#plus she’s not a materialistic person
Maeve singing along to Paper Rings by Taylor Swift and Spencer proposing the next day. 😭
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cheoliehansolie · 5 months
Flowers (Valentine's Day Special)
Summary: It's your first Valentine's Day with your boyfriend Wonwoo and he wants to make sure it's the best Valentine's Day ever.
an: Hey everyone! This is my first time writing something like this so please let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy it! Sorry in advance if there are any mistakes, I may have missed some.
wc: ~2.6 k
Y/N’s point of view - T minus 3 days 'till Valentine’s Day
You just got home from a long day of classes. As you tug your shoes off in the entryway of the apartment you share with your boyfriend Wonwoo, all you can think about is changing out of your stuffy clothes into one of your boyfriend’s hoodies and laying on the couch until he gets home. As you make your way further into the apartment, throwing your bag onto the floor you let out a huff of frustration when you hear your phone ring. I guess my plans of relaxing are gonna have to wait, you think to yourself as you pull your phone out of your pocket.
“Hey sis.” you say once the video call connects.
“Hey! What’s up with the glum face? Rough day?” your older sister asks, her concerned face staring back at you through your screen.
“Is it that obvious?” you ask as you flop onto the couch.
“I’m your older sister, I can tell when something’s bothering you. Now spill. Do I have to punch someone?”
“Calm down, it’s not that big of a deal. I just got home from being on campus all day and I had a really long day. The group project I’m working on for my business class is taking longer than I thought it would and no one wants to step up and get the work done so it’s been like pulling teeth getting my group members to get stuff done.” you complain. “Anyways, that’s enough about my day, why’d you call?”
Your sister visibly perks and she can’t hide her excitement. “I actually called because your sweet brother-in-law just told me what he’s planning for Valentine's Day coming up.”
“I thought normally he keeps it a surprise?”
“He does, and it still kind of is. All he told me that he’s taking me on a trip somewhere tropical and warm for the whole week of Valentine’s Day.”
“OMG, really!” you exclaim. “I can’t believe he planned something so sweet for you!”
“Hey, he can be sweet when he wants to.” your sister pouts.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. When are you leaving?”
“He said we leave tomorrow, but he hasn’t told me anything else besides packing for tropical weather.”
“Wow, that sounds so romantic.”
You’re so focused on your conversation with your sister that you don’t even hear Wonwoo open the door to your shared apartment. He’s about to announce his presence when he hears your older sister ask, “So, has Wonwoo dropped any hints about any Valentine’s Day plans yet?” in a teasing tone as she wiggles her eyebrows at you. He stops with his mouth still open as he waits and listens to see what you’ll say.
“Not yet, but it’s honestly fine if we don’t do anything big and fancy. We’re both broke college students and I doubt he has time to plan a big lavish thing with his busy class schedule while taking up extra shifts at the bookstore.”
“Yeah, I get that, but don’t you have anything you want? I get that you don’t want to be a burden, even though we all know that Wonwoo sees you as the most precious person in the world, but if he were to get you anything, what do you want him to get you?”
“Hmm,” you hum to yourself as you think while Wonwoo stands at the entryway waiting patiently to see what you have to say. “You know what would be romantic? A bouquet of flowers.”
“That’s it?” your sister asks, appalled in your simple answer. “You’re so high maintenance that I thought you would say something like a necklace or something. Plus, flowers don’t last forever and this is your first Valentine’s Day together. Don’t you want something that you can remember the day by?”
Wonwoo, still glued to his position at the entryway, mentally asks you the same question. He knows you aren’t super materialistic and rarely ever take gifts from him not wanting him to waste his money on you (even though Wonwoo sees it as anything but a waste of money), but he thought that at least while talking to your sister you would say something special like jewelry. He’d been taking extra shifts at the bookstore to be able to buy you something to remember the day by.
“Yeah, I get that it’s simple, but I’ve never gotten flowers from anyone before.” you explain. 
“I guess, but all you want is flowers? Nothing else?” your sister prods on.
“Well, I guess there’s something else.” Wonwoo’s ears perk as he makes a mental note to find the best flowers he can get you. You didn’t tell him that you’ve never gotten flowers before and if he had known earlier he definitely would’ve gotten them for you sooner.
“What is it?” your sister asks.
“We’ve both been really busy lately with work and school that we don’t really have a lot of time to see each other and spend quality time together. Going out for dinner or spending a night at home watching movies or playing games would be so much fun. I don’t even remember the last time we got to spend time together like that when we weren't exhausted.”
“That sounds really sweet, I hope Wonwoo will plan something like that for you.” 
“Me too. Sis, I have to go, I still have so much work to do and I need to get Jihoon to focus on getting our project done as much as he focuses on making his music. I’ll call you later and have fun on your mystery vacation!”
“Bye y/n. Don’t stress too much about your project. If Jihoon doesn’t do his part, give me his number and I’ll give him a stern talking to.”
“Okay mom,” you joke as you wave and hang up on your sister.
Wonwoo sees this as the best time to make his presence known as he jiggles his keys loudly in the keyhole and acts like he’s stepping through the door for the first time today. You look up from your phone and smile.
“Hey y/n.” Wonwoo greets as he takes his shoes off and makes his way over to you. “What’re you up to?” he asks as he plants a quick kiss to your cheek.
“Hey Wonwoo. Not much, I just got off the phone with my sister.”
“Oh really, what’d you talk about?”
“Nothing much, she just called to tell me that my brother-in-law’s taking her on a trip to the tropics for Valentine’s Day.” you explain as you get up to make your way to your shared room to finally change into something comfier. 
Wonwoo trails behind, listening to you continue to ramble about your day as he begins to mentally plan how to make this the best Valentine’s Day ever.
Wonwoo’s point of view - T minus 2 days 'till Valentine’s Day
The next day, all Wonwoo can think about is what kind of flowers to get you and what else he can do to make Valentine’s Day as special as possible. You hadn’t said anything about what kind of flowers you like when you were on call with your sister, and he couldn’t exactly ask you now because that would just give away his entire plan. He’s so engrossed in looking at pictures of bouquets on different florist websites that he doesn’t even notice when the professor ends class and everyone starts packing up their things. 
“Hey, you coming?” Soonyoung asks him as he stands in the aisle staring at Wonwoo.
“Yeah, you’re blocking the exit and I can’t get out.” Mingyu whines as he impatiently taps his foot. “What’re you even looking at?” Mingyu asks as he leans down to steal a glance at Wonwoo’s laptop screen.
“It’s nothing.” Wonwoo replies nonchalantly as he tries to close his laptop before Mingyu can see, but to no avail.
“Really? Because it looks like someone’s looking for flowers to buy for a special someone named y/n for a special day coming up.” Mingyu teases as Wonwoo’s ears turn red. This is exactly why he didn’t want his friends to see what he was up to. I guess the cat’s out of the bag now. Wonwoo thinks as he packs up his things.
“Wow, I didn’t know Wonwoo was so whipped. Look at his ears, Gyu, he’s shyyy.” Soonyoung teases as Mingyu and him burst into giggles.
“Yeah, I was looking for flowers for my girlfriend, is that a crime?” Wonwoo asks.
“No it’s not, but it’s fun to make fun of you.” Soonyoung responds as the trio makes their way out of the lecture hall to grab a bite to eat at the dining hall.
“Besides, aren’t flowers a really basic gift? Where’s the heart? Where’s the romance? Where’s the uniqueness?” Mingyu asks as they step out into the cold.
“Yeah!” Soonyoung agrees loudly. “I thought you’re obsessed with her? I thought you would get her a bracelet or something. Oh, oh, oh! Or you could get her a necklace with a W on it like Troy gave Gabriella at the beginning of High School Musical 2! That scene made my heart flutter.”
“Well, Soonyoung, I’m not trying to make your heart flutter, I’m trying to make y/n’s heart flutter. And you two can complain about flowers being the least romantic thing in the world, but I heard y/n on the phone with her sister yesterday when I got home. She asked y/n what she wants for Valentine’s Day and she said flowers because no one’s gotten her flowers before.” Wonwoo explains to his friends hoping that they’ll be satisfied with this answer and they’ll drop the subject.
“Aww, that’s so sweet.” Soonyoung coos.
“But, you’re not just getting her flowers, right? Are you planning anything else?” Mingyu asks as they finally enter the warmth of the dining hall.
“Well, I’m trying to plan what else we could do. When she was on the phone, y/n said she wanted to do something where we could really spend time together because we’ve both been so busy recently.”
“Wow, she really gave you a step by step guide of what she wants.” Soonyoung admires.
“Well, she actually gave her sister a step by step guide. Wonwoo here was just lucky and was in the right place at the right time.” Mingyu corrects.
“I guess you could say that, but I still need to plan the details. She said she wanted flowers, but nothing about what kind of flowers and she didn’t even say what she wants to do together. All she said was that she wants to spend time together, but I don’t know what we could do together.” Wonwoo complains as they make their way over to grab their food.
“I would suggest you cook her a nice dinner, but that’s off the table since we all know you can’t cook to save your life.” Soonyoung says as they make their way to an empty table.
“It’s not like you’re any better Soonyoung.” Wonwoo teases back. “I’m sure I’ll figure something out, I want to make sure it’s something she actually enjoys.”
The conversation eventually shifts, but Wonwoo can’t stop thinking about what to do on Valentine’s Day.
Y/N’s point of view - Valentine’s Day
As you make your way back to your apartment after your classes, you can’t help but feel like there’s something off with Wonwoo recently. He’s been so engrossed in his thoughts that it’s like he’s on another planet sometimes. You wonder if he even remembers today's Valentine’s Day because he hasn’t brought it up at all. You decide not to get your hopes up as you walk out of the elevator. He’s busy so you understand if he completely forgot about it. Maybe you could get him to watch a movie with you tonight just to spend some time together.
“Wonwoo, I’m home!” you say as you walk through the door. 
You’re so focused on getting your shoes off that you don’t even notice the state of your apartment until you step farther into the apartment. When you finally look up, you see it. There are tea candles all around the kitchen island, red rose petals scattered around the island, little paper hearts stringed together to make a garland around the edge of the island, and standing there next to this beautiful display is Wonwoo in a cute burgundy polo sweater and jeans. In the middle of the island sits a bouquet of pink roses.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” Wonwoo says as he makes his way towards you with a smile on his face. As he reaches down to take your bag from your hands, he notices the tears welling in your eyes.
“Y/n, are you okay? Why are you crying? Do you not like it?” Wonwoo asks, concern laced in his voice.
“No, I’m fine. I love it so much, Wonwoo. It’s so pretty. No one’s ever done anything so thoughtful for me.” you explain, blinking away your tears and Wonwoo visibly relaxes.
“I’m glad you like it, but that’s not all.”
“Really? You didn’t need to do anything else, this is already so much.”
“This is barely scratching the surface. Now close your eyes, I have another gift to give you.” 
“Wow so many surprises today, I must be the luckiest girl in the world.” you say as you close your eyes.
You hear Wonwoo pull something out of his pocket and a few seconds later you feel his hands gently lifting your hair away from your neck. You feel the cold metal of a necklace against your skin and shiver causing Wonwoo to chuckle. 
“You can open your eyes now.” Wonwoo says as he fixes your hair.
You look down at your neck and you see a beautiful gold chain with a cursive W pendant. You look up at him with shock as you say “Wow, Wonwoo this is beautiful.”
“Really? I wasn’t sure if you’d like it.” He says sheepishly as he rubs the back of his neck.
“I love it, it’s gorgeous.” You say as you go up on your tiptoes to plant a kiss to his lips. “It’s like we’re Troy and Gabriella from High School Musical.” you joke.
“That’s funny, that’s exactly what Soonyoung said.” Wonwoo laughs. “Well this isn’t all, I still have more planned.” 
“Jeon Wonwoo!” you gasp out, “How much more are you going to spoil me today?” 
“Definitely not as much as I want to, but it’ll have to do for now. You don’t even know what I have planned, you can’t be mad yet.”
“I guess so. Enlighten me then Wonwoo, what else do you have up your sleeve?”
“I ordered take out from your favorite restaurant so we could have a night in together. We’ve both been so busy these past few weeks with school and work that I thought it would be nice to eat together and catch up on what’s been going on.”
“Wonwoo, that’s so sweet, I can’t believe you planned all of this for me.” 
As you both work to unpack all of the food Wonwoo bought, you slip into comfortable conversation asking each other questions about your day. As you sit across from each other to begin eating your meal, you can’t help but think to yourself how lucky you are to have the sweetest boyfriend ever. As Wonwoo reaches over to put some food on your plate, you say “I love you.” as you stare lovingly into his eyes.
“Yeah? I love you too, y/n.” Wonwoo replies as he takes your hand in his and brings it up to his lips to place a chaste kiss on your hand.
Yeah, you’re definitely the luckiest girl in the world.
an: Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it! If you did be sure to like and reblog. This is my first time writing fanfic so please leave a comment letting me know if you liked it and if I should change anything for the next one 💕
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nerdieforpedro · 2 months
The Intended determines their Meaning
Javier Gutierrez x plus size female reader
My blog overall is for readers 18+. MDNI
Word Count: 1271
Summary: Javier is following through on what his team has proposed optics wise. He’s bought her flowers to illustrate their partnership. The twist? The events of tonight lead him to follow a different plan altogether.
Warnings: Plots by PR teams, ghosts for dates, angst if you squint, bad jokes (did I write it if there’s not at least one?), Javi G being charming and adorable, honorable mention of Javi G’s orange/red shirt from TUWOMT (the debate of that shirt’s true color continues this very day)
Notes: An entry for @morallyinept ‘s Jett’s Flora & Fauna Challenge. I was surprised to have an idea for it but it turns out chatting with your friends in Discord gets the juices flowing. Plus my wonderful friend Grace came up with the initial idea and we each wrote our own versions. This one is mine. I looked up the meaning of the red peonies Pedro was holding in that shot of him and Dakota Johnson for “The Materialists.” I don’t know the name of the character so this said Javi G to me.
Main Masterlist/ Javier Gutierrez Masterlist
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This was supposed to be their third date. She was everything that his PR team said he needed for optics right now. Not too young, an actress that people recognize if they think about it for a minute and she’s thin. It’s not Javier Gutierrez’s first preference, but she was nice and their teams worked well together. 
At least he thought she was nice until tonight. It’s an hour after they were supposed to have their date. No calls, no texts, no one from her team saying why she’s not here. He’d bought her an ivory vase with two full bouquets of red peonies in full bloom. He figured it would be a good move to bring these as both teams had agreed to make their relationship public after leaking a few photos on instagram. A curious financially beneficial union that should be a happy life.
Javi’s heart isn’t in this, but he’s beholden to the public eye and their opinions. He’d rather date women that had more substance to them, both to talk about and to them. 
He continues to sit and wait, not expecting her to come after this long. Should he just leave? He decides to check his phone one more time before finishing off his third glass of red wine. His eyes gaze forward and he sees her. Not the woman he was expecting, but a woman who he’d truly want.
She’s sitting at a small table that’s a mirror of his, her hair in a updo with small silver clips holding it up. Her dress is a deep violet, off her shoulders with a deep V exposing much of her cleavage. From what he can see, the dress may have an asymmetrical cut as much of her thick legs are exposed. Her face is downcast similar to his. She may have been waiting for someone too. Javi wonders if she was stood up as well. 
Hey, I don’t see a second place setting. Is she alone too? Maybe we can be alone together. If she would like, if the woman my team doesn’t want anything to do with me, doesn’t that mean I should find someone I would want to be with?
Javier asks the waiter to give her another glass of whatever she was drinking. It looked like a red wine, he wasn’t sure if it was one different from his. He watched as she looks very confused and is trying to tell the waiter that she didn’t order anything like that.
“Oh no ma’am it’s paid for. The gentleman over there sent it.” The waiter explains and points to Javier. He gives a small wave with a matching smile. She smiles back and waives but almost knocks over her wine glass. Thankfully, she catches it and none of it spills. She laughs at herself and apologizes to the waiter, he looked like he was going to cry as he had his hands raised like he was being robbed.
Well she accepted, I think I’ll go over. Say hello in person. She seems sweet and fun. God, I miss having fun. Dating was supposed to fun at some point.
“You’re too stunning to not have something of equal beauty with you at the table.” Gutierrez leads with as he stands opposite her at the table. “Order what you like hermosa. They’ll let me know the tab. Enjoy yourself.” His wide smile never left his face as she watched him walk over, and hand her a large bouquet of red flowers. They’re not roses, she’s seen them before and just doesn’t remember the name. 
“Thank you. For the flowers and the wine.” She stands and Javi takes a step back to see the rest of her: wide stomach and hips with the dress indeed has an asymmetrical cut that goes to the top of her thigh. Across her stomach is a rhinestone butterfly, the tops of the wings cup the bottoms of her breasts as he attempts not to stare. Her lips are a blood orange that reminds him of one of his favorite leisure shirts to wear when he’s home in Spain. Thankfully he was looking at her lips when she spoke so he would pay attention. “I didn’t want to eat alone. Did you want to sit with me? What’s your name?” 
“Javier Gutierrez, honored to make your acquaintance. May I know yours cariño (sweetheart)?” He extends his hand and she shakes it, unsure if it’s the wine or maybe that he just happy he’s not alone and she wants him to sit with her. He pulls out her chair for her to sit and pushes it in as she gives him her name in response. Once he sits, he gets settled and watches as she fixes her napkin back in her lap and takes another sip of her wine. Whispering “perfecto!” under his breath. 
They chat over their shared experience tonight of being stood up. It turns out, hers was a fifth date after a month of seeing each other casually. He had texted, saying he wasn’t going to come and that he would call her. She knew that he’d broken up with her then, but she didn’t want to leave yet. The fresh bread was tasty and so was the wine. Javier simply said that his date did not show up and it likely meant the same as hers, the relationship was over. He wouldn’t get into the PR and logistics, not tonight. 
She asked what kind of flowers they were and if it was really okay that she had kept them. Javier insisted, their original intended didn’t deserve them. Not only because she didn’t come but she likely wasn’t going to give him what the flowers truly mean. The other woman had bestowed a more detrimental theme of peonies by standing him up - shame.
“Someone who is willing to leave a person alone like this without explanation, would not give me a happy life.” Javi explains, she agrees and wonders if they have a different meaning for her. 
“I don’t know if I can give you a happy life either. We just met Javier.” Her nervous giggle informs him that his explanation may have been a bit serious given how they’ve come together. 
“For you bonita (beautiful), the peonies do have a different meaning. I was hesitant to come over to the table. It looked like you were waiting for someone too and I didn’t want to intrude but I also didn’t want to miss an opportunity either.” He asks the waiter for a bottle for the table and their soup arrives with more bread. Javier hands her the butter so she can put it on her bread. “I’m also still nervous that I could mess this up at any point. And please, call me Javi. It's been a while since I’ve met someone I’ve genuinely liked so I’m bashful.”
“Quite the charmer you are, Javi. You’re definitely not messing anything up. You’re not the only one who’s nervous. I’m having a wonderful time and we haven’t even made it to dessert yet!” They both laughed at her attempt at a joke and continued the evening. Chatting, eating, drinking and laughing. Relaxed and without a care for them both.
Javier Gutierrez could just be on a date with a beautiful woman, maybe have a second of third with her. Maybe show her his shirt that’s the same color as her lipstick. Maybe find out what movies she enjoys and if he’s seen them, does she like Nicolas Cage movies? If she does, he may just swoon.
So many things and possibilities.
Debaters of the true color of Javi’s orange/red/dash of yellow shirt 👕: @maggiemayhemnj @magpiepills @tinytinymenace @readingiskeepingmegoing @bitchwitch1981
@inept-the-magnificent @tinytinymenace @yourcoolauntie @rhoorl @megamindsecretlair
@soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings @saturn-rings-writes @604to647 @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
@trulybetty @alltheglitterandtheroar @connectioneverywhere @angelofsmalldeath-codeine
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viridianevergarden · 3 months
I saw someone bashing Azriel’s choice in a gift -the necklace- all while placing Lucien’s gifted magical gloves on a pedastal?
They said something along the lines of “10 females in the NC could have that same necklace so it’s not special. 2 years pass and all he could give her was a necklace?”
Yet the magical gloves are special? And way more interesting?
I’m sorry but it’s kind of funny.
Prythian is literally a magical land. I’m pretty sure magical/enchanted gloves are just as common as a blade of grass.
Plus, the point in the necklace wasn’t just because it was pretty. I don’t think the materialistic value matters. It held sentimental value, held an ulterior meaning.
The golden necklace seemed ordinary -- its chain unremarkable, the amulet tiny enough that it could be dismissed as an everyday charm. It was a small, flat rose fashioned of stained glass, designed so that when held to the light, the true depth of the colors would become visible. A thing of secret, lovely beauty.
I think the whole meaning of the necklace was just to be a metaphor for Elriel’s relationship, or at least Azriel’s feelings. It seems ordinary to any passerby but its true colors only show when that chosen person makes the effort to see them.
But yeah, the necklace is lame.
Yet Elain didn’t care for the gloves and threw them off to the side. And she instead loved the gift Az gave her. Immediately asked him to help put it on her, even.
🤔Hmm, I wonder why.
We’ve officially gotten to the point where people hate on a ship so much that they bash a necklace and glorify a pair of gloves 💀
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heongiu · 1 year
Hellooo again, may I request sugar daddy and sugar mommy headcanons with Gojo, Suguru, Nanami, and Mei Mei? I love them but especially Mei Mei rn, like imagine her sitting on your face whenever you ask for smth 😫😫
Thankyou for the request Anon! This is such a fun request sjdkajd
Gojo Satoru
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Ah ah a typical Sugar daddy yes yes
Spoils you A LOT. A lot more than he should
Mostly materialistic things but whatever you want sweetheart.
Oh you liked that dress? It's at your doorstep with a matching shoe pair
Oh you like going to this restaurant? Don't worry he'll plan a date for you there.
He's got loads of money to spend, and he does that on you.
And if you don't like being spoiled, just so you know he doesn't care. He'll still do it.
Even gave you his card one day, but you returned it to him soon. (Yeah you're a pretty grounded person)
Kento Nanami
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Likes to spoil you, BUT, there's certain limits to him?
He does buy you whatever you want and like, but it's not as if he recklessly spends his money on you.
And if you guys are married. dont worry I suppose he's saving money to spoil his kid
He Likes to help you out in any way like any possible way he can.
If you're having trouble at work, he'll tell you to rest and probably cook you something good.
He takes a good care to always choose what you like the most.
Flowers ,bouquets, fragrances, candles, just vintage love I suppose ;")
Geto Suguru
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Nanami but if he was a flirt.
Acts of service once again!!
All the little things he does for you, you wouldn't even notice but that's his most effective way you to spoil you.
He doesn't much believe in materialistic things, but I suppose he can compromise for you.
He rather believes in small gestures.
Like kissing you whenever you come home from work and asking you about your day, how you've been and what you had done
Cooking your favourite dish for you when you're sad, or just cooking for you because he loves you.
He makes sure you don't get too tired when you're working overtime at home, so he massages your feet gently.
He takes a good notice of your mood and your mental well being, nothing is much more important to him than you being content!
He loves to gift you those exclusive chocolates a lot (and if you don't like sweets take this as anything else!), also jewelleries and scented candles.
Mei Mei
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Female Satoru Gojo ;)
Plus she spoils you like 2x more.
Everyday there's new things you never imagined there to be for you.
Expensive? What's that word?
She'll give you the most beautiful and expensive things.
If you like makeup, she'll gift you tons of it.
If you like dresses, don't worry, your wardrobe will be full of them now.
And if you refuse you're not getting away with it, it's still all yours haha.
She probably does sit on your face when you beg for it.
She teases you for being so spoiled by her, but she just loves you so dearly.
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k-rising · 1 year
Ningning's birth chart analysis
DISCLAIMER: This is just a part of the analysis of the idol’s natal chart, which wants to show a deeper perspective on the idols life. This analysis is carried out thanks to the data that appears in the birth chart. These are my interpretations of the signs and how they work based on my experiences with them. Everyone has different opinions and all interpretation and experiences within is valid. The point of this post is to entertain. [This idol hasn’t confirmed her birth time, so I used the standard 12pm time to calculate her natal chart].
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!!: since we don't know ningning's birth time, we have no idea if she's a scorpio or libra sun. when this happens, we should analyse her sun with the traits of both signs.
ningning's a charming woman who has an eye for beauty. having both her mercury and mars in libra means that she's indecisive and works better in company. even though she doesn't like when conflicts arise, cause she feels comfortable being a mediator, this woman can have a passive-aggressive behavior when she's annoyed. ninging doesn't like to give a "no" for an answer and she doesn't want to receive a "no" for an answer either, that's why sometimes she can be quite manipulative in order to get what she wants. this girl seeks for mental connection in her relationships as well as reciprocal love. she always tries to prioritize her loved ones desires and all of these placements can also indicate that she's a great at giving advices!
this woman is open-minded, original, creative and unique without even trying! ningning expresses herself in a very inspiring way, she tries to make ties with people from all walks of life and values when people are honest. ningning's a rebel who doesn't care about what others think about her beliefs and thoughts with her sun and mercury making a trine with uranus.
having her moon in taurus and having almost a stellium in libra makes her a hopeless romantic; this girl is in love with romance! this combination also makes her a very artistic person. plus, I read that her hobby is cooking, am I right? that's so taurus of her lol. she also has mercury trine neptune in her chart, which indicates that she possesses a lovely voice. ningning can be an amazing songwriter as well! she's just very talented, what else can I say? haha.
when it comes to her job, she's very responsible. however, this girl can be quite impulsive and might forget to think twice before doing or saying something...
as I said earlier, this girl has taurus as her moon sign, which indicates that, in order to feel safe and comfortable with someone, she needs people to demonstrate her loyalty and kindness; having good manners is key here. this placement makes ningning a very stubborn and quite materialistic person. she probably likes luxurious things and she may enjoy spending time with her closest friends.
when things don't meet her expectations, she may swing from periods of excess optimism to disappointment with her moon square jupiter. ningning's emotions can cloud her perspective sometimes, which can make her take decisions based on how she's feeling at that specific moment. and, as I said before, since she doesn't like to confront, she may think 'everything will work out in the end'.
when it comes to relationships, this woman seeks intense and passionate connections. ningning doesn't like superficial relationships, tho... this girl wants relationships that can transforms her and make her become a better person. but it's not all rosy having a scorpio venus, cause she's cautious af. she likes putting her relationships to the test and it can take a while for her to show her most vulnerable side. ningning wants to know every single detail about the people she loves. however, sometimes she can be jealous and a little bit possessive.
now... there's a lot of contraditions here about what she wants and what she needs. cause one day this girl craves for intimacy and the next day she wants her freedom back 🧍‍♀️ also... unfortunately, I think that she hasn't had good experiences with people, cause there's a lot of aspects in her chart that may indicate that :(
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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detectivelokis · 1 year
OC Tag Game
Tagged by: @socially-awkward-skeleton @marivenah @eclecticwildflowers @leviiackrman @emotionalcadaver @clonesupport @kyber-infinitygems @voidika @strangefable @madparadoxum @strafethesesinners
Tagging: @sstewyhosseini @jinfromyarikawa @river-ward @nightwingshero @direwombat @confidentandgood @nightbloodbix @poisonedtruth @ghastlyrider @risingsh0t @captastra @derelictheretic @gwynbleidd @aceghosts @cassietrn @trench-rot @josephslittledeputy @inafieldofdaisies @pheedraws @megraen @poetikat @swanfey @vampireninjabunnies-blog @bunfey @simply-jason @jacobsneed and anyone else who wants to tag me. I’m sure I forgot someone
Favorite OC
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My baby girl. My muse. The ultimate inspo. When I first created Charlie I was not expecting her to have such an impact on my life, but I cannot imagine not writing for her now. I love how complicated she is. Cruel yet maternal, materialistic and vain yet loves her partners and few loved ones unconditionally, manipulative yet brutally honest about who she is. She’s just a fun character and I’m so proud of having created her.
Oldest OC
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I haven’t really thought about Mathilda much in years, and I certainly have much older girlies from when I made OCs for Pirates of The Caribbean and Interview with The Vampire in middle school, but she was the first OC I created in years when I was hyperfixating on Vikings back in 2017. She’s a sweet girl, much different from a lot of my current ocs. She’s naive and innocent. An orphan who was raised in a convent. But, like a lot of my girls, she can’t help falling for a bad guy. One day I’ll get back to her/move her to a new fandom that’s more deserving of her.
Newest OC
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My baby girl Mack is my newest girlie. She came about when I realized we were severely lacking in Claire ships and well, I needed to provide. She’s another sweet girl. A young politician’s daughter who is just trying to survive a world that she was never raised to be prepared for. I’m excited to start fleshing her out more and she’s been on the mind a lot these last few days.
Meanest OC
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It was hard to choose between her and Charlie, but Dylan is cold as ice. She very rarely prioritizes the feelings of others and can be pretty harsh on them as well. One of the few people that she shows unconditional kindness and love to is her daughter, Rory. Besides that, everyone else is just another potential mark. Until she meets Zsasz that is 🙈
Softest OC
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Gwen is my ultimate baby girl. She’s incredibly sensitive, optimistic, and views the world through rose-colored glasses. Very much a glass half full kinda girl. I mean, one of her main hobbies is writing love poems for her man. She’s a very rare type of character for me to write and I miss her everyday. Too bad the Arcane fandom is batshit.
Honorable Mention: Mackenzie Liu
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC
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Again, it’s Dylan. Girl does not care to make friends or even acquaintances unless she’s absolutely forced to. Though there are a couple people who are able to win her over.
Smartest OC
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Gwen’s favorite subjects in university were botany and philosophy. She’s a very brainy and kinda nerdy girl. That plus her innate sweetness is what makes her so perfect for Viktor.
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC
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Of course it’s Charlie. And the funny thing is, she’s not even really that dumb. She’s actually fairly intelligent, but she has a talent for being able to completely ignore red flags despite actually being aware they exist. She’s also willing to shove common sense to the side when it comes to love or someone hurting her ego. When she actually does use her brain everyone is surprised by the shit she manages to accomplish.
OC I’d be Friends with IRL
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Courtney! She’s the best of both worlds. She’s a tough, take no shit kinda girl, but she’s also very sweet and will have anyone’s back if they prove to be a decent person. She also has great taste in music and she’s insanely personable from being a popular bartender, so I think she would just be fun to hang out with.
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minthe-lover · 1 year
Chapter 230 analysis.
Okay so this chapter fucking such, it's clear that rs is trying to remove any nuance from her story and just wants to push hades and persephone together. The next chapters are going to get worse and worse with rs just throwing away any important plot or persephone clearly stated comfort about how she wants her relationship to go. It's deeply uncomfortable to watch and it gets worse, Rs could have wrote a interesting and complicated view of motherhood in the face of immortality and in a world that abuses women. Instead rs just wants a creepy romance with nothing else to it.
Even with the amount of effort rs is putting into reckoning Demeter to be fully evil... she's still right. Plus rs just keeps drawing panels.. that are both creepy and that I can't help but see symbolize in ways that I'm positive she isn't intending the meaning. Like this panel, hades is covering her eyes to the truth of the situation and his arms are their threatening behind her a dark remember that he always has a hold on her.
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Now lets start with just an extremely dumb reckon by rs with the whole dress thing. Now there are two big problems with it, the first being that in this chapter is clearly being written to be another way demeter controls her which is a connection that has never been made before. We've really never seen demeter mention the colour of her clothes.. we've seen a few mentions of persephone not wearing more provocative clothes around her mother.. which is just a completely normal thing to do.
Now the next big thing is that demeter is talking about the colour of the dress, and not like.. anything else. This completely falls flat because rs herself said that she dresses persephone in white to compliment hades black suits ie a bride and groom. We see persephone repeatedly choose to wear white in situation that demeter has no control over her... persephone almost always wears white.
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Now again rs is making small things that make no sense if you think about it for like more then a few second. Before it was made very clear that demeter spring was super organized and planned, it was never described as having alot of pageantry nor as costly. The cost of spring was something never mention and it was all just magic.. their is no cost in that. Also if anything given how persephone idea of spring is explained, if anything she's the one with more pageantry.
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Now again Demeter made a point that is right, Persephone has become incredibly materialistic. We repeatedly see her spending money on this unneeded and any anti-capitalism sentiments that she holds are all but disappeared. She's supposed to be this stronger willed and more self assured person but she still buckles and fails to even decided on her own coronation.
It's clear that hades is having a huge negative effect on her in that regard, he's a literal slave owner. he hasn't made any changes to how he rules or even acts as a boss. He's still a shitty and cruel person.. and persephone is following suit, she becoming a shitty and cruel person.
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Now again rs keeps reckoning even simple thing that we've seen only a few chapters before. Like we saw just a few chapters ago we see demeter praise persephone but rs decided it wasn't enough so decided to change that... but even then the things that demeter brought up where like.. yeah persephone isn't fit to be queen.
At best we've seen her in charge of the mortal realm for ten years, and at least from what demeter has said she didn't really do the best. More importantly it's important to take into account that like.. yeah.. persephone isn't fit to fun the underworld. We haven't even seen her do anything in regards to that. We've mainly seen her treat the citizens of the underworld like shit, either threatening them or just scaring them.
We are supposed to take this as demeter being horrible and cruel.. but again she is telling the truth Persephone isn't ready to take control of a kingdom. She is responsible for the lives of others, we've already seen her use her status to threaten those beneath her. How is she going to deal with being a queen and the fact that people will not always like her because of that. We barely see her leadership skills, and the ones we are shown are on such a smaller scale then what she needs.
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Again rs is desperate to make demeter such a huge villain but it falls flat because rs refuses to even like consider the flaws of the main characters and instead just pushes the romance of hades and persephone together.
Rs refuses to say admit how much of a huge asshole hades is! Hades is someone who has repeatedly fucked over demeter, going as far as basically verbally abusing her when she tries to become queen. We've seen him rush relationship and put his partners in uncomfortable situations they aren't comfortable in. Most importantly we haven't seen him apologize or even work towards fixing those mistakes he's made. Of course Demeter would be unhappy with her daughter dating him, especially when you take into account that she is absolutely terrified that her daughter is going to abused because she's a fertility goddess... powers that hades already has taken advantage of.
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Last time demeter saw both of them they refused to properly communicate with her, and treated the mere mention of her bringing persephone home the same you would a death threat. I will admit that rs is great at writing.. of horribly one sided relationships and black and white mortality.
Again she had the opportunity to make a extremely heartfelt mother and daughter moment where she lets persephone and demeter talk about their struggles. We could let hades and persephone faults actually be questioned and have them grow into better people but nope! rs wanted a dumb plot line that *spoilers* ends up with hades having to "save" Persephone with a proposal! Cause you know just fuck persephone admitting she wanted there relationship to go slow!
Anyway my dream ending for this comic is minthe and demeter teaming up to beat the shit out of persephone and hades.
Also last note, rs please just give hestia a constant double chin. Stop being a fucking coward and half assing basically the only plus-sized rep you have in this comic.
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cabensqn · 2 months
my personal headcanon (any headcanons i have aren't original to just me) . anyways
i mightve said this before but i feel like in ghost when alex is talking about that man, honestly i really don't think she even loved him
i feel like being isolated, taken away from everything she's ever known, and probably dealing with heightened insomnia, anxiety (plus ptsd & depression) she latches onto the first person who shows her attention
but also i think alex is fucking around with someone who she's not attracted to. i have a strong headcanon that she's a lesbian who deals with comphet
i headcanon that she grew up rich with parents that were typical materialist, classist type of people and she's not super close with her father but loves her mother (still has a broken, mending relationship with her)
and also i think in college/high-school alex had kissed a girl or two and always felt something deep down but never truly accepted it. she dated men and never really loved any of them. i feel like olivia was her first serious relationship and it hurt 100x more when she had to go to wpp because she felt like she'd finally found her person
anyways thank you for reading this random shitpost
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lindszeppelin · 4 months
curiosity- at what point do you accept a PR relationship involves the PR teams of both people? where does austin and his team/kate factor in? you do a lot of talking about kaia and her team being sinister mastermind plotters but seem hesitant to be critical of your stake in it in regards to austin and his team. i can personally see the argument for it being set up for PR, but not in the sense that he’s “trapped” which seems to be the main narrative on here. they’re too much net benefit on his end for that to be the case: the business connections he now has access to through rande, even more so bc rande seems to love him and is probably “grooming” him for casamigos involvement. connections through cindy and kaia such as laura dern, the general privilege of being plus-oned into a million, probably billion dollar dynasty family when while i’m sure he’s well off, he doesn’t come from money. more paparazzi opportunities that give him just as much PR as they do her. and to be a bit crass, a young, thin (not saying to be fatphobic and hoping you know what i mean), pretty model to get him off at the end of the day. he hasn’t exactly gotten nothing but pain out of this deal.
you got pretty close with all the ‘they’s in the part of your post calling *them* hypocritical for how they talk about privacy. but i’m curious for your brutally honest take on austin and his team’s involvement. understandable that you might be wary to upset other fans, but i think being critical of your faves is healthier than constantly falling on the sword for them. 
slow your roll, cowboy. this needs to be addressed and then we move on.
i have never not said that PR relationships DON'T involve both PR teams. It seems like you are maybe new here to my blog. I have said so much over the span of probably a year discussing all of this ad nauseum. i call out her team predominately because her team has done most of the heavy lifting. his team only seems to step in when the record needs to be corrected.
so with that being said, do you hear yourself? what planet are you living on where you truly think rande is grooming austin to take over casamigos? also, a billion dollar dynasty family? what is this, Downton Abbey? sanity has left the chat.
austin has made connections, money, and fantastic career choices without the Gerbers throughout his entire career spanning a decade and he will continue to do so without them. while he was working the field going to auditions and working on critically acclaimed shows, she was playing hopscotch with her friends in a malibu elementary school. he does not need their help, he has done it by himself very well and is managing his new level of fame in his own way.
you wanna talk about grooming? kaia has been groomed since she was little by her own family in the ways of Hollywood and how to move through it via the nepotism she has. you think that they don't give their daughter the hardest hitting PR team in LA? they play this Hollywood game for breakfast. there are two people in this situationship...one comes from humble beginnings living with his divorced parents in their family's garage, and the other one was bred into hollywood culture since birth. we are not even on the same galaxy, let alone the same planet when it comes to these two and how they move through life and their values.
we can be critical, but austin has not done anything to warrant us as fans being critical of him in regards to his PR. he doesn't care about externals like money or the glitz of hollywood. he is clearly not tempted by that shit. yes he didn't come from money, but it's shitty of you to presume that just because he has been with the Gerber's that he is this changed guy who all of a sudden cares about materialistic bullshit.. do you see this guy driving an Escalade drinking boxed water and going out to parties and rubbing elbows with the elites every weekend? no. and do you see this guy calling the paps on himself and enjoying the paps attention? no. are you blind? did you sleep through all of the last Cabo vacation and literally every single time he is papped with her? incredible selective memory.
being with kaia has made him worse off and he has not gained any benefit from this situationship. austin is not this Machiavellian schemer that rubs his hands together and plots "how can i use the gerbers to benefit my career?" like you think he does. and it's sad that you do.
in conclusion, im not here to be well liked and play to people's feelings. i don't give a damn. i am here to support austin and his career, period.
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velveticamoon · 2 years
— PETER PARKER X FEM! READER [established relationship]
SYNOPSIS: you’re trying to focus in class, but peter missed you and just wants some of your attention.
WARNINGS: some cursing, but it's mostly just fluff <3
A/N: omg she’s alive 😟 hope y’all haven’t been starving too much while i’ve been gone 😁 anyways i’m back to feed u hungry hungry hippos with some content of my most beloved boy of all time peter parker <3 (there was no incentive behind why i wanted to start writing for him i just am deal with it ♥)
— feedback & reblogs are always appreciated! and without further ado, hope you enjoy, and have a great day ;)
- mimi
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mind dizzy, your eyes have a hard time focusing on your professor ranting about his crappy coffee for the umpteenth time that evening, comically waving his arms around in a grumpy manner as he continues to defer from the supposed lecture's topic at hand.
on any other occasion, you would be welcoming the self-provoked intrusion during a lesson; but given the fact that you've been awake since five in the morning, and the clock on your phone screen was now throwing the fact that it was seven p.m in your face, you weren't exactly thrilled by the unexpected extension during this class.
you sigh, blinking your eyes rapidly in a pitiful attempt to keep your eyes open. you hear the lecture hall doors open behind you, and you start to think "who in their right mind would think about showing up now instead of just fucking off for the rest of the night like a normal person??"
the only reason why you were even in this class was because it was "absolutely impossible" for the professor to move it around to a more reasonable hour of the day, plus the added fact that it was mandatory for you to take. you had to remind yourself constantly that this course would only be lasting for six weeks anyways, but your desperate attempts to cheer yourself up didn't ease your exhaustion.
your eyes shifted to the previously unoccupied seat next to you, and you had to do a double take before realizing who it was that sat next to you.
"peter?" you whispered, trying your hardest to keep your voice down. your professor was known for having the ears of a bat, always taking any opportunity he could in order to tell his students to shut up. you were convinced it was one of his greatest sources of happiness, aside from the copious amounts of danishes he consumes.
"hey babe," peter smiled brightly beside you, his hair looking slightly disheveled, no doubt from the rain pouring outside which he probably tried to evade by running through as fast as he could.
"what're you doing here? i'm glad you're here, but i thought we were hooking up later tonight?" you and peter had your weekly movie night reserved for thursdays.
in the earlier stages of your relationship, peter was usually too busy with patrolling most nights, but over time he had realized just how much it was affecting you as much as it was affecting him by not being able to see you. he made it a promise to reserve thursday nights for you and you only, with happy being willing (begrudgingly) to help him out with his shenanigans.
what can he say? he loves you two, especially when it means you're able to preoccupy him for at least one night to give him some peace and quiet.
"my lecture ended early, so i figured i'd come by and visit you and walk you home before we hung out," he said, shrugging his jacket off and hanging it on the back of his chair. he ruffled his hair slightly, and picked up the latte you had in front of you, taking a sip before saying, "plus, i kinda forgot my umbrella, and you always have one on you so i was hoping we could share," he smiled, chuckling when you snatched your coffee back from his cold hands.
"ah, so you only came by to use me and steal my coffee. didn't realize just how materialistic you were parker," you playfully glared at him, and he chuckled before throwing an arm behind your chair, his hand slightly stroking your shoulder before going to play with the ends of your hair.
"you caught me, but it's your fault for making it so easy for me to use you, pretty girl," he squeezed your shoulder, his eyes crinkling from the unamused glance you threw his way.
you scoffed lightly, rolling your eyes and turning them back to your notebook. "my fault, huh? have fun walking back home in the rain with no umbrella then," you tilted your head, holding back your grin when he gasped dramatically, as he reached for both of your shoulders, shaking you lightly in protest at your retort.
"y/n/n, baby, you can't do this to me, if i get sick from the rain you're the one that's gonna be taking care of me, and i know you won't even let me kiss you because you won't wanna get sick- which i one hundred percent condone by the way, because you deserve to be healthy at all times, but still, i won't be able to kiss you because of how stubborn you are," he rambled, pouting as he laid his head on your shoulder.
you turned you head towards him, your right hand coming up to cup his cheek as you playfully whispered, " what gave you the impression that i was gonna kiss you at all after everything you said?"
his head jolted up, his hands grabbing yours as he whined apologies profusely, begging you to forgive him, and you bit your lip to keep yourself from bursting out into laughter.
however, his pleads were stopped abruptly as your professor was now standing in front of the two of you, you both sat up straight, peter's hands still clinging to yours.
"what exactly is so important that the two of you can't wait to disrupt the class over?" his voice boomed, snickers could be heard all throughout the lecture room. peter's eyes were blown wide open, his mouth opened to say something, but you beat him to it.
"sorry sir, we got a little bit distracted, and didn't realize that we were being too disruptive. we'll keep it down from now on," you politely said, the professor was slightly surprised at your composure and how sure you seemed, considering he was so used to students blubbering after being called out so openly. the disappointment in his eyes was almost too noticeable, and it left an uneasy feeling in your stomach.
he nodded curtly, and started walking back down towards the monitor at the front of the room, continuing on with his lecture.
you sighed lightly, and peter was finally able to take note of just how tired you looked. your hair was a little disheveled, and the way your eyes were drooping slightly, paired with the increased amount of coffee you'd been drinking the past few days was concerning to him.
he wanted to comfort you, but knew that talking was out of the question. "y/n wasn't kidding when she said he hears everything, i don't think i was even being that loud, was i??"
his eyes trailed down towards your notebook that hadn't been touched in quite a while, it seems. he lifted your hand up off of it, and you didn't think twice when he took it from under your arm, along with your pencil sitting next to it.
your focus was trained back on the lecture at hand, and that gave peter the perfect opportunity to write down some of his thoughts to you.
a couple moments later, he tapped your arm, pointing to your notebook where the words 'are u ok?' were written in his messy handwriting.
you smiled lightly at his gesture, taking the pencil from him and writing back, 'yeah, i'm fine, he just drains me,' before turning back to the monitor.
peter thinks for a second, and presses the pencil back down to the paper, his now damp hair flopping over his eyes in the process. he pushes the notebook back to you, and you look down where it says 'i can tell, and how are we the ones being disturbing when he can barely keep himself focused on anything like wtf??'
you snorted at that, grabbing the pencil from him when he passed it to you, his head leaning over your hand as you wrote, 'i kid you not, before you came in he spent a good 25 minutes complaining about the temperature of his coffee, and how he could tell the beans weren't organically processed due to the greater amount of bubbles around the rim of the cup, and how their appearance was more prolonged than normal.'
peter looked at you incredulously, whispering the word "seriously?" when you nodded, he blinked slowly, letting out a slight huff at the perplexity of your professor.
'damn, this dude really needs to get laid' peter wrote, smiling at the way you giggled. his heart felt warm whenever he managed to make you smile.
you scribbled something else on the page, peter eyeing you curiously. when you turned the paper over to him, he smiled and tilted his head, resting it on his palm knowingly as he read your words.
'so, you still haven't told me why you really came by?' you looked at him with your eyebrows slightly raised, and he couldn't help but stare at you endearingly before grabbing the hand that held your pencil, guiding it as he made you write the words he was unable to say out loud due to the very nosy professor scouring the lecture room.
'i just missed you :)' he confessed, and you smiled softly, putting the pencil down, and lacing your fingers with his that were wrapped around your own, propping your other arm up on the table to hold your own head up, looking into his eyes.
"you're so cheesy," you whispered, nothing but pure adoration pouring through your words, as peter brought the back of your hand up to his lips, placing multiple light pecks along your knuckles.
"only for you, bug," he whispered back, as he leaned his head forward to place one more kiss on your temple, nuzzling his nose against the side of your head, eyes shut as he took in a whiff of your hair, letting his head rest there for a while.
you pulled your intertwined hands up to your own lips to place a sweet kiss on the back of his hand in return, holding them underneath your chin as you re-focused on the lecture.
he was an idiot for always showing up at the worst times. but you had to confess, that despite all those terrible times? he somehow managed to make them all feel not so bad.
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texasjen13 · 4 months
Hey, I love your blog and you're my favorite on all of Tumblr.
Can we get a full reading on Chris's FS situation? How is she handling all of this? I truly believe they're already in contact and suffering together through this whole mess.
I think Chris is juggling to get her to be patient and wait for things to end with Alba.
I really believe Chris's girl is already around, at least in the virtual world.
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First card out is :
the queen of coins reversed- What this card means is that a romantic interest or partner may be feeling insecure or possessive or maybe projecting those emotions. It can also mean that future spouse needs to focus on her and her goals.
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The clarifier card is:
7 of coins- which means that in a romantic relation, it represents fostering, patient and development, which is essential to a long-term partnership
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The next card I have is :
the 6 of pentacles reversed- which means that there is an imbalance in the relationship there could be lack of equal given future spouse may feel like they’re being taken advantage of and the other person meaning Chris on the other hand may feel that they’re holding back. And if they’re not careful it could potentially turn into resentment in the long run.
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Now, as the clarifier card we have:
Justice now the justice in upright in a love reading, says that future spouse should treat Chris Fairley and honestly just like how she would wanna be treated
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The next card we have is :
the 4 of coins-which means in a love relationship again it may have some jealousy or possessiveness it may be fueled with jealousy or possessiveness kind of like the queen of pinnacles reverse. They may struggle with insecurities and fears. Not only future spouse, but Chris may have that about her as well, but this is basically how she feels at the moment
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The card that is the clarifier is:
The hierophant- which means that future spouse is ready for serious commitment like getting married to Chris after this shit show is ended. And Chris may be feeling the same way once this show ends.
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The next code we have is :
the high priestess- Now, with the high priestess in a love reading, talks about duality, they could view each other as their other halves. It could indicate soulmate or twin, flame energy, and on the other hand, they could also be a karmic relationship from a past life. The high priestess, as a love reading, is a sign of spiritual union, future spouse, and Chris are either mirrors of each other or polar opposites. Now they are opposite. It means that they complement each other and the card is a statically associated with the moon which governs intuition, and they could be very well in tune with each other, and when the other half is upset without telling them.
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And for that clarifier, we have :
the four of wands- Which means that Chris and future spouse have a strong bond, built on trust, support, and understanding, and this signifies a harmonious and loving partnership.
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This is where it gets interesting because I have both the queen and the king of pentacles in reverse meaning that there is a soulmate connection here they’re both a divine pair, Chris and future spouse.
What the king of coins represents is a person who is stubborn and materialistic. So I’m assuming that might be Chris since he’s in the limelight and it’s a divine masculine. Because the divine female is the king of pentacles, and we already saw her at the beginning of the reading.
So wrapping it up, there is a lot of pentacles meaning that Chris’s future spouse is definitely a Virgo because the queen of pinnacles represents a Virgo and then you have the other coins that also represents earth signs, but since we have the court cards, the king and queen of coins.
She’s definitely a Virgo and Chris does have Virgo in his chart. It may be his north note or something like that but the sign is a Virgo and it’s not AB because AB is a cancer. Plus check out the Bonus reading
That indicates the lovers card and you could see there’s two women and one man
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Inside The Palace of Alcazarzaray, Aether gazed upon marvelous treasures and wonders that nearly blinded his eyes with how shiny they were. Not to mention the worldwide spread of food on various tables. He’s seen rich people before but this was impressive. Diluc was humble with it, Ningguang was lavish yet not too imposing, the Kamisatos were refined and regal with their wealth. Dori however, Aether felt like this was somehow the biggest flex. Maybe that’s the difference from linage versus effort; you want to go big. Her and Ningguang might have interesting conversations about that.
Aether:I can see how Kaveh got in dept…
Paimon:*already eating*
Aether:Yeah that’s about right.
Dori:Welcome!!! Hahaha!
Madam Sangemah Bay herself stood at the top of stairs with arms raised and pride beaming. She ran to the railing and slid down as her laughter filled the corridor. Aether then realized something. In terms of electros he met, they all can fit on triangular graph with Ei, Lisa, and Fischl being each point and then everyone else is somewhere inside the graph near them. Forget the Ningguang conversion. Dori and Fischl galavanting around at a feast sounded hilarious.
Aether:Happy Birthday Dori.
Dori:Thank you my dear and most humorous customer!
Aether:Me? I feel pretty straight forward most of the time.
Dori:Exactly! You don’t kid yourself into circumventing my deals, you’ll flat out admit you can’t afford something, and I never know what you’ll be asking for every time we meet. You’re quite the mystery box. All the more reason I want everything so there’s nothing I don’t have to offer!
Aether:Heh, glad I’m good exercise in business practice. Also thanks for the invite.
Dori:Don’t mention it. Considering my bail after Cyno arrested me was significantly decreased thanks to “an anonymous client” and I was freed very quickly, I could only think of one person with that kind of connection that rivals my own. A shame he never paid for those kits.
Aether:Please don’t ever try your luck like that again…
Dori:Fortune favors the bold, but yeah, I’ll be on my toes. Anyways, not that o don’t enjoy your company, but… I’m curious what a gift looks like from an explorer like yourselves. If you’re half as good as Alice, then it’s easily the best gift.
Aether:What if the bail was the gift?
Dori:Then my invention countered the gesture and now we’re just two people. One happy birthday girl, and a guest who arrived with a plus one halfway through the world in food.
Aether:Ah, fair. Well it’s a good thing I did get you a gift.
Materialistic desires aside, Dori actually didn’t bounce around like someone expecting a gift. She smiled softly and simply held her and out to accept whatever it could be. Maybe it’s all the guests she’s entertained before, but perhaps Dori never expects a grand gesture to the scope of anything she could get herself. Luckily for Aether, he had something she hadn’t seen. He pulled out an ankle bracelet made from gems Dori immediately knew to be amethysts and cor lapis. All in all, it didn’t look expensive, but it also didn’t come off as cheap. Those gems were easy to find and people who made accessories from them was common enough businesses practice. However, the pattern and overall woven style of it wasn’t one she was familiar with.
Dori:Oh? Where’d you find this little beauty.
Aether:I made it.
Dori:Come again?
Aether:Yeah hehe, I made it. Took a bit of work but it came it pretty well I think. I knew my mora couldn’t compare to yours so I spent time instead. Even made a matching bracelet for myself. Silly I know, but I figured friendship charms would be the perfect gift.
Dori:How so?
Aether:I know a few business people. I’ve come to learn being shrewd in the line of work is good, but makes other stay at arms reach or only see things as business. With this I want you to know that even if I’m a customer, we’re also friends.
Dori:I…I see. Thank you. If adventuring doesn’t work out then you clearly have other talents that could serve you well.
Aether:*smiles* Don’t mention it. Though I suppose it might look a little out of place in terms of price with everything else you’re wear-
Dori immediately put it on and then helped him with the bracelet. She didn’t say anything but he could tell she was happy. Aether laughed then went to go stop Paimon before there was nothing left for anyone.
Aether:Tell your sister I said hi. Hope she’s feeling well.
Dori:I will. Thanks *looks at anklet*
Dori:(I should really make a best friend discount.)
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The Big Four’s Zodiac Sign+ My Headcanons
OKay so y'all have no idea who I am- because I made this account 2 years ago lol But, I work with like, astrology,, for purposes,,, IRL. Anyways, this boils down to ''I am familiar with astrology and here are my best guesses for our beloved blorbo group xoxo'
The dates are as official as they go, I'm using their fandom wikis or their creator's hints for the dates! AND I'm including their moon and rising signs for the heck of it. But all in all, this is just my headcanons, so like do what ye will of this—
Plus some alternative sign vibes
Rapunzel - Taurus (May 12) ♋+♌
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Her character traits are spirited, smart, clever, kind, playful, and adventurous.
Tauruses are known to be Loyal, Hardworking and Generous. Traits that Rapunzel represents quite well. You might recognize her a little less in negative traits: Jealous, Materialistic and Selfish; However this is where our second sign comes in... I believe Rapunzel's moon sign would be Cancer: Making her negative and emotional traits go moreside along the lines of Pessimistic, Aggressive, Possessive. As far as first impressions go, you might mistake her for a Leo! She stays loyal to herself and comes off as a true romantic, her confidence is natural. Other signs that represent her: Aquarius & Pisces
Jack Frost - Sagittarius (November 22) ♏+♈
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His character traits are fun-loving, lighthearted, high-spirited, rebellious, wise-cracking, and mischievous trickster.
Jack was confirmed by his creator to be a Sagittarius over Twitter some years ago. His main traits are Friendly, Optimistic and Reckless, he can also be immature or boastful. However, you'll find that his ambitious and sometimes Intense as well. I favour his moon would be Scorpio, a secretive and compulsive sign under it all. And the rising? Up to no surprise, Aries is the symbol of all hot-headed characters, even under his cool temper, Jack is Dynamic, warm and independent. All in all, the goof guy and local cool kid jack is a mix of water and fire signs, man really has got a sauna for a personality lol
Jack gets no other signs of choice cuz Sag is just perfect for him, it would make him likely a December baby so like rebirth or whatever I like the concept
Merida - Aquarius (February 12) ♈+♐
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Her character traits are bold, brave, daring, courageous, stubborn, rebellious, and headstrong.
Logical, Social, and Rebellious: Those are the three main traits that encapsulate Merida. As an Aquarius, innovation is no news to her. She's the reason things change around her. Her moon is in Aries, along her fiery hair, she's got fiery spirits, so you might find her brash, impulsive or impatient. Under that though... there's more fire. At first glance, you might take her for a Sagittarius. Honest and friendly, and characteristically non-judgemnetal.p
Mer could also be Taurus or a Capricorn if you look at it in a very perched up angle?
Hiccup - Pisces (February 29) ♓️+♑️
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His character traits are witty, sarcastic, well-spoken but shy, reserved, smart, kind, progressive, compassionate, empathy.
Hiccup's traits have evolved over the years (and movies) but to the core, Hiccup is a kind person who resonates real well with the sign of Pisces, a sign that represents the compassion, emotional presence and empathy of his personality. On other levels, we find more serious details in his character, those brought likely from a Capricorn moon. The sarcasm, pessimism and whatnot comes from that emotional inner moon. Oh finally, his rising sign is absolutely Virgo.
I think we can pin him down as Virgo or Taurus if not in Pisces, but that’s just me
Ngl imo the only one with a possible different sign is Raps but the others are pretty solid if I say so myself!
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123star3456 · 2 months
i think robert was always chasing things for excitement and wanting more and chasing things for ulterior motives
Donna casual sex and make Katie jealous
nicola- infatuation/lose his virginity
Elaine- when he got bored of Donna
Katie was a prize to be won- he wanted to steal her because she was with Andy, I do think he also did take a real shine to her and thought he was in love with her but think fact he once he detached her from Andy he could not resist Sadie King shows their still something missing and the main attraction was because she was with Andy.
chrissie- money, status and maybe to get one over on lawrence, personally i never felt great love there, even on chrissie side she seemed more into andy than robert even though she married him but then andy maybe she seemed more into andy because she lost robert to cheating. which why she react bad to being cheated on again by his brother. i thnk probably did also take a shine to her and attracted to her personality
rebecca- i think he found bex attractive because she pretty but i think he more attracted to the danger of her being chrissie sister and her having a boyfriend 2 reasons why they shouldn't sleep together and been ego boost to get her into bed. no way would her personality would be someone robert would be with in a serious way
Sadie- again danger of affair, I think also because she a older powerful woman was the appeal/attraction and course materialistic things etc.
Debbie- simply to annoy and get one over on Andy by using her to take Sarah away.
Aaron- stands out to the others because Aaron was single, wasn't rich etc, I think also Aaron was his first true connection, he lowered his walls down to him in way didn't with anyone else, like scene HF robbery Robert pretty much almost telling his life story to Aaron re Lawrence. I personally think what drew Robert to Aaron was his personality alone and no ulterior motive like with Katie, Chrissie or was him just chasing excitement it was him truly meeting someone and having an connection with them. i think aaron is the first real love of robert life, someone he could be himself with and someone who truly accepted in probably for the first time in his life, i think katie, chrissie and rebecca only knew the robert he chose to show them, while aaron actually saw the real robert. i think his love for katie and chrissie was wrapped up in other motives and never fully gave himself to them the way he did aaron which is why he reverts to old behaviour when he feels rejected by aaron because he experiencing real heartbreak and can't just use aaron and toss him aside, i do think he devestated when he lost katie and chrissie because he loved them in a way he could back then but he able to get over them. but aaron is like a different ball park it was losing his home, soulmate, best friend, love of his life etc.
personally i feel same with aaron
jackson was first boyfriend and was him coming and a lot of guilt, jackson was always trying change aaron and guilt him etc, plus fact jackson even said when know you love someone you know it. i think he grew to love jackson as first love/coming out etc and lot guilt wrapped up in the relationship
while robert was the first intense love and think the first time he knew actual love like danny said robert is only person aaron really loved, i think robert and aaron loved/liked others in ways they knew how then but they the only real love of each other's lives.
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13xwishes · 2 months
Thoughts on the core trio? If you don’t want to answer them in one ask then you can just do Frankie
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Anonymous Wishes || Core Trio Gen 1 (Frankie, Draculaura & Clawdeen)
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Good thing I have the braincell! I decided to do all three. This is gonna be a bit of a long post so bare with me.
Frankie is the perfectly imperfect main ghoul
As far as it comes to the main, even as one of the ones shown the most, I feel like they did a good job with Frankie's character. She's not just a teen monster at Monster High, but THE teen to help you guide through it and relate to. I thought I wasn't going to like Frankie as much because of how they constantly show her most of the episodes but she balances out with her freaky flaws and difficult struggles.
Frankie's personality is what you expect for a teen experiencing High School life for the first time and is trying to fit in while going on a journey. And she takes us on the journey pretty well. She understands and learns along the way, is VERY protective of her friends and loves them enough to even DIE for them. She gets major credit for that. Plus even when the movie does focus on her, she never really overshadows the other monsters. Instead it feels like she brings them into the fold.
If there's any teen you can relate to the most, it would be Frankie in this series.
Clawdeen the fashionista is a good main that struggles
Ngl, Clawdeen was annoying at the start of her introduction, coming off as a bit of a hypocrite to contradict what she says. But eventually she builds up better from that. Clawdeen is the kinda ghoul that you wanna see throw down and look good doing it. Like her only time she threw hands was during 13 Wishes (best boovie of all) when she finally got to PUNCH someone!
Clearly Clawdeen is the tough ghoul who dreams big and even though she wasn't expanded as much ad Frankie and Draculaura, there were times I understood her plight. Like wanting to impress the people you look up to (she and Howleen are alot alike than they think), dealing with complicated younger siblings in the same school and trying to NOT knock the other monster who is giving you and your friends flat so you don't get suspended.
Scaris happens to be one of my favorites because of how it balances out and how Clawdeen got to balance herself out and learn along the way. She started off stagnant but develops along the way. She's honestly the one in the trio that needs to be exploited more.
Draculaura... the over populated one
Yeah I'm gonna say it: she's overrated (Love you Sam but not sorry!). I mentioned before that Draculaura is listed as one of my top five LEAST favorite characters, but it's not because she's a bad character. She has good morals, she supports her friends and deals with her own struggles. But its more like she's... overly spoiled? Like it's clear she is the brand favorite if you look up how she has the most amount of dolls in the franchise. And even in the remakes she lives one of the best lives in the monster world.
As for her character in itself, I honestly have a hard time sympathizing with her. Even when the movie focuses on her such as WHY DO GHOULS FALL IN LOVE or FRIGHTS,CAMERA, ACTION, the movie instead overshadows the plot for something Laura wants rather than something important such as NOT LETTING DISCRIMNATION RUN FOR THE MONSTER WORLD VAMPIRES!
Draculaura can also be invasive at times to the point where its uncomfortable for the ghouls such as GHOULS RULE on trying to force Clawdeen on a date with a guy (before she's canonically a lesbian). She WAS the head of the gossip pool before Spectra came along. And also she tends to be over-materialistic. If it wasn't for the amount of money or hierarchy she has, I'm pretty sure she and Cleo would be banned from every kind of transportation system EVER. I'm also kind of bitter for the webisode 'Draculocker' of how instead of giving her some kind of infinite purse like Jimmy neutron style, they fill up the school with giant lockers so she can store stuff. THIS IS NOT HOW YOU SOLVE YOUR HOARDER PROBLEM!
So yeah for Draculaura, not hate but they could've done better with her character and humble her down. There are other monsters in the franchise that deserve limelight time.
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