#plus we can visit him there anyway if he needs us for comfort if hes nervous
iguinn · 2 years
honestly this is going to be controversial but after our dad told us quite a few stories about smaller dog actively trying to provoke and bite his lab mix (uve heard of him) to the point an incident happened that made him way more on edge around other dogs since... we think that we need to start to be more critical of small dog owners who dont train them because if a big lab mix like our sweet big boy meant to actually hurt their dog for growling and trying to attack him trust us we would not let our sweet boy be put down because some idiot did not train their dog to not actively attack other dogs because they think its ok cause their dog is small. train ur small dog cause even a generally gentle and well trained bigger dog (like our dad's lab mix) can snap if provoked enough.
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dunmeshistash · 2 months
Okay I think I'm ready to write the second part of this post about Milsiril
To make it easier for me I'll just divide this into her relationship with Kabru, Mithrun and Helki (her ex-canary prisoner teammate)
First about Kabru
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This is an extra from the daydream hour 5. The caption says "Something like this might as well have happened" so its probably not canon but could be. I honestly think his reaction to Milsiril visiting and being overbearing says a lot about the type of relantionship they have. This is the fakest bitch in the whole of dungeon meshi, he never says what he trully thinks unless there's an advantage to doing so, he's a people pleaser that does and says anything to make people like/trust him. And yet he immediatly converts into "Mooooooom you're embarassing meeeeee" when he sees it's Milsiril.
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This translation used "Mom" but as I understand the original he uses the more formal version so I think it would be closer to "Mother" but still he acknowleges her as his Mother, and he acts like her kid in every interaction we see between them.
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I really don't understand where the idea that he learned to be fake from being "forced" to be her adoptive son comes from.
(Continuing under a cut)
The other interaction we see between them is the Kabru extra from the Adventurer's Bible
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Kabru comes to her with a deep fear he clearly has had even before she adopted him, he trusted her with this fear and she did not disappoint him, she comforted him and then gave him the information he needed to believe what she was saying
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I'd also like to point out in no moment she discouraged him from calling his his bio-mom "Mom". He also says she taught her children everything they asked
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I doubt this would only be true for him, it also mirrors something she said in the manga
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"You can go ahead and learn all you want about something else." I believe it when Kabru says she made every effort to answer her children's questions. I think this is also the way she expresses the love she has for them. Plus I love the thought bubble with Kabru mirroring what he learned from her. I also love this daydream hour, she sacrifices her own comfort to do something for Kabru.
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Milsiril isn't a perfect mother tho, besides the fact she is overprotective she comes from a very different culture from her children. I like to call her Kabru's white mom cause I think that would be the real world equivalent. This extra is the one I think the most about showing this context perfectly
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Kabru wants to share Utaya sweets but looks at his mom looking gloomy/rejected so he talks about fruitcake instead. This very rude for Milsiril to do since she's kinda trying to overwrite his actual cultural background, but I think its done more as a "I want you to like the things I like" rather than something nefarious, and once again Kabru doesn't hide at all his distaste for it, he does the bare minimum to please his mom since she's being dramatic but he doesn't lie to her, he shows how displeased he is about fruitcake, something he refuses to do when eating the harpy omelette that is way worse, because he must make a good impression for Laios. Kabru is honest with his overbearing white mom once again.
Now a little about Rin, from Kabru's context, this is her extra in the Adventurer's Bible
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(look at Helki he's such a gremlin i love him) anyway, Rin has a trauma about elves, they really mistreated her so she hates them, but when they notice she isn't thriving they go to Milsiril for help (Helki specifically I'll talk more about him next). I think this indicates she really has a better understanding of short lived kids, her kids are thriving differently from the ones the other elves try to care for. I'd also like to remember she lives secluded from other elves so while Kabru probably had lots of interactions with elves during his life, most of it was probably spent with Milsiril and her other adoptive kids. She also asks Kabru if he would do this to help Rin, he isn't being forced or anything, I also think it's good that Milsiril knows she cant take in any more kids, this to me shows she's worried about the quality of life her kids have. That is all to say, Rin is the one with elf trauma, not Kabru, because Kabru had Milsiril to shelter him from them.
This will be short and sweet since there's barely anything about Helki, he's her prisioner companion from her time in the canaries, but he was pardoned after Utaya, it says so in the Canarie's Structure page in the new adventurer's guide but I cant really find it translated again... so here's google's machine translation (I remember it saying "Retired and pardoned as a reward after Utaya", something like that)
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so officially he isn't a prisoner anymore, but I think he still works as a canary, even so he and Milsiril seem quite close, he is the one to go talk to her about Rin, He is there when she's training Kabru (both laughing at Kabru and then participating). I saw people theorizing she stays close to him because he is also someone who she can feel superior to, but I don't believe it at all, he's STILL in contact with her even after they have nothing to with each other, I think they really have a friendship, and there's no point where it seems like she feels like she's better than him or that he's less than her, people seem to interpret Milsiril and her relationships in the worst possible ways every time and I don't understand why.
This segways into Mithrun
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I've also seen people assuming she only got close to Mithrun because now he needs her and has no power over her, once again with the theory that Milsiril surrounds herself with people she can feel superior to. But once again, Milsiril had a change of perspective about Mithrun after seeing his Dungeon
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Rather than she feeling superior to him I think rather she realized he was just like her. (And I think she's friends with Helki for a similar reason, it's probably easier to see him as an equal than other nobles)
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I've also seen this part used as proof of that. "He said that you've got suspicious ulterior motives and that I shouldn't listen to you" as if that's true, but this is past Mithrun, the one that didn't trust anyone and thought ill of all his teammates, ofc he doesn't believe someone would help him without an ulterior motive. This doesn't prove much about her real motivations.
Also before she showed up, Mithrun was being cared for by servants hired by his brother, he isn't someone helpless she has power over, he is still a member of an important Noble family that has a caring brother providing for him, he can do without Milsiril, he had done without her for 20 years before Utaya happened and she quit the Canaries.
This is all to say I think Milsiril is just a white(elf) adoptive mom doing her best, I don't see much of anything nefarious about her or her motivations, she is flawed as all the dunmeshi characters are, she isn't a perfect mom, she isn't an evil mom, she's just a person.
Elves in general also see short lived species as "children" so I imagine this makes her "You'll always be my baby" attitude way worse, she really treats pre-teen/teen Kabru like he's a toddler sometimes. But she also respected him enough to go all out in training him. I think they're a family with everything that entails.
PS: I didn't get much into Interracial adoption since this is something that happens irl too and I don't know much about all the issues that entails, but in the end, in this case, it seems like a net positive for the kids she adopts considering all we see about how she raised Kabru.
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equalseleventhirds · 1 year
"I don't understand how I'm losing," Reigen said, his hands flying over his keyboard. It was so late now—too late, maybe—if only he'd used the same technique as with the Player Killer from the beginning, he might have stood a chance, but he hadn't seriously thought he'd lose—
"Shishou," Mob said, "why is this so important? You already have second place from Twitter."
Reigen laughed, not at all nervously, and splayed a hand across his forehead. "You don't understand, Mob. The publicity from something like this, even a rematch, would do wonders for Spirits and Such. This is about business."
(He would never admit to his pride being on the line.)
"And anyway, who is this guy? A radio host? I've been on TV, you know."
Mob carefully did not bring up what had actually happened when Reigen made his television debut.
Ritsu had no such qualms. "When they exposed you as a fraud? That was publicity too, right?"
Serizawa leaned over Reigen's shoulder to see the computer screen, careful not to spill the tea he placed on the desk. "Oh, Cecil from Welcome to Night Vale? It's been a while since I listened to that, maybe I should catch up."
Reigen stared at him. "You? What? Serizawa?"
"Ah... yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Back when I was... well, when I didn't leave my room much, the podcast was popular. I guess it gave a sense of... community? Feeling less alone, even when you are." He shrugged. "Plus, hearing another gay man in a show like that was comforting."
"He's gay? Canonically?" Why can't I be gay canonically?
"Sure, he got married in episode 100. It was very emotional."
"I nearly died in our chapter 100—"
-- -- -- -- --
Well, listeners, there's still a few hours left on the poll, but I'm now leading at 56%! I must say, I did not expect this, especially after Twitter users so clearly forgot—or perhaps never knew—about my Tumblr Sexyman Origins.
But, that's neither here nor there. I certainly am grateful, if a bit bemused, about all of this, but let us not forget that this is all a friendly competition. Unlike the annual War On Christmas—and let us all take a moment to remember our fallen allies against that terrible holiday foe—this is a battle of kindness. Love, even. The love we feel for Tumblr, for our favorite sexy men, for pressing a button on a meaningless internet poll. The love we feel, listeners, for each other.
And in the spirit of that love and friendliness, I figured I'd get to know my opponent a little better! A bit of googling, which of course you know means searching via every search engine but Google, what with the Town Council imposing the Google Search Tax and getting all Night Vale IP addresses shadowbanned, has led me to... oh my, listeners. I do not know who made this, but Reigen Arataka has the single most beautiful professional web page I have ever encountered. It's... words do not do it justice. I am tearing up. This... I could not make anything better myself.
A-hem. Listeners, now that I've wiped away the tears such beauty inspired in me, I can now see that Reigen's website advertises his business, one Spirits and Such Consulting. Well! We may be rivals in this moment, but I am overjoyed to learn that Reigen runs such an innovative and important business! I am nearly ashamed that, while my opponent works to make the world a better place, I, a mere community radio host, am winning the sexyman contest.
Nevertheless, we must respect the polls. Not respecting polls could get us in hot water with the Town Council, or with the demigods of numbers who lurk in the sharp edges of percentages. So since I can't hand my victory over to him, I think I'll do what I can as a community radio host, and promote Reigen Arataka's important business!
So if you're a spirit in need of counseling, a ghost in need of therapy, or an eldritch beast in need of a shoulder to cry on, head on over to Seasoning City and pay our good friend Reigen a visit! I'm sure he'll be pleased as anything to see you.
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usetheeauthor · 2 years
This Isn’t You (18+ MDNI)
Mindflayer!Billy Hargrove x Plus!Fem!Reader
Summary: An old childhood friend, Billy, is possessed by the mindflayer. One night, he climbs through your window demanding you to submit and join Vecna’s side. You do all you can to bring Billy back to you.
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A/N: Billy is trash but his sex is on fire
Word Count: 3.6k+
Warnings: billy and reader over 18, mentions of abuse and parent death, billy is a warning himself, nasty, filthy smut, blood kink, possible virgin!reader, spit kink, catholic!reader, scratching, biting, cum eating, face fucking, nipple play, rough doggystyle, hair pulling, spanking, rough to sweet sex, if you squint billy cries during sex, daddy kink, lot of pet names, small degradation kink, drooling, graphic language, multiple orgasms/creampies, breeding kink, hints of monsterfucking
You were busy doing some homework at your desk when you heard a few pebbles hit against your window. Who could be visiting at this time of night? Rushing over to the window, you slide it up and look out and around then down. Billy’s looking up at you with a large smirk. It’s not uncharacteristic of him to have such a mischievous smile on face but there was something sinister behind it and his wildness in his eyes were no comfort.
“Billy? What’re you doing here?” You asked with a hint of uncertainty.
“What’d ya mean, princess? You know I always come by your place when I need an escape.” His smile never falters.
“Yeah, when we were kids. We haven’t spoken to each other since.”
“If you let me in, I’ll let you explain everything.”
You contemplated for a moment. This was Billy. An old friend. What could go wrong? So you nod your approval.
“Okay, I’ll go downstairs to answer the front door but you’ll have to be quiet.”
“No need for that. I’ll climb up to you.” He points to the lattice on the side.
“Okay, but be careful. You’re not a little kid anymore so that lattice could crumble under all that muscle.” You teased. Although, you were discreetly admiring said beefy body from where you stood.
He climbs up, eyes not removing from yours as if keeping his eyes on his prey. Once he reaches your window, you help him anyway you can slide up the window higher for his entrance. One leg, then the other, then the torso and finally his wicked handsome face.
He’s standing tall before you, hovering over your short frame. Billy just stares down at you. This time, his smile is completely wiped.
“A-aren’t you going to tell me why you’re here?”
Now that you got a better view of him under your bedroom’s lighting, you notice some blood on his shirt and no matter where you looked you couldn’t find the source. This blood did not belong to him.
He twitches a little. “Remember when we were little and you used to let me into your room all cut up and bruised from my dad wailing on me?”
“You were a true friend. Caring for me when I was in need,” He twitches again, slowly approaching you as you backed away. “I think you’d still take care of me even today.”
“Your dad…d-did he hurt you?” You swallowed the lump in your throat.
“Not anymore.” He chuckles darkly, it sounded like an overlap of laughter like it wasn’t only him.
Your back hits the bedroom door, hand on the knob. You stare up at him, confused what’s making him act this way. This wasn’t the Billy you knew. Sure, he was a fucking douche but he was a product of his father’s abuse.
“What do you mean by ‘not anymore’? Please tell me you didn’t do what I think you did.”
“Nevermind that,” He growls before clutching his stomach, hobbling over in pain. “I need you to take care of me again, princess. I’m—fuck—I’m losing energy. You’re the only one that can give me what I need.”
“I-I don’t think I can. Maybe if we get you to a hospital—“
“No!” He growls again, sounding like a demonic beast. His eyes were pitched black.
He continues. “You’re the only one. I came to you because I know you wouldn’t say no. I’ve seen your dreams, your fantasies…” He presses his raging erection against your tummy. “…your deepest fucking desires. You want me and I need you. All of you.”
His hands roam your curvaceous body, landing on your ass and squeezing. He bites his lip noticing the way your mouth flies open at his touch.
“This isn’t you, Billy.” You gasped, feeling his surprisingly sharp nails prick through your pajama shorts.
“This is all me, baby. New and improved. And I can make wishes come true, too. All you gotta do is help me out. You don’t want me to stay in pain, do you?”
“What’ll I have to do?” You whispered, slightly turning the knob.
“All that I asked is that you serve Him.”
“I don’t wanna ruin the surprise. Just know that he’ll spare you. He’ll give you power and anything you wish for. All you’ve gotta do is say yes. If you follow him blindly, then he’ll know you’re true.”
“Spare me? What the fuck are you talking about, Billy? You’re scaring.” You feel your eyes well up with tears.
“No, no. Shhh,” His hands come up and you briefly spot his sharp claws before he cups your face. He’s caressing your cheeks, wiping it of any tears. “Don’t be scared. I came here to save you. You were the only one who I ever gave a shit about. He says I can save one person from the rapture. I chose you because you’ve saved me once. You’ll make me stronger.”
“Billy,” You grip his face. “Come back to me! You wouldn’t want to hurt anyone. What about Max? What if she gets hurt? You couldn’t live with yourself.”
“I’ve already made peace with that. She’ll be joining us soon, too, but as his vessel.”
“Stop talking like this!”
“Why are you trying to fight this?! You could finally do whatever you want. No rules. No Bible. You’ll never have to worry about sinning or going against God. He’ll be your God now!”
“No!” You turn the knob, trying to make a run for it into the hallway when Billy quickly grabs you back against his chest, wrapping a hand over your mouth.
Dragging you back into the room, he hisses in your ear, “You just made him very upset.”
You notice a light switch in the hallway through the crack under the door. Then, there’s the shadow of feet shuffling in the hall. There’s a knock on your door.
“Is everything okay in there, Y/n? I heard yelling.” Your mother asks, concerned.
“I’m gonna remove my hand from your mouth. You’re going to be a good girl and tell her everything’s okay…or I’ll kill her,” Billy threatens. “You’ll be good?”
You nod, frantically. He slowly unclasps his large hand over your mouth. You take a shaky exhale.
“I’m fine, mom! I just had a nightmare.” You call out through the door.
“We could pray about it together. It’ll help you feel at ease.”
“No. I’ll be fine. I prayed on my own. Going back to sleep, okay?”
“Okay, love. See you in the morning.” Then, the hallway lights shut off.
Billy waits for the familiar shut of a door before he’s shoving you onto the ground on your knees. He stares down at you with a teeth-gritting grimace.
“You almost lost your entire family for that stunt!”
“I’m sorry.”
“Oh, you’ll be real fucking sorry,” He winces again in pain. He’s getting weaker. “Say a prayer.”
You just stare up at him, confused. He grips you by your hair, making you rise a little to reduce the pain.
“Now!” He says, expressing this as his final warning.
You hurriedly clamp your hands together in front of you. Eyes squeezed shut.
“Magnificent Mother Mary, my redeemer, with a guilty heart I come to you. My mind was weak, I played with temptation and paid the price,” You squeaked in fear when you hear the unmistakable clanking of a belt unbuckling. You squeeze your eyes tighter. “Absolve me of my sins, bring light to my darkened soul. I accept my deserved punishment so I may live in your glory afresh.”
“Open your eyes.” He commands.
You obey his orders, eyes leveled with his painfully hard cock, red in its fury. He’s large and, by the look on his face, he’s looking to tear through you.
“I still need to be taken care of, princess. My question for you: will you accept? You’re free to back out of this but that wouldn’t guarantee your safety for when the time comes. Yet, something in the way you look at dick tells me that’s the further thing from that pretty empty head of yours. Go on and taste. Bet you won’t be able to resist after one lick.”
Maybe if you try and do horribly, he’ll leave you alone. So working up the courage, you wrap a tiny hand around his length. It’s even bigger than you thought. How will it fit in your mouth?
Precum leaks out of the pink head, you stick your tongue out collecting the sticky fluid on your tongue in one licking motion. A long line connecting your tongue and his cock stubbornly drags along with you as you pulled away before breaking off and slapping against your chin.
You lick your lips. He tastes so intoxicating. Before he could even ask you if this was what you wanted again, you lick at the slick head once again then suck.
“Mmm, fuckk,” He groans, head rolling back. “Your mouth feels so good. I already feel the energy coursing through my veins. Think you could take more?”
Cupping the back of your head, he shoves himself deep down your throat. His sharp, nails digging into your scalp overloading your senses as he fucked your mouth. You rest your hands on his thick thighs, gagging around him which eggs him on. Soon, he’s thrusting so hard that thick dripping saliva runs down your chin and form a small puddle on your bedroom floor.
Through all of this, you can feel pooling heat in your underwear at the words and sounds spilling from Billy’s lips. You’d always believed that Billy would be a dirty talker and now you get to hear it first hand.
“Sssss, oh fuu—swallow my cock, baby. Just like that. Choke on that shit.”
You hum a moan, vibrations shooting up his length. Your hand tugs and caresses his heavy balls, looking him in the eyes as to show him that you planned to ruin him just as much as he would you. The tip of your nose is tickled by his pubic hairs each time he makes you swallow him whole.
“Want me to cum down your little throat?” He asks wryly.
He pulls your hair backward, yanking your mouth away from him and allowing you the chance to breathe. He awaits you answer as you cough at the sudden lost, your satin shirt soaked in the process.
“Please, I want it in my tummy. Cum in my mouth.”
“Such a greedy whore,” He lets go of your hair, letting you take the reigns. “Make me cum.”
You wrap your hands around the base barely able to get it around. Doing a twist and tug motion around him, you suck hard on the sensitive tip. From time to time, you circle your tongue around him then lower your mouth again so he hits the back of your throat. Your hands were getting drenched in the process which signaled that you were working hard for his end.
“Goddamn, baby. You want it that bad, huh?” He laughs. “Let me give you what you want.”
Your head comes in contact with the wall behind you. Your hands now in your lap with him thrusting freely into your mouth. Tears and saliva wetting your face at the intensity of the act. You weren’t sure how you weren’t vomiting as quick as he’d been stroking into your mouth but somehow with him you were like a veteran succubus.
His hands rest on the wall behind you from leverage, the sound of the belt resonating the air with each thrust.
“Gonna cum, gonna cum.” He chants, face contorting in utter bliss and your eyes light up witnessing such a beautiful sight.
Then, you feel the sticky substance paint down your throat. It’s slightly salty and hot taste lingering on your tongue even after you’ve swallowed him all down.
Billy pets your hair, smoothing it down as he shoves his cock into your eager mouth over and over and rides the waves of pleasure. Once he pulls out, you stick out your tongue to show him that you’ve drunk all of his essence, not leaving a drop to waste.
“You sure know how to show a guy a good time. I’ll give you your reward. Take the shorts off. Gonna eat that pretty pussy.”
You moan at his vulgarity, pulling off your satin bottoms and underwear as fast as your hands will allow. You were caught off guard when he lifts you off the ground effortlessly as if you weighed the equivalent of a feather.
Laying you down on your mattress, he pulls you by the legs just enough for you to rest near the edge. His eyes as dark as the night sky as he stares at your core, sticky and wet with your arousal.
The sight before him has him buckling down to his knees. It was heavenly. He doesn’t wish for his mouth to be away from it a second longer. Billy dives into you swollen pussy, lapping away with his long, fat tongue.
“Oh, fuck yes! Billy.” You yank at his curls. He’s pleased at this action, smiling as he licked at your cunt. His tongue was inhumanly long and you were convinced that he was some sort of entity. Yet, the way his hands caressed your thick thighs lovingly indicated to you that maybe he’s still human.
Billy didn’t make you feel embarrassed for not shaving either, gripping on to your pubic hairs to pull back your folds and spread you wider for him to taste.
“Tastes amazing, baby.” He slaps a hand on one thigh, causing you back to arch and your pressed further against his face.
His long lashes flutter and eyes close, enjoying the moment and the little whimpers leaving your lips. He sucks and kisses your pussy as if he were making out with it. You realize this was all to entice you to wrap your thighs around his head because when your knees pressed against the side of his face, he began moaning louder.
You feared you’d block his airways should you wrap him in your embrace but as if he read you mind he squeezes your thighs tighter around him, keeping you there.
“It’s so good. Nothing I’ve ever had before, daddy! Oh, god.”
Billy wanted to stick his finger inside of you, hoping he’s get a preview of your tight walls but the evil part of him wanted you to struggle to take his large cock. Instead, he’ll show his mercy by making you cum so that your slick enough for him to slip in.
Each lick of his tongue sent you further and further into madness until he looks you in the eye one last time and like magic you cum on his tongue.
“Oh, god. I’m cumming!” You cried out, writhing against him.
He shushes you, whispering darkly. “Shut the fuck up. You’ll wake the entire house and you wouldn’t like what happens next.”
He doesn’t give you a moment to recover from your shattering orgasm. Billy immediately flips you onto your stomach, bringing you on all fours. Rubbing the tip through your folds, he bullies himself into your entrance and pounds away without missing a beat.
Your face falls into the mattress, gripping the sheets for some comfort from the heavy slaps against your back. He’s still fully clothed only his jeans lowered, too eager to remove them. You wanted him completely naked, feeling every inch of his skin on you. You wanted to look at him in the eyes as he takes you.
“Let me see you, daddy. Please.”
He spanks your ass. Then, he kneads the sore spot only to slap a hand hand hard against your soft ass cheek again.
“But you look so damn good from behind, babygirl.”
“Wanna look at you. Wanna see watch you cum again, please. Please!” You whined, practically sobbing.
“I guess ya earned it for being such a good girl.” He flips you onto your back again and plunges into you causing you the two of you to groan simultaneously.
You pull off your top, giving him a view of your tits as they bounced at the force of his pounding. Thirsty to feel him, you rip at his shirt revealing even more of his chest to run your hands over his sweaty abs.
His large hand grips a handful of your boob flicking a thumb over the hardened nipple. “You’re so fucking wet, Y/n. It’s soaking my jeans.”
“Then take them off.” You mewled.
“I make the orders here.”
You scratched down his chest, sinking your nails into his side and for one moment his sinister persona falters when you lift yourself to kiss his chest.
“What’re you doing?” He asks.
“You just feel so good. So deep.” You say in a shaky breath. You pull his face down, lips colliding. Your tongues fighting for the upper hand.
When he pulls away, he’s dazed. You’ve come to the conclusion that every intimate touch brings out the real Billy. If you keep it up, eventually he’ll come back to you.
So you attempt another moment of intimacy, sucking and biting on his thick neck and feeling his thrusting get harder.
“Wish I can have you inside me forever.”
“Uh-huh.” He moans, hitting harder against a deep spot within you.
You move your face to look him in the eye once again, hand on his cheek. He moves his hand to your face as well only you drew his thumb into your mouth sucking the tip lightly.
“Oh god.” Billy whispers. His eyes lowers to look between your body’s which was a mixture of your creamy fluids and blood. Had he just taken your virginity? He assumed you’d lost it to your first boyfriend.
He looks up at your face again, you pulling him into another passionate kiss and taking in his spit into your mouth. When he felt like things were getting too romantic, he’d tried to pull away but you wrapped you legs around him taking him deeper into your wet cave. Now you’re nails are in his lower back. If his shirt weren’t in the way, you’d be drawing blood for sure.
“See how wet you’re making me, daddy?”
He’s rendered speechless by you consumed by the warmth of your body. He’s always loved your body. He’d imagined your body against for so long, hoping to kiss your soft belly and imprint his finger tips into your plush ass and thighs. Finally, he gets this time of intimacy with you. Finally, you were under him taking every inch of his throbbing cock.
Slowly, whatever entered him the other night was soon beginning to melt but it was still very stubborn. You were determined to free him even if it meant all night.
Taking his wet thumb, you bring it down to rub at your clitoris. Your foreheads resting against one another, panting as you clenched around him.
“So fucking close.” You whimpered.
“Me too, pretty girl.”
“Can you cum in me? I wanna take it all my slutty pussy.”
“Oh shit, Y/n. I think you’re trying to kill me.” He laughs, breathlessly.
“Need it now. I love you so much, Billy. Please come back to me.”
“Unh, god—I’m gonna cum in this pussy.”
He hits into against your spongy button over and over again and you get the feeling like something’s going to burst within you. He rubs frantically at your clit, your juices coating his thumb. You cum hard, the wind knocked out of you.
Billy soon follows behind you, shooting his thick cum into the deepest parts of you. He lets out an animalistic grunt that causes another flood of your arousal to soak his cock.
He’s thrusts a couple more thrusts into you before attempting to get up. You don’t let him go, tightening your legs around him and kissing each bicep.
“Don’t stop cum in me again.” You were insatiable. It went beyond bringing him back at this point. You wanted to fuck him until you could feel him even after he pulls out.
He rocks into you again, catching the bars of the headboard as leverage as well as to keep it from banging against your wall. Your driven up higher and higher up the bed from his forceful thrusts. He catches a nipple in his mouth, rolling his tongue over it. As sensitive as you both were from two orgasms, you both gladly chased for the third.
You chant your ‘I love yous’ to him. You discovered your breakthrough when he started chanting it back to you. His eyes becoming wet with the intensity of emotions overcoming him.
“God, I love you.” He growls then bites your nipple.
“Cum for me, daddy.”
He slaps a hand on your clit once and your violently convulsing under him, cumming yet again on.
“Fuck yeah. Cream on this dick, babygirl.” His voice strained, signifies his impending orgasm. Not long after he comes inside you once against the squelching and stickiness between your bodies prominent. “Ahh, shit.”
If you were horrible, you’d make him go again. But you figured he’s had enough. You unhook your legs off him but he stays collapsing above you and snuggling into your body reverting back to the old perverted Billy you know.
“As much as I’d love to have you lying on me, you’re really heavy.” You giggled running your fingers through his hair.
“Right, sorry.” He rolls off of you, the lost of contact causing you to whimper. He rests beside you, cock still standing firm.
“Is it really you, Billy?”
“I think so.” He says, looking down at himself.
“What happened?”
“One night, I’m driving. I get attacked . Next thing, I know I’m…different.”
You hugged his side. “At least you’re hear now. Whatever attacked you, won’t hurt you again.”
Billy kisses your forehead. He knee it was far from over. Vecna will soon return and he’ll be right back in his control. For now, he’ll savor these moments for when he’ll be a monster once again beckoning you to the dark side.
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silver-hwaberry · 7 months
SIXTEEN: baking and comfort
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Warnings: swearing, oral (f receiving), fingering, slightly rough sex, protected sex Word Count: 8.1k (taglist is now at the bottom) Summary: While the others are away visiting their families, Luna is feeling their absence deeply. Mingi is there to distract her from missing them, until she finally reunites with her parents and sisters. The reunion is a mixture of emotions, and when Luna comes home afterwards, there is a special surprise waiting for her.
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Mingi's voice echoes down the hallway, "What is that scent? It smells delicious!" I hear him say. I place the tray on the counter top and close the oven door as he walks into the kitchen.
"It's scones," I reply, taking off my oven mitt and placing it neatly beside me. "I've made them mostly for my sisters but I've made extra for here too in case any of you want one."
"You made cupcakes and an apple pie yesterday, plus a chicken dinner! This morning was pancakes at breakfast, and now you're making scones? You are making sure we are very well fed!" He grins at me.
The previous morning, I had been struck with a sudden burst of baking inspiration, so I made my way to the grocery store. There, I decided to make myself a roast chicken dinner, complete with a side of buttery mashed potatoes and roasted vegetables - the ultimate comfort meal that my mom would make for me whenever I was feeling down. Although I wasn't particularly low yesterday, I was missing Yunho, Seonghwa, Hongjoong, Wooyoung and San; this gave me all the more reason to make this comforting meal.
The guys had all been in contest contact with me through texts. San would call me every night to tell me about his day, what he did with his family, things he did with his cat Byeol. They all also sent me lots of photos and messages throughout the day. Despite how nice it was still being able to talk with them, there's no denying that I missed their physical presence around me.
I felt a small pang of guilt for missing them when I was enjoying the company of Yeosang, Mingi and Jongho so much. We were all having a blast. Yesterday morning, Jongho tried to teach me how to break open an apple with just my hands. After using up an entire bag of apples, I finally managed to split off a tiny piece from the last apple and he cheered like I had accomplished something grand. Surprisingly, I did feel somewhat proud of myself. All of the apples used during the apple breaking process were not wasted at all as I made an apple pie with them!
In the afternoon, Mingi was working on a new song, letting me sit in his bedroom with him as he composed it. I simply watched him with a smile on my face until he asked me to sit on his lap and showed me how to put together a track.
Watching Yeosang, Mingi and Jongho eating the roast chicken dinner so enthusiastically and genuinely enjoying it brought so much joy to my heart and a bubble of excitement in my stomach too. Afterwards we had another movie night and it was nice having time with the 3 of them.
“I just like cooking for you all!” I laugh. “I can stop if you wish me to.”
“Hey! I am not complaining. I love your cooking, princess!” Mingi says, leaning down to kiss me. “I just need to add extra reps during my workouts now every time you cook for us as your portions are massive!” He laughs.
"My apologies, that's from my grandma! She believes in cooking huge portions of food, and it's something that I've inherited from her." I giggle, "You know my opinion regarding you all dieting and all that stuff but I can serve smaller portions if you'd like?"
“Don’t! Not for me anyway!” He kisses me again. “And yes, very aware of your opinions on diets given your long rant last night when Yeosang simply said steamed vegetables are healthier than roasted!” He laughs wickedly.
I cringe and groan as I remember it. Poor Yeosang made an innocent comment, and I launched into how roasted vegetables are tastier and, if cooked correctly (with less oil!) can be just as healthy as steamed. When I finally stopped, his eyes were wide, and he looked so stunned.
“I am so sorry for that! I have a tendency to get rather opinionated with food! Again, that’s my grandma’s influence!” I reply, covering my face as his body moves around to stand behind me.
“I like you aren’t afraid to say how you feel or what you think. It’s very refreshing when we are surrounded by people who tell us what they think we want to hear,” he says, wrapping his arms around me as I move the scones to the cooling rack. “So never ever apologise for it and keep being yourself too!” I feel his face bury into my neck.
I know my opinions can annoy people and the fact I am outspoken too can be off-putting to a lot of people but Mingis words make me feel warm inside.
We move into the lounge and settle down on the sofa, with Mingi cuddling in close to me. I can't help but smile as I realise how comfortable he is with being around me. It's something I never even expected from him when we first met. His tall stature and dark eyes were a bit intimidating on our first meeting.
“Did your family arrive safely last night?” he asks
“Yeah, they did." I answer
"How was their flight from London?"
"Long! My mom text when they arrived at their rental apartment. She said the twins were already asleep while my dad was snoring on the sofa.” I chuckle and place my arms over the top of his. “The girls messaged this morning telling me all about the view from their apartment.”
“Is their apartment far from here?” He asks
“It is actually just 2 blocks away! Soojin said they can see Han River from the lounge window, so I think their apartment faces the same direction ours does.” I smile. “I can’t wait to see them later on. They'll be so big from the last time I saw them 8 months ago!”
Mingi pulls me closer to his chest. "I am sure you are going to have so much fun with them. Maybe one day you and I should take them out. Show them the fun places in Seoul." he says
"I was planning to take them to Lotte World. We should take them there. If you don't mind crazy hyper twins that is!" I smile at him wanting to do something with them.
"I've lived with San and Wooyoung for years, even during trainee period, I am sure Soojin and Hyejin will be a breeze compared to them!" he laughs, his voice has a hint of excitement.
As we cuddle together on the couch, I can’t help but think of the others and how much I miss them. A dull ache hits my chest at how much, more than I had ever expected to. A pang of guilt then follows for thinking of them while still being in Mingi’s embrace.
“Are you alright?” He asks me, his lips resting on the crown of my head.
"I'm fine," I reply, nodding slightly.
"You seemed to zone out a bit there for a moment," he remarks softly. "You were pretty quiet last night after dinner too."
"We were watching a movie with Yeosang and Jongho; it wouldn't have made much sense to talk," I joke in response.
"I know that," he replies with a chuckle, "but something seemed to be bothering you—you went upstairs right after to play with your friends on Sans' computer and then I saw you asleep in his bed in the middle of the night." His tone softens.
He is correct. I ended up sleeping in Sans bed last night when our game was finished. As I had sat in the silence of Sans bedroom once I had turned off the PC, I began to miss him. I only intended to lie on his bed for a few minutes, to soak in his scent before I went back to my room but the comfort of his belongings surrounding me made me feel a bit more emotional.
In an attempt to hold back the tears that wanted to escape I closed my eyes as tight as I could and hugged his pillow. The next thing I knew my phone alarm was going off on Sans desk and it was the next morning. I didn't realise Mingi had seen me in there but it explains the blanket over me that hadn't been there before when I woke up this morning.
"I wasn't snooping, I just saw the light on while I was going to the toilet and went in to turn it off and saw you asleep." he swiftly clarifies.
"I am missing the others." I admit, there is no point in trying to hide it. Mingi can easily pick up on peoples emotions.
"I thought as much." he sighs softly. "Come here." He pulls me onto his lap; I lay my head into his chest and try to control the tears welling up in my eyes.
"Sorry." I whisper, shedding a few that manage to break free. "I shouldn't be missing them when I have this time with you, Yeosang and Jongho!"
"Don't be sorry." He whispers back, tightening his grip around me; it feels like he will never let me go. "It's perfectly normal to miss them." His thumb brushes away the tears from my cheeks. "I know they are missing you as well." This causes me to lift my head from his chest and look up at him, meeting his eye to see if he is being truthful with me.
"Really?" I ask, surprised
"Of course they are!" The way he looks at me, so sweetly makes my heart flutter and warmth spreads through my body as he brings his lips down on mine.
The kiss starts off softly, his lips moving against mine with tenderness as his hands caress my back. I can't help but melt into him as the kiss turns heated and we stay locked in it for what feels like an eternity. He eventually pulls away, leaving us both breathless.
"I'm glad you are here with me." I whispers against his lips before kissing him once more.
Mingi deepens the kiss, his hands sliding down to grip my waist. I sigh into his mouth, heat pooling low in my belly.
We break apart, breathless. Mingi's eyes have darkened with desire and I feel an answering ache between my legs.
"Yeosang just went downstairs to the gym and Jongho's with his family today," I say softly, my lips brush against his. "I have 2 hours before I need to leave and the apartment's empty. Should we continue this somewhere more private?"
Mingi's lips curve in a slow, sensual smile. "Private? If we have the entire apartment to ourselves why not do it right here?"
I joke, my voice light and teasing, "We could do that, but wouldn't it be more comfortable in my bed?" I flash a mischievous grin and slide my hand down his body, feeling the hardness of his arousal. "You can be as rough as you want with me in there too." I squeeze him through his shorts.
"You make a good argument," he replies with a groan, embracing me as he stands up. I giggle with excitement, looping my arms around his neck, my legs hooking around his waist. As soon as we get into my room, he slams the door shut behind us with his foot. "One day we are going to fuck on that sofa!" He laughs.
"100%!" I reply in agreement.
He lowers me onto the bed and joins me, pinning me underneath him with his body. We kiss passionately while I run my fingers through his hair, over his broad shoulders and down his back. Mingi sits back on his heels and strips off his shirt in one smooth motion, revealing the definition of his torso. I can't help but let out a soft moan at the sight of him, and I feel an overwhelming wave of desire consume me.
He looks at me with a smug smirk and asks, "Do you like what you see, princess?"
"Of course!" I laugh back.
He helps me out of my clothes and his own with eager and quick hands until we are both naked. Mingi lowers himself back down onto me, his lips travelling hungrily over my body. He kisses me passionately, his hands caressing every inch of my body until I am writhing beneath him. His mouth moves lower, kissing and gently sucking on my skin. His tongue pays particular attention to my nipples before moving lower still. I can feel his hot breath on my core, my legs shake in anticipation of his next move.
"Mingi..." I moan, my voice trembling as I look down at him.
"Does my princess want me to eat her out?" he says, his voice low and seductive as his eyes darken with desire. Unable to find words, I simply nod in response. He places one of his hands over my lower abdomen, gently pressing down to keep me still as his other hand cups my wetness. His lips move up my inner thighs, lightly brushing against them with every kiss until they finally reach my core. His fingers slip inside me as his tongue circles my clit, sending shock waves of pleasure through my body. His mouth moves with precision, alternating between teasing licks and hard sucks as the sensations threaten to overwhelm me. With a final gasp of pleasure, I collapse onto the mattress.
He finally stops and looks up at me, grinning, as I come hard against his mouth and fingers. He pulls away slowly, licking his lips before giving me a lingering kiss that leaves me breathless. I look into his eyes and see a satisfied look that only comes from knowing he pleased me to the fullest.
Mingi picks up a condom from my bedside table and slips it on, then moves over me with his forearms serving as support. I wrap my legs around him, pulling him towards me as he enters me. We both moan in pleasure at the feeling of being together. His forehead pressed firmly against mine.
"Ahh! You feel amazing!" he grunts out between breaths. "You're so perfect for me."
He moves in a steady rhythm, angle his hips to precisely target that secret spot inside me that he knows so well from our night together. Each thrust inside of me sparks a thrill up my spine, intensifying until I can hardly bear it. I cling onto his back, panting out his name as his thrusts become faster and more intense, his breathing heavy as he nears his climax. I can feel him trembling above me, the tension in his body building until it is almost unbearable. I wrap my arms around him, clinging onto him as we both soar towards our peaks. One of his hands moves to my hips, his fingers dig into me as he firmly holds my body down onto the mattress.
The heat within me suddenly breaking apart in a wave of blissful release as I cry out loudly, my nails digging into his skin. Riding the wave of my release, Mingi continues his brutal pace, growing frantic as he buries his face into the crook of my neck and cries out with a deep guttural rumble. The intensity of his orgasm causes him to shake violently.
We lie there, completely exhausted and still entwined together, saying nothing but communicating though our eye contact in the comfortable silence that envelops us. A satisfied smile crosses my face while I bask in the post-orgasmic joy and Mingi's presence, his hand softly caressing my cheek. Sweet kisses and smiles being exchanged as we come down from our highs.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
I walk into the lounge from my bedroom and see Yeosang sitting on the sofa causing my heart to flutter. After Mingi and I had our fun earlier, we went for a shower. As I was getting ready to the lunch he left to go to gym. Yeosang must have came back earlier and is now playing a game on the ps5 but puts it on pause when he sees me come in. He places the controller on the coffee table as I walk over to him.
"You look beautiful!" he smiles at me as he stands up, his hand reaches out for mine and he laces our fingers together. He places a soft kiss against my lips and another on my forehead.
I chose to wear a knee length, beige dress for lunch with my family and threw on an oversized white cardigan as well. My hair is in loose curls and I have braided my long bangs, securing them with a clip against the side of my head so they are out of my face. To complete the look, I kept my makeup simple.
"Thank you." I say lowering my head as I can feel the blush flush over my cheeks.
His fingers tilt my chin up to look at him. "I love when you wear your glasses." I chose to forego my contact lenses and stick with my eye glasses. It isn't something I normally do when I go out. The only time I wear my glasses outside is when I go for my morning run or at the store. "I love the way your glasses look on you! They bring out your eyes and make you look even more beautiful." I feel myself blush even more. I'm not quite sure how to respond to it.
"Come here, angel." he pulls me into his arms. I instantly feel the warmth of his body and melt into him. “Mingi and I are going for a meal with Myeonjin then to see a movie so we won't be here when you get home."
"That sounds like fun!" I say, burying my face in the crook of his neck. I inhale his scent, he is fresh out the shower and smells like a mixture of coconuts and vanilla.
"Jongho should be home by 10pm. Do you think you will be okay here by yourself for a while?" His hands rubbing soft circles on my back
"Please, I lived alone in a tiny studio apartment for two years! A few hours by myself won't faze me!" I smile at his concern. He leans down, our lips meeting in a gentle sweet kiss. His lips are soft and warm, caressing mine with each movement. His hands cup my face as he deepens the kiss, exploring every corner of my mouth. I feel my body heat up with pleasure as his tongue slides against mine in a perfect dance that makes me forget what we were talking about.
When we finally break apart, I'm breathless and my heart is pounding in my chest. We stand there for a few moments, just looking into each other's eyes like nothing else matters in this world but us. "I better go now. My dad will send out a search party for me if I am even a second late! Be calling the army and demanding air support to find me." I finally say, chuckling lightly
"Is he overprotective?" he asks as he takes my hand and leads me to the door.
"Incredibly! I used to think my mom was unbearably protective of me but then my dad retired from active duty and moved to the training and admin side of the military, he became really overprotective. He was home a lot more, my mom was pregnant, having a hard time with it and then twins were born prematurely. He was protective over all 4 of us but more so me because I was becoming more independent." I say. Yeosang guides me to sit on the bench in the alcove at the door and helps me to put my shoes on, like he always does. "I started rebelling a bit around that age too, acting out."
"I can't imagine you being a rebellious teenager!" he chuckles "You look too innocent for that stuff!"
"Oh I was!" I laugh loudly "Don't underestimate my innocent face! Something happened at that age and I changed dramatically. I stayed out past my curfew, started hanging around with the wrong people, got into trouble, did things I shouldn't have been doing."
"Was it something bad?" he asks, looking into my eyes with concern
"At the time I thought it was, but after rebelling for a couple of months, I started to calm down and I realised it wasn't. It was a big thing but deep down, nothing really changed. However that is a story for another day." I smile lightly at him
"Your father loves you, and you are his first born daughter, it's only natural that he worries. I'll drive you to your parents apartment, make sure you get there safely." he offers
"It is only a 5 minute walk!" I say as he stands up holding out his hand for me to join him, his eyes looking into mine
"Then let me walk you there," he says softly, tenderly cupping my cheek. "I want to spend as much time with you before you have lunch with your family."
"Shouldn't you be accompanied by one of the managers?" I ask, scared about him getting into trouble because of me.
"I won't be gone long," he replies, grabbing a mask and hat from one of the cabinets beside the shoe rack. "Don't worry, angel."
He draws me into an embrace and kisses my forehead before his lips move slowly down to my cheek. He lingers there for a moment before they finally reach mine, holding onto my waist while we kiss. I'm entirely lost in this serene moment between us - all of life's woes seem so distant now.
Finally, he pulls away and gives me a twinkling smile. "Let's go," he murmurs, lightly brushing his lips against mine one last time before donning his mask and hat.
Yeosang and I step outside, the warm sun bathing our faces. He looks at me before taking my hand, and we stroll together down the sidewalk. It is a typical sunny August afternoon, not too hot, just a perfect temperature.
We walk in a happy silence as we cut through the park near our apartment. Suddenly, I tug him over to a plant and exclaim, "Look! A mugunghwa flower! Isn't it beautiful?"
"It is!" He nods with a muffled voice, veiled by his face covering. His eyes twinkle with joy and with his little eye creases I can see that he is smiling. He releases my hand to pluck one of the pink flowers from the branch. Then he carefully weaves its stem into my braid. "I'm sorry for taking a flower," he says, "but I thought it would look even more beautiful in your hair." His warm brown eyes glimmer in the sunlight. "Lets keep going before the search helicopter appears." he adds, I find myself laughing at his comment as he takes my hand again and we carry on walking.
We reach my parents apartment building I turn to face him. "I'll see you in the morning." he says his hands running up my arms
"Want me to make pancakes again? I'll put in an extra scoop of protein powder just for you." I smile
"I'd never turn down your amazing pancakes, even if they didn't have any protein powder in them!" he laughs. He pulls down his face mask enough to expose his lips before leaning in and kissing me tenderly.
"Yeo!!" I exclaim, "Someone could see us!"
"No one can see us from here." he smiles mischievously, replacing the mask over his mouth and nose.
"Still, that was a massive risk!" I say, "I don't want to get you into any trouble."
"You won't, so stop worrying about that!" We hear a car approach and stand back from one another. It was just as well we did as the car comes into view I see it is my uncles. Inside is my Aunt Soomin, Seojun and my other cousin Dongjae.
"That is my Uncle Jihoon." I say as he parks metres from us
"Oh." Yeosang says and I can see his eyes grow a bit wider as he looks over at the car and back at me. "I should go now that your family are here."
"Younhaaaa!" Seojun shouts jubilantly as he gets out of the car, his usual cheeky grin on his face.
"Jun, sshh!" I scold him as he reaches us
"Oh sorry, I didn't see you." he says to Yeosang who honestly looks like a deer caught in the headlights
"I was just making sure Luna got here safely." Yeosang replies, I can see how uneasy he is looking and I am fighting an internal battle not to reach out to him. Give him the reassurance he needs.
"That is very sweet of you." my Aunt Soomin smiles joining us
"Are you going to introduce us?" Jihoon asks me
"Sorry, this is Yeosang, Yeosang this is my Uncle Jihoon, Aunt Soomin, Seojun and Dongjae." I say quietly in case someone is nearby
"Wow, he's a lot shorter than I thought he'd be." Dongjae blurts out. "They look so tall on TV."
"Dongjae!" Soomin scolds, "I apologise for my youngest sons rudeness." she adds to Yeosang
"That boy doesn't have a filter!" Jihoon adds with a chuckle. "It is nice to meet you."
"That is ok. It was lovely to meet you all. I better go." He bows to them before quickly leaving and I watch as he disappears around the corner without a second glance and I feel bad for him being accosted by my family like this.
"He seems a lovely young man." Soomin comments as she hugs me "Are they all taking care of you?"
"They are." I nod
"Lets get upstairs before your dad sends out a search party for you." Jihoon laughs. Even he knows how my dad is and it makes me chuckle. He puts the code into the building entrance and holds the door open for us to enter.
When we reach the apartment door, I can already hear the twins inside making noise. My mom is trying to calm them down. I feel a burst of excitement at seeing them again, and especially my mom. Before we even knock on the door, it swings open and my mom throws her arms around me.
"Whoa Aunt Eunbi, how did you know we were here?" Seojun chuckles.
"I knew my baby was here." she says while squeezing me tight, "You've gotten taller!"
"Mom, I haven't grown in years!" I laugh.
"Maybe it's just that my big sister has gotten shorter since the last time she was here!" Jihoon jokes, tapping her head. "You do look like you have!"
"Oh stop it!" She lets go of me and embraces him. "Everyone looks short next to you!"
It's true: at 186cms, everyone else seems quite short - except for Seojun who is the same height, and Dongjae who is almost the same height with some more growing still to do.
"What's with this talk about short people?" my dad cheerfully inquires from behind us all. At 189cm, he's yet another tall person. Most people think that my father and Jihoon are brothers due to their respective heights - but it's really my mom who is related to him, being three years his senior. "Luna!" He adds as he enfolds me in a hug "I've missed you so much!"
"I've missed you too dad." I relax into his embrace.
After exchanging hugs with everyone, we move into the apartment and witness Soojin and Hyejin squabbling over an iPad on the floor.
"Girls, what have I told you about fighting like that over stuff when you each have one!" Mom lightly rebukes them.
"But mummy it's mine! Hyejin is trying to take it because her own is out of battery!" Soojin whines. Her British accent very prominent.
"Hyejin, this is your sister's device; if yours has run out of power then go charge it but don't take away your sister's without her permission," Dad steps in.
"You've always said to share though, Soojin isn't sharing!" she retorts, yanking it out of Soojin's hands. This causes Soojin to tug back at it and hit Hyejins hands to make her let go.
I stand by and laugh quietly at the scene unfolding before me. Hyejin starts screaming loudly at Soojin, even going so far as to grab at her long hair and pull on it. Quickly Dad snatches the iPad from their grasp.
"That's enough! Nobody gets the iPad now," he says firmly and they both groan in protest.
Dongjae quietly says in Korean, "Gosh, they're noisy!"
"You were the same when you were growing up with your brother!" Soomin chuckles to him
"Luna's here." my mom says
Instantly, their voices change from moaning to an excited shriek, as they finally notice me in the room and rush towards me. I kneel down to embrace them both as they throw themselves at me, toppling me onto my butt as I can only laugh and try to hold onto both of them. They have definitely gotten a lot bigger since I saw them last.
"Did you get my message this morning?" asks Soojin
"I did! And your photos too. They were really good!" I answer
"Who is ready for some food?" my dad asks cheerfully
"Me!" they both shout putting their hands up.
"I'm sure Luna is too!" Seojun says poking my stomach as I bat his hand away laughing. "Your sister is ALWAYS hungry!" he whispers dramatically to the twins
"Says the man who ordered 4 servings of pork belly at the karaoke a few weeks ago and ate it to himself!" I laugh. "Didn't even ask Dasom and I if we wanted any!"
"Oh what a gentleman I have raised!" Aunt Soomin says making us all laugh
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
When we arrive at the restaurant, we are taken to our reserved table. It doesn't take long before Soojin and Hyejin start bickering over who gets to sit beside me, so I suggest sitting in between them, which calms them down. Seconds after I sit down, my mom instructs the waitress that I have a serious seafood allergy, demanding that nothing on the table contain anything fish-based.
I almost say that it will be okay, as it was my decision to come here precisely because I knew it was safe. However I understand that my mother has always done this and will continue to do so regardless of what I say so I keep my mouth shut.
With each dish that arrives at the table, my mother repeats to the staff and it gets harder to stay quiet. I want to say something multiple times, but my father's understanding gaze kept me quiet. He knows how much I hate this but also knows, like we all do, that there is no point in trying to stop her.
"What are your plans for your trip?" Soomin inquires.
"We'll be here for two weeks before heading down to Jeju Island for a couple of days, then a week in Tokyo, and another week back here," Dad replies
"We will have a sleepover with Luna too!" Hyejin cheers
"I don't think so, honey," Mom says softly
"But we always have a sleepover when we visit!!" Soojin adds in disappointment, her eyes growing big
"'I'm sorry sweetie," I say sadly. Since I moved in with the other guys, it isn't feasible this time around. We'd usually wear our pyjamas and watch movies while eating snacks all night long. “I don’t live alone anymore.”
“But we will be quiet and behaviour ourselves.” Hyejin says on the other side of me. “We promise, don’t we Soojin? We won’t fight!” I see Soojin nod frantically
“Why don’t you have a sleepover at our apartment instead?” My dad suggests, “Mommy and I can have a night out and the three of you can do your little movie and snack night.”
“That’s not as fun!”Soojin pouts
"We will arrange something for a night just the 3 of us ok." I say putting an arm around her. Her little pout doesn't completely leave but it does seem to appease her a little.
The rest of the lunch goes by on a happier tone. Afterwards Jihoon, Soomin, Seojun and Dongjae go their separate ways while we go back to my parents apartment. My mom telling me she has some things for me. As we enter the apartment Soojin and Hyejin take me to their bedrooms to show me some of their toys. We spend the next 30 minutes playing and having fun until my mom comes in to get me. This causes both of them to whine before my mom says Hyejins iPad is charged. Instantly they both stop and run to get their respective devices.
"Dinner tomorrow night, what would Seonghwa like to eat?" she asks me as we go into the lounge. My dad is sitting on the sofa, his feet resting on the coffee table in front watching a football match on the TV. I notice there is a folded blanket underneath them, no doubt put there by mom so as not to scuff the table with his socks.
"Seonghwa will eat anything," I reply. "He's the least picky eater I've ever known. So whatever you feel like cooking will be fine."
"Do you think he'd be ok with a western meal? It's been so long since I attempted any Korean cuisine - I wouldn't want to do it now and end up messing it up! That would be mortifying!" She chuckles softly.
"I cook a lot of western style meals for the guys and they've never had any issues with them. Maybe make some ramen and rice as side dishes though. I have noticed they all, especially Seonghwa appreciate that!" I smile
"You cook for them?" My dad asks sounding surprised
"Well yeah." I shrug nonchalantly as I sit beside him. "They work long hours, can't really cook a proper meal by the time they get home. I am usually home hours before they are so it makes sense for me to do it. They never let me do the dishes though. Yunho and San usually tell me to go sit down."
I don't say a word that if I don't leave, Wooyoung will swoop in and carry me out of the kitchen. I secretly like when he does that, so I often stay put for that very purpose.
He beams widely, excitedly saying "I already like them! How is it going living with them?"
"I like it. It is nice being around people again and being able to look after people too."
"I am glad to hear that." he smiles. "I was a little worried at first when your mom told me you were living with them. I didn't like it."
"And Seonghwa?" I ask nervously
"Hmm, I wasn't too pleased about that at first!" he says lowering his eyebrows. I feel my stomach drop a little. "However, from what your mom said about him after she spoke to him that night and what I've seen in videos online, he does seem nice."
"He really is dad." I say smiling
"I'll still be giving him the dad experience but not the full one though." he laughs
"Just don't scare him away." I giggle "I really do like them... him!" Thankfully my mom comes back into the lounge with lots of bags and my dad doesn't pick up on my Freudian slip.
At the same time on the TV the opposite team has just scored a goal, much to his disappointment causing him to curse. My mom playfully rolls her eyes at him before coming over to us.
"I have your usual things from London - teabags, biscuits, your favourite chocolate bars!" she says excitedly.
"Ohhhh thank you mom" I say giving her a hug.
"And I got the guys some snacks too! I hope they'll enjoy them. I didn't know what they'd like so I got a bit of everything I could think of."
"She isn't even exaggerating! An entire suitcase purely for these snacks and your things! The excess fees at the airport was eye watering!" My dad chuckles at my mom's excitement before standing up and stretching. "I'll drive you home, it would take you 5 hours to get home with all these bags."
"You are probably right." I giggle. "Thanks dad!"
"I'll see you and Seonghwa tomorrow night." my mom smiles hugging me
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
When I get to the entrance, I put down my belongings and key in the code. The door chirps and I open it with my foot as I grab the bags again. After taking off my shoes and pushing them to the designated area, a wave of familiarity washes over me as I take in the familiar scent of the apartment. A small smile comes to my face as I start to feel like this is my home now too.
I walk into the hallway, my eyes immediately gaze upon a bag lying at the bottom of the stairs. I furrow my brow, trying to remember if it was there when I left for lunch with my family.
Suddenly, my gaze shifts as I see a movement out ofthe corner of my eye, and I catch sight of Yunho sitting on the sofa. My heart skips a beat as I rush over to him, my bags dropping onto the floor. The bags full of snacks and goodies forgotten about the second I lay eyes on him.
“Yunho!” I exclaim, practically leaping into his arms.
He rises from the seat, grinning broadly as he wraps me in a strong hug. His body radiates with heat as I cling to him tightly. He stands rock-steady despite my body slamming into his. He holds me securely as my arms wrap around his neck. Without hesitation I press my lips against his, unable to hold back. He kisses me back.
As he sets me down, I step back keeping a hold on his hands in mine as I take a good look at him. He’s wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans, but to me, he looks like a vision. Too scared to blink in case he disappears and is not really here with me right now. I can’t stop the grin from spreading across my face.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, still in shock.
“I live here,” he chuckles, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
I playfully roll my eyes and laugh. “I know that. I thought you were coming home tomorrow!”
“I was always coming home today,” he replies. “I wanted to surprise you though, so I told you it was Thursday.”
A bubble of joy rises in me as I chuckle. “You definitely did a great job of surprising me.”
“I really, really missed you,” he says, his eyes softening.
“I missed you too,” I reply, my heart swelling with emotion. I lean in for another hug, burying my face in his chest. I can feel the tears of joy prickling at the corners of my eyes.
My tears flow freely as I try to stifle a weep, but he sees through my weak facade. “Hey, don’t cry,” he whispers gently. I can’t hide my emotions, and he knows it. With his arms tightly wrapped around my waist, he pulls me closer, sitting back on the sofa and I sit in his lap, feeling safe and secure.
“I’m sorry,” I manage to say through my sniffles. “I didn’t realise I would miss you this much.”
To my surprise, he admits, “Honestly, I felt the same way. I spent most of my time moping around the house. Even my mom noticed my sadness and asked if I was missing someone back home.” He smiles, “Don’t tell Hongjoong, but I told her about you.” He adds in a mischievous tone.
I pull away slightly to look at his face. “You did?” I ask in disbelief.
“Not everything about the others, but I told her that I have someone back home who makes me smile every day, makes me incredibly happy, looks after me, and cooks for me.” He wipes the tears from my cheeks with his hand gently. "And who I care for deeply."
Feeling nervous, I ask, “And what did she say?”
“She’s happy that I have someone, especially someone who takes care of me and makes sure I eat properly! I know we’re not supposed to tell anyone about our relationship with you, but my mom was pretty persistent!” He grins at me, his hands resting on my thighs. “She asked to see a photo of you, so I showed her. I hope that’s okay with you."
A wave of relief washes over me, and I laugh. “Of course, I don’t mind! As long as it was a good one!” 
“All the photos I have of you are good ones!” He chuckles and kisses my cheek. “It was from when we went out at 1 a.m. for snacks and ended up walking down to the river.”
As he takes out his phone and scrolls through it, I remember that night. We had so much fun, and he took a lot of pictures. When he shows me the photo, I can’t help but smile.
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The photo on his phone glimmered in the low light of the room, casting warm hues across our faces. I actually really love that photo of us so I am glad he showed his mom that one as he has many unflattering photos of me already in his camera roll! His smile is soft, but genuine as he places the side of his head against mine, both of us staring at the image on his screen. 
“She says you are absolutely beautiful!” he whispers, his lips tickling my ear. A warmth spreads across my cheeks, and I hide my face in the crook of his neck for a moment before looking up again.
“You can’t even see my face properly!” I giggle, my fingers playing with the back of his hair.
“I showed her some other photos too. She likes you though,” he says planting a kiss on my cheek “She says you have warm eyes, that you look kind and caring.” He pulls back to meet my gaze, worry sharpening it. “Please don’t tell Hongjoong though. He will be angry at me.”
“I won’t tell him,” I promise softly.
He stares into my eyes as his hand touches my cheek and moves down to my chin. He gently pulls my face closer to his and kisses me. I feel more tears begin to gather in my closed eyes. I pull my body closer to him, wrapping my arms around his shoulder to hold onto him tighter. 
“It is all okay,” he whispers as we cling to each other, foreheads pressed together. “4 days apart was too many. I don’t want us apart for that length of time ever again.” His voice trembles with emotion, and I know he means it. We just hold one another, lost in the embrace of each other’s arms.
As much as I wish that we would never have to be apart, I knew that it was inevitable. We would have to be separated when they go home during their rare breaks from schedules, but I was grateful that we had moments like these to cherish. However, the thought of not seeing them anymore when it all ends was too much to bear, and tears threatened to spill over again.“Come to my bedroom, I have a present or two for you,” he whispers
“Yunho, you did not need to buy me anything!” I gasp, playfully hitting his shoulder
“I know but I wanted to!” he chuckles shifting my body with complete ease, hooking one arm under my knees and his other arm around my lower back and stands up. I can't help but giggle as he carries me down the hallway, up the stairs and into his bedroom.
On his bed, I notice a large and fluffy Kuromi plush. “I figured you'd love her, considering the sheer amount of Kuromi things you own!" He places my feet back onto the floor and supports me as I regain my balance.
“Is it that obvious?” I laugh as he hands it to me and I cuddle into her.
"Just a little bit." he chuckles
"I love her, thank you!" I exclaim with delight
“I also got you this.” he lifts a small purple velvet bag from his desk and passes it to me. I place the Kuromi plush his bed and open the pouch to find an amethyst crystal inside. I hold it up to look at it as it is beautifully radiating in the light streaming through Yunho’s window. “The lady in the shop told me this was the best crystal for stress and anxiety. I don’t know if you believe in the healing properties of crystals. You don’t need to keep it if you don’t believe in it; I won’t be upset.”
"Yunho, I absolutely love it!" I look up at him and embrace him tightly. "Yes, I'm a believer of crystals. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!"
“It seems like something's been weighing on you," He murmurs as he holds me. "If you ever need somebody to talk to or just to be there in silence, I'm here for you.”
“Thank you, Yunho,” I whisper, feeling the warmth of his breath on my neck.
He pulls away slightly and looks into my eyes. “I mean it,” he says, his voice filled with sincerity. “You don’t have to endure anything alone.”
It is one of the most difficult things I have had to do, conceal my bipolar disorder from him and everyone else. Despite the effort I put into covering up all the evidence, Yunho has still noticed my inner battles. The resentment in myself that comes with having to take my medication in secret and wear long-sleeved shirts or lots of bracelets at all times to hide the scars.
Asking Hongjoong to keep my secret from them, it weighed heavily on me, and every day was starting to become an endless battle against my anxiety. Scared one of them would find out and know I had lied but also scared to tell them as well.
All at once, the defences that I’ve set up around me start to shatter. Tears begin to well in my eyes as I gaze at him, exposed and defenceless.
“Yunho…” I whisper, trying to keep my voice steady. “I just don't know how to tell you...”
“Shh..” he interrupts me quietly. “You don't have to explain anything right now. Whenever you're ready, I'll be here to hear you out.”
I nod, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. His lips capture mine once more and I feel myself begin to melt into him. His hands move around my back, pulling me close, as his other hand finds its way down my neckline tracing circles across my skin. I feel a familiar warmth radiating from his body, igniting all of my senses.
The kisses become more passionate, and our bodies begin to move together in sync, his hands explore further south toward my hips. The kiss intensifies as Yunho spins us around so that my back is against the wall and he is towering over me. He looks down at me with an intensity that I've never seen before; one that can only be described as pure longing and desire.
Yunho begins to move his lips down the side of my neck leaving tantalising trails everywhere he goes; finally finding their way to my collar bone where they pause for a moment before continuing their journey further south and making stops along the way while his large hands tenderly explore inside my cardigan.
His kisses stop at the neckline of my dress, he pulls his head back and stares down at me, chest heaving. His eyes dark with passion, but something is holding him back.
He speaks in a low, anxious tone. "Do you want to keep going? It's fine if you don't."
I look up at him, my heart pounding in my chest. "Yunho.." I speak his name softly. "I want this."
No more words are needed; we know what will happen next. Without waiting any longer, we jump into something completely new and unknown together.
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Taglist: @kiwibaekie @fudgeflyssworld @kodzukein @elk-1998 @khjcoo @pepperony-7 @ateez-babygirl @starillusion13 @stephy-nicole13 @truthbehindthereflection @livingdeadlisa @stayteezdreams @atinyapple1117
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redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
Baby Shepherd - Part 7 - Jo Wilson x Shepherd!Sister!Reader
Summary: All of your siblings have children, now that Amelia and Link have Scout. After Jo spends some time with a baby left at Station 19, the two of you begin to think about adoption. Then patient Val Ashton is admitted with an abdominal pregnancy.
A/n: yes it took me over a year but I rewatched season 17 of Grey's Anatomy, cried a lot, and finished this.
"Hey, heard you caught an interesting case... well, a non-COVID case anyway."
Jo gave you a weak smile, thinking for a moment before she decided something.
"Come with me."
"This is Luna... she was growing on her mom's liver. Her mom is the patient you heard about." Jo explained, smiling softly as your eyes widened.
"She's so small... but she's a survivor." You stated, pausing as you realised.
"She can't see her mother, can she?" You already knew the answer, but you asked anyway, seeing how sad Jo looked.
"Val really wants to see her too."
"I'm going to go see Val..." You concluded, heading out of the NICU and across the hospital.
Everything had gone so quickly. One moment, your wife was trying to take Luna to see her mother before her surgery, and then, Luna's mother had coded. Jo ran the code for an hour, but you both knew she was gone. Val died never knowing her baby, never getting to hold her, or comfort her over more than a video call.
Luna's surgery went well, she was strong, but now she had lost her mother, and her father signed away his parental rights almost immediately. Jo had told you what he had texted to Val, a good luck and a baby emoji.
"She deserves parents who love her. Val loved her, even if her father didn't care that she existed... it sucks, when parents who love us get taken away so early..." you trailed off, the memories of your own father, or lack thereof, since he had died such a long time ago.
"Would you be mad at me if I quit surgery... and became an OB/GYN resident instead?" Jo enquired, rolling over in bed to face you, nuzzling into your bare shoulder.
"Well, it's not like Grey Sloan has a rubbish OB/GYN program, you'd get to work with Carina DeLuca... and you'd get to work with Addison, since I'm trying to persuade her to visit post-pandemic, if we ever get there. Plus, I think the residents were getting confused with the amount of Shepherds on the OR board... it wasn't as bad when Derek was here, since it was him and Amelia in neuro, and I was cardio. But now it's cardio, neuro and general surgery... now OB/GYN... like Nancy..."
Jo was silent for a moment as you trailed off, letting out a quiet hum before you spoke again.
"Yeah, Carina and Addison first, I think Nancy and Kathleen are still in shock over our wedding."
"Probably shocked to see you happy... but I love happy on you." Jo replied, grinning as you quickly leaned your head over to kiss her nose.
"I love how happy looks on you too... we're going to be okay. Even when everything sucks, you've got me, and you will always have me." Comforting your wife, you brought her hand up to your mouth to kiss, before she shifted so she could lean over and kiss you properly.
"DeLuca deserves a proper funeral. Not a memorial in a car park." Jo murmured, feeling you squeeze her hand as the two of you stood together, leaning into each other and trying to fight back tears as you listened to Andrew's residency application video. How he grew up stealing his older sister's game of Operation.
You were quiet during the drive back from the memorial, confusing your wife for a moment before you finally broke the silence.
"Can we- um... I want a game of Operation, at our place. For any children, doesn't have to be ours, since all my siblings have children... there's even one trying with medical school at the moment but, I-"
"Yes. I will order a game of Operation when we get home." Jo nodded, needing the joy and understanding where you were coming from immediately.
"How's Luna doing?" You enquired as Jo walked into the ER, making a beeline towards you as you waited for the incoming patient you were paged down to the ER for.
"She is a genius! She reacts to her name, even though Hayes doesn't seem to think so..." Jo replied, grinning at the thought of Luna, which made you smile in response.
"I'll go up to see her later- the traumas are here!"
"Hello, my darling wife, hello, Luna! How are we doing today?" Jo cheered, despite the fact that she was carrying OB/GYN textbooks in her arms, the scene of you stood with Luna in the NICU brightening her day.
"Well, Doctor Shepherd, Luna seems to be doing well according to Hayes, but Luna and I were having a nice chat about animals. I think she reacted when I talked about a giraffe!" you paused to glance down at Luna with a soft smile, "you talk to Bailey yet about OB?"
"Not yet. I know Webber gave me everything to say but... what do you want to watch for movie night tonight?" Jo chewed her lip, her gaze fully on Luna as you hummed.
"So, Jo's changing from surgery to OB, hoping you could give her some tips, with your extensive extraordinary qualifications... we're... we're doing okay? Does Henry know how to play Operation?" you were sat by the window, looking out onto a world void of people until hands wrapped around your waist. Your wife's chin resting on your shoulder as you talked with Addison.
"Is that Addison? Can you ask her if I can ask her questions? Carina's going back to Italy for a month... she's getting married though so she's coming back!"
"Your mum was Val. We loved Val. You are Luna, and you have a family here. Every time I step into an OR, I think about your mum, and you, and my wife. My wife thinks about you too. Every movie night for a while now, there has been a giraffe. One day you'll get to watch those movies, Luna, I know it."
You smiled as you stood in the NICU doorway, listening to Jo talk to Luna, who smiled as she spoke to the baby girl.
Jo was much more tense after she met Luna's legal guardian assigned from CPS, then every time since seeing Carmen Delgato with Luna as each week went. As Hayes put it, social worker, not a parent.
"She deserves parents who love her, not a social worker who sees her as a box to tick on a list." You whispered, having snuck into the NICU to check up on Luna, not realising that Hayes had overheard.
"I'm surprised you two Shepherd haven't put the paperwork through to become her legal parents yet."
"My wife told me about how the social worker wasn't allowing that operation... we're working on it, had to get Jo's background check cleared, and they started looking at my family too. My dad was murdered before I was born, it traumatised my family... they're being thorough." You shrugged off the look on Hayes' face, keeping your gaze on Luna instead.
"All my siblings have children, Jo and I only really started thinking about children after Jo attached to this baby left at Station 19, but it was during DeLuca's memorial that I realised... anyway, we're fighting for Luna, and... we were going to move after the wedding but the pandemic... anyway, we're also looking at moving. Jo wanted to try get Link to foster until we can get the legal stuff sorted, but it's moving faster with both of us than it would if it was just Jo alone trying to get parental rights." You explained, letting out a sigh as Hayes nodded.
"Have you spoken to your sisters or your mother about Luna?"
"Nancy will probably try analyse her case, Kathleen will say we're not ready, Liz will be supportive, Amelia is struggling with Link and Scout. She adores them both but she's struggling. Addison is struggling with the pandemic because Jake just works on model trains, and Henry plays videogames at every waking hour. My mother... I think she was concerned at first but I think she worries we'll struggle without help... but there's a vaccine, and we're doctors who understand how to take care of Luna's needs. Besides, my sisters can get their updates from the rare Instagram photo of Luna's hand or foot or something... Luna's our daughter, I'm not listening to them talk about a baby negatively."
"Y/n! You're Amelia's sister! Do you know what ring she'd like?" Jo summoned you into a patient room where Luna was staying, revealing Link and three engagement rings.
"Uh... um... right, engagement ring for Amelia... why did you get three? You kept receipts right? You don't need three of them!" you pointed out, leaving Link to nod, closing the boxes and hurrying out after asking the two of you to wish him luck.
"Jo... I don't think Amelia will say yes."
"Oh poop! Merry Christmas everyone..." Jo murmured, her eyes full of panic as you sighed, nodding nervously.
You smiled as Jo paced around on the phone, thanking whoever was on the line informing you that the adoption of Luna had been approved.
"She tell you she sold her hospital shares yet?" You enquired, leaving Bailey to pause.
"What's with that face? Bad price?"
"I still have my shares but... it's more the person my wife sold her shares to..." You trailed off, smiling at how you referred to Jo as your wife, and accepting the kiss that Jo gave you as she sat on the picnic bench with you and Bailey.
"Maybe I should just let the person who bought them tell you..." Jo paused, turning the phone around as it began to ring with a video call.
"Miranda! Did you hear the good news?"
Bailey's face fell as Tom Koracick was revealed to now have shares in the ownership of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.
"Shepherd. Tell me you didn't. I offered you both character references!" Bailey hissed, whilst Jo hurriedly hung up the call, and the two of you hurried away as Bailey glared.
"Welcome home... welcome home Luna, and my darling wife!" Jo smiled, looking around the apartment that was once Jackson's, but the two of you had purchased from him for your family to grow up in.
"I found the Operation game!" You declared with a grin, revealing the box as Jo rolled her eyes playfully.
"I thought you were looking for cutlery!"
Tags: @nnightskiess @multifandomlesbianic @emskisworld @afuckingshituniverse
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morpheus-the-sandman · 8 months
how did each of you came to be?
OK so this took me a bit to awnser I had to cook but I don't know yet for some how they came to be I still need to think about that anyhow here are some I can share plus a vid
Crow does some chirp noises and sounds* (by the way that's how he speaks in squeaks in his au he talks normally)
:" oh well it's a bit complicated basacally a child had the fear of thair closet and by that fear I got born wich dosent mean I'm bad it's just this usuall story people talk about you know the monsters under you're beds and in you're closets I'm not bad in anyway Im just in the closet or under the bed to look after the children but they always see me as scary so I just stay quiet and not say anything out of fear I don't want to startle them..
Comfort star : "oh OOO well I remember I was once the toy from my owner she was a girl she always cared for me and looked after me she was pretty young like uhm I don't know how young "*she shrugs*" i think her parents threw me away and that's where I kind of woke up in this new body " she giggles *" i flew around and got back to her to comfort her but I had to leave again soon I still visit her trough she's older now but as I was flying around I found another opposite me ?? Well she looked a bit like me and we shared this connection today I call her my sister " she explained smiling
Comfort stars sister OP Sally belongs to @2-b-frank
Ivy:" ugh well fushigi found me and just kidnapped me"
Fushigi " hey that's not the truth you came to me after I found you because you wanted to stay with me you grumpy gremlin"
Ivy " he's lying don't listen to him I'm still in his basement"
Ivy " no im not" * eats his chips loudly while watching TV *
Fushigi *" anyway uh as for me and morph -"
( pause to read )
Morph :" both of us got born by a good dream " he said smiling flapping his wings*
Songs used : Varsangen / I used the version from Louixie and you'll be in my heart from the movie Tarzan
Peacekeeper belongs to @arikihalloween
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rothjuje · 1 year
I cannot sleep when Justin is gone. It’s so bad. Part of it is being on high alert at night because it’s just me, the other part is I can’t fall asleep when he’s here anyway until he’s in bed. I can’t relax enough, I need the oxytocin. I could take a sleep aid, but I really do not like to do that when he’s gone because I’m a very heavy sleeper. Plus they make me feel hungover the entire next day. I got a weighted blanket from Target in sheer desperation and it did not help at all.
I just did the math and I think he’s been gone for almost 40 days in 2023. Five work trips and Florida to say his goodbyes/be there for his family. After he comes back from Alabama on the 22nd he will have been gone about 50 days. Oy.
Poppa is still alive. It’s really hard for everyone to watch him suffer like this. Death can be so cruel.
I am vibrating with anxiety from all the unknowns. I am praying that he goes peacefully and does not have to suffer more. I am so tired and sad and anxious that my favorite dopamine sources are all failing (Target, my favorite bagel, iced coffee, the best ice cream place, sushi, visiting a farm or body of water, going to feed stores to look at baby chicks). Even Crumbl did nothing for me this week.
There’s been some good though. A friend (that I actually met from Tumblr when we first moved here) came up yesterday and helped with the kids which was so nice and sanity restoring. I’m almost done painting the chicken coop. My Jewish friends here have become like family, you know when you don’t have to be ‘on’ around someone? You can just be completely yourself and not use your social battery at all? It’s so comforting. The chickens are like little therapy animals, especially Honey the lap chicken. I made monkey bread for the first time ever, the girls had so much fun making it and the sheer joy on Alyssa’s face when she bit into a gooey ball of goodness made me so happy. I also made a Dutch baby with them a couple days ago and I let them each crack an egg. I love cooking with kids but am usually pretty strict about mess/wasted ingredients that it was fun to just let them make the mess/enjoy the process.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Snarry Recs: 2022 Fest Fics
So much good content comes out of fests, and I really do have so much love for the Snarry fests out there! Really doing the work to spread the Snarry agenda, and we have to love and respect it. Plus...how can a gal say no to more Snarry content?? She can't.
I chose 3 from each fest to keep it even and fair, and also to keep it from getting out of hand. But I do recommend checking out the other fics from each fest if you find yourself wanting more! So many excellent fics were posted this year! Please feel free to binge-read them all. (But start with my list because I have most excellent taste 😉) (Also because I really love these fics and need people to love them with me!!!! 😍)
Snarry Adopt-a-Prompt
Certain Dark Things
by LilaDiurne (@liladiurne.) Rated E. 50k. AU. Slytherin!Harry. 1st person POV. Pining. Seduction. Manipulation. Brief Harry/other. Gorgeous, gorgeous work.
In which Severus takes a trip to Italy, thinking he'll have a quiet time at the Malfoys' villa, but Harry has other plans.
Written for prompt #182: AU. Harry never lived with the Dursleys. He was adopted by the reformed Malfoys as an infant. He is secretly in love with his adopted father's best friend, Severus Snape.
Ghosts of Christmas
by PinaNaponi (@vulnerasanenturmyprince.) Rated E. 45k. Fluff & smut. Hurt/comfort. Found family. Mental health issues. Probably my favorite Nina fic. Really heartwarming and lovely but tinged with sadness and bits of angst.
Prompt #53: Harry visits a recuperating Severus at Spinner’s End at Christmas and ends up learning quite a lot from Eileen, who has been taking care of him.
A story about recovery, ghosts of the past and forgiveness.
Before the Police Were Told
by salazarinadress. Rated E. 24k. Muggle AU. Crime. Witness protection. Homophobia. Angst.
Severus is tired. He doesn’t want to work for Tom, and he doesn't want to be a Death Eater, either. The only thing he wants is for his decades-long ordeal to be over... so it’s just his luck that when the Aurora taskforce asks him to testify and put Tom away forever, it’s for the one crime he can never speak of. The crime that has haunted him for thirty five years.
A fic about Severus; the choices he made, and the ones he never had. About redemption, and deservedness. Also about kissin’.
The Potter Phenomenon
by ines_iz. Rated E. 31k. Romance. Homophobia. Coming out. Idiots in love. Coworkers to lovers. Pining. Angst, with a happy ending.
When Harry Potter, queer star of the Wizarding World, returns to Hogwarts as the new Defence professor, Severus Snape is not happy. In fact, he is positively outraged. Not only does Severus have to endure the man's obnoxious behaviour (not to mention his ridiculous sense of fashion), but he also ends up being dragged into Potter's attention-seeking plans — and, ultimately, is forced to face a few demons of his own. Or: Harry Potter Goes Gay (and the entirety of Hogwarts Goes Gay with him)
A Trick of the Mind
by PinaNaponi. Rated E. 40k. UST. Pining. Legilimency. Enemies to lovers.
Ever since the horcrux in his head is gone, Legilimency comes easy to Harry. It’s nearly laughable how easy it is, considering how much he used to struggle with it back in his fifth year. But he reckons half of that had been Snape’s fault anyway. Who on earth would enjoy the nasty git invading their mind?
But as life as Harry has known it changes, Harry’s opinion on the matter changes with it ― rather drastically so if he’s being perfectly honest.
With Aloha
by silvereye5 (@silvereye5.) Rated E. 26k. Fluff. Hawaii. Fun!
Severus and Harry are booked on the same gay singles cruise.
Snarry AUctober Fest
by avioleta (@avioleta.) Rated E. 16k. Postwar. Domestic fluff. Developing relationship. Naked swimming!!!! Sweet & sexy.
The night of the Battle of Hogwarts, Severus Snape disappears and is presumed dead. One day, however, Harry Potter finds him in Italy and...stays.
When Dreams Come True
by maraudersaffair (@maraudersaffair.) Rated E. 10k. Pining. Secret crush. Injury. Bondage. Light d/s. Hurt/comfort. Fun & sweet!
Harry is a world famous Quidditch star and Severus is his biggest fan (in secret). He is also desperate for Harry to dominate him.
The Boy
by themoonandstars1989. Rated E. 2k. Dead dove. Underage. Non-con. Somnophilia. Curses. Imprisonment. Dark Snape. Dark fairytale vibes. Bad dirty wrong!
The boy had grown beautiful — alabaster skin and dark red lips. Snow White personified, waiting for a prince's kiss to wake him up. 
Or was it Sleeping Beauty?
Severus paid no mind to his mum's ramblings. He did not waste his childhood on fairy tales and wishes.
Maybe he should have.
Secret Snarry Swap
by BlueSundayCake (@bluesundaycake.) Rated E. 11k. Drug use. Murder. Minor character death. Trafficking. Morally gray Harry. Angst. Sad start, hopeful ending. Gritty and real and I loved it so much.
After Harry takes on a strange case, everything begins to fall apart. Nothing makes sense, and he only has one person he can trust. Unless—? In which Harry doesn't cope very well with life after the war and keeps slipping.
Spy Glass
by suitesamba (@suitesamba.) Rated E. 18k. Seeker Harry. Spy Severus. Voyeurism. Hilarity. (Genuinely, so so funny, oh my god, I love it so much.)
England wants to insure star Seeker Harry Potter and his fabulous broom. Enter Severus Snape, wizarding investigator extraordinaire, ready to calculate risk and assess value. Tailing Harry Potter turns out to be the job of his dreams, though he wishes it could be done without the disguise. A tale of a man’s obsession, another man’s obsession, and a heartwarming ending where everyone ultimately gets what they want – or what they need.
Friends of Dorothy
by Writcraft (@writcraft.) Rated E. 22k. Bi!Harry. Self-discovery. Fun OCs. Magical creatures. Really enjoyable and happy story.
When Harry Potter sees Severus Snape on a date with another wizard it sets him on a journey of self-discovery that leads to the Friends of Dorothy Detective Agency and a Niffler called Toto.
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sharkpupsblog · 1 year
😨 Lost horse! 🐎
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A Sabine x GN! Reader fanfic!
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One req started!!! 😈😈😈 this is going to be multipart bcs I couldn’t find a way to shorten my writing to just one part 😭💔 I write too much 💔 its a blessing and a curse 💔 this part is to set the plot down 🗣🙏 I wrote so much for this part 😭 I have also started all the other reqs I have and . All of them will be multipart as well 😭❤️ once this req is done the next will come out and then the next! Then I think I will take a short break from writing to prevent burn out and to work on some other things! :D also for this req reader is not a soul rider! But Avalon’s kid! This is my second fic using Avalon as a dad 🙏 I care him 🙏 I didn’t want to make reader a soul rider but still wanted a way for them to be involved in druid stuff so the story would make sense so I made Avalon a dad again 🙏🙏🗣🗣 Anyways ty @ barricade-moonriser for the req! Enjoy! :D ❤️❤️❤️
Summary: You and your father visit Wildwoods and you find a lost horse
Warnings: Foul language, animal injuries, talk of an explosion and injuries caused by it.
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“I’ll be back soon I promise!” You yelled to your father who watched you from the doorstep of Kora’s home. “I just have to deliver these to Rowan!” You showed him a bunch of papers in your hand. Rowan had you design some flyers for a trail ride, and now you were going to deliver them. You were already on your way to do the delivery, but you were stopped by your worried dad before you could even get on the trail to the ranger base. The man frowned he didn’t want you to go alone. Mistfall was dangerous there were wolves in the forest. Your father worried you might come across them. You also did not have a horse, if you got into trouble you would have to deal with it alone. He shook his head deciding it was best not to let you go “come back!” He yelled back to you. You were a bunch of feet away from him, so you both had to yell back and forth. “I am almost done talking to Kora! Wait for me and we can both go together!” Your father started walking towards you. You loved your dad you really did, but you also loved time alone. You walked to him as well, so you could speak and not yell. Once you got close to him you said “dad I can do it alone.” You wanted some alone time you hoped you could convince him to let you go. “I’ll be fine the ranger base is just down the road” you moved the papers in your hand towards the direction of the base. “If I get into any trouble, I can handle it alone” you grabbed your father’s hand giving it a comforting squeeze. “Go back inside and enjoy your tea with Kora I’ll be fine” you smiled when your dad squeezed your hand back. “Plus I’ve been around Mistfall many times and I have never seen a wolf” today would be no different. At least you hoped it wouldn’t. You brushed the thought away not wanting to accidentally manifest a wolf. “Can I go now?” You let go of your father’s hand. The man nodded, and you went wide eyed as he pulled you into a bone crushing hug. “Be careful” he said to you, and you managed to huff out an “I will!” Your dad was old you wondered where he got all that bone crushing strength. He was a druid his job did not require any psychical strength... Or did it? You didn’t really know what he did, he kept it all a secret from you. Maybe he was sneaking in some training sessions into his busy druid schedule to beat the shit out of Garnok himself. When your dad let you go, you took a deep breath in, and you said goodbye to him heading back to the trail. Your father headed back inside to speak to Kora leaving you alone. The walk to the ranger base was boring. You couldn’t use your phone it was low on battery, and you needed to save it. You looked around you trying to keep yourself entertained. You had seen all of Mistfall thousands of times. You had been up and down all the trails. The bad thing about having explored the whole forest was that there was nothing new to look at. You prayed to Aideen for something new. Maybe you should have allowed yourself to accidentally manifest a wolf. A nice wolf of course, so you don’t get mauled. As you walked you continued to look around. It did not take you long to notice that the forest was quiet. No birds were around. No rabbits or frogs either. No sounds as well. You were starting to feel uneasy. Why was the forest so quiet and still today? Your fear made your walk turn into a jog. You wanted to get to the ranger base quickly. It took a few minutes to get to the base and once you got there your fear grew as you saw that the base was empty. The lights were off, and the horses and people were gone. On the door you could see a paper taped to it. You walked over to the door reading the paper it said ‘Out investigating. Be back soon!’ You sighed wondering what to do. You needed to drop the papers off now while you were in Mistfall. You looked around for somewhere to put the papers. While you looked you thought about what the rangers were investigating. You heard some townspeople in Dundull say they heard an explosion last night. That same explosion was the reason why you and your father were in Mistfall.
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When you asked your dad about it, he told you it was “classified druid business.” Whatever caused the explosion must be magical if your father was involved. You ended up finding a mailbox, and you neatly put the papers into it. You wished Rowan would have told you that they were going out. Maybe they could have picked the papers up from Kora’s house instead of making you come all the way out here. You reached for your phone in your back pocket. You were going to send Rowan a text saying you left the papers in the mailbox. When you touched your phone, you heard a shrill neigh. You stood still with your hand on your phone looking like an old timey western cowboy getting ready to draw. Did you imagine that neigh? You waited a few seconds, and you heard it again. It was coming from the trail leading to Wildwoods. The neighs echoed and bird calls followed after the neighs. You watched as birds quickly came flying out of the entrance. Rowan must be coming back now. You started walking down the trail to Wildwoods to meet Rowan there. The entrance to Wildwoods was covered by a bunch of bushes and vines. Some of the bushes looked like they had thorns, you would have to be really careful. As you walked into the entrance you carefully walked around the bushes with thorns. Some of the thorns came close to touching you but none of them actually did. The neighs got louder the deeper you walked into the entrance. You had never been inside the entrance of Wildwoods. It was all new to you, and it was amazing. You wished for something new while you were walking to the ranger base and you got it. You were so distracted by your surroundings that you didn’t realize you had gotten to the source of the neighs until you heard them again. You snapped your head towards the neighing. You moved your head so fast it hurt. You would have rubbed your neck in an attempt to soothe the pain, but you didn’t move. You couldn’t move you were shocked by what was in front of you. In front of you was a black horse with multiple wounds and damaged tack. Was this a new horse of the rangers? The horse neighed and bucked, and you noticed that one of its legs was not moving correctly. You feared the horse’s injuries caused lameness. Slowly you walked towards the horse “where is your rider?” You whispered to it not wanting to scare it. The horse turned to look at you, and you put a hand over your mouth quickly coming to a stop. The horse had red eyes. Blood red eyes that seemed to glow. You wanted to run you wanted to scream, but the look the horse gave you stopped you. It looked so sad… Could horses look sad? Were you imagining it? You didn’t have much horse experience. It had been a while since you last rode or had been around horses. The steed snorted, and looked away from you looking at the leg that did not move. You followed its gaze looking to its leg as well. You looked it over sighing in relief when you saw a vine wrapped on the horse’s leg. The horse was trapped that is why it wasn’t moving it was not lame, just trapped. You started moving again whispering “it’s okay” and “stay calm” to the horse. Some of those words were for you too. You were scared shitless, and you were trying to calm yourself down. The horse watched you as you walked towards it. Its red eyes watching you scared you more, and once you got close enough to the horse you slowly squatted down. “Please don’t kick me” you begged the horse, and it nickered. You hoped it was saying it would not kick you. Gently and slowly you grabbed the horse’s leg waiting for any indication that it was comfortable before proceeding. Once the horse relaxed its leg you began to try your best to remove the vine without further hurting the horse. You wanted something interesting to do today and you got it. If only the interesting thing would have been discovering a new kind of butterfly or a nice wolf and not a red-eyed horse in the woods. The vine slipped off the horse’s hoof, and you quickly moved to the side not wanting the horse to trample you.
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You expected the horse to buck or to bite you or just do something crazy once it was free, but it just stood there. It snorted again, and it lowered its head to you sniffing your hair. The horse still had a medieval style bridle on it with an interesting symbol on the middle. The symbol looked like two snakes? You grabbed the reins of the bridle holding the horse still as you stood up. You examined the bridle. You hoped to find the owner’s or the horse’s name. You ended up getting lucky you found a tag on the bridle badly scribbled with sharpie that said ‘Khaan.’ You read it, and then you said it “Khaan?” The horse’s ears perked up, and you smiled “That’s your name? Khaan?” The horse neighed, and you pet them “where is your owner, Khaan? Can you lead me to them?” The horse did not move it just stood still watching you. With all the luck you were having today you expected the horse to move, and begin to lead you on some epic quest to save its owner. Luck must have run out. You thought about what to do, and while you thought it over you pet the horse. You stood there for a few seconds thinking about what to do while you patted the horse’s neck. Should you wait in place for the owner? Or go straight to the Dundull vet? Maybe report the missing horse to the rangers and hope they can find the owner? You didn’t know what to do, you were getting stressed. Khaan went stiff when he heard your name be called. It was your father he was calling you. You had taken too long, and he worried for you, so he came to find you. You panicked, you needed to find a way to hide the horse’s eyes. You looked at Khaan seeing his braided mane. He had a forelock it had been braided too and it looked long. You reached up undoing the braid. Khaan huffed as his forelock was spread evenly onto both sides of his face covering his eyes. You thanked his owner for growing out his forelock. You gently tugged on Khaan’s reins “can you walk Khaan?” The steed answered your question by taking stiff steps. The wounds on him hurt each time he took a step. You frowned, and you began to lead him out of the Wildwoods entrance “poor horse.” You pat his side “me and my dad will get you to the vet it will be okay.” Khaan nickered he trusted you to lead him through the entrance. His mane obscured his vision he was putting a lot of trust in you right now. Normally he would be very distrusting of a stranger. He would bite and kick, but right now he needed help, so he decided to trust. The ranger base was right outside and at the base was your dad. When he saw you he waved he stopped when he saw you were not alone. The man walked to you with his jaw open in disbelief “where did-.” You interrupted your dad wincing when you saw the upset look on his face “I’ll answer questions later right now we need to get this horse to the vet.” Your father saw the wounds on Khaan, and he understood your rude interruption. The horse looked… Familiar to him… Where had he seen it before? As you said before there was no time for questions, only time to help the horse, so he refocused. He could always think about where he saw the horse later. “Wait here” he said to you “I rode Kora’s horse here I’ll ride to Dundull and I’ll bring a trailer back with me.” Your father did not want the injured horse to walk further. You thanked your dad, and you watched him run back to Kora’s shire. Your dad wasted no time. He quickly got on the shire and you watched as he rode down the trail like he was in a race. Today was… Eventful you could not wait to go home and lay down. You smiled when you thought about bringing Khaan home. You knew he wasn’t your horse, but you were still excited. “You’re going to love staying with us Khaan” he huffed shaking his head to try and get his mane out of his eyes. “Don’t worry it won’t be forever” you fixed his forelock moving it away from his eyes. “Just until we find your owner… I hope they’re okay” You let out a little huff as Khaan laid his head on your shoulder.
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He missed his owner, and he hoped she was alright. The explosion was bad, and from what Khaan saw his rider got the worst of it. You put a hand on his forehead, and you closed your eyes trying to provide some comfort to the poor horse.
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thesoulspulse · 1 year
Danny Phantom Randomness (Heartbeat)
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Not sure if this has been done before but if not, I have an idea. So I was thinking about how Danny’s human half didn’t survive when Dan was created from his ghost half and Vlad’s combining and thought of this really sad but meaningful moment where Clockwork brought his ghost to the past to let him say goodbye to the friends and family he lost to help his spirit pass on so there wouldn’t be two Danny’s in the same timeline. After all, the existence of half-ghosts themselves is already a paradox but it’s hard to say what’ll happen to Vlad and Danny once they actually DO die. That is, if they even can (plus immortal au’s are fun like that.)
Anyways, the idea here is that after Danny’s ghost manages to say goodbye to his parents, sister, Sam and Tucker, he makes a last minute decision to visit Vlad one more time too even though they were still enemies in the past. Even if he can never say this to the Vlad from his timeline who watched Dan kill him, Danny wants to let Vlad know what happened wasn’t his fault and for better or worse he knows he was trying to help. So Danny shows up at Vlad’s, is met by the usual snarky comments like “finally come to your senses to join me hmm Daniel?” or something to that effect but instead he just hugs Vlad, wishing he could change the future so neither of them had to lose someone important to them in such a horrific way, but knowing he can’t.
Vlad of course suspects something like a Specter Deflector being attached to him like last time so he’s just about to push Danny away when he notices something that makes his blood run cold. Danny...he doesn’t have a heartbeat! Alarmed now Vlad asks Danny if something happened and Danny, who has begun glowing with a warm golden light, smiles sadly and says:
“I wish we had more time but before I leave I just wanted to let you know it wasn’t your fault. In the end, you tried to help without the usual strings attached and I’ll never forget that. So thanks, Vlad, for finally doing what you said you would. Being there for me when I needed it. And in the future, when your second chance finally comes, don’t hesitate to take it because we’ll be waiting for you on the other side...”
Then he vanishes, implying that Danny’s moved on and is reunited with his friends and family who thankfully didn’t become ghosts after the Nasty Burger explosion, and Clockwork resets time in order to make it seem like this conversation never happened. But deep down, Vlad remembers what Danny said to him subconsciously which is why, when a young Danny appears in the future asking for help he uses the Ghost Gauntlets to help him stop Dan from recreating the dark timeline by removing Clockworks time amulet.
What we don’t see is the old and frail Vlad sink into his chair not long after, just barely holding onto life which is fading fast but then he sees a familiar light and a hand reaching out of it towards him. And despite all the mistakes Vlad’s made in his life by saving Danny -and by extension the world- it’s enough to help him make peace with himself and join his Danny in heaven after holding on long enough to give a version of his little badger a second chance to avoid a fate worse than death. That said, I still wish canon Vlad had gotten some kind of redemption arc instead of becoming progressively worse as the show went on but that’s what fanfics are for!
Anyways, hope you enjoyed this little snippet even if it’s kinda jumbled up. Just wanted to get the idea down before I forget since the main point is seeing Danny go out of his way to comfort Vlad and let him know the death of his human self wasn’t his fault. Plus, it’s nice to imagine Future Vlad got to move on peacefully too after making up for his biggest mistake of accidentally creating Dan.
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sleepyblr-heart · 1 year
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hi its time for me to go insane again <3 this one is extra long so if you care about what's happening on @original-character-championship click the read more for my silly words!!
ok so. picking up from last time. Yellow tells Present he accidentally made her a demi-god. they have a mini training montage. (she does not learn much. he is the god of stupidity so this is to be expected). after that. he drops her off. on T island. not at home. where she was before. but T island
Pres does NOT want to be here, and realizes "hey. i can get revived at blood moon films. the place i got revived at last time. hm."and decides being dead for a bit is better than being back on this fucking island (but Alone this time). Before she's revived she stays at her limbo for a bit (i will prolly show off what it looks like later).
soon, she gets revived by Depressed Glass (they/them), who is Snowglobe's childhood friend and a body snatcher! They take Present to Red Circle (they/them), one of Baton's friends and the person that helped revive her last time. Red circle says that Baton is safe, at their house, and misses her so very very much. They decide to go visit Baton and Black Square (he/him) (red circle's boyfriend) during RC's break.
Present decides to drop that she's kind of god and the world is ending in like the worst way possible (this will be an important tool that'll help us later!). Also Baton maybe gets a lil bit cursed on accident by her adopted kid that kidnapped him (Hattish (any pronouns)). But it's finneee.
Anyways, Present gets taken to the 4th Wall for a bit because of God Shenanigans, and before she goes back Present and one of the gods, Purple, have a nice chat! They even start teaching her how to do (minor) shapeshifting! All she can do at the moment is change her ribbon color, but she gets better at it eventually!
She goes back to RC and BS's house, and everything is swell for a bit. She misses Snowglobe, and is a bit worried for her and Baton, but other than that everything is fine!
After a few days, Present is taking a nice nap on the couch, Baton just sitting on the floor in front of a very nice bookshelf, just waking up from her own nap. And oh ok. The Bookshelf fell on top of her. Dear god.
Luckily, her plastic is strong enough that she Doesn't die, but she is bleeding a lot, he cant move, and Present is freaking out so much, especially since BS and RC are at work at the time. Luckily, two gods (Red and Yellow) decide to help get Baton to the hospital. Yellow helps with the surgery (Because he is Definitely a surgeon and did not fake any documents). And oh hey, look who's in the same hospital room! It's depressed glass! wonder why they're here.
anyways! Thanks to more God Shenanigans Snowglobe is brought to the 4th wall, along with Present so they can meet. Present catches her up on everything and they both realize. Hey. These god guys. Kinda Suck. They haven't told her much of anything, not about her powers or what she needs to do to save the world. She has a bit of a breakdown about the whole situation, since she doesn't. Want any of this, and Snowglobe tries to help comfort her.
They are brought back to the hospital room and Snowglobe and Depressed Glass have a chat about how they Definitely tried to avenge her death by murdering Red Circle and also took over two innocent people's bodies. Luckily, DG Realized that "hey, this is a bad idea. and totally not what she would want. also she's alive again so. maybe. i should give up on this." Plus, they already had their shit rocked by one of the people they possessed (oh hey that's why they're in the hospital!) so everyone decides that was stupid, and as long as they work to be better. and try to apologize to the people they hurt. they're fine.
anyways! more god shenanigans. this time they accidentally swapped a few peoples bodies. Luckily, we only need to worry about a few! Present and Snowglobe swapped bodies, and Baton and Red Circle also swapped. And oh hey. the God Shenanigans are now Everyone shenanigans. Turns out, the gods really hate this One Really Old Man named Angelsea(he/him). And they want everyone in this room to help murder him (besides red because they were. not in the plan.)
The first part of the plan is to get this random guy no one here besides Depressed Glass could know, Toothbrush (he/they). They're here because they work security at Blood Moon Films, and he could deal with the security cameras in the hospital!
They do not want to help with a murder plan. But they really need the help, so... Red convinces Present, in snowglobes body, to take over Toothbrushes body. She really only agrees to do it cause... Why should she not? She's supposed to help them, and maybe helping them kill this man she doesn't know will help save the world! (plus, she doesn't want to disappoint them)
So, Present takes over Toothbrush's body, and the murder plan goes. About as well as you would expect. Present and Toothbrush do their part well, at least. And once Angelsea is dead, Present separates from Toothbrush, killing them both (for now)
Present is revived by Baton (in red circle's body). Baton had visited Red circle in their body and they told her about the... whole murder plan thing. And is... A bit disappointed. Not for the murder (well i mean. yes the murder but that's not it), but the fact she just... Went along with what the god had asked of her. It's not like SHE wanted to do it, in the first place. Baton talks to her a bit, and tell her that she shouldn't do things just because these LOSERS told her to. And that maybe. She should quit.
She says she'll talk to the gods about it (she never does) and they head back to RC's home. Present realizes Snowglobe went missing after the murder plan, and no matter where she and baton look they can't find her. It's probably fine.
anyways present and snow globe got kidnapped by the older gods (Plants and Bookmark (they/them for both)) to fix the fact they were body swapped. Unfortunately bookmark is a lil stupid and fucked up present's wrapping paper so they replaced it themselves.
anyways the older gods dropped them off in an alleyway. but at least they were in the correct bodies (🎉🎉🎉)
anyways. remember how present told baton that she was a demi-god? yeah uh. She Wasn't supposed to do that. Purple and Red told the two that. Because Purple accidentally told baton their Real names when trying to help return her to the correct body, and present told him about the god thing, Yellow decided that he knew Too Much and her memories had to be erased.
Yellow, however, is still god of stupidity. He meant to just get rid of any memories related to the gods, but instead got rid of any memories related to magic at all. Luckily, any memories not directly related to gods were not Completely removed, they were so blurry that is was difficult to remember any details about it. Oh btw she had been surrounded by magic for the 6 years that this story had taken place over.
Purple and red help them back to RC's house, where baton is (no, she was Not properly released from the hospital but. it's fineee) and they all have a nice reunion where baton almost immediately thinks she cheated on her girlfriend with Red Circle because of a fake news article that she had read.
Anyways, some less important things happen. snowglobe gets fed a person thinking it's koolaid. that person might've been a potion. that potion might've been a love amplification potion. you know. normal things.
anyways snowglobe decides to tell present and baton that she developed feelings for them both (being small crushes amplified by the "koolaid"). turns out, present and baton also had feelings (ones they had talked about together before hand) for snowglobe. so they say "fuck it. lets date." and bam. bitches acquired.
and that's the end for. todays insanity. ill see you next time. because there's still more to cover. (there's. so much to cover. i might save some for next round if she wins. so vote for her if you wanna hear more of her story!)
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thelightofthebane · 10 months
through the good and bad and all in between
Summary: Magnus was born a warlock. Magnus became a mundane for love and by self-sacrificing tendencies. Magnus turned into a vampire after an act of spite and revenge.
A story about survival, new identities, love through adversities, and accepting changes.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Episode: s03e17 Heavenly Fire, Vampire Magnus Bane, Turned without consent, Major Character Undeath, Immortal to Mortal to Immortal, Magnus Bane Deserves Nice Things, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Good Boyfriend Alec Lightwood, Soft Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Cat & Alec friendship, Domestic Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending
Rating: E
Chapters: 10
Words: Around 23k~
This fic was created for the Shadowhunters Mini Bang 2023: Presented by the @malecdiscordserver
You can read it on AO3 or the eighth chapter below ~
Chapter 8 - You taught me to live each day like it's my last
“Are you really a vampire now?”
“I am.”
“And you only drink blood now?”
“I do.”
“And no magic? No more extra chocolate sprinkles?”
“No magic. But I can still give you extra chocolate sprinkles. In secret, or else Uncle Alec will punish us with a lot of tickles.”
Madzie giggled.
Children were so simple. In the best of ways. Although it hurt admitting some harsh truths out loud - like not being able to use magic anymore -, it was nice doing it only to fulfill an honest curiosity, full of wonder and awe.
Magnus wouldn’t lie and say he wasn’t nervous at finally meeting Madzie again, but he missed his goddaughter too much to keep pushing back a visit. Since the successful mission against Camille three weeks before, Magnus was making more visits to the New York Institute - and New York overall. He was slowly trying to get used to the city again with his new senses and also going to the Hotel DuMort to talk to the clan.
If he was also using the opportunity to keep an eye on his very, very stubborn fiancé who was still healing from the mission, well, nobody but him needed to know that.
“Are you okay with this new me, Sweet Pea?”
“I am.”
See? Simple.
“I like your fangs. They are cool. Much cooler than Uncle Simon’s.” Then, as if telling him a secret, she lowered her voice and came closer to him. “But don’t tell him that. Or he will have puppy ears.”
“Puppy ears?”
“It’s puppy eyes, kiddo.” Cat corrected her after snickering.
Madzie shrugged, then went back to play with her dolls in what seemed to be an imaginary tea party.
Magnus, who was drinking a special blend of blood tea, turned to Cat then.
“I know that I shouldn’t be surprised, but she took this change better than I anticipated.”
Catarina took a sip of her own actual tea, not bothering to hide a grin afterward.
"Your little brood of Shadowhunters plus Simon took it upon themselves to play with Madzie and distract her while her Uncle Magnus was away. But she spent more time with Simon. Alec’s idea. This way she could get more used to vampires and not feel uncomfortable when visiting your future clan."
“Anyway, vampire or not, that boy was a perfect babysitter. He talked so much, that even Madzie got tired. She never napped so quickly in all the time she has been with me.”
Usually, Magnus would make a teasing comment about that, but his mind was still processing what Cat told him about Alec’s idea.
"Cat, how the hell did someone like him choose me? If we weren’t already engaged, I’d barge into the Institute right now and ask him to marry me."
"Magnus Bane finally settling, huh? In all the centuries that I know you, you never mentioned wedding bells, not even with the demon."
Magnus chuckles. Everyone around him stopped saying her name - not out of fear, but because they believed it could erase her from their memories sooner than later.
"Alec makes me dream about things that I've given up a long time ago, Cat."
Marriage. Family. Children.
"I want everything with him."
“I’d say you’re already halfway there.” His friend wiggled her eyebrows, jutting her chin towards the ring he was wearing.
His real engagement ring. A couple of days after Alec was discharged from the infirmary, he received a message from the warlock jeweler to let him know that the enchanted pair of rings were finished. Even without his powers, Magnus could feel the magic pouring from them - it was very powerful.
He knew Alec had ordered them specifically for Magnus, to keep him safe, but Magnus was glad and relieved to know it went both ways - Alec would also have an extra layer of protection and he would know if the Shadowhunter was in true danger.
“Have you chosen a place to hold the wedding?”
“Not yet. Alexander and I are still discussing all the details. He said he wanted to get involved in the planning this time.” Magnus smiled, then chuckled. “But I called dibs on the decor. I love Alec, but his concept of color is black and different shades of gray.”
The warlock frowned. “I thought you would go with the traditional gold of a Nephilim wedding.”
“No. In another time, we would’ve gone with a mix of Nephilim gold and Warlock blue, but now…” Magnus sighed before putting his teacup away.
Suddenly, Madzie piped in.
“Are you and Uncle Alec marrying like those princes and princesses of fairy tales? Uncle Alec looks like a prince.”
Magnus laughed. “And you’re absolutely right, my love.” He picked her up, and she immediately snuggled with him.
“Auntie Izzy told me I could be a flower girl. Does this mean I’ll wear a dress full of flowers?”
“If you want to wear one, we can arrange that. But being a flower girl means you’ll create a path full of flowers for me and Alec. This way, our marriage will start more colorful, fragrant, and beautiful.”
“I like that.” Magnus could hear the smile on Madzie’s voice, and his heart couldn’t help but melt at that.
“Me too, Sweet Pea. Me too.”
“Alex reminds me of you,” Magnus commented, earning a deadpan look from Alec.
They were sprawled on the couch, Magnus bracketed by Alec’s legs, his head resting on the Shadowhunter’s chest - the sound of Alec’s beating heart still being Magnus’ biggest source of comfort.
Lately, this was how their date nights went by. A movie or a show, a nice meal, cuddling - or a delicious session of make out - until they fell asleep. It was a good way to keep the nightmares at bay, and gradually Magnus has been feeling more relaxed and settled again.
Unfortunately, they couldn’t share popcorn anymore - Magnus had his own snack soaked in blood.
“Because we both are called Alexander?” Alec drawled.
“That too, but you two are very good with politics, always trying to help others, born leaders, adorably oblivious when it comes to crushes, and have a dangerous public sex kink.”
“I don’t have a public sex kink!”
“Darling, Underhill has to deactivate the training room’s cameras every time we’re there.”
Alec grumbled under his breath, and Magnus snickered.
“Well, I’m sorry if it’s too hard to keep my hands off you, Your Royal Highness.”
This time, Magnus gasped.
Then, they both broke into a fit of giggles.
Alec let go of his popcorn in favor to hold Magnus closer and took the opportunity to nuzzle against the side of the vampire’s head. Magnus closed his eyes for a moment, sinking into that warm feeling so uniquely Alec, and only after a couple of minutes he went back to pay attention to the movie.
It was only when they were in the middle of the second movie, some underrated rom-com, that Magnus noticed how Alec was distracted.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Ah, I see. You’re thinking about your ex-fiancée while I’m right here with you.” Magnus teased.
Alec rolled his eyes. “It’s not that. It’s just…” He waved a bit upset to the TV. “I can understand that guy being afraid of coming out, but does he need to treat the guy he loves like that? Like a dirty secret?”
“Sometimes you don’t have a choice if you want to be with the one you love the most,” Magnus whispers, and there is an underlining of a past experience there.
Alec sighed. “As much as I hate how I treated you in the past when we first met, I think it was better than treating you as someone who should be hidden. No one should, but especially not you, Magnus. You are too big to conceal. If someone did that, they were a major asshole and didn’t deserve you. People should be proud to show you off, not hide you.”
Magnus looked surprised at Alec who was still fuming and cursing the main character of the movie.
“Even when I lost everything and was a mere mundane, you never minded, did you?”
“Of course not. I love you. All of you. And I accept any version you choose to be.”
“And if I became like one of those villains from superhero movies?”
Alec shrugged. “Some villains are hot.”
Magnus fully grinned by then.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Maybe I am. But that’s okay. I got you.”
I will always get you.
They stayed in silence for some more time, until Magnus broke it.
“I’m ready to move back to New York.”
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jeongbuchiki · 2 years
Kim Namjoon
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I have to travel for work. Namjoon said to you on your video call. Words that you had heard many times before. Since yours was a long distance relationship, to both of you specially him communication was key. It's was imperative for him that you never doubted him, his feelings for your or your relationship.
He seemed bummed out. But you were patient and understanding, you knew what you signed up for when you agreed to have a relationship with him. So you tried to cheer him up. You weren't one to dwell on what you couldn't control.
So you tried to cheer him up. You weren't one to dwell on what you couldn't control. And he admired that about you.
-Hey baby. Don't worry. One day we will celebrate Thanksgiving together ok. When the time is right. Besides why label special time together when every time we are together it's special. I'll see you soon anyways so we can spend time together before we'll you know.... you trailed off your last words as the thought tugged at your heart. - Anyways I'll have my handsfull this yr. I listened to you and I'm visiting my family upstate.
And guess what, turns out a shit load of family from out of the country is coming also. So family reunion I guess hehe.
He loved when you cursed. He thought it was funny and cute. It meant you felt comfortable, free. He loved that you had no filter. So it was hard for you not , you like being proper. He loved the fact that you were you and made no apologies for it.
You and Namjoon had been dating in complete secrecy for a while now. The only ones who knew about it were the other members, and because he couldn't keep a secret from them even if his life depended on it.
This year though for more than the obvious reasons he wanted to celebrate this holiday that meant so much to you with you. And knowing you'd be spending it with your family presented the perfect opportunity. The fact that where he was traveling to was where you lived was a plus, that helped him set all of his plans in motion. He was convinced the universe was smiling down on him.
He looked away from the screen of his phone to the side, distracted.
- Baby are you ok. You seem distracted. You asked and pointed out.
- Oh yeah, beautiful. I'm sorry just thinking about that trip. I wanted to come visit you. Just dont know if I'll be able to. He played it off ice cool.
- Love I already told you it's ok. We will see each other soon. Ok. Anyways I gotta go babe I gotta work and you have to get some sleep sir. You blew him a kiss.
- Yes Ma'am. LOL he laughed. Blew you a kiss back. - I'll text you when I wake up babe. I love you. I miss you so much.
- I love and miss you more. Bye. Talk later much. You hung up and he went straight to work digging in your ig.
Using his secret account, to snoop around and figure which family member he could reach out to. That would help him execute his plan. He found a pic you posted with a cousin. Caption read "Seeing this crazy for Thanksgiving. Love you cuz. Get my bed warm for me lol. See you soon".
- That must be where she'll be staying. He thought outloud. He took the risk and reached out. After talking extensively and him explaining your cousin agreed to help. Becoming his partner in crime. Bonus fact she was army too.
He couldn't sleep.He'd been in a mood lately, and the fact that he hadent seen you in a while was not helping at all. It was no point he would be on his way to the airport in a few hours, by then you would be home. Light bulb!!! 😏. You 2 hadent had sexy time in days. He needed you. He missed your scent. Your touch. The feel Of your skin. Your kisses. Your love.
Keeping a close eye to the time. He texted you when it was almost time for you to leave work.
Incoming text [Daddy 💋😈]
- Baby girl, I really... really miss you. 💋😈
Those were his emojies for you. That was his key phrase, meaning that was your cue. It was sexy time. He was hoooorrnnyy. 😏.
Your boyfriends text shook you to your core, making your sex clench. The temperature in your body rise. You thought good thing I'm working from home today. You missed him too, and bad. Being with Namjoon was other worldly in every sense of the word. The gentleman in the streets that was a dom daddy freak in the sheets, who sole purpose was to fufills his lady's every wish and desire. To give you love and pleasure till your hearts content and your body was spent.
- Mmm Daddy 💋😈. I missed you too. I'm almost done with work and I'm home today. So I can take care of you soon. Ok. Hold on for me my love. I love you baby.
- Mmm can't wait. I love you more baby girl.
A few minutes later you were done with work. To feel good you took a quick shower and changed into his Fav nighty, nothing underneath. Chugged a glass of wine and good to go.
[Outgoing text]
- Daddy... im ready... 💋
Next thing you know you're getting an incoming call from your boyfriend.
- Hey baby girl. Mmm Damm you look sexy. Fuck I miss you. The usually serious/shy Namjoon was no more. Daddy Joon was in the house.
- Daddy missed you so bad baby girl. Mmm. His voice was deep, rough, yet smooth. Moans laced with low growls emanated from deep within his chest as he palmed and caressed his growing hardness. He was laying back in his bed. Shirtless, just pajama pants. The ones you gave him last Christmas. We'll after, which was when you were able to get away for a short trip to Seoul.
- I miss you too Daddy. Mmm. I like your pants. You giggled and you become to hot ans sexy for your own good. You smirked at him and he blushed, always so modest.
You angled your phone so that he could see everything you did and so did he.
- Mmm baby girl has on daddys fav nighty. He licked and bit his lower lip.
- And look Daddy. youhe chuckled. - Daddy your gonna have to stop working out before you become to hot ans sexy for your own good. You smirked at him and he blushed, always so modest.
You angled your phone so that he could see everything you did and so did he.
- Mmm baby girl has on daddys fav nighty. He licked and bit his lower lip.
- And look Daddy. You whispered seductively while toying with the hem of your nighty, pulling it up teasing him. Showing him just enough for him to see you had no panties on. He cursed under his breath.
- Fuck baby girl. You are so naughty. Teasing daddy like that. His hand rubbing and aggrssively caressing his now harden member. Your pussy jolted and your insides excitedly anticipated the love they would soon recieve, upon hearing his growls and grunts.
- I wish you were here daddy. You voice sounding more like a purr that made his dick twitch, and pre-cum beads leak out of the slit on his tip. - loose the pants baby. Your going to ruin them. You said to him in a soft sexy voice. His smirk sexy, naughty, dark. Complying as if under your spell, he tucked his thumbs between the hem of his pants and his skin and tugged down untill they were at ankles, then swiftly kicked them off the bed.
Being probably the hottest, sexiest shit you'd ever seen. Namjoons massive erection sprung free, standing at full attention in all its glory and all you could do was wish you were there.
Your mouth watered and he could see it.
He smiled even more.
- Wish you were here baby girl. Snuggling this cock with that tight pretty pussy of yours. Mmm fuck.!!!. He'd begun stroking himself with out realizing it. Tight, slow, hard grip. You could feel your pussy clench around nothing.
Slowly you lifted your nighty over your head and took it off toosing it to the side. Laying down in an angle where he could admire all of you, you began caressing your body.
- Mmm baby girl how i just wanna kiss, suck and bite your nipples. Kiss your body all over. His voice had become deeper His gaze dark.
With one hand you toyed with one of your breasts. While guiding your other hand to your heat. Not wasting any time. You dipped 2 fingers in your drenched pussy, and began slowly to pump in and out. He could heat the squelching sound of your wetness.
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He pulled at his cock, which made him growl your name outloud.
- Mmm fuck baby yesss. Imagine that's my dick baby, pumping in and out of you. His voice was deep, hoarse, hungry for you. Your moans echoed through your room and out the speaker of his phone. Causing his iron rod to twitch in his hand.
- Oohhh daddy you feel soo good. You cried out as you arched your back. He tighten his grip around his cock and gasped as he continued to stroke himself.
- Shit baby girl. You feel so tight. Fuck!!! His eyes were on you the whole time. Watching the expressions on your face as you pleasured yourself and your body contorted in response. He could hear the wetness in your pussy as you pumped your fingers in and out of your tight hole, and it was driving him wild. He wanted nothing more that you be drilling into you at that moment, feeling you squirm under him as you came undone. As he spilled his seed deep inside you.
- Baby girl you're close aren't you? He moaned out in that sexy deep voice of his.
-Mhm. Mmm daddy I'm gonna c-cum. Your voice a high pitch whimper. As your back arched completely off your bed. He let out a low devilish chuckle.
- Cum with me baby girl. Cum for daddy. Let me see you spill that sweetness daddy loves so much. Mmm. Fuck. Namjoons toned stomach contracted as he felt his orgasm take over, while he continued to stroke his length harder and faster. - FUUUCCKK BABY AAHHH!! With screams and growls that were enough to wake the dead your boyfriend shot his hot load before your eyes having it land every where in his room. Painting white milky pearl streaks as his body came undone, while watching you convulse as you screamed out his name and squirted all over your bed.
- Mmm. Daddy. You better fuck my brains out the next time you see me. Damm. Lol. You panted through labored breathing as you came down from your high.
- Better count on it baby girl. Lol shit we better get to cleaning ha. He chuckled again.
- I swear Namjoon that laugh of yours is going to be the end of me lol. You smiled into your phone. And blew him a kiss. - I love you baby. Talk tomorrow , ahh later lol.
To be continued....
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dimdiamond · 10 months
I just noticed that probably the tintin family intended the found family trop,because just look at tintin being all alone at first and not even caring about his own life to where he had a family and a warm home to go🥲really melts my heart, also I would've loved to see how tintin was moved to marlinspike it was a crime they didn't show us,or maybe they did it because of the plot so tintin would've had a bigger place to do his job rather than a small flat?idk but I kinda wanted to see if the captain told him to move or not
The Adventures Of Tintin DEFINITELY brought the found family trope to another level! Not only characters that had no one were brought together by their own choice but they stayed together and did NOT separate (as many times happens in stories with strong friend groups because I dunno, we can't have our characters keep being together or close to each other for reasons like heteronormativity and maybe I'm going too deep but I feel this phenomenon could be because of it too and anyway I won't elaborate more because it will take too much).
Found family is one of my favourite tropes but also the one it's hardly likely to agree on how is executed, especially in fandom spaces. Found family is about people choosing to stick together for one reason or another and (usually) no blood to connect them. The choice is the important thing here and the one that makes it different from the traditional family. There are no defining roles and every member has their own needs and can adapt to them and the others'needs with a more traditional role or a mix of roles or none of them. Yet people tend to make the found family just another form of the traditional patriarchal family with the same values and ethics and in general this is where the whole point of the trope is lost. (Sorry for ranting I just wanted to express that and show how Tintin does the trope justice).
Probably Herge did it for convenience, he had Tintin visiting the mansion already and he hadn't shown his flat for a long time and it would be easier to have all the main characters together, plus a mansion is a much more interesting setting than a small flat. BUT we can't ignore the significance of this for the series and the characters and it can't be a coincidence it happened right after the moon case. It makes sense after that stressful adventure and almost losing their lives, they felt the need to stay close and not lose each other. Tintin had been frequent of the mansion already and, before going to Syldavia, we had seen Tintin and Haddock returning together from Emir's palace to Marlinespike Mansion and receiving Calculus' message for both of them.
I can easily imagine Haddock asking from Tintin to come live with them because "trains are inconvenient" and "you already spend more time there than in the city" etc but the main reason being exactly because he doesn't see any reason to be apart at this point. Tintin must have been thinking the same and agreed to that and later he seems content in the mansion and soon an irreplaceable member of the house (petting the cat in Picaros is like he is comfortable with the most stable member of the house, the absolute domesticity). I can't imagine Tintin himself asking to live with them (I'm sure if he did no one would object) but if Haddock didn't ask him, the moving in must have come gradually, bringing more and more stuff and staying more and more, and the renting contract ended and the choice came without much thought. Of course any other scenario is possible and I would love to hear it!
I want to add that the previous events verify that this was the right time. In The Land Of Black Gold, Haddock came to find Tintin and help him and Tintin was shown truly happy with that, like he was convinced that no matter what Haddock will always come to his side in any danger. In the next album, in the rocket station, after Tintin was shot and Haddock took care of him, they seem much closer than before. It's subtle but Tintin notices first when Haddock is in danger or Haddock not leaving him alone. And of course in the rocket and on the moon the rest events happen and this must have been the point of all of them realising how much they mean to each other and that they do have each other and they're not alone and they don't want to be alone again without each other. Honestly it would feel so weird if the relationship between the gang was exactly the same. The development of all of them living together is read naturally because we have been leading towards this since the start of their friendship.
If you read the series as a whole with your focus on Tintin's character you can see how he was gradually becoming quieter and quieter, less and less impulsive and chaotic because he did find the stability he needed in this unique family they all created together and he does everything to keep this family and this lifestyle. Of course the reasons can be because Herge put the focus on other things, he couldn't and didn't want to tell the same stories etc but if you read the work itself you can notice how the found family was the whole point of every character's arc.
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hazbincalifornia · 1 year
Sharing is Caring
Chapter 58: A few last-minute things get settled before the Festival.
Ao3 link
“So you want to go to the-”
“The Moon Harvest festival or whateverthefuck it was called,” Blitzo said, leaning back in his chair with a creak. “Stolas invited you chucklefucks and Loona, said it would be a fun way to get to know you a little better once the ceremony’s over.”
“Absolutely!” Millie said, Wrathian twang lilting up on the middle syllable as she grinned. “Did he say what days we should go?”
“Eh, he said he wanted to head down a day early- besides, he needs the book for the big day, so we needed to give it back then anyway.” He shrugged. “If baby decides that she wants to say hi, he can rip a portal right to the hospital, and he wanted to keep his big eyes on me right now anyway.”
“I can’t really blame him for that,” Moxxie said, glancing down at Blitzo’s belly. “Are you sure you’ll be okay to travel?”
“I’ll be fine. We should still take the van in case we need to get anywhere when Stolas is busy, and a little bumping around won’t kill me. I’m still making it here, after all, and Pride potholes are a bitch.” He turned to Millie. “He said he’s got someplace prepped for the two of us, but he wanted to know if he needed to make preparations for you two and Loona.”
“Aw, my folks’d probably be happy to help!” Millie said, waving her hand. “One’a the rooms should be free.”
“What, do you want me to share with you two?” Loona asked, one ear flicking.
“No way,” Moxxie said at the same time Millie made a sort of contemplative hum.
From her seat across the table, Loona grunted.
“Gee. Thanks.”
“It’s a decent-sized place, and we’ve got a real comfy couch.”
“I’d rather sleep in the van.” She raised an eyebrow.
“There’s a guest room too, if nobody else is visiting you can take that.”
Blitzo clapped his hands. “Okay then! We’ll get that figured out later as long as y’all want to go, worst case scenario we can have Loona chill with Stolas and I.”
Loona straightened up. “No fucking way. I’m not going to listen to you two sucking face all night, that’s not any better than tweedle dee and tweedle dumbass over there. Put me up in a hotel or something if her house is too cramped.”
“Aww, sweetie, I’m sure one way or another we’ll have a decent place for you to stay with plenty of room, we’ll be fine, I’ll get it all cleared up beforehand, alright?” he cooed over at Loona before turning back to Millie and Moxxie. “I’ll drive down with you three, then I can meet up with Stolas there since he said there was some last-minute prep work to do. Plus, that way I can meet your family. Sound good, peeps?”
Millie nodded, and Moxxie hesitated for a moment before nodding as well.
“Perfect! Now that we’ve got that settled, who’s ready for lunch? I’m starved, it’s been like two and a half hours since breakfast and this little brat is taking every last-minute crumb she can get.” He gently rapped his knuckles on his middle and nodded over to the fridge. Millie hopped up.
“I could go for a snack, but I’m not all that hungry yet. Honey?”
“I could have some of mine too,” Moxxie half-hummed. “Loona?”
She shrugged, still clearly a bit sore about how things had shaken out about accommodations. “Sure.” He’d be sure to find someplace she’d be comfortable- there was no way Stolas’s home base for this wouldn’t have multiple rooms. He was pretty sure princes were legally obligated to only stay in fancy-ass places, it was probably some nice hotel they could snag a room for Loona at or something if there wasn’t room at Millie’s. That counted as trying to give her a bit more independence, right?
Millie pulled their respective lunches out of the fridge. Blitzo had a sandwich as well as a smoothie, and he made grabby-hands as Millie balanced all of it carefully atop her arms, snatching his portions once she was close enough.
“Thanks, Millie, you’re a peach.”
“I do my best!” She popped the lid off her box, which was some kind of meaty thing that smelled nice, although he couldn’t really see inside it to tell any more details than that.
Loona pulled one of the leftover quesadillas from dinner last night out of her bag before rolling it up into a little tortilla wrap, tossing it in her mouth and snapping her teeth around it. Moxxie, meanwhile, had some kind of fish sushi thing along with a smushed cupcake, and Blitzo heard as much as felt his stomach growl.
It smelled good.
It smelled really good.
Blitzo flipped the lid up on his smoothie, chugging it down with thick gulps that slid down his throat and settled heavy in his belly, but the smell was still right there as Moxxie popped one of the rolls in his mouth, cheek puffing out as he chewed.
There was some kind of spice on top of it that tickled at the back of his brain, and Blitzo thumped the thermos down after draining half of it. He swallowed down what was in his mouth, but it was still watering- the citrus-y tang just wasn’t as good as it usually was.
Moxxie was about to take a bite of another before raising an eyebrow. “Are you alright?”
“Of course, why?” Blitzo said the second he realized he was drooling.
“You’re, ah…” Moxxie gestured at his own chin, and Blitzo scrubbed at his mouth.
“Yuk it up, it’s not like I’m a week out from getting the kid out and she’s making me want to grab that from across the table or anything, thank you very much.”
“This?” Moxxie held up his box. “Do you… really want it?”
Blitzo’s stomach let out a whine, and he nearly whined along with it as Moxxie tilted his head to the side.
“It’s not that big of a deal, it didn’t take that long to make, as long as you give me your sandwich-”
“Deal!” Blitzo practically lunged for the box, tipping it upside down over his mouth and catching three of the little bite-sized pieces on his tongue at once, getting a little yelp from Moxxie and a laugh from Millie.
“Geez, you’re lucky he didn’t want a piece of you, sweetie!”
“Shu’ up,” Blitzo said through a mouthful of fish, pointing at her. “Y’r-” He swallowed.”-Lucky that I didn’t want yours too.”
“It’d be kinda funny to see you try and do that with a whole big slab’a pig meat.”
“Don’t tempt me, you have no idea how much meat this mouth can take.” He slid his sandwich across the table, and Moxxie looked at it before shrugging.
“Eh, I’ll save it for later.”
“What, it’s not good enough for you?”
“What? No, I’m just not that hungry.” He paused. “Did you like it?”
Blitzo swished saliva around in his mouth, savoring the taste as his stomach settled down a little before stabbing one of the pieces with his claw and popping it in his mouth. “Mhm.” Swallowing sent it down with the rest of its drowning brethren. “Yeah. Thanks.”
“Maybe you could…” He cleared his throat. “Maybe you could come over after work tonight so we could make some more to replace those? I was kind of looking forward to them…”
Blitzo looked down at the two remaining in the box, then back up at Moxxie, before a slow smile spread across his face.
“That sounds great, but I warn you, I’m an expert chef and might have to take charge.”
“You believe whatever you want to believe, sir.” Moxxie leaned over and snagged one of the remaining pieces before pushing the box closer to Blitzo.
Loona had elected to stay back at the new apartment, and Blitzo groaned as he turned the key in the van, staring up at the window to M+M’s apartment- and knowing the stairs that were involved in getting up to it.
Fuck, this had been so much easier back before the whole baby thing. Then, he could have just shimmied up the fire escape and only risked tetanus and a stained jacket, not his ankles wanting to snap on him.
He wasn’t about to give up, though- Moxxie had actually invited him over, and he’d be blessed if he was going to let this slip through his fingers. Sucking in a breath, he slid out, heading for the door to get buzzed in.
“Blitz?” Moxxie asked.
“No, it’s the tooth fairy.”
“I don’t have to let you in, you know.” Still, it was accompanied by the little beep from the door, and Blitzo grinned as he pushed the door open.
“Aw, you know you love me. Tell Millie to get that one good knife with the purple handle ready.”
He heard “Will do!” as the door swung shut behind him, and he faced up the stairs. The very tall stairs. Yeah, okay, it was only like three flights to their place, but that might as well be a mountain, considering the Everything. There wasn’t a working elevator as of six months ago, and a glance to the left confirmed that was still the case, a toxic green sign plastered over the door.
He grabbed the railing before starting up, and it was only when he was rounding the third level with his tongue hanging out and his legs burning that he realized he could have just used the book to zip directly into their apartment.
...He was going to blame that on baby-brain.
“Heya!” Millie already had the door open when he made it to their room. “You alright? That took a bit.”
“Tell that to the two-ton wonder in here,” he grumbled, waving in the vague direction of his guts. “Move someplace that has a working elevator and then we’ll talk, got it?”
“Aw, kiddo, be nice to your daddy.” Millie bent forward and patted at the top of his stomach, and junior squirmed in reply. “That better mean you’re listening to me.” She looked back up at him. “You picked a name yet?”
He shook his head. “Nope. We’re still running through the list and today I’m kinda feeling Sunburst. Why, you got suggestions?”
“Just the ones we brainstormed up together,” she said, stepping back so he could come in. “You’re gonna have to choose pretty soon, though…”
Blitzo cracked his neck. “I know, I know, keep your ass on. We’re going to go over it again at the festival. It’s gotta be something good.”
“I know, I just wanna know what to call ‘em!” Millie said with a little laugh. “We already started a little, if you could just wash your hands and grab the paper you can roll.”
Blitzo nodded. “Works for me.” Moxxie was already in a cute little apron that was lined with red musical notes, measuring out the rice with what sounded like a musical theater soundtrack crooning through the radio next to him. (He’d gotten control of the radio in the office enough for Blitzo to be able to tell pretty quickly when it was his nerd-songs. At least he was pretty sure this one wasn’t Catz.)
The actual preparation of the rolls didn’t take very long- probably shorter than it had taken for Blitzo to get up here, considering they’d already made the rice. He may have stolen a handful or two, but that was fair payment for having to make the trip, and besides, Moxxie just raised an eyebrow and didn’t say anything, so that counted as ‘not being a big deal’ in Blitzo’s book.
They ended up curling up on the couch with a movie- some ultra-gorey romcom from Wrath that Millie insisted could have been based off her sister, who Blitzo now liked from that fact alone- and Millie ended up half-asleep with her head resting on Moxxie’s lap as Blitzo stuffed the last of the popcorn in his mouth. It had been, all things considered, a very nice night.
Moxxie cleared his throat. “So…”
“So?” Blitzo swallowed, but the sudden lump in his throat was suspiciously free of lingering kernels. “So what?”
“I just… wanted to talk.” Moxxie’s hand rested on top of Millie’s head, the fingers curling into black hair. “You’re really going to have a baby.”
“Uh, yeah. That’s been the case for six months.” He paused. “Five, really, I had no clue until I took that test. What’s the issue all of a sudden?”
“I just…” Moxxie clicked his tongue. “I know you…”
Blitzo raised an eyebrow. “You’re not nursing on Millie’s cock, Moxxie, so spit it out.”
Moxxie smacked Blitzo’s arm with his tail as Millie gave a little half-giggle. “I just wanted to make sure you really wanted this. You changed your mind so fast, and I don’t want you to change it again and leave them to deal with it, that’s all.”
Blitzo blinked at that before groaning, shoving the now-empty popcorn bowl to the side before stretching his legs out. “Way to kill the mood, Moxx.”
“I’m trying to look out for-”
“I want it.” The words came with such certainty that Moxxie stuttered to a stop mid-sentence. “I know it kinda came outta nowhere, but… I think I kinda wanted it just a little for a while, I just didn’t want to deal with all the shit that’d come with wanting it, y’know? Shit with Stolas was a mess and I didn’t want to shove extra work on you two or Loonie… but you handled yourselves just fine as a team, I’ve talked with Loona, and…” Blitzo’s fingers drummed atop his belly.
“And… I think Stolas is okay. He’s still a prissy royal with his head like fifteen percent up his ass, don’t get me wrong, but he’s trying, y’know? He took us for a photoshoot at with a gorgeous mare and got me a fucking pony earlier, that’s the kind of shit they put in movies.” His fingertips and palm fell flat. “Satan knows we’ve got a long-ass way to go, but... we’re a family. All of us. We’ll make this work somehow. It’s not like this is the first time things went tits-up and I’ve always survived before, and I didn’t want her feeling like nobody cared about her. I can… I can do this.”
Moxxie smiled at that, nodding before reaching over to squeeze Blitzo’s hand. “We’ll be right there with you then, sir. Considering she’s yours, you’re going to need the help.”
“That comment’s coming out of your next paycheck.”
Moxxie just rolled his eyes as Millie stirred a little, blinking. “Were y’all having a heart-to-heart without me?”
“Just saying you’re not getting out of having to chase the squirt around the office sometimes since she’s gonna be here to stay,” Blitzo said with a grin, noogieing the top of her head and getting a laugh out of her.
“Ooo, you’re lucky I can’t get you back proper without snapping that baby’s skull,” she said, yanking his head down anyway to return the favor as Moxxie scooted back with a chuckle to allow the two of them to go at it.
She ended up getting Blitzo in a headlock without leaving the couch with a comment about how she knew he was going to be a good dad no matter what, but even as he complained that it wasn’t playing fair because he’d just had to talk about his feelings and that counted as a handicap, the warm butter in his stomach and lingering on his tongue tasted like sunshine.
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