#pls Hannibal hold me like that
willgrahamscock · 2 years
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HANNIBAL | 1x04 “Œuf”
#Licking the scar on his hand.
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cherubfae · 7 months
Hello! I'm not sure if you do single characters or not but What if the reader (who's a big fan of horror) wanted to show Alastor some classic horror movies. Their reasoning? "So you can make fun of it," If you do a collection of characters, then it can be like a movie night for the hotel.
Hiya love!! Yes, I do! In fact I'm currently working on a longer Alastor fic at the moment :)) it's like this request was made for me bc I 100% will force Alastor to watch the Scream franchise with me 😭 it's my fave. I'm a mega horror fan, haha! Maybe I'll have to write for slashers again like I used to! I'll just write Al since he deserves some love for himself!! Pls excuse me bc now I'm gonna be thinking about 1920s GhostFace Alastor 😩😩🩷💕
What's Your Favorite Scary Movie? || Alastor x reader
tags: fluff, gn!reader, Alastor critiquing horror media, plot to the Scream franchise, my horror obsession might be showing lmao
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Getting Alastor to have anything to do with post 1930s technology was a task and a half. He might've made a deal with Vaggie not to have anything to do with such frivolous technology, but you weren't Vaggie. You were his sweet, dear partner. And he'd never admit just how tightly wrapped he was around your finger.
He seemed to genuinely enjoy the first few Halloween movies as well as the first Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Alastor took a great of interest with Hannibal Lector from The Silence of Lambs. He was deeply considering watching the television series you told him of. He thinks Freddy Krueger is a piece of shit and wished he could do him in with his own hands.
The next movie, however, seemed more susceptible to being torn to pieces by his ever-watchful eye.
"So the point of this picture show is what... Billy is angry because his mother abandoned him and he doesn't know how to deal with those big feelings at his age?" Alastor gives an indignant snort, looking bemused at the old television screen currently playing a VHS of Wes Craven's 1996 slasher classic Scream. That's as new of tech as Alastor would allow, so you made do.
Snorting out a laugh, you lean against his arm. Alastor's crackling gaze flickers to you his smile softening around the edges. He did very much adore your laugh.
"That about sums it up, yes," you grin, biting down on the corner of your chocolate bar.
Alastor leans his back against the sofa, pulling the blanket wrapped around you two closer. "I don't know how that Macher boy thinks that peer pressure is a justifiable defense for murdering people." He unwraps his own piece of bitter chocolate and pops it into his mouth. "Own up to your choices, for Heaven's sake. And people find these two attractive? Are they not in love with one another? Surely anyone with two good working eyes could see this."
The sixth Scream movie damn near has Alastor foaming at the mouth, each and every movie felt as repetitive as the last with slight twists and changes. He was polite to keep most critiques to himself, eyeing how much you clearly enjoyed showing something so near and dear to your heart. While the plot was rather lackluster, he had to admit he was interested in the severe brutality of the sixth and despite his opposition to new media, felt that it was a decent enough film. With such a repetitive storyline, he didn't really expect that sort of twist.
"There's one more we can watch!" You grin, holding up your copy of Scary Movie. Alastor's eyes look ready to pop out of his skull as if to say 'Oh god, another??' "I don't think you'll guess who the GhostFace is!"
"Is it the man called Doofy?"
"What the fuck-- how."
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deerainy · 2 months
idk how to explain but as a lesbian whenever I see will graham I have the urge to bite him, I want to eat him the way I want to eat my cat because it's so cute but not EAT it like just take a big chunk, he's so beautiful and GRGRGRGRGRG I want to swallow him and how could anyone blame Hannibal? he's so damn pretty and comforting like his aura just screams pookie like pls hold me tight until I can't breathe type of feeling (I have daddy issues and never gave love to my father because he didn't love me so I'm full of love I want to give to a father I don't have)
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ihavemanyhusbands · 6 months
Andddd another because I’m greedy for your smutty drabbles hehe but orchid with will because I just love when he shows his dark side hehe😈 like seriously tho season 2a to 2b transition vibes yes pls!!!!
OOOOOOHHHHH oh my god yEAH!!! ETA: also im so sorry i misread this bc i was mid melatonin delirium 😭😭 i wrote hannibal but i will make it up to you!!!!
Orchid: An innocent moment devolving into something that’s not.
All you’d wanted to do was swing by his office for a quick visit. Just that, no hidden intentions at all. You’d been missing him through the long hours he’d been gone for work, and you couldn’t help yourself.
When you’d arrived, he still had some paperwork to finish, but suddenly it didn’t seem as important. He always enjoyed your company, but it made it harder for him to concentrate. He watched you wandering around his office in that curious, absent-minded way of yours, searching for all the traces of him.
Seeing you so open and unguarded, so utterly comfortable in his presence, he was overcome with the need for…. Something. To grab, to envelop, to conquer.
And how to channel this sudden urge?
For starters, he stood up. The sudden motion caught your attention and you looked at him, tilting your head slightly in curiosity.
He said nothing, pretending to look over some things, slowly getting closer to you. You took a small step back, nothing more than an instinctual gesture, but it spurred him on.
He smiled and somehow, you knew you were in trouble.
Then he darted forward, and you leapt away, engaging him in a small game of cat and mouse.
You giggled, nervous, elated, nearly breathless. Looping around the furniture, circling each other.
“Hannibal!” You squeaked as he finally cornered you against the ladder that led to the upper floor.
Your heart was close to leaping out of your chest. But still your eyes, wide and docile and inviting, were trained on his. His grin sharpened and there was a keenness in his gaze that made you suppress a shudder.
Of course, he did not miss the way your thighs pressed together.
“What’s come over you?” You asked softly, as if you didn’t already know.
He reached out, his gaze following the path his inquisitive finger trailed down your front; Testing the buttons of your blouse. He was on the brink of tearing it off, you could tell, but he was holding back to continue building anticipation.
“Nothing, my love,” he said casually, finger trailing back up until it reached your chin, tilting your face up. “I just wanted to show you how much I’ve been craving you, too. Will you let me have a taste?”
You shuddered then, clinging to his arms, nails digging into his biceps. Your voice a shaky plea.“Tear me apart.”
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defectivevillain · 1 year
this broken design ch9
pairing: Hannibal Lecter/Reader
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notes: this is embarrassing, but i forgot to post chapter 9 on Tumblr... so i had chapters eight and ten up, but not nine... sigh. pls forgive me, everyone 😭
Since you’re dreading the meeting with Alana, it comes up impossibly fast. You fall asleep quickly the night before—for the first time in a long time—and wake to dread’s company. Your anxiety only builds as you get closer to the institute. By the time you reach the parking lot, you can’t calm your racing heart. Thankfully, you spot Hannibal’s car moments later and the two of you walk into the building together. Hannibal must sense that you’re not in the mood for conversation, because he remains a quiet yet steady presence at your side. 
Alana spots you the moment you cross the threshold of her office. She holds the door open for you with a kind smile. “Hello, Alana,” you say, trying to sound as normal as possible. You can only hope your apprehension doesn’t show through in your voice. 
“Hello,” Alana responds with an easy smile. Her hand falls back to her side, but Hannibal reaches out and deftly catches the door before it can slip closed.  The look on Alana’s face twists ever so slightly as she sees that you aren’t alone. She regards your company with fleeting interest. “Hannibal.”
“Hello, Alana,” he murmurs, a polite half-smile on his face. “It’s wonderful to see you again.” The slight smile on his face looks strained. Maybe it really isn't wonderful to see her again. You shake your head to clear your thoughts; you need to stop reading into these types of things. 
“I’ll admit, I wasn’t expecting you,” Alana remarks good-naturedly. 
“Yeah, slight change of plans…” You remark with a grimace, not desiring to disclose the true reasons behind Hannibal’s presence. You can tell that Alana is curious, but you decide not to provide an explanation. Somehow, you feel a bit cowardly at the thought of needing Hannibal to be here with you. Speak of the devil, you think to yourself as you realize Hannibal is staring at you with a chastising expression on his face. It’s as if he can sense your pessimistic thoughts. You quickly avert your eyes, only to find that Alana is looking between the two of you with a suspicious expression. This is going to be a nightmare, you think wryly. 
“Jack informed us that you were Abel Gideon’s psychiatrist,” Hannibal starts, breaking through the tense silence. Each momentary lull in the conversation feels like a knife to the back. There’s a faint buzzing sound emanating from the fax machine in the corner of the office and the small analog clock on Alana’s desk carves a constant rhythm into the air.
“For a time, yes,” Alana responds vaguely. You swallow any comments about the ambiguity of her answer and instead focus on the next line of questioning. 
“What information do you have on him?” You press on adamantly. Unfortunately, if you halted your questioning every time you noticed tension rising in the air, this conversation would never end. You take a deep breath and pinch the bridge of your nose, before bringing a hand to rest on Alana’s desk. “I haven’t gotten the chance to speak with him yet.”
“Well,” Alana breaks off, inexplicably glancing at Dr. Lecter for a moment as if questioning his presence. You resist the urge to huff in amusement at the rather petty behavior she’s currently exhibiting. Although, you suppose her reaction is somewhat justified—Hannibal isn’t technically a federal agent, after all. However, Jack has pretty much ushered him onto the BAU—a feat not easily accomplished by any means. “Gideon is a sociopath and narcissist with psychotic episodes and homicidal tendencies.”
“But…?” You ask, noticing the way Alana seemed to momentarily falter after recounting the man’s diagnoses. The question seems to throw the psychiatrist off guard, because her eyes momentarily widen and you get a glimpse of her surprise. 
“Nothing slips by you,” Alana remarks with a smile. You’re somewhat uncomfortable with the fond tone of her voice. “For a person with the same diagnoses as him, identity is a rigid and unchanging mechanism. However, Gideon’s recent confusion and waverance about the Chesapeake Ripper speaks to severe borderline personality disorder.” Your eyebrows furrow. While you’re certainly not friends with Alana, you’ve known her for long enough to know that she doesn’t typically use such formal diction. What changed? Perhaps she feels pressured to speak in such a manner since Hannibal is in the room. You suppose that would make sense—he was Alana’s unofficial mentor. 
“That’s an interesting distinction to make, Alana,” Hannibal voices, bringing your attention back to the conversation. You feel the sudden need to avert your eyes from the two psychiatrists; instead of looking at either of them, you let your gaze wander about Alana’s office. You’ve been in here a few times, yet you’ve never taken the time to truly look around. Now that you’re looking, you can catch hints of Alana’s personality bleeding through the nondescript beige walls. She has framed pictures of various people—evidently, her friends— scattered across the four walls and her desk is almost impeccably clean. 
Your tongue feels glued to the roof of your mouth. You don’t want to speak anymore. The unspoken competition hanging in the air between Hannibal and Alana seems to distract them from your silence, as they continue to speak about Gideon. You allow Hannibal to ask the questions and, thankfully, you seem to share many of the same concerns. Alana continues to speak to Hannibal, but you can see her sneaking glances at you between her words. 
Suddenly, you hear your name and you’re thrown back into the uncomfortable present. Both psychiatrists are staring at you expectantly. You blink at them, waiting for someone to exclaim. Alana smiles at you. “I’d be happy to accompany you on your visit to the hospital.” She offers. 
You don’t know what to say or how to say it. How can you possibly begin to describe the tumultuous storm of negative emotions that rages through you whenever you catch even a glimpse of Alana’s face? How can you even begin to explain the days you’ve spent going through your memories of her, trying to pinpoint a moment where her feelings for you changed? Truthfully, you don’t think you’ll be even the slightest bit comfortable in her presence by yourself—especially not in the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane of all places. You have to put active effort into fighting the urge to glance at Hannibal for assistance. You certainly don’t expect him to have an infallible solution to your problems (or even a solution at all); rather, you just need the reminder that you aren’t alone. 
Eventually, you’re forced to break the silence. “Thank you for the offer, Alana,” you start, trying not to take note of the way her smile starts to falter. You scramble to find a way to decline her offer diplomatically. “I spoke with Jack and he seemed to desire Hannibal’s opinion on things.” That may not be a word-for-word explanation of the conversation you had with him earlier, but it will do. Furthermore, Jack is a perfect excuse—since his word is practically law in the BAU. Alana won’t want to disobey his orders, so she should back off after the mention of your boss. Indeed, the psychiatrist frowns slightly but gives in. 
“Alright,” Alana surrenders, but not before giving you a strange look. You shrug helplessly, not wanting to admit that you would much prefer Hannibal’s company to Alana’s. She can take whatever meaning she desires from that gesture. Alana seems to do so, as she sends you a sympathetic look. You eventually work up the nerve to dismiss yourself and within a minute, you’re out in the hall and free from the overbearing psychiatrist and her far too small office. 
“Thank you for accompanying me,” you say to Hannibal as the two of you walk down the hall. You shove your hands in your pockets and continue to quickly pace down the hall, idly hoping that Hannibal will keep up. 
“Any time,” Hannibal responds from your side. There’s nothing but sincerity written in the lines of his face and the rather unexpected honesty of his remark catches you off guard. Hannibal makes it sound as if he would truly accompany you any time. Surely, that isn’t the case. Surely, you’re hearing things. You take a shuddering breath and lead Hannibal to your office to grab the paperwork you need. 
After grabbing the paperwork, the two of you head back through the institute and out to the parking lot. You offer to drive, since Hannibal has driven you several times and you feel the need to repay the gestures somehow. Admittedly, it’s a change of pace for you to be the driver; you feel a little self conscious, for some reason. You can’t shake the feeling that Hannibal is staring at you from the passenger seat. Whenever you glance to the side, however, the psychiatrist is staring out the window or straight ahead. You eventually forget the rather eerie feeling and focus on driving. The drive passes without event and, now, the two of you are walking along the path to the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. Your heart is racing in your chest as you come to terms with the fact that you’ll have to survive another conversation with Frederick Chilton. You aren’t so oblivious to the hungry look in his eyes or the subtle probing in each statement that leaves his lips. Speaking with the man is far from the first thing you want to do; however, you need to navigate a conversation with him if you want to speak with Abel Gideon. 
“Ah, back again, are we?” Chilton smirks as you enter his office. His gleaming eyes are practically dissecting you. The smugness radiating off of the man is suffocating. He anticipated that you would return. However, Chilton evidently performed some mental gymnastics to get to that particular conclusion—there’s no way in hell you’ll join him for a consultation. “Here to take me up on my offer?” You resist a laugh. 
“I’m afraid that isn’t the case,” Hannibal interjects for you, before Chilton can leer at you any longer. You’re once again grateful that you had the foresight to allow Hannibal to accompany you. He’ll serve as a buffer. Without him, you’re nearly certain that Chilton would make a meeting with Gideon rather difficult. “Dr. Lecter; a pleasure to finally meet you, Frederick.” You raise an eyebrow at the uncharacteristic greeting. Hannibal always introduces himself using his first name. Yet, he doesn’t give Frederick permission to refer to him in such a manner. 
“And you, Dr. Lecter,” Frederick responds, extending a hand. The resulting handshake looks to be uncomfortably tight, yet neither of the men comment on it. Then, Hannibal takes the proffered business card and places it in his pocket. You immediately realize that Chilton is going to be an addition to Hannibal’s rolodex of rude people. The thought brings you a little solace. 
“I’ve brought the necessary paperwork,” you remark, breaking up the impromptu staring contest that Hannibal and Chilton silently initiated. You place the aforementioned paperwork on the desk and Frederick stares down at it, before flipping through it with a scrutinizing gaze. You hold your breath and watch as he rifles through it. 
“I see,” Frederick then says regretfully, folding his hands on his desk. It seems he couldn’t find fault with your paperwork. You’re happy about that—there’s no telling what Jack would have done if you came back empty-handed again. “Such a shame. Would’ve loved to get into that mind of yours.” The man sighs with a click of the tongue. 
“I’m sure,” you mutter darkly, a remark that goes unnoticed by Chilton. Hannibal certainly does notice the statement, however, and his lips quirk in amusement. You take a deep breath and manifest more patience. You can’t be too callous with Chilton, because he could easily withdraw your access to Gideon. However, you are tired of this conversation. “Dr. Chilton, can you show us to Gideon?”
“I suppose,” Frederick acquiesces with a burdened sigh, as if your refusal to be manipulated is an incredible inconvenience. You’re sure that, to him, it is actually an inconvenience; the man makes a living off of manipulating people. You’ve heard the rumors swirling about the man—how Chilton profits off of the suffering and pain of others. Safe to say, you don’t like him one bit. “Please, follow me.” Frederick proceeds to lead you through the halls. You take a few turns before stopping in a rather large and open space, with tiny windows near the ceiling serving as the only sources of light. There are impossibly small cages lined up in neat rows. Your stomach turns as you see the dried flakes of blood stuck to the metal bars. Chilton hums to himself as he walks a few paces and comes to a stop in front of a cage. The look on the man’s face morphs from immature amusement to dark glee. You swallow past the premonitions in your chest and allow your gaze to fall on the man sitting in the cage—indeed, it cannot be called anything more than a cage. There is barely enough room for the man to stretch his arms and he remains hunched over with his head down. Chilton crosses his arms over his chest. “Abel, you have visitors.”
Abel Gideon’s head remains titled down. It’s clear that he doesn’t desire to speak with the administrator. Frederick makes an annoyed groaning sound before slamming his hand on one of the bars a few times, evidently trying to get his attention. The killer doesn’t give any indication that he has even heard the other man. 
“I’ll leave you to it,” Chilton says resignedly, sending you a look that is clearly supposed to be intimidating. Fortunately for you, you’re far too used to being stared down by far worse people—criminals, serial killers, murderers, and psychopaths… Frederick Chilton has nothing on any of them.
As Chilton retreats, Gideon begins to stir. By the time Frederick is gone, Abel Gideon’s head has risen and his searching gaze finds you, before settling on Hannibal at your side. There’s a slight slip in his expression—a small twitch of the eye—before it is smoothed over. You wonder if this was a bad idea. Perhaps you should’ve come here alone. Unfortunately, there’s no use in regretting the decisions that led you here. You’ll just have to do the best you can. That will have to be enough.  
“I was wondering when you’d show up, Dr. Lecter,” Gideon says, his voice raspy from evident disuse. His hands grip the bars that keep him caged. You have to wonder if the design of this interrogation space was intentional—if the prisoners were meant to feel like caged birds—wings bound and stripped of all freedom. You’ve always hated the carceral state. You don’t realize that your thoughts have gone on a tangent until your companion speaks. 
“Indeed,” Hannibal responds blandly, as if Abel Gideon is nothing more than a pebble beneath his shoe. You suppose that Gideon probably is that insignificant to Hannibal. Besides, Gideon was thought to be the Ripper for several months—maybe Dr. Lecter didn’t take too kindly to the idea of someone else taking credit for his work. Indeed, Hannibal cuts the conversation off before it can even begin. “I’ll just be over here, if you don’t mind.” You raise an eyebrow at him, but the gesture goes unnoticed since his back is turned. You turn your attention back to Abel Gideon, only to find that he is already staring at you. Unnerved, you briefly pause before eventually regaining your composure. 
“Hello, Abel,” you remark cautiously. 
“Hello,” he responds warily. You don’t blame him for being cautious—from what you know, medical professions have consistently manipulated him. Fortunately for him, you’re certainly not a medical professional. 
“I want this to be a private conversation,” Gideon emphasizes, glaring at Hannibal lurking in the corner before looking back at you. “Just the two of us.” Your heart stutters in your chest. 
“I’d rather remain here,” Hannibal interjects, to your surprise. You look over to him, only to find yourself met with a fiery gaze. There’s something unspoken in the tight pull to his shoulders; there’s something unspoken in the tightly-coiled ferocity of his posture. You’re swimming with sharks, here—and your blood’s in the water. 
“I insist,” Gideon says, turning to look at you expectantly. There’s a scrutinizing sense to his gaze, as if he’s dissecting your every move. You pinch the bridge of your nose and take a deep breath, before turning to Hannibal. You know he’ll be easier to persuade than Gideon. If you want to get any information from the killer, you’ll have to pretend to play his game. 
“Will you leave us?” You ask. Hannibal’s gaze is set on Gideon with frightening focus; the two lock eyes and you can’t help but feel as if you’re missing something. Eventually, Hannibal looks towards you. You raise your eyebrows at him expectantly.
“Of course,” Hannibal acquiesces politely, turning around and leaving the room. You can’t bring yourself to take your eyes off of Gideon for even a moment. 
“You have him on a leash, don’t you?” The man remarks with a laugh, resting his hands on the bars of his interrogation cell. You have to look away from his grip, as you’re assaulted with thoughts of how easy it would be for those strong hands to wrap around someone’s neck and squeeze. “A very long leash, but a leash nonetheless.”
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” you respond stiffly, despite your heart absolutely racing out of your chest. Each piece of this conversation feels far more significant than you can currently comprehend. Each statement Gideon makes seems to be hiding an underlying message. You’re immediately thankful for your somewhat dubious morality—the recording device in your pocket will prove to be extremely useful for future reference. After all, the morals and ethics you prioritize aren’t the agency’s or society’s, but your own. You are self-governed. Plus, you know that the FBI’s strict interrogation policies would prevent you from getting any truly useful information. “Anyway, I’m here to speak to you about the Chesapeake Ripper.”
“Hm,” Gideon says, suddenly looking entirely uninterested. It’s clear that the topic is well-exhausted already. You may have to approach this from a slightly different angle. You want to speak about the Ripper, but you will have to hide your questioning behind clever wording. You then realize that conveying trust may be most effective. Abel Gideon has spent years rotting away in this hospital, his words slipping into Chilton’s left ear and falling out his right. Perhaps the best angle for you to pursue… is trust. 
“I know you’re not the Chesapeake Ripper,” You assert. 
“No one else seems to think so,” the man says, in a tone that is more amused than spiteful. You can almost see the tension fade from Gideon’s body. Now, he looks less wary and more intrigued. His shoulders aren’t drawn as tight and his gaze looks slightly less murderous. Small steps, you suppose. 
“I believe you.” You assure him. Gideon doesn’t know your true reasons for believing him, of course. You don’t believe him out of some misguided sentimentalism or pity for his past experiences. Rather, you’ve stared down the real Chesapeake Ripper. Abel Gideon is a cold and calculated killer, but he will never measure up to the unimaginably dangerous, mirrored psyche that the Ripper weaponizes. The Chesapeake Ripper and Abel Gideon are two entirely different beasts. 
“Who are you then?” You tell him your name but he shakes his head. “What do you do?” He asks insistently. You decide to indulge him and explain that you’re a criminal profiler. You don’t give the man too much detail—as that could compromise your safety—but you manage to give him enough to be satiated. 
From there, you interrogate Gideon about several different things. Regretfully, Gideon isn’t as helpful as you initially expected him to be. Ultimately, he’s been in the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane for years now. You can certainly use him as a basis for establishing and better understanding the mind of a killer; however, you fear that Abel Gideon gives you very little new information on the Ripper. 
“I can tell you wanted more, but I’m afraid I’m not up to date on what happens outside these walls,” Gideon remarks with a sympathetic grimace. It’s hard to believe that he’s able to scrounge up any genuine pity; you suspect the display is more for your benefit. Still, you somewhat appreciate the gesture. 
“That’s alright,” you sigh resignedly. “Thank you for the conversation.” 
You’re barely able to take another step before you hear him call your name. Despite the dread stewing in your chest, you turn around to face the killer once more. Gideon’s eyes are gleaming and his mouth is twisted in a wicked grin. You can’t quite control your instinctive reaction of taking a half-step backwards. Gideon notices and his grin sharpens impossibly. The man sitting across from you suddenly looks positively sinister. The shadows around his form seem to morph and grow around him. Your hand inches towards the pistol at your side. 
“A word of advice…” Abel murmurs casually, his eyes trained on yours despite the fact that you’re now gripping the gun on your belt. “Stay away from Lecter. I was the same, you know—enamored with my wife. It doesn’t last long, trust me.” You swallow hard as you remember that Gideon is here because he murdered his wife and her family. 
“Goodbye, Abel,” you manage to choke out, turning your back on him and walking away. Abel Gideon lets out a loud cackle as you move to leave. Even when you exit the interrogation space and close the door behind you, you can hear Gideon’s twisted laugh reverberating through your ears. 
You find Hannibal lingering in a nearby corridor. You can’t find the words to say, so instead you just motion for him to follow after you. Hannibal joins you and the two of you walk out of the hospital. There’s a suffocating tension that settles in the air, but you can’t bring yourself to break through it. Gideon’s words are running through your mind and you can’t seem to get rid of them. Stay away from Lecter. You walk with Hannibal to your car, but not before opening his door for him with a cheeky smile plastered on your face. It doesn’t last long. You pull out of the parking lot and drive back to the main road. Trust me. You find yourself stopping at a red light and your gaze is almost unwittingly pulled to your psychiatrist. 
“What did he say to you?” Hannibal asks, clearly sensing your gaze. 
“Nothing important,” you say with a shake of your head, fixing your eyes on the road in front of you. Your heart is pounding in your chest as you remember the killer’s whispers. Few know the mindset of a killer better than another killer. Perhaps you really aren’t safe in Hannibal’s presence. That realization should not feel new to you. In fact, it is more of a reminder. Indeed, how long have you spent in Hannibal’s company, pushing down the knowledge that he’s a practiced killer? How many appointments have you had since that night you sleepwalked onto the road? You’re stuck in a horrible cycle of realization and suppression, yet… you haven’t once tried to escape it. You’ve allowed yourself to remain pliant in a killer’s tight grasp. 
“Are you certain?” Hannibal asks persistently. You raise an eyebrow. He isn’t typically one to push things in such a manner. Is he really so concerned? You push the thought aside. You suspect Hannibal simply doesn’t like the notion of lacking information. He likes to be in the loop. The thought of your private conservation likely disquiets him. 
I’m not certain at all, you laugh internally. “Yes.” You respond through gritted teeth. Hannibal must sense that any further interrogation would be pointless, because he falls silent—albeit while continuing to stare at you. It’s hard to focus on driving when there’s a murderer sitting in your passenger seat. Although, does it truly matter if you drive safely? Hannibal could end your life in a moment’s notice. Perhaps you should just veer the car to the side and-
“Stop.” The command is so sudden that you nearly step on the brakes, only to realize that Hannibal isn’t talking about your driving. Indeed, the open road stretching in front of you doesn’t have another car in sight. A choked breath leaves your lips as your heart races from the unexpected remark. 
“What?” You ask panickedly, feeling as if you were just drenched with cold water. Ambiguity does not mix well with driving—especially in the case of loud exclamations or commands without subsequent explanation. 
“Focus your attention elsewhere,” Hannibal demands. Surprised by the uncharacteristic commanding tone in his voice, you try to do as requested. You pull your attention back to the road in front of you. It takes you a few seconds to realize that Hannibal must’ve sensed your sudden spiral into suicidal thoughts. 
“How-” You try to ask. Hannibal looks pointedly at the steering wheel and you follow his gaze, only to find that your hands are gripping the wheel with an almost unnatural amount of force. When you loosen your grip, you feel bolts of pain slide up and down your fingers. You wince and try to regain some feeling in your hands. 
Safe to say, the drive after that is incredibly awkward. At least, you think it’s incredibly awkward. You have no idea if Hannibal feels the same, because he continues to stare out the window with a pensive expression on his face as if nothing occurred. Then again, he is your psychiatrist—you suppose he wouldn’t be surprised by dark thoughts. 
It isn’t until you’re pulling into Hannibal’s driveway that the tense silence between the two of you is broken. “Please, come in,” Hannibal remarks, not even reaching for your car door. His gaze is fixated on you with rapt attention. 
“I’m afraid I can’t stay for long,” you admit, already recognizing that you’ll have to step into his residence—even for only a few moments. You’ve learned the hard way that Hannibal is often needlessly stubborn when it comes to spending time with you outside of his office. You step out of your car and lock it behind you, before walking up the path with him to his front door. You’re incredibly thankful that you have your car today. It’s easy to feel stranded at Hannibal’s residence when you don’t have a car—or a means of escape, your traitorous brain supplies for you. 
You linger in the foyer awkwardly before Hannibal invites you into the kitchen. You’ve been in the kitchen many times now and you’re unsurprised to find that it looks completely spotless. Hannibal seems uncharacteristically focused on something, as he walks over to the corner of the counter and pulls the business card from his pocket. You huff in amusement as you realize your earlier prediction was correct: Hannibal is putting Frederick Chilton’s business card in his rolodex. 
“Building a collection?” You can’t help but ask, after the quiet begins to grow painful. The compulsion to voice the thought was itching at your skin. Hannibal finishes setting the card in place, before turning back to level you with a complex look. You try your best to manifest an expression of innocent curiosity. 
“Something of the sort,” Hannibal agrees, after an uncomfortably long halt in conversation. His attention falls away from the rolodex. You clasp your hands together and wait patiently, unable to shake the feeling that he has something to say. Indeed, Hannibal washes his hands before continuing to speak. “Frederick did seem rather interested in you.”
“As I said,” you say with a slight grimace. You feel remarkably out of place in Hannibal’s kitchen, as he busies himself with evidently planning for his dinner. Ordinarily, you’d be compelled to offer your assistance. However, you know damn well that you’re nowhere near as good of a cook as Hannibal is. You would only cause him further trouble, you tell yourself. “Chilton wants to get inside my head… see what makes me tick.”Incomprehensibly, that last remark pulls Hannibal’s gaze from the cutting board he’s handling. You lock eyes for a long moment. 
“I suspect he wants more than that,” Hannibal murmurs. You frown. It takes you a minute or two to process that statement, namely because you're shocked by the near mutter of his voice. Hannibal isn’t the type of person to speak his thoughts so quietly—he is a man of conviction. The thought nearly distracts you from the allusion he just made; when you mull over his words again, you begin to recognize the gravity of them. 
“Excuse me?” You ask incredulously. Hannibal’s attention is lasered in on the ingredients spread across his counter. It’s as if you imagined the remark—and you’re sorely tempted to believe that you did. The statement seemed rather out of character for Hannibal; although, the cryptic nature of it was very characteristic of the man. 
Unsurprisingly, it’s hard for you to proceed with normal conversation after that revelation. Your traitorous mind keeps trying to find significance in the earlier remark—in the unaffected mask Hannibal donned as he uttered those words. You need to get out of here—otherwise, your mind will continue to entertain foolish thoughts. “I should leave you to your dinner, Dr. Lecter,” you say, not giving him even a moment to argue. “Have a good night.” You nod at him before turning to walk away. Even as you drive into the dark night and away from his residence, Hannibal dominates your thoughts.
Hannibal watches you make your hasty retreat. He isn’t quite sure what spurred you to leave in such a hurry—although, he idly suspects that his allusion to Chilton’s… unprofessional interest in you was not welcome. You hadn’t given Chilton the time of day—all of his advances went entirely unnoticed by you. Hannibal must admit: it was rather amusing to watch Frederick stumble over himself to make a good impression, only for you to fail to even notice. 
Prying himself from his thoughts, Hannibal rolls up his sleeves and prepares for dinner. Franklyn Froideveaux’s lung remains motionless on his cutting board, a reminder of Hannibal’s escapade days ago. Truthfully, he intended on letting Franklyn live—if only to continue coercing and manipulating him. However, intention flew out the window the night of the opera. Now, Hannibal idly recognizes that your sudden departure actually works in his favor—he’s certain you would have grown suspicious if you had seen him treating the same organs that Franklyn’s corpse was missing. 
The saccharine melody of Apollo et. Hyacinthus 1 floats throughout the kitchen. The lights dim; when Hannibal turns around, he is standing before an audience. The crowd is listening to his every word with rapt attention. Each movement he makes is calculated with perfect precision. He moves with mechanical mastery. Admittedly, his thoughts are elsewhere today—Frederick Chilton’s business card continues to taunt him from his rolodex. As Hannibal prepares his dinner, he idly imagines sinking a blade into Chilton’s skin and harvesting his organs. Perhaps he’d sew his lips shut or cut off his tongue—the man is far too talkative for his tastes. 
His dinner that night is an enjoyable affair. Hannibal dines in the company of Franklyn Froideveaux, whose organs are settling rather pleasantly on his tongue. The meal is elegant in a way Franklyn never was; the irony of the sentiment is not lost on Hannibal. Inexplicably, your description of Franklyn on the night of the opera comes to Hannibal’s mind. 
“Franklyn is sort of… a shapeshifter, for lack of a better term. He’ll adjust and change himself to fit the situation best. When he’s in love, he’s dangerously obsessed. His unconventional actions are reassuring to him, though, because they give him a modicum of control—a control that he cannot possess over anything else.” 
That familiar analytical gleam in your eyes lives in Hannibal’s mind as he sinks his teeth into his prey. Despite your departure hours ago, Hannibal sees you sitting across from him at the table. Dining alone has never bothered him; yet, right now, he can’t help but desire your company—your scintillating conversation, your sharp wit, your clever smirk. Indeed, his table feels uncharacteristically empty. Hannibal stares at the chair across from him—the same chair he’s grown accustomed to seeing you sit at—and takes another bite. Flavor explodes on his tongue, yet you are what dominates his thoughts. 
Hannibal finishes his meal and muses on the events of the day for several moments. After the antique clock on the wall’s chiming of the hour brings him back to reality, he gets to his feet and stills. There’s a slight movement in his peripheral vision. Hannibal looks over at his kitchen, only to see his faithful rolodex with a card missing—slight scraps of paper left on the metal. He paces forward—prowls—until he finds the business card that fell to the floor. He squints down at it. 
Frederick Chilton  Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane  General Administration  [email protected] | (410) -XXX-XXXX 
Hannibal’s lips twist upward in anticipation.
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next chapter
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hannibal taglist: @its-ares @tobbotobbs @xrisdoesntexist @gr1mmac3 @tiredstarcerberuslamb @yourlocalratwriter @kingkoku @kahuunknown
y'all... this is very embarrassing. I forgot to post chapter 9 on Tumblr 😭 so apologies for the sudden jump in the last two posts—this chapter was meant to be here to serve as a transition.
I've also gone ahead and made a master post, in which I will provide updated links for each chapter as they come out. hopefully, that will prevent me from missing any in the future.
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vpyre · 3 months
New pinned post! Finally!!
Haven’t made one of these in a while, but I’m a good deal more active nowadays so I think it’s a good idea to introduce my blog and stuff. I typically just reblog things, but I do write the occasional fanfic and draw the extremely rare fanart.
I made a little get-to-know-me strawpage thing :3
My Linktree with my etsy, twitter, instagram, tumblr, and ao3 :D
Posts by me are tagged #vpyre’s verbosity, my writing is tagged #my writing, and my art is tagged #my art (most of it is old and kinda shit, but eh whatever). I try to tag different fandoms, so feel free to block tags you aren’t interested in :)
I made a Discord server for people who love Copia! It also has channels for anyone who likes the other papas and the ghouls :3
I have a new sideblog if any mutuals/followers wanna join me over there! It’s @vpyre-hornyposting and it’s where I’m gonna be posting my NSFW thoughts about whatever characters I’m into and receiving asks from anyone who wants to share in the horny.
My AO3 page is here. For ease of access, I’ll also individually link all my fics (both the ao3 and tumblr versions) and headcanons in a masterlist here:
Black Butler HCs
Grelle Sutcliff/switch!fem!Reader smut hcs (June 2024) || Tumblr
Ghost Fics
A Quick Taste (August 2024) - gn!Reader/Copia smut fic || Tumblr • AO3
Can You Feel Me Longing for You (forever) (July 2024) - gn!Reader/Copia smut fic || Tumblr • AO3
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait (Oct. 2022) - Dewdrop Ghoul/transmasc!submissive!Reader smut oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
Hannibal Fics
The Taste of Iron (May 2024) - Hannigram smut ficlet || Tumblr • AO3
The Truman Show Fics
all i want is to take care of you (July 2022)- gn!Reader/Truman Burbank smut oneshot || AO3
Five Nights at Freddy’s (and related franchises) Fics
Closer (Feb. 2022) - trans!gn!Reader/transman!Michael Afton smut oneshot || AO3
When In Doubt, Ask Him Out! (Nov. 2021) - transman!Michael Afton/Charlie Emily oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
What Makes a Monster (Nov. 2021) - Felix Kranken & William Afton horror (kinda) oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
If Holding You Will Heal You, I Never Wanna Let You Go (Nov. 2021) - extremely angsty hurt/comfort (cut me some slack here, I was a teenager lmao) nonbinary!Reader/Michael Afton oneshot || Tumblr • AO3
Dress-Up Makes Everything Better! (Nov. 2021) - transman!Michael & Elizabeth Afton cutesy sibling fluff oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
The One You Should Not Have Killed (Nov. 2021) - Cassidy & William Afton horror/angst oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
‘cause everything else is a substitute for your love (Nov. 2021) - gn!Reader/transman!Michael Afton smut fic (two chapters) || Tumblr • AO3
The Wrong Smile (Oct. 2021) - very dark and angsty fic/thinkpiece hybrid thingamajig about the missing children || Tumblr • AO3
Black Butler Fics
No Matter How Tremulous the Flame, the Ice Will Always Melt (May 2021) - Grelle Sutcliff & William T. Spears hurt/comfort oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
Stick Around (Apr. 2021) - Othello & Grelle Sutcliff fluffy-ish oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
The Geek Division (Apr. 2021) - Othello & Grelle Sutcliff slightly angsty/fluffy lighthearted oneshot || Tumblr • AO3
From Above and Below, Face to Face and Behind (March 2021) - Reader/Grelle Sutcliff smut oneshot (my first finished fic ever!) || Tumblr • AO3
I think that about does it! I might add more to this if I think of something later, maybe some old WIPs if anyone is interested in that (I think it’s just some Reader/Astarion stuff I never finished).
Oh also!!! Fic requests ARE open! Go absolutely ham on my inbox pls I beg!
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neatfrog · 1 year
~occasional 18+ content 🔞🔞
~queer faggot 🌈
~current things I can’t shut the fuck up about: hazbin hotel/helluva boss, fallout, venom (coming soon)
~my art tag here !
~currently taking commissions ✨
~you can call me kitchie (pronounced like ‘kicsi’ in Hungarian - it’s a joke bc kicsi means small and I’m 4’11”)
~you might have once known me as venomtots
~3 decades alive on this wretched planet
~married to someone I met on tumblr (follow ur dreams, kids)
~I enjoy cats and languages
~I draw (if the brain worms let me), and am capable of writing but haven’t actually done so in years. my white whale is the venom fanfic from 2018 that I still haven’t finished
~I’m autistic and have adhd so if I do something weird pls just blame it on that
~I’m not kidding when I say I’m obsessed with languages, it’s my special interest since I was like 7
~fluent - English and French
~advanced - Hungarian
~also OK - Norwegian, Spanish (Mexico), German, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin)
~can’t speak/write but can read sorta well enough: Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Finnish (the only words I know are probably all from Antti Tuisku songs)
The rest is just my likes and shit, no obligation to read
video games
favs: Fallout, Baldur’s Gate 3, The Outer Worlds, Rule of Rose, Clocktower, ReMothered, Visage, The Evil Within, Resident Evil, the Dark Pictures series - most survival horror/horror in general.
I’ll admit that I often don’t have the patience for the horror games where you have to be all sneaky and try to find things & escape while constantly being chased, but I still really love those kinds of games and wish I had the patience to play them, so I’ll usually just watch a let’s play
I’m also a slut for some Mario Party, and my adhd ass can sit and play shit like Powerwash Simulator or House Flipper for hours
horror/thriller/mystery mostly, but if it sounds interesting I’ll read whatever. we have several shelves of Stephen King books
favs: The Walking Dead, Venom, GoT, A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Hollow Kingdom Trilogy, The Hunger Games
I still read manga occasionally (FMA will always be my #1 favorite)
horror (any kind), foreign films, indie, comedy - again, if it sounds interesting and I’m in the mood then anything is cool. if you like horror and haven’t watched any Asian horror films, you definitely should do that
series/franchises that could be releasing their 20-quillionth remake/sequel and I would still be going to see it: saw, the purge, friday the 13th, scream, nightmare on elm st, VHS, Killjoy, Terrifier
ok I’d probably watch any Hunger Games movie too tbh
and literally anything ari aster does, I know that man’s some kinda fucked up but damn does he make some Movies
also Tubi has some really awesome shit on there, definitely worth checking out
I found Liza a rókatündér (Liza the Fox Fairy) on there and it’s now one of my all-time favorite movies
tv shows
favs: Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Fallout, The Walking Dead, The Boys/Gen V, IWTV, Resident Alien, Hannibal, Ted Lasso, Disenchantment, Paradise PD/Farzar, WWDITS, GoT (minus s8), Supernatural (stopped around s14 and then they did That Thing at the end so it’s more of an old fav now)
I love Scandinavian crime thrillers/dramas 🤣
when starting a series it’s honestly whatever my spouse and I decide we feel like watching at the time. I usually prefer comedy or horror, but we’ve been known to watch other things
I’ll admit I’m also a sucker for crime shows like CSI, I had season 3 on dvd as a kid and rewatched it all the time. I used to watch it and Criminal Minds with my parents so it’s kind of nostalgic cause it’s like one of the few things we all did together
(I used to be into anime but I haven’t really been feeling it for a while. My first anime was InuYasha (still holds a special place in my heart). My all-time favorite is Fullmetal Alchemist, and I enjoyed Death Note and JJBA a feral normal amount. Black Butler was also 👌🏻 and I still need to finish the manga)
90% of the music I listen to isn’t in English. I don’t really need to understand the lyrics, I just like how it sounds. It does end up being funny sometimes though when you find out you’ve been bopping it to a song that’s repeatedly calling someone’s mom a whore
Most Listened: Antti Tuisku, Apulanta, Evelina, Szakács Gergő, ByeAlex, Intim Torna Illegál, Leander Kills, Dubioza, KYO, Stromae, Siri Nilsen - etc (Linkin Park is still an all-time favorite as far as American music goes)
I admit I’ve been obsessed with the hazbin hotel soundtrack lately
ok I won’t say no to the occasional k-pop or j-rock song (I used to be Obsessed lol)
that said I’ll listen to literally anything if it sounds good (nice beats make brain go brrr). only genre I actively dislike is post-9/11 country music
spiders (i’m sorry lil dudes ur rly cool y’all just irrationally scare me), making phone calls, unwarranted rudeness
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help me decide on my Hannibal essay keywords
I'm writing my last undergrad English essay for a Gothic Lit seminar and would like to make it about my beloved nbc Hannibal. There's no way this 3,000-word essay could hold all my thoughts on this show, so I came up with a list of half-formed ideas and would like you to pick one for me/ write your suggestions in the tags! I'll probably end up using multiple since a lot of these are interconnected
much appreciated! *kisses*
I'd also thought about colonial aestheticization of cannibalism but turns out there's already a brilliant chapter by Samira Nadkarni and Rukmini Pande: Hannibal and the Cannibal Tracking Colonial Imaginaries
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HI MAC. FINISHED SEASON ONE OF HANNIBAL. THOUGHTS: AHGHSGHFAHSGDKDFHKJGHKJGD OHGHGGG WILL GRAHAM THERE IS SOMETHING SO WRONG WITH YOU. i am holding him by the scruff of the neck and looking directly into his sad autistic eyes. i love this little guy. he needs severe medical and psychological help. i love him more than anything. dr lecter is so fucking interesting i need to grab him by the neck and strangle him he is such an awful person but such a cool character agh ough agh. he says he's will's friend but then he manipulates him and does all these horrible things and i just!! wanna know why!!!!! if he is your friend why are you hurting him!!!!! or is he actually your friend at all?? do you see him more as something to play with???? someone who thinks in such an interesting way that you wanted to know what lengths you could push him to???? I DON'T KNOW!!!! I WANT TO KNOW SO BADLY!!!!! pls tell me will doesn't die i am so attached to him i am putting him in my pocket and feeding him jellybeans <3 i am going to watch season 2 once my cold is gone because when i feel bad physically i feel bad MENTALLY so i am Not in a good like. headspace?? to watch it rn what with the death and blurring of reality and such but MAN. MANNNNN oh it is so cool i am kicking my feet and giggling i am so excited to watch the rest oghhh it is so fucked up <3 i love fucked up weird murder stories 10/10 amazing show no notes thank u for recommending it 2 me i love it v much :3
NORMAL HANNIBAL EXPERIENCE. OH MY GODDDD im so glad u sre enjoying it so farrrrr <3 its like. beloved piece of media to me but also it fucks me up in the brain. its a good horror reset for me . occasionally im just like. i need to feel weird about blood and gore and death and then i will watch a couple epispdes of hannibal and just sit there like
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TAKE YOUR TIME. OF COURSE. dw dw i was the same way watching it for the first time because it gets SO weird and existential sometimes and. tbh the artistic gore kind of got to me in ways i did not expect ??? it can be so overwhelming sometimes and my exact feelings on it are very hard to articulate and i could sit here for hours discussing it and not actually ever get to a point . SO I GET U. it's just the kinda show you gotta take ur time with. and thats totally cool :) I CAN TELL YOU WITH. MINIMAL SPOILERS. will graham doesnt die . absolute mess of a man. u know that post thats like "what a beautiful man . i would love yo see him in a fit of despair" thatd me about will graham. and also covered in blood. and let me tell u this show fucking DELIVERS.
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liptonwashere · 9 months
thanks for the tag @luckynumber4 @executethyself35 @malarkgirlypop and @l13bg0tt 💗
get to know me
Name: Samantha or Elena. Whichever you prefer is fine with me.
Pronouns: she/her.
Star sign: Aquarius sun, aries moon, libra rising... (not me looking for a natal chart calculator for this haha).
# of siblings and fun facts about them (if you have any): I have a brother who is six years older than me. He's a history nerd, and he fuckin' loves karaoke. We both have red birthmarks in the SAME place (the lower back).
# of pets & their names: I wish. No pets.
Fandoms: ...I am in a LOT of fandoms. Really. Apart from Band of Brothers, The Pacific and Generation Kill... Hannibal, SAS Rogue Heroes, Bungou Stray Dogs, Jujutsu Kaisen, Hunter x Hunter, The Legend of Korra, Arcane, Blue Eye Samurai, Shingeki no Kyojin, Haikyuu, Sherlock, The Last of Us, Daredevil, Peaky Blinders, Moriarty The Patriot, Call of Duty (yeah), Top Gun, The Hunger Games, Violet Evergarden... the list goes on.
Favorite color: 💙❤️ that's it.
Favorite song: People have favorite songs? Like, can you have just ONE favorite song? I can't. I love all songs. But... BUT. I'll say just one for this tag game. And pls don't judge me. I love this song.
Favorite author (of anything readable - books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, whatever!):
I LOOOVE webtoons. Okay?? Ephemerys and Sophism, they created Purple Hyacinth, and it's SO GOOD. 
Writers: Fyodor Dostoevsky and Edgar Allan Poe.
Mangakas: Yoshihiro Togashi, author of Hunter x Hunter and Kafka Asagiri, author of Bungou Stray Dogs.
Fanfics (AO3): kaiborne!! best speirton I've ever read.
Favorite fic type: Hurt, no comfort. I need pain. I also love hurt/comfort, or when they are oblivious idiots in love!
Favorite Holiday: I don't have a favorite holiday.
Do you have a partner (romantic, qpr, anything!)?: EXACTLY what she said.
Hobbies: Exercise and editing silly vids :D
Fun facts about you:
When I was a kid I used to take money out of the till at my mom's business and put it in my pockets. I never spent it. I was just a mini Ron Speirs. Ooh, my brother and I were on her business card "fixing" computers... I think I was holding a screwdriver haha.
I am a good cook ;)
I can do dragon pistol squats.
I have a really high alcohol tolerance.
tagging: I think everyone has already been tagged. if you have not been tagged, consider yourself tagged, have fun :)
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beeloovedd · 1 year
Inspired by something else I read somewhere but I forgot the @ and where I read it so if yk pls tell me so I can credit 😭 anygaysss
Murdoc pov
I sit on my bed and play with the bandage on my cheek. Dad's been drinking again. But this time Hannibal helped me clean it up and but the bandage, he didn't do a good job but better then me. A few seconds later I hear a knock on my door "yea?" I ask a bit scared In case it's dad, Hannibal opens the door. "Hey uh I'm going to a concert at that janky bar down town wanna come?" He asks. I'm a bit surprised, this has to be a joke or a prank, "uh sure" I answer hesitantly, Hannibal comes into my room more, he's holding clothes and a small think of eyeliner and eyeshadow that he probably stole from somewhere. "Ok we leave in 10, put these on then I'll try fix that ugly face of yours" he says as he throws some clothes at me then closes the door. I stand and put the clothes on, it's a slightly ripped black Sabbath shirt and some black pants with also rips and a pocket chain. It looks somewhat decent but smells of alcohol, cigarettes and cheap cologne. I open the door "I'm done" I say, Hannibal comes back into the room "stay still or I'll stab your eye out with this" he says as he starts putting what I'm guessing eyeliner on me then a very small bit of eyeshadow. "I did the best I could now come on let's go before dad comes out for another beer" he says then we begin walking out of the house. I step and a floor bored cracks, me and Hannibal look at eachother then run. "Idiot! Your dead when we get back!" He says while running, I try to catch up but hes older and runs faster. "Sorry!" I yell out while running. A few minutes later we both slow.down out of breath. "Goodluck when we get back, I'm not gonna stick up for you this time" he says as he catches his breath, I roll my eyes "yea yea I know" I say, a breeze flys by and I shiver since I'm only wearing a a ripped shirt and ripped jeans. "Hanni?..can I borrow your jacket please" I ask quietly, he groans and gives it to me "you mess it up even by a stich then I'll tell dad you hid his beer last week" I nod and put on the jacket "thanks". A few minutes later we get to the place, it's a janky bar in downtown, there's music playing loudly and a bunch of people in and outside, they all look like pink rockers or something. Hannibal grbs my arm "follow me cause if you get lost I won't try and find you" I nod and follow him, we get up close to the stage. A few minutes later the music gets louder and people start singing and playing on stage, the bass player catches my eye, such a cool instrument. Maybe I'll do that in the future but for now I'll focus on the best day of this childhood
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theinvisiblemuseum · 2 years
How has no one asked Pandalily yet?
probably because we alllll know how i feel about them HAHAH they're my mr. worldwide top of the line amazing lovely forever girls and always will be
What made you ship it?
ME. lollllll. also nbc hannibal. i still can't believe i showed up on here one day like hey pandora is hannibal lecter coded and y'all were like... hold on... let them speak... UR ALL SO REAL FOR THAT HAHAHA
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
they're insane. they're cannibals. they'd rather die than be cottagecore girlies. they're insufferable to be around but everyone loves them. they bring out the worst in each other. they'll go down hand in unlovable hand. they're mine. i have created them from nothing and they are everything to meeeeeee.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i do not want this ship to become popular oml i would probably die and throw up and scream if that happened they are mine i am gatekeeping them pls enjoy pandalily to ur leisure but do not ruin them for me THIS IS A THREAT
also get the flowers out of their hair and replace it with blood rn THIS IS A THREAT
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marzowo · 1 year
I technically have been here for two years buuut i havent actually doen any kinda introductions,just said i was a twitter refugee amd left it buuut a intro would be nice so here i am :))
hi im marceline, just call me marz
Ive been on earth foor 16 years? and some months,ive got a fuckton of siblings and a crippling mentality
Im in a shittone of fandoms and i have a different fixation per day
Im easily distracted and me holding a relationship is like me holding warm butter so if u can handle distant anti socials
Hi :]]
I have a crippling Ao3 addiction and have short term memory (kinda)
I also read manhwa if ur into tht too (manhwa,manhua,manga,danmei(limited) u name it)
Unfortunately i dont really do anime anymore,like i know basic summaries but i dont watch the anime
i mostly read the manga
I am a Neptunic NB who goes be all pronouns +Star/Starself (if u couldnt tell i have a space hyperfix)
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List of Fandoms im in
Percy Jackson
Welcom Home(current fixation #1)
My Mxtx Era(Mdzs[Mo dao Zu shi],Svsss[Scum Villain Savin System],tgcf[Ti/Tu guan ci fu..only srry iforgotifitstiortuguanlol)
uhhhĥhh Bungou Strsy Dogs 🐕
Spiderman (Specifically Tom Holland)
Spiderverze! (i still need to fisnih my spiderson smh)
Danny Phantom
Genshin Impact
YOI(Yuri [its actually yaoi smh] on ice)
Harry Potter
Very limited as im yet to read it buuut,Hunger Games
DBH(Detroit Become Human[Kara my beloved])
PJSK :D(Project Sekai)
Underworld Office (bcs Eugene)
DC(not DC comics lol,Detective Conan :))))
Assassination Classroom
Murder Drones(Fixation #3)
LMK(Lego monkie kid/king-fixation #2 lol)
Code geass(Lelouch has me by th shirt collar omfg)
Fullmetal Alchemist
Voltron(Me when they lowkey forced LancexAllura lmao)
SHE-RA(Unfortunately just the modern one,older she-rq looks badass af+he-man is a total himbo )
OrV(Omniscient Readers Viewpoint,Has me pulled away by the ankles atp. Fixation #4)
Wednesday (reluctantly atp,its probably the only series ive finsiged within the last 12 months/srs)
Hmmm maybe Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba
Encanto,if it counts
BL(Blue lock ;])
Erased/boku dake gai inai dachi(i think thats right)
OHSHC(Ouran highschool host club)
Criminal minds ofc,but only till s3 or s5,i got too lazy to finsih it b4 it was taken off netflix
Showtunes/Musicals(Specifically the songs lol buut,Heathers,uhh Dear evan hansen,a lil Hamilton, etc...etc)
Enola Holmes
Saiki K
Umbrella Academy
TBP(The black phone :/)
Legally Blonde 1 & 2
Oshi No Ko(my idol? i think. Manga Timeline only)
TNMNT(Specifically the 20 something one,2020?2022?
Moriarty The Patriot(Its just Gay Sherlock and Jame Moriarty)
Carmen Sandiego ofc (shes a queen)
{coming to the end lol}
the Owl House
The Queens Gambit(Im gonna rewatch it agian :>)
Bridgerton(bcs dramatic Victorian ppl are really hot)
Avatar(The one from my childhood,Guess which)
Twilight (bcs i have an older sister)
TBHK(Toilet bound hanako kun)
And very reluctantly (i left 5 months ago) My..My dsmp phase
+More :D extensive list i know.
Theres more
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But ill stop here bcs i dont think anyones gonna read allat
Anyway pls follow me everywhere bcs i shitpost constantly
Literally whatever is in my brain goes online
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Uhh heres my alternative socials
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Special Mention:Spotify
Marz has invited you to join a Blend on Spotify. https://open.spotify.com/blend/taste-match/a0d45a403ea80217?si=V1jNTL7zR2CwVmMwXvnmgw&fallback=getapp
Also i kinda do art sometimes
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ihavemanyhusbands · 2 years
a different one? okay!
So reader and hannibal are in a pre established relationship (reader knows everything and is happy to help cook) but they feel somethings missing, introducing will who gets aggressivly courted by both of them and thinks he has to choose who he wants but he doesn't, will is somewhat overstimmed/overwhelmed at being the focus of both of them but he loves it
GOD YES YES YES YES THANK YOU THIS IS JUST SOOOO PERFECT MWAAAA 😘🥹❤️ pls enjoy this was such a delight to write!!!
(thinking this might also go on my AO3 and potentially have a pt 2 🙏🏽😵‍💫)
Minors DNI. Lmk if there’s any warnings I should add!
“Beautiful choice, my love,” Hannibal said as you clipped on the pearl earrings that he’d bought you on a trip to Vienna.
You smiled, holding your hair up and presenting your throat so he could clip a matching pearl necklace around it for you.
“Pairs well with the dress, doesn’t it?” You asked, knowing well he loved you in silk, especially when so much of your back was exposed.
He let his amber eyes rove over you appraisingly, smiling in approval. It was the kind of look that never failed to spark heat inside of you. His fingers ghosted down your spine, and you suppressed a shiver.
“You look ravishing. How could anyone resist a temptation such as you?”
“Hmm, same goes for you, mon cher,” you said, kissing his cheek before turning back to the mirror to make sure everything was in place.
You glanced over at your husband’s reflection as he tried to tie his favorite crimson tie as neatly as possible. You sensed he might be a little nervous, which was pretty rare. Still, you understood why, given you were a little jittery yourself.
That night, you and Hannibal would be hosting a special dinner for a very special guest.
You’d heard plenty about Will Graham – stories of his unique brilliance, his quick wit, and all of his achievements in criminal psychology. More importantly, the flickers of darkness that sometimes broke through his cool demeanor. He had a lot of promise, your husband assured you. It would just require some thorough unraveling.
Seldom was Hannibal truly intrigued by someone, so that only made you more curious about him. The two of you had been happily married for some time now, but neither had ever been opposed to broadening your horizons. Tricky thing was, no one had really been worthy of your interest… until now.
“Here, let me take care of that,” you offered, your hands replacing his. “Is there anything I should expect from tonight?”
“Yet to be seen,” he said, watching your deft fingers at work. “You know you have free rein, right?”
You tilted your head to one side, smoothing his perfectly knotted tie. “Has it ever been any other way? For either of us?”
He chuckled. “Touché.”
A mere half hour later, the doorbell rang. You went to get the wine from the kitchen as Hannibal went to open the door. You could hear the deep timbre of Will’s voice as they approached the dining room, tone low and even.
You emerged from the kitchen moments later. The table was already set, a delectable assortment of food awaiting you. But you felt a different sort of hunger stir at the sight of Will Graham.
He was utterly gorgeous, with all knowing blue eyes, a chiseled jaw and a charming mess of dark brown curls you immediately wanted to run your fingers through. He reminded you of a marble statue, carved with the patient, loving hand of the finest artist.
His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed hard, taking you in as well. Hannibal clocked this too, of course, the ghost of a smirk on his handsome face.
“Will, I’d like you to meet my lovely wife,” Hannibal said as you handed him the wine bottle.
You extended a hand towards him, which he took.
“Pleasure, Mrs. Lecter. I’ve heard much about you,” Will said, pleasantly surprising you with a small smile. He seemed too serious for his own good otherwise, and it gave you a little hope of changing that.
You and Hannibal shared a look, and you smiled as well. “Pleasure’s all mine, Mr. Graham. I, too, have heard wonderful things.”
“Oh? Hannibal speaks highly of me?” Will arched a brow, eyes flicking over to your husband.
“Don’t seem so surprised, Will,” Hannibal said as he opened the wine bottle. “Have I not praised you in person as well?”
Will pulled out your chair for you, his eyes now snagging on all the exposed skin of your back. He seemed not to know how to respond to Hannibal’s words, much less his compliments.
“Tell us, Mr. Graham,” you prompted as you sat down, tilting your head back to look up at him. “Are you hungry?”
“Starving,” he said, taking his seat across from you. “And you can call me Will.”
“Marvelous. Then you can call me by name, too.”
Hannibal served the two of you before serving himself. The three of you clinked glasses in a toast before digging into the food.
You and Hannibal had made Osso Bucco with saffron-scented risotto, one of your favorite dishes. Both of you covertly watched Will for his reaction.
Usually, he was pretty stoic, the changes in his expression very subtle. On his first bite, he exhaled deeply, his eyes closing.
“This is delicious,” he said. “The meat is so tender.”
“You can thank my wife for such an excellent cut. I’ve yet to meet a finer butcher,” Hannibal beamed proudly at you. “I taught her everything myself.”
Will looked mildly impressed, taking a sip of red wine. “And you enjoy it? It can be a rather violent trade.”
You lowered your eyes demurely, a coquettish smile pulling at your lips. “Of course I do. I am no stranger to violence, Will. I spent my summers at my grandparents’ pig farm growing up.”
“Perhaps you’d like a demonstration sometime?” Hannibal chimed in with a mischievous smirk you had the urge to kiss.
“It would be an honor, Mrs. Lecter,” Will said, his gaze never leaving you. “You and your husband have kept me well fed.”
“It’s the least we can do. You are Hannibal’s closest friend, after all,” you said. “Though perhaps you’d like a cooking lesson or two?”
“How could I ever decline such a generous offer?”
“Good,” Hannibal said. “My kitchen is always open to friends, as you know.”
Will shifted in his seat, unused to such attention, especially from two people at once. That didn’t mean he wasn’t enjoying it, though. He looked at you both in turn, a shadow crossing his features momentarily. You understood how you must have seemed in that moment – two hungry wolves cornering a shuddering lamb. Or perhaps you were recognizing another wolf in sheep’s clothing.
After dinner, the three of you moved to the living room for a nice chat in front of the fireplace. You sat on the chaise, crossing your legs. Through the slit in your dress, Will caught a glimpse of the dagger you kept strapped to your thigh.
You trailed his gaze, unsheathing it and offering it to him hilt first. His nostrils flared at your boldness, lips thinning a little.
“His wedding gift to me,” you said, smiling adoringly at your husband. “Isn’t it beautiful?”
Will nodded, seeing his reflection on the fine blade. “Fitting of his bride.”
“You may use it whenever you like.” There was a not-so-subtle implication in your tone and in the dark gleam in your eye that made his cheeks color just barely.
Oh, you must have really gotten to him then. Hannibal’s smirk at the realization was positively feline, especially when Will looked to him as if for confirmation – or perhaps permission?
“Beauty is meant to be shared, isn’t it?” Hannibal said. “You know that better than most, Will.”
The beautiful man before you swallowed hard once more, squirming deliciously in his seat. His want was a living thing, crackling like fire beneath his skin. The best part was not that it was reciprocated, but that he wouldn’t have to choose between the two of you.
He recognized this as a gift.
“Yes, so you’ve shown me.” He handed the dagger back to you, his palm covering yours in what seemed like a promise. “I might just have to find the occasion for it. Perhaps Hannibal could give me some pointers.”
His restraint was admirable, truly. You couldn’t wait to unveil what was hiding under all that control. Your hunger yawned further open, reflected in your eyes. Hannibal squeezed your shoulder, and you rested your head against his arm.
“My, well something tells me we will all get along just splendidly.”
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avelletteaven · 5 months
Hi, I'm Avel🌱
Welcome to my Tumblr where nothing interesting happens except reblogging mostly Hannibal content
if you like to chat with me, you're WELCOME. pls I'll hold your hands and spin together wholeheartedly bc I'm starving for communication... I'm open to friendships so please— don't be shy, I won't bite😄‼️
Any other info about me; I'm a burnout artist, it takes a lot of strength for me to even start coloring. So, when a miracle did happen that I magically finish an art; there's a high chance that I won't post it🧍
I have a lot of hyperfixations but my biggest brainrot currently is; you guessed it... NBC hannibal 😁
That's it for now. I'll add more in the future, so whoever reads this, ty for your time :p!!!
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pinkslashersimp · 3 years
Hannibal Lecter Yandere Alphabet🌷
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My first yandere alphabet so pls be kind and feedback is appreciated on how you’d like me to improve or if you’d like to discuss ur own headcanons in chat below:)
TW: Yandere behaviour, kidnapping, murder, cannibalism, and drugging. If any of this triggers or upsets you in any way please scroll past and stay safe🤍
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Gift giving, Hannibal isn’t a totally physical person and prefers to show his love to his s/o in the form of expensive shiny and pretty gifts
Hannibal doesn’t tend to get that intense with his loving, perhaps his darling may receive long hours of him holding them, or harsh kissing when he gets jealous but overall on intensity I’d say he’s about a 6/10
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
VERY messy. Hannibal isn’t against killing those who ask too many questions or those who make him jealous. Anyone who gets a little too suspicious of him or of your disappearance, or anyone who seems to have gotten w little too close to you at points in your life ends up on the dining table the next day.
He is the chesapeake ripper after all, he would never hesitate to slaughter and eat those who get in his way.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Hannibal isn’t the most gentle with his darling during the abduction process. A lot of manhandling and dragging would be involved, paired with him covering his darlings mouth and gently shushing them, preventing them from crying out for help.
Once abducted, however, he’ll be much more gentle. Taking care of any bruises his darling formed during the abduction and softly grazing over their skin with his fingertips, placing kisses to their forehead.
And yeah, yeah he would mock you. But only if you constantly fight back and he grows tired and frustrated of it. He’ll repeat your words in a mocking tone of voice or tap his watch annoyedly until his darling stops crying and he’s able to get a word in.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
No. Absolutely not. Well, aside from cannibalism.
Face it, underneath the sweet, caring guise he wears pretending to be a kind psychiatrist he is a monster. His darling isn’t safe from that side of him no matter how much he loves them.
He’ll tell you that you’re eating regular meat, whilst he eats his own kind. But in actuality he sneaks bits of human into his darlings food, occasionally shooting you a sly glance, knowing that his darling is consuming their friends.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Like I said in affection, Hannibals love isn’t too intense. He rates a 6/10 on the intensity scale.
When he bares his heart to his darling it’ll only be in little bits. Such as holding your hand and gently explaining that he took you because he loves you. Or kissing the top of your head and holding your lower back whilst talking about how perfect you are to him.
I can’t imagine him ever baring too much of his heart to his darling. Mostly because he has a need to be in control and cannot have you knowing how weak you make him, but there may be moments in which he holds you a little too tight at night whilst cuddling or keeps the doors extra locked in case his darling tries leaving him. Holding both of your hands and squeezing them with almost all his strength whilst desperately telling you how they cannot leave him after causing him to feel such things towards you.
Tired. Really really really tired.
He gives you everything, why do you keep hitting him and locking yourself in rooms to get away from him? Its not fair.
He gives you everything, why do you keep hitting him and locking yourself in rooms to get away from him? Its not fair.
Hannibal tries to be patient, knowing this must be a very upsetting and shocking situation for you and you need time to settle in but if this happens for months he will grow angry and start punishing you.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Absolutely not, he spent all that time organising the perfect crime scene- your disappearance. He cannot have you escaping the house and messing it up. He needs you.
He does enjoy seeing his darling freak out about the death in his house, running from him into a separate room whilst he chases them and attempts to break the door down when they lock it. But in no way would he be happy to see his darling attempt to leave the house.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
There are two. Eating human flesh, and watching someone die.
Hannibal isn’t afraid to kill to get what he wants or protect the people he love, and when someone gets a little too nosy and find you in the house he will end them within minutes. Ignoring your pleas and screams.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Hannibal wants his darling to live with him, being completely dependent on him for food, shelter, love, warmth, clothing, etc. His ideal life would be working full days and coming back to his darling waiting for him with open arms, being submissive to him.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Oh, absolutely.
Before even abducting you he’d lash out and murder those he thought were getting too close to you. Angry at the idea of them stealing you away from him.
The cashier who seemed a little too friendly when you were paying for your groceries? Dead. Your work colleague who attempts to get a little too touchy when working with you? Dead. Any current s/o you may have? Dead.
The police aren’t even sure it it’s the chesapeake ripper committing such crimes since the amount of violence inflicted on the bodies was far away from his m.o
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Prior to the abduction he would try and win them over, he doesn’t feel the need for unnecessary violence and so he would try and woo them with gifts, maybe even acting sweet or asking them on dates after coming off as the kind, rich psychiatrist.
At the beginning of being abducted he keeps this same mask on, attempting to manipulate his darling into thinking that he is in fact a good man, someone who just saw what they wanted and took it.
After a while of staying with him, he wouldn’t mask anymore. You’ve already eaten people and seen him kill, why would he need to pretend?
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
At first he would begin turning up to your work, starting innocent conversations and learning more about you. Springing off your interests to attempt to build a strong connection.
Next, he would ask his darling out on a few dates, building trust over time and trying to lure them into his house without violence, like a hungry wolf luring away sheep.
The more his attempts don’t work, the angrier and hungrier he gets.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Hugely. To everyone else, he appears to be an insanely intelligent, kind doctor who wants to help patients and has a good taste for fine wine. Seeming like a very sweet and confident man.
Behind closed doors, he is a violent murderer cannibal who abducted someone because he felt although he deserved them.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
There are a range of different ways this can go, depending on what his darling did.
Little things will get you locked up in a small quiet room, away from him for a while so he can think. You aren’t allowed anything to distract yourself like books or television.
Big things will get you held close to him at all times. If you cannot be trusted to be alone, then you will need to stay with him 24/7. Being held close to him as he holds your arm or waist with an iron grip. Both angry and worried for you.
If his darlings behaviour gets too bad he will begin drugging the food, letting the reader become dependent on him again until they can learn to be good.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
At first, almost all of them.
He needs to ensure that you will stay in the house and will have no way of getting away from him, for the first few weeks that is.
You will be at his side at all times, each door is double locked and he holds you as tight as he can at night to avoid you wriggling free from his grasp.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He’s quite patient. Like I said before, he understands this is a stressful and shocking situation for them and therefore his darling will need their time to adjust.
After the first couple of weeks staying with him, once you’ve gained his full trust, he’ll allow you to have moments away from him to gather yourself. Or things to distract you or ground you if you’re becoming too overwhelmed by the situation.
He wants you to see that he loves and cares about you, as well as think that he is a genuine and kind man. So he will help you with what you need.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If his darling died? No. He would probably spend the rest of his life alone and mourning, unable to replace how special his darling was to him.
If they escaped? Also no. He would tear the world apart to find them if that’s what it would take, he would never stop looking for them.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Also a no. He feels as if he deserved you, like you are his property. Why would he feel guilty for taking something he owns?
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
This side of him stems from loss he’d experienced in childhood. He loved his sister dearly and had lost her, he couldn’t lose his darling too.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
It hurts him a little, he loves his darling dearly and would never want them to isolate themselves or cry so much. He would be able to get them out of it, though. He is insanely talented in knowledge of the human mind, if he’s still patient enough he’ll be able to calm them within minutes.
But on the other hand his monstrous side heavily enjoys seeing it, watching tears spill from his darlings eyes and hearing them sob.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Force his darling to eat human meat, and drug them.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
I’m going to be honest, probably none. Hannibal is horrifically clever and it’s practically impossible to escape his grasp.
Maybe if his darling were able to gain his trust enough they might see a window of opportunity where Hannibal forgets to lock the door after a long day of work, or falls into a heavy sleep giving his darling the chance to sneak away.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
No. Hannibal loves them too dearly to ever physically harm them.
Maybe if they were to get into an argument, when Hannibal has already lost patience and had a long day, he may slap them in an angry attempt to pacify their cries.
He’d feel horrible afterwards, immediately holding his darlings face to check for damage and apologising over and over
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Hannibal much prefers to be worshipped than to worship, but he does love his darling enough to the point where he wants to beg them to love him back at times.
At first he goes to great lengths, taking them on fancy dates and spoiling them in a feeble attempt to woo them.
And when that doesn’t work he’ll take them by force.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
I’m going to be honest, maybe two weeks at best.
The moment he sees them hes smitten with strong feelings, he won’t be able to wait that long and since he’ll kill anyone who gets too close he can’t have you getting too suspicious.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Yeah. Yeah he would.
Hes a psychopathic cannibal with astonishing psychological skills. He’ll spend the whole abduction manipulating them i to loving him.
And if he’s desperate enough, he’ll break you and rebuild you as he wants.
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