#please i'm so tired
birb-tangleblog · 3 months
Scrolling past like 3 HH posts and 4 V/at7K posts per day checking the main TTS tag like
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jeongyunho99 · 21 days
it's 2am and I'm finally putting my tired body into bed! i wanted to come in here earlier and scream about my ateez with you guys but i couldn't I'm so so tired and it's not just because of the pregnancy that's something i keep forgetting these days all because of my kids school ugh three of my kids are in school the third one had finally finished and she gets an excellent in all of her subjects but now starting from Saturday the real thing will begin my oldest daughter will have her college entrance exam the final exam this is the last one no more chances anymore! and I'm so so anxious and I'm trying Allah only knows how much I'm trying not to show it so i don't stress my daughter more then she is! and from Sunday until two weeks it's going to be the final exams for both of my oldest daughters! Monday is my second daughter graduation party Wednesday is my oldest daughter graduation party! literally two weeks of a roller coaster of emotions so yeah I'm losing my mind 💔
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ionthevoid · 22 days
Chemistry? Yeah, I'm chemis-trying to stay afloat
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avi-on-jumblr · 7 months
goyim stop using the word zionist challenge
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why do people feel the need to be so hateful? if you don't like something you don't have to interact, there's literally nothing stopping you from just scrolling past. but no, they have to say how much they hate something. just let other people enjoy what they enjoy, please!
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neverafuckgiven · 9 months
Sometimes it takes an old turtle woman to instill some wisdom.
"you have to let others help you too"
Look, Mercer, I came to watch you fucks play dungeons and dragons, not get therapy myself.
Please. I can't handle it.
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omg-snakes · 11 months
On Selectively-Bred Corn Snake Morphs
Specifically Okeetee and Reverse Okeetee:
I hate them and I hate them and I hate them.
Also, I hate them.
That is all.
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donfermin · 1 month
Why is R*berto warming up?
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viaravt · 9 months
My brain after 4 hrs of sleep when I missed my ADHD meds yesterday:
What if we got up now? We could always nap later. You probably can't get back to sleep anyway. I'm bored. I'm hungry. Check discord. Check Twitter. Check Tumblr. Post a new prompt on Cherp...
And on and on and on 😭OTL
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lovecolibri · 1 year
you know, I would laugh forever if this ''Buck keeps ~~trying~~ to build a relationship with the death doul a'' is something like that time he kept trying to date Taylor and she rejected him... I also would perish if the ~~surprise visitor~~ the other synopsis is talking about is Natalia, who after whatever the last emergency is, decides that she does want to date him... you know, like Taylor that one time.
🤣🤣🤣 since it looks like we're doing a reduce, reuse, recycle ♻️ on Buck and Eddie's plots it wouldn't surprise me. My actual bet is for Buck being "at peace" with just himself by the end of the season as that's what direction the narrative has been pulling towards, but then again, the narrative in 6a was pulling towards Buck struggling about the sperm donor thing but instead they had to drag a whole baby into the mix and then when everyone was loudly irritated about the storyline being turned into a joke and not actually dealing with Buck's issues they went in a different direction of him not struggling at all so 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ One thing about Kristen is, she is NEVER above undermining the logical narrative pull of the story in order to invent random drama for Buck, especially if it involves him desperately trying to chase after some woman (despite him saying in 4x14 he wasn't gonna do that anymore and all the interviews that keep saying he's not doing that anymore only to have him continuing to do that).
I'm tuning in to these last two episodes to hopefully see some good Madney content, and some good emergencies, and some good firefam content, all of which has been a crapshoot all season so fingers crossed. I'm SUPREMELY uninterested in whatever is going on with Buck's 7000 storylines that are a rinse and repeat of every other "THIS relationship with this woman will help Buck grow!" storyline. Which I hate because he was always my favorite character but I hate everything KR has done to him and turned him in to. Also I would love to see more of Eddie but also could not care less to see him repeat his "dating again after losing his wife" storyline, especially with the emphasis KR has had on rewriting Shannon's presence to remove any and all complexity and nuance from how Eddie felt about her and making her the "spark" Eddie is trying to recapture as if THAT makes any sense at all 🙄
Fingers and toes crossed that ABC makes the choice to shuffle things around behind the scenes but if they're just taking the show over to make sure it gets a "proper" send-off season? I'm going to expect it to be more of the same. A shame because the cast and these beautiful stories deserve better than the mess KR has made of them.
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coyotefather · 3 months
imprisoned in galway tourist trap seafood place staffed entirely by twentysomething girls who charged us €19 for fish and chips and had to hold a quorum to procure an extra lemon slice
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cakesandfail · 1 year
Realising I'm ace and realising I'm autistic have been processes with a lot in common, from the very positive (knowing I'm not a lone freak) to the very negative (the discrimination). But the most consistent low-level irritation with both is all those fuckers who go out of their way online to call the things I cannot and would not change about myself cringey trends for attention-seekers... especially when they go "that's normal everyone feels like that" and use that to dismiss your experience rather than doing literally any self-reflection at all
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spmetimes it's hard being otherkin. I am so scared to tell people because I don't want them to freak the absolute fuck out or hate me or even hurt me physically.
Sometimes I feel trapped because I can't complain because I have so much available to me but that doesn't make my life situation or whats happened in it ok and it's hard to remember that.
Sometimes I just want to cry out and scream when I can't get myself to move. I lay there, knowing I should move forward, knowing I need to get things done, but I just can not make myself do anything.
Sometimes I forget who I am. It's for just a few moments max, but I don't know who i am or where I am and I feel super disoriented.
Sometimes when things change, little things like what color chair I have or what far I get dropped off in, I start getting stressed and that makes people get mad at me for being overdramatic.
Sometimes I wish I could just freely practice my religion at home without being mocked or told that I'm just imagining things and I'm just going to make a mess.
Sometimes I wish someone would read these long notes I write in my notes app just like this, because it's my only way to ask for help.
Sometimes I feel so dysphoric I want to tear my skin off with my claws and just run away into the trees.
Sometimes when people groan or sigh or moan I get so fucking pissed I can't stop myself from punching them or attacking them because of the sounds
sometimes I feel like I'm watching myself so everything and i can't stop any of it, like I'm watching a memory, and I can't change what um thinking or doing. then I do these horrible and cruel things and no one believes it's not me
sometimes I want to die but then I feel guilty because that means taking my life from everyone else who cares about me
sometimes I just want to stop talking because all it does is mess things up for me and it's just too much stress to make noise
sometimes I want to just cry
And sometimes I dont
and that makes me feel like maybe there's nothing wrong with me? maybe this is all normal and no one else suffers with it and I just need to learn to deal with it. maybe I'm just imagining it or I'm just too weak to handle what others ignore and live with easily. maybe I'm just too obsessed with labels and trying yo fit into boxes that I imagine things fir myself to be.
If anyone does stumble upon this and read it and happens to find anything they can tell me about. maybe to help or because it is just normal, please do? idk no one's gonna read this anyway but whatever
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fuckingstrange · 6 months
I'm gonna go fucking INSANEEE. I can't SLEEP. It is 3:54am and I can't, for the life of me, PASS OUT.
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tbdragoonfly · 7 months
If uou had a superpower whay would it be
I think I would either want to be a shapeshifter or have the ability to pause time so I can sleep/study for however long I want without fear of time constraints.
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Those are the two that first come to mind but I think any power would be very cool.
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purplemoonfox · 1 year
What AO3 needs is a “primary relationship” category for its tags--one of my OTPs is usually a background relationship to one of the most popular pairings in the entire damn fandom, and quite frankly I’d like to know if the pairing is going to be significant part of the story or like five paragraphs and an afterthought.
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