#poor guy has no idea what to do about his GIANT CRUSH
zo3mess · 5 months
From The Bottom (Of My Heart) | Part 2 to Bitter-sweet
Summary: Officers from other towns were reassigned to help the understaffed police force in Evergreen after the butterfly massacre. The good old game of cat and mouse begins with Vigilante continuing his shenanigans and one police officer determined to catch him. Except it is not entirely clear who is chasing whom.
Warnings: 18+, smut, dry humping, thigh riding, foul language, forced proximity, reader has slight anger issues,  female reader, no Y/N, Minors do not interact
Word count: 4.2k
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Extra songs for this fic
Masterlist of my works
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Note: This needed to continue, right? So here is another part. I’m currently writing another one, so this will be 3 part story. Did you guys know that writing smut for your favorite character is a great way to relax in between exams and panicking? Yeah, now you do, give it a shot. Anyway sorry for any grammar mistakes and stuff. Love ya <3
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When you started working for the Evergreen police department, nobody warned you that there was not much work to do. Not the dynamic part, the one you were living for. Your coworkers were happy with the lack of risk, rather hiding behind stacks of paperwork and handling noise complaints and petty conflicts.
The working morale was benevolent at best. After one especially tedious shift at the precinct, you packed yourself up to go for a walk, to scout out the sleepy town. You longed for anything to put you back in motion.
After the whole fiasco with Vigilante you were unsure of your every move. Mind bent, soul crushed. The way you just gave yourself away, determination, ideals being snatched from you the second his bloody lips collided with yours in a dark alley.
Thankfully, soon enough you found yourself running after a car thief, poor guy did not see you coming from the shadows, while he was prying open the trunk of an expensive car. Hope started to spark again deep in your core. The pleasant burn of lungs as cold air filled them with every shallow breath, flashing lights blinding you, legs cramping. Oh you needed this after your slump.
What you did not need was a well-known person closing in behind you. His heavy footsteps gave him away. Vigilante…
“Who are we chasing?” He caught up to you with ease, his speed always surprised you, however that was the last thing you appreciated at the moment. This was your time to shine, not his.
“Where did you come from?” You asked him breathlessly and sprinted faster. For a car thief, that guy was goddamn fast. You couldn’t get distracted with Vigilante barging in your chase. But him being by your side rather than the one you were chasing was a pleasant surprise.
He didn’t give you an answer to your question, he much rather came up with a stupid idea. “Who catches him first gets to kill him!” The lively voice catches you off guard every time, talking about murdering people like it was nothing.
“Don’t you dare! I need him alive!” That pleasant surprise turned into an unpleasant one in a second.
“Run faster then, chicken!” He’s laughing. Of course he was laughing. How could he not. Everything was a game for him, no real stakes, no real consequences. Well… Game on Vigilante.
You kept running after your target for quite a while, feet began to trip over each other, vision getting blurry, not noticing the change of environment. The thief led you from the town center, aiming for abandoned buildings, construction site long lost and forgotten.
That was where you finally got an advantage, leaving Vigilante behind you while you both zigzagged through empty halls until you reached a massive room that made you wonder how is this structure still standing. Rubble, trash, graffiti, skeletons of dead birds covered the ground and there was a giant pit in the middle of the room.
The criminal ran right by the hole and you were close behind, just a few more seconds you would tackle him. Except Vigilante had other plans, his ego would not allow him to lose this. Once you catch the bad guy before him and the next you will think you can catch the infamous Vigilante.
No, he could not let you win. Somewhere deep inside he found an extra strength to side up with you. The plan was to just slightly shove you out of the way to earn leverage.
Unfortunately for you, he miscalculated the force he did it with. Weak knees buckled under you and your body toppled to the side.
Before you could fall to your doom into the abyss, you grabbed his arm in one last attempt to save yourself. And unfortunately for Vigilante, his legs did not support him either. With united screams, you both fell down the hole.
You landed with a loud huff and painful groan. Everything hurt as hell. This evening was going far worse than you anticipated. Was it in your fate to mess up anything you touched?
You heard Vigilante cry out next to you, lying like a starfish on the ground. It was all his fault you ended up at rock bottom. Metaphorically and literally. You got onto your feet with struggle and sharp pain jolted through your whole body.
“Are you alright? You hit your head pretty hard.” For a moment you were actually afraid for his well-being, even though you should hit him twice as hard for his sudden ambush.
“ ‘Tis but a scratch.” He got onto his feet quite quickly and brushed himself off. Dust, rubble and dry leaves that got carried inside by a strong wind stuck to his suit, drowning the bright white and blue stripes in grey.
“Great, you’re talking nonsense.” You shook your head and limped past him, analyzing your surroundings in the low light of the dawn. He just shot you a glance but did not say anything in defense of his Monty Python reference.
It seemed like an empty pool, with colorless tiles that barely stuck to the walls. Only water ever filling this tank were puddles of dirty rainwater and muck.
Edges were too high for you to reach, maybe if you ran up the wall, you would be able to get to the surface. However, the missing strength was undermining that perfect plan. Vigilante had the same thinking as you, except for the realization that the plan will ultimately fail. You just watched with a gleeful smile as he tried to jump up over and over again with no outcome.
“If you give me a leg up, I could help you out once I’m on the surface.” You threw the idea in the air like it was nothing, you really needed his help though.
“You’re out of your mind, you’ll call for backup and I won’t have a chance to run. You boost me up! I can pull you out.”
“I don’t trust you, you’re gonna leave me here.” You half expected he would defend himself against all the accusations. But tension sparked in the air and it made you realize that it was the truth. Your precinct would probably receive an anonymous phone call about a person stuck in a hole on a construction site. But how long would it take for him to report it?
You were sure you heard a loud crack when you fell. Wishfully a delusion, in reality, it was the walkie-talkie that broke thanks to the impact. And phone signal? Of course not. You let out another disappointed groan when you found out.
“If you don’t wanna help me, fine. But know that my coworkers will notice I’m gone and will look for me.”
“Doubt that,” He walked past you to the other side and sat down with his head thrown back against the wall “You’ll change your mind.”
He did not care at all. His suit shielded him perfectly from the cold wind that had been afflicting Evergreen for several days.
You walked all over, trying to catch some signal on your phone, looking around and trying to find a way to get out of this situation while a focused hawk followed your every move with a burning stare.
“Shit, officer, are you shivering?” His voice was full of fake concern, if only you were able to see his eyes you would see mocking puppy eyes to match his words. “I heard the justice is best served cold, I thought you cops would be used to lower temperatures.”
“And I’ve heard cold-blooded animals don’t mind cold. No wonder you’re fine.” You snapped back with an equally fake tone and looked away from him. You wrapped your hands around yourself, rubbing to keep yourself warm at least a little bit. He was right, goosebumps were rising on your skin.
“Hilarious! You should have been a comedian. Maybe that way you wouldn’t have fallen into a pit and taken me with you.” He pointed his finger at you accusingly. It made you stop in your tracks, eyes wide with unbelief. How dare he accuse for it.
“Maybe if you did not poke your nose into my business we wouldn’t be here at all!” You scoffed at him in return and rolled your eyes. Like it was your fault. If he did not shove you to make room for himself you would not have ended like this.
“Please, you looked desperate for help.” Your blood has already been boiling and this was a final blow. Spare metal pipe lying close to you was viewed as far too tempting. In a second you bent down and threw it at him. Vigilante dodged, even though the pipe was thrown far off, crashing against the wall a few inches away from his head.
“See? You can’t even aim!” His laugh drowned the frustrated noise you made in sheer freakout. You decided to follow his lead and slid down the wall on the floor. You were already freezing, the icy ground made you shiver even more, but your legs ached, you needed a rest.
You sighed with exhaustion and bent your knees to your chest, tucking your head down, eyes closing just for a second. Vigilante’s laugh was still ringing in your ears, at this point you were sure it was forced. You simply had to wait it out, someone from your work will eventually notice you’re gone and will look for you. At least that is what you hoped for.
You curled up into a tight ball, breathing heavily, trying to calm down strung nerves. You did not care how weak you might have looked at the moment. You needed comfort. You failed to catch a criminal, had an overall shitty day, fell into a pit on an abandoned construction site and were stuck with Vigilante laughing at you once again. A psychopath that broke into your home and fucked you dumb. A psychopath you swore to catch. Path to glory was not going according to plan at all.
You kept thinking about the best option to get out of there in case no one came in time, as well as contemplating the strange relationship you started with the guy in front of you. You could almost feel his burning gaze on your body, but were not brave enough to check what he was doing.
The crinkling of wrapper interrupted your train of thought. You opened one eye just in time to see Vigilante stuffing his mouth full of a chocolate bar while humming away some tune. He looked so childish. Sitting criss-cross applesauce, mask familiarly rolled up again, snacking and mouthing away text of some song that was stuck in his head.
He did not owe you anything, however part of you felt a bit betrayed he did not offer you a bite.
“Do you always carry around snacks?” You meekly asked, this time trying to sound friendly. Maybe a nice attitude was in place, considering you would be stuck together for some time. Plus if you were mean to him, you would never persuade him to boost you up and get you to the sweet, sweet freedom.
“Only when I plan to be lost in the middle of nowhere with a big meanie who throws pipes at me.” He looks up to you and finishes his chocolate bar with a single bite while you stared at him back and rolled his mask back down. “I mean… I bring some food with me sometimes. I get peckish during patrols, no biggie.”
In the end, you both realized that arguing would not help your whereabouts. You nodded to his answer and shivered again when the wind blew into your face with freezing intensity. What would you give for a mask like Vigilante right now, he was all warm and cozy inside his suit.
“Come here..” He stretched his hands towards you, the sudden change in atmosphere took you aback. “Have you heard about penguins?”
“I know they exist, yeah?” Your brows furrowed with confusion, basically like every time he opened his mouth. What was he babbling about this time?
“When it is too cold they cuddle and share body warmth,” His hands still hovering in the air, now making grabby hands at you. “You will freeze until someone finds us here. Unless you wanna help me get up?”
“No way.” Mind was set with the opinion he would just leave you once you helped him out of this hole, maybe his idea was the best option for warming up.
With sluggish steps you walked over to him. Vigilante focused on your scrunched eyebrows, a thing you absentmindedly made in sheer embarrassment, but decided to not comment on it. However, when he saw the uncertainty in your eyes, his hands reached out for yours to guide you down in his hold.
What was the probability of ending up tangled around Vigilante again? Pretty high appartenly. Was it you? Were you the reason you always get into situations like this? You’d much rather blame it on fate. Life has a weird sense of humor.
You straddled his middle and awkwardly hugged him back. Thankfully Vigilante did not mind you were shivering in his hold, moving around, trying to find a comfortable position. He simply held you close to his body.
“Can I ask you something?” Was that worry in his voice you could hear? You hummed in agreement instead of actually answering.
“Why are you after me? Other officers like- weren’t happy with what I was doing, but they never chased me when they saw me or anything. Why do you care?”
Damn good question. Maybe he deserved an explanation of why you were busting his nuts all the time.
“Since I was little I’ve dreamed about being a hero. But I’m no Superman, no Batman, I don’t have god-like powers or millions of dollars,” Cautious words spilled from your mouth. Who would have guessed you’d be telling your life’s story to Vigilante. “And I wanted to make a difference, to catch criminals. If I came to Gotham with zero experience with catching real villains I would be just another nobody.”
“I’m not a villain-“
“Neither a hero.” You interrupted him. So what was he? Not a villain, not a hero. He was someone flickering in the middle, in the little grey area. A nuisance messing with your idea of good and evil.
“So if you came to Gotham with me on your list…” He fell silent at the end and his hold on you loosened.
“I would be somebody.” Now that you said it out loud, to him, you realized how stupid it sounded. Like in elementary school, when you had to have the same toys as others to fit in. This time you had to have a good history of arrests.
You were able to feel his fingers stretch on your back, hear a long exhale, almost feel his heart beating. Maybe the truth hurt more than any of his ideas of why you kept meeting each other.
“You’re not nobody to me.”
Your heart sank. His words made you feel… comfort. The one you kept looking for the whole time. All your life your achievements have driven you forward, ambitions controlling your every move. And to be praised even when everything was crumbling under your hands?
No matter how his embrace loosened, you hugged him tighter in reaction to his sweet words. An unspoken ‘thank you’.
The air was thick with tension. Emotional. Physical. And for a while you just listened to shared breaths, dripping water echoing somewhere in the room, wind whistling around your ears. You kept moving around, trying to adjust to more comfortable position. It didn’t even pass your mind how you were affecting Vigilante under you, until you felt something pressing into the crest of your hip.
“Is that a gun or your dick?“
“You can guess,“ He giggled and pressed himself closer to you. “I’ll give you a hint, it’s fully loaded.”
“I’d rather not know.” ‘Vigilante, don’t get horny in the most inappropriate time’ challenge. Level impossible. You wondered how this guy managed to work so far, he just appeared at random places, did the most odd things, and got surprise boners at any given moment.
There was something that fascinated you about Vigilante. At first, it seemed he had some sort of routine, you soon found out that was not completely true. The more you were after him, studying him and now being given a chance to get him to know on an almost personal level, you realized he acted on impulse with little to no plan whatsoever. In case there were some sort of plans for his actions, they were sculpted on different frequencies your brain could not comprehend.
His dick throbbed in his pants with need. Every time you were close his brain threw logic out of the window. Magnetic attraction controlled his and your brain with such cruelty. He experimentally jutted his hips up. And again and again. Bulge rubbing against your core ever so lightly.
“Don’t what?” He immediately stilled and lifted his head. Unsure eyes stared at you through the bright red visor.
Don’t what…. Don’t do this? Don’t tempt me into giving myself to you? Don’t give another blow to my already shattering views? Don’t make me feel something I haven’t felt in eternity? Don’t make me feel alive…
“Don’t stop.”
You didn’t even notice how tense he had become when you stopped him with panic in your voice. But now, with your words of confirmation, he molded against your freezing frame with such natural grace it made you question your reality for a split second.
Two cold bodies moved in waves with each other, creating fire to not only get rid of the crawling cold but also to melt the ice-covered hearts.
His face was hidden in the crook of your neck and despite the mask, you were able to feel the hot breath he puffed out. And he felt the same sensation from you, quiet moans were silenced by his suit, but still, he felt the warmth of your lips.
You held each other in such a tight embrace you were afraid he would squeeze out your last breath. But did you mind it? No, not really. He kept bunching up your clothes in his hand with every little move. Scrunching and letting go, scrunching, letting go.
The silence of the night was getting interrupted by heavy breathing, whimpers, and shuffling of clothes. It wasn’t enough for Vigilante, his mind had a tendency to run off with quietness, even when he was in the middle of bucking up his hips against yours. So he chose what he always did. Talking.
“Fuck, it feels good,” Vigilante hissed out throught gritted teeth “I thought humping was for horny teens.”
“And for two idiots like us.” He was right, it felt too good to stop.
“Yeah, yeah”  he chuckled and drove himself to you faster. The friction in his pants became unbearable. “I bet you’re so fucking wet for me right now. Tell me, are your panties soaked?”
“Oh God, you’re gross.” His words made you smile nonetheless.
“You love it though. You love me,” Poor boy sounded so wrecked when his set pace stuttered “Tell me you love me.” Last pained whine before he stilled and came on the spot. Cock flaring and twitching in his pants, cum staining his boxers.
This time you had a chance to watch Vigilante ride out his orgasm, and even without seeing his face, it looked beautiful, it sounded beautiful.  You waited patiently for him to calm down and once he locked his tired eyes with yours he was able to enjoy the sweet smile you gave him.
“I hate you.” You could not resist the temptation to answer to his wish with another snarky remark.
“Yeah, keep telling yourself that,” One of his hands left your waist and tucked a few stray hairs behind your ear, he was being sweet again, but his tone was downright sarcastic and mean “You sound like a broken record. Did you cum?”
“You can guess.” You answered with a mocking tone and rolled your eyes, yet another involuntary smile appeared.
His strong arms lifted your hips just enough to seat you on his thigh, straddling the big tense muscle. Hands enveloped your ass and a sigh left your lips when he started guiding you to grind on him. “Go on then, take what you need. At least you will warm up more.”
You exhaled and leaned your forehead on his padded shoulder. Face covered with cold sweat that formed with each roll of your hips, dust and debris smudged your skin. You were dirty, tired and overall worn out,  yet a weird sense of peace filled your insides.
Vigilante pressed your body close until there was no inch of space between, fingertips digging in the cloth of your jacket, masked face planted at the crown of your head. “That’s it. You’re doing so good.”
Barely audible praise and promises soon turned into soft buzzing in your ears and they kept you going despite the ache. The delicious feeling was neverending. You were already pretty close before, it did not take long to be tethering on the edge again.
Vigilante was enjoying every second of it, his pretty bratty girl riding his thigh with such fervor, gasping and whimpering for him. He wasn’t that dumb to say you’re ‘his’ out loud, you would swipe that idea off the table immediately.
But in his mind, you two were tangled to the point of no return. Even if you did arrest him and leave, you’d be forever his in those regretful memories. Your name would be on his lips to the end of times just like it is now. The only thing keeping you from floating away on the intense pleasure.
“Come on, cum for me.” A simple command that threw you over the edge. Your body seized in orgasmic bliss, twitching and shaking while Vigilante held you tightly.
A few minutes of calm down cleared your mind and you quickly realized the position you were in. If anyone came to save the missing officer, they would see you cuddling with the guy wanted for multiple counts of murder.
So you rolled away to sit next to him, shivering immediately when his hands left your body. He did not want to let go, you became his only want and only need. He would sit in the cold pit, in the middle of the night, with freezing wind blowing over his head, hungry, thirsty, sleepy, if it meant you would stay in his arms a bit longer.
“Shit.” You could not help but laugh, running your hand through messy hair and wiping away droplets of cold sweat.
“Hey uhm… ” After a few beats, Vigilante spoke up carefully “Are you okay?”
He was already staring at you when you turned your head to look at him, sitting on the ground like a rag doll, completely spent just like you. Your lips pressed into a thin line when you got up with weak legs. “I’m gonna help you up. But promise me you won’t leave me here.”
“I swear on my dead mother.” He jumped up to his feet and got closer to you in an instant under the promise of getting out of there.
“That’s dark, dude.” You brushed it off, but your head got into detective mode right away. He just carelessly threw you another piece of information about his real identity.
He just snorted in retaliation. After you decided on the best place to climb up, you allowed him to stand up on your connected hands and tried your best to lift his heavy build. With a struggle, but successfully after all, Vigilante climbed up over the edge. To keep his promise, he offered you his hand when you ran up the wall yourself and pulled you up.
“Anything else I can help you with?” You couldn’t care less about his smug question, saying like he just saved your life. Truth be told, this was a big point for him, maybe you hated him a bit less.
“You can walk me back to town, this place gives me creeps.” If luck was on your side, you would not see this half-collapsed building ever again.
That night you parted ways on weird terms. Awkward ‘goodnight’ and pat on the shoulder. Both of you were tired and quite frankly confused about the state of your entanglement. If you did not fall asleep the second your head hit your comfy pillow, you would be thinking about Vigilante for the rest of the night. Those caring touches and comforting affirmations, his over-the-top competitiveness, his dirty talk you wished you heard more of.
The next day, when you were leaving for work, you bumped into a surprise on your front lawn. The pleasant/unpleasant surprise was knocked out and tied car thief you were chasing the night before. His bruised face was pressed in the wet grass and a lousily scribbled note was lying next to him, reading ‘For my favorite enemy’.
Vigilante just upped the game.
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miupow · 9 months
fantasy, hybrid, royalty hcs… my time has come
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first of all 🤓☝🏼hybrid reader isn’t talked abt enough.. she just made friends with the cute new guy [insert member] [preferably soobin *cough*] from work and can’t help but think about him the next time she goes into heat.. doesn’t have anyone to help her through it and she’s so so desperate, can’t get him off her mind, wants him so badly.. especially when he suddenly shows up at her door with her sweatshirt that she’d left at work on accident after running out in a hurry. god, does he smell delicious.. her pussy’s throbbing and her mind’s in a daze as he’s asking her what’s wrong. what is she supposed to do? 🥺
MINJI!!!!! YOU ARE SO RIGHT FOR THIS!!!! hybrid reader doesn't get enough love... i especially love bunny hybrid reader or puppy reader heehee :33
the concept of soobin w a bunny hybrid gf literally keeps me up at night.. THE SIZE KINK UGHHFHFHFF he'd be so giant next to you, so tall n broad n it makes ur tummy flip n ur pussy tingle heehee <3
aw bunny hybrid reader who suddenly calls out sick for the week.. soobin's so worried! he has such a big crush on her, worried something bad happened... he just wants to check up on you!! so he comes up w some lame excuse to show up at your door :3 but he has no idea you called off cos ur heat came early, poor bunny with her cunt all achey n her head fuzzy w arousal :( can't think straight, can't focus on anything cept how empty you are.... soobin would fill you up so full, you know he would!!
cracking the door open just a bit to make him go away turns into pulling him inside and begging him to fuck you heehee n ofc soobin can't possibly say no!! you're so needy for it, he doesn't have to do anything, just lay there n watch in rapture as you bounce hard n fast on his big fat cock :3 beg and wail for his seed... im feral
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Halloween idea anon here :) The first idea was Eddie and the reader doing the typical Halloween pranks (egging and TPing) on someone’s house and when they have to make a run for it to not get caught, when the light catches on their face, Eddie just thinks “yeah, I’m going to marry this girl one day”. The second idea was trick or treating with hellfire (because I cannot see Eddie ever outgrowing that and now they have freshmen in the club) and seeing the reader dressed as Galadriel or Arwen with the group she’s chaperoning and cutting each house visit short (much to the ire of Dustin) because he can’t let “the girl of (his) dreams” get away before he has a chance to talk to her after trying to work up the nerve all night. Sorry if neither of those are good ideas but thank you for letting me send them over!
Eddie falls head-over-heels for a fairy, but needs a little help talking to her.
Warnings: a little bit of language
WC: 990
A/N: This takes place in October 1986. Eddie & Steve are friends but obviously Eddie survived the Upside Down. Also, the LotR movies didn't come out till the early 2000s, so I decided to go with a D&D fairy costume! I hope that's all right!
Eddie Munson may be 20 years old, but he's not going to pass up the opportunity to go trick-or-treating. Dressing up in a sick costume and getting free candy? Sounds like a great time.
And now, he has a good excuse, since Dustin recruited him to drive the Hellfire Club (plus Steve) to the wealthier part of town. The kid had a whole plan mapped out based on the houses that gave the best candy in previous years. How could Eddie turn the poor guy down?
He’s dressed as a zombie rockstar, which consisted of an old concert t-shirt that he’d ripped holes in, ripped jeans, and some fake blood smeared across his face. He’d briefly considered bringing along Sweetheart, but didn’t want to risk any damage. 
“How are we always the goddamn babysitters?” Steve grumbles now, but Eddie knows he loves being adored by the kids. 
Before he can respond to Steve, something catches his eye a few houses down. A girl, about his age, standing behind two young kids, wearing a pair of fairy wings. But not just any fairy wings: she’s dressed as a fairy from Dungeons & Dragons.
“Holy shit,” Eddie breathes out. “Harrington, I think I’m in love.”
Steve meets his friend’s gaze, trying to keep an eye on the gaggle of children they’re somehow responsible for. “Oh, she’s cute.” He laughs at Eddie’s lovesick stare. “Go talk to her, Romeo.”
“W-what do I even say?” Eddie sputters, hands getting clammy. He clumsily wipes them on his pants.
Steve laughs, amused by Eddie’s nervous demeanor. “Why don’t you start with, ‘I like your costume’?” he says. “And, uh, try not to look like a total moron.”
“Okay, okay,” Eddie grumbles, turning to Mike, Lucas, Erica, and Dustin, who are waiting on line to get full-size chocolate bars. “Little sheep, let’s go! Put a move on it!” he yells out, waving them back.
“We didn’t even get our candy yet!” Erica laments. “I am not leaving until I have a giant KitKat in my stash, got it?”
Eddie huffs as he walks over. “There are a million other houses we can hit up,” Like the one where the girl of my dreams is standing, he thinks. “Come on!”
“Seriously, dude,” Dustin says, “what’s your deal?”
“Eddie's got a big ol’ crush on that fairy princess over there,” Steve teases, pointing in your direction.
“Don’t point at her, Harrington!” Eddie hisses, burying his head in his hands. “Forget it. Get your stupid candy.”
But the group has already snapped into wingman mode. 
“Eddie,” Dustin crosses his arms over his chest, “how many girls do you know are into D&D?”
“Um, Little Sinclair pretty much starts and ends that list.”
“Exactly!” Lucas exclaims. “So there’s a beautiful girl fifty feet away from you, who not only knows what it is, but likes it enough to dress as a character from it. And you’re gonna let her slip away?”
“No, but--” Eddie starts before Mike cuts him off.
“But what? You have no excuse; we’re not toddlers. And Steve can stay with us while you get her number.”
“Save my spot, or else,” Erica orders the boys, and they know to heed her warning. “C’mon, Munson. Let’s hurry this up so I don’t miss out on any candy.”
“Uh, okay,” Eddie stammers as Erica grabs him by the wrist and pulls him over to you.
“Hi!” she says to you, giant grin plastered on her face. “I just wanted to tell you that I love your costume! Is this your D&D character?”
You clasp your hands together excitedly. “Yes!” you reply. “Finally, someone knows where this costume is from. You don’t know how many people have called me Tinkerbell tonight.”
“Actually,” Erica says coyly, pulling Eddie in front of her, “this long-haired freak was the one who noticed.”
“H-hi,” Eddie bites the inside of his lip, cringing at how nervous he sounds. “I’m Eddie. Her, uh, baby-sitter.”
“Chaperone,” Erica corrects him.
“Right, Chaperone.” He softly kicks his foot into the grass. “I’m also Hellfire Club’s Dungeon Master.”
“You play, too?” Your eyes light up, taking him in. “Well, duh, of course you do, if you’re the Dungeon Master. I’m Y/N, by the way.” Pink creeps into your cheeks, and Eddie thinks it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen. Plus, it makes him feel better about being anxious.
“Yeah. We started at Hawkins High, but when I graduated earlier this year, we just kept up the tradition outside of school,” he explains sheepishly. “Maybe you could join us sometime?”
He feels a kick to the back of his ankle before you can respond. “Ow!” he cries out, turning to Erica.
“That’s not a date, nerd,” she loudly whispers. “I am not missing out on rich people candy for you to half-ass this!”
Eddie hears you giggle and swerves back to rectify the situation. “Or, uh, we could go to that new café that opened downtown? I hear they have kick-ass food.”
You nod. “That would be great!” A small hand tugs on the hem of your green dress. “I have to get going,” you apologize, wishing you could talk to him all night. “I promised the kids I baby-sit that I’d take them trick-or-treating until our feet fall off.”
“No worries. It’s like the Cool Baby-Sitters’ Code,” he jokes, conversation flowing more naturally now. “Could I maybe get your number? So I can, y’know, call you?”
“Of course!” You reach into your purse and pull out a pen. When you realize you don’t have any paper, you grab his arm and write your phone number on it.
“I’ll call you,” he promises as you walk away and wave.
Erica stares up at him, clearly pleased with the situation.
“Thanks, kid,” he says, clapping a hand on her back. “You’re a better wingman than any of those guys.”
“Yeah, well,” she replies with a shrug. “I call dibs on bridesmaid.”
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heyimapersonsblog · 1 month
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Yes I do actually, tho I had played around with his story a bit, guess I could try explaining it..tho I have no experience on writing good back stories.. but I'll try to make it fun to read and you can learn more about my lil lad
Name: Dan Burns
Age: 25 yrs old
Gender: Male
Species: Grunt, specifically, the more softer ones, being that most vulnerable to getting hurt yet can heal quite quickly as well
Height: 5 ft and 10 inch tall / 5'10 / 177.80 cm
More about him: He has joined many groups of bandits yet in most cases, they would suddenly die from a raid of another group, and he would be the only survivor, he would also be the medic or the support of a group or team, as he isn't good at offense fighting so he tries to defend instead and get those injured to recover quickly, and over the years he has develop a natural quick reflex like instinct and dodge most attacks like from bullets to swinging objects.. maybe even thrown objects, but if he does get hit, it oddly won't hit his vital spots, and so he is able to get away quite quickly, and let his quick healing do most of the job in recovering such deep wounds, which will range from hours to a few days.. that is if he is still living of course, he carries a med kit with him at all times, containing various healing equipment like bandages, patches, alcohol(not the drink), and other items, but he also use it to store some ammo for his revolver which he also carried at all times, tho not good at fighting, he is good at using his revolver to shoot enemies in their vital spots..unless he is surrounded.. he has a friend that he visits quite often, and he is slowly developing a crush on her but he is too nervous to say that, he just visits her often to forget what kind of a messed up world he is in
Dan Burns, or Dan, is a grunt who lives in a small town.. who will get constantly be raided by MAG bandits..or just bandits but giants, idk, heard it was from a madcom game.. so I used that idea.. anyway, they raid the town every week but in order to not have them literally destroy their homes, they have to offer something valuable, but in a town that is on the poor side of the scale, all they could offer are tons of food, hand crafted items like an axe or a shovel, and a few jewelry they could find just anyway, just so they could keep themselves and their homes safe.. if not, they will be killed and their homes be left to nothing but destroyed debris, and in order to try and get some valuable items to give, Dan decides to join several gangs and groups to do raid missions and rob places and give some to the offerings, but they done usually last long.. until he came across a poster looking to hire new grunts in the A.A.H.W, Dan has never heard of it and decide to apply, at this time, he never know who the auditor is, being in a small town you don't really know anything in the outside world as much, and so he applied and got in.. and he finds it odd their first day is to track a guy name Hank J. Wimbledon, and thought it won't be so bad.... and oh no.. it was not, days of being in the A.A.H.W was stressful as hell, alright pay but the pressure about this Hank guy? They have gone nuts..... Should have left there and then but the reason he didn't was that he assume they were just another random group he could rely on keeping him safe... And oh boy it was not, joining meetings about killing the most wanted criminal in all of Nevada.. and having a boss who could just use your corpse for their undead army....this is not what he thought he signed up for, and so, he fled out of there, not wanting to get involved in that chaos, but he was still registered as a agent in the A.A.H.W, now they are looking for him to return him, so he is constantly on the run, despite that, the auditor likes to toy with him and let's him flee every now and then whenever he can, even if he knows where his heading, this leads Dan to become so paranoid whenever he sees a group of agents nearby or even approaching, thinking he will be force to return to the A.A.H.W, even if the agents don't even recognize him... But at the moment, he sort of works as a part time doctor in a small hospital in Nevada, not full time in case the A.A.H.W tries looking for him there, but he is quite known there in the area for his great healing capabilities...even if it's as severe as getting run over by a truck and body split in half- don't ask how either, he either gives a vague answer or drops the subject immediately, and at well, that's so far most of the things I got for dan
So uh, yeah, that's all I have for dan, as I have not build lots of lore into him, this is just majority of the thought I gave him... Tho I think the backstory for this fellow is.. all wonky and janky... But not my fault, my writing is not that great as I'm not a writer..but hope this sums most of the stuff and lore I got for Dan, any further questions I'll happily answer in either the comments of this post, or you can ask me through the ask box, thanks for reading? Sorry if it's so janky...hehe..
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
It was two am? when i thought about this, who wants 
fairytale au
jason got the magic beans
jazz is a Giant (bc praise tall jazz)
danny is the goose (he can be, if u want, your choice, goose is up in the air, could be a regular goose, i just saw baby man and thought)
Jason was skeptical about those magic beans and the legend of the green goose.
He shouldn't have doubted it even if the shady guy in the alley was probably three raccoons in a cloak. 
With how much hissing there was and how quick they scampered away, one would think they wanted to get rid of the damn things.
When the seeds slipped from his hand on the ground of his backyard and the immediate, almost geyser-like burst of growth caused an earthquake he should've turned around and moved far away like any sane person would.
Not: climb the miles long magic plant after grabbing a few supplies. 
But Jason didn't care anymore. 
About the beans, or the weird raccoons, and wanted fuck all to do with a bird dropping golden eggs. They could be diamonds and it'd be all the same.
Because at the top of the vines, above the clouds, lived the most wonderful being in existence.
Her name was Jazmine, Jazz she insisted, the giant who guards the goose.
(Who was actually her small gremlin of a brother?)
So Jazz. Who likes to read but has far too few books her size and glasses don't help that much when the books are too small to turn the pages for yourself.
So Jason offers to come back with books and read them to her.
(Jason sitting on her shoulder, lying on her hand.)
Jason getting a dainty, gentle kiss on top of his head.
Jazz, getting frazzled because she fell asleep and can't find Jason (who got lost in her hair like a ratatouille).
Jazz making tornadoes with her hand gestures when she’s explaining a topic she’s excited about.
Jason, worrying that jungle witch Poison Ivy is gonna find out about the massive plant he has in his backyard, that she's gonna look at the vines and go "ooh shiny" and take the only means he has to visit Jazz.
Jazz, waiting for a week and getting more and more afraid that something happened.
Jason came back. 
His whole house is trailing behind him like a sentient treehouse.
He made a deal with Ivy (she's a sap for a romance story and also Harley helped). 
He got a magic elevator now.
(It's only to go get more books)
Bonus content(?)
(Jazz: could stomp and crush Anyone
Jason, after one arrow scratches her: goes Batshit)
(Though one could think that Ivy is the first line of defense because no one wants to fuck with her and the humongous, feral looking bean-vine-plant is very in character for her. so maybe no one dares go close to that.)
(Batfam? finding the elevator/plant? being nosy? what? no way, noo...)
(is this how asks go?)
This indeed is how asks go.
Homie, little baby man as the golden goose is so fucking funny to me that absolutely is Danny’s role in this situation.
Also literal Giant Jazz? Ooooooo that is sUCH a good idea dude. Poor Jason, hes super tiny but in love with this giantess. Maybe he tries to find a way to either make himself big or make her small so they finally could see eye to eye (literally) and be together?
Poison Ivy helping Jason because she wants to see how this shit turns out? Man that’s wonderful. She assists Jason with the elevator but only if he brings some rare plants back that only exist atop the Giant’s beanstalk.
What an incredible fairy tale au. Tysm for sending this ask!
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writtenonreceipts · 2 years
Happy October!! 🎃 Very excited for spooktober, how about some Elorcan sass:
“We only have to make it until sunrise, which is… 7 hours away.”
Happy October nonny! thanks for sending this in!
My sick-adled brain wanted to keep drawing this out into further nonsense but nyquil finally had her say and we're backing away real carefully in the hopes that this is somewhat good...
warnings: none? ~4k words
Hauntings and Happenstance
Leaves skittered across the ground as the wind picked its way through the trees.  Huge cedar trees towered overhead and blocked out the inky black sky.  The past few days of rain and fog dominated the weather patterns, and that night was no different.  The clouds barely broke enough to offer a window to the deep crescent of the moon.  Pale silver light attempted to illuminate the forest, but the heavy bulk of the clouds ate whatever light they could.
The subtle scrape of the leaves and cool glow of light were soothing to Elide.  She’d always loved autumn with its changing colors and weather.  Especially when she had an active excuse to continue drinking hot apple cider or hot chocolate all day every day.  Now, however, her hands were empty except for her flashlight.  The stiff chill dug into her fingers making Elide plow one hand into her pocket and the other gripped the light.  It really was a cool night, with the covered sky and promise of more rain.  
Elide walked through the old Terrasen cemetery, she had a giant backpack on one shoulder and an even bigger duffel bag on the other.  A girl needed her snacks and blankets if she were going to stay in a haunted house this close to Halloween.
She’d long had a fascination with the cemetery and had quite honestly jumped at the opportunity to explore it further.  It had been abandoned back in 1856 on account of accidental double burials.  Which had then amounted to a resurgence of omen watching for any and every bad deed.  It also didn’t help that Terrasen had been known for a serial killer too—who supposedly was the caretaker of the cemetery back in ‘56.
Terrasen had far too many skeletons in its closet.
The flashlight she held did a poor job at lighting the narrow trail that curved along the back of the cemetery.  Late autumn fog began to condense before her and shape into the shrubbery that was trying to take over any space it could find.  Elide sipped her cider, which was growing cold.  Maybe she should have brought another blanket.  But her backpack had already been growing full and she thought snacks might be more important than—
The snap of a twig behind her had Elide spinning around.  The beam of her flashlight intercepted a hulking shape coming towards her.  A shape she instantly recognized.
“You asshat!” Elide yelled. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
In two long strides Lorcan Salvaterre leveled up with her, a smirk dancing on his mouth.  He easily took her duffel bag from her despite her glares.
“Isn’t that the idea of this plan?” he asked. “Which by the way has to be the stupidest thing you’ve done.”
She scowled at him and turned around, doing her best to walk quickly.  Lorcan of course kept stride.
“If you think it’s so stupid, why are you here?” she retorted. “Doesn’t Maeve have that party tonight?”
“You think I’d let you do this alone?” Lorcan brushed an errant branch out of his face.  He was so tall that even the recently beaten back shrubs still got in his way.  
She cut him a sharp smile. “Didn’t know you cared so much, Salvaterre.”
The night was quiet around them, save for a few skittering animals in the fallen leaves and other debris on the forest floor.  The silence, of course, made it easier for her mind to wander.  Because first and foremost, Lorcan was here.  She hadn’t even realized he’d known what she was doing tonight.
Her crush was stupid, she knew.  Lorcan was older with a brooding sort of attitude.  He was the type of guy who didn’t care what others thought of him and made certain they knew it too.  
Somehow over the last year and a half, Elide and Lorcan had formed a little friendship separate from everyone else.  He’d been held back in high school for skipping so often that Elide had managed to, somehow, get to know him better than anyone else. 
“I’m not going to let you get yourself killed, Elide,” Lorcan said.
Another twig snapped beneath their feet.  Though, it was nearly drowned out by the low growl of thunder overhead.  Hell.  Hopefully that was just a little threat and not a promise of something to come.
“You do realize the house isn’t actually haunted, right?” she asked. “I’m just doing this for extra credit in my cultural anthropology course.”
According to local legend, the old caretaker house had fallen to shambles after a series of mysterious murders swept through the down.  Murders that had been committed by the caretaker himself.  Now, the old house and cemetery were left alone, to disappear into both memory and the once vibrant forest.  For her class, Elide was going to write a paper on how the legend had been mixed and convoluted through the years.
“I know it’s not haunted,” Lorcan scoffed, “but there’s probably some dumbass who thinks it’s funny to play pranks on people like you—”
“Like me?”
“Who walk into situations they don’t belong in.”  Lorcan cast her a dark look at that, only emphasized from the shadows of the night.
Elide let out a laugh and bumped his shoulder.  Her heart thumped just a little faster, which she ignored.
“Are you worried about me now?” she teased. “It’s just a haunted house, Lorcan.”
“You’re impossible,” was all Lorcan said.
“I am impossibly delightful,” she corrected, waving her flashlight in his face.
And then to punctuate her words—it started to rain.  Big, fat drops fells from the sky and startled her out of whatever bit of teasing he’d been about to embark on.  Blinking rapidly, Elide looked up to the sky.  The canopy of trees blocked most of the heavy onslaught of rain, but it would only be a matter of time before they got soaked.
“Son of a—” Lorcan muttered.  He glanced at her, trails of rain already slipping down his face. “Seriously, Lochan?”
Elide grinned. “Scared of a little rain, Salvaterre?”
She adjusted the strap of her backpack and picked up her pace.
In a matter of minutes, they came to a small cobbled path that led through overgrown blackberry bushes and ferns.  The house was slumped to one side, the roof curved with some unknown weight.  Though, Elide imagined that in the light of day she would see heavy strings of moss hanging from the eaves of the house and the molded cross-beams sagging in age.
The porch, missing several sections of wood, wound around the perimeter of the house.  Ivy curled around the railing until it nearly consumed any bit of wood left over.  The rain only added to the ambiance of an abandoned home.
Elide picked her way to the front door, careful of any rotted-out pieces in the flooring.  The front door had been replaced on more than one occasion, as was evidenced by the shiny new padlock and set of chains strapped to the framework.
Shrugging, Elide held her flashlight out to Lorcan who approached from behind.  Despite his large form, he barely disturbed the porch.
“Hold this,” she said.
Lorcan took the light. “You got the key to this place?”
“Uh,” she said, digging around in her backpack.  Elide pulled out the lock and pick Manon had given her for her birthday last year. “Not exactly.”
“Dammit, Lochan,” Lorcan said, “did you get permission to come out here?”
“Where would the fun in that be?”  
Lorcan continued to mutter oaths under his breath, though he kept the flashlight trained on the padlock.  Elide worked in that steady stream of light, sticking the pick and hook in the lock and finding the tumblers.  The police department really needed to up their game if they wanted to keep trespassers out of the old home.  In a matter of minutes, the lock popped open and the chains fell to the floor.
The door creaked open and a puff of stale air saturated with moss and age greeted them.  Elide grinned triumphant.  And Aelin had said she wouldn’t even make it in the front door.
Elide grabbed the flashlight from Lorcan and stepped into the house.  Immediately, the rain ceased and it felt a fraction drier.
Cobwebs draped from the ceiling in thick billows.  Dust hung in the light lazily, only disturbed when Elide walked past.  She swung the light around to every corner noting everything.  The small chandelier overhead hardly seemed like enough to light the house.  Sconces were set up along the walls, though they were long empty of any candlewick.  One doorway led off into a tiny kitchen that held only a wood stove.  The other room was full of old furniture and smelled like mice had taken over.
Elide spun in a slow circle around the living space.  Outside there was the subtle thrum of rain pattering on the roof.  It wasn’t as big a storm as they usually saw this time of year.  As she moved around the cabin, her steps creaked beneath her and an owl gave a hoot from its perch in the trees.
“Is that it?” Lorcan asked.  He hovered near the door. “Can we go now?”
“Are you scared?” Elide raised a brow. “The great Lorcan Salvaterre taken down by a haunted house?”
He rolled his eyes at her, unamused.
In the last two years of knowing him—Elide had become very aware of who Lorcan was.  She’d gotten to know him in detention, because even if he had been held back to repeat senior year, he still preferred getting into trouble.  And then during football games, parties, and random sneak outs—he’d always been there. Somehow, they’d become friends.  And somehow, she’d let her little crush take root in her chest.
All of this was very unhelpful, because they were friends.  At least, she considered him one.  He’d been the only one to express real interest in this plan of hers to explore the old caretaker's house.  They were friends and he didn’t see anything beyond that.
Elide cleared her throat and kept talking.
“Legend says, I have to stay the night if I’m going to have any chance of meeting a spirit,” Elide said.  She gestured to the duffel bag he’d taken from her. “Hence the blankets and snacks.”
Sighing, Lorcan finally entered the house and wedged the door shut behind him.  Without the padlock and chains to keep it in place, the door slanted open near the top.  Lorcan frowned up at it.
Elide blinked at him.  “Whatcha doing?”
“I’m not leaving you in the middle of nowhere alone, Lochan,” he said. “I already said that.  Now, please tell me you have something other than a Ouija board to keep us occupied tonight.”
“You’re impossible,” she said.  She dropped down and pulled her down sleeping bag from the backpack along with a few sealed Tupperware of veggies.  The duffel had the chocolate.
Lorcan scoffed. “I’m not the one who decided to have a slumber party on death row.”
He cast another dark look around the room, stooping to avoid running into a bean that ran across the cabin.  He came to sit beside her in the middle of the floor and offered the duffel up for her.
“Its research thank-you very much,” she replied. “Go ahead and unload that, it’s just got more blankets and water.  Don’t touch my chocolate stash.”
Lorcan did as he was told, pulling out two blankets and the giant two-gallon jug of water.  He stared between her and the contents.
“How did you carry all this up here?”
“What just because I’m a woman?”
“You’re five-foot nothing with even less meat on your bones than a rabbit.”
Elide stared at him. “I’m going to choose not to take offense to that as long as you hand over the chocolate now.”
“I’m just saying,” Lorcan began, holding the grocery sack of candy out, “I wouldn’t have expected you to handle all that.”
“Yeah right,” Elide muttered.  She was grateful for the shadows cast by the flashlight and that hopefully the flush rising in her cheeks was unnoticeable.  She tore into one of the chocolate bars and tossed him the veggies. “There, you can be the healthy one.”
And if she wasn’t mistaken, she could have sworn there was a flash of a smile on his lips.
They sat in silence for a few minutes with only the flashlight to illuminate the room.  The poor light was hardly helpful however and against her will, Elide found herself glancing off to the far corners of the cabin.  She knew it was silly.  The house wasn’t drafty and it seemed well enough intact that there shouldn’t be anything sneaking in.  Hopefully.
“What kind of extra credit assignment calls for all this?” Lorcan asked.  He nibbled on a carrot slice un-enthusiastically as he looked around the cabin.
“Anthro exists on a whole other plain,” Elide said. “The professor doesn’t really care what we do as long as we don’t give him any grief.  And no one else seemed interested in this, so I figured why not.”
“Why not indeed,” Lorcan mused. “You just choose chaos at any chance you get.”
Elide threw her half-eaten candy bar at him, which Lorcan caught with ease.  Damn him.  He only grinned and took a bite of the chocolate before leaning back on an elbow to stare up at the darkened ceiling.
“Y’know,” he began, but a soft snuffling cut him off followed by a series of creaks and groans from the porch outside.
Elide sat up straighter and went for her phone.  She’d planned on getting a few recordings or pictures to show for her efforts.  And she knew, of course, that it was probably an animal out there but--
“Let’s go see,” she said.  
“What?” Lorcan snatched out a hand and snagged her wrist. “We are not going to do that.”
“Oh come on,” Elide insisted.  She tried shaking him off, but his grip was tight. “It’s probably a mouse or something.”
The snuffling got louder and the aged wood outside squeaked with the distinct hint of splinters.  Perhaps it was not a mouse.  By now the rain had lightened up a bit, so it wouldn’t be surprising if there were other animals coming out of their hovels.  But she wanted to make this little adventure worthwhile and just catching images of Lorcan—no matter how satisfying—wouldn’t really help her in her search for extra credit.
“Or it could be something not so friendly,” Lorcan said.  He didn’t loosen his hold on her, but his voice was softer than it usually ever was.
Elide scowled. “I could be missing my chance to catch footage of a ghost, you know.”
“Or missing the chance to get rabies.”
Lorcan held her gaze for long enough that the noise outside faded.  Huffing, Elide settled back down and finally managed to pull her arm away from him.
“You never did answer my question,” she said.  She pulled a deck of playing cards from the backpack and began shuffling the deck.  She’d been content to play a one woman round of solitaire, but if he was going to insist on staying they could play poker.  It had been a while since she’d kicked his ass at it.
“What question?” he asked, tucking the now empty candy wrapper in the duffle bag.
“Why you’re here,” Elide said.  “You didn’t have to come.  I just texted the group so you’d stop bothering me about going to Maeve’s party.”
Maeve had been a miserable part of Elide’s life ever since starting college that September.  The older girl was relentlessly inserting herself into situations and inviting Lorcan out on “study dates.”  She used to have her claws latched onto Aelin, until the blonde nearly bit Maeve's head off a few weeks ago.  Unfortunately, the girl did know how to throw a party and given how midterms had sucked the life out of everyone it had seemed like a good idea to go.
But Elide still clung to one thread of sanity to know that being anywhere near Maeve while harboring a crush against Lorcan was the stupidest thing she could do.
“I didn’t want to go to Maeve’s party either,” Lorcan said.  He was leaning back on his elbows again and the shadows cast from the flashlight illuminated angles of his face she’d never noticed before. 
“You didn’t want to go to Maeve’s party?” Elide asked in disbelief. “Her family owns the country club and has enough fancy booze to keep the entire city sated.  She may be a bitch, but she knows how to have a good time.”
Lorcan barked out a laugh. “I didn’t know you felt so strongly, Lochan.”
Ignoring the blush that rose to her cheeks, Elide kept shuffling the cards.  She couldn’t bring herself to deal them out and invite him to play another little game with her.
Games with the likes of Lorcan were easy enough—don’t back down, keep a sharp tongue, and never apologize.  But it was moments like this when she kept making eye contact and kept fighting a blush that she had trouble remembering those little rules.  She wasn’t going to survive the night.
Lorcan held her gaze now, though, firm and steady.  
“I don’t like Maeve,” Elide finally said.  “She’s never bothered to talk to me, so why should I seek out her approval?”
That got her another smile.  
“Makes sense,” he replied, “why waste time on something that’s not worth it in the end?”
Outside, a gust of wind howled and rain slanted against the side of the cabin.  Something heavy thudded against the far wall sending a shudder through each of the beams and floor.  
Elide couldn’t help but shudder.  She wasn’t scared, of course, but sometimes she didn’t do too well during storms.
“Did the caretaker murder men or women?” Lorcan asked as dust spun in the glow of the flashlight. “Just so I know if I need to start running yet.”
“There’s no ghost,” Elide told him.
“You’re shaking,” he pointed out.
Indeed, she was.  Elide ignored it and began dealing out the cards to distract herself.  
“Seven card draw,” she said, “jokers are wild.”
“Weird way to play go-fish,” Lorcan muttered as he arranged his card.
“We’re playing poker,” she corrected.
Lorcan stared at her over his card. “Hell no, I’m not stupid enough to play poker against you.  And don’t give me that innocent I don’t know what you’re talking about look, it won’t work.”
He’d pitched his voice an octave in clear mockery of her.  Elide threw another candy bar at him. “I don’t sound like that!”
Lorcan only laughed, letting the candy bar bounce off his chest.
The wind continued.  And with the way Elide and Lorcan played—ruthless with no holding back—go-fish turned into a near bloody battle.  They ultimately called a truce after six rounds, three each.
“Tie-breaker!” Elide ordered, gathering the cards back up.
Lorcan groaned and fell on his back. “You said that last time.  How long are we staying here?”
“We only have to make it until sunrise,” she said and glanced at her watch, “which is seven hours away.”
“Seriously, woman?” Lorcan sat up enough to glare at her and Elide only smirked.
“Worried about missing your beauty sleep?”
“No, I’m worried about what this floor will do to my back.”  He sat up if only to glare at the offending matter.
“C’mon,” she said, “let's spread the blankets out.”
In a matter of seconds, they had the first two blankets spread out as a mat.  It would be a little better than laying on the bare floor.  Another gust of wind from outside, this one managing to ease through the nooks and crannies of the cabin.
Elide shivered. “I forgot how cold it gets out here.”
“You take the sleeping bag,” Lorcan said.
“I’m not letting you freeze to death.”
“Do you suggest we snuggle then?”
“Are you that touch starved that even the thought of snuggling has you sneering?”
They glared at each other from across the stretch of blankets.  Elide broke first and began to fully unzip the sleeping bag so it spread out completely. 
“You get one side, I get the other,” she said, “and remember, you’re the one who decided to join me out here.”
Lorcan rolled his eyes, toeing off his boots. “The ghost killed men and you’re just biding your time, aren’t you?”
“Please, if I wanted to get rid of you, I would have by now.”  The words were out before she could really process them herself, but Lorcan, it seemed, missed the implication hidden behind them.  Good.  She wouldn’t make it through the rest of the night if he started teasing her.
They settled down beneath the sleeping back with a good six inches between them.  There was a draft on Elide’s outer side, but she didn’t want to risk snuggling into Lorcan.  So she kept ramrod straight and clicked off the flashlight.
It was perfectly silent now.  Not even the little gusts of wind outside seemed to register anything in Elide.  She could hear the wood of the cabin settling and the occasional scuttle of a mouse off in one corner.  She tried not to think about that too closely.  Everything had settled into a lull that she almost thought Lorcan had fallen asleep beside her.
“I don’t like Maeve either,” he said into the darkness. “Don’t like that party scene, too.  It’s what got me into a mess in High School and I just managed to get all that behind me.”
Elide knew--mostly--what his high school years had been like.  Too many parties, not enough studying.  He would either flunk tests for not knowing the material or flunk because he was suspended.  For a while, Elide had thought there was nothing more to Lorcan Salvaterre than drunken nights and wasted DNA.
And boy, how she was wrong.
“So coming out to a haunted house behind a cemetery is how you decide to change your ways?” she turned toward him, just enough to catch the shake of his head.
“Well I’d like to think I helped prevent you from doing anything stupid,” he said.
“You failed on that when you let me pick the lock to the front door.”
Lorcan shifted closer to her and Elide could just make out the glint in his eyes.
“You are full of surprises, you know?”
Elide shrugged, finally feeling herself relax a little. “It’s what keeps things interesting.”
“Menace,” Lorcan muttered.
Elide reached out beneath the blanket to poke his side, earning a curse.
Somewhere along the way of their scattered conversations—they fell asleep.  Elide would never be able to explain how—considering the wind outside, the surety of mice and spiders crawling on the floor, and the guarantee of haunting of some sort happening—but sleep did fall over them.
And when she woke up to the pale streams of dawn, Elide found that she wasn’t freezing or covered in rodent bites.  Rather, she was tucked against Lorcan’s side, snug against his chest.  One of his arms fell around her waist, the other stretched over head.  She was nestled in so close that she could smell his cologne mingling with his natural scent.  She might have only gotten six hours of sleep, but it was the best damn rest she’d had in a long time.
Not good.  Not good. Not even remotely good.  Elide shifted, ready to roll back to her side of the makeshift bed.  Lorcan’s arm tightened around her keeping her firmly in place.  Which, sure wasn’t the worst thing in the world.  But this was also Lorcan.
She paused for a minute thinking about how her extra credit assignment was going to go if she admitted to a night of snuggling up beside one of her closest friends. 
Oh hell.  Her friend who she had a crush on.
Elide squinted up at Lorcan, his usually harsh face softening in his sleep.  How different he looked like this, more open and relaxed.  Closing her eyes, she let herself drift back off to sleep.  She would let her self worry about the ramifications of this later.
tags: if you like to be added to my TOG tag list let me know!
@morganofthewildfire // @aelinchocolatelover // @sexy-dumpster-fire // @bamchickawowow //  @ireallyshouldsleeprn //  @courtofjurdan //  @sassys-world  //  @sleeping-and-books  //  @superspiritfestival // @chieflemming // @julemmaes // @lysandra-ghost-leopard //   @firestarsandseneschals //  @rapunzel1523  //  @booksofthemoon  // @fangirlprincess09  // @highladysith  // @tillyrubes10  // @bri-loves-sunflowers // @rowaelinismyotp // @sheharahu // @1islessthan3books // @fromthelibraryofemilyj // @vanzetanze // @foughtconquered  // @acciowests // @cassianscool // @thegreyj // @story-scribbler  // @jesstargaryenqueen  // @amoretheiwa // @jorjy-jo // @danibutterr @live-the-fangirl-life // @foreverfallingforthestars //  @pastasiren // @whimsicallyreading // @infernoqueen19  // @mis-lil-red  // @lemonade-coolattas  // @realbookloverproblems // @ghostlyrose2 // @rainbowcheetah512 // @bri-loves-sunflowers // @captain-swan-is-endgame // @mystic-bibliophile // @cretaceous-therapod // @swankii-art-teacher //  @thisloveseternal // @gracie-rosee // @goddess-aelin // @liars-lmao // @emily-gsh // @rowaelinrambling // @bookcide //
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ajscico · 1 year
Wait wait wait, hold on--
YOU'RE the one who did Untamed Wild?????? 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
[grabby hands] Director's commentary on Four's & Wind's & Hyrule's chapters, plz? :3
(Promptly blue screens because that’s my first fic, the one I joined AO3 to publish and slightly insecure about it.) Ok, welp, I still get kudos for it, sure. Director’s cut…
Wind—most of my location knowledge in the fic comes from either a BOTW interactive map, or begging @moraynisdeath to let me run around locations on that progress because she was further, had better armor, and wasn’t completely terrified of any of the big monsters. (I’m a bit of a wimp when it comes to fighting things that can crush me in one hit). It was surprising to me, first, that the desert was gray rock mountains in that portion. I was expecting the red rock formations like in the Yiga area, or by the 8 heroines… or the desert in my state. Two, there was nothing out there but giant skeletons and ruins and sandstorms… and the Molduga. I had to mentally chart a course the Sailor would have tried to walk, then try to balance it with knowing just enough of the limits of human endurance to not kill him. The real fun part was dumping him into Time and Warriors’s laps and going “so, he’s got heat stroke, how are you two gonna cope?” then Wild jumping on the idea of brining ice in to cool Wind off tied nicely into the next hero’s location and I cackled at my own brilliance.
Four—I knew when I was picking my “worst place in Wild’s Hyrule to stick him” that it would be up by the Spring of Wisdom. Partly because I’d already decided Twilight would be in the Tabantha tundra and the Gerudo highlands are cold and hazardous in their own ways but the area by the Spring of Wisdom is just as cold as Tabantha and across the map. Heat to cold is a mean mixture and I was partially just bullying Wild with that change. He’s running around in the Vai set because Wind is wearing half the Voe one … and at some point will realize he’s freezing (you know, when the panic in his head slows enough for him to realize he’s losing hearts). Then, fun fact, the slate only tracks distance in straight lines. It doesn’t give you up or down and if you’re following the chirp , you’re going to have to Skyrim the mountain because the beeping will fade or go away completely unless you’re on a direct, straight-line course. And I again begged Moraynisdeath to let me run around the area which inspired Wild’s breakneck run (I fell down the first switchback because I forgot to deploy the paraglider).
I wanted to do bits from Four’s POV like I had pretty much everyone else. I wanted to have him camp out in the hollow by the shrine and then realize he wasn’t going to get found there and argue with himself about how exactly to strike out for civilization only to end up buried in the snow because he has less-than-adequate cold protection. But… I’d only read the minish cap manga. I hadn’t read Four Swords yet and I hadn’t really gotten the hang of the Colors nor had decided the best way to write them (this was before they split in LU so interpretation was and still is varied). So I chickened out of writing him and had him already out cold in the snow for his chapter.
Hyrule—poor guy. He’s competent and could hold his own and really make life difficult for Wild if he got out and was wandering. So he ended up concussed and broken within his first minute being there. I channeled the screaming terror my brothers and I (mostly me) experienced the first time we found the place. My brother who was playing just glided through while the other two of us screamed about having 6 beams all trained on Link at once. I hadn’t discovered the No-clip website so used videos, art, and again borrowing moraynisdeath’s save file to see what the place looked like. She was also willing to sacrifice a fairy to the cause in seeing if the guardians just woke up for Link or if they attacked anything that moved. The answer seemed to be just Link-shaped organisms so… fairy form. I then had to do a bunch of guessing and research about Hyrule’s spells. Numbers and I don’t get along. Knowing the Life spell cost ‘x’ magic points while Fairy cost ‘y’ was great but I wasn’t sure how much that took out of a total. Also, not entirely sure if magic was something that recharged after a rest or if you needed magic potion to recharge at all. That and knowing Fairy only lasted the length of one room in a side scroller game and how would that translate to 3d. So we went with “fairy will last half the length of the back chamber and he’ll have to use his potion to get to the divider point.” And then “ok, mana recharges with time, he’ll have to wait and go slow and duck and cover to avoid guardians… because I have 5 other heroes that get rescued first.”
Also had to do some ‘research’ as to how much warning there is to a blood moon. If you can’t see the moon… when do you start seeing Malice in the air? Etc. For some reason, I enjoy doing that research because it makes a fic better in my head?
One day I will have the will and ability to rewrite the Sky chapter. I wanted more. I wanted that panic of “hunted and can’t rest” but not sure how to do it with the guy that literally took down a god…one day.
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lewalrus · 2 years
Omg, there's a new interview with GDT about Pinocchio and they show a photo of him as a teenager and he looks so CUTE, with these giant nerdy glasses, like just the image of teenaged Deadman studying to be a doctor and wearing the same giant glasses and a white coat and meeting Sam at some BRIDGES party where his reaserch team came over to establish a reaserch project between the two groups... This idea is shaping up in my head 🥺 /🐈‍⬛
My friend, I would do anything to see this photo! I've seen one photo of young GDT on twitter one time and... damn he is really cute.
Friend! Can I suggest something for this AU? You probably already have an established idea for it, so you can just consider this as me rambling an idea.
I remember you said on your latest deadsam oneshot (by the way, I finally left my comment there and I had some problems because the comment was just too long for AO3 osjaosjaosja) that Sam had a crush on Gordon Freeman and that's how he started to think that he may be interested on guys too. Can you imagine they meeting at this "party conference" for the first time, young Sam and Deadman, Sam had some drinks already because everything is too boring and Bridget had basically forced him to be there and then he meet Deadman and thinks that his looks kind of resemble Gordon Freeman, especially his glasses, and, in a drunk state, straight up flirts with him the whole party, poor Deadman is losing his mind because the hot president son is flerting with him and he has no idea what to do.
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ash-etherwood · 11 months
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I HAVE MADE ART AGAIN (Not x der zeit related so bear with me)
these guys are ooold vampire ocs from around 2010 or 2011 and last year i reread the few chapters of the story i made up for them and decided to completely redo everything and make new desings and all. i obsessively crafted a story for them for a few weeks, then forgot about them again for a year, and finally scanned them a few months ago, spinning the story some more and yeah. here we are. they are nothing more than a thought playground for me, i dont think ill ever write something with them but i like to play with them in my brain like little dolls. :3
as stated its a vampire story and the new titel is selfish monsters (which i made up on the spot admittedly lol but i kinda dig it) its generally about a little found family of vampires and humans who hunt and kill vampires they deem 'dangerous' (as in they kill recklessly or especially unethically yeah i know its a whole moral disaster). one day elaine, the leader of the group, encounters a comatose vampire boy and takes him in, waiting for him to wake up, and when he does almost 10 years later, he has no idea who he is or how he got into a coma and everyone tries to help him find out what the fuck is happening. yeah and from this point on, shenanigangs ensue. (^:
anne is one of the mentioned human vampire hunters of the group. she is an orphan and was taken in as a teenager by elaine when she lost her mom to a vampire who targeted sex workers. she swore revenge on said vampire and well …. got it in the end i guess. u_u anne is impulsive and witty but hides a lot of insecurities from being bullied as a teenager for … pretty much everything. being poor, being fat, having a single mom who did sex work, it was a whole thing. she is VERY opposed to the idea of being turned and made it very clear that when she dies she wants to STAY dead and guess how that works out,,
chris(topher) is the coma boy who doesnt remember who he is, where hes from, and who turned him and why, he doesnt even know how old he is, but after a while he finds out he was killed and turned by a cult leader in the late 70s whose goal was to resurrect jesus, but he disturbed the ritual and got into a fight with said cult leader which almost killed him again (undead version) but he fell into a coma instead. chris is filled to the brim with catholic guilt and bisexuality and cant stop helping people in danger. </3 (and biting lucas) he is also immune to crucifixes because his cult tortured each other so much with them that they became numb to the pain they inflict on them which yaaay!
lorelay is elaines best friend/right hand/girlfriend/soulmate/secret fith thing and she is a bitch ass tsundere goth girl who secretly cares about her shitty human brat sibling a lot and prides herself in being unnecessarily cruel. she is responsible for 'aquiring food' because elaine and chris both dont like to think about the fact that they have to kill to survive. she is the oldest vampire in the group, being turned in the early 1600s by an evil abbess who liked to collect pretty girls like dolls. if she is concerned for you she will throw you against a wall and yell at you. lovingly.
lucas is another human vampire hunter who got kicked out by his shitty dad for being trans and got picked up by elaine in the streets. hes a pretentious asshole who struggles with being nice, is annes best friend (later boyfriend), and acts insanely rude towards chris when he first wakes up, later discovering he just had a giant crush on him and didnt know how to act upon it,, he is incredibly horny for vampires and wants to be turned sooo bad or just bitten a lot please oh god somebody bite him and rip his clothes off and hhjassdjdgq,, he is a problem boy.
elaine is the group leader and and cant walk past an abandoned teenager without adopting them, sadly. she feels immense guilt about being a vampire and constantly tries to straighten it out by doing good things and helping people, hates thinking about what it means to kill to survive, and at the same time feels SO much anger towards humanity and surpresses her rage all the time which is. not good. she needs help tbh.
last but not least, magdalene the 2000-year-old-died-at-16 undead cult leader herself, who wants to resurrect jesus by stealing reliquaries from all over the world and performing a wittle necromancy on them,,, maggie says she just wants to bring back the messiah to free humankind but she actually. well. knew mr. christ personally in real life and misses him and doesnt know how to make other friends so. time to start a cult. <3 when getting new people for her cult, she targets already christian people in their late teens/early 20s and later assigns them the name of an apostle. everytime one of them dies, she find another one to fill their role. (chris was judas btw. it came as a real shock when he betrayed her. (^: ) she also kills anne which more or less forces chris to turn her to save her life because he couldnt stand the thought of losing her and well. its a whole thing.
yeah that was only a FRACTION of the extrensive vampire lore and story i have spun for them already but. if you have any questions i would love to be normal about them. :3c
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 36
Nightshifter/The Girl in the Fireplace
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: We're already investigating. It's not a matter of whether I'd survive I guess
For as skeazy as Dean can be, he's slow on picking up that that girl really wanted to hook up
Anyway, we're doing another shape shifter episode.
Omg dude, say mandroid again, istg.
"I like him. He says 'okie dokie'" shouldn't be that cute but it is. It's charming and endearing...right before he decides to be sleazy again.
Oh. Oh no. He's gonna think...omg. Thought the conspiracy nut was going to think that the Winchesters WERE "mandroids" not just working for one.
I'd be so annoyed if I were Sam, listening to that woman gush about Dean on and on. But I'm...dubious of this Dean. I think the shifter is Dean again...
Ok, and sometimes I'm wrong about who the shifter is. Well, at least it's not Dean..oh, oh god. Look, I didn't like the conspiracy guy but I don't think he deserved to die.
This must be a terrifying prospect: you're hunting a shape shifter while the fbi is also breathing down your neck outside....nope, now inside.
Okay. I knew I was first introduced to Renegade by Styx from AN episode of Supernatural, I didn't remember it being this one.
"Been On My Mind...": There were a couple girls crushing on Dean pretty hard, but...nothing.
"The Girl in the Fireplace"
Honestly, I'm more worried about the first five minutes of THIS episode.
Man, she must sound absolutely bat shit to be yelling into the fireplace for a doctor because her clock is broken.
IT'S SO REALISTIC?? Mickey...of course it's realistic, it's...the universe?
Very nice of the Doctor to admit he made up a very flourish-y new sci-fi word to avoid saying "magic door"
Fuck I hate jump scares. And jump scares featuring giant doll things?? No. Absolutely not.
OMG Mickey is so excited to be on this trip, it's cute.
Everyone's so delighted to be on this trip. And it truly is a fun one. oh...the Doctor's gonna crash through some big window on that horse later, if I recall correctly
"What's pre-revolutionary France doing on a spaceship? Get a little perspective" Ok fine...Moffatt can write some good lines
I love the trope of someone threatening captors with the very idea of the person who will come to save them only to have that person arrive on the scene in the most embarrassing way possible, this time it's drunk and singing I Could Have Danced All Night from My Fair Lady. What was it about the mid 00s that the best way to show that a dude had really let loose was to have his tie around his head instead of his neck? Like that was such a THING that I haven't seen since
Ok, not a window, it was a mirror.
Oh Rose looks so betrayed...and with Mickey teasing her about all the women the Doctor has traveled with or met in his travels...oh, it's just...poor thing
Side note: had no idea what I was getting in Supernatural tonight, so the fact that the cybermen are in the next Doctor Who episode is really....*chefs kiss*
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silvertons · 2 years
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There's a person. And I think I'm making that person think that I don't like the person. When you actually do like the person? Yes. What's the matter? Just tell the person how you feel. But... it's not that simple.
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creacherkeeper · 2 years
lost township characters! <3
to give folks a little more idea what were talking about when we say insane things on here <3
lost township is a 5e homegame taking place in a 1880s wild west equivalent dnd world, mostly in the small town of lost in the state of undersun
cass bluebell - she/her. human drunken master monk. local extremely repressed middle aged lesbian who inherited the local saloon from her late mother who she had a Totally Healthy relationship with. spent years investigating her mother's murder at the hands of the brownbird. has an adopted 6 year old son named davey. played by @strangetorpedos
divine intervention shook - she/her. aasimar eloquence bard. former southern belle, current poor schoolteacher. has been described as a cat so confident she can scare off bears. likes sticking her nose where it doesnt belong (affectionate) and bestiefying middle aged people. played by @beatricexbenedick
flint monroe - he/him. fire genasi divination wizard. main personality trait is that he is 12 and we love that for him. orphan being cared for by the shook family. has a giant crush on maeve and a (somewhat joking) rivalry with will. too smart for his own good and has a pet robot mouse named sparky. played by @agentcalliope
maeve marigold - she/her. ??? swashbuckler rogue / hexblade warlock. former sex worker, current psychopomp in training of the raven queen. accepted the role of psychopomp and then afterwards asked what that word meant as she is illiterate and still learning a lot from divine. says literally the most buckwild shit at all times. played by kaity
morel - they/them. firbolg spores druid / knowledge cleric. the biggest awkwardest sad cow that did ever. lives in a hut in the woods and offers healing for the most rejected of society. a chosen prophet of the god of decay. in a former emotional affair with cat clyde, kidnapping victim, now just bein real gay w her on main <3 played by @floralprintshark
will orville - he/him. human werewolf gunslinger fighter. half badass cowboy, half sad tired middle aged man who desperately needs a drink (preferably water sorry will). was traveling around being sad and doing vigilante justice, has been bestiefied and adopted and is ALSO now gaying it up on main. has a late husband named levi and a horse named romulus. played by @weightedlive
cat clyde - she/her. orc. formerly the wife of bobby clyde, murder victim of the brownbird. actually hired the brownbird to kill her husband cause fuck that guy. currently bein real cute with morel. shy, nervous, loving, and attentive. mother of morgan eve "kitten" clyde, excitable 7 year old half-orc
lizzie no - she/her. human/coyote shifter crown paladin. the sheriff in town, afflicted heavily by messy bitch disease. unfortunately very in love with divine which finally got discovered after her hiding it for like 7 years. seemed like an uncaring/incompetent sheriff for not solving murders, secretly sleeping with the white hat assassin doing them
brandi carlile "the brownbird" - she/he. aasimar vengeance paladin / wild card rogue / arcane archer fighter. the white hat assassin in question. slutty lesbian who will flirt with anything that moves (including will, known gay man). aasimar of the evil god of chaos, death, and alcohol. just looking for a good time. in love with lizzie </3 the party did fight her and they nearly all killed each other but she has been Bestiefied. can summon ghosts, as a treat
sarah shook - she/they. human. wife of divine, adhd as all fuck, life of the party, loves being a stay at home wife and doing gardening and cooking and playing her guitar. assumed that divine knew she was poly and gave lizzie her blessing and also a shovel talk and then afterwards had to explain to divine what poly meant
"hawk" shook - he/him. human artificer. brother of sarah and brother-in-law of divine. an absolute mess but trying his best. has had unfortunately messy hook ups with most of the men in town. cant hold down a job but just started working for cass at the saloon. almost got arrested by lizzie for selling snake oil. doesnt know he's an artificer
latrowe - he/him. coyote psychopomp. formerly Just A Coyote, granted humanoid form and intelligence in a godly lovers exchange in order to be the psychopomp of the raven queen. currently training maeve. very formal and polite unless he's scampering up walls or eating out of your garden. flint accidentally got him bound to the mortal plane by giving him a nat 1 on a spell save with a portent roll. mostly just wants to be a coyote again. forgets that its impolite to read peoples minds
waylon jennings - he/him. current zombie, former ???. rich old gay dandy. kind of a major bitch. the benefactor who funds most of the town. adoptive father of lizzie, scruggs, and kelsey. tried to convince will to murder brandi for Reasons <3
earl scruggs - he/him. orc ?? barbarian. waylon's bodyguard and adopted son. big buff bear with a lot of tattoos. managed to romance will and short circuit leo's brain for two full minutes <33 immigrant from vilayav, so speaks in a thick russian accent. no thats not his real name <3
kelsey wilson - they/them. ?????. waylon's assistant and adopted child who has been with him since they were very young. doesn't talk to people outside the family much
major gods:
ama & ata - she/her and he/him. bear mother and bison father. gods of fire and food respectively, and families, caregivers, and the home. divine and sarah are followers
kathairein - they/them. vulture god of decay, disease, fungi, and scavengers. partners with the raven queen. morel is one of their chosen prophets
the raven queen - she/her. raven god of the transition of life and death, knowledge, divination, and the moon. in charge of the realm of the dead. latrowe and maeve are her psychopomps
sidewinder - he/him. rattlesnake god of protection, safety, medicine, and the sun. will's late husband levi was a follower, and lizzie is one of his paladins
the jack - no pronouns. jackalope god of death, wiles, trickery, survival, and alcohol. the only god in the pantheon to have an alignment (chaotic evil). brandi is an aasimar of the jack
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rodr1cks · 4 years
Heather Hills | 2.5k
part two
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neighbor trope where you’re in love with Rodrick but he can’t stop pining after Heather Hills, takes place during Dog Days
warnings: noncon touching (our ass gets grabbed), swearing, smut, heather is a huge bitch
Tonight was the night. You picked out a black silk dress that hugged your body perfectly. You looked... nice? Nicer than usual, at least.
Still, your mood was melancholy, you weren’t too excited to watch Rodrick drool over Heather all night. Despite this, you put on a smile and met Rodrick outside.
His band members, Rowley, and Greg were crowded together in the back. They always left the passenger seat to you, such gentlemen. As soon as you opened the door you were bombarded with wolf whistles and crude remarks from his cronies. “Rodrick if you don’t tap that I will!” The guitarist exclaimed while eyeing you up and down.
“Guys, guys stop, please,” Rodrick seemed a little unnerved by the banter. After that, the van was silent all the way to the party.
Upon arrival, you began to unpack the van, unloading equipment. “Hey, hey, hey, pretty girl like you doesn’t need to do the heavy lifting,” the guitarist said to you as he winked. He always went out of his way to make you uncomfortable. You laughed a bit to appease him, then walked away.
The band was set up and Rodrick was clearly nervous.
“You don’t understand, y/n. This has to be perfect.”
You knew the importance of this going well but you couldn’t decide if you wanted it to. On one hand, he could get Heather Hills, the girl of his dreams. On the other hand, he’d be crushed. Poor Rodrick has already taken enough beatings from the girls at your school.
“I know, you’ll be great, though,” you were unsure of that statement.
“You always know what to say.”
He walked away, ready to start the set of a lifetime.
The guitarist approached you again. “Wish me luck sexy,” he whispered and smacked your ass playfully. You gasped, tears threatening to form in your eyes.
Just brush it off, you’re okay. You need to enjoy the show.
You tried not to think about his pathetic little mustache and the giant pimple that sat squarely between his eyebrows.
Why did Rodrick hang out with such scum?
The first notes of the song rang through the tent. Rodrick was… singing? Heather Hills did not look amused. Panicking, Rodrick signaled to Greg, “FULL DIAPER!”
Dear god.
Banners unfurled and cannons sounded. It was a complete disaster. Somehow the chocolate fountain went haywire and coated half the crowd with liquid chocolate, including Heather. Shit. Rodrick was done for.
Everybody pitched in with loading the van and you were out of there in no time. You feared Heather would’ve killed the lot of you if you lingered any longer. Greg and Rowley were the only passengers this time. You and Rodrick were in the front seat, not speaking.
“Rodrick, can I tell you something?”
You knew Greg and Rowley were caught up in their own conversation but you didn’t want to risk them overhearing, so you whispered. Rodrick nodded.
“Your guitarist, h-he uhm, he kind of touched me before your set.” Rodrick’s eyes widened. “Where?” he asked you sternly. “He kind of grabbed my ass.” You looked down, embarrassed. “Great, now Heather hates me and I’m short a guitarist.”
On the way back to Rodrick’s, you passed a gas station and you asked him to pull over.
“Rodrick let me out at this gas station, pretty please!”
He groaned and pulled into the lot. You ran in and made a beeline for the fridges in the back.
Where is it, where is it, ah!
Mint chip and cookie dough, both your favorites. You checked out and ran back to the van. Rodrick looked over, delighted when he saw your purchases. “He ruffled your hair and muttered a thank you. You smiled, “And that’s not all,” you pulled out two candy bars for the chocolate coated fugitives in the back.
Rodrick parked on the street in front of The Heffley household.
“Alright, everybody out!”
Greg and Rowley filed out as did you. Rodrick stayed put. “Aren’t you coming?” He nodded at you, “I have something to take care of first. Put the ice cream in the freezer and take a shower. Get that chocolate off of you.” He gestured at your hair and face which were coated in chocolate.
What could he need to do right now? Probably off to find Heather Hills and beg for her highness’ forgiveness.
You did as he said and borrowed his shower for a bit. You felt instant relief as the warm water trickled down your shoulders, chocolate melting away along with your stress. After your shower, you grabbed one of Rodrick’s t-shirts.
Lending you a shirt was the least he could do, considering the hell he’d put you through.
What a fucking night it’s been.
You sat around for a bit, awaiting Rodrick’s return. You heard the door swing open downstairs. He walked up the stairs to his room, ice cream pints in hand. You smiled at him before your gaze lingered down to his knuckles.
“Holy shit, Rodrick. What the fuck did you do?”
He looked down, “Well you told me what my guitarist did to you and I- I couldn’t help it. He needed to know what he did was out of line.”
Your jaw dropped, “So you what? Broke his nose?” He rolled his eyes at your theatrics, “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.” Had Rodrick really beat somebody up for you?
“So are we gonna eat this ice cream or what?”
You both sat on Rodricks couch, limbs entangled, eating your ice cream. He looked over at you, “Switch?” You shrugged, passing him your mint chip and grabbing his cookie dough. For the next half hour, you both sat in silence, processing the night’s events.
“Hey, I’m sorry about Heather.”
“Y’know, y/n, I realized something while I was performing. Heather Hills wasn’t by the stage cheering me on, Heather Hills doesn’t go out of her way to be kind to my family, Heather Hills wouldn’t look that good that tiny black bikini of yours,” Rodrick smirked, “and most importantly, Heather Hills didn’t buy me my favorite ice cream to make me feel better. Heather Hills doesn’t care for me like you do.”
You weren’t really processing everything. Was he hitting on you? Or flirting or… He cut your thoughts short by grabbing your waist and pulling you on top of him. “Woah what are you-“ He shushed you and grabbed your ice cream from your hand, setting it on the table.
Rodrick grabbed your hands, halting your mindless fiddling. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize how good you are to me earlier, y/n. I know that probably made you feel like dog shit.”
You let out a choked laugh. “Yeah, it did. But, you know now?” He placed one of his large hands on your cheek, using his thumb to stroke your face gently, “Yeah, pretty girl, I do.”
Pretty girl. Your stomach churned and your face turned bright red. Rodrick leaned in slowly and gently kissed you. His lips felt heavenly, they were soft and warm and better than you could’ve imagined. “God I’ve wanted to sink my teeth into you ever since I saw you in that little bathing suit.”
His voice was low and guttural, nothing like you’d heard before. This was a new Rodrick and you had no idea how to react, all you could do was sit there and stutter helplessly.
You could melt. Was this really happening? You had to check.
“Is this really happening?”
You felt him smile. He licked a stripe from your collarbone to your jaw, “You tell me.” You moaned quietly as his grasp on your waist tightened.
“How long have you wanted this, y/n? Wanted me?”
Your stomach clenched at his words, might as well tell the truth. “Since sophomore year. I-I went to one of your gigs and you didn’t see me” His hand moved to your breast and you sucked in a breath. “You looked so good on stage, I knew I wanted your hands all over me,” you managed to gasp out.
“I knew you were there,” he said matter-of-factly. You froze. “I told my mom, part of why she likes you so much, thinks you’re supportive of me or something.”
Is he serious, this is humiliating.
“I remember what you were wearing, too. A little red dress, you stood out. Never knew the neighbor girl cleaned up so nice until that night.”
He must’ve sensed your embarrassment, “Hey, it’s okay, no need to be shy.” You eased up a little bit, your hands finding his hair and gently pulling. “Atta girl.”
As things got more heated, he got more eager. At one point he looked up at you, silently asking for permission to remove your shirt. You nodded, laughing at him, “A gentleman, I see.” He made stern eye contact with you,
“I don’t have to be.”
He tore your (his) shirt over your head and stopped when he found you were wearing nothing underneath.
“Naughty, naughty girl.”
You wanted his shirt off too, along with everything else. You wanted to see him, feel him. You made quick work of removing his t-shirt and discarding it on the floor behind you.
You could feel his hard on through your panties and it was driving you insane. “Rodrick,” you panted, “I need you, please.”
The hand he was using to roll your nipple between his fingers moved to your clit and rubbed gentle circles over it. “Since you asked so nicely,” he grinned.
Your hand flew on top of his and he winced. “Oh shit, right, your hand! I’m so so-,” he flipped you onto your back and stood up from the couch. Your stomach dropped before you understood what he was doing. He fought with his belt for a moment before pulling it off and sliding his jeans and boxers off.
Christ he’s big.
He resumed his position on the couch and began stroking his cock while hovering above you. He leaned down to kiss your collar bone sweetly.
You muttered one last plea before he positioned himself in front of you.
“Are you ready for me, pretty girl?”
God there he goes again.
You arched your back up in response, letting out a small sigh of desperation. This was all so new, you had no idea Rodrick could be so… well spoken?
Rodrick took a deep breath as he bottomed out. The air was knocked out of your lungs. Fucking Christ. He split you in half with ease, groaning as he rolled his hips against you.
“R-Rodrick?” He muttered something indistinct in response. “Is this your first time?” He looked kind of embarrassed. “Yeah, uh, it is, yes.” Part of you was happy it was his first time. The other part of you felt bad for him. You knew that if girls would’ve just given him a chance, they’d see how incredible he was-
You were torn from your thoughts by Rodrick pulling out and slamming back into your willing body. You nearly screamed. He continued at an absolutely brutal pace.
“Jesus christ, Rodrick, never knew you could do this,” you gasped out, eyes rolling back.
He smirked down at you before pulling out, grabbing your hips, and flipping you over onto your hands and knees. Your head was pressed sideways against the arm of the couch but you didn’t care. Rodrick quickly got back to work, fucking you to the beginnings of your orgasm.
“Rodrick, I’m gonna-“ He grabbed your hair and yanked hard so your back was against his chest,
“Cum on my cock.”
That was all it took, you were gone, shaking and pulsing around him.
After a few more strokes, Rodrick was gone, too. He was grabbing your ass and grinding his hips against you as he finished.
Gently, he pulled out. He rubbed a hand over your ass and admired your raw, red skin.
You rolled back over, panting. “My god, y/n, how did I live without this for so long?” You smiled lazily at the ceiling. He kissed you, clearly spent. You both sat on his couch, heavy panting filling the room.
Rodrick looked over at you, “Ice cream?” He stuck the cup filled with melted sludge in your direction. You put your hand up in protest, “No thank you.” He shrugged, “More for me.” Roderick slurped the melted treat from his spoon. You couldn’t help but laugh at him.
God, Heather would despise this man.
“You know Heather slapped Rowley, right?”
“What? no way?” Rodrick laughed.
“She sure did. Don’t worry though, Rowley got to eat chocolate off of Madison.”
You both spent a moment laughing to yourselves.
You were absolutely satisfied, you could’ve fallen asleep right then and there, on Rodrick’s ratty couch.
“Let’s get you to bed y/n.”
“But I don’t wanna go home, Rodrick!” You whined.
“Who said anything about you going home?”
“Y/n, Mom’s at a writing seminar with Manny and Dad’s at some civil war retreat thing.”
Was he inviting you to stay the night? “Call your mom, tell her you’re with your friend… uh… Heather.”
Giggling, you did just that. “Wait a minute, your parents left you alone with Greg?” He swatted at you playfully, giving you a goofy glare.
Rodrick stood up and offered out his hand. You decided to be cocky and deny his help. In your attempt to stand up, you stumbled, nearly eating shit.
“Woah, woah, easy there tiger,” Rodrick said snarkily, grabbing your waist before you hit the ground. You hadn’t expected to be so unstable.
“Alright, do you want my shirt back, gorgeous?” You nodded sleepily.
He grabbed the previously discarded shirt from the ground and slipped it over your head. He then pushed your hair out of your face and placed a gentle kiss onto your forehead.
Rodrick led you over to his bed. It was a twin but you guys would make it work.
He disappeared for a moment and came back with a rag. “C’mere sweetheart. You turned to face him slowly as he sat down on the bed. He began tenderly wiping between your thighs.
“Look at you, so beautiful,” he mused. Out of instinct, you looked away from him. “I mean it, y/n.”
He climbed into bed with you, his lanky limbs making comfort difficult.
“There we go,” he sighed after you both finally found a comfortable position. You closed your eyes and Rodrick began tracing lines over your lightly clothed back. You could hear the summer rain pattering against his window and you sighed out, completely satisfied.
Nearly asleep, you noticed something in the corner of Rodrick’s room. His black and white one star’s with tire marks plastered over them. You rolled your eyes and laughed to yourself.
Heather fucking Hills.
+ literally don’t even speak to me about the grammar or the poorly written smut. act like you do not see it ty. and please send me rq’s!!
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thevoidscreams · 4 years
I don't care which slashers/killers you do for this BUT...... May I have some killers hcs meeting their male s/o for the first time? 🥺👉👈
also I know I need to get through what little writings I have planned done and out so I can do these in return and maybe do somethin for ya
I really tried here, I'm sorry if it's not exactly what you wanted. I love these two and I wanted to write more for them. Please let me know if you'd like me to change them at all or if they seem wrong.
Danny Johnson did not have a tolerant upbringing. His family, despite lacking any sort of faith, was a family built on the foundation that men only slept with women. That's just how it was and that that was how nature had kept things going. When Danny realized he didn't just get hard when looking at naked girls however, life became a lot harder. Literally.
Collage was the escape he needed. He took off and never looked back. Ghosting his family before it was a regular thing. He could finally be who he really was.
The first time he saw you was at a party and he knew something was different. Just introducing himself felt like a life or death situation, he couldn't fuck this up. Some deep part of him needed you to like him, needed you to want him. Danny man not have called it love at first sight but it was definitely something. When you left you took his number and promised to hang out later. You had similar schedules so it would be easy. Right?
You threw a wrench into every plan he'd set in place. All his aspiring affairs with other people died the moment you gave him your name. Your perfect name.
Danny begins every morning thinking about you and would lay down at night with you on his mind till he faded into sleep. Everyday for months you plague his thoughts. Your chill sessions are basically dates in his mind. Even if it's just bumming it on the dorm couches with Mariocart and eating cheap greasy pizza. He cherishes every moment. It has to be more, he thinks, your too nice, too friendly and some of your remarks could be taken as flirting. You're not like this with your other friends. Just with him.
He plans to ask you out but for the first time in his life he's scared by the idea of getting a no. The thought of being rejected by you makes him feel legitimately sick to his stomach. What if he's misread all your signals and your disgusted by his advances. What if you call him all the awful things his old high-school friends did when he came out to them. He needs you to know how he feels, keeping it all in is making him feel anxious.
He was mulling it over in his mind when he got a call, answering it to hear your voice caused a sudden feeling of euphoria within him. "Hey, can we meet up?" Your voice was shaky and you sounded unsure. But Danny agreed right away, assuring you he had the time and was happy to meet up.
You two got coffee together all the time but today there was something more to it. The way you laughed and bumped his shoulder with your fist, the way you smiled awkwardly like you were trying to keep something from him. Danny was getting worried as he looked down at you. "Is everything alright shortstake? You seem off today."
You took a deep breath and looked him right in the eyes. "DannyIlikeyou" you blurted out cheeks red and eyes wide in panic. "I'm sorry I just I couldn't do it anymore," you looked away, "keeping it all in made me feel so awful and I just needed you to know. I'll understand if you don't feel the same way about me and if you don't want to see me again I'll understand that too but-"
He kissed you, right there in front of all of the coffee shop patrons and employees. To his amazement a few people wooped and clapped.
Danny pulled away, he took his coffee in one hand and then your hand in his other.
"Let's go somewhere more private."
He led you to a little pond, there were ducks and water lilies. It was quiet, peaceful, the perfect place to have a heart to heart.
The talk that followed was long and he explained at great lengths how he felt about you.
You confirmed some of the things he suspected, embarrassed by how easily he read you. At the end of it all you were both a bit teary eyed.
"So I guess what I'm trying to say here is, I love you." You did cry after hearing that, so happy and relieved he felt the same way. You kissed him, and he responded in kind, with only the ducks as witnesses this time. They didn't make a peep about the kiss....but they did quack.
Thomas Hewitt:
Tommy knew something was different the first time he met you. You were just a new hire at the meat plant but he couldn't take his eyes off you. The poor thing didn't know what to do. So he just watched. Intrigued by the feelings he felt when he did.
"Good morning Thomas." You'd nod as you passed him to get to your work station. He'd grunt in reply and nod. Happy to see you.
"Hey Tom, lunch time! Thank God for lunch breaks am I right?" Your hand was firm as you passed him, clapping his shoulder. He liked when you touched him, no one ever touched him unless he was also being yelled at. But your touch was different and it was good.
"See ya tomorrow Tommy." You groaned tiredly after a long shift, promising to see him tomorrow. He hoped to see you everyday for the rest of his life.
It was a system, a pattern, it was something Tommy relied on, like a clock, you were on time and followed the routine.
Except this morning, you weren't here. The supervisor was passing by to inspect the work station.
"Where the hell is that freaky bastard at?" He asked pointing to your station. Tommy shrugged, he didn't know, probably the bathroom. "Yeah well you might want to keep your distance, I heard from some the other guys that he's one of them men lovers. If it were up to me he'dhave never come here, but the boss says we're 'short staffed'." The snicker that bubbled up from him was disgusting and he mouthed off a few insults and slurs before walking off to finished his rounds.
Tommy was angry, more than usual at least. He wanted to take that supervisor's head and crush it under his mallet. Instead he stripped his apron off and went to the bathroom. Still a tiny part of him was happy, glad to know he wasn't alone.
The bathroom was never locked, it couldn't be, the lock was broken and building management was too cheap to replace it. So Tommy pushed through the door and listened. A soft rhythmic sound greeted him. Soft uneven breathing, muffled by the walls of the stall. He knew that sound, it was all too personal to him.
He stepped in front of the stall and their sounds turned panicked like they knew they'd been caught.
He knocked on the wood so gently and as it swung open he confirmed his suspensions. Your eyes were red and swollen, a large bruise on your cheek. Tommy saw red as he looked over your generally disheveled appearance.
You were trying to hide the fact that you'd been crying.
"Hey Tommy, what's happening brother? The uh... supervisor send you in here to find me or something?" When you tried to push past him to get to the sinks Thomas stopped you with one big arm.
"Uh you good?" Your voiced trembled and it torn Tommy apart to hear the man he loved so distressed. His big arms pulled you in, holding your smaller body against his massive one. He just didn't care anymore, he didn't care if you knew, or if the whole world knew. People already called him a freak for the way he looked. They were wrong, Thomas wasn't a freak, not for the way he looked or for the way he felt. Neither were you for that matter. When you hugged him back his heart soared. "Thank you." You cried softly, face buried in his chest.
The gentle giant wiped a tear away, carefully as not to agitated the bruise. He grunted and ran his thumb around the edge of the darkening spot.
"Don't worry about that, some of the guys found out about my...well I'm sure you know or have at least heard." Thomas nodded, still holding you. "We should probably get back to our stations."
Tommy was hesitant but he let you go to wash your face and fix your appearance. Things were going to be hard for the both of you. But hard was nothing new to him he was used to fighting for equal footing with others, fighting to get what he wanted always fighting. But this time it really was something worth fighting for. This time it was you.
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seacottons · 4 years
—ateez as boyfriends [ domestic au ]
notes: swearing. suggestive dialogue. fluff. i blame a certain someone for this, not gonna say who. @kireiwoo
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— hongjoong
very caring and attentive towards you
so much so, that even his friends have complained how it isn't fair he doesn't scold you like the way he does to them
he enjoys many activities with you, such as
helping him dye his hair an ungodly color every other month
he'll insist you try experimenting with your own tresses
but you only have the courage to dye the very ends of your strands
"i don't think i can pull off that color as well as you do," you'd say.
"that's a load of bull. you'll suit every hair color."
you'll just roll your eyes playfully at his biased behavior.
other activities include getting tiny matching tattoos together.
the tiny flower and butterfly on your wrists was most likely your favorite due to its simplicity in design and the meaning behind it as well.
spontaneous dates are his favorite.
behind closed doors, he loves to constantly shower you with pecks and smooches.
often gets teased by his friends from how whipped he is for you.
randomly books vacations for you two to relax and unwind every so often.
although he enjoys it, he is a big, tired baby when it comes to traveling
always wanting to lean his head against your shoulder
or cuddling you close for warmth due to the airport's air conditioners blasting frigid air.
has written many songs about you
and when he's finally ready, he'll not only ask you to listen to them, but to also spend the rest of your life with him and share his last name as well.
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— seonghwa
constant pet names
"the sun to my stars."
"the moon to my sun."
"love of my life."
you like to call him mars, mostly.
but he revels when you call him 'twinkle eyes' for some reason.
has a habit of pulling you into his lap.
you'll subconsciously play with the strands of his hair as he does so, him being too distracted bickering with his friends to realize sometimes.
will always give you pleading looks whenever wooyoung or san tease him.
sometimes, you walk in to find wooyoung settling onto your boyfriend's back while he greedily devours the bowl of popcorn entirely by himself.
or other times when both wooyoung and san constrict his limbs with their arms whenever you're near.
"y/n can't save you now, so cut the whining."
you'll only sigh and shake your head in amusement.
"what are you guys doing to my poor boyfriend?"
"he changed the movie we were watching without our permission!"
"because i have no damn clue what's going on, and harry potter is too confusing!"
coffee dates.
loves to sleep with you tucked against his chest.
always has an arm draped around your frame.
butterfly kisses on your neck.
soft touches against the small of your back and waist.
his favorite pastime with you would be stargazing.
"baby, look. it's me, mars-io," he'd say whilst pointing up to the large, bright star in the night sky.
when it's too cloudy outside, or when the weather isn't forgiving, he'll turn on the indoor star projector he bought so the two of you can stargaze in the comfort of your own bed.
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— yunho
is the epitome of romantic.
is constantly smothering you in love and affection.
always has heart eyes and admiration in his eyes at whatever small task you do or say.
rant about an ancient dynasty?
heart eyes.
bombard him with useless information about a certain abandoned island.
heart eyes.
gush about the new cute bakery that recently opened up?
heart eyes.
if you had a money jar for every time he says 'i love you', you'd have enough money to buy a plane ticket or two.
always willing to drop everything to help you with whatever it is you need.
will wake up in the middle of the night when you text him to ask if he's awake or not.
willingly stays up to keep you company.
but sometimes, when he's too tired, he'll knock out accidentally and profusely apologize to you in the morning.
very supportive of your life choices.
hates seeing you cry because it makes him want to bawl his eyes out as well.
his hugs are bone-crushing.
but he is a gentle giant nonetheless.
likes to attempt to bake pastries with you.
half of the time, the goods either turn out undercooked or burnt.
"they have love in them, that's all that matters."
will always insist that you can rant to him about anything and everything.
you've never felt so valued in your life before meeting him.
is the most understanding human being you've ever gotten the pleasure of knowing.
"i wish we were vampires," he says one day.
you give him an amused look, lips outstretched into a smile, "why, silly?"
"so we can spend an eternity together."
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— yeosang
his heart flutters when you notice the smallest things he does.
it makes him feel appreciated and acknowledged.
like when he changes up his hairstyle or earrings.
or when he wears a new sweater.
a big, big softie when it comes to you.
can and will want to spend all day in your arms on his days off.
quick witted and has a knack for noticing the tiniest detail.
very shy and awkward at first.
but when he gets more comfortable as time passes on, you won't be safe from his snarky little comments anymore.
will constantly bring up the thing you said or did months ago to prove a point.
"oh, you like this flavor? three months ago you told me it tasted like vomit."
"remember that time you woke up in a rush to get to work thinking you were late, only for me to drag you back inside because it was three in the fucking morning?"
you stop mid-chew and peer up from your plate of rice.
"your point, yeosang?"
"oh, nothing this time. i just wanted to tease you."
is the type to have a mid-life crisis when you can't decide on a restaurant.
"but i don't want to eat at the chicken place again," you'll whine.
"it's been thirty minutes, and you still haven't decided what you want!"
"you're rushing me!"
"y/n! just pick!"
loves to cuddle with you, especially in the colder months.
wraps a blanket around your frame and tugs you in closer against his chest.
pretends not to understand your jokes just to spite and tease you.
loves when you cling onto him.
his favorite pastime with you would be just walking around together at night and trying out different types of street food.
or even visiting any of the local beaches for a relaxing walk together.
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— san
persistently keen about whenever you feel upset or down.
he reads you better than any open book.
sometimes, it scares you, but you appreciate how he's always so eagle-eyed about your behavior.
loves to hug your head.
you allow wooyoung to crash some of your dates with san sometimes.
other times, san will whine and tell him to go find his own date.
"if y/n accepted you as a boyfriend, then you should've disclosed that i'm part of the deal as well. buy one get one free."
"as what exactly?"
"the hot, clingy best friend."
will take numerous duck-faced selfies of himself because you think they're cute.
often times, he'll ask you to mirror his expression, only for him to press his lips against yours a second before his phone snaps the picture.
likes when you kiss his dimple.
"y/n! it looks like a crater from the amount of times you've kissed it."
he likes to tease you.
a lot.
very touchy.
always has an arm around you.
rests his chin against your shoulders.
playfully smacks your rear when you're sassy with him.
or leans in to hold your jaw whilst whispering teasing words into your ear that has you becoming docile and bothered in mere seconds.
has you wrapped around his finger as much as you have him wrapped around your own.
likes to have weekly picnics with you at the park and admires all the dogs running about.
"i should bring byeol next week. maybe she'll like to play fetch too."
"i don't think that's a good idea.."
you often find him fast asleep holding onto a plushie for dear life whenever you're away.
you'll pull it away from his arms, causing him to stir awake groggily.
he'll stare in confusion as you throw the plushie aside, before pulling you in tighter as you wriggle into his arms.
"you're softer than shiber," he'll mumble sleepily against the crown of your head.
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— mingi
mingi is sometimes self-conscious around the public eye and others, but when it comes to you, those layers of fear and insecurity get stripped away instantly.
doesn't mind being vulnerable with you.
he craves affection, adores it even, but is insecure about not being able to return it well enough for his liking.
likes when you give him attention.
easily gets jealous when someone else grabs your interest.
reassuring him 24/7.
"yes, mingi. you're the love of my life."
kissing his pouting lips for good measure.
the smallest of gestures has him a blushing mess.
even holding hands in public.
when he's not being a sentimental sap, he'll like teasing you lovingly.
"wow, you have this many photos of me in your phone?"
you'll scrutinize him in confusion.
"are you that obsessed with me, y/n?"
"mingi! you told me to take half of those photos of you!"
"oh, right. i forgot."
a silence weighs down onto the two of you.
"but would you have taken them if i never asked you to?"
constantly laughs about the things you say, although you don't think you're that funny.
always seeks your approval subconsciously.
will always shield you from the rain, playfully yelling at the droplets sometimes.
"you can't make y/n wet! only i can!"
"mingi! we are in public!"
wanted to go strawberry picking because he saw a celebrity try it out on instagram live.
accidentally steps on many berries though.
"it's okay, they'll just make another plant. i did them a favor."
brags about you like no tomorrow.
even for the tiniest, minuscule thing.
"oh, i've already tried the brand of ice cream. y/n always buys that for me."
"i don't need to pay all this money for a measly slice of cake. y/n's cakes are much better."
"no, wooyoung. i'm not jealous of your new shoes." he'll lightly pinch the boy's side, "y/n and i have already bought ourselves matching pairs."
"you two are so fucking cheesy, it hurts."
when he's not bragging about you, he's boasting about himself.
but if that's what helps him raise his confidence levels up, you'll gladly sit down hours on end listening to how he has more 'swag' and 'charisma' than all of his older friends combined.
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— wooyoung
teases you like his life depends on it.
says you can't get enough of him, when in reality it's the other way around.
but you let him believe whatever he wants.
but deep down he just really gets satisfied with himself if he raises your mood and makes you smile.
especially when you're not having a great day.
uses way too many emojis when texting you.
"wooyoung, why am i saved as as 'clingy bug' on your contacts?"
he'll squawk indignantly and laugh awkwardly for a second.
"who told you this lie!?"
always wants to show off your love in front of his friends.
"no, i don't want my early birthday gift now. wait until the others show up, and do it front of them."
"but why?"
"so everyone can see how much you love me. can you also cry for good measure?"
"absolutely not."
he enjoys the dates you have in his apartment the most.
the ones where he cooks for you and asks for your help, only for him to pester you about over-seasoning or undersalting something.
"okay, fine! we'll just order take out if it tastes that bad," you pout, flinging a small piece of onion on his face.
his head instantly snaps back to eye you judgingly, fist gripping the poor spatula.
"over my dead body."
"so, y/n. how does my plating look?"
"it's beautiful, wooyoung. you've outdone y-"
"what else is beautiful?" he demands, face leaning over the table to give you a knowing grin.
you shove a piece of meat and rice into his mouth, shrugging nonchalantly.
he deflates at your answer, spluttering pieces of rice onto your face.
"jung wooyoung, you slob!"
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— jongho
is the type of boyfriend to stop you in the middle of the road to tie your shoe for you.
very charming and goofy in his own way.
takes pride in himself and his abilities to cater to your every whim and need.
even when you don't ask for his help.
aggressively opens jars for you when you struggle to pry them open.
"no one messes with my y/n."
"you're fussing at a jar of pickled radish, baby."
the type to cling close to you in public in fear of any of the bicyclists or pedestrians bumping into you and harming you in any way.
sometimes acts like you're made of glass.
while it's endearing occasionally, it is a bit suffocating at other times.
doesn't believe you when you say you're tough and don't need protection.
very selfless and willing to help you with anything you need.
never one to shy away from social gatherings with his friends, always pulling you along with him despite you being shy and clingy most of the night.
also a big tease.
when you help him hold down his legs for sit ups, he asks for a smooch.
pulls away from you when you try to kiss him.
and will laugh at your pouting face as he urges you to try once more.
"stop moving, i just want to kiss you!"
after numerous tries, he finally allows you ( you truly think you over-powered him though ) to kiss his cheeks or lips.
he then proceeds to squawk loudly in retaliation and playful disgust.
although he loves teasing you, when the game is flipped the other way, he'll be a shy mess of embarrassment.
"i don't mumble your name in my sleep."
"you always do, silly."
tucked underneath his macho exterior, you know he's prone to criticism and takes it to heart much more than he likes to show and admit.
so, whenever you get the chance, you always fulfill his need to be appreciated, loved, and taken care of.
is utterly and extremely protective of you.
"who just whistled at you?" he grumbles, "i'll break their jaw like an apple, you know i will."
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
Territory Getting Hotter
Pairing: Carol Danvers x enhanced!Fem Reader
Words: ~2.9k
Summary: You’ve made another mess for the Avengers and they find out about your relationship with Captain Danvers
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (fe receiving oral sex, use of toys, squirting, overstimulation, light dom aspects), mentions of canon level violence, SMUT!!!! 18+ ONLY!!!!
A/N: I love these two!!! Dom!Carol is it you guys, wow. Also, reader is such a massive pain in the ass and I love her for it, I can’t wait to piss off every single Avenger with her antics.
Check out my masterlist and join my taglist here!
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You beamed at Carol when she walked into the kitchen, still bleary eyed from sleep as she stretched and ran a hand through her hair.
“Hey babe!” You grinned at her. “Guess who made pancakes?”
“You’re the best sweetie.” She murmured, wrapping around your back and nuzzling into your hair. “We’ll make a housewife out of you yet.”
You laughed as she moved to pour herself some coffee when there was a sudden pounding on the front door.
“Danvers!!” A low voice shouted through the door. “Open up, its Rogers!!”
“Shit!” She hissed, looking around frantically as she tried to find someplace to stash you.
“Would you relax?” You said as you rolled your eyes at her. “He has to find out sometime.”
“Yeah, but not today! He already sounds pissed. One second!!” She shouted back, throwing on some sweats. “Just find somewhere to hide, I don’t feel like dealing with this today.”
She moved to open the door as you shook your head at her, weighing your hiding place options.
“Hey Steve, what’s up?” She said, nonchalantly as she let him inside.
“What’s up? Have you watched the news yet this morning?” He seethed as he stormed into the kitchen.
“Oh no. What did she do?” Carol said, taking a deep breath and cursing you in her head for whatever shit storm you’d started now.
“I can’t even talk about it, I’m so mad.” He growled, moving to pour himself a cup of coffee without even asking. “Even Stark was pissed, and he’s usually pretty lenient.”
“Uh-huh.” Carol said as she chewed on her lip and nibbled on a piece of bacon.
“She managed to drag Thor into it, too. We may have to move her to a full time handler, one that she can’t corrupt.” He said, starting to calm down a little bit. “We’re having a meeting about it in 30 minutes, just wanted you to be prepared. How would you feel about taking her on?”
Carol heard a snort from somewhere in the apartment and did her best not to whip around to find you. Unfortunately Steve heard it to with his damn super soldier hearing.
“What was that?” He hissed, his eyes darting all over the quarters.
“Uh, my smoke alarm’s been acting up.” Carol muttered, trying to usher him out the door. “I’ll think about it, see you soon!”
She slammed the door closed and started searching for you.
“What the fuck did you do, baby?” She asked, scanning the apartment for you.
“Y’know, I think I’m gonna leave that for a surprise.” She heard from above her head and shot her gaze upwards.
You had somehow managed to wedge yourself into a tiny corner in the ceiling of the hallway leading to her bedroom. She was giving you a disapproving look as you dropped to the floor with a grunt and grinned at her.
“You think you can handle me babe?” You said as you moved to the bedroom to get dressed.
The two of you were sitting across from each other in the conference room half an hour later, trying to act like you didn’t fuck each other’s brains out every chance you got.
Or, at least Carol was. You were sliding your foot up the inside of her leg as she glared murderously at you and you just grinned like an idiot. She shook her head at you and turned to look at the giant screen where Tony was pulling up the surveillance footage as the rest of the team gave you exasperated glances.
“Oh, here we go, we’re getting to the good part.” Tony said, giving you a meaningful look as he slowed the footage down. “Now who’s this guy you just punched in the face and then threw across the club like a rag doll?”
“I think that’s the Duke of Edinburgh.” You said with a shrug, leaning back in your chair.
“No, that’s the Duke of Sussex, y’know, the queen’s nephew.” Nat said as she took a long drink of her coffee, looking exhausted.
“Oh shit, really?” You said, still grinning like an idiot. “Whoops.”
“And wait, here’s where Point Break blows all the lights in the club, which he says was your idea, so the two of you can make a run for it.” Stark said when the video suddenly went black.
“We weren’t making a run for it, we were pursuing our suspect.” You said, staring daggers at Thor as he tried to sink into his chair.
“Uh-huh, and did you catch your suspect?” Steve said through gritted teeth.
“Yeah, he’s in holding right now.” You said with a shrug.
“What?! Why wasn’t that in your report?” Rogers said as he started to dig through the pile of paperwork in front of him.
“I haven’t completed the report yet, Captain Rogers.” You said lightly. “I made sure to update Captain Danvers though.”
“Let’s not get off track, this is about you assaulting a member of the royal family.” Tony said as he tried to redirect the conversation.
“He assaulted me first! He grabbed my ass and made some very ungentlemanly comments about what he would do if he got me in his car.” You said, pouting as you rested your head on your hands.
“He did grab her ass, Stark. I saw it.” Thor piped up before Rogers shot him a look and he went back to inspecting his coffee.
“So you threw him? That seems like a bit of an overreaction.” Tony said with an uncomfortable shrug.
“It’s a reflex, Stark.” You said, your eyes rolling back in your head as the other women frowned at him. “Sorry, I don’t think putting up with sexual harassment is in my job description.”
“Ok, ok fine. Nat, is there anyway you can spin this?” Stark said, turning to Romanoff as she let out a deep sigh.
“Yeah, the man is a pretty notorious dog, shouldn’t be too hard.” She muttered.
“Great! Excellent meeting team, see y’all at the next one!” You said, starting to stand up before Steve turned his attention to you.
“No, we still need to discuss your recklessness, Y/L/N.” He seethed, shooting you a scowl that you returned with a mocking air that had Carol trying to hold back a snort. “I’ve thought about it a lot and I think the best course is to have you under more direct supervision. I considered splitting up you and Odinson but I feel like that would just spread the chaos around after how much you’ve corrupted him.”
You shot a grin and a wink at Thor that he returned as the two of you finally relaxed, but Steve was still talking.
“So, Danvers is going to be accompanying you on your missions now. I feel like her levelheaded attitude is just what’s needed to keep you two in line.” He said with a satisfied smirk.
“Uh, you sure Danvers is the best choice there, Cap?” Tony said whole Nat snickered into her coffee.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t she be?” Steve said as he looked around at everyone’s amused expressions with confusion.
“They’re fucking each other Steve.” Nat said nonchalantly, sending Steve into a spluttering fit as you started cackling and Carol just rolled her eyes and groaned.
“What?!” Rogers roared, his eyes moving frantically between you and Carol as you grinned at him like an idiot. “How long has this been happening?”
“Six months.” Carol said resignedly, taking a gulp of coffee as she shrugged uncomfortably. “Didn’t really feel like dealing with the paperwork.”
“Si... six months?” Steve groaned, burying his face in his hands. “And you didn’t think that might be a conflict of interest?”
“Don’t worry Cap, Danvers is quite the disciplinarian.” You said with a wicked grin as you waggled your eyebrows suggestively.
Carol growled at you and gave you a meaningful look, and you just rolled your eyes at her before leaning back on your chair and propping your boots on the conference table.
“Well... shit.” Steve sighed, running his palm over his face in exasperation. “I guess Bucky can probably oversee some of your ops, and I’ll take over the rest of them. What?”
You and Thor both groaned at that, rolling your eyes at each other.
“Just, Barnes? Could you pick a bigger stick in the mud?” You said with a shrug. “I mean, we get it dude. You were tortured by evil scientists for years who turned you into a mindless killing machine, who wasn’t? And, I love you Steve, but do you even drink?”
“Ok, we’re gonna head out now.” Carol said as she frowned at you, stepping between you and Steve before a real fight broke out. “Guess we’ll report to HR as soon as we can.”
“Uh-huh.” Rogers mumbled, pouting a little as she ushered you out of the room.
Nat followed after the two of you lazily, shaking her head at Steve and Tony as Stark and Thor tried to assure the Captain that he was loads of fun to be around and a blast at all their parties.
“Congrats again you two.” She said with a grin as she split down a different hallway to her own quarters.
“Thanks Nat! You ever gonna tell him about you and Wilson?” You yelled after her, laughing when she flipped you off over her shoulder. “Told ya they knew, babe.”
“Yeah.” She mumbled before grinning at you. “So, you beat up a royal?”
“Shit. In my defense, I didn’t know he was a royal until after I threw him.” You said, following her down the hall back to her apartment. “I thought he was just a smarmy asshole.”
“That’s the problem, sweetheart.” She purred over her shoulder. “You never consider the consequences of your actions.”
“That’s all I think about, babe.” You said with a wicked grin as you waited for her to open the door.
“And now you’re dragging poor Thor into your messes.” She tutted, shaking her head at you as she closed the door and stripped off her jacket. “If I didn’t know better I’d think you had a little crush on that himbo.”
“If you didn’t know better?” You beamed at her, starting to unbutton your jeans and step out of your boots. “Honey, he’s a literal god. I have a massive crush on him.”
“Oh, are you trying to make me jealous?” She ripped off her tank top and threw it aside. “Cuz I’m already pissed at you.”
“Yeah? What’re you gonna do about it?”
She stepped forward and gripped your jaw tightly, smashing her mouth to yours as she started steering you towards the bedroom. You yelped when she tossed you on the bed, grinning as she climbed on top of you.
“You’re such a bad girl.” She growled at you, ripping your bra off in one quick motion.
You screamed when she slapped your tit harshly, the stinging sensation warming your chest while she bent to open the top drawer of the nightstand.
“I am. I’m fucking horrible.” You gasped as she rifled around. “What are you doing?”
She grinned at you as she straightened back up, holding a set of extra shiny looking restraints.
“These are vibranium.” She cooed as she grabbed your wrists and dragged them above your head, hooking them through the headboard as you panted underneath her. “I stole them from R and D, and there’s no way even you can break out of them.”
“Yeah, we’ll see.” You said around a smirk, giving your hands a test yank and nodding appreciatively as Carol shackled each of your feet to the opposing bedposts.
She bit her lip as she stared at you, your legs spread wide over the bed and making your back arch. You moaned as she tore off your panties and slapped your pussy, your muscles twitching as arousal seeped out of you.
“Mmm, you look so good like this.” She mumbled, sliding down until she was laying between your thighs. “Can’t decide whether I should edge you all night or make you come so many times you forget your own name.”
She ran her tongue over your slit in a heavy stripe and you let out a shriek as you came as soon as she reached your clit. She pressed your hips into the mattress as she lashed her tongue against your bundle of nerves, making your legs quiver with the strain of your orgasm.
“Looks like you made my decision for me.” She grinned at you before diving back in.
Her tongue swirled through your folds expertly, sucking your lips into your mouth and humming against you as your pussy started clenching around nothing. She wrapped her lips around your clit and you came again with a sob as your limbs pulled against the restraints, your body trying to arch off the bed.
She shoved her tongue inside you and you screamed as another orgasm crashed over you when her teeth brushed against your tiny bundle of nerves. Carol kept curling her tongue inside you as you vibrated underneath her, moaning as your release flowed into her mouth and soaked her chin.
“Fuck, Carol!” You whined as she sat up between your legs and lightly ran her fingers over your inner thighs. “That was almost too much.”
“Oh, we’re not done yet.” She smirked as she watched you panting underneath her, reaching for the bedside table again while you squirmed.
“Hey!” you exclaimed as she pulled out a massive dildo from the drawer of toys. “Is that my stormbreaker? I’ve been looking for that!”
“Yeah, well I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.” She murmured before dragging the length on the thing through your slick coated folds, making you keen. “Did you know this thing comes with a thruster?”
“Yeah, why do you think I bought it?” You teased before your eyes rolled back in your head as she shoved it inside you.
She started fucking you with the toy at a punishing pace, grinning as you came apart like putty in her hands. Tears started leaking down your cheeks when she turned the vibrating function on and angled it so it was teasing against your clit with each push.
You whined as she bent over you and wrapped her lips around your nipple and swirled her tongue around it. She grinned against your chest as you tried to arch into her mouth, your restraints still holding you in place.
“Mmm, you gonna come again baby?” She muttered, nipping at the curve of your breast as your body started twitching, your release looming over you as you sobbed wordlessly. “Do it, you look so pretty when you fall apart.”
She twisted her wrist and you shrieked as your pussy fluttered wildly, your release leaking out around the dildo and pooling on her sheets. Your cried as she kept fucking you through it, wet sloshing sounds filling her bedroom as the toy slid in and out of you easily.
You let out an inhuman wail when she turned on the thruster and you felt the tip of the toy punch you in the cervix, coming again immediately as your body writhed wildly.
“Shit, I see why you love this thing.” She smirked as she kissed her way up your chest, still shoving the toy into your overworked cunt as your body went lax, your head polling to the side and drool leaking from the corner of your mouth. “You think about Thor fucking you when you use this, babe? Maybe I should bring him in here to fuck you stupid while I watch, would you like that?”
You just mumbled stupidly as your body shook with another orgasm, sinking into the bed in your fucked out state. Her slap snapped you out of it, making you take in a sharp breath as your brain rebooted.
“I asked you a question.” She growled as she twisted the toy again and you let out a low moan.
“I feel like this might be a trap.” You gasped as she palmed at your breast and laid down against your shoulder, still thrusting the toy into you viciously.
“That sounds like a yes to me.” She purred, nuzzling into your neck as she gave the toy a final push.
You screamed as she pulled it out of you suddenly, your release squirting out of you in a violent rush. Your body thrashed violently with the power of your orgasm and Carol cursed as you snapped her headboard and bedposts, the bed frame shuddering before one of the legs gave out and it sank to the floor with a crash.
“Holy fuck, you ok?” She asked, sitting up and grinning at you as she assessed the damage you’d caused.
“Yeah.” You said, swallowing thickly as you moved your limbs with a groan. “At least we know the cuffs work! Sorry about your bed.”
“Don’t worry about it.” She murmured, grabbing the key and unlocking the restraints before pulling you back against her chest. “We’ll just use yours I guess.”
“Are you gonna move in with me? I think that may give Rogers an aneurysm.”
“He’ll get over it.” She shrugged as you nuzzled into her chest. “Now, how do you think we should approach Thor?”
“What?! You were serious?”
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