#political ramblings
thominyourside · 5 months
one of my core political beliefs is the futility of dehumanizing anybody. the most evil person on earth is still a person. doesn’t mean force is never justified against the oppressor, obviously, but I find it important to understand that the actions being taken by those we hate aren’t being done by the “Other”, they aren’t partaking in some uniquely inhuman behavior that the rest of us as humanity are incapable of.
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jaythelay · 3 days
"we need guns to fight the government"
Yeah you mean shoot minorities. Otherwise by now you'd have done anything that wasn't wiping shit on walls when in a government building.
No president nor politician is scared of your modified or unmodified guns. Not a one. Ya'll would in-fight hundreds of miles before reaching DC about someone possibly being trans.
Regardless, no. Much like leftists are waiting for a revolution, righties are too. Just one votes for good things, like trans rights, women's rights, and that silly ol' genocide thing we shouldn't experience but everyone else absolutely has to so I feel safe :)
Guns aren't shit. A dem pres is pro-genocide, you really think they wouldn't drop a bomb on your pathetic larp of a resistance group? I can only assure you, to plan on the government being tactical or moral would be beyond incompetant strategy, it's accepting death knowing you couldn't do shit either way to pretend you'd get close to anyone with power.
Regardless, once ya'll figure out that cops aren't on civilian's sides, maybe I'll listen, but they're gonna be on the front lines with APCs and Tanks, other military equipment, against ya'll, and I may be suicidal, but not for someone else's failed concept of government. Even if you weren't banned from miniguns, you don't have the funds to combat against police, let alone military.
Bare in mind, It's not that I'm against the 2nd amendment, moreso question how we can seriously believe weak violence is the solution to overwhelming corruption within every facet of government. Ya ain't going to be a resistance group, nor will one ever form that isn't Nazis.
Best way to put it, as I lightly did before, the 2nd amendment crowd is just a violent, harmful counterpart to leftists waiting on a revolution by not getting involved in any politics. Both crowds will never accomplish anything because all they're doing is waiting for someone else to start shit for them. In the mean time they're not safe or healthy people for civilians.
It's lazy. Beyond lazy. Ya ain't gonna get a single shot in the revolution you're waiting for. Either crowd. You gotta start voting with your wallets, get russia and israel out of our country being a pretty good fucking start.
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cptapathy · 1 month
We have all been saying this was coming for years now. The UK is now introducing a new section 28.
This is a direct attack on the queer Community, stop accepting it.
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daenerys-targaryen · 1 year
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jacobtheloofah · 10 months
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hell world!!!! hell world!!!! hell world!!!!
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logorrhea5mip · 11 months
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Sorry for the bad photo quality, Tumblr doesn't like posts this long.
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biboomerangboi · 10 months
Irish-uwufication is so fucking weird anyway but like people act like Hozier - who writes primarily blues songs about politics, books and music he finds interesting, and having sex with hot women he picks up in bars - is just a nature man is so weird. Like you have Americans saying he is a bog man, he only writes acoustic songs about chaste love and nature. He lives in the woods and doesn’t interact with society at all. He is made of trees and fairies because that’s what Ireland is.
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wathanism · 1 month
alright gang, let's do a fun little thought experiment.
which city would biden have to completely annihilate before you decide not to vote for him?
for the sake of this thought experiment, let's ignore actual real-world alliances between countries. it can be london, or paris, or athens, or barcelona, or rome, or berlin, or even an american city like new york or new orleans or los angeles or honolulu. this is all a hypothetical after all.
really consider it. if you're gonna bother to yap in my notes, at least try to engage with this question in good faith. imagine opening up the news, and you see that a bomb was dropped on this city, and then the bombs never stop. imagine you had a friend there. imagine you'd had a trip planned to meet them and see the sights. imagine every museum, every historical monument, every theatre, every university destroyed. imagine that one day, you lived in a world where this city existed, and the next, it has completely ceased to be. it's effectively been pompeii-ed out of our world entirely. there is no longer a big ben, or a parthenon, or a colosseum, or what have you. there is no longer that foreign musician you loved from this city. there are no longer sweet old grannies to share old family recipes from this part of the world. there is no longer the online friend you wanted to visit. there is no longer your vacation plans.
don't hit me with, "but it's netanyahu doing this," because israel would literally run out of ammunition in weeks without the US. don't hit me with, "but trump!" because that quite literally is not the fucking question.
which city has to completely cease to exist before you even consider that this system isn't ever going to work?
if you are still planning to vote for biden, then either a) biden could drop a nuke on any city on earth and it wouldn't be a dealbreaker for you, or b) in your mind, people and places are divided into ones that are acceptable to destroy and ones that are not. or at least, there are ones that are more acceptable to destroy than others.
come up with your answer and either realize you sound like a fascist and work to change it, or embrace that you are a fascist and stop lying to us about caring about people of color.
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simplenefelibata · 3 months
as much as i love sam knowing about destiel before dean does, there's something about "i mean yeah my brother and his angel best friend are really weird about each other, live together, co-parent a kid, nearly kill themselves every time the other is gone, stand too close and stare at the other's mouth while they talk, but i mean to each their own i guess??" that's so special to me
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little-pondhead · 4 months
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Somewhere out there, there's an alternate universe where Percy, someone fairly suseptible to the mist, brings home his good friend Tyson to hang out after school and Sally, a very clear sighted mortal, is staring at Tyson like 💧👁️👄👁️
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qsycomplainsalot · 9 months
Schools need to have cultural and religious literacy classes where kids are taught about people of various upbringings so that they don't think they're dangerous aliens here to replace their way of life with their weird customs. Kids should come out of school knowing and being able to handle emotionally that other people might have other ethnicities, religions and/or point of views. This is done through exposure, laws claiming to promote secularism by banning any and all expressions of identity just discriminate against immigrants and isolate/other/radicalize the kids these laws target.
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raviposting · 1 year
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Let’s fucking gooooo
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elveny · 5 months
So, Freunde der Sonne, mal kurz Tacheles.
Dass AfD Nazis sind ist ja nun indiskutabel und nicht hinterfragbar, dass sie sich mit reichen Leuten zusammentun yadda yadda, alles keine Überraschung. Überraschend ist an der Correctiv-Geschichte im Grunde nur, dass sie sich bei ihren Vertreibungsplänen, Plänen zur Wahlmanipulation und Sturz der Demokratie generell haben erwischen lassen.
Nichtsdestoweniger. "Nix Neues" und "Keine Überraschung" darf nicht davon abhalten, JETZT sein/ihre*n Bundestagsabgeordnete*n zu kontaktieren und ein AfD-Verbot zu fordern.
Übrigens kann man seine*n Bundestagsabgeordnete*n ganz einfach über die Bundestagsseite finden (nach Wahlkreis suchen). Dort sind auch Kontaktmöglichkeiten  direkt vorhanden:
Wer einen Vorlagentext braucht, darf diesen hier verwenden bzw. natürlich für die eigene Person passend abändern (courtesy of @[email protected] auf Mastodon). Hab ich auch gemacht, hat alles in allem 5min gebraucht.
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stormboundstars · 2 months
Edwin always pivots and walks like he's about to slay the boots house down, he's so so important to me
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mixmangosmangoverse · 2 months
The discussion around the fandomization of the I/P conflict is so fucking relevant because why did I just see someone in a discord for a reaction channel that reacts to musicals and cartoons suggest them to react to the Columbia ""protests"" with a heart emoji as if it's another episode of their favorite show and SIX other people agreed with that
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