#poc shepard
femsheppingsmods · 2 years
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my diverse complexions mod is up here! there are 5 complexions specially tailored to ethnically diverse shepards :) also have the headmorphs of the shepards modelling the complexions up as well! 
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semlramis · 2 years
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NOBODY talk to me i'm salivating over my shepard in me1 ng+ rn
(dress from Zeb's Formal Apparel, better lighting w/ Juicier)
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halliefiedkx · 1 year
Khalisah: Commander Shepard? Khalisah bint Sinan Al Jalani, isn't it true that you were on Earth when the Reapers attacked? How do you justify running away while millions of people on Earth die? Is that the best we can expect from the Alliance?
CS: I came to get help for Earth, for everyone.
Khalisah: What about all the people suffering while you play politics with the Council? What about them? How can you stand here while our families die? What are you going to do?
CS: So I should've stayed and died with them, is that what you're getting at? Hell, if it is, let me tell you I'd have preferred it. Three years I've been telling this galaxy to get their heads outta their asses but Earth gets hit and they ship me here like it's gonna make a lick of difference now... but you know what, Khalisah? I am here, and I'm gonna do my damned best to get the help we need. What exactly have you been doing for Earth?
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hellonearthtoday · 2 months
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y'all they got me . I'm outsiders posting for real
Im not really into shipping yk I'm not about that life, but something about purly is actually crazy. like girl ................wait..... this is kind of interesting. dumb ass name tho
Shepard's are poc to me (afrolatino) because I kinda didn't know who they were for a bit and if you faceless to me you're poc until proven otherwise 😕 my bad I don't mean to 😕 I'm right though
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niawritesbs · 2 years
Time Off
TF 1-4-1 X POC Reader John Price, Kyle Garrick, John MacTavish, Simon Riley x Reader A break, they needed a break. Laswell knows they need the time off instead of worrying about Makarov and Shepard so that's what she gives them. Only, they don't have anyone to go home to that is, before one of their teammates invites them over.
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"Time off? So suddenly?" Seargent Soap voiced everyone's thoughts to Laswell. She had just updated them on the whereabouts of General Shepard and briefed them on what actions to take when the topic of Makarov came up when she brought up them taking some time off. It stunned them to silence when hearing her bring up the cold season and going home to whoever may be waiting and if not take some time to take care of themselves properly.
"Yes Seargent and that's not a request it's an order I like you all but I'm getting sick of seeing your faces so take the time off and enjoy yourselves. Dismissed." With that, she shooed them out of her office and they all stood outside the door wondering what the hell they'd do with this time off. Standing more off to the side than the others, Ghost looked over at you seeing you were the only one not in distress at the order.
"You don't seem to be in peril Seargent, you got plans when you head home?" It was a surprise hearing ghost ask you such a personal question. Although he has gotten comfortable with his team, it is rather odd of him to ask. The others got over their initial shock and looked over at you now suddenly curious as well. You let out a sigh before speaking.
"No, I don't, I'm heading home to an empty home just like the rest of you. If you guys are so struck by what to do then why not come with me for the break? It gives me a reason to use all the groceries that get replaced in my home every two months." In all honesty, you asked them not only to stop them from being lonely during their break but to also stop yourself from being lonely as well. Like them, there was no one waiting in your two-story home for you so why not spend the lonely days to come with people you've learned to call family?
You trust these four men with your life should that day come and they do as well. It would be a way to strengthen that already tight bond you all have together and it would give you a chance to boast about your impeccable cooking skills.
"Are you sure? This is your home we're talking about, you sure you want us to intrude like that?" Soap was a bit reluctant to the offer because while he was internally excited at it, the last thing he wanted to do was intrude. How cute.
With a nod of your head and some light reassurance, they all agreed to go and split up to get packed and meet up at 1400 (2:00 pm) to leave for the airport. Soon, you five were all set and on a plane to the state you lived in and on the road to your home.
Your home was two stories and quite modern, away from most of the town but close enough to get supplies when needed, and surprisingly once the owners who originally rented it to you passed, your rent was dropped by a lot and eventually sold to you completely.
Walking inside you took your shoes off and looked around the entrance hallway feeling so much nostalgia. The men behind you followed suit removing their shoes and following you inside your home staying suspiciously quiet. In reality, they were nervous being in your home, you had told them it had enough rooms and a pull-out bed for them all to sleep over but they were nervous nonetheless. You set your bag on the dining table before walking into the kitchen looking through the cabinets to see fresh groceries with a note from the carrier that they were recently restocked. You made a note to increase their pay at the start of the next year.
"You guys can get yourself settled in while I pull some things out for dinner. There's one room downstairs and three upstairs. I'll set up the pull-out bed for whoever claims that one but you can put your things in the two other rooms. " You were already pulling some things out of the fridge after washing your hands, while you were talking to them and when you finished you heard shuffling and small grunts of acknowledgment to your words as the four men did as told.
Gaz and Price chose the two rooms upstairs while Soap chose the couch bed leaving Ghost with the room downstairs. As they were settling in, they all took the time to look around but not pry too much. They saw that your home wasn't really what they expected. No pictures of friends or family, no personalization even when Price stepped into your room accidentally thinking it was the guest room. The only way he knew it was yours was the neatly folded underwear on your bed that seemed like it was gonna get packed but never made it. When he turned to leave he caught glimpse of a pocket-sized picture of you holding a newborn baby laying on the floor by the end of the bed. It's not something he would ever guess he would see especially if it was you. He closed the door and said nothing as he found the correct room and got himself settled in.
While you began cooking you took a break while things were heating up to put your things away in your own room.
"You guys should go shower while you're at it, it'll be a minute before I'm done cooking anyway so might as well, right?" And so the night went on.
You eventually finished your cooking and you along with the four ate. It was quiet and awkward but eventually, Soap popped a question and you soon fell into lively chatter, Ghost and soap falling into petty banter while Price entertained it and Gaz chuckled quietly to himself. You eventually pulled out some whiskey much to Ghost's dismay. "I drink Bourbon" He defensively said, though, you could see the amusement in his eyes. He had his Balaclava on but the black makeup was removed when he showered and he felt comfortable enough to show us that much. Not like you all hadn't seen his face before but the point is made.
When you all were done, Gaz being the sweetheart he was offered, no, told you he was going to clean up while you relaxed. "You've been on your feet since we came so I got it, go relax." You could feel your heart clench at his words.
Ever since you got recruited for 1-4-1, Gaz had been nothing but a sweetheart through and through, not to mention a heartthrob when he threw in his small compliments with a shy tone. Price wasn't as bad, but the captain wasn't shy when complimenting or downright flirting with you. It wasn't the overly obvious flirts nor did say it in front of people but, he was quite the charmer when he wanted to be.
Soap on the other hand didn't care who was around, if you did an amazing job on a particular mission or any mission at all, he would praise you till you told him to stop. He loves seeing the twinkle in your eyes or the pep in your step when you got praised for doing a good job. It made him feel good knowing you were happy from his words. Ghost wasn't one to be vocal, everyone in and out of the task force knew that. He wasn't one to just compliment and praise for any small thing but, when it came to you, he would find himself biting back the overwhelming feeling of pride he felt. Whenever you did something right even when you second-guessed yourself when you take out more than one person at a time. He finds himself grinning under his mask and petting your head lightly, chuckling to himself at the happy look you sprung onto your face at the act.
They all slowly began to love your reactions and you as a whole. They became protective even borderline possessive when Shepard ordered you to stay out of a mission while the others were told to go. "They are a part of this team, where we go, they go no questions asked about it, so if you want us to do this I suggest you make your changes from now." Stunned was General Shepard hearing Ghost speak up like that. You had only been on the team for a couple months so he didn't think they were gonna get attached so quickly, boy was he wrong.
Now here you all are, spread on the couches tipsy and happy, chuckling at Soap's slurred speaking not even understanding the lad as his accent gets heavier. Relaxed is a word none of you would associate yourselves with, especially in your line of work, but tonight? Warm, comfortable, and happy in each other's presence? I would say this is the most relaxed they've ever been.
With your head on Price's lap and your legs on Soap's, Ghost sitting on the floor near the couch, and Gaz on the single couch, they all stared at your resting face, dark skin glowing under the light of the fireplace lit rid the chill that came with the upcoming season. They watched in a comforting silence as you succumbed to sleep, pressing your cheek into the captain's thigh and mumbling a drunken goodnight. A fluttering feeling filled their chest, they didn't know what it was but all they knew was that if anything happened to you, it would be over for them.
A break. They all needed a break, even you.
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krypticcafe · 1 year
Fight Song
rating: explicit
pairing(s): 141 x Kortac x Shadow Company x Makarov x General Shepard x white!cis!afab!reader
warning(s): trauma, torture, blood, violence, vaginal sex, anal sex, oral sex, ddlg kink, <3333
a/n: I noticed that there isn't a lot of cisfem fics?? Especially of white ppl??? So I'd decided to take it into my own hands and make a fic for you all!! I know I'm nonbinary POC but I tried my best to do my research!!! Hope y'all enjoy ^-^ !!<33333
synopsis: you're helpless, a damsel in distress, but little does he know the seductress you are with those blonde locks, pale snow skin, and feminine charms that earned you your title in the 141. And all it takes is one song. Your Fight Song.
My name is Y/N, I was a civillian that got captured by Makarov and became his new torture sex toy until he realized my singing talents and fell in love with me. Little did he know that I secretly worked for his enemy, under the name April,
April Fools.
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I personally like to think of The Shepards as half white or "passing" as white. It makes so much sense too due to the fact that it would cause resentment/self hatred on top of their economic status. They can't be themselves or express their culture. Not to mention passing as white would do well for them in the eyes of the legal system where they would receive slaps on the wrist rather jailed straight away or be racially profiled.
I just feel it would add a lot of character to The Shepards, especially if growing up one of them became a little "more white" than the others and the jealousy would double down or self resentment would increase.
(Bonus points if they all have different dads--I head canon that no one knows who Curly's real dad is and Mrs. Shepard lies to save what self respect/minimize gossip about her so Curly is "more white" than Angela but Angela and Tim are convinced they have the same Dad because they look so much alike but Tim grows to look more like their mother and Angela, while sill Angela, grow to resemble someone Tim doesn't recognize.).
I love seeing POC Shepards and I'll be honest back when the fandom didn't have much fan art (probably the early 2000s-2010s) what little fan art there was The Shepards were drawn as white, which, again, is fine. In a fandom like this where not many artists dwell we have to appreciate what we are given and respect other people's opinions.
ADHD rant but honestly it's fictional people guys, lets not call each other racist over things that are made up, no one out here is drawing harmful images or stereotyping people.
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pumpkinsy0 · 9 months
idk how to describe this post, but just describing characters psyche lol
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darry,dally, and tim- they have little to no genuine support system and have to harbor everything they go through pretty much alone and bottle shit up cause growing up quickly sucks
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tim- his parents werent rlly parents, so he had to emotionally mature fast and understand what they did wrong in life and in having kids so that he could better take care of angela and curly, he learns quickly that looking out for ur own blood can save ur skin more than yknow it, his parents arent around rlly anymore and he doesnt exactly know where they run off to even if they come back home for a few days but he knows theyll never learn that
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angela- she canonically had a break down about her life being actual dogshit and bryon says that in the morning she’ll go back to her own stone cold strong self cause thats just the way she is, that's just the way she's learned to go through life
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literally every singular one of the characters LMAOOO- its self explanatory HOWEVER i will highlight darry here
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curly- faces a shit ton of oppression (even if u dont agree w him being queer hes still black to me but if u dont see him as black hes still a poc and a greaser) so hes just learned to do whatever he wants bc no matter what he does hes always gonna b judged so y not live life to the fullest and in a way that makes him happy, he’ll still be shunned, but at least he’ll be happy
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tim- i cant properly find the words to explain it, but someone needs to check up on this nigga fr, a good portion of the neighborhood is religious, especially the older ppl yet they always judge him for one thing and another, nobody is rlly genuinely hoping (or in this case praying) he gets better
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curly- shameless reminder that i ship purly, so I thought about curly saying this to pony for a sec cause i think cures that type guy to just explore the world any way he wants and he'll do anything to get someone to join him in on it
this is also for very obvious reason two bit, soda and if u squint, steve
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darry- he cares for pony sm it comes off to pony that he doesnt care at all, pony needs his space to breathe and darry doesnt wanna let em go
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the shepards but most particularly angela- for some reason she held her parents in a high light cause unlike some kids in the neighborhood they had them both, curly and tim knew this wasn't rlly the case very quickly and as angela grew up, bit by bit she knew what they meant and would lay or even cry in bed over it
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purly- either way u chose who's who the other has always felt like they weighted other ppl down (for ponys case) or like theyre just to far gone to be helped (for curlys case), they still love each others company because they see the other as being worth it/deserving of it
however if u dont ship purly or can't get over em being cousins this is literally darry and pony or johnny and pony for like the same exact reason
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guineapigzwei · 1 year
141 x Wolf
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This is my Poc Ashanti "wolf" James or AJ (only family and Kate are allowed to call her this)
I don’t own Cod MW 2
Name: Ashanti James 
Alis: Wolf or AJ (Only Laswell and her family can call her this)
Age: 25
Gender: Female 
Height: 5'2
Place of Birth: U.S Virgin Islands
Race: Black American Trinidadian
Occupancy: N/A
Affiliations: US Marines (honorably discharged) 
                    Another task force created by Shepard
                    Task Force 141
                    Ghost Team
hand-to-hand combat
close-ranged weaponry
a biter
very agile
Wolf is the youngest member of the 141. She's a tomboy and has a good heart. She earned the name Wolf after she accidentally called a pack of wolves on a mission and then they attacked the enemy. The only reason the 141 didn't get attacked was because Wolf had the wolf's pups and seeing as they weren't harmed the wolf pack left them alone. She's also been known to bite enemies to the point of bloodshed. 
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battleslippers · 2 months
4, 7, 14, 17 for the Outsiders ask!!
4. Rank the main 7.
Oh god, this one is really hard for me; I like all of them 😭
1. Probably Ponyboy? I post way more about Dallas (lord help me), but I find Pony way more loveable. Like, he's such a little shit, but he's also hilarious in his own 14-year-old way, and I found him the most relatable when I read the book.
2. Dallas -- As bad as i want to place him at 7th, I'd feel like a liar because of everything I've drawn of the guy. Realistically, I'd DESPISE him, but I find him so fascinating as a character. It's like looking at a disease under a microscope. He's just such a huge mess. It's also probably because of Tim/Dally LMAOOO
3. Two-Bit -- he's funny. I also love it when I find those fics that take into account his alcoholism and deadbeat behavior. They either make the most depressing thing ever or write a really nice development arc. Peeling back that layer of humor to see everything that guy is hiding is probably one of my favorite things to do/see.
4. Darry -- This guy has so much shit going on at 20, and everything between him and Pony is so interesting. He also reminds me of my own brother (😭). However, the woobification of him kind of kills it for me.
5. Steve -- I don't think I've talked about him enough, but the fact there's not much elaboration on him gives people a good amount of creative freedom, which I'm a huge fan of. Ofc, I still wish we had more about him. Plus, Imagining his aftermath of Vietnam + the whole deal between him and Ponyboy really sells me.
6. Sodapop -- I know we do see more of him in the book than Steve, but I guess he didn't interest me as much? Don't get me wrong, he's a great character with a good amount of depth, but I genuinely like Steve more. The thing about Vietnam also applies to him though.
7. Johnny -- I'm so sorry. I don't know why, but I never paid him enough attention and I probably should reread the book for this one. I do think he's really funny because the idea of him getting away with sass is just too good. I also think Ponyboy's narration definitely distorted his character in the book (no. 1 perpetrator of Johnny woobification honestly).
7. What are your favorite non-romantic relationships?
Curtis brother family dynamics
Shepard family dynamics
Steve and Ponyboy's relationship
14. Tell us your 5 headcanons you basically see as canon.
1. Johnny is really sassy; he's just able to get away with it because it's him. This frustrates Ponyboy to no end.
2. Ponyboy becomes one of those semi-pretentious lit/English majors. His main reaction to Soda's letter was the spelling, and he seems the type to become a teacher or journalist.
3. I know S.E. specifically stated this wasn't canon, but Soda and Steve going to Vietnam is stuck in my head forever. I find it so interesting (heartbreaking), and the opportunities with this is endless.
4. The Shepards are POC. I don't know why, but I always envisioned them like this, and the fanart kind of just fueled it.
5. Darry used to get into all sorts of shit when he was younger. I mean, he was a regular kid at some point too! Probably nothing too bad though.
17. Are there any criticisms or salt you have with the book?
Not necessarily? I'd have to give it a reread, but there wasn't anything that particularly annoyed me. I guess I wish we saw more of some characters, but it makes sense why they weren't included as much because of the story's focus.
tysm for the ask!!
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thatjayjustice · 1 year
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Day 4 of GDC! I've loved every talk I had the privilege to attend. I am honored to have been voted as one of the highest rated speakers of GDC 22 & featured in the speaker deck of cards among so many amazing game devs. Excited to learn more & build community at the con today!
If you like my shirt make sure you buy it from the creator and support a disabled POC instead of one of the many rip-offs companies that have stolen the design. Here's where you can get it from Annie Segarra's store: https://www.bonfire.com/thefutureisaccessible/
Image description: A two photo collage with a dark-skinned Black person smiling, wearing a black t-shirt that says 'the future is accessible' in white print while pointing at it with black stiletto nails and with her hair styled in long black pink and purple braids, while sitting in an electric wheelchair in the first picture. In the second picture is a photograph of a six of clubs playing card with the same person now dressed in desert camo colored Mass Effect 2 N7 armor as Commander Shepard, holding a prop weapon. The text on the playing card reads "Jay Justice, independent" on one side and "accessibility and accommodations microtalks" on the other side.
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semlramis · 2 years
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pov you talked shit about garrus
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ladyotakukiut · 5 months
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I've been busy since the end of last year so I don't get the chance to spend my time with my blorbos...T-T I decided to make all my main ocs from all my recent beloved games using this neat picrew~ Thank you @theviridianbunny for tagging me!!
From the top are Joan Trevelyan & Raihan Lavellan from DA Inquisition, followed by Darwina Shepard & Norah Shepard from the Mass Effect series & the last set Vashti Naadir & Jung Ravin from CP2077.
All my main ocs are POC (except for Darwy xD) & I love them all dearly!!
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hellonearthtoday · 2 months
3, 5, 7, 14
Thank you 😌I needed a break from this damn drawing
3. Who is your favorite character outside the main 7?
This is kind of harddd man 😭 born to say Cherry forced to say Curly. Cherry's a character that we actually saw more of, but I have this idea of Curly in my head that's so perfect to me...he's like half my oc...I'm superrr attached to Cherry but I do have to be real w myself cuz whenever I see Curly's name mentioned in any fic or any post it's like a wild lion sighting i get sooo hype
5. What are your favorite ships?
this is NOT hard. My favorite ship is purly I'm an evil purly shipper. I don't typically do shipping because I'm that aroace who is romance repulsed not just for myself but in the media I consume too, but idk something about their dynamic I've half made up in my head abt them...I guess I just really like the dynamic of 2 bros who are friends who might also fall in love We dont know
MARBIT. I really like couples who just giggle together. Couples who justtt rock w eachotherrr something about them....Also they got that forbidden love thing going on and idk the power of laughter could save them. But other than that I'm a platonic power ranger
7. What are your fave non-romantic relationships? (This can be close friends, familial, enemies or even just acquaintances)
This thang is about to get so long. I love non romantic relationships sooo bad I'm romance's biggest hater.
TBH can i say purly here too....they got a friends to lovers thing going on I'll shut up abt them for once this time though.
Johnny and Pony are really the best friends ever, and my idea of them might be fandom crutched more than what's shown in canon, but It don't matter anyway that book came out a bajillion years ago.
Johnny and Dally. I know the jally nation is huge and unstoppable and I can kindaaa see where you're coming from even w how I am...but in my head they aren't brotherly or romantic they're a secret third thing. No labels no nothing. They have something that none of us can touch and it's not romantic to me but they're tgt in every universe
Dally and Ponyboy idk they're funny to me. Like 2 cats put into a fighting ring and one is evil and one just want to sleep and go home idk
CHERRY AND PONYBOY I START CHEWING ON THE WALLS WHEN I SEE THEM PIT AGAINST EACHOTHER IN FICS OR WHEN CHERRY IS BARELY THERE goddd i msis them so much there's something so special to me about an opposite sex friendship that prevails even though it's not seen as a normal thing people do at the time.
14. Tell us five of your headcanons you basically see as canon
POC shepards. It's just kind of real man. I like seeing all the different versions the fandom comes up with but they're a black latino family to me <3
Johnny and Curly hating each other so bad. I think it's the funniest thing ever. Especially if they just don't like eadchother solely off of vibes ...or Curly doesn;t like Johnny bcz Johnny doesn't like him and he's like wtf 😕
It's never said outright but Johnny has anxiety disorder to me.
Ponyboy has low empathy and he just does things out of the kindness of his heart and not bcz "treat people how u want to be treated" bcz whatever LOL! he's autistic to me whatt who said that
PB talks really casually but also somehow rlly awkwardly, and u think he's just chill like that but he's just autistic. He could hate your ass but he talks like some unsocialized forest nymph so you dont know bcz he sounds so docile
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Start submitting those imagine request, besties! :)
Hi, friends :) I’ve decided that I miss writing so I’m going to start taking requests :) Please read what is written below before requesting! 
-I will usually write the reader as female, but if you want different pronouns please let me know in the request as I’d be more than happy to accommodate you. 
-Please be specific with your request. It helps me write better and also helps me not have to just guess what you want.
-Imagines are going to be POC & plus-sized friendly
- Sensitive topics such as eating disorders, self harm, abuse, & noncon (I will only write post noncon comfort, I will not write the character assaulting the reader) are allowed. I’m comfortable writing about those things. Any fics with a sensitive topic will come with a trigger warning, and if I forget one or you want one added in, please let me know!
-If you want a character/fandom that isn’t on the list, feel free to send it in. If I’m unfamiliar with the fandom, I’d be happy to point you in the direction of a blog that is. 
-If I don’t think I have enough knowledge about a certain topic, I might refuse the request and or ask for a bit more information. I don’t want to write about something I’m not educated on. 
Fandoms/Characters I will be writing for: 
Stranger Things: 
-Steve Harrington 
-Eddie Munson 
-Robin Buckley 
-Jonathan Byers 
-Peter Ballard 
-Demetri Volturi 
-Felix Volturi 
-Jane Volturi (aged up) 
-Alec Volturi (aged up) 
The Outsiders: 
-Darry Curtis 
-Sodapop Curtis 
-Ponyboy Curtis 
-Dallas Winston 
-Johnny Cade 
-Two-Bit Mathews 
-Steve Randle 
-Curly Shepard 
Criminal Minds:
-Spencer Reid 
-Aaron Hotchner 
-Derek Morgan
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spectresbase · 2 years
Naughty November Day 15
Collected tweetfics from day 15 of my Naughty November Project. To follow the project live, check me out on Twitter!
Themes for this set were: Blindfolded - Groping - Robots Hope you enjoy the filth!
Hooking a booted foot between Kiva's legs, somebody ran their toes along her naked slit. She shivered. Bent over and blindfolded she had to guess at the foot's owner. The pace was slow. Controlled, Deliberate. It was all she had to go on. It was enough.
Peebee had built POC as a test to see if she could. Her second repurposed Remant Observer was built with a specific goal in mind.
Floating in her zero-g pod, mechanical tentacles churning her insides, she let out an ecstatic cry that mixed pleasure and pride in her success!
As her teacher droned on about Ethics in Robotics, XJ9 leaned over, hiding behind the low wall of the seating row, and sucked off the student next to her, reveling in being bad. She was still gulping down his cum when the teacher called on her to answer her last question.
Whoring out Athena was the most fun Aphrodite'd had all year.
"Agape? No… Iason." Bound and blindfolded, Athena did her best to guess the identity of the cock pounding her aching pussy. She'd gotten the last three right, and she wanted to finish strong.
Aphrodite swore.
"Bruce!" Ororo squeaked, hopping away more on instinct than out of an actual desire to escape the hand on her ass. Bruce followed her, pressing up against her back so he could reach around her to get a grip on her chest. She pressed back against him, grinding. "Again? Already?"
"Hmmm... thick, with a rich flavor..." Asuna rolled the cum around her mouth a little more, musing. The blindfold had stopped her seeing who was who'd just shot his load in her open mouth. Guessing correctly would earn her a second load. She swirled it again and smiled. "Kline!"
She'd done this to herself, pulling a sleep mask over her eyes before looping the cuffs over a railing in the tram and locking herself naked into the middle of it. She'd hoped she'd be fucked. Instead Palmer's simply found herself groped. Each touch left her even more desperate.
"I have found an additional platform to be advantageous in many situations." EDI said, stroking chrome fingers along Shepard's shaft.
Beside her 'Eva Core' tickled his balls and groped her metallic clone. "Would you not agree, Commander?"
Shepard did indeed agree.
Ashley and Miranda might not be the biggest fan of aliens, but both harbored a secret. The touch of nonhuman hands made their knees go weak. Pressed together in a cramped lift with a Krogan, a Volos, a Turian and no room to move, they learned they shared at least one thing.
Whoever said robots were cold and unfeeling had never had their face squished between Haydee's generous breasts, or their cock squeezed by the walls of her very slick, very warm cunt. You can hardly catch your breath as her hips crash atop yours with mechanical persistence.
It was good that the camera was focused on Cindy's face. Because while her digital expression remained smiling and unaffected, there was no way the camera could miss the hands of her interview subjects as they roamed across her body, testing the limits of her synthetic nerves.
A drunken bet that she could outlast the machine found Cass bent over the bar, knees spread onto a pair of stools and FISTO standing behind her proving that no amount of personal stamina could out perform the RobCo "Reliability Guarantee". Their bots just kept going, and going!
Sometimes what Darcy needed to cum was a wild pounding from a godly dick. Other times, it was the simple touch of strong fingers on soft skin as Thor groped and massaged her ample breasts.
Okay… maybe the thick fingers between her legs might have had something to do with it…
2B's heeled boots had been a source of pain for no few enemies. And a select few friends. Digging the heel into you, the blindfolded robot leaned forward, adding a bit more weight and pressure to the exquisite spike of pain. She knew what you liked.
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