#please send me more outsiders content i'm screaming
calisources · 6 months
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All sentences have been taken from different media to be compiled into a list. This is not a meme for minors, the content here goes from mild to highly sexual, topics like dominance, submissive, bondage,praise kink and breeding are all present so discretion is key. Change names, pronouns, locations as you see fit.
You are perfect. And now you wear my mark, your ass is mine.
Tie me up, please…
Kiss me hot,heavy,wet & angry with that attitude like you do when your mouth yells it hates me but your tongue screams it can’t wait for me.
Let me undress your body, caress your skin and wetly massage your mind back into making love to me again.
They wanted her. They all loved her. And they wanted to keep her.
A little vanilla never hurt anybody.
If you have any sense you’ll stay away from him.
Touch me, like this, like a good girl.
That’s it, use your tongue. 
I'd planned to have you on your bed the first time, but maybe I should take you here, by the mirror, so you can see how splendid we are together.
I’m not going to deny that I want to fuck you. I cannot do anything else, But I will say that I have plans for you if you say yes.
I’ll fuck you so good, for so long that the only thing you’ll crave is my hands on your skin, my cock deep in your pussy.
I want a second serving of you. I’m hard just thinking of your perfect breasts and hard nipples.
As much as I appreciate that, right now you’re all I want to eat.
Now will you please sit on my face already?
You are corrupting me, Theo.
But you like being corrupted, don't you, sweet girl?
The destruction of something beautiful can appear so entertaining.
If women were totally satisfied with their sexual and lovemaking experiences, women would welcome the lovemaking experience as much as men.
I want to learn from you. Teach me what you know.
Once I make you mine, you will be mine forever. I will call you and you will come, in more ways than one.
What have I taught you? Show me, sweet girl.
Use your thighs, ride like it’s your last day on this earth.
I been aching to be inside you since we met, you devil woman.
Hands braced against the wall, and open your legs.
You tasted sweet, like oranges, liquid sunshine in my mouth.
I need you. Every pore of my being is begging. This is what we do.
The things I want from you, darlin’, will give you nightmares, ones like you’ve never had before.
If you could read my mind, I’m pretty sure you’d either be traumatized, sexually aroused or both.
The nicer you treat her outside the bedroom, the naughtier it will get inside the bedroom.
Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature.
That’s it. You can take a lot more, don’t you? Hold on to me.
If you behave, I’ll let your hands go and touch me.
I love your skinny legs, and what's between them.
 I don't want words, but inarticulate cries.
All you have to do is beg, and I will give you what you want.
I want you splayed out on the table like my own personal feast.
I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair. Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
You make the sweetest little noises. But I need you to be louder, let everyone know.
It's like an itch, isn't it? You can feel it in your throat. You want to scream for me.
Every time you move tomorrow, I want you to be reminded that I've been here. Only me. You are mine.
I felt like an animal, and animals don't know sin, do they?
And ye whimper under me, and struggle as though you wanted to get away, and I know it's only that you're struggling to come closer, and I'm fighting the same fight.
I can help you with that.
Forgetting him. Moving on. I’m okay with being your rebound. I’ve already said that I want you.
You’ll give yourself to me? Let me take control? Let me send you over the edge of ecstasy time and again until you awaken?
Possess. Have. Hold. Enjoy. Control. Dominate. Pick your verb, Ms. Fairchild. I intend to explore so very many of them.
I feel claimed.
You’re so primed. I can feel that hot little pussy clenching around me every time I move a muscle or say a word.
Yeah, arch your back so I can look at you going nice and tight around my fingers.
Pet, I give you permission to be as vocal as you wish, because I am going to blow your mind in a few minutes and I want to hear how much you enjoy the ride.
If you want me to touch you, all you have to do is ask. It would be my pleasure -  and yours.
Watch me make love to you.
I'd like to bite that lip.
I want you sore, baby.
I cannot let you burn me up, nor can I resist you.
There is no room in my body for anything but you.
Eat me, drink me; thirsty, cankered, just take me as I am.
I live for sex. I celebrate it, and relish the electricity of it, with every fibre of my being.
I’m not wearing anything underneath. Want to see?
You will be staying here until I’ve deemed it safe for you to go back to your life. Do you understand me?
Dominate you? Yes. Master you? yes. Make you yield to what you want, make you surrender to who you truly are? Yes.
Why don’t you scream my name? Let every other man and woman who you belong to.
I don’t want to think, I just want to feel.
I taught you everything you know. Every man after me is just a shadow of what I did to you.
I knew you could be a good girl.
You were fucking made for me.
God is not gonna save you from me, baby.
My mouth wants you, I want to feel you in my mouth, way down in my mouth.
I am moist between the legs.
I came three times. During sex. 
Do you know all the ways a Lady can be seduced? The things I could teach you?
You stay right where daddy puts you, baby girl.
Wait until you taste her. She is fucking delicious.
Lick my fingers and feel how wet you are.
Are there big, bad monsters in the woods who want to eat me up?
Right there, don’t stop. I can feel it. 
Please come in me, I don’t care, I want to feel you.
Where do you want it, baby girl? Your cunt, your mouth or your neck?
Close your eyes and relax. One kiss. I don’t bite.
Seriously? In the morning, again? 
You said to rest but I can feel you hard against my back. 
You can do all the rest sweet, let me take care of you.
I want you to fuck me, Chris.
A little playful banter never hurt — or did it?
One should always explore something, before one goes in deeper.
Come here and undress me.
How am I supposed to do my job when all I can think about is getting back to you?
Someone could walk in on us. 
Better be good and come fast, then. Or everyone will see you begging for more.
I can imagine my hands getting your fucking clothes off right now.
Do not shy away from the sensations I create, Cherry Blossom. Take pride in them, as I do.
Am I doing it good, baby? Just like you taught me? 
Tell me I’m a good girl. Your only girl. 
When I come, I come for you. Because of you and your mouth, hands, and insatiable little cunt.
My tongue, my fingers, my cum inside you. Just you and me, Eva. Intimate and raw.
How many have been with you ever since? Or no one compared? Tell me.
Show me then. I demand that you show me. That’s an order.
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Chapter 9: Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary:  When you decided to work with Butcher and his merry band of supe hunters to take down Homelander, you neve expected to be saddled with a sullen, grumpy, jerk like Soldier Boy when the job was done. The more you're around him the more you hate him, but you can't help but wonder, is he really as big a jerk as you think? Reader is a supe with plant powers. This takes place in an AU about a month after the end of The Boys Season 3, in which Butcher has let Soldier Boy continue to work with him on his team.  (I'm real bad at summaries, please forgive me!) Soldier Boy calls the reader "Petals."
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers (Not in this chapter), Slow Burn, Age Difference (Reader is in her 20s), Soft Ben/ Soldier Boy, Protective Ben/Soldier Boy
Word Count: 6.7K
Warnings: I'm going to label this 18+ because Soldier Boy (he's a warning and everyone knows it), swearing, mentions of sex, sexual innuendo, sexual jokes, sexual tension, Nightmare, Mentions of Death, Mentions of Drowning, Mention of Vomiting, SUPER GROSS SUPERPOWER, Reader is really oblivious, and I mean REALLY oblivious. Ben/Soldier Boy might be a little bit OOC.
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal monologue is in italics and is in first person.
A/N: This chapter is just really fluffy and I didn't want to keep it to myself, because it makes me so happy. Well, after the first part at least.
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Rain glazed all the sharp edges of the world outside the car, smearing the drops against the windows with a heavy hand. The humid air breathed and iced the glass, but did not disrupt the droplets that raced quickly by, catching and sparkling in the sporadic streetlights along the twisting road.
Your mother was singing softly along to "Nights In White Satin", the haunting melody building with every note, your father's deep baritone weaving with hers to make a wonderful melody in the silence of the night. The smell of rain seeped through the ancient air conditioning, the heady scent of wet earth and clean water filling the cab of your family's car.
 You smile to yourself in the backseat, sleepy and content, tracing a single finger against the smudged glass to watch each raindrop race against the fogged glass. You could still taste the chocolate ice cream on the tip of your tongue from the cone your parents have bought you on the way home, your hands and cheeks sticky with the remains. The leather seats of your family car are worn in and soft beneath you from years of family trips all over the United States. There was still a loose marble rolling around back and forth with every gentle rock of the car as it moved smoothly over the wet roads, a comfort when you were a baby and you couldn't sleep and your parents drove around the block to send you into the sweet abyss.
The sharp plunk of rain against the windshield is heavy, but your father reaches to turn up the song on the radio, flicking his eyes to smile at your mother one final time. And as he glances back up he shouts something.
You can't hear what it is, only that when you look out the windshield you see a brilliant flash of white light coming straight for the car and feel the car jerk to the right as your father yanks on the wheel. There's an awful sound of concrete against metal, a high pitched screech that you can't forget followed by the almost inhuman scream of terror that comes from your mother's mouth, as the car breaks through the concrete side of the bridge and goes off the road.
There's an awful moment of weightlessness and when the car hits the water everything goes black.
You jolt upwards out of bed, screaming at the top of your lungs, chest heaving and gasping for air as the memory of water filling your lungs floors your senses. You shudder involuntarily, rocking back and forth as you try to shake off the memory of your parent's death.
No one really knew what happened that night, what the bright light was that you saw or where it came from. The detective said that it had to be lightning, but it hadn't looked like lightning to you. Your parents had drowned inside, but you survived. When the police arrived on the scene of the crash they found you on the bank of the river with the branches of the trees forming a protective cage around you. The back windshield of the car had been completely destroyed, blown inward when the trees along the bank had reached in to pull you out.
You always thought it was funny that somewhere deep down your powers took over, you weren’t  sure if it was when you blacked out or if you somehow forgot what happened in your parent's final moments, but all you knew was that you were alive because you called out for help and the trees answered.
A part of you still felt guilty. It had been your fault that you were out. There was a music recital at school, they'd come to support you, Darren had stayed home too busy doing homework to care. He was taking courses at the local community college, too involved in his own life to pay any attention to yours, except when he needed you. You weren't sure why the trees hadn't saved them too, why you were the only survivor.
You reach for your bedside table, scrambling in the darkness to find the inhaler that usually helps, before finally putting it to your lips and taking in a long puff.  It helps for a moment. Your heart was still beating fast, a cold sweat making your sleep shirt stick to your back, as another involuntary shudder works through your body, the sound of your mother's scream ringing in your ears.
You press your face into your knees trying to calm your breathing when your bedroom door snaps in half. Pieces of the door shoot through the air like shrapnel as Ben appears in the doorway, shirtless, wearing only a pair of black sweatpants holding one of the lamps from your living room.
"Ben what the fuck?" You scream, heart already feeling like it was going to burst out of your chest.
"What happened? What's going on? Why did you scream?" He shouts back, eyes darting around the room as if looking for invisible intruders.
"Get out of my room!" You shout.
"Not until you tell me what's going on." Ben's eyes fall on you once more and you watch the tension in his shoulders drop an inch. "Are you okay?"
"Yes." You lie taking in a deep breath, hoping that you can calm down your heart beat and that he's not paying attention to that.
He was.
"No, you’re not."
"Yes I am." You didn’t feel like doing this with him, didn’t feel like telling him exactly why you'd just woken up screaming or deal with him teasing you.
It had been a few days since the party and you had been trying your best to make things as normal between the two of you as you could, especially after you'd yelled at him. It had been more awkward the day after, not because of what you said to him, but because of what he yelled at you after the supe got away. He hadn't come back to the apartment until after you'd gone to bed and when you woke up on Sunday morning, Ben had gotten you coffee again when he went out to get a newspaper.
You figured that was his way of apologizing for yelling at you. That and he had insisted on walking to "Please Don't Die" with you on Monday and Tuesday morning, as if he thought that you were incapable of doing it yourself and then showed up when you got out of work at 5 to walk you back home. You didn't know how he figured out what time you got off of work, only that when he showed up to get you on Monday, he glared at Jake who was debating with you about which of Rory Gilmore's love interests was the best.
Jake had watched a few episodes with his younger sister when she visited him a few weeks ago to tour some of the colleges in New York, and she'd gotten him hooked. Annie and you had watched Gilmore Girls forever ago, but you'd started watching a few episodes now that it was fall and that meant you were being reminded of how much you obsessed over the show when you were younger.
Ben had stood there watching the two of you, noticing how close Jake was standing to you and how Jake seemed to smile even wider and how Jake spoke animatedly to you over the display of cactus all the while frowning and glaring daggers in the back of Jake's head.
You'd be lying if you said that you weren't reconsidering dating Jake. Ben had made it clear what he wanted and despite how much you were attracted to him, you knew that he didn't want to be what you wanted, and you didn't want to force Ben into something or try to turn him into something he wasn't. So you were trying to think about what it would be like dating Jake. He definitely had the kind of qualities you were looking for, he was one for relationships, he had the same sense of humor you did, he liked plants almost as much as you, he was kind and compassionate, and he had a warm smile.
The problem was you couldn't imagine what it would be like to date him and for some reason the thought of dating Jake didn't bring you as much joy as it would have a few weeks ago, and you had no idea why that was.
You also didn't know why Ben came to pick you up or forced himself to walk with you to work, especially if he hated Jake so much and hated being around Jake, but Ben did, and then bought you a cup of pineapple iced tea from your favorite shop around the corner from your apartment on the way home even though you insisted on paying for yourself. He thought that pineapple iced tea sounded disgusting, but because you liked proving him wrong, you'd let him have a sip and he'd grudgingly agreed that it wasn't "that bad," but then took another sip of it when you put it down on the kitchen counter for a second to pet Bean when he thought you weren't looking.
Honestly you didn't understand why he was so eager to walk with you to work or why he wanted to walk you back to the apartment. Not when Ben seemed to fill his life and all his time endless dates with the women of New York City, something that you noticed he hadn't done in the past three days since the party. You always figured he had better things to do than walk with you, and yet he had making somewhat pleasant conversation, well, pleasant for Ben which was not the same as pleasant for other people. But it wasn't terrible. He did occasionally tease you because you couldn't walk past a wilting plant without perking it up, but that was to be expected.
"No, you're not." Ben put the lamp down on the floor by your door. It didn’t have it's shade on it anymore and you figured that Ben had ripped it from the living room table when he heard you scream, throwing the shade to the floor when he kicked down your bedroom door.
The same door that was lying in pieces on the hardwood floor of your bedroom.
How am I going to explain that to the super?
"Yes-" You gasp for air and shove the inhaler in your mouth again to take another puff and this time it takes. "I am." You finish, swiping your free hand over your face to rid yourself of the tears, but for some reason they won't stop. "Please, Ben just go-" Your voice breaks for a moment and you bury your face into your knees again.
You really wanted him to go, didn't want to talk to him about this, didn't feel like putting up with his teasing or with his disgusting jokes, and didn't want him to make fun of you for using an inhaler, the same one you'd had prescribed by your doctor when he told you that your nightmares were causing panic attacks. You didn’t have to use it all the time, just when you had the dreams.
You feel the end of your bed dip and you glance up from your knees at Ben. He's sitting there, not quite looking at you, instead he's petting Bean where he was guarding over you as you slept.
"You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to, but I don't want to leave you when you're like this Petals." He says it more to the cat than to you, barely audible. Bean was leaning into Ben's hand as if Ben being in your bedroom, sitting on your bed was normal.
You suddenly feel like you’ve been struck by lightning. What he said was so honest so caring so completely unlike the Ben you knew that all you could do was stare at him. If anything the shock of what he said seemed to help you regulate your breathing and calm down from the images you had just seen in your nightmare.
Ben doesn’t say anything, just continues to rub Bean under his chin, sitting on the end of your bed like it’s the most natural thing in the world and as if he hasn’t said anything at all.
You stare at him for longer than you should, tracing the dips of his broad shoulders, the gentle freckles that graces his skin, and muscles as the taper down his back. You’d seen him shirtless before, but every time you’re unprepared for how good he looks.
Right now he looks, different. He looks softer.
You’re not sure if it’s because of the yellowed light from your bedside table lamp or if it’s because he’s petting Bean, but there's something about him that feels more open, as if he genuinely cares, and it makes you want to talk to him. You sit there for another few minutes calming your breathing, still holding on to your knees, but you prop your chin on your knee so you can look at him.
Why won't he leave? Why does he care so much that he wants to stay here?
Bean stands and saunters up the bed to press his head into your shin as if he's checking up on you. "Hey buddy." You whisper hoarsely, rubbing him behind his ears.
Ben turns his body, folding one of his legs under him and the other hangs off your bed so that his bare foot is sitting on the hardwood floor of your bedroom. He's watching you with an unreadable expression, eyes following the trail of your hand on Bean's back, but Ben does not break the silence.
"I have nightmares sometimes." You whisper. Bean's thick gray fur was falling through your fingertips in a comforting way, his luminous amber colored eyes looking up at you. "But I'm okay."
Ben still doesn't say anything.
The high pitched ring of the metal of the car on concrete makes you wince and he doesn't miss it. You watch his hand twitch as if he wants to touch you, but instead he lays it on the bed between the two of you, sinking into the soft comforter.
"I've never heard you scream like that before." Ben murmurs under his breath. "I thought that-"
You glance up at him, eyes wide.
He runs a hand through his hair nervously, as if he's uncomfortable continuing the conversation. "I thought that the supe was in here with you."
"The electric guy?"
Ben nods once.
"No I don't think he's in here. Unless he's hiding under the bed or something." You smile weakly at the joke, but you can still feel the jolt of the car hitting the water and the sharp snap of the seatbelt cutting into your chest. This time you successfully fight the shudder.
Ben doesn't smile. "The nightmares aren't about him are they? Or when I-" He stops mid sentence eyes flicking away from you, ashamed.
You understood what he was asking. Ben and you, like any modern day meet cute, had met mid-fight, the night that Butcher took him to Vought to take down Homelander. Back then you hadn't been working for Butcher, you'd showed up with Annie, and when Ben advanced on her you'd shoved Annie out of the way from his outstretched hands.
You hadn't been fast enough to escape yourself and he had hauled you up into the air by your throat, his chest glowing a dangerous orange spreading up through his skin until it turned his eyes a molten gold. Your hands had held on to his wrists so tight that you felt like your skin was burning and you were desperately trying to think of a way out of this. But just as you thought he was going to explode, his eyes had locked on yours and you watched something move through them that wasn’t rage. Ben had thrown you across the room and gone after Butcher instead.
"Is that why you didn't want me to move in?" Ben's gaze is on you, something deep buried in his eyes that looks a lot like regret. "Because you're afraid of me? Because I hurt you?”
“Ben, no. I’m not afraid of you.” You touch his hand where it rests on the bed gently. He had hurt you. The bruising around your neck for the few weeks that followed was ugly and had to be covered up with turtlenecks and foundation to avoid people on the street asking you if you needed help.
But it hurt you more to know that he thought that you were afraid of him and that he worried about that. Because you weren’t afraid of Ben. Yes he lost his temper and would yell very loudly and always felt the need to scream his opinion to the world, but you didn’t think that he was a bad guy despite what he had done. If you had been afraid of him then you wouldn’t have let him stay with you in your apartment, let alone live with your cat.
He looks relieved when you say it. “Then what are they about?”
“I-“ You swallow, before dropping your gaze back to your knees. You retract your hand, but Ben turns his over, palm up and gently holds yours, not quite squeezing it, just laying beneath yours.
What in the actual fuck is happening?
You glance down at where he’s holding your hand, the warmth from his body comforting like the first day of summer, seeping through your body as it does to take away the chill the nightmare left behind. It seemed a little awkward for him, as if he wasn't sure what to do now that your hand was laying on top of his. He wasn't even entwining your fingertips together, but your fingers just barely curved over the thick muscle at the base of his thumb. His hand was bigger than yours, rough and worn in just the right places.
“It’s about my parents.” The words feel like cotton in your mouth. “The night they died.”
You bite the inside of your cheek. You weren't sure that you wanted to talk to him about this. You'd never wanted to talk to anyone about it. The only person you'd ever spoken about it with outside of your family was Annie. But he was here, and he was looking at you differently, and he was actually holding your hand, sort of, and he was acting so different than any time you'd spent together.
"I was twelve. It was raining and we were coming home from a music recital." You couldn't remember what it was you sang, just remember the people coming up to congratulate you and the large bundle of gardenias that your parents had bought you. "My dad was driving and they were singing in the front seat together."
You felt the tears begin to build behind your eyes, throat closing. You can't really look up at him now, all you do is stare at where his hand sits under yours. " We were crossing over a bridge and there was this brilliant flash of light, my dad swerved and the car went off the road."
Ben's hand finally curls around yours. "You were in the car?" His voice is lower now, emotion lacing his words. 
You nod once. "In the backseat." You whisper. "I can't really remember what happened after we hit the water, all I know is that the trees saved me."
"I don't know if I somehow called to them as I was drowning, but they broke through the back windshield and pulled me out of the car, but my parents-" Your voice breaks and you don't try to finish the sentence.
Why am I telling him this? He doesn't care. All he wants is-
"I'm sorry." Ben murmurs, interrupting your chain of thought, sounding sincere.
You shrug. "I'm sorry I woke you up."
Ben raises his free hand to tilt your chin up to face him, and you quickly get lost in the greenish glow that draws you in each time he looks at you. "Don't be sorry for that y/n. I'd rather be wrong and you be okay, than sleep through you screaming like that." Ben swallows. "I didn't like it." You watch the ends of his lips twitch for a second and he smiles. "And we both know how much I like to hear women scream my name.”
Despite the conversation you'd have previously, you snort and smile faintly. "Have you always been like this? Or is it a recent development?"
Ben shrugs, thumb rubbing just barely over your cheekbone. "I like to think of myself as charming."
"Of course you do."
"You don't think I'm charming Petals?"
"Still a bad liar." He laughs releasing your jaw to gently touch the scrunched skin between your eyebrows that gave away your lie.
"I don't really think you're that great at lying either." You roll your eyes, swatting away his hand. "At least I can pretend to like people."
"I can pretend to like people-"
"Oh really? Then what about Jake."
At the mention of Jake's name, Ben frowns.
"See!" You smile wide. "I don't understand why you don't like him."
"He's annoying. No one is that happy Petals. He’s probably been drinking the Koolaid for too long and is trying to get you to join a cult. The pussy is practically part golden retriever." Ben rolls his eyes, but then notices you yawn. "I should go." He stands, letting go of your hand as he does. "You need your beauty sleep."
You fight the disappointment that blooms in your chest as he lets go and the immediate loss that comes when he lets go of you scares you. You're afraid of how you seem to be so attached to him, to someone who has told you countless times he doesn't want a relationship, doesn't believe that you need a strong emotional connection with someone else, and someone who said that the only thing he wanted from a woman was to fuck them.  That last part stung a bit. You remember when he said it to you, when you were looking over the map at the other apartment last week.
But why would he say something like that and act like this with me? Why did he come in here to save me from the supe?
"I think you could use some beauty sleep too Gramps. Without it, you look your age. Can't hide all those wrinkles under make-up." You half-smile when Ben sighs, before you pull your hands into your lap and  cross your legs beneath you. "But, thanks for-well- making sure that no one was murdering me."
"It's what roommates are for." Ben pauses in the doorway before he leaves, the light from the hallway reflecting off the strong muscles of his upper back. His body sways, considering if he should say what he's about to. "I -uh- I get them too." He whispers it.
"Nightmares." You see the tension in his shoulders, the word muttered almost like a curse, as if he doesn't really want to admit that.
Your body freezes. "About the lab?"
He looks down and you take that as a yes.
You could only imagine what that was like for him, to be trapped in another country, thinking every day that someone he thought he loved would come find him, but then never did. Again the idea of what Countess did to him, burns hot in your chest. It broke you to think that Ben spent all that time wishing and hoping that she would come for him. You would have. You would have fought tooth and nail to find the man you loved, even if it meant you getting trapped in the process. Not trying wasn't an option in your mind.
Honestly, it was difficult not to come up behind him and hug him, to hold him close and let him know that it was okay to break, that it was okay for him to admit those things with you, and that it didn't make you see him as less than a man. But of course that seemed more like a relationship thing than a friendship thing, not to mention you thought if you tried to do that, Ben would probably somehow get you in the same position you were three days ago when he pinned you against the car with his warm body pressed against you in all the right places and his beard tickling against the sensitive skin of your neck. And that would only send the two of you reeling back to square one, and you thought that in the past three days things seemed to be better between the two of you, more casual and more friendly.
You didn't want to ruin that when you'd practically embarrassed yourself at the party by yelling at Ben outside. So you stay in your bed, your legs still underneath your comforter, your heart no longer pounding in your chest, and your breathing even.
"Well," You say slowly. "If you have one, you know where to find me."
He glances over his shoulder at you, eyes a little wider than usual and you think that he almost looks surprised. Ben nods once and vanishes down the dark hallway going back out to your living room.
You lie back in your bed, placing your inhaler on your bedside before you do, eyes focused on the ceiling and trying not to think about how good it felt to finally talk like two normal people with Ben and trying not to think about how he let you hold on to his hand.
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You drag yourself through the front door of your apartment, exhausted, sweaty, and feeling like you'd swum through a dumpster that had been sitting in the sun for a week. You knew for a fact that you smelled, you didn't need super senses for that. The look of the people that lined the sidewalks of New York while you squished down the sidewalk and up into your apartment building was enough of a clue. Everyone had given you a wide berth and you didn’t blame them. MM even rolled down the window of his car when he drove you back. And he’d made you change your clothes into a set of gym shorts and a t-shirt that reached your knees and proudly proclaimed “I love you daddy” on it.
Yeah. It was that kind of day.
MM also made you sit with a plastic bag over your head to avoid smearing the remnants of the supe that was matted in your hair onto his seats.
When you woke up to answer your phone this morning, that was blasting the UK's national anthem aka. Butcher's ringtone, you knew that your day was going to suck. He had proclaimed over the phone loudly, because Mike had already started to screech Beyonce's "Love On Top,” that he needed you to deal with a supe. You thought that he was going to send you after the electric supe, but no, he and MM had caught a whiff of a supe that was robbing banks with his ability to liquify and turn his body into an tomato colored gelatinous mass.
I know, lovely right?
But of course, Butcher had decided that you were the one for the job and so he sent MM and you, while Ben was assigned to something else on the other side of town. The mission had gone wrong in the worst way, when the supe decided that the only way to fight you was to try and drown you in his liquified flesh, bone, and sinew.
When you'd finally scattered his body in the Hudson, you'd vomited for ten minutes, trying to expel as much of the supe as you could, but you still felt disgusting. MM had tried to be supportive, but the sight of you vomiting sent him hurtling to the nearest trashcan while his own stomach heaved. Not to mention  Butcher had chewed out the both of you good for technically "killing the supe."
But you'd rather the supe died than have to go through that ordeal all over again.
You'd tried to get as much of the orangey-red goo off of your body as possible, but it stained your clothes, so you had to walk through New York city looking like a giant bucket of paint was dropped on you and feeling sticky.
You turn around and lean your forehead against the front door with a loud sigh, trying to catch your bearings before you attempt to make it to the bathroom. You were happy that Mike hadn’t come out of his apartment. You didn’t want to have to explain to him why you looked like you’d taken a bath in tomato soup. Every few minutes you'd get a whiff of yourself and feel the urge to throw up all over again, living in the moment of the supe trying to shove his liquified body down your throat.
"What the fuck happened to you?" Ben asks from the charcoal couch, a blunt perched between his lips.
The living room had already started to look like his bedroom back at the other apartment, pieces of his dirty clothing were spread over your hardwood floors, old beer bottles were sitting on your coffee table, and there was a collection of half-smoked blunts in a large ceramic pot that you were letting Ben use as an ashtray. The room was still yours though. The plants on the walls and in pots around the space had not been harmed by Ben's habitation of your apartment. You wondered if that was because Ben actually was trying to respect your rules or if he was afraid you would throw him out.
I'm going to buy him a hamper. The last thing I want is to step on his dirty underwear on my way into the kitchen.
"The next time Butcher calls, tell him I died." You groan moving into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.
He turns his head to stare at you. "Is that paint?"
"Nope." You shudder taking a sip from the water bottle, swishing it around your mouth to wash out the taste.
"Then what is it?"
"It's the supe. He was disgusting." You shudder and take another sip of water. It was helping a little bit, but you eat a handful of raspberries to try and get rid of the aftertaste. "I can still taste him."
Ben smirks. "You can still taste him? What part of him did you put in your mouth?"
"Don't be disgusting." You groan. "His power was liquification, okay, he could liquify his entire body-"
"Did you swallow?" He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.
"This is why we don't talk." You narrow your eyes at Ben. "He liquified himself and tried to drown me by shoving himself down my throat."
"Drown you?" Ben sits up straighter. "Are you okay?" You watch something shift through his gaze that looks a lot like worry.
Why is he worried?
"I'm fine." You hold up a hand and watch him relax and take a hit from the blunt. "But worst superpower ever."
"I don't know, kinda sounds like a fun way to get to know someone-"
"He was an idiot. He thought that whatever he lost would replenish."
"Wait what?"
"Whatever he 'drowned' me with didn't reform on his body. So he shoved himself down my esophagus and then he couldn't figure out why he was missing a hand, didn't think about stomach acid. Idiot." You roll your eyes. "But we couldn't contain him and the only thing that I could think of was to dump him in the Hudson. He wasn't strong enough to keep himself together in the current of the bay, it’s gonna take him centuries to piece himself back together." You shake your head. "What have you been doing? I thought you had a hot Tinder date or whatever."
He'd mentioned it this morning when you saw him briefly and grabbed a granola bar on the way out of the apartment. You hadn't spoke much since last night or really had time to talk about what happened, if anything did happen. All he did was let you hold his hand and -well- kick down your mother fucking door.
You weren't looking forward to sleeping without a door, it was the only thing that separated Ben and you, the only thing that gave you a little privacy. You figured that you could just hang one of the crocheted blankets over the doorway, but you were exhausted.
Ben shrugs, letting out a lungful of smoke. "Thought I'd just relax tonight. Didn't feel like going out."
"You didn't feel like going out? Mr. Casual-?" You begin to say, eyes sweeping through the apartment and looking down the dark hallway, stopping on your bedroom doorway.
Instead of the broken mess it was this morning, a new door has replaced it. It's a beautiful dark red wood that matches the floors that run through your apartment, different than the white one that had been there previously.
"Mr. Casual?" Ben asks while raising an eyebrow, clearly confused.
You were going to call him 'Mr. Casual Sex' but you couldn't finish the thought.  "Did you fix my door?"
"My door." You point down the hallway, eyes shifting back to Ben, who looks suddenly uncomfortable. "The one you broke in half."
"Yeah- uh- I know how much you like your privacy." Ben grunts looking back at the flat screen tv. There was a baseball game on, but the T.V was on mute, the blue light flickering around the small room.
You suddenly have the overwhelming urge to cry. You figured that it was everything from today crashing down on you, the frustration you had with the supe, the smell, and now Ben was actually doing something nice for you.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He still doesn’t look at you and you wonder if he's embarrassed that you pointed it out.
“Well I think I’m going to try to scrub whatever the hell this is off of me.” You say as you begin to walk down the dark hallway and Ben continues to watch the game.
“Wait Petals I’ve got something important to ask you.”
You look up at him expectantly.
“How much do you love your daddy?” His smile slips into a suggestive smirk. “Would you be willing to do anything  to keep him happy?”
“Shut up Gramps.” You flip him off and squish down the hallway to the bathroom.
When you get out of the shower you're missing several layers of skin. You'd scrubbed and scrubbed until you felt red and raw, but it was better than feeling the sticky remains of the supe all over your body. The clothes you wore were ruined and there was no saving them, but at least now you felt better.
You walk back out into the kitchen wearing a soft t-shirt and sweatpants. Ben was still sitting on the couch, but the blunt was gone. You hadn’t noticed before that his dark hair was wet, as if he had taken a shower before you got to the apartment, the smell of his shampoo was strong.
"There's pizza in the fridge." Ben glances over the back of the couch. "Much better Petals, orange is not your color. But I will say I miss the t-shirt.”
"I'm just happy that it didn't permanently stain my skin." You make your way to the fridge to pull out a slice of pizza, eating it slowly. "And very happy I didn't wear my favorite pair of jeans. I'm going to have to burn my clothes I think."
"I'm just happy you smell better." He wrinkles his nose. "Before you smelled like unwashed gym clothes and a fucking yeast infection."
"Thank you for that lovely comparison."
"You're welcome Petals." Ben presses his lips together. "Did you want to-" He pauses. "Watch a movie or something?"
"Oh, um-" You glance down the hallway. You really wanted to curl up with your newest romance novel under your covers and relax, possibly with a cup of calming blueberry tea.
Ben shakes his head. "Just fucking forget it-" He almost seemed angry with himself for suggesting something like that.
"Ben no. I do want to watch a movie with you, I just-" Your eyes flick to the t.v watching one of the baseball players hits a home run. "I kinda wanted to relax with some tea and read. I just got a new book and I haven't been able to start it yet. Annie and I are reading the same one and on Friday we're gonna have book club and I really need to decompress from everything that happened today." You say it gently, trying to let him understand that you wouldn't be opposed to the idea of watching something with him.
"Oh." Ben sits there for a moment considering what you said. "Well, do you want to sit out here? I know you don't exactly-" He clears  his throat. "Have a place to sit in your bedroom."
If Ben wasn’t living with you, you would be reading on the couch. Sitting in your living room surrounded by all of you plants always helped you relax. You hadn’t been able to do that since Ben moved in, not to mention you didn't want to encroach on his space.
“I mean if you’re watching T.V I don’t want to disturb you or anything-“ As soon as you say it, Ben hits the off button on the remote.
“I didn’t get to read the paper this morning and I’ve been trying to find the time all day.” He says, pulling the folded newspaper out from where it was folded and pushed up against the arm of the couch on his right side.
“Oh. Well. Um-“ You didn’t see anything wrong with sitting out here and reading with Ben. “Okay. I’ll just grab my book then.”
“Okay.” Ben breezes, before he glances at the left side of the couch where you would be sitting. The couch was in its upright position, which means it was more couch than bed, but Ben had stacked his blankets and pillows on the other side. “I’ll move my stuff.”
“Okay.” You say again because you weren’t really sure what to say.
You go back and grab the book from your bedside table, but stop just short of the door.
This is weird.
You think to yourself, holding the book tightly by its spine. You weren’t sure what was happening only that Ben and you were going to sit together on the couch in your living room quietly with no tv. And weirder still it was him that suggested you two do it.
He turned off the tv. He asked me to sit with him and suggested something non-sexual. You pause shifting from foot to foot. Because again Ben was confusing you. He was acting like the person you'd occasionally see when it was just the two of you, and it made you anxious. You didn’t want him to do this, to pretend to be someone you wanted just to get into your pants. It was like whiplash. Not to mention you didn't want Ben to force himself to change just for you.
Maybe… Maybe I can just go out there and pretend that this is normal and that he doesn’t just use women for sex like he told me. I will not overthink this. I will sit and read just like I planned.
You come out of your bedroom armed with your favorite crocheted granny-square blanket and the new book. Ben had cleared the left side of the sofa for you as he said he would and was now sitting with his newspaper spread out in front of him, one leg crossed over the other.
“Do you want some tea?” You ask him. You were just being polite, you knew that he would probably say no.
“Pineapple?” He actually kind of perked up as if he would have some if you made it.
“No it’s blueberry.”
Ben shakes his head. “Why do you like so many fruit teas?”
“Because they’re good and they enrich my life.” You snort before placing the book and the blanket on the couch next to Ben and go through the motions of making the tea. “I’ll take that as a no.”
“You’d be right. But could you pour me a glass of scotch?”
When you’re finally hunkered down with your book and blanket, legs bent at the knee between the two of you, the book propped up on them, facing Ben with the right side of your head laying against the back of the couch, you feel yourself begin to relax. Bean is sleeping in a ball between the two of you. His soft breathing and the sound of pages being turned fills your apartment. The subtle thrum of the plants in the room soaks into your bones and you feel yourself begin to slip into the soft prose and for the first time in a long time you feel at peace. 
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A/N: Annnnnddddd we're just gonna keep the Sky High References coming. Maybe the next supe they meet will glow… or turn into a guinea pig? 😅 Is it wrong that it's kinda making me want to do a Superhero High School AU with the Boys characters? That would be so crazy! I already have several other series fic ideas for Soldier Boy, but that idea is definitely going on the list to be considered.
As always thank you so much for reading and all the love and support! If you would like to be added to my taglist please let me know! 😊
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Once Upon a Time 10
Warnings: non/dubcon and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: Andy Barber
Part of the Bookstore AU
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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A message pops up on your Instagram. You open it with dread, a blank profile with some generic photo of a bookshelf. You already know it's him. 
‘Your aunt is very nice.’ 
You nearly drop your phone as you glance over at Jo. She sits with a cross stitch as she watches a rerun of Cold Case. You shudder and look back down at the screen. 
‘Why r u doing this?’ 
You hit the arrow as your sweaty hands stick to the silicon case. 
‘Why am I being nice?’ He replies. 
You can't. You stand up with your phone and your Aunt Jo peeks over with an arched brow. You give an apologetic smile. 
“Sorry, I'll be right back.” 
You cross the room and pass the kitchen doorway. You lock yourself in the bathroom and look at your phone. You see three dots then they disappear. 
‘You followed me.’ 
He sends a rolling eye emoji. You nearly scream. What the hell? He's rolling his eyes at what? Stalking you? 
‘More than once.’ 
He sends a laughing emoji with tears. You huff. He's so confusing. Then a photo pops up, buffering before finally loading. 
It's Chelsea, well, the top of her head and she's… 
You want to puke. You can't believe he'd send you that. Does she know he took that? Even if she's a bitch, you feel bad. 
‘Looks like I'm all taken care of.’ He texts. 
‘Looks like you are.’ 
You turn your phone to do not disturb and lock it. He's disgusting. You don't even get what he wants from you. If he has Chelsea doing all that, why the heck is he texting you? 
You take your phone to the spare room, what was once your room, and leave it there. You don’t want to be bothered by him, even if you can’t shake the uneasiness stirring your nerves. You go back to the living room and sit down on the couch. You stare unseeingly at the television as the syndicated legal series drones on. 
“What was that, honey?” Jo asks, poking her needle up then pulling it through. 
“Work,” you lie, “um, they keep moving around the schedule or whatever. It’s... frustrating.” 
“Ah, that’s too bad,” she tug the thread to its limit, “you’re stressed. Maybe you should take a day off.” 
“Maybe,” you rub your forehead, “or get a different job.” 
“Could do,” she shrugs, “you know I’ll support whatever you do.” 
“Yeah,” you drop your hands into your lap and look at her, “I know.” 
You turn back to screen and try to hide your despair. Should you try to tell her about Andy? The thought’s crossed your mind a dozen times over. Your Aunt Jo is fierce and loving, she might just believe you but it’s not her holding you back. It’s him. He’s dangerous and he hasn’t yet shown you how dangerous. 
It’s better she doesn’t know. Not right now. You’ll have to deal with Andy. Just not tonight. 
You grumble around the last mouthful of coffee. Another day, another shift. While Jo’s suggestion was tempting, you really can’t give up the hours. Nonetheless, you haven’t sat on your hands. Several applications were forward late into the night as sleep eluded you. Now you can barely hold your head up. 
It shouldn’t be very busy at opening. You can survive on an instant coffee packet from the breakroom. You yawn and grab your coat and bag. The snow puffs up around your boots as you step outside, shivering as you tuck your scarf into the top of your jacket. You pull your hood up against the frigid wind and tamp down the fresh powder as you come down the walk. 
As you get to the sidewalk, you stop and look both ways. Before you can cross and head for the bus stop, a horn honks, jarring you. You step back as a familiar car rolls up. You cross your arms, heart racing, and peek back over your shoulder at the safe hold of your aunt’s house. 
“Buses are behind,” Andy calls through the window as it slides down, “you’ll be late...” 
“I’m fine,” you sidestep to walk around the rear bumper and he shifts into reverse, blocking your escape. 
“I know your aunt didn’t teach you to be so ungrateful--” 
“Don’t talk about my aunt,” you snap as you turn back the other way and he rolls forward. You stop short and stomp your foot, “why are you doing this? Why are you bugging me? Chelsea--” 
“I don’t want Chelsea, she’s a slut. She’s easy. She gets the job done,” he sneers. 
You shake your head and blow out a cloud of warmth into the crisp air, “I’m sure there are other--” 
“You,” he says tersely, “that’s it. No one else.” 
You close your eyes and shudder, “I... I’m not interested... like that, Andy. I just was being friendly because it’s my job. Can’t you understand?” 
“I don’t understand,” he snarls, “I’m a lawyer, I’m good-looking, I take good care of myself and I could do the same for you. You wouldn’t have to work in some shitty bookstore.” 
You flutter your lashes and shake your head, “I...” 
“What? Why don’t you want me?” He leans over the seat further, glaring at you. 
“How old are you?” You blurt out, immediately sealing your lips in regret. 
He scoffs, “and how old are you? Bit over the hill to be in retail, huh? I know you’re not some college kid getting a few extra bucks. You’re a grown woman, your life is a mess. You need someone like me.” 
You huff, “I need you to leave me alone.” 
He clucks and sits up. The car idles in front of you as he sits silently. He grips the real and clears his throat, “I’ll be seeing you for dinner. Aunt Jo sure is sweet, maybe you could learn a thing or two from her.” 
The window rolls up before you can spit back a retort. The mention of your aunt flares in your chest. How dare he. You know it’s more than a snipe at you, he’s not saying her name for nothing. It’s a threat. 
He steers away down the snowy road, the snow packing beneath the weight of the car. You watch his headlights stop at the corner before you kick through the snow. Fuck. 
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http-tokki · 1 year
You were meant to be mine
~prohero!bakugou katsuki x fem!reader ~ tags/cw: aged up bakugou, toxic bakugou, smut, explicit language, possessive/toxic relationships, dark content, borderline abusive relationship, dub con ~ wc: 840
Katsuki doesn't handle your breakup very well; psychotic levels of not handling things well. From constantly texting and calling, sending flowers, showing up at your job, waiting outside for you to get off work, following you to the gym, and walking behind you as you rush home, Everything that could warrant you getting a restraining order, but because he is a hero and has the entire fucking system in his pocket, everyone brushes it off as him being concerned for the wellbeing of his girlfriend. 
Your phone blinks again with a new message. 
Answer your phone. I need to talk to you.
More messages follow.
Baby, please, I miss you. Call me.
I'm sorry, can you please call me.
Answer your fucking phone. I swear to god. 
I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to be so rude. Please just answer your phone or call me. I need to talk to you. 
Baby, please.
You refuse to answer, fearing to let him back in because you love this type of desperation. A small part of you screams in joy every time a message comes through, excited to see how much he begs for some form of contact. Bakugou needed you, the great pro hero was metaphorically on his knees for you, pleading with you, and you weren't ready to give that up. 
Princess, I'm begging you. Answer me before I lose my fucking mind. Please, angel, talk to me.
Your stomach twists, and you're so close to giving in and texting him to come over and bend you over the couch so he can fuck you good and dumb, filling you up so you are tied to him forever. You bite down on your bottom lip, teeth digging into ravaged flesh as you battle your logical self. Logic wins out, and you let your phone ring all night. 
Umm, idk what I was going to write here because there was a massive gap, but it was filler about you hanging out with Izuku, cause you two were close before you and Katsuki got together, and that's what sends Bakugou over the edge. He then breaks into your house, and this is the scene we have, lmao. I told y'all this is draft dumping.
So you get home one day, and he is sitting on your once-shared couch. All the lights are off to avoid giving him away in case you had brought home Izuku. Katsuki's imagination had run wild with that scenario. There were two paths he could go down. One, chase Midroiya out of your apartment with the little knife he had bought with him, ending his hero image, OR make Deku watch while he fucks you, reminding you and his former friend who you belong to. Either way, he was about to ruin his future and didn't care. You were getting back together with him even if he had to hold you hostage. You only notice someone else is in your apartment when you hear his boot knock against the coffee table. You jump, shopping bags falling from your hands as they fly towards your bag, searching for the pepper spray you keep.
"Relax, it's me." he drawls from the darkness. 
Your heart stops as you recognise the voice. "What the fuck, Katsuki?" your fingers wrap around the small aerosol in your bag. 
The couch creaks as he stands. "I could ask you the same thing," heavy footsteps echo in your still-dark apartment. "Deku? Really?"
"Yes, because we are friends. Am I not allowed to have friends?" 
Katsuki's chuckle is low and menacing. "No, because I saw the way he looked at you, and I don't like it," you feel the warmth radiating off his body as he stops before you. "Only I'm allowed to look at you like that. I'm the only one who can think about you that way." He places a hand against your chest, fingers digging into your collarbones, itching to reach up and wrap around your throat. "I'm the only one who can kiss you the way you like" You feel his lips ghost along your cheek.
Your grip on the can of mace slackens, your whole body giving into his touch as his other hand rests on your hip. 
"I'm the only one who can grab you like this" his fingers slide up to the base of your throat, squeezing lightly. "the only one who can slide their cock in your mouth and watch you gag and drool while you try so hard to swallow me" the hand on your hip tightens, pulling you closer against his hard body. Your head spins at the closeness, your heart pounding in your chest, and your stomach twisting because you're going to fuck him. You've decided that you're about to fuck your crazy stalker, yet hero boyfriend turned ex in your doorway, and would you come out of it alive? At this point, you didn't care. 
"Do you want me to do that?" Katsuki's mouth ghosts over yours. "Do you want my cock in you, huh?" 
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a/n: thats all i got lmao
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Prompt: “Do you want me to leave?”
For Kaz Brekker x Reader please!!
Get Out Of Ketterdam, Damn You - Kaz Brekker
Content Warnings: Kaz's Trauma. Canon Barrel Appropriate Backstory, Threat and Violence. Not Beta/Proof Read. Unhealthy Relationship With Kaz Brekker, Like There Could Be Another Kind.
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Kaz looks at the payment in front of him, your share of the last job, and he knows exactly what it means, it means you finally have everything you need to get the hell out of Ketterdam. And you should. Kaz knows you should. There is nothing for you here, nothing but bad memories and constant reminders of how everything has always been in the barrel: unfair and lonely. Nothing is given freely in the barrel, and anything good is hard to come by, and is quickly snuffed out. The barrel isn't a place for those who still have hope, and as much as Kaz wanted to keep you here, you were still full of in, despite everything. The barrel hadn't burned it out of you yet.
"You wanted to see me?" you ask. Kaz flickers his eyes up to meet yours but quickly looks back down to some papers he is arranging. You didn't spend much time in the slat. It never really felt like somewhere you could be be, you always felt just outside of it, like you needed to be invited in.
"Your free," is all Kaz says, waving a hand absently at the table. He wants this over, he wants you to take what is yours and leave and never look back. He cannot have this take too long, he is finding this hard enough.
"I'm free?" you ask.
"You got your justice, you have your money, you belong to nothing and no one," Kaz says, "free to leave Ketterdam, isn't that what you wanted?"
"Oh, right," you nod, thinking it over. Kaz won't look at you, and you hate that feeling, like he isn't trying to send you away to never return, like this is just some other business interaction. You guess, to him it is. “Do you want me to leave?”
He didn't expect you to ask him that. No. His mind screaming at him, no he didn't want you to leave. He wanted you to stay. He wanted you to always be this close. Within reach without needing to reach for you. He wants what he wants to matter, to be more than this childish desires he thought he had boxed away in the years it took for him to get to where he is now. He wanted to not want you. He wanted to want you to leave. He wanted to not have to want to want you to leave. His feelings wrapped in more feeling felt like they started to choke him and he clears his throat.
"I will not ask you to stay," he says. It's true. He won't. He couldn't. He couldn't ask you to stay when he knows you would for him. When he knows that he cannot give you a reason to. He cannot be enough of a reason to stay. He cannot ask that of you.
"That's not what I asked," you say calmly. You know Kaz Brekker is not an easy man. He is as far away from convenient as you can imagine. Of all the things you've wanted in spite of how badly they treat you, Kaz may be the top of the list. But he is like the last piece of chocolate, or that one extra shot of kvas. You tell yourself you shouldn't go for it, that you know you'll only feel worse, that its not going to fix you, it's not going to make you feel better. It'll probably make you feel worse. It always makes you feel worse. But you never are strong enough to stop yourself.
You once looked at Jesper, placing another bet he should not place at a table he was losing at badly, and you wondered for a moment why he couldn't just walk away. Then you'd seen Kaz watching the game and you understood entirely.
"Do you want me to leave?" You ask.
"I want you to be so far away from the barrel, I want you to have a life somewhere better than Ketterdam, I want better for you," Kaz says, each word having to be dragged out of him, his voice tight and strained.
"But do you want me to leave?" You ask, the need to hear him say it apparent in your tone. His eyes meet yours and that killer, that shark, stare down death, look that you have gotten so used to seeing is nowhere to be found. You don't recognise him, he isn't Kaz Brekker, Dirtyhands, Bastard of The Barrel as he looks at you now, he is someone entirely different, someone you've never truly seen.
Kaz knows if he tells you he doesn't want you to leave, you never will. You will stay in Ketterdam. You will stay in the barrel. You will stay with him, beside him, always at this distance, until the barrel claims you both. He knows now is the time to lie, to tell you that he wants you gone. To make you leave while you can. To make you choose yourself. To make you finally put yourself above him. He who has done nothing to deserve the fealty you've shown him. He who is not capable of having the life you are steps away from taking for yourself. He is broken, he is not even sure he is entirely human. And he has stopped trying to convince himself that he could mould himself into something that resembles a better man. He cannot fix himself, and he will not ask you to try. But you are not broken, you are not beyond repair and you can be free. All he has to do is lie to you.
Kaz Brekker has told enough lies in his life, pulled off much less convincing falsities, this simple mistruth should be no harder than than a single breath, but Saints he has never found it harder to breathe than right now.
One lie, and you're free, and you can have everything you deserve, everything better than the barrel has to offer, everything better than he has to offer.
One lie and you can have everything, except the truth.
Everything except him, but he was something you could never truly have anyway, a truth you both know too well.
"Kaz," your voice cracks as you say his name. Your eyes are pleading with him, begging him to not make you ask again. But you do anyway. "Do you want me to leave?"
Kaz could do this one thing, this one... selfless thing. For you. He could do it.
But he doesn't. "No," he says, "I don't want you... to leave."
♡ Tag as requested: @the-girl-in-the-shadows ♡
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prettyoddfever · 5 months
Hello! I discovered this t-shirt that is a bootleg, do you know of any more? I'm really interested in that topic.
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that one's fun because they actually used the Honda Civic Tour logo! it looks like they just skipped the first 35 shows on the tour and highlighted the shows in the last few weeks (besides Vancouver), so it totally works.
I thought that the random designs sold on ebay or by street vendors were actually really entertaining because you'd get the most unhinged designs. To be fair, the band did evolve really quickly in 2006 so every couple months felt like a new era. But the fact that these random designers put Brent on so many different shirts after he got kicked out is hilarious:
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Which tour is this next shirt for? Literally just "2006," stop wanting things to make sense. 😂 We've got Brent on the front and Jon on the back:
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So I guess that was meant to be a NRWC-inspired tour shirt with a sprinkling of dates (plus the cover of the Lying is the Most Fun single in the background lol). Nothing Rhymes With Circus content that used early Fever photoshoots were my favorite. And speaking of bootleg NRWC shirts, here's another one that I heard was sold outside of some venues:
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There is no excuse for this next "Honda Civic Tour Tour 2008" shirt to use a 2006 photoshoot, but the mashup of the two eras is so great (also nothing screams 2008 like that fall 2005 graphic used as Panic's logo).
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I remember more, but I mainly have pictures of the few that my friends & I had. Someone on here sent me this picture recently, though:
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please keep sending me more because these are all amazing haha.
One safe way to spot a bootleg/fake shirt is: does it have a picture of a band member on it?
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hardstraykidshours · 2 years
the proposition
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pairing: minho x afab!reader
genre: smut, 18+ (minors dni)
summary: when you get a little too eager while out at the club with minho, he makes you an offer that you just can't refuse.
length: 1.3k
warnings: profanity, alcohol, sexual/suggestive content, dom!minho (kinda soft dom), sub!reader, unprotected sex (please wrap before you tap), semi public sex, creampie, cum play, degradation, name calling ("slut"), petnames ("princess," "good girl"), nsfw 18+ (minors dni)
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“shit,” minho moans under his breath as he grinds his hips into yours, dick sliding in and out of you with every thrust.
you certainly hadn’t imagined that sex in a dirty night club bathroom would be on your list of events for this evening but here you are. maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was how turned on you got from dancing with minho (or maybe both), but you knew you wouldn't be able to wait until you got home to fuck him. thankfully you were able to get away from his friends for just enough time to sneak away to the bathroom. it all happened so fast that you don't even think minho really realized what was going until you were locking the bathroom door and placing yourself on the bathroom counter, your lips crashing into his. it didn’t take long for you both to completely forget about the logistics of everything and only focus on the waves of arousal that were now coursing through you.
“oh fuck, min-” you gasp, one hand bracing yourself on the counter top while the other finds its way into his hair, fingers gently tugging on his dark locks.
minho sucks on your neck, nibbling occasionally, making you hiss. you're both absolute moaning messes. if it weren’t for the loud music playing in the club, you were absolutely positive someone would hear you, but you don't care. all you can focus on right now is the way minho feels inside you. each time his cock slides in and out of your pussy and hits just the right spot inside you, you feel yourself growing closer and closer to your orgasm.
“please…” you moan out. “please, min. i'm so close. right there.”
minho’s pace stays the same, but his hand finds its way down to your clit, rubbing quick circles on your most sensitive area.
“yeah, you like that? you like how i play with you? like it so much that your needy little cunt just couldn't wait until we got home,” he growls into your ear, almost in a whisper.
his words make you clench your walls around him, ushering a moan out of him.
“couldn't wait,” you pant. “needed you so bad.”
minho continues his work on your clit as he thrusts into you with even more fervor than before, the wet sound of your pussy and his skin against yours filling the room, even over the music from outside. you hear minho's breathy moans get louder and louder.
“mmm…i'm getting close, princess. where should i cum?” he asks, seduction in his voice.
“inside,” is all you can manage to get out.
“i don't if you deserve it with how needy you are, princess…” minho says as he presses soft kisses along your jaw, never hastening his work on your pussy and clit.
“please…please…i need you to cum inside me,” you beg.
with these words, minho applies a little more pressure to your clit, pushing you closer to your orgasm with every second. you feel the knot in your stomach getting tighter and tighter as minho's thrusts grow more and more erratic. it isn't long before the knot breaks and your practically screaming his name as you cum around his cock, the fingers that were once in his hair are now scraping down his back. when minho feels you flutter around him, it turns him into a moaning mess as he reaches his orgasm, throwing his head back from the feeling. you feel his cum coating you inside, practically painting you. he continues to rub slow, soft circles on your clit as you both ride out your high. once you’re finished, he leaves his aching cock inside you, each slight movement he makes sends shockwaves against your sensitive pussy.
“now,” he begins, still breathless from his orgasm. he leans closer to you to whisper in your ear. “you’re gonna have to do something for me, princess. can you do something for me?”
you nod, still completely fucked out. “mhm.”
“since you were such a naughty, needy slut earlier, you’re gonna have to be punished. so you’re gonna walk around with my cum inside your cunt for the rest of the night, so you can feel how dirty you were for me, how much you needed me inside you,” he whispers, a devilish smirk growing on his lips. “can you do that for me?”
you gulp at his proposition. it’s risky for sure. your dress is really short, and the odds of cum (both yours and his) leaking down your leg and being seen is a little too high. but on the other hand, something about his request was so hot, it turned you on just enough that you were willing to do it, so you slowly nodded in answer.
“good girl,” he states before placing a gentle kiss on your cheek.
he pulls his cock out of you. you feel yourself clench around nothing at the sudden emptiness, and minho notices some of the liquids seeping out. he’s quick to shove his fingers back inside you, desperate to leave everything in. you gasp at the sudden contact.
“do you think you can be a good girl and leave it all in for me, princess?” he ponders, raising an eyebrow teasingly. you nod quickly.
minho slowly pulls his fingers out. you press your thighs together, trying to keep anything else from getting out.
“what if people see?” you ask, a tone of worry in your voice.
minho leans in to place a long, soft kiss on your lips. “then everyone will find out who your cunt belongs to…but besides, you wouldn't want to let anyone see - if you’re a good girl and keep all my cum in you, you’ll get rewarded when we get home.”
he finds your discarded panties on the bathroom counter next to you. minho picks them up and tucks them in his pocket. “you won't be needing these anymore.”
your heart starts beating faster at the thought that not only do you have to try to keep his cum inside you, but you now have to do so without the extra layer of protection of your underwear. minho gently helps you down from the counter before placing a soft kiss on top of your head. “you ready?”
even when he was being so dominant and punishing, minho never did anything you weren't absolutely ready for and ok with.
you nod and let out a sigh to get yourself grounded as he unlocked the door. every muscle in your body is tense from anticipation, but nothing compares to the tension between your legs as you do your best to keep everything inside. you both made your way back to the table where his friends were sitting.
“there you two are!” jisung exclaims. “you’re just in time, we just ordered another round.”
you and minho sit down next to each other as the waiter comes over with shots. everyone laughs, drinks, and has a good time.
you’re so distracted that you almost dont notice some of the cum that has started slowly seeping down your thigh. you look down when you notice, and snap your gaze over to minho, cheeks growing red. minho looks down between your legs and sees the wetness growing on the inside of your legs. quickly, but slyly, he shoves his fingers into your pussy underneath the table, and it takes everything in you not to moan in front of everyone, the sensation of his cold fingers against your warm, wet cunt making you almost jolt out of your seat.
he leans towards you and whispers in your ear, careful that no one else will hear. “remember what i told you? be a good girl and you’ll get rewarded later.”
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
Hey there! I have no idea if you’ll see this, but I figured I’d send in an ask anyways.
You know that Blue Tears story you posted awhile back? Well, it’s really freaking good and has me coming back every once and awhile to reread it! I haven’t seen a lot of Blue Tears content, if any at all and my brain needs more.
So, could I request a sort of continuation to that story if that’s alright? Another Blue X Reader story that’s kinda Angsty and Hurt/Comfort focused?
I know you said to be specific with plot ideas, so I’ll try my best here:
It’s been awhile after Blue, Red and the Reader all came down from Mt. Silver, like a month or two. Red is doing better and has healed up but Blue has isolated himself and hardly leaves his house. Red and the Reader are hanging out (maybe the Reader is checking on him) and the topic of Blue comes up. Red’s concerned about him but he’s worried (and a little bit afraid) that Blue doesn’t want to see him, so he asks the Reader to check on him. So the Reader goes over to Blue’s house (maybe meeting Daisy briefly and asking her where Blue is) before going up to Blue’s bedroom door.
The Reader knocks and Blue answers. He ain’t looking to hot or sounding that great either. Bro is a mess. That guilty conscience hit him hard. Blue let’s the Reader in and Reader expresses their concern for him, along with saying that Red was worried about him to. Blue is kinda dismissive of it at first, but when the Reader tries to say that Blue is still their friend, he gets angry and thinks that it’s pity and not concern. Blue is angry, sad, and guilty. He feels like he doesn’t deserve the Reader or Red as friends and that he’s a murderer. Blue and the Reader kinda argue (well, Blue is arguing, Reader is calm and collected and trying to get Blue to calm down/get through to him because they know he’s not okay) and right before Blue screams something that he knows he’d regret later, he’s cut off by the Reader hugging him. After a couple seconds of just processing, he breaks down and cries, hugging them back and apologizing for yelling. The Reader just holds him and comforts him, telling him that he’s still deserving of care, that they and Red are still his friends, that they’re there for him, etc. (And maybe, after Blue has calmed down, the Reader helps him get outside a bit and get some fresh air after isolating himself.)
And that’s pretty much it! Also, sorry in advance for the long ask. I didn’t mean for it to be that long. I hope that plot isn’t too long or crazy. I just wrote out what was in my head.
I have no idea if you’ll see or write this, but if you do: Thanks! If not, then still, thanks for reading it!
(PS: Blue Tears!Professor Oak can suck an egg. He’s a horrible excuse of a grandfather. Please excuse the Oak Slander I had to say it-)
Ough I'm glad you liked that one! Also I must thank you for this in-depth request <3
It's been roughly a month since...well...
Since it happened.
Only you, Red, and Blue knew what that it was...as the rest of Kanto only knew the fabricated version of it.
That being a vicious Pokémon had attacked you three on the summit of Mt. Silver, with no one able to identify it through the blinding blizzard that kicked up.
That's the story you told the doctors, Daisy, and every other person who was concerned for your well-being.
But that's not what happened at all.
The true perpetrator was Blue, who attacked Red in an act of pure rage and grief, as he was convinced that his rival ruined his life, stole his family's praise, and inadvertently killed one of his most treasured Pokémon.
Somehow, he believed murder was the justifiable thing to do.
The only way he'd find any sort of relief or "peace".
Yet it only brought him more sorrow when you showed up and thwarted his attempts on Red's life--owing it to his Pidgeot for leading you straight to him.
Although he attempted to kill you too for interfering...you were able to snap him out of it and lead the pair down the mountain on Pidgeot's back, keeping a close eye on Blue in case he had another freakout.
Fortunately nothing else happened.
From there, the healing process could begin. But it was hard and painful, especially when you had to lie about everything...even to the professor himself.
As angry as you were at Oak for neglecting his only other family member, you couldn't exactly tell him that his grandson resorted to murder over sheer jealousy.
But despite everything, the three of you were slowly recovering from the trauma of that cold and snowy night.
Red's injuries were still being monitored, although he was okay enough to finally be discharged from the hospital (sporting only a few scrapes and bandaids that were hardly noticeable), and he arrived home to you and his relieved mother.
While she went out to run errands, you and him chatted for a few minutes. Considering how quiet he usually was, you did most of the talking while he did the listening.
You talked about the latest Pokémon you've captured, Lavender Town's most recent ghost story, the weather..
And Blue.
Of course, it's inevitable that the Donphan in the room had to be brought up. It couldn't be ignored forever..
But you noticed Red's subtle change of expression the second you brought up his name, and your eyebrows furrowed, worried that you've upset him. "Sorry, Red..I..I didn't mean-"
"No, it's fine." He assured you. "I haven't heard from him in a while.."
"...me neither. Daisy mentioned that he's been shutting himself in a lot more. I haven't seen him in days now."
"Yeah, I'm worried, too."
You blinked. "Really?"
Red nodded. "You should check on him."
"Wha--me? Would...you be okay with that?"
"I doubt he wants to see me, but...he'll definitely wanna see you. I just know it." He looked up, his brown eyes appearing soft as he gave you a small and comforting smile. "Just tell him...he's still our friend, okay?"
For a moment, you sat there astonished. You've never heard him talk this much in all the years you and Blue have known him.
And to realize he still genuinely saw him as a friend despite what happened? You were speechless.
But once the initial shock passed, you smiled back. "I'll be sure to tell him that if he lets me in. Wish me luck."
After giving him a hug goodbye (and insisting that he kept resting like his mother requested), you began the trek over to Blue's house, hoping he was still there.
When you arrived and knocked on the front door, it was Daisy who answered, surprised to see you standing there. "Oh hey, [y/n]."
"Hey, Dais...is Blue home?"
"Yeah. He's kinda in a mood, though. He hasn't come out of his room today. Not for breakfast or....anything." Frowning, she looked over her shoulder. "I've never seen him like this before...it's scaring me."
"And that's why I'm here. I think he'd feel better if he knew I wanted to come see him." You put one hand on the doorframe in case she thought about closing it on you. "Please."
"...okay." She allowed you inside. "I have to head to work. There's a Growlithe who needed some trimming..poor thing probably can't see with all the fur over its eyes."
"You go take care of that, I'll take care of Blue..thanks." Smiling, you headed in while she headed out the door, locking it behind her.
Finally alone, you exhaled a breath you didn't even know you were holding, before making your way up to Blue's bedroom. You just hoped he was somewhat feeling okay...although judging from Daisy's remarks, he was still far from that.
You prayed he wasn't doing anything harmful to himself or anyone. But you did have a Pokeball on your belt should you need to call out one of your companions just in case.
Hopefully, it didn't need to come to that and you can just talk.
After knocking on the door, there was only a few moments of silence before it swung open, revealing a very exhausted and disheveled-looking Blue. He was in sweatpants and his usual purple sweater, although his normally spiky hair was even more of a mess.
Any sort of light that was once in his eyes had died out long ago.
To put it bluntly, he looked like hell.
"Daisy, I said I'm not.....oh...." Even his voice lost that confidence and luster it once had, instead being quiet and hoarse, having not used it for days. "[Y/n]? What's up? Why are you here?" He frowned.
"To see you, dummy." Huffing, you leaned against the doorframe. "Wanted to make sure you were still alive."
"..well, I am. So you can go. Sorry I missed your calls-"
"Can I come in?"
"....please? Just for a few minutes?"
At this point, he was too tired to fight with you right now. So he allowed you into his room, which....didn't look any better than he did. You noticed were his curtains being drawn shut, and his pokeballs and gym badges scattered across the table.
The Blue you've grown up with had his room practically lit up like the sun and his badges neatly arranged in a glass box--just in case he had someone over and wanted to impress them with his triumphs.
Now? That version of him was seemingly dead and gone.
But you didn't stare for too long, not wanting him to think you were judging him for the mess. Instead you sat together on his bed, where he remained silent, staring down at the floor.
You finally cleared your throat, deciding to talk first. "Red and I have been worried about you...he-"
"That jerkward? Worried about me?" He snorted half-heartedly, looking up to see you frowning a bit. He sighed. "Sorry, go on."
"He was discharged today. Doctors said there's nothing they need to monitor, so..that's good, at least."
"Yeah..that is good."
You noted his rather dismissive attitude as you continued expressing your concerns for his well-being, along with how he shrugged off how his Pokémon were doing, if his grandfather ever stopped by to apologize (which he did, but it came much too late for him), and more.
He was sorta just repeating whatever you said and agreeing with it, hoping you'll leave and let him go back to moping.
Honestly he thinks you got better things to do than worry about him.
However, what you said next made something in his brain tick.
"Red wanted me to tell you that...he still thinks of you as a friend. I do, too."
All of the sudden, Blue's shoulders tensed and he stared directly at you.
Not with a tired half-lidded gaze like before, but with darkened brown eyes that seemed rather...angry.
"Don't even go there, [y/n].." He warned, voice dripping with Arbok venom.
"....go where?" You blinked in bewilderment at his abrupt attitude change.
Then again, you should have seen this quick coming from a mile away. He's always had a quick temper...although you were confused over why such a simple thing as reaffirming your friendship pissed him off.
"I know what you're doing..and I'm telling you right now that I don't need it."
"I....don't follow.."
"I don't need your goddamn pity." He snarled, fingers curling into the bedsheets beneath him. "Not yours, Red's, gramp's, or anybody's....so just go on and tell me how you REALLY feel."
"That is how we really feel, Blue." You did your best to stay calm, knowing he wasn't in the best headspace right now. Getting angry at him won't solve anything. "We're not saying that to pity you or anything...we genuinely-"
"You're lying. I bet Red thinks I'm a real sack of shit. I mean..how could he NOT?!! I almost killed him."
"Blue, that's-"
"And you, too, [y/n]!! I was LAUGHING in both of your faces! Swinging a fucking knife around!! How the hell do you not think of me as a monster to stay away from?!!"
"You're not a monster-"
"YES I AM!!" He was beginning to scream, putting a greater strain on his vocal cords. But he didn't seem to care. "You should've just told them all the truth! That what I tried to do was worse than ANYTHING Team Rocket ever did!! But no...you wanted to protect my sorry ass so I didn't get my feelings hurt."
"We both know that's not true at all. Blue..why can't you understand that-?"
"NO!! Why can't YOU understand that I don't fucking deserve you two as friends?!!! You should hate me, you should be happy that I'm not showing my face to anyone in this town! Because everyone here would be better off-!!"
You refused to let him even finish that statement, knowing he was going to regret it later. So you did the only thing you could do to shut him up.
And that was hug him, not saying another word.
Obviously, you didn't wanna crush him too much considering he felt like skin and bones at this point, but it was just enough for him to snap out of his tirade.
You just held him closely, hoping that he'd finally realize how serious you were about wanting to be here for him.
It took a few seconds for Blue to fully process what was happening right now, although before you could even consider letting him go...you heard a sniffle, followed by a quiet whimper.
He tried to silence those hints of weakness by pressing his face into your shoulder, but he ultimately failed and began sobbing, completely breaking down over everything that happened over the past month.
The incident and the isolation were already weighing heavily on him....and now he yelled at you for trying to be a caring friend.
He really didn't deserve you.
Not after all he's put you through.
"I-I'm sorry...I...I shouldn't have..d-done that.." His arms wrapped around you tightly. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.."
"It's alright, I know you didn't mean it." You soothed, rubbing a hand up and down his back. His cries became more gut-wrenching by the second, proving how badly he needed this right now. "You've been hurt, too...and we should have realized that from the start. From the moment Raticate passed, we should've been there for you more. And I'm sorry that we weren't."
"Y-You were there for me! You've always been there.." He choked out, squeezing you tighter. "I-I was being s-stupid...and selfish, and....and I hurt you both!"
"Red and I both forgive you, okay? Nothing's ever gonna change that."
"Yes...like it or not you're still our friend, Blue, and we'll never stop caring."
Both of you sat there for a little while longer, with you saying nothing but comforting things to Blue and keeping him close, while his sobs gradually softened as the seconds passed.
You let him cry for as long as he needed to, even if he ran himself dry. You should've done this much sooner, but now you're here and he knew you weren't abandoning him.
Eventually he calmed down enough to let you go, although his gaze went to his lap, embarrassment over his meltdown slowly creeping in.
You smiled a little, taking your hand off his back. "You feel any better?"
"...b-besides feeling like a total loser crybaby? Yeah." He kept sniffling, wiping his face clean of any remaining tears or snot before he looked back up at you. "I guess I really needed that...thanks, [y/n]."
"Of course, it's what friends do." You stood up, taking another look around the bedroom and sighing. "You know? I also think you need sunlight..it's like a damn Zubat cave in here. Let's take a walk."
Normally, he'd have some sort of snarky comeback. But he was too emotionally burnt out to make up anything, as he instead nodded silently and followed you out his bedroom.
Together you walked outside, taking in the crisp winter air.
Blue didn't realize how much he needed this until he took a few deeps breaths, gradually calming himself down even more. But when he began shivering a little, you took notice and dug your scarf out of your bag.
No way were you gonna allow him to catch a cold. Not after he's isolated himself for so long and was only now getting some fresh air.
You wrapped the scarf around him, smiling at the way he clutched it and dug his red nose into the fabric, mumbling a thanks.
All you did was nod in return, putting an arm around his shoulders as you both headed down the sidewalk together, not going anywhere in particular.
Fortunately there were very few people out on the streets, so nobody stopped to bother either of you.
Surviving whatever happened on Mt. Silver that day made you, him, and Red out to be some kind of "celebrities", especially with folks pondering what "mystery Pokémon" attacked the former champion, his rival, and you.
But none of them would ever know the real story.
They simply couldn't.
For it's a secret you three will take to your graves.
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the-expired-tofu · 1 year
The Devil's Trumpets | Pt. 2
|| A 'The Glory' fanfic || MINORS DNI [18+]
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a/n: Hey there, this is my first time writing a fan fiction. I might change a few things in my fictions later on. Also, my English isn't my first language so my writing might lack some fluency. Hope you enjoy :)
trigger warnings: lots of swearing, bullying, murder, gore, depression, abuse, mature content, violence, sexual themes.
pairing: reader x multi
Heaven never appeared to be on my side since I was born. My prayers were never answered. I dreaded waking up everyday when I was in highschool. You see, I never asked for any of this. I simply wished to lead a normal life. Is that too much to ask for?
My parents divorced when I was seven years old. My mother chose to marry a wealthy man and take my sister with her. While I were to stay with my alcoholic father. Even though I shared the same roof with him, I always felt lonely. He was always spending all of my money on more alcohol. Luckily he never abused me. I had to take care of him. Each and everyday became more difficult for me. Leaving with my mother would have been a very different experience. I'm curious of what made her change her mind. She always gave me the same reason for leaving me with my dad.
“Someone has to stay behind to look after him.” She did send us money from her husband’s account to cover up my father’s medication. That’s how we kept in contact with each other. The day she left us was the last time I saw her and my sister. My mother never bothered to make a call nor visit us, or even check on us. I figured she left us for her own good.
However, I was quite close to my sister. Even our parents' divorce couldn't properly separate us. We used to write letters to one another every day since I couldn’t afford a cell-phone for myself. I kept all her letters in a box till this day.
Living like this in Semyeong never really bothered me. Taking care of my dad all by myself was quite difficult if I say, but other than that, I was fine. Until one day, I was walking on the school grounds to get to the cafeteria, when I heard a horrifying  scream coming from the gym. There were quite many students casually walking near the place. How come nobody heard that?
Now that I even think about it, I realize I should have exercised caution while being curious. I decided to check out the issue. And that’s when everything started.
I was peeking through the door when I noticed a group of four students crowding near the stage. I could here some laughs when I noticed a girl with straight long hair coming out of the crowd. That’s when I saw her for the first time.
Moon Dong-Eun. Both her hands were tightly held by two more students, Son Myeong-Oh and Choi Hye-Jeong, while Lee Sa-Ra was holding Yeon-jin’s hair curling iron.
I lost my balance and fell on my back. It was a guy holding a basketball and stood right over me.
“Oh come on do I look that bad?” He asked as he grabbed me by my hair.
“NO, NO, NO, PLEASE NO!! HELP!! ” I yelled for help and not one student wandering outside the gym came for my help.
“Yeah you’re fucking ugly Jae-joon, no wonder why she fell when she saw you.” That was Lee Sa-ra. She held a cigarette in her mouth while curling Yeon-jin’s hair.
He dragged me near the place where Moon Dong-Eun was lying. I noticed a burn on her right arm that resembled the shape of the curling iron. I had to get away from this place. I have to call the police.
I tried to free myself from his grasp but he dragged me back to the same place where Dong-Eun was. She was almost unconscious when I called out for her.
“Call her all you want. Neither can she help you, nor can anyone else.” Hye-Jeong let out a laugh when she dangled the keys in front of me.
“Oh look! Dong-eun has a friend now,” said Yeon-jin with a pout on her face.”Isn’t that adorable?” She said as she cupped my face with her hands.
“What’s your name?” she asked me while she looked down at my legs.
“She asked you a fucking question, you bitch,” asked Jae-joon who still held me by my hair with a painful grip.
“Well what does it say on her nametag?” said Yeon-jin as she opens the pin of the tag from my shirt. “Y/N. What a pretty name, and such pretty legs,” she took a few steps back to take a look at my legs again. “I wonder how my cigarettes would look on them.”
“Look, please, I swear I wont tell anybody, please let me go, I have to go back, I have to take care of my dad, he is not doing well. Please let me go” I started crying because I knew, I have no way out.
“Well the show hasn’t even started yet and you already want to go back?” said Yeon-Jin. She started backing away from me when she raised her thumb at me and then all of them started grabbing me at the edge of the stage. Myeong-oh and Hye-jeong grabbed me by my arms. I started panicking when I saw Sa-ra walking towards me with three burnt cigarettes together.
She shushed me with her finger on my lips. “This is high quality weed. Nobody can say no to these babies,” She said as she pointed the cigarettes towards me. She took a puff out of the three cigarettes together and grabbed me by my thighs. Before I even knew it, she pressed those together on my thighs.
My scream echoed on the walls of the gym. I tried flinging my legs in the air but she held them with a firm grip.
After she was done with my left leg, she went on to press them on my right one.
My screams became more and more distorted as I choked on my tears. My lungs, my throat, my legs, everything hurt.
“Oh my god, this bitch is fucking loud. Can someone shut her up?” said Yeon-jin.
“On it,” said Jae-joon. He threw the basketball away he was playing with a while ago and put his hand inside his pocket to take out a small bottle eye drops. He pressed a few drops on his eyes and put it back inside. I remember that it was that day he brutally beat up another guy who made fun of his colorblindness. His knuckles were still red from that guy’s blood.
“Imagine if she ever screamed my name,” said Jae-joon with a smirk on his face as he threw the ball away.
"Can you just shut the fuck up and shut her up?"
He grabbed my waist firmly and put his palm over my mouth tight shut.
Sa-ra continued pressing the cigarettes on my skin. My muffled screams died down eventually when I started feeling numb. This went on for quite long as I remember.
“Yeah that’ll do.”
Sa-ra removes the cigarettes from my thighs and lets go of my legs. I slid down the table and dropped to the floor. The stinging pain in my legs grew worser.
“She’s already out? Damn she’s weak as fuck,” Yeon-jin said as she nudged with her shoes on my thighs.
“Why did you do this to me? What harm did I ever do to you people?” I muttered.
“Because bitch if we didn’t, you would have told someone about us. Even though nobody even gives a shit about what we do. Nobody will ever believe you, and nobody will ever come to save your day” Yeon-jin said in a sing-song voice and the others laughed as she stood towered over me.
“What a whore,” said Myeong-oh. He kicked me at the back as I winced from the pain.
“Hey let’s go to the karaoke bar, it’s opened by now,” said Hye-jeong.
“Bye hoes,” Sa-ra waved as she walked away with others.
I laid there, barely conscious. My tears didn’t stop and my eyes were stinging. The world grew blurry around me. The burning pain, the bruises, the wounds, my head, the ringing in my ears, everything felt worse. I couldn’t even move. Before I knew anything else, I passed out on the gym floor.
I wiped the steam off my mirror as I stood naked in front of it. Some of the burnt skin on my thighs grew pinkish red over the years.
        I wore some clothes on and started drying my hair. Min-hee is fast asleep in her room. I collected all the dishes from the table and put them in the sink. It’s 11.45 p.m. My sleep can wait.
        I turned my phone on and opened Facebook. I searched up Moon Dong-Eun. I found a profile under the same name but there weren’t any pictures. I wonder if it’s really hers.
        I was staring at her profile. Should I search them up as well? I mean, I have to if I want to change my mind.
        I searched up Yeon-jin’s profile first. She worked as a weather forecaster at a news channel and married the CEO of Jaepyeong Construction in Semyeong, Ha Do-yeong. She had a child named Ha Ye-sol, same age as Min-hee.
        Jeon Jae-joon is a wealthy heir to a country club and helped up scaling a clothing boutique named Siesta.
        Lee Sa-ra became an artist.
        Choi Hye-jeong works as a flight attendant.
        For Son Myeong-oh, I couldn’t gather much information about him except maybe he works for Jeon Jae-joon.
        This much was quite enough for me. I put my phone down on the table and rested my head on my arms. I kept staring at the ceiling. The yellow light from the street outside illuminated my room. I looked over at Min-hee, she’s fast asleep.
        I took my phone and went over to the common balcony. I opened up my call logs on my phone as I closed the door behind me to make sure Min-hee doesn’t wake up. At the top of my call logs displayed Moon Dong-eun’s name. I almost made the call  when I paused.
        Wait, no. Am I doing the right thing?
        I didn’t press on her name yet. Instead, I stretched back by holding on the railings and looked over at the city before me. Seoul looks beautiful especially at night. The city lights flickered like the stars in the sky. All the quietness up here and the distant hustle of the people and traffic made me calm.
I closed my eyes and let out my breath. I looked back at my phone and pressed her name. I pressed the phone against my ear. After a few rings at my end, ”Hello Moon Dong-Eun? It’s me,  Y/N.”
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simpingforclaudette · 3 months
This is the main account of rrpexp. I was wondering if you had any more thoughts about randy and Stu (and billy if any). Please 🙏 I'm so starved for content!
omg hi! i'm SO sorry for the late answer. i don't check my inbox very often. thank you so much for the ask! and yes, i have more thoughts (:
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my first thought is an au where stu lives and is in jail during the events of scream 2 and randy goes to question to him to figure out who are the new ghostfaces.
i feel like this could be an interesting dialogue-heavy fic where stu keeps derailing the conversation by bringing up things that happened between him and randy, things randy is desperate to forget because he's struggling with coming to terms with his bisexuality and the fact that he's had a thing with stu, now known as one of the most infamous serial killers in america.
bonus angst points if randy still dies and stu completely loses touch with reality afterwards, using his phone time in jail to "talk" to him.
my second thought is an au where stu dies, but becomes a ghost and starts haunting randy, going as far as possessing him to commit more murders. but as time goes on, randy's body starts rotting, which means he has to find a way to get rid off stu before he dies.
i just love the idea of zombie! or ghost! stu and body horror and this is a perfect mix of those two things. i also love this scenario because i can't see stu being a genuinely healthy partner for randy, even outside of this au, so it could showcase how toxic their relationship would be and how randy could learn to accept his sexual orientation and stand up for himself and move on.
my third thought is more of a stu/randy/billy thing. it's basically a pre-canon au where randy gets romantically involved with stu and billy. they have secret meet ups, both at stu's house and outside of woodsboro. at some point randy starts sensing something's off about them. he’s convinced, knows, they have something in mind, but he's not sure what. and then the first movie's events happen.
i love the idea of randy being this sort of secret witness to billy and stu's relationship and how they came to plan their killing spree without actually seeing anything (does that make sense?). could it be because stu and billy are manipulating him or because he finds too much comfort in the attention they give him to want to see what's happening in front of him? seeing him try to deal with his guilt afterwards would be very interesting to me.
my last idea is just stu stabbing randy in the third act, leaving him in the garage with tatum’s corpse (because who doesn’t love some homoerotic stabbing?) so he doesn’t get back into the house with stu and doesn’t get shot by billy.
this one is interesting because i can see stu stab him on a non-vital part of his body, giving him a chance of survival, and making some joke that he’ll live since he’s a virgin. and hiding him in the garage could be an attempt to hide him from billy, to make sure he doesn’t find him and finish him off.
that’s pretty much all i have in mind for now. i hope you’ll enjoying reading this as much as i enjoyed writing that reply! if you have stu/randy thoughts too, feel free to send me an ask!
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lcftyambiticns · 6 months
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♔ ❛ 𝑰nd. &. sel. 25+ 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐃𝐔𝐑'𝐒 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐄 roleplay blog for ℒORROAKAN ; self-appointed MASTER OF RAMAZITH'S TOWER &. ARCHMAGE of Baldur's Gate. TRIGGER WARNING for dark / adult content.
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WeaveRot / an undying bond: @shadovan Apprentice: @onemostindominable
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25+ ONLY. This blog is written by an adult for other adults, so please act accordingly.
I'm careful about how I curate my online space, and the block button and I are besties. Usually it's nothing against you personally, but simply to avoid misunderstandings. Muns who engange in OOC drama, OOC bigotry and LGBTQA+ phobia of any kind, callout posts, OOC political discourse will be blocked on sight, as well as people who can't differentiate fiction from reality. If you don't like someone's content, block them. Protecting your online space is a mature thing to do, and I promise I'll 100% support that. What's NOT okay is trying to police adults on what to write on their blogs (go touch some grass).
Triggers you may encounter on this blog: violence, murder, abuse, gore, monsters, gaslighting, manipulation, canon-typical fantasy racism and overall offensive / problematic themes. Triggers won't always be tagged. If you're triggered by any of these, this blog isn't for you.
I'm a big fan of making my muses suffer :D I love angst and exploring dark, gritty plots. If you have any triggers, let me know before jumping into a RP with me so we're all on the same page.
Communication is key!! You'd like to share an idea? Go right ahead. Don't like where the plot is going? Let me know. You want to scream about our muses? YES. Writing is so much more fun if the muns get along. I promise, I don't bite.
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I'm selective and mutuals only simply because I can't spread myself too thin. I'm particularly selective when it comes to mumu-blogs featuring muses from fandoms outside the DnD / BG3 verse.
If we aren't mutuals: You are welcome to send asks and memes! Same goes for plot ideas, send an ask.
Formatting and accessiblity: I HOPE(!!) that most of you are mindful of your RP partners' accessibility needs, but I won't follow blogs with heavy formatting regardless. Wide spacing or paragraphs entirely in lowercase or caps make reading difficult for me and I want to check out your writing before I give a follow. Obviously, typos or grammar mistakes are absolutely okay. As long as I'm able to understand what you're writing, you're doing great.
MEMES. I love them. Send 57. I can't promise I will reply to every meme you send, but that's just because not every meme sparks my muse. If you want to continue a meme, go right ahead! No need to ask.
If I follow you, I have read your rules and want to interact! Don't be shy <3 I will also assume that if you follow me back, you're fine with me sending you memes / tagging you in starters / sliding into your IMs to plot.
If you followed me first, I'd appreciate it if you reached out first. I will try my best to do same, of course!
Plotting: I'm not a fan of plotting out every detail. I find it more exciting to let our muses guide the story and see where it takes us! However, Lorroakan is a particularly uncooperative muse and an asshole on main. Having a general idea of what we want our muses to do really helps to keep the ball rolling, even if we end up going in a different direction!
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This blog is multiship, male lean. Fair warning; Lorroakan isn't particularly interested in romance or sex, and he's a prick. I'm open to shipping, BUT ships will most likely be toxic / one-sided (with the potential to develop into something wholesome over time!), and slow burn. By slow I mean glacial. In most cases, at least.
I won't write smut on the dash. The steamy stuff will be moved to discord or IMs.
Pre-established relationships: Yes. I usually don't do romantic pre-established relationships (exepctions may be made at my discretion), but what if your muse was Lorroakan's childhood bestie? Another (former?) apprentice? A fellow scholar of the arcane he used to work with?
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MUN NOTES Mun =/= Muse, I obviously don't condone any of Lorroakan's bs IRL. He isn't a nice person. He is a toxic, abusive piece of work. While I will absolutely respect your boundaries OOC (if you talk to me beforehand about them, pretty please with a cherry on top), I won't water him down.
Please don't soft-block me, I have the memory of a soggy pickle. If you don't want me to interact with you, hard-block.
@ all personal blogs: Hi, I appreciate you and it's really flattering to know you enjoy my writing and HCs. You are welcome to like and reblog my HCs and graphics (REBLOG, not repost, don't steal my shit or I'll go Liam Neeson on you), but no touchy RP threads.
Activity: Sometimes I'll reply super fast, sometimes it takes me ages, and sometimes I can only focus on specific threads / muses.
They / Them, hatched 1995, dog parent, hyperfixating on problematic villains, D&D player.
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GENERAL Lorroakan is in his mid-late 30s, fairly young considering his achievements (mostly obtained through deceitful methods).
He presents himself as the great archmage of Baldur's Gate, but while he is a compentent wizard and keen enchanter, he is nowhere near as powerful as he claims to be.
Lorroakan laid claim to Ramazith Tower after its previous owner mysteriously disappearend, and he refuses to share the knowledge it holds (at least for free).
He is originally from Athkatla, one of the wealthiest cities in Faerun, but he grew up in the shadows of its splendor. His family (mother, father, two sisters, four brothers) could barely make ends meet, but Lorroakan has always been ambitious and harbored dreams of one day being just as wealthy and powerful as the elite of the Gem District. The practice or use of arcane magic is explicitly illegal within the city of Athkatla, but that didn't stop him; he practiced in secret whenever he could get his hands on a spellbook.
PERSONALITY IN A NUTSHELL . . . as interpreted by the mun ; Ambitious, diligent, intelligent, clever, creative ; selfish, arrogant, manipulative, power-hungry, petty, vain.
He has a superiority complex ; he is vain, has an overly high opinion of himself, makes boastful claims that aren't backed up by reality, has a habit of putting down those who outshine him.
(The way I see it) Lorroakan isn't a straight up villain. However, his ambitions and narcissistic nature drive him to commit morally questionable, and at times, outright despicable acts.
CHARACTER STUDIES / RELEVANT HEADCANONS: bad money habits more about his past & why he is how he is
Shippy HCs CONs of being his lover PROs of being his lover NSFW headcanons
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goldie-screams · 1 year
First off- Terfs, Cops, Homophobes, Transphobes, Racists, Etc. Fuck the hell off and get disintegrated.
Now they are gone~
Hiya welcome to this chaotic mess of a blog where I scream about just about anything but some things I like especially are-
anime, (GL/Yuri)manga, mecha, mahou shojou, space, sci-fi, game development and especially girls. And more- Probably!
If you play FFXIV and want to run content send me a message!
Feel free to call me Goldie. I use she/her pronouns. I'm a trans fem gal who loves women and im especially t4t. I work in a small game studio and i develop my own games outside of that.
If you want to take a look at my games you can look here:
You could be awesome play my most recent game!
Was done for one asset jam for a week long jam and really proud of myself for the character art. First time i was able do something like that.
Its a sapphic little story about a vampire girl and a girl that just happened to be fall asleep in an abandoned building.
I do post progress on my most recent game here under the #goldie dev tag if you'd like to take a look.
Its a WIP multiplayer survival game with the main inspirations being CDDA and Project Zomboid. But i wanted the game to have a cuter more "anime" style as im sick of all of the realistic survival games. But its also not gonna be a "wholesome" apocalypse.
And have some of the tags i use for stuff
#goldie selfies - Look at me! Look at me! Call me cute!
#goldie asks - You can be here too. Ask me about anything. I love game dev questions especially. Flirting is totally fine too!
#goldie writing - My writing!
#goldie art - My art!
#goldie dev
#goldie gamedev - stuff that's about projects I'm working on or other gamedev related things
#goldie vent - yearning probably
#goldie ramble - basically any text post
#goldie manga - mostly gay stuff
Horny stuff
If you'd like to flirt with me I'm totally fine with that-
In fact please do.
I'm a switch so either is fun.
I'm honestly fine with most kinks and down to experiment.
But absolute NOs that i can think of rn are anything to do with shit, and ageplay.
But otherwise feel free to ask.
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one-boring-person · 1 year
The Somnambulist* and The Oneiromancer**.
A/n: So this is the first piece of non-fanfiction work that I'm uploading on here, so I hope those of you who read it will enjoy it☺️ this particular piece is more horror-based 👍😁
Content Warning: Death, injury detail, some delusion, swearing
!The italicised and non italicised parts mark different POVs, hence the differing uses of personal and impersonal pronouns! If this is hard to read, let me know and I will change the colours or something instead.
This is my own original work! Please do not repost or publish elsewhere! Reblogging is fine should you want to, encouraged even, but please do not repost!
It should strike me odd that the house is silent. Empty and silent. A place so familiar to me, so utterly different, it almost seems foreign. An inky shadow cloaks the depths of the building, shrouding the rooms outside the hallway in an impenetrable blackness. It’s eerie how little I can see of my own home, though I could easily map it out if I really wanted to. Each detail is branded into my mind, usually comforting in its familiarity. Now, however, I feel a shiver crawl down my spine, taking its time etching unease into my very being as I stare into the abyss that was once my family home. 
Unsure of what to do, I remain frozen in place, eyes flitting from place to place, trying to make something out in the all-encompassing shadows. Behind me is the front door, though I don’t remember entering through it; something inside me keeps me from turning and leaving through it, too. Every instinct inside me burns at the idea, as if doing so might leave me at the mercy of some hidden creature, lurking in the orifices of the house. Apprehension floods me at the thought, my pulse skipping into a faster rhythm as fear bites at my chest. 
Its fangs sink deep into me as a sudden scream tears through the thick silence, a scream so visceral it releases hot, blazing adrenaline into my veins, my heart pounding in my chest, hellbent on getting out of its cage. 
My breath catches in my throat, my eyes wide. The voice is familiar - horrifyingly so - but it must be my imagination. Surely there is no one in this hellhole other than me?
Any doubt I had is quashed as another cry echoes through the deserted hall, this time far more distinct. I feel my heart skip a beat as I realise what I heard - an agonised call of my name in my partner’s voice. 
Without another thought, I spur myself into action.
A creak somewhere downstairs brings Till back to reality. 
Frowning, he looks up from the book in his lap, turning his head towards the door to the room, which remains closed. 
“Max? Is that you?” He calls out, listening for his boyfriend’s response.
When silence ensues, Till’s frown deepens, only to relax again as he realises it must’ve been Spider, the couple’s skittish cat. He’d left Max lying on the sofa, fast asleep after a hard day at work, still in his uniform, his service belt slung over the back of a kitchen chair nearby, soft snores drifting from the policeman’s gaping mouth. Unwilling to wake him and unable to carry him, Till had left the man there, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth before going upstairs to their shared bedroom. 
Sighing, he turns back to his book, skimming the page for the moment he left off. Finding it, he returns to his reading, only to look up moments later at the sudden sound of footsteps racing through the house.
The shadows seem to rear back around me as I charge through them, tripping over my feet on my way up to the top floor. By now, I have my service revolver in my hand, cocked and ready to use, drawn from my belt, which I still seem to be wearing. Panic simmers dimly in my head, held back only by my fear for what I am to find when I reach the room. I know the scream has come from. Reaching the door, I waste no time in driving my booted foot hard into the frail wood, sending it bouncing back against the wall. 
Instantly, I have my gun lifted and poised, ready to shoot, my eyes scanning the room to assess the threat. 
“Max, what the fuck?!” 
Lying prone on the bed is Till, his skin deathly pale, completely unmoving, his eyes wide and staring glassily at the ceiling. Ignoring the agonising pang that shoots through me at the sight of my partner dead in the bed we’ve shared for years, I turn my focus to the hulking beast crouched over him, its fangs buried deep into the frail neck of the dead man beneath it. 
I don’t have time to hesitate. My finger closes on the trigger.
“MAX, NO! STO-” 
Bullets tear into the back of the beast on the bed, sending crimson spurting out onto the decorated bed sheets Till had picked out for us, hot and thick as it makes contact with the cool night air. As I watch, however, the creature seems to fade from existence, its carcass shimmering until it is no more - a phantom of my imagination, leaving behind Till’s corpse. 
Going closer, I feel a sinking weight drop into my stomach, bile rising to my throat as I see the scattered bullet holes torn into his bare chest. Somewhere behind me, a laugh, cruel and mirthless, echoes from the shadows and I instantly know what has happened. 
Max’s eyes open in time to see the light fade from Till’s. 
For a moment, all he can do is stare and blink, not quite able to process what he sees and what he knows has happened. It doesn’t last long, rage igniting alongside deep-seated grief within him, his fist clenching around the handle of his gun, which still lingers in his grasp. He doesn’t turn around as that same laugh sounds again, grating in his ears, the sound of footsteps approaching slowly from behind him only adding fire to his fury.
“What a monster you have become, Max.” A smoothe, accentless voice purrs in his ear, a presence appearing at his back, “It becomes you, you know.”
“Fuck you.” Max snarls, refusing to look at his perpetrator. 
Another chuckle weasels its way into his ears.
“No need to be vulgar,” The oneiromancer scolds gently, “I was only complimenting you.”
“I don’t want your compliments.”
“Shame. I have many more.”
Max fights back the urge to turn on the man behind him, instead going to Till’s side, smoothing back blood-soaked hair from his fearful face.
“I must say, that worked far better than I expected it would.” The oneiromancer muses, coming up behind Max once more, much to his distaste, placing a gentle hand on the man’s head, “ I daresay I have use of you yet.”
A single word is uttered, and Max feels his eyes shut once more, his consciousness fleeing before a tide of darkness. 
* = One who sleepwalks
** One who deals in dreams
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viktheviking1 · 1 year
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The Pompous and The Prick Fanfic
Chapter 7: Everyone Should Cry More
Typically, the Stolas mansion was dead silent, without even a single creaky floorboard to announce a living presence. It was as schrödinger's box; with everything in it could be dead or alive and you wouldn’t know until you looked inside. At least, that's how it was on a usual day.
"Sh*t!" Stolas screamed, turning over furniture, "Blast it all to hell and up your father's *ss!"
Loona heard this from outside, but was busy looking up at just how big the mansion was, mouth agape. She traced her hand along the smooth curve of a pillar. D*mn, what was Blitz running from again?
Octavia, however, heard the expletives and approached with caution.
"That . . . Is unusual. Maybe wait on the doorstep? It's not that he would hurt you, I just don't want him to have an aneurysm if he realizes that you heard all that." Octavia said to Loona before she opened the door. She began sneaking through the palace, hearing crashing and the occasional curse from Stolas, only some of which made sense.
“. . . Dad?” she peeked her head through the open door.
Stolas spun around so fast, his head had to catch up with the rest of his body, “V-Via! Darling! How long have you been home? Don’t mind me, dear, I’m just doing some . . . cleaning! Yes, cleaning; I’m sorting things that need to be thrown out, and things to keep. You know how the saying goes, you gotta make a mess to clean a mess!” He said, before tripping over some books on the floor.
Via looked around at the overturned nightstands, sheets stripped off the bed, vanity drawers emptied of their contents, “Yeah . . . very organized sorting.”
Stolas sighed, leaning against his bed frame which was now several meters away from where it usually was, "Alright, I'm looking for something I've lost. I'm sure I never took it out of this room. Still, it was a light blue envelope, if you see it, please give it to me directly, and for heaven's sake, do not open it. There are things in there that a young child should not read." He went back to looking around and rummaging through his own reckage like a maniac.
"I'm not a young child anymore." She said, leaning on the door frame.
Stolas paused his chaos to look her dead in the eyes, "Okay, then there are things in there that my child should not read. It was addressed to Blitz. I was never going to send it, of course. It was just an exercise advised by my therapist."
"You go to therapy . . .?" This was news to Via.
"I was planning on burying it in my garden, or perhaps throwing it poetically into a brimstone lake on a family trip together, but if I don't know where it is, then anyone could have gotten their hands on it. And just when you had specifically asked me to lay low in the media, too-" Stolas's eyes wandered over to where the grimoire usually was held on the shelf, ". . . Sh*t . . . I know where it is."
He began gathering his coat and barrelling past her..
"You mind if I have a friend over-?" Via called after him.
"Of course, darling! They can help themselves to whatever's in the fridge!" He shouted as he ran.
"Hi, Stolas." Loona smiled and waved as the prince ran out of the house.
"Hi, Loona. Sorry, not now." Stolas said without looking, “Where the devil is the car?!”
“Uhh . . . Don’t you, like, portal everywhere?” Loona cocked an eyebrow up at him.
“Oh, right! Thank you dear!” He called back, and made a portal in front of himself.
Octavia walked over to Loona and they watched Stolas leave.
“Where the f**k is he going in such a hurry?” Loona asked.
"No idea, but he'll probably realize that you were here, later. At least the aneurysm will be someone else's problem. Come on, let's go."
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ginnympotter · 2 years
Ahhh I was trying to find prompts that could go with blvnkart’s newest jily drawing (it had me screaming) so depending on the vibe you want to go for: 1, 64, 65 or 69! Whichever one strikes inspiration!
it had me screaming as well anon....i can't handle it. thank you so much for sending this! i decided to go with #1 using that pic as inspo (I think I'm in love with you, and I'm terrified). I usually like to use the prompts as a starting point but decided that was more of a middle of the story line, so here ya go :)
It was the perfect day in Hogsmeade with James. Though they'd been together since the second week of term practically, it was a month and a half into their relationship and their first real date outside the castle. They were able to spend (most of) the day alone (aside from a brief interruption by the rest of the Marauders at Zonko's). James was being awfully romantic, making Lily laugh so hard she couldn't breathe, kissing her so thoroughly in the Shrieking Shack (since no one else dared to go in there) she could barely stay standing, and confirming everything her heart had been shouting at her since she finally let him in.
Now it was just the matter of letting him know.
James held Lily's hand in his own firmly, intertwining their fingers, as they arrived back onto the school grounds. "C'mon, let's get back inside-"
James looked at Lily curiously, raising an eyebrow. "No?"
"It's just...well...it's so nice outside! Don't you want to stay outside?"
"Lil, it's freezing."
"So? We have our cloaks. I can perform a warming charm really easily," she said, hastily taking out her wand. She pointed it at James's cloak and muttered something under her breath, then at her own. "See? Let's just...walk around the grounds, yeah?"
James's look went from curious to suspicious. "Everything alright?"
"Yes, of course. Perfect, everything is perfect," she said, then leaned up and kissed him quickly. "I just... I don't want the day to end yet."
James grinned at that. "Oh," he said, quite pleased with himself, before leaning down and kissing her again. "I don't either."
"C'mon," she pulled him, and began their walk.
They walked together through the grounds, James continuing a story about his first training broom, when Lily stopped them by the familiar beech tree.
"Why'd we stop?" he asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Just thought this was a nice place to stop, don't you?"
"Lily Evans," James said warmly, snaking one arm around her waist. "Did you bring me to this tree to seduce me?"
"Something like that," she said, because she wasn't ready to talk, but she was always ready to be kissed by James. And that's just what she let him do, as he took his free hand and cupped her face before bringing his mouth to hers. She sighed contently against his lips, before he parted them with his tongue. Before she knew it, she was completely swept up in his glorious mouth, in the feel of his hands traveling all over her.
She thought this would help ease her nerves before telling him what she wanted to, but it for some reason made her more emotional. James stopped kissing her suddenly. "Lily? Are you...hey...what's the matter?"
She hadn't realized she was crying until he wiped a tear rolling down her cheek. "Sorry," she murmured, wiping her other eye quickly.
"Don't be. Come here," he said gently as he pulled her in for a hug, kissing the top of her head. "What's going on?"
"I didn't bring you here to snog," she blurted against his chest. "Well, I was hoping we eventually would snog, but that was going to be after."
"After what?"
She couldn't say it. And sweet James let her stay in silence for a good thirty seconds before he grabbed her chin and forced her eyes to look into his. "What is it, Lil?"
The golden flecks in his eyes might have been what gave her the courage, or maybe just his tenderness. She never knew he could be so tender.
"I think...I think I'm in love with you."
It took a moment for the words to register, but when they did, James's jaw dropped. "Really?"
His shock made her laugh, which was a relief. "Yeah, and I'm terrified."
"Terrified of what?" he asked.
"It's just...it's a lot to feel, is all," she admitted. "I've never felt this way before."
He cupped her face in his hands. "Well, I know I'm in love with you," he declared, then kissed her so deeply she became dizzy, seeing stars behind her eyelids. "And I was terrified, too, until now. Because you love me back. You, Lily Evans. Love me."
Lily opened her eyes and saw the absolute glee on his face, and suddenly she wasn't as terrified anymore. She laughed. "I love you," she told him. James leaned his forehead against hers, and they both smiled so wide it hurt their faces. "I love you," she repeated.
"I love you so bloody much, Evans. For so long," he told her.
"Guess I've got to play catch up, then," she said.
"Guess so," he laughed, before kissing her with so much love, until the night turned dark and all fear was forgotten.
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ruthserbel · 2 years
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Fanfiction Information [x] Chapter Title: Some Kind of Disaster Release Date: Dec. 7th, 2022 Word Count: 4.1k Content Warnings: N/A Summary: On route back to Anatol, the Remdragon Knights run into a run down village - although, wasn't this place not run down when they past it last? The group quickly realized that there had been a monster attack on the village. Ruth searches for wounded, while the knights check the surrounding area. Notes: I'll try to keep this short... First, I'm sorry if this sucks. Second, it's finally done - well... Chapter one is. I have my general ideas laid out, and where I want to take this fanfiction, and how I generally want it to end. If you like this, please drop a like, or send me a message and let me know! The more people that like it, the more likely I am to actually finish this without dropping it. Anyways, enjoy! LAST THING, I will say, this song's theme 'Some Kind of Disaster' is going to come back in a later chapter. So consider this Some Kind of Disaster pt. 1!
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Aria’s POV
Aria puttered around the kitchen, gathering supplies she would need for lunch. Before she started to prep anything, she tossed her hair back, wrapping it around itself so it would stay up. "Alright," she whispered to herself, grabbing her knife.
The girl hummed as she prepped all the ingredients, setting them into the pot once they were ready. When everything had been set into the pot, she put the lid overtop, closing it, and moving it over to the stove. While Aria waited for the food to cook, she grabbed the plates and set them on the table. Once the plates were set, she tossed a cloth down in the middle of the table for the pot once the food finished cooking.
“Jasper, lunch is almost ready.” Aria called out to her brother who had went to tidy up their bedroom.
“Coming,” Jasper called back from the other room. After a few moments, he emerged from the doorway, carrying blankets in his arms. His hair askew from cleaning the room.
“Once we’re done eating, I was figuring we could go give these a clean, so they'll be dry before tonight.” He said as he tossed the blankets down in the basket by the front door.
“Sounds good,” Aria said in agreement, making her way across the room to her brother. She lifted her hand up, fixing his hair. “We can also trim your hair once we're done,” she added, her hand falling back down from his head.
“Yeah, yeah,” her brother said with a chuckle. “My hair is fine.”
“Summertime is coming, and you will have to help with some of the farming again this year.” Aria pointed out said, walking back into the kitchen. Aria lifted the lid off the pot, checking on the food in the pot. “It’ll be another minute, sit down.”
Jasper nodded. “I guess you have a point there… I’ll let you cut my hair,” he said after a moment, moving to the table, pulling out a chair.
Both of their heads turned to the front door, following the source of noise.
“What the heck?!” Jasper said, walking towards the door. Aria followed a few steps behind. Once they reached the door, they heard screams.
Jasper opened the door, stepping outside. Jasper’s gasp was barely audible to Aria, who was stepping outside of the house. “What is it?” she whispered grabbing onto his shirt with her hands. Soon after she questioned him, she herself saw the source of the noise. Her hand moved from holding his shirt to cover her mouth, as if holding in a scream.
The house that had once stood a few down from theirs – fallen to the ground and was set ablaze. “Aria, get inside. I’ll be back.” Jasper said, looking down at her. Placing his hands on her shoulder, he pushed his sister back into their house. “Do not come outside until I’ve come back,” he said before closing the door.
Aria stood in front of the door for a few seconds, not able to command her legs to move. Once she was able to move, she placed her hand on the wall, using it to keep her balance. Aria's head was starting to spin. Out of her 34 years alive, she had never once thought anything like this could happen to their village. 'Calm down,' she thought to herself.
Aria moved along the wall, walking to a corner of the room. Once she reached the corner of the room, she spun around, pushing her back into the corner. 'It's okay,' she repeated in her head, sliding down the wall so she was crouching in the corner.
She moved her hands from the wall, covering her ears, trying to block out the noise from outside. “Please, let no one get hurt. Please,” she pleaded, closing her eyes. Once the words came out of her mouth, she felt a sob emerge from her chest. ‘Don’t cry’ she thought, biting her lips to hold herself back.
After 10 minutes, but had felt like an eternity, everything outside seemed to fade. She lifted her hands off her ears. All she could hear was wood burning. She kept herself low for a moment, listening for any other sounds. ‘Is it done?’
After only hearing wood burning for a minute, she lifted herself off the ground. Her feet crept towards the door again, keeping her hands on the wall as she walked to stabilize herself.
Aria cracked the door open, trying her best not to make any noise. She peered outside of the small crack she had made. There didn’t seem to be many buildings left standing at this point. But she also couldn’t see what had done the damage. ‘Brother… Please…’ Fear overcame her, and she opened the door more. She could go and find him, make sure he was okay. She hadn’t heard anything in a while, so whatever had made this mess had moved on.
As the door opened it creaked a few times. Aria hadn’t even heard it, her ears filled with the sound of burning wood. She stepped outside of the door, leaving it open behind her.
She scanned the area, trying to spot her brother. "Jasper..." she whispered, taking a few more steps. Her eyes kept scanning the area around her, not seeing her brother.
"Jasper!" she yelled this time. She started to walk further away, scanning the area still. She had to make sure he was okay. She couldn’t lose another person. She refused that reality.
Aria staggered, as a massive rush of air came from behind her, accompanying the sound. She turned around, meanwhile she heard a large inhale.
Darkness. Confusion. Heat. Pain.
Aria tried to shuffle through her feelings. She couldn’t hear anything, nor see anything. What was happening? She tried to open her mouth to scream, but her body wouldn’t allow her. Darkness enveloped her.
‘Mom, Dad, is this... Is this it?’ she thought to herself.
Aria stared off into the darkness for what seemed like a decade. She didn’t couldn’t hear anything. All she had was her thoughts. ‘Please body, wake up from this never-ending dream. That’s what it is right? I’m about to wake up soon, and the day will have never happened. C’mon Aria, wake up!’ Aria pleaded with herself in her thoughts.
As if her brain had listened to her this time, a voice came through her muddled head. “Look for anyone else that is still alive, I’ll deal with her first.”
“Brother…?” she managed to whisper, although her voice was hoarse. The person didn’t even understand her, even though it was only one word. She swallowed, her throat burning, almost causing her to scream out of pain. “Brother…” she tried again.
Her eyes fluttering open, now seeing the person the voice belonged to. It wasn't her brother, but instead an unknown male. Her mind went blank as she looked at the boy in front of her. All her previous feelings vanished.
Aria let out a small laugh, expecting to feel pain from the movement, yet she felt none. "You're not him," she whispered, her eyes fluttering closed again. Sounds vanishing as soon as her eyes closed.
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Ruth’s POV
Ruth let out a yawn, gripping the reins with his left hand. “How much longer?” He asked, which was – as he expected, met with groans from the knights.
“I’ve said it a few times already, Ruth… around one to two days… Unless you don’t want to sleep. I’m okay with that,” Riftan replied, grinning at the end.
“No, Commander, please…” a few of the knights in the back cried out.
“Well, you heard them I guess,” Ruth said with a slight chuckle. Although he knew that he himself wouldn’t be able to push through a full day and night of ridding. He was already sleep deprived before this trip, and it hadn’t gotten any better.
Ruth hated visiting the capitol. Normally he would get out of it, but this time he wasn’t able to. Maxi wasn’t in Anatol so he couldn’t use ‘protecting her’ as an excuse this time to stay behind. The trip and being in the capital caused his sleep deprived state from before to duplicate.
“When I get home, I’m sleeping for a week straight,” Ruth mumbled under his breath. He was sure Riftan heard what he had said, although Riftan didn’t comment.
“Right, then let’s keep going. We will stop soon, there should be a village along the way we can stay at. It’s small, but we can stay there for the night.” Riftan informed the group of knights before the group started to move along the trail again.
While moving along the trail, Ruth looked up at the sky, and around the forest. At least there were generally good views on these trips. That was the only solace he had when forced to go to the capitol.
The knights chatted amongst themselves as they traveled. Ruth pushed their conversations out of ears. He tried to focus on staying awake, although the rocking of the horse was fighting to also put him to sleep. “Soon,” he mumbled, yawning again.
Ruth zoned out trying to keep his mind busy while they moved along the path. He wasn’t sure when it happened, but all the knights had sped up. They were heading towards, what looked like a run-down village. ‘That’s weird, there was a village here on the way up, it must be a bit further up…’ Ruth thought to himself.
Ruth sped up his horse, trying to get beside Riftan. Before he even reached Riftan's side, he heard one of the knights' yelling.
“There’s been an attack!”
Everything made sense now. Ruth gave a slight kick to his horse, speeding up so he could get beside Riftan. “Ruth," Riftan said once Ruth was beside him. "Deal with looking for the injured," Riftan instructed as they reached the front of the village. Both men jumped off their horses, handing the reins to a few knights who were taking care of the horses.
Ruth grabbed the medicine pouch that hung from his horse's saddle. “Send someone to me when you have the bodies to spare,” he said to Riftan before walking towards the village. His eyes scanned the village as he walked up. Not only were the houses knocked down, but whatever it was also set fire to the houses.
Whatever had done this was surely long gone. The fires around had died out. Ruth started down the main path of the village. Looking through the rubble of houses for humans. He had found a few, but upon inspecting them, they had already passed away.
Ruth let out a heavy sigh as he checked the 20th person, who had also seemed to be dead. “Is there anyone that survived this?” He questioned aloud.
“There’s still about ten more houses, don’t assume the worst yet,” a voice said behind him.
“I’ll take it as you're done already?” Ruth asked, knowing it was Riftan behind him. He stood up, walking together towards the next house. "We can split up, and search. Cuts down the time," Ruth said as he walked along the pathway to the houses. His eyes scanned the remaining houses, counting them up.
“One, two, three, four, five, si…” Ruth’s counting petered off as he noticed a body close to one of the houses. “Over there,” Ruth said, breaking out in a sprint towards the body. Riftan following behind him a few feet behind him. Ruth could tell when he got closer to the body of a female that she was still breathing. “She’s alive,” he exclaimed before he crouched down beside her. Started to inspect her body for any wounds.
“Keep looking for anyone else that is still alive, I’ll deal with her first.” Ruth instructed as he pressed his hand against an open wound on the girl’s side, assessing the wound.
Ruth’s hands froze. Was he imagining that sound? His eyes moved to Riftan who had stopped in his tracks once he had heard the noise. 'Alright, I'm not imagining the voice,' Ruth thought.
“Brother…” the voice said, in a raspy voice as if it was all she could do to get the word out. Ruth’s eyes met her eyes when they fluttered open. He wasn’t sure what he should say, so he kept quiet for a moment.
Ruth kept his hand against the wound on the girls side, reducing the bleeding.'Probably doesn't realize that she's injured yet,' Ruth thought to himself.
His thoughts confirmed when he heard the girl let out a soft laugh. "You're not him," he heard her say before her eyes fluttered shut again.
Ruth waited for a moment. He wasn't sure if the girl was going to wake up again. Once her breathing slowed down again, he lifted his hand from her side for a second, looking at the wound. “The pain should go away in a moment,” he said to her, although she was knocked out again. He placed his hands back on her side, starting to heal her using his mana.
Ruth could feel the girl’s body relax as the healing worked. “There,” he said, although the girl hadn't regained continuousness. “You'll be fine.”
Ruth stretched his hands up, untying his cloak from around his shoulders. He pulled the cloak off, folding it around his arm a few times. He lifted his head seeing Hebaron walking in his direction. “Look after her please. She should stay asleep, if she wakes up, call for me and I will come as soon as I can.” Ruth instructed as he placed his cloak on the ground, moving her head to lay on it.
Ruth pulled himself up off the ground, brushing some of the dust off his pants. He scanned the houses, finding Riftan walking around one. "I'll be back," he said to the knight, walking towards Riftan.
Ruth made his way over to Riftan, who had entered a house at the end of the path. He followed behind Riftan who had no issue maneuvering the rubble of the fallen house. Ruth used his feet to kick some of the rubble to the side so he had a clear pathway.
Riftan held his hand up, stopping Ruth from kicking the rubble for a moment. It was then that they both heard it clearly. Both turned to look around for the source of the sound.
Sitting in the corner of the room was a little girl. She was leaning over another body, crying. Ruth started to walk towards the girl, slowly trying not to scare her. "Are you okay?" He questioned, stopping when he saw the jump.
She cautiously turned around, looking at the two men in front of her. Tears streaming down her face. "Help," she sobbed. "He's hurt," she added, looking back at the boy who was laying on the ground in front of her.
“I will help him, but are you yourself hurt?” Ruth asked, starting to walk towards her again. Once he reached the two people, his eyes scanned the boy, seeing a wound on his back, and some minor burns.
Ruth used his foot again to move some pieces of wood that was laying on the ground around the two of them. Once the area around had been cleared, Ruth knelt on the ground, getting to eye level with the girl.
The little girl fidgeted with her hands, then pointed back to the boy that was unconscious on the ground. “I’m not hurt. He’s hurt… because of me,” she said quietly, letting out another sob.
“Alright, I can help him,” Ruth said, as he placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder, using his healing magic again. He could feel the strain on his body this time, his tiredness coming back as he used his mana. He was nowhere near mana depletion, but his body didn’t have enough energy to do this much longer.
Ruth lifted his hand after a moment, “There, he should be all better now.” Ruth said, looking back at the girl with a small smile on his face. “No more crying, you’ll give yourself a headache,” he said, giving the girl a small smile.
Ruth pushed himself up off the ground and turned towards Riftan again. “If the knights are done making the tents outside, we can move the wounded to there for the night. I'll have a knight help me move them if you can take the girl," Ruth said quietly to Riftan, who nodded in response. “Okay,” Ruth said, walking out of the remains of the house.
“Sir Hebaron,” he called as he walked back towards the knight. “Can you help me move this girl, and the boy that is in there?” He asked, walking towards the knight.
“So, you mean I carry them while you make it look like you’re helping,” Hebaron said jokingly before nodding. “Yeah, I guess I can.”
Ruth collected the cloak that had been under older girl’s head, putting it back on. The two of them then worked on moving the two unconscious wounded into one of the two tents.
Once they had both been moved into the tent, Ruth moved over by the makeshift fire that had been set up.
Finally getting a chance to relax, he let out a sigh, and threw his body down against the ground. Ruth closed his eyes, listening to the sound of the fire burning. ‘Maybe I could get away with taking a nap,’ he thought, draping his arm over his eyes.
A few minutes after he had started to nap, Ruth heard a small twig beside him break. He removed his arm from his eyes looking in the direction of the sound, seeing the small girl sitting close to him.
“The big man told me to come over here,” she said quietly, pointing her finger behind Ruth. Ruth turned his head and sat Riftan talking to the group. ‘I’ll curse that man for not letting me sleep,’ Ruth though, holding back a sigh.
Ruth pulled himself back into a sitting position, rubbing the back of his neck. “What’s your name?” Ruth asked the girl, scratching the back of his head.
“Lily,” she replied.
“How old are you, Lily?” Ruth asked, looking at the girl now. He watched her as her fingers traced through the grass. Her finger traces left marks in the grass for a moment before the grass moved back into place again.
After a moment, the girl held up five fingers, answering his question.
“What about those two in there?” Ruth inquired, pointing towards the tent where the wounded were.
Lily lifted her head towards the tent, then turned her gaze towards Ruth. “The girl’s name is Aria, and the boy’s name is Jasper. He is her brother.”
“Hmm…” Ruth hummed. ‘So, we found her brother,’ he thought to himself. He wanted to ask further questions, but he knew it wasn’t a good idea to be asking the child any other questions.
Ruth and Lily sat silent for a while, not saying anything. Ruth watched the fire burn while the girl traced things in the ground. A few of the knights made their way over to the fire, setting up an area to cook.
As the fire started to get more surrounded, Lily moved closer to Ruth, hugging her legs up to her chest. Her teeth started to chatter after a while, as it started to get darker and the air chilled.
Ruth looked over at the girl as he heard the chattering. He looked at the progress of the meal that the knights had worked on. “I’ll get you something to eat,” Ruth said, standing up. Before he walked away, he slid his cloak off and draped it over Lily. “This should keep you warm,” he said.
Ruth made his way over to where Riftan was standing. “So, we found the brother,” he reported to Riftan, who looked over to him.
“And the names, did she tell you them?” Riftan asked, looking at Lily, who was now playing with the corner of the cloak that Ruth had given her.
“She is Lily, the other two are Aria and Jasper,” Ruth replied. “For tonight, I’ll sleep in the tent with the wounded. I'll keep an eye on them throughout the night,” Ruth said.
Riftan nodded, and pointed towards Lily, “You get to look after the child for now. She didn’t seem too keen on talking to anyone else other than me or you. Although she barely wanted to talk to me.” Riftan said, shrugging a bit. “You and the child should eat then go to bed; she has to be tired.” Riftan said.
Ruth nodded, ending the conversation there. He turned and grabbed two bowls of the food that had been made. Ruth walked back over to where Lily was, her eyes watching him as he got closer. “Here you go,” he said, setting it down in front of her on the ground. “It is a bit hot still, so let it cool down first,” he said as he sat down again beside her.
Ruth ate for a bit, looking at the fire. He could feel his body warm up after eating, and the tiredness came back. After a few moments, Lily picked up the bowl, and started to eat from it as well.
The two ate quietly, meanwhile the knights had conversations around them. Every few minutes Ruth could see a few knights glancing over in the direction of the girl beside him. After a while, Ruth set his bowl down on the ground once he had finished eating. He looked down at Lily as she ate.
Lily's eyes were looking around at all knights around her. She absentmindedly took bites of her food as she looked around. Anytime her eyes met another knight, she ducked her head down again, taking another bite.
Ruth stayed silent, listening to the knights around him talk. After a while Lily leaned forward, setting her bowl on the ground in front of her. "Let me know when you're ready to go to sleep and we can go inside." Ruth said to Lily as she curled her legs up again under the cloak again.
“Someone got put on babysitting duty,” Hebaron said, sitting down beside Ruth. “Lucky you,” he added with a smirk before his eyes shifted to the little girl beside Ruth. “Is she one of the wounded?” He asked, pointing to her.
Ruth felt Lily freeze beside him when Sir Hebaron’s finger pointed towards her. After a moment of sitting still she moved closer to Ruth, hiding herself against him. The knights who had seen the exchange laughed. Ruth joined them after a moment, laughing. “Don’t worry, a lot of girls feel that way about him,” Ruth said to Lily, still laughing.
Once the laughing around the fire had stopped, Ruth turned to Hebaron before he spoke. “Yes, I did get put on babysitting duty, but alongside that, I also get to sleep,” he said, grinning. “I would trade you, but alas, sleep…” he trailed off, laughing again.
Hebaron rolled his eyes as Ruth spoke. “If you keep bragging, wizard, you’ll have to heal yourself soon,” Hebaron grinned. Ruth knew there was no actual malice behind his words, so he ignored them. “So,” Hebaron continued. “What’s the child’s name?” He whispered.
“Lily,” Ruth replied, turning his head to look at the girl who was using him as a shield. “She’s a bit scared of anyone but the other wounded, Riftan and I,” Ruth said, turning back towards Sir Hebaron.
Ruth and Hebaron talked for a bit, other knights joining in and out of the conversation. After a while the conversation started to die down, and it was then that the sound of feint snoring was heard. Ruth looked back down at Lily, who was leaning against him, now asleep.
“Well, I guess it’s time for bed,” he said, moving so he was able to stand up, then pick Lily up without waking her. “If anything happens, don’t wake me.” Ruth said jokingly before he walked away from the rest of the knights, carrying Lily.
Ruth entered the tens with the two wounded people in it, and a few extra makeshift beds had been placed down. He laid the Lily down on one of them, rearranging his cloak so it was still covering her.  He walked over to where Aria rested. Grabbing the blanket that had been set on the corner of her bed and covered her bed, doing the same for Jasper.
Ruth finally sat down on one of the makeshift beds himself. “Finally,” he mumbled, laying down, closing his eyes. Falling asleep instantly.
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