#plot hole??? it has to be. there's no way this game doesn't take place over at least. idk 5 months.
forcedhesitation · 9 months
mayrina is STILL pregnant in act 3????? you're telling me we've done ALL this shit in barely any time at all? wasn't she close to having her child in act 1? there's no way we breezed through act 1 and 2 that fast. I could believe the whole game taking place over 9 months. but if mayrina's still not given birth between acts 1 and 3....that would suggest it's only been a month at most, right? which just. makes No sense to me.
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internetskiff · 6 months
The most powerful ability exclusive to humanity in the Half Life/Portal shared universe is our ability to just throw bullshit at the wall and see what sticks. Aperture "OSHA are the devil" Science have managed to create completely safe interconnected points in space. The same company that turns people's blood into gasoline and shoves lions and humans into the same enclosed space for the vague concept of "Science". Meanwhile Black Mesa still has to use Xen as a crossing and their teleportation device requires an entire reactor with a village's worth of staff constantly maintaining it, just to end up having most of said staff abducted by onion-headed aliens. Even the resistance hasn't managed to create completely stable teleporters with a compressed Xen relay, meanwhile Aperture just went "oh dude let's shove a black hole into a non-waterproof gun" and have just created a teleportation method that just removes Xen from the equation entirely. Doesn't change the fact they bullshat so bad they basically got themselves gassed to death, but still.
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The Resistance are a good example of this too. The Combine seem to have a complete set-in-stone thought process and understanding of science which meant they didn't even begin to explore local teleportation via Xen, meanwhile a group of random human mechanics and scientists have managed to cobble together at least two semi-functional local teleporters out of scrap metal and stolen Combine tech, to the point the All-Consuming Interdimensional Empire had to straight up copy their homework. And that isn't even the only time they seem to be taking human shit to just copy the blueprints.
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They 100% just yoinked the entire damn car out of that garage just to take a crack at reverse-engineering the Tau Cannon attached to it. Even Resistance weaponry somehow manages to rival or at least stand equal to Combine tech - and we're talking improvised crossbows that shoot superheated rods of rebar at the target compared to high-tech rifles that can discharge orbs of pure dark energy. The collapse of the entire Citadel is basically set into motion as a result of a cobbled together Rebel device placed into extremely capable hands.
The events of the Portal games are a case of extremely elaborate machinelike planning versus pure human improvisation, with Chell's entire escape in the first game involving her simply weaseling her way through small cracks that GLaDOS missed while setting up her ambushes, eventually turning her own rocket turret against her to destroy her.
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I suppose you could argue this falls flat in Portal 2 with Wheatley, but it's important to remember he's designed to be an utter idiot, so it's safe to say he wouldn't obsess over the larger picture like GLaDOS to the point where he fails to see the cracks. Yes, he's the one that breaks Chell out of the test chambers again, and yes, he's the one that came up with the sabotage plot - but it's important to note while he knows what to target in the sabotage, when we actually get there he doesn't quite know how to sabotage it, leaving Chell to figure it out on her own. She botches the Turret Quality Control Line with some minor guidance, but it's basically completely up to her to figure out how to cut off the Neurotoxin Supply. It's through her improvisation that Wheatley even manages to get into GLaDOS' chamber, tumbling through her neurotoxin vent and shattering the glass cage she trapped Chell inside of. It's through Chell's improvisation that the Core Transfer even occurs in the first place.
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The script is flipped specifically when Wheatley takes charge, because oops - turns out a mind capable of focusing on the bigger picture might be pretty important when it comes to running an entire facility powered by it's own Reactor. Wheatley just completely zeroes in on his own personal pleasure, hacking up test chambers and the objects within them to try and figure out the easiest way to get his solution euphoria as quick as possible.
Still, something that's pretty interesting is that only Wheatley has ever managed to create a trap that's impossible to foresee and avoid, something GLaDOS has repeatedly failed to do to the point she ends up commending him. I believe this is because his way of thinking is a lot closer to Chell's compared to GLaDOS'. He puts up way more of a fight as the two run through the facility trying to get to him, seemingly improvising on the spot just like Chell has been over the course of the two games. Even his lair would be impossible to survive if it weren't for a single Conversion Gel pipe he somehow failed to notice and remove.
Whether in a laboratory deep beneath the soil or an alien tower tall enough to split the clouds, the ingenuity of even a single person is enough to topple a tower or destroy a supercomputer 3 times over.
Marc Laidlaw put what I'm trying to say into a single sentence when writing for the BreenGrub twitter account:
"The superstructure is riddled with cracks."
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esamastation · 3 months
hi!!! i just wanted to pop in after reading some of your AC fics (ones where desmond, ezio, and/or altaïr are at the forefront so in this case: i was born for this, terrible two, stone angel, gift of living well, impermanence, three fold, & earthly scene) and say that you're a brilliant writer. as someone who's trying to write longer, more impactful stories, it's admirable how you prioritize the plot and how romance is a sweet part of it. (this is part 1 of this message bc of the word count!)
you construct romance in an original, cathartic way that feels effortless. i just finished 'i was born with this' and the romance that forms between the characters feels so natural and unforced. another thing i love in your fics is that when desmond goes back in time, he always (unintentionally at first) makes an impact in furthering knowledge, inventions, etc centuries ahead of when they were supposed to happen. more importantly, desmond finds his well-deserved happy ending.
your fic ideas are also so creative and out of the box. i'm currently going through the games right now and desmond has been so so much shit (unwillingly) and he deserves some rest and happiness :,) another thing i love is how you always leave a hopeful ending that makes me ache to know what happens after!! you flesh out the characters so much over the span of + 100,000k words, tie things wonderfully at the end, and make me feel out breath (in a good way)
yeah, to sum that up, you're an amazing writer!! i also wanted to ask you some questions about writing. i aspire to write long fics, but i struggle with plotting out events =( i feel like i rush the events in how i want to get to the end where the characters are happy! do you have a writing process? do you plot out your stories or kind of go with the flow? do you have any tips on improving your writing? i totally get if you don't have any advice! have a great day!
Thank you for your nice comments, sorry it took so long to reply, I was feeling very antisocial. Anyway.
I do not have a writing process - I'm what they call a gardner writer, I take characters and I put them into situations and see how things develop and plot either happens or it doesn't. Maybe I have vague plans like "here's a scene I want to see in future" and "this is a result I want them to come to" and then try to write towards those goals, but they don't always pan out. It's all very chaotic and leads to lot of dropped fics, but it's how I enjoy writing. (It really helps having someone reading your stuff and poking at the plot holes though, I got a lot of fics that only got as far as they did because nimadge or someone else was there along for the ride.)
I dunno if there's anything other that just practice that can improve a person's writing. Some people recommend writing short stories and flash fiction, some people say your should write X amount of words every day. If all else fails there's thousands YouTube videos on subject.
Personally I'm a huge advocate of taking ideas from other people and putting your own spin into them. Derivate, rehash, put them in a blender, see what comes out. Like, don't copy Lord of the Rings word for word and publish it as your own work, that's bad - but maybe dwarf and elf going on adventures together is a idea that could go places. Fanfiction is all derivation upon pre-existing ideas.
Related, I whole heartedly endorse anyone who wants to take plots and ideas I've written and taking a crack at them with their own style. It's pretty much how I learned to write as wee bab on a typewriter, stealing from the books I enjoyed. And hell, if you don't have a style, try someone else's. One is my most popular fics started with me trying to emulate the style and cadence of narration of a completely unrelated TV series I was watching at the time. I don't think anyone even noticed.
Once you have enough practice under your belt, your style will develop on its own.
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foxgloveinspace · 9 months
Little things in Tron: Legacy that fuck me up:
-Sam's bittersweet smile when Alan tells him that Kevin told him to sleep with his pager, and how the smile immediately falls off his face when Alan tells him that the page came from the arcade.
-The program* who tells Sam 'be quiet if you wanna live' is seen in End of Line later, confirming that derezzing a program isn't the same as killing them, which is why the other program jumps off into the fan when he is told he's going to the games, cause it destroyed his disc, and why he screams erase me.
-The way the sirens are hesitating when outfitting Sam, knowing they are about to change everything. They know he's not a program. The hesitation and the nod when they put the disc on his back.
-The fact the the punishment from Tron 1 has become a Roman Gladiator Sport for Clu. The fact that Clu is a mirror of Master Control, the thing that Flynn hates.
-when Clu says 'just you?' implying he was not expecting Sam, but expecting Alan, and he was expecting him like a few months ago in grid time.
-Quorra sitting on the roof alone watching the Games, having seen the Beacon, knowing Someone was there, but not knowing who. Not knowing she'd be rescuing the son of her Father figure. Probably someone who's shoes she'd been wanting to fill but not being able to.
-'There are no guests Kiddo' 'Sam...' 'You're here!' 'I'm here'
-Quorra's confused face when Kevin walks away.
-the fact that Kevin just happens to have extra rooms in his house. Why does he have so many empty rooms. Did he have hope for more ISOs?
-Tron immediately knowing Something is up when he see's Clu in orange in the flash back.
-'Tron. He fought for me.' 'why didn't you fight' 'he did'
-'I didn't send a page'
-The fact that Sam's plan would have worked if Zeus hadn't betrayed him. If Sam had gotten out on his own, he'd have deleted Clu and everything would have been fine. But Tron: Legacy is a tragedy
-the fucking. Above program * being IN THE END OF LINE CLUB. The way he looks at Sam as Sam walks by with Castor.
-Did Gem know Zeus would betray Sam? did she plan that since she met him?
-DAFT PUNK. I miss Daft Punk, and I love them in this movie for the three seconds you see them.
-'Thank you for bringing my son to me' Kevin coming to terms with his death, knowing he'll have to get Sam out and then reintegrate with Clu before Sam sees.
-The whole conversation between Kevin and Sam on the light rail, but especially knocking on the sky.
-Kevin recognizing Tron cause of the way he does a back flip and holds two discs. No one else can back flip like Tron, canon.
-'She's gonna wind up like one of them' 'Keep moving Sam' cause Kevin knows that Quorra will die, not be turned.
-'I have special plans for you' What does Clu have planned for Quorra? is he gonna SA her? He's so creepy toward her that's the vibes I get, but maybe he's just gonna torture her. This is a small thing that fucks me up cause this doesn't need to happen? Rinzler could have just taken her up to the tower without this interaction. Unnecessary plot hole right there.
-the fact that Clu's speech is an exact copy of Kevin's from the beginning of the movie.
-'I was afraid you where gonna say that' Kevin coming to terms with how Sam is gonna have to see him die.
-'radical man' 'it's all in the wrist'
-Rinzler taking himself back over 'I fight for the users'.
-'NOT WITHOUT YOU' 'it's what he wants' ‘goodbye kiddo’
-Sam and Quorra driving through Center City in the sunrise, a parallel of the sunset over Center City in the credits of the first movie.
-this one doesn’t really have a Place on the list so here works: Rinzlers purr.
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ditzydreamsss · 3 months
Slimecicle haunted house video + scu (nvm it's just a lore rant now)
my personal order of scu lore events:
- roll. - Minecraft, but every block is HOSTILE. - Minecraft, but every 5 minutes there's a natural disaster - Minecraft, but it's way more traumatizing - Minecraft, but 100 players are hunting me - The HARDEST Minecraft Difficulty - I Spent 24 Hours in the Most Haunted Place on Earth - DSMP arc - We Spent 100 Days in a Hardcore Minecraft Apocalypse
so how does that fit in?
well vaguely the entire lore i came up with is:
roll. : the start of everything. Charlie and his friends are just wandering around worlds when they load into Narwhal's world- the world with the dice of a hundred(?) sides. After Narwhal fucking. drops the dice on accident, Charlie "consumes" the power from the dice and now oh look he's the most powerful god in existence. Ig reason why Charlie was able to get into Narwhal's server, which is a private server, is because of his abilities to temper with The Code (which is the thing that makes up everything in the world). Kinda like atoms for us. Maybe Charlie's a long lost descendent of the Original God. idk. anyways Charlie splits his newfound powers between Condi and Grizzly. Wheatie leaves them (and never comes back) because he doesn't want to be associated with god powers. They leave on a good note.
Minecraft, but every block is HOSTILE. AND Minecraft, but every 5 minutes there's a natural disaster : They meet Schlatt, he's a funny guy so Charlie gives him god powers and now whoopsie he went psycho. At the end, Charlie banishes him and that does weaken his power, but Charlie's mistake was that he never took away Schlatt's powers, only weakened them.
RLCraft & A Hundred Players are breaks that The Council takes from all these god things. At some point Bizly, a friend they know from a game of DND, becomes a god. After Bizly becomes a god they build Molympus, which is a home for them.
Then after who-knows-how-long, The Council has the bright idea to start The HARDEST Minecraft Difficulty.
Grizzly dies in this.
alright so time for Haunted Asylum stuff.
Charlie, Condi, and Bizly decided to go on a trip to the Real World, which means they will be powerless.
And then at some point they play chess as a ghost. The ghost is Grizzly, who is technically in limbo?
This one specific chess set has connections to the limbo (shh shh plot armor).
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(grizzly's comment on the video)
which. of course. equals LORE.
Grizzly's limbo was like he was in a white foggy void (like in the skies with your render distance 0 in mc) and suddenly a chess board popped up. he played along for a little bit before he got annoyed and knocked over all the pieces. The chess board at some point faded away and disappeared. mmm trauma
And then Charlie loses both Bizly and Condi (they literally die canonically)
what happens to condi & bizly & Grizzly:
Condi and Bizly are sent to the afterlife. Because of their connection with Grizzly, their death is the push that lets Grizzly free of his limbo.
They meet up and they're just thinking "bruhh when's Charlie going to join us its been ages"
Charlie revists old world's, but is unable to revive anyone, so in grief he resets the entire universe.
He loses his memory in the process.
He becomes c!slime. He stays in the world that would, in many many years, become the Dream Esempii. (Esempii's are how they define multi-people server worlds with admins and stuff)
So Slime leaves Las Nevadas and travels to a random island and stays there, in a pit-hole, until a very long long time later, scientists find Slime and put him in their laboratory. Slime can barely process anything.
Then the zombie virus breaks out (yes, in thosuands-of-years-later DSMP server), and everything goes to shit.
Remeber Schlatt? The ram guy? (Oh yeah also in the reset, Charlie locked up his god powers somewhere very deep inside him)
Schlatt breaks the glass for Charlie. The tube he's in when the video starts.
What are the doubles?
Basically, characters like Florida Man or Patient Zero are like puppets that Slimecicle made himself. His powers, locked away, didn't have anything better to do if as Slime slept for like an eternity.
The Mad Scientist (100days!Condi) was created with the only goal to ruin the world. So he did.
etc, etc.
((*slams The Court Jester on the table* m u s i c))
Since Schlatt had plenty of time to get his power back. So he's stronger than Charlie now. (Charlie's memories got buried deeper into his mind during when he was "sleeping")
Charlie dies.
Then then reunites with the rest of the council.
who, by the way, created a new completely vanilla world with normal respawns and normal mobs, etc.
they escaped the afterlife cause they're gods, idk.
many many years later, a man stumbles upon the vanilla world, or the Reset, with a friend on his shoulders.
His name is Ted.
The friend's name is Schlatt.
Schlatt, who went mad after he killed Charlie, was found by Ted when he was broken. Ted convinced Schlatt to. just let go of his powers because Schlatt actually pulled that power from someone else (idk who, say.. uhhhh.... corn!Charlie or smth). Schlatt lets go. And proceeds to forget everything.
They all chilling now.
started JRWI (Riptide, Prime Defenders, the one-shots, etc.), The Chuckle Sandwich Podcast, etc etc.
Hold on i have this old doc about me ranting about lore one sec..
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.....said me. in the past.
think i already posted that before but heres the updated version??
the main point was the Haunted Asylum the rest of it is blurry and mushy and I can change it any time.
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sterlingarcher23 · 1 month
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And then.... This:
Btw the fact that El sees her older self in stead of the girl tells you that the girl doesn't look the way we think she does. Someone had the idea that El is a substitute in the NINA (like Erica is a substitute for Lucas in the game that ia forshadowing a lot, including dice rolls and winnings and is even paralleled with Lucas scoring to secure his team's win) and I think that's pretty on point.
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And Edward, sorry, Eddie pointing out that the "child speaks" like this is THE biggest "plot hole" in the memory scenes. But is it as we have multiple scenes showing us that Max says something and El repeats it.
I mean, there's a reason why this Brenner has a scar pretty much exactly where Max had her hair streak falling over her face:
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Well, Papa, what did you see?
Guess where Max is. -Back inside....
There's this shot of Max looking at Chrissy's dead body while the police officer says "Go back inside. Back inside"
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Back inside over a brilliant kaleidoscope of colors (rainbow [bridge]) as forshadowed with a rainbow artwork and a sign saying "All the way"
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(her line is also very well placed)
And that inside. A realm of the mind. You call it mind lair. It's more commonly known as "Internal world"
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There's a depiction of an internal world in the movie Identity in which the alters also can't leave the place and run in circles if they try do. ( The character who has DID, Malcolm Rivers was portrayed by Pruitt Taylor Vince who also played a minor role in Stranger Things.)
Dissociation is described as falling into a coma or vanishing, being detached from reality and not connected to your own body. That's what happened. Max dissociated. And her describing to us that she can see or feel anything is just film language for the audience. That's it. (btw correcting my past self on this issue about abilities been taking, this might be not correct)
Internal world = other dimension...inside of Max.
Hiding in the light.
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greenflamedwriter · 4 months
Fixing Voltron- Main Plots
Edit: I'll probs keep adding more later -_-
Lance deals with Allura's death BUT learning the secrets of Oriande, wakes up back in time and is able to fix everything with time travel.
He does this by driving Voltron into the rift- it opens up again and the black lion communicates with Lance thats it's VOLTRON that needs to enter the rift to destroy it given that the arrival of Voltron was what ripped a hole through space in the first place. After piloting Black and in turn the other lions alone Lance is the only one to push Voltron into the rift [it closed before since Allura's life force was tied to the lions so it bought them time] Given that all the paladins moved on with the Atlas Voltron wasn't needed anymore. The Paladins don't find out until its too late and hear Lance's screams through the headset before the rift is closed for good [Pidge confirms as energy has been fluctuating for years but they never gifured out WHAt until now] all are heartbroken that Lance has died, Pidge falls into Hunks arms and the two crumble to the floor, Keith falls to his knees screaming that it was supposed to be over Lance can't just be gone, and Shiro is staring frozen thinking of all the ways they could've solved this why did Lance go alone? Something touches his hand and he flinches to see Adam holding his hand tightly, silent. Adam didn't know Lance that well and Shiro eyes burned, resting his head at the crook of Adams shoulder as he heaved. It was supposed to be over.
-The Druids were Alteans, and converted Quintescence into a more potent stronger version that they called 'Crux' -Lotor's alteans that he ended up saving, adopting and leading...ended up dying. Most of them who were more sensitive to cosmic energy which is what made Alteans terrific alchemists to begin with, were sensitive- with the rift open it was like radiation the alteans struck first died first BUT it would soon affect the whole universe if not closed.
Lotor needed Allura to cure them [even more if the alteans that were sick were the ones who shapeshifted and overtaxed themselves] a pure, untainted Altean body could be used to create a cure to save his people. He was going to take Allura by force after gaining her trust then fell in love and decided to work with Allura he saw a better future because of her.
Romelle an Altean Druid working for Hagger is sent in once Hagger spies through Kurons eyes of how Allura is sad by the death of her people. Hagger knows Allura will be emotionally compromised so sends a Romelle who acts like a prisoner/damsel in distress and is then 'saved' by Voltron.
-Lance [for once] not only doesn't flirt with Romelle, he doesn't trust her and [after being the teams punching bag] just keeps and eye on Romelle and keeps his mouth shut. When Kuron backs her up it's easy. Now the ship has TWO imposters.
-Lance finds Romelle and Allura with the mind melds but located to another room [like kalterneckers room OR Alfors room before it was destroyed] thus both Lance and Romelle see Altean culture for the first time.
-Cue, Altean technology, culture, cuisine, polticis, sports games ANYTHING, heck give us an Allura/Alfor bonding of them making a hover skooter or something like treasure planet and have Allura zoom through altea ANYTHING!
-Romelle accuses Lotor of using Alteans as human batteries that he enslaved her people and killed her brother. Lotor fleed unable to defend himself after it was exposed that he was going to use Allura for malicious intent.
-And so Lance uses his meld, and Romelle is curious. She and Lance use the room and he tells her it's good for people with ptsd to talk about their problems or visualise what their fighting for.
-Romelle was made to believe what she was doing was for the GOOD of the Empire that they were...helping other planets to connect and make them stronger and pursue science. She was wrong.
-So she shows Lance her memories. EVERYTHING. Including the Kuron project she was working on, "You and I both know that is NOT Shiro."
-Both take down Shiro, after he corners them and saw through the door and it's a typical SHINING moment "Hereee's SHIRO!"
-Romelle kinda panics that Hagger may have saw that. And she admits she lied about Lotor who- after running away WITH the comet is running into Haggers hands.
-Also- Lotor when he comes back says that Hagger admitted the deats on what she and Zarkon was doing. That they were trying to make their own Anti-Voltron but a singular Lion that Zarkon can use indepednetly without relying on others he was going to use the Black Lion as a base then keep it as a trophy after. And they were going to call it;
White Lion.
Allura is pissed coz the white lion symbolisings justice for all free people and worthy pursuit of science. But Zarkon using that to enslave others and destroy planets with their technology was a mockery of it.
-But wait theres more! Voltron needs someone to watch their back AND an upgrade. Once Keith comes back, he's gained a new Member.
Lotor is going to be on the back of Voltron, giving that they always have to duck and dodge so many it'd made sense since Voltron faces forward SO the white lion will be the wings of Voltron, as well as taking charge and can even make Voltron rotate - [kinda like his ship in season 3 episode that could go forward or back that would be his skill set] and his bayard could make Voltron fly and warp somewhere faster.
-Alluras blue lion shoul open wormholes. Or her bayard should do it- just saying the blue Lion TOOK the team to arus episode one with a wormhole and Allura opens wormholes
[But that was a fail safe so the lion would-] then why didn't the other lions like Yellow/green open a wormhole?
But Allura had to hold it open for them. It'd be cool of Voltron could warp- snap from one place to another during battle. [I hate that Voltron abilties was just, laser, sword shield it sucks]
-The garrison is working for the Galra. And tried to take Voltron and make THEIR MFE pilots fly Voltron instead only for the Lions particle barriers to come down.
-Bayards...so much potential. A gun that sends an energy blast, Hunk can use a batterram to shock the earth making all the galra fall from the shock wave while the paladins use their jetpacks to avoid the shock-wave? A sonic pulse, a grenade launcher, like- so many weapons [like think Spider-man, anti-gravity? like COME ON!]
-There's going to be some changes as well as nerfs to some characters- for one; Pidge installing the green lion to cloak - lets retcon that. Instead have it where it was an ability the lions already had but Pidge with her hacking cheated and unlocked it faster than the others.
Instead since Voltron was an unknown Comet that was sentient and happened to be the most advanced strongest weapon ever instead should have been used as a blueprint to advance ALTEAN technology. Instead the alteans sutdied Voltron, and were able to progress their society by a thousand years.
Now the comet landed in Zarkons home and he gladly gave the comet to Alfor who speicilises in alchemy the two became friends because of a politcal marriage- Zarkon married Honerva Alfors sister [yep, we're making Lotor and Allura cousins and Allura will get with Matt instead :p] But alfor got the better end of the deal his people were thriving and they ended up expanding, meanwhile Zarkons people were plauged by a rift that was only getting bigger, and more dangerous- kinda like how scientists were working with radiation but had no idea of the effects it would have until years later?
So with their child in danger and Honervas obsession with studying the rift they were able to finally crack it and began to harvest pure quintescence and then began creating technology that was only second to Alteans. Worse- some Alteans thought that Alfor was holding them back from the pursuit of science [they were testing from alteans and themselves and Alfor forbade it] so they went to Honerva and created the druids since they saw Honerva and Zarkon started calling her Haggar coz she looked haggared. It was a cute nickname that ended up erasing their history when both started losing sight of what their end goal was.
With in-fighting as well as fighting his sister and one he called brother- Alfor had no choice but to hide the lions, especially since Zarkon was acting strange and when they were unable to form Voltron was when Alfor realised how lost his friend had become.
-First thing Lance does when going back after the first time the defeated Sendeks airship, he asks Coran if there was anyway for the people on the ship to request Alfor to help them esp since they couldn't understand altean and Coran nodded that Alfor can traverse the ship AND help them. Since ALlura and Coran are fixing the ship they won't have time to give the new Paladins the tour/explain stuff etc. So Lance requests for Alfor and then asks what his lion can do, he plans to study and see how far Voltron can go he lied to Alfor with a "Zarkons been around for a long time he knows what the lions can do, meanwhile what we have is shield, sword and laser is that it for earths greatest weapon?"
Alfor nodded, "No there is more even the Paladins of old never unlocked but here is all the data for what the Blue lion can do, and what it can do with a bayard and what else it can do connected with Voltron." Alfor was giving him a considering look, but Lance was too focused on reading and studying. Whenever you are given a new craft you're supposed to read the schematics first. Lance had an entire night of studying...
missing the fact that he was reading the logs in altean and Alfor watching looking amused. Even for a pile of data it figured that the blue Paladin was intersting.
"Oh and Al?" Lance asked glancing up, "Given the advancment of Galra technology- is there anyway to back you up where no technology can touch you and infect you with a virus?"
Any other time he would be wary, but Alfor knew exactly what the Blue Paladin was hinting at. "There is," he showed a map to a lower storage area that had class crystals and Lance stared.
"It's like power rangers Alpha and Supermans dad all over again-" Alfor ignored it. and directed Lance on creating a 'copy' of him.
And when Alfor data flickered on the bridge and both Coran and Allura looked close to tears he realised what had happened esp when Lance laughed, "Huh who knew exploring and finding a ton of junk would be this helpful."
"Yes very lucky."
When Alfor had time, he'd like to question this time travelling Altean he wanted to know everything.
-Also in Season one when Pidge found the Spores leading to Olkari- just what was the point in that? [And that is when i realised that Voltron had a writing problem since day one-] Since Hunk was the engineer and was supposed to fix the problems with the Ship wouldn't it make sense for Hunk and Coran to be fixing the ship outside, while Allura made sure it was correct from the inside? Why make Paladins who knew NOTHING about Altean craft FIX a ship while the ones who KNEW how to fix it who inside not handling it? Hunk should've learned how the castle works instead of being the cave who retrived the weblum crystals/scoualtrie like WHY was all the workload piled onto Pidge? She did extraction, hacking, viruses, navigation, as well as helping with the castle repairs and learned Altean? Like she even helped Coran with the Teleduv that should've been HUNKS job. As the Engineer!
...God just throw Voltron in the trash and start over oh my god.
In this version since Lance is time travelling is pretty much fine with letting things play out and will be THERE for Keith this time- Except that doesn't go to plan.
Lance becomes the Black paladin. He's just as shocked as everyone else AND stressed out because now things will go VERY differently with him as the black Paladin. So now he tries to find the Clone Shiro base and speedrun bringing Shiro back BEFORE the clone ends up coming to the team and messing stuff up. When the team find the base and see all those chickens [shiros] they are now more wary. Allura and Lance find a clone that hasn't been processed yet [as in, installed with camera lenses/virus protecals to make him a sleeping agent other than the galra arm] so they take that Shiro put him in a pod because Lance tells the team Shiro is trapped spirtually in the Black Lion because his body was destroyed.
-bullies Kolivan to bring Kroila to team voltron or so help him he will hunt her down and they will be one member short of a blade.
-keith gets pissed when he finds out Lance knows about the future and that Shiro would die, "And you said NOTHING." And Lance recalls how Shiro said he was dying on earth and if it wasn't for the Galra and the clone he would've died out in space, only Coran knew that Shiro didn't have long after being in the cryopod and his body was shutting down. The galra wanted perfect soldiers and they did that with Shiro's body.
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willow-o-wisph · 10 months
Movie Posters and Book covers reimagined as FNAF [concept not art]
Warnings: discussion of disturbing imagery, gore, and horror.
None of these ideas are based off the plot of the story and more of the way the poster looked. Just wished to say that before someone told me why poster idea was wrong because of said story plot.
[Feel free to use these ideas but I ask to be tagged if the idea is used so that I can see it. I like looking at cool artwork.]
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This poster but redraw it as Michael Afton from FNAF during his Ennard era. Change out the stuff with wires, blood, and some of the remaining internal organs. Blood dripping down his now purple eyes. Clawing at his decomposing face with some of the skin peeling off as he does. It would be a wonderful horror image.
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FNAF 4 Crying Child. Here's my idea. CC kneeling in front of a television playing the Freadbear and Friends cartoon, but have the image be staticed over a bit. Fretboard plushie being on it's back as well in the same position as the poster. But to add onto the image have the nightmare be standing slightly seen in the dark background behind the TV in the same standing order as presented on the TV with the nightmare Fred bear even further behind them with the menacing teeth covered in blood be the most prominent part. The wording on the poster even fits the idea. Have the Poltergeist be turned into Nightmares or something similar.
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Pizza-plex horror poster. I have two ideas that can be mixed and matched around. This isn't as concrete of an idea but spinning of multiple concepts.
1. Have the hand holding the bag be Vanny's and the head in the bag be Vanessa's to symbolize the way that Vanny has taken over Vanessa.
2. Have the hand stay as Vanny but have Gregory's head be in the bag. Showing the worst case scenario that could have happened.
3. Have it be the mimics hand [real or digital] holding Cassie's head in the bag either bare or with the discarded Vanny mask.
But whatever is choosen the bag is changed to a fazbear gift bag, a simple 80s inspired logo, nothing too busy. To add to the horror you could add blood coming from the hole in the bag or from the head in the bag. Either way it's an interesting concept
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William Afton as the man with the bloody knife and the five figures as the five missing children. Make the background the pizzeria and while a simple change over it would be really cool to see where an artist might take it.
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Another FNAF 4 poster idea. This one being from outside the Afton house and the spirits over the top being the nightmares. There's enough faces for it to include a lot more faces. Keep the bedroom window but have the light come from a side view child holding up a flashlight or something similar.
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Another Michael idea. The G in the poster kinda looks like a stylized scooper doesn't it. Keep the clock and blood dripping down it the same, put Michael in his matentence worker uniform and it would make a cool poster. The clock face could even be turned into Baby's face to symbolize where her face appears as a clock face during the game.
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Honestly Just an excuse to draw Bonnie's spirit Jeremy shredding on Bonnie's guitar. Nothing too deep about this one, just a really cool image I wanted everyone to think about.
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Ennard in the sewer. Ennard right after it left Michael's body. The blood still on the sidewalk and some loose wires that didn't make it. Turn the paper boat into Ennard's party hat. Have glowing eyes be seen in the darkness and dried bloody hand like metal be clamping onto the grate.
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Tales from the Pizzaplex with Tiger rock holding the book. Simple one but one I thought would be fun to show for the book fans.
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William holding up a knife to one of his victims. I was thinking Charlie or Cassidy. Have there be some speckles of blood if you believe the missing Children's incident took place over the course of an extended period of time or have it be covered in the blood of the recently killed other children if you believe the killing happen over a very short time span.
[I might make more parts with more of my ideas later.]
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
The scene when Clive took Jill's powers came across kinda funny to me, it was like she was putting the idea out there for discussion and then Clive was already sucking the Eikon juices out of her before the words "are you sure?" had finished leaving his mouth. Like chill bro, maybe let her confirm it first.
It wasn't about taking her Eikon; it was about having and seizing the opportunity to be bonded as one with Jill. The entire scene was a metaphor for sex (which is stupid because they actually have sex for real after it's over, but I guess the devs wanted it to be as clear as possible without having to actually render and animate Clive pounding into her), which is why he's both overeager about getting started and also why he asks for consent several different times.
He did the metaphorical equivalent of pressing the tip of his cock against her hole and then stopping and going "wait, I want you to be absolutely sure, before I do this."
That's why Joshua is so fucking pissed off when Clive tells him that he took Jill's Eikon -- why he insisted that Jill didn't "really" consent; she just didn't say no. We, as the audience, know that that's not true and she actually truly did give her consent (it was her idea in the first place), but the whole thing is so sensitive and personal and intimate that Joshua has every reason to think that Clive actually took advantage of Jill. ("You knew damn well she'd never refuse you!")
He knew how much Clive wanted her -- has always wanted her -- and the idea behind the conversation is that Joshua's screaming at Clive for using "hey I might die" as an excuse to manipulate his way between her legs -- to use her instead of letting the relationship progress naturally with the two of them continuing to stand as equals. He's basically accusing him of pumping & dumping her.
It was such a weird decision on the part of the writers to frame it this way, though, because like...
Clive doesn't actually enjoy taking people's Eikon powers from them; it's not like he gets off on it normally. He actually resists it every single time it happens -- and, in Odin and Phoenix's cases, actively tries to fight against it and begs for it to stop. It's both physically painful and intrusive for him, and it alters and takes away something from both parties that can't be undone or given back (or, at least, that's what the game wants us to believe, until the end of the game happens and Jill still retains all of her ice powers and Dion can just control Bahamut again and w/e it's fine shut up plot and gameplay contrivances are happening).
This scene also happens right after Barnabas tells Clive that his purpose in life is to feed, and, the more that he does it, the more that he'll want to do it. So, it almost comes off as Clive hearing that and then turning around and going "you know what, he's right. Hey Jill--" before going right back to not wanting it/resisting it immediately after.
But FFXVI has a lot of problems with its storytelling like this, where the game sets something up and then it goes nowhere and is completely forgotten about and never mentioned again, so I mean.
You know, whatever.
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aquaburst3 · 9 months
Another thing I forgot to elaborate more on is that the magic system in TWST is also shit and nonsensical. The game has a Soft Magic System. These are stories where the rules of magic aren't completely known to the reader, having an air of mysticism around itself. Soft Magic Systems aren't a bad thing in of itself. Plenty of works utilized them effectively like LOTRs and Star Wars. However, that's the thing, TWST doesn't do that.
While it does have Yuu, a non magic user, as the protagonist, fitting that criteria, it seems ill placed. NRC in the canon is a magic school. Students there would be learning about magic and that world. The protagonist being so far removed from how any of this works makes no sense.
I don't think it should've used a super Hard Magic System where it has loads of defined rules like Fullmetal Alchemist or ATLA. It could've greatly benefited by having it be closer to the middle like Harry Potter. That way it can throw out fun spells, but have hard and fast rules of how it all works. As is, there is too much wiggle room for speculation, even to the point of creating plot holes.
Take OBs. The way these function in the narrative now doesn't make a lot of sense and leaves a lot up to speculation. As is at the moment, they are caused when a mage uses too much magic and sometimes a bad mental state can also contribute to it. Okay, fine. But there are times that break these rules for unknown reasons. Take Leona's OB. Leona OB. But that makes no sense. Leona hardly used his magic during that arc, so why did he do that? Shouldn't Ruggie do that since he overused his magic the whole time? While I have heard the argument that Leona had depression and that pushed him to do that, that doesn't negate the fact that Leona never used enough magic to cause him to go over the edge, so it's still a massive plot hole. Then there's also Idia. His "curse" is that his hair eats blot that he puts out. If that's the case, how in the fuck is he able to OB in the first place? Shouldn't his hair ate any of the blot that he put out? Wouldn't that be a blessing instead of a curse? These are just some examples on the top of my head!
I think a lot of this could've been avoided if the game had hard and simple rules surrounding how OBs work. As much as I hate to use myself as an example, how it works in my own worldbuilding is this. A mage's Soul Crystal (magic core) fills up with a tiny amount of blot every time they do a spell. If they use too much magic and the Soul Crystal is bursting with blot and the mage never took the time to cleanse it, it will crack open like an egg and the mage overblots. No ifs, ands or buts about it. It's simple and easy to understand with no wiggle room about how to interpret it.
There's also an issue of some of the character's powers, seeming super OP and sometimes to the point of making characters seem like Gary Stus. Idia can open up the literal Gates of Hell while Malleus can put a whole island in a slumber that lasts for thousands of years. I'm sorry. Both of these should've been either toned down or had much more dire consequences on them both like Idia's "curse" also eating at his magic as well. As is, it makes them seem as powerful as the Great Seven, which isn't a good thing.
There are also minor cases as well. Epel can knock people out forever if he wants. Okay, makes sense, and it ties him to the poisoned apple. However, it still seems super OP for no reason. Azul can steal just about anything as long as he uses the contracts. Okay, makes sense. Ties him with Ursula. However, that makes him seem more powerful, since he can take just about anything and have little harm to himself. Hell, while I don't like BNHA anymore for a variety of reasons, even All For One could only steal quirks instead of other abilities or people's looks. As is, it makes Azul seem more powerful than the final bosses in another franchise, which is...wow. I think toning these guys down and giving them more consequences would've helped making their limits clearer to the audience.
Some of the UMs are unimaginative. Malleus' power is just Epel's on steroids. Idia can open the Gates of Hell, and that's it. We still have no idea what Ace's is despite being almost done Book 7.
Hell, the fact that they get UMs at random points makes no sense. Shouldn't something like that come about at a much younger age?
Yana can't write a magic system with clear and set rules to save her life. What else is new? xD
Either way, this another area that both me and @stormkitty97 are trying to improve upon in our own writing. Whether or not we're doing a good job, that's up to others to decide.
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chronomaza · 2 years
You know what I don't see enough of? 4th wall breaks, but not as comic relief, as horror. I'm not talking stuff like Doki Doki literature club, either. When done right, I think there'd be few things as terrifying- especially since there's no way in hell the audience can see such a thing coming.
Like imagine reading through a book, watching a movie or a show, or playing a game, and as you read/watch/play through it you start to notice one character acting a bit odd after seeing or experiencing something, etc. Something's just- clicked something into place in their head, and now they're acting differently. Sure, maybe it's what happened earlier in the plot freaking them out, maybe they're just scared and want to go home. But soon, this character starts to ramble on about something they can't quite put words to, to this character, something is just absolutely wrong in a way they just CANNOT explain. Their friends try to comfort them, try to put reason to what they're explaining or simply cure their fear all together.
But then, it hits them. And it hits them like a bullet shot straight from the gates of hell itself. And they might not say it directly, but to the reader it's terrifyingly obvious. This character has just realized they're not real.
They start to ramble in an erratic, crazed way, any aspect of who that character was before slowly getting buried and twisting into unrecognizably as all their negative traits and fears completely take the wheel. Any hope at recovering this character has become hopeless, their previous story, life, plot, all abandoned. Their mission is now to solve this, to warn everyone, but how? They become more and more terrified over time as they notice things they shouldn't of.
They notice how the world simply doesn't exist in some spots- or worse, is a vague outline like an unfinished area in a videogame or an old incomplete sketch forever left in the WIP folder of an artist. They notice every character they didn't already know or talk to is blurry, as if they were a character in the background of a movie walking by. Only the people they were the closest to- that the plot considered relevant, are given the luxury of full humanity. How hadn't they noticed it before? Why didn't anyone else notice? Did the world only exist where it wanted them to look?
Why would it exist anywhere else? Why bother fleshing out lore for an area the plot never visits? Why inhabit a town with real characters when only a handful of them are ever met? Why give those few characters their own lives if they're only talked to once? Why give excess, overwhelmingly deep detail to anyone other than who the plot focuses on in some capacity? Why bother writing thoughts for any other character than the one we actively see into the mind of? Even the most rich and thick plots have holes left for the reader to fill in on their own, even the most in depth novels have places they stop for the sake of simplicity.
How terrifying would it be to realize your world has edges nobody talks about? To learn the stars are but an illusion, and nothing truly exists beyond the sky? To notice how everything gradually becomes lower and lower detail the farther from your average life you stray? To realize that in a world with a determined path set out for you, you've wandered off the trail, and now you're lost in the unforgiving cold? To realize that once you do something you're not supposed to, your entire world begins to tear apart at the seams?
What is a story, truly, aside from a stage filled with props, giving the illusion of a world to the audience? What are side characters, locations, histories, etc but props the plot uses on the main character?
And how terrifying would it be to realize you're the only actor?
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goldfishlover73 · 6 months
Ask game
1 - Which of your fics would you keep the basic plot of but rewrite completely?
30 - Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn't.
35 - Thoughts on writing challenges/contests.
1. I have an old sns fic that could be kind of fun to completely rewrite. It's unreadable now in a way that old fanfiction is, but at its bones it has potential.
30. I have two.
One is done; a kakagai/kakasaku/GaiSaku fic that I'm not sure if it will ever see the light of day.
I honestly really love it. And tea loves it (she betad it for me) but... It's just never felt right to post. I'm not entirely sure why, but I can't post it yet. Who knows!
But a fic that never came to be is a narusaku fic where Naruto is an alien who crash landed with Kakashi and eventually took Sakura up to the stars.
35. In the days before the great Tumblr migration, I was in a weekly Fullmetal alchemist writing contest. I did this for about 2.5 years, writing over 100 fma stories based on the 2003 anime.
It was really cool! It was essentially a writing circle where we came with a story of a certain length and voted on who's was the best. Rarely the same person won week after week and I learned a lot from the great feedback from the readers and writers (I can remember one very clearly where I wrote something extremely dark trying to make it seem light and everyone was like 'no, take that out before you post it on ffnet'
I did quite a few of the kksk lj contest and I think they are overall very fun. Contest and challenges can be great ways to get the juices flowing and awesome opportunities to get out of your comfort zone and try something new.
They can also be extremely stressful and lead to burn out.
I always say, write what sparks joy! Giving challenges and contest a try is fun! (You could win the glory of first place and a banner) and you can learn a lot along the way!
But only if it sparks joy. Don't stress about it. Writing should flow and trying to shove square pegs in circular holes doesn't work well.
It's more fun that way!
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mrsbsmooth · 8 months
i really want to start writing fic but I just don't not where to start😭 do you have any tips??
Hi lovely!
I've gotten this question a lot, but good luck finding it on my blog because I get way too excited to post and just hit go without ever tagging anything correctly so it's lost to the black hole of my tumblr blog <3
Writing fic is straightforward in terms of steps:
Request an invitation to Archive of Our Own.
This is where most people will post their fics. It takes about 8 days to be accepted (at the moment- sometimes it's longer), so best to get that set up while you're doing the rest.
2. Figure out the structure of what you want to write.
Drabble: Up to or exactly 100 words. Maybe there's a funny conversation between characters, or a short interaction? These are great for posting directly to Tumblr.
Oneshot: Is there a scene that you think could've been expanded? For example, do you think the 'dessert scene' between Roberto and your OG boy in S6 could've done with more tension? Do you love the idea of Ibrahim meeting a girl at a golf tournament? Do you wish your LI had said 'I love you' at a particular time? Starting with just one scene is a great place to start. This will help you capture a character's voice, maybe some quirks, without having to worry about having a super complex plot or character development arcs. These are often the most fun to write, and can be anywhere from 100 words to over 20k. It all depends on the structure of your story.
Chaptered: Do you want to start with a multi-chaptered all-stars villa fic with multiple POVs, sticking mostly to canon of Season 5? If so, please for the love of God don't do that. That's ambitious even for the most experienced writers. With that said, don't let a multi-chaptered fic intimidate you. I've got chaptered fics that are four chapters long, and one that's 100 chapters long. If your story has a longer plot, then make it chaptered! You don't have to write it all before you post it, though some people prefer to do that so that they can post chapters on a regular schedule.
3. Put words on page.
Get inspired. Play the games. Imagine the characters in different scenarios. Complete the reddit prompt on r/LITGFanFiction (it's a good one this month, and great for beginners!). Find something you want to write, and WRITE IT.
That's it. It doesn't have to be polished, God knows my first one wasn't. No one will ever know how badly edited/written the first chapter of TTIS was, because I've gone in and tweaked it about 45 times since posting.
I said this in the discord once: Writing is like singing. Beyonce is an incredible singer, so is Nora Jones and so is Kristen Chenowyth. Three talented singers, in three different genres. Maybe Nora Jones gets jealous she can't belt like Beyonce. Maybe Bey wishes she had Kristen's clarity. But they're popular for different reasons. Bey's a better RnB singer than Kristen. Kristen's better in musical theatre. Nora blows both of them out of the water in soulfulness and reservation. They're just different. But what we can agree on is that they all slay and are amazing singers and have carved out their own lovely little niche of fans and style.
What you write will have a piece of you in it, so I can't tell you how to do it any more than this, really. You just need to put words on a page. As soon as you o that, you're a writer. Boom.
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psy-psy-psy · 1 year
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finally gave in and clicked on those goddamn teeth. some of these i feel like, it would be better to draw a half-body, but no the fuck it isn't. psy can barely do this kind of thing in the first place.
any drawing of nia with curly or wavy hair is a lie and fanservice. she has very straight fine hair that constantly escapes. it doesn't grow past her shoulder blades either. convenient how the reference image is completely useless. you all know what she looks like, right? right???
half of these are alt!nia where she works for the [cult of whatever]. they go in for the viking braids and the crosses that shouldn't be crosses and the burned down candles and a bullet hole in her forehead and whatever happened to nia's sigil?? the circle thing. when i think of her character now i think nothing. she's my 'first' oc, so i take pity on myself by drawing her instead of killing her off. write a plot that is more straightforward and maybe it'll exist. like i have time to write. i want to write so badly.
i want to read all of the books i keep buying (tsundoku), i want to do drawings for psybook, i want to finish the shows i start, i want to learn music from scratch, i want to play rhythm game, i forget what i want and try to claw my way back to it with eyes shut. i can only think at night; wake up in the morning already tired. pull a blanket over your head and suddenly thoughts spill out without meaning.
the sigil was too kinky. it was embarrassing. it might be a ring around her neck now. a permanent imprint. a delineation between the before of her life and the afterlife-- is she even dead? little garlic girl walking in the land of dreams and waking up in a cold sweat, a flower still clutched in her hand. two people who can't sleep drinking tea by the stove. that's what willow is to her, aside from everything else.
it's the focus. the easy spill of ink onto paper in a loopy scrawl or pressing your own hand into the grindstone. strategizing. forcing it through. over and over again enduring until i get the result i want, for my own sake. because i want to. because the directionlessness of wanting is unbearable.
nia doesn't know what to want either.
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lunar-years · 1 year
L & (I think) you already answered X so here's a remix question: what's your favorite and least favorite trope to read in TL fic?
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
There isn't a character I dislike in TL except for the obvious choices of like. Akufo, Rupert & Jamie's Dad, lol. Out of our main players though I'm most neutral on Ted, so what i love about him is: He's very kind but in a way where it is evident it doesn't always come easily to him. He actively chooses to be kind. Kindness takes work! You've got to choose it daily and Ted knows that, and sometimes he fails at it, and sometimes his kindness in fact hinders him, but he still wakes up the next day and tries to carry it with him and i appreciate that!
When he's on his game and not so much caught in his own head, he's a wonderful orator, so motivational and optimistic. His s1 speeches to the team especially make me feel some kind of a way <3 and when he dances with the team at the end of s3!!! pure joy. I also love that he knows and acknowledges everyone at Nelson Road, from the cleaners to the law mowers to the receptionists. For the most part he's great at cultivating a positive environment :)
Remix question! (such a fun one, thank you!)
favorite trope: hmm maybe Miscommunication? which is funny because normally I can find that trope kind of annoying especially when it's dragged out forever. But with TL ot3 fics i will cheerfully read 9 billion variations of "one of them feels like they're just the third for sexy times, not realizing the other two are completely in love with them" "they're all so stubborn that none of them will just say what they mean so everyone involved has very different impression about the status of their relationship" "one of them has gotten comically angry and/or tragically upset about a problem they've really just made up in their head given very limited details. will they actually talk to their partner(s) about what's bothering them or will they let this fester for 10k words, digging themselves into a deeper hole?" etc. etc.
least favorite trope: that specific brand of whump where I find the characters enormously ooc and/or needlessly cruel or mean, or where the plot involves major character death or like, terminal illness. OR on a completely different pivot: pregnancy/kidfic 😬 just not my thing in general. also i think fictional babies are boring and oc kids do nothing for me because i don't especially imagine my favs having them in the first place.
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tawneybee · 1 year
♤ My name is Tawney, but you can call me Sage. My pronouns are they/them, and I'm a writer and an (at least trying to be) artist.
♤ I do content surrounding indie horror games, mainly Five Nights at Freddy's (with a bit of Little Nightmares). If you love positive Afton-sibling relationships and hate William, this is the account for you!
♤ Current AU's:
~Fnaf: Trial&Error AU
Micheal and Elizabeth are twins and 15 years old, and are stuck raising their 3 year old brother Nicky (C.C) on their own in a tense and dysfunctional home. William is present, but emotionally absent and sometimes downright scary. He's planning something. He doesn't have good intentions for his kids, and those intentions will follow them to their graves.
And past their graves. Living with 80 other ghosts while you're navigating being undead (and hunting your father) is not very appealing.
I currently have a second blog centered around making content for this AU as its currently my favorite. I will only be updating on there.
~FNaF: Test AU
After his siblings were murdered when he was just 4 years old, Charles has to collect the pieces to fix his broken family and put them back together. But too many lives are lost along the way, and poor Charles may be sinking into a deeper hole than he initially thought.
Just like Trial AU, this AU doesn't follow the normal plot line of the canon fnaf timeline. It is also a Mikenone AU (so he is neither Foxy Brother or Crying Child).
There are 5 Afton children in this one. Mike, Evan (Foxy Bro), and Elizabeth are 14 and triplets. Cindy (Pigtail Girl) is 9, and Charles (Crying Child) is 4.
~Little Nightmares: Bring Him Back AU
A remake and sequel of LN1, Six gains her powers and has control over the Maw. She finds out she is stuck in the loop she created with Mono and is doomed to meet the same fate as the Lady. Until the spirit of her predecessor and last victim contacts her and guides her to break the loop by releasing Mono.
Take note that all of my AU's are very averse to canon, including things like ages, storyline, and personalities. Do not expect realistic content from me.
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