#please reply in the tags/comments with what you thought they were talking about (actual reveal like 50 seconds into the clip)
AOAOAOA Ep 121: For decades, the legendary daytime talk show "The View" has been home to iconic hosts from all sides of the political spectrum engaging in heated debate . But you may not have heard of "The Look", a similar show hosted by three opinionated women and one absolutely ancient one.
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yooglefics · 2 months
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Reveal — Part three: celebrating
Pairing: Yoongi x fem!reader ( camboy!yoongi x camgirl!reader )  Wordcount: 4,513 words Genre: 18+ / smut. mdni! remember to not use fics as your only source of sex ed.  Summary: Your birthday celebration takes a turn when Jungkook forgets to uninvite a particular guest. Part 3 of Recording & Editing. Read it in that order for context. More warnings under read more.
Includes: 3k words of just smut. Mentions of posting / selling sex content. Dirty talk. Use of pet names ( baby, doll, good girl? ). Fingering ( f ), Oral sex ( f and m ). Frottage. Cum play? A bit of overstimulation? Possessive Yoongi because Reveal!Yoongi is just like that and I can't do anything about it. It's true, I tried.  Author's note: Okay, I think this is actually the last one for this. A trilogy is fine, right? But also don't quote me on that because clearly I can't seem to know how to stop writing this pair and I'm watching Jungkook from a distance like 👀 but shhh Which speaking of, I was thinking and if you want to know more about the characters in this verse specifically, you can send an ask with “( reveal!verse )” at the beginning, maybe specify if you want it to be answered ic with “( @ reveal!theirname )” , and a question or whatever you want to say. Idk, thought it could be fun~ Also, I made a post with different options for tag lists in case anyone is interested. You know, for future projects and stuff. But don't feel preassure to request it, and thank you for following this mini series. Anyway. I hope you like this and if you do please remember to comment, reblog, ask, follow, and whatnot. And again, thank you for reading <3
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“You know, you could reply instead of just staring at it,” Jungkook says, over your shoulder.
You're sitting in your living room, phone in your hand with the audio post on screen. There was no way of denying you were caught, you had already embarrassed yourself by acting like a schoolgirl when telling him about SugaD leaving a comment.
“But what if I say something dumb and he deletes it?”
“Why would he do that? He thinks you're cute,” he teases.
“The cutest,” you correct, silly smile on your face once again. 
“See. You should shoot your shot and talk to him, he clearly is interested in you too,” he winks, finally walking around the couch to sit at your side, fresh bowl of popcorn on his lap.
“But it's all so crazy. I don't even know how he found my page, he only follows big creators.”
“Well, he asked me.”
“He asked who you were,” his Bambi eyes blink at you, fear creeping on his soft expression, “I… don't kill me, please.” He moves away from you and that makes you turn to him, leg over the couch and phone forgotten.
“Jungkook? What did you do?” All the scenarios go through your mind, imagining the worst. He told him you kind of have a big old crush on him even if you have never seen his face? Did he tell him about the joke of suing him because he is so—
“And I was busy so I thought, you know, he works with music and edits his own content and it seemed like a good idea,” he is talking so fast and you realize you missed the beginning of it, but before you can ask him to start over he just burst it, “so he edited it.”
“He what?”
“The audio. Your audio. He edited it.”
“My… audio.” The audio you're sure included the start of his video.
That's so much worse.
You should delete your account. Delete yourself. You want to move to another country and change your name. 
“I'm sorry. I should have asked you, but I figured…” he trails off, coming closer again. “I just… I didn't think it was a big deal because… well, I didn't know he was gonna subscribe to you. He only subscribes to people he is friends with and I know he doesn't even watch their stuff.”
You can tell he is trying to make you feel better, and although you appreciate the effort, everything is confusing. Does that mean he wants to be friends? But he doesn't watch his friends's content so… no friends?
“Fuck.” You murmur again.
“Are you mad at me?” Jungkook asks softly, worrying the ring on his bottom lip. 
“I… don't know.”
“Do you want me to go?”
“No. Let's finish the movie.”
But you can concentrate for the rest of it, and know that you'd have to watch it again another time in case your friend brings up something important about the plot. But now, the only thing in your head is theories about what you're going to do about that one particular comment and, again, you consider just deleting the whole thing.
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Jungkook invites you the next weekend to the restaurant, it's his free day but he tells you he can get you the birthday special even if it’s one day early and he can even sing for you. You tell him you are only going if he doesn't make a whole thing out of it. You'd wear the birthday hat and blow out the candles, but if he dares to bring more attention to you, you actually will kill him.
He believes you. 
And so, here you are. Sitting in a booth in front of Jungkook and Hanna, your best friend. Big chocolate cake in front of you that they insisted on getting because “you can have it for dessert for the next week and think about how much we love you”, and also because you love chocolate.
“Sorry. Am I late?” A voice behind you interrupts the end of the birthday song, your smile falling because you could recognize it anywhere, and the fact that he is here makes you panic.
“Oh, shit… ah…” Jungkook stumbles over his words, even comes close to knocking his drink. “Sorry. Hi.” He greets the guy and throws an apologetic look your way. “This is my friend Yoongi.”
“Oh, hi. I'm Hanna and didn't know we were waiting for someone, but good thing we got a big cake, uh?” she jokes and looks at you. She does that whenever you're around people and you don't talk, her way of making you feel included. 
But right now you want to disappear. Birthday crown and all. Maybe take the cake too.
“Hi,” you say timidly, eyes on Jungkook instead.
“I…” he starts, remorseful look on his face as he explains, “invited Yoongi last week, didn't want to third wheel with you two.”
“Oh, that's fun! Well, you want to sit there or should I move?” Hanna proposes and you're about to say she should come to your side even if that means Jungkook has to stand up too, but Sug— Yoongi speaks faster.
“I’ll sit here. Is that okay?” 
You only nod, scooting to your right to make space for him. To not be so close he notices how nervous he makes you just with his presence.
He smells nice. Fresh and woody at the same time, and is only overwhelming because is him. Because a lot of things about him are a mystery still and you are about to unlock them all right now.
“Those are cute,” Hanna says.
“Ah, yes. I… these are for you,” a bouquet is presented on your line of vision. Is not big nor too much, the perfect size to be a nice present and it lets you admire the flowers’ beauty. “Happy birthday.”
“You didn't have to.”
“You don't like it?” If you weren't so focused on your own nerves you'd have noticed the ones on his voice.
“I do.” You quickly say. It's cute. The lavender mixed with two types of white flowers you don't recognize but you love the look of, mostly the one that looks like little stars. “Is really pretty. Thank you.”
“I'll bring you a drink,” Jungkook says, and looking at him you know he needs one himself. You could actually kill him after this.
“Wait, where is the restroom?” Asks Hanna and your eyes lift from your present so fast your neck almost hurts, but she is quickly disappearing in the direction Jungkook points her to.
And that's what you get for keeping everything a secret from your best friend. Karma as its finest.
“Pff,” you breathe, sinking into your seat. 
“I can go if you want me to,” Yoongi says softly at your side.
“What? No, no is—” you try to explain is not him. Nothing is wrong actually. Everything is perfect and you're totally not freaking out.
“You haven't looked my way,” does he sounds hurt? “Is alright. I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything, I just thought… I don't know. JK invited me weeks ago and then I found out who you were,” you cringe at that, knowing he most likely means when he listened to your audio. “I figured I'd take the chance and meet you.”
“Why? I mean. Don't you feel uncomfortable because of the…” finishing your sentence feels unnecessary and saying it at loud is embarrassing.
“The fact that you watch my videos?”
“I swear I only watched like three and I don't do that with all of them is just— Are you laughing?” Finally you turn to him, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Sorry, sorry. But is that supposed to make me feel better?” 
You don't answer. 
“Of course I don't mind.” He leans in, "If you sound that cute, I'll let you watch all of them for free.”
Breath caughts on your throat, looking at him with big round eyes. His face is right there and you try to take it all in. Clean shaved, jawline not too harsh and with soft features, crested moon shaped brown eyes, pink lips, and the way they curve up when he catches you staring at them.
“I don't want to go, but if you want me to, I'll do it.” he backs out, and somehow you can tell he is genuine.
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After dinner and some chatting, Jungkook offers to drive Hanna home and Yoongi takes you to his place. It’ss fancy, looks like taken out of a magazine and you tell him exactly that. He tells you if you want to judge his room too and with a laugh you tell him yes, because honestly, you're curious now.
You tell him it doesn't look too cozy and suggest investing in a nice blanket, he raises an eyebrow at you and finally you confess you're an interior designer by day. He tells you he is a music producer. And then you talk about how and why each of you decided to join OF and what kind of things you have discovered you like during that journey.
“Interesting,” he says when you confess you started following him because of a hand picture you saw somewhere else. He has been playing with your fingers while you lay on his bed, is relaxing and you don’t mind at all. “You said you were going to sue me, should I even be this close?” 
“Oh my—” you pull away, covering your face. And he laughs. “Go away.”
“No, c'mon. It's cute.” He tries to turn your body to its side, but you don't give in. “Look at me, please.”
“No. I can't.”
“Because no.”
He laughs again, hand on your hip, “Baby, please?” Head shake is your answer, “I'm sorry. Should I confess something too?” 
“Let's see,” he props himself on his elbow, looking at you even if you are still covered. “I knew about you before the audio.”
“You did?”
“Well, Jungkook talks about you all the time and I was curious. I think it was the third time you guys collabed that I saw a picture and he mentioned your name on his page.”
“Which picture?” You ask, uncovering half your face to look at him, he smiles.
“The one with the books. You were holding one in front of you.”
You remember that. Like all your pictures with Jungkook, it was suggestive more than anything and in that one the pose made it look like you were touching yourself.
“And now I know what you sound like doing that,” he teases, “wonder if I'd be lucky enough to see it someday.”
“You've to stay subscribed and see,” is your turn to have fun.
“Should I make another instruction video for you?” or maybe not. And before you cover yourself again, he holds your wrist, bracelet digging a little on your skin but not enough to actually hurt. “Don't. Let me see you.”
“Fuck. Don't say my name like that,” is only half joking, but he knows you can tell he wants you just as much. “Can I kiss you?” 
You nod and his lips touch yours in a millisecond. They are soft, but his movements are quick, and soon his tongue is asking for permission to enter your mouth. With a moan, you granted happily and hungry to taste him. 
His hand goes back to your waist, only resting before squishing it gently. Your own hand traveling to his nape and bringing him closer, your chests touching.
In need of air you break the kiss, and instead of stopping, his mouth keeps working down your jaw and neck, “ohh…” you try to breathe, throwing your head back just enough to give him space. It feels so good you don't want to stop.
And he doesn't. He continues until he reaches the fabric of your dress, covering your chest. He imagines your little gold collar he saw in some pictures. He thinks about buying you one on silver to match his own jewelry or buying a chain for himself the color of yours. Anything would do, he just wants you to be his and for people to know.
“W-wait,” your voice brings him back, and he stops immediately, “don't leave marks. At least not visible.”
“Okay, I can get creative.” A wink seals his promise and his hand moves to the buttons in the front of your dress, his lips following soon behind to attach themselves to the exposed skin. To your breast. He licks and kisses and when he reaches your nipple he flicks his tongue a few times. 
That gets a good reaction from you, but he still asks “You like that?” because it does good to his ego and the mid-erection on his pants.
You nod between whimpers and can feel his laugh through his chest resting on your stomach, “is that enough?” You look at him, the lust on his eyes and his stupid smirk on his lips when he frees your abused skin from his mouth, leaving a bruise on your breast. “Is my tongue enough to make you cum, doll?” 
And your pussy answers for herself. Legs impossibly close in search of some friction and, of course, Yoongi noticed.
“You need something?”
“Tell me. I'll give you anything, baby.” His voice is raspy like on the videos you watch alone at night. Except is not through a screen and is actually directed to you. Is everything you wanted while touching yourself and for a second you wonder if it's really happening.
Running your hand through his hair you look at him, now lower on the bed and playing with the bottom of your dress while he waits for a sign between your folded legs, cheek against your thigh, letting you catch your breath. 
“Hmm?” his hand stops on your leg, heavy and warm.
“Touch me, please.”
And you don't have to tell him twice. His hands roam your body, while he leaves kisses here and there. Too desperate to finish unbuttoning it, the bottom of your dress gets pooled at your waist, revealing the lilac lingerie he saw a picture of the other day. 
“So pretty,” he whispers, fingertips traising the embroidered details. It makes you shiver. “Fuck, I can see how wet you are.” His movements travel south to the patch over your entrance, and you respond just as he expects, moaning.
And before you can get used to that, his tongue is on you, flat over the wet and thin fabric. “Can't wait to taste you properly,” sounds a lot like a promise.
Biting your lip, you contemplate asking him to hurry, to give you anything. To get rid of all of your clothes yourself.
But he knows exactly how to drive you crazy. 
Moving your panties to the side with the help of his left hand, the fingers on his right one make an appearance again. Collecting your wetness and using it to rub over your pussy, only applying little pressure at first. Moans echo throughout his room once again, louder and this time in the company of a couple groans from him when he finally pushes in. 
“O-oh… oh my,”
“That's it. Let me hear your pretty sounds,” he encourages, letting you get used to the sensation before adding another one, his eyes on you the whole time. In the way you lick your lips before moaning, the way your hips move towards his hand asking to be fucked, the way your pussy wraps around his fingers. 
“...more.” Is barely a whisper but he hears it, smiling at you.
“Want more? Is not enough?”
“Need you, please” 
And how can he say no to you when you look at him that way. Like he is the only one that can give you what you need, how you want. 
His head disappears between your legs, mouth watering at the thought. He can't even deny he was waiting for you to ask him to eat you out, he would do it in a second, whenever you want, because “oh, god, you taste so sweet.” 
Feeling your legs closing he holds them back, pushing them against your torso with his free hand and squishing your soft skin just as tight as you are doing to his fingers. Thinking about how much force he would need to apply to leave a mark.
“F-fu… fuck. It, it feels so good, please.”
He is proud, lips curving lightly but without wanting to pull away to smile properly. His tongue laps at your entrance alongside his fingers, moving faster and faster, against that spot that makes your body tremble and makes the knot at the bottom of your abdomen want to scream.
“Please, please, please…” 
And he knows what that means. Knows you're close and just need a little push, and he gives it to you in the form of a “Cum for me, baby.”
And you do. Head back and pussy tight around him, legs closing and hand pushing him away when his tongue keeps working, overstimulating and catching all that you give him.
“Oh… my…” you breath. Legs still shaking but feet finally on the mattress again. 
He is standing at the end of his bed, one hand pushing his long hair back and the other unbuckling his belt, eyes on you while he takes you in. “Was that good?” He asks, you nod and he smiles matching yours. “Great. You deserve it.” 
“You want some help with that?” 
“What do you want?” Yoongi throws back, “You’re the birthday girl, after all.”
Worrying your bottom lip between your teeth, thoughts filled with ideas of the things you had wished to be able to do before, you watch him get rid of his jeans and boxers, his dick on full view for you. Only you. “Can I suck you off?”
Obviously, he can't say no, so he nods and you are quick to stand up, legs still feeling a bit weak after your orgasm, but it isn't a problem because as quick as your dress falls completely to the floor, you're kneeling in front of him, between his legs and hands on his tights.
You watch him stroke himself a couple times through gritted teeth, his other hand coming to cup your cheek as you get closer to his length. Saying you had been waiting for this wouldn't be an exaggeration, and without breaking eye contact you stick your tongue out, touching the blush tip slowly. 
He sighed, as if he was, too, relieved at the contact. “So pretty.” 
You push his hand away, taking his hardened length into your hand, only realizing then how big he actually is.
Tapping his dick on your tongue gets you a groan from him and you hum as you wrap your lips around the head, circling your tongue around it inside your mouth before letting go. He smiles at you, his chest moving fast as his breathing increases and his eyes are filled with lust. Your hand moves up and down when your mouth is not working, still wanting him to feel good.
Preparing yourself, you get closer again, taking more in and closing your eyes, adjusting to the girth. 
“Fuck,” he moans, thumb softly stroking your face as his hand moves to the back of your neck when you imitate the previous movements of your hand, going up and down, taking more and more into your mouth. “Y-yeah, just like that.”
The encouragement helps the filling on your lower abdomen to build in again, pussy squeezing around nothing and moaning around his dick, making Yoongi clench his jaw, bucking his hip up, and letting his grip go only at the last second. He wants to fuck your mouth so bad. Only watching your lips around him is driving him crazy and you feel oh, so warm. 
“So pretty, doll,” he compliments as you try to keep your eyes on him as much as possible, only closing them when he hits the back of your throat. 
You come up, catching your breath as you let your hand do some more work. Collecting your spit and rubbing your thumb on his sensitive tip. He reacts just as you expect, groans and head tilted back slightly, with his hands on either side gripping the black sheets. And that gives you an idea. 
“Can you…” eyes are on you immediately, but you wish they weren't because that makes you shy and is even more difficult to ask.
“Tell me, baby.” He pleads, “I'll give you anything, just ask.”
But is easier to show than tell, and your finger grab around one of his wrists, positioning his hand on the back of your head. “Just… hold it.” 
“Fuck.” He has to inhale quickly before nodding, are you reading his mind? “tap my thigh if it gets too much, okay?”
A nod of your own, licking your lips before taking his dick in your mouth once again, the simple weight of his hand being enough to encourage you to take more in and staying there a bit longer before bobbing your head.
Yoongi alternates between letting you follow your own peace and holding you down for a few more seconds every once in a while, finally letting himself slam his hips more harshly against your mouth and the back of your throat. His moans fill the air as he pushes into you. “feels amazing… you take my cock so well.” You hum, making his hips fuck into you at the vibration, increasing the tension on his lower abdomen. “Such a good girl.”
“I could fuck your pretty mouth all night,” he goes on, looking down at you and all the mess you've created between his legs. “Oh f-fuck. What a beautiful sight.” opening your eyes makes the view even better, and he holds your head down, making you gag around his dick, “ah… ah…” he lets go, not wanting to come just yet.
And it might be the first time you see him and his beautiful dick in person, but SugaD’s last video is fresh on your mind, —how could it not after the anxiety of him finding out— so you remember he likes to hold back. And is hot. But he is right, is your birthday celebration and you don't want to play by his rules.
“Are you close?” the hoarseness in your voice is surprising for a second, but you don't have time to think about how it's most likely going to hurt tomorrow because he is fixing your hair behind your ears with a devious smile on his beautiful face.
“Want me to come in your pretty mouth?”
“No.” He raises an eyebrow at the quickness of your answer. “I have an idea.”
Standing up, your knees thank you, only realizing then you'll also have to deal with that later, being so in your head while giving head, the weight of having him in your mouth a priority, that you didn't even care until then. 
You're back laying on his bed, pulling Yoongi to be in front of you, between your legs. “Is going to be embarrassingly fast if you ask me to fuck you right now.”
And for a second you consider it. Because he is not saying no and because he looks so good like this, hands reaching down to hold your waist and bring you closer to him down the bed. But you shake your head no. “You ruined my plans today,” feeling the need to justify your pervy desires you explain, “I was supposed to take pics today for my birthday post, so now you have to help.”
“You want me to take pictures of you?” also not saying no, just clarifying, and you can see in the lust of his gaze he likes the idea.
“I want you to do something first,” shyness invades again but looking down at his hardened length is enough to deliver the message, “and then take a picture. If you want.”
Yoongi is close to you again, bending down to kiss you with a “fuck yes, I want to.” His dick is resting over your pelvis, and you can't help the involuntary thrust your own body does. It feels heavy, and warm, and just so perfect. And when he thrust his hips, frotting against yours, you can't take it.
“Y-yoongi,” and he does it again and again, and soon you're cumming by just the feeling and the thought of how would it be to be actually fucked by him, how much would he reach inside you, making you feel so full and “Ohhh… oh”
He holds you and kisses down your neck as you come down your high a second time, before kneeling once more at the end of the bed. “You look so fucking precious, baby,” he notes, hand wrapping around his dick once more.
“You look great too,” you offer, bitting your lip before letting honesty take over shyness, “I finally get to see you.”
“You been thinking about it?” He knows exactly what you mean. The reason he cuts it off his videos isn't just for privacy, is to give people something to wish for, to yearn.
You nod.
“Baby wants to see me cum?” Another nod, lost for words, but he is not having it. “Tell me.”
“C'mon, baby. Tell me,” he taps his dick over your clothed pussy. Once, twice. Making your body jump at each touch. He teases the tip over your over-sensitive area and then taps again. Honestly, is hard to tell if he is teasing you or himself, but either works.
“I-I want to see you, please.”
His wrist moves in a faster rhythm, his other hand resting on your leg because he just needs to touch you. “Yeah? I'm going to cum,” he pants, “and you're going to show people how gorgeous you look covered on it.” 
You really don't know how much he loves the idea of that, how much he wants to show the world you let him ruin you, how you whisper “please, please,” as he finishes, head thrown back and your name escaping his lips on a moan, shooting white over your naked stomach.
But you can imagine, his victory smile gives him away. And the way he keeps complimenting you all the while grabbing his phone and snapping picture after picture just confirms it.
But you can judge Yoongi too harshly, it does something to you as well. It helps your confidence and a proud smile matches his as he tells you people are going to hate him if you really post this on your page. And that newfound confidence tells you is going to be the first time you click upload without second-guessing yourself.
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[     afterhours(y/n):     Thank you for the birthday wishes!     I indeed got a nice present, don't you think?            [ picture ]                                                                          ]
[    SugaD:     Unbelievable 😻     Can we do something for my birthday too?                                                                                                                   ]
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♡ Tag list: @m00njinnie , @sexytholland , @seoullove96 , @thelilbutifulthings , @disneyprincessshuri , @yoongibaybee ,
Thank you so much guys for your interest and support on this little series, I appreciate you 🥺💙
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➪ Part one. | ➪ Part two | ➪ Updates for this verse | ➪ Ko-fi
➪ Main masterlist. | ➪ Updates in general | ➪ Request & chats ♡
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Ok I know I said a couple more chapters, but I managed to fit it all into one… so here you go part 15! Thank you so much to everyone who tuned in and shared with me their comments on this series. I’m sad to be seeing it go but excited for what’s to come next! Stay turned for an eventual epilogue (with spice 🤫)
Pairings: Jake Kiszka x Danny Wagner ***slash janny endgame baby!!!
Warnings and tags: 18+ only please, adult content such as: anxiety, drinking, talk of pregnancy, talk of past infidelity, kissing, and confessions, slash of course, restaurant AU, third person POV Jake, Sam, and Danny, and that’s about it for this one
Word count: 8.6k
Driving with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on his phone to navigate through the dark Nashville streets, Jake pulled up on Sam’s pinned location and saw him through the window of a convenience store.
When Sam saw his car pull up he hopped off the counter he’d been sitting on and ran outside, waiting by Jake’s door for him to roll down the window.
“Hey, you have six bucks? I don’t have my wallet”.
“What? Sam what’s going on?” Jake started to question him to which Sam just stuck his shivering hand inside the window and made a give me motion until Jake pulled out his wallet and found a ten, dropping his phone underneath his seat in the commotion.
“Thanks!” Sam snatched the bill from his brother's confused grip and ran back inside, handing the whole thing over to the man standing at the register and shaking his hand before leaving.
Jake studied Sam’s appearance as he approached the car, this time walking around to the passenger's side. No jacket, apparently no wallet, and was his shirt inside out?
“What in the hell are you doing out here alone?” Jake tried his questions again once Sam was inside.
“I’m not alone, Jimmy was keeping me company”.
Jimmy? Jake followed Sam’s line of sight to the man still standing idly behind the counter of the store. He took an inhale and nearly choked it right back up, Sam smelled of alcohol and cheap black coffee. “Are you drunk?!”
“Sobered up now, thanks to Jimmy!” Sam leaned over and waved at the man from Jake’s window, who smiled revealing a few missing teeth and waved back.
“Again, what are you doing here? Where’s Danny?”
Sam’s half smile faded at the sound of Danny’s name, and he slumped back into the passenger's seat letting his head rest on the window.
When Sam didn’t reply Jake shifted the car back into drive and pulled out of the lot, “alright, well, let’s just get you home”.
Sam didn’t speak for the rest of the car ride back to his apartment. Just closed his eyes and let his head buzz along with the vibrations of his temple against the glass. Jake wanted to talk to Sam, tell him about the good news he’d gotten today. He’d spent all afternoon on the phone with their Dad going over the logistics of opening his own place and getting support for making his decision, but he knew right now was not the right time to bring it up so he kept quiet.
Just as Sam started to actually drift off to sleep Jake was slapping his shoulder. “Sam! We’re here”.
He blinked a few times, tired and sore eyes adjusting to the overhead light Jake must have clicked on when he parked along the street.
“Alright, are you going to tell me now how you ended up at a random convenience store in the middle of the night?”
“Closest place from the apartment I could find to still get coffee” he replied, purposefully not getting into much detail.
Who’s apartment? He couldn’t have been talking about his apartment, it was too far of a walk. Then it hit Jake. He’d thought the area looked slightly familiar when he was driving around. He’d only been that way once, but now he remembered who lived over there. “Jesus Sam, were you at Savanna’s?”
Sam pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed. He really was too tired to be fighting right now, but the anger he’d had pent up all day was starting to surface again the more sober he got. “Yeah I was, is that a problem with you?”
“Look, I don’t want to get in the middle of you guys again, but please tell me you didn’t just cheat on Danny then call me to come pick you up”.
“Why? What’s the problem? You don’t seem to have an issue with cheating. And you're my brother Jake; you're supposed to be there for me. Not fuck things up in my life whenever you feel like it”.
Jake didn’t understand where Sam was coming from, never guessing that Sam knew the secret he and Danny agreed to keep, but he was not talking well to being yelled at in his own car when he was the one who was called out in the middle of the night. “What the fuck is your problem right now?”
“You!” Sam laughed hysterically at Jake’s arrogant refusal to take responsibility for his actions. “You’re my fucking problem! Accusing me of cheating is a lot coming from you when you fucking slept with my boyfriend while I was gone!”
“What?!” Jake immediately started to become more defensive. Not only for his own sake, but for Danny’s. “He told me you broke up with him! Showed up at my doorstep in fucking pieces!”
Sam recoiled back against the door again. Danny did tell him he thought they’d broken up, and honestly Sam knew they had after the way they left things, but he hadn’t realized how much it had affected Danny. There he was in LA having a great time getting ready for this next exciting chapter in his life, and Danny was back at home suffering. It’s was no wonder he went looking for some comfort… Even if it did start to make some sense, he couldn’t so easily forgive them and forget his own hurt.
“When are you going to let him go Sam?” Jake questioned him after a moment of silence once the argument died down.
Sam’s eyes started to well up again, but he choked the tears back down. He did not want to cry in front of his brother. “I do love him Jake, he’s my best friend”.
“I know you love him Sammy,” Jake sighed, he never meant to insinuate otherwise, “but are you in love with him?”
That was a question Sam hoped he’d never have to ask himself. He understood the concept of falling in and out of love with someone, but he never realized how difficult it would be to actually discern the difference between the two. How heart wrenching it would be to come to the realization.
“It’s okay if you’re not. I promise you he will be okay” Jake added, just hoping to ease a little of his pain.
“I thought I could fall in love with him” Sam finally responded, his voice just a fraction of what it was before.
Jake nodded his head in understanding, “anyone can fall in love with Danny if they try hard enough, it’s Danny, but is that what’s really best for him?”
Leave it to Jake to be bestowing his cryptic wisdom on him at this hour Sam thought to himself. “You would know” he pushed back. He was pretty sure Jake didn’t even have to try to fall in love with Danny, and that was also probably a big part of the reason why he was so jealous of them.
“When you text me you said you’d ’fucked up’,” Jake tried steering the conversation back away from himself, “what exactly did you do at Savanna’s?”
Sam swallowed, ready for Jake’s anger to return, “I kind of told her about you and Danny sleeping together…”
“You what- you told Savanna!” Jake frantically checked his pockets and his cup holders for his phone, nearly forgetting that he’d dropped it earlier. “Savanna and Kim are friends Sam! You didn’t stop to think she might say something? Ah shit!” When he remembered where it was he swung his door open so he could climb out and squat down to reach his hand under the seat, finally finding his phone face down on the floorboard. When he turned it over he saw four missed calls from Kim. So she had already been told.
Sam got out of the car as well, coming around the front end careful to keep his distance from Jake in case one of their old brotherly fist fights broke out over this. “I know, I know… but Jake, you know you shouldn’t have kept that a secret from her either right?”
As much as Jake did want to knock the shit out of him, Sam was right. He didn’t blame Danny at all, but his stomach was sour every time he was with Kim after. He’d never cheated on anyone before, always thought he was above that, but apparently he wasn’t. At least not when it came to the right person, just always at the wrong time.
He slipped his phone back into his pocket, he’d have to deal with her later, for now he’d just focus on getting Sam inside. “Come on, it’s fucking freezing out here”.
Once inside he followed Sam down the hallway, making sure he got into his room and into bed. When he started to back out he heard the sound of another door slowly opening from across the hallway. Jake turned around to see Danny peeking his head out of his bedroom, equally as surprised to see Jake in his apartment coming out of Sam’s room as Jake was to see how much of a wreck he was.
As Sam laid there he watched his door shut behind Jake, but even from the other side of the painted wood he could hear the light sound of a pair of voices. He squeezed his eyes shut and pulled his blanket up tightly under his chin trying to will himself to finally go to sleep instead of listen in.
Back in the hallway, Danny’s expression begged Jake for answers.
Jake sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. He wasn’t sure it was his place to be telling Danny where Sam was, but then again he really had gotten between the two of them again hadn’t he. “I picked Sam up, he was at Savanna’s I guess drinking. I think he’s pretty sobered up now but he still needs to sleep it off”.
Danny looked like he wanted to ask more questions, he needed more answers, but he could tell by the look on Jake’s face that he didn’t have much more to offer him. Instead his shoulders just dropped, “thank you for looking out for him”.
“Of course,” Jake replied, “a little heads up might have been nice though”.
Danny bit his cheek, he knew exactly what Jake was referring to. The whole reason why Sam was acting the way he was. It was all Danny’s fault, for going over to Jake’s that day, for not being able to handle the guilt, for telling Sam this morning without asking Jake first…
“He told Savanna, who obviously told Kim”.
Danny’s brows furrowed with worry, even if keeping it from Sam had been too much for him to bear, he’d at least hoped to spare Kim and Jake the same turmoil they were going through right now. “Fuck, she’s going to hate us isn’t she?”
“Hopefully no more than Sam does. Don’t worry, I’ll talk to her. Apologize for the both of us”.
“I can talk to her too” Danny tried to offer. He didn’t want their friendship to end, and he didn’t want Jake trying to play the martyr in an attempt to help save it.
“Just, let me try with her first ok?” Jake tried to settle with him. “I want you to know we’re in this together Danny. We’re both equally to blame”.
“Yeah…” Danny sighed, the hidden meaning behind Jake’s words getting completely lost within the mess of his head. “Okay, you talk to her”.
“Alright Dan, try to get some sleep. Everything will be alright”. Jake wasn’t quite so convinced himself after today had played out the way it did, but he had to try to reassure him. Because he hated seeing either of them this way.
Four Months Later
“What about these?” Danny questioned as he eyed a pack of tiny neutral colored onesies.
“Yeah sure, you can never have too many onesies right?” Jake replied, unable to pick up any of the tiny clothes himself with both his arms full of diapers and wipes, and whatever else the baby aisle clerk had told them was new parents' essentials.
“Does she know the gender yet?” Danny wondered as he picked up two of the packages and started towards the check out.
“She hasn’t told you?” Popped out before Jake could realize how Danny might take it. They had still been working on repairing their ‘bestie’ status after everything that happened, but as far as he knew things were getting better between them. “She took a blood test but it will still be a few months before it’s official”.
Danny nodded his head in understanding, he hadn’t realized how much about this stuff he didn’t really know, but he was learning. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around Kim being pregnant”.
“It is crazy after what she went through huh?” Jake agreed, thinking back to a while ago when she was hospitalized with stomach pain only to find out that her IUD had slipped out of place and she had to immediately have it removed. Everyone was shocked, even Kim herself, to find out she was pregnant. The unforeseen health scare, both hers and the baby’s, had unexpectedly brought them close together again after months of awkward avoidals while Jake, Danny, and Sam still worked at the restaurant. That was all coming to an end soon though.
“By the way, thanks for coming with me. I’d feel a little awkward doing this by myself” Jake mentioned as they approached the self checkout.
Danny smiled as he started to take a few of the items from Jake’s hands and place them to be scanned, “Of course Jake. What are friends for”.
“Congrats man” Jake clapped his hand over Julian’s shoulder after his last successful dinner service in this kitchen. Not that he had done much tonight other than give Julian moral support.
Tonight was the official announcement of the directors retirement and the new ownership. Jake had decided to not take the offer to be kitchen manager, and although the new owner was disappointed to see him go, his stipulation was he continued to train Julian to be his replacement.
At first he was a little apprehensive if Julian was ready for that much responsibility yet, but in these last few months he had really proven himself to both Jake and the rest of the staff that now looked up to him.
“You’re going to have a lot on your plate this year, new promotion, becoming a dad” he wiggled his eyebrows and smiled.
“Fucking hell, don’t know how I’m going to do it without you” Julian smiled back, showing that he was indeed excited himself.
“You won’t” Jake assured him, “I’ll be around, as much as you guys continue to let me be”.
Julian was Kim's new boyfriend, and father of their coming baby. Of course Jake was a little nervous when he’d heard Kim was pregnant. It had been awhile since they’d broken up when she found out, so when they told her she was only a few weeks along she was sure it was Julian’s.
“I know Kim is still a little distant. She is just trying to process everything, but she will come around. I know she misses you guys”.
Though it was a little jarring to learn Kim had gotten over him by getting together with Julian, Jake had watched them together from the sidelines and he was very happy for them. “You’ve taken really good care of her”.
“And I will keep taking good care of her” Julian assured him with a confident smile, “now, get the hell out of here you’ve got a big day tomorrow”.
Julian practically pushed him out of the kitchen, telling him to hurry up so he could get back to closing.
When Jake left out the back door he found Danny and Sam waiting outside for him. “What are you guys still doing here?”
“Wanted to make sure we’ve got the plan down right”. Sam replied, pushing off the wall he’d been leaning on to follow Jake towards the cars. “You’re getting Josh in the morning right?”
“Yeah, Josh is flying in at like seven. Mom and Dad got here a few hours ago. They got an Uber to their hotel tonight, but you will have to pick them up tomorrow before you guys head over to the colosseum”.
“They know we have to be there like an hour early right?”
“Yeah but Josh and I need to swing by the shop and make sure everything is ready before we head over so we won’t have time to get them, plus you know mom is going to want to get like a hundred pictures”.
Sam chuckled and nod his head in understanding. He was slightly nervous about everything they’d have to do, but overall he was beyond excited to see his family and finally get this graduation over with.
“What about your parents?” Jake asked Danny who was leaning against the top of his car, seemingly the most relaxed about everything, though he was really just the best at staying calm.
“Flying in tomorrow morning too, but they’re going to get a rental car from there to share with Karen and Kelly later since they’re staying at the same hotel”.
“Sounds great, guess I’ll see you guys tomorrow then?”
“Yeah see you tomorrow. Try to get some sleep alright” Danny waved his goodbye then he and Sam were off.
Jake sat alone in the parking lot for a few minutes, just watching the unmoving building behind him in the rear view mirror. This place was never meant to be permanent for him, but he couldn’t help but feel bittersweet about leaving it.
When he was finally ready he put his car in drive, but continued to glance at the mirror until there was nothing more than the dark city street behind him.
At first Jake didn’t want the grand opening of his new restaurant to be the same day as Sam and Danny’s graduation, but the timing just worked the best since everyone was already coming down and Sam would be leaving just two short days after.
Four months didn’t seem like a very long time to create and execute a business plan, but his investor, the director, rushed things along because he wanted to see it open before he and his wife finally moved to Costa Rica.
Jake did manage to get about five hours of sleep before having to get up and get ready then head over to the airport to pick up his twin.
“Morning brother! Are you excited?” Josh beamed as soon as he made it from baggage claim out to the curb to see Jake already waiting for him.
“Nervous, anxious, kinda felt like I was going to throw up this morning,” Jake replied while Josh got himself settled with his things in the backseat then sliding into the passenger's seat, “but yeah excited too”.
“Good,” Josh reached over and gave Jake’s shoulder a squeeze since he couldn’t give him a proper greeting hug, “today is going to be a beautiful day; I can feel it!”
Josh was right, after running back to the apartment to drop his things off and let him freshen up from the plane ride, they stopped by the shop for a quick check in.
“This is nice!” Josh exclaimed as he walked through the large glass door into the newly refurbished dining area, stopping every few feet to closely examine a few of the tables before making his way over to the bar. Its crystal shelves were now fully stocked with brand new bottles of wines and spirits and the paneled mirrors on the walls were being cleaned and polished.
Jake left Josh to continue his exploring to check in on the kitchen, making sure prep was going along well. They had only just gotten their license and passed inspection a couple of days before so Jake was afraid they would be behind, but everything was going very well.
“Alright, we’ve got to go now, please call me if anything happens” Jake turned to Kim who had agreed to come and help out since his own front of house manager was busy graduating today.
“I will, but don’t worry we’ve got everything under control” Kim assured him for probably the fourth time since they had stopped by.
“And you please don’t over do it” Jake added, eyes flicking down to her barely visible bump.
“I’m pregnant Jake, not broken, I’ll be fine. Tell Danny I said congratulations”.
“Thank you” he put extra emphasis on his thanks, because there weren’t very many people he’d trust with overseeing something as important as his grand opening. Kim was and would always be someone special to him and he was so glad they were eventually able to make up and stay friends. “Oh, by the way there is a bag with your name on it in the kitchen. Make sure you get it before you leave”. He had put all the baby things he and Danny got for her together as an extra thanks for her help today.
“A bag? What is it?” She questioned, getting a little bashful still when Jake was extra nice to her especially because she wasn’t expecting a gift.
“Just a little something” he replied with a wink and grabbed Josh to slip out the door before she could say anything else.
Jake felt his heart thumping in his fists as he gripped the steering wheel on the way over to the colosseum, but he swallowed his nerves when they pulled up so he could be there and be mentally present for his brother’s and Danny’s equally big day.
He and Josh met their parents inside along with Danny’s, both taking turns getting hugs from everyone before taking their seats.
The ceremony started soon after, and Jake sat through each individual name called on the edge of his seat, twisting a program through his hands. Sam’s department was up first, and they all stood and clapped for him when he walked the stage, their mom recording and trying not to cry as her baby got his diploma. Danny’s was up later, and he was one of the last to walk but they all shared the same energy, standing and clapping again.
Just like that it was over, and the graduates were filling out to find their families.
“My babies!” Both Lori and Karen cried when Sam and Danny finally made their way over. Sam was already trying to shed his cap and gown but they yelled at him to put them back on and get into a picture with Danny.
“Now let’s get one with all the boys!” Karen beamed, phone not having left her hand since the ceremony started.
“What? We’re not the ones graduating!” Jake tried to protest, but Josh already had a hand around the back of his neck and was dragging him over. Jake lost his footing for a second, but before he could tumble over an arm was flying out in front of him for his torso to get caught on. “Thanks” Jake mumbled as Danny helped him straighten back up.
“Yeah” was all Danny said in return, then the same arm that caught him stretched back around his shoulders and pulled him close for the picture.
With their proximity Jake hoped Danny couldn’t feel the way his heart drummed in his tight chest. He was growing more and more anxious knowing that as soon as they were done here they were all going to head over to the restaurant.
That was wishful thinking though, because after all this time Danny knew Jake. Once both their moms got enough shots, Danny’s grip on Jake’s shoulders tightened and he leaned over to whisper to him “everything is going to be fine”.
“Yeah” Jake replied just the same and slipped out from underneath him. He was wound up enough already, he didn’t need any extra distraction.
“Alright, who’s hungry?” Jake’s dad asked everyone, shooting him a reassuring glance.
“Guess we will meet you guys over there then?” Josh spoke up, allowing Jake some extra time to spiral in silence. Their parents left together, then Sam and Danny, and Josh left with Jake again who insisted on driving to keep his mind occupied as he fidgeted with the corners of his mouth at every stop of a red light.
“They’re going to love it” Josh spoke up as they got closer.
“I know they will” Jake sighed, feeling at least a little better about not having to hide his torrent of emotions from his brother. “There’s just so many things that can go wrong with running a restaurant. We know first hand all the crap mom and dad had to put up with over the years”.
“Yeah you’re right” Josh replied, making Jake’s heart drop a little bit. Did he think I made the wrong decision?
“We do have first hand experience, you the most of all, so you already know what to expect and can be on top of your game. Plus it’s not like we aren’t here to help you. I know you’re going to want to do this all on your own, but just promise me if things do ever get out of hand that you come to us”.
Jake nod slightly, but that wasn’t enough to satisfy Josh “promise me Jake” he pushed.
“Alright, I promise. Happy now?”
Josh smiled his infectious smile making Jake do the same just as they started to pull into the already busy parking lot.
“Wow, not going to lie there’s a lot more people here than I thought there would be” Josh admit as Jake drove around to the back to park in his own designated spot.
“Yeah, Sam told a lot of people from school, guess word got around” Jake swallowed his words and slight fear before stepping out of the car and finding everyone else arriving at just the same time.
“This is lovely darling!” His mom exclaimed as she took in the exterior with the big white banner hanging above the door that read grand opening!
Of course Sam and Danny had already seen it in various states of the process, but now they stood there as well taking in the finished product with grins of their own.
“Oh! Is that the name?” His mom pointed to the large black letters above the banner. Jake had kept it a secret from everyone until now, even Sam and Danny hadn’t seen the large painted iron letters be installed once the exterior was finished being painted- black window trim to match.
The Ether
“What does it mean?” She questioned, knowing Jake must have very carefully picked it out.
“Well, it can mean whatever you want it to mean, but for me it means that this is a place that connects people. I really wanted to create an atmosphere that permeates its guests and intertwines us all for a shared transcendental experience”.
“Leave it to Jake to come up with something cryptic” Sam interjected, causing a few chuckles.
“Well I for one love it. What are we waiting for? Let’s go inside!” Josh wrapped his arms around his mom and walked with her, only taking a step back once they reached the door to allow her to be the first.
Once everyone was inside Jake took in the image of seeing his hard work over these past months paying off. His shop was filled with people from the smaller tables that lined the windows, to larger well dressed parties at the longer tables in the center. No doubt families that had also just come from the graduation here to celebrate and try some new food.
A table had been saved for his family, towards the back so they had to walk through the arrangement of occupied tables to get there. Along the way Jake’s arm was caught by someone.
“What a turn out” the director said as he stood from his seat.
“Yeah, hopefully we can keep this momentum” Jake replied, hanging behind to chat as his family went to take their seats. Everyone but his Dad.
“Well, this must be your father?” The director reached over to shake hands and introduce himself. “You raised a brilliant young man”.
“He put in all the work himself” his dad humbled him, though Jake could tell he was very proud which only made his nervousness finally start to ease up.
“He did an excellent job here. I don’t think I could have done it up better myself” the director commented, taking a second to look around once more. Noticing they were hitting it off, Jake stood back and let the two continue to talk together.
“I’m glad I got to meet you, I wanted to thank you for taking an interest in my son and giving him this opportunity”.
“The pleasure is all mine. Over these past few months I’ve gotten to know Jake. I have to say at first I didn’t quite understand his vision, but now all I can say is I’m even more impressed. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve never had a boy of my own. This place, and in turn Jake too, is the closest thing I have to a son”.
Jake nearly choked on his own saliva at the director's sudden confession. They had spent quite a bit of time together recently, mostly for business, but there was the occasional night or two that they had stayed late and drank a little bit together in the glow of the work lights. He glanced over at his Dad, waiting to hear his response.
“Well, guess we'll just have to call each other brother then!” he smiled and they both shook each other's hand again and gave a small side hug before the director sat back down.
“This a nice place you have here” Jake’s Dad continued as they moved to rejoin their group.
“Thanks” Jake replied quietly, though their shared smiles spoke more than a thousand words.
“Ready to close her up?” Danny asked as Jake did some last minute business for the night in his small office.
“Going to be a bit longer. You can go ahead and go, I’ll lock the doors” Jake replied, looking up from his pile of papers to see Danny with his arms crossed and leaning against the door frame. Danny had insisted over the past few days that they had been open to be here with Jake from before open to after close. Sure he didn’t have school anymore, but he knew it was a lot of time and work and so he was very grateful for Danny’s help.
“I don’t mind waiting for you” Danny replied, moving inside the office to take a seat in a chair across the desk.
Jake looked back down at what he was working on, filling out all the little boxes until his eyes started to blur from tiredness. “You’ve got your key right?”
“I do” Danny replied, fidgeting with the corner of the desk in front of him. What he didn’t want to say was he didn’t want the first time he used his new key to be coming home alone, so he decided to wait.
After just about twenty more minutes Jake finished what he was working on and they both went around to lock up before heading out to their cars. Jake pulled up to the apartment first, but he waited this time for Danny to pull up behind him before getting out. He wanted to make sure Danny’s key worked of course.
It did work, smooth as butter through the lock and Danny opened the door to let them both inside. “Been a long day” Jake spoke as they made their way up the stairs to the bedrooms.
This morning they dropped Sam off at the airport, saying their goodbyes for what felt like the dozenth time after seeing Josh and their families off just a couple of days before. Afterwards Jake had helped Danny gather the last of his things at his old apartment and turn in his and Sam’s keys.
At first Danny was thinking he was going to have to actually consider his Dads offer to move home and work at the office. With Sam leaving there was no way he’d be able to afford their apartment alone. He looked into getting a single somewhere, but until he was sure what he wanted to do he didn’t want to commit to another lease somewhere. That was when Jake reminded him he had an extra bedroom at his place not being used, in addition to the offer to work for him as a manager.
Now that Josh and Sam were gone it was going to be Danny’s first night staying in his new room. Though he had stayed in that bedroom a few times, having all his stuff in there now was going to be an odd feeling.
They stood at the top of the stairs, waiting for the other to make the first move to part ways into their own rooms. “You know where I’m at if you need anything” Jake added while he rubbed the back of his neck and winced slightly at the sharp pain it sent through the top of his shoulders. He’d been working a little too hard and the lack of rest was catching up to him.
“Have a knot in your neck?” Danny asked, noticing the way Jake squinted his eyes and tried to rub harder, but failing to apply enough pressure on his own. “Here let me help you”.
Jake hesitated for a moment, but ultimately pulled his hair to the side and turned around letting Danny approach him from behind.
Once he felt large hands grip his shoulders his body tensed up, but not from pain this time. It had been a while since he’d felt Danny’s hands on him, and he couldn’t deny that he’d maybe hoped that him moving in would be a catalyst for more intimacy between them again.
Then the pain struck him again, tenfold when Danny dug his thumbs into the knot and started a relentless circular motion into his twisted muscles.
“Ow! Fuck Danny that hurts!” Jake cried trying to pull away, but Danny’s grip was too strong.
“Just bear with it for a second longer” he leaned over and whispered. The combination of his hot breath on the sliver of skin above the neckline of Jake’s shirt and the friction of his fingers finally made the blood flow start to break up the knot (and flow somewhere else too). Jake’s shoulders relaxed and Danny let up a little, moving his fingers along the ridge of his shoulders and upper back to make sure he’d gotten all the tension out before leaning over once more and placing a quiet kiss over the spot he’d just roughed.
“Good night Jake” Danny whispered once more, lingering for just a moment as Jake continued to lean into his touch.
“Good night” Jake whispered back, and just like that Danny backed away and went into his room. Jake did the same, sighing to himself behind his closed door at how much of a physical response his body had gotten at such a simple gesture even when he was dead beat tired.
He wasn’t sure how long he could keep up the act, but he was determined that if anything was going to start between them he wasn’t going to be the one to make the first move this time.
For the next month business went well. Only one mix up with a supply order had the kitchen struggling for a bit and Jake had to spend a little extra to buy some things they needed immediately. Other than those few days of making due, they got their order in and worked out the kink in the schedule and since then everything was overall smooth.
“You sure you’re going to be alright while I’m gone?” Danny asked Jake as he hauled his carryon down the stairs. He was going to visit Sam in LA for the weekend and though he was excited to hang out with his best friend again, he wasn’t so thrilled about leaving Jake to do basically everything alone in the meantime.
“I’ll be fine, go have fun you need some time off anyways I’ve been overworking you”. Jake was smiling as he spoke, but deep down inside he was dreading Danny’s visit since he’d brought it up when asking for the time off.
Living and working together was a lot. Though they kept busy, Jake and Danny were around each other nearly 24/7 and yet he felt a distance between them still.
There were times when he felt the pull. Like when they would take turns showering in the morning, and Danny would wait in the hallway for Jake to finish up only to see him make the walk back to his room with just a towel wrapped around his waist. The lingering looks at night when they would come home and follow each other up the stairs. Always sharing that whisper of good night but nothing more.
Jake wasn’t quite sure why Danny didn’t ever close that gap between them, but his greatest fear now was that Danny was going to go to LA and rekindle something with Sam instead.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drop you off?” Jake offered once more, “those parking fees suck”.
“It’s alright, I think we’re still tapped out on saying goodbye to people at airports right now”. Honestly, Danny didn’t want Jake trying to say goodbye to him. He was only going to be gone for a couple of days, no time at all compared to all the time they had spent together recently. Yet he still felt some way about being away from him.
It had been easy to adjust to living with Jake, too easy. The only hard part had been trying to control himself.
Jake was busy all the time now, even when he was at home he was working on something. Danny didn’t want to add to that stress. Jake needed him right now and he didn’t want to complicate anything by getting mixed up together again.
Sometimes though he couldn’t help it, seeing Jake all the time at home in his rawest form stirred up things inside him. He wanted that thrill of being with him again. Wanted to feel that surge of energy electrify his nerve endings with every needy touch. He could wait though, until things died down at the restaurant and Jake could ease up from work. At least that’s what he’d been telling himself.
It was a whirlwind of an experience since the moment Sam met Danny at the airport. They took an Uber back to his shared apartment with the other interns to let Danny unpack his things before heading straight over to the studio for a tour.
Sam used his employee badge to swipe them in and showed Danny all his favorite spots and explained in animated detail everything he’d been working on. After over an hour the tour was over and Sam was guiding them along down the street towards his new friends day drinking spot- a bustling little cafe playing bluesy rock over its speakers.
“So how have things been going at the restaurant?” Sam questioned Danny after getting seated at a small table out on the patio a little bit away from the loud inside. He’d talked enough about himself today and now he was ready to hear more about Danny’s experiences since he left.
“Really well, there have been a few speed bumps, but we’ve kept everything in control. Keep the guests coming” Danny replied as he looked over the menu for something light to eat since he was starving but knew Sam had other plans for dinner later in the evening.
Sam sat back in his chair as he continued to speak, obviously already prepared to order without even having to check. “That’s good, haven’t been able to get a hold of Jake much. We keep playing phone tag”.
“Guess we’re all just a little busy these days” Danny shrugged, finding what he wanted and checking to see if the waitress was about to round back on them.
She caught Danny’s eye and made her way over, Sam ordering a tall draft beer and a glass of water and Danny getting the same with an appetizer. “Well, how has he been?”
“Hmm?” Danny didn’t follow Sam since he was still trying to take in the view of LA in the background.
“Jake, how’s he doing?” Sam repeated with a smirk.
“Oh, he’s good too”.
“Just good?” Sam tried to pry on after Danny’s simple response.
“What exactly are you trying to get at?” He knew Sam was interested in his brother's well being, but he could also tell he had some other hidden meaning.
After a slight scoff and a shift of position in his chair, Sam leaned onto his elbow on the table, letting his usually loud buoyant voice dissipate into a hush. “I’m just wondering if you guys have like…” he was avoiding eye contact, trying to find the right words “gotten together yet?”
Danny’s reply was thankfully stalled by the return of their waitress with their orders. If it wasn’t so damn hot outside in LA then he was sure he would be flushed as his thoughts raced to piece together what to say. “Like I said earlier” he began after they took a few drinks to cool off, “we’ve been really busy”.
“What an excuse, I mean come on you guys live together now”.
Danny wasn’t sure why Sam was suddenly so entertained by the idea of him and Jake being together. Maybe the LA air had been getting to him. “It’s hard to say. Yes we work together and we live together, but at work he’s my boss and at home I think he just wants some alone time to relax and decompress”.
“Have you guys at least talked about it?” Sam started to sound more serious, like before he thought he could joke and pick fun at his friend but now he was slightly concerned.
“What are we supposed to have talked about?” He asked as he plucked a piece of food off the plate between them.
Sam sighed, he couldn’t believe they were really both being so dense. “You know I asked you this question once but I don’t think you gave me an honest answer”.
Danny stopped his munching, curious about what question Sam was referring to.
When Sam was sure he had his undivided attention he tried again, “Do you love him?”
Danny’s blood ran cold as he remembered the look on Jake’s face that evening when Sam had walked in on them and he asked him the same thing. Of course at the time the shock took over and Danny had said no, but had that been the honest truth?
“You can tell me. I know things got weird there between us after we broke up. I was upset and I needed space, but I’m glad I stuck it out. I can’t stay mad at you. Jake maybe” he cut his tone with another quip letting Danny know he wasn’t serious about being mad at Jake either. “You're my best friend Daniel and Jake’s my brother. I want to see you both happy”.
“Thanks Sam, but I don’t think it’s that simple”.
“Why not?” Sam shrugged, taking a little off the plate to eat himself.
“Jake is a hard person to read. Sometimes I think he’s sending me signals, but I just don’t know. I don’t want to fuck things up again”.
It hit Sam that Danny probably blamed himself for everything that went wrong in their relationship, and he couldn’t have that. “First of all, you didn’t fuck things up so don’t keep beating yourself up. Second of all, do you think Jake would have really started something with his brother's best friend if he wasn’t in love with you?”
Danny blinked a few times, trying to take in what Sam had said. Did he think Jake was in love with me the whole time? No wonder he was always jealous… “You think Jake is in love with me?”
“Daniel, don’t be an idiot. There’s no telling how long he’s been keeping that a secret, but he’s not as sly as he thinks he is. I’ve had a suspicion since last Halloween”.
“Really?” That was before he and Sam had even gotten together and yet he’d still agreed to try dating. It’s no wonder things didn’t work out the way Danny initially thought they would.
“I know it’s not really my place to be saying this after I fought you both on it, but I want you to know that you guys have my blessing”.
“Well, when you put it that way” Danny teased, breaking the heavy air that had settled around them with this deep conversation.
Sam had placed a seed in Danny’s mind though. If Jake really did love him then why hadn’t he said anything? It had been months since Sam and him had broken up. They had all made amends with each other better than he thought they would. Yet they were everything but together now.
Danny tried not to think too much about what Sam had said during the rest of his visit. The days were filled with fun activities Sam had planned, so it kept the both of them entertained and having fun goofing off with each other like they used to. At night though, as Danny tried to fall asleep on an uncomfortable futon, he thought about what he wanted to say to Jake when he saw him again.
“Time to get back to work I guess” Sam sighed as he watched Danny finish packing up. They wanted to spend as much time together as they could during the short time Danny had to visit, so he waited until the day Sam had to go back to work to fly home. Meaning he’d have to catch an Uber by himself to the airport.
“I had a really good time. I’m glad you’re liking it here” Danny replied, checking his phone to make sure he was giving himself enough time for LA traffic.
“I am, it’s been fun, but I do have to admit that I miss Nashville already. I can see why you wanted to stay”.
“You can always come back” Danny only half joked.
“Why, so Jake can put me to work at his restaurant too?” Sam teased back, “no thanks”.
Danny cleared his throat. He had thought a lot last night especially, and he wanted Sam to know the answer to his question before he left. “I do love him. It’s like a splinter I didn’t know I had but everyday that it’s there it digs its way deeper inside”.
Sam chuckled as he reached around to give Danny one last warm hug. “I know, just make sure he knows that too okay?”
“I will. Thank you” Danny hugged him back, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. Not because he was still in love with Sam, but because it was Sam. Sam who would always be a big part of his life, his first love, his best friend, and his ultimate confidant.
When Danny got home Jake was at the restaurant which he had expected. He unpacked his bags in the quiet apartment, tossing his dirty clothes into the washer and putting all his toiletries back where they belonged. By the early evening it was still going to be a while before Jake came home, so he decided to lay down on the couch to relax a bit.
With a random show on the TV Danny leaned back against the pillows and before he could stop himself he was falling asleep.
“Danny, wake up” the image of Jake leaning down in front of him came into blurry view while he gently shook him awake. “Go to bed if you're tired”.
“I was waiting for you” Danny replied as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. He must have been out for a couple of hours by the way his body felt stiff from laying scrunched up in one position for so long.
“Well that’s very sweet, but I’m here now so let's get you upstairs”. He tugged on one of Danny’s arms, trying to get him to his feet.
“Hold on, I’ve got to tell you something” Danny tugged back on his arm and stayed seated on the couch.
“Can it wait until the morning?” Jake sighed. It had been a long few days, and he wasn’t sure he had the capacity to hear whatever it was Danny had to tell him right now. If Danny was going to tell him he wanted to go back to Sam then he at least wanted to have the energy to put up a fight about it.
“I mean…” Danny was still trying to wake up as he spoke, “I guess it could, but I don’t want it to. I’m tired of waiting”. He tugged on Jake’s hand again, trying to silently ask him to sit down too.
Jake obliged, flopping down next to Danny and feeling that his body was a lot more tired than he thought it was. “Alright what is it?” Whatever it was, if it couldn’t wait until morning then it must be very important to him, so Jake turned his body towards him to give his full attention.
Danny decided to come right out with it, there was no sense beating around the bush at this hour. “I’m in love with you”.
Goddamnit- wait… Jake’s brain was short circuiting. He’d expected the ‘I’m in love with’ part, but not the you. “What did you just say?”
Danny reached over and cupped Jake’s face in his hands, trying to move slowly and be as gentle as possible when he really just wanted to pounce on him right there and shower him with affection. “I love you Jake”.
“Danny I-” Jake’s voice got caught in his throat. He wasn’t sure what happened in LA, but he figured he and Sam must have talked about this and that Sam had helped him to come to this conclusion. He reached over and mirrored Danny’s hands with his, feeling just the slightest bit of five o’clock shadow against his palms. “Say it again”.
Danny smiled, and leaned in to press a kiss to Jake’s plush lips. “I love you” he repeated against those lips feeling them also turn up into a tight grin.
“You love me too right?” Danny pulled away just a bit to ask, like Jake’s response hadn’t been enough to confirm.
“I fucking love you so much Danny, you don’t even understand” Jake smiled even wider, pushing past Danny’s grip on his face to crawl into his lap and connect their lips again.
“So does this mean we’re together then? Like officially?” Danny questioned again, just trying to make sure they were on the same page and were ready to take this path together.
“It fucking better” Jake replied, standing up and offering his hand to Danny again. “Now, can we please go to bed?”
Danny took his hand and they made it up the stairs before Jake turned around and attacked him with more kisses. And for the first night since Danny moved in, he wrapped his arms around Jake’s thighs and hoisted him onto his hips, carrying them both into the bedroom.
@alwaysonthemend @psychedelicstardust-gvf @twistedmelodies @heckingfrick
And shout out to @gracev0609 for helping me come up with the name of the restaurant 😊
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decaflondonfog · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers 💫
i was tagged by @nv-md (ali pls why does tumblr never let me tag you what have you done) and then sort of indirectly by @fluxweeed! as always i loved reading your thoughts and i'm v grateful you thought of me. as always, this is just me talking shite for 20 answers:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
12 revealed, but I do have my @aftgthenandnow fic currently hiding so 13 technically
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
99,518 (which my heart was immediately keen on saying it's "not that much" but all these words were written in the last year 365-ish days, which makes me very very proud)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
i'm still on my fandom whoring phase and loving it very much!!! i think it's mostly AFTG but I’ve dabbled in some Simon Snow and Check, Please! recently and have some more plans for those 🥰 honestly there is a RIDICULOUS amount of fandoms in my fic planning trello board, including: Call of Duty, The Raven Cycle, Red White and Royal Blue, BBC Merlin, and Our Flag Means Death. i love living in chaos!!!!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
oh it's these guys: the benefits of a broken air conditioning unit and other summer lessons (aftg/andreil, 3k, E) geometric equilibrium (aftg/kandreil, 10k, M) kaleidoscope (aftg/fem!andreil, 5k, M) growing pains (omgcp/bittyparse, 50k, E) celly (aftg/gen, 800 words, T)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! Or I try to, anyway. Why? Uhhh. Because I want to, really. I'm not one of those people who feels like they have to, especially because as a commenter I don't expect writers to ever reply. But I love chatting fandom stuff and fic — mine or otherwise, so I always treat comments as an opportunity to do so. Sometimes I think I have a super random, like... reply style, I guess you'd call it? But I'd rather engage a fellow fan in genuine conversation rather than say just "thank you," which obviously is still what I end up doing like 70% of the time.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is funny for me to think about because in former fandoms I was a bit of an Angst Guy lmao (mcd, unrequited love, cheating, miscommunication, you name it)... but I'm on a softer vibe now for sure. I think maybe a wreath of white lilies is my angstiest work but even that i wouldn't classify as angst? it's fucked up smut, if anything lmao
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhhh, I guess growing pains? It's a very hopeful, very happy ending with a lot of closure for stuff happening both within the fic and before. So yeah! I think that one. Very romcom-y neat sort of happy ending!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have in the past but not anymore! i'm not good enough nor bad enough to get hate jkfgjhd
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yeah, baby!!!! what kind...? uh. good question. i feel like i always end up writing porn with a ton of feelings — not just love/lust though! but i do love a Strong Emotion (hatred, grief, confusion, relief, obsession) to be the catalyst for fucking. I like it when characters are seriously into each other (again, not necessarily only in an attraction way), in a little insane way. it just makes things fun. so i guess... my smut is the Big Feelings kind of smut lol
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
oh i haven't... but i do have a bit of a wild one i've considered! not sure if i'd ever actually write it though, but it's planned out.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
in an earlier fandom existence, yes! it may even be around still, who knows? now... not that i know of?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i don't think i have! would love it though! i grew up bilingual so i have a lot of love for translation :') i'd actually love to try my hand at translating one day!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have started co-writing fics with a couple of people before, but not something super serious and either times it never got finished. buuuuut i am actually in the process of co-writing not one but two fics atm! @skeptiquewrites and i are working on a zimbits flavoured little something, and @whataboutmyfries and i are very nearly done with our kandreil get-together fic, which is really exciting.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
hate this question actually LMAO i am a multishipper at heart. a good fic can convince me of ANYTHING. like my favourite ship when i stopped writing hp was two guys who weren't ever even alive at the same time so???? anything goes truly.
for the sake of nostalgia, it might still be remus/sirius, because they were my introduction to fandom and all its joys! but that fandom is kind of tainted these days >:(
hmmmm. probably zimbits actually? they invented true love, i think.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
hahaha so many!!! i have a catholic priest Neil fic that is a very fun idea but requires a ton of lore because it's so removed from canon... the kink is juicy but the laziness might be stronger. we shall see.
16. What are your writing strengths?
descriptions, baby!!!!! details!!! i want to say characterisation but i don't think that's always true... i just love thinking very deeply about the details of characterisation.. the little seemingly unimportant tidbits you can add in about a character that just tell you a ton about them without you having to spell it all out! i find that fun, even if it doesn't always work lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue... i hate it... i simply do not know how people talk... i don't know why they have to either LOL top ten most mortifying moments of my life was when a pal was beta reading a fic for me and said "hey there's no dialogue in this for the first like 5k at all... maybe we should do something about that" rip
i am also very bad at ensemble casts... while the weakness above is something i can't avoid, this one is a lot more avoidable but also something i am actively working on. i feel like my fics are very closed in on my MCs and their relationship but as a reader i love when the characters have meaningful interactions outside of that... so i'm trying to get better at that, even if it's really fucking hard. i'm lucky enough to have a couple of pals who are INCREDIBLE at this so i'm taking notes all the time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
big fan!!!! i love all methods of doing this too! add it in and provide translation at the end, weave the translation into the text, make the character themselves translate it, etc. i think it's great! i think i've done it maybe a couple of times but should definitely do more...
19. First fandom you wrote for?
you already know what i'm gonna say... HP. i am of that specific generation and i'm just gonna have to live with that lol
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
hate this question hate it hate it hate itttttt do you mean favourite as in favourite final result, or favourite writing experience, or favourite prose, or favourite plot, or favourite characterisation, etc etc etc? i have a lot of love for growing pains, which i've already mentioned a couple times; and also for geometric equilibrium. for funsies, i'll say do not disturb the cats because i just love when an idea possesses me and i can't do anything else until i've written it LOL but yeah "favourite" is hard, sorry
uhhhh i've not seen this floating about a lot soooo sorry if i tag anyone who has already done it :/ but if you guys fancy doing this, i'm passing it along: @moondal514 @jaywalkers @mostlymaudlin @thetrojeans @ittyybittybaker @stabbyfoxandrew 💕 have funnnnnn
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we are not our demons (4/24) - bruce wayne x batmom
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Author’s note: So many cameos, dear God! So, I'm officially diverting from canon. Zack Snyder confirmed that the Robin suit in the Batcave wasn't Jason's, but Dick's. But since I wrote this part already before he revealed that little secret, please ignore that, okay? I'm gonna stick to the canon of the comics. [Read more at the end.]
Beta-read by Axolotyl Alot and Heidi.
Words: 2.3k
Warning: mention of death
Please reblog/leave a comment.
Series Masterlist | Want to be tagged? | Read on AO3
Yeah, everybody’s got a thing
But some don’t know how to handle it
Always reaching out in vain
Just taking the things not worth having
-Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing by Tory Kelly-
During her lunch break, Ellie was patiently waiting in the coffee shop she usually frequented during her lunch hours, hoping for a specific someone to arrive.
Truth be told, she wasn’t totally sure if this person would show up.
It didn’t take long until the flaming-red hair burst through the jingling door. Barbara bit her lip upon seeing her and walked towards her table with hesitation. Her straight hair seemed a bit longer and more radiant than the last time Ellie saw her old friend.
“Hey,” Ellie greeted, sensing this previously non-existent awkwardness.
“Hey,” Barbara replied, taking a seat opposite her. “Wasn’t sure if you were actually going to show.”
“Yep, same here.”
Barbara let out a drawn-out groan, hiding her face behind her hands. “God, this is stupid.” She chuckled under her breath.
Ellie was filled with relief at her assertive words. She couldn’t agree more. Her cheeks were blushing in embarrassment after exhaling loudly. “So stupid.”
The redhead’s arms laid on the table when she leaned forward in her seat.
“Are you mad at me for keeping it a secret? Because it wasn’t my secret to tell you.”
Ellie shook her head, understanding why Barbara couldn’t reveal someone else’s secret. “I get it, Babs. I thought I was mad at first, but I’m not. Not anymore, I swear.”
Barbara sighed loudly; her shoulders sagged with visible relief. “So, are we good?” she asked with wide eyes.
Ellie chuckled, shaking her head. She was gazing sympathetically at her friend. “Of course, we’re good,” she revealed with a small and fond smile. “I have missed you.”
“Missed you too,” Barbara squealed, letting out her inner child as they hugged it out.
“Have you talked to the others?”
Ellie and Barbara were taking a stroll down the sidewalk, taking their time in getting back to Wayne Enterprises. The brown-haired woman was happy that they got all their issues out in the open. This way they could finally move forward.
“Yes, I see them from time to time, but I’m not actually hanging out there to do some hacker stints.” The red-headed woman tilted her head in consideration, speaking under her breath, “Well, not really. Dick’s been asking for my help with an operation at Ace Chemicals.”
“I wasn’t aware that you guys were on more than speaking terms,” Ellie spoke slowly, gazing at her friend while walking forward.
Barbara chuckled slowly. “We’re not, but I just can’t seem to shake him off.” Her words were enhanced by the downcast expression on her face.
Ellie bit her lower lip, feeling understanding for the woman who couldn’t let go of the past—she could relate after all—and tried to think of something to cheer her up. Unceremoniously, her arm wrapped around her shoulder and squeezed her tightly to her chest. “Well, screw that guy. He couldn’t pull that thing off without you and he knows it.”
Shaking her head, Barbara snickered in agreement. “Let’s not talk about boys.”
Barbara chuckled, shaking her head. “You know, to be honest, I am kind of relieved that I can talk about this stuff with you.” She sent her a grateful glance. “I have some female superhero friends, but they’re all scattered around.”
“I think I know what you mean,” Ellie assured her, nudging her shoulder.
There was a loud clanking sound in the air, making them both jump and look up. The two women barely had time to register how a metal beam from a construction site was falling rapidly towards them. The sound of the sky being ripped open echoed through the air. There were only high-pitched shrieks surrounding them while Ellie held onto Barbara’s arm.
Something red, yellow, and blue caught it a few meters above them before it could even get close to touching them.
Ellie let out the breath she had been holding, briefly closing her eyes. Superman was in Gotham again.
The radiant smile of Metropolis’ savior gazed down at them. The Kryptonian seemed to hold the metal beam with both of his arms and not an ounce of difficulty.
One hand held it in a tight grip while making a salute with his free hand.
“Always a pleasure,” Superman professed, sending Ellie a smirk that seemed strangely familiar. Ellie noticed how Barbara sent him a small nod in recognition before he flew away.
“Okay, seriously. Who don’t you know?”
Barbara only threw her head back with unrestrained laughter.
“By the way, are you interested in having dinner with me and another friend?”
Ellie swiped her thumb over the screen of her phone. “What time?” Her eyes met the calendar notification for this afternoon’s training session and remembered how Nyssa sent her a text the day before, just like she promised.
Barbara shrugged, smiling softly at her. “Let’s say … how about six? At my place.”
Ellie pursed her lips in thought. “Yeah, I could eat something.”
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Twist. Thump.
“Do that again. This time, don’t be afraid of hurting me.”
Ellie sent an incredulous glance at Nyssa before swiping the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand.
“You’re a masochist, or something?”
Nyssa’s lips formed into an amused smirk. “You’re cute if you think you could actually hurt me.”
Shaking her head, Ellie’s tightened fists rose in the air. Her knees were bent, and her feet remained paralleled. “Let’s find out then. Hit me, Raatko.”
Nyssa raised a challenging eyebrow. “I hope you won’t mind the bruises.”
Ellie rolled her eyes. “Oh please, you should know me better than that.”
“Okay, let’s do this.”
Nyssa’s hand swept into an upward strike until the fleshy side was close to her throat. Inhaling deeply, Ellie was close to bending down when she swatted her arm away.
Ellie could’ve sworn her armpits were sweating in her black tank top already. Five minutes of warm-up, and she was seriously considering her cardio.
Almost out of instinct, Ellie’s fist pounded toward the area of Nyssa’s stomach—knowing she would evade her. Nyssa jumped to the side, just when Ellie’s straight hand struck Nyssa’s throat.
Her sudden action startled her as she covered her mouth with her hands.
Gasping with a stuttering breath, Nyssa held her hands to the bruised area while letting out a surprised cough.
Ellie heard her mutter unfamiliar words which could’ve been expletives spoken in her mother tongue. “Oh wow,” Nyssa spoke with a hoarse voice.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry.” Her voice sounded muffled through her hands. “I swear, that came out of nowhere.”
Nyssa took a deep breath while stretching until she straightened again. She waved her hand away. “No, that was great.” Her brown eyes lit up with glinting enthrallment, and she tilted her head speculatively.
“Now we can truly begin.”
Ellie pressed her lips together, not knowing if she liked that expression on Nyssa’s face. “Should I be afraid? Because I am, totally.”
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Ellie was looking down the hallway while she waited for her host of the evening to invite her inside after knocking on Barbara’s apartment door.
She didn’t yet feel the physical repercussions of today’s training, but tomorrow morning would be a wincing reminder for her muscles.
Ellie was yanked out of her inner thoughts with the opening of the apartment door. A wide smile was on Barbara’s face, feeling content in her arrival. Her blue eyes lit up even more when she saw what Ellie held in her eyes.
“Oh great, I love people who come bearing gifts!”
“I love bringing the wine.”
Ellie shook her head with a smile and stepped into the embrace Barbara was offering. “Show me what you got, Babs.” And with that, Barbara led her through her spacious apartment. The blue colors of the walls were warm and welcoming, not to mention it made her a bit jealous of how beautiful everything looked … and organized.
“Love the place.”
“Thanks. I’m usually a real slob.”
They arrived in the kitchen when a third voice reached her ears, “Oh trust me, that’s an understatement.”
Ellie tilted her head when she met the third guest who was already sitting at the laid-out table. Her shoulder-long hair which was dark at the roots transformed into an ombre-look with striking silver-white hair at the tips. Although what struck her were the high stockings clinging to her legs and the choker around her neck.
Damn, she looked smoking.
Ellie’s eyebrows arched in astonishment while her feet were rooted in place.
“And you are?”
“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry,” Barbara stepped forward, waving at her friend as an introduction. “That’s my friend I told you about.”
“Dinah Lance.” The woman with the silver tips stood up, showing her tall figure, and laying out her hand as a greeting. “Pleasure.”
Ellie gave the wine bottle to Barbara’s waiting hands to reciprocate the gesture. “Ellie Rhodes. And definitely.”
Dinah merely revealed a small smirk before she sat back down. “Looks like it’s a party.”
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“You’re a superhero, too, aren’t you?”
Ellie certainly knew how to dramatize an evening if the ceasing of cutlery was anything to go by. Barbara cleared her throat, sending Dinah a sheepish look.
“I swear I didn’t tell her.”
Dinah chuckled, looking down onto her plate.
“I really don’t like the s-word.” Her wavy hair twirled in the air when she shook her head. “I prefer vigilante.” Narrowing her brown eyes, Dinah’s expression turned curious. “What gave me away?”
“It was just … a feeling, I guess. Also, there’s a certain dominance around you.”
Dinah’s grin turned lascivious. “Oh really? You should meet my ex-girlfriends; they certainly have stories to tell.”
Ellie cleared her throat, feeling herself blush at the flirtatious remark. “Sorry, didn’t mean to put you on the spot.”
“You didn’t.” Dinah waved a hand dismissively. “So… you don’t want to know my superpowers?” she presumed in a statement.
“You can tell me your secret identity when you trust me. All I need to know is that you’re a badass in and out of your suit.”
Dinah picked up her fork again to dig into her food. “Oh, honey, I certainly am. All the guys can attest to that when I start to scream.”
Barbara cleared her throat, desperate for a change of subject from the sexual tension lingering in the air. “So, we just saw Superman today.”
“Oh really?” Dinah chewed with her mouth open, furrowing her brow.
“Yep, he was such a boy scout about it too,” Ellie threw in with a grumble.
Dinah raised an impressed eyebrow at her annoyance. “What did he do?”
“Saved us from a falling beam,” Barbara mentioned.
“Oh wow, what an asshole, right?” Dinah asked with her mouth filled with noodles.
The evening shifted into some kind of relaxing event. Despite not knowing Dinah for very long, it felt like she was among friends.
“So, … what do you think of Dinah?”
Barbara and Ellie were both in the kitchen, putting the dishes in the dishwasher while Dinah chose some DVDs for the rest of the night.
Ellie breathed in, trying to find some fitting words for Dinah Lance. Shrugging, she tilted her head and used the back of her hand to adjust her glasses on the bridge of her nose. “Well, she’s intense, for sure.”
“I know she can be a flirt. She’s kind of a menace in that regard.”
Ellie pursed her lips in thought. “I like her. She seems nice. Under all that hard, seductive shell.”
Barbara cleared her throat, putting the used wine glass next to the kitchen sink. “Listen, I did some thinking, and you can say no, but here it is: I was wondering if you would like to join us for movie night.” She continued at Ellie’s confused expression, thinking they were just about to watch some movies, “I mean at the Wayne’s.” Barbara nibbled on her lower lip in vulnerability which was starting to mix with the excitement in her bright eyes.
Ellie raised her eyebrows at the suggestion that came out of nowhere. “Oh.”
“Yep.” Barbara pressed her lips together.
Ellie bit the inside of her cheek while her gaze wandered around to ruminate about it. “Does Bruce know about this?”
“Not really.”
Ellie narrowed her eyes in suspicion. “Are the boys even on board with this? I mean, I left so abruptly. I am guessing they hate me.”
Barbara’s eyes widened in shock and whisper-yelled, “Are you kidding me? They miss you like crazy. They would love to have you over for movie night.”
“I’ll think about it.”
Barbara raised her hands in surrender. “That’s all I’m asking.”
“By the way, in the Batcave…”
“What’s with the suit? You know, the–”
Barbara’s eyes turned morose before she gulped. The redhead nodded once. “You mean the one put on display with the yellow paint over it.”
“Yes, that’s the one.” Ellie tilted her head, feeling like she was breaching a sensitive subject.
Barbara breathed deeply. “It was a Robin suit.”
“Bruce didn’t tell you about that, did he?” She asked knowingly.
“No. He might have if things hadn’t gotten so messed up in the end.”
Barbara sighed deeply. She turned her head away until her fiery locks went tumbling down her face like a waterfall, covering her expression for what she said next.
“That suit belonged to Jason. Jason Todd,” she whispered brokenly. A hardened expression shrouded over her face when she turned back to her.
“What happened to him?” Ellie whispered, unsure if she just made a grave mistake talking about it and rehashing something truly horrific.
“He died. The Joker killed him.”
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A/N: I'm a big Black Canary fan and love her in the Birds of Prey comics. I'm still writing with Jurnee in my head after I re-wrote this story. I just changed her hair a bit with the way I associate her character with the comics, not to mention after I saw a fancast picture.
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Photo source: reddit
Tagging: @mellowstatesmanhandsempath​​ @ravenmoore14​ @alwayshave-faith​ @ikranfuad​ @daydreaming-gemini​ @bluegalaxyprime​ @liadamerondjarin​​ @steph21369 @andrewswifes-blog​​    
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Hi, hope you’re having a good day! I know you probably won’t reply to this and that’s cool, I’m not trying to berate you either in the slightest, just raise awareness as I know you were very prevalent all over the AH JD tags on tumblr and sooner or later people may start posting as much again depending on what happens with the appeal etc. The unsealed documents have been released from the case. I thought I’d link you to a thread with some things that were revealed so to speak. This is the link for the thread:
I’m aware the title tweet is a bit provocative and a bit of a turn off. It’s the Marilyn Manson and Johnny Depp text exchanges I wanted to draw attention to more than anything. This isn’t out of context, or fabricated, or subjective. This is a record of Johnny Depp and Marilyn Manson's text exchanges from 2016, where they share rape fantasies, use slurs, and call each other by the pet names that I find particular disturbing (given he MM is a Nazi admirer/fanatic and has severely abused an 18 year old Jewish woman) Depp calls Manson "Jew" and Manson calls Depp “Black Man” (obviously meant as derogatory pet names) and just as troubling, they talk about setting each other up with a teenager (18, but still disturbing) (Manson is offering Depp “New fan meet and greet girl, looks like you need it, trust me, I’ll send a pic, 18”). Please please please do not promote this man if you are against antisemitism or predatory behaviour. How he’s being held up on a pedestal by his fans whilst all this is out in the open is extremely damaging, and will only signal to people that antisemitism/54 year olds preying on 18 year old fans okay. His fans are already minimising this, or turning a blind eye, and a man with a massive fan base in the public eye being blatantly antisemitic and predatory and this not being a reason not to celebrate him to a very intense degree is extremely worrying! Thank you!
Hi Anon,
I put a stop to posting about the trial myself a while back, but this is something I do have to post.
I've never been a huge and intense JD fan, and it's only as a result of the trial that I've looked into him and his filmography more. I've also had anons send more info on MM (who I've never really cared for even without knowing the things the anons sent) - the friendship with MM is something I thought I could equate to having a friend who's a bit of a shitty person, but then I learned about MM being a Nazi sympathizer. How he has actual items from the holocaust displayed in his home. The things he did to Evan Rachel Wood.
Then I read about the road trip to buy Hitler's gun.
Johnny went along with it. He calls MM 'Jew' like it's some kind of ironic little joke. It's just so disgusting to me, and I cannot in good faith continue to support JD as a person. I'll always, always stand up for all victims of domestic violence. But I can no longer support Johnny Depp.
After the antisemitic comments I received during the trial, and the horrific abuse I've been enduring for the past month, I'm at the end of my tether with this being something people can shrug off and make excuses for.
There is no excuse for antisemitism.
Thank you for this, Anon. Hope you have a lovely Sunday x
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poptod · 3 years
Cyber Security (Elliot Alderson)
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Description: An online ad leads him to you, though in reality he has little interest in your ad. What interests him is how you accidentally doxxed yourself and how oblivious you are to that fact.
Notes: idrk what to say about this one its one of those things that i wrote at midnight after almost falling asleep to a fantasy and then realizing it could work as a fic. like i did this same thing with ‘close your eyes’ that one was also a before-bed-to-get-to-sleep fantasy. this is also not a particularly romantic interaction, though it can be read as such WC: 2.2k
Sweat drenched his sheets, bathing him in the cold wind that breezed past his only air conditioner lodged in a nearby window. He stared blankly upwards, half shivering and half overheated, as he once again found himself in a familiar predicament—the practice of sleep.
It was no secret he had trouble calming himself down, and that aspect of himself reached into the evening, as well. He already downed three melatonin pills hours earlier, along with smoking a joint that should’ve put him to bed. Unsurprisingly, that did not work.
“Xanax,” he mumbled to himself, hearing it bounce back from empty walls. “Need to get xanax.”
In the meantime he raised himself to his feet, padding across freezing floors to his computer. With a click of a button the white screen buzzed to life, shining bright onto his sleep-heavy eyes, that did their best to acclimatize to the sudden change.
Hypnotization—strange as it might’ve been—had worked a couple times before. Not all the time, but decently enough to give it a try. He had work in the morning and he didn’t need to be more miserable than usual, especially since he hadn’t slept almost the entire weekend.
sleep hypnosis
The blinker flickered for a moment before his fourth finger slammed down on enter, the last step in calculated movements. What popped up first was a video titled [ SLEEP HYPNOSIS ] 8 Hour Loop with a screencap of a spinning black and white screen. Below that, however, was something he hadn’t seen before—a YouTube video titled exactly what he’d typed, lacking the caps just as he had. The title screen appeared to be some sort of poorly-drawn painting.
Curiosity overcame his hazy, aching head, and he clicked, finding a playlist of videos containing what could be the titles of songs, along with several different poorly-drawn title screens.
The first video began to play before he could realize it. What he first noticed was it was bereft of ads—that meant the publisher made no money off the album.
Sat in the presence of God
whose name means filthy old fraud
Captions had been manually added by, he assumed, you. The author. There were three views on the video, no comments, and no likes, leaving few other options.
Maybe it was the melody—maybe the lyrics, who talked of a world plagued by aristocrats. But he found his eyelids heavy, dropping dark eyelashes in his vision that blurred the screen. By the third song, reciting verses of an Islamic poem, he was slouched in his seat.
He slid down to the floor, crawling his way back to flop onto his bed. The music continued to play till the first ad popped up, at which time he opened his eyes, seeing a music video from Katy Perry, at which time he promptly reached over and unplugged his computer. He wasn’t sure which cord he pulled out, but the screen still went black. With that, he just barely sneaked into his covers, dozing until the morning.
It was far too easy to get information on you. Your full name was stated clearly in your youtube bio, alongside several different social media tags leading to instagram, tumblr, and facebook.
Facebook alone provided him the means to your address, and he didn’t even have to go looking for it. Your most recent post was an ad, searching for someone good with computers to aid you in your recording process, which you noted as ‘dismal’.
Are you fucking kidding me? He thought to himself, reading the ad once more.
Your address, your real, physical address was stated as the place you wanted to meet those interested in helping you. On the internet. You had doxxed yourself after less than a year of being online.
Okay, he thought, clicking on your listed email. Someone needs to be taught a lesson.
Three days later—after about two weeks of listening to your echoing voice every night—you replied, sending a cheerful email detailing when you would be available to meet him. After shooting a short message back, the date was organized.
Two more days and he was standing at your doorstep, his neck craned upwards as he scanned your tall, narrow home squished between two other apartments. He just barely knocked before the black door swung open, revealing a familiar face belonging to a stranger. Elliot was dressed in his black hoodie and jeans, a stark difference to your long, colorful robes, coming out of a sort of fantasy world.
“Hi,” he said, his voice grating with how low and quiet he kept it.
“Hello,” you said with a smile that did not match his hunched posture. “Are you Mr. Alderson?”
“Elliot,” he corrected, his chin just barely raising to meet you. “Elliot Alderson. Elliot works.”
“Alright,” you said, nodding. “Come inside? I was just making tea. Do you like tea? Or do you prefer coffee?”
“I... I’m fine, thanks,” he said softly, scooting past you when you opened the door wide enough for him to enter. He sucked in a breath as his chest brushed yours.
Your home was modern—far fancier than Elliot’s own apartment, with large windows flanked by soft grey curtains. A small, upright piano was in the corner of the living room, set upon a reed mat lined with Korean symbols. The couch was clinical, made of a sort of black plastic leather that matched the grey skies beyond the window panes.
He sat down, shifting his feet closer together as his fingers dug into his palms, continuing to scan the room in its’ entirety until you returned with your own tea.
“What kind of experience do you have? School counts,” you said, setting your cup down on a tiny plate whose decorations matched your teacup.
“I’ve been... experimenting, with computers, since I was around 9,” he said, mumbling the words out as his shoulders hunched awkwardly down. “Have a job at a cyber security firm. Started a while back.”
“You still have that job?”
“Yeah,” he said with a small nod. “Jus’ thought this would be... fun.”
The dead look on his face indicated no humor whatsoever, but you took his word as it was.
“How’d you find the ad I put out?”
“I... I listened to your music,” he answered honestly for once. “Helps me fall asleep.”
“Oh,” you said, clearly taken aback. Your face grew warm as you glanced away with wide eyes. “I’m glad I could help.”
“You’re not very good with technology, though,” he said in his usual low, grating voice.
“Not really,” you chuckled sheepishly. “That’s why I put out the ad -“
“No, not that,” he interrupted you. “You put your physical address on the internet. You doxxed yourself. Do you even know how dangerous that is?”
The lyrics of your songs pointed towards a kind of brilliance, balanced against emotions felt thoroughly on pages and screens. It didn’t match your actions at all.
“What’s doxxing?” You asked.
Elliot had to physically stop himself from sighing and leaving.
“You want everyone to know where you, a minor celebrity, live?”
“I’d hardly call myself a -“
“I could’ve been a murderer,” he said, reaching into his bag.
He looked you in the eye as he pulled out a gun, clicking on the safety before he pointed it at you.
“This is how easy it would be to kill you.”
As expected, you stiffened at the sight of the iron barrel, your fingers withdrawing to your chest. Your lips pursed as you met his gaze once more.
“Please put the gun down,” you whispered, your voice cracking.
He did as you said, resting the gun on the table.
“That’s a hell of a way to start an interview, Mr. Alderson,” you said quietly. “Please get out of my house.”
His heart sank. What had he expected? For you to fall to your knees and sing to him as he desired you to do? He threatened you with a gun to teach you a lesson, and you reacted accordingly. Calmer than others would.
Elliot stood on shaky legs, sliding the pistol into his backpack before he zipped it up. Throwing the pack over his shoulder, he swallowed through a tight throat, shuffling as he delayed his departure.
“Keep safe from people like me,” he said in a strained mumble. “Take that ad down. Meet people from the internet only in inhabited, public areas.”
You tapped your fingernails on the table for a moment, chewing on your bottom lip. Suddenly you stood, tugging on his sweatshirt sleeve to get him to face you, instead of staring at his feet.
“Alright. If you’re really so good at the internet -“
He ignored your incorrect grammar.
“- and... if you actually do want to help me with my songs,” your tone softened, “then you’ll be able to find my real name, not my stage name. If you do.. I’ll hire you.”
“Alright,” he said monotone, knowing the battle was already won.
Even though he knew your name already, he turned away and left to his apartment, immediately going to work on figuring out everything he could about you. If you willingly still offered him the job after that, he knew it would take a lot to scare you off. He could impress you.
It was, after all, the only thing he was good at.
Two days later he showed up at your apartment again, quietly thanking you when you let him in. The clean floors and walls remained unchanged since his last visit, and you led him to the same table, sitting him down on the same seat.
“Your name is (Y/N) (L/N),” he started with. You already appeared to be surprise. “You grew up near LA and you’ve had a chronic illness all your life. At eleven you saw your first therapist.. that must’ve been when you first got diagnosed with depression... and anxiety.”
“Killer duo,” you muttered.
“Your parents split when you were thirteen, which came at the same time as your dog, Penelope, died. Or... sometime that year. When was that... 1997?”
“1999,” you said quietly.
“Your mom homeschooled you,” he continued. “That’s probably why you don’t know how computers work. Rather eclectic, in a.. boring way... an ex-Amish, right?”
You nodded and his heartbeat tripled. Everything was right thus far despite a two year difference in his guesstimate of your life’s timeline.
“Then there was your dad... logger in the Redwood forests. Burly guy. Not a great man, from what I saw,” he said.
“He was fine,” you said with a small shrug as you looked away. “Didn’t ever hurt me, or anything.”
“Abuse isn’t always physical,” he said faster than he could think, dizzied by his own memories playing behind his eyes.
“I know,” you murmured.
You went silent, so he continued, hoping to pry more precious words from you.
“Your favorite color is yellow,” he said, leaning closer to you. “On Valentine’s you get chocolate strawberries, and on easter you get kinder eggs.”
“You studied mythology as a kid, and you made paintings of the forest you lived in with your mom. Santa Cruz mountains, I think.”
“Yeah,” you said. “I miss the forests.”
“I know. You want to visit Ireland again because it’s a land of faeries and moss, it’s a breeding ground for your song lyrics.”
“How did you find all this out?” You finally asked.
“You use the same password on everything,” he said, though that was far from the actual answer. “Your web browser tracks all your movements and you don’t try to stop it, or hide ads, or stay away from sketchy websites. Your parents aren’t much better, either.”
You chuckled, shaking your head as you brought your hand to massage your brow.
“You’re way too smart to be helping me,” you said with soft laughter, blushing with your smile.
“It’s better than working for E Corp,” he said, huffing out a laugh that was hardly humored.
“E corp?”
“My.. uh, place of work,” he brushed off his slip. “My point is... I’d rather work with you and do easy work than work with my current fucking coworkers.”
You laughed, truly and fully this time, curling into a little ball that shook with the force of it. Your feet tucked into your tiny chair, making you even smaller.
“Bad people or just annoying?”
“Stupid,” he chuckled. “Don’t let me wear my sweatshirt.”
“Ooh, now it’s my turn,” you suddenly interrupted him, earning a strange look. “I’ve noticed things about you, too. I couldn’t learn anything off the computer, but you, you have anxiety too. Probably some childhood trauma.. maybe a dissociative disorder of sorts or a form of PTSD. Your jacket is like your home, and... you have sensory issues. Few types of fabric, don’t like to be touched, if I had to guess I’d say you might be autistic.”
“Blunt,” he said after a full minute’s silence.
“Do you mind?” You asked.
“No, not really.”
“Good. Then you’re hired,” you said with a smile, extending your hand for him to shake. “If you still want the job, of course.”
He watched you with evident apprehension, but took your hand after much thought, shaking with a firm grip.
“When do I start?”
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
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♡ prompt: a baby appears into your timeline to reveal an unexpected surprise.
♡ pairing: Bart Allen (Impulse) x fem reader
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / for OBVIOUS reasons, it’s altered when it comes to the canon universe because we all know legitimate canon wouldn’t work for this....pain. also!! please if any of you are interested in more characters with prompt, let me know!! 
both you and Bart weren’t together. not in the slightest. at the very least, both of you had flirted with each other, PLAYFULLY and all things considered, Bart liked to talk to girls when he had the chance. he was very much like Wally in that sense. 
since you weren’t exactly the type to try to flirt with every person with a pulse like Bart did, you really only playfully ‘flirted’ with Jaime, Gar, and sometimes Robin when you were feeling extra confident. 
the lair was extra dead tonight with only you, Bart, and Gar sitting down and watching whatever was on TV. you had you legs kicked up on Gar as Bart was reaching over to your lap to grab the popcorn that you were holding. 
“the lair being this dead seems unnaturally calm,” you told the two boys. they nodded in agreement but before you could even take another breathe, all of your eyes were averted to the large blue orb that was suddenly in the room. Bart grabbed his gear from behind the couch and Gar immediately transformed. you grabbed the pocket knife from your pocket and held it in a very similar Michael Meyers pose, “what the hell is happening,” you heard Gar whisper. 
as all of you were ready to attack, all of you saw a baby, no older than ten months pop out. your instincts immediately jumped to grab the infant before it fell on the ground. you looked to the boys with wide eyes before staring back down to the baby, “oh, hi baby,” you whispered as it let out a cry. 
“that’s a baby!” Gar screamed, not knowing what to do. both you and Bart looked at him like he was an idiot, “of course it is! what else would it be?” you retorted, not in the mood to hear his slight stupidity while a child was wailing. 
you grabbed the blanket you were using a while ago and wrapped it around her like your sister had taught you. having a niece you guessed at its perks as the baby immediately calmed down, “call someone!” you whispered to the two, “Nightwing, Megan, fucking hell, even the Bat if you can!” 
both Gar and Bart ran to the nearest COMM link and rang for anyone in the Justice League or your leaders. as Gar was standing behind you, admiring the tiny baby, he looked at her before looking at you and Bart, “huh, she kinda looks like if she was some kind of combination of the two of you,” Gar said off-handedly. 
you and Bart looked at each other before laughing hysterically. a kid? with Bart no less? that sounded like some kind of joke if you’ve ever heard one. Bart sat down next to you and peeked at the hair, “he does have that Allen red hair though,” you stared at him before smacking the back of his head. 
it didn’t take long before Nightwing, Robin, and Batman ran into the lair. whatever distress signal Gar or Bart let out must’ve worked because you had never saw any of the three get here as fast as they just did. you looked to Nightwing and Batman while showing them the sleeping baby. 
“the three of us were just watching a movie when a blue orb came literally out of nowhere and the baby popped out. we swear we didn’t do ANYTHING,” you explained through nervousness. Batman hummed, seeing how calm the baby was, “kinda looks like the two of you,” Nightwing said out of curiosity. 
“THAT’S WHAT I SAID!” Gar yelled, “it has her hair but Bart’s hair color.” you sighed out of annoyance as Nightwing agreed. Batman on the other hand looked at you and back to Bart who was eerily quiet for someone who talked A LOT. 
he gave Dick a look as if the two of communicating telepathically. on instant, Dick looked to the three of you, “what did we say about leaving stray cups around,” Nightwing told the three of you. you sighed, “sorry, we didn’t have time to pick up,” you said grabbing your pink Solo cup and tossing it in the trash. 
“we’ll see what we can do to get the child back where it belongs,” Batman said giving you a look, “the baby hasn’t given you any trouble, right? come with me and bring the child. we can run a DNA sample and see if he has any connections to any of the members whether it’s in the league or among the team,” he asked. 
discreetly, Tim had gotten a cotton swab and took the spit from the residue on the solo cup and put it in his small pocket before following all of you. you felt the baby stir in your arms and as she opened her eyes, you smiled down at it. you had no idea where these maternal instincts came from but oddly enough, you had this mother bear protectiveness over her. 
you waited for something that had to be brought by Nightwing to the lair and during that time, you played with the baby, who Bart decided to call Autumn for the time being. Nightwing came back a bit later and gave whatever he brought to Nightwing as he watched you and Bart play with the girl. 
while the two of you wanted to hand the baby over to Gar, Megan, Zatanna, hell even Robin, she immediately refused and let out a blaring cry whenever you or Bart let her go. everyone immediately handed her back to you or Bart as soon as she started crying and almost as quickly as she started crying, she stopped when you or Bart held her. 
“do you think I can go feed her? she’s probably hungry,” you told Nightwing. he nodded as you got up with the baby and grabbed her by the arms, holding them high in the air so she could use her legs to walk without falling, “she seems like a great mom,” Nightwing said. 
without a thought or even a second heart beat, Bart nodded in agreement as he watched you walk out. Bart wanted to follow you but didn’t want to seem like he was overwhelming you so he stayed with the Bats and Gar. 
not even realizing, he had fallen asleep against the wall as DNA results pinged up on Tim’s screen. the baby had the closest match to your DNA and using the spit from the previous DNA testing Bart had done on Bart, both of your photos showed up as the parents. Tim got Dick’s and Bruce’s attention without trying to make a scene. 
Dick laughed because of course the two of you were the parents. no wonder Autumn didn’t want anyone to hold her except for the two of you. as Dick looked down to look at Bart, he saw that he had finally woken up. Tim signaled that he was in the kitchen, trying to make Autumn laugh. 
“ironic how that works out,” Gar said. Nightwing and Batman agreed as he told Nightwing to be the one to break the news to the two of you. Gar wanted to hear what you both said when he told you and Tim tagged along as a result. 
as they all entered the kitchen, they heard ‘Killer Queen’ by Queen playing from your phone as you and Bart were playing with Autumn. “hey, did the results come back? I bet 50 bucks it was Megan’s and Connor’s!” you said. 
Nightwing handed you the papers in a manila folder. you couldn’t help but laugh at how eerily reminiscent this was to a Maury TV show segment. you opened the folder to see your team photo right along Barts as the arrows pointed to the Autumn. 
out of sheer shock, you dropped the folder on the floor as you felt like the wind was knocked out of you. Bart looked at the ground to see what the results were but he, unlike you, laughed. you had given Nightwing the baby to hold before grabbing the folder. 
“congrats?” Gar said awkwardly, “you’re parents!” 
before you could respond to his witty comments, you saw the same blue orb enter the lair again. you stared at the orb as two people walked out, arguing with each other at the top of their lungs. you grabbed the baby from Nightwing and held it tightly against your chest as Bart went into defense mode and jumped in front of the two of you. 
“i think it’s the two of you from the future,” Robin said as eerily similar version of the two of you walked into view. future you immediately sighed in relief as she saw you holding the baby, “so she did get sent to the past,” future you said. 
you looked yourself, “so, I’m assuming bird boy here did his little magic and figured out both of you were the parents?” you said. you nodded as older Bart chuckled and stood next to his younger self, “how did we get together?” he asked himself. 
“what’s the date?” he asked. Nightwing gave him the date and Bart laughed, “you’ll see in a few weeks actually. word of advice, don’t piss her off while she’s pregnant. I learned this the hard way,” Bart warned. older you smiled at you as you stood next to Bart, “we gotta go back to our timeline. the twins are killing me and she’s getting restless,” you said. 
“TWINS?” all of you screamed at the sudden confession. older you smacked yourself as Bart warned you about spoilers, “twins....” you murmured to yourself as your older versions walked back into the orb and waved all of you off. 
Nightwing had told Gar and Tim to leave the two of you alone so you could process what you had just found out. you looked too Bart who was scratching the back of his head, “we have kids together, huh?” you told Bart, “three kids at that,” he replied. 
you gave Bart a smile, “whenever you’re done flirting with every girl on the planet, you know where you can find me,” you told him, giving Bart a wink before walking back into the kitchen, “no fair! you flirt with Jaime all the time!” he retorted as he walked into the kitchen. 
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
What's It To You?
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary: To some people, relationship labels aren’t important. To some they aren’t important only in theory. Well, Y/N finds out she falls in the later category, leading to a falling out with her boyfriend Corpse.
Requested by Anon. You’ll know who you are when you read the fic 😉 Thank you for the ‘angsty argument’ request. I hope I captured what you had in mind and I hope you enjoy the read. Love, Vy 🥰
The time is nearing 7PM and Corpse has barely eaten anything. I always keep track of his meals and time spent in front of a computer screen, making sure he doesn’t spend too much time exhausting his eyes or starving himself. He never notices he’s hungry until he takes a bite of something and his appetite grows in  matter of seconds. The real battle is to get him to take that first bite.
I get up from the couch, walking into the kitchen. I open the fridge, scanning its contents for any ideas that might pop into my head for dinner. When nothing comes to mind, I resort to my last option - asking him. There’s only a slight chance he’ll be of any help. He’ll most likely say he’s not hungry or that he’ll make himself something late. He never does. I’ve gotten used to him being a man-child when it comes to eating. In the eleven months that we’ve been dating, I’ve force fed him more times than he has eaten on his own terms.
I go upstairs, stopping outside the door to his recording room to see if he’s talking to someone so I don’t walk in and interrupt. When no noises come from the inside I knock. 
“Come in.“ 
Upon opening the door, I’m met with Corpse nonchalantly sitting in his desk chair, leaning as back as he can without tipping over. Arms folded behind his head, legs stretched out in front of him. The whole nine yards, suggesting that he not streaming.
“Hey.“ He greets me as he turns his chair a bit in an attempt to face me
“Hey, what’d you like for dinner?“ He opens his mouth to reply the millisecond after I have spoken my question. I already know what that reply will be so I hurry to prevent it, “And no, ‘later’ and ‘I’m not hungry’ aren’t on the menu.“
He sighs, shaking his head as though he’s disappointed that I caught onto his game. The smile that slowly makes its way to his lips, however, suggests that he appreciates my concern. “Grilled cheese sandwiches? I mean, if you feel like it.”
I smile, relieved that the usual convincing portion of our interaction on this specific matter has been avoided. “Ok. Be down in fifteen then.” I give him a nod before heading back out into the hallway.
Before I am able to close the door, I hear someone else’s voice come from behind me. “Hey Corpse, was that on your end?”
Oh shit, he wasn’t muted
“Yeah man, sorry. Accidentally unmuted myself.“ Corpse sounds unbothered by this, but I am a little uneasy now.
Corpse and I have agreed to keep our relationship by a ‘won’t ask, won’t tell’ rule - if someone asks him if he’s in a relationship, he won’t lie and say no, but we haven’t gone public nor do we plan on doing so without someone asking us about it head-on. Well, not us. Him. His friends don’t know me and neither do his fans. I’m not in the same industry. I don’t stream nor film YouTube videos. The most I do for that platform is help Corpse with some editing when he needs to have a rest. So, if anyone were to reveal our relationship, it’d be him.
“Oooh, who was that?“ A girl’s voice asks teasingly. “Corpse, what are you not telling us?“
By this point, I’m out in the hall but I left my ears in the room. I know I’m not in the right here - eavesdropping is most definitely not nice, but I can’t help myself.
I hear him chuckle, “Nah, it’s just my friend Y/N.”
My heart drops so suddenly for a reason beyond my understanding. I feel like a kid feels when it’s told Santa isn’t real - I can’t believe what I heard. 
I hurry to get back downstairs as soon as possible and also as quietly as I can. It’s tough, running with a pit in your stomach and a knot of I’m pretty sure is tears in your throat. When I’m finally in the kitchen, the aforementioned tears are blurring my vision. I try to blink them away but accidentally send one of them trickling down my cheek.
I’m aware this might be an overreaction and if I stopped to think I could probably find ways to justify what Corpse said. But I’m genuinely hurt, and I hate that I am.
I’ve never cared about what others know about me or think of me. Same goes for my relationships. I don’t put labels on things nor on my connection to people. I am surprised and disturbed by how much the label ‘friends’ bothers me. We’ve been dating for almost a year now, you’d think calling me his girlfriend would be second nature. Guess not.
I swallow the hurt and surprise, deciding to keep myself busy with the preparations for the dinner I was planning to make. However, keeping my hands full and giving my eyes a place to look doesn’t stop my thoughts from eating away at me. 
                                                             * * *
Twenty minutes later the sound of a door opening echoes from upstairs, followed by the sound of footsteps going through the hallway and then down the stairs. 
“It smells so good in here.“ He comments, his eyebrows raising when he takes in the freshly made sandwiches on the kitchen island. “You’re the best, Y/N.“
“Hmm, aren’t you lucky you have a friend who knows their way around the kitchen, huh?“ I reply sharply, not even sparing him a glance.
In the twenty minutes I was left alone with my wilding thoughts I declared that I wouldn’t beat around bush when he comes downstairs. That I would address the issue and tell him exactly how I feel about it. What I didn’t plan was being so harsh. I actually barely contain a wince when I realize how sharp of an edge my words had.
I feel ten times more guilty when I see the regret that flashes on his face, “You heard that.” He grips the edges of the table, leaning down and letting out a sigh, “I’m sorry, I panicked.”
The anger in me evaporates, leaving room for the hurt to keep spreading and take over me. I was never really angry with him, I’m just upset by the fact that his immediate reaction wasn’t to refer to me as his girlfriend. 
“Why would you panic? What’s it to you if they know?“ My voice is barely above a whisper now, the tears I’m fighting back are clogging my throat, not allowing me to sound as clearly as I’d like.
“What’s it to you? I thought you didn’t care.“ He argues back, his gaze travelling from the tabletop to my eyes. I see the guilt in all his features and his body language.
“I thought so too.“ I shake my head, “But hearing you call me a ‘friend’...’just a friend’ stings. I don’t even know why, but it does. It feels almost like you are embarrassed of me. If that’s the case you can just tell me, you know?“
In a blink of an eye he’s crouched down in front of me, one hand holding both of mine while the other cups my cheek. “It’s not. It has never been and it will never be the case. You are one amazing person, Y/N. You deserve the world, not to be stuck with me. I’m just...” He trails off, his eyes not able to focus on mine any longer, “I’m scared of how people knowing about us will affect our relationship.”
My blood starts boiling again. I know I need to get away from him before I reach the point of saying something that’ll hurt him, so I untangle my hands from his grasp, pulling away from him. “Weak excuse, Corpse. You know it will change nothing except make me feel more included in your life. I will no longer feel like I’m a house rat no one knows about.” I stand up, unable to look at him, and start heading for the staircase. 
“Y/N, please! ”I stop dead in my tracks when he calls out my name, his footsteps following behind me. “Don’t be...-”
I turn around, cutting him off in the process, “I need to be alone right now.” I tilt my head in the direction of the dining table, “Sit down and eat dinner. We’ll talk...later.”
                                                             * * *
Now that it’s been almost twelve hours with no contact between us I realize that my reaction was justified only to a certain extent. I understand his concerns and I could’ve expressed mine a little more calmly and in a lot less accusatory manner. But what happened happened and all I can do now is go over to him and apologize, establish a proper communication to resolve the issue that I so stupidly blew out of proportion.
My phone died sometime during the night and has been sitting on the charger but still turned off for a while. I go over to it and press-hold the start button. While it’s powering up I start changing my from my pajamas into my regular clothes, noticing a small stain on my shirt in the process. As I’m examining the stain, my phone starts going crazy with notifications, causing me to jump and drop my shirt.
“Fucking hell.” I mumble, disconnecting my phone from the charger and looking at the huge list of notifications on my lock screen. They are all alerts of new followers, likes and tags, non from people I know. Non except one.
@ corpse_husband tagged you in a post 
Wait what?
I tap the notification which leads me to a picture Corpse posted two hours ago. It’s a picture of me taken in the living room without my knowledge. I’m an oversized sweater and yoga pants, my hair in a messy braid and my attention caught by the book in my hands. My glasses have slipped a bit down my nose, suggesting that I’m too concentrated on the contents of the pages in front of me that I haven’t noticed.
We started off as friends but it didn’t take long for her to become my best friend. And then she stole my heart. I know you’ll read this eventually, Y/N. So...hi. Love you. 
PS - the sandwiches were bomb 🖤
I’m more than caught off guard. Like a surprise hug from behind, warmth spreading all throughout my body. 
Without a second of hesitation I put my phone down and run to the bedroom door. However, I don’t make it very far considering I nearly run straight into Corpse’s chest as I exit the room. He catches me before I knock him straight to the ground, thankfully.
“Aren’t you a rocket this morning. Where are you headed?“ He chuckles, holding onto my upper arms.
One look at his smile, a single word out of his mouth and I’m melting. I walk straight into him, wrapping my arms around his torso, hiding my face in his chest. He comfortably rests his chin on the top of my head, not asking any further questions until I finally answer.
“Right here. I was heading for you.“ I whisper before I pull away enough to be able to look him in the eyes. “I wanted to tell you how sorry I am. I was being childish and overdramatic and I’m sorry about all I said. I was really upset.“
“It’s ok, baby. I’m sorry for making you upset in the first place. I understand now how much it means to you.“ He caresses my cheekbone with the back of his hand. “I...um...tried to make things right by...“
I push up on my toes, pressing my lips against his, putting an end to his timid stuttering. “I saw it.” I mumble in the kiss.
“Did you like it?“ 
“I loved it.“
“Did you read the comments?“
My heart skips a beat when I hear that dreaded term. Just the thought of reading through the comments terrifies me. I tell myself that some strangers’ words aren’t gonna have an impact on me, but I know they will. Especially since these ‘strangers’ mean so much to Corpse.
I shake my head. He pulls away, taking my hand and leading me towards the living room. “You have to. You’re gonna love them.”
I reluctantly follow him, plopping down on the couch next to him as he pulls out his phone and scrolls through the comment section of the picture he posted. He was right. All these people have said such things about me and about our relationship. Some verified names are also there, sharing their support much like the fans. 
“See, this is why I was nervous. I’ll have to do duels for your attention now.“ He glances at me, leaning in and kissing my temple as he sometimes does so impulsively.
“You don’t do duels when you are already sitting at the throne. Right next to me.“ I once again capture his lips with mine, tempted to never pull away, but also tempted to keep reading the comments.
Damn, he might be right about the duels.
He takes his phone from me setting it aside as he slowly lifts me and settles me in his lap, never letting our lips detach.
Nevermind. Fuck the duels
@susceptible-but-siriusexual  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze
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hyetiny · 3 years
c// fem!reader, sex worker hongjoong, detective reader, mentions of murder and crime, bratty hongjoong, joong small cock <3, humiliation kink, oral (f receiving), degradation (use of slut), dumbification, yay for protected sex
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you weren’t at all fond of the dingy, dim hotel you found yourself in front of - it smelled of damp decay, and had only one flickering light in front of the entrance. nonetheless, it was essential to be here for the case.
you never enjoyed working homicides, having to look into the depraved faces of killers as they more often than not showed no remorse. with a sigh and a silent prayer, you walk into the motel.
when you show him your badge, the person working the register wordlessly handed you a key with “room 117″ messily scribbled onto it. the climb up four flights of stairs isn’t fun, but finally you unlock the door hastily, wanting to get this over and done with.
as expected, there on the bed is a rather stunning young man. he has sharp yet youthful features, heavy makeup and is only wearing a robe. it’s obvious he has nothing on underneath it. you don’t miss the “do me” eyes that cross his eyes when you enter the room - it’s all an act, you think.
“you can put the money on the table.” he says after a short silence.
“100 for the hour?” he nods. you rummage around your pocket, putting said amount on the table next to you. if you landed a conviction, you’d be getting the money back anyway.
“you can keep your robe on.” you say, getting seated on the bed a safe distance away from him.
a smirk crosses his face. “oh, you want to play with me a little bit first?” his voice changes drastically - it’s more seductive.
you shake your head. “that’s not why i’m here. last night a man was killed, and if my sources are correct, you’re the last person he saw.”
the man pauses, looking at you as though waiting for you to continue.
“i need to you to tell me everything that happened last night.” you state.
he pauses again. “alright.”
“your full name, please?”
“kim hongjoong.”
“okay hongjoong, so what happened when you met up with mr lee last night?”
hongjoong sighs. “well he paid for three hours. he was married, so he paid me extra to stay quiet about it. he was actually really good at sex, he had me in at least five different positions and his cock was massi-”
“relevant details only, please.” you shudder. 
hongjoong rolls his eyes. “anyway, he told me he had somewhere to be after, so he wanted to relieve some stress before he went.” you jot down the important detail. 
“did he tell you where?”
“he said it was an important meeting at a club down the street.”
you nod. “thank you, hongjoong. we’ll be in contact if we need anything else.”
you start to get up, but he clears his throat. “you paid for the full hour. why don’t you use up the time instead of wasting your money?” 
you raise an eyebrow. naturally you assumed that he would want to keep the hour for himself. 
“i haven’t had any clients today so i’m feeling a little... pent up.” he continues. “and you look like you could use some stress relief.”
it catches you off guard. you curse yourself for thinking about it - he was right, you did technically have the next hour to do whatever you wanted until you had to get back.
without a word, you begin to unbutton your button up shirt.
“this is strictly casework, got it?” he nods, grinning like a child who just got a jar of candy.
“i’ll make it well worth your time, detective”. he whispers into your ear before nipping on it, catching you off guard.
you weren’t fond of his cocky attitude - it spurred a desire within you to put him in his place. 
“off.” you say, pulling at the fabric holding his robe together. he obeys, revealing the expanse of his tan skin, taking notice of every little mole, every little birthmark, every small scar that decorates his skin. but of course, what catches your attention is his hard cock, smaller than average and flushed pink at the tip.
“is this supposed to make me feel good?” you ask, wrapping a hand around the short length. to your amusement, your hand comes up more than is necessary when you jerk him off. it only adds to the humiliation.
“don’t judge before you try it, sweetheart.” he says, not affected by the snide comment at all. “besides, it’s not the only thing i can use to make you feel good.”
at this point you’re only stripped of your shirt, while hongjoong is stark naked. although he lets out pleasured moans, he pulls your hand off his cock and implores you to lay down. he scooches down on the bed, laying down on his tummy and to your surprise, hooks his hands around your panties underneath your pencil skirt. you gasp in surprise, feeling exposed now that he could see your wet pussy.
“hm, you’re a lot of talk for someone who’s already so wet for me.” he giggles. as though to accentuate his point, he runs a finger up your folds and brings it up to his lips.
“oh, you taste divine.” he whispers. “you’ll let me be greedy, right?”
with that, he pulls your skirt up your thighs and wastes no time in licking a stripe up your core, earning a loud moan. his lips suction around your clit, his tongue peeking out to repeatedly stimulate the bud. a finger comes up to tease your entrance.
“f-fuck, hongjoong-” you cry out, already feeling close to your high. “s-stop or i’ll-”
he takes mercy on you, pulling off when your legs start to shake around his head. 
“i should have gotten you to sit on my face, you have the sweetest pussy i’ve ever tasted.” he says. you roll your eyes, thinking he must say that to every single person he eats out.
looking at the ticking clock on the wall, you look him straight in the eye. “you have thirty minutes to fuck me until i forget my own name.”
it clearly affects him, because he gulps and nods. he rummages around the bedside table, pulling out a box of condoms and shaking the box until one falls out - clearly the last one in the box. he wastes no time in quickly putting it on before lining himself up with your entrance.
“any day now would be good.” you say angrily. it doesn’t slip your notice that he pushes into your core with more force than necessary.
“fuck, such a tight pussy. no one’s fucked you properly in a while, huh?” he growls into your ear. he’s right - you shouldn’t have judged him, because his cock still manages to fill you up perfectly. it only gets better when his hand meets your clit, and he immediately sets an aggressive pace, ramming into you and perfectly hitting your g-spot with the way his cock curves into it.
“holy shit, fuck joong!” a garbled mess of curses and hongjoong’s name is the only thing you can manage to get out as he only speeds up, letting out pretty, low moans of his own and speaking nothing but pure filth into you ear.
“gosh, you’re such a slut aren’t you? needing a good fuck while you’re on the job?” in your fucked out state of mind, you don’t bother to remember the fact that he was the one who asked for sex. instead you just blindly nod, agreeing with everything he says.
“oh, look at you going all dumb for me. are you gonna cum, my dumb little detective?” you nod again, your moans only getting higher the closer you get to your orgasm.
“i-i’m-” it’s the only warning he gets when your pussy spasms around him, your hips grinding against his harsh pace as you reach your high. it’s enough to spur his orgasm as well, a groan leaving his lips as he empties into the condom.
you both take a minute to catch your breaths before he pulls out, taking off the condom, tying it and throwing it in the bin.
“so, do you feel any better?” he asks when you come back from using the bathroom.
“much better.” you smile, getting dressed and making your way to the door. “thanks, hongjoong.”
“hey.” he speaks up. “take the money back.”
you turn to face him, and shake your head. “think of it as a generous tip.”
a cute pout graces his lips. “i usually have to fake my moans and pretend to enjoy it, but you were really something else.” he says.
“in that case, we can meet up again to compensate.” you say with a smile, which he returns.
“i’d like that.” he replies. “i’ll see you around then, y/n.” and with that you leave, weak in the knees and your head filled with thoughts of the pretty blonde boy.
tag list:
@seongsangsgf @mingi-ivity @shinyddeonghwa @galaxteez @bobateastay @ddeonghwva @spacepiratehongjoong @multidreams-and-desires @a-soft-hornytiny @serialee @yunhospuppy
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peachsayshi · 3 years
Chapter 6 - Festival
Gojo Satoru x Female Reader
Tags: Friends with Benefits, Smut, Teasing and a little bit of Fluff.
Summary: Your best friend Rina is curious about what's been keeping you so busy, and the two of you run into Gojo and his student at a food festival.
A/N: I have been working on my jjk fics but this chapter was a little bit difficult for me to write. A little bit of backstory and plot building here. Gojo and personal space? Non-existent. You can't tell me that the man wouldn't abuse his flirting rights.
- - - 
“Aren’t you a little warm in that top?”
Rina glanced at the high collared t-shirt you were wearing under your mini dress. The top covered the marks that Gojo left on your neck but the material was a little too thick for the summer heat. Thankfully, there was a breeze cooling you off otherwise you would be dripping with sweat.
“I’m fine,” you replied, directing your attention onto the vendors instead of your best friend’s narrowed eyes.
Rina asked you to come along to check out a food festival set up in the city. The entire district was lined with painted stalls which made for a picture perfect scene. The rich aroma of cooked food danced around you, enticing the bustling crowd that was growing in numbers. From golden battered fried takoyaki balls to mouthwatering barbecued yakitori, rainbow cotton candy that sent strings of sugar into the air and sweet kakigori to cleanse the palette…
Everything was making your stomach grumble.
“Oh, let’s get okonomiyaki!” Rina suggested.
After picking up your orders, you both sat at an empty table where you could enjoy your meal. You were ignoring the way Rina continued looking at you suspiciously, clearly not letting go of her obsession with the top you were wearing.
“Okay, that’s it. Let me see it.”
“See what?” you questioned, covering your mouth as you tried to chew on your food.
“The hickey you are hiding.”
You nearly choked as you swallowed but Rina didn’t flinch at your reaction. You patted your chest lightly, clearing your throat as you gathered your thoughts.
“I’m not hiding anything!” you replied defensively.
Rina rolled her eyes at you, “then at least tell me who the guy is…”
You waved your arm nonchalantly in her direction, desperately trying to avoid getting into a losing battle with your best friend. If there was one person in the world who didn’t need superhuman abilities to tell what you were thinking - it was Rina. She read you like an open book, making it near impossible for you to keep a secret from her. How you managed to go this long without her figuring out you were hooking up with Gojo was a miracle.
“I just want to know exactly what has been keeping you so busy recently,” she continued, “I’m having a hard time believing it’s work because you would be in a miserable mood if you were spending all your free time at the office.”
“ Or we can talk about how absolutely delicious this is...” you blurted, letting her words travel in your ear and out the other as you pointed at the meal in front of you.
Rina lifted her brow, shaking her head in disapproval. She calmly placed her chopsticks on her plate, leaning forward a little closer to you before hooking her finger in the collar of your shirt and tugging it down to check your neck.
You clasped your hand over the mark, your eyes widening as you prodded your best friend with your other finger.
“Oh, you are in trouble!” a sly smile spread across her pretty face, “when did you start dating again? I thought you swore off men after what happened with the fitness instructor..”
“Please don’t remind me of him…”
“Then who is this mystery man that you are hiding?”
You pressed your lips together, hesitant to reveal the truth about the deal you and Gojo had made. Yes, you were having fun together and none of it was supposed to be as serious as you were making it out in your head. In fact, Rina would probably applaud you for initiating this to begin with.
Rina also liked to ask hard questions: why were you using him instead of confronting your heartbreak? Why were you chasing after something false instead of trying for real love again? Do you really want to risk ruining the friendship you both have?
Those were questions that you didn’t have the answers to.
“It’s...It’s some guy at work, you don’t know him…” you stated, finally settling on a good enough excuse to satisfy her curiosity
“How long have you been seeing him?”
“Just a few weeks…” you fibbed.
“Tell me what he’s like?”
“Uhh…he’s fun, I guess …handsome, kind of charming…but it’s only been a few dates, I still don’t really know him well yet.”
You swallowed hard, hating yourself for not having the courage to tell Rina the truth. Your best friend continued throwing questions at you while your brain spat out the answers before you could even think things through, your guilt twisting your insides with all the lies you were spewing.
“I’m sorry for not telling you sooner…”
Rina smiled, placing a hand on your shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. “I just want you to be happy. If you like this guy, you should give him a chance. Who knows, maybe this could turn into something serious…”
“I am not really looking for anything serious,” you admitted, allowing yourself to be vulnerable. “At least not right now…”
How could you want something serious after what happened?
You and your ex-boyfriend were together for five years. You met him when you were both at university and he swept you off your feet. His handsomeness showed through his kind personality and he always managed to make you smile. He was your first of many things, including this painful heartbreak.
You hated yourself for getting comfortable with him, for allowing your mind to plan a future that you both could share. You were disappointed that he made you fall in love with him but more so, that he abandoned you to piece together what was left.
You always felt like you never had your closure. When you asked him why he cheated, he never gave you a solid answer. He was ashamed for keeping his infidelity a secret for so long that his only response was a pathetic apology.
Who was this woman that he was willing to jeopardize your relationship for?
Why did he stop loving you?
You blamed yourself because you couldn’t understand.
One minute you were happy and the next you found yourself betrayed in the worst way possible.
You had enough respect for yourself to know that you couldn’t stay with a man who would treat you this way. When you broke up, you expected him to beg for your forgiveness. He was your prince charming, of course he would come crawling back.
You only knew that he had moved on with his lover when you caught the two of them at the supermarket together. They were buying peas, completely entranced with one another and the adoration that your former boyfriend used to look at you with was now passed on to the woman with golden hair.
He was your weakness and you…
You still loved him.  
Rina’s eyes shifted to the crowd, pausing when she recognised a face among the sea of strangers.
“Oh! Look who is over there!”
You glanced over your shoulder, following her line of sight until you saw your dirty little secret wave at you from a distance.
Gojo was eating ice cream, mindlessly swerving around the crowd and looking exceptionally fine in his summer fit. Adorned on the top of his head were cat ears, a little souvenir trinket that some of the vendors were selling at their stalls. His free arm was draped across a teen boy’s shoulder, whose unamused face indicated that he was not keen on being here.
“Rina-chan!” Gojo sang as he approached your table, “it’s nice to see you!”
“You too! How are things?”
“Great! Busy with the usual but today I decided to stop by with my student. This is Megumi…”
The boy awkwardly bowed to greet you and Rina.
“It’s nice to meet you both…”
Gojo’s shades slid down his nose slightly, and you caught a glimpse of those blue eyes. When he winked in your direction, you couldn’t help but blush.
“What are you two up to?” he casually asked.
“Well, I finally got Miss “Busy All The Time” to myself today and we just had some okonomiyaki, that guy over there is selling it…”
Gojo hummed and swirled his tongue around his vanilla ice cream before calmly replying, “I know, she’s been so preoccupied lately! Oi, when are we going to have our catch up session?”
Your face grew warmer, Gojo was good at keeping secrets and him playing off like he hasn’t been the one taking up all of your spare time only resulted in you staring at him with furrowed brows.
Thankfully, Megumi interrupted the conversation.
“I’m going to walk around for a bit,” he stated, turning his heel to walk away from your little group.
“I’ll meet up with you in a minute,” Gojo replied with a nod.
“I’m also going to use this opportunity to find the restroom. Gojo can keep you company until I get back,” Rina added, as she stood up from her seat.
Gojo gave her a thumbs up, “happily!”
The sorcerer took Rina’s place, sitting down across from you while his long legs bumped into yours as he adjusted his position. He paused for a moment, watching your friend and his student disperse into the crowd before finally returning his attention back to you.
“Nice outfit by the way but a little warm for today’s weather in my opinion.”
“I wonder whose fault that is…” you mused, pressing your lips together to stop yourself from smiling at his teasing comment, “I bet you think you’re so cute assuming you’re completely innocent in all this.”
Gojo smiled, “Actually, I know I’m cute.”
You couldn’t deny it, even right now as you watched him with those ridiculous cat ears that pulled back his white locks. He definitely was catching the eye of every girl and guy who passed by.
You flicked one of the black ears on his head,  “this is a new look for you…”
“I bought it for Megumi but he wasn’t too pleased wearing it around, kept saying that I was embarrassing him...” Gojo explained with a frown.
He leaned forward, resting his elbows on your thighs and bringing the ice cream in his hand to your face.
“Want a taste?” he asked innocently.
Your heart skipped a beat, unaware that Gojo would get this close to you in public. He knew that you hadn't told anybody about what you both have been doing and you wondered if he was deliberately trying to put you in an awkward position. You subconsciously scanned the crowd to see if Rina or Megumi were around.
You tilted your head back slightly before asking, “do you understand the concept of personal space?”
“Relax,” Gojo said in a low voice, “no one is paying attention to us.”
“What if they come back…”
“I’ll see them before they see us,” he replied with confidence, grazing his free hand over your thigh. “Besides, you look like you could use something to cool you off…”
You arched your brow, deciding to give in and play this little flirtation game. You bit your bottom lip, gently wrapping your hand around his slender fingers and slowly leaning forward to lick the ice cream off his cone. You kept your gaze on Gojo, focusing on the devilish smirk that spread across his lips as he watched with approval.
“Mmm, that is good…” you moaned, before looking at him with glittering eyes, “wait, I didn’t get any ice cream on my face, did I?”
Gojo chuckled under his breath, “you’ve got a little something right here…”
His hand moved up to your face, his fingers holding your chin as he brought your lips to his. You inhaled, holding your breath as you were caught off guard by him stealing a kiss. The moment was fleeting and before you knew it, he parted his lips from yours but trailed his hand down your neck to take a peek at the hickey he left on your skin.
“I usually don’t care about where I mark you but if it’s a big concern I’ll make sure to do it in places where only I can see…”
Even though he spoke in a low whisper, you felt like it was loud enough for the whole crowd to hear how flustered you just got by his words.
You cleared your throat, turning your face away from him to regain your composure. “Behave, Satoru…”
“Mmm,” he hummed, “I could keep going but Rina will be back in any minute…”
You sensed a hint of annoyance in his voice when he said that.
The sorcerer leaned back, inviting the space that separated you both as he ate his ice cream with indifference. Sometimes you wish you could flip the switch as easily as he did but you found it impossible.
Rina arrived before you could even respond to his statement.
“What did I miss?” she asked, patting Gojo lightly on the shoulder to request returning to her seat.
“Nothing special,” Gojo answered with a shrug as he stood up , “I think I’m going to head back and find this kid before he leaves without me knowing.”
“Enjoy the rest of your evening! Also, you should stop by the candy shop sometime. I’ve been working on some new treats I think you might like…”
“I will,” he promised, stretching the lying game even further. He proceeded to remove the headband he was wearing, his white hair flopping over his shades as he handed you the cat ears. “Hold on to these for me won’t you…”
You took it, puzzled by the sudden gesture.
“What for?”
“Just an excuse to pick it up from you later,” he remarked innocently, “otherwise I’ll never see you!”
Rina laughed, clearly not catching on to his hidden invitation. Gojo waved goodbye and walked away, leaving you both to return to your date.
For a moment you thought your lie was about to catch up to you but realised that it was easy keeping this secret because nobody would expect you to hook up with Gojo.
You guys have been playing this song and dance for a while, saving your flirtatious banter and curiosities for when you two were alone together. Maybe you’ll come clean eventually, but for now you wanted to enjoy the bubble you were in.
You played with the cat ears in your hand, completely unaware that you were smiling to yourself.
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Welcome to Our Hell // Charlie Gillespie
IN WHICH: Charlie asks the reader a simple question that leads the man to fall down a rabbit hole of reading. Despite the panic you felt along with your fellow writers you still introduced and helped him navigate the pool of fanfiction.
Warnings: None (it’s actually possible with me??)
Words: 1k
A/N: I couldn’t resist making a tiny blurb about the revelation that Charlie has read fanfiction, that he enjoyed reading it. I actually talked about how Owen and Charlie would react to jatp fanfiction so sorry for manifesting 😬
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Your eyes slightly glanced up from your computer to where a certain someone was humming along to an Eagles song. His hips swayed as he slipped the egg in the pan, unaware of your eyes following him. He was entirely in his own world while he left you to finish up what he was led to believe was just school work.
The innate cheerful aura the male gave off regardless of the landscape had always been one of your favourite things about him. He saw the joy and good in things most people tended to overlook. It didn’t matter if he had his guitar in his hands or a cooking tool; he’d shoot that smile that melted your heart.
“Whatcha doin’?” Charlie questioned, peering over the island in the apartment you had rented in the city.
“Just doing some work.” You replied, beginning to type once more with a sudden burst of inspiration. You barely noticed he had slid the egg onto the plate before he was at your side.
“Are you writing for Tumblr?”
That one sentence froze you. Fingers stiffened above the well-loved keyboard of your computer you’d invested a fair amount of money on. Goosebumps swarmed every inch of your skin that suddenly lost a few shades.
Your skittish gaze found purchase in the warm ocean of hazel that bore no judgment, “Did you just say Tumblr? H-how do you know Tumblr Charlie?”
The Canadian hummed in response with a thoughtful expression, “I saw this really cool artwork, and it had a link. I followed it to Tumblr. It’s such a cool site.”
“It’s a hell site.” You deadpanned at the young actor who held no contempt for the different creativity methods unleashed in the fandom. Your e/c irises stayed stuck in a battle of colour with his own eyes.
“If it’s a hell site, why do you go on it?”
“It’s like a car crash or a burning building. It’s horrifying, but you stay to see which outcome ends up winning.” You had to carefully find the words to eloquently describe why you kept returning to a site that was frustrating at times.
“There’s so much diversity from songs, traditional art, poems, dances, covers and now writing. It’s insane.” Charlie chucked as he nudged the plate of breakfast he’d cooked for you, “I’m really digging the ‘90s Lalex books-”
“Fanfics. Fics for short.” You offered the man who held a slight expression of confusion that quickly cleared up, “And the writing has been going on since the series dropped. I’d be rich for every fic that referenced Luke’s aversion to sleeves.”
The boisterous laugh filled the room as Charlie hunched over. His arms wrapped around his midsection.
“Don’t you find it weird that there are fics about you?”
“Weird?” Charlie spoke, scrunching up his nose adorably. His hazel eyes lightened further, “Y/N, I’m not weirded out. I’m honoured that I made enough impact to have people writing about me.”
A small smile broke across your face, “You totally have a secret account, don’t you?”
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“No. NO.” The whisper come in the dark of the bedroom where both sides of the couple should be sleeping. You had been before Charlie whined with his phone attached to his hand.
“Baby?” You groaned, turning to find him still invested in the world of fanfiction. His hazel eyes, tear-filled, raised to meet yours, “What are you doing up at-3am?”
“I just finished reading this adorable fic about Willex. The euphoria had me reading the next fic without reading the summary.” Charlie cried to the bedside light you’d turned when his sniffles woke you up. The near distraught man didn’t fight as you gently took his face out of his hand.
“Oh, Char.” You hummed, bringing the brunette into your arms as he mourned whatever was in the fic.
“Luke died with his girlfriend waiting in the Orpheum. She lived and began a life with Bobby..er Trevor.” Charlie whispered against the soft comforter you’d only recently bought, “They never got to say goodbye. As Luke’s portrayer, I just know the double betrayal took him to his knees.”
“Ah, you found @losttinwritings​ ‘See you Again’. That one is a doozy.” You winced, remembering the heartbreaker, “You, however, need sleep.”
Charlie’s eyes quickly met the phone sitting in between you two, “But-”
“Here.” You handed over your own phone after clicking your secondary account, “It’s one of my all-time comfort fics when I’m feeling sad. @dream-a-little-bigger-x​ always nails it out of the park but ‘Love Shack’? Immaculate.”
Charlie’s eyes flickered between the phone in his hand to your eyes twinkling in the albeit shitty lighting the cheap lamp offered. The vulnerability in your eyes at offering your blog took his breath away. This was a place where you were safe in your thoughts with no judgment.
“Oh! And @cherrymaybank​ created ‘A Romantic’. A beautiful story in the eyes of a hopeless romantic Luke and the stoic, independent reader.” You offered with a grin and sigh of happiness, “I’ll have to start tagging you in the ones I adore. Definitely gonna introduce you to @merceret​’s work; it’s always amazing regardless of how long the fic is or the distance between work. I’d wait a thousand years for her.”
Charlie’s lips spread to reveal that smile that always had you falling back in love over and over again. It even eased the panic you felt viewing Charlie’s rather honest confession he put on his Insta story. He’d caused panic within the writing community as he boldly announced his pride, awe, joy and love for all the fandom provided creatively. 
Next thing you knew, you’d started sending each other fics you’d think the other would enjoy; it often ended up with the same fic being sent. Charlie didn’t address the topic publicly to allow the buzz of panic to die down. He also never discovered your personal writing blog either, well, that you knew about.
Sometimes you’d find him sniffling over a story where Luke discovers his girlfriend was unknowingly pregnant and never got to see him child grow up. That one also tore your heart apart and you’d been the one to write it. Just a secret you’d be taking to your grave.
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds  @siriuswvrld @princessvader15 @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle @joshy-obx @lovesanimals @oopsiedoopsie23 @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you @jaskiers-sweetkiss @lostrandomfangirln @must-be-a-weasley-92 @jatp-holland @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland @dasexydevitt13 @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost @marinettepotterandplagg @ssprayberrythings @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon @zukoshonourr @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch @kcd15 @morganayennefertyrell @magnet-girl @all-in-fangirl @kinda-really-lost @tenaciousperfectionunknown @badwolf00593 @blowakissbabe @talksoprettyjjx @thesweetestsinner @kaitieskidmore1 @writerinlearning @aiofheavenandhell @sageellsworth05 @link-102 @thesweetestsinner @merceret​ @imsydneywalker​ @sunsetcurvej @nicoledawson5604 @merceret​ @kexrtiz​ @biqherosix @lukewearingbeanies​ @dangersolns @soverignparker
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an-annyeoing-writer · 3 years
vulnerability. – chap. 3.
Story info:
Pair: Byun Baekhyun x Reader
Rating: +18 for mentions of s*x and violence (future chapters)
Genre: angst, smut
Chapter info:
Release date: 29th July 2021
Word count: 4 219
Warnings: none
Vulnerability Masterlist || Fanfiction Masterlist || Ko-Fi
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@shesdreaminginoverdose @mybiasdashboard @marimsun @byuns-asscheeks @multi–kpop–fanfics @vunv @making-me-blush @skittlez-area512 @bloopbloopkai @byuns-asscheeks @baekyeonoreo @devotedexolnhottest @mingxia-nikki04 @velvetjongin @ssssssul (won't let me tag you T_T) @nemi-mei @buttercupbbh
Please, always comment on the newest chapter if you wish to be added to/removed from the taglist. I will be also checking the tags, so if you’re shy – feel free to leave a note this way.
Previous (Chap. 2.)
Chap. 3.
The tension that appeared the moment you received the phone call from Baekhyun did not dissolve with time. In fact, the opposite happened – it grew as the time passed, and as Saturday came closer and closer. Finally, once your Friday to Saturday night shift came to an end and you stumbled into your flat around 4 in the morning, you knew that you wouldn’t be able to fall asleep easily. Yet, you forced a whole cup of green tea into yourself in an attempt to soothe your nerves before sleep. Your alarm was set for noon, and you were supposed to meet at 3 PM.
You woke up feeling energized, but you knew this pattern all too well already – the tiredness would come and hit you with its whole power the day after, and you’d spend Sunday sluggish and drained. But that was okay, because Sunday didn’t matter half as much as Saturday did.
You felt a small urge to dress up; even more, actually, you felt a need to pay attention to details rather than looking fine at the first glance. Some common sense hyped up by years of watching other people and reading stories – a thorough shower, shaving, paying attention to not only what you wore outside, but also your undergarments. You lacked things that could be considered “sexy”, but – let’s face it – you didn’t think it mattered much; not after what you’d found out so far. Yet, it would be a shame if your panties had a hole in them. Wearing something neutral, but fresh was your best bet. Every few minutes, you kept reminding yourself – you don’t even know what will happen, you don’t even know if anything will happen at all. There was no reason to think that he’ll want you to undress in the first place, you said it yourself that you’re not ready for sex.
But then, it still helped you gather confidence that you definitely needed at a moment like that. Details allowed one less thing to worry about, and a better ability to focus on others, and so, you made sure the details were worked out well, and that you didn’t overdress, either; a beige shirt and jeans, all wrapped up with sneakers and another knitted cardigan of yours – neutral and polite, maybe a bit school-ish, but these were the things you mostly wore on daily basis, and you felt that going in the other direction – of tight pants, mini-skirts and see-through shirts – would not be appreciated. Your hair was pulled up into a loose bun, nothing like the ones you admired in YT tutorials, but the best you could do on your own. Maybe it was the age difference that made you feel obliged to show respect rather than expose yourself. You trusted your instinct on that, and so far, nothing happened yet to prove it wrong. The weather was starting to get warmer; these days were particularly sunny and dry, so you felt at ease without an extra jacket. It couldn’t get that bad in the evening, and you put faith in your cardigan.
Baekhyun must have thought similarly.
You stood in the bar’s entry, looking up at him for a moment; he leaned back into his usual couch, not aware of your presence just yet. He was wearing a black button-up and jeans as well, something he still looked pretty well put-together in, but not too formal – similar to your own thought process, noticeably.
You inhaled deeply, and took your time to exhale the air – until you felt ready to walk up to him.
“Hi there” he spoke as you approached his couch; as expected, he was there alone today.
“Hi there” you replied with a slight nod and a smile; your voice was quiet, as quiet as it could be without trembling in anticipation.
“You want to drink something before we go?”
You considered it for a second, and then nodded again. Baekhyun moved a bit to the side, encouraging you to join him on the couch, and you took the offer with gratitude.
“Beer? I don’t want to get you drunk, but we may sit here for a bit just to relax.”
“You can tell I need it?”
“Yes. I can tell. Your shoulders are very tense. May I?”
His hand reached to your shoulder and you nodded slightly, a bit unsure what you agreed to just yet.
He suddenly squeezed your muscle, and you whimpered. He kneaded it, and you found the tension dissolving gradually as he went on. Even with only one hand and unfavorable position, he managed to find some of the spots that required touch; that touch was welcome, slight pain coming along with it was desired for the best outcome. You didn’t notice when Baekhyun must have given the bartender some sort of a sign, but the man soon came with a beer and water that he put on the nearby table. That was when Baekhyun’s movement slowly ceased, cautiously letting go of your shoulders. You felt as if you were in a different body, the tension in your body almost gone, just as the one in your mind – the moments of physical interaction were enough to chase some of your worries away.
“You don’t drink?” You reached towards the table – it was closer to you than to him – and took the two glasses, handing him the water and keeping the beer for yourself.
“Not before,” he explained curtly, which you accepted without further questioning.
“So… what are we gonna do?” you asked carefully, sipping the beer through a metal straw, trying to give off a casual vibe despite focusing deeply on what you were about to hear.
“Depends. On how much will you allow me to do.” Baekhyun focused his gaze on something in the crowd; you felt as though it was his habit to avoid a direct gaze in an attempt to sound collected. “I had the idea of showing you some things. Just so you feel it out a little. It’s not final, but it may help the both of us figure out how we feel about it. Like a free trial, you see my point?” You nodded, but didn’t say anything, so after a moment he continued. “I won’t introduce you to everything, and it won’t last as long as usual sessions, either. I’ll talk to you a bit beforehand so we figure out some basic things. It shouldn’t make you uncomfortable. I won’t be trying anything beyond your comfort zone.”
“So, no deals a’la Fifty shades?” you felt silly the moment these words left your mouth. Baekhyun laughed awkwardly.
“No, it won’t be necessary. If you want to draw a comparison to that, I definitely won’t be dumping the whole scheme on you when you don’t even know what it’s like.”
And you won’t fuck me first thing in the plot, you added in your thoughts.
“There are a few things that I may ask you here, so that we have those out of the way,” he spoke; his tone lowered a little. “I need you to tell me if you have any illnesses or old injures that could influence your physical capacity.”
You thought for a bit; the answer was important, but you couldn’t recall much.
“I don’t think there’s anything important.”
“Is there anything unimportant?” His gaze pierced through you as he caught on your wording.
“Uh… I’m taking pills for my thyroid, but it’s nothing very dramatic” you explained. “Nothing else that I know of.”
Baekhyun nodded slowly.
“Fair. Next question, is there anything you’re particularly scared of? Phobias, or things you’re scared of in general, anything overly triggering that you want to avoid at all costs?” You already revealed some of these during your first conversation. But now you felt more at ease, and you thought you could be more detailed without sounding overwhelming.
“I’m… scared of fire. And hate my hair being pulled. I don’t know, why. I can’t explain it. It’s just…”
“It’s alright. You don’t need to explain yourself to me” Baekhyun looked at you with his eyebrows slightly furrowed. “You sound like it would stress you out to share. You don’t need to be afraid of that. You don’t owe me anything, keep that in mind. It’s not supposed to feel like an obligation.”
“I-I know.”
“I’m scared of heights, by the way.” You stared at him in confusion. “Hm? Just thought it’s fair to share if you did.”
“Chill out.” He nudged your glass with his hand to urge you to drink some more of the beer you managed to forget about by then. It was halfway through – you didn’t want to leave the glass with some of it still inside, although it managed to make you feel just a bit sick already.
His own drink was at around the same level too, and as you finished yours, he drank the remaining water in one go as well.
You weren’t the best at handling alcohol, and even the small amounts made you a bit weak in the knees. But you felt sober enough as the two of you finally got up; Baekhyun paid for your drinks and you left the bar.
The weather was nice, as expected. Going out into the sunlight again startled you, somehow; you felt as though a lot of time had already passed. But no, it was still the same afternoon.
It was true that Baekhyun lived nearby. His apartment was in a different direction than your place, though, and you estimated it would take around twenty minutes to get from one place to the other. You knew this area, although not too well – there were only some tenement houses, but no stores or academic buildings that could gain your attention or regular presence. It was on the more expensive side, although not a place a well off office worker wouldn’t afford; just maybe not suitable for a student. The tenement houses were old, but well-kept, and you knew that the apartments were way bigger than in a place like yours.
Opening the door for you, Baekhyun invited you into the dark hallway of his apartment. There were no lights, as every wall had doors to other rooms: two to the left, one at the end of the corridor, and two more to the right, perfectly symmetric.
“Kitchen, my office, bathroom, my bedroom, and the living room,” the man told you, starting from the left. One glance into the living room on the right made you realize just how big the rooms were; enormous, in your honest opinion, with the area of something around a classroom at school, but with ceilings that reached far up, almost twice higher than in your own place. Heavy curtains hung from the top of the tall windows like limp branches of a willow tree, giving the most dramatic effect, and – likely – gathering tons of dust throughout their lifetime. Wooden, carved furniture added to the effect, and you, in all your sincerity, would not dare to ask how much such a set cost, although it would be a lie to say that you weren’t curious. Wooden panels on the floor were already worn and grey, giving you a thought that the interiors were kept in this particular shape for long years before Baekhyun began to reside in there.
“That’s huge,” you only uttered. Your eyes rested on a painting in the middle of a wall on the left side of the room, above an eclectic-green, velvet couch, in front of which was a wooden coffee table, and which gave a perfect sight into an old TV on the side of the room, as it was one of the old-styled, small models that would be hard to look at from the distance between one wall and the other. The painting looked old, but you wondered from the distance, whether it was not just printed in good quality, with all the details of lights, people and nature making it look like a piece of national heritage rather than a small private property. It portrayed a battle scene coming to an end, warriors in shining armor stained with blood resting upon trees and a small pond of pinkish water, at either sunset or sunrise – you weren’t sure.
“You like it?” He caught your stare and followed it, giving himself a few seconds to adore the painting as well, as though he hadn’t looked at it enough despite living here.
“It’s too violent,” you decided after a moment. “But it’s nice to look at.”
“It’s not that violent in itself, I think. But it does conjure the thought of it.”
He left the living room with you still in the doorframe, staying to look at the painting just for a few more seconds. When you turned around, he was entering the kitchen – this room also looked old, but less well kept; it was cleaned up perfectly, however the furniture was shabby, with the surfaces often partly rubbed off and grey; this room simply screamed for renovation. But you felt way more at ease with the fact that it looked similar to yours – the one that was over twenty years old when you moved with and you had no way of changing it without getting in trouble with the landlord. And not like you’d want to do it at all, since you’d move out right after your studies anyway. The only difference was that you tried to make your apartment look a bit warmer with colorful lights and other cheap ornaments here and there, while Baekhyun’s kitchen was just left as it was, as though he gave up on it the moment he moved in.
“Not much.” You were still full of the freshly consumed beer.
Out of the fridge, Baekhyun took a bag of half-eaten potato chips. You stared at him with your eyebrow raised as he ate a few of these, and then extended the bag towards you, to which you only shook your head and he put the bag back in the fridge. He caught your look.
“Food moths,” he explained. You slowly nodded in understanding. That’d be a useful tip if you ever got those. The summer was slowly coming; soon, your small apartment would also be filled with bugs, and fruit flies, mosquitos, and sciarids because you kept a few plants in (discovering that sciarids and fruit flies were not the same thing was an important step in achieving perfect harmony in your adulthood).
You sat awkwardly by the table, observing him as he reached for the bag he must have left on the counter before he went to pick you up, and took out leftovers – probably from work – putting them back in the fridge.
“You worked today?” you asked.
“Yeah, just an average thing, a strategic meeting with co-workers. My working hours are not regular, so I didn’t really know I was gonna be out today.”
Once he was done, he sat by the table as well, and you leaned a bit forward, resting your chin on top of your hand.
“You could have postponed it with me, you must be tired,” you said.
“Don’t worry, I’d rather have a chance to relax with you.”
That didn’t sound as innocent as he probably tried to make it, and he looked over his shoulder to make sure he didn’t scare you with the choice of words. You only laughed awkwardly.
“Anyway. Since, as I said, I don’t want to intimidate you, I think we’ll stay in the living room since you seemed content with that,” he spoke casually.
“So, no playroom?” you uttered. Baekhyun choked on the chip in his mouth.
“I don’t own such a place. I just usually use the bedroom. Or the bathroom,” he explained.
“Or the office?” you felt bold enough to suggest, giving him a small smirk.
“No, I assure you the office is for what offices usually are.”
You smiled innocently as Baekhyun stared at you, probably trying to mask sudden shyness.
“Either way,” he cleared his throat. “I told you some about what I want to do, but you haven’t told me if there’s anything you’re interested in trying out. I assume you did see some things, so… Is there anything that you’ve been particularly interested in?”
The harmless way in which he phrased the question absolutely didn’t change the fact that he was, basically, asking what kind of porn you watch.
“I uh… I like watching different things, just out of curiosity, but I’m not really sure if there’s anything I like particularly more than other things… I suppose bondage is the biggest basic.” You tried, you really tried to sound neutral, but your voice trembled a little. “But I’m not really sure, to be honest. I’m quite open-minded, I suppose…” You felt silly; how could you not be able to answer the most basic question – what do you like? But Baekhyun seemed to understand that very well, as he only nodded slowly.
“What about, let’s say, pet play?” You blushed slightly. “You know what I’m talking about? I feel like a lot of young women start from there.” It took you a moment to realize that you, too, were a young woman. “Behavioral training. Humiliation. Regression. A bit of pain, if suitable. Trying out a few things to see how you respond. What do you think?”
“I think it may be fun” you said slowly. “Does it have something to do with the…?” you motioned your neck, hoping he’ll get the cue. You remembered the collars the other people wore – they were the main reason you got interested in the first place, after all. Baekhyun smiled, catching on your observation.
“Sometimes, but not necessarily. It’s just a thing I like. Do you?”
“…I may,” you answered carefully.
“Gotcha. We may try it out. You know, everyone is different. The collars are different too. I usually order them after I’m sure the person’s gonna stay, and when I know what type will be the most suitable for them. I can’t do that for you yet, but I have some spare items.”
“Do you have the ones of people who you’re not with anymore?” you asked, out of pure curiosity.
Baekhyun was silent for a moment.
“I do. But I’d rather not use them. They’re there for memory, not for use.”
“Gotcha. I was just curious,” you quickly explained.
“Do you have a safe-word?” Baekhyun’s gaze rested on you.
“…Not really. Never needed one,” you uttered sheepishly.
“You have anything on your mind?”
“Um, the… thing with lights? The red light, yellow and green?” you proposed carefully.
“That’s a good one. Tell me how you understand them.”
“So, the green one means everything’s alright, the yellow is when we need to slow down, and the red stops the scene,” you recited, as if you were reading from a book.
“That’s right. It’s easy to remember, so we can go with that.” You bit on your lips to prevent yourself from getting too excited with the apparent praise; it wasn’t anything big, of course – but you felt as though it was a praise in itself, being acknowledged for saying something right. “Another thing is that I need you to know a few rules, before we start.” You were all ears. “First, I don’t want you to be reluctant for the fun of it. Whether you want to be a brat later or not, today we’re just trying things out and I don’t want to mistake your attitude with actual discomfort, do you understand?” You nodded slowly, memorizing the words and waiting for him to continue. “Second. No pain that I will impose on you will be a matter of punishment, unless I specify so. If you don’t enjoy it, you need to tell me so. It doesn’t mean I’ll stop right away, unless – of course – you use the safe-word. However, I still expect honesty. During, as well as after the scene, when we review it. Do you understand?” The breaks in between the points gave you enough time to acknowledge the information and encode it in your memory. You nodded once again. “And for the last. Do you trust me?”
The tone made you look up at him, finally focusing on his person rather than the words alone.
“I do,” you finally decided; knowing very well what this answer would lead to.
Baekhyun’s eyes sparkled as he smiled at you warmly.
“Well then, shall we start?”
* * *
You stand in the middle of the room, the cardigan and shoes are off, your feet feel cold against the floor despite socks wrapped around them comfortingly.
Don’t move a finger, you’ve been told, and so, you stare at the painting before you, the warrior in the front staring at you back with contempt you haven’t noticed before.
Your breath trembles in anticipation as you try to hear sounds from other rooms – you do hear some shuffling, but nothing that you can figure out for sure. He must be in his bedroom, you think. What is he preparing? Which tools out of many that you’ve seen on the screen of your phone all these nights that, despite spending perfect eight hours in bed, did not end in getting perfect eight hours of sleep?
Your arm itches, but you fight the urge to scratch it; be obedient, he said.
Steps echo in the corridor and you hold your breath. Your head snaps to the side the moment you hear him enter the room again.
“Eyes down,” he commands without sparing you a glance; you haven’t had enough time to see what he brought, but you instantly obey his words. “Don’t look at me unless I allow you to.” His voice is stern, and it makes your stomach clench nervously. But it’s not a bad sensation, not at all – you grow excited. “Down. On your knees.”
You try to comply, but he still scoffs at your apparent sluggishness. You almost fall over as you let your knees bend and you finally kneel down as well as you can, eyes facing down as well, although you feel awkward as you do so.
“On your toes,” Baekhyun commands; something small but hard hits your heels, startling you, and your head whips around to see a wooden pointing stick. You swallow the gasp of surprise at the sight.
You fix your posture, your toes instantly begin to cramp; that’s uncomfortable, and your toes aren’t too flexible, it seems.
“Straighten your back. You’re slouching.”
The task turns out almost impossible to do, the whole weight lands on your toes and you frown in discomfort.
“Is it necessary…?”
“Look at me.” It feels unnatural to do so now, but you oblige, turning your head to the side where he stands. “What’s wrong?”
“My toes hurt,” you admit quietly. Baekhyun watches you for a moment.
“Straighten them. Kneel as you did before.” You bite your lips and nod, uttering a small thank you that you find suitable enough as the position gets a bit more comfortable. “Back. Straighten.”
You automatically snap back into the position. But it does feel a bit silly – like something your teachers would say, don’t slouch! A laughter comes out at the comparison, but you attempt to stifle it.
Apparently, not well enough.
The pointer hits the nape of your neck; not too hard, but the message gets through.
Baekhyun stands in front of you and, most likely, stares you down – you can’t tell; your gaze is fixated on his lacquered shoes. The shoes then move, kicking the middle of your thighs.
You feel a bit awkward as you oblige this command; you only glance down to make sure your pants aren’t ripped – you never know. To your relief, they’re not. Then you try to glance forward – but, what’s in front of you, makes you more shy than anything, so you just fix your gaze on his knees instead.
“You’re slouching again.”
“Pets often do,” you note before you manage to bite your tongue; you do remember your conversation from before – wasn’t it what he was aiming for? You thought so at first. But the words were not thought through at all; you just felt a need to say something, anything, just like you’d talk back to a teacher when they became too annoying in their remarks.
You hold your breath as Baekhyun crouches down to your level.
You feel his eyes on you, and you unwittingly tremble under his gaze, forcing yourself to look even lower, not daring to break the rule. The seconds seem to last hours as he doesn’t speak a word – and he doesn’t have to. You feel intimidated.
“You want to be a pet?”
He stands up; he’s right in front of you, if you so much as leaned forward a little bit, your forehead would touch his thigh. You slightly crave the touch; but not enough to move, not when you grow petrified. The question is rhetorical. You wait for him to finish the thought.
“Then I’ll treat you like one.”
Without waiting for your reaction, he steps behind you. You hear shuffling in what had to be a box placed behind your back; you see nothing.
But you hear the harsh, recognizable clink of metal and your stomach drops.
* * *
Please, reblog if you enjoyed, it'll help me a bunch!
Author's note: Hello, have you missed me??? I'm sorry it took so long to upload, it's hard to find time among exams I had in June, and now my (first) new job! The next chapter is already being written, so hopefully, won't take that long. Remember to reblog if you liked, and I'll be really happy to hear what you have to say about this so far. Stay safe!
Next (Chapter 4.)
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zirkkun · 3 years
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❤️ULR Speed Date Event Results - Part 5/5!💙
And, very unsurprisingly, Ace is in first place for the amount of submissions he received, that being 82! Due to the fact that there was so many submissions, he has a lot more I debated between (and even though one of these was a joke response... it was still pretty story worthy):
❤️ Ary 💙 dragon anon ❤️ din 💙 Vee ❤️ Yours~ 💙 ya know, nyah :3c ❤️ Chaomingo 💙 Lilianna ❤️ Orly
And last but not least is the winner of Ace’s date will be revealed. You can read the date either under read more or on AO3!
Undertale (c) Toby Fox Underlust by @/nsfwshamecave Underlust Reimagine by myself
Thank you for your support, but do remember to support and read Underlust (18+) if you can!
ulr masterpost || ulr main tag || ulr ask box || ulr comic beginning || kofi?
... the anon who submitted under the name Lilianna!
Sans still didn't want to be a part of this. He didn't want to be doing this at all. But, unfortunately, his brother wouldn't take "hell no" for an answer. So now he was stuck on a date. With a human, no less. Oh joy. Despite the fact that living on the Surface was so saught after, he really wasn't finding it to be appealing.
At least, for the start of this, he was by himself. Maybe a long time ago, he would have been bothered by someone being late to an event like this, but for now, he was indulging in the silence.
She, Sans's date, decided that she wanted to meet at this park outside of the city, late at night, for a chance to watch the stars. Frankly, he didn't really care one way or another. But, he did eventually find himself standing at the ledge of a bridge, watching the stars twinkling in their reflection on a river. That and the dead silence, only bug noises chirping here and there; was shockingly more relaxing than Sans had anticipated it would be.
"There you are! Sorry I'm late!!"
And the relaxation was cut short. Oh well. Not that he didn't expect that.
Sans turned his attention towards the direction of the voice, spotting the human running up to him as fast as she could. Panting as she caught up to him on the bridge, she exclaimed, "I'm so, so sorry, things were backed up getting out of the city and --"
"i don't really care," Sans cut in. He turned his attention back to the river.
The human, a little taken aback, tried to brush over the harsh comment. She took a step towards the edge of bridge, holding on to the railing with a tight grip. The silence echoed in the park once more, but for the human, this was more awkward than anything else. She didn't really know what to say... is there a topic she knew offhand he'd be willing to discuss? Um... no, not really. 
Oh! He said something first! "Yeah?" the human responded.
"do you think a fall from this height into the river would kill me?"
A brief moment of silence. It held both shock and interest from each halves of the conversation.
"What -- I don't know?! I don't really want to know!! That sounds painful regardless and I really don't want to find out!!"
But Sans just laughed at her sudden panic. "relax. i was joking."
"Th... that's a bit of a dark joke, don't you think?"
He shrugged. "It happens." He didn't elaborate, leaving the silence to once again consume the conversation into nothing. The human shifted uncomfortably where she stood.
She debated back and forth on another topic to talk about. Anything to ease the tension -- especially since it got worse with his topic of choice.
"Um... so, on that form thing, you asked me about stuff I like to do... but what about stuff you like to do?" she prompted, hoping it wouldn't be another dark joke response.
"hm." Sans pondered the question for a while, not really knowing what to say. When's the last time he did something he liked doing? Probably when he was working with the other Royal Scientists. Which was over ten years ago. "i dunno," he answered instead. "haven't done anything just 'cause in a long time."
"Oh." The human frowned. "Well, maybe we could do something together sometime then, and you can find a new hobby? Only if you'd like, of course."
Sans raised a brow as he flicked his gaze to her. "like what?"
"Oh, um... well, I like to bake, draw, and read... but those are all pretty boring so maybe not those..." she responded sheepishly.
Sans didn't react negatively, but he wasn't exactly enthusiastic either. He's practically read every book from the Underground cover-to-cover with how much time he's had on his hands, and his drawing skills were... not to be admired. And Papyrus has always been on his case to eat more. So... "i dunno, baking?" he blurted.
The human blinked. "As in, you'd want to do some baking together?"
"yeah, sure, whatever."
"You really don't sound all that interested."
"i'm not interested in most things, what's your point?"
The human shuffled back into silence for a brief while as she herself started to stare at the river, her eyes trailing down the reflection until they met the sky, full of crystal-clear stars. "You don't have to if you don't want to," she added. "I know you're already... not super excited about this current date, so please don't feel like you have to force yourself further."
Ah. There it was. The same kind of consideration that made him pick this person over everyone else in the first place. Some people had acknowledged him not wanting to deal with this, but their responses were things like, "Then why be here?" which only irked him enough to toss them aside. Some disacknowledged it, which he prefered, but something about when she said... "You seem like you don't want to do this anyways, which is all good," really hit him in a way he didn't expect.
Sans, however, did not even consider responding out loud, and instead just pulled his scarf up tighter on his face. Sans? Being honest and clear with his emotions? Haha. How funny. Easier to just push them aside. A void of feeling is much easier to deal with.
Well, he did give a sort of grunt of acknowledgment to her comment. But... it was really far after she'd said anything. So she thought he was prompting something new.
"What's that?" she asked.
"Then...?" But the human just shook her head. Maybe talk about something else. "You know..." She'd started a sentence, but didn't actually have anything to say. In a frantic moment to try and finish what she'd started, she said, "Time is a precious thing, isn't it?"
There was a pause.
"what'd'ya mean?" Sans asked.
"We only get so much of it. It's so limited and can be taken from us in a second."
"... yeah, and?"
"I just... I like spending time with people," she finalized. "There's only so much time I have available, and I want to be able to spend as much of it as I can with people I care about and doing things I've wanted to do. Thinking about it all is a bit scary sometimes..."
Sans debated the crass comment of "so what you're saying is i should leave and do something i'd rather be doing," but he figured now was not the time for something like that. He waited a moment to see if the human had more to say about the topic, but when she didn't, he decided to jump in with his own response. "worrying about what you might lose out on is kinda pointless," he said bluntly. "sometimes shit ain't gonna work out, and you'll miss out on something you'd have rather wanted. sometimes people are taken away from you when you least expect it and you're left wondering if you did enough for them or with them. but it's not the end of the world. you've gotta just work with what you're dealt with."
The human didn't expect such a long, nor deep, reply from him, and was a little taken aback by it. While these may have been things said before, or maybe she'd even considered them, it was different to hear them coming from someone who two seconds ago wanted to jump off the bridge. Frankly... does that mean she should take his words with a grain of salt, or...?
"sorry," Sans blurted. "said more than i shoulda."
"Wh -- n-no, don't worry about that!! I just... didn't expect you to have a lot to say on the topic. Or, I guess, to really reply lengthy at all. But it's okay! I'm glad you let me hear your thoughts."
He pulled his scarf tighter as he grunted a response, staring still at the reflection in the river.
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jeonqukie · 3 years
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SYNOPSIS / Consistently overshadowed by your older sister, you expect your days in high school to be filled with plastic smiles and apathetic peers with hidden intentions. Everything changes when four of the most popular guys in school join you and your best friend for lunch on the first day of school.
FEATURING / Kim Namjoon; appearances by Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook.
GENRES & TAGS / high school au, freshman reader, senior namjoon, student council president namjoon, best friend jungkook, lots of fluff, and some angst.
WARNINGS / Graphic and mature language, slight age difference/gap (to clarify, oc is 14-15 yrs old and namjoon is 17 - first part is rated pg); list will be updated as fic is updated accordingly.
WORD COUNT / ~10.3k
NOTES / I am a day late in posting this and I want to let you guys know that this is... not edited at all and I will be looking through this every now and then to correct any errors. But I hope you enjoy the first part of this series! I wasn’t expecting this to be relatively long, but it was all to set up the characters dynamics and the history behind the reader and Namjoon’s relationship. Any feedback is appreciated. To repeat, I’m so sorry this was super late. Please expect part 2 to be up in ~2 weeks. (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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All rights reserved © jeonqukie (formerly known as aiscka). All (or portions) of my work may not be reproduced, redistributed, reclaimed, translated, modified, or used in any way whatsoever without my permission.
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“You’re Sena’s little sister, right?”
You’d be a damn millionaire if you made a dollar for every person on campus tried to break the ice with you. It was a severe understatement to say that your older sister was known around town. She was vice president of the student council, president of the debate club, and the best player on the varsity volleyball team. All of the teachers and faculty adored her, every girl wanted to be her, and every guy wanted to be with her.
For the longest time, you assumed your sister was a celebrity on campus.
You were so wrong.
It was because you never met him. You’ve heard his name so many times whenever your sister had sleepovers with her friends or when she was on the phone with a friend, whispering so softly into the receiver, afraid that someone would find out about that she had a crush on him. You were perplexed because you thought your sister was a very forward person; she had so much confidence talking to so many guys who desperately wanted her attention yet somehow her palms would sweat over him.
“Hey, you know who Kim Namjoon is?” You would sit at the cafeteria for the first time with your best friend, Jungkook, who had devoured half of his ham and cheese croissant sandwich. He looks at you and he would raise one brow.
“Oh no, don’t tell me you’re one of those girls who’s obsessed with hyung.” But Jungkook sees the genuine confusion form on your face. You catch a glimpse of your older sister who sat on the other side of the cafeteria, thumbing a reply on her phone while her friend nudges at her when she sees the notorious posse that every girl swoons over.
It was a scene right out of a movie.
At that time, you had the faintest idea who they were, but you were quick to find out why they were so well known around campus. Jung Hoseok was the senior of the group; he was a dancer and was featured in numerous music videos by well-known artists and he had an extensive list of choreographers willing to work with him. Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin were inseparable; they were juniors who ran the school newspaper and the school yearbook – Taehyung being in charge of the photography while Jimin being in charge of the organizing the yearbook staff. Meanwhile, there was Kim Namjoon; student council president, valedictorian of his class, member of the honor society and numerous organizations on campus.
“Wait, you know who Namjoon is?” You were curious whether Jungkook knew of him, not exactly knowing the guy.
“Yeah. I mean, he’s been my next-door neighbor for god knows how long. His folks and mine go out for golfing twice a month.” You just nod to his answer when you are shoving a chocolate moon pie into your mouth.
But your mouth instantly goes dry when the four guys appear right across from you and Jungkook are seated.
“Gukie!” Hoseok exclaimed at the sight of Jungkook still devouring his croissant. “Look at you! Finally, you’re with the hyungs in high school.” The tease made Jungkook’s ears go pink and you feel your own face get hot; not because of second hand embarrassment, but because you can see everyone’s eyes on you – the two freshmen who had no right to be sharing a table with, what you can only assume, the four most popular guys on campus.
There were many times where people would only want to get to know you because of your sister; girls wanted to get close to you because you were had a cool older sister and boys wanted to be with you because they were so eager to come over to your place and obsess over Sena.
Jungkook, on the other hand, had no interest in her. As a matter of fact, you met Jungkook when you were in middle school and took a swimming class and later found out that you two were in the same class and bonded over your competitive nature in swim class.
“Who’s this? You got a girlfriend on your first day already?” You and Jungkook exchange a look of disgust with each other and create a sensible amount of space for each other to establish that you both see each other as friends.
“Oh my god, wait – you’re Sena’s little sister, right?” Hoseok corrected Jimin who had made the assumption you and Jungkook were an item. Jungkook can see the way you scrunch your nose from his periphery, and he decides to answer for you instead.
“This is YN. She’s… literally been my best friend since middle school.” Jungkook introduces you to the four people right across from you. “YN, this is Hoseok – well, I call him Hobi-hyung. This is Jimin-hyung and Tae-hyung. I’m pretty sure you know Namjoon-hyung because –”
“ – school council president.” You interrupt because you didn’t want Jungkook to reveal that you had been inquiring about him earlier. “I remember because you made that welcome speech this morning at the assembly.”
Namjoon is rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment and you resume eating your packed lunch, despite losing all appetite because you are surrounded by so many people did not know. They weren’t terrible people, but you weren’t mentally prepared for such strong personalities and dynamics to be introduced all at once. You felt like an intruder – a fly on the wall – because everyone carried on with their normal conversations; Jungkook and Hoseok were talking about plans for the weekend and then Jimin and Taehyung were already drafting out ideas for the yearbook. Meanwhile, you sat in silence as you ate your tuna salad sandwich, reading a new book you were gifted over the summer by your parents.
“Let me know when you’re done.” A voice catches your attention, and you stop all chewing. “The book, I mean.” Namjoon clarifies and he sees that you are already halfway done with it. “I read it a year ago and I’d like to hear what you think of it.” He offers you a heartwarming smile and you nod once, returning the same grin.
“I started it a week ago. I really like it so far.” The conversation is light and drowned out by the loud voices beside you.
You never really pinned him as a reader.
“So, how’s your first day so far?” He inquires and you honestly thought that the conversation was… over. Normally, that’s how all the conversations go when people find out your Sena’s little sister. They feign their interest in you and instantaneously ask about her.
“It’s… nothing special.” You admit, smoothing your fingers on the pages of the book. “Most of the classes I have before lunch, Guk’s with me. Now –”
“Now, her large, wrinkled brain is going to abandon me and get into those advanced program and honors classes.” You are rolling your eyes at your best friend who whines that you decided not to take the same classes as him.
“We literally have homeroom, social studies, and PE together and then we see each other for breaks and lunch. I think you’ll live.” The group laughs which earns quite a bit of stares from outsiders, but they seem to be completely unfazed by it. Everyone turns back to their own conversations and, usually, your social presence isn’t necessarily sought out by people.
It wasn’t until you hear another inquiry fall out of Namjoon’s mouth.
“What do you have right after lunch?”
“Honors biology, by the way. Can’t you spare just one regular class for me? Or does your GPA really matter that much to you?” Jungkook complains and you are left ignoring his comments.
If there was one thing that your older sister taught you (something you actually agree with) is that colleges love a good GPA and joining as many clubs as possible. You even remembered how she’d phrase it for you; college admissions officers will cream their pants when you score that 4.0 GPA and do something out of the box from the rest of your peers.
“Or just get smarter, Guk.” Hoseok poked fun at Jungkook, earning a shrug from Jungkook. Namjoon, on the other hand, is smiling from ear to ear at the dynamic between the elder and the youngest of the group.
“Let me see your schedule.” Namjoon urges as he spots your clear binder which has your printed schedule on the cover. You push over your binder to Namjoon who is scanning your binder; he reads through your name, your birth date, the list of teachers you had for the semester and the classes assigned to you.
You feel indifferent about the sudden attention on you, especially from Namjoon; a mere stranger who everyone obsessed over was so piqued by you. You observe the way the corner of his slips curve into an impressive smirk as he glances over at Hoseok.
“Guess who we have for calculus at the end of the day?” He slides over your binder where the rest of the group examine the rest of your schedule, only for Hoseok to find a coinciding class with you.
“How the fuck are you in a senior’s class? Are you some math whiz or something?” Taehyung’s eyes widen at the sight of an advanced calculus class on your schedule. It was one of the things you were proud of you; you were good at math – it happened to be Sena’s worst subject and your parents often joke what she lacked; you had gained immensely.
“Yeah, YN’s cracked, hyung. I don’t understand. I remember in middle school they had to make arrangements for her to get into a pre-caclulus class or some shit like that.” Jungkook finishes his fruit cup and gathers all of the trash on site to toss over to the closest garbage bin.
Namjoon is sliding your binder right back at you, brows raised at you with the same grin he had on. He stares at you for what seemed like a long time – to you, it seemed like a long time and he is glancing back down at where your fingers brush against each other and he pulls away, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable.
“I – um, saw that you were taking orchestra too.”
You nod and chew on your cheek, self-conscious all of a sudden about your appearance because you are very much aware that Namjoon is examining every aspect of your face.
“Yeah. I mean, I already know how to play the piano, so I might as well learn how to play another instrument, right?”
“No – yeah, you’re right.” He stammers and he folds his hands together only to be interrupted by Jimin tossing over a bag of pretzels at Namjoon.
“Bell’s about to ring. Pretzels was all they had left. We need to head to physics soon.” Taehyung and Jimin are swinging their bags over their shoulders. Hoseok is too busy on his phone, showing Jungkook a video of his new choreography.
Suddenly, you are receiving a plethora of notifications in the depths of your jean pocket. Your fingers unlock your phone only to reveal a series of text messages from your sister.
Sena [12:29]: Did you just spend your entire lunch with Kim Namjoon?
Sena [12:32]: Earth to YN?
Sena [12:41]: You have officially made a fucking impression to this school. I’m so proud of you. You’re sitting with us at lunch tomorrow.
“Guess I’ll see you later, YN.” The bell doesn’t descend you back to reality. Instead, it was his voice that brings you to pack up your things into your bag. “You might want to sit at the back for Mr. Lu’s biology class; he’s a spitter.” Namjoon swings his backpack over his shoulder. “He reuses the same lesson plan every year. If you need any help with them, you know who to look for.”
As you’re swinging your own bag, Namjoon leaves you with a wink as he is exiting the doors of the cafeteria into the school hallways.
Now, you understand why the entire world was obsessed with Kim Namjoon.
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“Alright, let’s get started,” Mrs. Kang, your calculus, is a middle-aged woman who didn’t look like she had aged past thirty. You found it incredibly hard to believe the woman was nearly in her mid-forties who had three kids of her own. She looked like a stern woman but had a good heart from what you remembered; she only wanted what was best for the class even though it meant tormenting them with a shit ton of homework. “I don’t need to go over the syllabus with you bunch. As you can see, this is a much smaller class than a regular class because not a lot of people pass this class.”
Silence fills the room from when you had first arrived. You were one of the last few people to find your seat because your class was all the way on the other side of campus. It seemed like everyone in your class were juniors or seniors. There were so many of them who knew each other from previous classes; they were all huddled in their own designated spots in the class, so you sat at the front of the class because all the seats at the back had been taken and it may help that you’re at the front because it’ll force you to pay attention.
“There’s a lot of material to cover and there’s only so much I can do. Since we’ve implemented the new block schedule, we’ll only be seeing each other for an hour and a half every Wednesdays and Fridays. First thirty minutes will be on new material, next thirty minutes will be spent on practice problems, and then the last thirty minutes will be working with your partner on getting your homework started. I’ve figured getting a head start on the homework for the last thirty minutes will be helpful just in case you or your partner are lost, you have me to ask for assistance.”
Someone’s hand raises up in the air out of your periphery.
Mrs. Kang points to them. “Yes, Namjoon?”
“How do we determine who are partners will be?”
“Please tell me we get to pick our partners.” Mrs. Kang is already turning her back to the class as she searches for a box that had been hidden behind her computer monitor only for her shake the contents of the box.
“The last time I gave the students the opportunity to choose who their partner was, I’ve written a disciplinary notice for academic dishonesty twice a week.” Mrs. Kang prefaced, and the room goes silent. As she continues ruffling through folded papers inside the wooden box, you are already aware of how the partner system is going to work.
Everything was going to be randomly assigned.
“We have 26 of you total which means there will be 13 pairs.” Mrs. Kang announces, and she walks around the class starting from the left where the person is picking a folded paper out of the box. Each person who had unfolded their paper sat patiently until Mrs. Kang had completed distributing the paired assignments around the room. She is fetching a pen and paper as she sits on her desk.
“Alright, our first pair is –” Mrs. Kang looks up to see two people raise their hands; it had been Hoseok and a girl with the prettiest bangs named Mimi. Mrs. Kang continued jotting down the pairs until you scanned the number on your own paper; a large 12 inscribed on your already tattered paper.
You hear Mrs. Kang’s voice as she calls out for the twelfth pair and you raise your hand. You don’t see anyone in your periphery raise their hands, so you turn your body around to search for your partner.
Your body turns cold and still, but you can feel your cheeks get warm at the sight of Namjoon seated down at the back with Hoseok with his hands raised, revealing that he had pulled the same number as you. The thumping in your heart is loud and it beats hard as each moment passes.
Both your hands lower and you are trying to turn your attention back to the front of the class where your teacher stood, but you can feel his eyes on you. You remembered scolding yourself, unaware of why you were so nervous and so shocked to be his partner – he saw you nothing more than another classmate; someone to help him with his assignments.
“Perfect! Since we have our pairs, everyone will be sitting next to their partner from now on; I don’t care where it’ll be. I just need you to sit with them, so we’re not scrambling at the last thirty minutes of class to find them.” Mrs. Kang says sternly, clearly not wanting to waste time in this class. “Shall we begin?”
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“How do you already have so much shit to do?” Jungkook laid comfortably on your bed, shoving down salt and vinegar potato chips that your parents had bought from the store last weekend. “Do you like never take a break from reading or what?”
“It’s just a really interesting book.” You say as you flip through the next page and bite into an apple.
You two laid on your bed, basking in the afternoon sun. Normally, you two didn’t have this much down time. Last summer, you two volunteered to be camp counselors to lessen the boredom you two would endure. It was either that or spending every goddamn weekend on the golf course with Jungkook’s parents and yours.
“I was thinking of trying out for the track & field team.” Jungkook informs you and you resume reading. “Namjoon-hyung tells me that the team runs right after school and it sounds fun. Events are early though, and we all know I’m not an early riser.”
The mention of Namjoon urged you to reminisce back to your last period that day. Mrs. Kang mentioned that she wasn’t going to let the class immediately sit right next to their homework partner – thank god. You just wouldn’t know what to talk about with him; you don’t really know what to talk about with people because they always somehow led the conversation back to your older sister.
But, at the end of class, he did manage to keep up with you as you hastily packed all your items into the bag before you darted outside of the classroom. You planned on walking home with Jungkook and you two would meet at the front of the school. Namjoon, somehow, caught up to you in time.
He had grabbed your arm and greeted with you with his million-dollar smile. “Hey,” He breathes, and you stop to offer him a meeker and shier smile.
“Hi, what’s up?”
“You’re meeting with Guk?”
You give him a single nod before he hands you two pieces of paper. You’re curious as to what they are, and you see the words parent’s consent form along with the health forms to give to a doctor – for a physical.
“He’ll know what they’re for.” He reassured you and you hold onto the forms. “Thanks for that. I have to go; I have a meeting in five minutes with the student council.”
“I’ll be sure to give it to him. Was there anything else you wanted to tell him?”
He shakes his head, and he starts reversing his steps, clutching onto the straps of his bags. “I – um, I’m really looking forward for calculus – you know, the whole partner thing. I must be really lucky to be partnered with a cracked, math whiz like you.”
Now, you’re blushing because you weren’t really sure if you were supposed to be flattered or offended.
And he read you so well because he is suddenly panicking but he hid it. He stops his reverses, and he takes one step closer to you.
“I’ll see you and Guk at lunch tomorrow, if that’s alright?” He hums; his voice sounded so soft and clear to you – no one can hear a single thing he had said to you, but you heard him bright as day. Suddenly, you feel a grin creep up to your mouth and you nod once. You had regained some of your confidence back and Namjoon can see it. “Cool, well, I’ll see you ‘round, YN.”
“Earth to YN.” Jungkook snaps at you and you pay attention to your friend who is lying next to you. “Did you hear a single thing I said?”
“Sorry ‘bout that. I dozed for a couple minutes.” You admit and he scrunches his brows, dismissing your moment of silence.
“I was asking how it was like to be in a class of seniors.”
“There’s no difference, honestly.” You begin your thought. “It sucks just because I don’t really know anyone, and everyone knows everyone.”
“Yeah, but you have Namjoon-hyung and Hobi-hyung.” Jungkook reassures you. “They’re basically your friends now because we’ll be hanging around them a lot.”
You weren’t sure if you were looking forward to or nervous to be spending a lot more time with the older guys. They made a good first impression on you though; they’ve probably only mentioned your sister’s name once. Granted, it was only thirty minutes spent together, but it was so much better than most of the conversations you’ve had with everybody else.
“That’s true. I have Namjoon as my homework partner, so I’ll… definitely need to get along with him.” You chuckle under your breath as you read through each line without comprehending a single thing. Your mind had been so clouded with the idea of Namjoon and you weren’t sure why.
Jungkook decided not to stay for dinner that evening even though mom made two pans of lasagna to feed a village. However, he did help you and your mother prepare it. Your mom was pretty insistent on it, so you promise that you’d be giving him some leftovers for lunch the next day. Your dad arrived home next; it was a typical evening – he beelined to your mom, planted a kiss on her cheek and patted your back before he hastily moved to the office to continue working. Sena arrived home from school at a later hour than usual before she was already setting the plates on the dining table.
“Alright, Guk, final offer.” Your mother says as she is pulling out two piping pans of lasagna out of the oven.
“No, thanks, Mrs. LN.” He respectfully declines before he is swinging his backpack over his shoulder. “Mom’s expecting me home right about now for dinner. I’ll definitely ask YN to pack me up some leftovers though.”
“Alright.” She waves him a goodbye before you are showing him to the door. “Walk home safely.” She bids him a goodbye softly as she pulls the foils off the pan.
“Pack me an extra serving, please.” Jungkook pleads and you roll your eyes before he already made his way out of the door.
“Honey, dinner’s ready!”
“You did not tell me Jungkook was friends with Namjoon.” Sena settles herself on the dining table and you sit right across from her, waiting for your mom to begin serving everyone a slice of lasagna.
“Quite frankly, I didn’t know Jungkook even knew Namjoon either. I’d say I’m just as surprised as you are, but I really don’t know what the fascination is with Namjoon.” You lied through your teeth as your mom serves herself first (she called dibs on the corner piece) and you decide on getting the smallest piece since you weren’t so hungry that evening.
“Are you talking about Mr. and Mrs. Kim’s son? Is this the same Namjoon we’re talking about right now?” Your mom’s curiosity is evident in her tone, taking small bites out of a side salad she had prepared.
“Yes, and Sena is hopelessly in love with him.” You shove the lettuce into your mouth as you wait for your lasagna serving to cool down momentarily.
“How can you not be in love with him?” She breathes out hastily. Your dad has his brows raised in disbelief; his daughter talking endlessly about her crush.
“He is a nice boy; responsible, kind, gentle, polite, seems to get things done, really cute too.” Your mom lists his never-ending advantages, and you stray away from their eyes because you hate the admit that you find him incredibly cute.
“Can we please talk about something other than this boy?” Your father is already exhausted from listening to you talk about Namjoon and you don’t blame him, really. “How was the first day for you, dear?” He refers to you and you are still chewing on your dinner.
“I have three classes with Guk. I like all of my classes so far; I can already tell calculus is going to be… a lot of work. We have a test every week and we mandatory study sessions after school for the exam to qualify for college credits. Thankfully, I have a partner to work with just in case I don’t understand anything. There’s also –”
“Who’s your partner? Maybe I know them.”
Your silence is defeating, and you look at your dad who is waiting for his answer and you dart your eyes back at Sena who is piecing the puzzle in her head, so she drops her mouth open, gasping at your lack of a response.
“No fucking way!”
“Language, please, Sena.” Your mom scolds.
“I mean, you’ve been in the same classes as him before! I’m sure you’ve been in a group project with him or something. You guys are in the same clubs. I don’t understand why you haven’t asked him out.” You weren’t so sure what motivated you to blurt it all out because your sister was definitely a good catch, but the obsession with him was getting way out of hand.
“That’s ridiculous, YN. I would never ask out a guy. I don’t even know he likes me that way.” Sena is taking small bites out of her dinner and you sigh to yourself, chewing on the inside of your cheek. “If there was only a way for me to find out. It’s not like I have a sister who’s partners with him in a class – oh, she’s also best friends with his next-door neighbor! How convenient.”
She eyes at you where you decide to focus on your meal, but her eyes are pleading and desperate.
“I… am completely eliminating myself from this predicament, Sena. If you want to ask him out for yourself, you should do it. Besides, who wouldn’t like you? You’re amazing.” Your voice is sincere and genuine, and you hope she pushes all of her fears and insecurities to the side to do something about her feelings.
“It would just be so much easier if I knew if he thought I was cute or something.”
“Everyone thinks you’re cute.”
“That’s not the point, YN. Listen, how ‘bout this? You don’t even have to drop my name in there; just ask what his ideal girl is like or something… or let Guk do the work! I’m sure he already knows the answer. Just help a girl out, please, YN.” You sigh defeated because your sister was really good at convincing.
It wasn’t really hard to figure out what type of girl Namjoon was interested in or… if he was interested in girls. All of this was easier said than done and you were going to rely on Jungkook a lot on this.
“I’m not going to prioritize this.” You surrender and she is giddy in her seat.
“YN, you are the best sister anyone could ask for.”
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Several weeks have passed since you had last had your conversation with your older sister. You made an emphasis that you weren’t going to prioritize delving into Namjoon’s personal life. You were purely on a calculus homework and best friend’s next door neighbor relationship with him. But you finally get an idea of what Namjoon likes in a girl when he had to leave early for calculus to get pep rally ready for the first football game that Friday.
Unknown [14:34]: It’s Namjoon. Got your number from Guk.
For some reason, you feel your heart leap out of your chest at the text message. You’re still seated in calculus class working on the first few problems of your homework without him. You look up to see that Mrs. Kang is too busy assisting other students confused with the problem. Honestly, you were confused too and were unsure with your methods, but your mind had been too focused on your cellphone the entire time.
Namjoon [14:35]: Should’ve gave you the heads up about this. Sorry about leaving you alone to work. ):
You [14:36]: It’s no big deal. Seems like everyone’s confused, tbh.
Namjoon [14:36]: Fuck, mb. It’s the first game of the night, so I’m kind of required to be here. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.
Namjoon [14:37]: I have some down time after setting up. Maybe we can work on it then?
You [14:37]: Just tell me the time and place, I’ll be there. (:
Namjoon says that he had somebody covering his duties for the student council before the game began. You see him rushing inside a computer lab that remained open for students to use. You had reserved a table at a secluded corner because you wanted to be away from prying eyes. He spots you trying to reread your notes and erase the umpteenth method you had tried for a word problem you were stuck on.
He admires the way your brows knit together; lips pursed as you began redoing your method on a separate piece of paper. He keeps standing, not taking his place on the chair right next to you – too afraid that you would interrupt your flow. You feel a presence right next to you and he nearly gives you a fright and you realize just how tall he is.
“You scared me.” You inform and he chuckles softly at how endearing it was. He takes the seat right next to you where he is already pulling out notebook and pencils from his bag.
“I left my book at my locker. Do you mind if I share your book with you?” You look at your open textbook and nod at once pushing the textbook closer for both of you to see. “Thanks.” He scoots much closer than you had intended and when he strips his hoodie off of him, you can smell his cologne and how good it smelled on him.
You ignore your thoughts and scurry back to the problem you’re on.
“What problem did you end on?” He inquires and you point to the exact word problem you had been staring at for the past thirty minutes in class.
“It’s been bugging me. I didn’t want to ask Mrs. Kang because I wanted to figure it out myself.” You were so stubborn, he thought to himself. You had only completed a total of eight problems when there was so much more to do for the weekend. For some reason, you decided to stay stuck on that problem for god knows how long and Namjoon found it adorable – one of the few attributes he liked about you.
He reads the word problem and begins trying to solve the problem on his own. After several tries, he had figure out what you had done wrong and he so desperately wanted to point it out to you. Just when he was about to open his mouth, you turn to him and shake your head, covering your ears with your hands.
“No. I refuse to let you tell me what you did wrong. I can figure this out myself.” You whisper harshly. Namjoon can’t help but respond with silenced laughter because this is exactly how your homework sessions have been going; just the both of you refusing to let the other correct each other until the other figured it out themselves.
“Can I give you one clue?”
“Nope.” You popped your ‘p’ to accentuate just how persistent you were. You stuck out your lower lip as you examined the word problem again and he looked at the glossiness of your mouth and the softness of your cheeks; how he desperately wanted to lay his own petals right on yours as his fingers crawl to your face.
“So, I have a question.” He starts.
“And I can try to give you an answer depending on what it is.”
“Are… you and Guk by any chance – y’know?” His question is vague, but you definitely know what he is asking you because lots of people were never really used to the idea of a boy and a girl ever being best friends; for some reason, people assume they always end up dating and never talking to each other again.
“God, no. I love him, but I don’t love him like… I’d date him.” Your cheeks were fully flamed, and you weren’t so sure why you were so embarrassed to discuss this with Namjoon. All the times you had to clarify people on your relationship with Jungkook, you were almost disgusted and quick to reassure people that you two were nothing more than friends.
“Well, is there anyone you were willing to date?” Namjoon is pushing the boundaries here and he knows it very well. But he feels like he has gotten to know you well enough in the past few weeks to ask such a question.
“Not that… I know of really.” You try to remain composed when you respond to his question, but you feel his eyes burn into your soul, so you’re doing everything you can to avoid his stare. But Namjoon continues to stare right into you. He really can’t take his eyes off of you. “Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever really experienced what it’s like to be attracted to –” Just when you had mustered the confidence to look at him, he is quite literally staring so deeply into your eyes that it is taking your breath away.
He is making you eat your words right now; you can’t take your eyes off of him.
“You don’t know what it’s like to…?”
“I don’t what it’s like to be attracted to someone.” You sigh softly; your breath fanning him. “On the contrary, I don’t think anyone’s ever really been attracted to me.” A chuckle comes erupting from your mouth, shaking your head. “Fortunately, that’s not really my goal in high school.”
“You don’t know that.” He quips.
“I don’t know what?”
“If someone’s been attracted to you before.” You shake your head in disbelief, chewing on the inside of your cheek knowing fully well that he was doing this because he wanted to seem like a dick for not disagreeing with your self-deprecation.
“Well, what about you?” You pose the question to him. “From what I understand, most girls and guys I pass by swoon every time you pass by.” He is chuckling to himself this time and he is very much aware of his desirability among his classmates. “You have plenty of choices; I’m sure you have the opportunity to date someone you must really like at this very moment.”
“That’s what I’m hoping on. I’m just not quite sure how she feels about me.” You feel like you were unraveling his darkest secrets and you were happy he considered you close enough to reveal who it is or give an inkling to who it is.
“Do I know her by any chance?” You’re hoping that you can narrow down who he is interested in. Because you barely knew anybody, you knew this would be a piece of cake.
“Yes.” He replies simply and he is staring at you. “You know her very well, YN.” He sighs, hoping you would finally understand what he is alluding to.
“Is she in my grade?” You were really hoping that the answer would be no or else you’d be breaking some terrible news to Sena that evening after the football game.
Namjoon nods slowly and he can see how you are not picking up his hints. He sees the slight disappointment in your face for whatever reason. Suddenly, he is perplexed because, in his eyes, he has made it pretty clear who he was interested in from the get-go. Many people should make the assumption, too, considering there was only one person he had his eyes on – only one person he was giving his attention to.
“Is it… that girl in Guk’s class who –”
As you are trying to list out the girls in your class who has interacted with Namjoon, he is in complete disbelief that you have not figured it out at all. How much more clueless could you get? He is sighing now because is frustrated. He admires your persistence when it came to solving difficult word problems in calculus but it’s frustrating when you are unaware of his feelings for you.
Just when is about to confess his feelings for you, you are greeted with another presence calling for both your names.
“So, this is where you two have been.” Jungkook ambles hastily towards your table and you grin from ear to ear when he is taking out his algebra textbook. “YN, one last chance, please. I didn’t pass my last quiz which brought me one letter grade down and my dad’s going to make me quit track & field if I don’t –”
“I told you I’d help you over the weekend, dumbass. I’m busy getting shit done with Namjoon.” You breathe softly before he is hugging you on your side and you grunt at how much stronger he has gotten. “But you’re buying me coffee for a week.”
“Sick.” Jungkook simply replies before he begins unpacking some of his homework. “You excited for the football game, Namjoon-hyung?” Jungkook queries and Namjoon is baffled because the moment is gone. One interruption from his next-door neighbor and the moment’s lost.
“Fuck yeah.” Namjoon replies and he sees that you’ve suddenly lost interest in the subject. You were subconsciously listening on their conversation while you are back to resolving the complicated word problem right in front of you. “Will you two be going to the game?”
“I’ll go, but YN won’t go because she hates crowds and, honestly, she doesn’t know how the game.” You exhale in response to Jungkook’s statements. Namjoon observes that you decide to move onto another problem, wanting to tackle the word problem at a different time. “Everyone you know will practically be there. Why not give it a shot?”
“We usually have half of the bleachers reserved for the student council since we’re in charge of tickets and concessions, so it won’t be that big of a crowd.” Namjoon attempts to entice you with modifications to appease your concerns. “Plus, we’d all get to hang out with each other; no homework, no calculus talk – just… us.”
Jungkook is stunned to see you agree.
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The night was a lot more enjoyable than you thought it would be. Namjoon waived off the entrance fee for the game the moment he mentioned that you and Jungkook were volunteers. Taehyung was already on the field taking photographs of the football players and cheerleaders while Jimin took photographs of the students on the bleachers. You even passed by your own sister who was busy with her own group at the entrance entertaining friends, families, and alumni into the bleachers. Meanwhile, Namjoon was overseeing every single aspect of the event; he was mainly at the concessions, not wanting to create so much traffic around it.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” You offer your assistance before he notices that you have your hair all tied up. “I’ve washed my hands if that helps.” Namjoon can’t hide his smile and he offer you a pair of food safe gloves.
“I’m usually one to decline help, but we really need it. Let’s see – Yuqi really needs to go use the bathroom, so you can be in charge of the drinks and chips right now.” You take your station at the drinks and chips stations. It was going faster than you had expected; people ordered too fast or too slow – there was no in between. There were people who were very certain with their order which you appreciated. Then, there were the people who were very fickle with their order and you can’t help but stand awkwardly to wait for them to decide.
“I can’t believe you roped me into helping.” Jungkook grumbles under his breath. “Hey, I didn’t rope you into anything.” You take the five-dollar bill from the student and offer them back their change.
“Yeah, but you made me seem like a real asshole sitting there not helping.” You can’t help but laugh at Jungkook’s pout because you knew just how much he wanted to just spend his time on the bleachers, watching the game with his hyungs. But he was stuck here helping out the student council while most of them were on their bathroom breaks.
“Once someone’s back from their bathroom break, you can go back to your game.” You soothe him and the chaos outside the booth is starting to die down. Less and less people were coming because they’ve all satisfied their craving and the game was building up – it was pretty close, so you understand why Jungkook was in there sulking with you. When you turn to look at Namjoon, hoping to convince him to let Jungkook off the hook, you don’t see him there.
You look out the window to hear your sister’s pretentious giggle. She laughed so differently around him – acted so differently around him. He stood right next to her with the rest of the council members, giving them a big pep talk. She looked at him like he was an angel who fell from heaven. Their conversation ends and the rest of the council members disband except Sena and Namjoon. They are having a personal conversation and you can’t read mouths, but you can’t tear your eyes away from their beaming faces.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” You clear your throat, speaking so softly so only Jungkook can hear you.
“I’m all ears.”
“Does – does Namjoon have a type?” You say out of curiosity. Jungkook raises a brow at you, curious as to what motivated you to ask the question.
“Uh, I don’t know. I’ve never really heard hyung talk about any girls… or his type, to be honest.” He hums and he is staring at you stare at your sister and Namjoon. “Why’d you ask?”
“It’s… for Sena.” It was the truth, but your own curiosity was definitely a motivating factor. “She’s been obsessed with Namjoon since… as long as I can remember.” You breathe out, hoping no one else can eavesdrop on your conversation. “She’s been talking a lot about him more since she found out I knew him, y’know?”
“Huh,” Jungkook leans on the table and folds his arms. “Why doesn’t she just tell him?”
“Apparently, she needs some sort of confirmation that he thinks of her that way too, so she doesn’t make a fool of herself.”
“Why don’t you just ask him then?” Your silence is clearly something Jungkook wasn’t expecting because you never actually considered it once. “He’s a pretty easy-going guy; just ask him and he’ll be honest.”
“We’re not on that level of friendship yet, I guess.”
“Well, I consider you guys close enough to ask that kind of question.”
“Then, he’d just assume I’m being friends with him because my sister was using me.”
“Well, are you?”
Your own answer stuns you almost. Just a couple weeks ago, you knew nothing of Namjoon and, suddenly, you are on a level of friendship where you think you can confide him in anything. Perhaps, now, you really understood why everyone obsessed over him; why everyone wanted to be friends with him, why everyone wanted to date him, why everyone just wanted to be noticed by him.
“Then, feel free to ask him yourself.”
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You hadn’t really worked up the courage to talk to Namjoon about his dating life. You repeated to yourself that it wasn’t really a priority to delve into what goes on behind the scenes with Namjoon. You were in a consistent state of going to school, doing your homework, reading books, and retraining your body to try out for the swim team next semester. 
But the time came when you got sick for an entire week and missed so much material, especially calculus material.
But you were eternally saved by Namjoon himself.
Namjoon had requested to drop off the homework sheets and printed copies of his notes over to you. Everything was so detailed, and you were impressed with how organized everything seemed to be. You didn’t know what motivated you to reach for your phone on your bed and dial in his number. Maybe you felt like it deserved a personal thanks rather than a typed one.
“YN?” His voice on the other line sounded so surprised and there was so much noise on the other end. “Give me a second.” He excuses before you hear him move to another location, somewhere much quieter.
“How many times do I have to thank you for being an absolute saint?” Your voice sounded so stuffed. The flu was getting to you really bad, but you were recovering well. But he chuckles into the receiver and you are flipping through each page he had printed before you fall onto your bed, sighing blissfully. “I’m serious, Joon. I’ll say it a million times if I have to.”
“You’ve pulled my weight when I was off doing council work so much. I’m sure if I got sick, you’d do the exact same thing. It’s what partners do.” Namjoon is smiling from ear to ear; he was glowing, and no one was there to really witness it. “I – um, did you see my note attached at the back?”
You are now flipping through the pages frantically until you see a handwritten sticky note that read: “We have a quiz on the Monday you come back. I’m free this weekend if you wanted to study with me.” And there was even a little smiley face attached to it and you are experiencing a whirlwind of emotions.
“You have got to be fucking with me.” You can feel the panic starting to bubble in the pits of your belly, but you were trying not to let it show. “You’ve already done so much for me. I can’t rob you of your weekend. It’s just – It’s just too much.”
“I’m happy to do it, Ace. I promise.” The guy deserved everything in the world because he was too generous for the world and you weren’t so sure what you did to deserve such kindness.
He chuckles embarrassingly into the receiver, chewing on his cheeks. “I – uh, it’s a nickname. I hope you don’t mind.” Suddenly, butterflies erupt from your stomach and there is a glow on your cheeks that you are very much aware of and you are curling into your bed with a shit eating grin on your face.
“I – I like it.” You sigh and Namjoon leans on the wall as he observes the rest of his friends and council members enjoy slices of pizza, taking a well-deserved break from preparing for the pep rally event coming up next week.
“So, is that a yes to a study session this Saturday?”
“Yes.” Your voice is small and hesitant because it feels like you’re doing something wrong when you were just having a quiz session with your calculus partner.
“Great. My place or yours?”
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Namjoon insisted on coming over to your place because you were still recovering. Coincidentally, your parents had the weekend trip away with your dad’s work colleague for a wine tasting event. You debated whether you wanted to tell Sena that Namjoon was going to be arriving in an hour, but you soon realize that she was out with her friend’s house for a movie night session.
You had the place all to yourself and you were relieved and frantic all at once.
You busied yourself the entire day to make yourself look decent; brushed hair, brushed teeth, clean face, and fresh clothes. You throw used tissues into trash bins, changed your sheets, and kicked all of your dirty laundry into your hamper that had fallen on the carpeted floors. As you are jogging downstairs, you discover you have no food in the fridge, so you’d probably have to order a pizza or something to share with Namjoon.
Immediately, you question why you are so desperate to make the place and yourself so presentable when this was a mere tutoring session with your calculus partner?
The doorbell ringing prompts you to peek through the peep hole and you see him; he is wearing a regular white t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. He has his hoodie thrown over his shoulder as he begins texting a message on his phone, waiting for you to open the door for him.
When you unlock the front door and open the door for him, you smile timidly at him.
“Hi,” You greet him nervously.
“Hey, Ace.” He waves before he examines how you look. Despite your red nose and tired eyes, he missed seeing your face for a week; he really did. You stood awkwardly fiddling with your fingers and he can sense just how anxious you are, so he decides to tread lightly. “May I come in?”
His tone is so polite which effectively allows you to open the door wider for him to enter. You are nodding and you close the door shut behind him, ensuring that you have locked them. “I – um, I can’t really offer you anything to eat since my parents are out of town, but we can order pizza, if you want. It’s what my sister and I usually do.”
“I’m more than okay with pizza.” He permits and you nod and begin walking to the living room. “Will we be working here?”
“We can work anywhere.” You announce. The conversation is so light, and you hate how quick yet reluctant you are to your responses. “I – I can get you a glass of water, if you’d like. I’ll just get my things from upstairs and bring them down to the living room.” You inform him and he nods as he is making himself comfortable on the couch.
You are scurrying off upstairs to go get your materials and catching your breath because you think you were holding your breath the entire time. You’re stalling because you’re making a check list of every single thing you need for downstairs to avoid seeing him or talking with him. Just when you are about to exit, you see him at the bottom of the stairs. He is examining each family portrait on the wall.
Your face is hot because you can only imagine how terrible you looked like a child, so you jog downstairs with your study materials to gain his attention. “I never really realized how much Sena looks like your dad.” Namjoon comments and you stop in your tracks, only to examine the portrait he is looking at. “Exact same nose and smile.”
You purse your lips into a thin line because you are reminded once again that he is probably only interested in getting to know Sena – there was always that possibility. You were so familiar with this feeling of discussing your sister with other people because – yes, she is absolutely beautiful and intelligent and there was no denying it.
“But you are like your mother.” He comments as he takes a closer look at your mom who seems to be so much more youthful. “The way she’s smiling here looks so much like the way you smile.” He describes and you allow him to explain more by staying silent. “When you smile, your nose kind of crinkles and the corners of your eyes creases and your dimples are a lot more –”
Your throat seizes because you’re flattered and aware that he has perfectly examined your appearance and all the features in what he sees. He grows silent and he is chuckling nervously, scratching the back of his hand to distract himself.
“Sorry that was… super random.” Namjoon clears his throat, and you are shaking your head before you point towards the living room.
“I – I’m ready now.”
Now, you’re desperately hoping Sena doesn’t come home too early from her friend’s house.
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Hours have passed since Namjoon have gotten you caught up with all of the materials and have assisted you through last week’s homework sheets. Namjoon was impressed with how you can keep up despite your recovering condition. One minute, you were sneezing and wiping your nose clean and, the next minute, you have your lips pursed and brows furrowed as you are writing equations down on a separate piece of paper.
“I got a question for you.” Namjoon begins and you are still too busy piecing everything together for a specific word problem you wanted to master.
“Are you always this focused?” You are typing things into a calculator before you are erasing things on your paper and you turn to look at him, showing him the calculator.
“Is this the right answer?” You ignore his question for a moment.
He nods and you grin at him before you proceed onto the next word problem.
“If I’m a week’s worth of lessons behind, yes, I’m focused all the time.” Namjoon is shaking his head and he is in awe at how you are so quick at writing all the information; he notices how neat your handwriting is too. Namjoon checks his watch and realizes just how late it has been and he clears his throat as he looks out the window to see the sun has gone completely down.
“Will your sister be coming home tonight?” Namjoon notices that you stop writing – you stop solving the word problem that you are tackling because you, suddenly, realize that he is asking about your sister.
“She’s probably still at a friend’s house or something.” He senses the atmosphere has changed and you shift your mind back to the practice problem right in front of you. “Why do you ask?”
“No reason – well, I honestly thought she should be taking care of her recovering sister.” You snicker at his statement.
“She’s a great sister, but she’s not that great.” You quip, biting your tongue at how ridiculous he sounded. “I think we can all agree that she’s smart, charismatic, and ambitious. I will admit she’s a really considerate sister too, but she thinks caring for her ill sister is a parents’ job – not hers.”
“Okay, okay, I get it she’s amazing but not… amazing.” He raises his hands to surrender and his words coming out of his mouth urged you to inquire about his relationship with her.
“If you think she’s amazing, why don’t you date her?” The words came spilling out of your mouth uncontrollably. Maybe it was the meds, you thought. You see the grin disappear from Namjoon’s face into utter confusion and he tilts his head for further clarification. “What I mean is that… you’ve known her and worked with her for so long and she’s a great girl – I’m obviously really biased considering she’s my sister, but you two would make a… great couple.”
You didn’t believe that you were talking about this to Namjoon. You didn’t think you would have the guts to discuss this with him, but the opportunity came up and you took it. But you are faced with such an unfamiliar emotion. True discomfort arises at the pit of your stomach as Namjoon’s brows furrow together and he is shaking his head with the same boyish grin he always flaunted to the world.
“Ace, she’s great, but I… honestly see her as a friend.” He isn’t so sure how many times he’s reiterated those words before. Because little did you know, so many people have asked the exact same thing. Peers and colleagues in their class were very much aware of Sena’s not so little crush on Namjoon for quite some time.
“Well, I mean, isn’t that how all relationships really start? Becoming friends and then possibly developing feelings for each other? Most people always see each other as friends until one of them is aware of the others’ feelings, right?” Your tone was so quizzical. You were treating this conversation like it required rationale and logical reasoning to tackle the issue at hand.
But this wasn’t a problem the mind can solve.
“That’s the usual circumstance, yes.” He admits and he sees that you resume back to the worksheet. “But I’ve known Sena’s had a thing for me and, quite frankly, I’ve been interested in someone else for a while, remember?”
“Someone far more interesting than Sena?” You are in disbelief. You are trying to eliminate other people in school who is on the same social standing as your older sister. “That’s… not possible.” You breathe.
“You’re wrong.” You stop writing because you are retracing your steps on the word problem you are solving. He finds it so endearing how you can’t seem to understand that he is utterly into you, but you are so lost in numbers.
“No, don’t tell me, Joon. I’ve told you this hundreds of times –” You lift your head to look at him to accentuate your reminder; you didn’t want to know what you wrong, you wanted to solve the problem yourself unless you demanded the assistance yourself.
Normally, Namjoon would comply with your request. It was so rare for him to point out your mistake, but he figured this was the perfect time to do so.
“You’re so stubborn.” He breathes before he dives in.
You don’t complete your sentence. Because when you turn your head to look at him with pleading eyes, you are met with his pillowy petals on yours. Your cheeks heat instantaneously, and you can feel your heart leap from your chest.
His kisses were soft and slow. You don’t realize that he has already cupped your cheeks. You’ve never kissed anyone ever before but, for some reason, it was like you knew how to move your mouth against his. He was gentle but there was a certain control he possessed. You pull away momentarily to breathe and, suddenly, you feel the heat of his tongue swipe on your lower lip. A shuddered whimper leaves your mouth before you are regrettably pulling away from addiction.
“N – no, that’s not possible.” You’re still in denial from the events that occurred. “Sena – she’d be so… betrayed if she –” Your brain is glitching and it didn’t help that you can taste the mint of his lips on yours.
“Listen, Ace, for one moment stop thinking about Sena and answer me honestly.” Namjoon positions his body to look straight onto you. “Do you feel the same way I do or not?”
“I don’t – I don’t know.” You shrug before avoiding his eyes. “I – I shouldn’t like you.” You sigh defeated and you are covering your face. You were ashamed not because you like him, but because you didn’t understand what you were really feeling, and you didn’t understand what you wanted to do. “Why – why do you like me?”
“You’re hardworking and incredibly intelligent.”
“I know plenty of other girls who are… exactly the same.”
“Your tastes in book are impeccable. You’re selfless to a degree that I can’t quite comprehend. You keep to yourself, but when you speak your mind, it leaves a lasting impression. Listen, YN, I can keep going, but you can’t… keep doubting my feelings for you.” Namjoon justifies and it was a tough pill to swallow.
You were too stunned to say anything. Too many emotions flooding your brain and it took too long for it to process, so you remained expressionless. Namjoon found it incredibly difficult for him to read your face.
“Ace, it’s really hard to tell how you’re feeling right now.” He points out and you understand just how awkward you sat there; head spinning with so many things to say but very little coming out of your mouth.
“I – I don’t know what you want me to say.” You admit. “I’m not sure what you’re expecting out of me with a confession like this. If I don’t feel the same way, what would’ve happened? If I do feel the same way, what – what was I supposed to do?”
“Well, for starters, do you actually feel the same way as I do?”
“I – I do.” You croak to respond to his inquiry. “I – I don’t think I’ve ever admitted that to myself either, but… I think I like you.”
A wave of relief washed over Namjoon, but there’s a bit of relief for you too. It’s out in the open now, and you know that there’s nothing really you can do about it. There’s a very content grin plastered right across his handsome face, but it slowly transforms into a frown as he realizes that, despite your feelings for each other, nothing will change between the both of you.
“Namjoon, we can’t be anything more than friends.” You realize the unfortunate circumstances the both of you were in. “It’s not fair to my sister. I don’t think it’s very fair to make me choose between you and my sister. I – I don’t think it’s very fair that… you’re in this position.”
Your heart swelled just moments ago, and you can feel it crumble into pieces as the words come spilling out of your lips.
“I understand.” He agrees softly and you perk up at his acquiescence. “I’m not going to force you to be in that position, Ace.” The reassurance softens your tense form, and his fingers cradle your chin, lifting up to be at eye level with you.
“But when you’re ready to reconsider... us, I’ll be waiting.”
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↪ Please stay tuned for the next part!
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green frosting
summary: hockey players aren’t known for their domestic skills, and Nolan isn’t an exception.
word count: 2.7k
note from the writer: day four! enjoy this and the other fics from my Christmas masterlist! tagging @bqstqnbruin​ @broadstbroskis​ @nazkadris​ @laurenairay​ @justjosty​ @sorryjustafangirl​ @tayella13​ @wastedheartcth​ @writinghockey​ / add yourself to my taglist
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Each year the Christmas season seemed to arrive sooner and sooner until suddenly halfway through October you were seeing videos of people intricately decorating holiday cookies that you had no hope of recreating. Still, you saved the videos for reference when you finally had a moment to do some Christmas baking.
When Nolan told you he had the night off, you jumped on the chance to have him to yourself and told him to meet you at your apartment. It had been a few days since the last time you had gotten him alone as a result of hockey, and you were excited to have him over.
And for the chance to make some cookies.
When Nolan showed up at your place, expecting a night in with a movie and takeout, he wasn’t expecting you to already have on your coat and a bright smile. He was dressed casually, grey sweats and a dark Flyers hoodie, and hat on his head that did little to hide the length that was his hair. Still, despite the relatively plain outfit, he never failed to make your heart skip a beat.
“Hey, Nols.” You grinned, pushing yourself up onto your tip-toes to press a kiss to his cheek in greeting. If possible, his cheeks flushed a little bit more red than usual, and you couldn’t help but feel a pang of victory in your chest for drawing the reaction out of him.
See, you and Nolan weren’t technically anything more than friends. But you had been towing the line between platonic and romantic for far too long, and it seemed almost inevitable that things were going to tip in the direction you desperately wanted it to soon.
“Hey, where are we going?” He questioned, voice deep and laced with confusion as he watched you lock your apartment door after shutting the door.
“To the store, I figured we could make some Christmas cookies.” You explained, turning to face him with an excited smile. Part of your giddiness was for the cookies, but mostly you were looking forward to having the chance to see just how poor Nolan’s domestic skills were. “Only if you want to, though.”
“Sounds fun.” He said earnestly, slipping his hand in yours and tugging you in the direction of the elevator he had just arrived from before you got the chance to second guess yourself further. And really, he couldn’t say no when you were smiling at him and he was desperate for any chance to spend time with you.
“We’ll see how fun you find it when we actually start baking.” You teased, knocking him with your shoulder and drawing a chuckle out of him. The elevator doors opened, and you pulled him in with you and without a second thought he crowded you against the back wall after hitting the button for the lobby.
“You know, I missed you a lot on this last trip.” He mumbled, his hands coming to settle on your hips as he backed you into the wall of the elevator. It was things like this that told you that you weren’t the only one that saw the trajectory of your relationship heading into something much less platonic.
“You didn’t miss me on the other ones?” You couldn’t help the chirp, but thankfully it did little to discourage him. Instead, his grip tightened and his smile widened just a bit more. You wondered if he was going to do it then, if he was finally going to kiss you and end this months long game of cat and mouse you had been playing.
“I always miss you.” He conceded, but before you could comment further, the elevator doors dinged open to reveal the lobby and you separated, albeit a bit reluctantly. You were still smiling, though, wide and teasingly as you slipped your hand into his and tugged him out of the elevator.
It was easy to find his car parked on the street and when Nolan opened your door for you, you couldn’t do anything to stop the grin that found its way onto your face. The ride to the store was quick and spent mostly in conversation about what the boys had gotten up to on the latest road trip, and before you knew it he was parking in front of the grocery store you regularly visited.
“And I swear Teeks didn’t leave my room until after midnight, I had to kick him out.” Nolan explained, drawing a chuckle out of you at their dynamic. They seemed like polar opposites, Travis was loud and animated while Nolan preferred to keep to himself. Even so, you had cracked his hard exterior and now were so close to getting to his heart, you could tell.
“Sounds like you guys had fun.” You told him with a smile, climbing out of the car after he parked at the nearest grocery store.
“Wish you could’ve been there, though.” He said, and you chuckled at his sappy words and the way he extended his hand out for you to hold as if it was second nature. You gave his hand a quick squeeze, a silent reply that you, too, wished you could have been there.
It wasn’t exactly late at night, but the grocery store was nearly empty, music playing loudly and you couldn’t help the rush of excitement you felt as you remembered your purpose of the trip. Eagerly, you grabbed a basket and pulled Nolan further into the store.
“They’ve been playing this song since November.” Nolan groaned, following after you and letting you take control. It took you a moment to realize what he was talking about, but then you heard the familiar tune of “Sleigh Ride” by The Ronettes playing through the store’s speaker.
“Grinch.” You huffed playfully, knocking your shoulder into his arm and drawing a chuckle out of him. “C’mon, I have most of the stuff we need but I need cookie cutters, food coloring, and confectioners sugar.”
“Confectioners sugar?” He repeated, as if the words were forgein to his ears and he’d never heard of it before. You chuckled at his cluelessness, somehow his complete lack of domestic skills and knowledge endearing to you.
“Powdered sugar, Nols.” You teased, but before he could make a playful commnet back, you were distracted by the display of cookie cutters and other Christmas baking supplies. Nolan let you pick, knowing that whatever you decided he’d go along with—and not just about cookie cutters; you had him wrapped around your finger without even knowing it.
He watched as you absentmindedly hummed along to the Christmas song playing through the store. He wondered how he could have gotten so lucky to be the one you were late night baking with, the one you spent most of your freetime with. He wanted to be yours, he wanted the label and the ability to show you off without fear of you thinking he was overstepping.
Hell, he already thought of you as his girl.
“Anyone home?” Your voice dragged Nolan out of his thoughts, hand waving in front of his face with a playful grin on yours. Your smile widened as he grabbed your hand, threading your fingers together all while rolling his eyes at you. He was suppressing a grin, you could see it in his eyes and the way the corners of his lips twitched so you considered it a win and tugged him in the direction of the rest of the items you needed.
The sugar was an easy find but the food coloring was on the very highest shelf and Nolan would be damned if he passed up the opportunity to tease you. He acted as if he wasn’t going to grab the box for you, arms crossed over his chest and a smug grin on his face as he encouraged you to just grab the box. It was all in good nature and you found yourself giggling through threats until he finally caved and pulled the box down for you.  
His hands barely left you the entire trip, fingers threaded through yours or palms on your waist as he stood behind you at checkout. It was as if he couldn’t help himself, and you didn’t mind one bit. You could get lost in him for hours, so as soon as you settled back into his car for the drive back to your place, you reached over and grabbed his hand, lacing your fingers through his. You spotted the grin on his face, but before you could tease him for it, he pressed a kiss to the back of your hand and set your hands in your lap.
Nolan made sure to grab the bag out of the backseat before you had the chance to, and as you walked into your apartment building, you wondered what you could have possibly done to get lucky enough to have Nolan in your life. He was sweet, funny, and devilishly attractive.
You just wished he’d ask you out, or at the very least kiss you.
“So, where do we start?” Nolan asked after setting the bag on your kitchen counter.
“Grab the bluetooth speaker out of my room, please?” You asked sweetly, moving around your kitchen deftly and pulling out all of the ingredients you’d need to make the standard Christmas sugar cookies. Nolan saluted playfully before slipping out of the room, returning just as you pulled the eggs out of the refrigerator. You handed him your unlocked phone and told him to connect it to the speaker and went to work in grabbing two large bowls and the mixer.
“What playlist?” He asked from his spot leaning against the counter. You turned and grinned at him, taking an extra second to admire how effortlessly attractive he looked while just standing in your kitchen.
“The Christmas one, Nols, we’re making Christmas cookies.” You told him as if it was obvious, a grin on your face that assured him you were just teasing. He rolled his eyes playfully, but otherwise complied and within seconds “Mistletoe and Holly” by Frank Sinatra was playing through the speaker.
“Alright captain, what’s first?” Nolan asked, setting your phone down and stepping towards the counter where you’d set up the ingredients.
“Okay, we need to measure these and put them in this bowl.” You told Nolan, gesturing to the flour, baking powder, salt, and one of the bowls you had gathered. Putting Nolan in charge of the flour with little more than the amount he needed and a threat to not make a mess, you went to work measuring the other ingredients. Unsurprisingly, you finished your tasks before Nolan, and watched with a giggle as he focused intently on getting the exact amount of flour you told him.
The rest of baking went similarly to the start, you told Nolan what to do and he did it with brows furrowed in concentration and a seriousness you hadn’t expected him to have when you asked him to bake with you.
“So now we just wait?” He asked for clarification, looking between you and the sheet of cookies you had just put in the oven.
“Mhm, and when that sheet is done we cut out some more until there’s not enough dough to make more.” You explained to him, leaning against the counter to admire him. There was flour on his sweatshirt and on the brim of his backwards hat from when he adjusted it. You were cleaner, but you were convinced that it was impossible to bake anything and escape without getting some flour on you.
The song switched just as you finished talking, the familiar intro to Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” filling your kitchen and making a grin appear on your face. Nolan recognized that look, and instantly he was pushing himself up from where he had been leaning against the counter to pull you into his arms and dance dramatically in your kitchen.
He spun you around and you giggled wildly, your moves anything but graceful. He was smiling wide, too, and you decided that it was your favorite sight. The music continued, switching to it’s more upbeat tune and allowing you to dance even goofier, much to Nolan’s delight. You tried to force him to match your energy, but the most you got was a dorky shimmy after you pouted playfully.
“Don’t act like you’re not having fun.” You sighed, breathing a little heavier than you probably should have been after dancing. A mellower song played after Mariah, shifting the mood from goofy and light to a little more serious, though the smile on Nolan’s face helped grow yours.
“I never said I wasn’t having fun, I’d just rather watch you.” He explained, settling his hands on your waist and pulling you closer. Your heart picked up in pace, the look in his eyes one that had you excited, one that had you hoping that maybe he was finally going to kiss you.
“Charmer.” You muttered, if only to fill the silence. Nolan chuckled at that, but he didn’t seem to want to make a comment back, and instead he began leaning his head down, slowly, as if he was giving you a chance to back out. You weren’t going to, not even a little bit, but the very second you tilted your chin up to silently ask for a kiss the alarm on the oven went off, loud enough to have you jolting away from Nolan despite how much you wanted to stay in his arms.
You tried to ignore the way he groaned in defeat as you turned away from him to pull the first sheet of cookies out of the oven. Nolan started on the next batch, rolling out the dough like you had taught him. You had a system going, and soon enough all the cookies were cooled on the counter and there were various bowls with different colored frosting. You had red, white, green, and yellow for the Christmas trees, stars, and candy canes cookies you had cut out.
Unsurprisingly, you were much neater than Nolan, and in no time he had frosting all up and down his shirt. Halfway through carefully frosting a Christmas tree, you turned around to grab your phone and change the song, only to catch Nolan grinning at you.
“You’ve got a little something.” He mumbled, smiling at you gesturing to his cheek. You reached a hand up on your own face, brushing at the area but somehow missing whatever was on his face. Nolan chuckled, stepped forward to help you out. He swiped his thumb across your cheek, and pulled back his hand to show you the green frosting you had been using to decorate the Christmas shaped trees with on his thumb. Parting his lips, he sucked the frosting off with an obnoxious hum, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Are you going to kiss me now?” You asked, voice confident with a teasing lilt and it was all it took for Nolan to duck his head down and connect his lips to yours. It was a long awaited kiss, one that had been built up by months of teasing glances and not-so accidental brushes.
You wanted to thread your fingers into his hair, but your hands were still covered in frosting so instead you gripped his already frosting-stained shirt in a bid to keep him in place. He was cupping your face, holding you just as close and you felt as if you were on cloud nine. He tasted like green frosting, so much so you wondered if he had been sneaking some from the bowl instead of just the small bit he had licked off his thumb.
You weren’t sure who pulled back first, but you were both smiling at each other and it was clear the feelings you had for him were mutual. You pushed yourself up onto your tip-toes to press another quick kiss to his lips before settling back onto your feet.
“The frosting tastes good.” You teased, and somehow Nolan’s cheeks turned rosier.
“Are you sure we have to finish this? I think we should just keep kissing.” He suggested, and though the offer was tempting, you rolled your eyes playfully.
“Cookies first, then we can do your idea.”
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