#please dont use this without credit or steal it
stimmy--cryptid ยท 4 months
got sent a tiktok where one of our gifs of ourselves was used in the thumbnail + beginning of the video. gentle reminder in case anyone sees this that we're all very uncomfortable with our homemade gifs, esp when it includes us in the video and isnt just of objects, being reuploaded off of tumblr at all :[ ty!!
#esp without credit </3 pls dont put your @ over top of one of our homemade gifs#i dont feel too comfy with video/gifs of us being reuploaded off tumblr#we include that disclaimer in all of our homemade gif posts bc of this#ik a lot of people just like. take gifs off pinterest or off stimboards without bothering to check#this is just like a gentle plea to please check the sources on the gifs you use and to properly credit your gifs#theres more to say on this topic than a quick 1am tag rant on a post abt smth else#but theres a really big problem with not checking sources and not crediting within the stim community and especially off of tumblr#like people who just steal off of pinterset and google images and then say 'oh idk i saved this forever ago' or 'its from google'#not to be rude but also fully to be firm its so easy to credit your gifs and sources it takes us maybe 20 minutes at most to link a board#and its so easy when you go in with the intent to link it. just like the posts you download gifs from or open them in another tab#if youre using desktop firefox has such a quick extention to reverse image search and the results will pull up the original post+#+or the tags on a post that used the same gif to make it so easy to find the original#if youre gonna make stimboards that include someone elses content#be it homemade gifs or gifs you made from someone elses video#or even gifs made of a third party video you downloaded off tumblr or pinterest or google images#you *need* to credit the creator#and respect the boundaries of the creator.#we make sure the stuff we upload on any blog isnt harmful at all. that animals in gifs are respected that creators arent awful that+#+the video isnt made using generative ai. and like. not saying everyone has to go to those lengths. just that its doable and so easy#theres really no excuse to plagiarize and take a gif someone made of themselves and put your own url on it#even if you made the compilation its so easy to just *also* add the op's url + platform in somewhere else visible on the image#and its also so easy to like. go to the website google images is showing you for the image or reverse search the pinterest post#to make sure the creator is ok with their own video of themselves being posted on tiktok#:/#not stim#mod talk
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uchiwife ยท 2 years
Pairing : ItaSaku [AU]
Characters: Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Itachi, Uzumaki Naruto (mentioned) and Uchiha Sasuke.
Category: Fluff, kid 'fic', No Uchiha Massacre
Word count : 2,007
a/n : I apologize in advance for any mistakes. English is not my first language, but I did my best and I gladly accept corrections as long as you remain polite and kind. It will always help me improve my English and that's the most important thing.
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The first time Itachi met Sakura, she was 5. She was playing on the swing in the playground.
Sakura used to sneak out of her house to play with her friends (not that she had many). There was this cute blond guy โ€” Naruto but he was horribly noisy and always talked about ramen, becoming a Hokage and punctuated almost every sentence with "dattebayo" though Sakura liked him a lot.
He had come to her aid when some girls had tried to bully her and in return Sakura had bitten a guy who'd been mean to him. The man had even insulted him and the little cherry blossom could only defend her new friend. Since then they'd never left each other.
Then, there was this other boy, โ€” Sasuke, cute too, but very different from Naruto. He had this weird haircut that looked like a duck's butt. His hair was black just like the color of his eyes. He was the kind of guy who could break your heart while flipping through a magazine. Fortunately for Sakura, she was not under his spell. She had fallen, yes, but from a tree.
See, Sakura loves to spy on grown-ups. The badass Shinobis who can climb trees without falling, throw kunais and shurikens without getting hurt and of course, all those wonderful but not less dangerous jutsus.
The girl had tried tree walking. She'd watched the ninjas do it last week. She soon realized that she was not bad at it. Her chakra control was on point. Too bad she was distracted. The pinkett lost her balance and fell. The thud that accompanied her fall and her groan alerted Sasuke who as usual was practicing with his little shuriken kit (can you really call it a weapon when it's a wooden kunai ??)
โ€œWhat are you doing ? Can't you see it's not safe to hang out here ?โ€
โ€œI stare at the tree until it bursts into flames.โ€ She said, deadpan, and then added : โ€œwhat do you think, you idiot ? I climbed and fell.โ€
The boy frowned, but then again, when doesn't he?Despite their childish bickering Sakura and Sasuke had somehow managed to find common ground. This involved a bowl of tomatoes and anmitsu among other things. It took a little more time for them to get used to each other, but it was nothing compared to him and Naruto. These two spent their time calling each other โ€œtemeโ€ and โ€œdobe.โ€
Sakura was patient the first five times, then finally she had enough and decided to let her fists do the talking. Simply put, it has been effective.
The three kids became friends, not knowing yet that friends would become family in the years to comeโ€ฆ
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The first time Sakura noticed Itachi, she was swinging. She was playing hide and seek with her boys, or rather, she was supposed to. The pinkett had decided to make them hang around to punish them for their incessant bickering. At least this way, the only thing they can get mad at are the bushes. ( yeah she was petty like that)
She had never seen him before, but he looked oddly familiar. He was so pretty, even more than her papa, but she was a child and moreover a daddy's girl, so for her he was undoubtedly the best.
Sakura had always admired her parents. They were both part of the ninja ranks. ( AU, remember ?) Her father, Kizashi was a jonin and his jovial and open nature led him to take charge of a genin team for several years before he returned to active duty. Her mother, Mebuki, on the other hand, was a cryptographer in the Konoha decryption unit. If Sakura wondered where her intelligence came from, she wouldn't have to look far.
Itachi stood aside, his eyes seemingly searching for something or rather someone. Sakura's hands tightened on the ropes of the swing, her nose wrinkled and she began to look around.
The 10-year-old boy's gaze fell on the little pink-haired girl who was sitting there. She herself looked like she was looking for someone. Her parents, perhaps? There were still a few children in the park, but his little brother was nowhere in sight.
Sakura jumped off the swing. Ready to look for her friends. They had played hide and seek so many times since they knew each other that their hiding place was no longer a secret to her. Sakura took a deep breath, then yelled:
Itachi looked up quickly at the little girl who was running towards the bushes. His eyebrow arched. He'd finally figured out where his little brother had snuck in these last few months. Apparently, when he wasn't begging Itachi to train him, he was with these two kids named Naruto and Sakura.
Itachi was happy for Sasuke. Itโ€™s always good to make friends outside the clan. The boy looked at Sakura curiously. It is quite obvious that she knew where the others were hiding but for some reason she was taking her time.
โ€œSo ?? Are you going to help me find them or what? Don't just stand there, pretty boy.โ€
The girl's voice startled him. Was she talking to him? His confusion and silent question must have been written all over his face because she snorted.
โ€œYeah, I am talking to you. See anyone else here? You look like you lost someone. If you help me find the boys, I'll help you in return.โ€
It was Itachi's turn to snort. If he was another boy he would have felt insulted, but he was rather amused by this little spitfire.
โ€œYou don't look like you really need help with that.โ€
And he got the confirmation when her emerald eyes glanced quickly to where one of the boys was hiding. She wrinkled her adorable little nose, puffed out her cheeks and crossed arms against her chest.
โ€œyou're no fun!โ€
โ€œAa, so i've been told.โ€ He replied, one side of his mouth tilted up in a smirk.
Sakura's cheeks warmed up at the sight of that little smirk. Even Sasuke's smiles weren't that cute. Then again, his smile looked familiar.
Itachi raised his eyebrow again with a questioning look. Sakura felt flustered by the older boy's inquisitive gaze, but she quickly recovered and opened her mouth, only to be interrupted :
An excited Sasuke jumped out of the bushes where he was hiding and ran straight towards his older brother. Sakura was amazed. She had never seen this kind of smile on her friend's face. Wait. Did he say โ€œBrotherโ€ ?? Jeez, of course theyโ€™re siblings.
โ€œQuiet, Sasโ€™ke. The grown-ups are talking.โ€
Sasuke glared at his friend.
โ€œYou're not even a grownup ! Just because you read books with complicated words doesn't mean you are!โ€
โ€œAt least I'm not playing with a green stuffed dinosaur! You big baby!โ€
The boy's cheeks flushed at the mention of his precious dinosaur, but his glare quickly returned.
โ€œYou think I haven't seen your blue teddy bear under your pillow? You're the big baby. You sleep with it, I just play with it !โ€
Sasuke looked smug. Sakura protested loudly, blushing and waving her hands wildly in front of her.
โ€œThatโ€™s not true ! It's just that Mr. Mosby likes to...โ€œ
Sakura stopped in mid-sentence, realizing the words that had just come out of her mouth and her face flushed furiously as Sasuke's smug look and Itachi's amused one landed on her.
โ€œLeave her alone, Sasuke. That's not very nice. You also like to sleep with Tamotsu.โ€
Itachi looked at his little brother with a gentle gaze, but if you looked closely you could also see a mischievous glint in his eyes. A look of pure horror crossed Sasuke's face which made his elder chuckle. A sound that surprised Sakura who was staring at him as if he came from another planet.
Itachi softly poked Sasuke's head with a smile.
He mumbled rubbing his head and pouting
โ€œTime to go home, otouto. Dinner will be ready soon.โ€
Sakura herself made a little pout, she completely forgot that it was dinner time. She still had to get Naruto and invite him over. Her parents liked the blond. At first, they had been cautious around the boy, knowing his backstory, but the Haruno's were not ones who didnโ€™t give everyone a chance.
โ€œIt's fine, you can go, Sasuke. I'll see you tomorrow. That is... if your parents agree! I'll go get Naruto. He must be hungry, I can hear his stomach growling from here.โ€
The two children giggled. Naruto's stomach complaints could be as loud as the boy himself. The pink-haired girl redirected her attention to Sasuke's brother and beamed at him :
โ€œIโ€™m Sakura, by the way. Nice to meet you, pretty boy.โ€
Sasuke choked, outraged by the nerve of his friend.
โ€œSaโ€™kra! You canโ€™t call him that !โ€
โ€œYes I can ! Mom says you should always be honest and I am! Your brother is very pretty and kind too. So whatโ€™s your name ? Mama also says that it is customary to give your name after the other has done so.โ€
Itachi watched them, his head tilted slightly to the side in curiosity. This Sakura seemed to have quite a temper. He found her adorable and even had to suppress the blush that threatened to spread across his cheeks. There was nothing to feel flustered about with an innocent compliment and yet he was a little. He wasn't blind, of course, he knew he was easy on the eyes even at his young age, but he wasn't vain and he didn't usually know what to do with the attention from the fangirls he got on a daily basis.
โ€œUchiha Itachi. Delighted to make your acquaintance.โ€
Sakura frowned.
โ€œSasuke, why is your brother talking like he was born in a dictionary? โ€
The girl heard her friend snicker beside her as he shrugged.
โ€œItโ€™s Itachi.โ€
He replied casually as if the name itself explained everything. When the older boy heard this, a vivid flush rose to his cheeks and reached all the way to his ears. Okay, was he seriously being bullied by 5 year olds? He cleared his throat, and tried to ignore the warm on his face.
โ€œThis is the common way of speaking.โ€
โ€œYeah, that must be true for uptight and rigid people. I'm pretty sure that even in the Daimyo's palace people swear.โ€
Itachi's shoulders slumped, a barely perceptible movement. You wouldn't notice unless you really paid attention to it. Sakura then softened and a gentle smile bloomed on her lips.
โ€œJust kidding. There's nothing wrong with you. It's kind of charming actually, strange but charming. So it's weird but in a good way.โ€
Itachi fought the urge to smile. He noticed that her eyes were sparkling. They were vibrant, full of life, very different from the dull and strict looks of his clan members. He tilted his head slightly to catch her gaze, entertained by this cute spitfire.
โ€œYou're kind of 'weird' too.โ€
โ€œGood. That means we can be as weird as we want around each otherโ€
โ€œI'm looking forward to it.โ€
Sakura's eyes lit up at his words and she gave him a smile. His own dark eyes reflected a certain playfulness and she was sure he hadn't had much fun, not as much as he would have liked. That's all right, she thought to herself, Sakura intended to show Itachi the bright side of life from now on.
Little did she know that in the years to come she would show him much more than that, and in return he would bring her everything she had never dared to dream of. Chance encounters often lead to exceptional or catastrophic futures. In their case, it was only a matter of perseverance, determination and devotion.
After all, it's not every day that you fall in love with your little brother's best friend...
โœฉ๏ฝก:*โ€ข.โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ โ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€.โ€ข*:๏ฝกโœฉ
๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿก Hi! Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed a little bit of Itasaku. It wasn't much, but I had a good time writing it.๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿก
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st6rrrs ยท 5 months
please enjoy!! do not copy, steal, or use any of my work :))
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SUMMARY: y/n is failing professor riddles class so she goes to "speak" with him after class
WARNINGS: SMUT, dub con, Sub!Reader, Dom!tom, Manipulation, Begging, Spitting, choking, fingering, virgin reader, age gap
CHARACTERS: Slytherin reader x professer riddle
A/n: this might be confusing but bare with it, reader is 16!!!
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you had recently been failing professor riddles class so he had asked you to stay behind so you guys could have a little "chat" about extra credit and other things... as he described it. you were currently on the way to his classroom, it was 8:30 at night, he said this was the only time he wasn't busy.
you were still in your school uniform cause you didn't have time to change out of them you knocked on his classroom door, it immediately opened like he was waiting there for you. "your 30 minutes late y/n." he said looking at you in the eyes which instantly makes you nervous each time "i-im sorry professer, i-i lost track of time" you said while stuttering
he smirks and move to the side so you can enter the room.
it was weird being in the classroom at night, it was quiet and empty "take a sit ms. L/n" he says while taking a sit at his desk. you do the same but on the other side of the desk
"as you know you are failing this class y/n" "im very disappointed in you"
you look down
he then gets up and walks over to the other side of the desk your sitting on hovering over you.
"i-im sorry i-i just b-been" he stopped you before you could finish your sentence by putting his finger to your lips shushing you. you looked up at him confused
"i dont care for your excuses y/n. now get up" he demanded
you looked up at him confused but did it anyway
"now bend over the desk for me"
you looked at him in horror. you were his student and he was your professor
many of the girls in Hogwarts had a crush on professor riddle, i mean come on he was in his mid 20s, handsome, and tall with pale skin, jet black hair, and dark brown eyes.
you had to admit he was quite handsome but this was wrong...
"dont make me repeat myself" he said with a stern look
"no!, wha- thats disgusting"
you stormed past him towards the door but he grabs your arm, pulls you back, and slams you onto his desk face first
"i told you i dont like repeating myself"
"oww get off of me" you groaned
he lifts up your uniform skirt and pulls down your underwear admiring the view
"p-professor stop" you begged
"keep begging, i like it when they do that"
he spit on his finger and sticks it in you going in and out. you were a moaning mess
"gosh your so tight" "are you a virgin?" he asked while sticking another finger into you
you were a whimpering mess you couldn't even answer his question.
he suddenly pulls his fingers out, you groan loudly "answer the question and i will continue"
"i- uh yea." you said nervously
he then flips you over on your back, takes his belt off, he pulls his pants down then his boxers
your eyes widened at the length of his cock it was probably 7 maybe 8 inches and it wasn't just long it was thick too
"uh professor, that isn't g-gonna fit" you said with fearful eyes
he laughed.
he jerked his length off then lined himself up with your slit and then began to push the tip in
you whimpered and tried to push him off but he kept pushing in
he pushed all the way in without warning. you yelped out in pain "shut up." he then stars thrusting into you slowly, you could feel the tip of his dick hitting your g-spot he then starts to speed up. "profesor" you whimpered he then takes it out and pushes it all the way in. you let out a pornography moan you didn't know you could do. you start to feel that feeling in your stomach that your friends always tell you about. "yea you like that slut" he groaned as he came, you soon came right after him he then pulled out and put his boxers and pants back on
you pulled your underwear back up your shaky legs and grabbed your stuff so you could leave. he grabbed your arm
"tomorrow 8:00pm dont be late."
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dckweed ยท 7 months
Sooo glad you posted a second part of the Jakex best friend baby story. A huuuge hug for you =) so in a matter of fact I squealed a bit as I read that you're accepting requests for this story. So I would have an idea, maybe you like it, if not I'm still going to read EVERYTHING you write =)
I'm thinking of reader is feeling off for days, like feeling dizzy and stressed out. The nausea is also taking a toll on her. One evening at the Hard Deck with the whole squad a woman is approaching Jake... Unfortunately it's his ex girlfriend. She immediately flirts with him and making the reader really uncomfortable. Jake tries to get rid of his bitchy ex by showing off reader and introducing her to his ex. She's already sporting a small bump, which his ex notices. Later reader goes to the bathroom, not feeling so hot, but Jake's ex follows her and corners her at the bathroom insulting reader for being a slut, being pregnant and stealing Jake, absolutely stressing the pregnant woman out. After her harassment she leaves the bathroom leaving reader alone. The whole situation worsens her feeling sick and she collapses in one of the stalls.
Just need some huuuge whump and Jake and the Daggers being protective. Maybe you can use some of my ideas.
P.S.: it's so brave that you share your personal story here with us. You're a strong young woman. I belive in you!
hiii thank you for sending this in! absolutely love the idea! and thank you so much, i feel like eating disorders and the struggles that come with them aren't something thats spoken of enough and i really would like to bring awareness by sharing my own story :) so, if anyone has any questions about that, feel free to send them in ! I'm here to advocate and be a voice..if you think you have one or know someone who does and dont know how or where to get help, i got you, if you're wondering how to cope with symptoms, i got you!
in the meantime however, i give you my comfort loves, jake and babygirl! please feel free to send in any requests, comments or thoughts that you may have for this particular series ! and in lieu of halloween, this is officially halloween themed.
p.s. how are we doing today? are we hydrated? have we had a snack or two? this is your reminder to go do both if you haven't already! also does someone want to possibly make a boodboard for jake and babygirl?? full credit would go to you in every post if i use it !
warnings: elusions to sex and actual soft sex mentioned and described as well as cockwarming briefly mentioned, pregnancy, fainting, hospitals, grown adults bullying essentially
the babygirl series part three, part two here
BABYGIRL, the playlist
INSECURITIES. jake 'hangman' seresin
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Your breathing was even as you layed on your back, one of your legs caught between his. The NAVY tshirt you were wearing (his navy tshirt) rode up to rest just beneath your glorious breasts with your arms raised up, one tucked under the pillow next to your head, the other laid across his chest, your tummy on full display. You had been with him for just over a month now, having extended your two week vacation indefinitely. He knew you two would have to fly home sometime soon, to pack up the things in your apartment and eventually make your way over to your families ranch's to let them know what was going on, but he didn't want to think about that, not now when had what felt like all the time in the world to admire you.
Your stomach rose and fell with every breath and almost instinctively he finds his hand resting there, thumb rubbing gently back and forth over the small but slowly growing more prominent baby bump you were beginning to sport. You had been shy about him doing that, and he knew that it was because in the back of your mind, that little baby growing in you hadn't come from him, but if you asked him, that little girl in there was his, even without the Seresin blood. He hadn't ran away or called you names when you had told him, infact, it had only drawn him to you more. You were his, and so was the little miracle you were growing and he wasn't afraid to admit it either. Hell, he had gone that night to the Hard Deck, a dopey grin on his face as he walked in with your hand in his and had announced it to the entire bar, happily telling his friends and Penny about the bun in your proverbial oven. He couldn't help but smile at the memory.
You shift after another moment, a small groan coming from your throat as you turn towards him, head pressed against his chest now. He presses a content kiss to the top of your messy hair adjusting you so that his arm was under you now, holding you against him. The bedroom was still dark but sunlight was slowly starting to seep through the small slit in the curtains, lighting up a small patch of the floor and the bed. He wondered if he should get up and open the window for you, maybe brew a pot of the decaf coffee he'd immediately switched you to when he found out about the baby.
He's about to decide against the thoughts, not wanting to wake you, not when you were sleeping so soundly after having a rough week of being sick and uncomfortable, you beat him to it though, your soft whine reaching his ears. "Mornin' babygirl.." He says, southern accent more prominent in his gruff morning voice. A smile spreads across his lips, as easy as butter glides across toasts as you lift your head up slowly, sleepy eyes meeting his before planting a long and slow good morning kiss on him. "You were sleeping so good, i didn't want to wake you up.."
You hum, trying to gather your sleepy wits about you, even though it had only been a month, jake was usually the only thing you noticed in the mornings, his warmth and love completely enveloping you, the only thing your mind could register besides the nausea usually rolling in your tummy, so it took you a moment to fully wake up.
After a few minutes of snuggling into your boyfriend, his hand rubbing your belly almost soothingly, you decide that you don't feel queasy enough to run to the bathroom right away (a godsend, really) and you shift yourself so that you're sitting atop of him, legs on either side of his hips, comforter slouched around your legs.
He looks up at you with an amused smile, large hands gliding up your thighs to land on your hips, just underneath of the baggy tshirt you'd stolen from him. "Somethin' i can help you with?" He asks, sleepy southern drawl sending shockwaves through your body as the hands on your hips grind you down against him, you were still bare from the night before, the two of you having stayed up late together just making love to each other.
You were insatiable when it came to him, maybe it was years of pent up sexual tension, maybe it was the pregnancy hormones, or maybe it was just that you guys were so perfect for each other that you literally could not get enough of one another, whatever it was though, neither of you was complaining. You had never been more satisfied from just one single touch before, had never been left craving more of the person you were with until you had been with Jake.
"Have time for a proper good morning, fly boy?" You ask teasingly, already lifting the hem of your shirt to toss it onto the floor, which was where most of your clothes had been finding their home these days when it came to the bedroom.
"Keep it on for me, babygirl, want you to wear it while i watch you ride me," You hadn't even noticed that one of his hands had already been between your bodies, but he was sliding his cock out of his boxers and gliding you down onto it as he spoke, a sigh of pleasure already leaving your lips before you're even sunk down fully onto him. "Feel so good babygirl," He groans, already pussy drunk off of you.
His fingers grip tighter onto your hips as you ride him lazily, hips moving back and forth in a languid but pleasurable pace, his hips bucking up into yours softly. "Jake," You whine, hands planted on his hard chest, fingers curled into the coarse hairs that scattered there, he grunts in response as he thrusts up into you, his massive hands pulling you down to meet his cock with each one. "so full baby, feels so good jakey.." Your words only fueled his ego, his eyebrows furrowing as he pumps up into you, you were both still overly sensitive from the night before and he knew that he wasn't going to last long, and neither were you judging by the way your nails dug into the skin of his chest.
Jake furrows his brows deeper, watching your face contort with pleasure as he continues to slowly fuck up into your overly sensitive body, his own toes curling into the mattress as he tries to stave off his own orgasm, a feat proving much harder than he had originally thought with the noises that escaped you and the way your pussy felt clamping around him right then.. "..so pretty, babygirl, always so fucking pretty for me.." He grunts out, feeling the way you clench down on him, hearing the whine come from your throat as you cum, your thighs shaking on either side of him. "..that's it baby, thats it.." He says, not too far behind you. He cums as your body sags against his, his hands on your ass the only thing holding you steady as you bury your head in his neck, leaving small kisses along the top of his collar bone.
"..Do you have to go to work, baby?" You ask, lifting your head up to look at him, the pout that he had never been able to say no to adorning your lips.
You can't help but smirk a little as your boyfriend throws his head back with a groan, one of his hands snaking its way up your back. "Babygirl, i would give anything to stay home with you attached to me like this all day long," his voice is thick, that accent ever so present as he tucked a wild strand of hair behind your ear. "but i gotta go to work, we're running flight trainings today.." Though they were a permanent mission squad within the TOP GUN training academy, they weren't always training for missions and today was one of those days where they got to run flights with the newer admissions who all thought they were the shit. Otherwise known as, Jake Seresin Gets To Show Off day.
You groan and drop your head to his chest, listening to him chuckle at you before he kisses the top of your head. "Fine, shower with me?" You lift your head up, a playful waggle to your eyebrows that he just can't say no to.
"I think that can be arranged." He says with a smile, his arms wrapping around your ass to hold you as he swiftly stands up with you, making you squeal in surprise as you wrap your arms around his shoulders, clinging to him in fear of falling. Your ass meets the cold counter of the bathroom sink as he sets you down on it, peppering your face with kisses as he flips the light switch, making you giggle and smile that beautiful smile he loved so much. "Don't move."
"Yes Sir!" You chuckle, watching as he opens the shower door and steps in, turning it on. "Make sure its hot baby!" You instruct, practically feeling his eyes roll into the back of his head despite doing as you said.
"I will never understand you and the volcanic level of hot water you bathe in, how do you even have skin left?" He asks, voice serious as he walks over to you, stepping between your legs as he reaches behind you to turn the faucet on with one hand while the other reaches above your head, grabbing the bottle he'd seen you use every morning since you'd been with him.
"It's relaxing!" You argue, voice raising an octave as you try not to laugh at him when he suddenly splashes your face with cold water. "Excuse me for not liking to take an ice plunge every time i step into the shower," You cackle, causing him to start laughing as he brings his hands to your cheeks, gently rubbing them with your favorite facial cleanser. You hadn't even noticed him put it on his fingers, but it felt like he was massaging your face and it felt damn good. "You spoil me, you know?" You hum, relaxing into his touch, eyes closing. He could have lulled you back to sleep like that if he wanted to.
Jake grunts in disagreement. "I don't spoil you nearly enough, babygirl." He states, completely believing it. He wouldn't tell you but he was already planning how to ask you to marry him, he didn't need to wait a year, or even until the baby was born, he knew you were the one for him and he just couldn't wait to spoil you even more once you were his wife, and spoil the hell out of the little hellions you guys would have together.
After a minute he grabs a soft wash cloth from the drawer by the sink and wets it only a little, gently wiping the cleanser off of your face for you. The action of the thing was just so freaking sweet, and so fucking Jake that you didn't have the heart to tell him that you weren't supposed to wipe away the cleanser like that. It doesn't take long before the shower has steamed up the whole bathroom and he's helping you off of the counter before leading you into the shower, letting you step under the water first after he helps you slip his navy tshirt over your head.
You hum as the water hits you, your body relaxing as you feel his thumbs kneading the skin at the base of your neck, the spot where you tend to hold all of your tension. You lean back into him and just let the water wash over you, enjoying the closeness with him.
The pleasantness of the morning only lasts for a couple of hours, not too long after Jake leaves for work (with a kiss to your cheek and a smack to your ass) the intense feeling of nausea and a pounding headache that had been plaguing you with it for the past two weeks came crawling back, you thought you had been rid of it finally when you woke up feeling perfect this morning, but of course it was too good to be true. You're hunched over the toilet for hours, the breakfast Jake had been kind enough to make you crawling its way out of your stomach.
"You're trying to kill me, aren't you?" You ask your stomach after a nasty bout of vomiting, and as if in answer, your stomach lurches unpleasantly, though you manage not to spew everywhere this time.
You seem to be fine for the rest of the day, though your head pounds and you sit in darkness until about the time that Jake gets off work, knowing he was going to be home and excited to head straight to the hard deck with the crew for Penny's Halloween party. You had been excited too, had even planned out your costume with him but god you hadn't felt this bad before, this was the most intense day of morning sickness that you'd had the entire time you'd been pregnant. You were tempted to call it off, send him on his own, but you knew he wouldn't go. He would stay by your side and take care of you, and you didn't want that, not when he had been so excited to show you off tonight.
Despite your better judgement you start getting yourself ready around the time you know he's getting ready to leave base, you know your timing is right because you get a 'be home soon babygirl' text from him a few minutes into your endeavor. You smile at your phone for a second, wondering how you got so damn lucky to be able to be in love with your best fucking friend in the whole world..
You're in the middle of painting your small but ever present swollen baby belly with safe, brown paint, standing in the full body mirror as you do it. You're trying to make it look as much like a bun as possible, which isn't as easy as it seems when you can't physically detach your stomach and lay it flat on a table to look at and paint like you could literally anything else. You hear the front door open, and his voice carry's through it's usual greeting. "In the bedroom!" You holler back. You hear something thump onto the floor (his duffle, probably filled with his sweaty khaki uniform and underclothes) and his boots thud down the hallway.
"Hey, Babyg-" You turn to face him as soon as you peek him and his dark green flight suit in the doorway, showing off the bun you were working so hard on. Thankfully, focusing so hard on something else had pushed your nausea and headache to the back of your mind, the least of your worries as you locked eyes with your grinning boyfriend. "That looks so good Babygirl! Look at you and our little girl all dressed up for Halloween.." He steps into the room, his smile lighting his face as he brings his lips to yours, before he can even kiss you though your nose scrunches up at the smell of him, sweaty and smelling like airplane fuel and oil.
You know it's coming before your stomach even lurches and you shove him away from you so hard he lands on the bed, a shocked noise escaping him as you rush into the bathroom, sliding in front of the toilet just in the nick of time. Somewhere in the back of your mind you hear Jake rush into the bathroom behind you, crouching down with you to rub your back. You manage to wave him away as you heave and he seems to get the hint, taking a step back.
"You smell." You groan when you're sure you've finished, trying to find the strength to stand up and rinse your mouth out. Jake makes an offended noise in the back of his throat, but you shoot him a glare that tells him you're serious and it seems to shut him up.
"Right," He says, clapping his hands together as you finally stand up. "i'll shower, you finish getting ready if you feel like you're able to go..if not, we'll stay home and watch 90 day Fiancรฉ or something.." He wouldn't admit it to you, but your reality show addiction had become one of his new favorite hobbies and he would be more than happy to spend the night in bed with you binging. Who needed a Halloween party anyway? "How many times have you done that today?"
"I'll be fine to go, that's the first time that's happened all day." You lie, sidling up next to him to rinse out your mouth, trying desperately not to breathe through your nose so you don't repeat the emptying of your already empty stomach for the tenth time today. You meet his eyes in the mirror, he's looking at you like he doesn't believe you. "Really baby," You smile, turning around to face him. You look up at the handsome man before you, trying your hardest not to breathe in his scent. "I'll be okay, just take a shower and wash all the airplane gunk off of you before it happens again."
He gives you a long look, green eyes searching your face for any sign that he shouldn't let you go tonight and just make you stay home instead, he really couldn't have cared either way about the damn halloween party, now that he had you, you were the only thing that he ever cared to spend his time with. "Okay," He concedes, ruffling your hair with his ginormous hand. You roll your eyes at the action, but your body relaxes despite feeling horrible about the lie. "I'll be out in a few minutes."
You pushed through the next hour or so, finishing your costume while Jake showered and got himself ready, eagerly talking about how the two of you were going to kick Phoenix and Bob's asses in the costume contest that Penny was hosting tonight, and how he was so excited to show you and the belly off and as you checked yourself out in the mirror, you were once again reminded of just how lucky you were to have Jake to love you and the little miracle growing inside of you.
You pushed through Jake cooking himself a quick snack, you even made it through the drive to the bar like a champ, driving his big ass truck all the way there while he lay in the back seat because he refused to take his costume off until after the contest.
You had been at the bar for a couple of hours, mingling with Bob and Phoenix for the most part, who looked adorable in their Buzz and Woody costumes, when you took a turn for the worse. You and the rest of the squad had gotten to the bar quite early to help Penny finish setting up and as it started filling up with other people from base and some of the new TOP GUN students you and Jake had somehow gotten separated and after a while of talking with Phoenix about doing a shopping trip and lunch date on her next day off you started to look around for him.
Jake was at the pool table, high fiving Bradley as he sunk a ball into one of the pockets, very obviously wining the game of pool he had been roped into with the new recruits. You cant help the smile that lights your face when he catches your eye, sending you a signature Jake Seresin smirk and a wink of his eye. You giggle to yourself, your heart feeling full of nothing but love and happiness when it came to him.
"God, you guys are so in love its honestly sickening.." Natasha mutters, rolling her eyes with a playful smile on her face as she sips her whiskey on the rocks. You cackle in laughter, pushing her shoulder gently as you leave her side and make your way over to Jake, you'd had enough of being away from his side for one night.
A couple of people move in front of you as you're walking, and you have to stop and say hello to Maverick, who had arrived stylishly late to the party. "You're glowing!" He had said, giving you a kiss on your cheek. He was honestly in complete awe of you and the affect that you had on Hangman, he had done a complete 360 since you'd gotten together and he couldn't thank you enough for it because he wasn't sure how to handle it some days.
You chat with him for a few moments before making your way to Jake, except when he comes back into your view this time there's someone else with him. A tall bottle blonde in a risquรฉ nurses costume that was honestly probably lingerie, she had fishnet stockings on and mile high platform stripper heels.
She was the kind of girl that had always caught his attention before you.
She was the kind of girl you had always been underlyingly jealous of.
And that jealously came rearing its ugly head. Fists clenched to your sides you walked over to your boyfriend with a purpose, not even catching their conversation before you wrapped your arms around his always so toned and tight bicep that was sticking out of the arm hole of the costume he had spent time making himself.
"Hey Babygirl," He says immediately, turning his head to plant a big fat kiss on your lips, you could practically feel his body relaxing at your touch and that seemed to cause you jealousy to ease, knowing that he was being held hostage in the conversation. "Jessa, this is my Babygirl.." The woman in front of you looked at you with narrowed eyes and then looked down at your costumes, her eyes roaming from your painted pregnant belly to his oven costume and and then back again, it seemed like it took a moment for all of the wheels to turn but they finally clicked into place.
"We dated for a while, not that long ago..just wanted to come over and say hello." She says. "I had heard you were settled down but i didn't think it could possibly be true.." Her eyes never leave his as she speaks, batting her eyelashes at him as if trying to entice him.
Jake raises his beer bottle to his lips, glancing down to you as if he wasn't quite sure what to say. "Well, I hate to break it to you but..its true.." You grind out, your queasy stomach returning as you catch a whiff of her strong perfume. "I'll be right back baby.."
You barely make it to the ladies room all the way across the bar before it spews out of you. You're hunched over the toilet for a good few minutes heaving and queasing and so focused on yourself that you don't hear bathroom door squeak open again, or the stripper heels smacking against the tiled floor that Penny thankfully kept in pristine cleanliness.
You don't notice the other presence in the bathroom until you've stood up and turned around, headed to wash your hands and try to wash the small bit of vomit off of your black shirt. You stop in your tracks immediately when you spot her, arms crossed over her outrageously exposed breasts as she stands with her hip popped, as if she were looking for a fight.
"I always knew he liked easier girls, but i never thought he liked actual whores." She states, eyeing your pregnant belly with clear disdain. "I'm not stupid, i can do basic math. He stopped calling me almost two months ago, way too soon for you to be thus far pregnant with his baby."
"..excuse me?" You utter, mouth watery again as you fought of what you hoped was just nerves and not another round of throwing up..you didn't think you could go 12 rounds today and still make it through the party.
The woman cackles damn near evilly. "The way Jake always spoke about his babygirl I thought she was this pure angel. Turns out she's a fucking whore." She shakes her head, eyeing once more. "You're not his type either, he really must fucking pity you if he's fucking you like this, the poor thing.."
You can't think of anything to say, you could barely hold your head up with how suddenly dizzy you were. As she turns to leave the bathroom, the door swinging open, the vomit spews out of you like lava spewed out of Pompeii and as you sink to the floor, trying to keep your own head up, too dizzy to see straight or use your voice or even think, you couldn't help but to remember the words that she had said..that he must have pittied you..that wasn't true..right?
Natasha noticed Jessa come out of the bathroom that she had seen you go into earlier, and maybe it was just because she was slightly paranoid but she felt like she needed to poke her head in and check on you, especially after she sauntered right back up to Jake and ran her hand down his bicep after you had very clearly made it known that she needed to back off.
"Keep an eye on Jessa," She says to Bob, catching her Wizzo's attention as she slipped off of her bar stool. "I'm gonna go check on Babygirl.." Everyone had taken to calling you by Jake's nickname for you, it was practically your God given name by this point.
"On it." Bob says, taking his Shirley Temple with him as he strides from the bar top to the pool table.
Natasha pushes people out of her way, the wings of her Buzz costume doing all of the work for her as she makes her way to the restrooms, pushing the door opening and entering sideways. She hears your moan before she sees you slumped in a pool of your own throw up, your skin paler than the flourescent lighting in the small bathroom and a small sheen of sweat on your forehead. "Holy sit.." She says, crumbling down next to you, taking your head in her hands. "Babygirl? You awake?" A slight moan is the only response. "Fuck...fuck.."
She doesn't leave your side, but she thanks God for having long legs because she's able to catch the door stopper just right with her foot and open it far enough for her voice to carry. "JAKE! BOB! SOMEBODY HELP!" You moan again, your head thumping to her chest. Her voice must be loud enough because there's a drawn out silence before a scattering of feet pounding against the hardwood flooring of the Hard Deck. "Call 911!"
Jake's heart drops into his stomach as soon as he sees you, his eyes widening. "What happened?" He doesn't bother to care about the emotional crack in his voice as he drops to his knees, Bob and Rooster right behind him in the door way. "Nat, what the fuck happened?"
"I don't know, she was like this when I came in - Jessa had just come out!" She says panicking because she had never once seen Jacob Seresin look so scared and vulnerable before. "She keeps moaning and she's sweaty..Jake what if it's the baby?"
He squeezed his eyes closed, he couldn't bare to think of it, he couldn't bare to think of how sad and broken you would be..he couldn't even begin to think of how to pick up those broken pieces if that were the case, so he didn't think about it. He focused on Bob's voice behind him, on the phone with the 911 operator.
"...17 weeks pregnant, semi conscious.." Bob spoke to the person on the other end, Jake had told them all this morning how far along you were, forcefully showing everyone the pregnancy tracking app on his phone screen. Bob had remembered because of how excited Jake had been.
Jake looked at you, your head in Natasha's lap and then glanced back at Bradley who's eyes were wide with fear, an exact mimic of his own facial expression he was sure. He remembered suddenly that Natasha had said that someone had been in here before she found you..Jessa.
He was on his feet before he had even finished having the thought, shoving past Bradley who had the wherewithal to dutifully follow him as he stalked down the hallway and into the main area of the bar.
"Jessa!" He thundered, the bar going silent. She wasn't hard to find, she was one of the few girls dressed like a hooker. "What the fuck did you do? Huh?" He asks, grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her.
"Jake, back off man-" Bradley's hand is on his shoulder pulling him back. Jessa scoffs at both of them and rolls her eyes turning around.
"Not my fault the skanky trash can't handle the thing growing inside of her." She says to her group of friends, causing them to start cackling.
She was lucky that Nat hadn't heard her, and that he didn't go crawling back to the bathroom to send her out here to do what he knew she would have because just then flashing lights shined through the front windows of the bar. Paramedics had arrived.
"Oh now that's just fucking dramatic!" She groans to her friends as Jake walks away, causing him to turn back around to start yelling at her once more. Bradley spins him back towards the door though and he runs outside to rush them in.
When you come to you're scared out of your mind, the last thing you remember were the words Jessa had said echoing in your mouth. Your heart starts to race and you hear a monitor start to go off, there were things attached to your stomach and your arms and all of a sudden his hands were on your shoulder, weary eyes looking into yours.
"..jake? what happened?" You ask, your heart already starting to calm down and you realize that the monitor that was going off was attached to you.
"You were dehydrated, you passed out.." Jake says, pressing a kiss to your temple as one hand goes to rest on your stomach, right next to the fetal monitors. "Your OB says that it's from throwing up so much, says that you weren't getting in as much as you were getting out.." You closed your eyes, leaning your head back against the pillow, kicking yourself for letting it get that bad. "Why didn't you tell me it was that bad babygirl? You scared me shitless..you scared all of us..Nat found you laying in your own vomit..she came with me, wouldn't even go home to change..she's off hounding your doctor for more information.."
You process his words, hating yourself for putting your friend in that situation, for ruining the halloween party. You open your eyes and turn to look at him. "Is the baby okay?" Your lip quivers and tears begin to stream down your face. "Jake im so sorry baby, I thought I could tough it out, I didn't want you to worry.."
Jake sighs, kissing your forehead as he wipes the tears from your eyes, letting you know that the baby was okay, and that you would be okay too. That he was going to take care of you always, and his words washed over you completely, emptying your head of whatever doubt Jessa had temporarily placed in it.
@bellaireland1981 @sky0401 @memoriesat30 @bat-luna-cat @memeorydotcom @mamachasesmayhem @kmc1989 @justherebecausesafarisucks @mrowphine @djs8891
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toplines ยท 2 years
โ€œbuโ€ฆbubu- but theyโ€™re just wittle pixels and digital images rwight ๐Ÿฅบโ€ no. we spend hours on gifs or even one singular gif to make edits for FREE on tumblr dot com. name a person who asked us to do this. no one!! exactly!! we make gifs bc its enjoyable and fun but people like reposters suck the fun out of it!!! and do NOT go and tell us that โ€œgifs arenโ€™t that hard to makeโ€ baby girl what do u think we do? go online and search for a video downloader and download it at like a crappy 720p and go to like literal ezgif dot com and all the gifs just MAGICALLY have their effects, typography, colouring, blending, animation, quality all up and ready? why dont u try and make a gif. hm.
and also, @ all of you โ€œgif collectorsโ€ or some fanfic writers. lemme tell u a secret. an itty bitty secret. did u knowโ€ฆ theres this really cool thing called PROPERLY CREDITING? im not talking about a stupid โ€œcredits to the ownersโ€ no. it isnโ€™t that hard to properly source the creators or accounts.
that wasnโ€™t so hard, hm?
also oh my god, do NOT go around saying you made these gifs when it is so obvious you didnโ€™t. no bff, it isnโ€™t a coincidence we have the same sharpening AND colouring settings.
and hey, iโ€™ll stop my angry typing for a minute and just say that if you wanna learn how to make gifs there are plenty of amazing accounts and tutorials that are incredibly detailed. here are a few i recommend:
how to: make high quality gifs by sith-maul
giffing 101 by cillianmurphy
giffing and colouring tutorial by sashafierce
how to fix and avoid orangewashing characters by maxchapman
how to fix and avoid white/pink/yellowwashing by jeonwonwoo
how to: colouring east & southeast asians by blueshelp
pastel gifs: a tutorial by completeresources
how to fix and avoid whitewashing in pastel gifs by fadenet
and for those who donโ€™t want to pay/ t*rr*nt photoshop:
free giffing tutorial by ashleysolsen
photopea gif tutorial by lacebird
and @usergif has a bunch of directories and navigation for tutorials and inspiration!
again, there are so many useful tutorials if youโ€™d just look.
i know this probably wonโ€™t stop all reposters (unfortunately) but i hope those reposters that are reading this realise how messed up stealing gifs are. it isnโ€™t funny or cool to see gifs that youโ€™ve spent so much time on only to be reposted here or on other sites without credit or being claimed as someone elses.
weโ€™re just asking for a proper credit on your post or maybe even stop reposting in whole. im sure you had good intentions in making those posts, but you have to understand how much it hurts. at this point, we have to put our watermarks in the middle of our gifs to avoid people cropping them out.
and please, PLEASE reblog edits. you have no idea how diminishing it is to see such a crappy like to reblog ratio. remember this hellsite has such a crappy algorithm so reblogging is essentially one of the only ways to give posts more traction
AGAIN. dont repost gifs. dont steal gifs without credit. dont belittle gifmakers. just stop being so disrespectful and rude and have a brain for once. thank you for reading.
edit: ive noticed ppl asking why i kinda like insulted those who use 720p and ezgif, im really sorry if i made it sound like a bad thing !! i was just very angry writing this aaaadjskdks gifmaking, HQ or not is valid and nobody deserves to get their creations stolen !
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variksel ยท 2 years
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have started to notice that podcast fandoms have huge problems with art theft and its nagging at me
i dont think fans of shows, especially podcasts, realize that when you save art from tumblr or twitter or whatever and then repost it without credit, youre still stealing art no matter if you claim its yours or not. its so incredibly annoying to spend hours on art that you really like, only to have it be reposted without any mention of your name anywhere by some tiktok or tumblr user making a meme collab or an aesthetic board or whatever. i get that these characters dont have canon faces that you can use but that doesnt mean you can just take other peoples work and pretend you dont know how reverse google image searching works.
if you dont have credit, then dont repost the art. its real fuckin simple. ive seen way too many edits or meme compilation makers try to squirm their way around this and i think its because they know its bad to do and they dont wanna steal art, but that doesnt mean you can still do it you annoying lil shits
id v
[ID: A two-panel meme showing two men at a dinner table. The first man, labeled "tma artists," sets down a plate labeled " 'please credit us when using our art' " in front of the other man, who is labeled "tma fans." The second man throws the plate away, now labled "art credit". End ID]
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viperpaws ยท 6 months
โ˜… otter / otto / felix / viper !! it/xi/he !! minor :3 โ˜… [ this blog is for emotes and occasionally other art !! :3 ]
my emote discord server !! my personal blog @viperpaws-plus !!
alien divider art by @puppershy โ˜…
requests: closed
will do :: wordmojis, animals/animal features [ ears/tail ], silly yellow emotes, agere/petre emotes, expressions, simple animated emotes if specifically asked for, any other variants of emotes ive made, etc etc
wont do :: nsfw, gore, characters from games/fandom emotes [ unless specified in 'will do' or its something im interested in, ] ocs/full headmate emotes, anything too complicated, anything i cant draw yet
- try to be very clear when you ask and if you have something specific please provide a reference :3 also please keep in mind that my art style changes a lot! i am still learning anatomy and barely know how to draw animals, i apologize if whatever i make doesnt turn out the way you want it to.
- i work on requests in the order i think theyll take the least time/energy and only when i have the motivation! if i dont do your request its nothing personal !!!
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boundaries / rules:
please do not trace or copy any of my emotes. slight edits are fine, i dont mind!! if youre inspired by any of my emotes credit is appreciated but not required :3
do not steal my emotes !!! reblogs are appreciated, but do not repost without credit!!
if you use my emotes in public discord servers please give credit by linking my tumblr somewhere. do not use my emotes for anything other than discord servers or aac
i dont mind spamming and dms are fine :3
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do not interact:
obviously i cant control who uses my emotes and anyone is free to use them but id prefer if you didnt interact with my blog if you are any of the following:
kink/nsfw blogs, pro endo, anti-lgbt, anti-agere/petre, proshipper, anti-therian/otherkin
- might be edited later !!
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princemick ยท 1 year
hi, hello and welcome, we've seen what's been happening to twitter and we welcome you to our little corner.
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there are however some things that differ from Twitter to Tumblr and so we have some different rules and behaviour then you might be used to!! I'm gonna try to explain them to you in this post! everything is below the tab!
reblog reblog reblog!!! likes do absolutely nothing, and your blog 'aestetic' in reblogs doesn't really matter unless you're a specific aesthetic blog, reblog are the way people see the content. likes are private! so remember to reblog the stuff you see and like!
DO NOT STEAL GIFS/GRAPHICS I WILL COME AFTER YOU!!! always ask if you can use a gif an then ALWAYS CREDIT properly
shipping is, prevalent. shipping even rpf is ingrained into tumblrs culture on every side of it if you dont like it thats a you thing, you can 'blacklist' tags so just add 'rpf' or the shipnames to them and you should be good!
continuing with that idea, curate your own experience is the most important thing on this site, blocking and blacklisting is normal and very much allowed and welcomed. almost no one is going to change how they do or act around here for one person, just unfollow or blacklist.
but do NOT put long posts or x reader fics, anything in the main tag without putting it under a 'read more' tab people will get annoyed by you
followers dont matter!!! no one CARESSS about basically anything this site is wonderfully anonymous and we can't see how many followers anyone has so genuinely no one gives a shit do whatever you want
remember to trigger tag and unlike twitter spell it out completely! so when a crash happens or is talked about make sure to tag it 'tw crash' even with reblogs!! also remember to tag when you're being negative about a driver as 'anti *insert first name*' never do full name then it will show up in their tags which defeats the purpose of anti tagging.
adding to that, use tags! they're one of the best tumblr features its free to be overenthusiastic and excited in the tags BUT the blog you can reblog it from AND the op can also read those tags so keep that in mind!!
be nice! this shud be a given, be nice, let people do their thing and vibe, just support people and block when u you dont vibe with them! when you do wanna send hate asks do it off anon, dont be shy do it on main
and things arnt 'weird' in the same way they are on twitter, this place has no drivers and no public figures so shame is a lot less existent here, you have to get used to that
and lastly as quoted by my anon 'Don't be afraid to be funny or weird be thirsty on main ship the middle aged man no one cares.'
and most of all. HAVE FUN!!! dont be scared to ask people how things work most of us are very okay with answering 'dumb' questions a lot of us have been here for about a decade we know its a confusing platform please ask away!
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stabberghost ยท 4 months
i dont typically make posts like these especially since ive become inactive on this website and you TOTALLY don't have to read this! just wanna voice out some things. i might delete this later
please. PLEASE tell me if you see anyone claiming my ocs as theirs. awhile back there was a tiktok rp account using an oc of mine with ABSOLUTELY NO CREDIT WHATSOEVER I was NEVER asked if they could make an account based off of an oc of mine, and even if I were, i wouldve still said no. i was even confused for being the OWNER of the account months after the account was taken down. i do not use tiktok as a posting platform.
there is also a character ai bot or two of my oc. obviously not made by me because ive never used that app in my life. i cant quite do anything about it either, as far as i know there is no reporting option on there, and i have no way to contact the people who made the bots. absolutely strange but guess i just gotta live with certain things
i guess i could say something about blatantly stealing designs. but i dont exactly have much to say without seeming like an asshole. just please dont directly take my character designs. thank you
im aware how big my ocs (especially ONE of them) got on this platform. but that doesn't mean you can take them all for yourself. in the end they are just characters I made out of fun for a fandom.
and also, if by chance you see anyone pretending to be me, again, PLEASE tell me. send it in my ask box, anything. as long as i am getting word.
the only platforms I AM ON are:
instagram - @/pk.bruh
twitter - @/stabberghost
artfight - @/stabberghost
thank you!
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flagsandtags ยท 4 months
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intro !!
this account is ran by 2 people !! But Saturn posts the most :3
main accs:
saturn aka the starry city sys
salem aka a clucking system
You may also find all our flags on Saturn's pinterest
our stance on good faith identities
our dni list (read before following atleast.)
on this account we will post (mainly coin or recoin) flags !!
both of the owners are queer, audhd, and systems
flags will mostly be made by us but we may also share flags made by others!! these will always have proper credits. if you see your flag here and you want us to take it down please let us know!
Reminder we don't identify with every flag we post, we coin terms for everyone not just ourselves
if you would like to request a flag, please do it via asks :) they'll pretty much always be open! (and of course, we'll respond to normal questions n stuff there too)
all recoined flags will have a reason for reclaimation stated below the flag
please do not reupload our flags without permission !! u may use them in profiles without cred just dont claim to have made them :D thank you !!
do not use our dividers either, they are made by saturn
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Please don't be afraid to be specific !! We prefer when others are specific about colors and symbols !!
we dont support and will NOT do the following requests
radqueer flags
Contradicting labels (lesboy, turigirl, etc)
endo/willo/etc flags
Xeno source (that feels like your treating sources like xenogenders..)
proship/darkship/etc flags
anti xenogender xenoids
Hate speech (homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc)
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we support and WILL do the following requests
queer flags
traumagenic system term flags like roles, symptom holders, ect
recoins of endo flags (turning them into anti endo terms/flags)
recoins of good faith flags (turning them into reclaimed terms or anti good faith labels, such as lesboy being used for tmasc lesbians who DONT identify as men, but are comfortable using masculine terms)
those autistic spinterest/hyperfix flags
non humanity flags (alderhuman, otherkin, therian)
hearthome flags
pro xenogender xenoids
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"who can use your flags?" "How are we allowed to use your flags?"
You are allowed to use them in the following place
If "with credit" isn't specified it's ok to assume you aren't obligated to add credit, as long as you don't claim to have made it
- plural kit
- simply plural
- atlas duo (once it's ready)
- Tumblr profiles
- userboxes with credit
- lighthouse
- pronouns.cc
- pronouns page
- any other customizable profile websites/apps
You are not allowed to due the following
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urfavslav ยท 1 year
electric guitarist!rindo haitani & bassist!ran haitani. post from my old blog, mentions of gn reader !
ran will blow you kisses and wink at you on stage
I dont think rin particularly cares for his fans, as long as you support him ? right ? that's all he needs
ran is one that doesn't care for his fan mail, lets you go through it if you please
rin does his brothers eyeliner for shows, and when ran needs 'blackmail' info he uses this but it backfires and people just love him more
ran has a bunch of unreleased stuff. some of it is snippets dedicated to you.
rindou gets a lot of stickers from his fans ,, he just slaps them on his guitar case, teeny bit of appriceation.
sometimes ran gets scared of his hard-core fans, the ones that come to the airports and try and find their schedules so he gets his managers to lie about them (some times it works)
when their concerts go outside of Japan they promises to take you with them, they can always use a bookie <3
just know when ran goes out he literally has to cover up to avoid being swarmed with fans
rin plays pranks on his brother, can and has hid his brothers bass. it took ran a while to find it.
rindo occasionally plays with an acoustic, a few of his songs have lyrics that only you know what they mean. they will be references to dates and inside jokes you two have
rindou plays electric guitar but will steal his brothers bass to play around with it
one of ran's favorite things to do is to go through a few cords with you, guide your fingers on the stringed instrument (pda <3) he' ll even pull out his amp
when rin is bored and or hears a song with a guitar playing he's play the chords on air guitar. it eventually turned into a habit he does and doesn't even notice he's doing it
ran gives you first tickets to their shows and one time he doodled on the ticket and it was invalid even though it was his hand writing ๐Ÿ˜ญ he sent you one to your phone and made up for it though
they both get so soft when they hear you humming/singing one of their songs :(
โ˜… all works belong to @urfavslav , do not repost on anywhere else with or without credit, do not plagiarise. thank you !
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neptuniadoesstuff ยท 3 months
3 Myamic Gals based on/inspired by 3 Elf Races from TES!
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I was bored as hecc so I just made these 3 Gals. 2 of them are gae & married to each other. (Can u guess who?)
Originally, there was gonna be 4, but eh, 4 was too much... Plus, I already made a pic with like 5 characters & that was too much of my time. (Btw the dunmer lady was originally a guy, but she's a woman now!)
Anyways imma tell you about the true species of these goobers:
Top Right: Bosmer Mimic aka "Horned-Forest Glenderrah"
Bottom Middle: Maormer Mimic aka "Abyssal Hinkomonsi"
Top Left: Dunmer Mimic aka "Morrowsoot"
You can gave them names, I don't mind. As long it has a first & last name. (Bcs thats how Mimic naming works & they pretty much adopted it when humanity started to grow on Luhzeruh.)
Weird fact: The Mimic species has around 3-4 names, the most common is Mimic (bcs they can & will Mimic humans), their scientific name "Reptarius-Imatis", their true name "Altermorphs". & that other other word but thats a slur used by humans bcs apparently Mimics are lizerd-like. But despite them being humanoid lizerd ppl... They rlly opposed to being called "lizards" that it's just a slur for them now..
Btw some close ups lol:
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Characters are all mine. (Except for the species they were based on, those belong to the creators of the TES series)
Art: Mine STOOPID! (Srry not srry but dOnT tAkE iT fRoM mE)
Program: IbisPaint x
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my Blog's pinned project clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PEASE CREDIT ME!
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daymewm ยท 4 months
My name is Chris and i go by he/they/bat/pup!!
Im very new to making emotes n stuff so fo rn this is what i gots :3
Will do:
Animals/animal features, basic emotes(the lil yellow sillies) , agere/petre, expressions, recolors, characters in media (not too complicated tho), ocs, headmates, etc
Wont do:
Nsfw, gore, stuff too complicated(im still learning), media im not comfortable in drawing(shows that involve pedophilia, nsfw, incest, gr00ming, etc)
Being more specific when requesting makes it a lot easier to understand what you are asking for!! References are greatly appreciated!! Please keep in mind due to the fact im still learning anatomy is difficult for me!
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Please don't steal my emotes(repost without credit) reblogs r highy appreciated tho :3
If you use my emotes in a public server please credit!!
Please dont dm me without asking first!!!
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This will be edited as I learn!!
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ravenlking ยท 1 year
๐‘๐Ž๐’๐„๐’ ๐†๐‘๐Ž๐–๐ˆ๐๐† ๐Ž๐ ๐“๐‡๐Ž๐‘๐๐’ (II)
๐‘๐ˆ๐ƒ๐ƒ๐‹๐„ ๐‘๐Ž๐’๐„๐‡๐„๐€๐‘๐“๐’ ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐Œ๐€๐‹๐‹๐„๐”๐’ ๐ƒ๐‘๐€๐‚๐Ž๐๐ˆ๐€
gender-neutral warnings: genre: fluff a/n: - i accidently posted it too early and deleted it so i can't find the ask anymore T-T - the banners belong to me, but the pictures are from the official game! please do not steal! - please give me feedback :)
Let me know if you'd like more @rose-the-witch1
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physical touch with them is really awkward in the beginning. it makes sense - riddle has only the neglect from his mother, making him feel extremely touch-starved; malleus has only had lilia but he quickly grew out of his childish habits
tl;dr, you have a couple of touch-starved babies to hug!!
he is super shy about it, most times, he'll probably never bring it up!
although, you find his little secret out in a very cute and sherlock-like manner. you slowly realize that when your hugs are over, riddle is the last to let go, clenching his arms around you before reluctantly letting go. you start to notice whenever you'd leave, riddle would give you those cute, puppy-eyes, begging you to not leave
you're always the one to initiate it. whenever you walk side-by-side, you're the first to tangle your hands together, first to interlace your fingers together until riddle's face is as red as his hair. he'll quietly splutter out a question but is paused when you wink, pressing a kiss to his knuckles - igniting his face once more.
nowadays, you're sad to say that riddle is more used to your impromptu subtle pda, but dont be surprised if he's still stuttering and stumbling when you do so!
he is definitely not shy about it, especially in private. on most rainy days, he'll snatch you around the waist to plop you on his lap for reading his novel. an absent-minded arm around your waist clenches onto your skin as if silently begging you to not leave.
sometimes, if he's reading with you, malleus will bury his head into the crook of your collarbone, his gravely, deep voice rumbling in his chest and against your back, his warm breathes littering your skin with goosebumps - the embrace feels so much more intimate...
even on late night walks with you, he'll keep your hands laced together, a gentle smile every now and then igniting butterflies in your stomach, pressing soft kisses on your knuckles/inner wrist before teleporting away in a fluffy of fireflies - malleus is such a romantic
lilia demands credit for teaching malleus "the ways of romancing your partner who is a human and you're a heir 101"
little scenarios that never fail to give any of them butterflies:
you accidently falling asleep on them - malleus
malleus is stunned. you, a tiny human, trusts him, a big scary, intimidating dragon heir to fall asleep on. suddenly, malleus realizes the enormous size difference between the two of you. you're magicless, absolutely weak against any bullies and the school, and that thought just makes malleus growl under his breath. a gentle smile curving subconsciously on your lips makes him smile.
"good night, my dear" malleus murmurs, pressing a kiss to your forehead and continuing to read his book. a hand plays with your hair as you slept.
riddle falling asleep on your lap
riddle's so cute, you think. he has recently been exhausted with organizing all the hectic activities crowley planned, and it seemed that the exhaustion finally caught up to him. his ruby red hair fans out all around him like a halo and his chest slowly raises before dipping in repetitive motions. you could spend all day staring at him and won't even be bored. riddle was just that mesmerizing
you playing with malleus's hair - malleus
it's incredibly relaxing, malleus thinks. his eyes are closed, focusing on the soothing motions whenever your fingers comb through his hair, separate the stray knots before twisting and turning. at this rate, with how relaxed malleus is, he could fall asleep without even a second's pause. when he feels you stopping, you could see a pout on his face before you laugh and resume.
cuddling with each other!
obviously, you would be in the middle. riddle curls his body into a smaller ball, nuzzling his bright-red face against your chest and hugging an arm, while malleus back-hugs you from behind, acting as the bigger spoon. his warm breathes fan across your skin, littering goosebumps across your skin and combined with your rosy teddy bear, you fall asleep to a warm embrace
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lunariamv ยท 1 month
addressing the allegations (read until end :U)
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((pic unrelated LOL))
i didn't think i'd have to write about this, but i will just to be sure and for future visitors to my page
these aren't serious allegations; i'm joking but
there was a person who was spamming me on my accounts (and threatening me? lol); they accused me of plagiarism, which is not true
plagiarism is to steal and pass off ideas/words without crediting or acknowledging the source.
definitions used below:
but in all of my stuff i always credit charon is my inspiration; i am not passing off the inspiration as my own
therefore, since i am acknowledging and crediting the original work, it is not plagiarism.
Even then, i draw my own art, i write the dialogue and stuff myself (occasionally i make references to the original but for the most part it is my own words). The assets used for the maps and the music are free to use, and have been used by other rpg maker games not made by charon.
>the crooked man (uses same map assets)
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>the sandman (uses same map assets)
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>the original mad father (uses the same music)
>the original misao (uses same map assets)
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are these games plagiarizing each other? no
As for the writing/plot; i'm under the belief that in 2024, it's possible everything has been done before;; and since everything has been done before; its not really about being original or not anymore; to me it's about putting things together to make something interesting or entertaining for yourself and other people to enjoy;
kinda like palworld, it's got characters like pokemon but the gameplay is like arc; say what you want about it, but it did really well because people found it fun
you're free to disagree; that's just how i think media is now; lots of shows/games/books take inspiration from each other, and i don't think there's anything wrong with that;;
>the creators of persona 4 like death note, so they borrowed ideas from death note
>league of legends skins take inspiration from anime and video games all the time
>valorant is basically the same game as cs:go and overwatch is pretty much tf2
are these considered plagiarism? i don't think so, and i personally don't care if they are similar; people enjoy them and it brings no real world harm
what i've done is more like a retelling, where it has similar story beats to the original but goes somewhere different similar elements, but overall different enough not to take away from the original
i just felt like addressing this because people nowadays are very quick to judge and spread misinformation, without listening to the other side or doing research
it's depressing, really
i'm not that upset over it because the person who said this completely ignored all of my points when i calmly explained it to them; i have nothing to prove to people who are unreasonable and not willing to listen
you are free to disagree with my perspective, but at least look at the evidence and do diligent research first before accusing people of serious things
and even then if it upsets you, you are free to ignore me; i am a small creator with only like 100 followers on most of my socials; it seems like a waste of time to attack/harass a nobody like me xD
i will take the criticism in stride tho. As i have said before, it is not my intention to replace charon or anything, and eventually i will be diverting my work to be more different
the only similarity will be menhera/yandere stuff, but i focus more on female protagonists and male love interests instead of charon who does the opposite;; so my target audience is different; i wouldn't be affecting charon's bottom line or whatever
so if you are a fan of charon and you want exact same as charon stuff; please dont expect!! the style is similar but i just wanna make horror otome games for the girls LOL
that being said i do understand and i've altered a bit of things so it's more inspiration and looks less similar
(i've changed the ui a bit and i've lessened references for the next game)
please respect my opinion and make your judgement after reading;; you can unfollow/block if you are annoyed or something, it's okay with me; but ty for understanding and taking the time to hear me out
*if someone says something similar, ill just link them this, and if they dont read it; they gettin ignored :U
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tboom10 ยท 7 months
warning. eyestrain. if you're on max brightness and its 3 am proceed with causion. same if you hate a random dude on tumblr ramble for way to long. this includes more text then i care to admit.
icons of some hollow knight silksong characters except i really, and i mean really went overboard with special effects and other random stuff that mildly fits their character (and even that is somewhat questionable) to add as much eyestrain as i physically can and looks not bad. also i wanted to make more icons, but i lost interest and i really just wanna post something after no new art for like 2-3 weeks. also i used those custom pattens brushes to much and it shows.
this whole thing was me just wanting to draw trobbio once more and i thought 'why not an icon even though you've replaced your pfp not even a month', so i did. im not even gonna use it as a pfp, im just leaving it here and then i did the same for seth. and i spiraled from there.
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trobbio is the only one without those outlines and it rally bothers me, but due to how i layered i cant fix it. it is what it is. also it makes it more flashy, and if someone here has a flashy icon its him.
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seth's one is the least eyestrain one. but i like the darker tones, so im keeping it this way. honestly, might make it my pfp for a while. its probably my favorite one. yep, i peaked at the second one.
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i was looking at references for sherma and saw someone drew him with those pink flowers and it was to cute not to steal. i forgot who made it, but just so you know: the flowers weren't my original idea.
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this is my first lace icon. i dont really like it, so i made 2 for her. the only reason im posting it is cuz i've watd to much time on it.
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and her's the second one. this one kinda mirrors hornet's icon. why? well good question dear viewer (or whatever you call someone who actually reads this (which if you do, thank you, i dont type these for nothing)). its because i can. also i still dont love how the second one came out. i guess not everyone can draw every character. partly due to her needle? sword? thing she fight with still has lines about as straight as i am, and likely she is as well. this is the one with the clearest use of a shape brush.
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i hope hornets needle doesn't look thrown in, cuz thats exactly what i did. it was to kinda mirror lace's battle weapon and its kinda silvery and lace's is gold, and ok, you get it now. honestly, hornets one is one of my more favorites, even though the star brush is to obvious.
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shakra's icon is ok. honestly, probably the least remarkable one. i dont really have anything interesting to add. ok 1 thing mildly interesting. i think this one took th longest to make the character for. thats about it really. and like lace, i can barely draw her. also why and how did i get worse at using star brushes? they weren't as obvious on the first few and on the last 3 it was clear as day. it is what it is i suppose.
also, before anyone asks, if you really, and i mean really somehow wanna use them, go ahead, credit is appriciated, though not needed. just dont say you made them alright. or do. idk why you wanna claim these are yours though, but i lack the ability to care, nor come after you irl. but please dont do it, its kind of an asshole move imo. if you still do, i guess i cant stop you, though if you steal art im just gonna assume you're kind of a prick to be around. also i still have enough material to make a part 2 (like carmlita and forg daughter). but im busy making other stuff rn.
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