#pls this isn’t negative I love it continue
spookykestrel · 6 months
Sees a kestrel related post: wow I wonder how long it will take for every single one of my mutuals to see this and show it to me
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callsign-rogueone · 2 months
lean on me
Sawyer Henrick + Ridoc Gamlyn Sawyer runs out of painkiller and drags himself, fully clothed, into an ice-cold shower in an attempt to take the edge off. It works, but once he sits down on the tile floor, he can’t get back up to turn the water off. Feeling that his rider is trapped there, freezing cold and dissociating, Sliseag reaches out to Aotrom, who sends Ridoc to the rescue. words: 3.2k 🏷️: trying something new, so be gentle with me pls, written before the release of Onyx Storm, set 2-ish weeks after the end of Iron Flame. nonsexual nudity, brief description of Sawyer’s injury site (Rid changing his bandages) but no blood or anything, mentions of nausea and skipping meals, the word puke is used exactly once, painkiller reliance, negative self-talk — Sawyer’s self esteem issues re: the injury and not bonding in his first year make an appearance, as well as Ridoc's guilt for letting things get this bad. this could be read either as platonic or as a ship fic, if you want. there’s mutual I love you’s in there, but nothing too romantical — and if you aren’t cuddling with your homies on the regular, wyd?
“Sliseag’s boy needs you.”
Ridoc is out his door and down the stairs in seconds, headed to the first-floor room they’d moved Sawyer into after he’d been discharged from the infirmary. The door is unlocked, the room empty, but he can hear water running in the bathroom right across the hall.
No response. 
Then he sees a person sat against the wall under the spray of one of the faucets — unmistakably Sawyer, from their red-brown hair and pale skin. He’s still dressed. He hadn’t drawn the curtain, seemingly just turned the water on and sat down under it.
“Sy?” Ridoc tries again quietly, not wanting to startle him — nothing. He reaches up to turn the water off, and only then does Sawyer seem to notice his presence, looking up from his blank stare at the opposite wall.
His cheeks are wet, hair plastered to his forehead, eyes red and swollen from crying. His entire body is trembling — from pain or from the cold, Ridoc can’t tell. How long has he been sitting here?
Ridoc steps into the shower and kneels beside him. Water instantly soaks into the knees of his pants, but he’s used to the cold, being an ice wielder. Regardless, he isn’t focused on that right now, just on making sure Sawyer is okay.
Maybe okay isn’t the right word. There’s clearly something wrong if he’s in the shower fully clothed, and okay might be too lofty a goal for him these days after losing more than half a leg. 
Sawyer blinks a few times, coming back to reality and seeing the soft expression on Ridoc’s face — not pity, but genuine concern and love.
Sawyer had pushed him away for two weeks, pushed everyone away and insisted he’d be fine on his own, but Ridoc is here with him now. He was willing to climb in with him, to sit across from him in the cold water and guide him back into reality. He knew something was wrong, despite Sawyer’s reassurances that he was fine, and he sought him out in hopes of fixing it. 
“Hey,” Ridoc coaxes softly. “Talk to me.”
Sawyer can’t form words. Tears start to slip down his freckled cheeks, mixing with the cold shower water that’s still dripping from every inch of him. 
Ridoc moves closer, until he’s just inches away — hesitant, not wanting to cause him further pain. 
Sawyer closes the gap for him, letting his head drop against Ridoc’s shoulder as he continues to cry, quiet little sniffles that break Ridoc’s heart right in half.
“I know it hurts, Sy. I’m so sorry.”
He wraps the older boy in a hug, not minding the cold water that soaks from Sawyer’s clothes into his. His heart clenches as he realizes how thin Sawyer has gotten without the daily exercise, and without as much food — the healers had said something about the pain tonic reducing appetite and causing nausea, but the squad had been too relieved that he was still alive to properly focus on the instructions they’d been given. 
Ridoc can’t help but berate himself for letting it get this bad. He should have been more careful. He should have checked in on Sawyer more often, ignored the boy’s insistence that he’d be fine in his own room at Basgiath, and that the rest of the squad shouldn’t let him keep them grounded. 
Second squad had agreed without too much protest, knowing that the fight was far from over, and they needed as many trained riders as they could get.
Still, it shouldn’t have come to this. 
“I’m so sorry,” he repeats, bringing a hand up to smooth down his wet curls. “We should have been there for you earlier.”
Sawyer doesn’t respond, but his breathing has steadied, the sniffling quieted. He’s still shivering, leaning into Ridoc for warmth — he must have been sitting here for some time if he’s this cold. 
“Let’s get you dried off,” Ridoc coaxes. 
Sawyer nods against his shoulder, taking a breath to brace himself for the discomfort of standing again. 
Ridoc rises to his knees, then his feet, hooking his arms under Sawyer’s to help him up. Sawyer pushes up off the floor, a soft cry parting his lips as the movement sends a needle of pain up his spine.
“I know, I’m sorry,” Ridoc soothes, the only thing he can think to say at the moment. “Hold on to me, it’ll take the pressure off.”
Sawyer shifts his weight, making the five steps to the small bench more bearable. 
Ridoc finds a clean-enough towel on the counter, extending it to Sawyer. “Dry your hair if you can. I’m gonna find you some clean clothes, okay? I’ll be right back, I promise.”
Sawyer makes the slightest nod of understanding, back to his slow-blinking silence. 
Time has been reduced to the slow drip of water down his face. He doesn’t know how late it is, or how long he had sat in the shower. It’s dark out, but it’s January — it gets dark after four. 
Ridoc is back quickly. Sawyer still hasn’t dried his hair, so he takes the towel back from him, working it through the wet red curls gently. His hair has gotten long enough to cover the tops of his ears. Ridoc would offer to do something about it later, but he’s not sure Sawyer would trust him with the task. Rhi, maybe. 
“Arms up,” Ridoc coaxes.
Sawyer complies, allowing Ridoc to peel the soaked tunic off. It’s unceremoniously dropped to the floor with a quiet splat, replaced with a soft towel that Ridoc wraps around his shoulders.
“Alright. How do you want to do the pants?” Ridoc asks gently. “We’ve seen each other naked before, so I don’t care either way, but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable — and I don’t want this to hurt.”
“It’s going to hurt no matter what,” Sawyer says distantly, the first words he’s spoken since Ridoc found him. His voice is a raw whisper, hoarse from disuse. “I can take them off myself if I have something to lean on. Putting new ones on is always harder.”
“Okay. Whenever you’re ready,” Ridoc offers quietly, holding out two hands. 
Sawyer wavers a bit as he stands, holding onto Ridoc’s right forearm with one hand as he finds his balance, then slowly starts pulling down one side of the waistband, then the other, until they drop to the floor, a wet heap of fabric around his remaining foot. 
Ridoc doesn’t know if he’ll ever get used to that sight, if it’ll ever stop feeling like a punch to the gut.
It’s not about you, he reminds himself. However uncomfortable and upset you are about this, Sawyer is probably ten times as much — it’s his body, his life that’s changed forever. 
Ridoc guides him back down onto the bench, kicking the soaked shorts aside, next to the shirt, and looks at Sawyer, trying to read the expression on his face. 
“Do you want a break, or…”
He shakes his head. “Pass me the shirt?”
Ridoc hands him the dry t-shirt he’d found in Sawyer’s room, one of the few clean garments he had left. He doesn’t ask if Sawyer wants help with this part — he gets the feeling that this is probably deeply embarrassing for him, and that he wants to do as much as he can on his own.
Sawyer tugs it over his head, easily putting his arms through the sleeves, and stepping through one leg of the boxers, pulling them up to his knee.
Ridoc extends an arm again, a silent indicator that he’s ready when Sawyer is. 
Sawyer takes another breath, gritting his teeth as he stands, but he seems more steady this time — putting more of his weight on Ridoc, trusting the other boy to hold him up as he dresses himself. 
Back down again. Sawyer takes a second to catch his breath, willing himself not to cry again.
“Shorts too, or…”
Sawyer shakes his head no. He doesn’t want to go through the up-and-down again, and he just wants to sleep. That’s all he’s really done this week, because sleep is the only place he’s comfortable — if you don’t count the nightmares, that is. 
“Okay. Can I look at the bandage?”
Sawyer nods, exhausted but knowing that the wrapping needs to be replaced; it’s soaked, the cotton gauze swollen with water. He definitely wasn’t supposed to bathe with it on, but he wasn’t really in his right mind when he’d dragged himself into the shower, just desperate for any sort of relief from the bone-deep ache and the shooting pains that keep coming whenever he moves.
Ridoc unwraps the dressing gently, keeping one hand on Sawyer’s other leg in an attempt at comfort, and bracing himself for the worst, but trying to maintain a neutral expression on his face. 
It’s not as bad as he’d thought. It doesn’t look infected, and the stitches are still holding the skin together in two intersecting, slightly-wavy lines. They’re probably ready to be removed — he’ll ask about that tomorrow morning, when he takes Sawyer to see the healers.
Ridoc tosses the wet bandages into the trash, reaching under the sink for the basic first aid kit that’s kept in every bathroom in the dorms. There’s enough gauze in there to make a passable re-creation of the neat dressing that had been on it before. It’ll only have to last the night, anyway; the healers will put on a new one in the morning. 
“Is that too tight?” Ridoc asks, looking up at him.
Sawyer shakes his head no, eyes still closed. He’s so tired, even after a day of doing hardly anything.
Ridoc stands, gathering the wet clothes and wringing them out over the sink. He’ll wash them tomorrow — Sawyer is running out of clean clothes, having been pretty much bedbound for the last two and a half weeks and unable to do his own laundry.
“You ready to get back in bed?” — A nod. — “Do you want your crutches, or do you want to lean on me?”
“You,” Sawyer says softly, blinking up at Ridoc. He’s struggling to keep his eyes open.
Ridoc pushes down the little swell of pride at Sawyer’s choice, draping the boy’s arm across his shoulders and hooking an arm around his waist to hoist him up. He lets Sawyer set the pace for the twenty-foot walk back to his new room, making sure that he’s well-supported. 
Thankfully, Sawyer had never warded his new room, so the door swings open easily, and Ridoc carefully deposits him on the edge of his bed, tossing the still-damp clothes in his laundry basket. 
Looking at the clock on his desk through bleary eyes, Sawyer can see that it’s sometime between ten and eleven. Ten thirty, maybe. A reasonable enough hour to go to sleep.
Ridoc should be going to bed soon, if he wants to get a decent amount of sleep before the standard six a.m. wakeup required of the cadets that hadn’t been permanently injured in the battle — everyone but Sawyer. 
He’s tired of being the exception. He should be out there training with them, not spending his days sleeping in an uncomfortable first-year bed.
Being back on the first floor for the third year in a row has broken him. 
Being in this room all day reminds him of his first first year, when he was one of the only cadets who hadn’t been chosen at Threshing, and thus couldn’t attend most of the classes that everyone else did — leaving him to spend the bigger half of six months entirely alone.
Every hour within these walls is another reminder of his failure. Death by a thousand cuts, or whatever they say. 
“Talk to me,” Ridoc says softly. “Tell me what I can do to help you.”
“I don’t know,” he whispers, his voice cracking. If Ridoc doesn’t leave soon, if he doesn’t stop looking at him like that, all soft and concerned, Sawyer is going to cry again. The first time was humiliating enough.
Ridoc keeps pushing, deciding yes-or-no questions might be less overwhelming. “Do you want to eat something?”
Sawyer shakes his head no quickly — he definitely doesn’t want food. Even the idea of eating is enough to turn his stomach. At least Ridoc hadn’t seen him puke. 
“Okay. You should probably get some sleep, then.”
Sleep is good. Sleep will numb the pain for a while, and he’s so tired… probably because he’s hardly eaten since he moved out of the infirmary and the healers stopped forcing him to choke down three meals a day. 
That had been torture. 
Sawyer nods, starting to shuffle back from his seat on the edge of the bed. The bed is unmade, as it has been for the last week and a half, so he’s able to scoot under the duvet easily, pulling it up over himself with minimal discomfort.
Ridoc helps him get settled, draping him with an extra blanket, because Sawyer’s skin is still cold to the touch. He quickly pulls his eyes away from the space where Sawyer’s other leg should be, that’s now just flat, only blankets laid over the mattress.
“If there’s anything you need, anything at all, have Sli tell Aotrom, okay?”
Sawyer nods again, the soft cotton of his pillowcase making a whispering sound under his cheek.
Ridoc straightens the books on Sawyer's desk, picking up a few dirty clothing items that Sawyer had dropped — damn tremors caused by that extra-strength pain tonic that he’d been using around the clock — and hadn’t been able to bend down to reach, or even to kick toward the laundry basket. So on the floor they’ve remained, all week — until now.
Sawyer feels a spike of cold move through his chest, his pulse jumping at the thought of Ridoc leaving, telling him goodnight and disappearing for another two weeks.
“Rid?” he asks in a small voice.
The other boy perks up at the sound of his friend speaking. “Yeah?”
“Do you want to sleep over?”
The question hangs in the air for a moment before Sawyer starts to take it back. “Obviously you don’t have to. I just thought it would be nice. The way it used to be, in Aretia.”
If Ridoc catches the panic in Sawyer’s voice, he doesn’t bring it up. “I thought you’d never admit it,” he says with a slow smile that Sawyer can hear, even with his eyes closed. “You miss me.”
It’s unclear if Sawyer can hear the thick guilt covered by Ridoc’s teasing. 
Of course he misses you, Ridoc thinks. You haven’t spoken to him in a week. He needed you, but he didn’t ask for help because he didn’t think you’d care. 
You’re a shitty friend.
“Should I steal some of Imogen’s black nail polish, or do you want to make popcorn and talk about cute boys?”
“Get the fuck out,” Sawyer snorts, and then regrets it immediately — What if Ridoc can’t tell that he’s joking? 
“Alright. GTFO-ing.”
Ridoc closes the door behind him quietly.
Sawyer squeezes his eyes shut, because he knows that if he opens them, the walls will start to press in on him. This room is the same size as the one he’d had in his parents’ home in Luceras, if not bigger, but after spending two weeks in it pretty much non-stop, it feels like a birdcage or a fish tank that he’d been shoved into.
That’s why he’d never warded the door. He already feels trapped here. If he becomes too weak to channel, he’d be trapped for real.
He hasn’t tried to use his signet, or any of the basic magic, since the battle. It’s unclear if he can, but Sli comes and goes in his mind, and that little red string had remained tied to his rib all through the surgery and his delirium afterward, never once fading or faltering, so he should still have access to it, but he might be too weak to do anything significant with it.
When he gets some of his energy back, he’ll try again. Maybe he can do something useful with it. They can park him in a chair and have him make weapons, more of the runed daggers. That way he’d be helping, instead of dragging everyone down. 
That’s exactly what he’d tried not to do, and look where it had landed him. 
Ridoc opens the door again after what’s probably fifteen minutes. He’s pajama-clad, his hair damp from the shower, with a pillow tucked under one arm and his duvet knotted around his shoulders like a cape.
“You came back,” Sawyer murmurs. He’s already half-asleep, his eyes closed and cheek smushed into his pillow. 
“Of course I did. It’s not every day that your adult male best friend asks you for a sleepover.”
Ridoc scoots the desk chair aside, making space for himself to lay down on the small rug there, untying the duvet-cape. 
Sawyer scoots himself over toward the other side of the bed, gritting his teeth. “The floor will fuck up your back. Get up here.”
“If you insist,” Ridoc replies with a grin. 
Sawyer would roll his eyes if it wasn’t such an effort to keep them open, about to jokingly retract his offer — only to wince at the feeling of the mattress shifting underneath him. 
Ridoc apologizes his way under the covers, trying not to jostle him too much. “I’d offer to rock-paper-scissors over who gets to be the little spoon, but I don’t want to hurt you.”
That gets a lazy laugh out of him, finally. 
Ridoc doesn’t think he’s seen Sawyer smile or laugh since before they left Aretia. They’d been in Battle Brief, and Ridoc had made a gods-awful pun around one of Brennan’s serious statements. It had nearly gotten the both of them kicked out of the auditorium from how hard they’d been laughing.
“Thank you for finding me,” Sawyer murmurs. “Probably would have died of hypothermia or something if you hadn’t.”
His hair is nearly dry now, the almost-ginger strands curling up in odd places. Ridoc reaches over to smooth a few of them down, but they spring back up after a few seconds. He keeps doing it anyway. 
“You can thank Sli for that, really. He told Aotrom to tell me that you needed help. He loves you, y’know. And he knows that none of this was your fault.” 
There’s a soft pause. “We all know that you’d be out there with us if you could. It isn’t the same without you, but until you’re healed and you can make yourself a super badass custom prosthetic and fly with us again, we’ll look out for each other. And I’ll help you with whatever you need — I’m really sorry for dropping the ball on that. I was a shitty friend, and there’s no excuse for it, really, but I’ll try my best to make it up to you.”
It’s a lot to process, and Sawyer is too tired to respond to all of it, but he’s able to sum it up in two mumbled words. “Love you.”
Ridoc smiles, moving his hand away from Sawyer’s hair. “I love you too, dude. Get some sleep.”
Later that night, when Sawyer rolls over and tucks himself into Ridoc’s arms, he doesn’t feel cold anymore, and the pain has dulled.
He decides that he wants pancakes for breakfast.
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melzula · 1 year
The Search
part two
pairing: Zuko x princess!reader
notes: part two is finally here! hope you enjoy, and reminder that not everything from the comics is covered in these pieces so i suggest reading the search to better your experience :) also if you’d like to be removed from the taglist pls let me know!
summary: the group arrives in Hira’a where the Princess’s patience is tested by Azula
~ part of the fire lilies series~
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It had been an eventful morning to say the least.
Azula’s frenzied outburst had led to your group having to put out the fires left in her wake, and though it was obvious she was clearly unfit to travel, Zuko insisted that everything was fine. You would continue your journey to Hira’a as planned, and without further discussion you found yourself back on Appa’s saddle flying towards the small town.
This trip was turning out to be much more eventful than you had originally anticipated, but still you tried your best to mask your apprehensions in support of Zuko’s search for his mother. However, you could sense that there was now something different about Zuko, as if a change had occurred overnight while you were sleeping, but if there was such a change he said nothing of it.
“You missed breakfast this morning,” you remind him as you place a mango in his lap and sit beside him on the saddle. “Is everything alright?”
“I’m not sure,” he laments quietly, staring down contemplatively at the fruit. “So far this trip isn’t going the way I pictured it.”
“It hasn’t been perfect,” you agree with a shrug, “but it could be worse. There’s still time to turn it around.”
“I wish I had your optimism.”
“That’s what I’m here for,” you counter with a teasing smile, “to balance out your negativity.”
“Two halves of a whole,” he replies with a quiet laugh. Despite the events of this morning and the contents of Azula’s scroll, Zuko’s mood is already beginning to improve. Maybe you’re right, and things will get better before the trip is over, but there’s still work to do, so your group will just have to wait and see.
After finally arriving to Hira’a, Zuko suggests you all work to conceal your identities in order to avoid drawing attention to your group, and so you put on a Fire Nation style dress and remove any trace of your water tribe identity. The act is reminiscent to your time hiding in the Fire Nation after your breakup, but you try not to think too much about that as you attempt to tie a top knot in your hair.
“Allow me,” Zuko offers with a fond smile, taking the ribbon from your hands and carefully pulling back your hair before beginning to style the knot. His movements are gentle in order to avoid pulling your hair, and you’re immediately able to relax at the feeling of his touch.
“Thank you,” you say, ignoring the look of disgust Azula sends your way. It’s obvious she still isn’t very fond of your relationship with her brother, but you try your best to pay her no mind and focus on the task at hand.
“I thought Hira’a was supposed to be a small town,” Aang notes curiously as your group begins to walk into the bustling community, “why is it so crowded?”
“Looks like they’re performing some kind of play!”
“I recognize that scene!” Zuko exclaims with a smile. “It’s the final battle in Love Amongst the Dragons.”
You smile as a wave of nostalgia washes over you at the mention of the play. Though you’d never seen the performance yourself, Zuko often took it upon himself to reenact it for you during his visits to the South when you were children. If she was in a good mood and had nothing better to do, Azula too would sometimes join in on the reenactment as the part of the Dragon Emperor. It was their mother’s favorite play, and it was something Zuko felt he could share with you so that you could know her the way he did. You never got the chance to meet her, but you felt like you knew her from all the times he had talked about her.
When the play is over and the crowd begins to disperse, your group begins asking the remaining locals about any information they may have concerning Ursa. Though you’re mostly given pure rumors and speculation, a man by the name of Noren seems to be your best bet at discovering her whereabouts.
“I’m the director of the Hira’a acting troupe,” he says as he shakes Zuko’s hand. “Ursa was once a member.”
“Really?” Zuko asks with a surprised smile.
“That’s right!” A nearby local exclaims, clearly eavesdropping on the conversation. “She always wanted to play the Dragon Empress, but she never got the chance!”
“We should find a quiet place to talk, away from the crowds,” Noren suggests in response to the eavesdropper. “You’re all welcome to my home. We’ll share some tea and I’ll tell you everything I know.”
“It would be an honor. Thank you,” Zuko says gratefully before your group begins to follow the man to his home.
It seems you were right about still being able to turn this trip around for good. Because of Noren, Zuko is one step closer to finding his mother.
Thank the spirits for your optimism.
Noren’s home is the perfect place to relax after the eventful morning you’ve had, and you’re grateful for his wife Noriko’s tea and hospitality. Your friends sit spread out around the home conversing and enjoying their drinks, and you find yourself being kept company by the couple’s adorable daughter Kiyi and her doll little Kiyi.
“I like little Kiyi’s dress,” you tell her with a sincere smile, “you both match beautifully.”
“Thanks! She likes your dress too! She thinks you’re pretty.”
“Why thank you, little Kiyi,” you giggle. “You’re a wonderful hostess.”
“Hey, do you think your boyfriend would wanna meet my doll?”
“I’m sure he’d love to,” you smile, and when Kiyi holds out her little hand for you to take you graciously accept her invitation to get up and follow her to where Zuko and Azula are seated on the floor.
“Wanna meet my doll?” She asks as you sit yourself beside him.
“Of course,” he replies as Azula answers with a “No” at the same moment.
“This is Kiyi!”
“I thought your name was Kiyi,” Zuko notes with a chuckle as the little girl proudly displays her doll for him to see.
“It’s such a good name I used it twice!”
“It certainly is a lovely name,” you agree fondly much to Kiyi’s joy.
“Yes, but I must admit that little Kiyi has a very interesting… haircut,” the Fire Lord notes with an amused smile, carefully running his finger along doll’s the frayed strands of hair.
“I wanted to make her prettier, but it didn’t turn out very good,” the girl says with a frown.
“I still think she’s pretty,” you console with a genuine smile, “you just need to style her hair is all.”
“Really? Could you do that?” Kiyi asks in astonishment.
“My sister used to do stuff like that,” Zuko says in passing, prompting a sly smirk to form on Azula’s face at the mention.
“That’s right. Only I didn’t give them haircuts, I gave them headcuts!” She remarks snidely. “Would you like me to show you?”
“No!” Kiyi cries, immediately clutching her doll close to her chest and hiding behind you for protection.
“Azula, stop it!” Zuko scolds.
“Haven’t you terrorized enough dolls?” You accuse, recalling how she had beheaded your favorite doll when you were children. It had crushed you, and you weren’t about to let her do the same to poor Kiyi.
“That was ages ago, y/n. Don’t be so dramatic,” Azula dismisses you with a wave of her hand.
“You really haven’t changed,” you huff much to Zuko’s dismay. He feels guilty for having to put you through all of this, and though he had hoped this trip would be a chance for Azula to redeem herself it seemed now that that was unlikely.
“Kiyi,” Noren says as he enters the room with Sokka following close behind him, “are you being hospitable to our guests?”
"I’m trying!” She insists exasperatedly prompting you to frown.
“She’s the perfect hostess, Noren,” you assure him with a smile, your compliment alleviating some of Kiyi’s stress.
“Will you play dolls with me? I have an extra one you can borrow,” she asks.
“Of course, I’d be honored,” you smile, laughing quietly at the way she immediately bolts out of the room in search of her spare doll.
“You’re so… good with her,” Zuko notes quietly. “It almost seems to come naturally for you.”
“Well, teaching a new generation of children to water bend is certainly good practice,” you explain fondly.
The mention of your students has you feeling homesick, and you can’t help but wonder how your tribe was doing without you. You left them in the care of Hakoda and Pakku, so you knew they were in good hands, but a part of you still worried. The last time you’d been away from home things hadn’t gone so well, but you hoped this time would be different.
“I guess that’s true,” he notes with a chuckle, but his heart is full of admiration for you. Your gentle nature and kind heart are what he loves most about you, and seeing you interact with Kiyi only strengthens the adoration he has for you. He briefly begins to imagine what you’d be like as a mother, but he’s quick to remind himself to stay focused on the task at hand.
Your group learns from Noren and Noriko that Ursa was once a famous member of the Hira’a acting troupe, but her career was cut short when she was taken away to the Capital City and married into the royal family. No one truly knows what happened to her or her boyfriend Ikem, but some believe the two ran off to the Forgetful Valley. The story is pure speculation, but it’s enough to give Zuko a sense of what his next step in finding his mother should be.
You all are sure to thank the couple for their help and hospitality, and as you turn to leave a tug at your dress has you halting in your tracks.
“Will you and Zuko come again?” Kiyi pleads. “Please, please, please!”
“I really hope so, Kiyi,” he says with a smile.
“I promise I will do my absolute best to come and visit you again,” you assure her, and with that you and your friends depart from the family’s home and head for Appa.
“Ugh, more than once tonight I was tempted to burn that whole place down!” Azula scoffs in disgust. “But I resisted for you, Zuzu. I hope you appreciate it.”
“Azula!” You exclaim in shock at her words. “What an awful thing to say!”
“How could you even think that about such a lovely family?!” Katara cries angrily.
“Oh please, their charade disgusted me. Nobody’s that happy!”
“Aang and I are that happy!” Katara rebuffs only for Azula to scoff.
“Because you two are idiots,” she states plainly as if it’s the most obvious observation.
“Does that make Zuko and I idiots as well?” You counter, arms crossing over your chest indignantly.
“No, you and Zuko are a mistake,” she corrects you with a snide smirk. “Unnatural and unfit for each other.“
Though you’d learned early on to have a thick skin when it came to Azula, there was something about her words that got to you in a way she hadn’t been able to do since you were children. Your eyes zero in on her cruel smile and your hands begin to clench at your sides as you stare the girl down.
“What did you say?” You utter through gritted teeth, your sudden change in demeanor surprising even Katra.
“You must not be as smart as I thought if you honestly think you’re meant to be together,” she taunts with a sneer. “A Water Tribe Chief and the Fire Lord? What a joke.”
“Azula, that’s enough,” Katara attempts to intervene to no avail as you feed right into Azula’s mind games.
“You have no idea what you’re talking about. Zuko loves me.”
Your body feels as if it’s on fire as a result of her words, your chest tightening and fingertips beginning to curl instinctually for a fight. You know she’s just trying to get a reaction out of you, and yet you can’t help the anger and despair they bring you. Could it be the reason you were reacting so strongly to her words was because you knew there was some ounce of truth to them?
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Azula shrugs with a passive smile that only infuriates you further.
Sensing the rising tension amongst his friends and Azula, Sokka is quick to approach Aang and Zuko who are having a conversation a ways ahead of the group. “How much longer do you plan to keep this crew together, Zuko? I give it another two minutes tops before something’s either on fire or encased in ice!”
“One more place to visit and then we’re done,” he assures his friend. “We’re going to Forgetful Valley.”
Katara is sure to separate you from Azula as you climb onto Appa’s saddle and attempt to cool off from your spat. Across the way the fire bender sits with a smug smile on her face, clearly aware that she’d gotten under your skin like she’d been trying to do since seeing you again.
“You know she’s just trying to get a reaction out of you, don’t listen to her,” Katara consoles. “Zuko adores you, and nothing’s going to change that.”
“Do you really think the Fire Lord and the Chief can be together?” You ask, a sense of defeat in your tone. “Is it really possible?”
Your lack of usual optimism and confidence catches Katara off guard. She hadn’t heard you sound this despondent since you joined their team after your breakup with Zuko in Ba Sing Se. It worried her, and she wasn’t exactly sure what to say to make it better. Azula really had gotten under your skin.
“You and Zuko are meant to be together,”she says with a reassuring smile, “you wouldn’t have made it this far through everything that’s been thrown your way if you weren’t.”
Sensing her sincerity and acknowledging the truth to her words, your nerves begin to dissipate and you finally find yourself able to relax. Katara was right, you and Zuko had managed to overcome every hurdle in your relationship, and nothing was going to change that.
“Princess,” Zuko calls gently, and Katara takes this as her cue to leave. Taking her place beside you, he removes his cloak and drapes it carefully over your shoulders to ensure you stay warm during the flight to Forgetful Valley. “I’m sorry about my sister, I should have stopped her from speaking to you that way.”
“It’s alright,” you reply with a meek smile. It really isn’t, but Zuko has a lot on his plate and the last thing you want is to pile onto it. You can swallow your hurt and your anger for his sake.
“We should be arriving to Forgetful Valley by morning,” he informs you, “I think you should try and get some rest.”
“I don’t think I can sleep,” you admit dejectedly, contemplatively staring down at your scars. “Too much excitement at once, I suppose.”
“Then I’ll keep you company,” he insists with a gentle smile. “And when you do fall asleep I’ll be here to chase the nightmares away should they come.”
“Thank you, my love,” you utter gratefully, immediately melting into his touch when he cups your face in his hands and pulls you in for a tender kiss.
And unbeknownst to either of you, Azula looks on from across Appa’s saddle with a scowl on her face and a vengeful glint in her eyes.
| atla taglist: @rainteslerrrr @simpinforsukka @sirkekselord @protect-remus @chronic-daydreamer
| zuko taglist: @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @coldlilheart @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @zukh03s @taeeemin @user12345321
| fire lilies taglist: @titaniafire @dekahg @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @lozzybowe @izzieserra @melacholy @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @djskfkdkkf @xapham @yeetletzgetitjae @misnmatchedsox @chewymoustachio @that-bucket-hat-gal @chilifrylizard2 @kyomihann @kaylove12 @kiwihoee @freggietale @neighborhoodpansexualdisaster @noodlesfluffy @moon-spirit-yue @bubblegum-bee-otch @zukoslosthishonor @ibelievein2dmensupremacy
*if your user is crossed out it means i couldn’t tag you*
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suashii · 10 months
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ 𝐻𝒪𝒩𝐸𝒴 𝐿𝐼𝒫𝒮
info ⭑ kaeya alberich x reader. 1.3k wc. sfw ノ fluff ノ a bit suggestive ノ actor + model!kaeya ノ photographer!reader
note ⭑ hi! so. . . i've never played genshin :3 just fell in love with kaeya and wanted to write him! so he may be ooc :p keep any negativity to yourself pls! the inspo for this came from a post by @tetsukei btw! 
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when you learned that you’d be shooting kaeya alberich for his newly appointed role as brand ambassador for amber dew, an up-and-coming skincare and makeup brand, you were thrilled. the man is regarded as one of the most promising rising stars in the entertainment industry and you’ve been dreaming of having him as the subject of your camera since you first laid eyes on him.
now that the day is here, you’ll discover that this experience isn’t going to play out the way you imagined.
“hi,” you introduce yourself with a smile as kaeya walks onto the set, “i’ll be your photographer today. i’m looking forward to working with you.”
it shouldn’t be possible, but the man is even prettier in person. his warm, brown skin glows under the lights of the studio and his long, navy hair against the white of his shirt makes the garment appear brighter. there’s a sparkle in his eyes that turns his periwinkle irises into the backdrop of a starry night. you wonder if the pictures you take will do him any justice.
“as am i,” he mirrors your sentiment with a smile that pulls up higher at one side than the other. his grin and voice are a different level of charming that you didn’t prepare yourself for and you find yourself clearing your throat to keep your next words from coming out with a crack.
“shall we get started, then?”
in a way, kaeya is like some of the clients you’ve worked with in the past. he looks to you for direction, asking whether or not he’s posed correctly and easily adjusts himself in response to your guidance. though, as he grows more comfortable with your camera and your presence, he grows bolder, too, taking some creative liberties of his own.
you take a moment to survey the last several photos on your camera, tongue poked out in concentration as you analyze the lighting and angles. a few feet across from you, kaeya smiles. you look cute when you’re focused and, maybe it’s a little conceited, but pride sprouts in his chest knowing that you’re looking so intently at him.
when you look back up to continue shooting, kaeya’s in a different position than before. his elbow is propped up on the table, chin resting in his palm, fingers splayed out about the lower half of his face. his lips pull up playfully at the corners upon seeing the way your eyebrows gently raise at his new posture. “how’s this?”
despite being caught off guard, you nod, holding up your camera to capture his appeal. “that looks great! you really are a natural.”
the smirk kaeya wears is a genuine one. he doesn’t usually have much of a good time at these kinds of things; he considers them a bit of a chore and exerts minimum effort at best, but you’re different from the rest—you don’t take yourself or the job too seriously and he can see himself having a little fun with you.
by the time you finish picturing him with each of the products outlined by the company, there’s only one thing left on your agenda. kaeya’s away getting his makeup touched up as you set up your camera and the props for your final shoot of the session.
you’re opening a jar of honey when you hear the sound of footsteps approaching you. a shadow falls over you as kaeya comes to stand by your side, eyeing the sticky substance in your hands. when he sees you’re struggling with the lid, he takes the jar from you and pops it off himself, returning the container to you while asking, “what’s this for?”
you thank him for his help before explaining your concept to him. as amber dew’s brand uses honey as an ingredient in many of their products, you wanted to incorporate it into your photos.
“so the plan is to have you dip your fingers in and let the honey drip onto the packaging of the serum and moisturizer,” you tell kaeya, stepping back and grabbing hold of your equipment. “sound okay?”
he hums in agreement as he sits at the table with all the little bottles you so neatly arranged. he watched you from afar in his makeup chair as you set them up, cycling through a number of different arrangements before settling on the one in front of him.
“perfect, whenever you’re ready.”
just as you explained, kaeya dips his first two fingers in the jar of viscous liquid, pulls them out, and holds them above the amber dew products. gravity works its magic and the honey slides down his fingers, over his manicured nails, and onto the bottles below.
the rhythmic pattern of your shutter button clicking sounds throughout the studio, bright flashes accompanying each short noise. every picture you take captures a moment in the timeline, the packaging going from being pristine to being drowned in the golden substance.
you’re so fixated on the isolated shot that kaeya’s voice causes you to jump when it fills the air. “do you mind if i try something?”
you aren’t sure what he has in mind, but since you’ve got the photos you need, there’s no harm in giving him some artistic freedom. you shake your head. “be my guest.”
with your permission, kaeya’s fingers return to the jar of honey and he coats them once more. you follow his movements with your lens, even when they drag up towards his face. his head turns to the side as he holds his fingers over his mouth. just like it had earlier, the honey drips down the appendages—except this time, instead of landing on the products as you intended, it plops down in globs onto his parted lips.
for a split second—perhaps a tiny bit longer—you stare at the sight, starstruck. it’s as though melted gold is trickling down his bronzed face—off of his chin and onto the skin left exposed by the undone top buttons of his shirt. he looks more than an actor or a model, he looks like he’s meant to be housed in the clouds with celestial beings.
when you return to your senses, you focus your camera on the image kaeya’s created, capturing his likeness the best you can. despite his gaze meeting the lens, you feel like his lidded stare is burning into you, like those periwinkle eyes are really looking into yours. 
kaeya pops his fingers into his mouth once there isn’t much honey left to drizzle off of them. his eyes are turned up toward the ceiling now, but the continued clicking of your camera doesn’t go unnoticed by the man. he smiles around his fingers at that and only pulls them out when the sweetness on his tongue is no longer.
“those turn out good?” he asks with a smile much more innocent than his actions.
you had no idea kaeya could be so… provocative. you’re sure surprise is painted all over your face, so you dip your head down to examine the pictures in favor of meeting his eye. as shocked as you had initially been upon seeing the route kaeya decided to take, the photographs did turn out well. so, even though your cheeks are burning when you finally do look up at him, you tell him as much. “they look amazing.”
the session wraps up with those final shots. kaeya is stood next to you when he and his crew gather around to get a look at the results of his and your work. as the crowd “ooh” and “aah” at each passing picture on the screen, kaeya lowers himself so that his mouth hovers near your ear.
“do you have a business card? i’d love to work together again in the future.”
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hey, it's manon :3 ! thank you for giving this a read! if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging and/or leaving a comment! much love from me to you ❤︎
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nicksbestie · 7 months
Hi! So I have a request for feminine reader “coming out” to Johnnie as an age regressor and he just comforts her and cares for her <3 Really fluffy and sweet pls!
Hope you’re doing well 🖤
thank you so much for the request!! i hope you're also doing well <3 this is written in the third person, but the feminine character isn't named! it made it easier for me to write, i hope you enjoy! <3
word count : 4091
warnings : mentions of anxiety and trauma , but no details <3
pairing : johnnie guilbert/reader (romantic)
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Johnnie liked to think that he was a good boyfriend, someone that people could trust, could tell anything. He wanted to believe that out of all people, his girlfriend trusted him enough to come to him when she wanted, or needed something. He knew he loved her, and he knew she loved him, but he still had concerns. Like the small, well, it was actually quite big, secret of hers that he’d just discovered. 
He hadn’t been snooping, no. He wouldn’t intentionally do that. However, he had noticed that one of his hoodies had mysteriously disappeared, and had simply been looking for it. He had checked her closet, and had seen it curled up in one of the corners, seemingly pushed as far back as it could be. It didn’t alarm him that it was there, sometimes things fall off of hangers and get nudged up under stuff. What alarmed him, well, alarmed may not be the best word, but it was the only thing he could come up with at the time, was the pile of items that were now visible when he lifted the soft gray sweatshirt off of the floor. 
Baby things? A pacifier, a few stuffed animals, a bottle, and some rattles and teethers?
Confused, would probably be the best word for the situation. His first thought was that she was pregnant, and just hadn’t told him yet, maybe hoping for it to be a surprise. That idea, however, was thrown out when he noticed the size difference of the pacifier in his hand, and a second one on the floor that he hadn’t seen at first. He picked up the other one, and realized one was specifically made for adults. He remembered a fanfiction he’d stumbled across a while back, trying to recall the name of what it had been about.
Age regression. 
So now he knew a name to possibly explain this, but he had no idea what it was really about, so he turned to the internet for help. The first definition to pop up was one from Urban Dictionary, and with lack of experience, figuring anything could help, he clicked the link. 
“Age regression is when somebody reverts to a child-like state of mind, often as a coping mechanism for things like PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Basically age regressors are more at-peace and worry-free whilst in "littlespace" (A term for when one is in said mindset). These people simply need breaks from the stress of being old and often have a childish personality even outside of regression (Though sometimes it's not as obvious). Contrary to popular belief, age regression is NOT a kink or even related to sexual intercourse whatsoever. Some age regressors refer to themselves as littles and to their significant other as "Daddy", "Mommy", or just as their "Caregiver" Since they'd typically take care of their "Little" as if they're an actual child.”
So his girlfriend was an age regressor. He didn’t feel any kind of disgust, or any type of negative emotion. Except sadness. Continuing to read the description, he realized that age regressors, or, “littles”, needed a caregiver to take care of them, and by the sight of all of her stuff pushed into a dark corner he had a pretty good idea that she didn’t have one. And that broke his heart, that his girl had thought he wouldn’t be open to taking care of her, even in a way that isn’t as common as usual. He deeply hoped that she didn’t feel scared of talking to him, like he would ever judge her or belittle her for something that helped her feel better.
He knew she’d dealt with a lot of trauma in her short life, problems starting at home and feeding into her adult life. She’d told him when they first began officially dating that she was terrified of having an angry man in a house with her, as her strained relationship with family did not help in the slightest. He had held her while she talked, tears had been shed, kisses on her forehead had been placed. It had been an emotional night, and the more he thought about it, the more childlike she had seemed by the end of it. There was no verbal change, but she had clung to him and not said much until she’d finally fallen asleep against him.
He slowly put more pieces together in his head. The cut up food, small snacks, juice boxes that she had claimed “were just easier to drink out of”, the multiple stuffed animals littering their shared bed, the comfort blanket that was always referred to as her “blankie”, no matter what. He smiled as he thought about the way that she had always stayed close to his side in public, clutching his hand tighter to signal that she was nervous. The way she had always relaxed into his side when he wrapped an arm around her, gently rubbing hers, the soft giggles that left her lips when he kissed her forehead and whispered a soft “I love you.” 
He wondered how long she’d been dealing with this alone, and how he didn’t notice. His heart wrenched when he thought about how rough overstimulation and sensory issues were for her to deal with when she was with him, making him not even want to think about her having to handle it alone. And not only alone, but in the mindset of a child, where she might not even understand what was happening, and by default, not know how to care for herself. He could see it far too easily in his mind’s eye, her, curled up with her blanket and a stuffed animal, possibly one of the pacifiers between her lips, tears rolling down her face as she feebly attempted to find a position, a feeling that didn’t hurt, something to soothe the bothersome sensations she was already struggling with. 
He was still in front of the closet, no longer standing, but instead sitting criss-cross, turning the items over in his hands. His hoodie was thrown over his shoulder, the smaller of the two pacifiers being held in his left hand. Peering at it, he could easily see that there was a small fairy on it, wearing a crown. The pacifier itself was an orange and pink color mix, the clear part obviously adjusted to fit an adult, telling him it was often used. Picking up the adult one, he softly ran his fingers over the beads decorating it, reading the lettered ones. He smiled when he saw that it read, “Little Princess”, the black of the letters strongly standing out against the stark white of the bead’s background.
Princess had been his nickname for her for as long as he could remember, even when they were just friends, back before mutual crushes were developed. He felt a small stir in his heart at the fact that it had meant so much to her that she’d put it on a pacifier, one of her most vulnerable things she owned. 
There was no hesitation in his mind when he turned over the idea of being her caregiver, just love that he didn’t think could grow stronger. He sat and thought of possible caregiver names. Mommy was definitely out of the question, but he was partial to bubba/bubby. But the only thing that he really felt fit was daddy. Daddy’s little princess. He just knew that she would blush dark red and let out those little giggles that he loved to hear. God, she was so precious. He hadn’t even seen her in her littlespace, and just the thought of it was so heartwarming to him. He already knew he loved her to pieces. 
She wasn’t home yet, and she probably wouldn’t be for an hour. That gave him about sixty minutes to figure out how he wanted to handle this. No, handle wasn’t the right word. This wasn’t a problem, this wasn’t something that needed to be fixed, it wasn’t something he was angry over. Those words should be included when he brings it up. He knows she’s anxious, and this might be a rough conversation for her. That reassurance is going to be incredibly important. Go about, would be the right phrase. He has to take some time to decide how he wants to go about this conversation. He’s going to have to be gentle, probably cautious, and she might panic. He’s going to have to softly remind her it’s okay, that he still loves her just the same, if not more, and that they need to talk about it, but that it is all going to work out. 
He takes all of the items, now known as little gear, and carefully places them on the bed. He leaves them there, along with her favorite stuffed animal and her blankie, and softly shuts the door. He walks into the kitchen, pulling up his notes app and opening the one filled with her favorite foods. It was now roughly 5:45, thirty minutes gone by, and she was expected home around 6:15. He easily pulled out some mac and cheese, currently the dairy free kind, but if she would rather the better kind, he can always change it. Slipping a new bottle of apple juice into the fridge, he figured it would have time to cool while he waited. 
He wasn’t entirely sure of what else he could make to go with the mac and cheese, but scanning through the list, he quickly took an apple out of the fridge, easily cutting it into thin slices and placing them on a paper plate. He placed it back into the fridge, wondering if the apple-on-apple part of the food would be too much. (He would later find out that it wasn’t, and she loved it. She also asked for animal crackers later, when she was fully in headspace. And it may or may not have been one of the cutest things he’d ever seen.) He watched the clock tick to 6:10, hoping she’d be on time. The mac and cheese was finished cooking, and he was easily putting it in small bowls, the colored ones that they’d always loved. 
She walked in the door at 6:14, face very clearly exhausted, an insanely long day wearing on her body. However, a genuine smile crossed her face as she noticed what was sitting on their counter. Her features softened, tiredness still evident, but love creasing her under-eyes as she smiled.
“Babe, you didn’t have to.” 
He crosses the room, tall body bringing her in for a hug, softly rubbing her back, softly placing a kiss to the top of her head. 
“You’ve had such a long day, I’m more than happy to make you dinner. We’ll eat, and afterwards, we can go cuddle, and relax for a bit. Does that sound good, princess?” 
Just like he expected, the pet name made her flush red, and a small laugh left her lips. He stepped back, both of them sitting down, him beginning to eat. 
“It’s dairy free, but if you’d rather have the other kind, I can make it. It’s no issue, I promise. I just didn’t want your stomach to hurt, especially not after you’ve done so much today. You need some rest, and I didn’t think that a stomach ache would make that easier on you.”
She sat there in shock for a few seconds, a smile still on her face. 
“No, it’s okay. Thank you, so much. I love you.”
“I love you too, darling. Why don’t you go ahead and eat, then you can change into some soft clothes, and I’ll lay with you for a while, yeah?” 
A nod in response, and in about fifteen minutes dinner was finished. He knew that dishes overwhelmed her, so he took care of it while he sent her off to go get changed, become more comfortable, momentarily forgetting about the stuff he left laying out. He didn’t recall it until about five minutes later, when he was wondering why she had gone so silent. He finished up the last piece of silverware, hurriedly throwing it into the dishwasher and starting the cycle, as he quickly got to the shared bedroom. He cursed under his breath when he saw that the door was not only shut, but locked. 
“Baby? Can you open the door, please?” 
He gently rapped his knuckles against the wood, patiently waiting for a reply. He got one in the form of a muffled “no.” He desperately tried to ignore the painstakingly obvious sob in her voice.
“Hey, we need to talk. C’mon, open the door, princess.”
The lock slowly turned, the door slowly swinging open. Johnnie walked in, noticing an empty bed, minus his girlfriend sitting at the head of it, tears pouring out of her eyes at a steady pace. He gave her a soft, sad look sitting down next to her and pulling her in close. 
“It’s okay, love. I’ve got you. Where’s all your stuff, angel?”
She shook her head, tears falling faster. 
“There is no stuff.” 
Johnnie gently ran a hand through her hair, softly shushing her, waiting for her to calm down a little bit.
“Honey, we both know there is, and that we should talk. It’s okay, I’m here. I love you, and I’m not leaving.”
She stifled a sob into his body, desperately wishing she had hidden all of her stuff better. When she’d walked in, she’d stood there in shock, and then quickly shoved it back onto a shelf in the closet. 
“Here, baby, will this help? C’mere, arms up, lovely.”
She brought her face up, noticing he had picked up his hoodie again, softly motioning for her to raise her arms up so he could gently pull the soft sweatshirt over her head. It didn’t make her feel little. Not at all. She ignored the soft, knowing smile on his face, immediately laying back into his arms, because as embarrassed and distraught as she was, she really needed some comfort. Even if it wasn’t the kind that she really wanted.
“Sweetheart, I know what’s going on, and you know that I know what’s going on. It’s okay, my love. I’m not judging you, I’ve always been here for you. And I am confident that isn’t going to change with this.”
He worried that he’d said the wrong thing when her body heaved and she sobbed harder, also clutching his shirt like her life was depending on it. She pulled back, gasping when the gray of his hoodie was stained darker with her tears. 
“I’m sorry.” 
He gave her a confused look, rubbing her back. 
“For what, little one?”
She looked so small compared to him, and he felt nothing but protective over her. Her tears had stopped, but distress was evident on her face.
“For getting your shirt, and your hoodie all wet.” 
He didn’t feel any type of upset with her, but her eyes were watering over as she peered up at him, tears threatening to spill over again.
“Princess, I'm not angry with you for crying. It’s okay. You don’t have to be sorry for feeling your emotions, baby.”
A short sniffle was let out, him immediately pressing another kiss to her head. 
“You weren’t supposed to find out like this.” 
“Shh, honey. Deep breaths. Let’s talk, yeah?”
A nod into his chest, but no more spoken words, so he took it upon himself to start the conversation. 
“Alright, princess. I’ll talk, you listen. Just try to even out your breathing, you can interject if you need to. I found all your stuff when I was looking for my hoodie. I would never go to snoop and invade your privacy like that. I feel like that’s important to mention, just so you’re fully aware that I did not intend to scare you by looking for this. Secondly, I know what’s going on, thanks to some research, and I can’t imagine how hard this must have been for you to handle alone.” 
A soft, but confirming, noise elicited from the girl curled up against his chest. 
“That being said, I know you don’t have a caregiver. Can you look at me, angel?” 
Her eyes were still teary, but she raised her head to make eye contact, and he cradled her face in his hands. He pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose, getting a small smile out of her. It didn’t reach her eyes, but it was better than the semi-permanent frown she’d been wearing. 
“I love you, baby, you know that. I hope that you also know I would do anything for you. Anything at all. Do you want me to be your daddy, little one?” 
A sob tore from the back of her throat, making Johnnie believe he’d said the wrong thing… again. But his fears were calmed quickly this time, when she sucked in a breath, clearly speaking out a “yes”, before dissolving back into cries. He didn’t hesitate to resume comforting her, whispering soft praise and loving words, waiting until her cries slowed into hiccups and gasping breaths, before speaking again. 
“You’ve had such a long day, princess. Why don’t I go run you a bath, hm? I’ll even put bubbles in it, if that’s something you want, and I’ll wash your hair.”
She nodded, but her grip on Johnnie, her daddy, (she was still reeling with the new happiness), didn’t let up. He kissed her once more, helping her wrap her legs around his waist, looping his arms under them, and lifting her. She gently rested her head on his shoulder, refusing to acknowledge just how tiny she felt right now as her thumb slowly began to make its way to her mouth. However, it only took about three seconds for Johnnie to notice, and softly pull it away.
“No, baby, let’s not suck on our thumbs. How about we go grab your paci, sweetheart?” 
He easily moved towards the closet, quickly locating the missing items, grabbing the bigger of the two pacifiers off of the shelf, and gently pushing it into her mouth.  
“Much better, baby girl. You look so adorable, don’t you? Daddy’s little princess.” 
Her arms were now wrapped around his neck, head resting on his shoulder, blush rising furiously to her cheeks as she could feel herself easily slipping into littlespace. 
Why was he so good at this? Maybe it was the gentleness, the softness, but either way, he was so effortlessly coaxing her into headspace. She’d never felt safer than she did right now, and she desperately hoped that she would have this for a long time. 
She didn’t know it, but Johnnie was thinking the exact same thing. She looked so happy, so comfortable, that he wanted to keep her there forever. He took a small amount of pride in being trusted with this, but even more happiness in being the reason she feels safe. 
“It’s okay, angel. I know you’re slipping. Shh, sweetpea, let it happen. Daddy’s got you.”
He loved this girl with his whole heart, and this new side of her didn’t affect that at all. He started a bath, checking the temperature on the inside of his wrist multiple times before softly helping her undress and letting her hold his arm and shoulder to sit herself in the tub. Quickly folding up her clothes and setting them on the side, he stepped out solely to throw a towel in the dryer with some fabric softener, setting it on 20 minutes, and to grab one of the bath toys he’d noticed but not set out previously. 
“Look what I got, bubba! Why don’t you play with this while Daddy washes your hair? Paint me a pretty picture, okay?” 
He gently handed her the set of bath paints, before grabbing the plastic cup he kept in the bathroom. He filled it up with water, pressing his hand along her head to keep the water from going in her eyes as he softly wet her hair. He looked down to see her intensely focused on the colors that were now decorating the bathtub wall, and couldn’t stop the smile crossing his face. He gently shampooed her hair, making sure to keep it out of her eyes as he washed it out, pressing a kiss to her forehead as she took a break from painting and leaned into his touch.
“Alright, sweetie, I’m all done! Wow, that is absolutely beautiful, baby!”
A huge grin spread across her face, now, as she brandished the paintbrush at him, getting a little bit of yellow on the end of his nose. 
“It us, daddy!”
He looked at the artwork, seeing two stick figures holding hands, a blotch of yellow as the sun, and some green for grass. He pulled out his phone and took a picture of it, immediately adding it to his favorites. 
“It’s perfect, angel. C’mon, sweetheart, let’s get out, so we can get some cuddles in before bedtime!” 
Just as expected, a pout formed on her face as the painting was slowly washed away, and the paint on his nose was wiped off.
“It’s okay, princess, Daddy has a picture so he can cherish it forever. Now, tomorrow, when it’s bath time, you can paint me a new one!”
That put a smile back on her face. He grabbed the soft, and warm, towel out of the dryer, wrapping her in it and softly toweling her dry. Grabbing the clothes she’d put on just two hours before, he gently helped her redress, scooping her up and placing her on the sink counter. He bracketed her body with his own so that she wouldn’t fall, setting up her toothbrush for her. 
“I’ll dry your hair while you brush your teeth, okay little one? Let me know if you need some help, princess.” 
Plugging in the hair dryer and being very careful to not have the heat too high or too close, he was about halfway done drying her hair when she finished brushing her teeth, spitting into the sink. He took his other hand, switching the sink on, washing it out, and then passed her the container that held her retainers in it. 
“Here you go, sweetpea. Pop these in, and then you can have your paci to suck on while Daddy finishes up drying your hair, alright?” 
She nodded, easily slipping them in, and he took note of the fact that she was barely verbal right now. He figured it had something to do with the emotions of the night, and wondered how verbal she was usually. He’d find out in due time, but he made sure to give detailed instruction, as well as comfort laced in his words, if it had something to do with fear or anxiety of the situation. 
Passing her the pacifier once she was done, it only took about five more minutes to finish drying her hair, and if he passed the time by singing to her, loud enough to hear over the hair dryer, but not loud enough to overstimulate her, nobody besides the two of them had to know. 
Unplugging the hair dryer and running his hands through her hair to make sure it was fully dry and no shampoo or conditioner was left in it, he picked her up off the counter, pressing a kiss to her cheek, and flipping off the lights on his way out. She let out a yawn into his neck, pacifier falling onto his shoulder. He grabbed it with one arm, the other still supporting her weight, and softly pushed it back into her mouth. She gripped his shirt in a tight fist, a small lisp sounding out around the rubber. 
“I seepy, Daddy.” 
He gently rubbed her back, bouncing her a little bit while he grabbed her blankie and favorite stuffie. 
“Oh, sweet girl, I know. It’s late for such a little one to be up.” 
He softly laid her down, heart breaking a bit when she whimpered and didn’t want to let go of him. 
“I know, angel, I’m here. I promise.” 
He tucked the blankets up around her, laying down next to her and pulling her close for a cuddle. 
“Get some rest, little one. Daddy will be right here when you wake up.” 
He smiled, the expression nearly permanent on his face, as he heard a few words. 
“Loves you, Daddy.” 
“I love you too, princess.”
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medusa12346 · 1 year
CHOOSE AN IDOL ~How do you appear at first glance, your best characteristics and your flaws!
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Pile 1
You come off as creative and joyful! Lively and energetic. Fake maknae, I heard- LMAO-BUT THIS IS JUNGKOOK’S PILE, HE IS THE MAKNAE THOUGH- You’re always bursting with ideas, your head’s never empty! You appear simple and sweet and (short?)You appear as if you’re a puppy, you’re in the experimental stage as well!You get bored of things quickly and are always searching for more! You could tie your hair in a simple bun, ARIESS ENERGY! You don’t mind spontaneity and are always up for adventures. You may appear a bit naive and trust anyone and everyone easily. You appear as if you need balance in your life. You always look at the positive in life and don’t ignore opportunities, literally I love y'all lmfao-And you don’t seem to be afraid of cutting ties or leaving something that isn’t serving your higher purpose, you’re a baddass bitch!You don’t brood over what went wrong, but instead you celebrate your achievements!
You come of as someone always moving forward, yet you have the maturity to calm down and relax. You seem very confident and self loving which appeals to a lot of people. You appear as the perfect partner!! You seem loving and compassionate, and a perfect blend of masculine and feminine energies! Intelligent and problem solving too! You appear very giving and an avid social worker! You’re very nurturing and at your best too AHHHHHHHHH- However you may seem a little materialistic and out of peace, though. Is yellow important for you? You have sown your seeds and watch them grow (kids, business, money, literal plants etc) and its time for you to relax. You seem like an all rounder, and a magician WOW. You’re very firm with your designs and aren’t afraid to speak up. You’re practical and grounded and not up in the clouds. If you are an imaginer, then you don’t just imagine, you work on it! KEEP IT UP YALL
You seem full of love and always happy, were you attracted to the first pile, my loves? (YOU MIGHT SAY ‘MY LOVES’ A LOT???) You seem experienced and ready to share those expereinces as well! you might appear as if you don’t/cant sleep I- You were/are very patient with whatever you’re starting/had started and waiting/had waited for your rewards (aww 🥺pls be continue being patient guys). You might look like you’re always on the internet though. I see you being very physical as well! You might only focus on the negative sometimes. Seems like you made the right decisions in life, generally and you are wise as well. Aah, Leo placements? You might hide a lot too, a fake extrovert, I’m hearing? PEOPLE MIGHT WORSHIP YOU-??? You can be very religious, Christians here? (No harm, or hatred here, don’t hate on religions please.) DAMN YOU SEEM SUCCESSFUL, HAPPY, AND RICH YALL, I DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY! YOUR LIFE SEEMS PERFECT EVEN WHEN ITS NOT! (okay but please express your emotions bruh)
I hope it resonated!
Signing off, medusa :)
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littledollll · 2 years
Hi, I love your writing so much!
Could you write something with Lucifer x fem!reader where shes really nervous to have sex with them bc she’s insecure about her small chest?? With some really fluffy smut??
Thank you so very much!
Absolute perfection
Lucifer x shy!fem!reader
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A/n: ya boy is struggling with smut but you know I had to write this. Soft soft Lucifer for the soul.
Similar request: “Can I request a fic where Lucifer and f!reader have been together for sometime but never made love because R is scared that if Lucifer sees her naked that they wouldn't want her anymore. And one night when they're cuddling in bed R tells them her worries and it turns into cute little smut full of praise and Lucifer reassuring R that she's gorgeous? Hopefully this all makes sense since it's my first time requesting a fic<3” -✨anon (I think I have two of these btw pls confirm-)
Warnings: pretty vanilla, fingering, nipple play, kinda corruption kink, body worship, praise, body insecurities, shy reader
It’s not that you didn’t want to sleep with Lucifer. In all honesty you felt insecure. Of course you wanted to, the way they handled you, their sweet voice, everything about them made you undeniably more wanting of them. To imagine a being who’s been alive for eons, who has probably been with millions of experienced, beautiful lovers, wanted you. And you felt like your body, more specifically your breast’s wouldn’t be up to their standard? Expectations?
You didn’t even know what exactly you were worried about but, it didn’t change the fact that you felt like maybe you wouldn’t be good enough for them. The thought of finally being intimate with them made your heart race in many many ways, but besides the lust you had for them you were anxious, scared.
Lucifer could see it, feel it. How your heart raced, how it was desire accompanied by something else, something negative. They didn’t want this to be uncomfortable for you, nor something you weren’t quite ready for but you seemed persistent on allowing them to continue each time they asked.
“Thank you for trusting me with you body, with your needs and pleasure. I’ll take care of you my darling.” Your mind ran rampant, what would they think? Would they find you unattractive? Refuse to touch you any further? But you wanted this. You wanted their touch so badly. It didn’t help that you were so comfortably pressed against them, cuddled into their warmth, so safely hidden from the world as their gentle hands trailed your body.
They noticed you take a particularly deep breath as their hands snuck under your shirt, making them stop and check in on you once again. “Sweet girl, you have to tell me what’s bothering you. I can’t, in good conscience continuing knowing that there’s something wrong.”
You felt stupid for being so nervous about it, they were already being so sweet and caring. “I um-“ you could feel the blush creeping up on you and you hid your face, making them chuckle as they shifted to be above you, and move your hands away to cup your face. “What’s got you so nervous, sweet one?”
“I want this, I want you. But I’m scared, I just feel like my body isn’t what you’re used to. I’m- small, my chest I mean and I can’t help but compare myself to any of your past lovers. Maybe I won’t be good enough..” You were quieter in that last part. Lucifer hummed, trailing down to the bottom of your shirt where their hand rested. “Oh but I know you are, pretty girl.” They looked back at your flustered face, silently asking for permission, you gave them a shy nod.
“I adore every part of you. Nothing has to happen if you aren’t ready, and you need not worry about how I will feel about your body.” Their second hand moved down to help you undress. First your skirt was taken off and Lucifer’s hands smoothed over your thighs and up to your waist. Then came your shirt, and their trailed every inch of skin they revealed with an open mouthed kiss as they pulled it off you. “I already love every inch.”
“Would you feel more comfortable keeping this on my darling?” They toyed with the material of your bra which was immediately torn off after you shook your head, making you yelp and blush even harder. “So shy.. such a pretty thing…” you could feel their hands everywhere. Smoothing over your thighs and stomach, trailing to your chest and neck.
Teasing touches making you whine, needy, with you initial fear completely forgotten as you just wanted to feel more of them. They shushed you as they laid kisses across your chest. “Absolutely perfect. How could you be so afraid with this perfection is what you were hiding under all your clothes..”
Their hands cupped your breasts, followed by a soft squeeze and their thumb circling your nipples making you moan. You did not know one could be so sensitive there. Nipples in between their fingers as they toyed with the stiff bud, you moan as they pinch and squeeze them.
One hand railing down your body and running their fingers through your soaked folds. “Enjoying yourself, pretty girl?” nodding maybe a little too fast, you whimpered when you felt their tongue running over the sensitive bud.
“Aches, Luci...” They smiled against you, pulling back to search your face. “Mhm? Where does it feel achey, sweet one. Show me.” Shyly, your hands met your nipples as you rolled them between your fingers, eyes screwing shut with a whine. “Such a good girl for me.” They hummed in approval as one hand trailed down to meet their own between your legs.
“How do you fix it, pretty?” You whined yet again, hips bucking against their hand. “Do you need my help, my beautiful girl?” you mumbled out a quiet “please” and they did not have the heart to continue teasing you. Perhaps another day.
They started with one finger, circling your aching clit and then two pounding into you. You were a needy mess beneath them and Lucifer was enjoying every second of it.
They allowed you to grind against the palm of their hand and our moans grew louder and louder, you said their name through a gasp as your body squirmed against them, what a beautiful sound.
“Let go for me, pretty one.” Back arching when they once again began twisting and pinching your nipples and you practically squealed, gushing around their fingers.
You felt so light as they trailed your body with kisses, soft lips covering every inch of your skin followed by your satisfied sighs. Sweet praises being whispered between each kiss. “How do you feel, my darling?” They whispered against your chest, before placing a gentle kiss on each of your sensitive nipples.
With a shy giggle you hid your face, “good- really good.” You breathed out, enjoying the softness of their touch. “Look at me.” They demanded. Lucifer looked absolutely ethereal above you, a reassuring smile on their face calming the little nerves that were spiking again.
“You are absolute perfection. Your shy little self and beautiful body, everything about you.” They leaned down right against your lips and it took everything you had not to spring up and meet their own. “I could spend hours worshiping every inch of you.”
Fuck it. You gave into those urges, grabbing the back of their neck and pulling them towards you for that kiss you so desperately craved, and in a minute of confidence you spoke up. “Let me worship you instead.”
You could see the amusement light up Lucifer’s face at your sudden forwardness. “Perhaps we can arrange that.”
You could see the amusement light up Lucifer’s face at your sudden forwardness. “Perhaps we can arrange that.”
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ficsrot · 2 months
Pastries & Well-Done Tea (3)
Herbert POV
Oh, the joy I felt when he said yes, I would have never expected someone like him to agree! It’s not like I think of him in any negative light but he just seems a little rude.
There will always be good in everyone, and that includes him even despite his tough exterior. 
Yet, that’s besides the point, I nod happily and respond to him. “Wonderful! I’ve got everything prepared, I’ll be right back.” I say, then going back to the car from which I’ve arrived with.
I grab the basket from the passenger seat, it is filled with many lovely treats and a blanket with a note in it. Placing the note within my pocket, I decided that it is no longer needed.
I return to the front door where the kind fellow stands, his gaze more softened than before. I admire that. “Shall we set it up together?” I ask, keeping a smile on my face.
I wait for his reply, he appears to be a little zoned out, perhaps? He stays like that for about fifteen seconds before his body jumped. He seemed to be a little embarrassed, but that’s just fine.
“Shit-, yes yes… apologies.” He replied immediately, his face flushed. I chuckle, taking his hand and coming inside.
“It’s all good, I understand.” I continue on, beginning to move along to the kitchen. “Let us just set this up quickly so we can enjoy some treats while chatting.”
So we begin to clean the table, placing the cloth over it with some lovely decorative flowers. It all came together once we set up these little blue plates.
It was just perfect once we finished, I allowed him to sit while I put the pastries down. I feel as if I was being watched during it.
Once I sat down, I realized that his eyebrows never furrow around me. Isn’t that a wonderful thing? He seemed to have the opposite reaction around mister Pip and that Gregory fellow. 
guys im in need of a title pls suggest some things ??
also probably gonna upload this on ao3 too if i get the invite thing
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spongek-squidge · 10 months
Penny’s 2 heart event sure is a controversial one (the one where she pushed George’s wheelchair without permission) so I’m going to throw my opinion on it out there cause why not
TW! mention of bad upbringings, implication of child ab*se, mention of negative self thinking, Y’know, Penny and Pam stuff
In case you’ve forgotten this heart event sees Penny try to help out George when he struggles to get his Mail from the back of the mailbox, which you know is lovely, nice neighbourly assistance. However, she didn’t ask whether or not he needed help (doing so being good manners) and also pushed his wheelchair without permission with him in it (that’s a no-no and is as disrespectful as pushing someone without a wheelchair (except George is less likely to fall as a result)). Now, this is a problem with the Stardew community as it shows a lack of knowledge and compassion with wheelchair users. However the biggest issue people have with it is if you explain that what Penny did isn’t okay to Penny you lose friendship with her.
Now this seems really out of place, especially when you consider that if you agree Penny did the right thing George then apologises to Penny! Not the way round that should be done.
Before I continue I want to make it clear that this mistake doesn’t inherently make Penny a bad person, but this is my take on why her losing friendship points is a good story telling aspect for the character (in my opinion)
Please finish reading before responding pls don’t pull a Twitter I swear it’s justified-
Starting off with why penny would do this to grumpy old man George, it kinda makes sense, like George is the kind of guy to reject all help if offered to him, man’s got a tonne of bottled up toxic masculinity. However, this still doesn’t justify it, it’s just an explanation as to why Penny didn’t bother asking, she’s lived next to that man for a long time she knows how he is.
So she goes and tries to help George and pushes in wheelchair around without permission, which is still a no-no. However when you tell her it’s a no-no you lose friendship points with her? What the hell Penny, we’re trying to help you out her girl!
But here’s why I think she would lose friendship points and it’s very in character
Pam is the only parent in Penny’s life and has been for a long time (god knows where the baby daddy is) so it makes sense for Penny to not understand the etiquette around wheelchair users and people with other physical disabilities, doesn’t it? I mean, she learnt is from Pam, and Pam isn’t really a beacon of good morals is she?
It’s the same logic behind internalised homophobia, you grow up around people who are homophobic so even if you are gay or do your best to be inclusive it takes more then someone who didn’t grow up around the same levels of homophobia. Penny grew up around someone who wouldn’t bother educating her about people who are different due to physical disabilities etc
Penny is open minded, she’d never discriminate, but she was never taught the etiquette surrounding things like wheelchairs and how to respect wheelchair users
But why does she lose friendship with us when we try to teach her the etiquette?
I have an idea
Because it makes her think, somewhere deep in her bones, that she’s just going to become her mother. That no matter how much she tries to be open minded and be everything her mother isn’t she’s still failing and nothing can change that
This isn’t true of course but Penny didn’t have the best upbringing and Pam has been seen to insult her when she gets mad, so Penny definitely has low self esteem and would think in this manner.
But that’s just a theory, a game theory!
But seriously, it does make sense when you think too much about it (which I have)
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snailslovesketching · 2 years
is catradora a toxic ship? my opinion that no asked for :)
TW: discussion of toxicity, abusive relationships and trauma; pls take care of yourself :)
Hey snails,
I started rewatching She-ra and the Princesses of Power for the third time recently, so suffice to say I am a big fan. The ship catradora, which is the ship name for characters Adora and Catra in case you don’t know, is honestly very important to me as a lesbian. Calling a ship from a show ‘important’ may sound dramatic to some of you, but it’s the truth. I was just coming into my identity as a lesbian when I watched the show because I heard it had good queer representation. Catra and Adora’s relationship was one of the first relationships between two queer women that I’d seen in media which was actually written by a queer person, and it meant so much to me as a baby gay. I’m not even a particularly emotional person when it comes to the media I watch, so it surprised me when I got emotional watching their love confession scene for the first time. It was and still means a lot to me that ND Stevenson and everyone behind She-ra worked so hard to get representation in the show, and I’ll forever be grateful to them for doing so.
Now that I’m watching the show for the third time, however, I’m starting to view their relationship more critically. Perhaps due to me being older and more comfortable in my queer identity, along with seeing discussions of their relationship online. It is an unfortunate truth that Catra treats Adora like shit for most of the show. She is an undoubtedly toxic person, and that brings into question whether, after everything she’s done, she deserves Adora. I’m going to provide my own opinions on this discussion and analyse whether catradora is a toxic relationship. To do so, I’m going to split this discussion into three main categories - what makes a relationship toxic? What toxic behaviours are present between Catra and Adora? And, lastly, is catradora a toxic ship overall?
Firstly, what makes a relationship toxic in the first place? In my research, I found a quotation from an article by verywellmind.com (Toxic Relationships: Signs, Types, and How to Cope (verywellmind.com) which I feel sums it up quite well: ‘A relationship is toxic when your well-being is threatened in some way - emotionally, psychologically, and even physically’. A toxic relationship will provide more negativity than positivity to your life and well-being. A person in a toxic relationship may question why they even involved themselves with that person in the first place, but simultaneously find it difficult to let go of them due to happy memories shared and the manipulation tactics employed by the toxic person to keep the other person trapped in the relationship.
Common traits of a toxic relationship are gaslighting (making someone doubt their own thoughts and experiences), victim blaming, isolating the person from their loved ones, constant arguing - and having to walk on eggshells around them as a result, controlling behaviour and generally feeling bad after being around the toxic person for an extended period of time.
So, which of these signs of a toxic relationship are present between Catra and Adora, and how persistent are they throughout the five seasons? Catra is obviously the main person perpetrating most of these behaviours. She blames Adora for abandoning her and ruining their friendship despite Adora offering to bring Catra with her. In other words, Catra guilt trips her. She acts as if Adora was in the wrong for wanting to leave the Horde despite it being very understandable why she’d do so. This isn’t just a heat-of-the-moment reaction as well, as she continues to blame Adora for ‘abandoning’ her even after being given multiple chances to join Adora. There’s the more obvious abuse that takes place while they’re enemies, with Catra insulting Adora, physically hurting and trying to murder her - just casual stuff. She also attempts to separate Adora from her friends from the very beginning - trying to isolate her to make her more vulnerable and easy to manipulate. Catra guilt trips Adora and blames her for issues Catra caused; she belittles Adora constantly; and is generally a very manipulative person, not just to Adora but to other characters such as Entrapta who she’s meant to be friends with.
Of course, there is the elephant in the room that needs to be discussed, that being Catra and Adora’s shared trauma—due to Shadow Weaver treating Adora as the golden child who can do no wrong and Catra being the one who gets the blame for every mistake pinned on her. As a result, Adora has a saviour complex and Catra is starved for affection and validation, taking much of her anger out on the ‘perfect’ Adora who always received the favour from Shadow Weaver that Catra wanted. This makes her staying with the Horde more understandable. She wanted to prove herself to Shadow Weaver and perhaps saw Adora being gone as the perfect opportunity to do so. It can also provide an explanation for some of her toxic behaviour later on in the series, as it becomes clear that Catra is simply repeating the abusive behaviour she was subjected to her by her only mother figure as a child. It should not, however, excuse this behaviour completely, because even if her actions are understandable given the circumstances it doesn’t magically make everything she did to Adora okay. She treated Adora terribly and Adora is in her full rights to not forgive Catra if she wants to. But as anyone who has watched the show knows, she does forgive Catra in the end. So one must ask… was Catra’s redemption deserved?
In my opinion, as much as this ship means to me, Catradora is indeed toxic for most of the show. I believe the way Catra’s redemption arc was handled was the main issue. She stays a consistently bad person for all four seasons, showing a lack of a moral compass from the first episode. While the show does a great job making the audience pity her by showing her trauma involving Shadow Weaver, thus giving us insight into why she acts the way she does, it doesn’t necessarily mean she deserves redemption. She doesn’t show much sign that she’ll become good and join the rebellion until season five, where the switch happens very suddenly, and then they’re confessing their love for each other even more suddenly. Personally, if my old friend had been on the opposite side of a war and attempted to kill me multiple times, just to pull a 180 and say they’d always loved me, I think I’d have a hard time believing them. 
If I were to rewrite their relationship to make a redemption arc work, I think dedicating more time to Catra’s redemption arc would be beneficial. This could create more interesting dynamics between the characters as Catra works with the rebellion and slowly gains their trust, building a healthy relationship with Adora and working through their issues, so that by the time they’re getting together they’re both at points in their lives where they’ve healed from their shared trauma and are ready for a relationship. I do acknowledge that to some extent the show did this, but I believe it needed more time to truly redeem Catra as it rushed through her arc too quickly. Making Catra less murdery would also be a good idea in my opinion, since attempting to murder your significant other is a pretty hard thing to come back from. Or Catra could at least show some remorse and regret about it - it would still be bad, don’t get me wrong, but there could be a tragic element to it if Catra felt like she was forced to hurt Adora because of their circumstances and showed a lot of angsty regret while doing so. More signs that Catra still cares for Adora would be good, like in season 1 episode 9 where Catra begrudgingly delivers the sword to Adora and tells her to leave, helping her escape the Horde. More moments like this could show Catra’s love for Adora in a very in-character way and remind the audience that these two were actually very close at one point, thus making their reunion more satisfying. Lastly, after everything Catra has done I don’t think Adora should be required to forgive her. Although, it is a show primarily for children so I understand why they did have her do so as they wanted a happy ending.
Overall, I believe catradora could have been written better. Now that I’ve done research into both sides of this argument, I understand why people argue catradora is a toxic ship and to a certain extent, I agree with them. I don’t think this ship is beyond redemption, and neither is Catra, but Catra’s redemption arc could use some rewriting to make that happen. In other words, Catra should be more like Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender, rather than Azula, to who Catra is strikingly similar for most of the series. I will leave it at that. If you know, you know ;)
Thanks for reading :D
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synge-street · 1 year
wip buddie fic
okay im working on my first 911 fic (woohoo! or should i say weewoo! am i right) and anyways its not gonna be very long but im v excited to be part of this fandom and anyways here an excerpt
it's from maddie's pov where she accidentally crashes the bimonthly buckley diaz family dinner except buck and eddie arent dating and it reminds her just a bit too much of buffridays
Buck recovers and raises his hands out to Eddie, where the other man slides the kind of minced onion onto. Buck continues mixing everything together. “Well, Maddie, you’re in luck. The recipe serves four people and Chris had better things to do,” he says, though the last part carries hints of bitterness. She isn’t the only one who notices if Eddie’s grand eye roll says anything. Maddie raises her eyebrows at Eddie, who clarifies: “Chris is at a sleepover.” “Jealous you didn’t get an invitation? I’m sure they just didn’t have a big enough bed.” Buck glares at Eddie’s snort. He looks at Maddie and says, “Ha ha. I’m not jealous. I just think he’s a little young to go on a sleepover.” “I call bullshit.” Eddie goes to wash his hands at the sink. Behind Buck, he turns his head to face Maddie.  “And you would be right. Buck’s dropped him off and picked him up from more than a couple of sleepovers. It’s just Friday night and he knows he’s supposed to not make any plans.” Wait. “Do you guys do this every Friday?” “No, of course not. Our schedule doesn’t let us.” Right. Normal. “So we only do this every two weeks.” “We’re supposed to do this every two weeks, but apparently some random kid–“ “His best friend.” “turning 10–“ "Thirteen." “and throwing a pool party at his boring house–“ "Mansion." “Is more important than family time.” And thank god he’s in love with her brother because Eddie’s too busy shaking his head and smiling fondly to notice Maddie mouthing family time to herself. Sometimes, the fact that her loose-lipped husband worked with her friends and brother was a net negative because she couldn’t just tell him stuff like this. Whatever this is.
Maddie watches this go down, the words family time spinning in her head like a rotisserie chicken. 
pls leave feedback if you have any thoughts or notice anything weird
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novolocus · 6 months
• Master Post •
Hello, I’m Stray/ Queen/ Ross
I’m an artist of many kinds from 2d to 3d and more (my 2d things specifically for mass effect are on @straypurplebread )
I’m an agender person and pansexual with a little bit of curiosity for my more masculine no genders (hehe). So please respect me.
I post whenever I want to and however I want to. This place isn’t really open for minors for sure if they’re under the age of 16.
• Do I take commissions? •
Yes, please check the status of my commissions here
• Where else can you find me? •
I’m on every possible social media, Novolocus is a branch of my main account named StrayPurpleBread.
Instagram: Novolocus
Twitter: Novolocus
Discord: StrayPurpleBread
Discord server: in maintenance
YouTube: Novolocus (in maintenance)
For info for SPB go to @straypurplebread
• My tags •
• Important to know to ensure we r on the same page•
> Wanna be friends? Great! I’d love to, if you like Mass Effect, BG3, Helldivers2, Fortnite and other shenanigans and also love to extend the existing lore, hit me up! A space lover that knows what they’re talking about? Hit me upppp.
> I’m 20 and I don’t have and interests being friends with minors so please refrain from messaging me in any other way than professional if it’s for a commission
> I’m strictly and heavily demisexual to the asexual side, if you commission nsfw from me pls don’t be flirty or weird about it. I’m just here to draw what you tell me to not be your prostitute
> If you ever hear my voice avoid commenting about it in any negative way.
> Being pals is great and all but be patient with me and don’t force a reply out of me or I’ll simply just reply when you need smth business related with me, I have issues and those issues cause my social battery to be pretty low and easy to drain so if I see that you struggle to accept my boundaries I will not continue our friendship
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one-fin-wonder · 1 year
Headcanons! Steven helping you after a rough day:
A/N: I wanted to say thank you all for how much love I’ve been receiving on my posts! I’m so so happy I’m portraying him correctly and that others agree with what I think. I appreciate it a lot and I will try my best to continue making good headcanons!! Also I started school so 1. I’ve been having some roughhhh days. And 2. I Don’t have as much time to brainstorm on headcanons now. So pls bare with me! ❤️
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- Steven would see the change in your body as soon as you walk though the door. He knows immediately you’re struggling.
- “Oh love..” you would probably just sigh in response and he’d hug you. Holding you for a solid minute before letting you go.
- He would dote on you 100% this man is a SIMP
- “Sit sit, I’ll make tea, we can cuddle. Whatever you need, love,”
- He would make tea in your favorite mug, if you don’t like tea he’d make your favorite comfort beverage
- Hot chocolate, apple cider, tea, coffee or whatever. This man will learn to make it for days like these.
- He grabs blankets and pillows to make sure your comfortable
- He’d encourage you to eat something even if it’s just a small snack.
- He would try to make you as relaxed and comfortable as he can
- He knows you are struggling with work (or school or just life) and will ask you yes or no questions to try and help take the burden of decisions off your hands.
- “Is the couch okay?” If you say no or shake your head he’d nods and try and figure out what you need with the littlest amount of decision making to help keep you relaxed “is the bed okay?” “Can I carry you?” “Are you comfortable?”
- Are you the type that gets overwhelmed and becomes non-verbal? (I sure am) Not a problem. This man would learn ASL, or carry around notepads to help you communicate. He might even help set up an AAC board to help you too. (AAC is a board with premade words and phrases built in and it says them out loud for you, even allows you to text to speech.)
- He learns very quickly what helps and doesn’t
- Don’t like being touched? That’s okay he will ask before every time he has to touch you, he’d also simply just sit and keep you company as best he can.
- Need noise that isn’t your negative thoughts? He would let you pick the music if you wanted to pick and play it in the background
- He makes dinner for you both but continuously checks in when he can.
- Once he sees you relax and become yourself again he will smile wide, he won’t mention it fully to refrain from making you self conscious or upset but he will become really happy to see he could help.
Someone give this man a hug and a bestest boy award.
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bejaeyoung · 9 months
hello everyone!
this is velvet (beyuwol) with a second muse!! sorry for the incredibly late intro i have no excuse (got and started my first 9 to 5 job after i sent my reserve in so that was perfect timing all around!) so i will just continue on with introducing my new guy.
he’s song jaeyoung jay! pls call him jay he’s trying to get rid of his name as a whole LMAO. and because i haven’t finished his pages underneath the cut i’ll have a few tidbits about him plus plot ideas. woo!
what do they always say? right! LIKE THIS POST if you’d like to plot and i’ll cha cha slide right into your ims. i also have discord / twitter upon request so feel free to ask for those too. on with the circus show!
born to politicians who have gotten used to using what influence they have for their own favours and he grew up in a rather toxic household
his sister is hannaxbe and he’s the only one he loves under that roof, would fight lions for her
grew up to be a reckless and impulsive child. his parents can’t be assed to figure out how to parent so they’d often drop him off at their family friend’s orphanage because they thought he would learn something from being around other children
ended up loving being there more than he does at home. would go along with them to charity performances, would grow up loving to perform for the children, that’s where he fell in love with music as a whole really
parents are still terrible politicians, they’d try to hone his skills so he’d look like the perfect child but he refuses to join any of their corrupt companies and kept up with charity performances (which they let him because it ‘makes the family look good’ but that pisses him off too)
currently a criminal justice major even tho his parents want him to be a politician too
became an underground producer called PROD. J! would have loved collabing with people and even being a ghost writer for anyone tbh. tho the latter he would be picky about
is also a vtuber on youtube! has a separate channel for that. sometimes he uploads song covers too, but it’s mostly a gaming channel. there’s a specific date where he uploads song covers tho
his vtuber vibes would be mostly like watarai hibari or claude clawmark both from njsj if you know them
his brain runs 10 miles per hour and he likes making people laugh even though he looks like an emo boy and refuses to cut his hair
would also draw notes on walls and floors if he’s suddenly hit with inspiration so there’s that too. dwbi
may come off as arrogant at times… he doesn’t mean to be sometimes he just talks
he’s… kinda lonely but never acknowledges that!!!!
wears headphones wherever he goes
friends he might have made from the orphanage!
in that same vein ^ childhood friends. the only ones who still call him jaeyoung probably lol
gaming friends/streamer friends that he would’ve collabed with as a vtuber
people who might have commissioned his underground producer services, he could ghostwrite too tbh
people who watches his vtubing streams and figured out that the weirdo drawing on walls is the guy behind the model LMAO
highschool friends! would’ve known his identity as underground producer & vtuber from the get go
trainee friends that he can bother and convince to sneak out and let loose and have a bit of fun training isn’t all there is to life!
well he’s kind of annoying so i’m sure there will be people out there who don’t click with his rather eccentric vibe… but might wanna work with him solely for his music capabilities?
someone who thinks he’s wasting his potential by being a… weirdo
someone who might’ve caught him in one of the charity performances and oh! he’s not that bad…? thought he was just like his infamous parents!
someone who knew him from his family name / thru fancy events / nepobaby connections. could be negative or positive!
he can play the guitar & piano/keyboard too for those who wanna have jam sessions!
flings. would be kinda messy only bc jay is a messy bitch
if you have ideas of your own pls hmu bc i love brainstorming too!!
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jehovahhthickness · 2 years
I hooked up with a guy who I didn’t know too well to get over my ex. I told him I wanted to hang out platonically before anything, get to know each other and not do anything sexual yet he kept insisting on sex but later on said he was fine with just hanging out platonically so I proceeded to meet up with him which was stupid of me. Of course alcohol got involved and one thing led to another. I felt pressured to have sex as he continuously forced himself onto me and when alcohol is involved I don’t think straight although I knew sex isn’t what I wanted. He said the most degrading misogynistic things to me and insulted me in all kinds of ways post sex but shortly after he apologized and said that I didn’t deserve any of that. The sex was SO trash and a waste of time. This guy was a fraud. He lied about everything from where he lived to what he did for a living etc. I feel so powerless and regretful because I gave my body to a horrible misogynistic good for nothing clown which I can’t take back now. He claims he respects me and didn’t use me but that’s bullshit and I honestly hate myself for this bcoz it was out of character for me and I should’ve known better. Girl what do I do?
That really sounds like assault to me and pls know that none of this is your fault.
I’m really sorry that happened to you. I’m not exactly sure how you should go about that because I’ve never experienced that and know how shitty law enforcement is when it comes to rape cases.
But he should’ve never treated you like that and no one should ever pressure you into having sex with them. Tipsy or not. No means no.
I do think you should talk to someone about that and see how you can go about that ☹️ sending you so much love right now and hope that whatever negative feelings you may have about yourself and the situation is short lived.
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Hello! I am very intrigued by your WIP and I'd love to request an infodump about the characters or anything else you'd like to talk about! (Literally feel free to give me an essay to read if you want)
You asked for it.
I'm sure I missed a typo or two, please forgive me haha
A Beginners Guide to the Monsters (Sort of) of the Green Sea and a quick introduction to the beings and entities of Kobani
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Pictured above: A map of Kobani, The Green Sea is located to the east of the Kronatic Ocean, near the center of the map
What is a monster?
(For the purposes of this text we will be using the terms and classifications used by the Kishite culture.)
The term monster is a rather problematic one. The initial confusion arises from the fact that within the Kishite language there is no singular word which acts as an equivalent to the English word “monster” and which can thus encompass all species and beings which might be considered monstrous by those with an english-speaking vernacular. 
A more useful alternative may be “magifauna”, this being any animal or non-sapient humanoid species which is magical in nature or in origin, a catalog consisting of thousands of species and individuals. The Kishite term for this is Babazubalat (pl. -un) (Ba(a)b- Magic, Zubala (t) - Animal). This is further divided into  Unlazubalat (pl. -un) (Unlaka(a)b- Wild/Ambient Magic, Zubala (t) - Animal) and Nalazubala(a)t (Nah - Not/No/Negative), dependant on the origination of that species. Within the broad umbrella term of Unlazubalat there are further classifications which are dependent on a number of factors, however before addressing the question of these more specific classifications it is necessary to address what does not fall under the classification of magifauna. (Going forward the term monster will be used interchangeably with the term magifauna.)
Continues below the cut, drawings and such!
What isn’t a “monster”?
Broadly a species or individual can be determined to be not magifauna or a “monster” if it is
Not magical in nature or origin
A Sapient Humanoid
Mundane Species
When determining what is and isn’t a monster, the easiest place to start is with non-magical animal species. This includes species familiar to Non-Kobanian audiences such as cattle, cats, lions, eagles, fish, etc, as well as non-magical species unique to Kobani including the widely-domesticated Horned-Rabbit (Actually more closely related to the hare rather than any rabbit species) and the Giant Mink (more ecologically and physiologically similar to pine martens rather than the semi-aquatic mink). 
These species are not innately magic and are not the direct result of magic influenced mutation and/or selection. Sometimes these species when exposed to magic may either change into or produce offspring which can then be classified as magifauna, this will be addressed further below.
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Pictured above: The Giant Mink
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Pictured above: The Domesticated Horned Rabbit
The Awakened People’s
The Awakened People is a term used to refer to the five (possibly six) sapient races which stem from a singular primitive species which developed and evolved naturally in the world of Kobani. These primitive beings were exposed to powerful magic by the gods and, in addition, were given mortal souls that could not only continue the process of reincarnation through the mortal worlds as all living things do, but could now permit for the soul to ascend out of the mortal worlds, with soul or 'het', being reincarnated a number of times before coming to inhabit the world of the gods. It is not entirely clear why the gods created the awakened races, though it is believed that mortals in time come to serve the gods with the collective experience of several lifetimes. 
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Pictured above: A man of the Usmir forestfolk culture (left), a hillfolk woman of the Uteshite culture (center), the spiritblood Mikrab (right)
(Any of the groups below which are exposed to and drastically changed by magic while retaining sapience are referred to as forestfolk.)
Humans (Fieldfolk): The most populous of the awakened, incapable of using magic themselves but capable of communication with spirits, and thus practicing sagecraft. Humans are also unique in their ability to produce offspring with spirits which are known as Spiritbloods, or more inaccurately Demigods (explained further below). Those humans which can communicate with spirits naturally and use/channel spirit magic are known as sages and seers.
Giants: Massive humanoid beings, like humans, they are incapable of using magic themselves; however, much like a Spiritblood, their physical form is supported by magic, allowing for their bodies to reach massive sizes without the biological or physical limits and drawbacks which should affect them. Giants typically move in a quadrupedal fashion, similar to gorilla species, though they are capable of walking on just their legs and have fully dexterous fingers (despite misunderstandings and rumors spread by human explorers confused by the giant’s custom of wearing seal-hide mittens.) Their bodies are covered in a thin, seal-like, layer of water resistant fur as well as a layer of insulating fat, which when combined with vast lung capacities and the ability to shut their nostrils, allows for giants to be submerged in the polar waters of their homeland for up to 30 minutes at a time. Giants can dive as deep as 900 ft before feeling adverse effects, and are highly reliant on sea-life as the main facet of their diet. After the Calamity, giants are rare, limited to six tribes in the northern polar region, and much reduced in size compared to their massive ancestors, though they are still far larger than the typical human. Giants are never born as sages, and are typically unable to commune with spirits except via the use of magical potions and herbs. Giants write in their own secretive language, carving it into the bones of whales, seals, and reindeer. These bones tell the stories of Giant Bloodlines, some extending back thousands of years. 
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Pictured above: a male giant
The Hillfolk: Fur-covered beings often naturally capable of very minor magic (true magic, not sagecraft, a competent sage is typically capable of far greater magical feats, though with the drawback of physiological and psychological wear and tear).They are genetically and phenotypically most similar to the now extinct Stonefolk, and this can be seen in their typically short and broad physique. They are differentiated by their covering of fur which can vary in color and texture in a similar nature to human head hair and by their sixth digit found on each hand. It is not unusual for Hillfolk living in human settlements to shave their bodies in an attempt to fit in. Across Hillfolk cultures a love of perfume and of combs is almost universal. The largest Hillfolk culture inhabiting the land now called Kishetal, are the Uteshites.
The Stonefolk: About human-sized but broader with larger eyes and powerful arms, well suited to their preferred underground environment. The stonefolk were the only group that regularly interbred with humans, and indeed they were eventually bred out of existence before the Calamity. All modern humans of Kobani have some stonefolk ancestry, as a result the humans of the post-calamity era are typically shorter and broader than their ancient counterparts.
The Forest Tenders: Slender and tall green-skinned beings, reaching an average of 8 feet in height. Long arms and cat-like eyes are additional ways to identify Forest tenders. The Forest Tenders, as their name suggests, prefer the forest and often dedicate themselves to its care. Like Hillfolk, Forest Tenders are capable of true magic, though to a much greater extent. With the exception of Spiritbloods, Forest Tenders are the longest lived of any mortal race, regularly reaching ages of 500. Despite their magical nature and longevity the Forest Tenders are far and away the least numerous of the four surviving Awakened Races, with less than 40 living at the time of Narul. This comes down to 3 primary factors. 1. Forest Tender gestation typically lasts 34 months and each pregnancy will only produce a singular offspring, never multiples. 2. Forest Tenders feel no innate sexual drive, rather reproduction typically only occurs as the result of ritualistic practices. 3. Prior to the Calamity Forest Tenders fell victim to widespread persecution and extermination by the human majority. Most humans assume that Forest Tender’s are extinct. In legends they are often depicted as child-like typically as a result of their lack of interest in both sexual matters and material wealth.
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Pictured above: A female forest tender
Kiriki: See Section Below
Other Sapient Humanoids
Forestfolk: These are mortal and physical individuals or groups of the Awakened Races that have been reshaped and changed by wild magic, while still maintaining a notable level of sapience. Most forestfolk populations descend from humans, though all Awakened Races save for the Forest Tenders, have descendant groups. Forestfolk may exhibit supernatural or magical aspects but this is relatively rare, and typically mutations and inherited traits are purely physical. In essence, the soul is unchanged, despite what may be claimed by certain people. Though their bodies and at times their behaviors are different, the forestfolk are privy to the Awakened Cycle of Reincarnation. There are hundreds of distinct cultures and peoples who fall under the category of forestfolk spread across the globe. The forestfolk should not be thought of in any way as a monolithic entity. Non-Sapient and non-humanoid species which have gained sapience and a humanoid form via exposure to wild magic are not included under the categorization of forestfolk.
Spiritbloods: A spiritblood, sometimes called a demigod (though they are not related to the actual deities)  is the progeny of a human or human-descended forestfolk and a spirit. Only certain spirits are capable of producing a child with a human. They are almost always born from a human mother, as most spirits detest the physical limits which come from carrying a physically static being. Spiritbloods are innately magical, their stature and strength at least partially possible because of physiologically contained magical energy. It is thus technically possible for Spiritbloods to shed some amount of wild magic. They are typically not able to wield magic and change their form in the same sense as a spirit, as their physical body forbids it, nor are they capable of using sagecraft. Magic rather manifests in the body itself, shaping and warping it beyond the confines of normal humans. Spiritbloods are prone to having an unusually large stature and display incredible physical strength and resilience. 
The Kosheki: The classification of Kosheki is a problematic one, as this particular group of twisted former humans show no evidence of abstract thought, though this may ultimately come down to their hive-mind-like relationship with their creator, the Deep Sun. Originally descending from a group of pre-Calamity humans, the Kosheki are the result of thousands of years worth of twisting and manipulation within their subterranean environment. The Deep Sun is mentally linked and present in the minds of every Kosheki, and as such is capable of limiting or suppressing entirely certain emotions and intellectual functions. It is not clear how sapient the Kosheki would be without the influence of the Deep Sun. Though their mutation is similar in nature to that of forestfolk, Kosheki are not classified as such, their change being the result of intentional manipulation by the demon rather than exposure to wild magic.
The Clay Woman of Kulayu: The Clay Woman of the small island nation of Kulayu are even harder to classify, though they are certainly not monsters. Rather it is the subject of debate whether or not they should be considered mortal beings at all. The Clay Women are in actuality a spiritual superorganism, a collection of micro-spirits inhabiting the various clay facets of the Clay Woman body, similar in some ways to the Man-O-War. In this interconnected state these spirits are capable of producing a singular sapient consciousness. These spirits are seemingly incapable of producing this effect without the structure of the clay. For unknown reasons this only works with the clay of that particular island. While the superorganism does not eat, the body will gradually fall victim to wear and tear, and my crack and break. As such regular repairs are necessary. Sometimes the destruction or wear is too severe, and the body is destroyed, the clay pounded down into a powder and mixed back into other clay. This allows for the re-integration of clay into new women. As micro-spirits are re-introduced into new clay bodies, they bring with them bits of past emotions and memories. This reliance on the island clay has served to both limit the spread and population of the Clay women, and to create a culture that is deeply protective of their homeland. 
The Clay women originate from Arkodic travelers shortly before the end of the Arkodian Empire. These travelers were likely priestesses from the western isles, and they brought with them Arkodic arts, particularly those surrounding the containment of magic and spirits. Using these arts, these women created a servant class of clay women, made in their images and dressed in their clothing. In time, the Arkodic women died away, leaving their creations behind, to carry on in their place. It is for this reason that the clay women still speak to each other (though their clay mouths do not move) in a dialect of Arkodian now extinct in the rest of the world.
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Pictured above: A male kosheki (left), A clay woman (right)
Spirits and other Spectral Entities
Spirits are innately magical beings of a dynamic nature. Their forms are changing, typically in reaction to their mood or their environment. All spirits can use magic to some degree, in essence, using their own magical essence, or fistara, to shape and interact with the world around them. The magic a spirit is able to produce and use in one sitting is largely dependent on the power of the spirit, and thus, like physical strength, it must be rested and replenished. Magic cannot go against the laws of physics and of nature, and there are some magical actions only available to the most powerful of spirits. 
Great Spirits/Mountain lords are those spirits considered to be exceptionally powerful by humans. In some cases, they may be worshiped as minor deities. Aside from power and intelligence and their ability to produce viable offspring with humans via sexual reproduction, Great Spirits/Mountain lords are identical to other spirits, vulnerable to the same weaknesses and conditions. It was several of these Great Spirits, which sheltered and cared for humanity in their mountain domain’s for the centuries after the Calamity. 
 A demon is a great spirit that acts in a way that can be seen as particularly hostile to humans or else other spirits. Demons hide in their lairs, still fearful of what few magical weapons remain, and from there they manipulate and play with humans. Demon is not a species or race, but a title. Demons are particularly cruel, hostile, and powerful spirits. There are many hostile and territorial spirits but a demon is different, a demon wants mortals to enter their territory, like a spider waiting to catch a fly.
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Pictured above: Varied Spirits
Monster: Yes or No?
Previously mentioned above, the Kiriki are the subject of great debate. Kiriki are a sapient race of beings, capable not only of advanced abstract thought, speech, and artistic expression, but are also capable of producing sages, with one in six of their race being capable of practicing some level of sagecraft. Their lifespans can be similar to Forest Tenders and their gestation periods are only slightly shorter (23 months) though they do express sexual interest. Additionally they have humanoid features. For some this would be enough to immediately classify Kiriki as not magifauna. However Kiriki are not solely humanoid in their bodily form, only their heads and hands are. Roughly equivalent in size to a large rhinoceros, the average Kiriki is defined by a human-like head; adults grow two keratinous horns which grow throughout the life of the individual, requiring shaving. Their bodies are feline-like, powerful and strong. The wings at their sides are not capable of sustained flight, rather they are used for gliding, similar to some species of flying squirrel, or else for body language and communication.
 Those in favor of a monstrous designation point to the less than human traits of the Kiriki as proof of their choice to classify Kiriki as a kind of magifauna. Some have even tried to use the lack of clothing in most Kiriki culture’s as further justification for this.
There is no definitive origin to the Kiriki, they seem to predate the Calamity and are thus not the product of Calamity-based wild-magic. Some have hypothesized that Kiriki may in fact be a sixth member of the Awakened, though this is a fringe opinion. It is not entirely clear whether or not Kiriki reincarnate in a similar manner to humans and other sapient mortals. Others have suggested that Kiriki were the result of some sort of  wild-magic mutation before the Calamity, though this has yet to be proven.
Kiriki in the Eastern Green Sea live either in small communities or else roam their own vast territories with only a partners and/or their children. On very rare occasions they may be found in human settlements. Their preferred habitat is mountainous, often inhabiting cliff-sides where their gliding ability proves most valuable. They are primarily carnivorous, feeding on mountain goats, sheep, and other wild fauna, including certain magifauna. They have mastered some level of agriculture, with certain communities growing fruit orchards, with fruits acting as luxury goods within Kiriki culture, eaten at special occasions. Most Kiriki are either monogamous or form groups of three or four, the construction of such unions varies.  For those who choose the more solitary option, they will meet with their neighboring kin, typically twice a year, in time with the solstices. Kiriki are capable of learning and speaking in most human and hillfolk languages, though they prefer to speak in their own deep and growling languages. 
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Picuted above: a kiriki
Bikazubalat : Creatures born from Calamity
These creatures/species are the direct result of wild-magic originating from the Calamity or else from some other source of wild-magic. Not all Bikazubalat represent species, as at times individuals may be affected by wild magic. Although not covered in detail here one of the most common forms of wild-magic mutation is magical gigantism/dwarfism, in which when exposed to magic in utero certain species may grow to unusually large or unusually small sizes.
Jalistekiru (Great Gull)
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Pictured above: a Jalistekiru
The Jalistekiru sometimes called Potion-birds, native to the cliffs and rocky isles of northern Green Sea, is a strange beast. Originating from an unknown gull species, exposed to magic in the post-Calamity period, these four-legged horse-sized seabirds are the terror of merchants sailing the seas near western Makora. Flocks of up to sixty nest together and will act in a hostile manner towards anything, including ships that draw too near. Pairs mate for life, producing approximately 4 eggs over the course of a typical 25 year lifespan. Korithian experts estimate that approximately 8 such flocks currently exist in the Green Sea. Aside from territorial attacks, jalistekiru have been known to attack sea-side villages and cities. Aside from their size and their unpleasant tendency of swallowing their prey whole, prey which can at times include livestock and small people including children, they have a strange magical adaptation. 
Jalistekiru have a specialized organ in the throat which produces a thick oil which can then be violently expelled from the mouth at distances of up to 40 ft. The beast consumes magical plants and animals, thus transferring the effects of their magical diet into this oil. Depending on the diet of the jalistekiru in question, the exact effect of this ‘potion’ can differ. Jalistekiru in certain locations have been reported to be able to spit fire, others cause potent hallucinations. In rare cases jalistekiru may inadvertently create beneficial compounds, including ones capable of healing certain diseases, or even imparting temporary sage-like abilities.
For this reason brave (or perhaps foolish) plantbrews and scholars travel to nesting sights, dressed in expensive protective suits in hopes of collecting the oil for use in potions. It is a highly dangerous endeavor, and one which only the most skilled survive.
Jalistekiru are preyed upon by aquatic magifauna including tiamawa, gabrisu, and bisku, as well as by certain human populations. Though the flesh supposedly tastes fishy and unpleasant, it can at times provide certain benefits, including a temporary resistance to the effects of wild-magic. For this reason the meat of jalistekiru is often sold to those traveling to dangerous regions, or as a temporary cure to the effects of certain magic-based inflictions.
Hashudiku (Bone Man)
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Pictured above: a male hashudiku
These strange hairless and unsettling creatures are the descendants of an unknown group of humanoids twisted by wild-magic, either humans or some have suggested giants. For this reason it is initially tempting to classify this species as forestfolk, however the species is non-sapient, the intellectual capabilities no greater than that of a common jackal. 
These nocturnal wanderers are named for their favorite food, corpses. Though despite what their name suggests these creatures prefer the freshly dead, leaving the bones rather than eating them. 
Upon finding a corpse, these creatures will emit a vile smelling fluid from glands located near the anus. This fluid serves to scare off all other scavengers. 
This particular feeding system is particularly problematic for the Kishite people. Kishite burials are open, exposing the dead to nature, encouraging its eventual degradation at the hands of scavengers, as this is believed to replenish the health of the natural world and to appease spirits. However, by disrupting the natural cycle of scavenging and decomposition, the hashudiku threatens this concept of giving the body back. As a result it is typical for Kishites to hold vigils around the bodies of the dead, watching for hashudiku until the first scavengers, usually birds, arrive.
Hashudiku only attack living humans on occasion and given the chance to prefer corpses, however predation on living populations is not entirely unheard of. At approximately 6ft at the shoulder and armed with powerful hands and hyena-like teeth, bone men have little problem subduing lone humans. In places where carrion is scarce they may make off with livestock or travelers. They have been known to stalk armies, dragging away the dead and wounded in the aftermath of battles. A small population stalks the dark sewage tunnels beneath Labisa, where they live off the waste, and occasionally on unfortunate workers who happen to wander into their path. Efforts to exterminate this species from the lands around major cities has largely proven ineffective. The haunting and screaming cries of the creatures can be heard echoing through the forests of much of the Green Sea when the sky is clear and the moon is high. It is estimated that approximately 5,000 live in Kishetal alone.
Hashudiku mating is a violent affair, females are approximately 20% larger than their male counterparts, and in 68% of cases will kill and subsequently cannibalize their male counterpart after copulation is complete. The hashudiku gives birth to up to four young, though they only have two teats, as a result it is typical for the weakest two young to be abandoned.
One Kishite scholar once attempted to educate an abandoned pup, hoping to rekindle the light of sapience in the species. Well successful in teaching the creature some commands, the scholar was ultimately killed and consumed after missing a feeding session. 
While magical in origin, the species has no innate magic qualities.
Hashudiku serve as prey to lions, bears, hyenas, flesh-eating deer, certain draconic species, and kiriki on rare occasions. 
Rarakalu (Yap Dog)
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Pictured above: a rarakalu
These strange arboreal creatures grow little bigger than the size of a housecat. Despite the translation of their name, Yap Dog, this funny creature actually descends from the striped hyena. This species is capable of perfectly replicating any sound that it hears, regardless of volume or origin, this includes being able to recreate multiple sounds at once. Yap dogs have been known to mimic the sounds of marching armies, roaring dragons, avalanches, and even bards (both vocals and instruments). While this particular ability is magical in nature the exact nature of this magic has not yet been fully identified. 
They most often use these sounds to scare off predators. It is not unusual for travelers through Kishetal, particularly in regions where conflict is common, to stumble on trees that seem to scream like dying men when approached, though these are in actuality Yap Dogs. 
Yap Dogs live in small family groups, no bigger than 5 individuals. They feed on birds, small mammals, insects, and some fruits. Yap Dogs are accomplished climbers and jumpers, their prehensile tails allowing them to jump and swing from tree to tree, and they rarely if ever descend from their arboreal homes. 
Some have tried to keep the species as pets, though without proper enrichment the species does poorly in captivity. Some have successfully used the species for covert purposes, using the creatures as a sort of living tape recorder. 
According to legend the Tamelian King, Haman, while wandering in the forest was led to his death after hearing the voice of his dead son deeper in the forest, in actuality a Yap Dog that had heard the young prince during a hunting trip. The king, blinded by grief and excitement, unwittingly ran into the Aratshin river and was carried away by the current to his death.
The species serves as prey to many creatures. It is estimated that 9,000 currently reside in Kishetal.
Olisakarala (Flesh-eating deer)
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 Pictured above: a female flesh-eating deer
The Flesh-Eating Deer are a monstrous species originally native to Kishetal that have since spread to surrounding regions. Sometimes called the Deer of Lat, this name stems from the semi-historical folk-hero, Lat, who it is said first encountered the creatures near the future site of the Kishite city of Bur. They descend from roe deer exposed to the magical blood of the deer-like monster called Jalluka, killed by Lat.
The deer are quite easy to separate from their plant-eating cousins. They have comparatively bulky bodies and are far larger on average then most other deer. Their eyes are front facing. 
The teeth of this species are specifically adapted for the consumption of both meat and bone. The dental structure is best compared to that of a spotted hyena. The largest individuals rival moose in size and may reach weights of half a ton.
 Males typically present with long bushy tails. Does and Bucks alike possess antlers, used in some courtship rituals. Unlike other species, antlers are not used in mating rituals. Rather male deer compete by creating caches of food (these meat stores may be composed of hundreds of prey items in some instances). As a result male deer are particularly aggressive during the breeding season and will often actively hunt down humans. 
Deer typically in small packs of between 3 and 8 individuals typically led by a dominant pair. Anywhere between 500-1000 currently inhabit the forests and hills of Kishetal. Their behavior is somewhat similar to that of gray wolves.
Unlike other deer, Deer of Lat do not shed their antlers, and antlers will continuously grow over the course of their life unless broken or worn, in similar fashion to the teeth of a rodent. It is not unusual to see deer with small prey items skewered upon the antlers, with the antlers used as a sort of transportation method.
 Deer are highly aggressive and will almost certainly prey on humans if given the chance. The Deer are immune to all diseases. Additionally it would seem the deer possess supernatural quietness, as despite their massive size, deer are capable of sneaking up on prey practically silently. The deer’s hide is supernaturally resistant against extreme cold. Despite the dangerous nature of the deer, the antlers are prized for use in weapons and jewelry. The hide with its magical properties is often used in the creation of cold-weather and mountain clothing.
Deer are only preyed upon by draconic species and the occasional kiriki. Humans have eaten the species before, but only for ceremonial purposes.
Aratku (Crocodile Men)
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Pictured above: a young aratku
This amphibious species is originally native to Pyritia, particularly the Putla River of Nashawey. It is not entirely clear how the species found its way to Kishetal. Small populations can be found in parts of southern Kishetal alongside limited crocodile populations. At first glance the species appears to be reptilian, with large scale-like plates running down the back and paddle-like tail. However this species actually descended from magically mutated baboons. The scaly structures on the aratku’s body in actuality are keratinous, made of the same material as fingernails though far thicker. Their jaws are powerful, allowing for a varied diet of shellfish, nuts, tubers, and the bones and scraps leftover from crocodile kills. Despite its somewhat alarming appearance the species is relatively small, only about four feet on average from the nose to the tip of the tail. Behaviorally and ecologically the species is similar to otters, though they prefer to live in small communities of 6 to 20 individuals, dependent on local crocodile populations. Intellectually they typically seem to be on the level of a five-year old human.
Sometimes called crocodile herders, these strange creatures have evolved to live alongside crocodiles forming a symbiotic relationship in which the aratku through trickery and their powerful psychic manipulations lure prey towards the water for the crocodiles to feed on, while in turn the crocodiles guard aratku infants and the crude mud dens in which the aratku live.
Aratku are one of the only mortal beings able to initiate telepathy in the style seen by spirits communicating with seers. This allows for the aratku to enter the minds of potential predators or potential prey, including some humans. From there the aratku can, if not detected by the victim, produce visual and auditory hallucinations based on the memories of the individual, and can thus use these to either scare away or draw their target towards them. 
Aratku are well-defended by their hard plates and by their crocodile companions, however they do occasionally fall victim to a number of large carnivores, including humans. In Apuna, aratku are viewed as a rare delicacy, their meat served during certain festivals. Around 43,000 live in the Putla River, approximately 52 live on the southern coast of Kishetal.
Nabikazubalat: Ancient Beings
Creatures which fall into the category of Nabikazubalat are those which are naturally magic, or else whose mutation pre-dates the Calamity. These are considerably rarer than their Bikazubalat cousins, at a ratio of about 1:8 for all magifauna species and individuals. 
Inyara (Dragon) 
Among the most prominent “families' ' within this group are dragons or"Inyara ". Inyara is a loose term used to refer to any large land or air-based reptilian creature of a magical nature that is not the result of wild-magic. Sapience varies among species. Among the inyara are also the Jalinyara, the Great Dragons. These represent specific individuals, unique specimens rather than species. The exact origins of these Great Dragons may differ, some may pre-date the Calamity, thus being some of the longest lived mortal beings on the planet, others may be the result of spirits breeding with magifauna, the resultant creature being the animalistic equivalent of the spiritblood. Below we will explore some of the specific examples of Inyara, starting with two species and then two Jalinyara.
Zinyara (Serpent dragon)
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Pictured above: an adult zinyara
These serpentine creatures skirt the line between sea-dragons and true dragons, preferring a largely aquatic lifestyle. These creatures, while among the most common of the dragon species, are also among the smallest, only reaching a length of about 30 feet on average. These creatures inhabit deep rivers such as the Aratshin in Kishetal. This is a non-sapient species, and its origins are pre-Calamity. 
Zinyarum spend much of their life sleeping, waking up only to eat and breed. Approximately 89% of this species’s 600 year lifespan will be spent in a deep hibernation like sleep, typically in caves or buried under silt and mud. While in this state these dragons do not need to breathe and may remain asleep for periods of almost 100 years. Upon waking however these dragons are voracious predators, and will gorge themselves, often consuming close to their own bodyweight before returning to their slumber. This species will feed on anything that it can fit in its mouth, a fact which becomes alarming when one considers that this particular species has been known to swallow wild cattle whole. Prey is incapacitated via a venomous bite or else via blows from their powerful paddle-like tail. The scales of these creatures have been compared to bronze, their toughness acting as protection against all but the most determined hunters and warriors. 
This particular species breeds in the ocean, upon reaching maturity around the age of 600, males and females will migrate from the rivers and into the ocean where they will locate underwater vents and volcanoes. There they breed. The female of the species will ultimately die, the body sinking to the bottom, her body acting as a makeshift nest for the 1-4 eggs contained within her. Upon initially hatching the young are born with external gills, similar to certain fully aquatic salamander species. In the later stage of this fully-aquatic stage it is easy to confuse the undulating and gilled creatures for sea-serpents, and as with their older forms, these larvae can be voracious hunters, well known for attacking fishermen.
Over the course of twenty years the larvae will grow and develop, moving up through oceanic levels as it ages, eventually losing its gills and migrating to freshwater. It is not entirely what drives this migration.
Larvae and adults in the open ocean are a favorite food of gabrisa and occasionally tiamawa. The flesh is poisonous to humans, creating flu-like symptoms and ultimately respiratory failure. As with most toxins however, spiritbloods are not affected. The spiritblood Lat reported that the creature tasted similar to duck, though considerably more fishy.
An estimated 270 of these live around the Green Sea, with 7 existing in Kishetal.
 Bushinyara (Bird dragon)
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Pictured above: A male bushinyara
These beaked dragons can be found nesting on the highest peaks of the Green Sea including the Red Cedar Mountains. Intellectually they seem to be on the level of some corvids, capable of some tool use and abstract yet, bordering on though not quite achieving true sapience. They are the largest landlocked species in Kishetal. Including the whip-like tails these beasts can reach lengths of up to 80 ft. Despite this these creatures are surprisingly agile and light, this is primarily due to hollow bones and a system of air sac organs around the internal organs filled with a helium like gas. This not only serves to keep the creature light, but cushions the organs in the likely chance that the creature falls while in pursuit of prey. A bushinyara is capable of expelling this gas from the mouth and lighting it using a flint-like organ in the mouth. The resulting blast is often quite destructive, and it is typically not used for hunting. Rather this comes into play during territorial conflicts. During the mating season when dragons travel to strange peaks in search of suitable pairings, conflicts often erupt. The crack of the curling horns, the roars and screeches, and the crashing booms of gas explosions, echo through mountain valleys, often triggering avalanches. 
Bushinyara typically live solitary lives, their territories often encompassing entire mountains. Young are reared by the male of the species which also incubates the eggs. 
Bushinyara have a varied diet including humans, ibex, deer, and other creatures. However their favorite meal is another alpine species, the kiriki. As a result of this particularly dietary preference the two species are locked in an almost constant struggle. Kiriki warriors have been known to successfully kill and eat Bushinyara, though to do so is considered a heroic accomplishment indeed. 
1 in every 28 Bushinyara are born with functional wings. The exact reason for this is unclear.
14 specimens are currently living in the Red Cedar Mountains, with a total of 77 existing around the Green Sea as a whole.
Jalinyarum (Great Dragons)
As explained previously the Jalinyarum (sg. Jalinyarat) do not represent a singular species but rather extraordinary and unique individuals. These two examples, Yud and Djikit, are quite different in origin, physical makeup, and intellect.
Yud is a pre-Calamity being, his origins known only to himself, though it is possible that he is a physical manifestation of magic or a spirit. He is fully sapient and fluent in 17 distinct languages. Yud is technically two beings, its first head going by the name Yu and the second going by the name of Ud. At the time of Narul Yud inhabited the ruins of the pre-Calamity city located in the Namutian Desert. Aside from his massive size and intellect, Yud is capable of producing powerful bursts of electricity from its mouth(s). 
Yud is omnivorous, feeding on a mixture of plant matter and desert fauna. Despite its massive size, due to Yud’s largely sedentary nature, its diet is relatively limited. 
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Pictured above: Yud with the hero, Narul
Djikit is a post-Calamity being, born from the union of a mountain spirit and a bushinyara. It is believed that Djikit first appeared approximately 1500 years before the time of Narul, its creation orchestrated by the Shabalan King Naloch, as a weapon against his half-brother, Tamel. While Djikit was ultimately successful in driving Tamel and his followers from Shabala, the dragon then turned her focus on Shabala as a whole, terrorizing the cities and killing hundreds. 
This has resulted in a massive and agile being, unmatched in her ferocity. Unlike Yud, Djikit is not sapient, and in fact seems to be less intelligent than her bushinyara ancestors. Djikit gorges itself indiscriminately, known to consume entire villages. Her fiery breath can exceed temperatures of 2000F, melting armor and weapons. Like the zinyara, Djikit hibernates for exceedingly long periods of time, up to 2000 years. Djikit is currently resting beneath the Jankipar Glacier north of Sinria.
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Pictured above: Djikit
Lamalagru (Scorpion Badger)
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Pictured above: a lamalgaru
These subterranean creatures are among the most valuable in the Green Sea. Possibly the creation of pre-Calamity researchers, these creatures are comparable in size to the common badger, however they may weigh up to 300lbs. This is because of their famed shells, made from various metals and stones. Scorpion Badgers have a supernatural ability to track down ores and stones, and its supernaturally powerful jaws and teeth allow it to consume these things, alongside its more usual diet of insects and rodents. Scorpion Badger teeth are one of the only materials in their world capable of carving through Arkodian Bronze. These inorganic materials are then integrated into the shell plating, accounting for its incredible weight. 
Due to this the Scorpion Badger is incredibly slow, aside from its shell it makes up for this seeming advantage in two ways. The first way is fairly straight-forward, Scorpion Badgers are almost entirely subterranean, and may never surface. The second way is more devious, at the tip of the tail is a large venomous barb, capable of delivering an incredibly deadly toxin. The tail is covered in small movement sensing organs which act dependently of the central nervous system. As a result if approached from the back, such as in a tunnel, the tail will strike of its own accord, often without the badger realizing that it happens.
There is no cure for the toxin and death typically occurs within 4-10 minutes. Though not fatal, the toxin is one of the few which can produce adverse effects in spiritbloods.
Despite the dangers of the creature, they are still widely sought after, with all parts of the body being incredibly valuable. Shells, teeth, and the venom may each sell for the price of entire villages. As a result this particular creature is highly endangered, though because of its environment it is hard to make exact calculations as to their numbers. Scholars estimate 5 individuals currently exist in Kishetal.
Tiamawa (Sea Serpent) 
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Pictured above: a Tiamawa
The most common of the so-called sea dragons, these large marine reptiles hunt in packs of 3-4, feeding on large marine animals as well as unfortunate ships. Tiamawa are similar in shape to earth, plesiosaurs, though with a ridge of spines growing down the back which act as a defense against predation. An adult male Tiamawa will typically reach lengths of 90 feet from the tip of the nose to the tail. Tiamawum give birth to live young and are incredibly protective of their young. Like many bird species, they feed their young via regurgitation. Their favored hunting grounds are the eastern Green Sea, though they have been found as far north as the Polar Region. Individuals may live up to 80 years however a lifespan of 50-60 is more typical.
Much like dolphins Tiamawa move through the water using echolocation. This ability allows them to communicate, locate prey, and navigate the often murky or shadowy depths of their oceanic habitats. Despite being aquatic animals the Tiamawa has a surprisingly low lung capacity, only able to submerge itself for 5 to 10 minutes before needing to resurface. As a result the Tiamawa is primarily the upper layers of the ocean. It is fairly typical for individuals to swim with their heads above the water. This has proven quite useful for ship lookouts searching for signs of danger.
Tiamawum are both feared and revered by sailors and coastal inhabitants. While their presence often indicates a healthy marine ecosystem, their predilection for hunting ships makes them a significant threat to maritime activities, and their voracious appetite may at times threaten whale and porpoise populations. Encounters with Tiamawum are often the subject of harrowing tales among seafarers, and indeed the Tiamawa is amongst the most feared creatures on the open ocean.
Tiamawum are not entirely safe from predation and make up a central part of the diet of larger sea-creatures such as gabrisum. Humans and Bisku have both been known to occasionally kill serpents, typically using a mixture of harpoons and sagecraft.. Their hides are used to make waterproof clothing, or else may be hung as trophies. The meat is oily and unpleasant to taste, best left only for times of emergency. 
Bisku (Water Man)
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Pictured above: Two Bisku (Biskum) one is partially shifted.
The bisku is a species of sapient and highly magical pinnipeds. In their unaltered effect they appear similar to the non-magical splotchback seal. This has led some scholars to incorrectly assume that they are the result of post-Calamity mutations on this particular species of seal. However the bisku appear in the records of giants, some of which date to before the Calamity, and indeed the Bisku themselves describe their origin as far far in the past, before the Age of Glass and Metal. The easiest way to distinguish a bisku from a true seal, aside from asking it, is to look at the eyes. Bisku eyes present with pronounced whites, and are more similar to human eyes than of pinnipeds. The spoken Bisku language, of which there are 6 regional variations, is composed of grunts, barks, whistles, and clicks sounding almost unrecognizable as a language to those that do not speak it. However they are capable of learning and speaking in human tongues as well, though they rarely do so.
Bisku live in small matriarchal communities called shribaks, usually composed of 7 to 15 families. The largest of these exist near the isles of Dirsia and Ikenii, though 2 shribaks do exist in the isles north of Kishetal, near the city-state of Kirbal. One record indicates a village was made on the back of a gabrisa (see the following section.) Most have two homes, one built above the water on small islands and rocky shores, the other in the water. Bisku farm a number of aquatic and terrestrial plants which act to supplement their diet of fish, marine mammals, and shellfish.
Bisku have been known to domesticate certain species of porpoise as well as sea turtles.
Bisku are capable of metamorphosing, changing certain aspects of their body via the application of magic. This is accomplished by the consumption of magical algaes and bivalves which are farmed in secretive underwater locations. As a rule it seems, a bisku cannot change their parts into something with more mass than it already has, only something of the same mass or less. 
One of the most common changes seen is the alteration of the limbs and the creation of opposable thumbs or even entire arms. Bisku can often be heard using their arms to play harps and drums while resting on the rocky outcroppings of the northern Green Sea. 
The most skilled bisku are capable of full body transformations, including the adoption of human forms. Though visibly striking, these changes are not perfect. A bisku can change into a fish, however they will not produce functional gills and will still need to breathe air or a bisku that changes into a human will retain the rough and scratchy voice of its natural form. The longer a form is kept, the harder it becomes to change or undo. If a transformation is one in which a bisku loses mass, upon reverting back to its bisku form it will typically appear emaciated, and will need to regain that weight. Bisku legends abound with horror stories of bisku turning into something too small, such as a sardine or other small animal, and thus not being able to change back.
Bisku typically avoid interacting with humans and other terrestrial races as many superstitions surround them. Bisku are thought to bring bad luck to sailors and often fall victim to attacks or may become tangled in nets and lines. Additionally bisku skins have long been considered a luxury in certain parts of the Green Sea.
Despite this there have been instances of bisku in human form entering into relationships with humans. These relationships have produced young, these young are typically impossible to differentiate from humans, though it has been found that the rate of these children being born as sages (capable of sagecraft) is approximately 80% higher than in normal human births.
An estimated 12,000 live around the world.
Gabrisa (Whale Friend)
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Pictured above: an adult Gabrisa with a pod of fin whales.
The gabrisa is the largest of the Sea-Dragons and the largest overall species on Kobani, in terms of both length and weight, though not the largest organism, as it is beaten out by certain Great Dragons. This massive serpent may reach lengths of approximately 700 ft and weigh upwards of 2,000 tons. Gabrisa are exceedingly rare, with only 207 existing across the globe. Gabrisa gestation is the longest of any organism on Kobani, at nearly 50 years, the lifespan of a gabrisa is approximately 300 years, a female is only capable of producing two young over the course of its life. Like the tiamawa, the gabrisa gives birth to live young, however unlike the tiamawa, the gabrisa does not not raise its young, rather it will leave its young in the care of a pod of whales, most often fin or sperm whales, though occasionally with other species. As the gabrisa grows in the company and cares for the whales it becomes the defender, fending off and eating anything which may threaten the pod.
Often the gabrisa acts as guardian of calves while the others feed. The gabrisa will mourn at the loss of those within its pod, and is deeply protective of them. Gabrisa will stay with a pod and its descendants until its death. Its horns and teeth are used in defense of its pod and in battles by mothers over a pod to raise their young. A gabrisa diet includes sea-plants, krill, fish, sharks, and other sea-serpents. Gabrisa are typically slow moving creatures, expending little energy. They communicate in song, able to mimic and understand the calls of their host species. In addition, bioluminescent patches along its body create colorful light shows, both to warn potential predators and to communicate to other gabrisa when the time to mate comes. Due to their relatively small numbers, many gabrisa will never mate or meet another of their species.
Gabrisum are seen as symbols of good luck, as their presence scares away smaller and more dangerous species of serpent. Often they act as living reefs, attracting thousands of species which take shelter amidst its 10 flippers and under its many scales. This makes gabrisum great boons for fishermen who may purposefully cast their nets in the vicinity of these giants. Gabrisum are non-hostile towards humans, and will show some curiosity towards ships and humans in the water, however they will also attack vessels that they perceive to be a threat to their pod. One legend tells of an entire Arkodian fleet being sunk by a vengeful gabrisa after accidentally killing a whale calf.
Gabrisum are highly intelligent, there is some debate as to whether or not they should be considered as a sapient species, they are comparable intellectually to certain dolphins and toothed-whales.
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Pictured above: a map of the Green Sea
This is just a small introduction to some of the magical beings of the Green Sea, there are hundreds more inhabiting every biome, ranging in size from the great Gabrisa to microscopic organisms. I hope that you enjoyed this and I welcome any questions that you have!
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