#point out ways he acts that are symptoms of stuff like bpd that causes me to eyebrow raise a little bit
gravitycreature · 9 months
a conversation w a friend kind of has me thinking abt the fact that a lot of the things people hate robbie for is stuff that very much looks like symptoms of bpd (borderline personality disorder) and how people make exceptions for other characters w symptoms of other neurodivergency but then turn around and talk about how much they hate robbie
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TW: Suicide
OKAY SO- I wanted to talk about Mafuyu and Yuki’s relationship and why it ended the way it did. I should preface this by saying that the majority of this, although somewhat supported by canon, is my own personal headcanon and speculation. I’ve been surrounded by a lot of people who I believe Yuki to be similar to, but I am not 100% accurate or well versed and this is mostly just from what I’ve gotten from those situations. Also, a lot of questionable grammar-I type like I speak, which doesn't translate well haha.
So I want to chunk this into 3 big pieces because I enjoy organizing things: Yuki’s childhood, how that affected his personality as a young adult, and how both of these lead to his eventual death.
Starting off with his childhood:
This one is heavy speculation (as most of this is-but this bit is particularly so) since there isn’t much canon to support this-or provide a lot of insight. But, what little we do know is that 1) Yuki’s father wasn’t present in his life-probably even before Mafuyu’s father had been jailed-and that, 2) Yuki and his father shared the same bull-headedness (?) and pride that Saeko believes led to his death.
I personally believe that Yuki’s father was someone who might have struggled with some sort of mental illness, as well as has had a problem with alcohol abuse. I also imagine that he probably disappeared or passed-either due to some sort of alcohol-related problem or suicide.
Saeko, from how she is characterized in the story, seems to be a very strong-willed and assertive person. In the aftermath of Yuki’s death, she's relatively composed and seems to have almost expected this to happen, although maybe not in the specific way it did. [Ex: When she tells Mafuyu that Yuki was always the type of person to die in a chicken race (a competition of pride, of sorts, that usually ends badly) and when she mentions him being similar to his father in that sense.]
In the flashbacks in the anime, when Mafuyu tells Yuki that his father beats him when he talks, Yuki’s response of ‘You know, a real father doesn’t do that.’ doesn’t sound like something a small child’s first response would be. It’s a bit of a reach-but considering that, as well as how prompt the response from his mother seemed to be (when Mafuyu’s father was jailed-not much time seems to have passed, and since both of their mothers are present, I've always assumed that Yuki's mother found out through her son and acted accordingly.),- it would make sense that Yuki might have some prior experience with this. Especially if his mother had gone through something similar-she probably would’ve warned him very strongly against the ideal his father had set, making Yuki want to be very far from that.
Speaking of which-I assume that Yuki probably had a very rough-if short-lived-relationship with his father when he was around. Given the stuff above, his father was probably someone who was emotionally volatile and tended to lose control when upset. If he had an alcohol problem, he might’ve caused a financial strain that fell onto Saeko as well.
Since his father was out of the picture and Saeko herself wasn't around as much as Yuki might've needed, it would have made him both very independent from his parents and adults in general, while also heavily reliant on Mafuyu (Hiiragi quotes both Mafuyu and Yuki to have been latchkey kids who found comfort in each other), both of which twist into the situation he found himself in later in life.
Leading into his teen years:
Yuki, as a young adult, is very independent-he works multiple jobs to pay for the expenses of being in a band, makes a point to avoid drinking, and is very affectionate towards Mafuyu. I'm not too sure about the reasoning behind why the four friends chose the high schools they did, but if Yuki's mother didn't directly influence that decision it's likely it was a choice made in direct relation to their band.
There's also very little interference from any adults in Yuki's life-namely, his mother. As someone who was probably very busy working as a single mother to support the two of them, her mentality was just to support him monetarily and let Mafuyu provide the emotional support in her place.
I think she also assumed her attempts wouldn't have been well received-most people noted how close Yuki and Mafuyu were and seemed to always assume that they had each other handled and that nobody had to worry about either of them because of it. In every way, it was simply easier to show Yuki she cared by not interfering and letting him hold the reigns of his own life.
A big indicator of this idea for me what when Saeko talked about how Yuki ordered his own ramen, the type he liked. It's a small thing, but it started me to read because it highlighted the amount of input his mother had on his life; which was very little. I don't know if he even used her money or chose to use the extra from his jobs to pay for it, but either way, it sort of put their relationship into perspective.
The impact it had:
Yuki probably had a lot of resentment towards his father, or, at the very least, a desire to turn out different. And oftentimes when a person is very strongly trying to avoid turning out like someone, they ignore or avoid acknowledging the similarities, rather than accepting and working on them to properly change. Without a strong parental/adult figure in his life, he wouldn't have considered insight beyond his own experiences. He's characterized to be moody and domineering, and Mafuyu is too soft-spoken to have brought up most issues until it reached its boiling point.
I believe Yuki might have had Borderline Personality Disorder to a mild extent. Some symptoms of BPD are mood swings, impulsivity, impaired social relationships, and a distorted self-image. They usually have thoughts of suicide or self-harming tendencies. When they feel insecure in relationships, in which they’re usually very, very invested, they tend to lash out or do rash things to keep them close.
Based on my relationships with the borderline people in my life, I've noticed that they usually bounce between having great confidence in themselves, to being incredibly insecure. It's hard to explain specifically, but they walk a fine line of being insecure and also maintaining a painfully strong ego, which makes them react very strongly when provoked, intentionally or not. Yuki and Mafuyu have a different type of relationship than I do with those people in my life which, for the two of them, means that Mafuyu probably had to provide lots of emotional support for Yuki, while also under the mild threat of Yuki coming to harm by his own actions.
Being with someone with these tendencies who is also unaware of them is very draining, especially for someone as mild and soft-spoken as Mafuyu is. Yuki tended to lead their relationship and was probably very noticeable when upset-and for someone who might not be used to speaking up or someone who has low self-confidence, it is difficult to bring up things. It doesn't feel safe if you don't know exactly how it would be received. Especially if they are the person you are closest to, it can be anxiety-inducing to try and bring up problems that don't seem to be incredibly important or unavoidable.
So, long story short-Yuki was closed off to receiving any kind of proper advice or criticism that would've saved him. Another symptom of BPD, as mentioned before, is suicidal ideation. So, if all these things are combined, it's a lot easier to see how he, surrounded by only his thoughts and ideas, would make the choice to take his own life when provoked.
It wasn't specifically that Mafuyu had caused his death, but more that he just sent him over the edge he had been teetering on for a long while. He was like his father in the sense that they had the same flaws that just came from different places. Yuki's pride came from the flip side of his insecurities and his own early independence, and his mental health issues as a whole are probably hereditary. The specificities of his death, where Yuki drinks after avoiding alcohol for his entire life, feels like he failed in his effort to avoid being like his father. He was different as a person but in the end, their flaws aligned and brought them to their end in parallels to each other.
Calling back to what his mom said-it doesn't feel unexpected. It is shocking, but not a surprise. Yuki was fiercely independent and wanted to learn and do new things, all on his own-including his own death and whatever follows after.
[I wrote this a while back and didn’t really like how most of it was speculation and hard to prove-but decided to post it anyway because I spent too much time on it lol.
Like I said before, most of this is just my head canons, but I hope it made sense! Feel free to add on with your stuff/arguments/headcanons :)]
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bloodhonnie · 3 years
maybe tmi but do you think that only ever falling for people who i know for a fact won't reciprocate is a symptom? the last time i fell in love it was so intense i felt like i was put on this earth just to exist in his vicinity and the whole time he had a gf of 5 years and said he saw me like "one of the boys" LMAO. part of me's like if you show interest in me there must obviously be something very wrong with you otherwise you wouldn't be able to even stand me... i swear 2 years ago my friend told me he was gay and for a week later all i could think was have i actually been in love with him this whole time?😂 also like you said! if they won't be in a relationship with me i don't have to think about my complex and very contradictory intimacy issues lol
Hello! I’ll try my best to explain what I think it is for me and you can do with that information what you will. Also a huge disclaimer that I do not self diagnose more like self speculate but I don’t shit on anyone that does self diagnose. Getting a diagnosis is hard and sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I haven’t been diagnosed with ADHD so take this with a grain of salt I just think this describes what I go through the best.
*disclaimer!! I’m not saying that rsd and bpd are the same thing or that ppl that only have bpd can have rsd. Rsd is specific to people that have adhd. I’m extremely aware but due to the similarities I thought it would be prudent to use it as a framework to explain what rejection and abandonment in relationships looks like for people with bpd.*
So into my answer! It’s extremely common for people who have ADHD (both children and adults) to have something called rejection sensitive dysphoria (which I will be referring to as RSD from here on out). RSD as described by webMD: “RSD can affect relationships with family, friends, or a romantic partner. The belief that you're being rejected can turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. When you act differently toward the person you think has rejected you, they may begin to do so for real.” The webMD article notes that there are similarities between symptoms of RSD and BPD. This excerpt from this psychology today article section titled: Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria in Relationships, explains how RSD can interfere severely in your life affecting your quality of life.
“As you may expect, RSD can have a significant impact on having relationships—or even the seeking of them. Dating can be especially hard for someone with RSD, as they are hyperfocused on any perceived slight whatsoever (Why did it take so long for them to text back?), and they may assume they are being rejected when that is far from the case. They may ruminate on what they said or did "wrong," or isolate themselves to the point of self-sabotaging and actually driving the other person away due to seemingly not being interested themselves.”
The next paragraph explains this cluster of symptoms further. Being insecure in your relationships can be a deterrent to those seeking you out or those that are interested in you.
“Within relationships, people with RSD can have different ways of manifesting their underlying discomfort and fear, and sometimes, gender roles can make a difference. A person may continually second-guess their actions, wanting frequent reassurance from their partner that everything is "OK" within the relationship. They may grow timid and afraid of sharing their real feelings because of the fear that those feelings won't be deemed acceptable. They may escalate conflicts with anger that feels out of proportion to the situation.”
You can check out the full article for a full list of symptoms that comprise RSD. Onto my point now. As someone diagnosed with BPD you might be familiar with the fact that we tend to have unstable relationships in our lives. Wether these relationships are romantic or not usually isn’t much of a factor when it comes to our insecurities surrounding how others perceive us. So, not only do we have an unstable sense of self, but we also have an unstable sense of how others view us. This usually stems from childhood neglect and trauma. When a child forms an insecure attachment to their parents believing or actually witnessing their parents, guardians, or caretakers leave or move on can cause long lasting trauma. It’s a form of emotional stability teasing. By that I mean that usually the caretaker intentionally or unintentionally essentially teases the child with emotional and physical stability. Some examples might be a semi absentee parent or a parent that verbally abused their child by claiming that they will leave because of how the child is or simply because they want to. Both of these scenarios can cause a child to no longer trust those around them. Children learn how to behave in society by observing their peers but most importantly from observing their caretakers. What’s my point? My point is that there’s some evidence to suggest that people with BPD experience something similar to RSD due to trauma or other factors. The first step anyone with BPD can take that will change their life is becoming self aware of the way they are and what BPD looks like for them. It’s important to note that I by no means am an expert in this and this is what I remember from my psych classes.
Anyways moving on to my own personal experiences. The biggest and most harmful situation to me that I perpetuated was liking someone who told me not once but twice that they didn’t wanna be in a relationship with me. I’m not saying that I’m fully at fault but it’s literally so annoying that I definitely subconsciously knew they would never take me seriously and I decided to bet all my money on the same pot. The situation is a bit complicated but it boils down to the fact that I knew they weren’t truly attainable so I cut it off only to go back TWICE to see if it would work out. I knew they weren’t attainable, they had told me so and yet I still continued to pursue them. Not everything is black and white tho and sometimes you need to learn to trust yourself and your intuition. I wasn’t particularly wrong for believing that they might come around but I was wrong for entertaining it simply because I wouldn’t have to actually commit despite what I thought and felt at the time. My experience with BPD is very similar to RSD except that for me as someone with BPD and not RSD I experience this all the time with everyone in my life. I don’t feel secure about any attachment I have to anyone and believe that eventually all of them will leave me because I am actually as bad as I think. This isn’t true and it’s a hard thinking pattern to break.
I don’t know if this helped? It might just be me rambling into the night. Anyways thanks for the ask and thanks for sharing with me! Stuff like this can be hard to sift through!
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acidmatze · 5 years
A Fractured Sense Of Self
About one year ago I made a post about Hawks possibly having Dependend Personality Disorder since I saw so many things in him that I saw in myself.
After several talks with my therapist however it became more and more apparent that I had been close but didn't really hit the target.
I'm not here to push a diagnosis on Hawks. He's just fictional after all and I am just someone overanalysing things and not a professional of any kind.
I'm probably gonna lay out the “symptoms” or rather.... Behaviours of Borderline Personality Disorder, see if they fit Hawks and how and then try to somehow make sense of his state of mind and how it ties in with how he acts.
Trying to make sense of whatever the hell is happening in the recent chapters.
So when my therapist said “I looked some things up and I would say his behaviour fits BPD the best.” my brain immediately went to “No that can't be. Isn't that a thing teenagers have?”
Even though I Should Know Better. Damn you, media.
Ableism is so ingrained in society even people with mental illnesses themselves aren't safe.
But anyway, this isn't an essay about me doing parkour to avoid feelings and problems this is more about HAWKS doing the same.
Part 1  So what is BPD anyway?
BPD is characterized by the following signs and symptoms:
Markedly disturbed sense of identity
Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment, and extreme reactions to such.
Splitting ("black-and-white" thinking)
Impulsive or reckless behaviors (e.g., impulsive or uncontrollable spending, unsafe sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating)
Intense or uncontrollable emotional reactions that often seem disproportionate to the event or situation
Unstable and chaotic interpersonal relationships
Self-damaging behavior
Distorted self-image
Frequently accompanied by depression, anxiety, anger, substance abuse, or rage
Says Wikipedia
Let's see if and how Hawks fits these behaviour patterns.
(If you read this and suddenly realise “Oh shit I do stuff like that!” then please know you are in no way a horrible person. You did not choose any of these things. Stay safe cuz the world needs you.)
I'm intentionally leaving the Identity part for last.
Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment, and extreme reactions to such.
Splitting ("black-and-white" thinking)
I'm gonna take both points on at the same time cuz they are dependend on one another and one thing causes the other.
Why did he suddenly switch from “I don't want to fight you! I want to help you!” while looking desperate and disturbed (and meaning it!) to a pretty much emotionless “I have to kill you” (and meaning that too)?
He wanted to help Twice!
He really believes that Rehabilitation is the way to go for him.
After all, Twice is a good person and good people should have no troubles in hero society, right? Only bad people are villains, right?
If Twice is a good person he should have no problems choosing Rehabilitation and come back to the hero side, right? They are friends and that's what friends do right? Friends agree with one another, right?
And then Twice declines and insults the one thing Hawks really believes in (because he never was taught anything else).
Which caused Hawks to:
Perceive Twice as an enemy instead.
Friends agree with one another and Twice does not agree which means he is not a friend which means he is an enemy and should be killed.
Hawks (probably) has never killed before and it's not the job of a hero even. Heroes should go out of their way to avoid murder and bloodshed.
So in my opinion this sudden switch from “my friend” to “enemy” is definitely fueled by Hawks own emotions. The feeling of betrayal; not only did Twice insult the hero system he also insulted Hawks himself because Hawks cannot seperate himself from the System. As far as he perceives it they are one. It is Hawks sole identity.
It is easy for us to say there are bad heroes and good villains.
Because what is Good and what is Bad can change from situation to situation and is always dependend on circumstances.
A person can both be good and bad at the same.
A person can give lots of money to charity. We would say that's a good person.
The same person can also constantly lie to people and be unreliable towards their friends.
We would say that's a bad person.
But we know it's the same person and we all do things that are good AND bad. We all do good things. And we also have done bad things.
What I wanna say is, no person is completely black or white. We are all shades of grey.
“I really love to have Joe as a friend. He's such a great listener and we have amazing talks but he really has to come clean to his girlfriend about crashing her car.”
For Hawks, this is not so easy to understand.
In his mind a person can either be good OR bad.
All villains are bad. All heroes are good.
This ties in with his own anxiety about not solving a situation in the best possible way.
Making even one mistake is not an option. Heroes are good people and good people don't make mistakes.
He was So Close to realising that Twice is a good person even though he is a villain but one of these moments cannot undo over a decade of brainwashing.
“The contradictionary truth that things or persons can be black and white, good or bad, etc At The Same Time, seems unimaginable.”
(Fragmented Selves: Temporality and Identity in Borderline Personality Disorder by Thomas Fuchs)
Impulsive behaviour
This one is either easy or hard, depending on how you look at it.
We don't know what Hawks does in his free time and if he even has anything like such.
But reckless behaviours are basically part of his job so he probably already gets his fill there.
Intense or uncontrollable emotional reactions that often seem disproportionate to the event or situation
See his reaction towards Twice.
Unstable and chaotic interpersonal relationships
Or rather, a complete lack of any relationship whatsoever.
He either idolises people (Endeavor) or demonises them (Twice right now).
One could argue that as of now Hawks is completely incapable or forming any sort of emotional connection. He himself says he doesn't get attached, sees it as a weakness. For me it sounds like a defense mechanism.
He Did get attached to Twice and we saw how that played out.
But Hawks getting hurt over and over is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Thinking of someone as either completely good or completely bad does little to aid a friendship.
Endeavor’s abuse getting exposed would probably cause Hawks to go through a crisis. He idolises Endeavor. In his eyes Endeavor can do no wrong.
Normally I would say this is something that must be avoided at any cost but in Hawks case, it is probably a necessary step to help him break the lock of his golden cage.
Self-damaging behavior
“If corrupting myself is enough to put everyone at ease then I will gladly take on this job”, anyone?
Hawks sending all his feathers to Endeavor to help him anyone?
When is this bird NOT hurting himself?
There are many ways to self-harm and this is Hawks way to do it.
Isn't it convenient that nobody would question is since he's just doing his job?
Distorted self-image
Goes hand in hand with the very first point which I wanna do last, just in case it gets really really long.
To be honest, I couldn't find any signs of that in Hawks. If someone of you can, just correct me.
Frequently accompanied by depression, anxiety, anger, substance abuse, or rage
Hawks seems to vaguely know that something is going wrong in his life and he absolutely does not like his circumstances.
He wishes to be free.
When he looked at Twice and smiled and said “A cage is not where I belong” it seemed to me like he looked more pained than genuinely joking.
He mentions drinking alcohol after work so this could or could not mean anything.
Maybe he wishes he could get smashed after work?
Who knows.
But he is definitely depressed and tries to cover it with jokes. Some depressed people joke even more the worse they feel.
Seriously, his interactions with Twice seemed to be the most genuine ones, where he was/is the most vulnerable.
The jovial, easygoing, chatty Hawks is a lie. A lie he has forced himself to believe in.
A role he has to play. But he played it for so long he forgot that it is just a role in a play and not real.
Part 2 Hawks must die
Okay, that sounds really harsh. I promise it's just a metaphorical death. I'm side-eyeing Horikoshi so hard right now.
Now we will take a look at his identity, or lack of one.
Lately what I really was reminded of was this “Inner child” thing.
We only caught glimpses of Hawks as a literal child. He probably grew up in an unstable home. Probably had no one really looking after him, why else would such a young child roam around the city alone so freely that it has the chance to help in a car crash?
He didn't look much older than 6 or 8.
The Hero Commission discovered him and took him in and “provided for his entire family”.
What happened was that he was apparently completely removed from his family and was put into a clinical environment, cold, not suited for children at all, hell probably barely suited for any human being.
Hawks remembers that even as a child he was taught interrogation techniques. Espionage.
From a very young age he was taught to leave himself behind. To mold himself into whatever he needs to be to complete the mission. To be a chameleon. A mirror. Just a reflection of what others expect him to be.
He has to be A so he becomes A. He has to be B now so he ignores he ever was A and is B now.
He has to be Hawks so Takami Keigo becomes Hawks and leaves himself behind.
The last time he was Takami Keigo was when he was a child.
Change is a normal part in humans. It's very important during puberty. That's why teenagers experiment with it so much.
“Oh, it's just a phase” sneer the adults when the teen wears only black and say thats the “Real me”. In a few months the same teen probably tries something else.
That's a good and normal thing. Even as adults we are constantly changing and adapting.
But we never forget the person we once were. We stay connected to it, maybe remember it fondly and think of the friends we found that way.
Or sometimes we look back and cringe because “Wow, my parents really let me go outside like this?”
It forms one fluent narrative. All these changes are still us. We know that we are the same person as we were last year even if last year's us was completely different from today's us.
Hawks doesn't have this continuity.
He became Hawks and wasn't allowed any further change and he also wasn't allowed to be Takami Keigo at the same time. He is a tool to be used.
Takami Keigo is a frightened child. A child that made a decision and thought he did well and now this decision is his downfall.
Takami Keigo was never allowed to grow up. He was pushed away, so he can be Hawks instead, probably as an attempt to gain approval, to be praised, to be liked.
Hawks is an amazing actor, likeable, chatty, funny and witty, very competent at his job and smart.
Takami Keigo is a scared child.
If Hawks stops being Hawks there is nothing he can go back to.
Normally people with Borderline ofc also go through “phases” as everyone else does but instead of putting them all into a single narrative and file them all away under “That's me” every phase is it's own seperate story.
All energy is put into one “phase” as much as neurotypicals do but once this phase is over there is nothing that comes after it. When people without Borderline change “phases” we know a “home” we can revert to while we change. Our Self still exists in us wether we are currently obsessing about Ballett or Comics or Dinosaurs or Architecture or whatever.
For someone like Hawks theres either Ballet or comics or dinosaurs or whatever. No neutral spot. You are either the person who puts all their energy into becoming an archaeologist or you're nothing. Being something gives you a goal to work towards to. It tells you who to talk to, what to talk about, what to do in your free time etc.
Hawks being Hawks gives him a goal, a worldview, things to believe in, topics to talk about, a job, people to talk to, opinions to have etc. It gives him an identity, ready-made and easy to consume.
He cannot be anything else but Hawks. He is nothing beyond that.
Takami Keigo plays Hawks, they are not one and the same person.
He is Hawks but Hawks isn't Takami Keigo.
Takami Keigo holds no opinion of his own, no worldview, no goal, no hobbies, nothing.
Hawks has to die so Takami Keigo can heal. So the frightened child can finally grow up.
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aceyanaheim · 5 years
Okay let’s try this one more time.
Questions from this thingy that I saw a friendo do last year.
Introduction: Acey. That’s it that’s the introduction.
Diagnosis: I’m working on getting a Diagnosis but Autism and some form of attachment disorder.
As of 2019:
Neurocognitive and Cognitive Disorder due to Seizures
Major Depressive Disorder
General Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder
Personality Change Due to Seizure Disorder ( later confirmed by a second psychiatrist to be Borderline Personality Disorder)
C-PTSD symptoms ( still waiting on final diagnosis but symptons have been confirmed and disorder is very likely.) 
Autism more or less confirmed by multiple professionals  but still waiting to be able to afford testing.
Autism/ASD : Can’t read tone. Hard time with social interaction. Sensory issues. Adherence to routine. Stimming. Scripting. Childish behaviour.  Meltdowns. Hyperfixation.
Attachment Issues: I tend to attach/get attached to people really fast. At the same time I push them away or tell myself I don’t matter to them. I also have a hard time getting attached to people. It’s either super quick or like pulling teeth. I want to be with people all the time. Codependence I guess is the word I’m looking for.  
Social Anxiety: I’m...basically always scared when I’m talking to people? I’m scared I’ll say the wrong thing. I have my answers and messages rehearsed and proofread and sometimes vetted by someone else ( unless it’s sensitive info)  and I still feel like something comes across in a negative way. ( like This is too cheerful, That’s too morbid, does that sound dismissive? If I say This I fuck up in this way but if I say THAT I fuck up in another) It couples with my autism since that...actually makes me say awkward/wrong shit all the time. 
Has come down since starting Lexapro but still present.
Emotional Flashbacks: Feelings that were there while you were experiencing the traumatic event. Happen at random triggers. Incredibly strong. To the point that they don’t correspond to the stimuli and feel freshly felt. ( tied to C-PTSD) 
Hyper-vigilance ( tied to C-PTSD)
Anxiety attacks
Panic Attacks
Don’t act as mature as other people my age/more at home with younger people.
Hypersensitive to any perceived rejection. 
Brain fixates on bad memories and repeats them : C-PTSD
Constant fear of it happening again: C-PTSD
Black or White thinking: I’ll think someone’s sick of me or can’t stand me at stuff like being left on read while also deciding I love them and they’re the best person ever when they do something nice to me. Intense but have some modicum of self awareness. ( i know on some level people dont dislike or hate me, i still spiral though)
“Duckling Syndrome” ( is what i call it) : I’ll see someone be nice to me and all I can think of is how much I want them to adopt me, to take me home, to make me part of their family. It’s too strong to be anything but disordered. It hurts. ( possibly part of bpd) 
Has in the past put self in bad situations to not be alone ( connected to bpd/attachment disorder) 
Other Stuff I either need to mention to my shrink and/or hasn’t been tied down to any of my dx disorders:
I want things to be Just So. Like I want a certain kinda paper for certain kinds of mediums in art. I want my food in a certain order. I eat it in A Certain Order I get really uncomfortable otherwise.
I think I’ve depersonalized or dissociated at least five times..but..only when things get REALLY bad...like when I spiral. I still get those two confused even after reading the definitions but it’s like….I don’t feel anything? But I’m weirdly aware that I’m supposed to? Like I flipped a switch. Also mixed with this weird its not real feeling. I hasn’t happened in roughly a year tho so I dunno if it counts? Its been happening again this year. Still unsure if disordered or stress reaction.
I tend to struggle with depressive episodes from time to time. Like I’ll just lay on the bed and not wanna do anything. I have games to play, I have hobbies I could indulge in but I just..don’t want to. Don’t see the point.
Have thought that I’d be better off not existing. ( AKA suicidal ideation) Currently under control.
I’ve developed these like...weird paranoia spells? Like this one time a cop yelled at me ( to mess with me) and I was suddenly terrified of him following me and hurting me and my dad ( which yes can be attributed to the amount of police brutality you hear about, especially to people who don’t speak english fluently but like I saw it in my mind’s eye and it would not stop and the dude left and I was still seeing in my head him like following me home and hurting us) or like just recently some man asked about my dog and how much she was worth and this weird ass alarm went off in my head to get the hell away from him and what if he follows me home? What if he takes my dog? What if he follows me home AND takes my dog? They’re pretty sporadic ( though not as much as I want them to be)  but they’re also really intense. Have stopped since I started Lexapro.
Physical Self Harm in the past to ground, to punish myself, in times of high emotion. All of the above. ( has stopped as of last year. Even intrusive thoughts about it are at a minimum.)
Obsession with being “good”: If I ever do something I think is a mistake I all but turn on myself. I beat myself up. I think of myself as a bad person ( there’s only Good and Bad for me..but only in regards to myself) I have to be nice. I have to be kind. I have to be good in a way that’s disordered. ( this compounds with my social anxiety and bpd to bind me into being a “good person” ( someone who never gets mad never talks back never does anything but niceness irregardless of the fact that..it’s impossible) I tend to think if I’m “bad” that people need to punish me, yell at me, or hurt me. That I need to Atone) ( could be part of CPTSD due to past abuse. Answer pending) 
Intrusive thoughts: mostly about self harm but also about “learning my place” and...calling myself things I’d rather not say. I’ve so far at least managed to recognize they’re intrusive ( might be related to any of the disorders listed above but also with past abuse but unsure at the moment. Shrink thinks its tied to bpd. Could be tied to past abuse I haven’t discussed in therapy yet.)
Disordered Eating of sorts: due to my mother being paranoid about unhealthy food I’ve gone days where I can’t bring myself to eat something because I’m scared it’ll hurt me. There’s times where I’ve needed my friend to tell me to eat. There’s times where I feel like if I eat I have to exercise it off. It’s about control, it’s about fear, it’s….about everything but weight. Hella strong last year. More or less brought under control as of this year. But remain as intrusive thoughts and pop up as intrusive thoughts from time to time.
React badly to being alone, especially at home and not getting social interaction. Depression kicks up, sometimes depersonalization ( might have ties to childhood epilepsy -having to be on lock-down  and kept indoors a lot due to my own risk of being hurt via seizure- but combines with bpd/attachment disorders) 
Have Shown Signs/Moments of Age Regression ( more often than not with the emotional flashbacks but not always)
Literally all the symptoms act up at night/around bedtime. Mostly anxiety but some others that have now been associated with bpd. Causes sleeping problems ( I hesitate to call it insomnia because I do sleep but it can get as bad as 3 hours a night until i just conk out at the end of the week -or 2 weeks- out of sheer exhaustion. Has been present since I was a teenager.) 
In The Past: Recklessness and disregard for personal safety and care.
Sometimes get this  physical feeling like my brain is overloaded. Often with hypervigilance or spirals where my mind races.
“I’m autistic” “I’m so sorry”
“I’m autistic” “And you’re sure you wanna go for that major?”
“I’m autistic” “But not that kind of autistic right?”
“I mean if you need accommodations to take a test then are you really cut out to have that kinda job?”
I consider myself a very patient person.
“She doesn’t know any better. You know she’s special” ( I was standing right there)
“I guess you don’t love anyone huh?” ( I was uh..I was nine years old)
“You’re codependent as fuck” ( that one my abuser said to me...after...making me codependent on her..yeah) 
“You talk like a robot. It’s like you don’t feel anything.” ( eeemotianl detachment due to CPTSD in my teenage years) 
“You’re choosing not to grow up” ( when expressing fears of develomental problems/disordered behaviour that could cause lack of maturity. I was asking for help) 
“You’re a lot”
“People with your disorder tend to be a problem for other people”
“You need therapy” “I am in therapy” “Then why are you still acting like this.”
“You’re just making excuses.”
“It’s like you like to cause trouble.” ( circa 2013)
“You just wanna hurt people that’s why you’re doing this.” ( circa...most of the 2000s) 
Multiple people in my family constantly make it a point ( or have in the past like..for most of my life) to tell me no one’s wanna live with someone like me ( I’m forgetful and before I figured out some ways to help it and the depression was bad uber messy)
Multiple people in my family try to discourage me from trying things because “you know you have that...thing”
And I mean..the usual constant bombardment of Autism being something you have to Fix. Of it causing people you love pain, and them never being happy because of it, of it being a defect.
People around me use autistic as an insult.
General comments about how horrible living with my mentally ill family must be ( ignoring that I’m mentally ill as well) and how my parents probably wish we weren’t disordered ( ignoring that they are also disordered) and how basically there’s no way for us to be happy.
I think at one point someone actually said to me something along the lines of “I bet your parents wish you and your siblings were born differently”
“I’m so proud you can do this incredibly easy thing that I think is all you can really do and I’m gonna talk to you in the most condescending tone about it like who’s a good lil autistic person look at you, talkin and solving basic problems and everything.” ( obvs paraphrased but thats...usually the gist) 
Define Your Disorders
Autism: a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior.
Attachment Disorder: the condition in which individuals have difficulty forming lasting relationships ( it was the only one I can find that doesn’t talk about RAD as I don’t have the criteria for that. This one’s tricky cause I don’t have the proper diagnosis for it yet, for all I know it could be part of a bigger disorder)
BPD:a mental health disorder that impacts the way you think and feel about yourself and others, causing problems functioning in everyday life. It includes a pattern of unstable intense relationships, distorted self-image, extreme emotions and impulsiveness. Symptoms include emotional instability, feelings of worthlessness, insecurity, impulsivity, and impaired social relationships.
Major Depression Disorder: Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and sometimes you may feel as if life isn't worth living.
General Anxiety Disorder.:  Excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation), occurring more days than not for at least 6 months, about a number of events or activities (such as work or school performance).
Amnesic Disorder Due To Epilepsy :Inability to remember events for a period of time.
Myth about your disorders and the truth
Autistic people are dangerous
Autistic people are unfeeling
Autistic people are uncaring
Autistic people are all nonverbal
Autistic people are all mentally challenged. ( I ??)
Autistic people ar a burden on their families/a parent who abuse or even  kills their autistic child ( which happens so much it’s an acknowledged problem)  deserves sympathy.
Autistic people are brainy and mostly male.
Autism is a spectrum disorder. People exhibit different traits and while some hyperfocus on things that help them academically some hyperfocus on things that don’t or that even make their grades suffer like other interest tend to. ( my hyperfocus was fanfiction and I failed like five classes because of it) I have a friend who’s autistic and likes to party and drink and hang out with people. I have another friend who’s autistic who likes to skate and science. I’m autistic and I like neither of those things. We’re all over the place in every way even when we do share some common traits
Literally we all have people and things we care about.
Literally all of us have affectionate moments. I’m fairly physically affectionate if I’m close to/feel safe with someone.
Nonverbal and autism aren’t always correlated. Further, some autistic people go nonverbal for a bit but can speak other times.
Autism looks different in girls/afab people because we’ve been socialized differently.
Parents who kill their autistic kids are just straight up horrible people and I resent having to be told to have sympathy for them while simultaneously wishing I had “autistic” written on my forehead so I could be angry without a guilt trip and also simultaneously hoping to god I never stop passing for neurotypical because apparently the moment you show too many traits no one cares if someone hurts you or worse.
The whole “autistic people are dangerous” thing is mostly people showing videos of meltdowns which only happen under high stress and is something people use to demonize us and make us seem like burdens...and is actually why the whole “sympathy for an abusive/murderer parent of a neuroatypical” thing is fucked ten ways from Sunday. We aren’t dangerous.
I don’t...have a lot for the attachment disorder since I’m still waiting to figure out what that one’s really about and I haven’t really….met anyone else who has anything like it or shares symptoms with me.
I think off the top of my head it’s when people think it’s “cute” that you’re super clingy or go the other way and say people with attachment issues are uncaring. The first one romanticizes a behaviour that you’re trying to work on fixing/curbing and that is honestly hell. The second one is...is just as untrue as saying an autistic person is inherently uncaring ( or any mentally ill person for that matter)
I’ve also seen people say that people with any kind of attachment disorder are broken and that I feel confident enough in saying that they’re not...and I’m not.
I’ve been told people with BPD can’t be aware of their own disorder and have been denied testing due to this. 
I’ve seen people say people with BPD are a problem to others.
Anxiety: I’ve seen a lot of people who think it’s fake. And also that the only way you can have anxiety if you’re rocking back and forth gasping for breath.
There’s actually multiple ways to have anxiety attacks.
Tips for those who know/love someone with same disorders/symptoms
Well, starting off with, and keeping in mind that I’m not a proffesional or expert in...literally anything ever like ever ever....
A very dear friend of mine once said “it’s a whole lot easier to be supportive than it is not to be” Let people with disorders tell you what they need, and then respect it. Open communication and making them feel safe is key...to everything. Being informed is important but at the end of the day, different people will experience things differently and what they need is really down to them. Don’t assume that reading about their disorder means you know what they need better than them. Don’t talk about how their disorder affects you. Even if you have good intentions, you’re going to make them feel bad. If you’re a parent, don’t talk to others about your child’s disorder in front of them. And if they don’t like a therapist, listen to them as to why. Don’t assume it’s just because “they’re disordered” that’s lazy parenting.
Take triggers seriously, talk to them about what symptoms they need help with, and which they’d rather process or deal with  on their own. Just..show that you have that initiative, that you’re there for them. Listen. Be patient. Establish boundaries gently but firmly. If someone with my attachment disorder is ringing you a lot and you need time to yourself, let them know. Explain. Don’t go radio silent. People with autism can be bad at reading you. Again explain, be patient, but don’t just....leave them there to guess what they did wrong. C-PTSD is traumagenic in nature so I’d add to taking triggers seriously, be ready for Tragic Backstory drop behind disclosing some triggers ( and understand how much they have to trust you to disclose that.) but also be ready for “I just don’t want this in my field of vision and I don’t feel comfortable talking about it just yet.” Don’t push for details. Don’t push period.
And also just....treat em like people you know. Disordered people are still people, let them exist outside their disorders and do the things that people in that relationship that you have with them. ( whatever relationship that is) do. 
How your disorder/s affect your relationships 
In the past -and before I was a bit more self aware- it’s made me uber clingy. I would call friends constantly, message them a lot. Think someone was my best friend or even closer than they really were because they were nice to me. It scared people off.
On the flip side I would also convince myself people didn’t like me or I was nothing to them the moment I caught myself having strong feelings. ( which as said before would happen mcquicklike)
As one can imagine this would put a lot of pressure on new friendships. Often it would sour them, sometimes it would make people dislike me. Sometimes it’d make them unconfortable. Which as my disorder also affects how I receive rejection...was..really bad.
On the flip side of the flip side I was also incredibly ride or die and it left me open to a lot of manipulation and abuse from friends. I couldn’t be mad at them if they hurt me. I couldn’t say no to anything they said. I needed them.
My anxiety also contributes to this as I would constantly go through a checklist of how many good interactions vs “bad” or awkward interactions I had with people before I let myself feel like I was safe to call people my friends. Or even say I did okay interacting.
I had a lot of nights while I was making friends in college where I just felt like I was nothing to anyone. Like I was messing up. Looking back, it was just standard new friend interactions.
The more people mean to me, the more I’d freak out-I didn’t want to lose them. So it made it hard to even enjoy the friendship milestones I did achieve.
I’m using past tense because it’s gotten a lot better as situations that were making this 10 times worse have alleviated somewhat but there’s still seeds of it and sometimes it flares up. I’m just aware enough I can sometimes if not stop it identify it as my disorder talking. I don’t keep lists anymore but sometimes the thought pops up.
Facts About Your Disorder You Wish People Knew
I wish people knew what scripting and autistic burnout was. And that adults can have autism. And that vaccines don’t cause autism so stupid ass people didn’t risk their kid getting sick because they’re scared of my neurology.
I wish the only thing when I search about
I wish people took triggers seriously.
I wish more people knew about attachment disorders period.
I wish people knew how hard it all is sometimes.
 Favorite healthy coping techniques
Plushies, pillows. Physical grounding techniques that include physical stimming. I’m very tactile when it comes to my autism and stimming so grounding techniques were Good Textures are involved help double.
For attachment disorder spirals: Watching YT animators or vloggers. Like a lot. It recently chased off my sleeping problems. 
Playing with my dog.
Walking outside.
Going to the beach.
Looking at buildings. ( I don’t..I don’t know why?? It’s like a visual stim I guess? Like buildings that stand out to me due to their shape or being different than I usually see)
Basically going outside. ( to look at buildings, to look at nature, to the dog park, out in the grass in front of my building just..Outside Good, Inside Bad) 
Sending fun stuff to friends/doing things for them.
I tend to get a good happy chemical surge from helping people/doing nice things for people so that’s something I really like using to my advantage. I’m looking at volunteer options.
Also cartoons and Disney Channel shows I watch a lot of those.
Cooking. I can’t understand this one either but cooking and baking sometimes even gives me more energy.
Current biggest struggles with your disorder/s
Being at home tanks my mental health. I don’t drive. So I’m home a lot.
Seeing families be happy hurts sometimes. And that’s my main confort narrative.
Seeing my friends with their families hurts sometimes.  All I can think of is how much I wish I was a part of that. So I have to...not spend time with my friends.
I’m afraid to live alone.
I can’t get anything done sometimes. My train of thought has been crashing to the point that I completely lose it and I miss goals and deadlines almost every month. I need to get assignments done, build a portfolio, at least keep shrink dates, its all a hurdle lately. Even before that it’s hard for me to get stuff done when I’m home on  my own ( aka when I’m supposed to be doing things) because all my brain can think is “we’re alone we’re alone we’re alone. It’s too quiet. We need to talk to someone.” According to my shrink DBT will help with this. I can’t wait.
It’s hard to see a myself having a good future sometimes. Because of how many hangups I have and how late I am in addressing them ( I’m 28) and how much there is to do.
 What not to say to a person with similar/same disorder/s
“You’re making it all up”
“You should just get over it, it happened so long ago”
“You’re bringing me down stop talking about this”
“Its all in your head”
“Every one feels that way really”
Anything dismissive.
Anything from the stigma answer.
Literally any kind of pity (granted thats more a me thing due to childhood epilepsy meaning i had to deal with a lot of that. But honestly I’ll stand by it bc I’m not sure anyone really ...likes pity. )  
Ways in which your disorder/s affect your daily life
I deal with executive dysfunction which makes it hard to get anything done. I feel like I’m starting over constantly. I feel like my age doesn’t match my brain. All of this augments my depression.  I have to take days off in the middle of the week to just do nothing or catch up to all the stuff I haven’t done. I miss deadlines or just barely make them. I’m also a budding workaholic which I used to do to avoid dwelling on all these feelings so having to take breaks isn’t….something I’m used to or really like. I at one point handled school, work, and 2 editing jobs. I used to do martial arts, I like running, I like swimming. I’m the kind of person that needs to be on the move and lately that’s hard because spoons and energy.
Also a lot of basic self care is hard to get done because of the dysfunction mentioned above.
Things that give you hope
The fact that I’m finally getting therapy.
I guess having people I can talk to about it.
My family isn’t as bad as it was back in 2014.
I guess I know that even if I feel like I’m at a dead end, I’ll figure something out. That’s what I do. I mean that’s life, you think things are never getting better or that something’s the end of the world but really time marches onwards and so do you and you figure it out. Things fall into place. I believe life has a funny way of working out. If anything because it kinda has to, it can’t stand still yknow. I have moments of clarity where I just kinda remember that ( its not my first rodeo.in regards to hard times or Things That Happen..its not even my hardest rodeo so..if I got through that..you kinda figure you can muddle through this and see what comes next yknow) I’m oddly hopeful for the first time in a long time so, it’s p cool.
Treatment types and personal choices
I spent most of my childhood, and teenage years...and early 20s dodging therapy and help due to it being controlled by my mother and having really bad experiences with it in the past.I do regret it sometimes but I comfort myself with the fact that it was what seemed like the best decision and i didn’t have the information I now have about keeping her out of things. 
After finding better insurance and getting into university I found a way to get myself a psychiatrist and am working on finding talk therapy. For the most part I tended to patch myself up a lot by finding ways to quiet the thoughts I had ( saving text messages to remind myself people dont hate me. Talking myself down. Joining social activities. That sorta home brew stuff. I’ve been soloing a lot of shit I probably shouldn’t have been until recently but hey live and learn. Also I didn’t have insurance.) As of recently I’m on an antidepresant and  hopefully going into DBT. That reminds me I have to call them.
Your support system
I’ve found some really nice friends like they’ve kinda just collectively adopted me and when your disorder stems from losing family that..that’s been incredibly helpful. All my close friends are long distance but they help me. My younger sister is also there although i try to limit how much she’s privy to as she just turned 18. My brother and I tend to spend limited time together due to him having his own stuff goin on but I’d also put him there. My parents sorta count as....one supportive unit? ( they try with the best of intentions but it uh..thats..thats really all I can say about them)
Reactions from those who learn about your disorder/s
I get told I can’t possibly have them because i “look too successful” or whatever ableist rethoric they got going. When I talk about C-PTSD symptons I get side eye for “trivializing” it as they don’t believe I can have it and think I’m exaggerating anxiety symptons. When I talk about Attachment Disorders…..I often don’t because people always say something along the lines of “people with that are often too damaged and you don’t fit the bill” which..ouch.
Mostly it goes from “you don’t look like a damaged and/or psychopath crazy person” to “oh...I guess you are one” with a bit of “okay thats fine” but still anger and impatience when I show symptoms.
I don’t talk about my disorders a lot.
 Future hopes and dreams
I’d like to get my attachment disorder under control as it’s the main life wrecking thing I have. After that or along with that I’d like to live somewhere where I get the social interaction I kinda need.
I wanna be happy with whatever profession I have and just..my life in general.
I hope DBT helps. Whatever it is It’s my first time even trying it.
I have a couple of personal creative goals but I don’t wanna jinx them by disclosing them ( I did mention I had anxiety)
Interactions with other people with the same disorders
I follow some peeps with BPD and also folks on the spectrum on tumblr. I don’t really have a lot of  analog interaction. ( again no driving + suburbia = being cooped up A Lot)  My sister and I share some disordered traits so we talk about them often and that helps a lot.
Things you want to work on/improve
The whole black and white thinking and maybe getting things done on time. I’d like to get the spirals under control too.
 Work/school experience with disorder/s
Shit’s hard.
Often I don’t get the help I need and have learned to overcompensate/regulate so I can still get things done. I pretty much need to work since i don’t believe I’d qualify for disability. I get in trouble a lot for spacing out ( dissociating) and forgetting things at work. Work friendships are also slow burn if not just nonexistent due to my autism and people..not really knowing what to make of it. I’ll probably have to quit working while I study since I can’t really split focus enough to do both lately. Further, a lot of my energy needs to go into school things staying afloat and that tends to mean I can’t do things that contribute to my mental health ( i.e spending time with friends, going out, sometimes even therapy, taking breaks) as I’ve found out that sends me way back in recovery.
Free space!
Here’s a picture of my cat. She’s a demon. What it said Free Space.
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Family history of mental disorders?
Mother has Bipolar disorder and depression. Sister has bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders, Brother has anxiety and shows signs of ADHD, Dad has what we suspect is ADHD and possibly some disorder traits from past trauma. Used to have anger issues.
I uh..I used to call us “The Madhouse” for most of my late teens and early 20s.
Media representation of disorder/s
Attachment disorders: characters who are stalkers and so desperate for love family and acceptance they’ll do anything, even hurt people to feel it. Also often don’t have depression and can do things like learn villain skills.
Autistic traits are often cherry picked and portrayed in an unfavorable light. I think I’ve seen some rare cases of actual representation though.
How do you feel about talking about your mental health?
I don’t...like it as much as talking about mental health in general. Most of my life is...me running away from trauma and trying to  reclaim a life outside of it. It’s what I did with my epilepsy of course that one was easier because the seizures went away. 
Talking about it feels like going back. I wanna just move on with it. But I’ve reluctantly come around to see that talking about it is a way to move on. And I mean its not like dodging it’s worked out that well for me so.
 The true face of mental illness (Selfie if you’re comfortable with it)
Aww yiiss. Selfies.
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vulva-o-queef · 6 years
@hestiaq​ (making a new post because I don’t want to keep reblogging a long threat)
I’m really sorry for what you were put through. I sincerely hope you’re in a better situation now and doing okay. That’s horrific.
I remember the Ted Bundy bit you’re talking about- and she’s…. honestly quite right? If enough men have NPD/ASPD a few of them are going to seem intelligible, I think. I don’t really understand what you’re saying about Ted Bundy- if it’s tongue in cheek or not.
Okay, like I said, I haven’t seen this post she made. necromancerdoll just said that larps said sociopaths/psychopaths “can’t perform well in society/function with others.” I know aspd and being a sociopath are often considered the same thing, and I know a lot of them are pretty transparent assholes. Psychopathy isn’t a formal diagnosis at all, but criminal psychologists do use the term, and there’s a pretty solid consensus on what it means. Some people say psychopaths are a subset of sociopaths, and other people say it’s a similar but distinct thing, but in either case, one of the main characteristics of a psychopath (which a sociopath doesn’t, or doesn’t always have) is that they’re smooth and charming, and they use those traits to manipulate others.
My comment about Ted Bundy was sarcastic (and probably not in very good faith, but also wasn’t really related to the main point of all this), because saying psychopaths “can’t perform well in society/function with others” is the opposite of the truth. Ted Bundy was charming, socially adept, approachable, and likable, which was exactly how he managed to lure in many of his victims. He would put on a fake cast and ask women to help him get things into his car, which is what that scene from silence of the lambs is based on. Larps might be totally aware of all that and just phrased something too broadly. The only way it would be relevant to the rest of what I’m saying is, if she really meant to say that psychopaths are socially inept, it would be another example of how she tries to speak as an authority on mental disorders she doesn’t understand. Mostly I was just poking fun.
Women are over-diagnosed. But I don’t understand how Larps pointing out shitty behavior is the same as “diagnosing everyone”. Also, she’s talked about how borderline personality is over-diagnosed and often ascribed to women who are dealing with trauma. She’s also not talking about it from a “I don’t personally like them” only- “these people” are people who are cruel and vicious and play victim when called out on their cruel vicious behavior.
Clearly, you and I interpret the things she says about bpd and ‘cluster b’ in general very differently. For one, diagnosing anyone over the internet is absurd. In my first response to her, I did agree that she has made some good points, mostly about the link between autogynephilia and narcissism. But that’s about noticing an overarching theme within a specific population, and there’s already a decent amount of academic writing about that link. Case studies done by real psychologists. Actual studies done with controls and statistics and so on. And even with stuff like fucking “trans lesbian” dating profiles that larps points out herself, there is some solid evidence there due to the sheer repetition of entitled attitudes, fetishism, etc, the list goes on. My issue is with the way she thinks she understands BPD when she clearly doesn’t, how she applies “cluster b” or bpd to an awful lot of people, largely young ‘transmen’ or radfems she doesn’t like, and how whenever anyone she’s put down for having BPD tells her to cut it out, or tells her that she’s wrong about them, she dismisses anything they have to say by citing “people with bpd are insane,” or telling them they’re being irrational due to their disorder. Basically she’s using it as a shield to avoid being held accountable for the things she says. “Anyone who’s telling me borderline people aren’t irrational is only saying that because they’re borderline, and therefore they’re irrational!” I’m not saying she’s diagnosing “everyone.” And regarding transmen specifically, there are a lot of psychological factors involved in that situation, and for someone who’s so vocal about the cultlike, exploitative, backwards nature of the trans movement, you’d think she would understand how absurd and frankly just plain egotistical it is to think she can simplify all of those psychological factors and dynamics down to “cluster b.” Again - remember that she’s talking about people she’s never met in her life, usually judging from one blog description, a handful of posts, or sometimes nothing more than a fucking selfie.
Even as a younger girl with supposed “BPD” (who even identified with the label)- I wouldn’t have found this stuff offensive, and if it did (which I might have, and sometimes still do)- it’s really that easy to log off or go outside.
That’s good for you, and I respect your perspective. And you’re right, I could just log off and ignore what larps is saying. You can say that about anything anyone says on the internet, and technically it’s true. But I didn’t. The things she’s saying are ignorant, I find them personally hurtful, and I think she’s spreading misinformation, harmful stereotypes, and regressive thinking. I see that she’s saying dehumanizing and belittling things to women on this site who deserve respect, and probably worst of all, I see that there are a lot of people who look up to her, ask her for advice, sometimes idolize her a bit, and many of them will believe pretty much anything she says. She’s feeding them bullshit and some really vile ideas about mental health stigma, and how people with certain disorders (mainly BPD) deserve to be treated. I don’t think she’s the devil incarnate, and I don’t think she’s out here ruining lives and destroying families. I think she’s an asshole with an inflated sense of her own insight and knowledge, and I decided to say something. I could have logged off, but in this case, I didn’t. That’s all.
...I don’t understand how Larps memeing on a Tumblr blog and often posting insightful ideas about personality disorders is “insulting, ignorant, and dehumanizing”.
Yeah I don’t know what you consider “insightful,” but posting the definition of “insane” and copy-pasting a list of bpd symptoms and saying “see? these people are insane,” and tagging her response to my post with #have u ever noticed how all of these people have personality disorders (callback to “anyone who’s telling me borderline people aren’t irrational is only saying that because they’re borderline, and therefore they’re irrational!”) ...doesn’t quite cut it in my book.
She doesn’t bring up cluster b whenever she “feels” someone is acting unreasonable and dramatic- they… are unreasonable and dramatic- at least in whatever context, and people don’t have to dig deep to see who someone really is to be able to just say “no that’s insane, bye”.
Mmmm... I realize you see the situation differently from me, but am I acting insane? I mean, at worst, I’m making the undeniably blunt way she talks to people into something bigger than it needs to be. And yeah, I know... classic cluster b, amiright? But even if that’s the case, even if I’m misinterpreting her views, surely you can see where I’m coming from. And there are quite a few people who have the same objections that I do (mostly radfems, radfem adjacent women, terves, etc.). When she wrote that tag #have u ever noticed how all of these people have personality disorders, isn’t it clear that she was referring to me, as well as the rest of the radfemmish women who have been speaking against this behavior from her lately? Isn’t she making an assumption that I have a personality disorder (which I do not)? 
Do you really think my objection to the way larps talks about bpd is an indication that I have a personality disorder, and that I’m insane? Unreasonable at worst. But yes, she is absolutely using the excuse that those who object to her saying borderline people are irrational are saying so because they’re borderline/irrational. And like I said, I’m hardly the only example of her saying things like this. Someone just reblogged the original post of all of this and said #I just blocked larps bcuz shes been reblogging random old posts from me calling me a cluster b as bait #as far as I know I’m the only quote on quote crazy bihet that doesn’t have a pd? Someone else wrote #I really looked up to larps hence I’m so torn about this #if I didn’t believe she was a smart and decent well meaning person I wouldn’t care. That’s just on that particular post, within the last few hours.
People with personality disorders are diagnosed because they’re anti social and cause harm to those they “love”/interact with and the cluster b community (that I hung around) spend most of their time groveling in misery- despite often constructing their own fantastical narrative of people horrifically abusing them and demanding to be coddled for every emotion.
Some of them, yeah. Not all of them, and not enough to justify making assumptions about people you’ve never met.
What I mean is- the pain that they’re feeling is an offense to ego a LOT of the time. And other’s shouldn’t have to walk around eggshells to make sure that they don’t injure others egos.
Like it’s not real, rudfems don’t enable or contribute to violence against women. None of these women, no matter how mean they are, contributed to the pain I experienced in childhood for being called BPD- actually it was always men and handmaidens.
I didn’t accuse larps, or any other ‘rudefem’ of contributing to violence against women. I know that men were the reason ‘hysteria’ could be diagnosed in the past, and I know that men are the reason bpd is being overdiagnosed in women today. And I’m honestly not even trying to say larps is being misogynistic to the women she says this stuff to (though re-reading, I realize it could easily sound that way). Misogyny or not, dismissing someone’s perfectly measured, reasonable objection as irrational just because they have a bpd diagnosis - which in several cases, dr. larps diagnosed all by herself - is unacceptable, is the same pattern and circular justification used on ‘hysterical’ women in the past, and is particularly bad because, as we agree, bpd is too often being diagnosed as the new version of hysteria. She’s re-enforcing age-old stereotypes about mental illness, and she’s buying into it so completely that she really believes that borderline people are so unreliable that she knows what’s going on in their heads better than they do. Hence saying that borderline people objecting to her backwards stereotyping are doing so out of a kneejerk reaction to a damaged ego, rather than because they know what she’s saying is false.
Also - she isn’t talking about everyone with “diagnosed” BPD.
If that’s what she means, then she’s the one who needs to say it, not you. Again, I respect that you have a different view of this, and I understand your perspective, I can’t believe what others say about her intentions and supposed read-between-the-lines distinctions, when she doesn’t say it herself, and the things she says and the way she acts do not communicate what you’re saying about her.
Meaning, there’s a distinction between people who have been diagnosed and are suffering, and people who have been diagnosed (or not) and are cruel and have a total lack of insight and disregard for other people.
Mental health is complicated. You can’t divide people with bpd into two clean categories like that. That’s not how it works. And you CERTAINLY can’t lump people into the “bad” category simply because they don’t like how you talk about their disorder. You can’t see someone objecting to what you’re saying and assume that YOU know that they’re coming from a “total lack of insight.” People are not psychic. Larps is using the fact that some people with pds have a lack of self-awareness to dodge accountability when it’s convenient for her. It’s complete circular logic - something you would think she would be above, no? “they’re irrational, and when they complain about me calling them irrational, I can shut them down by saying that any complaint they make is irrational.” I know I keep saying this, but it’s true. In my first comment, I pointed out that this is her pattern, and what was her response? hashtag have u ever noticed how all these people have personality disorders. fucking exactly what I said her response would be, because that’s the only excuse she has. 
And yes, insight is a qualifying factor that “””exonerates”””” (quite a loaded word in this context????) someone from being “really” BPD. The thing about BPD is that they will not (or cannot) change- like it’s not a fixed part of your personality, and if it is- you deserve to be called out, and if it isn’t and you still behave like that… you deserve to be called out, still.
Again, no. If this is the case, then we need to make a second definition to separate “REALLY bpd” from “sorta bpd,” since currently they both meet the same diagnostic criteria. It’s not up to you, or larps, to create definitive new categories of mental illness.
I went from being told I had “borderline tendencies” to being diagnosed with full BPD, to basically nothing at all, because I became aware of those patterns, learned how to be objective about my thoughts and emotions, and practiced resisting them to the point where they only show up if I’m already in a really bad state. I don’t consider myself to have - or to have had - a personality disorder, because I’ve almost completely gotten rid of those mental reactions. But I know people who do have BPD, who are self aware, who are trying the same things I did, but the difference is that even though they now have the tools to keep them in check, those mental and emotional reactions are still present for them, and likely always will be. To say they don’t REALLY have bpd because they’re able to control it is frankly insulting. “If you’ve been able to improve it through treatment, you never really had it in the first place.” I know that’s not how you meant it, but that’s what it boils down to.
BPD is not defined by a lack of self-awareness. It’s a pattern of ingrained emotional and mental reactions (and, subsequently, behaviors). These often develop as a method of self defense against external abuse. Or sometimes there’s no abuse and it’s there anyways. The cause isn’t always clear. But the criteria calling these symptoms “pervasive” doesn’t mean the individual is unaware of them. People who know they have bpd, and who are working on treating their bpd still have bpd.
“...deserve to be called out”... it’s not larps’ business to “call someone out” for having bpd. She can call someone out for acting like a shithead, but simply having bpd is not a flaw that needs to be criticized. Your phrasing makes it seem like that’s what you’re saying, and although I’m pretty sure that’s not what you meant, that’s what larps seems to think.
Not only are neither you nor larps qualified to determine the “category” of bpd that people on the internet who you’ve never met fall into, but even IF that’s how she sees it, then, again, she needs to say that herself, and she needs to reflect that view in the way she treats people.
But to conclude, she really does make that explicitly clear that she doesn’t think everyone with BPD is a “screeching, manipulative, hysteric”.
You made a bunch of excuses for her and I still have no reason to believe any of it is true
However, I’m mostly speaking for myself here because I’ve been hanging around tungle for too long and I mostly want to say that this all doesn’t really matter. Like, so many feminists on here ramble on about “but what about bpd women who get misdiagnosed?” yeah I didn’t face brutality at the hands of snarky women on the internet. These are not the people that even enabled the violence that me or many other women with trauma face.
Again, I didn’t say that. I don’t think she’s destroying lives either, I was just frustrated, saw that many other women are frustrated about her too, and I felt like saying something, so I did. That is the extent of my motivations here. I do think that she is spreading harmful stereotypes and misinformation, but I’m under no delusion that she is causing damage on a massive scale. She is, however, just one more raindrop in the proverbial ocean of mental health stigma. Insignificant as a single drop may be, surely it’s no less significant than any of those people with bpd whose bad behavior you say should be called out. If it’s larps’ business to call them out, then it’s just as much my business to call her out.
It’s not up to her and other women like her to clarify every single thing they say- people DO generalize and we should be able to communicate without having to specify for everyone.
I’m not asking her to clarify “every single thing” she says, I’m asking her to stop acting like a shithead, labeling people she’s never met, acting like she’s an authority on personality disorders, and using her actually wildly skewed perception of these disorders which is steeped in regressive, harmful, and demeaning stigma and stereotypes about mental illness in order to manipulate her way out of being held accountable for any of it. I’m not telling her to stop generalizing for the purpose of communication, I’m asking her to stop making inaccurate generalizations based on stereotypes, and to stop using “cluster b” as a catch-all for bad behavior. Just because someone is a shithead, or unreasonable, or overdramatic, doesn’t make them borderline, and it’s insulting to the people with bpd who are truly good people, who also have to deal with their disorder being an internet trend for self-dx’ers to milk sympathy and excuse their abusive behavior (sounds just like what larps would diagnose as cluster b, I know, but it turns out that many people who don’t have bpd exhibit these traits as well), deal with shitty treatment from healthcare providers who read the diagnosis and think they know everything about you before you even walk in the door (back when I had the ‘full bpd’ diagnosis, a therapist said to my face that people with bpd were considered ‘used goods,’ and my current psychiatrist treats me with an absurd and totally unjustified level of suspicion), deal with the massively pervasive stereotypes everyone else holds about bpd (ranging from ‘serial killer’ to ‘used goods’ to ‘fake trend on the internet to get attention’), as well as dealing with - oh yeah - the actual fucking disorder, as well as often comorbid cases of PTSD, depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc.
I’m just saying, it would be a lot more effective and hurt a lot less people you supposedly didn’t mean to target if you just called out the actual behavior instead of “calling out” a disorder. Additionally, I’m pretty sure that people with bpd who do lack self awareness are far more likely to respond to direct criticisms of their behavioral patterns than they are to respond to the label of bpd being “called out.” They’d just see the latter as more fuel for self-pity. It’s a little harder to justify being the victim of someone saying “hey stop being abusive.”
And if that’s not enough reasons for you, consider: people who have shitty behaviors who don’t have a cluster b disorder (yes, larps, they exist) are just gonna hear criticisms of a disorder they don’t have and brush it right off. Call out the actual behavior, and there’s a chance they might recognize it in themselves. It’s like a quadruple win.
A hallmark of bpd/npd/aspd/hpd is having no insight into that, that people say shit, and you take what you can and leave it-her, or me, or anyone else mincing that up….. doesn’t help bpd women live in a world where nobody is going to mince anything up ever. It did not help me when people coddled me, and I intuitively knew that and was deeply frustrated with it.
You’re right that it doesn’t help to have people make excuses for you or ‘coddle’ you. But not being unfair and pushing harmful stigma is not the same thing as “coddling.” Nor is “not mincing” words the same thing as saying things that are untrue, unfair, dismissive, and insulting. Much like Trump saying blatantly racist things is NOT “just telling it like it is.” (and no I’m not comparing you or larps to trump or calling anyone racist. except trump)
Many of the women who have ‘spoken up’ about larps on tungle, I’ve seen on other mediums (fb, wordpress) and they’re often just blatantly manipulative
Really? Am I being blatantly manipulative? Or insane? And, to reiterate, is what I’ve said on her post enough for her to assume that I - and anyone else raising these issues with her - ALL have personality disorders? Is it justification for her to say that I’m “glorifying” ASPD/BPD?
and will never have any insight to the fact that all of this is really a non-issue
I gave you several examples above, and here's your treasure trove:
Notice how she loves agreeing with everyone saying they’ve been abused by someone with a cluster b disorder, or otherwise says something negative about a person/people with a cluster b disorder, makes sweeping generalizations and basically uses “cluster b” with the same tone that you would call someone an asshole - that is to say, using the same logical standards of “you said some shit I thought was rude, so I think you’re an asshole & I’m going to call you one” when talking about psychological medical diagnoses?
Yeah, occasionally she claims she’s only talking about The Bad Ones, but that’s a pretty thin excuse when 99% of the time you make no attempt to differentiate, and post things like screenshotted symptoms (which - if the “good ones” with that disorder actually have that disorder - would apply to the “good ones” too) with captions like “these people are insane.”
Again, I realize you see the things she says very differently from me, but surely you can see where I’m coming from. And I would hope that you can see that my having this perspective does not justify saying I have a personality disorder, that I am insane, or that I am “glorifying” ASPD and NPD. I would hope that the similar shit she’s said about several other women who said things similar to what I said would also strike you as unjustified. You can make excuses that she wasn’t literally diagnosing me with a personality disorder, but you can’t make that excuse every single time she says something like this.
but instead “leave radical feminism because it’s so full of mean lesbian separatists” and make huge texts about it everywhere else and how rfeminism is a cult.
Okay... this is an entirely separate and irrelevant subject and I’m not sure why you’re bringing it up. I mean it sounds like you’re saying “people who don’t like being told they’re insane are just butthurt kek” which I really hope is not what you’re saying. I’m pretty sure there are plenty of radical women who would object to being called insane and having their opinions dismissed because of a mental health diagnosis, who would raise their objections and still believe in their politics, probably due to the fact that - in this context - those things have virtually nothing to do with one another.
My point is- she’s not just saying ppl who criticize her have bpd- they often do because people with personality disorders come out of the woodwork to be hideously angry at anyone who calls them abusive or “wrong” and “bad” (whatever that means at any given moment).
In summary: I appreciate and respect that you interpret the things larps says in a very different way, and I’m not trying to tell you that you should be hurt or anything like that. But I can’t accept what I see as excuses that you’re making for her, since she doesn’t offer any of those explanations herself, and I don’t see any evidence of the intentions you’re attributing to her, in her own words or behavior.
At the end of the day, larps is the only person who can speak for larps’ intentions (much like the people whose criticisms larps deflects by claiming they’re motivated by irrational emotion and a threatened victim complex SHOULD be the only ones who can speak for their intentions).
And at the end of the day, larps didn’t show anything but disrespect and a total unwillingness to even consider that the way she speaks to, and treats, people with bpd and people who criticize her portrayal and internet-diagnosing of bpd, might not be 100% faultless.
At the end of the day, larps read what I had to say about her dismissive attitude and manipulative, circular justification for avoiding accountability. Her response was to double down on calling people with borderline “insane,” and double down on her own belief that googling a list of symptoms makes her an expert on psychology, as well as an expert on the thoughts in other peoples’ heads. She used the exact circular, dismissive excuse I was calling out, yet again said that the people criticizing her were all doing so because of their - well “our,” I should say, since she diagnosed me - personality disorders, rather than their actual thoughts, opinions, and perfectly reasonable objections. And then she answered a bunch of messages laughing about how crazy and terrible “cluster b”s are. No, she didn’t literally say “EVERY SINGLE PERSON with bpd is like this,” but come on. She’s not the only person who can recognize patterns of behavior.
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Self Diagnosis: Why It’s A Problem
Warning: Very Long Post
I’ve been seeing a lot of self-diagnosis stuff in the Tumblr community lately, and I want to address some concerns and dangers of doing so that I have, and that many people have. To start, I want to say I am personally 100% against self-diagnosis of any illness, disorder, or treatable disability.
Firstly, the purpose you even have a diagnosis is to get treatment. If you aren’t professionally diagnosed with something, you cannot get accurate treatment through medication/treatment that has to be prescribed by a doctor. I know it’s fucked up for people who don’t have adequate/have no health insurance, and it fucking sucks. I know man. I’ve been through it myself, and spent years agonizing because I ultimately knew I had a condition, but couldn’t do anything about it because even if I could afford the treatment, I wasn’t properly diagnosed, so I couldn’t get the medication that I have now that ended up making my quality of life 100% better. If you feel in your bones that you do have a condition that needs to be treated, you need a genuine diagnosis by a doctor/registered nurse/health professional that will allow you to get treatment. I feel if you don’t have a diagnosis, then you shouldn’t get medical treatment, mainly due to the facts: what if you don’t actually have this thing, but have this other thing that is very similar but the treatment is vastly different? or, What about the people who could use excuses to get certain medical treatments/priority due to the condition they claim they have but have no proof? (see: Adderall abuse by those who do not need it, mainly for the use of getting high and/or selling it on the street; people who claim to be disabled to get handicapped parking hangtags/medical equipment that could be used by someone who is actually disabled).
Secondly, there are many dangers with self diagnosing. Like, so many dangers - some of them being having a wrong diagnosis, and therefore living their lives believing they have something that they don’t; creating a “culture” inside of a typical “I have this” community (a lot of this being autistic culture on Tumblr - people being complete dickwads claiming to have autism and chalking it up to acting that way because they HAVE autism, all the while stating they are self-diagnosed). It creates a social stigma about a group of people who have a certain diagnosis to everyone else and could very easily put them in a very bad light. This is, in no way, even remotely okay. I saw a post a while back they roughly stated, “Well, I have BPD, and when I’m mean to you, it’s my alter personality saying it to you and NOT ACTUALLY ME so therefore you shouldn’t be angry about what I said to you.” I later checked this person’s blog, and it was chocked full of things they have self diagnosed themselves with: and entire section in their blog description: “MY SELF-DIAGNOSISES  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧” with about thirty different illnesses/conditions/disabilities. This is definitely not okay (and just to clarify, yes, I do still remember the URL of the person who said this, and no, I will not give it to you because I don’t want that person getting hate in despite how vile their actions are to the BPD community). Even if they did have BPD, it’s still no excuse to act that way, especially without an apology.
Thirdly, it’s like… kind of offensive to medical professionals? You’re basically saying, “I’ve read on the internet about this thing that I [think I] have, and your several years of post-secondary education and degrees for trying to diagnose the things people have means absolutely nothing.” I mean, it’s just straight up rude. Imagine you’re a musician in a professional musician band/orchestra/whatever, and you’ve spent years studying music and music theory and learning to play your instrument(s), and you meet someone one day who says to you, “Oh, yeah, I play music too! I can play hot cross buns on the piano and read a little bit of sheet music! So I’ve got a lot of talent, and you and I are basically equals in the music industry.” Like… um, no, you aren’t. You haven’t studied music for years. You don’t understand what it actually takes to be a musician on that kind of level - working every single day for your livelihood based on your talent and years of practice. You don’t know that kind of struggle. It’s the same for doctors (there is a reason why it is called practicing medicine: because every day there are new diseases, treatments, and discoveries that you have to keep up with and learn about and how to diagnose and perform them).
Now, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t read on the internet about things you suspect you have. It is very healthy to be knowledgeable in something before you go into your appointment to discuss with your health care professional. It shows you are serious about your health and genuinely want help with whatever you are going through. If you can’t afford to go to a regular doctor for a diagnosis, there are many options, such as
Finding a local healthcare clinic in your local area. The NAFC is a great place to get started.
Reaching out to support groups online. There are many forums for many different things, a lot of good resources being on Reddit.
Reaching out to a charity that will help you get diagnosed professionally and possibly fund you for medical costs. You can find the charity that is most likely to help you with your plight on Charity Navigator - this website breaks down charities by how much of their donations is spent on their causes.
And this is just to name a few. If you need more options, seriously go to some forums and ask around about what you can do about getting a diagnosis and treatment. It’ll help immensely.
Now, I’m going to give you a small hypothetical story based on how the real world usually works and not how the ideal world works.
Sam genuinely feels like he has some form of a bipolar disorder. He researches common symptoms, and feels he has nearly all of them. This is a great relief to Sam to know that although there may be something wrong with him, he is not alone. Sam self diagnoses himself with Bipolar Disorder. Sam is fresh out of high school and is starting a part-time job as a cashier at a local grocery store to help pay for his higher education. Some days, Sam is the best worker, and he conducts his duties with flying colors. He is sometimes so hyperactive and jittery that he is able to do twice the work of someone else in his position, although there are the downfalls of not thinking straight and making mistakes upon the way - however, that doesn’t matter as much to his boss as much as it matters he is actually trying and being productive. Other days, he is slow and just trying his best to keep himself from breaking down and quitting his job altogether, deciding staying alone in his room and staring at the ceiling with no feelings or emotions. After a while of these drastic changes in work performance, Sam’s boss calls him into her office. 
Boss: “Sam, your work performance has been shaky lately. Sometimes you are the best working I have, and other times you can’t even make it through your shift and have to leave early due to ‘home life.’ I understand everyone has things going on at home, but I can’t just have you leaving in the middle of your shift once a month.” Sam: “I’m sorry ma’am. I try really hard all the time, although I have a bipolar disorder that keeps me from doing the best I can every single day. It comes in waves, ups and downs, and both states can last anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of months. I’m really sorry.” Boss: “I understand, but there is no way I can keep an employee who can’t do their job when they have depressive episodes so often. It’s not good for the company, and if you can’t perform your duties I’m going to have to ask you to find another form of employment, or I’m going to have to suspend you for a while until you can sort out your medication.” Sam: “I can’t get medication for my condition.“ Boss: “Why not?” Sam: “I haven’t been diagnosed. I can’t get the medication without a doctor’s prescription.” Boss: “Then how can I believe you actually have what you say you have?” Sam: “I’ve looked up all of the symptoms online, and have studied this mental illness that I know it forward and backward. I know I have it.” Boss: “I need you to get a diagnosis if you want me to believe you. If you have what you say you have, you obviously need medication for it. I’m going to have to ask you to turn in your nametag if you can’t provide proof”
Now Sam knows it is illegal for an employer to require proof of any illness or disability in his state, but that does NOT mean that they still won’t ask for it and possibly fire him for not furnishing lack of proof. Like many people, if Sam DOES get fired for lack of proof, finding a lawyer and getting the resources for defending his case will not only eat into his funds and time that could be spent looking for another job is extremely inconvenient and even counter-productive to his everyday life. If there IS a monetary payout from the settled court case, it would take far too long to get it to be able to live on the funds he had saved up, causing the issue of whether or not he could survive long enough to see the payout. But the point of it is - not having a confirmed illness and then blaming your actions on said illness makes the people who have the illness look bad. If you somehow DO have this illness and haven’t yet been diagnosed, there is no way for you to get help so you are able to cope with normal society.
These are common issues withing the mentally ill community. Many people go years wondering what is wrong with them and hiding their symptoms from people, and those people who need help will be taken less seriously by society because those who don’t need help will continue to blame their actions on their illnesses (I’m not saying all self diagnosed people do this, but the vast majority of those I’ve seen on Tumblr and people in real life who are on Tumblr in most of their free time tend to do that). 
I’ve found through years of experience in these communities that people who are actually diagnosed by medical professionals tend not to want to talk about their illnesses and/or disabilities. This is entirely normal. It’s normal not wanting people to know your business. How many self-made wealthy people (re: not people who have inherited a large sum of money, i.e. Trump and the “rich kids of [whatever]”) tend to brag about all the money they have? Not many. Most people keep their finances to themselves. It goes the same for those with illnesses and disabilities. Do you expect someone in a wheelchair to meet you and immediately discuss why they need a wheelchair? No. Take Annika Victoria for example. She was a YouTuber for years before she showed the world her disability. She didn’t talk about it, she didn’t whine about how hard it was to be disabled, because it didn’t really have a place in her videos. She didn’t she it as necessary to flaunt her disability to the world. And that is 100% normal. 
Now, I’m going to reiterate:
Self diagnosing is toxic because it cannot get you the treatment you may need that requires an actual diagnosis. (Ex: Got cancer? Can’t get chemo/radiation/surgery. Yes I realize this example is kind of on the extreme side, but it’s a base of principle.)
It is dangerous to the communities that have those illnesses/disorders. You can’t claim to be mentally ill and expect to be taken seriously when you use it as an excuse if you aren’t actually diagnosed with that mental illness.
Claiming you definitely have an illness and not bothering to check with a health professional is the equivalent to saying their years of practice and research is worth absolutely nothing solely because you fit with some symptoms on the internet.
Before I go, I’m going to clear up some personal stuff about me for you. I know this goes against the “it’s normal for people not to talk about their personal issues” statement I made, but I’m doing this before some social justice warrior breaks out the “Ableist!“ chant because they assume I don’t know and haven’t gone through the struggles mentioned in this post:
My name is Zoe. I typically go by Quex online because it is a name I made up that sounds like it could either belong to a boy or a girl (many people online like to judge a personal experience someone shares to them based on their gender. I would like people to assume who and what I am based on my experiences and my opinions to keep things more anonymous). I am 19 years old, I live in an apartment with my Mexican boyfriend of 6 years in the good ol’ U-S-of-A. You can find my boyfriend’s (mainly inactive) Tumblr here. 
I am chronically ill. I’ve been going to at least two doctor’s appointments every week for the last month because the doctors can’t figure out what the hell is wrong with my body (my general practitioner has an inkling that it might be postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, so she is soon referring me to a cardiologist). I cannot work because of this and will need to soon claim disability benefits or find a job that is not too demanding on my body for whatever my unknown condition is (I cannot stand for too long or I pass out. I cannot look at a screen for too long because I will get severe migraines that will cause my vision to fade). 
I was diagnosed with cyclothymia, a rare form of bipolar disorder, in 2016 (age 17).
I was diagnosed with severe depressive disorder in 2007 (age 10).
I was diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder in 2008 (age 10).
From these things, I get manic and depressive states, which can come with, but is not limited to: sleep schedule irregularities, menstrual cycle irregularities (induced by stress), hallucinations (mainly auditory, but occasionally visual), lack of enthusiasm, suicidal ideation, lack of energy, compulsiveness and lack of or severely intense emotions.
I have been admitted to psychiatric facilities three times for either attempted suicide or nervous breakdowns.
I have been through several different medications over the years, and I am currently on three: a mood regulator, an anti-anxiety and an anti-psychotic.
My family at one point could not afford a doctor to help me, and I had to rely on school counselors to help me get through my hard times (please people, if you’re in school and are having emotional troubles, please go build a relationship with your counselor - they are there to help).
I was a victim of child abuse.
I was a victim of rape.
I grew up in Alabama, where there can be far more social stigmas about illnesses (parents telling you to “get over it”).
I am recovering from anorexia/bulimia (clean since 2016).
I am recovering from self harm (clean since 2014).
I am a recovering drug addict (clean since 2014).
I often use Crisis Text Line to get through tough situations and mental states when I have no one else around who can help me.
So yes, I know what you all are going through. I do. And it fucking sucks. But that is no excuse for you to claim you have an illness without proper diagnosis, and even more so to make up excuses because of said illness(es). I don’t tend to talk about what I’ve gone through on Tumblr, because despite being a “safe space” for people with mental illness, there is still a lot of stigma and toxicity here - even more so than in real life. That, and honestly, it’s none of you guys’ goddamn business… but I’m willing to share for the sake of this post, and so hopefully someone can get help if they’re going through something. Please, if you need more resources, feel free to message me and I’ll find something for you. I will answer most questions about my experiences to a degree - some experiences I’ll share more about, others I won’t share more than what I’ve already said. I’m going to do this because I want people to know it’s okay to not be okay, and for them to get the help they need - especially because I’ve been diagnosed and know what I actually have, and what the hell my conditions are about. Please, please, if you believe you have a condition, talk to your healthcare provider. If you’re having trouble being able to do so, refer to my resources near the top of this post. There is no shame in asking for help, and that includes asking for help to be able to get help.
Thank you all, and have a wonderful day.
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sunsetsover · 3 years
Thoughts on some of the asks you've had recently!!
1. I think outside of Stan Tumblr and Twitter where there is anti-Whitney sentiment from some corners, Callum is likely being viewed with a lot of sympathy right now. Part of this is because he's nice and likeable, showing sympathetic symptoms etc. And part bc he's a former soldier w named PTSD... like I don't think I need to elaborate on why people accept that particular narrative more easily!!
2. Like anon I also appreciate that you shared your thoughts on Ben having BPD and how we can view his character through that. I also know someone on Twitter has put forward a good case for Ben having cPTSD which I think fits too (and it's not like he can't have just one lol)
3. Having said that if the EE writers so much as touch on Ben having cPTSD I predict Stan Twitter might just implode w rage bc it's "Callum's Thing" and "Ben shouldn't have an excuse for his actions" 🥴 And again tying into making it a competition, but also Callum being a recognisable face of PTSD as a soldier/police who can be sympathised w vs Ben who... isn't that lmao. I doubt it'll ever happen bc I'm not sure the writers/audience are ready to confront PTSD caused by childhood trauma and an unsympathetic person living w it, especially when it implicates Phil whose like the face of the show lmao
4. I'm looking at a lot of this rn w interest because it really does epitomise the acceptable vs unacceptable mental illness, what trauma is recognised and amed and what isn't, which actions are viewed as forgivable vs which actions label you a Bad Person.
5. I think this discourse (lol) is a bit different to Isaac's story bc the Callum/Ben conversations are more about reactions to two characters and how their mh is received and treated by fans and the writers and how the very fact Callum has named PTSD says a lot abt certain sterotypes/attitudes. Whereas Isaac's story is ongoing and will deliberately seek to challenge similar stereotypes by using other characters as mouthpieces for different stereotyped views of his illness. Idk does that make sense? The Ballum stuff is a discussion that sits v much outside of the canon writing as a critique if how and why characters get certain labels and stories, while Isaac's is a canon issue led story??
6. I could write an Essay about how reactions to Ben tie into attitudes toward offenders and the criminal justice system, rehabilitation etc but... maybe another day lmao
bro how u send me all this i swear they have a character limit on asks 😭 i love it tho lemme go thru it point by point like u did
1. idk how it didn't dawn on me that the sympathy for callum coming from the gp would be bc he's a soldier... like idk how that didn't occur to me.... even when that other anon talked abt the acceptable face of ptsd i thought yeah people know ptsd mainly bc of soldiers but like... idk i just Forgot how a certain demographic of ppl who consider soliders and police the Pinnacle of humanity so ofc they'd be sympathetic and understanding..... idk HOW i didn't think of that but thank you for bringing that up to me omg
2. it's actually crazy that u bring that up bc me and vikki @permetstu were just talking abt this the other day bc i was surprised at how many overlapping symptoms there are between bpd and ptsd and so i googled it and found that actually bpd and cptsd are pretty commonly confused as each other BECAUSE of the overlap in symptoms !!!! but you're dead on, they can and often do co-occur bc both ptsd and bpd are rooted in trauma. i personally still would lean towards bpd for ben over cptsd bc of his abandonment issues which seem (from a quick google tbf so it's not like im an expert lmao) to occur in bpd but not in cptsd. but like i said im not an expert and they can co-exist !! i just think it's very interesting how other ppl are spotting the same things and talking abt a diagnosis that is so commonly misdiagnosed as bpd and vice versa. like at least i know im not imagining it lmao !!!
3 + 4. sadly i think you're right lmao that's exactly what i meant when i was talking abt there being an outcry if there was ever to be a bpd diagnosis for ben bc he's 'bad rep' bc of the things he's done. in that post i was talking abt bpd exclusively but you could apply that to any mental illness and you'd get ppl saying that they're excusing his behaviour instead of explaining it. ppl don't want explanations for someone's 'bad' i.e. outward behaviour/actions, not in characters and not in real life. ppl are more sympathetic to ppl who internalize their symptoms and/or have symptoms that don't really affect others, and i think that's another reason why ppl sympathise w callum more. i think it just comes down to ppl not wanting to understand the complexities of mental illness bc it's just easier to pass those behaviours off as personal issues/failure, someone's personality, someone being 'bad' etc etc u know? whereas something like ptsd fits a lot nicer into a box. for an outsider, it's less complicated, esp in someone like callum. callum saw/experienced bad things in the army, now he has this trigger that makes him act out a little bit. if you look at it in it's barest terms, it's a very defined cause and effect that is easy to understand. obviously it's not that simple, but that's how ppl view it. most mental illnesses don't have that very clear cause and effect, and therefore it's, for some reason, incredibly hard for ppl to wrap their head around. even if you were to say ben had ptsd too, it'd still be difficult for ppl bc what he's been thru 'isn't as bad' as what callum has, so what do you mean he's traumatised ?? like honestly there is a problem with how we all collectively view trauma. even when i first started having counselling and ppl were tellind me 'this thing traumatised u' i'm like ??? that's not Trauma tho. but trauma doesn't have to mean something horrific or violent. there is no threshold for trauma and it hurts all of us to have one. if smth fuck u up, it fucked u up. just bc u weren't in a warzone or physically abused in some way doesn't mean you can't still be traumatised, and i think that's a difficult pill for ppl to swallow.
5. when i said that i didn't mean to compare their storylines, i just kind of meant look at the reactions (both on screen and off) to callum's symptoms vs ben's vs isaac's. they're all mentally ill (as far as i'm concerned lmao) but you've got someone who's very easily sympathised with vs someone who is unsympathetic bc of his behaviour vs someone who is unsympathetic bc they're 'scary' or 'crazy'. it comes back the same issues of how obvious is the cause and effect and how sympathetic are their symptoms. but yeah, i agree isaac's sl is completely different for all the reasons you said but also the conversation of (mis)diagnosis in poc for these types of things and also medicating these types of illnesses but that's a whole other conversation but yh lmao i was purely just comparing different reactions to different illnesses and presentations of those illnesses, that's all !
6. i do not know enough abt this particular topic to have an Opinion but i do know enough to know you're right and that you for bringing this up to me bc it will def be smth for me to consider moving forward !!!
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If anyone ever finds this, the following mentions suicide. Please take care of yourself. This is my recount of discovering that Ante’s many attempts at suicide finally were successful.
It has been 6 days since Ante Meridian, who went by Yashka Ante Meridian, died by suicide. Since this is my personal blog and I do not tag this for anyone to find, more importantly I don’t want anyone to find this blog in the first place, I will recount everything I know since that day.
It was 7:30 PM on July 15th. I was just getting in my car to go to the gym after a several hours of homework. Earlier that day I had an argument with my roommate, Emily, about her being reckless and going to a place infested with COVID-19... So I did not pick up the call from an “Emily” at 3:30 earlier that afternoon. 
Hailey, one of Ante’s friends and my own, messaged me on Snapchat. “Hey do you know anyone in Ellensburg or CWU?”
I replied, “Yeah why, did something happen?”
Without warning... Hailey told me the blunt truth. “Ante committed suicide earlier today.”
I felt my heart drop, and panic set in. This wasn’t the first time I’ve run into Ante being extremely mentally ill and threatening and/or attempting suicide. But this is the first time someone else told me about this... About them. I didn’t think that one day, they would be successful. 
I called Hailey, panicked. It was a rumor spreading among friends- that it was confirmed Ante had committed suicide. I ran over to their house which was only down the street. I called the number posted at their door; a roommate had left it.
The roommate confirmed this is true.
I went home and sat in my car, crying my eyes out. I called everyone I knew: Helena, Danny, my parents... It’s ironic, because 4 days prior, the last conversation I would ever have with Ante was about asserting a boundary with talking to my mom. It was about how they shouldn’t talk to my parents if they aren’t talking to me. I didn’t know that was the last conversation I would have with them. Now my mom keeps talking about how Ante posted a comment on her wall... And I don’t have the ability to tell her that I told them not to talk to her... Because I feel like my parents would blame me for their suicide. 
(For the record: I don’t regret asserting my boundary, which was important. I regret that that’s the last thing we had ever talked about).
I cried on and off that entire day. I cried on my way back to the west side, where currently I reside. I did not sleep a single hour that night. Even now I’m paranoid that their soul is watching me. Strange.
The days that followed were nothing like I was used to. Grief is funny that way. I was nauseated and didn’t want to eat much. I’m still experiencing bouts of nausea. I’ve been sleeping non-stop, and even after I wake up I’m still exhausted. The first two days after they died, I acted as a temporary liaison between Ante’s family and the roommates, as the roommates were struggling very much... And I also planned a vigil for the 25th. I even visited Emily- which brings me back to, I missed the original call Emily had sent me, at 3:30 that day. My roommate and their grandmother shared the same name, so I didn’t pick up that important call. I would’ve known sooner.
At first I tried to remain productive because that’s all I ever know. Throw myself into something when something traumatic is happening. But the days after really showed how it took a toll on me. It still is. I don’t really think they’re gone. I haven’t processed they’re gone, even though I read the police report given to me by Amanda, their cousin. I feel as if my brain is struggling to accept it’s real. At first I dissociated hardcore for days on end, and tried to snap myself out of it by seeking suicide-related stuff (DDLC Sayori, Aokigahara Forest etc) and researching the terminology behind their death in the police report. Purposefully trying to trigger myself just to feel something. I still can’t tell if what I did in response- the extreme need to look at violence- was a response to stopping my dissociation, as I wanted to accept what happened, or if it was self-destructive. Maybe both.
The scary part is I don’t feel much of anything when I look at suicide stuff now. That’s probably an indicator I’m still dissociating. Usually that content is highly triggering.
Max stayed with me a couple of nights, but right now he might be positive of COVID-19 due to contact with a small outbreak in his store. He’s not displaying symptoms and neither am I so that’s good, but he got tested yesterday so we’ll see in 3-5 days. 
I feel as if I’m one of the rare people who knows how they died. Reading that police report would stop my imagination from seeing the worst, that’s why I asked for it from Amanda. They hung themselves via a belt in the backyard from a branch. The roommates didn’t even find them- somehow, a small fire had begun on the back deck, which alerted the firefighters to drop by. That’s how they were found. They had to wake up the roommate after it all had happened. Ante was already long gone by the time firefighters had gotten there. 
There was a suicide note. It was surprisingly short. That’s how you know Ante’s attempted this several times, aside from the fact I know they’ve attempted a couple of times and written several suicide notes before. I think they thought they wouldn’t be successful again, and that’s why it was so short. 
“I have found a lot of comfort in the color orange. A sunset. A glowing cigarette. I loved this world but cannot continue. My name was Yashka Ante Meridian.” Signed and dated. 
I don’t know what else to say, other than grieving when you saw this coming (due to years of experience of knowing them, knowing they had BPD, bipolar and schizophrenia/psychosis) & grieving when you are already traumatized is so different. Everyone else easily weeps. I weep day in, day out, especially on walks listening to music... But this is so much more complicated, because of our previous relationship. Even their family confirmed that they felt that one day, this would happen. 
I spent 4 years of our relationship trying to get them to be better. They did try- psychiatrists, counselors, meds, other coping strategies- but when you have that horrid cocktail of mental problems, sometimes it isn’t enough. 
Do I think they’re weak? Partially, in all honesty. A part of me knows they’ve always wanted this peace, that they’ve always wanted to be dead for years. I also know they suffered for so long, and this may have been their only way of relief. But if I imagine myself talking to them (I do often), I am often mad. In a matter-of-fact way, with no pity or longing. I am mad that they caused this so much pain for others. I am mad that I feel like they wouldn’t understand that because we hadn’t talked much, that didn’t mean I didn’t care. I am angry that it’s possible they thought I wouldn’t grieve so much. 
My dad said that suicide was the most selfish act. All I can think to myself is, it’s so selfish to not understand someone like I do, and judge them solely on how they affected others. Not a lot of people understood just how much Ante had suffered, but I did, I always did. I can’t really forgive my father for saying that, because he doesn’t realize that this might have been the only way for Ante to feel relief.
All I can do from this point onward is take it one day at a time. Today was the first day I actually did my school work.
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sunsetsover · 3 years
Would you ever want EE to do a proper mental health storyline for Ben, or would you be concerned they'd make a mess of it?
I say "proper" not to dismiss everything that's already happened but more... he's obviously got a mental illness but the characters and writing don't really acknowledge it properly, it's more an unnamed Thing that causes angst and drama and is just like... oh man, there'sBen being unreasonable and crazy again! Whew he tried to kill his dad and had a breakdown but anyways!!! As fans we can say this that and the other is subtext but it would be cool to have a story where he/his family and friends - and the audience - actually have to acknowledge it as something more than Just Ben Kicking Off, Again, or Daddy Issues, Again.
i def wouldn’t be opposed to it !! i mean i’ve been saying ben has bpd since i first started watching again 2019 and i still firmly stand by that lmao and to be perfectly honest i’m not NEARLY as critical of ee’s handling of delicate storylines as a lot of ppl online like tbh i think they’ve done a decent job of all the difficult sls they’ve had recently (except chantelle/gray’s but even then (controversial opinion incoming !) i think for as much of a piece of shit gray is he’s a really interesting character and in a sick kind of way i like his scenes bc the actor is really good at playing an absolutely despicable bastard so in a weird way i get why they’d milk him for all his worth but that’s another can of beans lmao) like i think bobby’s mental health sls were handled well (apart from the fact his ocd sl kind of disappeared but that’s not an issue w the sl itself) and so far imo they’ve done a p great job w isaac’s mh sl so i’m not one of those ppl who are like ‘omg no more serious/difficult sls the show isn’t good at them !!!’
if they were to do it it’d have to be some point in the future i mean w callum’s ptsd sl basically confirmed they’d have to kind of play that out and then give it a rest for a little while so maybe in a couple of years?? and imo if they were to give ben a mental health sl they’d have to have some big trigger/episode happen to kind of bring up the issue again bc like u said it’s kind of like swept under the rug for a lot of characters as ben being ben and plus aside from in the aftermath of the boat stuff last year he’s been fairly stable since he’s been w callum so you’d need some kind of catalyst to send him off the rails again for it to become an Actual Conversation. and if callum started seeing some more professionals long term for his ptsd it would make sense for him to maybe be more likely to call out issues as he sees them?? if that makes sense ??
(as for an actual bpd sl i wouldn’t be opposed to that either i mean i feel like more ppl need to know what bpd is/what it entails just in general plus all of the ground work is literally right there and has been since ben’s childhood like imo you could not get a better diagnosis for ben than bpd but that’s just me !! but on the flip side i know a lot of ppl would probably be super critical of it a) bc of ben’s past actions/behaviours w crime and his manipulation and stuff and ppl w bpd get a bad rep for manipulation anyway but i personally am all for bad/imperfect rep plus imo it would help explain some of that behaviour and b) bpd is so kind of unknown?? niche in a way ?? and like there SO many different experiences w the same disorder that there are bound to be ppl complaining abt how it’s inaccurate or whatever ?? like i’d get why the ee team would be like ‘not worth the aggro lmao x’ but like i said imo if they WERE to go that way w ben’s character there’s no better diagnosis for him than bpd so ..... and i know you didn’t ask abt this specifically but if they were to go this way this is what i would want lmao)
idk i guess a mental health sl for ben is not smth i desperately want bc in my heart him having bpd is canon as far as i’m concerned but at the same time it’s definitely not smth i’d be opposed to if ben’s mental health issues became a serious problem again u know??? like it would be really nice to be like ‘ben’s not causing this problems just for the fuck of it, there’s a reason and this is it’ but at the same time i get why as a show they might not wanna do that so ??? idk i’m not particularly bothered one way or the other bc like i said in my heart me and him are bpd twins so !!!
the ONLY reason i'd be apprehensive is bc of audience reaction. like nbf people's reactions to ben's actions last year when he was so clearly going thru a crisis were so ugly and genuinely difficult to read as a mentally ill person and i haven't forgotten or forgiven that plus seeing how ppl are already reacting to callum actually showing symptoms of his ptsd and being Obviously Mentally Ill the exact same way and it's already tiring and UGLY like honestly ??? the majority of ppl in this fandom aren't mature enough and don't have the critical thinking skills needed for such a serious sl for ben and/or callum. they didn't during callum's struggle w him coming out (it wasn't as bad then but i promise it was still there) they didn't during ben's deafness sl/his breakdown in the aftermath of that and they are already showing that they're gonna be the same during callum's ptsd sl. and it's irking bc it's like.... ben and callum are BOTH victims of traumatic childhoods and abuse and are BOTH pretty obviously dealing with mental health issues bc of the shit they've been thru but the minute they actually show symptoms or act in a way that is clearly bc of trauma and/or mental illness it's literally like the world is ending on here n the characters are being ruined and their relationship is being ruined etc and don't even get me started on the way they talk abt these symptoms completely ignoring the fact that these are actual real life symptoms of real life illnesses that affect real life ppl..... the way ppl used to talk abt ben struggling to cope w his disability used to COMPLETELY fuck w my head as someone who used to do similar things while i struggled w my disability .... aha ....
but that's neither here nor there lmao the point is it's not the show i don't trust to do a decent job it's the audience's ability to handle it for what mental illness actually entails (aka the difficult/ugly symptoms) while not be complete dicks about it or making it abt ballum. but at the same time i wouldn't be opposed to a mental health sl for ben at all !!! i'd probably just hope it's not anytime in the next year or so and then disappear off the internet while it plays out lmao
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