#polish solidarity movement
thisnoisemademe · 6 months
All is quiet on New Year’s Day.
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djfrancuz · 2 months
U2 - Hussars Dub #historicalbattles #polishhistory @La-Musique @Positi...
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dmitriene · 10 months
— icebound tale.
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᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌  ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌  ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ «it's just you and me now» ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌  ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌  ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ «it's just you and me now»
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summary: against the backdrop of the exciting world of figure skating, your eyes are drawn to a charismatic figure skater who is ready to offer you his helping hand. content: figure skater re4 leon kennedy x gn reader tags: fluff, comfort, little of a self doubt and anxiety, teasing, flirting and just nice time with leon. author's note: hello!! i'm back with some leon fic that was incpired by the awesome au artwork that belong to @eerizon and her art is fully describing how leon looks like in the fic, so hoping you'll like this writing! enjoy your reading) ⛸️
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The ice rink existed in a unique combination of emotions where the strongest desire and the greatest fear converged in a whirlwind of conflicting sensations.
As you stood at the edge of the ice rink, your chest felt like it was being held in a vice, a feeling that mirrored the tug of war between two sides in your heart.
The desire to be on the ice was an all consuming pain, a longing that had long been imprinted in your soul, it was a passion that awakened in you from a young age, a love for figure skating that blossomed against the backdrop of countless hours of training and dedication, it became part of your personality, a dream — which nourished your every waking moment.
However, this desire was paradoxically combined with a gripping fear, the ice under your skates symbolizing not only your dreams, but also your potential fall, the thought that you would look disgraceful, lose your balance and fall in front of watchful spectators and comrades in figure skating — was a nightmare that haunted you every step of the way.
As you entered the rink you were greeted by an intense cold that seemed to seep into your bones, the air was crisp and sharp, reminding you of the unforgiving nature of the ice, the dull design of the rink, its muted colors and polished surface stood in stark contrast to the turbulent emotions bubbling within you.
With shaking hands, you changed into your ice skating outfit, the fabric clinging to your skin as if to express solidarity with your anxiety, every piece of clothing you put on was a barrier between you and the impending test, a way to shield yourself from the vulnerability that skating required. skates.
Despite your familiarity with the skating rink, this place where you had spent countless hours practicing and perfecting your skills, an uneasy uncertainty gnawed at you. It was a persistent doubt whispering in the back of your mind, taunting you with the possibility of failure, it made you press against the wall as soon as you stepped on the ice, seeking the momentary comfort of its solid presence.
Before you lay a realm of thin ice — a vast expanse of opportunity and danger, the frozen surface was both your canvas and your battlefield, a place where dreams could come true or be shattered, the reflections of the bright lights of the skating rink danced on the surface of the ice, creating a dazzling spectacle that was simultaneously mesmerizing and scared.
As you stood against the wall, your fingers gripping the cold metal barrier, you watched the other skaters glide effortlessly across the ice, their movements a testament to their skill and confidence, every graceful spin and leap seeming to mock your own insecurities.
But amidst the whirlwind of emotions, there was a glimmer of hope, the fact that you were here — on the ice, was a triumph in itself, it was a testament to your determination to conquer your fears and fulfill your deepest desires, the path ahead may not be easy, but you have finally made your first uncertain steps towards your dream.
As you stood against the wall, your eyes scanned the expanse of the rink, trying to calm the nerves pulsing through your veins, the atmosphere was electric with anticipation, a palpable energy hung in the air like a gentle frost, the bright artificial lights of the rink illuminated every inch of the frozen surface, bathing the arena in a pristine glow.
Amidst this sea of anticipation, your gaze suddenly fell on him.
He was a young man, the epitome of grace and fluidity as he cut through the ice with every elegant movement, his very presence seemed to capture the attention of everyone on the rink, his performance becoming an enchanting dance unfolding before your eyes.
His every movement was poetry in motion, with every graceful movement of his skates he drew intricate patterns on the frozen canvas beneath him, the ice bending to his will and he danced on it with a grace that was nothing short of mesmerizing, and his pirouettes were like a whirlwind of elegance, a breathtaking display of skill that was awe inspiring.
Your own efforts at figure skating faded into the background as you stared at him, the world around you dissolving into a hazy haze.
His blue eyes — expressive and deep, were in harmony with the shade of his bluish turtleneck, which reflected the cold, serene tones of ice, they were like sapphires that sparkled in the cold light, deep and piercing, as if reflecting the ice under his feet, attracting with their magnetic charm, his eyes showed determination, a fiery passion that burned inside him as he executed every maneuver with precision.
His light mop of soft, tanned blond hair framed his face in a mesmerizing halo, bouncing with every spin and adding an extra layer of dynamism to his already charming presence, stray strands of hair brushing his cheeks as if nature itself had conspired to enhance his beauty.
Every pirouette was a masterpiece, every jump a display of athleticism and artistry, his skates whispering across the ice, creating a symphony of sounds that echoed throughout the rink, every movement executed with a flawless combination of strength and grace, as if he and the ice were one.
It was impossible to take your eyes off this charming skater, time seemed to stand still and the world around faded into the background, at that moment there was only him — the embodiment of everything you admired in figure skating.
The murmur of admiration and awe in the room became a distant echo as you continued to watch him, his performance a testament to the true beauty of this sport, a reminder of why you fell in love with him in the first place, and as you stood there, captivated by his artistry, you you couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of inspiration and determination rising within you.
As you stood there, captivated by the young man's mesmerizing performance on the ice, suddenly a feeling of unease came over you, as if his every move drew attention to your presence, you couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth to your cheeks and instinctively looked away, your eyes were now drawn to shining ice under your feet.
Unbeknownst to you, he sensed your attention and effortlessly changed his course, heading towards you with the grace of a swan gliding through the water, his final spin bringing him to a stop in front of you, the soft scrape of his skates on the ice announcing his arrival.
He gave you a bright, disarming smile, a smile that radiated warmth and friendliness, that smile made your heart flutter and your cheeks turned an even deeper shade of crimson, his blue eyes sparkling with amusement as he greeted you with a soft — «Hello?»
Your eyes darted back to him, unable to resist the magnetic pull of his presence, you managed to smile back shyly but found it hard to hold his gaze for long, your hands fidgeting nervously at your sides as you struggled to find words.
Before you had a chance to recover, he spoke in a soft and reassuring voice — «Is everything alright? You looked a little confused, do you need help?» his concern was genuine and it only made you more nervous.
You looked away shyly, the anxiety in your chest increasing — «I… I don't want to burden you» you muttered, your voice barely audible over the quiet hum of the rink's refrigeration system.
But he seemed unfazed by your hesitation, with a gentle chuckle he reached out and took your hand, his touch warm against the cold of the rink, his fingers curling around yours in a reassuring way, causing a tingle in your arm.
— «You're not a burden at all» he answered in a carefree and friendly tone — «We're all here to support each other, right? In addition, i like to help beginners find their footing on the ice»
His words were like a lifeline, easing the tension coiled inside you, you finally mustered up the courage to meet his gaze once more and couldn’t help but smile at the kindness and warmth that radiated from him.
Still holding your hand tenderly, he took a step closer, closing the distance between you, his presence a comforting anchor in the midst of your nervousness.
With a friendly smile that seemed to light up the entire skating rink, he said — «By the way, I'm Leon, nice to meet you» his words were like a sudden warm hug, that calmed you despite your initial nerves.
Before you could answer, he happily took your other hand, his touch sent a wave of warmth through your body, his fingers intertwined with yours, his touch soothing, and he gently pulled your hand, pulling you closer to him and making you step forward, your heart was pounding as you felt yourself getting closer to this charismatic stranger.
The sudden movement made you stutter, the words stuck in your throat, panic briefly taking hold of you as you realized that you were now dangerously close to him, in your agitated state you instinctively grabbed his shoulders, fearing that you might have caused him discomfort.
But when you finally found the courage to look up and meet his gaze, you saw a sight that eased your worries.
Leon smiled, his blue eyes full of warmth and fun, his shoulders moving with a soft, melodious laugh, a sound like music in the fresh air of an ice skating rink.
In a playful, flirtatious manner he joked — «Don't worry, it's okay, besides, you have a good grip there» his voice was soothing and you couldn’t help but laugh at his light-hearted comment.
As his laughter died down, he leaned in slightly, his face just inches from yours, a mischievous glint in his gaze as he said — «Now that we are properly familiar, how about starting with skating lessons? I promise i'm a great teacher» his words were accompanied by a charming wink that made your heart flutter.
You nodded hesitantly, your cheeks still flushed from your earlier embarrassment but now with a tinge of excitement, his confidence was contagious and you wanted to learn from the man who exuded such charisma and skill.
At this, Leon gave you another brilliant smile and began to lead you across the ice, his hand in yours as you followed his lead, your skates gliding smoother by the moment.
As you both moved together across the shiny surface of the rink, you couldn't help but smile, the fear and uncertainty that had gripped you earlier gave way to a newfound confidence and thirst for adventure, at that moment the ice was no longer your greatest fear, but a canvas for your dreams, and Leon was not just a stranger, but a partner in the dance that had just begun.
Minutes turned into hours and you and Leon were lost in the charm of skating together, the atmosphere around you turning from one of nervous uncertainty to one of camaraderie and joy, your skates gliding gracefully across the ice as you chatted and laughed as if you'd known each other for years.
With each passing moment, the initial awkwardness dissipated, giving way to a sense of connection that extended beyond the rink, you shared stories, aspirations and anecdotes, your laughter echoing through the frosty air, the world around you faded into the background as you focused on the delightful conversation and the joy of the ice under with your feet.
However, fate had a playful twist in store for both of you.
While you were skating side by side, engrossed in conversation, you accidentally lost your balance and the next thing you knew, you were falling straight onto Leon, the impact was sudden and you both fell onto the ice, caught taken by surprise.
For a moment you both looked at each other through your tousled hair, frozen in surprise, and then Leon bursted into a burst of laughter, his laugh was infectious, filling the rink as he threw back his head and laughed heartily.
His laugh caught you off guard and you couldn't help but blush, your cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson as you flashed a shy smile and held your breath as you tried to regain your composure.
Leon, still sitting on the ice and looking at you through his bangs, tilted his head to one side with a mischievous gleam in his eyes and suddenly asked playfully — «I'm so beautiful that you're holding your breath?» his words were spoken with a charming smile that created a playful spark between you two.
You giggled nervously and replied — «Maybe quite a bit» your words were accompanied by a gentle look that spoke volumes about the connection you felt with this charismatic blonde.
With that, you both stood up, Leon holding out his hand to help you to your feet.
With his help, you both rose from the ice, your hearts still glowing from your shared laughter, you resumed skating, your movements now accompanied by a feeling of intimacy and comfort, the lights of the skating rink overhead creating a mesmerizing backdrop for the evening.
A couple of hours later, when the sun began to set, filling the skating rink with a warm golden hue, you realized that it was time for both of you to go your separate ways, when suddenly Leon, with a playful smile, reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper with a phone number written on it.
— «Here» he said, handing you the paper — «If you ever want to skate again or just chat, give me a call, it was great to meet you today»
You took a piece of paper, your heart was pounding with excitement as you smiled back at him and replied — «I'd love to skate with you again, thank you Leon, it was an unforgettable day»
With a wave and a promise to stay in touch, you and Leon reluctantly parted ways, but the memories of that day on the ice, filled with laughter, shared falls, and the promise of new beginnings, lingered in the atmosphere, leaving you with a feeling of joy and anticipation for future meetings.
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[ taglist: @roseglazedlens, @sporeghost, @scar-crossedlvrs, @daydreamrot, @valsthea ] dm me if you want to be tagged in my works or open my taglist.
© dmitriene - my masterlist or ao3 please, don't copy my works as your own, and if you want to post them somewhere else - contact me. reblogs, likes and comments are very much appreciated, thank you for reading! ♡
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iwoll · 2 months
The Intersectionality of Queer Identity & Punk Rock
A Zine?
Yes, zine! Zines are like little pockets of subculture just waiting to be discovered. For me, they've been a constant source of fascination since my middle school emo days, when I first read Perks of Being a Wallflower. It was like finding a secret language, a way to express myself outside the mainstream. The Rocky Horror Picture Show and alternative music were my jam back then (and still are!) and discovering that zines could blend both worlds was utterly mind-blowing. 
I delved deep into zine archives, soaking up inspiration from creators who came before me. I researched tirelessly, learning the ins and outs of zine-making, and honing my writing skills for the chance to contribute my own voice to this brilliant community. Suddenly, I had this platform where I could talk about everything I loved in one place. It wasn't just about sharing passions; it was about connecting with others who felt the same way, building a community of like-minded souls bound together by ink and paper. It was liberating!
Why did I choose this mode?
As stated before, zines bring together important conversations that people are passionate about. I am pulling from Perks of Being a Wallflower in the sense that I am bridging two concepts that are very close to my heart. As an as a self-described alternative queer man, I believe it is very important to remember where we came from, who came before us. This zine serves as an homage to the queer/alternative voices that came before me; however, this is not just for other queer or alternative individuals. This is for everyone. Regardless of politics, identity, or location, this zine is for you.
Where does Zine culture come from?
Zine culture, with its raw, unfiltered expression and grassroots ethos, finds its roots intertwined with the rise of punk music in the mid-1970s but can be traced all the way back to the early 1930s. Emerging as a response to the commercialization and homogenization of mainstream media, zines served as DIY platforms for individuals to share their thoughts, ideas, and creations in a tangible, accessible format.[x]
The DIY ethos embedded within zine culture finds its parallel in the punk movement. While previous musical genres such as skiffle and rock and roll also embraced DIY elements, it was punk that elevated the concept to a central tenet of its cultural and musical identity.[x] Punk rejected the polished, corporate-driven sound of mainstream music in favor of a raw, do-it-yourself approach that prioritized authenticity and individuality over commercial success.
In the face of state intervention and commercialization within the music industry, participants in alternative music scenes often embraced DIY as a form of resistance. By creating and disseminating their own zines, bands, artists, and activists asserted their independence from mainstream institutions and asserted their right to self-expression. This resistance was not merely a rejection of external forces but also a reclaiming of cultural autonomy and a celebration of DIY values.
Zine culture, therefore, emerges as a direct response to the limitations and shortcomings of mainstream media and culture. It represents a space where creativity knows no bounds, where voices that are often marginalized or silenced can find resonance and solidarity. In its simplicity and accessibility, zine culture embodies the spirit of punk's DIY ethic, offering a platform for self-expression and community-building that continues to thrive and evolve in the digital age.
Why are zines important?
Zines are vital conduits for self-expression, community building, and the preservation of alternative voices. Rooted in a rich history of resistance and creativity, zines offer a platform for individuals to share their thoughts, ideas, and creations outside the constraints of mainstream media. Emerging as a response to the homogenization and commercialization of traditional publishing, zines embody a rebellious spirit that champions authenticity and individuality.
Unlike glossy, corporate publications, zines are often cheaply made and readily accessible, democratizing the process of expression and inviting participation from individuals of all backgrounds. This accessibility not only empowers creators to share their stories but also fosters a sense of connection and camaraderie among like-minded individuals who share common interests and passions.
At its core, zine culture is about more than just printing; it's about building community and amplifying marginalized voices. By creating and sharing zines, creators forge connections with readers, sparking conversations and collaborations that transcend geographical boundaries. Zines serve as historical and cultural artifacts, documenting the experiences and perspectives of diverse communities, ensuring that alternative narratives are preserved and celebrated. In a world where mainstream media often overlooks or silences marginalized voices, zines offer a space for these voices to be heard, valued, and embraced.
The Basics
A subculture refers to a distinct group within a larger society that shares a set of beliefs, values, practices, and interests that deviate from mainstream culture. Subcultures are born out of a variety of social, cultural, and historical factors, often as a response to the perceived limitations or inadequacies of mainstream society. Dissatisfaction with societal norms and values can lead individuals or groups to seek out alternative spaces where they can express themselves authentically and find like-minded peers.
Subcultural groups often draw inspiration from existing cultural forms, such as music, fashion, art, and literature, which they reinterpret and repurpose to reflect their own distinct identities and sensibilities. This process of reclamation allows subcultures to create new meanings and symbols that resonate with their members, contributing to the evolution and diversification of subcultural identities.
Why punk?
In "Visual Vitriol" by David A. Ensminger, the author encapsulates the essence of punk rock as a refuge for those seeking a space to express themselves authentically. He reflects on the allure of punk, suggesting that many are drawn to it for the opportunity it provides to embrace a queer or unconventional identity comfortably. The quote from "INSIDE FRONT #13" captures this sentiment, highlighting punk as a haven for those who feel alienated from mainstream culture, offering a platform for self-expression without judgment.
Ensminger also acknowledges the significant influence of the LGBTQ+ community within punk. He asserts that "Gays shaped both the looks typifying punk and the history of punk music," recognizing the pivotal role of LGBTQ+ individuals in defining punk's aesthetic and its evolution as a cultural movement. This acknowledgment underscores the profound impact of queer individuals on the visual and musical elements that have become synonymous with punk. In essence, Ensminger's summary portrays punk not only as a musical genre but also as a cultural space shaped by and for those who seek to challenge societal norms and celebrate their identities openly.[x]
Punk 101
Punk rock emerged in the mid-1970s as a raw, energetic, and rebellious response to the perceived stagnation and commercialization of mainstream rock music. Its roots can be traced back to earlier musical movements such as garage rock, protopunk, and glam rock, which laid the groundwork for the aggressive, stripped-down sound that would later define punk. Bands like The Velvet Underground, The Stooges, MC5, and New York Dolls contributed to the development of this new musical aesthetic, characterized by its simplicity, urgency, and confrontational lyrics.
The early punk scene in New York City, centered around clubs like CBGB and Max's Kansas City, saw the emergence of pioneering bands like Ramones, Blondie, Talking Heads, and Patti Smith. These artists rejected the polished, virtuosic style of mainstream rock in favor of a do-it-yourself (DIY) ethos and a more direct, unfiltered approach to music. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, a parallel punk movement was taking shape in the United Kingdom, spearheaded by bands like Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Damned, and Buzzcocks. Fuelled by a sense of disillusionment with the social and political climate of the time, UK punk bands captured the attention of disaffected youth with their raw energy and provocative lyrics.
Ensminger’s analysis that highlights the significant influence of the LGBTQ+ community within punk, recognizing their pivotal role in shaping the genre's aesthetic and cultural evolution. Punk provided a refuge for those seeking to express themselves authentically, including queer and unconventional identities. This acknowledgment underscores punk's broader significance as not just a musical genre but a cultural space where individuals could challenge societal norms and celebrate their identities openly.
Punk rock had a profound impact on music, fashion, and culture at large. Its influence can be seen in subsequent genres like hardcore punk, post-punk, and alternative rock. Punk's DIY ethic and spirit of rebellion continue to inspire artists and activists around the world, reminding us of the power of music to challenge the status quo and amplify marginalized voices.
What about Riot Grrl?
Isaacson's analysis reveals Riot Grrrl's enduring legacy of empowerment and activism, demonstrating how its in-fluence resonated across subsequent generations of punk and Queercore artists. Riot Grrrl's ethos of self-expression and collective action inspired a new wave of feminist and queer activism within punk and beyond, shaping the cultural landscape and providing a voice for marginalized communities.
The problematic past of punk history
The problematic past of punk, as explored in "Cultural Criminology" by Jeff Ferrell and Clinton R. Sanders, sheds light on the complex relationship between subcultures, societal norms, and the criminal justice system. While punk emerged as a form of resistance against societal constraints, it also harbored elements of extremism and prejudice, particularly evident in its association with neo-Nazi skinheads.[“Subculture, Style, and Crime.” Cultural Criminology, 1995]
The evolution of punk, like many other musical genres, began as a grassroots expression of resistance by marginalized groups within the political-economic system. Ferrell and Sanders emphasize that punk's origins lie in the struggles of young people with limited resources, echoing a sentiment of rebellion against societal oppression. However, as punk gained mainstream attention, certain factions within the subculture, such as neo-Nazi skinheads, emerged, espousing inflammatory and prejudiced ideologies.
Moreover, Ferrell and Sanders note the paradoxical nature of punk's evolution, where expressions of resistance can become sanitized and marketable to mainstream audiences over time. While punk initially served as a platform for marginalized voices to challenge societal norms, its commodification and mainstream success have sometimes diluted its original rebellious spirit.
What is “Queercore?”
Viva la resistance!
"Queercore: How to Punk a Revolution," directed by Yony Leyser and featuring performances by notable figures such as John Waters, Kim Gordon, and Bruce La Bruce, is a documentary that delves into the history and ethos of the Queercore movement. Released in 2017, the film provides a comprehensive look at this subculture that emerged within the punk rock scene as a form of queer ex-pression and resistance. [Leyser, Yony, director. Queercore: How to Punk a Revolution. Totho Productions, 2017]
The documentary explores how Queercore arose in the 1980s as a response to the lack of representation and visibility of LGBTQ+ individuals within both mainstream society and the punk scene itself. It showcases interviews with key figures who were instrumental in shaping Queercore, shedding light on their motivations, struggles, and achievements. Through their stories, the film captures the spirit of defiance and creativity that defined Queercore, challenging societal norms and advocating for queer liberation. [x]
D. R. DeChaine's article "Mapping subversion: Queercore music’s playful discourse of resistance" provides an insightful exploration into the world of Queercore, shedding light on its history, identity politics, and subversive nature within the punk rock scene. The article delves into how Queercore emerges as a fusion of punk rock music and queer politics, embodying punk's rejection of mainstream commercialism with its fast, raw sound and DIY ethos. It emphasizes the politically charged nature of Queercore, where artists use sexually explicit and often vulgar lyrics to challenge societal norms and express a culture that defies mainstream conventions.[x]
A key theme is the role of “play” within Queercore, offering participants a space to resist and subvert dominant cultural narratives. This play is not just recreational but empowering, providing temporary liberation from the oppressive ideologies of mainstream culture. DeChaine highlights the historical silence around homosexuality in music, pointing to the challenge of connecting queer and punk discourses due to this silence.
In Ambrosch's exploration of gender, feminism, and queer identity within punk culture, "'Refusing to Be a Man': Gender, Feminism and Queer Identity in the Punk Culture" delves into the subversive nature of punk as a reaction to the 'rock machismo' prevalent in the 1970s. From its inception, punk has challenged heteronormative notions of gender and sexuality, with first-wave artists intentionally blurring boundaries. Ambrosch highlights bands like Bikini Kill and Crass as exemplifying an intersectionality and blurring of gender boundaries by first-wave punk artists and their exploration of nonmainstream gender identities.[x]
The author explores the evolution of the term 'punk,' tracing its origins from Shakespearean times to its later connotations of 'young male delinquent.' This linguistic history mirrors punk's rebellious spirit and its embrace of non-mainstream identities. Punk, according to Ambrosch, fosters an environment for challenging established norms, including gender and sexuality, with bands since the late 1970s addressing these issues.
However, Ambrosch also critiques punk's gender dynamics. Drawing on Sharon Cheslow's insights from Chalk Circle, the author discusses how male anger is often romanticized in punk, while female anger is viewed as threatening. Men tend to dominate cultural spaces within punk, making it challenging for women and LGBTQ individuals to fully participate.
Queercore Bands
"QUEER AS PUNK: Queercore and the Production of an Anti-Normative Media Subculture" by C. Nault, published by Routledge in 2013, offers a comprehensive examination of the Queercore movement and its role in creating an anti-normative media subculture. This book delves into the origins, development, and significance of Queercore as a subversive force within both the punk rock scene and broader LGBTQ+ culture.[x]
Nault's work highlights how Queercore emerged in the 1980s as a response to the marginalization of LGBTQ+ individuals within punk and mainstream media. The book explores the ways in which Queercore artists used music, zines, and other forms of media to challenge heteronormativity and traditional gender roles. By rejecting assimilation and embracing radical self-expression, Queercore became a platform for marginalized voices to be heard.
The author discusses key figures and bands within the Queercore movement, such as Tribe 8 and Pansy Division, who used their music and performances to confront societal norms and address issues of sexuality, gender identity, and politics. Nault also examines the impact of Queercore beyond its music, delving into its influence on art, literature, and activism.
Problematic Queercore Bands
Without naming any specific bands or groups, I think it is important to acknowledge the problematic side of Queercore. Just like punk rock, Queercore has its controversial and horrific sides. I believe it is crucial to acknowledge problematic Queercore bands as their actions and behavior can have significant consequences for the LGBTQ+ community and the broader punk scene. By shining a light on these issues, we can address harmful behaviors, challenge oppressive attitudes, and work towards creating safer and more inclusive spaces within the scene.
Acknowledging problematic behavior within Queercore bands helps hold them accountable for their actions. These bands may espouse values of inclusivity and acceptance, but if their actions contradict these principles or perpetuate harm, it's essential to call attention to it. Holding individuals and groups accountable for harmful behavior sends a message that such actions will not be tolerated and helps protect vulnerable members of the community. This allows for conversations about power dynamics, privilege, and accountability within the LGBTQ+ community itself. Just because someone identifies as queer does not absolve them of responsibility for harmful actions.
Being queer does not inherently make you anti-racist. Being queer does not inherently make you anti-fascist. Being queer does not inherently make you a feminist. Being queer does not inherently make you a person with good values.
Into the Mainstream
Despite the flaws of individual figures within the movement, Queercore's presence in the mainstream contributes to greater visibility and acceptance of LGBTQ+ identities. Just as Oscar Wilde's contributions to queer literature remain significant despite his personal flaws, Queercore bands play a vital role in amplifying queer voices and experiences. Their presence challenges mainstream narratives and provides a platform for LGBTQ+ individuals to express themselves authentically.
Queercore as Resistance
Queercore embodies a defiant rejection of mainstream expectations and norms regarding gender and sexuality. Its very existence challenges the notion that queer identities should be hidden or marginalized, instead asserting the right to visibility and self-expression.
At its core, Queercore disrupts dominant narratives by amplifying queer voices and experiences. Through music, zines, art, and DIY activism, it provides a platform for individuals to express their identities authentically, free from societal constraints. This radical self-expression is inherently political, challenging the status quo and demanding recognition and acceptance for all sexual orientations and gender identities.
Queercore's resistance is multifaceted, extending beyond the realm of culture and art to encompass social and political activism. It confronts discrimination and violence against LGBTQ+ individuals, advocating for equal rights and protections under the law. Through grassroots organizing and community building, Queercore fosters solidarity among marginalized communities, amplifying their collective voices in the fight for justice and liberation.
Moreover, Queercore serves as a form of cultural resistance, reclaiming spaces traditionally dominated by heteronormative and cisnormative narratives. By creating inclusive and welcoming environments within the punk and DIY scenes, it challenges exclusionary practices and fosters a sense of belonging for queer individuals. In doing so, Queercore disrupts hegemonic power structures and asserts the right to exist unapologetically in all spaces.
Queercore's resistance is both personal and collective, challenging oppression at individual, societal, and systemic levels. By embracing radical self-expression, advocating for social change, and reclaiming cultural spaces, Queercore stands as a defiant assertion of queer identity and autonomy in the face of adversity.
What’s in it for me?
Haha, get it? Ah, it’s a Queercore joke. Pansy Division? Anyways… Queercore extends further than just the queer community, it embraces feminist and BIPOC intersectionality while providing a platform for marginalized voices. In the face of ongoing discrimination and violence against LGBTQ+ individuals in America, Queercore serves as a beacon of resistance, advocating for social change and celebrating diversity.
At its core, Queercore challenges the heteronormative and cisnormative structures pervasive in society. It disrupts traditional narratives of gender and sexuality, offering a space for individuals to explore and express their identities freely. This liberation extends to feminist and BIPOC perspectives, acknowledging the intersecting struggles faced by marginalized communities. By amplifying diverse voices, Queercore dismantles oppressive systems and paves the way for intersectional solidarity.
In America, anti-LGBT sentiment remains a pervasive force, manifesting in various forms of discrimination, violence, and legislative attacks on queer rights. Queercore confronts this hostility head-on, advocating for LGBTQ+ visibility and empowerment. Through music, zines, and DIY activism, it challenges societal norms and demands recognition and acceptance for all sexual orientations and gender identities. By rejecting assimilationist tendencies and embracing radical self-expression, Queercore asserts the right to exist unapologetically in a hostile environment.
Furthermore, Queercore serves as a bridge between queer and straight/cis communities, fostering understanding and empathy across divides. It invites allies to participate in the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights, recognizing that liberation requires collective action. By creating spaces that welcome individuals of all identities, Queercore promotes dialogue and mutual support, challenging stereotypes and fostering solidarity. Queercore isn't just for queer people; it's for everyone committed to building a more inclusive and equitable society.
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
Lech Wałęsa is the founder of the Solidarność trade union which contributed to the collapse of communism in Poland in the 1980s. He served one term as president of Poland and won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Like most people in Poland, Wałęsa has no illusions about the intentions of Vladimir Putin. In a recent visit to Washington, he called for strong and united leadership in the West regarding Russia – especially in the ongoing information war.
“The whole world has joined together against Russia. It has never been like this. It’s our great opportunity to finally put some order into this world,” Walesa said in an address on February 8 at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington think tank. Walesa said fate has given the United States the role of leader in meeting these challenges and it cannot retreat now. “Our grandchildren will never forgive us” if it does, he said. The co-founder of Poland's Solidarity movement, who served from 1990 to 1995 as Poland’s first postcommunist president, said he fought his struggle against the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact more than 40 years ago mainly with information and he encouraged the United States to do a better job “fighting with propaganda” against the current regime of Russian President Vladimir Puin. This includes tactics such as publishing data about the number of Russian soldiers killed and maimed in the war and the stories behind those losses. Ordinary Russians must be reminded that their neighbors or their neighbors’ sons may no longer be alive because they were sent to “die for Putin.” Westerns should help Russians “internalize what needs to be done.” In the decades since he left politics Walesa has been a champion of democracy and the rule of law, encouraging Eastern Europe’s formerly communist countries to pursue progress through democratic means. Walesa was celebrated in Washington in 1989 as the man who did more than any other single individual to bring down communism in Eastern Europe and addressed a joint session of Congress.
His trip to the US comes at a time aid to Ukraine is stalled in Congress as a result of Donald Trump's open advocacy of the Putin dictatorship.
Poland's current Prime Minister Donald Tusk has been far more direct about pointing the finger of blame.
Reagan ‘must be turning in his grave’: Poland’s Tusk slams Republicans over Ukraine aid
Ultimately it's up to American voters to get Republicans to quit acting like mindless stooges for the Evil Empire.
Progress has been made in the Senate on aid to Ukraine. But the House, led by religious fanatic Speaker "MAGA Mike" Johnson remains a problem.
Here is a list of Republican House members from districts won by President Joe Biden in 2020. These GOP representatives are particularly vulnerable. Presumably the 2020 presidential figures have been adjusted to 2022 district boundaries.
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If you live in one of those districts, you have a disproportionate amount of influence on aid to Ukraine. Contact your representative and politely demand that the House quits starving Ukraine of needed assistance. Remind these Republicans that Ronald Reagan would be disgusted by the GOP acting as lap dogs for Putin's Evil Empire. Interestingly, 11 of those 18 districts are in either New York or California.
And yes, that table was made before the ouster of George Santos – otherwise it's up to date.
Not sure who represents you? Use your ZIP+4 to find out here...
Find Your Representative
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feuillant · 11 months
Polish premiere on 30 June in Gdynia — 26 days after the overthrow of the communist regime in Poland. In communist Poland, 'Les Misérables' was a censored book and its possession and reading was forbidden.
Students and barricade defenders use the gesture of bloodless victory, a symbol used by the independent Solidarity union, a mass resistance movement against communist rule.
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photos: Grzegorz Lewandowski
source: Encyclopaedia of the Polish Theatre
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ramblinguitar · 1 year
U2’s War turns 40
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Look how young they all look, jeez
^ full album
For many, War was the album that made them aware of U2, a young, rebellious rock band from Dublin, Ireland. It’s also the album that put them on the global map, with hits such as Sunday, Bloody Sunday and New Year’s Day.
Sunday, Bloody Sunday is a direct reference to the incident in Derry, Northern Ireland, when British troops shot and killed 13 unarmed civil rights demonstrators.
New Years Day is a reference about the prosecuted leader of the Polish Solidarity movement, Lech Walesa.
But, really, each song is its own rebellion. A shout to the world about injustice, violence, corruption, the rebirth of self and persevering love in the face of it all. Because in the end, love might be the largest rebellion there is.
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I sleep under this black swan, which I like for its beauty and because 'black swan' means a rare or unexpected event that's also an impactful one. Flocks of black swans fly through our era. I think of them in connection with those things regarded as unlikely or unimaginable... The improbable is not the impossible, but people also thought the unprecedented election of a mobster-buffoon was impossible. HRC was supposed to have an 85% chance of winning in 2016, which a lot of people considered tantamount to a 100% chance, but the 15% happens--well, about 15% of the time, I'd think. A little over a year ago, a hundred thousand Russian troops were massed on the Ukrainian border, but a lot of people apparently found it inconceivable that there would be an invasion, and then, a year ago today, there was. The next morass of obviousness was the assumption that the much larger nation with the much larger army would win swiftly. The US couldn't defeat Vietnam or Iraq, neither the USSR or the US did well in Afghanistan; there are a lot of other factors at work in such wars. (Jonathan Schell's The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence, and the Will of the People is fantastic about what does matter in such conflicts.) What the black swans tell us is that our assumptions often blind us to the possibilities. That for me is hopeful. What we need to achieve in response to the climate catastrophe is maybe not probable, but it is not impossible. How will the future play out? All I can do is look to the past, and know that no one foresaw a lot of epic changes, wonderful and terrible. And that those changes were the result of what people did and didn't do. So I'll do what I can for climate, knowing we can't know the consequences. Who in 1988 knew what would happen in the Soviet bloc in the fall of 1989? Who imagined that many small movements--Polish Solidarity, cultural activism in Czechoslovakia, faith groups in East Germany--would be the match that would burn down the Iron Curtain? Our everyday lives in terms of many things, good and bad, from technological change to the politics of race and gender, were unimaginable to most people a few decades ago. I can work toward the best version of the future knowing I cannot know what it will be. Swan by the artist Selene Perez of San Francisco's wonderful Creativity Explored, a center that lets artists with disabilities draw, paint, and sculpt in ideal conditions.
[h/t and respect to Rebecca Solnit]
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Slogans, jokes, objects and colors can stand in for complex sentiments. In Hong Kong, protesters carried yellow umbrellas—also useful to defend against pepper spray—as symbols of their demand for democracy. In Thailand, protesters borrowed a gesture from The Hunger Games series, saluting with three fingers aloft in the aftermath of a military coup. Elsewhere, rainbow flags and the name “Solidarity” have signified the successful fights waged by proponents of LGBTQ and Polish labor rights, respectively.
In some authoritarian nations, dissidents craft jokes and images to build a following and weaken support for the regime. In the Cold War-era Soviet Union, access to typewriters and photocopiers was tightly controlled. But protesters could share news and rile officials with underground samizdat literature (Russian for “self-publishing”), which was hand-typed and passed around from person to person. These publications also used anekdoty, or quips of wry lament, to joke about post-Stalinist Soviet society. In one example, a man hands out blank leaflets on a pedestrian street. When someone returns to question their meaning, the man says, “What’s there to write? It’s all perfectly clear anyway.”
In the early 20th century, generations of Chinese writers and philosophers led quiet philosophical and cultural revolutions within their country. Zhou Shuren, better known by the pen name Lu Xun, pushed citizens to cast off repressive traditions and join the modern world, writing, “I have always felt hemmed in on all sides by the Great Wall; that wall of ancient bricks which is constantly being reinforced. The old and the new conspire to confine us all. When will we stop adding new bricks to the wall?”
In time, Chinese citizens mastered the art of distributed displeasure against mass censorship and government control. That was certainly the case during the movements that bloomed after Mao Zedong’s death in 1976. At the 1989 protests in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square, participants used strips of red cloth as blindfolds. Before the tanks turned the weekslong gathering into a tragedy on June 4, musician Cui Jian played the anthem “A Piece of Red Cloth,” claiming a patriotic symbol of communist rule as a banner of hope for a frustrated generation.
After hundreds, if not thousands, were gunned down by the military, China banned any reference to the events at Tiananmen Square. But Chinese people became adept at filling that void, using proxies and surrogates to refer to the tragedy. Though Chinese censors scrub terms related to the date, such as “six four,” emoji can sometimes circumvent these measures. According to Meng Wu, a specialist in modern Chinese literature at the University of British Columbia, a simple candle emoji posted on the anniversary tells readers that the author is observing the tragedy, even if they can’t do so explicitly. In recent years, the government has removed access to the candle emoji before the anniversary.
As a survivor of the Tiananmen Square massacre spoke to the crowd gathered at Washington Square Park, the undergraduate who called himself Rick expressed concern for a friend who had been taken into custody by police in his home province of Guangdong. Given the government crackdown, Rick suggested that public protests were largely finished for now. Still, he predicted, the movement will “become something else”—something yet to be written.
  —  The History Behind China's White Paper Protests
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niedzielnyrosol · 2 years
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On 13 of December 1981 communist regime of People's Republic of Poland introduced martial law and delegalised Solidarity movement. Harsh repressions and abuses followed. Wroniec (Crowsman) by Jacek Dukaj is a contemporary book about these events told like an absurd fairy tale from the perspective of a child. Unfortunately there's no English translation but if your level of Polish is good enough to read, i wholeheartedly recommend this book.
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tramngo · 27 days
"Love the Skin You're In": A Dive into #BodyPositive on Tumblr
In a society filled with unattainable beauty standards and polished perfection, the body positivity movement serves as a light of hope, challenging conventions while appreciating differences. But where can this movement actually thrive? This blog will explore the colorful weave of body positivity on Tumblr, a digital safety where people come together under the hashtag #bodypositive to redefine beauty on their own terms.
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A Digital Revolution of Self-Love
The internet environment provides powerful feminist spaces through hashtags, boosting confidence and challenging conventional beauty norms. #Bodypositive epitomizes this trend, which promotes self-empowerment and rejects limited beauty standards (Reif, Miller & Taddicken 2022). However, worries remain about self-objectification and sexualization in selfie culture.
Inspiring Diversity: Self-Presentation on Tumblr
In the colorful tapestry of Tumblr, the #bodypositive hashtag serves as a beacon of inclusivity and self-expression (Gibson 2017). Here, individuals of all backgrounds and identities converge to challenge societal norms and celebrate the beauty of diversity. 
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This movement, which gained momentum as early as 2012, has become a cornerstone of digital activism, fostering acceptance, empowerment, and a sense of belonging within the so-called Fatosphere (Meleo-Erwin 2011). By sharing their stories and selfies under hashtags like #effyourbeautystandards and #beautybeyondsize, users resist the fat stigma, promoting acceptance and reframing societal constructs of beauty and body image. It's a digital revolution fueled by authenticity and solidarity, where every post is a testament to the power of self-love and collective action (Afful & Ricciardelli 2015).
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However, despite its progressive aims, the body-positive movement is not without criticism. Engagement with body-related hashtags may unintentionally prolong self-objectification and encourage postfeminist ideas about self-improvement via looks (Sastre 2014). Furthermore, the depiction in these hashtags frequently favors normative and conventionally beautiful bodies, excluding people who do not meet these restricted criteria.
2. Exploring Community Dynamics: Reactions and Engagement
In Tumblr's thriving digital environment, the #bodypositive movement generates conversations, promotes connections, and inspires change (Caso et al. 2020). As users share their selfies and stories under this empowering hashtag, the platform becomes a melting pot of diverse perspectives and experiences. But what truly sets Tumblr apart is its unique community dynamics. Unlike other social media platforms where popularity often dictates visibility, Tumblr offers a level playing field. Here, every post, regardless of the number of followers or reactions, has the potential to resonate and spark meaningful interactions.
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User engagement on Tumblr goes beyond mere likes and comments; it's about building connections and amplifying voices. Through reblogs and comments, users not only express solidarity but also contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding body positivity. This collective interaction creates a ripple effect, spreading messages of self-love and acceptance far and wide (Solomon & Kurtz-Costes 2017). In this space, every voice matters, and every contribution adds to the rich tapestry of the #bodypositive movement.
Celebrate Your Unique Beauty
The #bodypositive movement on Tumblr is more than just a trend—it's a powerful community of individuals redefining beauty standards and embracing self-love. In a digital landscape often dominated by unrealistic ideals, this vibrant space offers a refreshing alternative where diversity is celebrated and authenticity reigns supreme. By sharing stories and supporting each other, users are not only promoting acceptance but also sparking a revolution in how we perceive our bodies.
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So, join the conversation, celebrate your uniqueness, and love the skin you’re in. Because on Tumblr, and in life, your story matters, and your voice can inspire change.
Reference list
Afful, A & Ricciardelli, R 2015, ‘Shaping the online fat acceptance movement: talking about body image and beauty standards’, Journal of Gender Studies, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 453–472.
Caso, D, Schettino, G, Fabbricatore, R & Conner, M 2020, ‘“Change my selfie”: Relationships between self‐objectification and selfie‐behavior in young Italian women’, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, vol. 50, no. 9.
Gibson, M 2017, ‘Single post | website’, website, Home | YoursTruelyMelly, viewed <https://yourstruelymelly.wixsite.com/website/single-post/2017/07/06/Body-Positivity-Creating-a-Space-for-the-Representation-of-Marginalized-Bodies>.
Meleo-Erwin, ZC 2010, ‘“A beautiful show of strength”: Weight loss and the fat activist self’, Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 188–205.
Reif, A, Miller, I & Taddicken, M 2022, ‘“Love the Skin You‘re In”: An Analysis of Women’s Self-Presentation and User Reactions to Selfies Using the Tumblr Hashtag #bodypositive’, Mass Communication and Society, vol. 26, no. 6.
Sastre, A 2014, ‘Towards a Radical Body Positive’, Feminist Media Studies, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 929–943, viewed <https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14680777.2014.883420>.
Solomon, HE & Kurtz-Costes, B 2017, ‘Media’s Influence on Perceptions of Trans Women’, Sexuality Research and Social Policy, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 34–47.
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immaculatasknight · 3 months
Is the EU the Fourth Reich in drag?
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mvmandtravelagency · 3 months
Discover the Enchanting Charms of Poland: A Cultural Odyssey with TraveloPoland
Poland, a country steeped in history, culture, and natural beauty, offers travelers a rich tapestry of experiences waiting to be explored. From the medieval charm of Krakow to the cosmopolitan allure of Warsaw and the serene beauty of the Tatra Mountains, Poland is a destination that captivates visitors with its diverse landscapes and vibrant heritage. Join us as we embark on a virtual journey through the enchanting charms of Poland with TraveloPoland.
Medieval Marvels in Krakow: Begin your Polish adventure with a visit to Krakow, the country's former royal capital and a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its well-preserved medieval architecture and rich cultural heritage. Explore the historic Old Town, where you can visit landmarks such as the majestic Wawel Castle, the towering St. Mary's Basilica, and the bustling Main Market Square, the largest medieval square in Europe. Discover the tragic history of the Holocaust with a visit to the nearby Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum, a poignant reminder of the horrors of the past.
Cultural Capital of Warsaw: Dive into the vibrant cultural scene of Warsaw, Poland's dynamic capital city known for its thriving arts scene, architectural landmarks, and bustling nightlife. Explore the historic streets of the Old Town, meticulously rebuilt after World War II, and visit landmarks such as the Royal Castle, the Presidential Palace, and the iconic Palace of Culture and Science. Immerse yourself in the city's rich cultural heritage with visits to world-class museums such as the Warsaw Uprising Museum, the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, and the National Museum.
Natural Beauty of the Tatra Mountains: Escape to the pristine landscapes of the Tatra Mountains, a stunning mountain range located in southern Poland and Slovakia. Explore the picturesque resort town of Zakopane, known as the "winter capital of Poland," where you can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing, and snowboarding amidst breathtaking scenery. Take a ride on the funicular railway to the summit of Kasprowy Wierch for panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, or explore the scenic trails of Tatra National Park, home to diverse flora and fauna.
Historic Splendor of Gdansk: End your Polish adventure with a visit to Gdansk, a historic port city located on the Baltic coast known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, vibrant waterfront, and rich maritime heritage. Explore the historic streets of the Old Town, where you can visit landmarks such as the iconic Neptune's Fountain, the Gothic St. Mary's Church, and the historic Gdansk Crane. Discover the city's maritime history with a visit to the Museum of the Second World War and the European Solidarity Centre, dedicated to the Solidarity movement that played a crucial role in Poland's transition to democracy.
As we conclude our virtual journey through the enchanting charms of Poland, we invite you to experience the rich history, vibrant culture, and natural beauty of this remarkable country for yourself. Whether you're captivated by the medieval marvels of Krakow, the cultural capital of Warsaw, the natural beauty of the Tatra Mountains, or the historic splendor of Gdansk, PolandTravelAgency has something for every traveler. Plan your unforgettable journey to Poland with TraveloPoland and let us help you create memories that will last a lifetime.
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dreamswhileawake · 4 months
Day 2 Edit 2
As Sarah glided into the room, her footsteps barely disturbing the tranquility that enveloped the space, the soft caress of her movements seemed to harmonize with the gentle hum of the afternoon sunlight streaming through the parted curtains. Golden rays danced across the polished wooden floor, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow that ebbed and flowed with the rhythm of the breeze.
The air, heavy with anticipation, carried whispers of unspoken words and unresolved emotions, casting a veil of uncertainty over the room's serene facade. Fragrant blooms adorned the windowsills, their delicate petals swaying gently in the warm breeze, their sweet perfume mingling with the soft strains of classical music that floated through the air.
In the kitchen, where the tantalizing scent of freshly baked bread mingled with the promise of savory delights yet to come, Michael stood amidst the culinary symphony, his gaze drifting wistfully to the rustic clock ticking away the minutes on the weathered wall. Each tick seemed to echo the rhythm of their shared anticipation, a quiet testament to the impending arrival of their guests.
The kitchen itself was a sanctuary of warmth and comfort, its walls adorned with vintage photographs and quaint knick-knacks collected over the years. The rich aroma of simmering spices filled the air, mingling with the earthy scent of freshly ground coffee and the tang of citrus zest.
"Do they know if they're bringing anyone else?" Sarah's voice, soft yet tinged with a hint of uncertainty, cut through the stillness of the room like a gentle breeze, her words lingering in the air like the faintest echo of a distant melody. Her fingers danced nervously against the cool marble countertop, a delicate ballet of anticipation and apprehension as she pondered the intricacies of the evening ahead.
Michael's response, a reassuring blend of confidence and camaraderie, seemed to weave seamlessly into the fabric of their shared anticipation, his words carrying the weight of unspoken understanding as they danced upon the air like ethereal whispers. His eyes, warm and inviting, met hers with a silent promise of solidarity and support.
As the minutes ticked by, each passing moment seemed to carry with it the promise of sweet indulgence and savory delights, a tantalizing prelude to the evening's culinary adventure. The warm, comforting aroma of roasted meat mingled with the delicate fragrance of freshly picked herbs, filling the kitchen with a symphony of tantalizing scents and savory delights.
With each passing moment, the anticipation in the room seemed to build, a palpable tension that hung in the air like the delicate threads of a spider's web. In the soft glow of the setting sun, the kitchen seemed to come alive, the warm hues of the late afternoon casting a soft, golden light upon the room's tranquil tableau.
As Sarah and Michael exchanged knowing glances, their shared anticipation seemed to bridge the gap between them, weaving a tapestry of shared experience and unspoken understanding. In the quiet moments that followed, their thoughts seemed to drift towards the evening ahead, where the promise of sweet indulgence and savory delights awaited them.
And so, amidst the quiet hum of the kitchen and the gentle rustle of the late afternoon breeze, Sarah and Michael stood poised on the threshold of an evening filled with culinary delights and shared camaraderie, their hearts aflutter with the promise of the moments yet to come.
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freaxs-blog · 6 months
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𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿, 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗛𝗼𝗽𝗲𝘀! Kicking off 2024 with a musical journey back to U2's iconic track "New Year's Day" from the album "War"! Let's dive deep into the heart of this timeless anthem.
Released in 1983, "War" marked a pivotal moment for U2, propelling them to international acclaim. "New Year's Day" emerged as a symbol of hope and resilience. The song's poignant lyrics resonate even more on this January 1st, as we stand on the cusp of a new chapter.
Did you know "New Year's Day" was inspired by the Polish Solidarity movement? Bono's lyrics reflect the struggle for freedom and the unwavering spirit of those fighting for change.
The success of "War" catapulted U2 into the limelight, transforming them from Irish rockers to global superstars. Fans and critics alike hailed the album for its raw energy and socially conscious themes.
After the release, U2's image shifted, showcasing their ability to blend rock anthems with meaningful messages. The album's impact extended beyond the music, influencing a generation hungry for both substance and style.
As we step into 2024, let "New Year's Day" be the soundtrack to our fresh beginnings. May it inspire us to face challenges with resilience and embrace the spirit of positive change.
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Poland's Solidarity Protests from the 1980s
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Photo: picture-alliance/dpa/L. Oy
The authoritarian communist regime in Poland that took over decades led to the rise of a non-violent group. "However, it took over three decades of civil resistance—waged over time with varying tactics and degrees of intensity—for Polish society to begin organizing and consolidating itself in a broad coalition of social forces that climaxed in the establishment of the Solidarność (“Solidarity”) as an organization and a movement in August 1980" (Bartkowski). This movement made sure to use it's political power to expose the fact that there was no such thing freedom. Led by Lech Walesa this movement many used civil resistance to expose the propaganda surrounding it's government. It pushed for a more inclusive government and to expand the rights of workers. This movement was the beginning to the transition of democratization in Poland. This movement is an example of democratization and how it does not always need to be violent to occur and can happen from a bottom-up approach.
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