#ponies don't read wtf
breadxrust · 8 months
This crossover has been in my head for MONTHS since I discover Handplates and I developed a love for Lyra :))
So I drew them together
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They're working in something really important/j
Handplates by @zarla-s
And well, I don't know if Lauren Faust has a Tumblr, but credits to her and Hasbro for MLP!
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askdiscordwhooves · 9 months
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Ask Discord Whooves has come to its conclusion, and that means the posts below this point contain major spoilers for the story! This post will also have the author's final comments below a 'read more' to avoid spoilers. In this commentary, I will talk about new details about the story, such as what the future looks like in this universe and clearing up some lore.
If you wish to read from the beginning, you can start from the first page here!
Or, if you were in the middle of reading and wish to start where you left off, go to the table of contents here!
Also for consideration, you can read the prequel blog @lovestruck-derpy and the side blog @askthetimemaster to get more insight on the story. It is recommended you read Lovestruck Derpy first, then Ask The Time Master after you've read Discord Whooves.
Other side blogs involved in the story that can be read after everything else for a little more insight are as follows:
@tantamount-time-turner @torchwoodv @valtavia
Thank you for being interested in the story, I hope you enjoy your read!
It would be appreciated if people who have read the blog to its end read this post and give their input on the overall story via comment or reblog, or sending the author @jitterbugjive a comment via ask or submission.
Surprise, everyone! Coach is The Doctor's next life!
This was the original plan from the very start of when I made Coach. Look, here's some proof, the plush I had commissioned of him has a cutie mark!
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For those who don't know who (Pony) Coach is, you can read a bunch of asks sent to him here and get to know him, and for those who do know him you can re-read with context:
[Coach at The-Character-Lounge]
Now, I know I've moved on and made Coach a human and his own character for my current main project, My Magic Grandpa, but that was because I loved him as a character so much that I couldn't just end him after Discord Whooves.
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He and his Granddaughter Suzie have paranormal fantasy adventures in the 90s starting in Oregon. You can read the comic which has been updating for 4 years here: http://www.mymagicgrandpa.com OR http://www.mymagicgrandpa.net for better phone viewing.
If you want more Doctor Whooves content from me, consider following the youtube series "Doctor Whooves and Assistant", where I am the head writer and voice actor for Derpy. It is still active and hopefully will be for quite some time.
I also want people to know about three more of my original projects,”Bedeviled Dotty” ( @bedeviled-dotty), “Once Upon a Calamity” ( @nightmaretales) and “WTF? I’m a Magical Girl’s Familiar?!” (@magicalgirlsfamiliar) Two of which I want to start updating in 2024 and one that's been updating for a few years now.
OUAC has been around for a very long time, it’s a collection of familiar but twisted fairy tales and it has been on hiatus for years because of my other projects taking priority. I'm excited to be bringing it back.
WTF?MGF meanwhile is an adult dark comedy magical girl comic combined with an apocalyptic outbreak scenario. Its pilot will launch in January of 2024 and the comic will begin properly in 2025.
“Bedeviled Dotty” has been going for a few years now, and is a story about a magical anthro rabbit who makes a deal with a kitsune in order to obtain the love of her professor.
I highly encourage people to check them out!
Now about The Doctor version of Coach! When he first regenerated, he was ecstatic to have a small nose!
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Not only that but he had a new appreciation for life and took on a life to the fullest attitude. He also cast away the identity of 'The Doctor', letting himself become his own as 'Coach' because he considers himself a referee to the universe and a sort of life coach to whoever he encounters. (Those that can stand him of course) He loves interacting with others, but he can be impatient and snippy at times and quite pushy without meaning to. He also has a hard time reading others' emotions, and can only think in context of how he would feel. This is because in this life he has something akin to ASD that he's unaware of, and it's a huge challenge for him because of how much he wants to help and entertain others.
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He likes to use sports words and phrases in his vocabulary, which would be his quirk. He also collects sports equipment and uses them for experiments and inventions, though he doesn't really like sports themselves.
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One of the last things Derpy said to him before she died was that she had no regrets, and neither should he. So in his next life, as Coach, he took this very seriously and is always moving forward with no regrets. This can make him seem heartless at times because of how easily he leaves things behind, but he always needs to be on the move and needs to change things up because he's teaming with chaos magic.
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That's right, the chaos energy stayed with him, but it manifested in a more controllable form because he became a unicorn. He can't use normal unicorn spells, a lot of his magic has a mind of its own. It will often do as asked, but it will do it in random ways. 'Open a locked door' for example could mean unlocking the door, or turning the door into popcorn. One of his first magic mishaps was transmogrifying his sonic screwdriver into a golf club. It still functions the same, just has a different shape now.
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Coach spent about 60 years exploring on his own and taking on temporary companions that he'd keep a distance from so chances of anything bad happening to them would be less. But he eventually longs to see his Grandaughter, Tootsie Flute, and wants to take her on adventures with him, feeling like it would be a good do-over from the old Doctor's life. He fondly calls her Suzie because of reminiscing about the memories of Susan from the 1st Doctor days. While Suzie is often exasperated with him, she is also fascinated with him and the things he shows her. She has to keep their adventures a secret though, because Coach is scared to face his old family again and disappoint them. He doesn't want to see them without being able to understand them any more, it would break his hearts.
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In order to take Suzie on adventures with him, they find a rogue changeling to replace her at home.
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Speaking of changelings, he keeps in contact with [Tantamount Doctor], who has since started his own hive and is now a Royal. He gets much adored offerings of cheese from Coach.
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The Doctor also never really felt like there was a right time to approach The Master’s daughter, Eighth Note. He kept feeling like it would ruin her otherwise good life to introduce her to time and space like that. She grew up to be a nurse in a maternity ward, her beautiful voice soothing babies as she would sing to them. Perhaps she has a little hypnotic influence from her father?
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But Coach meanwhile with his no regrets attitude charged right in to take her on as a temporary companion to show her the ropes of being a Time Lord and having a TARDIS of her own. Needless to say, she’s trouble for Coach, as she can be a huge tease and she enjoys flustering the poor guy who just doesn’t want the Master to come back from the grave to kill him. It’s all in good fun for her and never serious, though, so nothing of an intimate nature really happens between them.
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Finally, whenever Coach regenerated which wouldn't be for a long time, it would be because the chaos magic would become too unstable and the only way he can stay alive is to regenerate into a draconequus. Which gives us -drumroll-
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Pandemonium is on the chaotic good alignment and he finds a way to bring back Gallopfrey and allow the true pony Doctor and Master to exist. He playfully antagonizes them and tries to keep them on a good path as best he can.
And that's pretty much how the whole thing ends!
When I started Discord Whooves, I was in a pretty dark place. I was bitter, angry, feeling like I had to fill peoples' expectations without really having anything special of my own. Discord Whooves started as a vent blog because A. The Brony fandom's constant pressure on me as a well known voice actor for Derpy, which made me bitter about her, B. Because I was upset I was getting known more for my voice than my main talent, drawing, on top of feeling dysphoric about my feminine voice, and C. The expectations that were on me reflected on how I acted, and I wanted to do something dark without my old name attached to it to prove I could do something interesting besides PG rated radio plays. I gained a lot more popularity than I thought I ever would, and had so much support, and as JitterbugJive I got to be myself without any expectations. It helped me come out eventually not only as BaldDumboRat, but as a transgender male.
Popularity sadly got to my head, it caused a lot of stress and a lot of outbursts and when I started my mod blog I was a very calm person who brushed things off. But more and more people started to pick fights with me and I felt the need to defend myself. This was also during a time I made another vent blog that was for dealing with the abuse I'd been through in the past, so I was facing a lot of demons at the time and could be triggered easily.
And then I had my bi-polar manic episode that made me literally insane for months, which threw me in to a year long depression that destroyed my art for a good while (It looked really really awful during that time, a lot of people noticed it) but the good thing about it was that it got me in touch with a therapist and got me diagnosed not only bi-polar 1 but PTSD, which was a shock to me but it made a lot of sense. I got a PTSD service dog, anxiety medication, bi-polar medication, and while the year of depression sucked I slowly got to pull myself back together and reflect on who I'd been. With anxiety meds I wasn't getting as angry any more, and therapy was helping me properly cope with the past and with the popularity issues. I wanted to be a better person, and I became one.
I even decided to take on a career path where I could help other people like me and like Discord Doctor, becoming a peer wellness specialist to help those experiencing mental illness and addiction. I use my own experiences to connect with them, give them hope, and show them they are not alone and there are people who do understand what they're going through who will help them. The training I went through ended up changing a lot of aspects of how Discord Whooves was treated moving forward, giving him a more realistic journey and showing people a very true message of hope and recovery. And the only reason I'm where I am now is because of experiencing that first psychotic episode that made me reach out for help.
I had two psychotic episodes in the span of Discord Whooves’ run, and they gave me a first hand experience of what it’s like to completely lose control of your own actions. I hurt people, I caused a lot of damage, and I had to face the consequences of those actions. And because of this, I had personal knowledge of what it’s like to come out of such a horrible state, and all the guilt and fear that comes with it. The Doctor’s journey suddenly became so much more personal to me, because I’d been there. And his journey of recovery is to show that despite everything, there’s still hope. Recovery is possible.
Something else my mania did was lead me to the idea of My Magic Grandpa, because my head came up with so many crazy ideas that I wanted to use and I was looking for a lot of inspiration during my depression that it all started coming together. And thus Coach and Suzie evolved into humans in their own story, because I didn't entirely want Discord Whooves to end where Coach and Suzie only just begins. And now they can continue on in their own way, in my own way, and I can let go of a blog about depression and anger and instead make a story about growth and inspiration.
In a way, it's like I regenerated with The Doctor, and I hope people can appreciate that and continue to support me.
I want to thank all the people who have worked with me on this project, be it for crossover, to contribute guest art, to Warden and Lauren and a handful of other people who helped me write the story and brought fantastic characters into it. I couldn’t have gotten this far without you, and the story would be in a much worse place now if it weren’t for everyone’s help.
Thank you all for staying with me on this 12 year journey. Looking back, I've made some dumb mistakes, but I learned a lot from them and your dedication helped me stick to my guns and end my first large scale project! It hit some bumps but dammit I made it happen and I am so happy I did! Now I hope people will check out my other projects that were linked above. I will still produce pony content on @the-character-lounge on occasion when I have the time and motivation.
I want to continue to bring everyone compelling stories that will tug at their emotions, and I don't plan on disappearing. So if you want to continue this journey with me, to see what Coach and Suzie have evolved into, please give my other works a follow!
Thank you, everyone! Your comments on this post in particular would be greatly appreciated! What did you think of the story as a whole? What do you think of Coach being the Doctor’s new life? Are there things you were expecting or wished would be different? How would you have ended the story? Did you enjoy the finale? Did you have a theory that Coach was The Doctor? Who was your favorite character? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? I want to know! Please talk about it!
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tedwardremus · 4 months
What kind of dates do you think Harry and Ginny go on? I think they are super fun-loving thrill seekers. Harry was denied so many happy experiences when he was younger and I bet Ginny fantasized about all the things she would do when she was older and had money and finally some freedom. So, I think they are super fun and they travel a lot. Basically act like two big kids even when they are 35 or 45. They do things like order every dessert item on a restaurant's menu. They do dumb challenges like try every cereal and rank them from best to worst. Make a list of every single theme park and all the best rides and try to experience every single one (they def took Teddy to Disney World and paid for the VIP treatment so he could eat with Mickey Mouse). They do bucket list things like spend Christmas in NYC (Harry loves it because the muggles are distant and rude and that's totally his vibe) and spend New Years on Sydney Harbour watching the fireworks on the beach (one of Ginny's fave ever memories). When the kids have birthdays they are the aunt and uncle that rent the bouncy castle and water slide and rent a fckn pony for the kids to ride. They are FUN. For Christmas they do a build the nicest gingerbread house challenge with the kids and its super competitive. One time Ginny shows up at Hogwarts and says there is an emergency and the kids need to go with her and they are like wtf and then they meet Harry in Hogsmeade and take a portkey to Coney Island (Hermione is so furious and yells at H/G over this because it's SO childish and irresponsible - Ron is like please don't tell her I went with you she thought I was at work).
It was a difficult undertaking to plan a date night when your boyfriend happened to be the most famous wizard in the entire world. Everywhere they went, the press was sure to follow. And if not the press, then someone would try to tell Harry how amazing he was and ask for an autograph. Either way, if they spent too long in public, Harry would get spotted, and his mood would turn sour.
There was always the Leaky Cauldron—Hannah would ensure they had a private booth. But the Leaky was crowded and noisy and they spend so much time hanging out with friends there it didn't really feel like a date night location.
There were always weekend getaways to Romania to the Dragon Reserve to see Charlie or France with Bill and Fleur. But family trips, while fun, were not romantic.
They'd head out to Muggle London, go to the zoo, and once Harry took her to the movies. But if she was honest, Ginny didn’t understand the hype and much preferred reading her books or listening to stories on the wireless.
Or they’d go out with Hermione and Ron, but again—a date that included brothers was automatically not romantic.
Then there was coordinating their busy schedules. When Ginny didn’t have a game, she was usually training, and now that she was on the national team as well as the Harpies, her schedule was even more hectic.
Harry, of course, was busy not just with Auror training but also various committees to reform the Ministry. He always did his best to spend a day or two a week with Teddy—even if it was just a quick mealtime hello.
That’s why their best dates tended to be quiet ones at home. Just the two of them in the safe sanctuary they had built together. Away from public eyes, dark magic, and intrusive press. They’d play music records—a mix of wizard and Muggle music. Do silly dances while they cooked. Sometimes dinner turned out well, and sometimes they ended up walking to the nearby village to get takeaway when it turned into a disaster. But they had been living together for a couple of years, and Ginny was confident that their cooking was improving.
They’d share a bottle of wine and start a fire. Afterwards, Harry would look at her and ask if she wanted to fly.
She always said yes.
And in the cover of darkness, they’d fly. And they’d be free. It was wonderful—to reach out and touch the stars and have the love of your life hold your hand in return.
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apersoneein · 11 months
Two-bit being Two-bit (Part 1)
Two-bit: If I cut my foot off and swing it at someone's head, am I kicking them or hitting them?
The Gang: ....
Dally: You'll most likely scar them for life.
Two-bit: What do you call a expert fishermen?
Johnny: What?
Two-bit: A master baiter
Johnny: I swear to god-
Soda: I can't stand it anymore! *Soda leaves the house tired from Darry and Pony's consist arguing.*
Dally: What happened to him?
Pony: He must've been tired of our arguing *He says feeling gulity with Darry also feeling a little gulity *
Steve: Well, you guys should go say sorry then.
Johnny agreed. They should go apologize to soda.
Two-bit: I guess you can say....
Johnny: Don't say it.
Steve, Dally, Darry, and Pony raised their eyebrows.
Two-bit: that soda popped.
Johnny: You just had to say it....
Two-bit: If i'm a 9/10 then your a 10/10 *He said winking while making his hands into shotguns*
Darry: Your a 100/10
Two-bit: ......
Two-bit: It's just a jok-
Darry: That's final. End of discussion.
Socs: *Jumped a greaser the other day and was now on the newspaper while the greasers read it*
Two-bit: I have the best idea in the world!
*The Greasers are outside with the curtis car is in the driveway of socs home with loud and blasted music playing from the car*
Two-bit: BE OUR FRIEND!!~ WHY CAN'T WE ALL BE FRIENDS!!!? TONIGHT!!! *Two-bit holds a microphone while singing whole-heartedly*
Greasers: ..... *They looked at the scene with a 'wtf' expression.*
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Finally rereading The Outsiders like I said I would. I think I'll probably be doing a chapter a day, even though it's short enough that I could probably bust it out in one or two sittings. I'm really prone to burnout and I am trying to write a bit each day and I have a job to work and adult tasks to do and such, so a chapter sounds like a good goal with that considered.
Also, I'm sick as a fucking dog while reading this first chapter. Not relevant, just a little fun fact.
Anyway, have my thoughts while I read it!!
The Outsiders Reread : Chapter One Notes
less than a page in and I'm already tired of Ponyboy being Not Like The Other Girls
he's 14, that's positive, I should not be able to stomach a well-written 14 year old on account of them acting very 14, but also shut the fuck up
"yeah, I read books, unlike EVERYONE ELSE" go to hell
not to intentionally misread and water down a character, but Ponyboy saying "but sometimes I just don't use my head" is literally all you need to fucking know. that's it, that's the book
we get it, Pony, you come from a very hot family, yall are all conventionally attractive. paragraphs, ffs
also, I love that Soda doesn't drink. that he has a drunk on life attitude. could absolutely never be me, love that for him, unfortunately I fw Two-Bit's vibes with alcohol a bit more--
and the fact that Soda is the only one that can tease Darry.
there isn't a single positive thing said about Dallas besides "I didn't like him, but he was smart and you had to respect him." but frfr he's so great.
but if I met any of these fuckers irl Soda is the only one that I'd have a chance in hell at not hating. and that's only because he seems like he'd be enough of an emotionally/socially intelligent people-pleaser to actively try to get someone to like him, lol.
kinda salty about Johnny being called the gangs pet, wtf Ponyboy. not like he's one person's main reason to live, is SUCH fucking ride or die, later kills a man for Pony. but yeah, he's a pet. he tags along. what the fuck ever, man. if anything, Ponyboy (you know, the person that's mainly part of the gang bc he tags along with his older brothers, the BABY of the group, the quiet & sensitive one that doesn't have a single braincell outside of pure booksmarts) is the pet. like, sure, Johnny has trauma and is really quiet, but let's be so fr right now.
despite what is said in the book (bc it's Ponyboy's pov so we only get his perspective, obviously) I'm sure Darry gets after Soda too.
also, oldest children that become parental figures in some degree are allowed to be mean to their baby siblings. it's our right. as a 20-something year old with a young teen baby brother with common sense in the negatives, I am very biased in saying that Darry is always objectively 100% correct in every situation ever (heavily exaggerating, I just relate a lot).
forever mad that we don't get more Sylvia!!! my most random fav!!! so much love to her!!! she's basically an oc with how little we get of her and how many headcanons I have, I don't even really like the main fanon version of her either, but GOD she's my girl fr
NO BECAUSE WHEN I WAS 14 IF SOMEONE PULLED THEIR OWN KNIFE TO DO A DISSECTION THE WAY MY TONGUE WOULD BE DOWN THEIR THROAT. Ponyboy, babygirl, you did NOT deserve for that girl to hate on you like that. RUDE.
"Dallas deserves everything he gets, and should get worse, if you want the truth." agreed, that's my though process as I'm making the nastiest headcanons for him. my life's goal is to make this man suffer or make him into a loser, and all my hcs do both
breaks my heart so much how Ponyboy talks about Darry, leave my boy ALONE, dude!!!
my headcanons for Darry are usually the exact opposite of my hcs for Dally, I just want this guy to have the very best ong. I'll get so unrealistic with it too, bitch, YES I'll give you an absolutely stunning sugar mommy, babe!! just stop being stressed and stop having bad things happen for a few minutes!!! I almost struggle making in character, good headcanons for him because I just want to give him fluff and filler only and nothing else--
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acourtofthought · 2 years
Gwyn doing friendship bracelets because it reminds her of her sister is childish, but Bryce collecting my little pony figures, Aelin eating all the candy in a bag and smiling with yellow teeth, the bat boys having snowball fights, the bat boys touching things when they are told to not touch it, Elain being too shy and emberrassed to talk about or even mention sex and periods, and the author herself fangirling over every disney and pixar movies there is...is not childish? Like- why are we ignoring the fact that Sarah makes friendship bracelets herself?
You know... I once heard from an el/riel that El/riel would have an adult relationship and that's why it's superior.. girl wtf is an "adult relationship". If El/riel's book is only about secret sex, political bullsh*t and unnecessary drama then I certainly don't want it.
In their post they also mentioned how Sarah made it obvious that she's a child because she was described as cotlish. If they did prober research, they would know that Sarah also described Vassa as cotlish, but she's grown enough to be with Lucien? Or is she less of a threat enough to be allowed with Lucien? To distract Lucien from El/riel?
There wasn't much hate for Lucien when they realized that there was a available lady and they took the chance to throw her at Lucien so that they could do their thing in peace... until Gwyn came and they started to find nurmerous ways to destroy her character. "Gwyn is a child" "Gwyn is a lightsinger" "Gwyn lied about her SA" "Gwyn can't be with him because she's a SA victim" etc.... and when Elucien started to rise? Lucien got all the hate alongside Gwyn.
Sexy redheads for the win. They do nothing and yet piss off so many people who are in their adult age. That is power.
You are so right, sexy redheads DEFINITELY for the win! We don't need a golden haired sister with a black haired bat boy, another golden haired sister with a black haired bat with, and a third golden haired sister with a black haired bat boy. There should absolutely be some ginger added to the mix.
And you are right again. SJM does enjoy giving her characters a dose of their inner child when it comes to certain things but as you said, it's prevalent for many of her female MMC. I think it makes sense that Feyre never had a "thing" but that's in line with her character. She's always taken the Mother Hen role upon herself but now that she has Nyx, I think she'll get to experience all those moments through her son.
And I think people are misinterpreting SJM's use of coltish. Sure it can be used to describe someone young and playful but Nesta used this in reference to Gwyn while she was standing between two shelves. She wasn't doing anything to give the impression that she was playful at that time.
How the sentence actually reads is, "She was young" - (THEN) "almost coltish, with her slender, elegant limbs."
The only thing "coltish" that SJM is likening Gwyn to is her slender, elegant limbs (which you would find on a colt).
Yes, Coltish can also mean "energetic but awkward in one's movements of behaviors" but we know that doesn't describe Gwyn considering "As graceful as Gwyn had been."
E/riel, an adult relationship?! That is hysterical to me.
An adult relationship involves Trust, Communication, thinking in terms of "We" rather than "I".
"He knew she had no idea that he had done unspeakable things that sullied his hands far beyond their scars."
Azriel doesn't share his darkness with Elain because he does not trust she won't be horrified by him.
"Keeping away from Elain as much as possible." "He left the rest unspoken". "Azriel so rarely came to family dinners this days". "Lie, well the second part was a lie." "She extended the wrapped gift, her hand shaking."
Azriel and Elain are both characters who can sense things or easily observe things about others so they are picking up on obvious clues from the other one. That, however, is not the same thing as actually discussing something like two adults. Having an open conversation and being "real" with one another. Not to mention an adult relationship would not involve one persons hands shaking while in the others presence after knowing one another for nearly two years.
Also, a mature relationship would not be one where one person says they've never thought of the other person beyond their sexual fantasies. Mature relationships are ones where you do plan for your future together, the "we" instead of "I". There's no "our" future, it's only" his" fantasies. Az also speaks out against things Elain has specifically said she wanted (not to her face though, he's sure to wait until she's not around to hear him), and decides that he's entitled to speak on behalf of her Mating Bond.
Do people HONESTLY believe that Az and Elain's interactions emulate that of a mature and healthy couple? And that's where people say those two are at, in love with one another.
Az and Elain read like two 15 year olds having a high school crush. Both have experienced some very severe trauma in their lives and a real relationship would be one where that is addressed within the two years of knowing one another, where they have been given free reign to spend together and are both open to the interactions. A mature relationship would suggest that Az might have some insight as to Elain and how she feels about her relationship with the sisters. Where he acknowledges her friendships. I think the POV Bonus Chapter makes it pretty obvious that they still don't much about anything when it comes to the other.
You know, I love these asks but sometimes I sit here and wonder why they are sent anonymously because they are so well thought out and I feel like the senders deserve credit for them!
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knowlessman · 2 years
shake n bake alabamia (bnha) s2e4-5 let's find out what a fucking cavalry battle is
yeah yeah 80% of the world is superheroes ever since the shiny nation attacked wtf is a cavalry battle I don't wanna google it I want you to tell me -- reel 'em in with the melody (skipskipskip)
"I want you to tell them 'I am here!' mow it in the lawn if you have to!"
deku I think it might take a little more than luck to drag a hunk of metal with you a whole race and then figure out a way to use it to go really fast right at the end. people keep underselling themselves in this.
…these are some weird rules. also holy shit this looks unsafe with the headbands around the neck. are they actually supposed to carry each other? how the hell are they sposed to get the headbands? -- "you'll get a red card for trying to make people fall over" ?????????????????????? I started this episode with one question and I keep getting more. also it's hard enough to get kids with quirks not to try to kill each other, how in fuck do you decide whether an "attack" is meant to get someone to fall?
dude. I know healing powers exist but still, why are they letting you smoke indoors, and right in people's faces no less
"how do you not know your own class's powers???" 'XD vegeta gonna vegeet
flying horse? not sure what other plan there is with uraraka tbh -- well, it's not like this is that different from deku's plan with picking iida -- (I keep trying to remember the gadgeteer girl's name from danganronpa 3 so I can call hatsume that but tbph maybe that's for the best anyway)
"I just need one more person" WHAT ARE THE RULES OF THIS GAME, THE DIAGRAM SHOWED THREE PEOPLE -- dontbeminetadontbeminetadontbemineta -- birdman, yesssssss, this oughta be cool (also it's not mineta thank fuck)
oh fuck, part of me wants to see todoroki win. it helps that iida is on his team (even tho I'm a little disappointed about this "I'm your rival now too" thing)
really, tsu? mineta? : /
that's literally one of the butler bot npc's from the paris map I stg (like granted it's not a complicated design but still)
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"before we get deku, let's kill all these guys (who are literally just playing the hand they were dealt with half a brain)" easy there vegeets, you get red flags that way -- I guess props to class A for figuring out, between them, how to set up a team that lets bakugo do whatever he wants; for sure, no team with him in it is going to last longer than it takes for him to fall off otherwise
"I shift Shoji into attack mode and attack your headbands directly!"
"team midoriya has nowhere left to go!" WHAT. ARE. THE. RULES. TO. THIS. GAME. is this fucking calvinball, or does every high school in japan play this and somehow it's never shown up in any other anime I've heard of, or what?
…we just did this. didn't we just do this last episode? -- oh, cool. hell, I feel like they're trying to set up neito as a dick but I don't see much reason not to like him yet
neito gotta stop pushing them buttons or we're gonna need a backup planet
o_o dang, wasn't expecting iida to even have chips to put in
sigh "the difference between having goals you can plan for and just bloodymindedly grasping for the moon while answering everything but perfection with violence" so disappointingly american
I wasn't really reading too close when they explained how the points work, but it is pretty damn weird that there's a ten million point headband and (judging by the margins on the scoreboard) no others that even go up to ten thousand. damn near rowlingesque; hell, even the snitch could be overtaken (granted, only by somebody willingly throwing the game)
"Tokoyami!" "Kaminari!" "DEKUUUU!" "Bakugo!" Donkey!
"TIME UP!" bakugo faceplants 'XDDDDDD shouldn'ta got sidetracked, vegeet
…wait when did gamzee get here. did neito throw his points to him? was this a relay race pony express shell game thingy??? we still don't know what shinso's mOtHeRfUcKiNg quirk is yet
CONSOLATION POINTS TO GRIFFINPUFF. good show, birdman, good show
hm. interesting convos in next episode, I expect. officially learning some things about todoroki and endeavor. gonna have to be next time, unfortunately; 's late.
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lolahasmoxie · 2 years
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I posted 3,435 times in 2022
49 posts created (1%)
3,386 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,427 of my posts in 2022
#kitteh - 384 posts
#chris evans - 289 posts
#joseph quinn - 196 posts
#sebastian stan - 184 posts
#tom hiddleston - 174 posts
#omg i’m dying - 164 posts
#omg i'm dying - 161 posts
#henry cavill - 153 posts
#eddie munson - 123 posts
#puppeh - 107 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#wanna go to a game with him solely for the beers and food and nod and smile while he tries to explain wtf is going on with the game fjdjdjsj
My Top Posts in 2022:
I don’t want to be that fan girl, but why does his girlfriend look like she was photoshopped into that picture.
20 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Eddie Munson Headcannon
If you are pregnant with a boy, he will say, "you're growing a tiny penis inside of you," probs on the daily.
42 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Bambi - EM x Reader
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Warning: sexy times, cursing, witty banter, fluff, drug use (18+)
Word Count: 0.9k
So, I had some “me time” the other day and it was so good that I was walking like a baby gazelle. I knew i looked hilarious walking to my bathroom so I wondered what my current favorite obsession would say if he saw me.
Also, reader and Eddie are out of high school. Our boy made ‘86 his bitch. Both are in their early twenties.
The “ha ha you love me” interaction is from one of my favorite Simpsons episodes (Lisa’s Pony) and is one of my favorite Homer and Marge scenes.
Divider by @ichigoohinatsuma
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276 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
Thumper - E.M.
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So a while ago, I wrote this. Here's the follow-up because turnabout is fair play.
PAIRING: Eddie Munson x reader
WARNINGS: Smut, fluff, under 18 DNI
NOTES: The last one was inspired by some 'personal' time I had with myself. Same deal here. Thank my showerhead and a free afternoon for this one.
Sequel to Bambi. Not necessary to read it before, but check it out if you want to.
Header from @firefly-graphics
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307 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sleep Tight - E.M.
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Pairing: Single Dad Eddie Munson x Fem Reader
Word Count: 3.8K (this may have gotten away from me)
Warning: fluff, idiots to lovers, a couple of curse words
Notes: This has been living in my brain for days, and I had to get it out. So everywhere I've read Eddie as a dad, he has a little girl. Don't get me wrong, I love it. But can you imagine him with a little boy who is his tiny doppelganger? Dead.
For this, I picture Eddie and Reader as having known each other since they were kids, and both were close growing up. Eddie flunked his first senior year, and reader graduated and left Hawkins for college. They kept in touch for a while but eventually drifted apart. She returns to Hawkins and reconnects with Eddie and his 4-year-old son. Mom has been out of the picture since he was born, and I picture Eddie as a mechanic who plays with Corroded Coffin on the weekends.
Eddie and Reader are 28 in this (takes place in 1994). An AU where the Upside Down doesn't exist, and Eddie lives.
Divider from @firefly-graphics
See the full post
1,196 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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goldammerchen · 13 days
Any Feliks or Tolys ideas? Idk if you need something more maybe postwar
Anything psychological headcanons
I'm afraid I can't think of anything that isn't related to my pony [Gil] <-one trick pony, tunnel vision.
Tolys isn't happy to be stuck with one of his biggest historic enemies to at least 1953--I pull satellite countries out of Moscow, I need them living the cold war in the own houses with their own people. Soviet countries can at least visit a bit of course, for the same reason. I know that in heta logic it makes sense that occupied/absorbed/dominated/under influence liVe with the countries in power, I still like nation-people and their own people more. P.s.1.; P.s.2.; P.s.3. What I was saying. Right. I'm not sure about my hcs about what Tolys did during W/W2 to be honest, I'll leave it at that, bc I don't think I'll ever be sure / have a solid hc. But back to the point, Gil isn't mfing Prussia anymore, doesn't have that power, so this is back to something more akin to the time where he was the duchy, but not really--the point is that calmed down a bit finally, had to be dissolved into acid first tho :P*. Tolys reluctantly will care and tolerate Gil more .
*not really obviously, I love that joke. I don't think he was even executed, just had a stroke while being a prisoner and was like WTF happened, only learning later about the dissolution (reaction after).
Feliks, I am semi more sure about what happened to him during WW/2, and he is obviously fucking mad with Gil, whose "help" as I have mentioned in fics sucked: beating the living daylights out of him and then letting him go, or even fake (or real!) executions. As time passes, his disposition(?) about Gil is similar to Tolys; this is akin to the Commonwealth but not really. Through clenched teeth will hang around more Gil again, at first bc Ivan forced them (same with Gil and Tolys, not editing that), but later is like. "Wanna see what I am doing with MY place"? (Parallel to Gil saying humiliating shit about the partitions before). Or Gil hiding from his govt in Feliks' place. Or Feliks hiding from his govt in Gil's place. Or Feliks going to one of his beaches only to find East German tourists naked, including Gilbert ("not you too!!!") (I read about that somewhere lol). Or something about East Germans + Gilbert buying too much shit in Poland, but I don't remember that well.
Couple previous posts (tagged as poipru to find easier between the fanart lol)
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izzypoopypoo · 6 months
United States of America
USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!
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Day One
So I just woke up like thissss — in the US of A. Born and raised. At 2657 107th AVE NW.
Here I am!!!
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Hmm, what should I do in my home of Coon Rapids? I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW!!! I need to EAT.
I leap into my blue minivan and drive carefully on the roads, eschewing the ubiquitous ice. One notorious thing about this place is Elsa's wrath upon us.
I pick up my BFFies for a grand old time because that's just what we Minnesotans do, IG.
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Yesss IHOP — my favourite place on the planet. The International House of Pancakes was founded in 1958 by my BFFs Jerry Lapin, Al Lapin, and Albert Kallis in Los Angeles.
This particular IHOP is located at 55 Coon Rapids Blvd, NW, and is one of the worst-rated IHOPs nearby at 3.4
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Here I'm sat with my ponies Clara, Read, and Ramsey. IDK WTF they ordered, but I ALWAYS order the five stack of original buttermilk pancakes, since I was a little kitten.
I hear Ed Sheeran playing on the radio and I want to die. Every song is in English. We speak English in the US due to the red coats colonizing here in the 1600s. Fun fact, I'm technically the most American in this room. #Mexican #Brown. Yet white is seen as the epitome of American SMH, ANYWAY!!!
Our waitress forgets about us 5000 times. We also weren't even seated for like 30 minutes despite there being like one other customer. YEAH, THIS SERVICE STINKS! But I still leave a 20% tip because this is America and waiters don't make enough on their salary alone, so it's my duty to tip them.
I tip using my hard-earned US Dollars from working at Coldstone Creamery. My own tips, actually.
Day -5
There's not much else to do in Coon Rapids but eat and shop. Especially in the winter when no one wants to be outside. Except when you're freaky like us.
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Winter fun!!! SLEDDING!!! That's how we live it up in the depths of winter here in Minnesota. I also love love skiing, but not in Coon Rapids. But my soul craves warmth… I need to travel to the equator. Time to get crawling.
0 notes
sexycowpoke · 3 years
How the gang would react to you gifts Jack a little pony
(part 1 )
[RDR Masterlist]
Inspired by this video :)
Gender neutral reader
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You where in Valentine cause you needed to buy some food for your horse. While you where talking with the seller. A little pony comes to you. You don't think about her at first, but when you where heading to your horse she starts following you. When you look at her you think that little Jack doesn't have a friend of the same age. And that she thinks your their parent and you couldn't leave her like that. So you go to speak with the seller if you could buy her. They say that the little pony didn't have a mother, and you could take her for free. After you take the supplies for your horse and your new tiny friend. You go to the camp with her following you behind.
Their reaction:
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When Arthur see the little horse following you he's like "wtf!!". But he thinks it's cute. He'll ask where did you get her and when you say what happened. He'll let out a little giggle. You go to little Jack with her still following behind. When you say to Jack you have a gift for him, he'll be very curious about it and ask what is the gift. When you show him your little friend, he's the most happy kid in the world! You told him to take care of her and he, o'course, nods. Arthur was smiling while watching the scene from far away. That's one of the thinks why he loves about you.
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When John sees you new little friend. He's like Arthur. But he didn't say anything. You go to little Jack with her still following behind. When you say to Jack you have a gift for him, he'll be very curious about it and ask what is the gift. When you show him your little friend, he's the most happy kid in the world! You told him to take care of her and he, o'course, nods. John didn't like the idea that much. But when he sees his son playing with you and his new friend. He start to think otherwise.
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Dutch ask to himself why that baby horse was following you. Then he goes back to what he was doing. You go to little Jack with her still following behind. When you say to him you have a gift for him, he'll be very curious about it and ask what is the gift. When you show him your little friend, he's the most happy kid in the world! You told him to take care of her and he, o'course, nods. After some time he hears some laughs. So he starts to search where does the laughs came from. When Dutch founds you and little Jack with the little baby horse of before playing together. He smiles and comes back to what he was doing before.
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Hosea will first go to you and ask where did you get her. When you say to him what happened he starts to laugh. Then he goes to his tent and comes back after some minutes. He gives you some little apples to give to little Jack for the baby horse. You thank him then you go to little Jack with her still following behind. When you say to Jack you have a gift for him, he'll be very curious about it and ask what is the gift. When you show him your little friend, he's the most happy kid in the world! You told him to take care of her and he, o'course, nods. Hosea was smiling from the distance. After some minutes he goes back to read his journal
[Hope you all liked it :D ]
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rainbowsky · 3 years
SDOC4 Episode 8, Let's Chat S02 Episode 7
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I am so hopelessly behind on these it's not even funny, but here it goes.
SDOC4 Episode 8
Battles - Solo
It's always exciting to see the dancers battle directly against each other. I'm always excited to see them show their unique skills and strengths. It's also interesting to see how the captains strategize in situations like this. This episode was one of my favorites so far.
WTF this guy is a powerhouse. Unbelievable talent, and so diverse in his ability. I know I'm always raving about him, but geez, it's so well deserved. He is such a force to be reckoned with. The way that he held against some of the B boys was incredibly impressive.
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I sometimes get complacent about him and think of him as a bit of a one trick pony, and then I see him battle. Guy is amazing.
Not enough words for how great he is. He's so original and distinctive, no one can touch him. Love him so much. And the big bonus is that we get to see DD cheer for him, which is always hugely entertaining.
My only complaint about AC is that I never see enough of him. I love him so much. He's not just a great dancer, he is an amazing performer who knows how to work the room. And I have to admit, there's something really heartwarming about seeing some strong queer energy in this otherwise very bro-ish space.
REI Gogo
I said this last week and I only feel more strongly about it this week. He is a real standout who's becoming one of my favourites. He just has such a great connection to the music and he's always on his toes. He almost never misses a beat and he keeps bringing out so many interesting, powerful moves.
I love that he stepped into the ring so early on, and that he is representing krump so well. It was a smart strategic move, too, because of the difficulty people have with the music. Plus I can just watch him dance all day long. He embodies the attitude so well.
Xiao Jie
His talent and skill are undeniable. He is among the best. I just don't connect with his style very well. It's a matter of taste, and his jaunty funky style is too in between clownishness and seriousness for my taste. I personally prefer those two extremes. Still, like I said, he is an incredibly talented guy.
The man is amazing. I think he gets too often positioned as a bit of an emotional/sentimental storyline, but he has the dancing chops to back it all up. He's a legend for a reason.
I've said this before but I have a thing for b boys. I just love the power and physicality and daring and acrobatics and flashiness of the whole style.
She is such a ball of energy, and so strong and fearless. It's impossible not to love her. And she is a really solid dancer. It was exciting to see her dominate for several rounds.
The guy blows my mind. His t-shirt stunts are always entertaining. His moves are huge and powerful. He can be a bit of a slow starter at times but when he gets going it's like a tornado.
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Battles - 2 on 2
DD and Bouboo
What more could a fan of this show ask for? Seeing them dance together - and so well - is enough to make a grown man squeal. They work so well together, it was a treat to see.
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Gogo Brothers
Dominant. Those two often seem unbeatable 2 on 2. Not only are they incredible dancers, they are at such a huge advantage because of their apparent ability to mind-read each other.
Poppin C and MT Pop
Disappointing. I love these two individually, but I didn't feel their chemistry, and much of what they did came off as awkward and poorly rehearsed.
DD and David
A highlight for me. DD the perfectionist paired beautifully with David, who is a great dancer who handles choreography well. The style of this performance was so refreshing to see.
I always enjoy seeing DD up next to top level professional dancers like this, because it's a great opportunity to see JUST HOW FUCKING GOOD DD IS. I mean... wow. His level of execution is always sharp, and he often outshines the other dancer in his ability to hit the choreography cleanly and expertly.
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Nelson and Jr Taco
Didn't come together for me. They didn't have the right degree of synergy. The height difference didn't help, but I also didn't get the sense that they were as prepared as they could have been.
Xiao Jie and Yu Wan
Too gimmicky. As a pairing they work exceptionally well together and their ideas are clever and lighthearted, but it all needed more actual dancing.
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Hilty and Bosch
Not as strong as the Gogo Brothers this round, and I inevitably compare the two duos.
Ma Xialong and Eleven
MX was actually more impressive than Eleven, which surprised me. He is just so smooth and elegant in his movements that it is impossible not to notice the superior flavour of what he was doing. He's also a bit better at connecting with the music.
Xiao Jie and Xiao Ji
Surprisingly disappointing. It should have been one of my favorites of the night, but it was an almost total flop for me. Far too gimmicky, and awkwardly executed. Just dance, guys!! Please.
Rochka and Boris
Rochka did all the heavy lifting here, but they worked well together. A great performance.
Han Geng and Acky
Amazing. Great chemistry and flow, great moves. Han Geng always impresses me, and he is so well paired with Acky. They have a natural chemistry together.
Ibuki and Eleven
Whaaaaaaaaaat?!? Wow. So strong together. What a surprising, powerful pairing. They really killed it. I love you, DD, but they were robbed.
DD and Jr Taco
A bit weaker than the other DD pairings, but DD's solo part was great. It's always good to see the judges acknowledge his talent as well. Funny that he remembers the routines better than the other dancers, because he has so much more on his plate than they do.
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Battles - Group Choreography
Team Yixing
Too gimmicky and forced. Too much staging, not enough dancing. It felt more like a theater performance than a dance performance. It was entertaining and well-executed but didn't reach the level it needed to.
Team Han Geng
A really strong performance. Seeing Ma Xiaolong and AC working so well together was a huge highlight of the episode for me.
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Team Boom!
I am well aware that I am biased. If it weren't for DD I probably wouldn't even be watching this show, as much as I love dance. It's just too much of a time commitment.
With all that in mind, DD and his team make it so easy for me to back up my bias and maintain my level of enthusiasm and support, because they are just so strong and dedicated to making truly clean professional performances.
By far the best performance of the group battles. Really great performance really clear intention behind what they were doing. The mirrors thing worked well and was easy to read. The dance was solid and very energetic and they had great chemistry. Excellent performance.
Team Henry Lau
I loved the idea of this, but it just didn't come across. You can't just have a mask and a bunch of stairs and think that you're getting a message across about cyberbullying. It's too serious of a subject to not honour with a really powerful clear emotional message. I was really disappointed with this performance.
Final Battle
It was good to see him onstage again. Too bad it was against Nelson and he had no chance.
Love him so much. Powerful b boy.
I feel he's at a similar level as George, but Keven is just better at connecting with the music. That makes all the difference.
Killer performance, too bad for him that DD sent Bouboo out. Bouboo just really brought it.
His second battle performance was not great. The jacket thing was awkward and confusing. Still, he had a strong energy and a few good moments.
He wasn't strong enough to beat Yixing, sadly. Not enough power or variety.
Bouboo vs MT Pop
DD was smart to bring him in to win back the floor. Seeing the two of them battle was a treat. I really love them both. They both did well, Bouboo is just a tough guy to beat, for obvious reasons.
Keven vs C-Lil
Keven killed it, he really killed it. I love them both, and it was fun to watch, but Keven just has a stronger ability to flow with the music.
AC vs YOU from Hilty and Bosch
KING AC. That's all.
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REI Gogo
Like I've said before, he is a favorite. So strong.
MT Pop
A favourite of mine. He just has so much originality. I love him when he's in his best form. He's a bit inconsistent, unfortunately, but when he's on, he's really on.
Mr Three
I love this guy and his style is distinctive and interesting, but unfortunately the accusations of plagiarism earlier this season have coloured my perspective on him and I just don't feel the same as I did in the beginning.
Xiao Ji vs Keven
Love them both, was fun seeing them go up against each other. Keven is just stronger.
MT Pop vs David
David was on FIRE. He really brought it and left everything on the floor. Well deserved win. I was completely blown away, he exceeded every expectation. Sorry for ever doubting you, Bro. You really showed me!
Seeing DD's team win, especially hearing and seeing him cheer, made me so happy. Nothing makes me happy like seeing DD smile and jump up and down with joy.
Poor guy. As someone with asthma I can totally identify with his struggle. Really sad to see him on the sidelines like that, but keeping him benched was the right call, unfortunately.
It's really sad to see Nelson go, but I'm not surprised. It's got to be hard to stay away from home for as long as these international dancers do. Life is still happening back home, and there's always a risk that something important will come up to call a dancer back.
It was sad to see Bobo sad so fast on the heels of the victory. At least they had that high note to end it on.
Overall I was disappointed with how many dancers went for gimmicks over elbow grease this episode. There is a fine line between coming up with a clever, original hook and bogging yourself down with overcomplicated gimmicks. I hope they learned from the many failures of this approach and will bring more dance next time.
Let's Chat Season 2 Episode 7
It was interesting hearing the captains discuss the battles and what they felt were the highlights for them. I especially enjoyed seeing them talk about Ibuki and give her some of the credit she deserves. She's a really strong competitor.
Yixing talking about his coat thing was hilarious, since that sequence was such a flop for me. 😅
DD talking about how much fun he had, and it being so tied in with the winning streak, totally made me laugh. He's so competitive! He loves getting lost in the music, dancing for the fun of it and being around people he likes and respects, but he also just gets a huge kick out of racking up the points and dominating over his opponents.
I didn't share their enthusiasm for the pairing between MT Pop and Poppin C. Yes, they did have a lot of interesting coordinated routines together, but the execution of them was fairly sloppy - probably because they had too much on their plate. If they'd pared it down a bit and tightened up those routines it would have been a huge standout. As it was, it just lacked a bit of polish for me.
I totally agree with Yixing that the Gogo Brothers create a strong atmosphere when they're onstage together, but I agree even more strongly with Henry and Han Geng when they were talking about the power of their solo performances. Especially REI, who I think is among the handful of very strongest dancers on the entire show.
I was relieved to see Henry more relaxed and natural this episode, and for the dance battle as well. Sometimes the tension in him makes me feel tense as well! And thankfully his annoyingness has all but disappeared. When he's himself he's just a sweet, friendly guy.
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"Pig in the mirror", DD didn't appreciate that one! 😅 Surely it was about him, though. Sorry, DD, but whether you like it or not you're a multi-dimensional person, and one of those dimensions is 'cute piggy'. Suck it up, we all have our burdens to bear! 😅😅😅
I was tempted to end the episode as soon as DD left, but I stuck it out, and ended up wishing I'd closed it. Absolutely nothing interesting happened after that point. The rehearsal stuff was OK, but I could take or leave it.
1 episode down, 3 to go!! 😑
IMPORTANT: Please, when responding to these, remember not to post any spoilers. I want people (including myself) to be able to read the notes of these posts and not get spoiled. Thanks!
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fancyfade · 3 years
Honestly, i think the more petty and insecure stuff is how Tim taunts Damian in 2011 Batman and Robin like??? Tim wtf???
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From issue 10. Like Damian does make the first comment but he's also a 10 year old and Tim (at least 18 at this point) just keeps dunking on him for no reason. It's especially weird because at this point, Jason and Tim are sort of buddies so like Tim can get along with someone who tried to murder him. Idk I'm not a Tim stan, i read about 100 or so issues of his solo run, and all of Young Justice 98, and he just doesn't appear to be this petty with anyone but Damian. Their rivalry is really dumb and looks bad for both the characters- it gives DC a way to keep regressing Damian's character and is just plain OOC for Tim. Idk i have a little brother who has the same age gap and just like yeah no i don't think this is remotely realistic (yeah i know everything in the DC universe isn't realistic but this rivalry is just trash and seems it's being used a way to show their character as struggling to fit in with the family without actually doing it in a nuanced or realistic way).
Thanks for chiming in! I will confess Tim does wind up looking kind of petty to me but also :P I like Damian and am neutral on tim so I was wondering if I was biased.
I do agree that the rivalry is kind of dumb thats why I’m trying to think of how to resolve it in my verse. I know I got one reply on my post saying the red robin run tim was uncharacteristically violent but possibly explained (but not excused) by tim’s extremely fragile mental state at the time. which was my interpretation of it at the time sort of (that he was projecting damian as an avatar for all the things going on wrong with his life)
getting around to new 52 i have no clue why the writers decided to persist in it. it definitely does make tim look pretty petty at this point especially since they write him on decent terms with jason who did also try to kill him. my only guess would be if they retconned jason trying to kill tim but not damian for some reason.
though tbh i always assumed that as a superhero, tim would be more offended that jason killed people after tim broke him out of jail than that he tried to kill him.
image under cut
[image: a comic page from batman and robin 2011 taking place in wayne manor featuring tim drake, damian wayne, alfred pennyworth, bruce wayne, and an unnamed painter guy. the family is standing across from teh painter guy and bruce is standing up and touching the chair. BRUCE: Can I lose the chair and simply standi n the middle of everyone? PAINTER: Whatever you prefer, Mister Wayne. Last I checked, you are the client. Dick, Tim, and Damian are all clustered together. DICK: We should pull the shades, have him paint us with night vision goggles in our natural environment. DAMIAN: I think caravaggio would be better suited to capture us in our element. TIM: DIdn't he play for the yankees? DAMIAN: He was a 17th century italian painter. Thanks for reminding me what a complete lack of culture you possess, Drake. TIM: ANd thanks for reminding me what an arrogant idiot you are, Damian. Dick smiles and tries to step between them. DICK: C'mon. let's turn those frowns upside down.
the five characters are now all clustered in front of the painter with bruce in the middle.
BRUCE: Okay, this feels better, don't you think, more natural, less... dictorial.
DICK: Yeah, we wouldn't want anyone thinking you like to be the boss, Bruce.
PAINTER: Everyone get a little close, please. I need to reposition you.
Alfred kind of hunches his shoulders and points to the side and Damian runs off panel.
ALFRED: Maybe no is a good time to reassess my inclusion in --
BRUCE (putting hand on alfred's shoulder): This is a family portrait, Alfred, so stand still and be quiet
DAMIAN: We forgot a wayne!
Damian comes back with his great dane, titus. He has titus sit down right next to everyone.
DAMIAN: Sit, Titus. TIM: You got a new pony to ride, huh? DAMIAN: He's a great dane. One word from me and Titus can take your throat out. TIM: I forgot killing's your specialty --
end image]
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thedrag0nking · 3 years
11: 03 A.M. DEC 19
Its another day, there's still news going on about the raven zone and the more terrifying terrorists attacks. Satori Komeiji sat there on her desk reading newspapers while smoking. Her younger sister still around her sat there on the chair playing with a rock with goofy eyes glued onto it and a doll handcrafted by her sister as Koishi is undergoing to another one of her fantasies due to her disorder that she suffers from the accident and the older sister stopped reading asking her what she wants for christmas.
" Koishi? What does santa want to bring you for christmas? "
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" A p0nies!!!111 p1nk p0ny just liek 0ni1-chan!! <03 "
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" a pink pony just because of me? That's adorable, have you been good Koishi? "
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" Yeah ! ! ! 1 1 1 "
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" Then I'm sure santa will bring you your presents, keep behaving my little sister... "
Satori kept reading through the page until she reads about the part about the newest currency around Gensokyo cryptocurrency.
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" Eh? Cryptocurrency? Isn't this an outside world thing? And Of all the things people are killing eachother over, it's bit coin... "
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" Wtf is bit coin? K33p h33ring teh cucks 0n gens0ky0 talled a boat it t00.. "
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" Of course they are, well it's a cryptocurrency. one of many. It's digital money basically. "
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" Hao doas I bit coin get? "
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" Koishi no, you DON'T wanna die on this hill, I will tell you but I want you to have nothing to do with that crap so here is the simple answer for you, You buy them. "
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i draw ♡
- cute iron family
- tony with baby animals
- tony at the stark expo
- happy tony 😄
- cute sleeping tony 💤
- tony and peter hug
- hugging day
- tony's facial expression
- iron man (2008) poster fanart
- tony in a hoodie 💕
- tony cuddles babies 💙
- tony holding pepper in his arms 💖
- Tony discovering a new element 💙
- Tony is alive and back to his family project 💖
- Tony is alive and back to his family finished 💖
Valentine's Day
- valentine's day 2021 💘
- valentine's day 2022 💕
- valentine's day 2024
- halloween 2020 🎃
- halloween 2021 🧛🏻‍♂️
- thanksgiving 2020🍁
- thanksgiving 2021🧡
Christmas / Winter
- drawcember ❄
- christmas morning 2020 🎁
- christmas morning 2021 🎄
New eve
- new eve 2021 🥂
- new eve 2022 🎉
April fool day
- april fools day
- easter 🐇
Mother / Father's day
- mother's day 👩‍👧
- father's day 2021👨‍👧
- father's day 2022
- tony's birthday 🎂
- peter parker's birthday 🕷
International days
- international kissing day 😘
4th of July
- 4th of july 🇺🇸🎆
Tony and Morgan
- tony and morgan eating pizza
- proud tony on morgan graduation day 🎓
- tony and teen morgan joggin 🏃‍♂️
- tony and morgan through the years
Tony and Morgan (memes/video)
- my brother and his baby meme 👼
- wtf they watching video 💕
- first meeting
- the swing
- pepperony under the rain ☂️
- pepperony cute
- tony and pepper at the restaurant 🍽
- tony reading stories to pepper 📖
- tony holding pepper's belly bump 🤰🏼
Iron Family
- Family Walk 💛
- Buying cats 🐈
Tony and Peter
- star wars day
Tony and Rhodey
- teenage tony and rhodey
Little Tony
- little tony in his garage
- little tony in his civil war suit
- little tony and the ironettes
- little tony in traditional kurta
- 2021
- little tony and rhodey (friendship day)
- little tony and pepper
- tony and morgan
- valentine's day comic 💖
- tony dances with pepper (iron man 1)
Pepperony into different art style
- tony as my little pony
- tony and pepper as my little pony
- tony and pepper in scooby doo
- tony and pepper in barbie
- tony and pepper in tex avery
- mark 1 and mark 46
- tony portrait
- tony portrait (iron man 1)
Tumblr media
i write ♡
Tony Stark x Reader
- taking care of him (fluff)
- christmas vacation
- valentine's day 💘
- come to bed 💖
- tony's birthday 🎂
- sunset 💫
- showing tony a cute meme
Long stories
- the hero and the mermaid 🧜🏼‍♀️
- souls, a vampire story 🌹
Short imagine (masterlist)
- three house 🌳
- morning 💕
- hug 😊
- under the stars 🌟
- halloween 🎃
- gala 💫
- father's day 💞
Pepperony imagines
- Christmas light 💫
Tumblr media
edit / aesthetic ♡
- happy tony stark
- the mechanic
- iron man comic with real pics
- iron man comic animated with gif
- tony and the doctor (who)
- tony with fairy wings 🧚‍♂️
- phantom of the opera (pepperony) ⚘
- tony pepper morgan as a cartoon
- tony as a cat thread 🐈
custom / creation
List of my custom Funko Pops 💖
Tumblr media
- don't forget to tweet with the hashtag #BringBackTonyStarktolife 💕
- petition to bring tony back
108 notes · View notes
therealsehinton · 4 years
how do you feel about ponycade? johnny takes care of ponyboy, remembers "gone with the wind," letting him sleep on his leg while he watches for the drop-off point, and gives him his jacket while he gets food. even when he says that pony looks like sodapop, and that he looks good. for some reason, i chalk most of that up to being the best loyal friend, now responsible for getting a 13 yr old mixed in with a murder. the latter bit, i don't even think about, but would if dally said it to johnny
Well, I'm real iffy on Johnnyboy. The thing is I don't mind some good friends to lovers or their dynamic, but a lot of people ship them as they were in the novel and that's kind of 😐. Other than the fact that Pony JUST turned 14, Johnny lich rally forgets his age for a second and says he's 13 at some point. So if Johnny were to like him, he would be a 16 year old having a crush on someone who he thinks is 13 😭. I wouldn't mind if it was aged up but the sour things is I've never seen an aged up Johnnyboy thing, they're ALWAYS 16 and 14 like whaddahell 😐. Also people never write their interactions in an interesting way, so I haven't been able to truly enjoy any potential Johnnyboy may have
Now. I literally don't fucking know why Johnny called Ponyboy good looking like wtf 😭. In my class when we read that my teacher literally paused the reading and was like, that would never happen irl, SE Hinton doesn't know how to write boys. And we were all like: ain't that the truth
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