#plus all my regular assignments
clonewarsahsoka · 2 years
October is literally going to be such a fucking mess for me omg
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diah-the-demon · 6 months
You ever just get one of those late night moments where you are having a panic attack cause you are so overwhelmed with all the work you need to get done
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occasional-owl · 7 months
I reached the point where university is kicking my ass
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pearlywritings · 2 months
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synopsis: for the public eye, the head of the Oak Family and his wife are a loving couple. In private they are astonishingly content with each other too.
pairing: Sunday x fem!reader
tw: fluff, arranged marriage, reader is halovian, established some time before the game quest on Penacony.
word count: 2.8k+ words
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Nothing supports the man’s prestige and public image more than a proper marriage with a proper woman. So, I want you to meet this very woman, my child…
Two months, fifteen days and one hour. That’s exactly how long ago Sunday became a husband. A role he didn’t imagine himself playing, not with the role assigned to him from above. But, it was Gopher Wood - his adoptive parent basically, who brought you to him and announced his grand plan. And even if the head of the Oak Family had his doubts initially, a thorough conversation held with and without the Dreammaster, plus your immaculate background and some more specific matters proved to him that you were indeed chosen rightfully. He wasn’t sure if it was Mr Wood’s way of helping him, offering you as an aid at handling some of the work-related matters but with the seemingly perfect image of being wed - the elder gave no answers, however Sunday knew better than to question some of his schemes.
And so, your union was sealed. The ceremony wasn’t something exceptionally huge, none of you wanted that, but it was public enough for everyone and their mother to be talking about it. A couple of perfectly sterile interviews, some joint photos and three or four public appearances together, and people have been fooled enough to believe that.
That was enough.
Something as shocking as a wedding would avert the public eye and serve a great purpose in deceiving the people. After all, newlyweds are far too busy for one of them to be plotting something, right?
Right. So right, that Sunday himself was in a somewhat daze for the first week. But it’s understandable - on top of his regular responsibilities he had to prepare for the wedding and get to know the person he was about to spend life with better. Surprisingly, you turned out to be very understanding and supporting from day one, actively participating in whatever additional activity served on the man’s plate. It was weird, new and confusing, but above all he caught himself considering it not unwelcome.
You are astonishingly easy to work with. Well-versed in the matters of Family (but he shouldn't be all too surprised, given who brought you to him), soft, yet - when needed - firm spoken, not afraid to face the crowd in your husband's place for a public announcement and taking a portion of his responsibilities without any questions asked. If not for your interactions outside of all of that, Sunday would've thought you were his secretary and not a wife (but even a secretary wouldn't have known as much as you are aware of).
You are…comfortable. Sunday should really reproach himself for giving in so quickly, but it’s so hard not to. Maybe his vigilance is lulled with security of his patron’s choice or maybe it’s his own longing for normal civil interaction with someone close, but it didn’t take much time to start entertaining your sparks of curiosity.
Oh, how curious you are. Despite being trapped in a loveless marriage, you’ve been willing to learn about him from day one, trying to unfurl at least one tiny secret of his every day. He knows that because you are methodical, because you write it down (and you don’t hide the fact - when he, alarmed, asked or rather demanded you to show him that little notepad of yours, you just did so, with an explanation of your reasoning.)
Speaking of getting to know each other better… It’s still half an hour before your recently established tea time, but… But maybe he could summon you earlier? 
I hope, my child, this woman will become your reprieve. You are not obligated to love her, see her as just a companion, but feel free to treat her as a continuation of yourself. I educated her to match you specifically, after all.
As a continuation of himself… Isn’t it cruel to speak such things of a sentient being? Isn’t it putting one into the position of submission? 
Somehow it feels bitter on the tongue when he thinks of you.
His hand reaches for the bell, but promptly stops before the fingertips can touch the polished metal. Ah, of course, he asked to not be disturbed today. So, let him not violate his own order. He can find you on his own, not to mention, a small walk around the building might help clearing up his mind. Lately, he’s been thinking too much.
Spacious halls of the Dewlight Pavilion are empty, he knows as much, yet he hopes he won’t have to roam for too long, as the gloved hands push the doors of the meeting room. Today you two decided to work from the main Family residence in need of some materials here, and since no congregations were scheduled for the day, the building was all yours.
Each step of his is muffled by the carpet, lining the exactly 39 stairs, every next one lifting some of the weight from his shoulders and smoothing the deep frown of light gray brows. When his heels click on the small podium with the additional three steps, Sunday feels like his head is cleared. 
Stepping on the carpet again, he finally ends up in the big hall with the 5 Lineages symbols and a big City Sandpit in the middle. Quickly fishing his phone out of the pocket, he swiftly unlocks the screen and finds your name in the recent calls, dialing it.
When did it happen that conversations with you outnumbered ones with his sister?
You pick up the phone after just two seconds.
“Hello? What is it, Sunday?”
Ah, straight to the point, he admires that. And the calmness of your tone is surprisingly grounding.
“I was wondering if you’d join me earlier,” he speaks softly, barely holding off from calling you ‘dear’. It’s not wrong for the spouses, but how would you react? He asks strange questions lately. “Tell me where you are, I’ll come fetch you.”
“To answer your first question, I’d love to,” the young man might lie to himself, but he swears he heard your voice sweeten just a little. It makes the little wings behind his ears flutter, which he is quick to still. “As for your second one, however, you might want to look down.”
Sunday follows your instruction without much thought, looking right at the red carpet covering the marble floor.
“...I don’t believe I understand.”
He hears you chuckle, a tinkling sound, lacking any malice. His left wing slightly jerks as the favorable noise fills his left ear through the phone.
“The City Sandpit, beautiful. I am not far from the origami birds’ nest.”
As he moves to round the table, your husband’s heart skips a beat. You called him beautiful, you have done so on multiple occasions already. You praised his intellect, you gently clapped for the perfect choice of the clothes for the day he made, you agreed with him on the most mundane things incorporated into your daily lives. And not once it felt forced or fake. You were surprisingly sincere with him - he would’ve thought that with the Dreammaster’s upbringing you’d have been all mastered flashy smiles and sickly sweet polished words.
But here you’ve been, admiring him in your own quite blunt kind of way.
He immediately spots your tiny figure among the fake buildings on the city’s layout. You are waving at him with a smile.
“Found me,” he hears again in the speaker, but now also from you as well.
“Found you,” Sunday echoes, reaching his free hand to you. When he curls his fingers, you understand and, clutching the strap of the bag hanging from your shoulder, carefully climb onto his open palm.
Your husband is careful, finishing the call and putting the phone aside, before cupping the other hand under the one holding your sitting figure. Bringing you closer to his eyes he can see all the little details on the pretty pale blue dress you left home in this morning, with your second pair of clipped wings wrapped around the waist like another skirt. Then his gaze skims along your neck, adorned in one of the pendants he gifted you and then up to the first pair of wings, bigger than his when you are your normal size. 
He doesn’t have an opportunity to marvel over your intricate halo, because your eyes capture his in a vice, looking at him inquiringly.
“Didn’t expect you to take a break earlier. I thought you liked to stick to your routine.”
This was probably the first thing you learned about your back then betrothed.
“I do,” a tiny smile adorns his pale lips, “however, today I managed to wrap the most attention-requiring matters up earlier. Now only the mundane cases are left.”
“Good to hear that,” you hum, swinging your stocking-clad legs a little. His golden eyes look over your form once more, capturing the image of surprising comfortability in the hands of a bigger being, one that could crash your body so easily at the moment.
“I do wonder however about the reason behind your current predicament,” the male tilts his head in an inquiring way. “I believe I’ve never seen you enter the City Sandpit.”
Well, not to count the very first time he was giving you a tour.
“Oh, as I said, I know your routine, so I usually leave it before our meetings. I actually enter it quite often when we stay here,” is your answer that makes Sunday’s eyes widen in surprise.
“It’s easier to do paperwork this way,” motioning to the bag still on your shoulder, you then huff in annoyance. “If only you knew how eager your subordinates to bother me whenever you are unavailable. I am well-informed of my seeming position as the “lady-of-the-house”, but I’ve never signed up to be a link element between you and them, let alone a pawn in someone’s game of becoming first to seek your favor. Pardon me for my straightforwardness, but I much prefer interactions without actual feedback from the interlocutor if the situation doesn’t require otherwise. Except for you, of course.”
Except for him.
“You are my equal. You can always order them not to bother you,” drawing his hands closer to the chest, Sunday turns and starts walking closer to the table’s side where the gates are located.
“As if,” he glances down and catches just the end of your eye roll. “Mister Wood would have had my head if I ruined your picture as little as being distant from your inner circle. I’d much rather prefer just to hide away when needed and return to my secondary duties once I’m done with the primary.”
With the Dreammaker’s upbringing you would think a person can’t be as open-minded. Sunday is sure that it was no different from his - after all you have the clipped wings to match his. But, it seems, you found a way to temporarily escape from the suffocating clutches. Today he learnt a new thing about you, and, surprisingly it warms his soul instead of feeling repulsed.
He carefully puts you down just in front of the gates from the city’s side. Almost knocking off  a little ”DO NOT TOUCH” card near it, your husband moves to the right to let you step out. And in a couple of seconds of blinding light you stand before him in all your tall glory.
“Thank you for making the trip across the city so much shorter,” you grin, shaking the bag’s strap down your shoulder and rolling it, before unwrapping the wings from around your waist and spreading them in a stretch.
“It was my pleasure,” his tone is even, yet the gaze with which he watches you move gives him out. To this day and probably for a long while the levels of intimacy that used to be unknown to him yet which you display are going to surprise him. Sunday almost feels an annoying twinge of upsetness when you rewrap your wings around the dress’s skirt. Though it lets him see a couple of ruffled feathers and he has to suppress the urge of his hand to reach and fix them for you.
Yes, there is some intimacy between you lately, but not close enough.
“If you give me a moment to drop off my papers, I’ll be swift in joining you,” your voice breaks the man out of his self-restraining thoughts, and he lifts his eyes from your waist back to your face.
“Ah, it won’t be necessary. I’d like to have our tea time back at the meeting room, I have some things to discuss with you.”
“So official,” you smile, taking a step to join his side. “Alright then, let us be on our way up. Would you like to fill me in on the agenda of our ‘meeting’?”
“Sure,” Sunday chooses to ignore your teasing, but habitually offers you his elbow to hook your arm in it. “My sister is going to visit soon and she seems to be quite pissed at me.”
“Miss Robin?” Your question is laced with puzzlement. “I assumed from your stories of her that she is hardly in a sour mood.”
“It is true, yes,” your husband sighs, leading you up the first set of stairs. “But I would’ve been mad too if my sibling had gotten married and I did not know a thing.”
“She does not know about us?”
The man nearly halts in his ascending. If he didn’t know better and where your thoughts and loyalties stood in this marriage, he would’ve believed you are offended that he kept such an important fact a secret from his only family member. Nevertheless, he continues his walking.
“I sent her an invitation, you know that. But it seems the planet she’s been on is pretty far away and she’s gotten my message only recently, on her way back. I loathe to admit it, but now I feel very bad and the situation itself is iunjust. I am aware we were in a rush, all because of the- you know why,” he sees you nod from the corner of his eye and feels your fingers carefully dig into his arm, “but Robin has always wanted to be a maid of honor at my wedding. And I ripped this opportunity from her.”
And I am not going to get married the second time. This he did not voice out loud.
For a moment you both fall silent. You get lost in thought, Sunday does so too, analyzing his own words, wondering if this speech of his was too personal, if it was painting him as weak in your eyes.
And his own.
You speak only when he reaches for the knob and twists in to swing the door open and lead you two inside.
“So, how much time do we have before she gets here?”
“Maybe a couple of days,” he breaks the lock of your arms and gets a hold on the strap, sliding the bag down your shoulder and turning to put it aside for the time being. “Why asking?”
“You are a good brother, I can see that, “ ah, here you are, praising him again. “And it’s obvious you care for your sister and wish to give her the world. I suggest organizing a small party for her. This way she could experience what she missed and get familiar enough with me. I can negotiate with Mister Wood, I am sure I can convince him - he has some sort of a soft spot for you, Sunday.”
Surprisingly, it twists something uncomfortable in the halovian’s stomach.
“It sounds… delightful. However, are you certain you’d like to go to such lengths for Robin?”
“Well, she is your sister,” you chose the table farthest from the one your husband has been working at and grab the back of the chair to move it so you could sit, “and I am your wife. I’d love her to believe in us too. If I am not overstepping, of course.”
That’s actually not a bad idea. If almost four months ago someone - even you - suggested he let his sister and future wife meet, he’d be hesitant. He knows his little sister, he knows how perceptive she is - he is not so sure he wouldn’t have cracked under her inquisitive questions about whether he was happy with the arrangement or not. Plus leaving her sad and aching for brother if he let her know of the unjustness of the situation and still chose to proceed with the wedding is just too much for him.
Now he, at least, will not be lying that he is content if being asked.
“I accept your offer and thank you profusely for it,” Sunday slightly bows his head, to which you shake yours, reaching your hand out to beckon him to join you.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. You’ll have time to thank me later, once we’ve already done something, alright?”
Surprisingly… It is indeed alright.
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where-dreamers-go · 6 months
“Bingo” DBH RK800 Connor x Human!Reader
(A/N: Oh, hey! I found an unfinished Connor insert reader and did the thing. And I have no idea when I typed this, maybe four years ago.
Warnings: language.
Word Count: 720 words)
Many things and people could irritate a person. Some times those were situations. Other times you were irritated by someone’s repetitive display of aggravation of a being’s mere presence.
A shift in the department seemed regular as ever. Paperwork and people moving about around you.
Only one of those were you tired of. Gavin Reed.
Good at his job? Sure, but he had no reason to be as rude as he was to Connor from CyberLife.
Connor, however analytical, was sweet. That not you would admit as much out loud in the precinct. Especially not to his assigned partner. You would never hear the end of it.
You weren’t normally the one to step up in a social situation you weren’t at least a little involved in, however you were one for subtleties. Plus, you just couldn’t stand by and watch it happen. Not any more.
Was that not something humans needed to do more of, helping one another?
Previously mentioned Reed spotted the android, alone.
How did you know?
The look of uncomfortable disgust on the detective’s face.
It was when you saw Reed making a beeline towards Connor, that you made your move. Rising from your seat, your feet lead you towards the break room. Smooth, silent, and thankfully fast.
Reed had already approached Connor with his back to you and his arms crossed in front of him.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be or are you doing coffee runs too?” Reed sneered.
“Lieutenant Anderson said that he required a large amount of caffeine. I offered my assistance.” Connor answered with what had to be a hot cup of coffee in one hand.
“So it looks like you’ve gained rank as a coffee dis—.”
“Excuse me, Connor,” you stopped about two steps from Reed’s side. “May I ask your help with something?” You gestured back towards your desk.
“Of course, detective,” Connor sent you a minuscule smile before looking back to Reed. “Pardon me, detective. Perhaps you would like to continue discussing caffeinated beverages later?”
“Hell no. Get lost, plastic.” Reed made a noise of disgust as he walked away.
One triumphant smile on your face and you were practically prancing back to your desk with Connor in tow.
By the time you reached your work station, Connor was giving you a focused look.
“What is it that you need help with?”
“Nothing that I know of,” you leaned your hip against the desk.
“Then why did you ask me for help?” He tilted his head.
“Well….puzzle piece number one, Reed is a jerk to you. Piece number two, I don’t think anyone should be treated that way and three,” you picked up a pen, “I’ve already finished a good portion of my paperwork.”
Connor’s eyes squinted in the slightest as his LED flickered.
“Your conclusion?”
“You wanted me to avoid a confrontation with Detective Reed.”
“Bingo.” You tapped the end of the pen to your nose.
“But,” his LED switched to yellow for a moment. “Why would you do that? I can handle many human interactions.”
“Because I felt like I needed to.” You shrugged and fiddled with the pen in your grasp.
“Oh.” The tiniest frown made it way onto Connor’s perfectly sculpted face.
Smiling at him came easily because of the way he tried understanding and yet not quite getting to the core of humans’ feelings. It was adorable.
Lieutenant Anderson’s voice caught both Connor’s and your attention.
“Are you going to stand there all day chatting or give me my damn coffee and get back to work?”
“Sorry, Lieutenant.” Connor took long strides to the desk and gave him the cup.
You watched their exchange with an amused smile.
“Lieutenant Anderson, did you have breakfast this morning?” You asked.
“No. Why?” He frowned over the rim of the coffee cup.
You stretched over to the other end of your desk and retrieved a breakfast bar. “I got extra.” You held up the food. “It’s the good kind.”
“I’m not picky. Thanks.”
After exchanging glances with Connor, you tossed the wrapped bar. He caught it swiftly and handed it over to the Lieutenant.
“Connor, yah better not tell me what’s in it.”
“I-I wasn’t.”
You chuckled at the two and sat behind your desk feeling more accomplished than having your paperwork completed.
Best wishes and happy reading.)
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.
DreamerDragon Tags: @
Detroit: Become Human Tags: @shewhobreathesfire
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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velaenaa · 22 days
strawberry chocolate parfait \ nanami kento x reader (ch.1)
word count: 1.1k tags: slight slow burn, pining, romance, fluff, added as i go! setting: you are a worker at a bakery that nanami kento frequents ♡ authors note: hello ^_^ i hope you are doing wonderful! this is my first time writing for nanami. pls enjoy! chapter: 1/? <next>
Chapter 1 - Vanilla Cake
‘Does this guy need help….?’
‘He’s staring real hard at the bread…. Omg- is it ugly? Aw hell- I made that this morning…’ 
Your thoughts were cut off by the towering figure of a man, with two loaves of baguette in one hand and one container of cake, that happened to be your favorites, in the other. You smile up at him, “Will this be everything?” He gives a stiff nod, locking his eyes with yours, then you giggled; “Then.. I guess I'll bag-uette up for you..” 
No? No reaction..Damn, tough crowd.. 
He thanks you and you bid him farewell and to come back soon. You could’ve sworn he almost smiled… maybe that was a look of irritation..?
After he leaves eyesight, You make haste by sitting down behind the counter, face flushed with embarrassment and agony. It made you cringe. Why would you say that? Your coworker giggled at you, making sure to add salt to the wound, “You tried.. That’s all it matters.” she gives you a head pat and continues,  “He’s a regular here. He’s probably gonna come back in another couple of hours on his way home or something.”
“Then how come I’ve not seen him before?”
“Dunno.. He’s been away for a couple months now.” 
“What’s his name?”
“You should ask when he comes back.”
“Isn’t that weird?”
“Oh but asking some other random person, who doesn’t know him at all, by the way, isn’t weird?”
She has a point.
You looked down at your phone and idly texted your friend Nobara about your day and fashion related topics. 
You met when Nobara came down to the bakery to get some pastries for her boyfriend. You hit it off right away due to shared interests, albeit you being 7 years older. Nobara enjoyed having an older sister with an affinity for style, love for shopping, and interest in all the cool girl stuff that Maki wouldn’t normally talk to her about. 
Right now you two are discussing weekend plans. Nobara and her boyfriend Yuji, along with Megumi, and their teacher Gojo were going to a karaoke room cause it had been a while since Gojo had gone out with his students. He was stuck on oversea assignments for the past couple of weeks and he dearly misses them, or so he says. As always, you had been invited and of course you said yes! 
You are very fond of the kids and Gojo. The 3 of them reminded you of your siblings back home, and well- Gojo is Gojo. Plus, if you had declined, Gojo would pester you non-stop. 
After a mini rush, you sit  down, tired, ready to bite down into your sandwich, when on queue, the door swings open, revealing the tall blonde man, taking his glasses off as his eyes pierce you again. You wave at him and he just nods. You get a bag ready as the man collects another slice of the same cake he had bought earlier. He also got another dessert, this time, a small vanilla custard tart w/ fruits on top, made by yours truly. He comes up to the counter, and you stiffen up  in shyness, “Is this everything for you?”
The man looked tired, but he let out a soft, yet stern ‘yes.’
As you rang up his order you looked back up to him, your lips curling into a small grin, “How was work?” This caught them both off guard, “Oh- I didn’t- I didn’t mean to assume-” I mean.. Unless this guy enjoys walking around in a whole business suit for funsies.
He actually lets out a chuckle, “It’s okay. It was a busy day.” 
You both stayed silent for a second before he asked in return, “How was your day, miss?” This made you feel warm and your smile only got bigger, “It was wonderful! I got to serve a lot of customers. They bought their kids in. It was so fun.”
‘And cause you came into the shop twice.’
“Ah sorry.. I’m trailing. I didn’t mean to ramble- you must be dying to get home.”
‘No, I could get used to listening to you.’  is what he wanted to say;
Instead he lets out a relieved sigh, “It’s alright. I’m glad you had a good day today.” This caused your cheeks to tint red. Dying from embarrassment because you just knew that your coworkers were listening in, she redirects the topic, and points at the cake, “Do you like those?” He nods again, “They’re the best I’ve ever had. Compliment the baker for me.” Oh your heart, you could hear it beating so hard from your chest. 
You do a mental fist pump before clapping your hands with glee, “Oh I’m so glad you liked them!” You go around the counter and grab another slice just for him. You stared up at him in absolute awe, because behind the counter was elevated by at least a foot. 
This man was tall, as hell. 
He just looks down at you eyeing your move. You push the cake towards him even harder, “This one is on the house!” He tilts his head in question. You double down and nod your head, affirming the choice. He grabs hold of the cake with one hand, “Thank you. I appreciate that.”
‘Ask for her name Nanami’ He repeats to himself in his head
“What is your name?” She beats him to the punch. 
‘Have you lost your touch?’-- “Nanami”
“I really like your name. It’s beautiful! My name is Y/N.”
‘Y/N, huh.. What a nice name..’
You give him his bag as he recollects his thoughts, “It’s nice to meet you. I’ve got to get going. Work” You shoot him one last smile before waving him off, “Thank you for coming! It was nice to meet you! Don’t work too hard!”
An hour goes by and it's time for the bakery to close for the night. You turn the lights off as the ladies load up the delivery car with food that wasn’t sold for the day so they could give it to the local kitchens and homeless shelters. You bid your coworkers farewell before hopping into your car and collecting yourself, before driving home.
After you get home you jump into bed, eager to text Nobara. 
[Txt]  Y/N - “I met such a cute guy today!”
A second later there’s an audio msg from her of Gojo;
[Voice Recording] “Wahh?! Y/N I wasn’t there today!”  in a whiny bit.
You laugh as Nobara actually sends a text;
[Txt] Nobara - “Tell me all about it when you come to karaoke… matter of fact, he should come!”
But you just met.. How are you going to pull that off… and will he even want to go is the better question… what if he thinks you’re weird … oh lord… so many overthinking possibilities.. Ok but what if he actually says yes?
[Txt] Y/N- “Are you sure?”
[Txt] Nobara  - “Yeah! Gojo-sensei is paying anyway.”
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calciumcryptid · 28 days
Does anyone else see the vision of an alternate universe where Vegas and Macau were adopted into the main family, so when Pete comes around Vegas and Tankhun are duking it out over who gets him as a bodyguard? Wait, give me a second:
In this universe, the uncle is slain and Vegas and Macau are brought into the main family. There could be any reason for this, I like making Mama Theerapanyakul alive and having her go "I can excuse emotional abuse, but I draw the line at physical abuse" (I have opinions about the former matriarch). It ultimately doesn't matter, this is just the set-up.
So Vegas and Macau grow up as main family members (while reminded of the difference), and they are around for everything. All the usual bodyguards joining, Tankhun's kidnapping, etc. Vegas is Kinn's little shadow and they have a better relationship (regular sibling rivalry rather than i want to kill you and usurp your throne cousin rivalry) and eventually Vegas is set to be the minor head to Kinn's major head and they are gucci.
At some point, Pete joins the bodyguard.
I imagine this would happen a little bit after Tankhun's kidnapping, and the only reason he is here is because Chan is covering up Pete murdering his abusive father and being a former boxer means Pete has some skills to shape into a bodyguard. Plus, Tankhun lost his usual rotation and they are having a hard time to get someone into his guard rotation because the former heir has PTSD so Pete can be groomed into the guard Tankhun needs.
It works, Tankhun likes Pete and goes "Mine".
The problem is Vegas had a nightmare flare-up, and happens to talk with Pete and they bond over shit dads and Vegas thinks Pete is so cool because he got to kill his dad and oh no there is the Theerapanyakul obsession. This will end well.
So the day comes where Pete is meant to get his official assignment, and he thinks it is going to be for Tankhun because that is the entire purpose he is there except suddenly Vegas wants Pete and sure Tankhun wants Pete but Vegas wants Pete, carnally.
Anyways, that is the basic plot idea.
Bonus points if there is some age fuckery, like Pete is about Kinn's age and Vegas is younger than Kinn so the showdown goes a little:
Tankhun, in his twenties traumatized and determined, yanking Pete in one direction: He is my bodyguard. Vegas, snot-nosed teenager with massive spoil brat energy, pulling Pete in the opposite direction: He is my husband. Pete, freshly eighteen just trying to see another day: What?
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bokutosmochi · 11 months
kinktober day six: cybersex!
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fem!reader x gojo satoru 
ingredients: what's a girl gonna do when she misses her boyfriend who's a continent away?
what's it: smut
allergen warning/s: satoru talks to your pussy, fingering, mutual masturbation, cybersex
sugar level: 2.9k
regulars: @ventdavi154 @deobiforever @sugusshi @angelshub
parlor's note: inspired by this fanart by the amazing @/3aem
p.s: the guitar solo referenced at the end is in the song i don't wanna be me by the band type o negative. i recommend checking out that song, or at least that solo. it's so good and definitely one of my favorites.
bon appetit!
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the only reason why you're here is because you were peer pressured to go.
most of the time, you would totally be down to attend parties your friends hosted, but you haven't been feeling like yourself lately. gojo was assigned to a three month long mission overseas and you were missing him dearly. funnily enough, that was also the reason why you were forced to go.
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"c'mon, it's halloween." shoko rolled her eyes at you. "you can't not go just because gojo isn't here. besides, you clearly need a pick me up. you can't just lay around your bed, eating ice cream and sniffing his shirts that you wear forever." she gave you a pointed look. in defiance, you rolled your eyes, crossed your arms against your chest and gazed elsewhere, not caring about how childish it may have seemed.
you had no idea how she found out your daily activities since satoru has been gone. perhaps searching around your house for secret cameras that she planted would be a good idea. regardless, you sounded pretty pathetic when she put it like that, but still. were you not allowed to miss your boyfriend?
if that wasn't enough, shoko still had more to add. "plus, didn't you already buy a costume?"
and that's how you ended up in your current situation.
you could see how much effort shoko put into the party. her house, usually decorated with a minimalistic and classy aesthetic in mind, was home to countless realistic cobwebs and fake spiders all over the little items she had, like her clock and picture frames. there was also something dripping down the walls, though you couldn't tell whether it was supposed to be blood or some form of slime because of the red lighting that came from the few jack o'lanterns scattered around the house. the lack of proper lighting gave the room an eerie feel, and the scented candle that smells of burning leaves did not help. it was expertly made, including the songs that played. the playlist included songs from bands like bauhaus, siouxsie and the banshees, and lebanon hanover, then halloween classics like thriller and monster mash.
you're dressed in a less than appropriate black dress with red details which satoru chose. it's a bit plain by itself, but you added a corset that pushed your tits together nicely. the outfit's paired with black red bottom heels, gothic necklaces, and a makeup look that tied everything together.
"you're supposed to be here having fun, not moping around the snack table." shoko nudged you with her hip making you huff at her. "i'm allowed to miss my boyfriend." you said stubbornly. "he's been gone for almost three months now, we haven't spent that much time apart until, well, now." you looked at her with a sad look in your eyes that conveyed everything that you were feeling.
thankfully, it made her sigh in defeat, seemingly understanding what you're currently feeling. "ugh, fine, fine whatever." she waved it off. "just stop looking at me like a kicked puppy and try to have fun or something." she walked away.
a part of you felt guilty. after all, she was trying to make you feel better when you obviously aren't doing the best, but at the same time, she's been tugging you along to do different activities to keep your mind off of gojo's absence for so long now.
you're tired and you really just wanna be whiney and act like a lovestruck teenage girl.
thankfully for you, you didn't have much time to dwell on the feelings of guilt because you got a new notification on your phone -- satoru sent you a photo.
you really couldn't open it fast enough. with how you're missing him, you'd be thankful for anything he sends you, be it a photo of what he's having for dinner, a puppy he saw in the streets, a restaurant that piqued his interest, or a photo of him.
you cannot lie, you did heavily prefer the message being a picture of him. nothing could have prepared you for what you saw when you opened it.
nothing could compare to the sight before you. not a photo of the finest michelin star dish, not a photo of a puppy that's your favorite breed, not a unique looking restaurant, because it's satoru.
his face is turned from the camera, but it's definitely satoru. his soft white hair is the most obvious reason why you think so, plus why would he send you a sexy photo of another man. aside from that, you've spend hours tracing over the muscles of his back, his biceps, and even more hours grasping at the flesh, digging your nails into it as he fucked you.
you wonder if he knows you miss him, or if he misses you and the reason why he sent that wasn't to tease you and show off what you can't have, but to get a reaction out of you so you can set up a video call with him.
a gut feeling tells you that it's probably both. he knows what kind of reaction he can get out of you from flexing those muscles.
whatever the answer may be, the truth remains: you can feel the slick forming between your folds and there's a familiar ache between your thighs.
you quickly run to one of shoko's guest bedrooms. thankfully, because of your training as a jujutsu sorcerer, you're able to get there in record time without bumping into anyone in the process.
you look at yourself in the mirror there, fixing strands of hair that has been messed up in your haste as well as straightening out your clothing before setting yourself down on the available bed and clicking on the video call button on your phone.
and like you've expected, satoru accepts it without a second to spare, as if he's waited by the phone after spending the photo, waiting for your flustered call. he has a knowing smirk on his face, one you know all too well.
"hey there, baby." he drawls. "wasn't expecting to see you here this late."
"satoru," it comes out as a breathless gasp that was not caused by the running. "i've missed you so much." you wriggle on the bed, getting comfortable.
his answering smile was cocky, but you spot the hint of warmth in his eyes and longing in the way his smile is bigger than it usually is. he doesn't have to say it verbally, he's missed you too.
"aww, did you, pretty girl? 'm sorry for leaving you alone for so long." he coos at you. "i promise i'll be there in a week, kay?"
he transfers the phone from one hand to the other, but while doing so, he lowers the camera view a bit, giving you a heart-stopping peek of his abs, something he definitely meant to do to rile you up some more, as if your brain wasn't going a hundred miles an hour right this second.
you rub your thighs together to give you that friction that you so desperately need. "that's not enough though." your voice comes out painfully needy and you know satoru isn't going to let you live that down anytime soon. the moment he gets home and gets his fill of you - even before that, maybe - he'll hold it over your head for the coming months -- and knowing satoru, it's not a long shot to say the coming years. he'll keep on blabbering something or other about "remember that time i had to go on a really long mission and you were whining to me on the phone about how much you needed me?" but you couldn't care less right now. he would be right, you need him so bad.
"aw, does my sweet angel need me? 'm sorry, baby, but i just can't be there right now." he explains like you didn't know that already. "tell you what though, if you ask me politely, maybe i'll find a way to help you out a bit, then make it up to you when i get home, yeah?"
"please 'toru?" you pout at the camera and flash him your puppy eyes. you know that those will work already, but wanted to do more so that's what you did. you subtly pushed your boobs together, internally thanking shoko for forcing you to go to this party because if not, you wouldn't be wearing this dress satoru loved so much. "i need you so bad. can you please help me out?"
"that's a sweet girl." you see him look down and hiss. the camera moves a bit too and you wonder if it's caused by him freeing his dick from his gray sweatpants.
"i want you to play with yourself for me." he states. "start with pulling the neckline of that dress down and letting me see those tits." he breathed. you hear wet sounds from his side and now you know he's already jerking off to you.
you changed your position, getting on your knees and using the pillow you were using so you'd have something to rest your phone on. when that was stable, you did what he asked of you.
you let yourself get into the moment first, caressing the skin around your neck, your collarbones first, humming at the sensual feeling, louder than usual so satoru would hear you clearly before your hands moved to the straps of your dress and pulled it down.
the clothing was quite tight so you still had to pull it down to expose your lacey bra, but satoru didn't mind. as much as he wanted to see your body, he did love that tight dress on you, cursing whoever assigned this mission to him because he wasn't able to be with you right this moment. he adored seeing the quality fabric hug the shape of your body, adored seeing your silhouette.
next to come off what your bra, and you made a show of that too, albeit a short one because satoru was so loud through the speaker of your phone. to say your neediness increased tenfold would be an understatement.
"there you go," gojo said as he watched your boobs bounce out of the shed undergarment. his gaze was fixed on your body. the lust was pouring out of his intense blue eyes. "play with them for me, baby."
you took your hands and squished your boobs together once more, gave them a final squeeze, then paid more attention to your nipples, erect from your arousal. you rolled them between your fingers, noticing that every time your eyes fluttered shut while you pinched them, satoru would let a particularly loud whimper.
but "it's not enough, toru, wan' more." you whispered. it was something he agreed with, murmuring a small "yeah," under his breath.
"i want you to spread your legs for me, baby." he waited for you to adjust before saying anything else.
you could feel the beads of sweat forming on your forehead, but couldn't be bothered to wipe them away. you changed the way you sat, now sitting on your ass, planting your feet firmly on the bed while your knees were raised so satoru would have an unobscured view of your pussy when your legs are spread.
you lifted the skirt of the dress up and over your legs until it's bunched up at your waist, letting satoru see your crotch and the patch of wetness on your panties.
the view made him curse under his breath.
"touch your thighs, yeah, just like that." even the simplest touch had your eyes rolling to the back of your head. it's been such a long time since you've been touched like this, and that fact paired with satoru's breathy voice and the slick sound of him tugging on his dick was a combination that could make you come untouched.
your hips started to move back and forth though there was nothing there that could ease the ache between your thighs. his praises of good girl, and you're doing so well for me, baby had your cunt pulsing against the cloth of your underwear. "'toru, more, please." your not want, but need was palpable through the way your voice cracked at the last words. "need it 'toru, please, fuck."
"write my name over those pretty little panties, baby."
little did you know, he was so close to coming. even closer than you were. he knew he couldn't come though, not yet. he'll bring you to the brink of pleasure first so you can do it together. it's the least he can do after leaving you along for so long, so he slows down his movements.
he didn't plan to start touching himself so early on. he wanted to start doing it at the same time you sank your fingers into your pussy, but he couldn't help himself after seeing you in that pretty dress he picked out. upon seeing that dress on the rack for the first time, he already knew you would look gorgeous in it. he thinks that you can wear a garbage bag and he'd still be itching to put his hands all over you, but god, did you look absolutely irresistible in that versace dress. and to think that you discouraged him from buying it at first because of the price.
it's worth every single yen.
it took everything in him to not speed the motions of his hands up when he saw you spell out g-o-j-o s-a-t-o-r-u along with a couple of hearts on the crotch of your already wet panties. he constantly had to repeat "slow down, slow down, slow down," in his head before he completely loses focus.
he decides that it's enough teasing, at least for today when you're both so desperate for one another.
to you, his next words are like a life line.
"take your panties off, baby. show me that pussy i love so much."
you breathe out a sigh of relief and delight and it seems like you can't take the lacey undergarment fast enough. you toss it somewhere in the room, too intoxicated by satoru's presence to care where it lands or if you'll still be able to find it later.
"there she is." he moans, gazing at your cunt. "missed my girl so much. look at how wet she is, bet she missed me too, huh?" his eyes flash to your face for a second, before returning to your pussy.
"missed you so much." you replied, touching yourself without needing instructions from satoru.
you started with your clit, drawing gentle circles on it with your index finger, then slowly pushing your middle and ring finger inside you.
you and satoru moaned each other's names at the same time for the first time in what feels like forever.
your digits moved fast inside you, pushing in and out of your gummy walls at such a pace where you could hear the wetness and feel little splatters of the sticky liquid coating your thighs.
"fuck, you're so wet." satoru hisses, and you don't hesitate to tell him the truth. "it's all for you 'toru," you whine, throwing your head back with your back arched. you imagine that it's his fingers inside of you instead of yours despite the way he can stretch you out in a way that your fingers never could.
"satoru," he was addicted with the way you said his name; like it's the sweetest prayer that could cleanse you of all your sins.
the coil in your belly winds and winds, continues to get tighter with every stroke of your finger. it clouds your brain, letting you forget about every single thought you could ever have, like how there's a party right outside the door and shoko, armed with the key, can walk in at any moment. the only thing on your mind is the way that satoru sounds as he fucks his fist, pretending that it was you, and the way your fingers feel as they pleasure you.
it's so overwhelming, the way you feel. you can't even hold yourself up anymore, having to scoot up the bed so you can lay against the headrest while one of your hands stroke your clit and the other thrusts in and out of you.
you're shaking now, as you address satoru once more. "'toru, 'm close. s' fuckin' close. can i come? please. fuck! ah-need it so, so bad." you're almost at the brink of tears as you plead at him.
"go ahead sweetheart, i'm right behind you."
thankfully for you, the sound of an electric guitar solo drowns out the sound of you screaming satoru's name, and you make no noise other than pants as you struggle to catch your breath.
satoru recovers a few seconds before you do.
"fuck," he runs a hand through his sweat slicked hair. "we need to do that again."
"no," you disagree with him, but too tired to glare. "i don't wanna go three months without you again."
"this was so hot though, baby. i'd pay good money to hear you beg like that again."
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i get: reblog
you get: a personalized gojo selfie
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sloancameronspits · 4 months
Cold Sloan Creamery
A charming cutie steals your attention at your boring coffee-shop job. Turns out they've got a food service gig as well - a much sweeter one. Modern AU.
Another experiment I did with first-person stuff. Sex is alluded to but not present. Word count: 2253. Enjoy!
Five A.M. Entirely too early to be doing anything, let alone having to drag myself into work for another day; yet here I was, miserably reading the back of a shampoo bottle in the shower. Mornings like this, I would idly wonder if it was worth quitting my job. Technically, I could probably survive college without it if I took out more loans. There were benefits to working at a coffee shop as well. I just had to push through it.
I turned off the water and grabbed a towel. Working on campus was pleasant at least, even on the weekends it felt like I was part of a community. I had a few regulars I knew and enjoyed talking to. I was hyping myself up as I dried myself off, hoping to make the day a little less miserable. It worked slightly, as I was at least able to muster up the energy to get ready and make it there.
The lights were already on, and I mumbled “good morning”s to my coworkers as I kept preparing myself mentally for the day ahead. I made myself a small coffee - one of the perks of the job was a free drink per shift, and I needed it now - and drank it entirely too quickly for something that hot. With that, I was finally ready to start the drudgery of commerce. It was Saturday, so there was no rush of people coming to class, but there were still a few customers. Just get into the groove, it’ll be fine. I thought to myself.
I was able to dissociate and lose myself in filling orders and making drinks, and by the time I looked at the clock again I had made it to eleven. Not too bad so far, just a few hours to go. The next customer came up, looking a bit frazzled, and I couldn’t help but notice how cute they were. Cute brown hair, an eyebrow piercing, a dazzling smile - they had it all. And they would have their caramel latte with extra whipped cream they ordered in that beautiful high-energy voice.
They took their drink and sat themselves on one of our tables, pulling out a laptop festooned with stickers. A few pride stickers, including a nonbinary flag in a cute heart, as well as a litany of representations of historic places. A column from the Parthenon, a pyramid from Giza… this was clearly someone who was well versed in the wonders of the world. Exploring sounded nice right about now, trapped in work. At least it was lunchtime. Maybe I should talk to them? No, that was weird. I took another small coffee - one small coffee plus another still added up to one free drink, right? - and sat down at a table near enough to the mysterious cutie without being so close that I’d be anxious. It didn’t work. I was still anxious, hearing them tap-tap-tap away at their keyboard. I hadn’t had an infatuation this powerful or instant in a long time, and it had me sweating.
“Howdy!” They’d directed their attention to me. I was careful not to get my hopes up, but there was an outside shot that this was my chance. “That latte was really good. You seemed kinda down so I figured I’d uh, swing by?” They had taken their laptop over to my table, and were smiling that adorable chipped smile at me again. 
“Oh, thank you.” I said. Don’t fumble now, I thought to myself. “I was just thinking about an assignment I have due next week.”
They nodded. “Ugh, I feel that. I was actually working on a paper about the classical structures of Rome, which I love, but the writing still gets to me.”
“That sounds unique. What degree is that for?”
Their eyes lit up and they started to ramble a bit. “Archaeology! It’s been one of my favorite topics… well, my whole life! It’s been so fun to study. Still not into the writing though.” They sighed. “I wish I could get out of the classroom and out into the field, but digsites won’t take you without the degree. Lame.”
“Where are you hoping to get to work at once you get the degree?”
They paused for a moment in thought, then continued with their mile-a-minute responses. “I mean my favorite place in the whole world is Cairo, and I’d love to get to find an undiscovered part of the Pyramids, but I worry that staying in one place will mean I miss out on all the other places I could explore! I guess my answer is that I want to travel a lot? It would certainly be better than now, where the farthest I travel is from my dorm to the gym.”
Their figure did look as if they were into working out - not too much, but they certainly looked like an arm wrestling contest with them would not be particularly close. Hot. Averting my eyes, I checked my watch. Three minutes left on my lunch break. “Well, I’ve gotta get back to work. It was really nice talking to you…” I realized I hadn’t got their name.
They realized too. “I’m Sloan! Nice to meet you too! Hopefully I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah! Best of luck on your paper. When in Rome and all that.”
They stuck their tongue out playfully as they packed up their laptop, and left with a wave. I spent the rest of my shift hoping I’d see them again soon. That said, I think I was the only one who was going to drink two coffees in one day, so I guess it’d have to wait…
Two P.M. I was finally free from my job for the day. Most of the time, I only worked weekends, so in a way I was already halfway through the week. Despite this, I was still willing to spend a bit to get myself a little treat. A new ice cream shop had opened near campus, and it did sound relaxing to get a cone and relax in the courtyard in the summer sun. 
A small bell rang on the door as I entered, and I heard a surprisingly familiar voice greet me. “Welcome to Lindholm’s Ice Cream, where sweet treats are always…” They trailed off. “It’s you! Hello!” Sloan was there, on the job, dressed in a cute but admittedly somewhat tacky red and white striped outfit adorned with a hat and bowtie.
“You work here? I promise this is a coincidence.” I said sheepishly.
“Aw shucks, I mean you’re allowed to come visit just for me.” They said with a grin. “What can I get ya?”
“Oh, um…” My order was suddenly gone from my mind, lost in their eyes. “Whatever you recommend? Dealer’s choice.”
“Not something I hear often, but I can dig that.” They said, getting a scoop out and taking a hunk of pink dessert. “This one’s a simple combination I like. Strawberry and vanilla.”
“That sounds good. Thanks!” As they took the second scoop and placed it into a cone, I took the treat. “Is it alright if I hang out here? I’m not sure how busy you guys get.”
“Of course you can! As for business…” They put their hands on their cheeks in exaggerated disappointment. “You’re the first customer we’ve had today. I don’t know if the owner doesn’t do any advertising or what, but it gets pretty boring.” They perked back up a bit. “I still get paid the same either way, so I guess it doesn’t matter.”
“So how long have you worked here?” I asked, taking a spoonful of ice cream. The strawberry flavor was really refreshing after today.
“Like a month. It’s honestly not that bad. Nobody comes in, so I’m not bothered. Plus, they let me mess around with my own uniform for, uh, gender reasons. Let me wear this snazzy bowtie.” They stepped out from behind the counter with their own ice cream and sat down across from me.
“This is good! My compliments to the scooper.”
“‘Course! My taste is always good.”
The next few weeks, stopping by the ice cream shop on days when Sloan was working became something of a ritual. It was always nice to give them some company, chat about what was going on in our respective classes, and just… soak in their energy. Their bright smile, their cheery laugh, even down to their regularly changing nail polish, they just exuded positivity and light. Soon, they started coming to get more coffee more regularly, and we spent my breaks there talking as well. It turned my feelings on work around to know I’d get to see Sloan around midway through the day.
It was about a month before during one of our conversations over ice cream that I noticed Sloan was acting kind of strangely. Their eyes wouldn’t quite meet mine, their hands trembled a bit as they served out our desserts, and they nervously tapped their fingers on their side. They sat down across from me, eyes staring straight at their ice cream. There was no one else in the store, as usual - I’d seen maybe two other customers in the last month. 
“You okay, Sloan?”
“Yeah. Yeah!” Their downward gaze still didn’t change. They muttered under their breath. “¡Demonios!”
“If something’s bothering you, I’m happy to listen. Professor being a jerk again? Argument with someone?”
“No, no. Nothing like that.” They breathed in deeply. “Could you come with me to the back for a second?”
“I know I come in here a lot, but I don’t actually work here.” I said with a laugh.
“It’s fine, nobody else will come in anyway.” They grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to the storeroom in the back.
“Did you need me to like, do inventory?” I said, befuddled.
“Will you go out with me?” They said, finally meeting my gaze. “I know this is sudden, but I just can’t stop thinking about you.”
I stood stunned for a moment, overwhelmed by what had just happened.
“This was a bad idea. I knew it. I’m sorry. I don’t want to cause trouble-”
“Of course, Sloan!” I interrupted. “I’d love to, I just - I’ve thought about this for so long, ever since we first met. I was just afraid to ask too.”
Sloan smiled, a big grin showing off their chipped tooth, and pulled me into a hug. “Thank you. Thank you so much!” They mumbled into my shoulder. It was so comforting, their frame wrapped around me, the warmth of their body making the momentary anxiety fade away, their eyebrow piercing shining in the light, their goofy paper hat sliding off as they leaned into me.
“Do we need to go back out front? I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
“Nobody’s going to show up, and I want to go further. I need you.” They cupped my face in their hands.
“Okay. Take the lead then.”
Sloan took a moment to summon their usual optimism and courage, freeing themselves from their earlier fear; then, they pulled my face in for a kiss. Their lips gave in to mine with ease, and I melted into their embrace. I could taste a hint of sweetness on them. They reached an arm around me and gently lifted me, letting me fall deeper in. This was bliss. My tongue met theirs and my mind started to go blank. The rest of the world seemed to fade out; I was focused on them exclusively.
After an amount of time - I couldn’t tell how much - we pulled apart a bit, still in an embrace but not quite as close. “Still doing good?” Sloan panted out.
“So good.” I said. “If you want to go farther I’m willing.”
Sloan thought for a second, then shook their head. “Not here. That’ll have to wait for after my shift. I don’t want to get THAT much in trouble with my boss.”
I laughed, managing to get to my feet. They did as well, and I helped them smooth out their uniform to try to hide the evidence of our little escapade. Their hair was well mussed from my hands grasping through it, so I attempted to fix it. With a few brushes of my hand in a more orderly fashion, it almost worked. 
Sloan took out their phone to look at themselves. They laughed too. “Sloan Cameron, back in action, baby!” They mimed finger guns at me.
Clutching my heart in faux pain, I blew them a kiss and headed back out to the front. Just as they predicted, the ice cream shop was barren. “Looks like your job’s safe, Sloan.”
“Of course! You didn’t doubt me, did you?” They said. 
As the flood of emotions faded from me, I suddenly started to notice one thing that I can’t believe I hadn’t up until now. I was freezing. “How cold is it back there?” I said, starting to shiver.
“It’s an ice cream freezer! I’m just used to it.” They said with a smirk. “I’ve got an idea, though…” They threw their jacket at me. “Just bring it back to me later! I just keep it here just in case, I’m not using it much anyway. It’s hot out.” Grabbing a scrap of paper, they quickly scrawled in messy handwriting a note and handed it to me. It was their dorm room, their phone number, and a heart. “See you soon!”
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 4 months
You brought the light I needed in my life
Part 1
Samantha Carpenter x GN Reader.
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New York City has always been a bustling hotspot for restaurants, opportunities, and some “night activities.”
And yet Samantha Carpenter can’t shake this emptiness she feels everyday in her life.
(Sam’s Pov) It was a busy friday evening and I had just gotten off my shift at the diner. The Manager let me go home early with my regular pay as a reward for working hard.
Truth is. There’s a reason why I don’t take days off and constantly work.
I wrapped up my leftovers in a bag for dinner later and walk back to the apartment since the gym was closed today ‘that’s where I usually spend my time’.
New York being the big city it is, I had to bump through crowds, junkies and greeted some couples. When I got to my complex, some people were already shooting looks at me, one threw a paper ball at me.
‘Looks like our neighbors know I’m the daughter of a small town serial killer.’
After getting past the death glares, I enter my apartment and put my leftovers in the fridge. Then I pour a cup of whiskey, sitting down to collect my thoughts, not bothering to turn on the tv.
I hear the door open a half hour later “Sam! Im home” hearing that voice always brings a little smile to my face.
Tara sets her shopping bags down and sits on the couch next to me, turning on the tv. I felt a bit of joy knowing I’m giving Tara what she always wanted. A degree, a boyfriend, and freedom to live her life provided she be careful of the dangers.
I took a sip of my drink “So how was your date with Chad?”
Tara jumped in excitement “Amazing! We went to a nice restaurant that had an open mic. You should have seen Chad try to sing “All of me” he did it a little off key but reassured that it was a “song picked just for me.” Tomorrow we’re going to an arcade that just opened. Want to join us?”
I felt an ache in my chest and it wasn’t the whiskey “Thank you Tara….but I don’t want to impose. Especially since I’m letting you live your life freely.”
Damn. I didn’t do much to hid my emotions and Tara was quick to notice.
“Is everything ok?” She asked putting a hand on my shoulder. Normally, I hate being asked that but this is my sister ‘sigh’ “I guess….I guess I’m just lonely to tell you the truth.”
Tara was confused “Lonely? Aw don’t be silly, you have me and the twins.”
I sipped my drink once again “I mean you know….lonely.” Tara playfully slapped her forehead. “Ohhh I see. I mean, I can try to help you find a date.”
I smiled a bit. “That would be nice, I just hope I find one. It’s not that easy when you’re the daughter of the first Ghostface.” Tara nodded “If that worries you, I can take a break from Chad and spend some time with you.”
“But Tara, you love him.” My sister nodded “I do. But you’re my sister and I love you more. All you have to do is say the word.”
I sniffled heavily before wrapping my arms around Tara “Oof. How can a (Guy/Girl) not love a woman with big muscles?” I laughed a bit.
(1 month later)
(Tara’s pov) True to my word, I spent more time with Sam. Even though she assured me that it was ok with me bringing Chad to the apartment or going on dates with him.
Since Chad is still asleep from finishing that assignment, I’m eating breakfast with Mindy and Anika. They were surprised that I chose to eat at the place Sam works at.
“I think I know what i want.” I said as Mindy looked up from her menu “T. Did you choose this place because it’s that good?”
“Or did you want a free meal from your sister?” Anika finished, laughing.
I rolled my eyes “No….I’m going to pay for-“ I felt my pockets “Shit! I forgot my wallet!” Mindy shook her head “Didn’t you forget it the last time you went with my brother to that restaurant.”
I blushed from embarrassment “Y-yes but I gave him the money back when I got paid.”
Anika nodded “What you really need is one of those wallet chains so you never have to lose it again. Plus it would look hot on you.”
Mindy playfully smacked Anika’s arm as Sam came by to take our orders “Now, now. Don’t kill each other until AFTER you eat.” As we took our orders, I picked mine which was a bit pricey ‘Sorry Sam.’
“Umm big sis. You think you can spot me for this one?”
Sam rolled her eyes “Again? How many times do I have to tell you to stop forgetting your money?” I smiled playfully “Pleaseeee. I won’t forget next time and I will pay you back, I promise.”
(Sams pov) I shook my head, not wanting my sister to throw a tantrum or steal somebody else’s food “Fine. I’ll hold you to that.” I gathered up the menus and took the orders to the kitchen. After that, I decided to wipe down the counter since it was a slow morning.
I was finishing the display case until a new customer walked in. “Welcome to Crown Shy. Would you like
I looked up from the case and was at a loss for words when I set my eyes on the person that walked in.
(Sorry I had to. Lol)
Their (gothic/eccentric) attire was stunning enough to make a lot of heads turn. I shook my head, hiding my blush “ ‘Ahem’ Welcome to Crown Shy. Would you like a booth or a table?”
(He/She) requested a booth saying they have a friend meeting them here for a class assignment. My shoulders tensed as I dropped the menu on the floor, running to get new one “Sorry about that”
I took a quiet breath and awaited their order.
(Tara’s pov) Another waitress brought our food and we were in the middle of a feast until I spotted Sam making eyes at the new customer that just walked in. I tapped Mindy on the shoulder “Ooh! Direct hit Cupid.” Mindy whispered.
“I’ll say. I think this is the first time I’ve seen my sister as a drooling lovesick puppy.” I nearly laughed when she dropped the menu and went to snatch a new one off another table “Smooth move Casanova” Anika whispered.
After Sam took her potential lovers order and brought their food out, she stepped outside telling her boss she was taking her fifteen. “Looks like someone needs a little push Tar” Mindy said.
I nodded as I went outside to find Sam with a hand on her chest, trying to control her rapid breathing.
“Someone’s got a crushhhh. Someone’s got a crushhh” I said in a singing voice, handing Sam a water bottle from my bag.
Sam wasn’t amused and showed her blush “Look. Try to talk to them Sammy. This is your chance to finally get a (Boyfriend/Girlfriend)”
She took a sip from her water bottle “B-but what if they don’t like me? What if they find out who I really am and never talk to me again?” I gently squeezed her shoulder
“Sam, you won’t know if you don’t try. I’ll be right there to comfort you if anything happens. Just introduce yourself and ask if you can sit with them until their friend shows up, make some small talk my hot sis.”
(Sam’s pov) I shook my head, smiling “I’m not really that hot but I’ll still make small talk with them.” We both head back inside the diner, seeing that the new customer is already eating their food.
I check my watch “Ok still on my break, time to make my move” I whispered.
I walk over to their table “Hi. Um, do you mind if I sit with you? I’m currently on break and my coworkers are having a football debate back there.
The customer looked up and smiled “Sure. I could use the company, seeing my friend is running a bit late.”
I hid the excitement in my stomach and sat down. “I’m Y/N by the way Y/N L/N.” They said extending their hand “Samantha….Carpenter. It’s nice to meet you.”
“I’ll say. It’s not often I see a pretty girl wanting to have lunch with me.”
I was flattered “So you think I’m pretty?” Now it was their turn to blush “Um s-sure? I mean I would really like to get to know you more.”
I felt my phone vibrate. I open it to see laughing emojis from Tara saying we are “Both hopeless with the small talk.” I shot a look at her, shaking my head.
I took a breath and engaged in a conversation like our favorite hobbies, movies, latest tv shows. I was amazed by how much we have in common unlike Ritchie who never liked almost all my hobbies. Sometimes I question why I got with him in the first place.
Anyways we talked a bit more along with me complementing their outfit, saying it “Makes them stand out and look more attractive.” I didn’t realize how long we were talking until I realized I was five minutes over my break.
I quickly jumped from the booth and back to my station in a flash but not before leaving my number on the receipt if they want to talk more.
(One shift later)
(Sam’s pov) This day was very slow and tiring. I was anxiously waiting for the time to fly by and luckily it did. But earlier, Tara didn’t help by eating loud and throwing trash on the floor. I swear my sister has the manners of a child. I rest my case when she let out a loud belch which ‘sigh’ everyone heard!
“Sorry! Excuse me!”
I cleaned the rest of the floors and whatever trash was on the tables as the last 30 mins approached. When it was time, I clocked out and said bye to my coworkers and boss.
Heading outside, I put my apron away and check my phone for any new messages. I got one from Tara who once again teased me that I was in a rush to see my new “lover.” I rolled my eyes and left that on read.
The next message was from….Oh Y/N and they asked if I wanted to watch a movie together. I responded back to it being a plan. We’ll watch a movie at my place and I’ll make the best dinner.
(Tara’s pov) I sat on the couch waiting to go to the arcade. Chad really needs to stop staying up late and sleeping in late. It’s getting pretty hectic but I still end up dealing with it.
I check my phone “Hm, still got an hour left” I turn on the tv and snack on a few corn chips.
I got halfway through an episode of South Park until Sam came by with a hand vac, “Tara! I just cleaned here. Must you always be so messy.”
I scoffed “Looks like someone’s eager to keep the place clean for their new (Boyfriend/Girlfriend)”
Sam snatched the chips away from me “They’re not my lover. I just want spend time with a new friend, and that is making sure this place looks presentable.”
I nodded “Sure and I’ll be a millionaire one day. Look I get it. You want to make a first impression and that’s ok. No more lone wolf tonight Sam, it’s time for a new chapter, go get (him/her) tiger!”
(Sam’s pov) After cleaning Tara’s mess for the second time, I take a long needed shower and put on something simple. An hour later, the doorbell rings. “Y/N! Nice to see you again. It’s me uh Sam….from the diner” We both shared a hug before they went to the living room to pick out the movie.
Tara left for the arcade but not before ripping into me again “I swear you have no game sis. How did you even end up with Ritchie?” She whispered, laughing as she closed the door.
Damn it Tara! Why do you have to be such a gremlin? Though she’s not wrong, I really need to work on my pull game.
‘Just be yourself Sam, just be yourself.’
As I got the cooking utensils ready, I called from the kitchen island “So baby. Did you choose a good movie for us to watch?” I slapped my mouth
‘Of course! Leave it to Sam Carpenter to find a way to fuck a simple question up!’
Y/N smiled, laughing a bit “Hmm not yet. Maybe you should pick, baby.” They said, winking.
‘This is gonna be a long night…..good, I hope it never ends’
After Y/N selected the movie to watch, (he/she) joined me in the kitchen to help prepare the food.”
“Ok let’s make some of my famous pasta. Normally we charge $19.99 for this at the cafe.” Y/N was shocked “$20 for pasta?!” I nodded “It’s a family recipe, my um….father knew the right spices to use.”
Then we set the noodles and water to a boil. As it was cooking along with the sauce, we took the opportunity to take some silly pics together then post them. When the food was done, we set the plates and ate on the coffee table (Sam made sure it was clean after her sister put her bare feet on it recently. She really let Tara have it afterwards)
“I hope this isn’t a gory movie. I don’t want to lose my dinner.” Y/N shook their head “No this is more of an action movie. It’s called John wick.” I smiled “I don’t think I ever heard of that movie.”
A few hours into the movie, I was blown away by how ruthless this man was all over a car and…well I guess it makes sense with the dog.
(Y/N’s POV) After the movie was over and we cleaned up, I got my jacket and was about to head out seeing it was late. I said my byes but right as I was about to leave, I felt a hand on my arm “Stay with me….please?”
I smiled ‘How can I say no to that face?’ “Alright but um….I don’t have any sleepwear. I might have to sleep in my underwear if you don’t mind?”
I saw sweat pouring down from Sam’s forehead “N-No…I don’t mind at all.” I gave her a kiss on the forehead ‘probably shouldn’t have done that’ but she shrugged it off and led me to her room.
As Sam was in the bathroom, changing into her night clothes, I stripped down to my underwear. I put my clothes next to the bed on the floor. Few minutes later, Sam came back wearing said night clothes but she stood like a deer in headlights.
I was confused for a minute but then realized “Ah, you like what you see here? I said, showing off my body a bit.
Sam swallowed “Mmhm” was all she said before pulling me into bed with her.
Sam had a tv in her room so we watched a show just to fall asleep to but mostly talked a lot rather than watch the show or even drifting off to sleep.
I decide to try my luck “Snuggle me?” Sam was hesitant “Y-you want me to snuggle you?” That got me nervous, hoping I didn’t push things too quick besides the kiss of course. “Yes…but I understand if you don’t want to. I’m not here to make you uncomfortable.”
I felt some relief when she giggled “Come here.” She said extended her arms which I fell into perfectly. I felt butterflies in my stomach as she nestled next to me. “Sorry I was a little confused at first because no one I dated asked me to be the big spoon.”
I faced her a bit “Hm? Who wouldn’t want a woman with big biceps wrapped around them so safe?” Sam smiled “Probably because, they were jealous that I was more fit and muscular than them.”
I shook my head “I guess they forgot the definition of “Exercise” and “Workout” I said. “I do workouts myself but I been meaning to find a partner to go to the gym with.”
Sam rubbed my arms sounding a bit tired “I’d be happy to fill that role and go to the gym with you.”
I felt myself blush ‘Part of me really wants to kiss Sam for real this time but I don’t know if she wants a relationship now…or one with me. That might not be true, maybe just maybe I might have a chance at love again….I hope.’
I stayed awake for a bit hoping to ask Sam if she’s interested but I didn’t realize that sleep has taken her until I heard a snore from said girl. “Maybe tomorrow….yeah tomorrow’s ‘yawn’ a good day to tell her.” I felt my eyes get heavy, then fell asleep into Sam’s arms, holding me in place.
(Later on into the night when the pair were fully asleep, Tara came home and went to check on her sister. She had to stop herself from squealing at the sight that had emitted her eyes.
“This is definitely going on my page.” Tara said as she snapped a quick photo then left, closing the door.
“Goodnight Sam….Goodnight Y/N. I think you just brought the light my sister needed in her dull life.”
To be continued
Btw there’s the idea of the reader but the choice is still yours if these pictures don’t cut it
You got the gothic(eh maybe) or the elegant reader lol.
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emilysslvt · 11 months
Halloween was always your favorite, and even though you were a college student studying to be an FBI agent, you always loved to party. Until your professor, Emily Prentiss, saw you extremely intoxicated.
happy halloween everyone, have a good day :) i'll enjoy it being high. веселиться 🥂
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warnings: swearing, smut, drinking, smoking
Halloweekend was your favorite time of the year, to dressing up slutty, going to frat parties, and drinking like you're 16 all over again. Since you started criminology, you never really did stuff like that anymore. But your best friend begged and begged until you finally gave in.
She sat on your bed, waiting for you to show her your outfit. You didn't want to go too revealing, so you wore a skirt and a cropped shirt. You went as Freddy Krueger.
You told her to open her eyes, and she clapped. "Oh, yes! Finally, something other than your boring regular clothes. We are going to have the best night tonight!" She exclaimed.
You rolled your eyes at the comment, "thank you, Max. Just what I needed tonight. My professor has assigned a lot of work, and I need to relax." Picking up your purse, you held your hand out for Max and she gratefully took it.
"Professor Prentiss again? She never gives you a break! Always on your ass and no one else's." Max huffed, as you both left your dorms and made your way across campus.
You laughed slightly, "I know. Today she yelled at me because I was on my phone, but some kid was on his too and she didn't say anything to him. It was a text from my mom, I am usually never on it."
Max shrugged, "maybe she has a crush on you." You slapped her arm, and she laughed.
"Yeah, right. She's too professional for that. But I wouldn't be opposed to it, she's so fucking fine." You admitted. You always had a small crush on her, no matter how intimidating she was. In fact, that made her so much hotter.
You and Max continued your conversation until you got to the frat party. You easily got in, as you both knew who was in the frat. Plus, they loved young hot women.
As soon as you got in there, you were handed shots. Max hit her shot glass against yours, and you both downed them. It was like that for the next 3 hours. You had lost count on how many shots you had, and how many times you lost Max. She always did that at parties, you should've known by now.
It was almost 2am, and you had classes in the morning. Once you came to the realization, you made your way out of the house. Not without stumbling, and almost dropping all of your shit. You hated walking alone, but you knew Max was definitely with some guy. You were on your own for the night.
Half way to your dorm, you needed to sit down. You were tired, and about to pass out. You sat on the grass, grabbing a cigarette from your bag. You lit it, and sat there smoking. Yes, the grass was dirty and gross but you didn't care at the time.
"Y/n? Is that you?"
You heard your name, and you opened your eyes. You looked up at the mysterious woman standing in your view, and your mouth slightly dropped.
You put your sober face on, which wasn't convincing at all. "Oh shit. Professor Prentiss!"
"Y/n, what the hell are you doing outside at 2am smoking a fucking cigarette?" She asked, bending over to get a better view of you.
"Oh, well.. you know. Regular Saturday night." Your words slurred, barely making any sense.
Your professor looked frustrated, and she sighed. "Come on. Get up." She held her hand out for you, and you took it. As she pulled you up, you stumbled and dropped your cigarette.
You were sad, looking down at it. "Aw man. I can't believe I dropped it." As you went to pick it up, you almost fell right along with your cigarette. Your professor immediately grabbed your waist, holding you in place.
She sighed, holding you up. "How much did you fucking drink? Where is your dorm? And why are you walking by yourself? That's dangerous, and you out of all these students should know that." Your professor said, wrapping your arm around her shoulder.
"Hahaha I don't really know where my dorm is. And my friend is definitely being fucked by a frat guy right now." You said, giggling to yourself. You barely made any sense, but to yourself it made sense. Well, barely.
"How do you not kn- you know what? You'll stay at my house until you're sober." Your professors tone was off, she sounded pissed. But at the same time, you were too drunk to notice. Or care.
The rest of the night was a blur, you fell asleep on your professors bed but you couldn't remember that. You woke up the next morning, cursing at yourself from how bad your hangover was.
Once your eyes were able to open, you realized you weren't in your dorm. You started to panick, thinking the worst. Up until your professor walked in with a cup in her hand.
She made her way towards you, placing the cup in front of you. "Thought you might need this." You smiled, taking it from her and immediately drinking it. The warm feeling hitting your lips made you feel like a winter day when you had a snow day.
Your professor sat next to you, watching you closely. "Do you remember anything from last night?" You placed the cup on the nightstand next to her bed, as you tried to recollect your thoughts.
You shrugged, deciding to be honest. "I remember before the party. Half hour at the party. That's about it. I think I blacked out immediately. Max told me I needed to blow off some steam, and so I kept taking shot after shot."
She sighed, running her tongue along her lip as she pulled her lip between her teeth. Your eyes watched her tongue, as you always thought that was extremely hot.
"I found you outside around 2am, you were in the grass smoking a cigarette. You couldn't remember where your dorm was. I hope you know that was extremely dangerous, and there are other ways to blow off steam rather than drinking yourself to death." She went on. You knew she was right, and hearing what you did was a tad embarrassing. Now she knew you smoked, and that you were an idiot for forgetting your dorm room.
"And how do you blow off steam, professor?" You asked, tilting your head. She smirked, shaking her head. She avoided the question, and she stood up.
Your professor stood rather close to you, and you watched her eyes quickly dart from your chest back up to your eyes. "You have class in 45 minutes, would you like to go back to your dorm to get ready?"
"I asked you a question, professor. How do you blow off steam?" You were curious as to why she avoided the question. Plus, you didn't want to leave. The way she made you feel like a teenage girl every time her eye lingered your body, or the way she talked in a low tone.
She took a moment to think. Her lips parted, but no words came out. You watched the smirk form on her lips, "would you like me to show you?" You bit your lip nervously, watching as she leaned over you. You felt her breath on your neck, making you lean your head back a bit.
She grew impatient, waiting for your response. "You need to learn your lesson from last night, don't you think?" She whispered in your ear, as she bit the tip of your ear, sending chills down your spine.
You never wanted something so bad. Scratch that. Needed. "Yes, professor."
Her smirk grew, pushing you against her bed. You propped yourself up by your elbows, as she straddled your lap. "Perhaps you need to be punished?"
"I didn't do anything that bad to be punished, professor." You stated. You knew you did, but arguing with an older woman was always fun. And hot.
She leaned down, pressing her lips to your neck as her hand dragged down your body. "No? So getting drunk to forget your problems wasn't bad, hm?" Her lips grazed your neck, as she got closer to your lips. "Or walking by yourself at 2am? Becoming a profiler, you should know better than that." The gap between your lips was killing you. She was so close, but so far.
Her hand slipped under your cropped shirt, her finger grazed the bottom of your bra making you crave her touch even more. "Please touch me.."
With her free hand, she drew the outline of your jaw with her finger. "Do you think you deserve it?"
At this point? Yes. It was torture. The way she slightly touched you, turning you on by barely even touching you. "No.. but I need you." Your words came out in a whisper, but she was happy with the answer.
Your professor ran her hand along your neck, pushing your head to the side. "Tell me how bad you need me."
You were impatient, you needed her now. "Please touch me, professor. I need you. I crave your touch." You sounded pathetic, but professor Prentiss seemed to like it.
"Good girl." Her hand kept a grip on your neck as she slammed her lips against yours, her knee pushed your legs apart as she pressed it against where you needed her most. The kiss was filled with desperation and lust, the way she bit your bottom lip, how it felt so wrong but yet so right.
Her knee pushing against you made you softly moan against her lips, and you felt her smirk. You loved it when she did that. As she pulled away, she bit your bottom lip. You whined at the loss of contact, but her lips soon found your neck. Your hands found her hair as she sucked on your soft skin, leaving a hickey.
Her hand wandered down your stomach, until it found your the hem of your skirt. She slid her hand into your skirt, and she circled your clothed clit, as she lifted her head to whisper in your ear. "Can I touch you?"
"Yes. Please, touch me. Please."
"Needy, are we?" Her tone was low, filled with lust and dominance. You were so turned on, you needed her so fucking bad. You were pulled out of your thoughts when you felt her fingertips cirling your clit. Her pace was slow, painfully slow. You were so desperate and needy even though her lips were on your neck, and her fingers were on your clit.
Emily lifted her head, "take your shirt off." As she was still keeping her slow pace, you slightly lifted yourself up, pulling your shirt off. Her eyes immediately found your breasts, and with her free hand she unclipped it, letting it fall to the side of her bed.
Her pace sped up as she slightly leaned over, circling your nipple with her tongue before pulling it between her teeth. Soft moans left your mouth as she sucked on your nipple, and her fingers were working your clit. You never felt so good before, and it felt even better just by being fucked by your professor.
Your head fell fell backwards into the pillows as she slid one of her fingers inside of you, making you moan her name softly. Emily bit your nipple before she moved onto your next one, while she slid another finger inside of you. Her hand hit your clit, making you moan louder. Emily loved the sound that left your mouth, and she pushed her fingers deeper into you, hitting your g-spot.
You felt your orgasm approaching, feeling the familiar knot form in your stomach. "Oh, fuck.. I'm going to cum." The words came out in a stutter, as you had barely any thoughts. There was no response from the older women, she just fucked you deeper and faster. Moans and curse words left your mouth, you were so fucking close. Your back arched as you were on the edge of your orgasm, her hand brushing against your clit, her mouth sucking on your nipples, and her fingers so deep inside of you. You were about to cum, but Emily immediately stopped. She removed her fingers from inside of you, and she stopped sucking on your breasts as she looked up at you.
Your professor had her fingers in her mouth. She looked so fucking hot, but you were pissed. You needed that orgasm, and she just stopped.
She sucked her fingers clean, waiting for you to catch your breath. "That should teach you to behave, hm? Maybe next time I'll let you cum. As for now, we have class in ten." Her lips formed a smirk, as she leaned down, placing a kiss on your lips. You were mad at her, but her lips were so fucking soft.
As she pulled back, she bit your lip. "There's no time to go back to your dorm, so take a quick shower and meet me in class. Wear my clothes, because if you show up to class like that I'll have to punish you again."
You nodded, and she smiled. She placed a soft kiss on your forehead, and she got up. "After class, I'll be able to take care of you properly. I'll make it up to you, okay?" Her tone was soft, and it made you want her even more.
It was safe to say that wasn't a one time thing. Both of you enjoyed that too much. Maybe it was because it was wrong, but even then it felt right.
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harmonysanreads · 1 year
[Side-eyes the Yan!Neuvillette posts] I'm already down bad for most of the people you've written for - Vampire!Alhaitham, Yandere!Kaveh, and The Sumeru Hexagon, etc. If you end up writing Yandere!Neuvillette, I think I'm going to go absolutely feral (with excitement), because he's caught my eye too.
That being said, we are speculating on crumbs, so how about a fun pre-Fontaine release imagine, with a Yan!Neuvillette and a lawyer!Darling?
With Neuvillette in the highest echelons of the Fontaine justice system, trying cases in front of him never seemed to go any easier.
Even as a budding lawyer, you never thought the petty cases you handled would ever be seen by him. But yet, here you were once again. For the fifth time this month. You let out a small young. Adjusting your suit and blouse, you force your eyes to read over the case brief in front of you for what seemed like the thousandth time.
You don't know what it was about Neuvillette. Perhaps it was his position, or perhaps it was the fact that he managed to be your judge overseeing all the cases you've ever presented on so far. But you ended up tongue tied in front of him, though you've tried to keep it to a minimum.
The last time you were in front of him though, you messed up on some of Fontaine's legal procdures and evidence rules, and he took it upon himself to personally drill you and oversee your studies instead of sanctioning you.
You were thankful for that. As a budding lawyer, getting a sanction this early on in your career was a death sentence. You knew nobody would ever want to work with you if you got sanctioned.
The trade-off, however, was that his personal brand of tutoring left you alone under his watchful eyes in the large library of Fontaine, surrounded by encyclopedias and legal codices after you were done with your case work. You couldn't leave his side until you finished all the work he assigned you, which, at the rate you were going, was likely going to take a long while. Staying up for nights and days in the library doing his work took a toll on you.
You did debate on arguing against him for your freedom, a couple of weeks after this arrangement, but decided against it. The threat of a sanction above your head loomed large. Plus, as the highest judge in the land, he could easily out argue you, a greenhorn.
Your focus started to blur, and your head fell forward and into your padfolio, tired from trying to finish the mountain of work Neuvillette assigned you this week. Your hands clung tightly to the case notes you were feverishly studying.
Even in your dreams, you hoped and prayed that Neuvillette wasn't nearby. He would likely give you even more work if he saw the state you were in.
For once, maybe in the land of dreams, you could get away from him.
Awww Alhaitham turned out to be my most-written for genshin character (at present) and seeing as how things are going with Neuvillette, I fear for my sleep schedule 😂 Fontaine characters have so much yandere potential so unless I get absolutely burnt out from studies I hope to give them the same love :> That being said, I'll try to envision Neuvillette's pov here! [note : written before fontaine release so all imagination.]
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Neuvillette has pondered about the nature of corruption for a while.
It's not that abnormal a musing given his position, though it is unusual that he's felt a certain discomfort at the clearing of his thoughts — the judge's exposure to such philosophies are as regular as sunlight, so expanding on his understanding should only serve to benefit him. And yet, he finds himself more unsettled than not at the prospect. He wouldn't be, if he still had confidence in his restraint ; that being the graver issue, if the Chief Justice of Fontaine himself would fall prey to temptation, what would become of the rest of the court?
Neuvillette is far from ignorant, he's known that both the general criminal and the one responsible for bringing them justice are susceptible to the same vice and only through restraint can they be differentiated. He's remained pure from its claws following this simple principle ; no amount of mora, land, promise of power, indulgence has succeeded in altering a verdict thus far.
Neuvillette's expanding paranoia might not have been so rampant if the temptations were this materialistic, no no, he would've even thanked his fickle heart if that was the case. If it had hoped for something shinier, something pricier — those are common desires for corrupt men, and yet, he found his heart depraved of the normalcy and instead yearned for something far sinister, forbidden.
Innocence is devastatingly charming, the judge muses. It's more of a weakness than a strength, especially if the bearer remains blissfully ignorant. There is no mercy for that in the court, even if one retains scraps of the virtue by stubbornness, the court will make sure it is forever lost in its whimsical prance. Simply because, there is no real virtue to be found in the Court of Fontaine, only masquerades of its idealisms.
And so, even the most resilient soul is bound to lose way in this charade, or at least, that's what Neuvillette has concluded.
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mixelation · 6 months
some of the reborn au stuff i was working on
context: tori has applied to an internal chunin promotion, and instead of just giving it to her, minato was like "nah, go do the next exam in kiri. it'll be good pr for konoha if you're in the tournament, which i want you to just win. oh, but do it using really obvious and flashy fuinjutsu. and don't melt anyone we don't want to seem scary. idk you should try to be, like, cool and charming for potential clients"
so tori has made herself EXTREMELY stressed over this because while everyone else in her life is like "yeah obviously tori could beat the shit out of any random genin" she habitually underestimates her self. what if there is a deidara or an itachi in the tournament. ever think of that???
anyway this is introducing the other konoha-nin involved
Tori arrived to her meeting spot near Konoha’s front gate with two minutes to spare, take-away latte in hand. The genin of Team 2 were already there, looking distinctly nervous. 
They are so small, Tori thought with some anxiety. What if the Kiri-nin metaphorically tried to eat them? Actual thirteen year olds were vicious things, but they were also delicate little babies. Would Tori have to save them? 
“Hey,” she greeted. “Team 2? I’m Tori, the other genin.” They stared at her, nonplussed. Oh no, they’re scared little babies, Tori thought with some trepidation. “Er– where is your sensei?”
“We just got word he has meningitis,” the girl of the team said, sounding upset. She had the cute round face and the orangey-red hair of an Akimichi, flowing over her shoulders in two braids. “The messenger said someone else would be assigned.”
Tori squinted at her. Okay, yeah, that sounded… bad. 
“Viral or bacterial?” Tori asked. All three genin stared blankly back at her. Had she slipped up? They had different and fewer pathogens here. Maybe they only had one type…?
Oh, no, maybe thirteen year olds just didn’t know the difference.
Tori had no idea how one recruited a Jounin for a mission this long, this last second. In theory Minato could command ninja to do whatever he wanted, but he also seemed to operate under the policy that better treated ninja got him better results. There weren't a lot of people who would just be okay with being told one morning they’d be in Kiri for over a month, plus travel time in both directions. She imagined they were about to be set up with some sort of weirdo from ANBU.  
They only had to wait another fifteen minutes for their replacement Jounin. 
Oh my God, Tori thought as she stared at him.
“I’m Uchiha Shisui!” Shisui aimed his introduction at the team of thirteen year olds. He beamed at them, flashing his teeth. Compared to the little genin, he looked more like an adult than a gangly teen. “I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you. Let’s all get along.”
He took a moment to eye Tori’s latte with what she assumed was regular Uchiha judgment. She tightened her grip on it. She needed this latte, okay? Lattes were the only thing keeping her sane nowadays. 
The kunoichi of the genin team was blushing as she stared shyly back at Shisui. Tori felt tempted to pick her up and shake her. 
“Why don’t you all introduce yourselves before we head out?” Shisui said. “Because this is so last minute, I didn’t get a chance to brief myself on any of your backgrounds. Have any of you run missions outside Fire Country before?”
Tori knew this question was aimed at the actual children, because Shisui obviously knew all about Team 4’s missions and where she’d grown up via Itachi. The wording that he assumed they all hadn’t still made her hackles rise. 
Team 2 hadn’t ever been out of the country for a mission, it turned out. Akimichi Himi, the blushing kunoichi, said she’d gone on a month-long trip with her parents last year to research cuisines in Rice Country. 
“That’s super cool, Himi-chan,” Tori said, perhaps too loudly and quickly. God knew Shisui wasn’t good at not dismissing the incredibly interesting and rich lives of young ladies. 
Himi looked at her like she wasn’t sure why she was talking. Tori shut her mouth.
The two boys on the team were Kato Tetsuro and Uchiha Shouten. Shouten also seemed flustered to be speaking with Shisui. Tori had no idea why. Weren’t they cousins?
“I’m Tori,” Tori said when her turn came. “I’ve been outside of Fire Country before. Um, let’s see, I’m running solo because my genin teammates were already promoted. I already took the exam once, so I’m happy to answer questions about it.”
“But you failed?” Shouten asked, raising his head to eye her in incredible judgment. 
Is every Uchiha an asshole? Tori wondered. 
“Failing a chunin exam is sometimes more about politics than a ninja’s quality,” Shisui said smoothly. Well, at least he wasn’t condescending every time he opened his mouth. 
“Is everyone ready to head out?” Shisui asked. “Don’t worry. We can take this trip slow and steady. I want you guys to tell me more about yourselves.” 
And slow and steady they did take it, walking out of the village at a casual pace and then keeping that pace up for the rest of the day. Itachi would be having a meltdown. 
Shisui quizzed them on their specialties as they walked, since he’d been filling in as their mentor for the exam. His attentions were focused more on the young genin team, which Tori didn’t mind. He spoke to them like they were about eight, and if he used that tone on her, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep her tongue in check. 
When they breaked to make camp, Shisui went off on his own to scout the area. Himi immediately turned to Shouten. 
“Oh my gosh,” she gushed. “Shouten, your cousin is a total hottie.”
Shouten rolled his eyes. “He’s out of your league, Himi-chan,” he said. “Shisui-san is a genius. He’s one of the most decorated ninja in the clan, and he’s only seventeen.”
And too old for you! Tori nearly yelled at Himi. She knew it was normal for a kid to crush on older people, but… but!
“Do you think he could help you awaken your sharingan?” Tetsuro asked, and Shouten’s cheeks went red. 
“Never mind that!” Himi said. “Quick, tell me everything you know about Shisui-san. What are his favorite foods? The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, duh! Does he like girls with long hair or short?”
“I don’t know him that well,” Shouten griped, stretching his legs out in front of him. His face remained red. “The Uchiha clan is pretty big, and we’re not closely related. Plus, he’s like super famous. He’s the only one Itachi-sama ever hangs out with. He’s that good.”
What the hell is happening? Tori wondered as Tetsuro leaned back on his hands and started to wonder out loud what kind of training they could get from such a prestigious shinobi that the Uchiha Itachi would deign to be buddies with him. How do these random children know so much about Itachi?
“Oh yeah!” Himi said, turning to Tori. “Aren’t you the same age as Uchiha Itachi? Were you in his class?”
“Uh,” Tori said. 
“Why would she remember?” Shouten cut in. “He graduated in four months.”
“Really?” Tori asked, surprised. She thought he’d been in there a whole year… 
“Do you really not know?” Shisui asked, suddenly appearing behind her. Then he said, in a decidedly more authoritative voice than he’d used so far that day,  “Did none of you make any moves to set up camp?”
The conversation switched to splitting up tasks. Team 2 obviously already had their own system, and while Tori would usually be happy to just sit back and watch other people work, she felt self-conscious about doing it on their first night in front of Shisui. She was pretty sure Shisui saw her as full of herself and overconfident, and she wouldn’t give him more support for that theory. 
She ended up prepping ingredients for dinner under Himi’s command. She didn’t know how she ended up being bossed around by a little thirteen year old, but… well, what was she going to do? Tell an Akimichi how to cook? 
Over dinner, Shisui turned to Tori and asked, “How’s R&D?”
Tori was surprised that he’d both known her current station and also cared enough to ask. Did… did Itachi talk about her? She felt a flash of warmth at the idea. 
“It was a bit of an adjustment,” she said slowly, acutely aware of Team 2 also listening in. She wouldn’t go into why it was an adjustment, not with Shouten staring between her and Shisui that intently. “I’m going for promotion with the hopes of heading my own projects, actually.”
Shisui frowned slightly. “You couldn’t just get an internal promotion? Your mission record has got to be strong enough that you’d get one no problem.”
Shouten’s look was intensifying as he tried to unravel the conversation they were having. Shisui’s posture stayed loose and casual, like Shouten didn’t look like he was attempting to awaken his sharingan as he spoke. 
“I applied, but… um, Hokage-sama told me to do this instead,” Tori said. 
“Ah,” Shisui said, like that made total sense. “Yeah, okay. I thought it was weird he’d be taking you off R&D for a whole month…” Shisui suddenly straightened, flashing a smile at the rest of the genin. “The chunin exam is only a month-long commitment if you make it to the final stage. It’s no big deal if you don’t! Like I said, politics are a big part of these exams. Even your little hero Itachi failed his first exam.”
“No way,” Shouten exhaled. 
“Yep,” Shisui said with a wink. “By the way, Himi, this is really good.”
Himi preened. Tori considered tossing her dinner in Shisui’s face. She didn’t think Shisui was a slimeball who’d purposefully encourage a kid’s crush on him on, but also–!
The after-dinner talk turned into the other genin quizzing Shisui on missions he’d been on, and who the coolest ninja he’d worked with were. Shisui was incredibly vague in most of his answers, as ANBU missions tended to be super classified, but he had no problem dropping a handful of famous names, seemingly just to see the genin’s faces light up. ANBU operatives had tears of anonymity; basically everyone knew who Hatake Kakashi was and that he was a captain, for example. 
“Itachi is like a legend,” Himi babbled. “He’s two years above us, so he graduated before we started, but all the senior students talked about him.”
Shouten glared at his sandals as she talked, clearly… jealous, or something. Poor kid. 
“Oh yeah,” Shisui said, turning to Tori, who’s mostly been sitting out of this conversation. “How did you of all people not know Itachi graduated early?”
“Look, I knew he graduated early,” Tori said. “I just didn’t realize how early. Four months, seriously? You’re lucky he knows how to read.”
Apparently this was a disrespectful thing to say, as Team 2 all looked stricken and then turned to Shisui with wide eyes. Shisui just laughed good naturedly. 
“‘You of all people’….?” Himi repeated. Then she brightened. “Tori, are you a fan of Itachi?”
The tiniest smirk crossed Shisui’s lips.
“Yes,” he said. “The biggest fan.”
Fuck you, Tori thought. 
Tori did not bother to correct anyone on their assumptions about her and Itachi, mostly because she predicted that would turn the ten day trip even more awkward. Tori did not like the idea of anyone being impressed with her social connections, rather than Tori’s own accomplishments. She kept her mouth shut on her genin team. 
Himi did very smugly ask Tori for her crush list more than once. They were– technically– physically Himi was only a year younger than her. This would be a normal way to bond. But it also made Tori low-key want to scream. 
(Tori almost said Kakashi as a way to make Himi stop asking. He seemed like a normal target for a ninja celebrity crush, and she knew enough about him to have a conversation. But also, if that ever somehow got back to him, she would actually die.)
“How is Deidara not famous?” she did mutter to Shisui one evening while they were washing out cooking ware together. 
“I think they’re probably too young to be paying attention to the really interesting gossip,” Shisui replied. “Maybe you should hype him up. I’ll back you up that you’re a huge fangirl–”
Tori splashed water at him. “Oi!” she said. “Why did you even do that?”
Shisui flipped a pot over, pouring water back into the stream they were sitting on. 
“I thought you might not like them losing their minds,” he said. “I figured– like, if you didn’t like it, you could have just corrected me.”
This was… true. She did prefer it this way, if they had to talk about Itachi. But also: she still didn’t like it. 
“How is the entire world obsessed with him?” she wondered. 
“Beats me,” Shisui replied. 
They made it to Kiri midday of day ten, right on time. Kiri was surrounded by a thick, blue-gray stone wall. The individual stones were not uniformly cut, yet every irregular angle and nook fit perfectly into the neighboring stone. It was impressive. 
There was a guard outside the main gate, specifically for the Chunin Exam. Shisui chatted with her briefly and handed over their papers. Someone was called in to lead them to their accommodations, and while they waited for their tour guide, the guard lectured them on their rules of conduct for the stay. 
It was better than the rules they were given in Iwa. They could actually look around parts of the village, and they were getting an actual hotel room instead of abandoned dorms. No one patted them down for contraband. Shisui was handed a stack of food vouchers, good at any restaurant. 
Then something happened that Tori should have anticipated, but had been so stressed over other things that she hadn’t given it much thought. Kisame showed up to be their guide. 
“Really?” the guard asked, eyeing Kisame up and down dubiously. “Don’t they have better things for you to be doing?”
Kisame smiled, all friendly but showing off pointed teeth. Shisui straightened up, and the other genin shuffled nervously. Tori had no idea if a genin would recognize Kisame, but they’d definitely recognize he was a giant blue shark man. 
“I volunteered,” Kisame said. “I’ve met one of the entrants before. I was curious.”
Shisui’s eyes immediately shot to Tori, almost accusing. 
Oh, they really didn’t brief you, huh, Tori thought. She attempted to communicate this at him with her face. 
“Well, whatever,” the guard was saying. “Konoha, this is Hoshigaki Kisame. He’s one of our Seven Swordsmen. Be polite, or he’ll eat you.”
Team 2’s collective faces went pale, and Kisame laughed. 
He led them into the village, and Shisui stepped forward to lead the Konoha genin, walking at Kisame’s side. He introduced himself to Kisame, making small talk as they walked. Tori watched them, wondering how much Itachi had talked about Shisui to Kisame, before. Kisame was usually pretty easy to read, but he was also habitually polite. It was difficult to tell if he was being friendlier with Shisui than he would anyone else. 
“Iwa was an… interesting experience,” Kisame was saying, and then turned his head to flash his teeth at Tori over his shoulder. 
“Extremely interesting,” Tori agreed. “I hope this exam is comparatively boring.”
“With you here?” Kisame teased, and Tori felt her face go hot. 
“I’ll have you know that I’ve been explicitly ordered to be peppy,” she replied. 
“Peppy?” Shisui repeated, dubious. This was clearly news to him. 
“Are any other entrants here yet?” Tori asked, directing the conversation away from herself. 
“You’re on the earlier side,” Kisame replied, and then he made her work to get as much info on other teams as she could out of him. 
Kisame pointed out their hotel, and then took them on a walk around the surrounding neighborhoods they were allowed to wander freely. It was, as far as Tori could tell, a largely civilian part of town. But it was pretty and comfortable, she thought; she’d always liked all the greenery and little canals Kiri had running through it. The mood of the people they saw on the street was overall happier than when she’d last been here, eyes following them more with curiosity than disdain. Kisame had done a good job saving his village from civil war. 
The outskirts of the perimeter had some training grounds they were allowed to use, as they’d arrived two days before the start of the exam. 
Finally, Kisame said, “And then… well, technically it’s not inside the perimeter, but I could still show you…” 
Kisame had been largely directing his tour guide speech to Shisui, but now he turned to Tori, grinning down at her knowingly. 
“Have any of you genin been to a beach?” 
for anyone of you who picked up the moral inconsistency between tori being annoyed at shisui for potentially (though not intentionally) encouraging himi's crush and her own treatment of mangetsu....... yes <3
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thelazyhermits · 4 days
After reading the first TWST novel and seeing how Yuu/Grim's first meeting with Ace went there, I decided to write a drabble about how that encounter went with my Yuu, which I'll put underneath the cut.
Also, I've gone back and edited An Unlikely Team as well as Grim/Ace's chapters in An Unlikely Friendship, although there was only a minor edit in Grim's chapter as compared to Ace's chapter which got a whole different dialogue added in the final scene thanks to me getting inspired by the novel.
I hope y'all enjoy the new content! 😊💕
He’s definitely up to something.
That was the first thought that crossed your mind upon meeting Ace Trappola, a first-year student who introduced himself after approaching you and Grim while you both were studying the seven statues on Main Street that, for some reason, look exactly like popular Disney villains.
Grim, however, obviously felt differently since, ever since Ace showed up, he’s been amicably chatting with the redhead about the statues, all the while not looking the least bit suspicious of Ace.
Meanwhile, you’ve been working on cleaning the surrounding area, which is the job that had been assigned to both you and that procrastinating monster, because you really don’t want to risk getting in trouble with Crowley for not doing your job since said job is the reason you now have a free place to stay as well as a means to make money for food and everything else you'll need to survive in this strange, foreign world you've somehow found yourself in.
Plus, you had wanted to put some space between you and Ace since you don’t trust him and that fake smile of his, especially since he’s wearing the kind of fake smile that looks so genuine that only someone like you who’s grown up surrounded by adults, who use their professional fake smiles to take advantage of others for a living, would be able to see through his façade.
The whole time you’ve been cleaning, you’ve been surreptitiously scrutinizing Ace, trying to figure out what his hidden agenda is, all while simultaneously listening carefully to all the information he provides about the statues - information that matches well with what you know about the Disney villains they resemble.
Except for the fact that everything Ace says makes these villains sound like actual decent people who are worth revering rather than the scoundrels they were in the movies from your world.
Every time you hear Ace compliment the people the statues are based on, you have to fight the urge to scoff since so much of what he says is just so difficult for you to believe.
I can’t believe these villains’ stories got so twisted that they became people who are seriously revered in this world. You incredulously shake your head. Even worse, the Queen of Hearts’ story is pretty much the same as it was in Alice in Wonderland, meaning these people seriously didn’t mind a crazy queen who decapitates people as a regular form of punishment.
Just what kind of world have you found yourself in?
You wearily massage your temple. Hopefully, all that nonsense is just a part of this world’s history and not its present. Otherwise, I’ll need to steer clear of the part of the world where the Queen of Hearts reigned for the sake of my own well-being, although I can’t see myself leaving this school anytime soon, considering traveling requires money among many other things.
Obviously, I’ll need to do some more research on this subject. You muse. If I’m gonna survive in this crazy world, I need to learn as much about it as I can since knowledge is power.
Plus, you’re genuinely curious about this world’s “Great Seven” and want to see if there are any more commonalities between them and the movie villains from your world whom they so greatly resemble.
“Pretty cool, huh? Not like some piddling weasel.”
You’re abruptly pulled away from your thoughts when Ace’s previously friendly and cheerful voice suddenly becomes noticeably cold and malicious.
While Grim makes a surprised sound, you quickly focus your now narrowed gaze on the redhead. So he’s finally making his move. It’s about time. Now, I’ll finally find out what his deal is since I couldn’t get any clues from his earlier behavior when I was watching him.
“Pfft! Ah ha ha! I can't hold it back anymore!” Ace declares as he starts laughing, hard enough that he doubles over. “It’s too funny! I can’t breathe!”
For several seconds, his loud, wild laughter fills the air, and during this time, you give Ace an unimpressed look while Grim just stares at him with wide eyes, appearing stunned.
Once he eventually manages to compose himself, Ace wipes away the tears of mirth from his eyes. “Come on, you're the ones who turned orientation into a fiasco, right?”
“You two seriously stand out.” Ace sneers as he points at you. “A total normie, the perfect punchline to a disappointing joke. Every eye in the school focused on you last night, and you can’t even use a drop of magic.”
Completely unfazed by his mocking words, you maintain your unimpressed expression, which you can tell bothers him because his face briefly appears annoyed when you don’t give him the kind of reaction that you know he was hoping for.
Since he clearly won’t have any fun with you as his target, Ace quickly moves onto his next one and points at Grim. “And a monster who wasn’t even summoned by the Dark Mirror in the first place but crashed orientation anyway and got beaten to a pulp by my dorm leader.”
Wearing a cold smile, Ace gives both you and Grim a once-over before saying, “You’re perfect for each other.”
“W-What are ya-” Grim briefly stammers before scowling, “Ya don't gotta be a jerk! Comin' at us all of a sudden like this!”
“It’s not all of a sudden, dude.” Ace smirks, “The look on your face when they picked you up and tossed you out was hilarious! It took everything I had not to burst into laughter right in the middle of the ceremony!”
After giving you and the cleaning equipment that’s beside you a particularly withering look, Ace snickers, “So, in the end, neither of you got admitted, and now, you're janitors? SO lame!”
Upon realizing that Ace seriously is only here to taunt you and Grim, the tension in your frame eases as you roll your eyes. Really? That’s it? I was worried he might be someone secretly dangerous since his fake smile is so convincing, like the ones I always saw back in my world, but he’s really just an immature brat. I don’t know if I should be relieved or disappointed.
In direct contrast to you, who has calmed down now that you’ve realized Ace is no threat to you, Grim becomes increasingly more irritated. “Shaddup, you! I’m gonna be a student at this school in no time!”
“Nuh-uh! No way!” Ace shakes his head. “You're so clueless you don't even know who the Great Seven are. Not a one of them! Maybe before you try getting into the academy again, you ought to take a second crack at kindergarten?”
Unable to help yourself, you dryly retort, “Really? YOU’RE the one who’s saying someone should go back to kindergarten - the grade that so obviously suits you way better?”
Caught off guard since you’ve been silent pretty much the whole time he’s been here, Ace, along with Grim, turns to look at you in surprise.
Soon after, Ace’s surprise turns into annoyance. “And what’s THAT supposed to mean?”
You raise an eyebrow. “Isn’t it obvious? Even though you could’ve been doing way more productive things with your time, you instead went out of your way to come taunt us ‘cause you hated how much attention we got thanks to the orientation fiasco, like an immature, jealous brat.”
“Not only that, you’re getting in our way when we have work to do.” You huff before making a shooing gesture. “So can you just leave already? I have way more important things to do than listen to someone whose opinions I don’t give a damn about.”
Once he overcomes his surprise, Grim starts guffawing, “Way to tell him, Henchman! That’ll teach that jealous brat not to mess with the Great Grim! Myahaha!”
“I am NOT jealous!” Ace scowls, “Why the hell would I be jealous of losers like you two who are only still around ‘cause you got lucky enough to get a job cleaning up all of the WAY more important people’s trash?!”
After saying that, Ace angrily stomps over to where you’re standing and jabs a finger at your chest, glaring all the while. “You have a lotta nerve looking down on me when I actually earned my place here fair and square after working my ass off, unlike you who just waltzed right in and did whatever you pleased. A magicless loser like you has no place at this school, so get off your damn high horse already before you get knocked off.”
Completely unfazed by his anger since you’ve gone up against far scarier people in Japan’s underworld, you boredly swat away his finger. “I’m not looking down on you.”
Faster than he can react, you reach out and grab onto Ace’s shoulder with a tight enough grip that makes him cry out in pain.
Using your grip on his shoulder, you push down with enough strength to force the redhead, whom you quickly realize has no real fighting experience, to his knees.
In hopes that he will refrain from bothering you and Grim in the future if you give him a scary enough warning, you fiercely glare down at the shocked boy who’s now kneeling before you. “NOW, I am, and if you don’t want to end up in way worse shape, I highly recommend that you leave me and Grim alone and just focus on your studies like a good little student.”
As expected, upon being on the receiving end of your heated glare, Ace flinches and becomes noticeably paler.
Unfortunately, it would seem Ace Trappola is not as smart as you had originally thought he was since, rather than follow his instincts, which have surely identified you as an opponent he has no hope of ever beating by this point, Ace, whose fear quickly turns into ire, instead immediately shoots back up to his feet and tries to grab you by the collar of your hoodie. “You arrogant bastard! Don’t you dare make fun of me!”
Naturally, you smoothly avoid his hands since he’s nowhere near fast enough to grab hold of an experienced fighter like you.
“Alright, Henchman, you’ve done your part! Now, it’s time for your amazing boss to take over! Myaaaaah!”
Catching you and Ace off guard, Grim, who had been laughing on the sidelines up until this point, decides to get in on the action and proceeds to use his fire magic on Ace who just barely manages to avoid Grim’s fireball attack.
“Whoa!” Ace exclaims before turning to scowl at Grim. “What are you doing?!”
Grim smirks, “Now that my henchman’s had a turn, it’s time for me to dole out some payback ‘cause no one makes fun of Grim, Master of Fire, and gets away with it! I'll make ya regret messin’ with me!”
Ace scoffs, “You wanna throw down with me, shorty? You got some guts.”
Realizing that the two boys look like they seriously intend to fight, you face-palm. This is not what I was hoping to accomplish when I tried to intimidate Ace. If I had known this would happen, I wouldn’t have done anything to him.
Just when you think this situation couldn’t possibly get any more exasperating, several NRC students, who had been on their way to class, start approaching the area where you, Grim, and Ace are, obviously curious about what’s going on between Grim and Ace.
Upon realizing that a fight is about to happen, the crowd of boys starts jeering and cheering, earning themselves an exasperated look from you. Boys…
Deciding it’s better to ignore the crowd for now, you quickly get in between Grim and Ace. “Enough! Grim, you can’t use your magic to fight here! If you cause any property damage, we’ll both get in serious trouble with the Headmage, and I do NOT wanna have to deal with that! And I bet you won’t be happy either when your tuna funds get taken away!”
Much to your annoyance, rather than heed your words, Grim scurries around you, moving fast enough that you can’t catch him. “Relax, Henchman! The only thing gettin’ damaged here is Ace’s ugly mug! Myahaha!”
Right after saying that, Grim launches another fireball at Ace. Unfortunately for the monster, his attack misses its mark just like it did last time, although it’s because of a completely different reason.
Instead of moving to dodge the attack like he did earlier, Ace, after pulling out what looks like a pen with a red gem on it, summons a gust of wind that knocks away Grim’s fireball before it can reach him. 
Ace smirks, “Ha! How do you like that?”
As Grim complains about Ace blowing away his fireballs and the redhead taunts him in return, you just blink. Huh, guess magic can control elements here like it can on TV back in my world. Good to know.
Seconds after that thought crosses your mind, realization suddenly dawns on your now pale features. Wait a minute. Fire and wind together? Oh no…
Realizing that this is a recipe for disaster, you shout, “Both of you, stop! If you keep mixing fire and wind magic together, you’ll-!”
Before you can finish that sentence, Grim, who has chosen to completely ignore you, angrily fires off another fireball at Ace, which the redhead once again blows away with his wind magic.
Unfortunately, unlike last time, the fire doesn’t simply get diverted to an area where it can’t harm anyone. This time, it hits a target.
The worst possible target.
Horrified, you watch as Grim’s attack, which became stronger thanks to Ace's wind magic fanning its flames, just as you had feared would happen, lands a direct hit on the Queen of Hearts’ statue, causing the statue to become completely engulfed in flames. Oh, shit. We are so screwed...
And, of course, you were exactly right.
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detectivestucks · 9 months
A Jealous Hokage V
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18+ content, Minors do NOT interact
Pairing: Kakashi x F!Reader x Obito
Summary: You make a decision as the Gala approaches, Kakashi drives you wild when you attend the event before he and Obito make a spectacle in front of the entire international community
Warnings: NSFW, Slight degradation, Oral, Unprotected Sex, Toy Usage, Violence
Word Count: 6k
Part 4
New here? Check out Part 1
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You wake up the next day feeling heavy. It felt like Kakashi was forcing you to choose between him and your career. Years of studying, hard work, and climbing the ladder all to be thrown away over a boy. You worked so hard to get assigned to high profile projects, you spent so many long nights proving your worth to become team lead of your division, you’re about to meet with the board for a promotion that you’ve been anticipating for two months. Your career is finally taking off and Kakashi wants to come in like a wrecking ball and discredit everything your hard work achieved. 
You love how everyone views you as the exceedingly smart and dependable linguist. You dread the idea of being viewed as nothing more than the Hokage’s girlfriend, using her boyfriend’s influence to get the job she wants. Not to mention the target that will be on your back from all the jealous fangirls who dream of dating him. Scores of women will try to sabotage you or harm your work all for the sake of stealing your relationship away from you. He acted like this was no big deal but publicly becoming the Copy Ninja’s girlfriend was actually a very big adjustment and one that you were not mentally braced for. He was right though; you can’t ask him to wait till he steps down as Hokage. If you are serious about maintaining your relationship, you will have to face the music eventually. 
You couldn’t help but think about how much easier all this would be if you had never started seeing Kakashi and had met Obito first. The feelings were there. That you couldn’t deny. You were relatively sure that he already loved you and you could see yourself grow to love him in the same way. No one would care if you were to date a regular Jonin. Everyone at the office would keep praising your work ethic and intelligence and Obito would stand by your side and celebrate your success rather than detract from it. Plus if his genjutsu was even a little accurate, he was a good fuck too. 
You begin to shake your head. Stop thinking about that. It wasn’t real. I chose Kakashi.
Wrought with indecision you decide to go dress shopping to distract yourself. You needed something for the Gala in a few weeks and you would possibly need some alterations done before the night of the party. Not wanting to go alone, you swing by your officemate’s home to see if she could come with. 
“Absolutely! I’m sure my husband would be much happier if I go with you instead of him.” 
You both giggle at the sentiment and head to the market. 
“You doing okay, Y/N? You seem a little down today.”
“Oh, ah, it’s nothing. Just some personal issues.”
“Uh-oh, does this have to do with mystery man?”
“A little. Well, a lot.”
“What happened? Or are you going to keep me in the dark like usual?”
“Well, he doesn’t want to be a mystery much longer.”
“Which is reasonable”
“But I really think it will impact my upcoming promotion.”
“Why? Are you dating one of the elders?” She says sarcastically
“Of course not.” You laugh “But you know how important my work is to me and I don’t want it ruined over some guy.”
“Well is it really ‘some guy’ when you’ve been seeing him for months?”
You think about this before you speak. “There’s…there’s also another guy.”
“Woah! Two guys at once? Is that why he’s a secret?”
“No! Nothing like that! He has just made it crystal clear that he’s interested in me. He seems great and well, being with him wouldn’t negatively impact my career. It would ‘be easy, the way it’s supposed to be.’ Or at least that’s what he says.”
“Want to know what I think?”
“Desperately” you say with sincerity
“I think that the first guy must mean a lot to you if you want to date him despite how it could hurt your career. I know how much your work means to you, so it tells me a lot about who he must be.”
You give a weak smile, relieved that your decision to stay with Kakashi was validated.
“But where does that leave me with the whole, going public thing?”
“Well, you have that meeting with the board coming up soon, right?”
“Yes, they assigned me that Class S project that’s due in 3 weeks and the board meeting is right after. They want to see if I can ‘handle the pressure of leading a team that interprets S Rank intel’.”
“They act like you’re not already doing that.” she laughs.
“Yeah really”
“But anyways, how about, you wait till after the board meeting? See if you get the position and then go public after you’ve had a few weeks to settle into the new job.”
“I don’t know…”
“I’m just saying, it gives him a date so he’s happy, and it gives you time to establish yourself as the boss before your lovelife becomes a factor in your professional life.”
“You know what Shiho, that is sage advice. Thank you. Now what advice can you give me about this dress?”
“It’s stunning. The jaw of every man, including mystery man, will be on the floor.”
You smile at yourself in the mirror. She was absolutely right. Kakashi would have to forgive you if he saw you in this. He wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off of you. 
Going into work the next Monday was painful. You had a meeting with Kakashi to discuss the status of your project and he was incredibly cold to you. You know it wasn’t cause he was mad at you, it was because he was hurt. It also probably didn’t help that the catalyst for your interaction was due to the very reason why you wouldn’t go public about your feelings for him. 
You needed to talk to him. Tell him your decision. Tell him about the timeline Shiho suggested. You tried to linger behind after the project briefing but new people kept coming into his office so you didn’t get the chance. 
At the end of the day Kakashi swung by your office. You were working late as usual. He stood there watching you while you were lost in thought. He sighed and walked away without saying hello.
Obito however also decided to come check on you, striding into your office like it was his own. 
“Oh come on Obito, now I can’t remember what I was just thinking.”
He leaned against your desk, “Don’t worry Princess, you’re smart, you’ll remember.”
You grimaced at him. “That’s not the point. I don’t like being interrupted when I’m working late. That’s the whole beauty of being in my office alone at night.”
“I thought the beauty of being in your office alone at night was so that I could bend you over your desk.” he says with a wink, getting close to you, seducing you with his sultry voice.
“Obito, we talked about this.” Though deep down you had to admit that does sound appealing.
“I’m sorry Princess. I just came to check on you.”
You look down embarrassed. You had a fight with your boyfriend and immediately cried in the arms of his romantic rival. You’re a terrible girlfriend. “Thank you Obito. I’ll be fine though.”
“Did you make a decision?”
“Ah, the real reason you came to see me.”
“Of course not Princess, but you know I had to ask. I do have a vested interest after all.”
“I’m still dating Kakashi.” you say with a look of exasperation “…if he’ll have me.”
“He will have you. He’d be a moron not to.” He says pulling you into a hug. 
You were starting to enjoy his hugs. They always made you feel better. You were sure they were just a way for him to touch you but you could tell it was also because he had grown to care for you. You take a deep breath while in his arms. Inhaling his musky scent. You relaxed completely in his arms as you exhaled. Feeling relief wash over you, you let go of him, ready to begin working again.
“Let me go make you some tea, and then I’ll leave you be.”
You give Obito a small smile as he leaves your office to head towards the break room. This would be a lot easier if he’d just be an asshole.
You tried for two weeks to get a hold of Kakashi before finally giving up on catching him at work. Instead you went straight to his home directly. You were just going to have to risk being seen if you wanted to speak with him. You give the door three quick knocks. Nerves getting the better of you. 
You could hear him get up to answer the door. “Angel” he smiles before letting you in.
Not thinking, you immediately rush to hug him, holding him tight. Butterflies are released the second you touch him. He hugs you back. “I’ve missed you Kashi”
“I’ve missed you too Angel”
Your heart ached upon seeing him again. You knew you missed him but just how much was unknown to you till this exact moment. You could’ve cried had you allowed yourself to. 
You swallow hard before clearing your throat. “I’ve come to negotiate with you.”
He cocks his head to the side, “Oh you have?”
“Yes, I have.”
He gave a smile, playing into your hand. “So what is it that you propose?”
“I propose that we keep our relationship private for another 6 weeks.”
“I propose that we go to the Gala together as a couple.”
“Kakashi, you know I have the board meeting coming up. That determines if I finally get the position as head of the department. Please allow me to get the position on my own, without you being a factor.”
“That meeting is in another week. Why do you wanna wait six?”
“I want time to establish myself in the position before the rumor mill goes wild with theories about our relationship”
“Fine, I will accept your terms.” He says seriously but with a twinkle of happiness in his eyes.
You beam up at him. “So are we good?”
“Yes Angel, we’re good” He pulls you in kissing your cheek as he pulls you over to the couch to lay with you. “You know, since I can’t go to the Gala this weekend as your date, I thought of a way you can make it up to me.”
Uh oh. You look up at him pensively. “What do you have in mind?”
“Oh not much, just a little toy I picked up for you.”
“A toy?”
“Yes, I think you’ll like it.” He gets up and goes to his room, coming back with a small pink pad with a bump in the middle. There was a wicked smile on his face. 
“What is it?” you say, standing up.
He pushes the pad between your legs so the bump in the middle kisses your clit. Pressing the remote he kept hidden in his hand, the pad began to vibrate. Immediately you locked your legs together and hitched forward, clawing at his shoulder for support as the vibrations knocked the wind out of you. Your moans bounced around the room as his eyes darkened with lust. He turned off the remote allowing you to return to standing. 
“I want you to wear this in your underwear to the Gala this weekend.”
“Kashi, people will notice.” you say with urgency.
“It’s up to you to make sure that they don’t.”
“What if they hear it?”
He turns it on again, making you groan, slick instantly puddling in your thong. “I don’t know about you, but all I can hear are you pretty little moans.” He pushes it into you harder before turning it off. 
You nod your head accepting your fate. “That’s a good Angel” he says with a masked kiss on your cheek. You take the toy and deposit it into your bag. 
“See you on Saturday” he coos in your ear.
“See you Saturday, Kashi” you say with your eyes closed. It felt like home to have him whisper in your ear once again. You left for home with your heart fluttering. Relieved that he was happy again and relieved that you had six weeks to get yourself ready for the shit storm that would hit you once you made your affair public.
The night of the Gala finally came. You were a little bit anxious about interacting and socializing with all your coworkers and so many important officials from other nations all at once. Not to mention the part where Kakashi would be tormenting your clit at any given moment. The pink silicone pad rested in your black satin thong, pressed into your heat by the elastic band.  The small ridge in the middle nestled snug up against your clit which throbbed with anticipation. You take a deep breath before you enter the room. Immediately by the door you see Obito who is talking to Genma, Kotetsu, and Izumo.
“Wow” he whispers audibly. 
You walk in wearing a slender, floor-length, glittering black dress. The bodice was snug against your chest, diving down in a deep V that showed your entire cleavage. The fabric gathered up at the slim straps that reached over your shoulders and criss crossed down your back to your waist. The skirt flowed down to the floor with a slit high up on your thigh, showing off your plush leg and dainty, strappy black heels. You wore the matching earrings that Kakashi gave you special for this occasion and around your neck draped the glittering stone necklace with the bright pendant resting between your breasts. Your hair was pinned up on one side with large waves cascading down past your shoulders. Since you loved to emphasize your natural grace, you chose light eye makeup with thick mascara and extra highlighter on your cheekbones. 
Upon your entrance many members in the crowd turned to gaze at you. The room began to quiet down as several of them gawked at your beauty. You felt incredibly shy by the room’s reaction and quickly sought out Shiho to go talk to. You bypass Obito, knowing nothing good would come from interacting with him, and looked straight ahead, doing your best not to see his reaction out of the corner of your eye.
“Yeah, she’s pretty to look at but she’s married to her job.” Genma says in response to Obito’s jaw falling to the floor.
“You don’t want a girl like that. She’d never give you the time of day unless you were one of her dusty scrolls.” Izumo piles on. Kotetsu laughed in agreement.
“You’re all idiots” Obito growls as he walks away searching for better company.
You meet up with Shiho and her husband. 
“Wow, you look stunning!”
“Thank you!” you say, casting your eyes down. You know that you’re beautiful but it still makes you bashful for people to be so forthcoming with compliments. 
“So, is mystery man here tonight?” 
“Shiho!” you say in an urgent whisper. “I don’t want anyone knowing anything till that day that we agreed upon at the dress shop.”
“So he went for it.”
“Yes, he went for it.”
“Well I’m happy for you.” 
You smile. You’re happy too, but soon you’re going to have to face your punishment for hurting Kakashi’s feelings and you’re dreading the moment that he enters the room.
The room dims and there is a man by the doorway. He comes out to begin announcing the important guests of the evening. They begin with the Feudal Lords of the other nations and their Kage, followed by their family members and invited guests. After the members of the other great nations enter the room, they announce the Feudal Lord of the Land of Fire and the Hokage.
Kakashi enters the room in his ceremonial robes and your heart throbs for him. As much as you want to see him in a suit, you feel so proud of him for the position that he earned. 
Soon after he enters the room your breath hitches. He turned on the vibrator.
Already?! Couldn’t wait a second, could you?
“Is something wrong?” Shiho asks
You laugh it off, “No, everything’s fine, just a cramp from my heels.” Kashi please turn it off.
“Okay” she says unconvinced.
Enjoying the company of other intellectuals, Shikamaru enters your circle right as Kakashi disabled the vibrator. 
“Good Evening Shikamaru”
“Good Evening, Y/N. How are you tonight?”
“I’m doing well!”
“How’s that project going? I hear you’re almost done”
“Yes, it’s going well.” 
Temari enters the conversation anxious to be near Shikamaru and at the same time Kakashi flips the switch back on.
“Y/N, this is Temari, she is the Kazekage’s older sister.”
“Nice to meet you!” you say through a pained smile. Kakashi, why?! This is too mean.
“So I hear you have a meeting with the board at the end of the project. Are you nervous?”
“Very much so” you say, your face turning red from embarrassment and arousal.
“Oh, what’s the meeting for?” Temari asks
“They’re thinking of making Y/N head of the department” One of the elders interjects as he joins the group for conversation. At that moment Kakashi raises the intensity of the vibrator. You feel you are going to collapse if he doesn’t stop. 
You desperately look around the room. He’s standing in the corner deep in conversation with Gaara and the Raikage but glances over in your direction. You know him well enough to be able to tell he is smiling a devilish grin under that mask when he sees the panic on your face. You silently plea for him to turn it off but instead he increases the speed out of spite. Kashiiiii! But as you shake hands with one of the retired jonin the elder just introduced you to, he finally turns it off again. 
You feel a wave of relief rush to your core as you catch your breath. 
It seems that everyone wants a chance to speak with you tonight and the circle of people around you is growing rather large. Kakashi is having boisterous fun turning the vibrator on and off all evening but eventually there are too many onlookers so you head over to find some refreshments, preferably some sake to desensitize your aching clit and relieve your embarrassment. 
 Finally alone for a moment you scan the room. You see Obito talking with his old classmates in the center of the hall. You noticed that he looked very handsome in a suit. The juxtaposition between the elegant fabric with clean lines against his battle-scarred face was erotic. He could have any woman in the room. Why did he always set his sights on you? You sigh wishing Obito would move on when Kakashi approaches you slipping off your earring as he whispers, “play along”
“Oh, Y/N, you seem to have a missing earring.”
“Oh no! It must’ve fallen out.” you exclaim looking at the ground.
“Do you need help looking for it?”
“That would be very appreciated, my Lord.”
“Let’s retrace your steps.” His hand glides to the small of your back as you walk back the way you came in search for a coat closet.
From across the room Obito spots you. His chest pangs as he sees you and Kakashi sneak off together knowing exactly what the two of you are actually up to.
You reach a secluded closet down the hall and he shoves you up against the wall. 
You smile as you look at him with those bedroom eyes he loves. You know you're gorgeous tonight and you know he wants to devour you. 
You playfully take his Hokage cap and wear it while pulling down his mask to kiss him. 
“Now this is a Hokage I would die for” he says as he lunges in to kiss you. You feverishly make out, pawing at each other’s faces, as the Hokage cap falls to the ground. You hadn’t been intimate for several weeks. Your pent up sexual frustration was boiling to the surface. 
Kakashi sucked and bit your lip till it was swollen and red making you look extra pouty. 
His inner wolf emerged as you played with his hair, mouth open, taunting him with your lips. 
He grabbed you tight, squeezing you with all his strength as he kissed you long and slow. Savoring your taste like he was discovering your lips for the first time. You slipped your tongue past his lips, licking the inside of his mouth. The two of you moaning together as your tongues danced in each other’s mouths, dry humping to the rhythm of your synchronized breathing. 
Eventually breaking apart, he stares at you, scanning you up and down. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look more beautiful than you do here tonight.”
You blush looking at the ground. “Well, I was trying to impress the Hokage. Have you seen him?” you look up innocently. A smile stretching across his face. 
“I can’t wait to see how beautiful you look on our wedding day.”
You gush at the idea and how ridiculous it is to be talking of marriage when you’re currently hiding your affair in a coat closet at an international event.
He grabs you forcefully by the shoulders pulling you in to kiss once more. You start to undress him, taking off his robes and his dress shirt underneath so that you can claw at his muscular chest and back. 
“That’s not fair Angel. I can’t mark you while you wear that dress but you can scratch me up all you want?”
“Shinobi know better than most that life’s not fair” you say, nuzzling your nose against his before sucking on his neck and collarbone that you know will be hidden under his mask.
Infuriated at the situation, Kakashi promptly pulls down the straps of your dress to mark your tits. All your previous markings had healed. There was no sign on your body that you were taken and belonged to him. It was time to remedy that. 
“Aaahh!” you sing as he overpowers you and starts biting down on the flesh of your breast. You missed the painful bliss of his ravenous teeth. He put his hand in his pocket and turned on the vibrator. 
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!” It was much more fun to play with when you were allowed to moan and sink into the pleasure. While your mind swims from the vibrations, Kakashi takes one breast in each hand and goes back and forth between the two, marking, kissing, sucking, and flicking your nipples with his tongue. You loved it so much that you had to muffle yourself with your hand so no one would open the closet door and catch you. 
When he was done he squeezed your tits extra hard in his large hands before moving the slit of your skirt aside so he could gain access to your cunt currently being massaged by his toy. He uses his hand to push it into you  while he reaches in his pocket to put the intensity on max. You wail pushing a second hand over your mouth. 
“Do you like that Angel?” he coos as he tries to take your hands away from  your mouth. It’s like he wants us to get caught. You think to yourself but the thought is quickly stolen from your brain as he pulls down your underwear and replaces the vibrator with his tongue swirling all over your bud.
Your knees give out from the pleasure and you fall to the closet floor. Kakashi instantly climbs on top of you, his crotch above your face. He spreads your legs clutching around your thighs diving in on your delicious sex. You whine and moan wiggling under him as he dines on everything your pussy has to offer. 
“You taste devine. Just as sweet as I remember.”
Lust consuming your actions, you undo the ties of his pants pulling out his length. Stroking him aggressively, lifting your head to swallow him while his face is buried between your legs. 
He sucks hard on your clit eliciting a moan that vibrates along his entire shaft currently stuffed between your lips. You hear a mischievous laugh from between your legs. You whine and wiggle in response. He continues lapping at your heat while you bob your head up and down on his cock. 
You feel him go rigid before he bites down on your bud. You yelp, his length still filling your mouth. Kakashi readjusts his weight and begins thrusting into your throat. Gagging and choking on his cock, spit dribbles out of your mouth and tears leak out of the corner of your eyes while your face reddens from oxygen deprivation. You are about to tap out when he finally rips his length out of your throat and you gasp for air. 
He gives you a small upside down kiss before maneuvering to align himself with your heat. His tip pressing into your entrance, the familiar feeling of fullness stretches you once more making you hiss in excitement. He pushes your wrists into the floor as he sets his pace between your legs. You let your head fall to the side as you close your eyes enjoying the sensation of having him inside your pussy once more. Walls sucking his length in deeper and deeper, Kakashi leans down to lightly kiss your neck. You hum, feeling your mind go blank with joy and pleasure. His sack lightly tapping between your cheeks with each thrust. 
He lifts up your legs over his shoulders to deepen his angle. Your strappy black heels on either side of his face. You begin to mewl and moan now that he is kissing your cervix. Feeling yourself begin to tetter on the edge, ready to topple over in orgasm. You reach up to him to bring him down closer to you. 
His eyes ignite and he presses your legs into you snapping his hips into your plush behind at a wicked pace. You begin to feel rug burn on your back as he thrusts with all his might, utilizing every muscle in his body. You lift up your hand to stop your head from banging into the wall of the closet while the other grabs a tight hold of his neck. You want to scream but instead you mutter his name along with various curses under your breath.
“That’s it Angel, take every inch”
“Fuck baby! Fuuuucccckkk”
“That’s a good little slut. Taking my dick on the floor of the coat closet.”
“Oh Gods Kashi, Fuck!”
“You think I didn’t notice you chose a dress with a slit in it, just like I wanted. You’d been planning this. You wanted to be my little closet cumslut.”
“Yes, my Lord. I want to be your little cumslut.”
“Does your tight little pussy want my cum?”
“Ye-e-e-e-s-s!” You barely say between thrusts.
Kakashi grunts as he thrusts even faster than he already was till he spills his spend inside of you, stroking it deeper inside of your walls. Taking great pride in the thought of you spending the rest of the Gala feeling his cum leaking out of your pussy into your underwear. 
The two of you lay together on the floor of the coat closet both half naked catching your breath. What a site it would be if someone were to open the door. 
You grab his hand and hold it. An involuntary smile stretches across his face. He so badly wants to walk back out into that room holding your hand. He wants the world to know you’re his. You belong to him, from your delicious body, to your marvelous mind, all the way down to your beautiful soul. For now he will have to just admire you from across the room. Those 6 weeks cannot go by quick enough. The first thing he is going to do is take you on a very public date. He already knows exactly where; he’s been planning it since the night you came to his house. 
You sit up, adjusting your skirt so that the slit is back to the side where it belongs, and lift your straps back over your shoulders covering up the love marks on your breasts and ribs. You wipe the runny mascara off your cheeks and smooth out your hair. There's not much that can be done about the rug burn on your back so Kakashi grabs one of the shawls that was hung up and gives it to you to drape over your shoulders. 
You fluff his hair and straighten his cap. Walking out of the closet together, beaming at the other. He gives you back the earring he took and pockets the pink toy, letting your clit rest for the remainder of the evening. Besides, now it was his cum that would be toying with you as it slides out into your thong and coats your inner thighs.
When you re enter the ceremony hall Kakashi takes a left and you take a right, headed over to the group your officemate is talking to. Obito happens to be in the conversation and it seems that you interrupted the group giving him a hard time about being single. Great, just the conversation I want to have around him. Ebisu suggests that Obito should date you, since you’re both single. You both exchange heated looks before your officemate speaks up and spills the beans that you have a secret boyfriend. You shoot Shiho a look of rage. Is she dumb or drunk?! Obito toys with you knowing you want them to change the subject.
“You have a secret boyfriend, eh?” He asks
“I’m too focused on work to date.”
“Oh really? Is that why I see flowers delivered to your desk?”
You glare at Obito. “Would you drop it already?” Your face becoming more flush as the heat spreads to your cheeks.
Kakashi, noticing how Obito was messing with you, approaches the group. Feeling jealousy creep into his heart, he can’t take it anymore. You’re his, no one else’s. He just wants Obito to shut up. He stands next to you and quietly grabs your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours, exposing your relationship to the entire Gala. 
“Holy shit” you hear your officemate whisper. 
“Wait, really?” someone else says
“Kakashi’s your secret boyfriend?” Ebisu practically yells to the whole room.
You see Obito’s devastated face before he leaves the Gala in a hurry. All you can do is look at the ground as the entire room breaks out into a whisper, all gossiping about your now public relationship.
“This isn’t what we talked about Kakashi” you whisper to him, eyes fixed to the floor, enraged by his action.
Shiho then says, “Yeah, I would’ve kept this one a secret too, Y/N. Had I known he was the guy you were talking about, I would’ve told you to never go public with him.” She looked up at Kakashi disapprovingly. Seeing his action for the selfish deed that it was. This was definitely going to impact your promotion and she knew it.
Feeling humiliated you leave the room and head for the door. All eyes were on you as you left, resisting the urge to cry in front of all the feudal lords and Kage of the five great nations. 
How could he do this to me? So publicly and in front of the entire international community! And with the board meeting in just 9 days!
Once your face meets the cool night air you begin to sob. Walking aimlessly in your heels, it didn’t matter where you went as long as it was far away from everyone at the Gala. 
Your vision clouded by tears, you didn’t notice Obito standing in front of you. You collided into him. He clearly had also been on the brink of tears. 
“Please Y/N, don’t be with Kakashi.” He begs, “You should be with me!” You knew he was serious; he called you by your name.
“Stop Obito! I can’t deal with this right now.”
“He doesn’t even respect you enough to obey your wishes! I KNOW you were not okay with what he did back there!”
“My relationship doesn’t concern you Obito!”
“Yes it does! I would never do that to you! You know that I would always respect you and your job.”
“Obito, you literally came to my place of work to ask me on a date!”
“But you weren’t secretly dating me.”
“No! But you knew I was in a relationship with someone else!”
“No Obito! Don’t act like you’ve been a saint! You think I’ve forgotten how you ambushed me on my way home, how you always break into my apartment to see me, that you put me under genjutsu twice?!”
“Princess, I-I’m sorry, I-”
“YOU PUT HER UNDER GENJUTSU?!” Kakashi roared. 
He heard everything, having followed you after you left the Gala. He knew Obito was causing trouble but this was unforgivable. 
“Careful Kakashi, don’t start a fight you can’t win.”
“You’re a dead man.” He hissed. 
Usually the voice of reason, Kakashi only looked like the man you loved but he sounded and was behaving like a totally different person.
Chidori singing in his hand, Kakashi dove for Obito. Obito just stood there as Kakashi moved through him. 
What the hell? How did he do that?!
Kakashi tore off his Hokage robes and pulled out a kunai hidden in his pants. Obito did the same. Both men armed and ready for battle. 
What is happening right now?! 
You begin to panic as they lunge at each other in impressive hand to hand combat. Their tijutsu skills are unbelievable. They soar through the air as they kick each other, swinging their fists faster than you’ve ever seen anyone move. 
You finally collect your wits realizing you have to stop them. You can’t possibly step in, their skills far exceed your own. You yell for them to stop, begging and pleading with them but you are white noise in their ears. 
You run back to the Gala in your heels to get help. You see Shikamaru outside having a smoke with Temari. You grab him by the sleeve, dragging him with you, running over to where Kakashi and Obito are. Temari runs behind you. 
“Hey! What’s going on?!” Shikamaru yells in surprise.
“They’re gonna kill each other?!” you cry. He starts running with you. You round the corner and see that they have brought half the street to rubble in the midst of their battle. 
“Oh shit.” Shikamaru stops under the street light to use his shadow paralysis on the both of them, holding them hostage midswing. You can tell it took enormous strength on his part to hold these legendary shinobi at bay. 
“Calm down!” he shouts. “You’re creating a scene in front of the entire global community! Do you have any shame?!”
The both of them begin to sober up, their rage ebbing slightly. They calm down enough for Shikamaru to release them. 
“If I catch you sniffing around her one more time I’ll kill you.” Kakashi snarls. 
“Believe what you want Bakashi, but she loves me too and if I were the one she met first, it would be me who she’s with, not you.” 
The truth of his words stung, looming in the air between you. He was absolutely right, in another reality, you probably would have been with him. It shattered your heart to think about it. 
Obito marched off into the night while you looked up at Kakashi teary-eyed.
Kakashi regained his composure, collecting his ceremonial robes and cap from off the ground. “Let me take you home.” he says, sticking out his elbow. 
“Okay” you whisper, taking it. Leaving behind the spectacle you just made as Shikamaru and Temari watch you leave.
You didn’t want to think about the fight you just saw. You didn’t want to think about the fight you were about to have with Kakashi. You didn’t want to think about what people were saying back at the Gala. You didn’t want to think about how people were going to treat you on Monday. You wanted to run away but for now you would settle for turning your mind off and walking home on auto pilot in complete silence.
Part 6 Masterlist
93 notes · View notes
laphixsoka · 1 year
Playboy! Eren x bottle girl! Reader
Cw: unprotected sex, pet names
Summary: Eren invites you after you’re done with work, to his private room.
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The job of bottle girl was hella easy and quick ass money. Only downside is pushy dudes trying to make their way onto you, then try to report you when you didn’t let that shit slide. One night you were assigned to a table. It had been a deep ass party, they’d been in the private room of the club. So the tip was going to be hefty, not even trying to trade with the offers given to you. The atmosphere of the club never got old to you, the music you could feel the music thumping through your whole body, the hot and heavy atmosphere as people danced, and the signature musty smell of the weed.
Once you got to the door you pulled your dress down for good measure. When you came in it was one guy, he had a loosely buttoned shirt on, with sunglasses that hung from the middle, his sleeves had been gathered up, and some suit pants with a belt at the top. Even with that explanation you where missing the accessories, rings, a watch, and a necklace. To be said plainly, he’d been sitting down looking over the drink menu, as his other arm rested on the back of the booth seat. “Are you ready sir?” Your pen and paper ready.
He looked up at you and he was definitely a piece of eye candy. “Uhh… give me three of your best brands six bottles of each , and a party size buffalo wings.” Your laugh slipped out at the end, it was the realist order you had all night. The most expensive liquor with the least fancy food item on the menu. He caught on without much saying. “I’ve got a friend she’ll go through about six big ass subs, her ass got a tapeworm. Plus she doesn’t drink so I’m just buying her meal make everything even.” You let off a small chuckle and smile as you finished writing off everything. “I’m a regular my name is Eren, I don’t think I’ve seen you.” You shifted a bit in your heels. “I’m new it’s my second weekend.” Eren nodded and you two talked a little more until someone came in.
When you came back in the room had been filled. Everyone talking some smoking, you just simply put out the bottles and when it came to the wings you had to squeeze pass Eren. Your ass was all over him, you kinda felt bad. Until he held you waist to guide you. You put the plate of wings down and Eren followed you to the door to speak with you. “Why don’t you come and party when you get off.” He said in your ear cause the music his voice enticing and heavy as fuck. It made you just want to take him there. “I’ll take you up on it I’ll be off in three hours.”
Soon enough your three hours were up, taking off your name badge and making your way back into the room. This time you just let your dress ride up a little so your thighs were a bit more visible. When you came in some of the people were gone, most definitely Eren was there waiting. You’d seen him on the dance floor a few hours ago with a few girls. You were so close to getting on that floor and airing it out. But you had your set time so you just tended to yourself. Eren looked up from his phone and saw you he smiled. He got up and grabbed your arm gently pulling you to the dance floor.
You watched his back as you pulled you through the crowd, he’d got closer to the front and turned around. The perfect song had started you got close to him and turned around. Grinding and shaking your ass all over him, soon enough he’d grabbed your waist this time less gentlemanly. You were so in it you doubt he could control you. You could feel him though catching everything you threw at him, you got back up and started to dance on him. You could feel him all throughout your body he had a particular thing for your thighs. The lights all over you two it felt as if you were the only ones in the room, his touches leaving you drunk, and yearning for more.
The dancing heightened every thing there was room for nothing in between y’all. You rested your head against his chest, whining your hip’s against him. Taking your finger and signaling him to you. “I want you.” You say breathlessly. You two didn’t stop for a second running back to the room. You could barely tell if someone was in there you two started to make out against the door. His hands roaming underneath your dress. Every touch against your skin lingered as he did. Your hands rested on his chest feeling the fabric of his shirt with breaks of skin. Your lips hungrily going against each other. Then you felt his fingers go into your underwear, you could feel his rings against your skin making you skip a bit in the kiss; eventually Letting go of the kiss but you two were still close. When he went in you were soaked and warm, his fingers gliding to your bud. When he started to rub your clit you started to let out these high pitched breathy sounds, as he looked down at you with this heavy look in his eyes.
When there was breaks from your moans or whimpers. You could hear the wet sounds coming from you. All you could do was hold your mouth open and struggle to keep your eyes on Eren. You were so close and all you could do to let him know was a weak. “Ren~!” He smiled and held that very same look in his eyes. As you started to move yourself again this fingers, he pulled away and took you to the booth seat and laid you on it. He pushed your dress up and pull your underwear down. “I want to keep hearing that nickname I earned.” He said as you parted your legs. You giggled embarrassed by the last second name calling but, while you were embarrassed he had one hand on your thigh, and the other a bit higher on your other thigh. Pushing them both down. He looked up at you with a smile as he hovered over your pussy.
In Eren’s eyes he saw the cute look of anticipation you had. Once he went down you let out a heavy breath. His tongue felt so good against you it made you shake and knowing he could feel it, his hands shackled your legs down feeling his rings each time he would correct a little shift you’d make. Following that up he went from a wave with his tongue to precise flicks. And it drove you crazy your moans getting louder, trying your best not to shout that embarrassing ass nickname. So he slid his finger in taking you in for a surprise, he curled his fingers a bit making you make this indescribable sound. It was so much stimulation and you were starting to reach there once again. It made you chant “Ren!” Over and over caving in and grabbing on his hair. Soon enough though he stopped. Making you whine, needy for your high. He pulled his fingers out and kissed your clit before getting up. “Where are you going?” Your voice hoarse as you lifted yourself up. “Nowhere.” He started to unbuckle his pants. You could see how he made a tent in his pants it made you smile a bit, just think about it growing as he ate you out.
“Let me ride.” You said, which made him chuckle as he walked over to the booth. Taking his seat resting both his arms on the back of the booth seats. You came between his legs pulling down his boxers. Letting his dick bounce out the length made you look up at him, he smiled eyes full of lust. “Normally I’d do this first then treat you, there’s something about you though.” You rolled your eyes at the comment. You then started to pump him making him make this deep “mmm~” sound. You started to suck his tip, which made him look at you. Your eyes met and he swore you looked the most sexy like this. While keeping eye contact you went down putting more in your mouth. As you kept pumping, you made him let out a borderline whine. Your tongue hung out rubbing against the side as you put your throat to work. Your nails looking pretty wrapped around him. It was a scene Eren was enthralled with . The further you went the crazier it made him, this dark look in your eyes made him want to just cum all over your face.
It made him want to do more with you, have you over the stirring wheel face all in the dash. You’re ass all in his face as he ate it and fingered you. He’d imagine the noise you’d make would you call him? “Ren~.” Eren put his hand out to your face which made you pop his dick out your mouth, and press your face against his hand as you jerked him off. “Suck it harder princess.” His thumb rubbed your face and then went to your mouth where you licked and sucked on it. You went back to sucking him wanting the real thing back in your mouth. You started to go deeper making him shift in his seat when you gagged it was a hit for him. He started to throat fuck you. To make it even just when you felt like he was about to cum you pulled back. You got up taking off your heels and getting on top of Eren. “You got a condom?” You ask as you two instantly got close so you could kiss.
“Fuck, their in my car.” He looked like he was about to get up, you didn’t want to ruin the mood. Plus you were on the pill granted the two days you miss cause of all the work you’d been doing. “I’m on the pill don’t worry.” You said making him relax back down. You two started to kiss your hand all through the back of his head. His hair was so neat when you first saw him and now he has hairs all over the place, it wasn’t a bad look on him though. His hands went further up and unlatched your bra, feeling all under it. He would suck on them but he wasn’t trying to go through all that. As you kissed you used Eren and one hand to keep balance, as the other held his dick so you could put him in you. As you went down as you looked at Eren. A small moan leaving you mouth at the start as he started to fill you up.
“Fuck your tight~.” You weren’t surprised when he said that, it not every day you fuck a guy with a third damn leg. You weren’t able to get all the way down about three inches where left. It hurt with him stretching you out and him stuffing you to the max. You stared to cry a bit from the pain, it was as if it was your first time. Eren wiped your tears and he laid you down. He knew it wasn’t your first time, so he knew it was his size. There was no lube either, so he started spitting in his hand and putting it down there and rubbing your clit. Usually he wouldn’t go through these lengths, but he swore “it was something about you”. When he saw you crying it took a piece of him.
He kept his eyes on you as he rubbed it. “Is it helping.” You nodded your head. He started to move a bit and he heard you whimper, he grunted from how much you sucked him in. He slowly started to quicken his pace over time. Soon enough you’d both been adjusted, their was still pain but enough pleasure to enjoy everything. He had you in a mating press, your legs hanging over his shoulder. Kissing as his whole length went in, you never thought there could be this good a mixture of pain and pleasure. Eren pulled away from the kiss to catch his breath. Once he did he would say small things to you.
“No one has ever fucked you like this huh!?” The huh being so raspy it played over and over in your brain. “Nun huh~!” He started going harder your legs shifting on his shoulders. He pressed his forehead against yours as you looked at each other, his eyes was hungry and lust filled, yours were fucked out and a bit red. Tears of pleasure ran down your face, as moans flowed from your mouth. He’d taken one of your hands that got lost in his hair to your stomach. You could feel the stomach bulge he was making with every thrust. “You’re doing so good princess take me.” You started to get closer tightening but around him, his thrust started to grow ragged and inconsistent. You’d cum before him and he followed up two minutes after, as soon as he pulled out cum seeped out of you. He’d catch some and you licked it off his hand.
He was starting to get his self together while you laid there… overthinking. You knew the first thing you were gonna google when you get back home. “Can you still get pregnant after not taking your birth control for two days.” Your chest felt heavy not even being able to enjoy the after effects of heavy sex. “You okay?” Eren asked while grabbing your underwear and heels. “Uhh… yeah.. umm.” You wanted to tell him just in case but you were to scared to. The whole time while he was helping you out with leaving out the room, you felt a lump in your throat. He was even sweet enough to try to drive you home, but you had your own car and your own detour to make.
“Gimme your number.” He said holding your door. You handed him your phone and he typed on it for a few minutes. Giving your phone back you looked at the contact it said “Ren.” With a green heart. “You must really like the name.” He laughed a bit. “You’re the first to call me it and I like how it sounds out your mouth.” You smiled he was real good at making a girl feel special. “Well I’ll contact you I’m not a booty call like them girls earlier.” You started you car and he closed the door, he still stood there though so you rolled down the window. “They came up to me.” You rolled your eyes, and rolled up your window pulling off.
Little did you both know you’d be brought back together, with you showing him a positive pregnancy test.
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