to you.
“No, Y/N! You can’t keep walking away from me, we need to talk about this. I asked you to marry me, not to murder someone! I thought this thing between us was real, I thought you loved me, you say you do. So what? Was it all lies!?” he fumes loudly, grabbing your elbow and turning you to face him.
The tears are streaming down your face, and as you look into those gorgeous green eyes you feel your heart break all over again. He was everything you’d ever wanted in a partner and so much more, he’d made you feel things that nobody else had managed, he’d fixed what was broken inside you when you’d first met. But you knew this was inevitable at some point. 
“How can you say that to me!? You know I love you, Jen, I wish I could say yes, more than anything I wish I could say yes! But they will never accept me, baby. I just can’t do that to you. I see how much it hurts you, every sly dig, every comment, every harsh word that they spit at me. It breaks my heart to see you like that, and I can’t do it anymore.” You pause to take a breath, running your fingers through your hair.
“If that’s all you’re worried about, sweetheart, I can take it… and fuck them! I love you. I want to be with you, and I’m not about to let a bunch of people who don’t really know me dictate who I can and can’t love.” He steps closer and cups your cheek, you can feel the tears return immediately, and he wipes them from your face with his thumbs.
You shake your head and look down, but he instantly makes you look back up at his face.
“It’s not just that, I can’t take it, it’s too much. I wake up every day since they saw that photo, and I’m scared to go out. I can’t take the stress, it’s too much. They don’t even know how long we’ve been together and they’ve already threatened my life for kissing you. Imagine what would happen if we got married and had kids, I can’t take the chance that something would happen to one of us.” 
“This is my fault, I know, I slipped up. I knew you wanted us kept a secret for this exact reason, I was so fucking stupid, baby girl. But you looked so sexy, so beautiful, I just wanted to kiss the love of my life, I didn’t even think... I’m such a fucking idiot.” 
You can’t help but smile as you lean into his touch and shake your head, “you, Jensen Ackles, are the furthest thing from an idiot I have ever met. Don’t blame yourself for that, you should be able to kiss the person you're with and not be judged. But they will always judge us. I’m not famous, I’m not some beautiful actress or model, I’m nothing special, I’m just me and you’re…..well you’re you.” You shrug and instantly see his demeanor change, eyes darkening as he slowly walks you backwards.
You swallow hard looking up into his eyes, feeling the arousal pooling in your panties with just that look, despite yourself.
“What have I told you about that, about talking yourself down all the time. You’re the sexiest person I have ever met, you don’t take my shit and you give as good as you get. You’re funny, you’re sweet and you’re sassy as hell. Baby you’ve got the biggest heart I’ve ever known.” There’s a pause in the silent room as his plump lips hover over yours, just barely brushing your own. Both of you are breathing hard against each other's lips.
“Jensen, I-” You stop talking immediately when his hands pin yours to the wall above your head.
“Not to mention this,” he flicks his finger between the two of you with his free hand.
“The way you make me feel, nobody has ever turned me on the way you do. You’re frustrating and stubborn, you test my patience constantly with this pretty little mouth of yours.” He smirks as his thumb ghosts over your bottom lip.
You feel like you’re drowning in him, your mind has turned to mush and your legs are shaking. 
That smirk never fails to wind you up to the point of insanity, distracting you from any previous thought. You can feel his hard cock pressing into your stomach, and the words are past your lips before you even realise you were thinking them.
“Show me baby, please, I need you.” 
His lips are on yours instantly, making you moan into his mouth. It’s needy and messy, and you didn’t know how badly you needed his lips against yours. With your wrists trapped against the wall in one of his big hands, his other hand winds into the back of your hair and he tugs harshly as his lips fall away. 
Jensen pulls you away from the wall and you stumble after him, hands finding purchase on the sink as he forces you against the side. You look up and catch his gaze in the mirror above the sink, that devious smirk on his lips once more. 
You shiver feeling the tips of his fingers moving slowly up your thighs, dragging your dress with them. He doesn’t stop, not until the material is bunched around your hips, he kicks your feet apart and those big hands reach for the front of your dress, ripping the material away from your tits, exposing the lacy red bra to his eyes. 
A growl of appreciation falls from those perfect lips of his, “Jen, fuck...I-” You gasp as his teeth drag across the sensitive skin of your neck and he pulls the cups of your bra down. You watch as he tugs and twists the sensitive buds with his skilled fingers, and you can’t help but whimper his name as he pulls away from your neck, leaving a deep purple bruise behind. 
“Bet you’re fuckin’ soaked, baby girl, that tight little cunt is just begging to be stretched open by my big thick cock, huh?” He chuckles when you whine, feeling his clothed cock pressing into your ass.
“You know what you and your dirty fucking mouth do to me. Jay, please. Fuck me.” 
“Oh don’t worry, I’m gonna fuck you, my needy little cockslut. But only if you say please and watch yourself, want you to see what I see,” Jensen demands as his hands grip your soaked panties and he pulls them down your legs. You leave them trapped around your ankles as his hand snakes between your stomach and the counter, pushing between your legs until his fingers brush your clit briefly, before moving down and easily slipping through your slick center. Those thick digits circle your dripping hole, and you bend over the sink, watching as he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip.
“Fuck. Look at you,” Jensen growls as he roughly but easily pushes those two thick fingers inside you, causing you to cry out his name.
He curls his fingers, repeatedly stroking over that spot that nobody else had ever been able to find, the one that makes your legs weak and your pussy clench repeatedly. You grip onto the sides of the counter for dear life, hissing when you feel the cold porcelain of the sink sting your sensitive nipples, Jensen’s other hand presses into the top of your back.
The heel of his hand is crushed against your clit as the speed of his fingers increases, “Jen, I can’t,” you gasp, squeezing your eyes closed, letting your head drop forward - the cold porcelain feels amazing against your heated skin.
Not for long, though, because the hand on your back moves quickly. You squeal in pain as one of his big hands wraps in your hair and tugs your head back roughly.
“I said fuckin’ watch yourself,” Jensen growls, his voice coupled with the pain zipping through your scalp adds to your arousal, and suddenly, you’re impossibly close.
“There’s my girl, you’re so fuckin’ close, baby. Say please and I’ll give you my cock, that’s what you want, right?” He chuckles when you whine something unintelligible, and tugs even harder on your hair, making your back and neck arch painfully.
“Please Jay, please,” you beg as he’d asked, eyes locked with his as that smirk curls his perfect lips. Just like that your orgasm hits, vibrating throughout your entire body.
You’ve barely even come down from your high, feeling his fingers slip from inside you, when you hear the clang of his belt buckle as his jeans fall down his thick bowed legs. Only one thought is on your mind.
“Jensen please, I need your cock, please just fuck me.” 
“Fuck, you beg so pretty baby girl, could watch you all day.” Jensen groans, locking eyes with you as he lines the wide head of his cock up with your dripping entrance.
“Is this what you want, princess?” he mocks knowingly, teeth catching his bottom lip as the head of his cock is pushed inside you and you feel your breath catch in your throat.
“Please, Jay, Please, I-” Your begging is cut short, a silent scream leaving your parted lips when Jensen’s fingers grip your hips tightly, almost certain to bruise, and he thrusts his own forward, the harsh slap of your ass slapping against him echoing around the room.
“So fucking big, fill me up so good, baby,” you whine loudly. A surprised noise leaves your lips when he roughly pulls you back against his clothed chest.
Jensen steps back with you trapped against him, his hand moving to wrap around your body and the other hand circles your throat, fingers splayed perfectly for the pressure that you crave. You moan at the sight before you, now able to see how fucking wrecked you look in the mirror; your dress is a ruined mess and your hair isn’t much better, red and purple marks litter your neck. 
You watch as Jensen presses his lips to your ear, “you look so fucking perfect stuffed full with my cock.” He pulls all of the way out and slams back inside of you as if to make his point, keeping a firm hold on you as you cling to his fore arm around your waist, your nails creating crescent moon shapes in his skin. When he picks up a rough punishing pace it makes your legs feel like they would fall out from under you if he wasn’t holding you up. Jensen’s fingers tighten around your throat as you swallow under his grip, “see? Fuckin’ made for me.” He growls when the wet noises of your cunt gripping his cock with every thrust begins to echo in the small space.
You meet his eyes in the mirror and you fall apart around him, feeling his cock pulse violently as your pussy grips it tight.
You lay in bed with Jensen’s head resting on your chest, his gentle snoring filling your ears. You can’t allow yourself to sleep - your heart is heavy, regret and self hatred sit in your stomach like a rock. You feel tears escape your eyes as you kiss the top of his head. He mumbles your name with a smile and rolls onto his pillow. Part of you wished he’d never move, so that you could chicken out. 
But you had to do this, it was best all around for everyone. Slipping out of bed, you can’t take your eyes off of him as you dress, knowing it’s the last time you will ever get to see him in person, and not just from watching him on tv. 
He was made to be yours, you were made to be his. Within these walls you were perfect - but then there was the outside, where nobody would ever let you be together and your hands were tied. But how could you rewrite the stars when he was one of them?
I’m afraid bold tags didn’t work!
All Tags: @chewie-redbird @julzdec @lettersofwrittencollective @stiles-o-dylan24 @mogaruke @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @dylanholyhellobrien @desireepow-1986 @lilulo-12 @22sarah08 @deanwanddamons @simsadventures  @charmed-asylum @nicole-lynne @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @defenderrosetyler @emilyshurley @foxyjwls007 @mylovelydame21 @sunshineandwings86 @akshi8278 @peaches007 @stylesismyhubs @peachyyybabyy @fantasy-myth1​
Dean/Jensen Tags: @fandom-princess-forevermore @hobby27 @akshi8278 @littlelonewolfgirl @ladywinchester1967 @screechingartisancashbailiff @maddiepants @spnfanfic-reblogs @holylulusworld @mrswhozeewhatsis @sonofabringmesomepie @deans-baby-momma @mrsjenniferwinchester @hhiggs @pisces-cutie @trina44sb @heartsaved @matsumama @adoptdontshoppets @beth-winchester21 @doctor-hp-mcu @mrspeacem1nusone @fanddoms4love @deanmonandnegansbitch @nihilismworld @bxbyizzy @noobwuvsj2 @lyarr24
Pond Tags: @aprofoundbondwithdean @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  @nichelle-my-belle @notnaturalanahi @deanscarlett @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @samsgoddess @frenchybell @scorpiongirl1  @deandoesthingstome @deansleather @curliesallovertheplace @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @waywardjoy @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @kayteonline @supernatural-jackles @wevegotworktodo @quiddy-writes @babypieandwhiskey @supermoonpanda @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67-blog @memariana91 @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @becs-bunker @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @evilskank-inthemegacoven @maraisabellegrey-blog @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @bennyyh @clueless-gold @deanwinchesterxreader @winchester-family-business @there-must-be-a-lock @just-another-winchester @cas-backwards-tie @winecatsandpizza @firefly-in-darkness
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ja-lin · 3 years
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Taming the Tigress (Pride Month Writing Challenge Day 1, 2)
Fandom: Voltage Lovestruck Series: Sweet Enchantments Characters: Runa x MC Wordcount: 2200 Notes: MC’s PoV on how she feels about Runa.  Warnings: Rough sex scene at end, but no vulgar language used.
I’ve forgotten how many days have passed since being confined to this magical cafe and bound to a magician. I’m a fawn lost in a jungle of predators. But, everytime Runa walks past me, the exotic spiced scent of her perfume makes my heart flutter, a butterfly towards the sweet bosom of a flower.
Runa has the ferocity of a tiger and everyone warns me not to approach her. All the taunting voices echo through my ears that my relationship with the tigress is unhealthy and punishable in the magic world. But, I know in my heart that the tigress is lonely and her ferocious roars are no more than drawn out weeps that echo through the night. 
In the darkness, I hear the sound of a certain mysterious barista, like a one man orchestra working his magic at the bar. If anyone can give me advice about how to approach the tigress, it's Zain. Before I even sit down on a bar stool and begin to ask him a question about Runa, he gracefully turns around to face me, silken hair falling smoothly onto his shoulders, like ocean waves coming to a rest onto the sands of a beach. 
Zain is holding a beautiful ceramic tea cup, the edges of the cup adorned with intricate gold patterns resembling flowers and butterflies. The scent of the tea hits me and I’m transported to a field of exotic wildflowers.
Not only is Zain a skilled barista, his knowledge on rare teas is impressive. He explains, "This is special floral tea made from the petals of the blooming monarch flower.“
I continue to sip the tea, each sip bringing me deeper and deeper into the field of wildflowers. 
Zain’s voice is a gentle breeze in the field, “There is a legend about the origin of the flower's name. Ancient magicians say that during the monarch butterfly mating season, one butterfly could not find love. It was sad and had no energy left to flutter. After drifting around with the wind for several days, the butterfly landed on the petals of a beautiful, kind flower. The flower shielded the butterfly from wind, rain, and sun until it was strong enough to speak."
Yet, the flower noticed the butterfly was weeping one night and asked, "Why are you weeping my dear butterfly?" 
The butterfly woefully responded, "Everyone around me has found someone to be with for life, but alas I will never be able to find love." 
The flower decided to take a risk, "Take my nectar, regain your strength and you will surely find your true love." 
The butterfly was shocked by the flower's sacrifice, "But, you will perish if I do so! I could not do that to a friend!" 
The flower curled its petals as if embracing the lone butterfly, "I may not be a butterfly and I am from a completely different world, but I am doing this because I love you more than a friend. Please take my nectar and live a happy life, for if you perish I could not stand living another day." 
The butterfly began to weep again, "I cannot take your nectar and live a happy life because my life would not be happy without you." 
Zain continues to speak, voice smooth and smoky like dark chocolate melting against the heat of a kiss, “And, so there the monarch butterfly and the flower remained. Their love blossomed and grew -- seasons upon seasons passed and one spring, a magician stumbled upon a field of beautiful flowers that had petals resembling the monarch butterfly.”
As Zain finishes his story, the aroma of the tea draws me like a butterfly to a flower. He offers me the delicate cup and I take a sip. The tea tastes bittersweet with a strong floral finish that lingers in my mouth. 
I ask Zain for another cup of the tea, “Runa would love a cup of this tea, maybe it’ll cheer her up.”
To my surprise, Zain already has a tray of tea and snacks setup as he speaks to me, “What a coincidence as I was about to ask you to bring this to her! She has barely eaten anything all day and even the turnips are worried for their mother.” 
Zain winks at me as I take the tray up to Runa’s room.
I take a deep breath and enter the lair of the tigress. The room is dim, but I can make out the shape of Runa laying sideways on her bed facing the wall. Maybe this was a bad decision, I’m having second thoughts. 
Before I can change my mind, Runa roars in a fiery tone, but her voice is cracked as if she had been sobbing for hours, “Get the fuck out and leave me alone. Doors were made for a reason. To be shut.” 
I know I can’t back down, so despite the tigress snapping at me, I approach and sit next to her on the bed, “Zain wanted me to bring this tray of tea and snacks. It’s a rare tea, from the petals of the monarch flower.” 
Runa lets out a snort and a short mocking laugh before shifting and sitting up in bed next to me. Unable to contain herself, Runa bursts out laughing, “Oh, that dumb story he always tells. Zain’s always a big fanboy of fantasy stories with romance and legends. Lately, he’s been telling me about this novel he’s reading, of a girl from Chicago who gets dropped into some fantasy world and she managed to help save a knight and sorceress escape the wrath of an evil queen.” 
I set the silver tray onto my lap and mention to Runa that the novel was made into a movie a couple summers back.
“There was a movie called The Void’s Embrace, it was pretty popular and the audience was so disappointed when the knight sacrificed himself to save the girl and the sorceress. The sorceress lost her memory, but at the same time that also meant she forgot about years of war and abuse. The girl was heartbroken, but wanted the sorceress to live a peaceful life without memory of war and abuse. At the end of the movie, true love’s kiss brought the memories back.”
Runa rolls her eyes and grabs a biscuit from the tray to pop into her mouth, speaking as she chews. Some turnips sneak out of the crate, curious about the sugary crumbs dropping to the floor. Runa flicks pieces of biscuit down to the curious turnips.
“Silly humans. To hell with true love’s kiss. Fantasy romance is such bull crap because the writers make it so poetically perfect, but in reality that’s not how it works. You're such a hopeless nerd for fantasy romance. Nothing in reality is that perfect, second chances and redemption don't exist. Once you fucked up once in real life, there's no fixing it. Everyone will look at you like you're a monster that belongs in some deep, dark pit or locked up forever in a dungeon. True love doesn’t exist.”
Challenging the tigress in her lair proves difficult, but I know need to take a risk.
“But, fantasy stories like that give us hope to keep trying. The sorceress knew she did horrible things in the past, so she didn't feel like she deserved to be loved. I think that everyone deserves a chance. Whatever happened yesterday can't be changed, whatever's going to happen in the future is uncertain, but today...we can control what we do today in the present. I want to take control of the present. And, I just wanted to know your honest feelings. Everytime I try to ask you about our relationship, the door slams shut in my face.”  
Runa turns to face me so fast, bracing both my shoulders with such ferocity that it knocks the tray off my lap. The sounds of the silverware and tray dropping wake up some more turnips that had been sleeping in a crate nearby. They wobble out, some of them yawning -- and they begin to help their mother clean up the mess. I'm momentarily distracted by the cute, sentient root vegetables and don't notice that Runa's face is only inches from mine. I only snap out of my turnip pantomime trance when I feel her hot breath against my cheeks, but I don’t cower as she roars at me, bearing her teeth.
"Like I said. Doors were made to be shut. Stubborn humans. You don't fucking understand anything about about me and my past! Nobody understands me, yet everyone judges me and tries to help me. I suggest you stop trying and just give up now, just like the rest of them gave up on me and left me hanging. Stop giving me false hope, the light is unreachable from where I am deep in the lair. You don't fucking know shit. I wish you'd have never shown up at the cafe!” 
The words Runa spew at me are harsh, but I know that’s just her way of shielding herself from her emotions. Following her outburst, she uses her arms as a physical shield, crossing them over her bosom as she turns her back to me. Even as Runa's hands drop from my shoulders, I can still feel their heated presence like footsteps on hot sand that only slowly wash away with the cold ocean tide. I gently place my hands on Runa's shoulder to comfort her, but she jerks around to face me, freezing from the sudden touch, eyes wide with surprise that any prey would dare challenge the predator.
I take a deep breath and lock my eyes with Runa's.
“Yes. You got that right! I am a stubborn human, but this means I will never, NEVER give up on you. My entire life, I've known the pain of loving someone, but needing to suppress it, to hide it deep in my heart because others around me won't accept it. The fear of rejection, the fear of the one I love leaving me because I'm not worthy enough or I'm not real enough. It's like drinking poison everyday. You're not the only one with monsters within you. We all carry that burden, but at the same time we dream that one day we'll find someone who will accept us for the monsters we truly are.” 
Runa opens her mouth slightly about to speak, but her lips become sealed again and she averts her gaze away from me. The tigress knows she’s been challenged --she’s never been challenged before by prey and she doesn’t know how to counter it. 
So, I continue to advance, “Everytime I see you, hear your voice, feel your presence, and smell your scent -- it's like drinking more poison. I know it's killing me, but I can't stop drinking it.” 
I shift my hands up her shoulders until I’m cupping her warm, flushed cheeks and turn her face so we’re gazing into each others eyes. With confidence that prey never had against a predator I attack, “Runa Amberthorne, true love is the antidote. But, I'm content to drink all your poisons until the day I die.” 
With that being said, I draw her face towards mine until our lips meet. The tension, like sparks, suddenly ignites a fire I’ve never seen before in Runa’s eyes. The tigress is finally awake and I’m vulnerable as the prey. She wraps her arms around my body and returns the kiss with ferocity, deep and passionate -- her tongue dancing in my mouth as she explores and tastes me. As the dance ends, she playfully rakes her teeth against my lower lip and gently bites down before sitting back to catch her breath. Runa rolls her tongue across her lips and teeth and I know she's hungry for more. Offering myself, I fall back onto the bed, my hair sprawling out on either side of my head -- my quickened breaths and gasps only fueling the flames of her desire.
Like a tigress she pounces on to me, framing my body with both her muscular arms, nails digging into the bed like claws -- I’m frozen like prey staring into her intense amber eyes, but soon heat spreads through me like a wildfire out of control as she rips my clothing off -- nails digging into my skin as she does so. The slight sight of blood trickling from where her nails streaked down my tender skin releases her ferocious inner beast. The tigress, starved for eons begins to devour me from head to toe. 
I can feel how toned Runa’s arms are against my inner thighs as she lays fiery kisses down my body, lower and lower, until I gasp her name. Strands of Runa’s pink bangs stick to her face, now slick with the sweat. Runa slightly tilts her head up and our eyes lock. She sets my flames of desire ablaze with deliberate, relentless strokes of her tongue. I don’t dare break my gaze with her amber eyes, for I want the flames to keep burning hot throughout the night. 
I am hers now and forever, as she claims and marks me with her mouth.
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Let Me Prove Myself
AU: Team Runaway Au (Rin lives)
Words: 1176
Rating: General
Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Aburame Shibi, Saratobi Hiruzen.
Warnings: None
Summary: Kakashi finds himself arguing for a change in the roster for his mission, and receives support from an unexpected source.
Completed with help from @spellcasterlight
The Mission parameters were simple. Lead a small three-man team into the Land of earth, locate the undercover operative, retrieve the scroll, and get out without being caught. Already Kakashi had a plan in mind, the only problem was that the people he was being given for his mission didn’t match up.
“Gai and Rin would be a better team for me, Lord Third,” he argued, determined to stand his ground and win this argument. “Rin is the best trapper I know. She’ll make sure that no one interrupts us while we’re retrieving the scroll. And if something does go wrong Gai and I are the best team to deal with the problem.”
No one else fits. They didn’t have the teamwork that he had built up with Rin and Gai over the years or the skills that he needed to pull this mission off as quickly and effectively as possible.
In fact, the people that the Hokage had chosen for him were some of the worst he could have possibly picked. This mission didn’t call for an Inuzuka or an Akimichi. They were better suited for other missions that called for their specific talents.
“I’ve given you your team, Kakashi,” Lord Third asserted. “It’s not up for debate.”
“Every other Jonin gets to change up their teams if they think that they can do a mission better with someone else,” Digging his heels in, Kakashi continued to argue. Determined to get the team switches that he wanted. “I’m telling you that I can do this mission better if you allow me to take Rin and Gai. Their skills are better suited for the mission and My plan would go smoother with them.”
Not that he couldn’t make a plan that would work with the teammates he had been given. It just wouldn’t be as effective. He’d have to make changes that could compromise the mission, which wasn’t worth the risk in his mind. Rin and Gai were both in the village available for a mission, so there was no excuse to refuse his request to switch the team up to better suit his plan.
“I don’t see why you’re complaining so much,” Koharu-sama spoke up, her voice dripping with displeasure. “The fact that you’re being given missions to lead at all after your failure at Kannabi bridge is kindness from Lord Third. Even with your above-average skills, you’re not ready to be a Jonin leader, especially if you’re going to question the Hokage’s orders.”
Two years.
It had been two years since the Kannabi bridge incident. Since Obito’s death.
Yet he was still paying the price for the failure. Being reminded of it at every opportunity, no matter how many missions he successfully completed.
“A little harsh, don’t you think Koharu-sama?” Hearing a supportive voice directly behind him, Kakashi turned his head to see who it was, his eyes widening when he saw none other than Shibi-San standing there with a mission report in hand and a cool calm air hovering around him. “There’s not a single Jonin in the village that has not failed a mission. Everyone has a record of their failures, whether it’s because the enemy happened to be quicker and stronger, or something unexpected happened causing the mission to go south.”
Staring up at the older man, Kakashi instantly turned his eyes away when Shibi-san met his gaze. It was weird. He had never felt like he needed to avoid meeting someone’s eyes before.
Like he would be overwhelmed just by knowing that they were looking at him.
And this feeling in his chest, why was it so warm?
“If you’re going to judge Kakashi based on his first failure, surely you’ll do the same to every Jonin in Konoha,” seeing a beetle flying in front of his face, Kakashi couldn’t help but hold out a finger for it to land on, a small smile tugging at his lips when it decided to take his offering. “Might I suggest starting with myself? I have quite the collection of failed missions under my name.”
For a second it looked like Koharu-sama was going to argue further, but instead, she leaned back into her chair and looked over at Lord Third. It was his turn to take over the conversation, now that Shibi-san had shut down her insults.
“Regardless of Kakashi’s accomplishments and failures.” the Hokage started, a sound of disapproval escaping his throat when Shibi held up a hand to silence him.
“Regardless of anything brought up in this discussion, Kakashi is correct in mentioning that all Jonin are allowed to change the team they are given for a mission if they believe that different Shinobi would be more effective,” Shibi-san continued, his eyes focused on Lord Third. “Unless you already have missions planned for the Shinobi he is requesting, or they are already out on missions of their own, there is no reason to deny Kakashi his switches. Regardless of the failure that Koharu-sama has mentioned, Hatake Kakashi has proven himself time and again to be a skilled tactician. Capable of coming up with mission plans more effective than those of people twice his age. If he is convinced that his mission will go smoother with certain Shinobi by his side, I believe that it would be best to provide him with those Shinobi if possible.”
Lowering his hand, Kakashi watched the Hokage carefully. Just waiting for him to shut down Shibi-san’s argument and tell him to butt out of something that wasn’t any of his concern.
That moment never came though.
Instead, Lord Third glanced down at the mission scroll that Kakashi had handed back to him with his requested changes and sighed.
“Retrieve Maito Gai and Nohara Rin for your mission,” he instructed, leveling cold eyes on Kakashi. “I expect you to update them on the mission on the way, as time is limited to complete it.”
“I…” Kakashi was shocked, to say the least. Shibi-san had managed to change Lord Thirds’ mind? To get Kakashi the requested changes to his mission?
Giving his head a shake, Kakashi straighten himself up and watched as the beetle that had been resting on his finger flew off back towards Shibi-san. “Yes, Lord Third,” His mind was already racing. He’d have to find Rin and Gai fast and get moving right away. There would be no time to mess around, but it was worth it. He had no doubt the mission would go smoother with those two by his side. “If I may…”
Rolling the scroll up once again, Lord Third held it out towards Kakashi.
“I expect you to come back with news of a successful mission,” he states, a smile plastered on his face. Though Kakashi didn’t feel like he was as pleased with the situation as he was making himself seem. “You’re dismissed.”
One quick look towards Shibi-san, as silent ‘thank you’ in his visible eye, and he was gone in a puff of smoke. Off to find his friends so they could head out on their new mission.
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soukokuwu · 4 years
i’ve seen you’re caught up in the manga so i was wondering if i could request some hcs for the HD boys (tachihara, tecchou and jouno) with a crush on a ADA girl?? please? it’s okay if you don’t write for them tho ! pd: i’m in love w your writings <3
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➤ hi, yes i am, and i do!! ^.^ this my first try with them, i hope you like these anony, and tysm 🥺 i’m in love with you all <3
➤ characters: tachihara, tecchou, jouno
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He’s probably seen you several times when he was undercover with the port mafia. So you’ve seen him solve problems with sheer brute force and violence. (Didn’t have too nice of an opinion on him there.) And you can hold your ground, apparently. You’re strong and somewhat similar to him — you value orders and care deeply for your comrades. You’ve saved your colleagues’ lives more than once, and once you catch his eye, it’s hard for him to turn away.
Being part of the port mafia had its perks, then, seeing as how he can fit himself in missions that involved interacting with the ADA (always wonders if you’re going to be there too), though most of what he’s sent to do are violent work. It doesn’t allow for much normal interactions, seeing as the Black Lizard usually does the dirty work — but Tachihara tries his best not to hurt you. He even tries to make it so that you don’t get hurt by his other comrades.
When he does catch you outside, by chance, he doesn’t show the usual disdain he usually does at your other agency members. No, with you, he tries to talk intellectually — to attract your attention, your fancy, to find something in common with you. He can surprisingly hold a conversation well. He has to try his best not to let out he’s really a hunting dog member, though. To see your disdain for the Port Mafia is enough to make him feel like wanting to tell you his real identity. He doesn’t though — orders are absolute. And he doesn’t make a move yet, he knows it’ll be too complicated if he jumps the gun.
When he finally reveals his real identity, he’ll try talking to you — to apologise for having deceived you as well as part of his mission. To be on a more similar side of the law will be much easier for him, so he thinks there’s a higher likelihood that things will work out now, and he’ll pull out all the stops. You will be the only one that could ever make him question orders, especially if it affects you.
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He has a lot of empathy for others, and so that will likely be the thing about you that catches his attention. When he sees you helping others even if you don’t have to, when he sees you initiating to help him add the sugar to his rice without even flinching. (So kind in nature, not wanting him to feel like a weirdo for his food preferences.) You’re kind, and eccentric in your own way, and so he’s taken by you.
He won’t realise he is attracted to you at first, he just knows he is more interested in you than anyone else, because it doesn’t happen to him too often. He is usually more fixated on his food than anything else. But when he’s around you he finds that he wants to share his weird food combinations with you. And after a while he finds out that you’re actually pretty weirded out by it, but he appreciates you trying it regardless. And continues to do so. (Secretly trying to find a weird combination you do like so you guys have something in common.)
Is the type to send you gifts while you’re at work with sweet notes to encourage you of the day ahead. Doesn’t actually realise this is considered as what’s called “courting” you, but he does it all the time anyway (nobody in the hunting dogs tells him because they find it entertaining how much he’s trying while at the same time being totally oblivious to his own intentions).
Will defend you whenever you’re in trouble. If he can help it. He’ll try to be there whenever you have to go out on a dangerous case, asking you where you are and what you’re doing — a guise to keep watch nearby if he has nothing on. He can’t help it, he worries. Also offers to teach you combat skills just so he can be more at ease if he can’t be around to help you.
When he realises how attracted he really is to you — he’ll do everything he can to make you swoon. Think: trying to find out everything you like, from food preferences to gestures, and then executing surprises just so you’ll get the hint without him having to explicitly say it. (Although you’re not as dense as he is and probably already knew his feelings before the man himself.) Is also the most considerate gentleman ever — he’ll help you do anything you need if he knows how. Especially heavy work.
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He’s blind, but not in love. No, he judges you thoroughly, carefully. He is very able to discern your changes in mood to every situation and he fully uses that to his advantage one hundred percent. He loves it when you’re calm and composed just like he is all the time — but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to fluster you, make you all nervous and embarrassed. It’s how he knows he has an effect on you, who is usually as stoic as he.
Loves to tease you when you deny you feel anything for him. He can tell you’re lying of course, the thrumming of your heartbeat so loud in his ears. He’s a smooth talker, so you can bet you’ll lose to him in flirting and word plays. Which is exactly how he shows he likes you. Doesn’t flirt with anyone else at all simply because they don’t measure up to you.
Always tries to avoid you when he’s working, though. He knows you’re more emphatic to everyone in general, preferring not to hurt anyone if it can be helped. You know he’s more ruthless than you expected, but he can just not let you see how cruel he can be, if only in a bid to get you to give him a chance. Generally, if you’re around, he tends to keep his harsh remarks to himself, and tries not to threaten anyone who gets in his way. Will still be ruthless but in a more discreet way.
Will most likely have arguments with you even before you get together, but if he likes you enough, he’ll put his pride down and be the one to apologise, given that it most likely is his fault in the first place, being the more aggressive and sharp-tongued of you two. It’ll come slowly, though, with a lot of space between you two when you do argue, but he’ll come through, eventually.
With him he’ll take you to all the best places he knows for dates — the best restaurants with the best service, watching movies in the most luxurious cinema halls, things like that. (Most of it is high-end.) Even with gifts — he gets you the best brands in the market. Sometimes he’ll send you a whole outfit as a present (think expensive dresses, heels, even a purse and jewellery) and asks you to wear it for your upcoming date. He knows that you don’t care much for luxury brands but he just wants to gift you with the best and he’ll continue doing so despite you telling him not to ‘waste money’.
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