#please explain this thing that was explained and obvious in the show thus proving i paid no attention
carolinemathildes · 2 years
watching Mike Flanagan answer the dumbest asks that people should’ve been embarrassed to send.
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projecktgestalt · 9 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfiction - A cold winter What if Gojo Satoru fell in love? - Part 3 - End
Gojo's phone was ringing.
"Oh god. We overslept! Get up Akira."
Then he answered the phone.
"Hey, Suguru."
-"Where the hell are you? I came to fetch you for school but you weren't in your room."
"I know. I'm sorry. I'll catch ya."
They rushed as much as they could but they still got there after Masamichi entered the class. Geto guessed what had happened but when Shoko saw them entering the class in such a hurry together, she was amazed.
"Don't tell me Satoru hooked up with that girl!" Shoko murmured into Geto's ear.
-"You'd be surprised."
Geto, Gojo, and Satomi were all gathered together at Masamichi's office, waiting for Masamichi sensei to show up.
"What's up, everyone?"
"We encountered a problem which we could not handle. And thus, we need your help." Said Geto.
"Please do sit, then continue." Said Masamichi.
Satomi explained the whole thing about that evil spirit she saw. Then Geto continued to explain their theory.
"First of all... let's skip the part of  blaming you all for disobeying several rules and risking so much." Said Masamichi
Everyone felt relieved.
"To the end of our session!" He continued.
Anxiety came back.
"It is true. I didn't know the details at first, but a sentence to death for such a young girl was rushed and weird. That's why I stepped in and then trusted Satomi with you, Satoru." Explained Masamichi.
"Is there any other information you know about this matter, sensei?" Asked Gojo.
-"I'm not entirely sure. But the fact that they tried another trick on her, says that the situation is getting dangerous. I will arrange for her to stay at the dorms as well. And all of you must stay alert."
"But what if the higher-ups decide I have to get executed in the end? What if they decide I'm dangerous?" Asked Satomi.
-"I understand your concerns. That is precisely why I have asked you to train hard. The stronger and trust worthier you become, the more it drops the rates of such an outcome. When they see you as a trusted ally they will draw back from that decision. It's up to you. You must prove you're worth more to them alive than dead."
"Then we are to do nothing and wait?" Asked Gojo.
"You are to continue your training. If I find anything, I'll inform the three of you." Said Masamichi.
"Thank you, Sensei" Said Geto.
The three of them tried to flee the office before Masamichi recalled to blame them.
"Where are you going? I haven't determined your punishment yet."
They froze where they were. what an obvious escape.
"I can't believe we're grounded for 2 whole weeks!" Said Gojo.
And then throw himself on a bench.
"Be happy we still get to explore the school grounds. Otherwise, all we could do was to attend classes and go back to our rooms!"
Replied Geto. He also sat beside Gojo.
"But I wanted to get some mochi from my favorite shop in the city!"
-"Stop whining!"
"I know! I should call Akira and ask her to buy me some on her way back here!"
-"But she's carrying her belongings. That's why she's outta the school grounds! To fetch her belongings and move to the dorms!."
-"Anyway, you seem happy today. Has something happened?"
"Like what?"
-"Like between you and Akira."
"Oh, a lot actually. But I'm not tellin' ya."
-"You don't have to. You're a goddamn open book."
"Am I now? Are you picking on me?"
-"No! I'm just tellin' the truth!"
"I beg your pardon? Why not settle this between us?"
-"As you wish, Satoru."
The moment they started to fight, Gojo's phone rang. He took it without hesitation.
"What's up? Did you pack up?"
-"Yeah. I'm on my way there... I'm riding there by car, is there anything you need so I would get it along the way?"
"Ah Yes!! You're my savior! I'll send it through text."
-"Anyway... I wanted to talk about something else. My transfer was so sudden, that I'm nervous about it. I'll have to be near to Shoko san. But she doesn't like me. what should I do?"
"Shoko Ieiri? That's good for you, In fact, That's exactly what you need right now."
-"Oh Satoru! I'm serious here!"
"Satoru, Put it on speakers." Said Geto. He was looking forward to kicking Gojo's ass but then the call ruined his mood so he was a little disappointed. But when he heard Shoko's name he totally understood what was going on, knowing both Satomi and Shoko.
-"I said put it on the speakers."
"Akira, Suguru wants to have a word." Said Gojo.
"Akira san, do you know what are you going to do for your next season of training?"
"You see, you have once used reversed cursed energy techniques, which means that's another option for you to learn and release your absorbed energy. And you know whose specialty is reversed cursed energy? Shoko Ieiri."
-"Alright. Now you just made me even more nervous!"
"Don't be! she's a kind person. I'm sure she'll grow to like you. well, she has to. because she's the one who's going to train with you from now on."
-"You're saying I have to face it whether I like it or not."
"Good girl."
"Now hurry back or the old man will make even more restrictions." Said Gojo.
He hung up the call.
"Now... where were we again?" Said Geto eagerly.
Satomi was carrying her bag, deeply lost in her thoughts trying to imagine all possible conversations that could happen, When she suddenly heard someone calling her name.
"Satomi? Are you OK?"
she was pulled back to reality.
"Oh! Shoko san! I'm sorry I was lost in my thoughts. didn't hear you."
-"Masamichi sensei asked me to receive you and show you the building."
"It's kind of you to do so."
-"Not a problem. I didn't have a choice anyway."
"I... Understand that you don't like me."
-"Like you? No. That's not the case. I just don't trust you, to me, you're a timer bomb. That's how I see it anyway."
"Oh, I see! Good to know!
-"Anyway. let's get you to your room first."
Shoko showed Satomi the primary locations she'd be needing to use and then left.
Shoko was smoking again. at her balcony. Her room was located on the top floor. so it wouldn't have hurt anyone.
Her phone rang.
"What is it, Suguru?"
-"I trust you and our new girl have settled?"
"Not exactly."
-"Either way, she'll be needing your help."
"She needs everyone's help apparently."
-"No I mean, you could teach her reversed techniques. She has already done it once. restored a cat's missing leg. She's talented. I was hoping you'd teach her basics."
"What?! So that was what Satoru was talking about. No promises. but I'll see to it."
After she hung up, she noticed a familiar sound from upstairs. on the roof. It was Satomi. She also was smoking on the roof. And talking to her phone.
"Guess we'll just have to wait for two weeks then."
-"No way! I was just getting started!"
"You call that a start? Gods help me."
-"Listen, we can sneak around. Or you could come here."
"That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard."
-"Say what you want. I'm gonna have it my way anyway."
"Listen... I don't think Shoko san will help me. I'll have to find another way."
-"She's not that cruel! stop worrying about it."
"Fine fine. Let's call it a day. I'll see you tomorrow."
She finished her cigarette too. That was when she noticed someone else was there.
It was Shoko.
"I didn't take you for a smoker."
-"Unfortunately, I am." Replied Satomi.
Shoko walked beside her.
"It's not the cigarettes... It's the habit I've taken to look at the sky." continued Satomi.
-"It's understandable. It has never been about the nicotine. It's a chance to take a step back and observe. Not that the flow of time would agree, but we humans don't quite understand time itself. "
This was probably the first pleasant Talk between Shoko and Satomi.
"Suguru told me you once grew a cat's leg back. is that true?" Asked Shoko.
"Indeed. I was shocked myself."
-"Do you remember how did you do it?"
"No. I tried again. But I couldn't. I've no clue how to."
-"I can-"
A cold wind blew. It was about to rain. A lightning struck right above them. That was when, through the light, Shoko saw something horrifying.
She saw a twisted shape similar to a plant wrapped around Satomi, rooted within her. And where Shoko assumed was its head, was located above Satomi's head. Like a trail of Satomi's actual body. And it had eyes. dozens of small eyes on its branches which created a head shape with a sinister smile.
Shoko took a step back but didn't say anything. She just stopped.
"You were saying?"
-"Ah nothing. I think it's late and we should head back to our rooms."
And then she left in a rush.
"I'm probably just having hallucinations. Maybe I'm sleepy?
How can that be... How can I see something when it isn't there? I didn't feel even a bit of cursed energy from her. How can it be?"
Shoko decided not to help Satomi. not to get involved with her at all. But she wasn't sure of what she saw. that's why she didn't talk about it to anyone. Everyone would've called her crazy or they would have said she's making things up. Not even in the Jujutsu world, such things were ordinary.
"Come on, you've learned nothing? you read an entire book! at least maybe you can heal your own wound!" Said Gojo.
"I can't! I just can't!" Said Satomi. while she was cleaning a scratch on her neck. Because she got hurt while absorbing Gojo's attack and she couldn't take it whole.
"Be ready, I'm gonna boost it."
Gojo launched another attack. Satomi absorbed it fully. but she suddenly felt exhausted and fell to her knees. Her head was blowing.
"Akira? What's wrong?" Gojo went to her.
She was squeezing her head. As if the pain was getting worse.
"Don't do that!"
-"I can't! It hurts!"
Satomi tried to stand again but her eyes went black and she fainted.
Gojo grabbed her. He noticed Satomi was murmuring to herself even though she was unconscious.
"Leave me alone."
"This again?" Gojo said to himself. He picked her up and carried her to the school's infirmary.
Satomi was murmuring the entire time.
She woke up after about half an hour.
"What happened?" Asked Satomi.
-"You don't remember?" Replied Gojo.
"No. I just... remember the pain. was I exhausted?"
-"That's what they say. But I can't believe it. You've worked hard up until now and I've never seen you growing tired nor being weak. But in the past week, You seem to be pushing yourself so much and you can't even do half of what you were able to."
"Is that so?... Then I guess my powers are fading."
-"It's not that simple. Did you know something? Did you know you suffer nightmares?"
"I know I can't sleep well but I don't recall any nightmares."
-"You've been saying some really weird things."
"Forgive me then."
From that day, Satomi experienced a lotta headaches. No one knew what was wrong with her.
At some point, she started to hallucinate. It started to happen during a class.
Another headache came to Satomi.
"Oh god."
-"Another headache?" said Geto.
She didn't get a chance to reply.
The pain was so severe (as usual) She fell off the chair. She fell on all fours on the ground, but she didn't pass out.
Instead, she was bumping powerful fists on the ground, once they synthesized with cursed energy and destroyed the floor. That was when everyone got worried.
She started weeping and screaming "NOO".
Gojo tried to calm her down, but even he got pushed away.
As she was crying, she stood again. She wasn't screaming anymore. she raised her head and stared at something in the air. something in her head. her eyes were brighter than ever.
"GET OUT!" She screamed and unleashed a powerful wave of cursed energy enough to destroy the whole class.
Gojo acted fast and cast a barrier to avoid that result and then knocked her down with a blow.
After that incident, someone came to Masamichi, telling him he had to attend a session with the higher-ups.
"I'm losing my mind. Aren't I?" said Satomi to Gojo.
The both of them were in a room inside the infirmary. Satomi was hospitalized there after that incident and injected with lots of Tranquilizers, under special care.
-"No, you've just been pushing yourself beyond limits. you need to rest for a few days."
"That's not true... I've seen it. When I saw it, I remembered. all the nightmares you talked about. It's been in my dreams ever since I can remember. From the beginning. it grew with me and now It's getting violent. because I've been using its powers... It's getting stronger and bigger..."
-"And they are just nightmares!"
"They're not..."
-"It can't be real. I don't sense anything, Even in the class, I couldn't sense any presence. I didn't see anything."
"But I know it's real..."
"Just rest. OK? leave the rest to me."
Gojo said Goodbye and left. He went to look for Masamichi sensei, but he was nowhere to be found.
"I am officially dead. For all this information, I demand One thing."
-"What do you want?"
"I want to be forgiven for my actions. and leave this place sound and safe."
-"If your information is valid and useful, you shall have it."
"Very well, then I shall begin."
One day after the incident. Gojo And Geto were playing basketball.
"Why isn't the old man anywhere to be found? I should talk to him."
-"You're getting distracted Satoru, clear your head and focus."
"This isn't helping at all."
Gojo scored a goal and stopped playing.
"I am powerless. AND THIS IS THE WORST TIME TO BE POWELESS." He shouted.
-"We all are. This isn't about only you."
"You don't understand..."
-"Oh I do, Satoru. I have always been observing you As your closest friend, I can say exactly how much you've become attached to that girl in this short amount of time."
Shoko walked into the basketball court.
"I have bad news, guys."
"Since I was a child, I had so little power to manipulate the cursed energy. But in another aspect of my life, I was intelligent. Yet I always yearned for more. That's why I started to research cursed energy. They say everything could be explained by science and I wanted to prove that myself. I, as a researcher, one who could see more than things just science could explain. My goal was to achieve more power. To do that, I tried many things, including fusing myself into a low cursed spirit. to see if it was possible to inherit its powers. You see, Using a powerful cursed spirit would have the risks of endangering me. The results were unsuccessful.
When I got pregnant, at first I didn't want the child, but then suddenly a new idea came to my mind. What if I infused and sealed an unborn high cursed spirit within my unborn child?
Years passed and the child never showed any sign of any powers. She wasn't even able to see cursed spirits. So I thought I had failed once again.
I tried to separate the cursed spirit from her, But it was impossible at that rate. They had grown together and had been intertwined with each other. Until one day, my 18-year-old child came to me, saying she was seeing things. Flames of hope were lightened up again inside me. So I waited to see. what happens next.
I watched her drown in depression. she lost all her friends because she was bringing misfortunes into their lives. I was beginning to worry when a death happened. I investigated every incident so far, So I knew for sure what was happening. She was causing several cursed spirits to be born into this world. It should've been only the result of leaked cursed energy.
The unborn cursed spirit I had planted inside her, had always been doing nothing but feeding on her. And of course, That walking talking freak was also feeding on the curse. It was only natural for them to be feeding on pain and sorrow and absorbing everything. I knew What I had caused to be born into this world.
A creature twisted of both human and a cursed spirit. Opposites, living together, canceling each other, feeding on each other.
I knew I couldn't destroy it. That was why, I prepared a plan for it to be handled by the Jujutsu society. I faked my own death, I killed my husband. Awaiting for her madness. That was when I heard about the death of my son. And then I managed to sing the song to one of the jujutsu society sorcerers.
I hoped they would slay the girl, But they took her in instead.
The reason I'm doing this now is because I want to avoid a disaster. That creature will eventually eat Akira Satomi from the inside. She WILL die. Especially now that she has used her powers. She can not be saved and she must die before an unknown terrifying creature is born from her. I am taking responsibility for my actions. I know there's no salvation for my child."
-"You will take responsibility after you name those who helped you in all these matters. You couldn't have done it all on your own"
"I worked with a whole company, But it's closed."
-"The same company you were officially an employee of?"
-"That's enough. We will look into it."
"This must be a made-up story. someone is plotting her death." Said Gojo.
-"It's not..." replied Shoko.
"There's no way such a thing can exist!
-"Are you trying to deny the whole thing just because you're fucking that girl?"
Gojo flared up.
"Careful now!"
Geto stepped in.
"How are you so sure, Ieri san?"
-"I have seen it... I couldn't believe my eyes. So I didn't say a thing. But I saw it for just a moment that day... That THING is growing even out of her."
"No wonder she's been having all those symptoms," said Geto.
"I will not sit and watch them kill her. for now, the Sedative pills have kept her calm," said Gojo.
-"They can't protect her forever, Satoru." Said Geto.
"No! But I will. I'll buy some time to figure this out. And no one speaks a word about this to her!"
-"You're defending a monster!" said Shoko, Her eyes were wide open, She couldn't believe Gojo had become so stubborn.
"It's none of your business. I will do as I please. at my own risk."
Gojo managed to buy a few days and delay Satomi's death sentence by his own responsibility. He didn't even know where to look for a solution.
What he didn't know, was that even if the higher-ups agreed to never lay a hand on Satomi, her time was already up. it was already happening.
That day, that exact same day when he talked his way through the higher-ups, it happened.
"Evacuate everyone! No one is gonna suffer more injuries!" said a doctor at the infirmary.
-"You're the only one left! we've been instructed to be alert since yesterday!" Replied a personnel to the doctor."
"Have you called for help? I will maintain a barrier till help arrives."
-"I have! You won't last! It's too dangerous!"
"I will! You leave immediately."
Satomi was out of control. The pills had no effect on her any longer, and since she was dosed with them for days repeatedly, all the suppressed cursed energy within her was roaring. A storm began to rage through Satomi's screams and the doctor's barrier broke.
Fortunately, at the same time, the walls broke and he just got thrown out of the building.
Gojo, was already on his way to visit Satomi when he saw the storm. It was getting freezing cold. He rushed with all his might.
Gojo managed to destroy the storm. The building was buried in ruins. He found Satomi and held her. She regained Consciousness.
"I can't take it anymore... please... please put an end to this."
-"I'm going to find a way! I promise!"
"It'll be too late for that... It'll absorb everything. It's eating me alive. I am... Becoming... Something!"
"Please. I don't want to die a monster!"
He couldn't do it. He also knew it was too late, but he couldn't come to make a decision, He was still waiting for a miracle to happen.
"Fulfill her last wish, Satoru!" Said Geto.
He and Shoko had arrived.
Gojo turned back and looked at them with the uncertainty in his eyes. Even though his eyes were hidden behind his glasses, they could see it.
"This is how you can save here now!" Said Shoko.
He was still undetermined. But the creature inside Satomi wasn't waiting for anyone's determination.
In a second, what Shoko once saw, appeared in reality. Everyone saw it. The three of them were in shock at the frightening scene.
It just took another second for the creature to fully grind Satomi's remaining body inside its branches.
The girl was dead and destroyed right in front of them. And it happened so fast none of them could fully understand what was happening.
That creature, A being mixed of human flesh and a cursed spirit bits, Born from an immense amount of cursed energy walked on earth.
All Satomi was able to do once using her power, It could do them too, fully grown with full control of those powers.
Gojo didn't know anything. He still couldn't read the creature. So once again he put aside his glasses and took a good look.
"Attack it at once!" Said Shoko. She was planning to support them.
Geto started the battle himself. The first curse he drove at the creature, was absorbed in an instant.
As a second one, He used a more powerful spirit.
That one got swallowed up as well.
"Engage in battle for god's sake!" Screamed Geto. They were in big trouble.
Gojo finally came to his senses. He found himself on the battlefield and knew that he had to strike the enemy.
He landed an attack on the creature, but again, It failed. The creature absorbed it whole, then charged it with the cursed energy it absorbed from Geto before, And stroked back. The strike had a great destructive force. It was a relief everyone evacuated the area.
"What on earth should we do?!" Said Geto.
-"We'll have to overcharge it!" Answered Gojo.
"Does this thing have a limitation in absorbing?"
-"We won't know unless we try!"
"No, The whole school could get destroyed! It's a grave risk!"
-"If we do nothing, it definitely will fall! You distract it, I'll do the charging! "
"Do it fast! Don't give it any chance to strike back!" Shouted Shoko.
-"I KNOW!"
Shoko was trying to maintain a barrier at a far distance, so it doesn't get discovered by the beast. And it could also protect the rest of the territory.
As Geto tried to distract the creature with small attacks, Gojo was preparing his own attack.
"Let's see if you can swallow my blue technique, or will it be blue that sucks you in?"
Gojo succeeds in landing his "blue".
His technique started to ravish the creature's body, yet it was taking longer than everyone expected.
It was no use. Even blue got absorbed.
"Watch out!!" Shoko shouted.
Again, the creature countered back. Geto and Gojo were thrown away due to the powerful wave of the unleashed strike of cursed energy.
Shoko started to heal them.
"It's a newborn creature, soon it will start to learn to put up a fight! For now, it's just defending itself. You see? It's not engaging in battle yet." Said Shoko.
The creature was just standing, looking around.
"If this goes on, we will run outta cursed energy! It'll devour us!" Said Geto.
"Blue didn't work! Does anyone else have any plans? Before it gets dirty!"
"You're fighting it the wrong way, my dear students."
"Masamichi sensei!" Said Geto.
"What do you mean, sensei?" Asked Gojo.
"Our target is the cursed energy's natural enemy. But it has a weak point, it's mixed of human flesh and blood." Continued Masamichi.
"Physical attacks!" Said Geto.
"That's right. Now, everyone, it might be fast and strong, but it'll take for it to learn how to fight. Let's destroy it before that happens." Said Masamichi.
It was now or never. That was their chance. The three of them, Masamichi, Geto, and Gojo worked together to finish up the beast.
The battle was easy at the beginning, but it was getting tougher by the minute. The beast was learning fast.
"The longer it takes the more of a disadvantage it is to us!" Said Masamichi.
All of them were getting tired. Yet the beast... It seemed to be recovering its own wounds.
"It's getting nowhere! I shall use blue again when it's tired." Said Gojo.
"No, you'll be feeding it more fuel!" Said Geto.
Masamichi put out a knife.
"We'll find an opening and I will strike it at its core. It's heart. That shall do the job."
-"No! You'll be killing Akira WITH IT!" Said Gojo.
"She's already dead child. I'm sorry." Replied Masamichi.
Gojo didn't say anything else. It was all his fault, to begin with. He should've let her die in peace instead of sentencing her to suffer so much.
They overcame their exhaustion and began to attack again.
Masamichi found an opening. He acted fast and aimed for the beast's heart.
But the beast was faster than him, it concluded the attack and tried to defend. But then suddenly, it froze and didn't move.
Masamichi took his chance and struck it right at its heart.
The beast fell to the ground. The branches started to disappear.
And then Satomi went back to her normal looks. Yet she was dead, the knife remained at her heart.
"No..." Gojo ran to her.
Hugged her cold body.
"She helped us! She was still alive!" He screamed.
Geto tried to calm him down but he got rejected.
"Leave me alone with her..."
-"She's gone now. She's in peace. Akira was suffering her whole life." Said Geto and left.
That was the first strike at Gojo Satoru's heart. The first time he felt powerless even though he was the strongest. His first feeling of loss. His first hole.
And then years after that, we all know when did it happen for the second time. THE END Please do bless me with the favor of sharing your opinions about this work.
0 notes
ibijau · 3 years
27 for chengxian! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
(Losing their memory only to have it come back after a much awaited true love’s kiss.)
Y'all really like that prompt lol I think I have at least one more ask for that one somewhere?
“And he’s been like this the whole time?” Jiang Cheng asked, repressing a shiver of disgust.
“Yes, zongzhu.”
“He didn’t even make a single inappropriate joke?”
“Not so much as a smile, zongzhu. And he said he was sorry for the inconvenience.”
Jiang Cheng gave Wei Wuxian another long look. He would have suspected a joke, but that style of humour would have more been Nie Huaisang’s thing. Wei Wuxian usually went for pranks instead of comedy. Besides, several Jiang disciples had been there when Wei Wuxian had taken in hand the cursed box, and they’d all testified to feeling a powerful discharge of Yin energy. Not only that, but the owner of the box had apparently warned them beforehand of the risk, and explained as well how to cure the curse.
True love’s kiss, of all things.
Normally, when it came to Wei Wuxian, that would have been quite an easy cure to organise. If anything, it was preventing him from indulging in those true love’s kisses that proved a challenge.
So of course this whole mess had to happen when, for once, Jiang Cheng had managed to get his shixiong to come without that damn icicle he called a husband. A favour he had only obtained because Lan Wangji was away on a Night Hunt in a place where resentment toward the feared Yiling patriarch remained too great for Wei Wuxian to go with him. It would take a few days until Lan Wangji could be warned of this incident and returned to administer his cure.
Until then, Jiang Cheng was stuck with this stranger who didn’t look like his shixiong, and didn’t even act like him either.
“At least it’s an improvement over his normal personality,” his first disciple scoffed. “Let’s all enjoy it while it lasts.”
“Am I really that bad?” Wei Wuxian asked with open concern. “If it is inconvenient for others when I am myself, perhaps I’d better stay like this.”
Jiang Cheng huffed. Lan Wangji would never have allowed that, he knew. Someone in that marriage needed to have a personality, and it wasn’t going to be the second jade of Gusu Lan. Although perhaps if they were both equally boring, then perhaps there would be a divorce, and Jiang Cheng could get his shixiong back.
A most tempting plan, except for the fact that this man before him just wasn’t Wei Wuxian, and thus wasn’t worth keeping around.
“Send for Lan Wangji,” Jiang Cheng reluctantly ordered. “And you, come with me,” he added toward Wei Wuxian. “I’m not letting you sleep at some inn when you’re in that state. I’ll have your room prepared, you’re staying where I can see you until you’re better.”
The man who wasn’t Wei Wuxian meekly followed him without a single objection, nor any attempt at teasing. Jiang Cheng found it almost sickening, which surprised him. He’d spent most of his life wishing Wei Wuxian would learn to act more appropriately and to show proper deference to those around him. By all accounts, this should have pleased Jiang Cheng to finally behold a version of his shixiong that knew his place.
He refused to dwell on that, mostly because it never did him good to think too long about that insufferable shixiong of his. Instead, Jiang Cheng congratulated himself on his decision to have had a room prepared for Wei Wuxian the instant he’d heard Lan Wangji wasn’t with him. If he wasn’t going to have shameless intercourse during the whole night, there was no need to banish Wei Wuxian to an inn. Of course Jiang Cheng hadn’t been sure how to offer that bedroom to the other man without being accused of being friendly, so at least one positive side to that curse had been to remove the need for an explanation.
After a few days together, Jiang Cheng had determined that being stuck with that unnatural version of Wei Wuxian was the worst torture he’d ever endured, even counting being struck by discipline whips and having his golden core torn from him.
Now that he’d had time to observe the amnesiac man during the afternoon and at dinner, Jiang Cheng had realised that contrary to his first impression, something of Wei Wuxian remained through the loss of memory. It was only small things, a manner of movement, the way he held his glass of tea, or the gesture with which he sprinkled additional spices over his dinner without even tasting it. A hundred ghosts of who Wei Wuxian was, lingering in a man who had too much politeness and not enough humour.
It was striking also to realise just how little Wei Wuxian looked like himself in his current body. Usually it wasn’t noticeable because his personality made up for the difference, but at the moment he truly looked like nothing but a complete stranger wearing a disguise.
Jiang Cheng hated it.
And Wei Wuxian, apparently, noticed it.
“If you tell me more about what I’m normally like, I can try to act more like it,” he said in a forlorn voice on the fourth afternoon, while watching Jiang Cheng take care of his correspondence.
Jiang Cheng only grunted.
“Though from what everyone says, aren’t I more pleasant to have around like this?”
Another grunt. Others were idiots for not appreciating Wei Wuxian as he naturally behaved, while Jiang Cheng was equally stupid for missing it.
“Just tell me what to do,” Wei Wuxian insisted, and Jiang Cheng hated that those were words he’d always wished to hear but now felt so wrong. “Should I smile? Should I be…” he hesitated. “Should I be obnoxious?” he asked in a trembling voice, just pathetic enough that in a roundabout way, it did sound like something Wei Wuxian might say if he were joking.
Jiang Cheng, exhausted and on edge, almost laughed.
Sadly Wei Wuxian noticed, and took it as encouragement.
“I think I can do that,” he claimed, coming to sit closer until he was nearly on Jiang Cheng’s lap.
That, too, felt a little too much like the real Wei Wuxian, though normally he kept that sort of behaviour for Lan Wangji.
Well perhaps that damn icicle liked being climbed over, but Jiang Cheng did not. Not at all, not one bit, that scenario had never once appeared in his dreams, when his mind thought it could betray his good sense. So Jiang Cheng tried to push away Wei Wuxian, who quickly threw his arms around Jiang Cheng’s neck to make it harder.
“Isn’t this the sort of things I’d do?” Wei Wuxian pleaded, pressing himself harder against Jiang Cheng the more his shidi tried to get rid of him, until he was all but straddling him. “I’ve heard people say I’m flirty.”
“Yes, toward your husband!”
“Well, I don’t know him. But I know you. You’ve been kind to me those few days, even when it was obvious that you don’t like seeing me like this. You shout a lot, but I think you’re a very good person at heart.”
“I’ve tried to kill you in the past,” Jiang Cheng blurted, though he gave up on trying to push Wei Wuxian away. “More than once.”
“From what I’ve heard, you’re hardly the only one.”
Two thoughts crossed Jiang Cheng’s mind.
The first was that he might have to borrow some ideas and forbid gossip in the Lotus Pier, if Wei Wuxian had heard so much in so little time.
The second was that he probably ought to hate a little more the way Wei Wuxian was straddling him, and how close he was. Close enough that if someone were to come in, they’d get the wrong idea and think they were about to…
Jiang Cheng’s eyes flickered to Wei Wuxian’s lips. He wondered, and then mentally slapped himself for wondering.
“The cure is a true love’s kiss, isn’t it?” Wei Wuxian asked in a whisper.
“Your damn true love is going to arrive tonight or tomorrow,” Jiang Cheng retorted in a voice that failed to be anything but pleading. “Wait for him instead of playing games.”
“If I wait for him, I’ll never be sure about you,” came the answer, before Wei Wuxian pressed their lips together.
Jiang Cheng, at first, merely allowed it to happen, unsure what to do with his hands, with his mouth even. Wei Wuxian appeared to understand and, without breaking the kiss, placed Jiang Cheng’s hands on his hips while also moving his lips in a gentle manner, as if trying to show him what to do.
When they parted, Wei Wuxian’s cheeks were flushed and his eyes shining with emotion. Then, slowly, his lips parted into the most obnoxious grin in the world, one that Jiang Cheng hadn’t seen once in those last few days.
“Jiang Cheng!” Wei Wuxian laughed, his voice just as annoying as ever. “Jiang Cheng, who knew!”
“Shut up! Get off my lap now that you’re cured!”
Wei Wuxian laughed again, sounding like a demented wolf, and Jiang Cheng hated how much he had missed that.
“Jiang Cheng, don’t pretend, I know you care, you can’t hide it anymore!”
“Who’d care for an asshole like you!” Jiang Cheng exploded, trying again to push away the other man, only for Wei Wuxian to laugh and press another quick kiss to his lips.
“Look at you, all embarrassed! Jiang Cheng, you’re an idiot, you know.”
“I’ll murder you!”
“Been there, done that,” Wei Wuxian retorted with another kiss. “Now listen. The cure was true love’s kiss, not ‘somewhat unrequited long lasting crush kiss’, alright?”
Jiang Cheng stopped fighting instantly, thus giving Wei Wuxian the chance to kiss him again, a little longer this time. Without any input from his brain, Jiang Cheng’s hands found their way to the other man’s hips, this time pulling him closer.
“What about your Hanguang-Jun then?” Jiang Cheng breathlessly asked when they parted. “Does that mean he’s…”
“I’m a very spoiled man,” Wei Wuxian said. “I can have two true loves, to make up for the fact that they’re both absolute bitches.”
The idea of sharing Wei Wuxian, now that Jiang Cheng knew he could have him, was particularly unpleasant. The only thing that would make it bearable, Jiang Cheng decided, was the certainty that Lan Wangji would be appalled that they had anything in common.
Happy with this petty thought, Jiang Cheng kissed Wei Wuxian again.
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bettyminicoop · 3 years
We're at AU since 504, and I'll prove it to you.
So, Riverdale is a comic.
No not like this.
This is how this article began a day ago, when I tried to develop a theory about season 5 and try to explain the absurdity of everything that we have seen on the show lately. But Riverdale is really a comic, in which anything can happen, including events that take us to an alternate universe.
So, the main secret of the season 5 is not mixing ships, it's not about TBK, not about Moth Men, not about TRAUMA™. The main secret of the season 5 is: "What the hell is going on here?"
Does RAS like predictions? Jughead in 417 literally says, "In what future are we not together?" Thus, launching this universe, in which we find ourselves since 504. And there is an explanation for all this, oddly enough.
Honestly, I think that the absurdity of 518 helped me a lot. I realized that all the ship's nonsense of the season is a red herring. I calmed down, exhaled, moved a little further and looked at the whole picture.
For convenience in the future, I will call the events of the first four seasons as RD01, and season 5 since 504 as RD AU. So, everything that happened in RD01 also happened in RD AU, but in a different way. And something may not have happened at all. This is where all the inconsistencies with the plot of the first four seasons come from.
1. The writers are not lazy, they don't forget what happened 5 episodes ago. RAS simply deceived everyone by taking a very risky step. All of the plots that take place in Season 5 have a backstory that we don't know anything about. Except for certain plots that are taken out of the context of the first four seasons. But the difference is that all these plots that happened in RD01 went completely differently here in RD AU.
2. The episode of Citizen Lodge has the most direct evidence for the existence of RD AU. Because if this episode hadn't happened, it would have been hard to guess RD AU. It would be impossible to connect the dots. Citizen Lodge is the key to unlocking the mystery of Season 5 of Riverdale.
The Midnight Club takes place in 1992, but Citizen Lodge takes place in 1988. Although these are the same characters, in the same age range. But at Citizen Lodge we were shown newborn Veronica, because Hermosa never existed here. In RD01, the Lodges have a family rum business, RD AU Lodges are shoe shiners not originally living in Riverdale. The events of both episodes contradict each other, because they took place in different universes. This is not a fault of the writers, this is a deliberate hint. This whole new RD AU universe exists several years earlier than RD 01.
Small addition. In 516 it is indicated that Hermosa exists in the RD AU. But maybe she is younger than Veronica.
3. The last time a clear timeline is set is 503, when Jughead sits in Pop's a year after graduation. And when he walks out the door, he says that the next time he saw his friends was six years later. But we haven't seen that yet. Because that's where RD01 ends.
When 504 starts, nowhere is it stated how many years have passed. The first timeline is set by Veronica Lodge. "It's 2021". And this is the very first clue that we are in the middle of RD AU.
4. When Season 5 was announced, RAS said it would be a 5 year time jump. But by the start of the season, it turned into 7 years. And there is still no error. In RD01, after Bughead says goodbye on the porch, their next meeting actually happens in seven years. But we haven't seen it yet.
RD AU probably takes place five years after core four graduated from high school. And this is confirmed by Bughead's conversation in the bunker when Betty asks Jughead why he's bringing up a conflict five years ago. Which by the way does not negate the fact that voicemail happened only two years ago. Because it is the aftermath of a terrible five-year conflict that ended Bughead's relationship in RD AU. Do you seriously agree that kissing was a terrible thing to do? Probably something worse happened at RD AU.
5. On the chest of Archie RD AU there is no scar after his meeting with the bear, so this did not happen in this universe. We've been shown Archie's breasts so many times this season but we never really noticed!
6. Tom Keller and Sierra McCoy do not appear to be married in RD AU, although they literally fought the Gargoyle King for their relationship.
7. I believe that the RD AU timeline is shifted 4-5 years back relative to RD01. As confirmed by Bughead's bunker conversation and the events at Citizen Lodge. And this explains why RD AU is now in 2021, and not 2027, as it should be in RD01.
8. I watched season 5 very casually and hardly saw more than 1/3. So I need you to help me collect more evidence for the existence of RD AU. For every plot, event and conversation, you need to apply an AU theory filter. And I can promise you, every piece will find its place in the puzzle.
By the way, differences can be not only in plots and dialogues, but also physical in the appearance of characters and interiors.
I'm sure that Veronica's question to Archie, where he sees himself in five years, was also not accidental. But I no longer have the strength to develop this and build it in the context of RD AU. Especially because I don't know much about their relationship history. I trust you to figure it out.
And I wouldn't be at all surprised if Season 5 of Riverdale is still Jughead's book from RD 01, called Rivervale.
Will we get the RD AU backstory in Season 6? To be honest, I'm not sure if we need it.
Is Polly still alive in RD01?
Could Alice's hallucination at 518 be AU on AU? That is, literally being RD01 inside RD AU. Because these scenes were, it seems, the most "normal" in the whole episode. Follow up on this idea. Or we can just wait for season 6 special.
It does not matter at all which ships the RD AU will end with. It does not matter. Because season 5 and season 6 special is not about ships.
Maybe season 6 special is when RD01 and RD AU mix. Well, let's see, it's not long to wait.
Is there a chance RD AU will end on episode 100? Perhaps.
Please give this season and finale a chance. I am currently re-watching individual episodes to find confirmation of my AU theory, and now season 5 makes sense! Check it out for yourself. I'm sure there will be a TBK mystery in the final episode next week that will make my whole AU theory obvious. But I will write about this separately right after this post.
Looking back now, I think the flurry of spoilers ahead of 518 is literally when RAS went crazy. Because we're incredibly dumb and didn't want to see obvious clues in the narrative.
I will never pull this stone out alone. So, my young archaeologists, arm yourself with hammers and brooms, and help me bring this treasure to the surface completely.
I want to say THANK YOU to Bughead fandom. Because you are amazing. Because you are building theories, you are guessing, you are thinking. Because you spin every situation, you question every plot that happened on the show. And I am overwhelmed with complacency, because the uncovering of the main secret of Season 5 came from the Bughead community. After all, who else besides Bughead can uncover Riverdale's secrets?
And thanks to those who first brought up AU in Riverdale. Because only thanks to this theory, I was able to pull the thread and untangle the whole ball.
It's so liberating. It’s like someone has suddenly turned on the lights in the dark room we’ve been in since the beginning of Season 5.
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Hi! If your still doing matchups could i get a jjk and mha one? Don’t worry about this if your not doing them anymore.
I’m intj, scorpio, pansexual and use any pronouns. I’m about 5’8. I have a leanish build and have wavy/ curled brown hair and eyes. Fashion wise i have a very techwear inspired style but sometimes I also just love to go out in a huge hoodie and some jeans.
My hobbies are, art, reading (i prefer non-fiction unless it’s manga), plants, going out with my friends and sleeping in. I don’t really have a favourite genre of music rn I just add whatever song i like to my playlist but my favourite artist is probably mitski.
I would describe myself as akward, smart, nice and creative. When i’m very focused on something i tend to get tunnel vision, wether that’s to do with a project or just colouring a manga panel. Over all i don’t think i’m difficult to get along with but it takes some time for me to warm up.
I hope that was enough info and made sense:) Also please ignore this if your not doing matchups anymore! Thank you :)
Hiya love, my apologies for doing this so late. You sound like a lovely person and I think I know the perfect people to go with you.
Your Jujutsu Kaisen Match Up is...
Nobara Kugisaki
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Nobara may say that she doesn't care about others, but it is very obvious that she does and she quickly started to care about you.
The first thing that drew her toward you was that you didn't seem to participate in the group of first years.
At first she thought it was you just being lazy, until she found out that your hobbies included things instead of shopping and sight seeing.
Thus, she made it her goal to get you interested in more extroverted hobbies. Things that you all can do together.
Although that doesn't work and it leads to you two hanging out in each other's rooms, listening to music, and doing your own things.
Nobara will often share songs with you just to try to figure out what your favorite genre is. She finds it unfair that you don't have a particular taste because it makes it hard for her to put playlists to listen to when you two are together.
The rare chances that you two do go out, she makes sure to take you to the fanciest places and buy you two a lot of different food.
What made her realize that she had feelings for you was when she saw you get injured. It made her realize that she actually did have room in her heart for you and that she should be more accepting of that.
After you two start going out, she loves to spoil you. Not really with objects, but with affection. She becomes a very clingy person and loves to just be around you.
You two exchange hoodies all the time. She makes it a competition to see how many times she can switch hoodies by the ends of the week just to mess with you.
She knows how much you like to draw and color, so she always begs of you to draw small doodles on her arms and hands because they're so pretty and she loves them.
She is also always there to be there for you whenever you feel down and depressed. She knows that things can be difficult as a sorcerer so she will always be there for you.
All in all, she is very supportive and caring, even if she doesn't always show it.
Your My Hero Academia Match Up is...
Shinsou Hitoshi
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Shinsou thought nothing of you other than another obstacle in his way of becoming a hero. He thought that you were someone who you try to stop him.
What drew him toward you was that you didn't seem to care about his quirk like others did. You treated him like a normal person, not someone who was afraid of him.
He slowly started to realize that you may not be someone who is an obstacle and may be someone to aid him instead.
He was still cautious around you because of his trust issues, but he slowly started to open up to you more and more.
Shinsou may not explain himself through words well, but he does little gestures to help prove his care for you.
He likes to bring you small snacks or new pens for you.
He enjoys to just be the two of you when hanging out since he doesn't have to worry about others talking about him.
He realized his feelings for you when you stood up for him one day. You two overheard someone talking about his quirk and how he uses it against people, and you stood up for him.
It made him realize that you actually cared about him.
After you two started going out, not too much changed. He was new to relationships and he wasn't sure how to handle things, so you two didn't change much.
He liked to have little movie marathons in your dorm rooms while eating snacks. It just made him feel safe to be with you.
You two protect each other as well. You both know how cruel other people can be so you make sure that you two are always there for each other.
All in all, you two are calm and happy together, but are not afraid to go crazy if needed.
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more of tauriel’s hellfamily adventures! there’s still a couple of gaps in my conception of this au, which is why these are bullet points and not an actual fic, but i think i’ve got enough to progress the plot, such as it is. certainly got a bunch of anecdotes i think are funny
i’m not even going to bother explaining how tauriel ended up in one of the fëanorians’ boltholes being treated for mild injuries
nothing super serious, but enough that she’s out of action for the rest of the night. the palace is on fire
the bolthole opens, and celegorm (who’s doing first aid) turns his head. his preemptive scowl melts away instantly. ‘hi elrond!’
the former lord of imladris just sighs. ‘please tell me you idiots haven’t abducted tauriel’
legolas has concerns, apparently. he saw celegorm vanish into an alleyway with her slung over his shoulder and immediately started panicking
‘i've talked him into delaying his rescue mission until i had the chance to check that she was safe’ elrond finishes, sounding absolutely exhausted
tauriel confirms that she is doing fine, as much as she can through the concussion. celegorm’s like ‘if he’s so worried about her why doesn’t he just come up here’
elrond disappears, and a few minutes later legolas scrambles inside
he’s glaring at celegorm. celegorm tells him where the first aid kit is, punches him on the arm, compliments his tracking skills in a vaguely threatening manner, and jumps back out to assist with the chaos
legolas collapses by tauriel’s bedside, still clutching his bow. tauriel pats him on the thigh reassuringly
neither of them are surprised elrond knows the fëanorians - they stayed in his place in tol eressëa for a while, dude knows literally everyone - but they don’t really know why
closer to dawn, elrond’s voice drifts up into the hideout. he’s going on this long irritated rant that climaxes in an extremely exasperated ‘valardamnit dad!’
maglor cackles. tauriel’s like ‘huh didn’t know that.’ legolas makes a face like he accidentally swallowed a spider
by this point, tauriel’s known the brothers hellspawn for long enough legolas has been unnervingly close to a kinslayer way more times than he’d like
this is the longest he’s spent in proximity to them by far, but it’s not the only time he’s interacted with them. they seem to like tauriel, and he knows she can take care of herself
but like still
it keeps happening, though. as tauriel further ingratiates herself with these awful awful elves, her two separate social circles keep bleeding into each other
take the time legolas and co visited the aulendili
before they left middle-earth, gimli whipped round every dwarf they knew and assembled several volumes of complaints. they refuse to confirm or deny whether aulë is the maker, but they are determined someone’s gonna hear their grievances
and thus a small wagon train of wood elves head up into the mountains. including tauriel
tauriel offhandedly mentioned the upcoming trip to the twins, and amras was like ‘hey we’ve got family up there!’ a few messages went up and down the funicular, and now gimli and crew have a place to crash up there
they’re put up by some of the fëanorians’ less murderous (if equally loud) relatives. it’s a pretty interesting trip
half the town is redheads. several people still mistake tauriel for a fëanorian. it’s been happening a lot in the wider noldorin territory lately, it’s weird
caranthir stumbles up into town about halfway through their visit. he gets into an extremely long philosophical argument with gimli that somehow ends with a mutual dwarven nod of respect
he also ends up fighting back-to-back with tauriel in one of those debatebrawls so common among the noldor. neither of them is quite sure how it happens
that’s the way it goes, isn’t it. there’s no big official moment when tauriel becomes part of the family
she just grows closer to them over her time in valinor, as they do to her
she merges into their social world. she develops a rapport with maglor’s wife - a first age mountain sinda and a third age forest avar don’t have that much in common, but they are both looking at noldorin culture from the outside. they have so many injokes about ridiculous bling
(it goes the other way too. this childhood friend oc of hers i’m developing - pretty sweet guy, the token sane man in the legolas-tauriel-him trinity - gets along really well with celebrimbor)
this one time tauriel punches a guy out for calling elrond a traitor. it doesn’t matter that he’s like three times her age, he is babey
she gets chewed out by maedhros and tests out new devices for curufin and drops in on nerdanel for tea. even though she doesn’t permanently live in the definitely-not-fëanorian quarter, she has her own personal space in its innermost warren
she’s one of them long before anyone consciously realises it
what causes that realisation is, admittedly, partially the conspiracy theories. if you say something often enough, you’ll start to believe it, and while the tauriel origin stories circulating through the noldorin rumour mill vary a lot in the details they all agree she is a fëanorian
but that’s a gradual long-term thing. it’s one more thread that leads to the moment
because there has to be an inflection point, i think. the fëanorians have plenty of family friends within the ranks of their definitely-not-minions. some are even as close to them as tauriel’s become
something has to happen to show she’s something more. fortunately, as demonstrated by the darkening and the númenorian invasion, no matter how peaceful it seems, history never stops
shit goes down. the exact details i’ll admit i don’t know yet, but at some point some sort of massive crisis rocks all of valinor. it’s during that crisis that tauriel does stuff that makes it blindingly obvious she’s not just on her side, but one of them
what stuff? again, i don’t know yet. i have this mental image of her leading a strike team that’s half definitely-not-minions and half legolas’ people through a burning city to do... something badass, but that’s as specific as i can get atm
what i am certain about, is that throughout the unfolding of the crisis, tauriel is permanently on the fëanorians’ side, just like they’re on hers
it’s one thing to be someone’s friend in bright happy days. it’s another thing to stick by them when everything’s falling to pieces and the whole world is against them. it’s in the depths of this crisis that both parties have the chance to fully prove their worth to each other
that probably wouldn’t be enough on its own, but combined with the friendship and the conspiracy theories and just the general way she is, once the dust settles it’s blazingly clear that tauriel is a daughter of the house of fëanor
there’s a little debate about where exactly she fits on the family tree, but not much. our sample size is admittedly small, but third generation fëanorians tend to have the slightest modicum of common sense? elrond and celebrimbor both have a fair degree of self-awareness and at least a few brain cells
tauriel does not. tauriel is mad, bad, and dangerous to know, just smart enough to understand that her sheer chaoticness is something she can channel but not nearly close to regularly thinking through the consequences of her actions. she’s loud and violent and does whatever she wants whenever she wants without a single thought towards what people will think of her
and more than that, she doesn’t relate to the second generation fëanorians the way the third generation does. she’s their friend and partner-in-crime, not one of their precious perfect must-protect children. she gets jerked around and bullied and does all that stuff right back, and while she doesn’t have a solid place in the second generation’s internal hierarchy yet she would easily slot in
no, tauriel’s a second generation fëanorian, one of fëanor and nerdanel’s horrible children. the fact that fëanor is currently indisposed and unable to provide an opinion on the matter doesn’t seem to bother anyone
she gets inducted into the family in a massive group hug, and from then on out the brothers hellspawn are the siblings hellspawn
her new family doesn’t replace her old one, of course, she has a long talk with elrond wherein she hashes this out. she’s still a silvan of the greenwood
she’s just also the little sister of the most bloodthirsty elves in history
(that sound in the background is legolas screaming)
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The Tigress of Wrath and the Golden Dragon ~ Yin Zhen x Reader
This is a little fic in which the reader is a girl whose father is an important War General for the Emperor Kangxi, and since he has no sons, and the girl shows great aptitude in fighting and strategic thinking, he chooses to present her to the Emperor and requests to treat her as a man and use her skills accordingly.
When she was a child, she got along well enough with the 3rd and 4th Princes ( Yin Zhi and Yin Zhen accordingly ) yet, due to her more tomboyish personality, and the legend of a Tigress Warrior, they nicknamed her "The Tigress" both as a nickname, and a teasing too, as she seemed to be terrible at being feminine as well, as we know how life was like in the 17th-18th century.
Just like the 14th Prince, she was then taken by her father to train in martial arts and returned to the Palace many years later, when she was of age, and to prove herself, she has to go through some challenges…
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"Father...? Do you think...Those two will remember me? It's been so long, and I've changed so much and...I don't know." the girl asked her father awkwardly, as they walked casually towards the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the place where the Emperor would talk to the people requesting an audience, and solve paper businesses. "Y/N, dear, you may be scared that they won't recognise you, sure, but remember that you are about the same age, and if you've changed so much, imagine that you may not recognise them either. You know very well men change quite a lot when they grow. You were taller than them when you were a little munchkin, but now, I'm sure they will be towering over you." her father chuckled, seeing the horrified look on her face, only to pat her head reassuringly. "That's...So not cool...I'm sure that, with my eternal luck, I'm going to pass by them, and not realise who it is...Ah, father, look at that boy over there, in the red outfit! Do you think it's one of them? Yin Zhi used to like red, that much I remember! Ha, and he didn't grow up too much, I'm sure he's around my height!" the girl grinned triumphantly, her chin held high, which made her father laugh even more mirthfully. "Why don't you go ask him, then? Who knows, you may just be right!" he encouraged her, and with a smile on her face, she ran up to the boy with no inhibition whatsoever, convinced she was talking to her old friend.
"Hello! Sorry to bother, but are you, per chance, the 3rd Prince? I haven't been in the palace since I was very little, so I'm trying to find my friends." she asked the boy in the most carefree manner possible, only to have him chuckle at her and shake his head. "You're about 11 princes down the line, sorry to disappoint you, miss. I'm the 14th Prince, although, I have to say, I'm rather surprised to hear that my brother actually had friends. He's not the most sociable, as far as I'm concerned, but I'll give you a little tip on where to find him. Both him and the 4th Prince are busy devising some kind of plan or something with our Father, the Emperor, so that's the safest bet if you want to find him." the boy explained, as the cricket in his little cage made a cute, almost happy noise of confirmation. "...Yin Zhen is there too...? Oh boy, that's very exciting...Well, thank you for the information, Prince, I appreciate the help. See you around." she bowed quickly to him, in a manly mannerism, which confused the boy garbed in red, yet didn't quite question anything, as she bolted off to her father's side, quickly telling him what she found out.
And so, they arrived in front of the doors, and the Eunuch announced their arrival, allowing them to step inside and kowtow to the floor to greet the Eye of Heaven.
"May the Emperor live eternally." the two chanted in unison as they bowed down in reverence. "General Nian, I pray you have arrived safely. And I see you've finally brought your daughter with you as well. Just as expected, she grew up a real beauty, just like her mother."the Emperor smiled at them, as they nodded their heads as a thank you. "Your Majesty is kind and benevolent above all, yet I dare not receive just praise." the girl raised her sight so she could look at the old man, feeling awkward, yet unstoppable. "A humble one she is, General, you've raised her well. As I see it, she is of age. Are you here to request a good marriage for her? Perhaps with one of my sons?" the Emperor asked, earning a silent yet startled gulp from the girl. "Your Majesty, I dare not. My daughter, bless her soul, is not the most feminine one, yet, since she left the palace, she showed incredible aptitude in martial arts and fighting, and her teachers deemed her intelligence above average. While she is hopeless with a needle, I can proudly say that she can stab with a sword infinitely better than many of our soldiers. If you may have it in your heart to forgive such an obvious stray-away from our usual traditions, please consider using her skills, for she learnt a great deal and she wants to serve our country and the Emperor with her very brain and life.” her father pleaded, and it seemed like the Emperor was actually considering this move. “Very well, I understand your wish, and it makes sense, however, you will have to prove yourself in front of everyone. There are prejudices everywhere, and close to nobody believes in the resurrection of someone like Princess Pingyang or Lin Siniang. Should you prove them wrong, I shall grant you the title of Apprentice Detective. I believe you remember my sons here, the 3rd and 4th Princes – They, too, were here to volunteer to help solve a case in a province away from the palace, and you may join them.” The Emperor explained, making both the father and the daughter bow gratefully. “Your Majesty is kind and benevolent above all. I shall prove I am worthy of this position and make you and my father proud.” She spoke, and thus, the Emperor raised. “Today, you may rest, as you have come here from a long and tiresome journey, yet tomorrow, you shall be fighting the soldiers in training at the Academy, and depending on your performance, I shall make a decision.” Was the last thing the old man spoke, and then, he dismissed the young ones, as he wished to talk about the situation of the Army in the North-East province.
And so, the Eunuch guided them outside and guided her to the Palace of Everlasting Wisdom, which was awfully fitting for her, but she thought nothing of it, instead, quickly befriended the maids and had them tell her anything of relevance about life in the Palace.
But…Those two Princes…The Emperor said they were her old friends…But they were so grown up and looked so sharp and mature! How could that have happened? She still looks soft and youthful, while they look like hardened adults! How is that fair in any way? Not to mention…They’d be working together? On a journey, away from the palace? That’s insane! So exciting! …Hopefully.
That night, she slept like a baby, both eager and anxious for the next day’s challenge, whatever that may be…After all, she MUST get everyone’s respect, should she wish to have a nice life in the palace and not be constantly pressured into marriage or into becoming a concubine.
Y/N dressed in a nice, light blue dress, like those worn during the reign of the Empress Wu Zetian, since she found those kinds of outfits the best for martial arts, and styled the top of her hair in a simple bun tied in a blue ribbon, letting the lower part sway with the wind. Taking her sword in her hands, she unsheathed half of it, seeing the reflection of her beautiful eyes in it, and grinning, to hype herself up, she slammed the sword back and put it at her waist, rushing to the fighting area.
In the middle of the court, she bowed to the Emperor, who was there to watch the show, yet her gaze was nowhere close to him, but her eyes caught Yin Zhen’s ebony eyes watching her, and she could only smirk, very smug and proud of herself.
As she kneeled like a warrior in front of the Emperor, her eyes averted to His Majesty, as he started explaining what she had to do, as a few boys who must have been fresh out of the Academy, went on either side of her, in perfect sync, 3 on each side, 4 meters apart from her.
“I am aware that one must carry a sword to protect themselves and their allies, yet today, you must show that you are capable of doing so without using your blade in such a manner. Discipline, strategy, reflexes, wit and martial arts shall be what you will be tested on today. You may begin.” As he rose from his throne, he extended his hand up in the air, then abruptly let it fall to his side, as if to highlight the beginning of an entertaining show.
As soon as the loud “BEGIN” was heard from the echoing voice of His Majesty, the girl quickly made a few backward tumbles in a way to get out of the men’s way of harm, then got in a fighting stance, ready to take everyone out. The first 3 were easy to defeat, and ultimately, she grabbed the 2nd one’s arm and swung him around, kicking him into the 3rd, making the three of them fall to the ground – But then she got ambushed by the last three, and as she felt herself get grabbed by the light jacket over her blouse, she quickly twirled around, letting the attacker remain with the jacket in his hands, while she dropped to the ground, sweeping her leg over his own, making him fall to the ground. As she finished the 4th, she twirled around again, kicking the 5th in the jaw, then taking out the ribbon from her hair and choking the last one standing, and thus, she was standing tall surrounded by a pile of beaten up men who stood no chance.
However, no day is short of surprises, as she notices Yin Zhen’s sword get unsheathed and him walking towards her with an amused smirk, and she could only tsk in annoyance – This game of proving the others wrong seemed rather unfair all of a sudden – Going against a sword barehanded? Not exactly wise, she reckoned – And thus, she took out her own sword from her waist, extending it for the Prince to see.
“I believe what you are doing will go against the rules set by the Emperor, Y/N. Are you willing to point a sword towards the Crown Prince?” the 4th Prince chuckled very amused, but now, it was the girl’s turn to grin. “Who said anything about a sword? The Emperor told me not to use a blade, and as far as I’m concerned, I’m merely using its scabbard, correct?” she continued parrying the Prince’s swings with perfect accuracy, but she knew he wasn’t actually going full strength on her, she could feel it in the force behind each strike. “I’m not sure if I should be offended that you’re not taking me seriously in this fight, or if I should be concerned about the gold possibly getting whisked away.” She laughed merrily as they continued to dance the waltz of swords, each strike going harder and harder. “If it does, I will make sure the Imperial Blacksmith forges a much better sword for you, and the scabbard will be embellished fit for an Empress.” Their weapons were crossed while their faces were so close to each other that they could almost feel each other’s breaths, and their words, merely above a whisper, needn’t be any louder, for their conversation was meant to be intimate and away from anyone’s ears. “I’d be much happier if it was fit for a Prince.” She laughed in his face, ready to prepare for another strike, but somehow, the Prince’s hit made the scabbard fall off and rotate far away from their positions, looking at them as if mocking. “How rude and unfair of you, Princeling! How am I supposed to fight you now that I can only use the sword’s handle?” she shook her head in mock annoyance, as he sheathed his sword and stepped in front of her. “I win.” He spoke in a simple, teasing manner, flicking her forehead – An endearing and affectionate habit he used to do only to her when they were young and would sneak out of the palace to play around in the Plum garden. “You win nothing, Yin Zhen.” She scoffed, only to notice a glint of silver sparkling in the Sun, and realizing what it was, she jumped, twirling the sword around to pick it up by the blade’s edge, and stepping on his chest, she propelled herself in the air, hitting away a flying arrow sent into the Emperor’s direction. “…Was that planned too?” she asked, not even noticing the running blood coming from her hand. “No, it wasn’t. Father, are you alright?” the Prince ran to his father’s side, while the girl looked back in the direction from which the arrow was sent flying. “The five of you, don’t move! Guards, keep them still!” commanding the royal guards who obeyed her orders, she examined each of the protesting men who either cried out their innocence, or hollered it out. “You were the one who sent the arrow flying. You have a horizontal line across the middle of your fingers, which means you didn’t use a bow, since it would have attracted attention, but instead, most likely, a mini crossbow that many assassins use – Which makes sense, considering how the arrow is about half the size of a normal one. And the two of you are accomplices. You have the crossbow under your clothes – You’re not actually fat, you just stuffed your clothes to appear so, and you provided the arrows, there is a fragment of a coloured feather part which is used for arrows to fly properly.” She explained with ease, which made the Emperor and the other Princes gather around behind her, listening to her reasonings. “Yes, very well, that does make sense. Yin Zhen, Yin Zhi, what do you make of this situation?” the old man looked at his two Princes, who seemed to ponder the situation over, but came up with no other solution by the end of their brief investigation. “It seems to me Miss Y/N came up with the right solution, Father.” The 3rd Prince answered quickly, not wanting to stay there more than needed, but also being rather intrigued by what was happening. It wasn’t often that a court case would find itself before their very eyes so easily. “Very well, very well indeed.” The Emperor nodded in agreement, stroking his beard. “Father, if I may – I wish to express my opinion on Y/N’s
arrival here, at the Palace. I believe she will be the perfect Detective Constable. She expressed skills in combat, intelligence, tactics, wit and charm – I believe men will find it easier to confess to her, should they be found in a precarious situation. It will prove to be very useful in our mission in the Jiangnan province.” Yin Zhen’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts and spoke without realizing. “Jiangnan? That’s pretty close to Hunan, where I spent most of my time. I heard it’s a rather interesting and developed city. What’s the problem there?” she asked, and it was then that the Emperor truly decided to assign her the case. “There has been a string of rather bizarre murders, Young Detective, and I would like you and my sons to go investigate and put a stop to the injustice taking place. You will be on the road tomorrow, these two will show you the book with the written statements about each singular crime that took place. Rest assured, I will inform your father of your departure, and later tonight you will be provided with the imperial token and any weapon you may be in need of.” The Emperor told his scribe to write the declared Royal Decree and had his personal eunuch give her the Imperial Token that will ensure her access to any place or information that she may otherwise have difficulty reaching. “Your Highness is kind and benevolent above all. May Your Majesty live eternally.” Young Y/N kowtowed in front of the old man, who chuckled and patted her head before leaving the place, and with him, the rest of the crowd…Sans the two eldest princes. “I thought tigresses would grow with time, not regress so much. How amusing.” Yin Zhi chuckled, making light of the height difference that was now reversed. “It’s not my fault I was born in the wrong body, is it now? No matter now, I can accomplish the same things with no difficulty or impediment. A tigress will forever be a tigress, be it a cub or a celestial one.” She smirked at the older prince, who could only scoff and walk away. “Great seeing you again, Y/N. As annoying as always.” He grumbled, leaving his brother alone with her. “It may be my imagination alone, but I believe he became grumpier than ever – Correct me if I’m wrong, though.”Y/N shook her head in disbelief, only to get her forehead flicked once again. “And you are as reckless and airheaded as always. If I don’t take care of you, you’ll die before you realise. The Palace life is a harsh one, especially for a woman, be it one in the harem, or merely one with ties to anyone from the Imperial family. Don’t be foolish thinking you are exempt from harm.” Yin Zhen warned her with a sharp and serious tone – She almost couldn’t recognize him, remembering how much of an air head HE used to be, and she had to scold him every time he’d get hurt by being careless and falling down a tree, or falling in the lake. “You don’t have a fever, do you, Yin Zhen? I don’t recognize you! Since when have our roles been reversed, anyway? Besides, what’s the harm done to me, considering I could prevent any from coming to you and your Imperial Father?” Y/N shrugged simply, before getting her hand taken in his and realizing his concern – Her hand was actually slashed and bleeding from when she held her blade tightly in her hand to deflect the stray arrow ready to claim an important life. “You, dummy. Good thing I learnt from the Tigress how to take care of my cub, otherwise, this little kitten would have been much tamer in the future…And that wouldn’t be fun, would it?” The prince took a handkerchief from his pocket and held it tight against the wound, waiting like that until it stopped bleeding altogether. “Marigold ointment will take care of it. Hopefully, no scars either.” She muttered, looking down at her hand with resentment at the idea of scarring. “Even if it does scar, it won’t take away your beauty and worth in this world.” This comment – so charming, spoken in such a suave way, as he drew closer to her – Made her heart beat like never before, and she was sure her face must show the warmth she felt. “I
didn’t realise you’d become such a smooth talker. Little Yin Zhen sure grew a lot since we’ve last seen each other. Undoubtly, you must have a lot of ladies swooning over you. Ladies with skin as smooth and pale as milk, that is. You don’t have to make me feel better, I am aware of this society’s beauty standards, and how people look down on women with scars. But thank you. I will be going now. Make sure you are well rested for tomorrow’s journey…It will be a long one.” With a small smile, Y/N drew back her hand, taking the handkerchief with her as well – She couldn’t possibly return it all bloody, right? – And went back to her assigned palace, not giving the prince any chance to speak back or refute in any way. How could he possibly find the woman he’s been pining over for so many years – In any way, shape or form – Disgusting, just because of some scar? He knew – It was true – He knew how people were…But not him, and not when it came to her. For so many years since she’s been gone from his arms, he’s been thinking of her and her alone. He wasn’t like his elder brother, so dissolute and indulging in his own pleasures, as far away from the Imperial family as possible, while also ensuring his favouring to their father…But He was different. Yin Zhen WAS going to be the next Emperor, and he WAS going to marry Y/N, no matter what. He just got her back…No way in hell was he going to let her go again.
When he saw her again, he couldn’t believe his eyes – She grew up so much, she looked so beautiful, like a woman – It was only now that he saw her with different eyes, it wasn’t just the old fondness from their childhood…But now, his heart was beating faster looking upon her face.
Stars were twinkling brighter in her eyes, than on the bright sky of Summer, her gorgeous visage rivaling even the Moon Goddess Chang’e – And she was as stubborn and nonconformist as always, wearing dresses from so far back – The Tang dynasty, ages ago – And they suited her so well, he was mesmerized watching the loose fabric fly around her so graciously as she spun around so gracefully, swinging her sword and taking down her enemies with perfect precision and stance…
And her expression…Gods, her expression…
It reminded him of his own.
She oftentimes looked to be ruthless, stoic, sharp and unforgiving…And yet, every so often, when not surrounded by people, he would see her eyes soften to the littlest of things, be it a beautiful flower, or a cute puppy yapping at her, wanting to be petted and played with.
He saw her that night – She couldn’t sleep, perhaps? Or maybe it was the night coming faster, awakening the lovely moon, in her honour – She saw her next to the lotus pond, bathing in the silver light of the Deity, as her finger so gracefully glided over the strings of the zither that she played with such nostalgia, that he felt his own heart weep.
Why was she so sorrowful, he wondered. No person who lacks a certain degree of a broken heart would be able to play with such vibrating emotions the instrument that holds the soul of the player, and of the listener. The fourth prince felt connected to her – A heart to heart and soul to soul connection – Solely through the sounds coming from every pinch of the strings…
He knew he would never again feel something so powerful with anyone else. It was his mother who once told him so many tales of heroes saving princesses and falling in love, and yet, those stories never explained in such detail what either of them felt. It was clear to him now that those authors were never actually in love to begin with. God forbid men feel or act with any vulnerability towards the woman they vow to protect and cherish for the rest of their days.
He wanted – Oh, how much he needed – To go to her, to accompany her melody by playing the flute, for those songs are meant to be played together, as a couple, in perfect harmony – And yet, he was afraid that, as soon as he’d approach her, the little tigress would flee from him. He was aware of how frail and afraid she was of admitting she held a more romantic side, and yet, this very fear of her was what was causing her so much distress, even if she was aware of it or not.
Perhaps, this woman wasn’t just a tigress, but a fawn as well, choosing which side of her to show to the world, depending on what her heart and mind dictated…In a world ruled by men, being a deer would only get you to become dinner, so play the role of a fiery tigress and make everyone flee in fear.
It was the perfect strategy, clearly, and yet…
Yin Zhen never showed fear.
“I never imagined my first case would involve something so complex.” Y/N spoke, almost without realizing, as she went over the case file once again, bouncing absent-minded in the horse saddle. “We immediately sent word to the constables in Jiangnan so they won’t touch the body more than needed. Congratulations, your first case will have you look at something gruesome.”Yin Zhi mocked her, and yet, he was shocked hearing her laugh lightly. “That’s gonna be fun!” she grinned, trying to imagine the way she’d find the bodies and whether she’d be able to make heads or tails of everything. “I hope all three of the bodies will be left in perfect shape, otherwise it would be such a pity, don’t you think?” she mused, a confident kitten-like smile creeping on her face. “Any man who hears you speak with so much glee about dead bodies will flee for you. I’d be more careful about what I’d say out loud before it’s too late and I end up all alone, old and ugly.”The 3rd prince’s comment made his younger brother frown in anger, shooting him a warning look. He didn’t want the girl to become even more sorrowful than she already was. Not being the stereotypical feminine woman wasn’t as popular now as it was hundreds of years ago, when the bravest women were, in the end, praised and beloved by everyone, going down in history, tales of their bravery being sung at events all over the country. “Then…Think I’ll find a pretty woman? If I can’t find a man to love me, protect me and cherish me, like in those nice stories our mothers told us when we were young, then might as well become the warrior seeking a beautiful, young maiden who would willingly sooth my soul and tend to my wounds. Doesn’t sound half-bad, does it? Women are very beautiful, maybe I can find the appeal a man feels when seeing one, if I imagine it long enough.” She chuckled carefree, but the prince knew that, deep down, she was used to such harsh comments being made about her, and in her heart, she held no hope of a future with someone by her side. “As if that would happen.” The prince scoffed at her breeze-like comment, only for her to laugh at him, tauntingly. “What is it, Zhi Zhi? Afraid I’m going to be more popular with the ladies than you? With how rude you are, I think it’s safe to say I would win, if that were the case.” A tigress, a fawn…And a smirking fox. Yin Zhen wondered whether he would come to discover more spirit animals residing inside her heart – He was fascinated, and also, satisfied with how she turned around to taunt back his brother with such perfect ease, that it angered the elder one. “We shall see…” oh, look at that, the 3rd Prince actually took that as a competition starter – How very serious of him! “Enough bickering, you two, we have arrived.” The 4th Prince scolded those two as they trotted inside the city of Jiangnan, admiring the provincial beauty and simplicity of the place, until they were greeted by the main constable of the place, who guided them to their quarters, offering them information about each case, only for then guide them to each of them, in the order they were done.
“Good golly, I never would have imagined a human could end up so fat!” the girl exclaimed, her jaw dropped in horror at the mountain of a man that sat in front of a table, his upper body engulfing the wooden furniture with the layers of fat as he was hovering over it entirely. “Be more respectful of the dead, Y/N…”Yin Zhen sighed softly as he went ahead to look around the room. “I’ll wait for you outside.” The constable muttered, doing as he told.
The girl then put a veil on her face to cover the bottom half of it, protecting herself as much as possible from the possible diseases and, most of all, from the stench of rotten food and flesh. With help from the two imperial brothers, she had the corpse lay on the floor completely, so she could perform an autopsy and see the cause of death – Not only a failing heart, as it was completely engulfed with a scary amount of fat, but…His stomach was burst open, and a concoction of digested and undigested food was disgustingly splayed all around his entrails.
Clearly, he ate himself to death, and yet, she wondered how come the constable didn’t deem this simply a heart failure, considering his appearance? Perhaps signs of forced entry would explain everything – But why would this one be killed in such a way? Wouldn’t it be more satisfying to have such a glutton starve to death? P’haps, even more…Cruel?
Maybe it wasn’t a hate-crime after all, but a way to teach this one that gluttony wasn’t, in fact, good…A twisted way to teach someone a lesson – Don’t steal away the starving people’s food - Y/N realized that, what he may eat at one meal, would be something she’d need for a whole week, and the thought of it had her stifle her chuckle at the irony.
Glutton…Gluttony…Interesting concept. Truth be told, she never met anyone so unhealthily, so morbidly obese – Especially for food was scarce in many provinces, and while there was abundance at the Palace, not even there, did she see anything more than slightly chubby.
Perhaps people who stood out with their wrong-doings were to be eliminated. This one was already an outcast from the rest of the citizens of this place, nobody would miss him, so he was a fair kill.
“Did you find anything relevant around the room?” she asked as she got up and went to wash her hands from the disgusting body juices she had to dig into. “No signs of forced entry, however, the culprit was definitely sitting in the chair opposite of him. What did you find from the body?” the younger brother asked as they all left the room. “Mr. Constable, have you seen anything out of the ordinary in this city lately? A new person, an event, uhm…People acting weirdly, or I don’t know, anything that would stand out from the usual.”She asked, not yet answering the prince. “Nothing that I would think from the top of my head, no…Things have been normal for the past weeks…Until these tragedies started happening, so quickly, one after the other…” country constables really are useless, the girl realized, as she merely smiled at him and put her hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, we’ll bring justice to the victims and this city. Until then, stay vigilant and tell us should you find out anything new.” Saying that, she decided to go on ahead to the next victim’s house, letting the running thoughts take over her mind.
Hurrying down the busy streets of Jiangnan, they found their way to the second house of the day – Once again, no signs of a forced entry – Yet this body was different. This man was built normally, so the chances of an accidental death due to natural causes was out of question. He was sprawled over his bed, his clothes dyed with his own crimson blood, his hands and feet impaled with golden ornaments, as melted gold was poured over his face, melting it, and in turn, killing him in such a gruesome way…And piles of golden ingots, silver taels and jewellery were piling over the rest of his body, almost suffocating him.
There was nothing to dissect here, the cause of death was obvious, so the last thing to wonder about was the reason for this atrocity.
So much wealth put everywhere on display…If this was the same person, then maybe…The lesson they wanted to teach this man was humility? Or…Altruism? Temperance? To give away his wealth to those less fortunate?
Perhaps this culprit thought he was trying to protect his city from these people who may taint it. Those who are too…Greedy…
Gluttony…Now Greed…
I wonder what the next lesson taught will be – Y/N thought to herself as she searched around the bed, throwing away all the riches from it, then finding a small, yet fat book that held stray specks of gold on its cover.
‘Bible’ it was called.
“I found one like this at the fat guy’s house, on the table. It certainly is the same killer, then.” Yin Zhi said, taking out the food-stained book from under his clothes. “…I’m onto something. Let’s go to the next one.” Y/N muttered, slamming open the door and bursting through it, going to the 3rd house.
This one, instead of being piled up with the obvious signs of their addictions, it was…Empty? Completely empty?
The victim was laid on the ground, on what looked like a comfortable bed with a pillow, but upon closer inspection, the person was heavily malnourished, looking like a rotting corpse, with its skin barely there anymore, and…
Hold up…
The corpse…Has a pulse…?
As Y/N touched her fingers to the veins on its neck, the corpse’s eyes shot open – They were blood shot, desperate, in complete agony - The girl let out a startled yelp as she fell back on the ground as she watched the…Victim’s chest heave up and down, a guttural scream let out as…The sown-together lips were torn open to allow the man to yell out his pain.
“What do we do?!” Y/N looked back and forth to the brothers, as Yin Zhen knelt and quickly slit his throat, making him go quiet. “Any complaints?” he muttered, watching the girl quickly shake her head. “What the hell was that…? Didn’t the constable say he was definitely dead? That means no pulse, no heartbeat, no vital function…Nothing! This wasn’t nothing!” putting her hand to her chest to calm down her breathing. “Someone wanted us to see him in this state. To act as a warning to us. They knew the constable here was good for nothing, and the culprit wanted to scare us away from this city. Too bad this won’t have the effect he so desired.” Yin Zhen scoffed as he brought his hand under the pillow, finding another book with the same name. “What a sadist…Whoever the killer is…Is sick. Very sick.” But…Why was this one killed? He was humble enough not to lavish himself in riches, not wasting food, or objects…Maybe his behaviour to other people was bad? Maybe he was a jerk? “Any idea about this one?” the 4thprince asked, as the girl shook her head. “No…This time, no idea. Let’s go out, I have to think.” She muttered, going out of the house, looking up at the bright sky and watching the fluffy clouds go by which way the wind wants them to. “I keep thinking on this…I have a feeling that…I read about this somewhere…Some long time ago. Someone is trying to teach these victims a lesson. Don’t be a glutton. Don’t be greedy. But…I can’t figure out what this one did…What did he do so wrong that he had to be induced in a coma and suffer so long…You could see his muscles, and they were in such a horrible state, from not moving…How could he have ruined this city that he deserved this punishment-lesson?” she tried to think out loud, hoping that somehow, the answer will come by itself.
As she walked down the cramped streets of this place, the two princes trailing down behind her, trying to make out their own theories, she got snapped out of her mind palace by the angry shriek of a woman, fighting a weird-looking man in front of a big house.
“You will never get us out of business, so leave already! Spread your mindless indoctrination in another city, you’ve already angered everyone else in this one!” the woman, very beautiful, despite the twisted expression of rage on her face, shouted at the man, who, instead of having matching anger…Looked rather…Serene? “Miss, what is the problem, please? May we help you in any way?” the girl rushed to the woman’s side, holding onto her to calm her down, which worked well. “Ah, yes, you can help me by getting that stupid foreigner out of our city! We never wanted him, but those useless constables let him spread the word of his false God around this place, and now, look at him! Walking around as if this is HIS country! The audacity!” she scoffed, before shaking her head and inviting the trio inside, which made Y/N realise this house was a brothel – In fact, a pretty rich one – “You three are new here. What brings you to our city? The blooming cherry blossoms, perhaps?” the woman, Ying Yue, asked them, as she poured tea for them. “We came here to investigate the series of peculiar murders that took place in this city…But I never imagined, in my life, I would see a foreigner in the flesh! My father and the professors I learnt under wanted me to keep a broad mind, so I am somehow familiar with some literature from Europe, and yet…This man looked…Out of it.” Y/N explained, taking a sip from the aromatic tea, as her eyes were fixated on the visage of the beautiful matron. “Ah, yes, him. His name is…Difficult to pronounce. Alexander, he insists on calling himself. He is from a different religion, worshiping this Deity called ‘God’, and he wants to convert us. He is truly shameless…He keeps preaching how we are all sinful and need divine retribution. Honestly, I don’t understand him at all…Sometimes, he starts talking in a weird language, and waves around that wooden cross of his. He’s creepy. And he’s trying to get our brothel to close down and all the women become nuns and repent.” She shuddered with indignation as Y/N gasped in realization. “Oh…Heavens…I think I know what’s going on…He carries around a book with black leather covers called “Bible”, correct? Does he have any copies?” the girl asked, feeling the fire of understanding surging through her bloodstream, remembering the three booklets found at each scene of the crime. “Gosh, yes, he does. In fact, he spent months translating it in Chinese and handing out copies to every household, and all that. We tossed it into the fireplace, but…I believe there are some who still have it.” The matron explained, and just then, Yin Zhi pulled out the three books from his bag. “Like these ones?” The prince handed the woman the books, but she refused to touch them, disgust splattered all over her face. “Yes, like those. I don’t know what written in them, as I said, I never bothered with them, but hopefully, they will help you in some way.” The matron sighed, as she heard many of her girls giggling, and looking back, they were on the floor above, leaning on the bannister, looking down at the two men bashfully. “You two, it seems my girls have taken a liking to you. Why don’t you go have some fun? It’s on the house. Miss, if you want, we have a few men too, very handsome.” The matron rose from the table, trailing her hands down the men’s shoulders, trying to allure them in. “Not bad…” Yin Zhi muttered, looking up at the beautiful young girls waving at him. “Ah…Hahaha…U-Uhm…Thank you, I’ll pass. Thank you for the offer, I-I have to go now. I’ll see you two at the inn. Bye.”With that, the young girl didn’t wait to see whether the 4th prince accepted the offer or not, instead, she bolted out of the brothel and continued walking around the city, admiring the light from the many colourful paper lanterns hung around the place.
Instead, for the remaining of the evening, and dead into the night, she hovered over the book, skimming through it, this time, more attentively for any key word, or phrases that may get her to understand what was going on.
And then, she remembered her own words – Sinful, gluttony, greed – she said to herself, and there, she found the meaning of those words.
The Seven Deadly Sins.
Pride, Greed, Envy, Wrath, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth.
That means…
The fat guy was forced to eat until his stomach exploded – That was Gluttony. The rich guy was literally buried under his own wealth – That was Greed The coma guy…He had nothing in his home, except for a bed…And he didn’t move for months on end… - That must be Sloth.
Pride, Envy, Wrath and Lust remained…
The brothel!
That’s why the Christianity envoy wanted to shut down the brothel! God didn’t see lightly any sin committed, and lust was a sinful indulgence!
She had to warn them!
As she ran out of her room, back to the brothel, she noticed smoke rising from it, as it was engulfed in flames… Shocked, Y/N ran inside the burning building, covering her face with her long sleeve so she won’t breathe in the smokes and die while trying to make rescue attempt. She bolted up the stairs, searching every room and evacuating the fainted women who didn’t have the time to leave…But did she really want to see them fainted, on the ground? But maybe seeing them would bring her a certainty that at least they aren’t in a place even more dangerous than this one.
But he saw them, and all her worries were bundled together in the pit of her stomach – The closest escape was through the window, even thought it was to far up, she was confident she could manage to drag them somehow, despite how heavy they were, to safety, outside.
Thank goodness I learnt martial arts – She thought to herself – As she picked the 4th Prince first, jumping down the window, then climbed back up for the 3rd prince to bring back to safety. She hovered over both of them, trying to find out if they breathed in too much smoke, since they passed out like that, as she coughed a bit to eliminate the smoke she inhaled, and thought how Yin Zhi seemed to be okay, but…Zhen Zhen wasn’t doing as brightly…He was barely breathing… So she attempted a procedure she learnt from the monks – To press on the chest at a patterned pace, and the lift the head up a bit and breathe air into their mouth – If it was a different circumstance, she would have been very flustered, considering their lips would touch, but now, she had no time to think twice, as she took deep breaths and exhaled, praying to the Heavens for him to wake up already.
And after a few procedures repeated, he slowly opened his beautiful dark eyes, and Y/N could only sigh, collapsing on his chest, breathing in relief.
“Thank Heavens you’re awake…I thought you were going to die…” she muttered more to herself than to him, before feeling a hand on the top of her head. “Thanks…” the prince spoke out in a tired voice before he, with some help, got in a sitting position. “Your clothes are ruined. And you’re covered in ashes. Come here.” Taking out a napkin once again, he cupped her cheek as he gently cleaned her face, as she looked away awkwardly. “What happened? Neither of you would get caught in a burning building. You could have jumped out of the window. I know you, of all people, wouldn’t get distracted by anything.” She asked, frowning and putting one of her hands over his, stopping him from moving his hand – And he did, shifting his gaze, looking right into her eyes – He could see the worry, the gentleness, the wonder…The love and relief – And the lingering feeling of her soft lips on his own was worth everything, and yet, he’d have rather taken the initiative and kissed her in a more fitting place. “The sake and tea we got served was drugged. We didn’t realise until it was too late. We thought at first it was only the alcohol, but the girls fainted faster than either of us. By the time we felt hazy, we thought it was from the alcohol, Yin Zhi is much more of a lightweight than I am…But when we smelt the smoke, we tried to get up, but found out we couldn’t. But how did you get here? I was sure you’d stay at home and analyse that book the whole night.” He spoke, and the girl cleared her throat awkwardly, chuckling and scratching the back of her head. “So, uhm…That’s what I was doing…And then I realized what the crimes meant. All of them represented one of the seven deadly sins from the Christian Bible. Gluttony, Greed and Sloth being the ones already committed…And, well…Lust was one of them, and I remembered the missionary trying to close down the brothel. And since you were here, I was afraid the perpetrator might try something, attempting to get rid of his pursuers…And when I came by, the brothel was already aflame, neither of you was anywhere to be seen, the matron and many of the citizens were just standing by, screaming, but nobody was trying to put out the fire…I had to do something, you know.” She explained, unconsciously putting a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “Give props to the tigress to figure out something like that and to be brave and reckless enough to risk her own life to save a bunch of people that don’t have anything to do with her.” The prince chuckled, only to see the girl’s brows furrowing. “You’re making it seem as if I did a bad thing. Besides…Don’t just say there were people who didn’t have anything to do with me, as if we are strangers to each other. It’s rude.” She muttered, getting up and turning to his brother and slapping his face. “Get up, Zhi Zhi. I know you woke up by now. Don’t just eavesdrop on people’s conversations, you, jerk.” “At least don’t hit so hard, damn…Don’t hit your future husband like that too, he’ll leave you.” The 3rdprince rubbed his now red cheek, only to have the back of his head slapped by his brother as well. “I don’t need to bother with a husband, anyway.” She muttered, walking ahead at the front of the brothel where the matron sobbing, hugging her girls who were crying as well – But at least they woke up, all alive and well – Unlike the crumbling building that couldn’t resist the forces of nature…Induced nature, that is.
The women jumped on their saviour, praising and thanking her for saving their lives, but Y/N’s eyes were glued on something else – The foreigner holding a Bible and a cross in his hands, as his eyes were fixated on the fire while his lips were constantly moving – Was he preaching, she wondered?
No matter – Her rage was bubbling inside her heart so badly that she pushed aside the women and stomped to the foreigner, yelling at him and picking him up by the neck of his shirt, shaking him roughly.
“HOW DARE YOU TRY TO BURN PEOPLE?! HOW DARE YOU KILL THOSE OTHERS JUST LIKE THAT?! YOUR RELIGION IS SUPPOSED TO BE ALL ABOUT LOVE AND CARING FOR YOUR PEERS, NOT ABOUT KILLING AND OPRESSION!” she screamed in his face only for the man to blink in confusion and fear, but…He didn’t seem…Guilty…?? “M-Miss, I’m sorry, I know I am a foreigner and I’ve been trying to convert people and show them how great our religion is…But I’d never kill! The Lord is against harming others, at all costs!” the foreigner tried to explain himself to the girl, but she didn’t stop until she punched him to the ground, only to stop abruptly. “…So…You’re claiming you are innocent? For all 4 crimes? Even though the concept of seven deadly sins is a Christian thing?” she muttered, looking down at him. “Yes, miss, yes! After all, everyone in this city could have read the Bible, I translated it in many books, and delivered them to all households. I made sure to do that for all of them!” Alexander explained himself, and the girl could only nod, seeing the innocence in his eyes. “…If that is true, then, you have my apologies for misjudging you and accusing you of such atrocious crimes. I am sorry that some evil-doer is using your religion is a misguided way, and speaking your God’s name in vain. I don’t believe there is any believer in any faith that would appreciate their belief being treated this way.” Sighing, the girl helped the man up, only for him to take both of her hands in his, looking up at her with delight in his eyes. “Miss, you understand what my religion is all about! I am so happy to see someone so open to new things! Miss, wouldn’t you consider converting to Christianity for the greater good? I would gladly guide you through the path of redemption and make sure no trace of wrath lingers in your blood!” the girl’s first thought was to snatch her hands away – Touching was an intimate thing only lovers should do, not someone like him! – And yet…Her mid was somewhere else, and it wasn’t until Yin Zhen came to slap away his hands that she came back to. “Don’t touch other people so lightly, foreigner, especially women. It’s an act of intimacy in our country, and it shouldn’t be engaged in unless both parties are familiar with. Better get more accustomed to our ways before you decide to act so freely.” Poison dripped from Zhen’s words as he put his arm protectively around the girl. “Well, what do you expect from foreigners, any way? Especially one so outspoken? They come here, trampling our lands, as if they own the place, then they take away our lands, our women, and then will demand to be kings. Tsk.” Zhi spoke, which made the girl snap her head up at the foreigner. “Alexander, I need your opinion! Just now, you said wrath lingered in my heart, correct? Other than wrath, there is only Pride and Jealousy left. Do you think there is any possibility that either of these two would be a victim to the Seven Deadly Sins criminal?!” the girl’s voice was evidently worried, thinking back at the brothel incident. “The culprit could have put the brothel on fire at any time, and yet, they waited until both Yin Zhen and Yin Zhi were there, and they were drugged, along with the girls. This can’t be just a coincidence, can it?” Y/N spoke out, worried for her two friends. “Miss, this one here reeks of pride and vanity, that much is obvious, while this one’s jealousy can be seen from miles away. Maybe people from around are used to such behaviour, it may be normal for you, and yet, from someone from abroad, with a different kind of lifestyle and society, everything is different. If you think either of you may be in danger, then please, do be careful, and please protect this city. It’s a beautiful place with beautiful people, but it’s been tainted by this killer’s darkness.”With a small smile, the foreigner left the place, as the girl’s hand fell to her side. “…Well, future Emperor, how does it feel to have escaped your first assassination attempt?” she asked dryly, walking back to the inn, while the other two were behind her. “Tsk, are you really going
to listen to that guy? Who does he call vain, anyway?” the 3rd prince scoffed, only for the other two to look at him with a bored expression. “Honestly…” they sighed in unison, not wanting to address the Envy part on Yin Zhen’s side – Why would he be jealous, anyway? And the foreigner only said that after the prince pushed him away from her…
The room was silent for the longest time, and they were ready to go to sleep, until the girl decided to go on the roof of the inn and look up at the moon, as she felt it helped her think better. Being alone always made her feel much better and to think clearer. The moon was full, and she could even see the bunny of Chang’e, the Moon Goddess, and she smiled, resting her chin on her knees.
“You shouldn’t be out alone.” The familiar voice of the 4th Prince came up from behind her, but she could only shrug simply. “I can take care of myself. You’re the one who got drugged and almost died. You were careless and distracted.” She didn’t look at him – In fact, she didn’t shift her gaze from the moon at all. “I admit my mistakes. I was careless. I hoped that I would find out vital information on the people around here – Brothel girls are always the best people to ask for dark secrets, since men are intoxicated and speak freely around them – Alas, all I found out was that the constable is a frequent guest there…But never as a client. They said he was concerned about their well-being. They also said the ones who died deserved to die, since they were dead beats. And the last victim was a lazy who never in his life worked, so his lesson was to contribute to society in any way.” The prince explained, but the girl already figured out as much. “You would know best about being intoxicated and being vulnerable around women, wouldn’t you?” she muttered softly, but her mind was in a complete other place. “Do you blame me for remaining there with my brother?” he asked, sitting down next to her. “No.” her answer was simple and blunt, but he could tell, it didn’t come from the heart. “You should.” He admitted his mistake without a second thought. “…You’re a man. That’s what you do. Besides, you should get used to having lots of beautiful women around you. You’ll be the Emperor one day. You have no choice.” She said in a cold, rather impersonal tone, not wanting to dwell further into this awkward and tragic discussion. “One man can only love a woman alone. His heart is his own, while his body is the country’s. Men who truly love more than one woman are feeble, and should not be trusted.” He explained softly, but the girl didn’t spare him any glance. “In Europe, a King has only one wife, who is the Queen…Only their child is legitimate and the heir to the throne. Any…Mistake the King might do is swept under the rug, and the bastard is hidden from the world, or even killed. And the Queen…The poor Queen is all alone. Her sole role is to bear children and continue the lineage. They are not allowed to do anything, while the country abuses her body and soul, but the King can do anything he pleases, for the whole power is in his hands. Meanwhile…Here, the Emperor is forced to have multiple women as wives, and all can bear legitimate heirs…And yet, ask any woman, and you will see just how lonely and desperate for affection they are. They are not truly loved…But the Emperor goes to them when he remembers them…And sometimes, doesn’t even stay the night. The visits are brief…And when she grows old…She is forgotten, just like a wilting flower. I wonder…Which fate is more cruel? And also…Why should it be cruel at all? The Sun and the Moon are both beautiful, and yet, all alone. Maybe it’s better to be alone than heart broken.” She sighed, getting up and turning to leave, only for the man to stop her by embracing her from behind. “Y/N…Can you feel my heart beating? This heart belongs to you and you alone. It has been that way since we were children. I won’t deny, what you said is true in its whole entirety, but I never felt and thought the same way about a woman as I do for you. I am a man of my word, Y/N, and I vow to you – I vow on this country, and on my name as the next Emperor, that to me, there will never be anyone more important to you. So please, allow me to protect your heart, and I shall gladly give you mine for you to hold. Please trust me as much as you did when you let me catch you whenever you’d jump from the top of a tree, or when you’d find out a secret from your spying around the palace, and you couldn’t help but tell it to me, and me alone. I am yours for the rest of my life…So in turn, be mine, and mine alone.” His embrace tightened, and the girl felt hotter and hotter, her face became flustered, and she could feel her heart beating faster from emotion…And worry. “You are asking a great deal, you know, don’t
you? Something like this can’t be given away so lightly. It’s my heart, and I have only one. Only I know how to protect it…If I give it to you…Any wrong move can make it fall to the ground and shatter. And trust me, there is no remedy for a broken heart. What will you do then…My dear Zhen Zhen?” the term of endearment that she hasn’t used since they were children…How melodious and loving it sounded…The little fawn came back to him. “I would never let that happen. If it falls, I will fall with it, so I can catch it before it reaches the ground. If water rains on it, I will cover it with my own self, so it won’t get wet. If it’s too hot, I will fan it myself, and if it’s too cold, I will make sure to warm it until it’s not trembling any longer. So trust me, just one more time, and I promise you, you will never regret it.” He kissed her temple softly as his hands reache her own, intertwining his fingers with hers – He could feel her trembling softly – He knew the effect he had on her, and of her conflicting thoughts. “…Let me think on it, and I will tell you my answer by the time we reach the capital. Until then…Let’s catch the culprit and be rid of this pestilence. Actually…Let’s visit the constable, for a change. I believe that…He is not as innocent as he seems…And his uselessness may be just an act. If you can’t trust a constable, then who can you trust, the saying goes. So, what do you say? Are you in?” she turned around, failing to meet his eyes, but she could see his smile…As beautiful and confident as ever. “Let’s catch him.” He nodded, and together, they went around the house, their sword in their hands, carefully, and they were going to meet at the back of it, while they investigate every little bit of it – And yet, by the time the prince got to the back…There was no sign of the girl at all. “Y/N? Where are you?” he tried to look around for her…And yet…The only clue that indicated the girl was ever around this place was the blue ribbon that used to hold her hair up.
However, the darkness of the night became an even darker abyss for the prince as well, as he was hit in the head with a metallic object, which had him hazy enough to be dragged into the warehouse just behind the constable’s house. There, he got tied to a chair in the back, as the place was illuminated by a bunch of paper lanterns – And then he saw her – In the same state as him, only she seemed much…Out of it?
“What did you drug me with?” her voice sounded like a drunk man – Slurred and groggy – And yet, his eyes were only set on the small, shiny object in the constable’s hand. It was foreign, and strange…It was…Weird. “It matters not what I did to you, Miss Detective. What matters is that here, you and your dear Prince will face your demise!” the constable, Rui, grinned creepily at her. “…A constable from hell. How unlucky for the people here. Why bring us here?” she continued asking, trying to keep a grip on reality. “Once the verdict is done, I will execute the law. Imperial Detective Constable Y/N. You protect the law. But what have you done wrong? Go on, tell me. I know you know. That friendly foreigner already told you.” He insisted, crouching down to her level. “…My heart is filled with Wrath.” She muttered, feeling her head swimming and spinning in a vertigo mixed with a hurricane. “Yes, good, good, the sinful wench acknowledges her evil-doings! Then, you know that I have to kill you, just as I killed the others! They only brought misfortune to our beloved city! And you…You are the worst of them all. Wrath is the reason everything good gets destroyed. Women, of all people, should be gentle, calm and understanding. You? You behave like a mad war criminal who seeks blood alone!” he screamed in her face, as she could only roll her eyes at his stupid allegations. “Oh, spare me the bullshit. You are the one who bent the law, punish yourself first. You are stupid.” She groaned, feeling a headache creeping. “SHUT UP, BITCH! Who do you think you are, speaking like that to me?!” he said, slapping her face and snatching away the Imperial Token given to her by the Emperor. “You think if you have this token given away from that conceited fraud you call an Emperor, you will be protected from anything? NO! In fact, you and your two silly princes just signed a death sentence coming here! But, alas, I couldn’t do away with them when I wanted to, you just HAD to folly my plans! Very well, then, I shall do away with you first, while he watches you physically feel the very same wrath you inflicted upon this world!” and thus, he took a syringe and, despite all her struggling, she was still bound to the chair, and he had no problem injecting her with more of whatever that horrible liquid was – It made her even hazier than before, and her vision became blurry – Not even by straining, could she see well in front of her anymore – And it made her panic, trying to breathe faster, as she felt the cold metallic barrel of the weapon placed cruelly on her forehead – It only made her skin feel even hotter than it already was. “So, I’m guilty…For being alive. For trying to save people. And you…You are…Innocent. You are a hero…For killing. You are no God. You have no right to take away the lives God gave to those people. You are not the Judge, nor the Executioner. If you so firmly believe in Christianity, you would know that God hates no one – In fact, he loves all he created, equally – And would never approve of such senseless killing. You just chose to pick apart a few paragraphs that suited your narrative… And you went with it, using a foreign Deity as your scape goat. You are absolutely pathetic and a sorry excuse of a man and a constable. You should be ashamed of yourself.” Her words shocked the prince, but also made him afraid for her – Unlike her, he could see the twisted look of anger on his face – And he could anticipate his next move – As he saw the culprit strike down the girl once again, with such force that the chair tipped over and she fell on the ground with it. “I shall now pass my verdict to this witch! Those who are foolish and arrogant are unreasonable. It is from excessive arrogance, for deceiving the holy court and committing falsehood…I declare Y/N, the Imperial Detective Constable, to be executed at exactly 2:00 in the morning.” He declared, looking at the sand falling down in an hourglass, and leaving the room just briefly. “Yin Zhen…Is there any way out for us?”Y/N asked, hoping she was loud enough for the prince to
hear. “Yes, there is. I just need a little more time. Y/N…Do you know what that metallic object was?” he asked, trying to cut away the ropes with a stray nail he found on the chair. “It’s a gun. Horrible European invention. Honestly…I’m so tired. I just…Want to rest for a while…And get this over with…I want back home…I want to see the mountains in Hunan again…And the flowers bloom. I want to play in the river and catch fish…And pick fruit from up the tree…And make wine and cakes…And have them with you….Yin Zhen?” she let her head back on the chair’s seat, looking up at the wooden ceiling, as she sighed deeply. “Let’s get the hell out of here, I’m so done with sins and whatever.” And thanking herself for training to be flexible, and that the ropes were tied as neatly as they should have been, she bent down enough for her tied up hand to reach into her hair and pull away the hair ornament that had a very sharp needle, so she could cut away her restraints with moderate ease.
However, as soon as she got up and tried to take a step forward…She stumbled and almost fell down. “Is this what it’s like to be drunk? Because if it is…I hate it.” She groaned, gripping her head, as everything began to spin in around her at an even faster pace, so badly, that she had to catch onto something. “Y/N, look out!” the prince yelled at her, as the constable came back, ready to pounce on her, but she turned around, slamming her needle hand into his flesh, as she tried to pull away his gun-hand from her as much as possible.
However, the needle was very old, and it broke from all the commotion – Her drugged self was none the better either – And with just a bit more strength put into it, the constable wrenched his gun arm from her grasp and he punched her to the ground, knocking out the air from her lungs. It really pissed her off, and she wanted to rip him apart limb from limb, but the drugs were too strong still to allow her to do anything that she wanted to do.
As she struggled to get up, she heard the unfamiliar sound of the gun cocking, and then, a demonically loud explosion – Was that the sound of the gun shooting? She wondered, and yet, why didn’t it hurt her? Why didn’t she feel anything? She was sure that, should he shoot, he would shoot her – He wanted her to be in pain and feel the physical consequences of implied wrath.
“Y/N, are you alright?!” ah, that’s Yin Zhen calling out her name like that! And he was struggling…Yes, he must be wrestling the killer. “Yeah, I’m good, but be careful with that gun! One shot and it could kill you!” she called back, and got on her knees as soon as she heard the sound of the heavy, metal object fall to the ground.
As she heard the two men struggling to take the other down, she searched around almost blindly for the gun, and after some time, she finally managed to catch a hold of it, and with shaky hands, she properly held it in her hands, the barrel pointing forwards. The killer was dressed I dark colours, while Yin Zhen’s whole outfit was a bright gold, so, as Y/N strained her eyes to see better, she took a deep breath and pulled the trigged – And then static – Her ears were ringing, and she groaned, the gun falling from her hands as she gripped her head, covering her ears, hoping the horrible ringing noise would stop already.
“Yin Zhen, are you okay?!” she called out, struggling to get back to the shaky reality, hoping the drug’s effect would go away faster already. “…Yeah. You killed him. It’s finally over.” He sighed, going to her side and picking her up bridal style, leaving the place and going back to the inn. However, instead of going back inside, the prince made a detour, and chose to go to the highest hill, where the flowery trees were untouched by the city. “How did you know where to shoot, despite being drugged and not seeing well?” he asked, very curious, as they sat down on the grass, at the bottom of a tree. “…I may sometimes make fun of you for wearing such bright and colourful clothes…But if it was Yin Zhi, I wouldn’t have been able to pick apart the two silhouettes. So, to answer your question…Pure luck, I guess.” She shrugged, sighing and leaning her head on his shoulder, looking up at the moon, seeing it fall down, as the dawn was beginning to come, and the sky was painted in the most beautiful colours there were – And even better, her vision was beginning to clear up. “Let’s hope we won’t have to deal with anything foreign again. This was more of a drag than it should have been.”The prince said, and the girl could only grumble in agreement. “Ah…Right. Uhm…This…It broke. I don’t think it can be repaired anymore.” She muttered sadly as she took out the broken hair pin from her pocket. “This…I didn’t realise you still had this. It’s been so long since I gave you this pin.” He gingerly took it in his hands, but it wasn’t sorrow on his face – No, instead, he was smiling, realizing the feelings she had for him were as strong as ever. “…It’s the only piece of jewellery I wore since then.” Her voice was soft, the little fawn was brave, and speaking. She was honest with herself, with her heart…And with him. “No matter. I can give you any jewellery you want. This was old and I’m surprised it lasted as much.” He chuckled lightly, but the girl shook his head, confusing him. “…I don’t want any jewellery, Yin Zhen. You don’t get it. This…You picked this, thinking of me. You wanted this hair pin to be mine. To wear it. You thought it suited me. You thought it would make me think of you…And it did. And I only wore this one, and every day. I knew it would keep me safe…So I put it on again just before approaching that house. Guess your heart will always protect me. So, you understand? I don’t want just any jewellery. I want a piece of your heart, soul and thoughts to be in anything you give me, otherwise, it’s completely worthless to me.” She explained, snatching back the pieces of the broken accessory, making the prince smile fondly at her. “Very well, I understand what you mean, and I know just what to do. So, for the first gift I will give you…Have this jade pendant. I had it made for me a long while ago. It’s been mine, so, it’s a part of me. And now, I give it to you, to watch over you and protect you. I held it on my sword’s scabbard, I think it suits the black and gold of it very well…And so will yours.” He declared, taking both his and her swords, and trading the two pendants on each sword. “And I shall take yours, as a gift, so I can have a piece of your heart with me as well, wherever I go and you’re not next to me.” His teasing smile crept on his face as he heard her chuckle, snatching her pendant from his hand, tying it to his sword by herself. “That’s much better. It counts when the other gives it to you themselves, dummy.” She let him hold her to his side, as they watched the sky in silence.
When morning finally came, they got up, ready to wake up a very grumpy 3rdPrince, then went to the brothel matron to tell her they will be leaving, and who the real killer was, so they can find themselves a new law enforcer…This time, not a homicidal one.
“Are you sure you won’t be staying one more night, cutie? I mean, we didn’t even have the time to get acquainted with each other…It’s pitiful.” The woman whined, but the prince was indifferent. “There is only one woman alone who owns my heart.” He chuckled, waving the girls goodbye as they got on their horses and went back to the capital. “Very smooth, Princeling.” The girl laughed at him, kicking the horse to go faster, almost as if she was challenging him for a race. “I know what I want in this life.”He declared, and for the remaining long journey, they’ve been teasing each other enough for the 3rd prince to curse them regularly…More so than usual.
“I am very proud of the three of you for solving such a horrible crime. And to think the constable himself was the perpetrator all along! To attempt to commit such a horrible act of regicide…I am glad he got killed by his own weapon.” The Emperor sighed, stroking his beard and shaking his head in disbelief and disappointment. “Father, without Y/N, we couldn’t have done it. She played the crucial role in all the mystery-solving and having the courage to fire such a dangerous and strange contraption. It was lucky she was versed enough in foreign culture and literature for her to pick up on the hints given by the killer at each crime.” The 4th Prince praised the Detective girl, who merely cleared her throat awkwardly. “Your father will be very proud of you when I tell him of your brave deeds! I will have to think of a reward for you, but if you have something in your mind, do tell, and anything shall be granted.”The Emperor spoke, dismissing them. As they bowed, ready to exit the room, the girl smirked, turning around playfully. “I want to marry your son.” She laughed, running away from the Palace of Mental Cultivation, back to her own small place, leaving the two princes and the Emperor to blink and gasp in shock at her boldness. “About time.” Yin Zhen huffed, smirking, as he rushed to catch up with her as well. “Those two are such idiots…But I guess…Together, they will be good rulers in the future. Don’t you think, Father?” the 3rdPrince smirked in amusement, looking out at those two. “This youthfulness and open-mindedness is sure to be a great addition to this country in the future. Until them, let them be children at heart, for just a little while longer.” The Emperor chuckled whole-heartedly, closing his eyes and reminding his own youth, as it was so long ago.
Back at her palace, she hid behind the heavy drapes as she quickly and very skillfully fidgeted with a red rope – She’s been practicing it for a long time, and by now, she could say she was sort of an expert at this – And before she realized it, the drape was strongly pulled away, and in front of her, an amused prince towered over her, not caring about the poor maid’s pleas to get out.
“Found you.” He watched carefully as he noticed her face raise, and her eyes directly look into his – She got more courage, this fawn – He wondered if she really was just a sweet fawn anymore, or if another spirit animal found its way inside her heart. ��Found me.” She mused, holding up the red knot for him to take. “This…This is the Love Knot, isn’t it? I’ve never seen it before.” He spoke, taking it from her hands. “And now, you give it to me. When did you even have the time to make something so intricate and complex, anyway?” he asked, looking at it with adoration. “I practiced it a lot when I was in the mountains, training. And besides…You sure took your sweet time getting here. Were you really so stunned by my statement that it took you so long to move?”she teased him, only for the man to quickly cup her face and kiss her – Her lips were as sweet as the last time they touched, and yet, now it was a proper kiss, and now, he felt her slender, small hands over his, as she deepened it with even more love, not wanting to let go of him any time soon. “I’m not the only one who loves to surprise.” The prince let out a soft, content breath, as he watched her eyes sparkle brighter than the moon itself…And she looked very much kissed – And her lips…They were plump, and in very need of more attention. “Clearly.” The corner of her mouth sprung upwards, very amused by his statement. “So, princeling, if your Father decides not to kill me after the stunt I pulled at the palace…Then, you got your answer. But, be very aware, I am not afraid to commit regicide on you, should you be a jerk to be at any time, understood?” she glared at him, more or less seriously, as she grabbed the front of his clothes, dragging him down to her level. “Crystal clear, darling.” He chuckled, nodding in understanding. “Good. Then, kiss me again.” She ordered, and he could only comply. “Any time, Y/N. Any time.”
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Hi! Your thoughts on the epi? How emotional was the ending? I also loved that the stories came full circle (Apollo and the little prince). With how much they were discussing the strawberry allergy, I knew it was a matter of time before an allergic reaction emergency would occur. Serkan is not perfect but honestly who's parents are? I'm glad he got the reassurance he needed from both Eda and Kiraz. I'm also glad the truth about Aydan and Kemal's five year relationship is out to Serkan.
My apologies in taking so long to answer this, but LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. For me, this was a very gentle, but very enjoyable episode of television. I think you'd have to go back to season one episodes 4,5,6 to find three episodes in a row that were as good as 43, 44, 45 (coincidentally episode 4,5,6 of the 2nd season). How delightful that cliffhangers in season 2 are emotional plot points for our dynamic duo, instead of the nonsense like falling off of boats or getting caught by a gunman while playing detective, or non-stop, third-party psycho trauma like we endured during 29-38.
The ending was very emotional! As you say, it was always a matter of time before the strawberry allergy played a role, they've mentioned it too many times this season for it not too. Here it played two roles, first putting Kiraz's life in danger thus cementing their burgeoning family unit AND being the genetic tie between three previously hidden generations. Potent stuff.
I was thrilled by all the domestic Edser in this episode. Outdoors, kitchen, living room, bedroom, kid's room, we got it all! I just loved the family time, and the sexual tension and the way they grew closer throughout the episode. I saw some criticism that they made no progress in this episode, but I disagree with that. Just because they didn't make out or have sex, doesn't mean they didn't progress. In this episode they went from being on opposite sides of a custody battle to agreeing to buy a car together, travel together, work together, not to mention having a romantic dinner together.
So buckets of progress was made, however, more on that later, first the supporting characters...
(more under the cut)
What a relief to have both Eda and Serkan treating Aydan and Ayfer as the meddling interlopers they are! Serkan wordless, furious glares were delicious, seriously I don't know how AA had the courage to stay in the house with him looking at them like that, he couldn't have been less welcoming. And Eda actually questioning her aunt about why she was there was a surprise. Of course Ayfer continues to be super punchable. I really, really wanted to hit her right in the face when she gloated over Kiraz calling him Serkan Bolat. Seriously, bitch? You know that's your grandniece, right? And you know that she must have some issues about her dad being absent from her life (which you are partially responsible for) so the fact that you're gloating that a man who was prevented from knowing he had a daughter (again, partially your fault) and a girl who was prevented from having a father (again, you bear some blame) have an emotional barrier in their relationship is beyond shitty. What happened to her personally that made her such a cynical asshole?
Aydan on the other hand is still annoying but she has her own problems, lmao. I'm dying because early in the day the episode aired, I said to both @echoapothecary and @melly326 that it was a shame that the show had decided to waste the potential of Sinan's resemblance to Kerem. I have been hoping they would do the Serkan father storyline since the moment the character was introduced, but the day I give up hope for it is the day it happens! I legit had no expectations that there was even a chance it could still happen.
Personally I'm excited, It's nice that the writers gave Aydan some cover, she didn't lie, she simply didn't remember they had hot baby-making sex back when she was having problems with Alptekin. Imagine what might have happened had she remembered at the time. If Aydan had come clean and left Alptekin, Serkan never would have been sent away, Aydan would have had the support she needed when Alp died and Serkan would have grown up loved. I hope Alptekin suspected the truth, because it would go a long way in explaining why he was such a shit-stain to Serkan his whole life.
It was obvious what direction the story was going from the conversation between Kemal and Aydan when he told her they'd "you know'd" that night, but I still let out a squeal when he revealed his strawberry allergy. Three generations of aversion to frangeria. Google tells me that severe strawberry allergy is rare so this really is an obvious flag they've been waving in front of everyone.
The story also dovetails nicely with Serkan's own journey with surprise fatherhood. We know he hasn't taken to Kemal, has been suspicious of him, however hopefully his own experience being kept out of his daughter's life will make him sympathetic to his newly found father.
Engin and Piril... were there. I can't tell you how much I don't care about Engin's out-of-the blue catering business, or Piril's suspicions. However, I did enjoy the 3 way family phone call, once again Can comes through with the right bit of info for Kiraz, he's definitely the most useful member of that family.
Pina and Kerem were also... in the episode. I did giggle when Asst Kerem admitted he was stunned into silence by Serkan's charisma. Tell me about it.
As for Melo, she stole the show among the supporting characters. Her heartbreak was palpable, but WHYYYYYYY did she have to fall for such a no-personality sad sack? Seriously, even drunk that guy is boring. Also why is he lurking outside Eda's house like a creeper, staring in windows? What does it take to get through to him? Serkan and Eda are following a court order and living together, they are in the process of making their first lunch together, you, sir, are not needed at their home for their first meal as a family. GIVE THEM SOME SPACE!
I really don't get what Melo sees in him. However her crush gave us the funny scenes with the mug turning red and also the heartfelt friendship scene with Eda. It's about time Eda is shown taking an interest in her life, it was really lovely how Melo got over the awkwardness of telling her and Eda was supportive and kind. Also hopefully it made Eda aware of the problems associated with not drawing hard boundaries for someone she knows has feelings for her. Draw the boundary, Eda.
As for Eda, she was a bit softer this episode, you could see Serkan getting to her. One of my favorite things about the episode was how Serkan was subtly planning their life together as a family, and Eda being swept away with the tide and going along with it. (gif set here) Family car? check. Family trip to Italy? Check. Sharing an office and working together at Art Life again? Check. Answering questions and giving preferences about one specific house Serkan is designing? Check.
This is significant because no matter that Eda still (understandably) needs time to forgive Serkan and to trust him with her (and Kiraz's) heart again, deep down she knows it's inevitable. She knows they're inevitable. There's no reason to seriously fight the inroads he's making into their life, because she knows he's going to succeed. In the deep recesses of her mind, she knows she's going to forgive him, and that they're going to be together, not just as co-parents to Kiraz, but as a very much in-love couple. However, she still needs a little time to get there. And that's okay. You don't erase five years of loneliness and heartbreak in a few days, nor should you try to. There's no reason for her to rush to let him back in her bed or into her heart, there's time for her to heal and for him to prove she can trust that he won't leave her again, even for noble reasons.
The bet was a clever way to extend their time living together. And I liked the detail that she was secretly so pleased to have him there, and still so attracted to him, but she knew she couldn't let him know because then it would be game over. He'd settle in and never leave. Not that I think she wants him to leave, she doesn't and that's what scares her. She clearly wants him, and wants him there, she got melty every time she looked at him with Kiraz, but she can hardly be blamed for needing to take it slow. That being said, while putting Kiraz to bed, I loved how Eda's plan to put Serkan on the hot seat completely backfired on her. Hee hee. She decided to tell Kiraz that they're being honest and to ask whatever she wants (that could have gone really wrong, by the way, if she asked if Daddy had really been in space) but daddy's-girl Kiraz immediately turns it back on Eda and wants to know if she loves Serkan Bolat and then sets them up in the same room. Good girl, Kiraz!
I immensely enjoyed the tension of Eda and Serkan sharing a room and sparring about which side they have to sleep on and OF COURSE they can only sleep facing one another. And OF COURSE Serkan migrated to the bed in the middle of the night. Funny how these two keep waking up all wrapped up in one another, almost like... they not only gravitate to one another, they also calm and comfort one another.
Once again, every scene between Edser and Kiraz was gold. I can't say enough how tiresome I usually find children on screen, but here I'm just delighted by her precociousness. Even her making a giant mess in the kitchen was endearing. As I said, I loved how much domestic Edser we got this episode. Them running around the kitchen with their daughter, having a flour fight? Pure delight. And I swear Maya Basol looks more like a mixture of Hande and Kerem than their own child would. It's simply uncanny.
Beyond their domestic scenes, it was lovely to see them both just falling back into a spot where their lives were intertwined. Loved Serkan driving her to work at the hotel, and then driving her home again when she quit. Not to mention how supportive he was, I'm not sure how she didn't either jump him right then and there or start crying in relief, when he was telling her she has the talent to be doing bigger more prestigious jobs and now that he was here to help she could do it. Eda's had support in raising Kiraz from Ayfer and Melo, but they really don't understand her career. Serkan understands. He is the life partner she's been missing.
Eda and Serkan seem to be on the same page as far as their families interference, being annoyed at both Ayfer and Aydan, I'm glad to see neither trying to defend mother/aunt to the other. Eda also seemed annoyed by Serkan moving his office to her house for the day, and she made several inferences, as she's been doing, about him putting work first. This is completely understandable, IMO. He left her on their wedding day for work, and he used "work is the most important thing to me" as the reason both times he broke her heart. Yes, after the fact, she found out that there were other, much bigger reasons and work was just the excuse, however that doesn't erase her deep-seated, pavlovian-like response she has to him seeming to prioritize work. She lived five years, raising their child alone, thinking he loved work more than her. It's completely natural that she's holding onto that for a bit. And it's okay if he needs to prove to her that he can prioritize her and Kiraz over work before she lets it go completely. I get it.
As I said, I enjoyed Serkan trying to trap her with the mood mug, that's the kind of gentle friction and comedy I'm here for. Of course he does catch her later on the phone admitting that she loves that he's there and it's game, set, match. For Serkan. I think we're all glad he won that bet. However, him removing his bed on the floor was a bold move and he pretty much deserved her locking him out after he did it. I read a lot ridiculous discourse on this, and my response is: you're taking this show too seriously again. This is a romcom move, it was done for comedy, and I promise you Serkan is able to fend for himself. If he didn't want to be kicked out, he shouldn't have tried to force his way into her bed again. Waaaaay presumptuous, man.
Buuuuut... how did Serkan get off the balcony? I don't know, but as I said he can fend for himself. Dude probably spent the night on the living room couch. Serkan's sneezing was cute, but being cold doesn't give you a cold. Maybe it's an allergy from too much time outdoors, lol. LOVED Serkan smoothly convincing Eda to come back to the office. If he'd approached that directly, it might have been a weeks long endeavor to get her to make ArtLife her office, but Serkan building the play school was genius! He never wastes time, that guy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but this was impressive.
It warmed my heart how they fell so easily into working side by side. Casual conversations about what they were working on, and, you know, randomly deciding to go on a family trip to Italy with your estranged lover, as you do. Which all led to one of my favorite scenes... dinner! They got back to honest, open communication and it was lovely. Thankfully, Eda stopped letting him think she was running off to spend time with Burak and I adored Serkan coming clean and allowing himself to be vulnerable in admitting that he'd made the dinner for them and that he'd been upset when she didn't show. That's how you make progress. Just beautiful.
As for the "we need to all tell the truth" scene, that was silly, but if it gave us Aydan's secret being revealed I'm a-okay with it. About time! Buba was once again annoying and it was cathartic for Serkan to be able to tell him he doesn't like him. Same, Serkan. Seriously, can he and Ayfer fall in love and move to the country to run an Alpaca farm or something? The hospital scene was very poignant, I wrote more about it here. Now what I need is for Eda and Serkan to walk out of that hospital room and, out of relief, fall into the tightest hug. Crossing fingers!
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kilgarygotcake · 4 years
Some higher power made me make this post so bear with me for a second.
Gary , what most people consider Spongebob's pet snail , is the same being as kilgharrah, the basement lizard from bbc merlin. Also Garygotcake.
Let's start by giving the definition of the phrase "got cake". Urban Dictionary, world's most trusted source when it comes to cursed slang terms defines it as follows:
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So what we have to examine is whether Gary has a nice ass or not.
Let's start with the most famous evidence of that fact:
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What we see here is a canonical picture of Gary's ass. But the question still remains: Is that ass "nice"?
Beauty is often in the eye of the beholder so we need to find an objective way to prove that Gary does indeed have hella cake.
Let me introduce you to the φ (phi in english ) number. Phi is often referred to as "the golden ratio" . This is a ratio often appears in nature and was used by some great architects and artists to make their works more aesthetically pleasing.
In other words phi can be an objective way to measure beauty since most humans seem to find works that contain that ratio - in some form or another - pretty.
The thing is that snail-shells are said to follow that ratio too and Gary's ass follows the shape of his shell. So Gary's ass follows the golden ratio too.
Thus, it is only fair to conclude , that not only Garygotcake but that Gary's ass is aesthetically pleasing to the eye of the average human being. Gary's cake is one of the finest cakes that ever existed and that's just a fact.
But I am not done just yet. I need to prove to you that the green inspirational quote from merlin and Gary are the same being.
Well, lets take a look at some of the things that we know from the Spongebob show and our general pop culture knowledge.
In the dream episode of the Spongebob Show Bob , while he is asleep, visits Gary's dream. Then, through Bob's eyes, we see that Gary is not just a dumb snail but a superior being with a huge mind palace that seems to have gathered all the knowledge available in the world. The season 1 episode in question is called "Sleepy Time" for anyone who wishes to check it out. I am leaving this pic of dream Gary here ,just to give you an idea of what I am talking about.
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In the "SB-129" episode form the 1st season of the SpongeBob SquarePants show Squidward accidentally freezes himself and ends up 2000 years into the future and has to use a time machine to come back to his own timeline. So we deduce that not only time travel is possible but there's a functioning time machine somewhere in bikini bottom.
In the " Chatterbox Gary" episode from season 11, Bob buys Gary a meow-translator. This is one of the first thing that Gary says when he is able to be understood in english :
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I am putting the image of Bob's vision here too.
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My last point is that Kilgary is green and if there's one thing that the "Kissing the coronavirus" book by M.J. Edwards taught us is that green=hot=coronavirus. So it is obvious that kilgary must have been infected by the virus at some point in his life.
So we have one super smart snail which dreams of World Domination and has an easy access to a time machine and a glorified serpent that lives under camelot's palace and must have been infected by a virus that wont appear for another 1500 years.
So the conclusion is simple:
Gary, the snail, got tired of his life as SpongeBob's servant so he decided to go and see the world. He took Squidward's time machine with him but he didn't use it immediately. Unfortunately for him ,his travels made him end up in Dr Ashingtonford's lab where he was used as a test subject and got infected with the deadly virus. He felt the virus changing his body so he decided to use the time machine and travel into the past where he wouldn't be treated like a lab rat anymore. He traveled 2000 years back , changed his name into Kilgharrah and became the first dragon to ever existed. Being the evil genius that he is , he mutated more snails into dragons and put forward his word domination plan until Uther came , killed all the other dragons and captured Gary in the dungeons.
Some applications of the theorem include the following:
Kilgary knows the future bc he comes from the future.
The existence of dragonlords is explained by the mere fact that Gary, an all powerful being himself was bound to follow Bob's orders and that "curse" if you will was passed to his descendants. (The other dragons)
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kill-for-cookies · 4 years
Hi! Could I request literally anything Whittaker!Master please?!
Also justt want to say that I love you’re writing and that you’re incredible 💕 have a great day
Aaaaaw, that's so nice of you! Thank you so much. At one point, I thought about stopping writing altogether, but you proved me wrong. Unfortunately, this took me longer than I thought (I was out of writing and fandom), but I hope you enjoy it. This is my present for you on my birthday :)
Dealing with the Devil
Another morning of another day. A normal morning. That's an odd word for you, considering you've been traveling with the Doctor, but not anymore. You'll have to get used to this word, to a new lifestyle and daily routine.
You didn't have an argument with a time traveler. You just outgrown these endless adventures. Of course, travel in time and space is wonderful, but it seems you're tired of constant stress, concern, anxiety, waiting for danger. From this point of view, it's not as exciting as it used to be.
Besides, you're tired of helping people all the time, risking your own life. Sometimes people have to overcome difficulties and let them save themselves. Maybe you've become more selfish over the years, but no one is perfect, so you weren't too worried.
The day was clear, almost cloudless, with no bright sun. Peace and tranquility. At such moments, you liked to go to a cafe, take your time, drink coffee with a bun in a pleasant and cozy atmosphere. In addition, it was where you made friends for the first time with a girl who works in cafe and is not associated with traveling in a blue police box. For that, you appreciated this place even more.
When you arrived at the cafe, waiting in line, you met the eyes of Lucy, your friend, who greeted you, but somehow without emotions, which wasn't like herself. Maybe she was just tired. Or was it just the morning? It's only 9 am.
You decided to look around for now. In the farthest corner on the right sat a man with an orange cap, typing something on a computer. And in the middle sat a lady in a big black hat, looking out of the window and holding a cup in both hands.
When your turn finally came, you ordered everything as usual, namely coffee with a croissant. You tried to start a conversation with Lucy while your coffee was being made, but nothing much came of it. Your friend didn't answer much, just smiled.
Everything would have been fine, but something was clearly wrong. Your instincts told you that and one thing you've learned from your adventures with the Doctor is that you can't ignore your instincts.
Your friend were just smiling, nothing suspicious or strange, but for some reason you felt uneasy, your back went all goosebumps. And you couldn't explain why.
'Please, Y/N, stop. Why do you always have to think about the bad things? It just seemed to you, stop looking for a catch' you thought. And it was true. What makes you think you're a trouble magnet and not the Doctor? The answer is obvious, isn't it?
After receiving your order, you sat down at a table and sipped some coffee, which was as always delicious. Well, the robot definitely couldn't make such a divine drink. So all your previous doubts were disappeared, dissolved in a fog of pleasure.
But something inside you said it was worth coming here tomorrow. God knows why. Maybe the coffee was so good or something else...
The next morning. The weather got a little worse, but that didn't spoil your mood. You were lucky to have two days off in a row. You didn't have to get up early and do anything special.
This time you were late - you left the house at 11 am. It was because first you decided to stay in bed and not get up, then you took a long time to get ready, and then you went to the cafe on foot, and not by bus as usual.
Once inside, you took a couple of steps forward and looked at the entire cafe, out of old habit. It was just like yesterday. Nothing changed. Also noisy and cozy, Lucy with a cold face, all the same people at the tables - at the farthest corner man with a computer and an orange cap, and in the middle a lady in a big black hat... Stop! Nothing changed at all! You have a photographic memory for faces.
'Okay, that's weird. Should I leave? Yeah, I think it's a good idea' you couldn't help but agree with your voice of reason and calmly, behaving completely normal, turned around and headed for the door...
But unfortunately, you didn't have time to get out - you ran into some big man. You were hoping you could get off with a quick excuse and sneak out, but he grabbed you by forearms hard, spun you around and pushed you forward a little. Everyone in the cafe looked at you with cold, unfeeling eyes, like robots.
At that moment, you had no doubt that something was wrong. Why do these things happen to you? Maybe it was a new version of Cybermen with invisible armor? Or Daleks masquerading as humans? If only the Doctor would arrive here, as usual, at the right moment...
"Oh, don't worry, I did everything I could to keep him out of our way" oh no, it was even worse than the Daleks and Cybermen put together. You knew exactly who said that. How could you not notice her blonde head and smug grin with red lips? Right now, you were just cursing yourself with every possible word and wanting to sink through the ground.
"Master..." you said it through clenched teeth, almost growling her name, which makes you weak, defenseless and annoyed you. And surely, the blonde grinned even wider, showing snow-white teeth.
"It's nice to know you haven't forgotten me yet, sweetheart" now the Master stood in front of you with all her arrogant majesty. She was watching you closely, waiting for your reaction. Her gaze seemed to look into your soul and ignite something in you, thus adding fuel to the fire.
"Don't call me like you and I are old friends" you barely restrained your anger, not to spoil a difficult situation, from which you still need to somehow get out. At least alive...
"Aren't we?" the Time Lady was feigning surprise. "Didn't you enjoy our moments together?" her lower lip pushed forward, as if offended, though you didn't even need to know the Master to know she was secretly exulting.
Not to say that you didn't stay alone with her, but the Master certainly didn't show any special interest in you. Just as a Doctor's companion, that's all. At least, that was what you thought.
You chose not to answer her question. It wasn't even you didn't want to please her. You just didn't know the answer to it. The blonde just gave you a toothy smile. She was having too much fun. You couldn't even remember when she was like this.
"What do you want from me?" you had enough of this. The sooner you found out what this arrogant Time Lady wanted, the sooner you'd turn her down and maybe be able to return home. Although knowing the Master, the last one was unlikely.
She walked around you like a snake encircling its prey and, standing behind you, whispered in your ear:
"An offer you can't refuse. But before I tell you about it, I suggest you sit down" the blonde pointed to the table with her hand. You didn't have much of choice: anyway, you'd end up at that damned table and listen to her. Voluntarily or by force.
So you reluctantly sat down at the table. A few moments later, the Master was sitting across from you. You tried to read her face to see what she was going to offer, but you couldn't. But you noticed something else.
The Master behaved somehow differently. Well, arrogant as always. Well, Time 'What is personal space?' Lady. But there was something else and it was eluding you, but it was clearly bothering you... Why did it bother you at all?
"What's the deal?" to be honest, you were really curious to know. Of course, your answer would remain unchanged in any case, but what exactly prompted the Time Lady to come to you and not just to annoy the Doctor.
"You can travel with me" she said, perfectly casually and serenely, glancing at her fingernails.
On the opposite, you were like being struck by lightning. Wow! Were we really talking about the same time traveler? Because it didn't really look like a Master.
Usually, she always laughs at the whole thing about companionship. But here we were, Master asking you to travel with her. Well, that was something you definitely couldn't predict. And what should you do in this situation?
"Do you want me to be your companion? Why?" there was a clear surprise in your voice, but you didn't try to hide it (her suggestion affected you so much). You could even feel your eyebrow go up and not down.
"I would say a partner. And to answer your question, why not? Not only the Doctor can have companions. Besides, he doesn't suit you at all" if that was even possible, your eyes widened even more. The second eyebrow rose to the first at the top. "You're more like me..."
Ha! A nervous laugh escaped from your throat. This was already out of the realm of science fiction. If you're impulsive and don't control your emotions well, that doesn't make you a psycho killer.
"That's not true!" you leaned back from the table, arms crossed defensively, and your nose wrinkled in displeasure.
The blonde looked up at you with her hazel eyes which glittered with mischief and pleasure. She got up from her chair, obviously coming up with something. The Time Lady came and stood behind you, her heels clacked on the floor with each step.
"Then tell me, why don't you care about these people?" the Master leaned toward you, her velvety voice sounding in your ear, like the devil was whispering in your ear. "If you did, you'd immediately ask what is wrong with them or beg me to fix them."
You turned your back on the Master and particularly on the people in the cafe. As much as you hate to accept it, she was right. Not to say that you didn't care about them, but now you were trying to get yourself out of this situation. You are not the Doctor, who can save everyone (or many people). You're only human, and of course, if you can save these people, you certainly won't mind.
"I'm still waiting for an answer. I hope you understand that otherwise these people will die, right?" well, of course, how can you do without blackmail? Now you understand very well the Doctor who has to make difficult decisions in such moments. That sucks, actually.
It's strange, but somehow you wanted to say 'no' even more than before. Not only to annoy the Master, but something told you that she wouldn't kill these people. Something has clearly happened to the smug Time Lady, something beyond your comprehension... For now.
And what if... It's very risky and may cost you dearly, but you had to try. What if it works? Actually, two can play this game, can't they?
"No" it's a good thing the blonde was standing right in front of you now, so you could see her really surprised face. It's worth a lot.
There was a grin on your face, which certainly couldn't please the Master. And it wasn't even followed by any weapons pointed at you or anyone nearby and that confirmed your assumption.
"No" you repeated, getting up from your chair and slowly making your way back to the exit. "I am not the Doctor, who falls for your provocations. I'm not their savior and certainly not a babysitter," you pointed to the cafe visitors. "It was nice chatting, bye!"
You turned around and walked confidently and quickly to the door. Maybe you could still get home before the Master came to her senses. Although you certainly couldn't anywhere in the universe (and even more on Earth) hide from her...
But by the Murphy's law, things didn't go the way you planned or wanted them to. Just before you raised your hand to the doorhandle, you heard a soft, but definitely unexpected word:
"Please" if you didn't know the Master, you would have said her voice trembled.
You were supposed to keep going to the door, just keep going and get out of here. But your feet betrayed you. They just stopped and refused to go.
'It must be some trick or I just imagined it... Anything, but it can't be true' but that thought didn't stop you from turning around and asking:
"Isn't that a word you say when you want something?" even from where you were, you could feel the irritation and... embarrassment? Your surprise was boundless.
"Yes, but I'm just surprised. This is the first time I've heard you say that"
Apparently, your mind was too clouded by emotions, because you really started to consider the offer. Your heart skipped a beat and you felt sorry for the Master. You never thought about it, but she doesn't have anyone. No one deserves such fate, not even the most dangerous person in the Universe.
"Fine..." surprisingly, the word just came out of you as if you had replayed this situation hundred times.
Before you got it, the blonde had already closed the distance, grabbed your arm and led you with quick steps to the TARDIS, which you just noticed. After all, the Master had the chameleon circuit working.
Before you put your foot in the time machine, you pulled your hand away. You had something to say. If the Time Lady wanted to travel with you, it would be on your terms. Well, as far as it was possible.
"But I have two conditions: first, no killing, I hate it" you didn't really believe that the Master would be able to contain it. But at least, in most cases. And that was worth something.
"You ruined all the fun..." the blonde rolled her eyes, but didn't respond further.
"What did you want from the Doctor's companion?" a smug grin appeared on your face, and the Master couldn't but just grin. "Second, bring these people back to normal."
Apparently, the Master assumed you would forget about them, because she snorted with displeasure, disappointed with your request. But she kept her word - after a snap of her fingers, all the people in the cafe seemed to wake up from a dream and began to look around, not understanding what had just happened.
The next thing you got, you were in the Master's TARDIS. And this is where a new chapter in your life begins. It probably won't end well, but who cares? You were willing to take the risk. Maybe this will be the best period in your life...
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missaudreyhorney · 4 years
Afterschool Special
Again, I am shocked and delighted that people are enjoying the beginning of this series as much as I’m enjoying writing it. I cannot thank you all enough for your kind words and encouragement. In this third installment, Hopper and Reader get to spend some “alone time” together. That’s all I’m going to say about it 😊
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Content warnings: Rated M for more age gap, Daddy kink, physical intimidation, over the clothes touching, and a new addition of under the clothes kissing. Female Reader, modern AU, 2.5k words.
You call Jim Hopper on Monday afternoon in between classes. His voice is even deeper and sexier over the phone than you remember it sounding the night before. He seems happy to hear from you and you try to hide how giddy you are about it. Sensing that the attraction between you two is very mutual, you don’t hesitate to set up a meeting. He tells you that he has Wednesday off from work, and for a second, you seriously consider ditching all your classes to spend the entire day with him. Instead, you agree to meet up at his house at four o’clock, which gives you enough time to go home and change after school.
Normally on a date, you would prefer to wear a dress but the winter chill in the February air sadly prevents that. Hopefully you won’t feel out of place wearing a heavy sweater and a pair of jeans to wherever it is he wants to take you.
The address he gave seems to be out in the middle of nowhere and multiple times you wonder if the GPS navigation is telling you to go in the wrong direction. Eventually, you find the place and it’s not so much a house as it is a cabin in the woods. It almost looks abandoned except for his car parked out front.
Any misgivings you have about the place are dispelled when you see Hopper standing on the porch and smoking as he waits for you. All your friends complain about guys who smoke, and that they hate the smell, but not you. You think it’s sexy and you even enjoy the smell.
A smile spreads across his handsome face when he sees you and it gets wider when you step out of the car. “Come on in, sweetheart,” he greets you with a white cloud billowing out from his mouth.
Anticipation rushes through your veins. When you last saw each other, and when you spoke on the phone, there seemed to be a promise of more, a promise to finish what he started when he came up to your room. You know that something will happen today, you’re just not sure how or when.
Once you reach the top of the steps, he says “It’s open. I’ll be in in a minute” as the unfiltered cigarette dangles between his lips.
Opening the door slowly, you let yourself in then put your purse down and look around. The cabin is…rustic. None of the furniture matches. Some of it looks to be as old as you are. There’s a decent red sofa but it’s covered in a patchwork quilt. There’s a plaid chair against the wall and it too has a blanket draped across the top, one that’s knitted or perhaps crocheted. The only things to indicate that you haven’t arrived here in a time machine are the flat screen tv on the wall and a new Apple computer on an old wooden desk.
Hopper steps into the room a moment later. “Why don’t you take your coat off and stay awhile?” He touches your back as he walks past you to go into the kitchen.
“Oh, um, okay.” You suppose he wants to talk a little bit or perhaps finish something up before you leave. Hanging your coat up on the rack, you notice a small pair of tennis shoes on the floor. “Do you live here alone?”
“No, my daughter lives here with me.”
His daughter? Gosh, Hopper really is a DILF. You follow him into the kitchen and your brain starts to connect some dots. “Is she the reason why you left so suddenly on Sunday night?”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” he says as he takes an ice tray out of the freezer.
“It’s okay. I’m just glad it wasn’t your wife.”
“Oh no, I’ve been divorced for a long time now,” he assures you.
Your eyes roam over Hopper’s large frame while you watch him pop the cubes out of the tray and fill it back up again. He’s wearing jeans and a blue flannel shirt, with the top two buttons undone, and a navy henley underneath. His scent of cigarettes and soap makes it seem as if he must have smoked immediately after getting out of the shower.
For a brief moment, you entertain the idea of ripping his clothes off right here and now, forgoing any previous plans you might have for your date. That’s where you’re hoping this will all lead anyway so what’s wrong with cutting to the chase?
In an attempt to restrain yourself, you bring up the one subject that will take your mind out of the gutter. “How did you meet my parents?”
“They brought one of their cars to my shop. I’m a mechanic.”
The attempt proves feeble as your mouth instantly begins to water at the mental image of Jim Hopper bending over the engine of a car, sticking out his cute butt in his Wrangler jeans, his hands and his face getting all dirty and sweaty.
“Can I make you a drink?” he offers, getting a glass off the shelf. “You are old enough to drink, right?”
You playfully roll your eyes. “Yes, I’m old enough.”
“I don’t have to check your ID, do I?” He winks at you and it’s as charming as it is corny.
“You can if you want to,” you respond.
“No, I believe you.” He opens a bottle of Jack Daniels and lifts it above his glass.
“Wait, you’re making a drink now? When are we gonna go?”
He puts the bottle on the counter. “Go where?”
“Is this it?” you ask, slightly stunned.
“Is what it?” Deep ridges form on Hopper’s forehead as he raises his eyebrows in irritation.
“I thought we were going to go on a date,” you explain.
His features soften as he chuckles at you. “We’re not going anywhere, sweetheart.” He gleefully pours the whiskey into his glass.
“So we’re just going to stay here and…?”
“Yeah,” he confirms with a smug grin. “We are.”
Suddenly your idea of tearing his clothes off seems like it would be more welcomed than you had anticipated.
“What’ll it be?” he asks, getting himself a can of Coke out of the refrigerator.
“I’ll have a water.”
Hopper pulls out a bottle of water and hands it to you. “You know this was your idea, right? You didn’t mention anything on the phone about a date.”
“I know, I guess I...assumed we’d go out.” You take a much-needed sip.
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to,” he offers in a considerably softer tone than you’ve heard from him thus far.
“No,” you smile at him. “I want to stay.”
He smiles back at you then takes a drink.
“It just would have been nice if you took me out somewhere,” you remark before raising the bottle to your lips again.
“Why beat around the bush? We both already know what we want.” He takes another drink then sets his glass down. “Unless of course, you want us to be seen together,” he adds, moving directly in front of you, with mere centimeters between your bodies.
Your heart starts racing as Hopper glares down at you with a storm churning in his deep blue eyes.
”Maybe you want people to look at us and know that I’m twice your age.” He leans in closer, backing you into the corner of the wooden counter. “Maybe you want to hear them say ‘what’s that dirty old man doing with that beautiful young girl?’” He enunciates every word in a biting tone as if he’s scolding you.
Your bodies are so close together that you can actually feel the heat radiating off of him.
“If that’s what you want, I can take you anywhere. We can leave right now,” he offers in a slightly more casual voice. “I just don’t see any point in wasting time when it’s so obvious what you came here for.”
“What’s that?” you accidentally say in a whisper.
Hopper takes a step back from you. “Go in the bedroom and I’ll show you.”
With a deep inhalation, you slip away from him and run out of the kitchen then immediately run back. “Which one is your bedroom?” you almost shout.
“The one on the left,” he answers, trying not to laugh at your over the top enthusiasm.
You pull the curtain in the doorway so hard that it feels like it might rip away from the rod. Yanking your sweater above your head, you kick off your shoes at the same time.
Lying back on the bed, you can feel how wet he’s already made you. Your body is practically vibrating with excitement as you hear the heavy steps of his boots as he approaches. A shiver runs through you when he enters the room.
“Where were we?” Hopper asks, kneeling onto the foot of the bed.
“You were on top of me,” you recall.
“Uh-huh,” he nods, positioning himself between your open legs.
“And I think you were going to unhook my bra?”
He runs his hands under your t-shirt and up the sides of your body. “You’re not wearing a bra.”
“I thought we could skip that part.”
He pulls your shirt up over your chest. “Good thinking.”
Without missing a beat, his lips are on your breasts, kissing both of them with his warm, wet, open mouth. Your left nipple hardens as Hopper swirls his tongue around it, making you push your hips into him. His lips close around the bud and begin to suck.
“Oh, Daddy,” you moan, using the title with no regret this time.
“That’s what I like to hear,” he pauses long to speak then immediately begins sucking on your other nipple.
Just like on Sunday, his mouth is rough. Not solely the texture of his scruffy beard against your soft skin, but the ferocity with which he sucks on you and teases you with his teeth. Also just like Sunday, he moves his hand in between your thighs and pushes his palm against the center seam of your jeans.
You hiss when he bites down hard into your flesh, clearly not holding back this time. It’s an exquisite pain that you could easily become addicted to. Your fingernails claw at his shirt when he rolls your nipple between his teeth.
Hopper is working you into a frenzy with the way his hand presses into your jeans, rubbing your pussy through the denim. All the different sensations he’s causing in your body are starting to become too much and you need a release.
“Daddy, please,” you beg breathlessly.
Your nipple pops out from between his lips with a vulgar sound. “Please what?”
You’re unable to answer him as your mouth is too busy moaning while his hand brings back that familiar ache.
“Tell me what you want, baby,” he instructs between licks.
“Your f-” you interrupt yourself with another moan. “Your fin-”
“You want my fingers inside you, is that it?” Hopper asks as you grind your crotch into his palm, desperate for all the friction you can get.
“Yes, Daddy!” you finally manage to force out two coherent words.
He unbuttons your jeans and you hear a noise coming from the living room. You both ignore it while he ever so slowly starts to pull down your zipper. Until you hear another noise. Not a noise actually. A voice. Two voices.
Hopper’s hands fall from the zipper, landing on your sides, while his head sinks down in defeat. Your body tenses with worry that whoever it is might come into the room as there’s no door to keep them out.
The two young voices are arguing about something but your brain is far too preoccupied to be able to comprehend the subject of the argument. The only thing you can manage to infer in your current state is that it must be his daughter and one of her friends from school.
Hopper gets up from the bed, leaving your chest fully exposed, and you tug your shirt back down. He has you throbbing with need, and exactly like the last time, your hopes for satisfaction have been quickly dashed by an intrusive family member.
When he goes into the living room to mediate the situation, you sit up and see something on his nightstand that you were in too much of a rush to notice before. Magnum XL condoms, not one but three, the edges of the gold foil still attached to each other.
“For Pete's sake, what’s going on out here?” Hopper demands above the sound of their bickering.
“Mike was staring at Stacey Albright,” his daughter explains.
“No, I wasn’t!” the boy interjects.
“Who’s Stacey Albright?” Hopper asks.
“A girl at our school who stuffs her bra,” she answers.
“She does not stuff her bra,” the boy disputes.
“How do you know that if you weren’t staring?” she raises her voice.
“I was not staring!” the boy yells back.
“Both of you calm down, alright? Jesus.”
Hopper opens the curtain, walks in, and closes it behind him. “Listen, I’m sorry but I gotta-” he begins to apologize in a dejected tone.
“No, I understand,” you reply, cutting him off as you stand up from the bed before pulling on your sweater and shoes. “I should go.”
When you turn to walk out of the room, he grabs onto your upper arms. He doesn’t mean to startle you, it happens solely by accident because he’s so strong. “Look at me,” he suggests, trying to get you to make eye contact.
You gaze up into his gorgeous blue eyes and he starts to smile.
“I still want to see you again,” he says warmly.
“Me too,” you agree, reciprocating his smile.
The kids resume their argument and Hopper rolls his eyes. “Please call me,” he adds before letting go of you.
“I will,” you confirm.
You open the curtain and both of the kids’ mouths fall silent as they watch you emerge from the bedroom. They look to be about fourteen or fifteen-years-old. The girl has brown eyes, long brown hair, and the most perfect skin you’ve ever seen on a teenager. She forces an awkward smile to be polite. The boy is tall and pale, with sharp cheekbones and curly black hair like a rockstar from the ’70s. He glances back and forth between you and Hopper with a confused expression on his face.
“This is my daughter, Elle,” Hopper introduces.
“Hi,” she says.
“Hi,” you say back, your voice sounding squeaky with nerves.
“And her boyfriend, Mike,” Hopper continues.
“Ex-boyfriend,” Elle corrects.
“What? That’s not fair!” Mike exclaims.
They start bickering once more and you shoot Hopper a sympathetic look as you grab your coat and purse then slip out the front door. It feels like the universe is conspiring against the two of you, trying to keep you from having sex with each other, like a cosmic cockblock. As you drive away from the cabin, you silently pray that the next time will provide the relief you’re yet again so desperate for.
Tagging: @t-u-m-s @girlwiththenegantattoo @ottosuricato @im-not-great-at-making-up-names @misshawkins1993 @emilyyblackkk @hopperlover @kingphillipblake @kate110199 @david-harbour-arg @manawhaat @helena-mrs-murder​ @zombiesnips-blog​ @chiefharbour​ @flamehairedwritings​ @s-h-e-w-r-i-t-e-s​ @strawberry-fields-f0rever​ @mrs-geuse​
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Image credit: HarbourSource on Instagram
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So. I binged @lyranova’s series COTF last night, and I got inspired. And I just had to make a one chapter spin off from it with Fue’s and Lara’s future son. 
Hope you enjoy ^_^
It felt as if air had been knocked out of him, making him able to draw only shallow breaths as he made his way forward. His muscles ached with a tingling sensation, but it’d pass. He had great faith in the sensation passing. All he’d need to do, is keep calm, and keep moving forward within the limits of his own capabilities. If he could only take shallow breaths for now, then that’s what he’d do. It was called getting accustomed to the situation and was nothing to get worried over. Unexpected things were going to happen, but what would matter was his ability to work with it.
The terrain looks pretty similar than back home. And there’s a prominent concentration of mana that way, so it’s probable that the headquarters is there. Yeah. For now, I can just work under the assumption that things are similar to what they’d be in my own time. And if it turns out that I’m wrong, I’ll make corrective manoeuvres. Yes. I need to start from somewhere. And this is as good of a tactics to start with as any else.  
Red flags by the side of stone gates, depicting a golden lion came in sight. And behind the gates, multiple sources of mana could be detected moving around.
Alright. It looks very similar, so this can’t be that far from my time. But now to… how to approach this? I could very easily sneak in and just see them, if they’re both here that is, but that’d be a poor choice. But then again, just knocking on their door and asking to see the captain is enough to raise an eyebrow. And most of the time it wouldn’t lead anywhere. But… between the two choices, that is the more rational one to take, because the other one can potentially cause havoc.
He sighed to himself, gathering himself for a moment. Alright. I can do this. I just need to argue my case well.
“Welcome back Sir,” Randal greeted as Fuegoleon returned to the base, passing him in the corridor.
“Thank you,” he replied with a courteous tone. “Did anything note worthy take place while I was gone?”
“Well you could say that Sir…”
“I’m not quite sure how to explain it properly Sir. But a certain… young gentleman is here to see you.”
Fuegoleon stayed silent, waiting for Randal to elaborate.
“He’s wearing the squad uniform, and his mana levels are more than enough to qualify him for the squad, but I can’t remember him ever joining. And he does have a cloak pin that… it resembles your family insignia,” Randal paused for a moment while thinking back to the young man’s ensemble. “He was very insistent on seeing you, but kept it perfectly civil and he seemed reasonable enough. Though he refused to tell me what he needs to talk to you about.”
A thought passed through Fuegoleon, even if he still had a reason to be sceptical. He couldn’t let himself get caught into the emotion and the countless of possibilities and had to make sure who the man indeed was.
“Where is he?” He asked frankly, but a hint of curiosity lacing his tone.
“In your office Sir,” Randal replied, to which Fuegoleon nodded.
“Thank you,” he still said before starting to make his way towards his office.
“Oh and Sir?” Randal continued as an afterthought, making Fuegoleon turn his head back to Randal while halting his movement for a moment. “He-, he also inquired about Solara. I suppose. It was very subtle.”
Fuegoleon paused for a moment, thinking about what course of action to take with a faint thoughtful hum. “Where is she at the moment, do you know?”
“I’m assuming that she’s in her office Sir,” Randal replied while his brows furrowed for a brief, passing moment.
“Could you ask her to come by my office?” Fuegoleon asked, receiving a nod from Randal.
“Of course, Sir.”
He still nodded before continuing his way to his office, the thoughts beginning to swirl in his mind more violently than before. And none of the possibilities that came to mind were exactly calming him, for all had a component that made him feel uneasy, even if for very different reasons.
He opened his office door and was greeted a sight of a young man, possibly in his early twenties or slightly younger quietly sitting in a chair before his desk. His eyes were golden, bright as the morning sun, and he had ginger hair, slightly lighter than Fuegoleon’s own.
“Good day,” he greeted while standing up and offering his hand to shake while wearing a friendly smile. A smile that was reflected in his eyes.
“Good day,” Fuegoleon replied while returning the handshake, letting his eyes wander free over the crimson cloak the man was wearing. It indeed resembled the squad uniform to a great extent, but with minor alterations, and a cloak pin on his right shoulder.
His gaze met with the pair of golden eyes once more, and he gestured back towards the seat. “Please.”
The man nodded and sat back down as Fuegoleon circled around his desk and took a seat in his own chair.
“I’ve understood that there’s something urgent you need to discuss with me?” He inquired factually, choosing to get straight to the point.
“Yes, that is correct,” the man replied before his gaze shifted into the distance with a thoughtful frown. “But I must admit that I’m not quite sure how to begin,” he admitted with an apologetically amused chuckle.
“Then perhaps it’s better that we get straight to the topic,” Fuegoleon suggested with a stern expression while preparing himself for whatever the man was about to tell him.
“I suppose that’s indeed the best course of action,” he agreed with a veil of hesitation over his eyes. “You see, my name is Leonidas and I’m-“
There was a knock at the door, interrupting Leonidas’ explanation, the sound making both of them turn their heads towards the sound and see Solara emerging into the room.
“You needed to see me?” She inquired with a faint smile, her eyes passing briefly over the young man whose eyes widened in recognition. “Or are you in the middle of something?” She continued while gazing to Fuego.
“It’s alright, you can stay,” Fuego replied with a faint, and yet factual tone as Solara made her way closer to his desk after closing the door.
She placed a few documents onto his desk as he spoke: “Please, continue.”
“Ah, yes,” Leonidas uttered as a forced, tense grin appeared on his lips. “As I said, my name is Leonidas and, um,” he paused to clear his throat as his gaze averted to the side for a moment. “And I’m your son.”
Fuegoleon kept his stern gaze directed at Leonidas while Solara’s brows rose in surprise, her head turning towards Leonidas. The young man was seated back in the chair, his arm was propped against the arm rest, his hand loosely held against his face, and his index finger was placed horizontally over his lips.
“That is a bold argument to make,” Fuegoleon commented.
“And I’m not claiming that it wouldn’t be,” Leonidas agreed. “But the truth is that I was sent back in time, by…” he chuckled to himself, “by the two of you. And you didn’t really give me a reason why I needed to walk through the Time Gates-“
“Time Gates?” Solara interrupted.
“Yes,” he agreed. “Look, I know, I know,” he emphasized while leaning a bit forward in his chair, “that it sounds absurd, because even time mages can’t just walk across them as they please, but-“
“But since there are portals that require a specific flux in the space time continuum, it’s not impossible, just highly unlikely. And even then, it’s not ‘walking freely’ but works under predetermined laws and regulations,” she thought out loud.
“Exactly,” Leonidas agreed while loosely pointing at her with his index finger, almost as if to say ‘you go it’. “So,” he began with a hopeful undertone lacing his voice. “You believe that I’m your son,” he smiled to them while lowering his chin, his shoulder rising slightly closer to his ears, as if he was curling around himself.
“Unfortunately, that only supports the idea of you being from the future,” Fuegoleon replied, “while the question of lineage is still very much an open discussion. Because, let’s say that you indeed are from the future, then you could be in possession of knowledge of the past that’s freely given. As royalty, and nobility,” he added while glancing to Solara, “our lives are very much under scrutiny, and thus telling simple details about us doesn’t yet prove anything.” His tone was distant and factual, a hint of disbelief lacing it, as if he wasn’t fully with the conversation and rather working on autopilot.
“Furthermore, there are types of magic that can be used to inside the memories of others, thus there’s a possibility that you’ve come into possession of our future memories and thus can tell us about us,” he reasoned further while staring blankly ahead of him.
“Fair enough, but-“ Leonidas tried, but his mind was blank. Dad has a point. And he has to consider all that. He does. So how-, how can I prove who I am without really giving away much about the future? Okay. Okay. Hmm… That magic can ‘show’ memories, but feelings, those they can’t convey, right? So, what have they told about their emotions from this point of time? Things that wouldn’t be obvious. Okay. Think.
Solara placed her hand onto Fuegoleon’s shoulder, waking him from his trance and making him glance at her. But instead of glancing at him, she tilted her head and watching the young man, who was furiously trying to think of what to say.
“[It’s hard to counter those arguments,]” she commented with a soft tone, as if the words would’ve taken off of her lips with butterfly wings.
“[It is,]” Leonidas agreed with a tight smile, while his eyes still retained that look of melancholy.
Alright. So, you’re Thean. That’s a start. “[Tell me,]” she continued while circling around the desk, her fingers sliding off of Fuegoleon’s shoulder as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. “[Tell me about The 23rd of Quintilis.]” She continued while leaning against the desk.
Leonidas frowned at her. “[Okay, so officially-]”
“[No. Not ‘officially’. Tell me what really happened.]”
“Oh…” he mumbled before his face distorted. “[O-kay…]” he breathed in while shifting in his seat. “[So… under the castle there’s a-]” he cleared his throat, “[there’s a portal that… really shouldn’t be there, one that really shouldn’t ever have been made really, and-]” he bit down his molars after swallowing.
“[Okay, fair enough. That’s enough to tell me that you’re Thean, and, nobility,]” she interrupted. “[What’s left is for you to convince me that you’re our son.]”
But that’s the hard part… He took a deep breath while regaining his pose, and trying to concentrate on what he could say. “But the thing is,” he began, glancing at both of them. “I can’t really tell you a lot. Because that could potentially change the course of the future.”
“Mhm,” Solara hummed.
“Oh boy, when you said that this’d be a good practice run for The Divine Evaluation Ceremony, you weren’t lying,” he joked, making Fuegoleon quirk an eyebrow, while Solara scoffed to herself with a faint passing amusement. “Alright, bad timing,” Leonidas continued with a wave of his hand while looking at his father.
A brief silence settled into the air, quiet anticipation building up around them.
Solara sighed and made his way closer to Leonidas as her arms fell to her sides.
“Convince me,” she implored, now standing next to his seat.
Leonidas’ eyes averted to the side for a moment. “Mom… I-, I really can’t. Most of the arguments I could make, could easily be countered with ‘but there could be magic that’, and the rest… I really can’t tell you,” he admitted. “If Alyssa was here, I could prove it easily, but…”
“Mhm,” she hummed while letting her gaze cascade over the form of the young man in front of her. She sighed, and opened her arms. “Come here,” she spoke with a hushed tone, making Leonidas’ eyes turn to her in disbelief.
He got up from his chair with slow, hesitant movements, looking at her, almost as if to still ask if he could. The pair of golden eyes explored her expression with a sorrowful undertone.
He took a step forward and wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tight while pressing his forehead against her shoulder. And it was as if, being able to hide away from the world, into his mother’s arms, allowed him to spill his emotions out. “But… this isn’t like [The Divine Evaluation…] this… I don’t know how to get back from this…” he admitted.
Fuegoleon watched the interaction, and there was something so natural about it. There was something so genuine about it that it made his heart clench. Either… either he’s an incredibly good liar… or then he’s telling the truth… He got up from his chair and made his way to the two.
“I really need you to believe me mom,” he whispered, as if speaking out a secret.
“I hear you,” she replied with a whisper of her own. “And I’m willing to believe you. But. If it turns out that you lied to me, then-“
“I’ll be in a world of trouble?” Leonidas grinned through the barely broken voice of his.
“Son or not,” Solara agreed with a faint chuckle.
Leonidas pulled back from the hug, and he looked at Fuegoleon, standing next to them.
They shared a gaze for a moment, until Leonidas spoke up. “Look, I can’t really reason to you any better why you should believe me. And… you absolutely need to consider all of the possibilities, making all of the arguments perfectly valid. So…”
“You can only hope that I believe you?” Fue asked with a low, quiet tone, but which, this time, was laced with a soft undertone.
Leonidas nodded as a reply, knowing just how flimsy the argument was. In fact, it wasn’t even an argument, it was a hope. It was a hope that the people, who would eventually become his parents, but yet weren’t, would believe him.
Fuegoleon sighed to himself. For a good while during the conversation, he had felt as if he wasn’t even present in the room, but rather just going through the motions while trying to reason it all to himself. But now, as he watched into the golden eyes, bright and radiant as a faint flicker in someone else’s, he felt the tension of his muscles melting away.
“Alright… I believe you,” he spoke with a faint smile while placing his hand onto Leon’s shoulder. “But-“
“Lying won’t be tolerated?”
Fue nodded to him. “Precisely,” he replied. “It seems you have a habit of interrupting people,” he commented with a faint smile.
“I like to think to think it more like continuing other’s sentences,” Leon commented as his gaze fell to the side. “And I don’t do it with most people…”
“Hmm…” Fue hummed with a smirk. “I think I understand. It sounds a bit like a habit of someone else,” he spoke with a tender tone while giving Solara a glance.
“Just try and tell me that you don’t like it when I finish your sentences,” she rolled her eyes with a grin.
“Never did dear…”
Leonidas smiled as he watched the exchange. They really haven’t changed from since then. Or now. Since… From. The beginning.
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paragonrobits · 3 years
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A friend asked me to give a stab at a Tierlist Maker for Video Games Not Yet In the Video Game Hall of Fame Tier List Maker, so here's my list for it!
This is based primarily on what I considered to be overall value to gaming history as a whole, with games with greater influence or impact ranking higher than those that had less impact on those to follow, or on culture. All the entries are those that have been nominated to the Hall of Fame, but not actually inducted as of this post's writing. Games that I personally like are generally rated higher, though mostly because I'm more familiar with them and thus can judge their impact from a personal POV.
(Tier List explainations, below!)
Final Fantasy: I mean seriously. How is this one not already in yet?? It is not, as my research suggests, the first true RPG; that likely goes to games like Ultima. It is certainly an incredibly influential one; FF is a name closely associated with JRPGs in general, and its diverse class system is one of the strongest things to do with it, as noted by challenges like beating the game with a party of Black Belts. FF is THE name of RPGs in general and I'm startled it hasn't made it in, though I suppose that's owing to more notable entries (Hard as that is to imagine). It doesn't hurt that the majority of my favorite FF titles are those most similar to this one, such as FF6 and FF9, in terms of approaching the general world setting and class systems. Most significantly is that this game popularized RPGs and made them accessible, in ways that previous games such as Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quest did not; the field of gaming would be VERY different without it; RPGs became VERY popular, to the extent of RPG elements being almost universal among other games in the modern day. (I am also pleased and amused to see 8-Bit Theater mentioned on the actual Wikipedia page. Now THAT'S notability!)
Sid Meir's Civilization: HEY NOW HALL OF FAME JUDGES, DON'T YOU BE MOCKING CIV, ALRIGHT. CIV IS FUCKING AWESOME. Okay, jokes aside, I'm genuinely astonished as the Civ series is considered the first true main game of the 4x series, and it shows; the entire genre centers around expansion, resource usage and diplomacying or conquering your enemies, and considering the impact of this game and its sheer popularity, to the extent of the meme of the game getting people to play for Just One More Turn, I'm a bit disappointed that it's not already in the hall of fame. I also note that I am personally more familiar with the spin off Alpha Centauri, a sci fi variant, which is still one of my all time favorite games.
Half-Life: Given this game's popularity, to the point of its release alone consigning the likes of Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines to cult classic status and its engine spawning a whole THING with GMod and the usage of physics mechanics in FPS games, one thing of note is its use of scripted sequences; at the time, an unknown in most games of the time. There may be something to be said for how the entire game is spent as Gordon Freeman, behind his eyes, possibly engendering a lack of separation between self and character that would be later emphasized in games like Bioshock. It's influence on games cannot be denied, with publications using it as a bookend between eras of gaming. One consistent element of what seems to make this game so distinctive is its approach to storytelling, without simply imitating film techniques which don't always work well with gameplay.
Candy Crush: This is an example of something I don't personally play myself, or even like very much, but I'd be remiss to dismiss it out of hand. There's no denial that phone games are one of, if not THE biggest market of games in the here in now; if now in scale, certainly in quantity. You might call it the TF2 Hat Economy theory; people aren't spending BIG bucks, but they are spending a LOT of little bucks all the time. It proves that highly accessible games that are generally free to play, with optional purchases, are a legitimate means of game business, and this certainly revolutionized how games were seen by the money-makers.
Super Smash Bros Melee: I loved this game as a kid, but truth be told i have a bit of a love-hate relationship; i REALLY dislike the competitive community that has fixated hard on this game, so any thoughts on it will have a slight element of pause beforehand. Even so, I can't forget the thrilled delight I felt watching the trailer for this game in supermarkets for the first time as a kid. at a time when getting any new games at all was a HUGE deal in my family. So, there is a lot of feeling behind this one! Ultimately, I have to concede that while i have complicated feelings about this game, its worth noting that the vast majority of things that made Smash iconic, and influenced the competitive scene AND the games inspired by Smash AND shaped the course of the series going forwards, largely owe themselves to Melee in particular. 64 was far more slow paced, while Melee began the trend towards much more fast paced action (and while I doubt it's SPECIFIC to melee as a whole, it may have been a trend for the genre from then). Melee is STILL widely played, especially on the competitive scene, and this sort of longevity always bears evidence of notability.
Goldeneye 007: I have to admit that despite being a kid in the 90s, despite someone who put most of their time into gaming, and despite being someone whose favorite system at the time was the Nintendo 64, I mostly missed out on the trend of history by honestly not being that much into this game. I have to say that I DID play it, however; I just never managed to get past the first level or so. I have strong memories of triyng and failing to sneak around a snowy lair of some description; it wouldn't be until the mid-2000s, playing Deus Ex Human Revolution, that I got the hang of stealth. All the same, personal indifference really doesn't matter much because HOLY SHIT THIS GAME HAS SOME STAYING POWER. IT HAS INFLUENCE, FRIENDORITOS. Perhaps chiefly, at the time it was made, consoles were not considered viable platforms for first person shooters; Goldeneye revised that notion, and created a whole revolution in multiplayer and shooter games. We would later see the ultimate consequence of this in games like Halo, which further revolutionized the whole genre. Ironically, the stealth attributes I was so bad at were part of what made the game so unique! It's one of those games that may not have aged well, by modern standards, but its import to gaming as a whole goes a long, long way.
Guitar Hero: I expect this one might be a bit hard to justify, but on its own, this game is INCREDIBLY innovative, though its not entirely the first of its kind, having mechanics based on earlier games. The very first entry has a respectable library of 30 songs, which is impressive considered at the time it was made, its not likely people expected it to get as far as it did; bear in mind that the massive libraries of later games were the result of years of this game series being a massive steamroller of a franchise! At the time, this one was an unknown. It has an interesting history as being a successor of sorts to an arcade exclusive, and inspiring a genre of imitators and spiritual successors on its own; of great note is the sheer impact this game had. With so many of those successors, the increased value of liscened soundtracks, and the way the game's concept became so influential, its astounding this one isn't already on the hall of fame. (It's also very fun, but fun alone doesn't make for memorability, sad to say.)
Myst - an iconic and incredibly atmospheric puzzle game, I'm genuinely surprised that I haven't heard talk about this one in some respect; it bears note as a rare game with absolutely no conflict whatsoever. I actually rank this one on par with the 7th Guest in terms of atmospheric games, though their tones could not be more different. So why do I think this game deserves it at some point? It was an incredibly immersive and beautiful game, lacking in genuine danger or threat, encouraging the player to explore and tackle the puzzles of the game. This sort of open-ended lack of peril makes it an interesting precursor towards certain flavors of sandbox games around now. It's worth noting that it was a tremendous achievement, given technical limitations of things such as the CD-Rom it was stored on, maintaining a consistent experience, as well as tying narrative reasons into those very constraints. It has been compared to an art film; if so, it certainly is the sort that invited imitators and proved to be a great technical achievement.
Portal: PORTAL! What can I honestly say that hasn't already been said by other people? The amazing integration of a physics engine into innovative puzzle solving, combined with a slow burn sort of minimalist plot reveal concerning the AI proving itself to be a kind of reverse HAL 9000? This game got a HUGE number of memes back in the day, and I expect anyone reading this can probably reference a few. The cake thing, certainly, and its relevance to matters of deception. There is much discussion over the game's utility in academic circles, which is certainly quite notable, and for my part, I'm interested by the point that at first the game gives you a lot of hints towards what you're supposed to do, gradually making it less obvious for the player you're on your own entirely, using your experience with the game to get past the puzzles from there, and its excellent game design. Ultimately though, I place this below Half Life in hall of fame urgency, because while I probably like this one more, it doesn't have the same impact on other games, per say. (That's a lot of awards for it, though. Wowza.)
Resident Evil: Is it fair to call this one the major survival horror game of its era? No, because it's apparently the FIRST, or at least the first to be called such. It's certainly up there with shaping the genre as a whole, both its immediate predecessors and modern games. The flavor of a survival horror can even be judged about whether its close to Resident Evil's style of defending yourself with limited resources vs controlled helplessness. It's also worth pointing out that I quite like the restricted, cramped setting of the mansion, rather than an expansive city; Biohazard was a real return to form, even if its something I mostly watched through funny lets plays because OH NO ITS TOO SCARY I CANT WATCH.
Asteroids: It's called the first major hit of the golden age of the arcade. I'm forced to say... yeah, it absolutely deserves it. The actual implementation and hardware of the game makes for interesting reading, and so its innovative nature ought to be noted: it lacked a soundchip at all, making use of handmade circuits wired to the board. It's reception was great, beating out Space Invaders and needing larger boxes just to hold all the money people spent on it. It also invented the notion of tracking initials on the top ten score, which has implications for arcade challenges.
Ms. Pac Man: This one consistently ranks HIGH in gaming records of its time, though there is admittedly some confusion to whether it or Donkey Kong was a better seller. Interestingly it appears to shape most of the gameplay mechanics people remember most for Pac-Man, such as the improved AI of the ghosts. It's more highly regarded than the original game, and on a personal note, I remember being a kid and seeing this arcade machine at ALL the laundry places my family usually wound up going to.
Frogger: It's placing on this list is not solely because CUTE FROG. The accessibility and wide appeal of the game bears a great deal of consideration, the flexibility of its formula, and just how many dang times it's been ported in one form or another. (And also, cute frog.) It also gets points for the creator being inspired for the game when he saw a frog trying to cross a road, hampered by the vehicles in the way, and he got out of his car and carried the frog across the street. The game is also evident of broad appeal, and some money-makers resisting it, goes back a long way; it was apparently dismissed as a kid's game by some, which just goes to show that some problems are older than quite a lot of gamers alive today.
Uncharted 2: this is one of those games where I cannot honestly say I have personal experience to draw from. Of the playstation's big games, I remember the Jak and Daxter series; I remember Kingdom Hearts, and I remember Ratchet and Clank, and I remember Infamous, but the Uncharted series remains
something of a 'I don't go here?' obscurity in my personal playbook. It does look memorable and charming from what I've seen, and one consistent element I've seen in comments about it is the cinematic nature of the game; it feels very much like a fun heist movie, based on what I have seen of it, and the notable thing is how the game FEELS cinematic.. in a literal way. As in, it combined elements of cinematography with game design, and that's no mean feat: what works for movies are unlikely to translate well to the interactive side, and it shows how that can be done for other games. The extensive praise does the game a LOT of credit!
Angry Birds: As noted before, I'm not the biggest fan of most phone games, given that i prefer a more passive experience than most provide. As such, Angry Birds isn't something I've played as of this writing, but I have to appreciate the straightforward and simple gameplay; it reminds me a bit of the Burrito Bison game series, which I HAVE played, and I'm going to go out on a limb and assume it's because Angry Birds is probably the innovation that coined that particular style of gameplay. It's an example of what made phone games profitable and worth the time of developers to work at them; its easy for casual players to get into, and there's a fun sort of impact involved. Given the popularity of phone games, this one has a LOT of influence in getting that rolling, similar to candy crush, if not as much.
FIFA International Soccer: Simulation games are a tricky business; it can be really difficult to get them right, and this game provides an example of it being done in a way that a lot of people REALLY loved, set up an entire game series, and revived the 3DO system after a very bad year. Of note, apparently it was commented that it was more of a simulator than a console game, and this is rather funny considering how simulator is its own genre nowadays! Such do things change. It seems to have been a revolutionary game and simulation; setting the shape for modern sport games of its type, and tending more towards realism (accounting for acceptable breaks in reality) than was typical of the time. This one's position is thus picked for its impact as a whole; while it may not necessarily be a household name now, the series continues on, and is popular enough that even after 20 years, it's still been going.
Elite: I nominate this game in this position for being a startlingly early entry into what we would now consider open-ended games, even with an element of exploration and trading; if one stretches definitions a bit, a precursor towards gameplay of the like scene in 4X players who strive to avoid conflict, if possible. Its technical breakthroughs are some very interesting reading and make for good game history; a vast and complex game (not just by the standards of the era, either), and opening the door for persistent world games such as World of Warcraft.
Wii Sports: A significant game, and much as how other titles mentioned above were famed for gateway entries into gaming for an unfamiliar audience, or those that would want o play on a more casual basis. It seems notable to me for being most suited as a family game, or a more casual experience of multiplayer than usually associated with games like this; this has greatly influenced Nintendo's design philosophy, and one can see elements of this all the way through the Wii U onwards. It's essentially a fliparound from Mario Party; less competitiveness, but definitely meant as a group thing. Controversy is evident, because like with Mario Party, injuries did result from it.
Call of Duty: I place this one here because, while it DOES hold a very significant role in gaming history, with countless imitators, spiritual successors, being a game-changer in ways that its modern reputation might surprise you with, ultimately it is less so than other games such as Goldeneye, Halo or Half-Life. It's development in AI pathfinding and tactics is incredibly noteworthy from a mechanical perpsective, and the sheer level of awards it won is notable. In the end this game's popularity and continuing influence means that it shouldn't be overlooked.
Metroid: You can't spell 'Metroidvania' without this game! A relatively open ended exploration-based game with further options opening as new tools were found give it an interesting vibe, and the oppressive atmosphere distinctive to the game says great things about its sound and level designs. It wasn't the first open world game, or explorer, or even the first to open new aereas based on equipment, but it had ALL of these elements in a very memorable package. (Samus Aran as a female protagonist is something I'm a bit reluctant to give it credit for, as her identity was obfuscated for most of the game, and only revealed in a fanservicey way in a secret ending. All the same, credit where it is due, I suppose!) It's music seems to endure as a mood setter, too!
Pole Position: Perhaps not the FIRST racing game, but still considered one of the most important from the golden age of gaming, and the one to codify many of the firm rules of the game series. It's three dimensional gameplay is incredibly innovative for its time, and having played it and games like it in the past, I'm struck by how smooth the whole thing feels. No wonder it was popular! It is notable for having been designed specifically as a 3d Experience, meant to execute techniques like real drivers might attempt, which makes it a different sort of beast in that it tried to do more realistic actions; in some ways, a precursor to modern trends of realism in many games, for ill or best. Ultimately I think this one is worth a nomination because of its influence towards racing games (a popular and long lived genre, to say the least) as a whole.
Nurburgring 1: On the one hand, I feel a bit guilty putting this one so low; it is recognized as likely being the earliest racing game in history, and given that I just finished noting Pole Position's influence, it feels a bit mean to rate this one as relatively insignificant all the same. However, in terms of notability, I never even heard of this one, and it was tricky finding information about it. Accordingly, that may say something about its influence, though this position DOES make it noteworthy as the first of its kind, albeit with Pole Position refining and introducing elements that shaped the genre.
Dance Dance Revolution: It feels a bit strange, putting this one fairly low. This thing was a MONSTER back in the day; entire arcades were built around the dancing control peripherals it required, rhythm based games or mechanics specifically invoked it by name, and it was an absolute cultural touchstone for years and years. So, why place it low? Partly, its because I can't just shove EVERYTHING into the 'deserves a nomination' folder; I do think it's fairly reasonable for this one to at some point get a nomination in the future, though ultimately there's games more noteworthy on the whole. It's specific rhythm qualities continue outside of its genre, and are quite influential to gaming as a whole, though unfortunately the series seems to have lost something in notability over time; popularity is a factor, but so is the impact on other games.
NBA 2K and NBA Jam: I put these two together because they touch on similar touchstones for me, and they really did popularize basketball games back in the day. Jam in particular seems to be invoking the Big Head mode that were a big thing in games at the time, at least going from the screenshot. They were very popular and highly beloved games back in the day, though I don't know if they have much influence on later games. I note that interestingly, they take opposite approaches; 2k focuses on AI and realistic experiences, while Jam was deliberately less realistic and more actiony in its over the top gameplay.
Nokia Snake: This one really impresses me for the sheer number of releases, in various forms, it's had! Interestingly, there seems to be little consensus on the name of this game; most just call it Snake or something on that theme. I went with Nokia Snake because... mostly, it sounds funny, and that's how its done on the list. This one is fairly low, but I Have to give it credit for having hundreds of releases!
Farmville: My mom liked Facebook games, a lot. And I am certain this one was one of her main ones! I rate it fairly low, and no doubt her spirit is yelling imprecations at me across the void of time, space, and abandoned socks; all the same, this one is ranked low because of the sheer number of displeasure aimed this one's way. (And to be fair, she complained about it. A LOT.) It is thus notable for unusually negative reasons; an example of exploitation, pressuring players to pester their friends to play it in an equivalent to electronic chain mail, and microtranscations.
Tron: I'm inclined to give any game that takes place in a computer land and uses programming or mechanical terminology a free pass! Interestingly, this has some association with the Snake game, as they have similar gameplay and Snake games are sometimes called Light Cylce games, after this one. It has an interesting history; the graphical system was chosen largely because it was believed it was more likely to be achieved before the deadline.
Mattel Football: I do feel a little mean putting anything in this category; firstly because I don't want to make actual fans of something sad, and secondly because I believe you can probably find notability anywhere you look, if you are inclined. And here is the chief difficulty with this one: I could not find any real information in this one. It has no Wikipedia page, a google search only led to undescriptive links of SALES for the game, but not any information on the game itself. Notability is my main resource for sorting these entries, and honestly? If google has nothing on you, that's a pretty poor sign. Sorry, Mattel Football, but you look like a poor man's Game And Watch. You're no Portal, Myst or Pole Position.
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amethyst-geek · 3 years
My predictions for Felix’s role in season 4
A few episodes into season 4 (possibly episode 9 as we know that’s the episode titled Gabriel Agreste), Felix will return to stay with the Agrestes while Amelie has to go on a ling business trip. As to why Amelie is having Felix stay with the Agrestes in Shadow Moth-ridden Paris instead of having him stay with relatives back in London, I have a couple of explanations:
1. Just because London doesn't to deal with Hawk Moth, that doesn't mean London doesn't have its own supernatural problems. Zagtoon has a series in the works called Miss Rose, which is about a magical spy and this series will do with crossover with Miraculous in the upcoming London special, so it stands to reason, that London has just as much supernatural drama as Paris, if not moreso. Therefore, Felix probably has to deal with supernatural threats regardless of where he is, but at least in Paris, the damage caused by akumas and sentimonsters can be reversed by Ladybug. 
2. Felix’s paternal relatives have sort of lost interest in Felix following the death of his father for reasons that I’ll explain later in the post (though u can probably already guess if u read my post about a possible return of Chat Blanc). 
After Amelie leaves for her business trip, Gabriel asks Felix to meet with him in private. Gabriel then confronts Felix about the ring he stole. Felix tries to deny it, but Gabriel calls him out of his bullshit. Felix then states that Gabriel doesn’t deserve the Graham de Vanily rings and ask him if he even know the story of said rings. Gabriel says no, so Felix then proceeds to tell the story that Amelie told him. Felix tells him that when worn together, they give the wearer special powers. Gabriel then realizes how similar this sounds to the miraculous, particularly the Bat Miraculous he read about in the Grimoire. So he then takes off the ring he’s wearing and asks Felix to put it on to see if the story is true. So Felix puts on the ring, takes out the ring he stole out of his pocket, and puts it on his other hand. When he does this, a bat kwami appears. 
After silently kicking himself for not realizing sooner that he had a third miraculous literally on hand this whole time, Gabriel then takes Felix down to the basement. Felix is pretty weirded by this, and Gabriel then asks him if he remembers the deal he made with Hawk Moth. Felix responds “how could u possibly know that... oh crap you’re Hawk Moth aren’t u?” Gabriel confirms that he is and transforms into Hawk/Shadow Moth. Shadow Moth then asks Felix to use the bat miraculous to help him in his quest for the ladybug and cat miraculous. Felix (after getting over the initial shock that his uncle is Hawk/Shadow Moth) is hesitant because while Felix had offered to help Hawk Moth back in his intro episode, that was before the NY special (AKA the one where Hawk Moth threatened to start a nuclear war, not to mention having Mayura have a sentimonster wreck Paris then recall said sentimonster before Ladybug could fix the damage). Shadow Moth then proceeds to change back into Gabriel and show Felix Emilie’s coffin. 
Gabriel the proceeds to explain to Felix (and the audience) that Emilie had been using the damaged Peacock miraculous (ok we already knew that, but we still don't know how, and I hope that episode 9 will be the episode we find out via flashbacks). After the explanation, Felix then agrees to help Gabriel, but asks him refrain from trying to start another nuclear war (and to also stop akumatizing August. Not only is it really fucked up to akumatize a baby, but it also proven ineffectual). 
The next episode mark the debut not only Bat!Felix, but Swan!Lila (for those who haven't read some fo my earlier posts, I predicted a while back that the Swan Island location that was announced a sometime ago will be home to the Swan Miraculous, which Gabriel will get his hands on and give it to Lila). Throughout season 4 (and probably season 5) Lila and Felix will team up both in and out of costume to cause all sorts of trouble (with Felix only wearing the twin rings when he’s about to transform into Bat!Felix while he wears the ring he already had prior to his debut in his civilian life, this helps throw Ladybug off his trail). However, unlike Lila who has almost everyone fooled (save for Marinette, Adrien, and probably Alya now), a good chunk of Adrien’s classmates will be wary of Felix because of the prank he pulled back in his debut episode. Marinette will especially cautious of him because of the shit she saw him pull while she was Ladybug. That said, some classmates r willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume the “impersonating Adrien to make them think he didn't like them” thing was an grief-induced isolated incident that he feels remorseful about (and I can see Rose being among the classmates to give him that benefit of the doubt, as she’s very trusting). He will still get along with Adrien for the most part =, at least in public. Also at some point in this season, we will also be introduced to Adrien and Felix’s maternal grandfather, an actor and film producer who comes from old money. 
Around episode 20 of season 4, Felix will then confide in his kwami about his backstory. At his dad’s funeral his paternal grandmother revealed that he was not the biological son of said dad and that this grandmother only tolerated Felix for her son’s sake but now sees no point in acknowledging Felix now that his dad was dead. After the funeral, Felix asked Amelie is what his grandmother said about his dad not being his biological father true. As it turns out, Felix is actually the son of Emilie and Gabriel and Adrien’s twin brother. When Emilie was pregnant, Gabriel’s career hadn't taken off yet and they were financially struggling enough so that they couldn’t take care of more than 1 child. Around the same time, Amelie and her husband were struggling with infertility. So when Emilie found out she was having twins, she decided to kill 2 birds with 1 stone by letting Amelie secretly adopt 1 of her twins (or at least this is Emilie told Amelie; based on the interactions between Gabriel and Felix in the latter’s debut episode, I’m assuming that Gabriel isn't aware of Felix being his bio son and that Emilie convinced him that his Amelie just happened to get pregnant at the same time she did). This lead to Felix to become envious of Adrien for being the one Emilie apparently chose to keep. He also started to resent Gabriel for failing to realize that he was his biological son (because it’s pretty obvious, even if Emilie and Amelie r twins, the idea of them having identical-looking sons around the same time is pretty improbable, especially since the color of Felix’s hair and eyes is more consistant with with Emilie and Adrien than Amelie, so Felix is certain that Gabriel knows on some level he's his bio son (but Felix doesn't want to tell him until after Emilie has been revived as he fears Gabriel finding out any sooner that Emilie hid hid this from him might lead to him giving  up his plans to revive her). While bat kwami can sympathize with Felix’s angst about all this family drama (plus the bat Kwami hates Gabriel's guts for obvious reasons unrelated to the twin drama), the bat kwami points out to Felix that Adrien didn’t any more of the say in matter of which twin Emilie gave to Amelie than Felix and that given Gabriel’s controlling nature, Emilie may have done Felix a favor by giving him to Amelie and her husband instead allowing him to be raised by Gabriel. This causes Felix’s resentment towards Adrien to die down a bit... until he finds out Chat Noir’s true identity.
Somehow, Felix will begin o deduce/suspect that Adrien is Chat Noir. Since Felix knows Shadow Moth’s reasons for wanting the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous, he sees Adrien being Chat Noir as a huge betrayal and decides then and there to destroy Adrien one and for all. The bat kwami tries to talk some sense into Felix, only for Felix to renounce him and place the bat miraculous in his pocket and put his civilian ring back on (which I headcanon as having belonged to his deceased adoptive father). He then asks Gabriel to akuamtize him into a superior version of Chat Noir. Shadow Moth is confused by this, but complies, and the akuma goes into Felix’s civilian ring, transforming him into the new Chat Blanc (if this sounds familiar, that’s probably because I wrote another post predicting that Felix will become the new Chat Blanc. He proves powerful enough for Ladybug and Chat Noir to bring out several temp heroes, but the heroes eventually manage to defeat him. Also during the battle, Shadow Moth overhears Chat Blanc 2.0 refer to Chat Noir as Adrien and Shadow Moth explains to Chat Blanc 2.0 that he saw Chat Noir and Adrien at the same place at the same time back in Gorizilla, and after the battle Chat Noir (thinking that Felix had been unwillingly akumatized and thus wouldn't remember what Shadow Moth told him) assures Felix that he and Adrien r separate people. Felix then goes home and un-renounces the bat kwami. Meanwhile, in order to ensure Felix believes that Chat and Adrien r different people, Chat Noir later approaches Ladybug and tells her “Felix thinking that I might be his cousin reminds me. Someone in my family keeps asking me if I’m Chat Noir, and don’t seem to believe me when I say no. Can I please borrow the fox so I can throw them off their trail?” So Ladybug loans Chat the fox. 
Later when Sabine is akumatized into Verity Queen and exposes Lila’s lies, she also finds out about how Lila framing Marinette back in “Ladybug” was partly motivated by Gabriel offering Lila a modeling contract in exchange for keeping Marinette away from Adrien. Confused as why Gabriel hates Marinette that much, she considers the possibility that maybe Lila fed him some lies about Marinette, but she decides to her lasso of truth on Grandpa Graham De Vanily (who happened to be in the tv studio with them as he and Lila were both scheduled for interviews) to get his opinion on Gabriel, this leads to a reveal that the the reason Emilie gave Felix to Amelie was not because she and Gabriel couldn't afford to raise more than 1 kid but because Grandpa Graham de Vanily forced Emilie to do so. You see when Amelie and her husband realized that they wouldn't be able to have biological children, they deciced to look into adoption. However, Grandpa Graham De Vanily loathed the idea of having a grandchild who wasn’t related to him by blood, so when the then-pregnant Emilie told her father she was having twins, grandpa Graham de Vanily (after asking Emilie is she already told Gabriel she was having twins yet, to which Emilie replied “not yet, he still thinks I’m just having 1 baby and I’ll tell him about the twins when he gets home) suggested that she give 1 of the twins to Amelie, then when Emilie said no on the grounds that she didn't want to choose between her kids, grandpa Graham de vanily threatened to use his connections to destroy Gabriel’s budding fashion career and make sure that he and Emilie couldn't get any kind of work needed to support their children. Bat!Felix (who made it to the studio in time to hear his grandfather’s confession, then asks Grandpa Graham de Vanily if Amelie was aware that Emilie had been coerced into giving her Felix, to which grandpa replies that he specifically told Emilie to not tell Amelie about the blackmail. And yes, this is when Gabriel finds out Felix is his biological son, and this would also be when Adrien (as Chat Noir) finds out Felix is his brother. 
Amelie returns soon after this and she is pissed at her father for forcing Emilie to give up one of her babies. 
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F/M Pairing: Y/N x Lee Minho (SKZ)
Warnings: Angst and Fluff
Genre: Family AU; Haven Prequel (thus the title)
Word Count: 3K
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Summary: It was nerve-wracking sometimes - keeping her new relationship with Minho a secret from the others. But Y/N also has bigger problems on her mind, like why Seungmin seems determined to ruin her life.
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It was warm outside with the promise of summer interrupting the long weeks of mild temperatures and cool wind. But I loved when the weather felt like this - full of potential that would carry through the weeks leading to summertime. Because there was nothing better than that prospect - escaping school for a few months while I relaxed inside the house with everyone else.
When I was younger and still inexperienced, I might’ve enjoyed reading in the basement with Jeongin because he liked the sound of my voice. But that was a long time ago, and I had recently developed another preference. And he was 172 centimetres of imposing height and stature - spending most of his waking hours working at the warehouse before returning home in the evenings to relax with the rest of his family. 
At first, I tried to keep my feelings a secret from him - following Minho around the house or helping him outside. But I must’ve been too obvious, especially when he confronted me about my sudden interest. It was probably around the same time when I realized that one of hugs was far more arousing than it should’ve been.
Thankfully, Minho reciprocated my admiration, and we both agreed to try out a relationship. But one that we kept to ourselves because the rest of our family might prove to be an unanticipated obstacle. I trembled just thinking about the idea of Chan finding out that Minho often snuck into my room at night to sleep with me while we tried to keep silent. Because there was no way that he would understand, and I was afraid that Chan would try to separate us before we could truly explore our feelings.
But I guess we were really good at keeping things private, and it was probably for the best. In the meantime, I could prosper under Minho’s affection, and it was kinda nice to keep him to myself without anyone else’s intervention. It almost felt like we were lost in our own little world - enjoying the honeymoon phase of our romance.
I smiled just thinking about it, even though I was still in the middle of my class, and I was startled out of my thoughts by the sound of the dismissal bell. “Good work, everyone,” our teacher said as I collected my books together - listening to my classmates wish one another a great summer vacation. I offered several of them a courteous smile on the way out the door since they were nice, but I was far more excited to see Minho again. 
And I could already feel the tension start to lessen when I located Jeongin standing next to his locker. “Hey,” I said, knocking my shoulder against his own. “Are you ready?”
“Y/N, I’m sleeping for the entire summer,” Jeongin said. “It sucks to wake up early.”
I smiled at him while patting his shoulder. “We can take a nap together when we get home.”
Jeongin brightened at the suggestion before glancing at someone over my shoulder. “Seungmin!”
I hesitated at the mention of Seungmin, even as I glanced at him from my peripheral with a murmured greeting. “Felix is waiting outside,” Seungmin offered as a response when he started walking in pace with us. 
“Felix is picking us up?” I questioned, and my mood instantly deflated because Minho had promised to bring us home after school.
“Yeah?” Seungmin scoffed. “What’s the big deal?”
“Nothing,” I muttered, following behind Jeongin and Seungmin as we walked outside.
Sure enough, Felix was waiting in the parking lot next to Chan’s car with his hands tucked inside the pockets of his jeans. “Head count,” he announced before making a show of looking around.
“That will never be funny, Felix,” Seungmin said, and I wondered if he was having another one of his infamous bad days.
Felix shrugged indifferently because he had an amazing ability to remain perfectly nonchalant. “Let’s go home.”
“Can we stop by the store to get a snack?” Jeongin asked, climbing into the backseat next to me while Seungmin sat up front.
“Sure,” Felix said - agreeable as always when he started backing out of the parking spot.
“Hey, Felix,” I said, running my hands against my thighs. “Did Minho have to work?”
“He was called back in,” Felix replied, and I couldn’t help the way I sighed upon hearing this unfortunate news.
“Why are you so worried about him?” Seungmin asked before glaring at me in the rearview mirror. 
“I’m not,” I insisted while crossing my arms over my chest. 
Screw Seungmin and his stupid attitude problem!
“I wish Chan would just let you two wrestle your problems out,” Jeongin commented.
“Like she could beat me,” Seungmin said.
“I’d just substitute somebody in to fight for me,” I retorted.
“I’ve got dibs on Changbin!” Seungmin shouted.
“No way!” I exclaimed. “Changbin would fight for me!”
“I’d go for Chan,” Jeongin contributed as if he was somehow involved in our conversation. “I think he could take Changbin.”
“Whatever,” Seungmin huffed, slinking down lower in his seat. “Can’t you go any faster, Felix?”
“The speed limit is 45,” Felix said, and I glanced at the speedometer to confirm that, yes, Felix wasn’t budging over the limit.
“He’s doing fine,” I said - just to spite Seungmin because it was way too easy to rile him up.
But it was the unique dynamic that we shared - a strange coldness reserved for one another ever since I could remember. And no matter how many times Chan sat us down together in the kitchen for one of his infamous “interventions,” we still always argued over trivial things. 
“That’s wise of you, Y/N,” Jeongin remarked. “If you’re nice to the others, then you’ll have more allies in your war against Seungmin.”
Seungmin growled from the front seat, and I smiled with a renewed sense of satisfaction.
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By the time we returned home, I was practically sitting on the edge of my seat as I surveyed the driveway for any sign of Minho’s car. But I found myself disappointed yet again - resigning myself to a boring afternoon until he returned home. Meanwhile, I noticed that Changbin was working at the bushes lining our front porch, and his skin was practically burning from his time under the skin.
“Put on some sunscreen,” I suggested to him as I passed on my way inside.
Changbin glared at me playfully. “Do I not get a hug?”
“Maybe later,” I replied, laughing at the pout on his face.
It was far too hot for me to be outside, and I entered the kitchen with a sigh of relief as I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. I also spotted Chan looking over some documents on the table - shifting through the pile with a concentrated expression.
“What are you doing?” I asked while trying to peer over his shoulder.
Chan didn’t respond at first - humming to himself before meeting my gaze. “Will you help me out?” he asked.
“Of course,” I said, dropping my bag near the table.
“I need you to clean up the kitchen,” Chan said. “I have to help Changbin in the yard.”
“Yeah, that’s no problem,” I said, smiling when Chan ruffled my hair on his way outside.
I was actually grateful for the distraction, especially since I didn’t have anything else planned. “But what about our nap?” Jeongin whined, and I watched him sit down on top of the counter.
“Maybe Seungmin will give you some company?” I suggested - making my way over to the sink to run some warm water for the dishes. 
“He’s moody,” Jeongin replied, and I snorted around a laugh.
“You could always help me.”
Jeongin shrugged while he considered my proposal. “Okay, but I’m not touching the trash.”
“Fair,” I agreed, and we exchanged places at the kitchen sink so that Jeongin could clean the dishes while I took care of everything else. 
It wasn’t really meant to be that much work, and I had almost finished when I noticed Seungmin walk into the kitchen. “Must be nice to be Chan’s favorite,” Seungmin said. “He’s making me wash the cars.”
“The water might feel good,” I said, even though there was a slight part of me that was laughing at Seungmin’s predicament.
“Yeah, whatever,” Seungmin muttered, and he pushed me aside as he opened the fridge. “At least get out of the way!”
I frowned as I looked around to ensure the kitchen was presentable. “Fine, have it to yourself,” I snapped at Seungmin, ignoring his glare on me as I stormed down into the basement with Jeongin hot on my heels.
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It was too quiet for the remainder of the afternoon, and I had been sleeping next to Jeongin in his bed when everything fell apart around me. 
At first, I was paralyzed by the remnants of sleep, and I was blinking my eyes repeatedly when I realized that Chan was calling my name: “Y/N!”
I startled awake from my nap at the sound of Chan’s voice, noticing that Jeongin was groaning from next to me. “You don’t have to get up,” I told him and he simply grunted in response.
I was careful when I rolled out of bed, trudging upstairs because I wasn’t sure why Chan needed me. But when I walked into the kitchen, my mind instantly went blank when I realized that it was a complete wreck - like I hadn’t just spent half an hour cleaning. “Y/N,” Chan said, giving me a very stern look that I usually never experienced. “Can you explain to me why the kitchen was never cleaned?”
“Channie,” I started, but there really wasn’t a rational explanation, until Seungmin made his presence known as he smirked in my direction. 
“I never ask you to do much, Y/N,” Chan said, and he seemed far more disappointed than angry, which was honestly worse. “I hope you’re not planning to be this lazy all summer.”
I could feel my heart breaking at Chan’s cruel words because I knew that they were misdirected, but the evidence was against me. Instead, I quietly murmured an apology and promised to clean everything while Chan groaned in response and messed around in the cabinets for an Advil. “Please listen to me from now on,” Chan said before leaving me alone with Seungmin.
“Why would you do that?” I asked him - getting straight to the point.
“Like you didn’t deserve it,” Seungmin snapped, and his tone was harsh.
“Can you just leave me alone?” I sighed, and he had the decency to give me enough space to re-do everything once again.
It was still a tedious process - scrubbing down the counters and re-washing the dishes. But this time I didn’t even have Jeongin’s assistance, and I couldn’t help but wonder how Seungmin even managed to make such a mess out of the kitchen. Did he not care at all about my feelings?
I was close to a breakdown, and it was the condition Minho found me in when he came home. “Y/N,” he cooed until he realized that I wasn’t returning his enthusiasm, and his smile disappeared when he saw me. “Y/N,” he said with a careful tone. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” I said, tossing aside a wayward dish rag before slumping down at the table. “I’m fine.”
“No you’re not,” Minho said, but it wasn’t accusing; instead, it was a gentle observation - a reminder that I didn’t need to lie to him about these things.
“Maybe it’s hard to talk about,” I said, and Minho sighed.
“Come upstairs with me,” he requested, and I allowed him to support my weight as he once again acted like my silent guardian.
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There was nothing better than the feeling of Minho’s arms as he kept me close next to him in bed. It was warm and comfortable - allowing him to run his fingers through my hair while I breathed in the faint scent of his cologne. It had long wore off since he came home from work, but I could still find it on the collar of his shirt with every deep inhale.
“What’s going on, Y/N?” Minho asked, and I squirmed next to him.
“Seungmin and I had another fight, I guess,” I replied.
“That’s nothing new with the two of you,” Minho remarked. “I know Chan’s already said something, but what’s keeping you both from getting along?”
“We weren’t always like this,” I said - remembering all the special moments that I had once shared with Seungmin. For example, there was one in particular that stood out to me, and it had occurred only a few months after I first moved in:
Seungmin and I were still learning about each other because we had become roommates in the blink of an eye, and I could tell that we were both still reserved around one another. But I also sensed a mutual desire to open up and talk about our lives, and we developed this interesting ritual where we would talk every night before bed and share our most intimate secrets.
“What’s something that you’re embarrassed about?” Seungmin asked, and I looked over at where he was laying across his bed.
I thought long and hard about his question before allowing the first thing that popped inside my head to speak for me: “I’ve never been kissed before,” I revealed to Seungmin.
When I met his gaze from across the room, my new roommate’s eyes visibly widened upon hearing my confession. “Oh...”
I smiled at him. “It’s okay, though, I guess I have to be patient.”
“Not necessarily,” Seungmin quickly interjected. “Uh, I mean, I could always help you out.”
“What do you mean?”
Seungmin quietly scrambled off his bed, tripping over the sheets, and he was sitting next to me in a flash. “I can be your first kiss,” Seungmin said, and his chest was heaving from his previous efforts.
“Are you sure?” I asked while moving into a better sitting position.
“Yeah,” Seungmin said with his best puppy-dog eyes. “I want it, Y/N.”
“Okay,” I said, closing my eyes and puckering my lips - waiting for him to make the first move.
And the simple slide of his lips across mine sent a shiver down my spine. But I held myself in place - allowing him to move his lips against mine as he gently held my face between his hands. It was nothing outrageous, and I found a delicate peace in the simple act.
It was nice - both warm and familiar, and I had never felt closer to Seungmin. Yet, when I offered him a new secret during one unforgettable night a few years later, those moments between us eventually stopped:
“Seungmin,” I said, finding myself smiling before I could even get my words together. “I think I really like Minho.”
It felt nice to finally come clean about the confession, but there was a strange silence from the other side of the room. 
“Seungmin?” I questioned my roommate, but he never answered, and I simply assumed that he had gone to sleep.
However, in the present, my brain quickly put the pieces together, and I felt an unmeasurable guilt weigh heavy on my consciousness. “You couldn’t have known, Y/N,” Minho said - offering me one of his familiar kisses instead.
“It’s my fault that he hates me,” I said, and I could feel myself on the verge of tears before Minho quickly pulled me away from the edge.
“It’s not,” he told me sternly. “Seungmin made that decision for himself, and he’s the one who allowed that to come between you both.”
I shook my head as I buried myself into Minho’s chest. “I feel really bad.”
“Shhh,” he whispered. “Why don’t you get some sleep? We can talk about it again in the morning.”
I nodded my agreement before closing my eyes, and I found myself dreaming about the past.
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It was quiet when I felt Minho whisper my name. Despite the grogginess of sleep, I craned my head to the side to see him. “What time is it?”
“Don’t worry about that,” Minho said. “I don’t have to be at work for another hour.”
“It’s early, then,” I noted, turning over onto my other side because it allowed me to burrow closer to Minho.
“How do you feel?” he asked.
“I’m better,” I replied, and I met his expectant gaze. “Do I have to keep talking about it?”
“Of course not,” Minho said, and he encouraged me to lay back down. “If you’re not comfortable, then you should never force yourself.”
“But it makes me sad sometimes,” I said. “I don’t think Seungmin likes me anymore.”
“You’d have to ask him that yourself,” Minho said, but I dreaded the prospect of such a conversation. 
“No thanks,” I grumbled. “I’ll just suffer alone.”
“Look at me,” Minho instructed me softly, and I obeyed with only some hesitation because there was nothing more reassuring than the affectionate gleam in Minho’s familiar eyes. “You’re never alone, Y/N.”
He was serious - I could tell by his tone and the manner in which he forced our eye contact. “I didn’t mean to say that,” I told him. “I know that I’ll always have you.”
“That’s right,” Minho said, and he gave me a proud smile. “Whatever we have between us - I hope it’s the deepest bond you could ever imagine. Because I’m never going away, Y/N.”
I closed my eyes when I felt another soothing kiss across my lips. “I like you a lot,” I said, without really thinking.
But Minho just laughed, and there was something safe about him. “I like you too,” he said, lowering his voice to a whisper - like his next words were only meant for us to share: “More than you could ever know.”
I grinned and reached for his hand. Because if Minho liked me even half as much as I liked him, then there was nothing that could stop us.
It was our special relationship as long as we remained together.
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the-moon-prince · 4 years
The Last Of us~Kurapika x Reader ~Chapter II
AN: Hi my lovely fellows!
I offer you the second chapter of my story! This time I made sure to be more careful with the edition!
I wish you a pleasant read, and I hope you’ll enjoy the new chapter of my story. (Third coming soon!) (Chapter I)
Paring: Kurapika Kurta x GN! Reader
Word count: 2 655
TW: None!
"Kurapika''- then they looked up to him-"I know I'm putting my life on the line. Yet, what I'm about to do is an act of desperation wholly motivated by my concluding. Are you... are you somehow related to the scarlet eyes?" their eyes still avoiding his, with a serious and plain expression on their face. It was sure they weren't joking. Kurapika immediately tensed up and put himself on guard. "I'm sheepish to inquire like this in your private life. But I have my reasons to suppose you are, if you say yes to me, I will believe you. If not, please let me know and we can pretend this dialogue never happened." Kurapika was naturally full of inquiries about this whole story. But continuing with this conversation could lead him to information. Even solve his doubts about (Y/n), that character who puzzled him so greatly. "I am," he answered after some seconds of reflection. (Y/n) nodded in agreement to him and kept stuttering "I have a... I have an offer for a pair of scarlet eyes."- the tone of their voice was worried, and still (Y/n) remained serious. At that moment, they were convinced of being on the right path.-"Please, don't misunderstand me. I am not a flesh collector. I am convinced that these kinds of people are the most repugnant vermin. And I despise them"- These last two sentences were said with particular disgust on (Y/n)'s voice-"I'm certain you're questioning yourself <<Why are they communicating this to me? How do they have this sort of knowledge?>> I-I beg you... let me explain myself. Even if I'm not a flesh collector, I'm after precise body parts and I seek to reclaim them. As a Doctor, It's quite easy to persuade dealers about my supposed appreciation for that kind of item. Furthermore, I'm telling you this because I want to be... believe the scarlet eyes are going to be in a better place with... with you than on a display rack. Seeing body parts being treated like mere dirty material articles... just objects someone can just appropriate... just possess gives rise to my sadness and fury.- as they spoke, (Y/n)'s voice trembled and stuttered and their hands tightened into fists. Even if their face stayed stoic, their voice and hands reflected all the anguish felt. Letting out a heavy suspire- If you're angry and distrust me, I concede. These are delicate subjects and I apologize for my sudden harshness, but I was obligated to clear my uncertainties. It was a part that, for my integrity and morals, I could not ignore. I am deeply grateful to you for letting me telling you this." (Y/n) finally finished and looked down their feet again. Waiting for some kind of response, and feeling ready to endure any kind of repercussion their early action could lead them to. Kurapika knew the person in front of him had not just nothing to win doing this, but they could also get murdered. Not solely by him. Plus, he recognized the sense of anger towards the flesh collectors. Only getting his suspicions bigger. "Your explanation seems coherent. I will believe you. Further, the information highly interests me. I'll collaborate with you."  The voice tone in Kurapika was not an angry one, despite what (Y/n) had anticipated. Rather a gentle feel flooded Kurapika's soul, feeling less alone in the cause he devoted his life. 
In return (Y/n) offered Kurapika their usual tender smile and looked up at him again. With the difference that in their eyes they had a look of closeness and muttered a "Thank you" to follow the conversation- "I have the details of the transaction, but I would prefer to deliver them to you in a more secure area. I invite you for tea if you accept." 
A proposition to which Kurapika agreed. To anew prove their reliability, (Y/n) offered to drive Kurapika to their address, a delicate move as that sort of information was notably frail and placed (Y/n) in a state of vulnerability. (Y/n)'s residence was just a small home with limited decoration. On their salon, beside the basic furniture thus consisted of a canapé, two individual loveseats, a carpet and a coffee counter in the center; the only remarkable things in all the place were a fairly small grand piano -second hand probably- and an exhibit shelf with tiny animal figurines in different situations: like two wolves and a cat drinking tea, or a crowd of distinct critters dancing. "A quite childish set to exhibit" was the thought Kurapika had. (Y/n) brew some tea and placed some biscuits on the coffee table. "To gain the scarlet eyes, the merchant convoked me this Thursday at 9:15 p.m. on a private store in the edge of the town. I have to present personally with my hunter license to confirm my identity, also the granted price for the pair of scarlet eyes would be 2 million Jennys. I'm more than willing to pay the fee." (Y/n) affirmed while taking a sip of tea. "As I suppose, you're familiar with the security protocol to access black market stores. What kind of strategy have you in mind if something turns out wrong? Those buying are always dangerous."-Kurapika questioned inclining in front, resting his elbows on his knees. Logically, (Y/n) had a plan conceived for these circumstances. -"In these situations, I take an offensive position. Regarding my nen, I'm a specialist. I'm able to conjure two ribbons, each one with different properties. The first one "Misericordiae'' has enhancement effects and is meant to protect. It concentrates great quantities of aura and grants the band high strength and healing skills. The other ribbon "Divina Poena '' has transmutation traits, it obtains the ability and sharpness of a metallic blade and is aimed to punish. Although, to obtain my I made vows and have several limitations. I can't kill with "Misericordiae", and exclusively use "Divina Poena" against people who have committed atrocities. Plus on my actual form, I can't use both simultaneously. My plan consists of physically containing the opponent with "Misericordiae '' and knock them down, to subsequently use it to shield us and escape. In extreme cases, it could kill them, although I fancy avoiding it."- (Y/n) rigorously explained. It was obvious they previously initiated contact with flesh sellers, and their cleverness was confirmed once more by Kurapika. 
"The plan is plausible and efficient. With that already determined, I will accompany you in the transaction and present myself as your bodyguard."- with that proclamation the project was complete and ready to be performed. (Y/n) provided Kurapika with a folder full of documents informing about the seller and the location. The seller ended up being a notable collector and dealer of singular and luxurious objects in the underworld. They both accorded to meet outside a coffee shop Thursday at 8:30 p.m., and (Y/n) will transport them to the establishment.
The said day finally arrived. the plan was thus executed. (Y/n) was very punctual when picking up Kurapika, dressed in their usual good taste, always with some variety of embroidery herbaceous detail. It was not difficult to believe that he was a wealthy fan of human members. Kurapika sat next to (Y/n) in the passenger seat. For most of the trip, no word was said. They were both troubled. Just one exception; before getting out of the car, (Y/n) smiled at Kurapika and said as an encouragement "We are going to procure the scarlet eyes!". Even if their expression seemed the same, the contrast was subtle, and Kurapika recognizes the support in their action. Once through security, they both reached a vast room full of cristal showcases. These exhibiting an enormous amount of costly merchandise. The salesman was waiting for them, and they politely presented each other and engaged in a little courtesy prattle.
 Once (Y / n) confirmed their identity with their hunter license, the man led them to a private room, which he locked, to present the product. The man showed them the scarlet eyes, which were real, proving that it was not a scam. Kurapika and (Y/n) did their best to maintain the facade they came with. To conclude with that all (Y/n) pulled the money cash out of their bag and presented it to the seller. 
"Oh, no no no, child, 2 million Jennys was the first offer I gave you. But now you seem so firm to buy the scarlet eyes I raise the price to 4 million Jennys. They are very precious and rare, you know?"-the man took on a condescending tone, clearly taking advantage of the situation to play dirty. Kurapika couldn't help but feel his blood boil like lava. He was so tired of treating scumbags who treated the Kurta clan like lower living beings. He wasn't alone in this anger. "Misericordiae!" was the thing both men heard before (Y/n) conjured their nen. A white ribbon enveloped the hunter's left hand like jewelry. The ribbon gripped the seller's limbs, torso, and head, lifting him using the roof rafters as pulleys. The ribbons were tightening their grip as the man's face turned into a scared expression, and (Y/n) stopped smiling to return to a solemn expression. At the same time, Kurapika took an attacking position, ready to battle if required. "Do not try to fool us. We tried to do everything pacifically, and yet your actions are unfair. I have more than sufficient reasons to end someone who obtains a profit with human misery. So, you're going to give us the eyes, and we will calmly leave, without anyone getting injured." (Y/n) calmly replied, despite their irritation. 
"Fine, I'll accept the two million! Let me down now." the disgusting man tried to persuade, but (Y/n) wasn't satisfied with the answer "No. You broke the arrangement. You can't go backward now." (Y/n) firmly declared to directly give the pair of scarlet eyes to Kurapika and head to the door, finally realizing the man before getting out of the room. They proceeded to quickly exit the establishment. Already out, (Y/n) dissipated their nen, cleaned the tiny flow of blood that came out of their mouth, and both got inside the car.
After the obnoxious experience and once in the car (Y/n) angrily grunted, not leaving their annoyed plain appearance and driven to return into Yorknew. The car stayed silent for a moment, giving each of the passengers' space and calm to dissipate their tension. In the end, despite the trick the man wanted to impose on them, Kurapika retrieved the eyes. Both feeling a bit better (Y/n) mumbled, still bitter "How awful. I despise these kinds of personages, just hideous rubbish. They're as stupid as a broomstick!"- Kurapika couldn't help but let out a tiny chuckle in front of the original expression. (Y/n) turned to see Kurapika, making a small squeak of surprise- "Why are you laughing?" 
The uncommissioned of the person next to him only caused Kurapika more amusement. "Your expression is quite unique!" the blonde man replied. (Y/n) in what appears to be a sudden blow of consciousness also laughed. To playfully add with their smile back "I might have mistranslated my expression. "Why is a broomstick stupid tho? What's the reasoning?" -Kurapika joked again.
"Well, consider it. A broomstick is useless without the brush. It doesn't do anything relevant. Plus the brush doesn't need a stick; the small hand brooms are the evidence. No one needs the broomstick!"
"I suppose you're right."-Kurapika smiled at the silly (Y/n) gave him.
"May I propose you some tea?" (Y/n) continued, to which Kurapika gladly agreed. He was in a nice mood after all. A nice mood in a long time.
That was the second time, of many, Kurapika went to (Y/n)'s home. The tea was served along with some sweets on the coffee table in the sitting room. Each one sat in front of the other. At some point, Kurapika interrogated "How did you know I held some connection to the scarlet eyes?".
(Y/n) Slowly shrugged and looked away. "I saw you during Neon's discourse about her collection."- they answered with their tiny smile - "I recognize that expression and feeling of frustration and sorrow. The sentiment is familiar to... to me as well...".
At that moment, Kurapika decided to execute a move that would dissipate his suspicions about (Y/n). "Thank you for your service. You proved yourself as someone reliably, (Y/n). I consider you deserving of an account and promise the scarlet eyes are in good hands."-(Y/n) swiftly looked up to him-  "I'm a survivor of the massacre of the Kurta. The eyes belong to the members of my clan. My people's eyes turn red whenever we feel intense emotions. My confreres were slaughtered and had their eyes stolen."-anger and pain were present in each of his words-"  I seek to retrieve the scarlet eyes from the sickening scum who rob them and carry out my revenge on the ones who brutally destroyed my clan. They were innocent... they didn't deserve to be annihilated."-Kurapika's voice quivered as his companion stayed quiet, hearing carefully.-"The Spiders killed... unjustly my people. I pretend to make them pay. Additionally, I discerned, despite your vigilance, you are highly protective of your eyes." Kurapika finally voiced. (Y/n) slowly got up and sat next to him. "Kurapika... Although, indeed, my eyes are also capable to change; I am not a Kurta. I'm profoundly remorseful if I gave you that hypothesis."-their tone was sad -"Yet I'm also really alike; my people got killed as well for a part of their body. I am an Unilium, or vulgarly known as beast people... please do, do not misunderstand me, I can change my appearance... Even if I can change it, my current form is the real, it's part of me. They killed us for our fur. I survived only because I lived elsewhere than the rest. And I.. I'm also the last one..."
It would be a lie if I'd said Kurapika's hopes of having another Kurta alive didn't crush. He felt foolish, similar to if he wanted to cry. "Kurapika, let me join you." was a response he didn't expect.
"I believe in your cause. What the spiders did will not stay unpunished." -(Y/n) gently spoke to him, as he looked at them. For the first time, they looked Kurapika directly in the eyes. Their (eye color) catlike eyes were wet. And his words were full of support and determination to help. - "How many are there, similar to us? How many have suffered because of them? And how many more will there not be? We begged for help, but no one protected us. Let's protect those who are similar to us. We don't deserve to suffer, none of us did. We will not be giving them the pleasure of giving up. We will not be giving them the pleasure of leaving unpunished.
May evil pay for its crimes." Kurapika felt held for the first time in a very long time. Probably since the Yorknew incident. How much suffering was released at that instant? So much so that he gave up and hugged the person next to him who was caring for him. (Y/n) flinched at the contact. Just before he could cut the embrace, Kurapika felt a pair of trembling and timid arms enveloping him. It reminded him of the hugs that Pairo used to give him.
"I'll be frank, I don't believe in fate. But, random happenings in life culminated in the survival of both of us. We are the last ones. Let's make it worthwhile. The Spiders will pay."
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