#popcorn cookie’s my favorite description
uselessalexis165 · 2 years
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My friend @anxiously-drawing-again describing Cookie Run characters (14)
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dearmailman · 1 year
Hi neighbor @:} this might seem like a bit of an odd request but could I have some headcanons for a little Wally and cg!Frank? Im a Wally fictkin and Frank is my favorite hehe
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Wally and Frank have always been sassy towards each other, their confidences clashing socially - but that never once meant they weren’t friends! They both have a secret love of childish things that they don’t get to express often, so regression and caregiving is a nice chance to relax.
Wally finds butterflies just as cute as Frank does, so they tend to bond over them. Wally will fall asleep beside him or on their picnic blanket, dozing off and feeling little while Frank rambles about entomology. They eventually started playing a game where Frank reads off the description of an insect, and Wally tries to sketch or paint it as accurately as possible!
Wally doesn’t talk often when he’s small, he much prefers to have something to chew on! Frank ordered a special pacifier and teething toys decorated in butterflies just for him. Wally gnaws on things like wild while they watch cartoons. He has trouble getting words out, but he and Frank have made a gesture language with hand movements to mean important things.
Frank has a chore chart and an activity chart to help Wally stay in order! Wally is very helpful to his neighbors, but he tends to slack on his own needs. Frank makes homemade ice cream at the end of every week if Wally has completed all of his chores and self care.
Wally is over at Frank’s house all the time, and it often (if not always) devolves into cuddle piles that include Eddie! Wally is very clingy.
Wally & Frank love to bake while Wally’s regressed as well! Frank loves helping him follow instructions and getting to do simple chemistry. Neither of them are very good at it, so there’s a lot of laughing over disgusting snacks. Frank has actually messed up red velvet cookies so badly that both of them ended up in hysterics while trying to wave the smell of burning out of the window. They walked over to Howdy’s instead and just had store bought ones in the grass outside, sleeves still singed.
Wally loves bedtime stories! Frank has a lot of kid’s science books about animals and nature that he reads out when they have sleepovers.
Sometimes Wally has bad days. Frank is never sure what’s wrong, but some days Wally seems so low energy with an odd blankness in his eyes, and even with his permanent smile, Frank can tell he’s not well. He always takes him away from Home on those days, since being inside always seems to make it worse. Frank worriedly takes extra care of him, holding him in his lap and brushing hands across his hair to comfort him while he lethargically chews on a teether. He turns on movies at his house and makes it into fun theater parties, with popcorn and any candy Wally wants. Usually it does cheer him up.
Frank and Wally don’t show large amounts of physical affection, aside from snuggling where no one can see. Frank likes their privacy when it comes to affection. But Wally becomes a big cuddlebug behind doors!
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reds-ramblings · 2 years
Here comes my contribution to your prompt game: a one-shot about Jessy and MC finally meeting up for a night of horror movies. But things get out of hand...
Alright, for this one we're going to have to pretend episode 10 didn't end the way it did. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you meant by out of hand but it certainly does fit the description. I had a lot of fun writing this.
Trigger Warning: I'm not sure what to put here but I know there should be something. If you find the content in horror movies triggering you probably don't want to read this.
Horror Queen: Dethroned
MC and Jessy make their way through the supermarket picking out all their favorite snacks for movie night. They fill their shopping cart with popcorn, chips, cookies, candy, and other junk food. Forty-five minutes and $86.35 later they leave the store and head back to Jessy's house. MC arranges all of the snacks on the table in the living room while Jessy pops several bags of popcorn and pours them all into a big bowl. Jessy brings the popcorn into the living room and grabs some blankets and throws them on the couch.
"So what are our movie choices?" MC asks.
"Well, there are just so many to choose from. Let's start with Hereditary. It's about a family that has witch ancestors and they all get possessed and die crazy deaths. Are you sure you're not going to chicken out?" Jessy teases.
"Me? You're the one who acts like the queen of horror but gets terrified over the slightest things."
"That's not the same! Watching it on TV and knowing it's fake is different than being faced with crazies in real life."  Jessy says as she plops down on the couch.
"If you say so," MC says. She covers up with a blanket and grabs the bowl of popcorn and puts it on the couch between them.
Halfway through the movie, both girls are hiding their faces from the horror in front of them. MC keeps covering her eyes with her hands every few moments while Jessy occasionally pulls the blanket up over her face. Jessy peeks over the top of the blanks just in time to see the mother's headless corpse leap from the attic window. Jessy squeals and covers her face again causing MC to erupt into a fit of laughter. Jessy gives her a pointed glance before grabbing a pillow and throwing it at her. After just over two hours of the most terrifying movie, either of them had ever watched MC grabs the remote and turns off the TV. Both of them just sit there staring at the now dark TV screen.
"Well, that was..." MC trails off.
"Horrifying." Jessy finishes.
"So, it's getting pretty late are you up for another movie?" MC asks.
"Duh! I am the horror queen after all!" Jessy exclaims making MC roll her eyes.
"Alright, I get to pick this time. How about Texas Chainsaw Massacre?"
"Sounds good to me. I heard those movies are based on a true story."
"Umm, yeah, I don't think that is true." MC laughs.
MC turns the TV back on, carefully selects the movie and presses play. The movie starts kind of slow but it isn't too long before Leatherface starts killing innocent people. The movie hadn't been on very long when MC looks over at Jessy and notices a strange expression on her face. She stares at her for a moment when she suddenly looks over and grabs her arm.
"Did you hear that?" Jessy asks in a panic-stricken voice.
"Oh but you're not paranoid at all are you?" MC laughs at her.
"No, I'm serious MC." She pushes the blankets off of herself and stands up. "I'm going to make sure all the doors are locked."
"Whatever you say, horror queen."
After a few minutes, Jessy comes running back into the room. "MC, someone is trying to get in the back door!"
"Ok, that's enough scary movies for you. I think it's time we call it a night." MC says and just as she finishes the words the power suddenly goes out.
"We have to call the police!" Jessy grabs her phone off the table.
"And tell them what Jessy? That we were watching horror movies, the power went out and now you're losing your mind?"
"My phone isn't working. It says no signal." Jessy grabs MC's phone and looks at the screen. "Yours doesn't have a signal either? This is bad."
MC starts to tell her she's being overly dramatic when suddenly a chainsaw starts up just outside the living room window making both girls scream. Jessy motions for MC to be quiet, grabs her hand, and pulls her up the stairs to her bedroom using her cell phone as a flashlight. She walks over to the walk-in closet and starts feeling along the wall. MC cocks her head to the side and watches Jessy in confusion when suddenly Jessy finds what she is looking for and pulls a portion of the wall out to reveal a hidden room. She grabs her and pushes her into the room before walking in herself and placing the portion of the wall back over the entrance.
"Do I even want to know why you have a hidden room in your closet?"
"It's a long story but hopefully if whoever is out there manages to get in they won't be able to find us." She holds her phone up in the air trying once again to get a signal. "Damn it. Did hey do something to the phones?" She says trying hard not to panic.
"I'm sure there is a logical explanation for all of this even the chainsaw. You have neighbors maybe one of them had a good reason to use be using one."
Jessy presses her hand over MCs mouth to get her to stop talking. The noises from the chainsaw are getting louder as if they are inside the house. The chainsaw turns off and footsteps can be heard ascending the stairs. The footsteps get louder and louder until they are just outside the hidden room. Suddenly the door is pulled open and there is a quick flash of light. Sounds of laughter fill the air and it takes a few moments before the girls calm down enough to catch on to what is happening.
"What the hell?!" Jessy yells.
"You should have seen the look on your faces," Richy says and high-fives Dan.
"Oh wait, you can see it because I took a picture," Dan says shaking his phone at them and then laughs some more. Jessy reaches for the phone but Dan pulls it away. "Oh no, you don't."
"How did you turn the power off and what about our cellphones?" Jessy asks.
"Oh, we cut the power off outside where it connects to the house," Richy says.
"For the phones, we used a signal jammer. You'd be surprised what you can find on the internet and they are pretty inexpensive too." Dan adds.
"Honestly, I'm not sure which one of you guys I am disappointed in more," Jessy says before pushing past Richy and storming out the door only for him to follow her.
"Hey boo, welcome to Duskwood." Dan smirks.
MC angrily takes a step toward him. "Listen here, Dan-iel An-der-son" she emphasizes and pokes his chest with each syllable. "This. was. not. funny."
"You're right it wasn't funny." He says with a serious tone, "it was fucking hilarious!" He starts laughing again.
MC storms out and makes her way down the stairs and into the living room with him close behind her.
"You assholes better turn my power back on and get that dirty thing," she points to the chainsaw, "out of here."
"Yeah yeah, we will." Dan rolls his eyes.
"So does this mean we've officially dethroned the Horror Queen?" Richy jokes and nudges Dan.
"Yes! I'm going to be posting that picture all over social media with the caption horror queen: dethroned"
"Ugh, I hate you both." Jessy huffs.
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justreadingfics · 4 years
It’s a Deal (Chapter 5)
Chapter Summary: Movie nights are the best.  
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 4.8k
Warnings:+18 only, smut,  boytoy!Bucky, fingering in a room with other people in it, blow job, oral (female receiving) casual sex, opened relationship, 
A/N: I’m sorry it took me so long for this one. I can’t promise it won’t happen the same with next chapter, but I sure hope not. I previously said the next chapters would be less smut, but with these two you never know… Thank you to my sweet Les for having my back. The link to my masterlist, where you can find the other chapters, is on my description. Feedback is highly appreciated.
Tag list for this story is closed.  
Your breathing is heavy.  
The silky slide of his tongue makes you moan, deep, and you dig your nails on his scalp, pulling his hair even harder. He groans and the vibrations hit your core. He was right the other day, you love grabbing his hair, especially when you’re on his bed and his head is between your legs first thing in the morning.
No, you haven’t slept there that night. It would be your first day in your new job position and you thought it would be best to have a good and uneventful night of sleep, free of any action that could keep you up. But the thing with good nights of sleep is they’re actually not as relaxing as Bucky Barnes’s sweet tongue and you decided you needed it before you started the day.
Good thing he lives where you work and he didn’t turn you down when you called him at that ungodly hour.  That’s how you end up there, at the verge of a morning orgasm, your skirt and underwear tossed somewhere in his bedroom and you only wearing your heels and your white blouse while he’s eating you out on his bed, butt-naked, because that’s just how he sleeps every night. 
“Oh, fucking shitballs,” you curse when he closes his lips around your clit. The throbbing little nub is swollen and aching for a release.  
He chuckles against your sensitive and wet pussy, pulling you harder against his face, deepening his fingers on your thighs. Deeply focused on his task, he flattens his tongue and laps at you.
The change of movements doesn’t go unnoticed by you, who cries out at the waves of pleasure rushing up your body. A few more talented strokes of his tongue and you lose it. You moan a loud chant of courses and your back arches as your shivering legs shut around his head and your heels cross over his back.
That’s when a huge bang breaks into your dreamy state and makes you shout and jump on the bed, your face snapping towards the loud sound.
“I fucking knew it.”
Natasha’s voice isn’t one you were expecting to hear at that moment, and it takes you a moment to understand what is happening. There is your friend, in full tactical gear, arms smugly crossed in front of her body while she stands by the door she has just kicked opened. It takes you an even longer moment to remember the position you’re in. You look down to see Bucky, smirking, peeking at her from between your thighs, his face glistening with your juices all around it.
“What the hell?” You shout, finally releasing him from the clasp of your legs and pulling the first piece of fabric you find on his bed over your exposed lower half as you swiftly drag yourself away from him.
“Does Fury need me again?” Bucky asks, completely unbothered by Nat’s presence or his nakedness… or his extremely evident hard on, you notice, when he stands up from the spot he was bent down, before jumping to lay down beside you.
Something tells you this isn’t a one-time occurrence, but it doesn’t change the fact that is happening to you and how hot your cheeks are from sheer embarrassment in getting caught in such a situation.
“Nice hair, stud,” she comments, gaining a smug expression in response, before continuing, “He needs her, actually. Congratulations on your promotion, by the way,” Natasha smirks, pointing at you and your heart rushes up to beat against your throat at the mention of Fury’s name.
“What? Holy fuck,” you curse, wrapping the sheet around you before flying out of the bed and moving to pick up your pieces of clothes tossed by the floor.
“Told you she would be here, Steve,” Natasha tilts her head to behind her shoulder.  
A low, strangled grunt comes from the living room.
That makes you halt at once as you bend down to pick your underwear. Incredibly widened eyes snap at Natasha. As your cheeks burn hotter than ever, she covers her mouth with the back of her hand, obviously holding back a mischievous laugh.
“Hey, Punk,” Bucky shouts from the bed.
“You should’ve seen his face at fucking, shitballs.” Nat bursts out in uncontained laughs, followed shortly by Bucky. 
You can’t believe it. Captain Fucking America is waiting on the next room as you pick up your clothes after he heard the mind-blowing orgasm given by his friend to you on your first day on your new job - one that will require that you’d meet with the Avenger often - and you’re as mortified as you’d ever be. You know Nat enough to know she doesn’t mean any harm by it all, and you’ll know that eventually you will laugh with her about that moment, but eventually it’s definitely not now and she’s obviously having too much fun with your misery, so a little wish for vengeance burns up inside you.
“She told me you gave her the best orgasm of her life,” you blurt out, looking at Bucky, but the underwear in your hands at her. You bolt to the bathroom right after, locking the door behind you, but not before glimpsing the outraged expression on her face.
“You damn traitor,” Natasha yells, as you rush to put yourself together inside the bathroom.
“Well, looks like we’re a good pair,” you yell back.
“Calm down, ladies…” Bucky says and you can hear the amusement in his voice, as you work to freshen up, “Don’t worry, Steve would die before acknowledge this ever happened,” he raises his voice for you to hear, as an evident attempt to soothe you, but you can’t say it’s as effective as he would expect. “And you,” you guess he’s speaking to Natasha, “like I didn’t know that already. You were very vocal at the time and seemed like you’d forgotten I understand Russian perfectly.”
As put together as you can be in that situation, dying to bolt away and having Fury waiting for your ass, you open the bathroom’s door soon enough to see Nat flipping Bucky off as he cheekily winks at her.
“Ok.” You tap your hands down your skirt to straighten the little wrinkles on the fabric, “How do I look?” you ask Natasha. The formal outfit is way different from your usual jeans and sneakers, but it’s your first day in a very important position. Dress to impress felt like the right choice.  
“Stunning.” The answer comes from both Nat and Bucky and you can only let yourself soften as they smile at each other, a clear sign of peace.
“Alright,” you nod, walking to grab your purse on the armchair next to his bed, “Ahm… thank you, Bucky,” you seriously don’t know what else you can say to him at that moment.
“Anytime, sweetheart, you know that,” he makes a reverence, before linking his hands behind his head with a very pleased tug on the corner of his lips.
You clear your throat, trying to not indulge him in a less than perfect circumstances, before turning to a too amused Natasha. 
“See you tonight?” she asks, tilting her head.
“Yeah, of course,” you sigh, all the annoyance completely gone, “Welcome back, talk to you later.” You say goodbye by placing a kiss on her cheeks.
As you rush across the living room and towards the way out, Captain Fucking America looks absolutely guilty and red as the stripes on his uniform, “I told her not to, but-“
“I know,” you sure do know how determined Natasha Romanoff can be, “Can we please never talk about it again?”
“Gladly,” he quickly answers, looking as relieved as you before you bolt out of Bucky’s apartment.
His cell phone buzzes in his pocket and he picks it up as the elevator runs up to the common floor. He’s dying for one of Wanda’s cookies, which she usually bakes at this hour for everyone. Unlocking the screen he sees the text. It’s from Olivia, asking if he has plans for that night, with a winkie emoji at the end. Emojis… he loves them, one of the best things from the future.
He's about to type the answer when the elevator doors open and he hears the sound of a movie playing loudly in the TV room. Oh, so there’s one of those movie night things going… the cookies will definitely be there.
He quickly steps towards the sound and opens the door to the dark room, meeting a few squinting expressions at the light that shines from behind him. As soon as he finds one particular scrunched face among the other ones his lips curl in a smirk and, before putting his phone back in his pocket, he types a quick reply saying he’s already got plans, the same answer he’s given to every other message he’s received those last few weeks that wasn’t from the woman greeting him with a small and discreet smile right now.
“So soon at home?” Natasha asks, munching a mouthful of popcorn. Along with her in the room are Sam, seating next to her on one of the sofas, Steve and Sharon sharing an armchair and a bowl of popcorn, Wanda  laying on some big cushions on the floor, eating one of her cookies while she, the face that got his attention and instant interest, is comfortably seating all by herself on a big and inviting sofa, cozily tucked under a blanket.
“Didn’t even go out,” Bucky shrugs, “Movie night, huh?” He peeks in, averting his gaze from her to the big screen, “And one of my favorite movies I see..” he says, having absolutely no idea which movie that is and why there’s a creepy guy talking to a ball in the middle of an island.   
“In or out, dude,” Sam throws some popcorn on him, “Shut the damn door.”
“Alright, alright,” Bucky does as he says, not even engaging with Sam’s teasing. He has other things occupying his mind.
And said “other things” eyes him suspiciously as he walks towards the sofa she’s been occupying alone. He doesn’t say anything before throwing himself on the cushions, right next to her, despite all the space left. He can feel everyone’s eyes, maybe except Sam’s, lingering on him for a little too long, but it doesn’t bother him at all as he makes himself comfortable, reaching over to grab a cookie from the plate on the small table in front of him.
“Hi,” he whispers, turning to face her.   
“Hi,” she answers back with a small smile, before focusing on the movie again.  
“You don’t mind do you?” Bucky once again whispers, pulling the end of her blanket while he munches the cookie.
She eyes him for a moment and he has to hold back a laugh. She has to know where he’s going with this and if that time they’ve spent together because of their deal made him get to know her at least a bit, he bets she’ll play along with him.   
“No?” her answer comes out on a wary whisper and he doesn’t waste a second before sinking beneath her blanket, dragging himself a bit closer to her.
When he’s cozy enough, he turns to the movie again, pretending to be paying attention to the screen while she does the same. He knows it’s all a façade and she’s waiting to find out what he’s up to. He loves it. It’s only after several minutes – teasing her is always good fun – that his hand under the blanket casually navigates through the cushions and rests on her thigh.
As soon as his hand touches her skin, he senses the flinch of her body. While he shoves the last piece of cookie in his mouth, with the corner of his eyes, he catches when she glances not at him, but at the rest of the group in the room.  The fact she doesn’t bat his hand right away, encourages him to give her thigh a pointed squeeze and that’s when she shoots him a warning glare. Which he ignores, of course, in favor of letting his hand snake up her smooth skin. The small hitch of her breath doesn’t go unnoticed by him.  
He smiles to find out she’s wearing a skirt.
When his hand moves down to the soft inner part of her thigh, she shuts her legs, trapping it in place. He doesn’t look at her while he just waits… all he has to do is to wait. He can tell she’s a bit nervous as he feels her eyes on him before they turn to the others, but a light and sweet scent, which is now very familiar, teases his nostrils, ever so lightly, and he knows she’s more than up to that little game. He hopes for the other super soldier in the room to be focused enough on his girl next to him so he doesn’t catch the faint scent in the air.
He waits.
The confirmation of her true disposition comes when she slowly opens her legs and shifts on the sofa, lifting one knee up so the blanket makes a tent, making it hard for anyone to spot where his hand really lays beneath the blanket.
Bucky is then more than happy to resume his ascend until he cups her mound through the cotton of her underwear. He keeps his touch light, barely brushing her mound, noticing a little wetness pulling at the fabric and smirking. But what makes him almost lose his shit is to find out how impatiently up to his game she actually is, when she dips her hand under the blanket and guides his hand  beneath the cotton, letting his fingers rest on her clit before she removes her hand.
Goddamit, he has to hold back to not let a loud moan both at her initiative and the warm and smooth feeling on his fingers. He can’t believe how lucky he is to be spending this time and sharing moments like this with her. He has to admit that this deal he has set with her is the best thing that has happened to him in a while. Yes, he has a great deal of women he can call his friends and has been spending time with. But with her…
Bucky’s sure he has found his partner in crime.
He’s aware of the long time she’s been in a relationship and he knows the ending wasn’t that great. But in spite of that, she trusts him completely to make her feel good and not hurt her in any way, and he loves that he can do that… Make her feel good.
He starts caressing her clit, noticing how her body responds, a tiny hitch on her breathing, her lower lip between her teeth… He doesn’t want to make her wait much longer, seeing how eager she definitely is. Another thing he adores about her… she’s always up to go a bit further with him, to break some limits. He would never do anything she’s not comfortable with, but it’s addicting her willingness for more, to go beyond herself to reach the goal or finding pleasure and a good time.
Truly a partner in crime.
Her gaze remains on the screen while he fingers her under the blanket, but he can hear a particularly louder sigh as her head falls back on the sofa.
Bucky looks around but no one seems to have noticed anything, paying attention to  whatever is happening in the movie. Discreetly, he grabs a small pillow from the sofa and places it over his lap to hide how much the mission to drive her to the edge  and the wetness gathering around his fingers under the blanket are affecting him.
He has learned the way her body works enough to know she’s almost there. Also, he knows she has a thing for exposed and dangerous situations like that, the thrilling possibility of getting caught, the filthy actions in an otherwise innocent situation… Fuck if his cock isn’t aching for some attention, too…If had his way he would bent her over that couch and take her right then and there, to hell with everyone else.
Glancing at her, he spots the clenched jaw and fluttering eyelids. She comes all over his fingers without making a single noise and, damn, she turns him on so much.   
After a few more strokes to ease her down, he pulls his fingers away and, as she watches him from the corner of her eyes, he brings them to his lips, licking them deliciously as he stares at the movie. Her sweet taste makes him painfully hard beneath his jeans and that’s when she surprises him by throwing the blanket to the side and swiftly getting up.
“Are you ok?” Nat asks as all the faces snap to the woman standing up.
“Yeah, sure. Just need to go to the bathroom. No need to pause the movie, I’ll be quick,” she answers, but she doesn’t leave the room without glancing at Bucky with a small tug on the corner of her lips.
His cock twitches at it… That’s his cue, right? It has to be, or else he’ll explode right then and there. He waits a few minutes for good measure before pulling his phone from the pocket. He pretends to be reading something on the screen before clicking his tongue, “Got to go. That was fun, though, let’s do it again sometime.”
Bucky’s damn sure Natasha not for a second buys the excuse as she shoots him a knowing smirk, but the others seem to at least don’t care about him leaving - suspiciously right after her- only mumbling their goodbyes as their attention remains in the movie.
When he opens the door to the bathroom, which is only a few feet away from the tv room, he’s greeted with a pair of lips crashing against his. Responding right away to the kiss, he kicks the door shut behind him and wraps his arms around her as he relishes  the feel of her hands exploring his whole body, grabbing his muscles and flesh. Good, she’s as excited as him.
“That was fucking hot,” she says through the kiss, pulling a handful of his hair.
“Agreed,” he pants, not parting his lips from hers, “Check out how happy I was to find you here,” he grabs her hand and places it over his throbbing hard on.
She chuckles as he walks her backwards to the counter, “I’m glad I accepted Nat’s invitation to see a movie with her after dinner, then,” she pulls away just enough to say that before launching back on him, making him moan as she palms him through his jeans. “We need to do something about it, now,” she teases, parting her lips from his to drag them down his neck, adding a bit more of pressure on his cock.
“Damn straight,” he manages to say, as her mouth and her hands on him make him light in the head. Desperate to feel her, he grabs her by the waist and places her on the countertop and positions himself between her legs, reaching down to unbutton his jeans, “How was your first day as the boss?” Just the thought is enough to make his cock twitch inside the annoying confines of his pants.
“Fucking fantastic,” she answers putting a stopping hand on his chest and grabbing the one on his jeans by the pulse.
“Hey,” an embarrassing whine slips out of his lips.
“Nah-ah,” she smirks in such a mischievous way that the sight alone could result in him making a mess of his pants if he didn’t focus, “I’ve got my own tricks, too, you know?” she coos, pushing him a bit backwards before sliding down from the counter and sinking to her knees right in front of him.
Since she just ended the possibility of any coherent thought to be formed on his mind, all there’s left for him is to let his arms fall limp on each side of his body and watch her, dumbfounded and horny as ever, as she nuzzless his dick through the jeans and swiftly work on his buttons and zipper.
His cock bobs in front of her as she pulls down his pants and underwear just enough to expose it to her. Bucky is entranced by the sight of her licking her lips before leaning over and slowly sliding her flattened tongue over the length of the prominent vein on the underside of his cock. Then his tip is engulfed by the wet and soft heat of her mouth and a strangled yet loud noise slips out of his lungs as his eyelids flutter.
“Be quiet, sweetheart,” she pulls back, making him already miss her lips around his dick. He looks down at her and she shoots a cheeky wink at him, wrapping her hand around the base and peppering sweet, torturous kisses over his length and head, smearing the leaking precum over her lips before wrapping them around him again.
Bucky is in a  complete daze as she works her lips and tongue beautifully on him, producing sloppy and enticing sounds. Surprisingly enough, after trying a lot of stuff together, that particular act hadn’t happened yet and goddammit why the hell had he waited for so long? Maybe because he’s been focusing completely on her pleasure, which can’t be considered an unselfish act at all, since giving her pleasure is insanely hot, making him get off on that easily. But, man… that woman knows what she’s doing and it’s driving him completely nuts right now.
Especially as she keeps jerking him with her hand while her lips adventures down his sack. All he sees is the top of her head moving as she is shamelessly licking and sucking his balls, the slurping sounds of her mouth on him makes his cock jerk in her hand. Bucky can’t hold back the moans and his hands grip tightly the counter before him, the blood rushing away from his fingers with the force he uses.
Her lips come back to suck on his dick, hollowing her cheeks as her other hand grabs a handful of his butt. She squeezes the flesh harshly and grunts around his dick.
“Fuck,” Bucky lets out in a breathless whisper, barely holding together as the vibrations reverberates through his pulsing cock, wrapped in her heat. He’s not gonna last long, he knows that.
With a pop, she releases his cock from her mouth, but keeps her hand wrapped and moving up and down his length. Bucky would’ve protested if he could form one coherent word, “Bucky,” she purrs, brushing her cheek on his cock, as if she’s worshiping it. He feels himself tighter and tighter, rushing to the edge, and that sight is no help for him trying to hold back and prolong the little heaven he’s in, “I want you to fuck my mouth, Bucky.”  
That’s it. He always knew that after more than one hundred years he would die in a situation like that, “What?” he breathes out and it sounds like a groan as he clenches his teeth.
“I want you to fuck my face and I want to taste you, all of you, understand?” Her words sound more like a command as she looks up at him and lazily fists his cock, coated in her saliva.
“Copy that, ma’am,” he quickly obeys, capturing his lower lip in a tight bite, “But if it’s too much you have to let me know, ok? Stop me, punch me in the stomach, if you have to.” As desperate as he is to do as she wants and fuck that pretty little face of hers, the last thing he wants is to hurt her in any way. But they’ve been pretty comfortable with each other to let the other know exactly what they want to do or not, so he doesn’t have to worry much about it.
She smirks and nods before brushing the tip of her tongue over the tip of his cock.
Fuck… she’s perfect.
More than happy to comply with her command, Bucky grips the hair on the back of her head as she invitingly opens her mouth to welcome him, letting her hands rest on her thighs.
He pushes back inside her. He goes slow at first, but goes deep, testing her limits. His breath hitches as he watches his cock disappearing inside her mouth, and oh, man… his head reaches her throat and he hears a strangled moan out of her as she chokes lightly on it…
He fucking loses it.
Bucky does exactly what she asked for and fucks her mouth, holding her face steady with one hand on her hair as with the other he grips the counter as he thrusts inside her, moving her head as he pleases, guiding himself by the muffled but sweet sounds she makes along with him. He goes deep, fast…
He locks eyes with her and sees the sheer lust on them as her swollen lips take his cock, saliva sliding down her chin, “Take that cock, sweetheart. You look fucking beautiful taking it like that.”
The fluttering of her eyes at his words is what takes him on the edge of his climax, “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he warns, his voice a strange rasped sound in his ears, “You want that, don’t you? You want my fucking cum deep down your throat, right, beautiful?”
Her answer is to bring both hands to grip harshly his butt and pull him even deeper into her. The tightness coiling inside him is too much before he reaches the best damn orgasm of his life.
A dangerously loud grunt of him resounds around the small bathroom as he spills his climax deep down her mouth and throat, just like he’s promised. The world around him dissolves into the image of her swallowing around him, taking all of him. He’s body falls a bit forward and he has to tighten the hold on the counter as fingers tangle around her locks.
He remains under the effect of the powerful and insanely pleasurable sensation, the aftershocks jerking his body and turning his mind into a total blankness as she slowly and gently sucks and licks him clean, making little humming sounds that only add to his utter state of bliss.
When he feels his strength rushing back to his limbs again, he moves his hand from her hair and helps her up by the arm and without thinking twice slams his lips to hers. 
Her inherent sweetness immediately mixes with his own taste, invading his senses and damn if he doesn’t wanna feel that again and again and again… He swirls his tongue around hers, loving how her arms curl around his neck, like they usually do when he kisses her.
Bucky doesn’t notice he’s been prolonging the kiss for maybe a little too long and maybe a little too intensely until she lets out a muffled giggle through his lips and taps lightly on his shoulder.
He parts away immediately, but doesn’t completely let her go, keeping her close by the waist, only then realizing how breathless he is. Both of them, actually as he notices how deep and fast the up and down of her chest is. But she’s smiling… and that alone makes Bucky smile, too.
She looks thoroughly fucked. Her hair is a complete mess, eyes a bit reddened and teary while her lips are swollen tinted in a darker shade and from taking his cock that hard. He simply can’t move his gaze away while she holds the smile, looking… content…happy…
Right there, just like that, completely undone and disheveled, she’s the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.
He’s not even thinking straight yet when he reaches over and cups her cheek. Spotting a drop of his own pleasure that slipped from the corner of her mouth, he swipes it with his thumb and brings it to her lips, entranced by the way she welcomes it right away, swirling her tongue around his finger before sucking it inside her mouth while her eyes are stuck on his.
His heart skips a beat at the sight. There’s an urge rising in him. A whole new kind of urge he hasn’t ever felt before and he can’t pinpoint exactly what that desperate need is for while she lets go of his thumb before placing a kiss on it and moves her back to him, to face the mirror and put herself together, depriving his arms from her warmth.
He just can’t take his eyes off of her and all he wants is to grab her back and hold her close to him, to feel her skin, smell the sweet scent of her shampoo, listen to her sweet voice in his ears telling him all about her day while she softly runs her fingers through his hair…
Wait… he forces himself to interrupt his own weird line of thoughts.
What the hell is happening?
 Chapter 6 coming soon.
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dalamjisung · 4 years
binge watch party ✿ park jinyoung
word count: 1753
genre: slice of life, fluff, actor!jinyoung
member: jinyoung x reader
description: after seven years these seven boys are finally ready to move on with the certainty that no matter what, where, how, or whom… they’ll always be together. Be it for red carpets, concerts, study sessions, or a simple binge watching party at your apartment.
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“How was it?” You ask as soon as you see Jinyoung by the door, shrugging off his jacket and putting his shoes aside. “How was it, how was it, how was–“
“Oh my god,” He smiles, groaning in faked annoyance. “Let me sit down, will you?”
Grabbing him by the shoulders, you push him to the sofa, where you have spent the entire afternoon watching Netflix and waiting for him.
It’s been about a couple of weeks since his previous contract ended and, as much as Jinyoung loves you and needs rest, he also needs something to do. He is not the type of man who can simply chill around his apartment, idly fiddling his thumbs until something better comes up; no, that’s not who he is. Jinyoung needs a purpose, he needs a drive. It’s always been like that, and when he got home, that eventful afternoon, with a peaceful smile on his face and the other six members in tow, you all proceeded to celebrate– you congratulate them on what was, and what will be.
The future is bright for all of you, you remember saying in all your drunkness. This is just the prologue of a seven-chapter-book.
Jinyoung made fun of you for the whole week after that, but you know that deep down he’s happy; about his freedom, about his new endeavors, and about having you supporting him even though he’s barely spent any time with you after years of not spending time with you. You tell him it’s okay, though; too much time and you might end up getting tired of him. He knows it’s a joke, but pout anyways.
“So?” You squirm in front of him, wrapping the blanket tighter around your shivering body. He chuckles, and pulls you on top of him, laying down on the couch and squeezing you near. “Jinyoung!”
Your whine makes him smile even wider.
“What?” He groans, nuzzling into you. “It was okay. We talked, I thanked them for the opportunity to work with them, they kissed my ass; I signed a contract, they kissed my ass a bit more, and I left.”
Wiggling free of his grasp and the confines of the blanket, you prop yourself up on one elbow, looking down at a, clearly, very excited Jinyoung. His words can’t fool you; you know he’s squeaking in the inside.
“Oh my– it’s done? You signed with them?” He nods, hair falling over the crinkles in the corner of his eyes. “You are officially under their actor contract?”
“Oh yeah,” He whispers, pulling you down and covering your mouth with his. “Get ready, Y/N. Now it’s not just ahgase, you have to share me with; all the ahjummas will want me, too.”
“As if they don’t want you as it is,” You snort, chuckling at the memory of your cousin’s wedding. “Remember Auntie Kim?”
Jinyoung groans at the mention of the woman that followed him around the whole event. “Don’t remind me of that… I’m sure she’s around here, lurking around, just waiting for the right moment to pounce.”
You giggle. “She was enamored, babe,” You joke. “Give her a chance. Could be true love.”
“It was definitely not true love,” He laughs, locking eyes with you. “I know true love.”
“Really?” You gasp. “Can you tell me what it’s like?”
With a serious face, Jinyoung simply unwraps his arms from around you, and in between pulling the blanket on top of him and rolling to face the other way, he ends up pushing you to the ground, the loud thud making him burst out in laughter.
“Damn, Bambam was right,” You wince, hand rubbing your ass. “Your hips really are big.”
“Yah!” He whines, covering his face with the fluffy blanket he stole from you. “Shut up, we agreed we’d never talk about this again.”
“Nope,” You pop your lips close to his ear, pulling the cover from his face and returning to lay cuddled to him. “You said you never wanted to talk about it again; I just laughed.”
His grumbling dies down in your ear as his eyes finally focus on the huge screen behind you, where his face is big and in HD.
“Are you– Is that me?” He laughs, pointing at the TV, where you barely remembered to have paused the first episode of He is Psychometric. The school uniform contrasting with the man in from of you, and you can barely believe Jinyoung actually managed to pull off a high school student part in a drama. “I had a lot of fun filming that show…”
You can practically hear the longing in his voice, the nostalgia, and you feel a warm sensation spreading through your body as he eyes sparkle with the excitement that never really died down, even after the show ended, even after he moved on to the next. It never leaves– it just accumulates.
“I think,” You hum, hands finding solace in his chest, and then, sneakily, shoving your cold palms under the hem and into his warm skin. Jinyoung yelps, but doesn’t push you away– never pushes you away. “I think this afternoon calls for a binge watch party.”
“Sure,” He shrugs. “What do you wanna watch?”
“All of my favorite actor’s shows,” You wiggle your brows and before he can even try and grab the remote away, you stretch your arms out of reach, already typing his name on the search handle. “Park Jinyoung.”
“Y/N, love… come on,” He pulls your closer, hiding his face on your hair, but you still feel his smile. You know this is not truly bothering him, or else you’d never even suggest it. “No…”
“Oh yes,” You kiss the tip of his nose. “And we’re doing this chronologically, so you can observe how much you’ve progressed and how much you deserve this opportunity, my love.”
“Wait,” Now he is shocked. “No. No no no, that means–“
“You know it!” You interrupt him, clicking play just as he shouts in your ear, embarrassed. “Dream High 2, baby!”
“Y/N, baby, listen to me,” He begs, mouth over your ear and you can’t help the shiver that runs over your body. Jinyoung uses that to his advantage, very well aware of his effect on you. “You don’t want that, huh? How about we forget this and just go… celebrate?”
A kiss to your neck; a touch to your waits; and hands traveling lower and lower and– you grab his wrist before Jinyoung can venture further and complete his mission, choosing to watch the opening credits instead.
No matter how much Jinyoung huffs and puffs, you hear him whispering the lines behind you; you feel him silently laughing as his chest pushes against your back. You know your boyfriend is having the time of his life relishing on the beginning of his career, both as an actor and as an idol, and you can’t wait– you can’t wait to see what the future will bring, and the many afternoons to come where you see it all over again, knowing that no matter the characters, no matter the plots… there is just one Park Jinyoung, and he belongs to you, just as you belong to him.
You two reach episode five before the doorbell rings. And then rings again. And again and again and again and it actually takes both of you around the tenth ring to actually move.
“Coming!” You shout, knowing exactly who is on the other side. There are only six men that would feel this comfortable with invading Jinyoung’s well preserved privacy, and after a couple of day without them, you already missed their chaotic energy. “Come in, you rascals.”
“Y/N!” Yugyeom embraces you before running inside. It takes a while for you to notice, but they are all wearing comfortable clothing, almost like this had been planned. “Missed you.”
“Jinyoung texted you guys, didn’t he?” You ask Jaebeom as he comes inside, smiling widely at you.
“Of course,” He rolls his eyes, walking besides you to living room. “Something about Dream High 2 and a binge watch party?”
“Oh yes,” You nod, looking at your boyfriend, who know sheepishly looks at yours if he’s a child who’s been caught stealing cookies. “A party indeed.”
Jumping on top of Jinyoung, you two cuddle close on your side of the couch, allowing Jackson enough space to poke you two with his feet every time young Jinyoung popped up on the screen. Yugyeom and Bambam sit on the ground by your feet, and they cringe every time they see themselves, hands squeezing your feet enough to earn angry flicks from the man squeezing you to himself. Jaebeom and Mark focus more on the food then on the show, but you still see them wincing at their old selves; and it’s quite funny, if you have to admit. It’s hilarious to see their faces contort in embarrassment, although their eyes tell another story– their eyes shine with pride and recognition.
Pride for all they did, all they became. Recognition of how much they achieved, how far they came. And now, after seven years these seven boys are finally ready to move on with the certainty that no matter what, where, how, or whom… they’ll always be together. Be it for red carpets, concerts, study sessions, or a simple binge watching party at your apartment.
“What are you thinking, Y/N?” Jinyoung whispers in your ear, lips finding your cheek right after. “Hm?”
“Just… how big your hips are.”
“They really are, aren’t they, Y/N?” Bambam gasps, turning around to look at both of you, and if you turn around, you know exactly what face Jinyoung will have– tongue poking his cheek in annoyance, eyes closed, and fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.
“They really are, Bam,” You giggle, turning around and pecking your boyfriend’s lips. “But they are perfect nonetheless.”
“You only say that because you have pretty big hips too, Y/N,” Yugyeom says while chewing on some popcorn and you practically choke on your spit.
“Excuse me?!” You screech, body leaping forward, but before you can get your hands on Yugyeom’s, Jinyoung pulls your back to him.
“Shhh,” He whispers in your ear, voice carrying all the laughter he makes an effort to suppress. He kisses your hair, quieting your indignation towards the youngest’s statement. “Just accept it. Just accept it, love.”
“Your hips are big,” Jinyoung’s eyes shine with mischief. “But they are perfect nonetheless.”
I have to say, I’m really loving this series, each and everyone of them, but every time I write the new one I like them more ;) What do you think of this one, my lovelies? Jinyoung is so cute! If you liked this story, please please please share, comment, like, or anything you feel comfortable doing ❤️ thank you for your endless support, lovelies💕
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rookie-ramsey · 4 years
Curveball, Chapter 5 (Ethan X MC)
Description: Two months after the ski lodge, life throws them a big surprise.
Preview:  She felt movement in her stomach, stronger than she had before. Gasping softly, she grabbed Ethan’s hand and pressed it to her abdomen. “Wait a second. You may be able to feel them this time.”
Ethan held still. A few moments later, he could feel a little flutter against his palm. Unable to resist, his lips twisted into a smile. His eyes softened, more affectionate than she had ever seen before. Olivia grinned and rested her hand on top of his.
“If my phone wasn’t all the way over there, I’d take a picture of you right now because that’s the cutest facial expression I’ve ever seen on your face.”
Previous Chapter
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At the halfway mark of her second trimester, Olivia was quite certain she doubled in size overnight.
Over time, Ethan’s spare bedroom turned into a storage space for nursery items. Once all of the furniture had been delivered, they picked out the paint for the walls. Ethan probably would have insisted on doing everything himself, but Olivia recruited help.
When there was a knock on the door, she opened it to let Bryce, Baz, and Zaid into the apartment. “Did you three carpool?”
Zaid sighed. “Unfortunately, yes. Certain occupants of the car felt the need to sing during the entire ride.”
Feigning offense, Bryce frowned. “What’s the point of driving anywhere if you’re not going to put on a concert?”
“You got a speeding ticket.”
“Which I’ll pay!” Bryce turned to Olivia. “Nursery Assistance Crew is here to help.”
“Good.” Olivia grinned and led the way to the spare room, where Ethan was opening the cans of light gray paint for the walls. Curious to see how things would play out, she leaned in the doorway to observe.
Bryce and Ethan carefully poured the paint into trays while Baz and Zaid spread drop cloths to protect the floor from spills. Once the floor was sufficiently protected, Ethan passed out paint brushes and rollers.
“If we each paint one wall, we’ll have the room painted quickly. We can paint the first layer and assemble the furniture while we wait for it to dry. It only takes a couple of hours.”
“Good delegation. Aye aye, Captain.” Bryce saluted with the paint roller, earning an eye roll in response. They each dipped their rollers in paint and started working on the walls. The first minute passed in silence before Bryce started a whistling. A moment later, Baz joined in.
Zaid let out a groan. “First the concert in the car and now this?”
Ethan rolled his eyes, focusing on painting. “If the two of you are going to whistle, could you not whistle Christmas music in August?”
“I could always whistle WAP,” Bryce suggested.
It only took a second for Ethan to shake his head. “No. Absolutely under no circumstances will you do that.”
Just as Ethan predicted, it didn’t take long for the four of them to place the first layer of paint. He wiped his hands on a towel and nodded in approval at their handiwork. “Not bad. We can put the furniture together while we wait.”
They opened the box that contained the first crib. Ethan spread the parts across the floor and eyed them, comparing them to the picture on the front of the box.
“Alright. I can handle this.”
Olivia pointed at the booklet lying on the floor. “There’s an instruction manual right there.”
“I don’t need it.”
Baz arched a brow. “Famous last words, boss.”
“You’ve read more books than the rest of us combined and you won’t read a manual? That’s a new level of stubborn.” Bryce smirked.
“The picture is guidance enough.” Ethan knelt down and sorted through the parts until he found the pieces that he presumed would compose the bottom frame. He linked them together, forming a crib-sized rectangle.
He then found the legs and attached them. So far, everything seemed to resemble the picture, so he reached for the screwdriver to tighten everything.
“And… crash.” Bryce laughed when his words timed almost perfectly with the collapse of the crib parts.
Ethan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I didn’t have the parts tight enough. Everything was correct.”
“I think this is why manuals are included in these things.”
“Those are always badly written with poor excuses of diagrams. They’re a waste of paper and time.” Ethan shook his head, picking up the fallen pieces.
“I bet you ten dollars I can build the other crib faster than you without looking at the instructions,” Bryce proposed.
“It’s a bet.”
Zaid rolled his eyes. “What are we supposed to do while you two participate in this competition? Just stand here and look pretty?”
Bryce nodded. “Got it in one, Dr. M! We need an audience.”
Ethan turned his head toward the door when the smell of warm butter permeated his senses. “When did you get popcorn?”
Olivia shrugged, scooping up a handful of the fluffy white kernels. “A few seconds after you decided not to look at the manual. I knew I was in for some entertainment.”
“It has been rather amusing.” Baz grinned, accepting a handful of popcorn when she offered him the bowl.
She sat on one of the furniture boxes and nestled the bowl on her lap. “I’m curious to see who actually builds a crib first without it collapsing.”
Bryce cracked his knuckles. “Ready?”
Olivia and Baz set timers on their phones. “Alright. The race is on in three… two… one… go!”
Rolling his eyes, Ethan started rummaging through the parts to determine which ones actually went together. After some careful matching, he successfully formed the base of the crib.
Working a little faster, Bryce fastened one of the crib legs. “I’m one move ahead of you, Ramsey. You’ll be eating my dust.”
Laughing, Olivia started dictating in her best impression of  a sports announcer's voice. “Lahela is just ahead of Ramsey, but will the fast results hold up?”
Ethan glanced up. “When did we become an Olympic sport?”
“Just now,” Olivia confirmed. “Extreme Crib Assembly is officially my favorite part of the Olympics.”
A few minutes later, Bryce stepped back from the crib and threw his hands up. “Done!”
Baz hit the button on his timer. “Thirteen minutes and twenty-seven seconds,” he confirmed just as Ethan finished.
“Thirteen minutes and twenty seconds.” Olivia rubbed her hands together. “The true test is to make sure both cribs are put together correctly. Bryce may have finished first, but if his crib has a problem, he still loses.”
“Never.” Bryce shook his head and handed her one of the instruction manuals so she could check over their finished cribs.
Olivia glanced from the booklet to the cribs, nodding as she confirmed that the parts on both cribs were in their proper places. She tried to give each one a firm shake, pleased when they remained steady.
“And it looks like both cribs are a success! This means Lahela wins by a narrow six seconds!”
“What do I win?”
“Ethan’s ten dollars and… the rest of this popcorn, because I want pizza.”
“I’ll take it.” Bryce accepted the bowl and grinned. “Looks like all those hours in the OR do help with putting furniture together.”
Sighing in defeat, Ethan reached into his wallet and surrendered a ten dollar bill to him. Once they had the cribs settled into their places, they worked on the changing table. Olivia left the room to order some pizzas, but quickly returned so she wouldn’t miss out on the banter occurring in the soon-to-be nursery.
It didn’t take the four of them long to assemble the changing table and rocking chairs.  When the pizzas arrived, they took a break and sat down at the kitchen table. Olivia bypassed the chair, opting instead to sit on Ethan’s lap. Instinctively, Ethan slipped his arm around her waist.
“How cute.” Baz grinned.
Bryce smiled mischievously. “Whipped.”
Zaid shrugged when Bryce and Baz turned to him as if they expected him to join in on the teasing. “No comment.”
“Oh, come on. Watching them is as fun as watching you and Ines.” Baz’s grin widened as his twin’s cheeks flushed.
Olivia chuckled, biting into a piece of pizza. “We are cute. I’ll accept your compliments.”
After lunch, she curled up on the couch to watch TV while everyone else finished the nursery. She dozed off, waking up when Ethan joined her on the couch.
“Hi. Did everyone go home?”
Ethan nodded and looped his arm around her. “We finished. I suppose that went faster than it would have if I’d tried to do it by myself.”
She felt movement in her stomach, stronger than she had before. Gasping softly, she grabbed Ethan’s hand and pressed it to her abdomen. “Wait a second. You may be able to feel them this time.”
Ethan held still. A few moments later, he could feel a little flutter against his palm. Unable to resist, his lips twisted into a smile. His eyes softened, more affectionate than she had ever seen before. Olivia grinned and rested her hand on top of his.
“If my phone wasn’t all the way over there, I’d take a picture of you right now because that’s the cutest facial expression I’ve ever seen on your face.”
He let out a low chuckle. “And give you a chance to put ridiculous filters on my face for the world to see? I don’t think so.”
“The world loves your face, ridiculous filters or not.”
Ethan’s hand rubbed gently against her stomach, earning another tiny motion in response. His brow knitted in thought. “It’s a little strange, how…. different this makes me feel.”
“Good different or bad different?”
“Good different,” Ethan assured her, smoothing his free hand over her hair. “It almost makes me wonder why I had worries about anything.”
“That’s good, because we’re halfway there.”
Presents of every shape and size occupied their living room.
Between the balloons, streamers, and the huge banner, Olivia felt almost certain that an entire aisle of baby shower decorations had exploded in their apartment. She grinned and snagged a cookie from a platter.
“Sienna, everything looks delicious. It’s a good thing I’m eating for three, because I plan on eating at least one of everything,” she declared, licking icing from her fingers as Ethan joined them in the kitchen.
Sienna smiled as she put the finishing touches on a tower of cupcakes. “These were so much fun to make!”
“They look so cute. Every time I try to bake or cook, things go horribly wrong.”
“They really do, don’t they?” Ethan agreed, a teasing glint appearing in his eyes.
“It’s like the time she burnt Christmas cookies the day after Halloween.” Sienna grinned.
Ethan shook his head. “She beat that this year. She set off the smoke alarm making gingerbread men last week.”
Olivia feigned offense, putting her hands on her hips. “Are you two ganging up on me? Because I will get Naveen to help me taunt you, Ethan.”
“Don’t you already do that?”
“Well, yes. But I won’t hesitate.”  Shaking her head, Olivia finished her cookie and watched as their guests finished piling presents on the table. “What kind of shenanigans are we getting into today?”
“You’ll see,” Sienna promised.
Note: The rest of the baby shower takes place in the next chapter! Stay tuned!
Next Chapter
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candied-peach · 2 years
ao3: “the tears in my cake were gourmet” rating: T genre: angst, hurt no comfort! warnings: food mention, crying description: Virgil feels lonely (lyrics are from mad tsai “that friend”)
I'm the king of my plane of existence I guess I'm a ghost Alone and my friends and I aren't close 'cause They think I'm a burden, so I don't let my feelings show
Virgil bites his bottom lip, wrapping his arms around his knees and resting against his bed. The others are downstairs, but he knows they don't want him around. They invite him to movie night now, and want him to come to meals, but he knows it's just because they don't want him to duck out again. No matter how much he tries to reassure them that he won't. Not when it hurts Thomas.
But he's more than content to just...stay in his room for the most part, and the others are content to let him do it. Back with the others, Janus and Remus would never let him get away with this. They would drag him from his crumpled bed, kicking and screaming if they had to. They would bundle him in his favorite blanket like a burrito, set him in front of the shitty TV screen, and watch all his favorite movies until he couldn't help but smile as Remus threw cayenne-scented popcorn at the screen and Janus sipped his tea with a smug expression.
That's in the past, though. He lost that right a long time ago. He lost that when he decided a fight was more important than friendship, when he stormed off to the other side, like they would be any better. He supposes to themselves, they are. He doesn't think Roman or Logan or Patton are bad by any means. But they aren't his friends, and he's pretty sure they don't want to be, and it hurts.
He wants to bake cookies and flip pancakes with Patton. He wants to make little smiley faces on the waffles with whipped cream and fruit. He wants to help Patton organize his scrapbooks and gently tug him out of the too cozy nostalgia that fills his room like cotton candy, wants to hug him and feel the warmth of his arms back.
He wants to read on Logan's window sill. He wants to talk philosophy and debate with the logical side, wants to play chess against him (and lose horribly, but it would be fun to try, wouldn't it?). He wants to look at the stars and chat about the constellations.
He wants to visit the Imagination on Roman's side and see if it's different. He wants to give Roman a new makeup look with red and gold. He wants to listen to his ideas, wants to encourage him instead of cutting his thoughts down. He wants to act out the sword fight in The Princess Bride, wants to discuss Disney.
But he knows he can't do any of that. He can't offer to help Patton make breakfast. He can't huddle on the side of the sofa and read an Agatha Christie mystery while Logan does the same or works on Thomas's schedule. He can't watch Disney movies with Roman just to make fun of what the characters are doing. The most he can do is scroll through Tumblr on his phone and listen to his emo music while perched in his chair, technically included but alone. So alone.
There is a knock on the door. Virgil scrubs at his face with one hand, surprised at the smears of black eye liner that come off with the tears, and raises his voice.
"Dinner time!" Patton says cheerfully. Virgil hesitates. Does he really want to slink downstairs and awkwardly poke at his plate while the others chat and forget to include him? While his stomach ties in knots and he can barely eat anyway?
"Be right down," he calls, heaving himself to his feet. It doesn't matter, he tells himself as he repairs his makeup and shoves on his sneakers. It's fine. He doesn't need friends.
His throat hurts anyway as he opens the door.
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birdy-bat-writes · 4 years
Headcanon- Best Friends with Wally West
@offendedfishnoises Here ya Go! Love ya Fishmom!
Comments are always appreciated, Loves!
A/N: I really want to bake cookies and eat them with someone. Screw math. :)
-       Wallace Rudolph West is a cutie pie, a goofball, and your best friend. You pop out the full name when you want something from him.
-       Your Number one favorite red head.
-       You met him in the library, and its a story that will go down in history. He was trying to sneak eat in the library while you were studying for your math test. He tripped and dropped the 6 boxes from his backpack, containing the 3-course meal he called a snack. The clatter attracted the attention of some people who were heading over and you rushed to help him stuff him food boxes back into his bag before anyone saw.
-       “Thank you so much.” He whisper-yelled.
-       You both waddled away from the area trying to look as less suspicious as possible. He happened to pass you at the bus stop where you were waiting.
-       “Hey, thanks again. You really saved my butt there… Do I know you from somewhere?”
-       Then it struck you, he sat 4 seats down from you in Calculus.
-       “We have calculus together!” You said.
-       “No way! Y/N right?”
-       “Yeah. Wally?”
-       “Yup. Hey, if there’s ever anything I can do for you, let me know. I owe you one.”
-       So you took a chance, “You wouldn’t by chance know how to pass this week’s quiz would you?”
-       “Yeah, do you need help?” You nodded. Just then the bus arrived. You had to get on and Wally was planning on walking home, but on a whim, he decided to get on with you. He took the bus all the way to your house, explaining your math work better than any teacher the whole way.
-       He may have ended up on the opposite end of the city to his house but that’s no problem for him. He made it home in 3.6 seconds.
-       On the day of the test, he waited for you outside the class to ask how you did and you looked nervous. He still had faith in you and you guys hung out all day and talked. You found out that you both liked. A lot of the same movies and had similar hobbies.
-       “No way, Wally you like jogging? We should race sometime. I think you’ll find I’m pretty hard to beat at running.”
-       “Wanna bet?” *smirks*
-       By the end of the day, you got your results and you both passed with flying colors. You celebrated together and ever since that day, you helped him with English, and he helped you with math.
-       Nowadays, your days consist of calling him Rudolph, approving pickup lines for him and bringing him snacks.
-       You two try out wacky recipes together and he eats them anyway when they fail.
-       He’s such a sweetheart. Before you knew his secret, he would hold your coat before school ended while you were getting your things, and slowly and lightly heat the inside with kinetic energy.
-       You were convinced he was just warm by magic.
-       Whenever you were having bad day, he just showed up at your door so quick with your favorite food and your favorite movies on DVD.
-       You were perpetually impressed by his appetite.
-       When you found out about his identity, you were hyped. You kept his secret of course. Things made so much sense.
-       You would cover for him when he disappeared from homecoming.
-       He made sure you were never late for class.
-       Yes, he has burned one or two of your shirts during a high-speed piggyback ride through the city.
-       Has definitely jump-started a car with his powers.
-       He introduced you to the team at his birthday party when you were all a bit older.
-       As his best friend, you became best friends with Robin. When Robin got closer to you that was so much fun. You had countless video game sessions at the manor.
-       You and Dick ganging up on Wally.
-       You: Ooh Wally you love her.
-       Wally: I don’t!
-       Dick: No, you totally do.
-       You: You wrote her name in your notebook!
-       Dick: OOOOOOH
-       Wally: DID NOT *blushes* *starts sparking up in nervous agitation* I’m leaving.
-       *You and Dick high-five*
-       Yes, you two were there when he and Artemis went on their first date.
-       Dick and Wally are very protective of you because you’re the only non-super in the friend group.
-       You scared the living daylights out of them when a dude in the park tried to mug you and ended up in leaving in an ambulance rather than a police car, and you walked away unscathed.
-       “Um, Y/N, how….?”
-       The whole team shows up to yours’s and Wally’s graduation and they cheered for you both. You, Wally, Conner, M’Gann and Kaldur went to Dick and Artemis’s Graduation and you all threw a party after.
-       You and Artemis becoming friends and you stealing her away for shopping dates.
-       Taking Wally, Artemis and Dick ice skating.
-       Why the hell is Dick graceful and dramatic and graceful all at once?! The boy hasn’t fallen once. Artemis skates like a hockey player but twirls like a ballerina. Wally has fallen more times than you can count and takes you down with him.
-       You two still take days for yourself because you both like having time for just the two of you. Movie nights with popcorn, baking cookies, laughing like lunatics and making weird recipes again.
-       Food wars.
-       Dramatically quoting Star Wars.
-       You’re always going to be his best friend. You remind him that he’s more than just a superhero.
-       You knew him as Wally West before you knew him as Kidflash.
-       You started the team trend of calling him Rudolph.
-       Yes, you are the only one who has his name in your phone as ‘Red Nosed Reindeer’ and little red, orange and yellow hearts with a little lightning bold and a sandwich in the contact description.
Taglist: @anothertimdrakestan @offendedfishnoises noises @comicsandhoney @river-bottom-nightmare @catxsnow @cries-in-fangirl-23 @batarella @idkmanicantenglish @hauntingsonofrobin @l-inkage @subtleappreciation​ @ereaaa
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qvid-pro-qvo · 4 years
Coul you do Emily Prentiss x reader with the prompts : I noticed / and : Call me if you need anything
Please? And thank you, I really love what you write❤️
thank you, friend! <3 emily prentiss x gender neutral reader.
word count: 1827
rating: e for everyone, because halloween isn’t just for those who wanna get spooked (this is pure fluff, but descriptions of anxiety). 
You would think, with the things you see and hear on a daily basis, you’d be okay with horror flicks. That they wouldn’t get to the root of you, spook you to your core. But the fact is that you’re a wimp, and when push comes to shove you’d rather watch something happy any day of the week.
But, of course, that’s not the occasion. It’s Halloween. It’s meant to be scary, meant to be spooky, and so arriving at Garcia’s means prepping yourself for close to the worst night of your life.
You’re the first to arrive, incredibly early almost on purpose (after asking, of course). A movie won’t start with just one of the invited guests over, and you’re kind of hoping you can make a breakaway before the opening sequence. But Garcia’s pulling something baked out of the oven, and the smell is divine.
“I made popcorn, and we ordered pizza, and I’ve got some M&Ms to pour in to the popcorn so that they melt and become a huge chocolatey mess,” Penelope croons at you as you come in, and she’s so excited you can’t help but be, too. The worry about being scared fades away. You end up helping her pipe on some white frosting, and soon your creations rise up from the proverbial dead. Sugar cookie mummies. It’s incredible. It’s hilarious. It ends up with icing on your nose and smiles on your faces, and when Derek and Reid arrive it’s almost like the party already happened.
“You have frosting in your hair,” Derek laughs, reaching up to brush it out, and you can’t help but grin.
“Maybe I’m becoming a mummy, too.”
But unfortunately, all that joy fades away when you realize that the movie is going to start sooner rather than later. After all, JJ arrives with Emily, and the two of them signal the end of the welcoming party.
Emily Prentiss. The bravest of them all, and the team member you’ve had a raging crush on for… about as long as you’ve known her. She looks stunning, tonight, but with your hands wringing and her eyes on you as they do, you can’t help but wonder what she’s thinking about.
Your mood starts to dour, just a little, and as it does you notice Emily shooting you looks across Garcia’s kitchen, brow furrowed. It happens a few times – she grins at something someone else has said, turns to you with that brilliant smile, and it falters. Just a little. It makes your heart race. She has to be judging you, she has to be – she can smell fear a mile away, and you’re radiating it, and not the good kind that comes with a good jump scare, but the kind that lingers.
Fuck horror movies. That’s the lesson, you suppose.
You don’t want to admit your fears. Not here. Not in front of the bravest group of people you’ve ever met. Not in front of Em. So, you keep quiet, almost silent, until the migration towards the couch happens.
“I need to, uh, use the bathroom,” you quickly stammer out. A moment alone might help with the way your throat closes up. It’s with that you vanish around the corner to where Garcia’s toilet is, and the door closes softly. You can hear their giggles and laughter even through the shut door, Penelope’s voice echoing around you, and stare at yourself in the mirror.
“Pull yourself together,” you say. It’s firmer than you thought you could manage. As you look into your own eyes, you can see what they see, surely. Someone just on this side of scared.
“Fuck,” is the last word, and with a couple of deep breaths in and out you open the bathroom door.
Only to run into Emily Prentiss herself.
“Sorry!” you blurt. “Uh. Didn’t realize I was hogging it. Didn’t think anyone noticed I slipped away.”
Emily just smiles, and it’s so warm. In the lights that Garcia has hung around her bedroom, her hair looks a myriad of colors, all fading to that deep black. She’s fantastic, and incredible, and you know it’s your nerves that’s got you like this. Usually you can maintain decorum. But she doesn’t seem to mind.
She’s smiling after all.
“I noticed,” she says, at first with that same smile, but her voice is soft enough that no one on the other side of the wall overhears. Your mouth goes dry at that, and you chuckle, but she’s not laughing. She’s just looking, her brow furrowing a bit as she glances towards where the others are and then back at you. “Are you all right? I just… came to check up on you. You seem…”
“Yeah,” you quickly say. “Just, uh. I…”
And that’s when it all comes crumbling down. Your eyes flick towards where the rest of the team is laughing, sitting, chatting, and you’re simply here, trying not to think about how to make a break for it as soon as possible.
At first you think you imagine it, the softness of Emily’s voice. But when your eyes flick back over to her, your lower lip bitten to shreds, she’s simply offering a smile, and her hand reaches up to squeeze your shoulder. “Not a horror buff?”
It’s so kind. It’s so gentle. You almost want to melt into it, but your dignity, or what little you have left, keeps you in check. You just nod, and she twists her lips a little, glancing back towards where the laughter is coming again. Derek, this time.
“No, it’s… it’s not my favorite,” you admit, but quickly stammer out an explanation. “I’m okay! Really, j-just, uh. Making it. I’ll be fine, once the movie starts.”
That’s not true. Not true at all, in fact, you can hear the film score start up and already you’re trembling. But you try to put on a brave face, and because it’s Emily Prentiss, your friend, your teammate, she sees right through it.
“Do you want to stay? You don’t have to, if you don’t want to.”  
That makes you pause. Your spiral into embarrassment halts, and now it’s your turn to furrow your brow.
She just gives you another smile, this one almost secretive. She leans forward, too, and your hands start shaking again. For a different reason. “Well, between you and me, horror’s not my scene, either. And so, I was thinking, if you wanted to be each other’s alibi…”
A million things swim through your brain. That can’t be true, first of all. She’s Emily Prentiss. How can horror not be right up her alley? The adrenaline, that kind of thing. So if that’s the case, then she’s bluffing. Lying even. But why? Plus, didn’t she go see that thing with Reid and Garcia the other night? Why would she pretend not to like horror when it’s so obvious that she –
She just keeps looking at you. Smiles, and…
Because she’s your friend. Because she cares for you. She gives you a way out. She smiles and laughs and looks to you all night because she’s concerned.
She’s doing it for you. And your little crush, your little thing you push aside during cases and debriefs and moments alone, it comes at you full force.
Your heart warms, and your hands stop shaking, and you look at Emily Prentiss like the lifeline she is. Your breath comes out all at once, too, a sigh of relief, and when you nod, she nods, too.
“Perfect. Just follow my lead, yeah?”
You find yourself following, a little in a daze. It’s like a whirlwind, what just happened, your thoughts and her actions, and when you turn the corner the others are already fixated on the film.
“Sorry, guys,” Emily says with a soft groan. Her hand lifts up to cover her stomach, and she rubs it, almost like it’s an instinctive reaction. “I think something I ate didn’t agree with me.”
JJ and Derek’s eyes immediately shoot up, but Garcia and Reid are enraptured with what’s taking place.
“Are you okay?” Derek asks.
“Do you need a ride? I can take you home,” JJ follows up. She’s basically halfway to standing when you step in, surprising yourself by the steadiness in your voice.
“No, I’ve got her. You guys stay and watch the movie.”
“Are you sure?” Emily asks, turning to look at you, and you just smile at her, concerned and trying not to look so gleeful about being concerned.
“Yeah, Em. I’ve got you.” Your hand reaches to rub at her back, and together the two of you make your way towards the door, with various solutions to Emily’s ailment being shouted at you guys from those who’re seated.
“Call me if you need anything from my car!” JJ shouts out, and that’s the last thing you hear. Soon the door is closed and the noise from behind you fades with a click.
Immediately Emily lifts herself up. You feel… exhilarated, more adrenaline than a scare could ever give you, and Emily lets out a soft chuckle.
“I should be an actor, right?” she asks, nudging you with her elbow, and you don’t even realize how close you’re still standing to her until her touch presses into your stomach. You don’t move away, though, and your hand is still on her back.
She doesn’t pull away either.
“Oscar-worthy performance,” you tease back, and she just throws her head back with her laughter, shaking her head and tucking some hair behind her ear. “Thanks for getting me out of there,” you add, and when she looks at you again, her brown eyes are soft, warm.
“Of course. Halloween isn’t just about horror flicks and getting scared. No one should have a bad Halloween night if they don’t want to.” For a moment you think you’re imagining it, the warmth, but then her arm reaches to link with yours as you make your way to the staircase.
“What is Halloween night about?” you ask her, on your way.
“I mean, horror is a part of it,” she admits. Her voice doesn’t get dreamy, but the sound of it reminds you of the way that spices and pumpkin smell. “But. Fall weather. The way that the leaves look on the trees. Getting cozy with… with someone you care about, and… I don’t know. Eating candy enough for two.”
She looks at you when she says getting cozy, and you almost trip over your feet.
Be brave, you tell yourself, and when you clear your through your voice is the brightest it’s been all night.
“Well. Maybe together we could… get cozy? And eat enough candy for four.”
The moon is high above the two of you as you leave the building, your laughter echoing on Garcia’s street. You don’t know where she’s planning to go after tonight, but for that moment, you hope it’s anywhere with you.
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Classroom Cleo de Nile & Ghoulia Yelps Mad Science Class Journal
Today was the dreaded “Choosing of Partners for Group Projects” although it could just be me that dreads it. I guess it is because there always seems to be a fight to see who gets to be my partner. I suppose that is an arrogant thing to write but it is true. In some ways it is flattering in other ways, not so much. Even Manny Taur goes out of his way to be nice to me. He is not exactly good at it, but he does try. Mr. Hackington decided this year to try and mitigate the chaos by putting all our names into a skull and drawing them out two at a time. There was some complaining about this new development until he finally said, “You get what you gets and you don’t pitch a fit!” My parents used to tell me that when I was a little ghoul, well probably not the way Mr. Hackington said it but he got his point across. Regardless, at least it keeps me from having to say “yes” to one classmate and “no” to the rest. 
Cleo complained the loudest about the new system until our names got pulled as partners... sigh... I love Cleo and she is my beast friend ever but I was really hoping for... well it does not matter. He got paired up with Frankie and I am sure they will do just fine. Normally having Cleo as a partner means... it means the extra credit work I usually do when I am working on a project by myself seems to be enough for both of us to an “A”. Cleo’s main functions include reminding me to do things I have already done and calling Deuce to bring us lunch or lattes. Not that I complain too much about that, and Deuce does have a way of keeping Cleo focused. She also insists on giving the final presentation, which usually goes well since she does command attention. This time though our assignment is to research the Science of Perfume, and then our final project will be to create our very own fragrance. I must say that I was completely surprised by Cleo’s enthusiasm for the project. I am not sure whether to be excited or frightened by this development. 
Finally a project worthy of my royal attention! I must say on past projects I have allowed Ghoulia to do the dragon’s share of the work but this is something I can really get my bandages wrapped around. When we still lived in Egypt, before “the difficulties”, one of my jobs was to oversee the royal perfumers. Nefera used to tell me that it was a job reserved for “a princess who would never become queen” but I didn’t care. While Nefera was in some dreadfully boring meeting about how much grain would be harvested for the year or where to build the next royal monument, I would go down and meet the trade caravans. They would be loaded with spices, oils and exotic flowers from the South and East, and the air was always filled with their fragrance. The royal perfumers and I would choose the best of everything to be had, then they would take the ingredients back to their perfumery and work their magic. I always wanted to join them as they cooked, ground and mixed the different ingredients to make perfume and scented oils, but this was looked upon as a task beneath a princess, so I could only watch. Now that I have a chance to get my hands dirty, so to speak, I can’t wait to get started. 
I have been pleasantly surprised by Cleo’s contributions to our project. She has really taken the dragon by the horns and unlike past projects together, I have had to “run” to keep up with her. Her enthusiasm and deadication to the project are quite refreshing and she has filled my in box with recipes and suggestions. So for the first time in, well, ever, I am feeling like the “weak link” in an academic setting. I find myself not entirely liking it, which makes me feel just a tiny bit selfish and unneeded. Yes, I know that this is completely illogical, but what if it becomes a habit? Will I lose my place in the group if my brainpower is no longer needed?... #DepressingThought
Ghoulia seems to be off her game lately. Usually she’s the zombie equivalent to a ball of energy when it comes to these projects, but lately she’s gone completely passive on me. It’s starting to scare me, and not in a good way. I admit to being more than a bit self-absorbed, but I can always tell when something is really wrong with one of my friends. I asked her what was wrong, and she said she was fine. I know better than to press her on it, or she’ll just retreat into her brain’s fortress of solitude and not come out for days. I suppose I’ll just wait until she’s ready to talk, but I really want her input. She’s my beast friend, and I want us to have fun together on this project. 
I told my mom I did not feel well today and stayed home from school. It was not a lie, but it was not because of a physical ailment, either. Cleo called me several times, but I chose not to answer my iCoffin. I mostly stayed in bed and then I thought maybe I really was getting sick since I did not feel like eating and could not generate enough excitement to read the newest issue of Dead Fast. Apparently my absence was noted, and the cavalry descended on my house after school. I heard the doorbell ring and then I heard the front door open. The voices of Cleo, Frankie, Lagoona, Draculaura and Clawdeen all called out to my mother, “We’re here!” I could smell the aroma of baking cookies drifting out of the kitchen - I thought she gave in to my request to stay home a little too easily. They all headed to the kitchen except for Cleo. I heard her heading down the hall toward my room - I knew it was Cleo because she has a very distinctive gait. She got to my door, knocked once and walked in. “All right, ghoul friend, what, in the name of Bast’s cats is going on with you?” I said nothing was wrong with me but Cleo was in one of her “royal moods”, and I could tell by the tone in her voice that she was going to pester me until I gave her an answer, so I did. I told her how I felt about my role on the project and how I was afraid that my intellectual abilities were the only reason that she and the rest of the ghouls wanted me around. Cleo just stood there staring at me with the strangest look in her eyes.
For a moment I could not decide if she was on the verge of being angry or sad. Then she simply spun on a heel, stepped to my door and yelled down the hall, “Ghoulia’s room - NOW!” The ghouls got to my room in a blink albeit with mouths full of freshly baked cookies. Cleo pointed at Frankie whose mouth seemed to be less full of cookie than the others, “Quickly, when you think of Ghoulia what’s the first thing that comes to mind?” Frankie sparked and said, “She’s kind and helpful!” Then Lagoona said I was “trustworthy and sincere”, Draculaura said I was “funny and sweet” and Clawdeen said I was “brave and determined.” Finally Cleo looked at me and said, “Notice anything in those descriptions that was missing?” I hung my head, a little embarrassed and a lot encouraged. “Now we are going back to the kitchen to eat more cookies, you could join us if you’re feeling up to it... oh and you better be in class tomorrow. We have a lot of work to do.” It turns out that my mother’s cookies are a miracle cure. Who knew? 
Now that Ghoulia is out of her funk, we’ve been able to make some progress. I found several trunks at home filled with jars of oils, extracts and spices. Nearly all of them are still labeled. Probably should be careful with the ones that are not... I seem to remember some were rather volatile when mixed with certain other ingredients. Unfortunately, I could not find any of my old recipes, so this will truly require real experimentation. 
Experiment Notes
Batch #1
Top notes of leather - old gym shoe leather - with a sweaty angst-like finish. It is a smell reminiscent of the odor that emanates from the boys’ locker room after summer football practices. FAIL
Batch #2
Complex floral notes of troll cabbage and broccoli with none too subtle undertones on burnt microwave popcorn. It was quite... breathtaking and also Mr. Hackington’s favorite. FAIL
Batch #3
It smelled like cheese at first then spoiled milk. Disgusting. FAIL
Batch #4 
A frightfully woodsy scent, mysterious yet approachable and our favorite by far. It also hardened in the beaker like cement. We may have discovered a way to create scented construction material but as a perfume - FAIL
Batch #5
Eau de Pit of Goblin Arm. FAIL
Batch #6
Two words - wet werewolf. FAIL
Batch #8
We used an unmarked bottle from Cleo’s collection. It was an odorless black elixir but when we mixed it with vanilla, juniper berry and patchouli oil it opened a portal to another dimension that sucked in half of our experiments before we could put a stopper in the beaker. Cleo blamed the patchouli. FAIL
Lovely top, middle and base notes - check.
Accentuates rather than overopowers - check, check
Would we wear it ourselves? - check, check, check
Final Grade - A+
Best. Lab project. Ever.
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ellocentipede · 4 years
Arcana Craves Daydream Collection Review
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It’s been a horrible, strange year so far in so many ways, and Julia of Arcana has been quietly working on a beautiful Craves collection to soothe our aching souls. Julia writes that her new Craves Daydream collection “is about some of the experiences and places we've been longing for and daydreaming about while cooped up during lockdown.” This collection is incredibly beautiful, varied, wistful and nostalgic--I love each scent fiercely, and I have to admit that I teared up a bit while testing several of them. I’ve been longing for the simple pleasures of going out to see a movie, or having a milkshake in my favorite local ice cream shop, Cammie’s Old Dutch, or watching my child laugh on a carnival ride and eat kettle corn at the fair. This collection offers us those experiences in scent form and ignites a kernel of joy. Thanks so much, Julia. <3      
Honey Craves Coffee Shops
Scent description: The warm, convivial aromas of a neighborhood gathering place. Roasting coffee beans, honey-drizzled cake, freshly baked vanilla cookies, soft, overstuffed chairs, and a hint of steamed milk.
I have to confess that historically, coffee scents have not worked for me (excepting BPAL’s Mornings in New Orleans, whose success I attribute to the chicory au lait). This, though, is much more than a coffee scent. Holy smokes. I mainly get honey-crusted warm brioche--sweet, wholesome, and comforting. It’s not super doughy, but realistic and just right. Warming up the blend and bringing some serious comfort like a scent-hug is the pleasant scent of freshly-roasted coffee beans. This is a scent that is both rich and gentle, comforting and snuggly. A must try for both lovers and skeptics of coffee fragrances.
Honey Craves Festivals
Scent description: Throngs of people gathered together under summer skies. Smoky dragonsblood and nag champa incense, dark honey, live music, green cannabis, spilled beer, bonfires, patchouli, soft earth, and laughter.
Honey Craves Festivals would be perfectly at home in the Green Dream collection! What a beauty. The cannabis note reminds me of the one used in Rose Petal blunt--it’s both green/brown and sweet, like tall late summer meadow grass. The incense notes are soft, gentle, luxurious, and comforting--they effortlessly round out the honeyed cannabis and create a happy and hazy scent that evokes gathering outdoors with good friends in the late afternoon sun. This one is a big, big win!
Honey Craves Ice Cream Parlors
Scent description: Sweet, cold scoops of pleasure. Pistachio ice cream, honey ice cream, Madagascar vanilla gelato, and a chilled porcelain bowl.
Sweet, creamy, honey ice cream in a waffle cone with a maraschino cherry on top. I think the pistachio note is reading as “cherry-like” to my nose. I should note that this pistachio note is toothsome, natural, and non-medicinal. If you typically have trouble with pistachio or cherry-like scent notes, do not fear this one! This scent is a foodie lover’s dream! It’s sweet, but not overly sweet, and happy! With time, the honey ice cream wins out on my skin--it’s a perfect scoop of honey ice cream in a rich waffle cone. Sticky-sweet, creamy, and delicious!
Honey Craves Moonlit Paths
Scent description: All the scents of night-hiking in a deciduous forest with only the moon to light your way. Beeswax absolute, forest floor, damp, decaying leaves, fragrant mosses, wild honey, sleeping trees, and a whiff of feral fur.
I love each fragrance in this collection, but if I absolutely had to pick a favorite, it would be this one. On my skin, this starts out as a version of Waterfall--with damp, moss-covered stone and cool, still water. With time I get more of the sweet honey and warm, snuggly fur. The effect is like walking in a cool, shadowy, moss-draped, stone-filled, deciduous forest with a pup companion. In the distance are fragrant beehives, scenting your way, or blossoms that are so nectar-filled and syrupy-sweet that they mimic the smell of natural honey. Moonlit Paths is a tour de force, and I foresee myself wearing it often. <3 
Honey Craves Paradise
Scent description: The essence of a gloriously sunbaked tropical island. An opening of richly sugared mango expands into a blend of heady tiare blossoms, delicate honey, golden sand, and warm coconut-scented body oil.
Julia’s tropical scents always make my heart flutter, and this one is a beauty! It’s a well-blended tropical dream! I get coconut-slicked warm sand, gently heady, lush, creamy, and sweet tiare blooms, and sugar-crusted, ripe, juicy mango. The honey is a delicate haze of sweetness holding the blend together. Unsurprisingly, this has quickly shot up among my favorite scents of all time. It truly is paradise in a bottle, and just what my soul needs right now. Beautiful!
Honey Craves Theater
Scent description: What could ever compare to live theater? Golden vetiver, floral honey, sakura blossoms, rare orchids, white amber, pearl musk, a glass of chilled chardonnay, and a hint of leather. Author! Author!
This scent is brooding and luxurious--this is a Gilded Age theater crusted with gold leaf mouldings and heavy red velvet drapes. I get thick, sweet honey that’s balanced by a bite of vetiver, smooth, worn, dark leather seats, and a splash of chilled white wine. With time the hothouse orchids make their presence known--they lend a languid, humid, heady aspect to the scent. Gorgeous! This would be an excellent scent to wear to a murder mystery dinner theater!
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Peaches Crave the Movies
Scent description:  An ode to the bygone experience of watching movies in a 1990s era megaplex: the lights go down, the sound goes up, and you are transported into another world. Torn ticket stubs, peach gummy worms, cherry licorice whips, red velvet drapes, buttery popcorn, and smashed candy on the floor.
I thought this scent was going to be overwhelmingly foodie, but I am pleasantly surprised to find it to be complex on my skin--it really is like the entire experience of sitting in the movie theater, snuggled up with your assortment of snacks, waiting for the film reel to flicker on. The peach gummies are most prominent on my skin and they smell true-to-life--sweet, tart, a little gummy/waxy. The buttery popcorn wafts in the background--you’ve handed the bucket to the cinephile to your right while you munch on gummy peach rings. Surrounding all of this is the supremely comforting, lightly fresh but also somehow velvety and luxurious scent of fabric and something mildly papery. These lend some atmosphere to the blend, and the effect is gorgeous. This scent is incredibly nostalgic and comforting for me, and makes me long to go to the movies.
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Strawberries Crave Sunlit Paths
Scent description: The happy scent of day-hiking through the dappled sunlight of a coniferous thicket of trees. Sugary red strawberries with Arcana Wildcraft's Her Forest (layers of velvety forest mosses and soft green lichens with wild-harvested Northern fir tips, Bourbon vetiver, black oudh, and a hint of forest floor).
Her Forest (review here) is one of my very favorite Arcana scents. It’s a complex, beautiful, and realistic calming forest scent. Combining this scent with strawberry was a stroke of genius--they blend so incredibly harmoniously. This fragrance is much more than strawberry + Her Forest--it has become a magnificent fragrance of its own. This is a happier, more carefree version of the solemn and peaceful Her Forest. It truly does smell sunlit--like walking along a well-worn sun-dappled path in a beautiful old deciduous forest, fingers stained and juicy from perfect, ripe strawberries. Strawberries Crave Sunlit Paths is bottled happiness.
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Vanilla Craves Grind Shows
Scent description: The edible aromas of a traveling carnival overflowing with oddities and amusements. Vanilla-laced cotton candy, deep fried funnel cakes encrusted with powdered sugar, salty peanuts, kettle corn, and caramel-covered apples.
Sweet kettle corn, pink cotton candy, and a pop of salty peanut! With time, the kettle corn wins out as the dominant note for me, and it’s wonderful. It smells so realistic that I feel like I’m sticking my nose into a bag of warm, freshly-popped, sweet and salty kettle corn. This is a wonderful and happy carnival scent that makes me yearn for our local fair. I predict that Vanilla Craves Grind Shows will be a major hit! Don’t sleep on this one, y’all.
Vanilla Craves Mermaid Shoals
Scent description: A gourmand aquatic fantasy. An opening of warm, musky neroli leads to a heart of lemon biscotti, bright tangerine, sunlight glittering on blue water, vanilla, sea foam, briny seaweed absolute, and scattered rose petal incense. .
This one is going to be a smash hit. It’s another fine example of Julia’s expertise with aquatic and tropical scents, with some toothsome gourmand elements added to keep things interesting! This is the scent of eating orange creamsicles and iced lemon cookies on the most beautiful tropical beach. The creamsicle is perfection--smooth, sweet vanilla cream and juicy, tart tangerine--and the iced lemon cookies melt a bit in your fingers. The sea breeze carries the scents of sparkling, pearl-crusted foam, and a light hint of waxy pink blossoms. This is a fantasy indeed. An utterly beautiful scent!
Arcana Craves perfumes may be perused and purchased at https://arcanacraves.com/ 
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 5 years
Perfectly Confused Angel Part 4
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Warnings: Fluffy fluff!!! 
Word Count: 1,542
A/N: Hi guys, here is part 4! I can’t believe we’re this far into the story! I got carried away with this part (again) but hey, it’s good stuff, I promise! 
Now I’m aware of my description of the Dean cave isn’t entirely accurate to this photo but I think since I haven’t seen what it looks like, before tonight, in a really long time, I got a pretty good memory. 
I’m not sure how many more parts to do for this but please keep sending me feedback; it helps!
Also, parts 1-3 are on here too so if you see this one first, you can catch up!
And as always, feedback is welcome and if you wanted to be added to this taglist or my everything taglist that I will be creating soon, let me know!!
<3 Monique
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
Breakfast wrapped up in a blur, all the food completely gone. You thanked Dean and offered to help clean up. Sam stood to accompany you in the kitchen since the rule was, the cook never cleans. You took to the sink and ran the water to get it to a warmer temperature, keeping your eyes down and away from Sam. But you couldn’t help the nagging feeling in your head, to ask him about what to do with Cas.
 “Hey, Sam?” You ask, turning to your left to look up at the taller man.
 “Yeah?” He answered, reaching across you to run the water over the dishes.
 “Do you think something is going on between me and Cas? I mean, as more than just a friendly thing?” You question, almost regretting bringing this up. But you knew Sam was more level headed when it came to relationships. Dean is more about hookups and no commitments; Sam believed in the long-term.
 He stayed quiet for a minute, the sound of the water and the occasional clatter of dishes against the sink and each other, making any noise. He finally spoke after an agonizing few minutes.
 “Well I’ve known you a long time and I know when you like someone so I can tell you are interested in him. However, I don’t know Cas very well yet and considering he’s an angel who’s trying to function more like a human, I’m afraid he doesn’t know what love is.” He speaks truthfully; one of your favorite things about him.
 You frown though, not sure what exactly to do next. But Sam wasn’t done just yet.
 “Y/N, I think you should talk to Castiel. Tell him how you feel, explain it to him and who knows, maybe he feels the same. But I think if you both work together to make something happen, I think it could be something great.” He says, drying the last pan and putting it away before clasping a hand on your shoulder.
 “Thank you, Sam.” You say, smiling at the wholesome hunter. Yes, Sam was rough around the edges at times but he really was a good guy. Always looking out for other people. You called him a fortune cookie because he always had the best advice and he mostly was right.
 “Hey guys, it’s movie time!” Dean called to you and Sam, as you two headed towards the Dean Cave.
 “Whoa, the Dean Cave? You never let us in here!” You say as you take in the surroundings.
 Dean shrugs as you, Sam, and Castiel walk into the room. It totally looked like what you imagined it would. Nothing but classic rock vinyl records spread around the room, recliners pointing in front of a flat-screened TV, a couch looking out from the side, a popcorn machine, a refrigerator stocked with beer and sodas, and a pretty impressive movie collection.
 “Cas, since you’re new around here, why don’t you choose a movie,” Dean says, falling back into a recliner.
 The angel stood up and walked to the DVD collection on the wall, spending a lot of time looking through all the titles until he decided on one.
 “How about this one?” Cas says, holding up the original Pirates of the Caribbean movie.
 “Good choice!” Dean said, taking the case out of Cas’ hand and putting the disc into the player.
  Sitting on the couch on the far-left side, you make yourself comfortable, putting your legs up to your side, leaning on the arm of the couch. Cas was on the opposite side of the couch, Sam and Dean occupying the recliners. The TV was tilted to the side so you and Cas could see the screen as well and as Sam and Dean, and the film began to play.
 Around the half-way point of the movie, popcorn, candy, and drinks were starting to litter the room. You lost interest in the movie long ago because you grew up with these films, but your attention landed on Cas, watching his wonder of the film. His confused face would appear as different scenes would play out but he seemed to be enjoying it.
 “Alright, I gotta stop this. I have to go.” Dean said, standing up and stalking out of the room.
 “Where is Dean going?” Cas asked, looking to you.
 “Oh, he has to use the bathroom.” You said, Sam getting up to leave too, leaving you alone with Cas. Your heart rate sped up as you began to think about telling Cas. Is this a good time or should you wait?
 “Y/N?” Cas speaks first as you sigh in relief.
 “Yeah?” You say, turning your body to look at him.
 “I like you.” He speaks, the words just coming out of his mouth like water.
You were stunned, not sure what exactly he meant. Did he know what feelings were like? Did he know anything about relationships? Did something happen?
 “What?” You press, wanting to know what his intentions were.
 “Well I like you and I think, based off of what Dean told me, you like me too. More than just friends. I told him that I get all warm and fuzzy inside of me when I’m around you, I always talk and ask about you and wanting to be around you when you’re here. You always comfort me when I get hurt or I just need a hug. You explain everything to me and are more patient with me then Sam or Dean is. Well, Sam is more patient than Dean but you are even more so and I am grateful for that. In all my years of existence, I have never known what love is or what it is like to have feelings for someone but I know whatever I am feeling, I want to feel it all the time and I only feel this way around you. Dean told me I should talk to you about it and I know I am basically a baby in a trench coat as he calls me but if you are willing to help me, I really want to try to make something happen between us. What do you say?”
 He confesses everything to you and you couldn’t believe he felt the same way as you. So, you got your courage and told him how you felt.
 “Cas, I am so glad you feel that way because I feel the same as you. And so many times I thought I was crazy for falling for an angel and I fought with my head all the time, saying you weren’t human and he doesn’t know what any of the romance stuff you see in the movies or read in a book or hear in music but you, you’re different. I can’t shake you and quite frankly, I don’t want to. I want to be your everything. Your constant, there for the good, the bad, the confusing things. I want to be that for you. You deserve love just like any other being, whether you’re human or not. You deserve nothing but the absolute best and I hope I can be that to you.” You confess your feelings to him.
 Without really thinking about, Cas had moved over closer to you on the couch as he was confessing his feelings to you and he did the next best thing. He stared down at you, ocean blue eyes boring into (y/e/c) ones and he slowly inched his way closer to you. His eyes would go down to your lips and back up to your eyes, as a way to ask permission. He never wanted to do anything you were uncomfortable with, and when you didn’t pull away, he finally brought his lips down to your own. It would be cliché to say that you felt fireworks or goosebumps as you kissed, but you did know his lips were soft on yours, unsure of what he was doing. You took that as a way to take the lead, moving your body closer to him and pushing him back further into the arm of the couch to completely gain access to him. You felt him on your own lips, him soon finding his own confidence and pushing you back onto the couch. He was hovering over you, not breaking the seal of your lips and before things could get too heated, you hear an interruption.
 “Oh, not on the couch and not in the Dean cave!” Dean yelled, rushing over to your side as you and Cas broke apart.
 “Well, it’s good to see you two finally worked things out,” Sam said, giving you a small smile.
 “We did. Thank you both for your advice.” You say, looking to both brothers, who just nodded their ‘you’re welcomes.’
Everyone took their seats once again but you and Cas sat closer to one another. He grabbed the blanket that was behind you both on the couch and threw it over you and him. He wrapped an arm around you and took one of his larger hands to grab ahold of your smaller one. The movie began to play again and despite all his attention on the screen, his hand still in yours and absentmindedly rubbing circles on your hand.
Tag list:  @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams @markofdean79  @simpleboox @fandom-princess-forevermore @thwiso @grace15ella
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notveryglittery · 6 years
Flirting with Danger, Ch4
summary: In which three-quarters of our cast are useless gays. words: 2,700 / ships: romantic royality, platonic moxiety warnings: mentions of the events from chapter 1 (armed robbery, character held at gunpoint). notes: thanks for your patience everybody!! this one gave us some trouble but next chapter should come pretty easily! @do-your-socks-have-holes-in-them and i are very excited about it!! hope you enjoy!! @fandersfic-royality @fandersfic-moxiety 
read on ao3 | Ch1: the first time | Ch2: *mcelroy voice* hotboy! Ch3: sky soliloquy | Ch4: the interview™ Ch5: you have my heart | Ch6: the second time Ch7: is this allowed??
“Good evening. I’m Logan Roberts and I’m here today with our local superhero, commonly referred to as the Prince, for an interview regarding yesterday’s attempted robbery at a 7-Eleven on the corner of Garden Lane and Vine Row.” Logan turned his attention to Roman. “Thank you for your time.”
Roman winked at the camera before facing Logan. “It’s always an absolute pleasure!”
Used to his dramatics by this point, Logan ignored him and shouldered on. “There were three armed suspects, correct? Two male and one female?” Logan made a note here to edit their mugshots in afterwards.
“Yes. Taken care of in no time at all! It was quite easy, really—”
“Your timing was impressive, I will admit.” He didn’t sound impressed; the twitch of a frown on Roman’s lips was so miniscule, it went largely unnoticed. “It was brought to my attention, however, that a victim was held at gunpoint?”
There was really no helping the way Roman melted. He propped an elbow onto the table and then his chin into his hand. “Yeah,” he said dreamily, staring off into the distance.
Logan leveled a flat stare towards the camera, as if to say “do you see what I’m dealing with here?” He cleared his throat and poked Roman’s arm with his pen. “The less cutting I have do in edits, the better.”
Roman snapped out of it and allowed his gaze to flicker back and forth between Logan and the camera. “Sorry, Logan,” he mumbled, drawing forward a bit of his cape, and twisting it between his hands. He shook off the distraction and slipped right back into interview mode. “Yes, there was. It was bad timing, is all. He’s quite alright, though!”
Logan leaned forward, curiosity shining bright in his brown eyes. “From what I understand, the gun went off. Just how does that add up, if you don’t mind my asking?”
Roman let go of his cape and raised one of his hands from beneath the table. He clicked his fingers and allowed the flame it created to linger there for a moment as he spoke. “Well, we all know how undeniably hot I am—” he paused to wink at the lens and Logan resisted the urge to smack him, “— it’s just a pyrokinetic perk. I can stop the gunpowder from being ignited.” The fire at the end of his finger went out with a flick of his wrist.
Logan put it down in his notes before continuing. “That’s fascinating.” Roman positively basked in the compliment. “You said that the victim is quite alright. How can you be so sure? He didn’t stay behind to talk with the police.”
Again, Roman’s gaze went a little distant, but it would really only be noticed by anyone watching with eyes of a hawk. “His friend arrived on the scene before the officers did and insisted they get home as quickly as possible. Seeing as there were others to give a statement, it didn’t seem like much of a problem.”
“That doesn’t answer my question,” Logan followed without hesitation. “How would you know how he is faring? No one knows who he is, so it isn’t like you could have sought him… out… afterwards…”
Roman’s eyes went wide. Logan looked like the cat that caught the canary. For a few seconds, it was silent. Roman waited for Logan to ask another question or maybe to redirect the interview into a safer direction. Logan waited for Roman to elaborate. Roman caved.
“Alright, fine! So maybe I found his phone on the floor of the convenience store! It would have been rude to not return it to him! You know how we’re all about our phones in this day and age, and besides, who knows how many pictures he had on there that would have just been lost?!” Roman ranted, hands flailing as he did so. “His address was on the lock screen so I… took it to him. The next day. This morning. And he was fine! And when I say fine, wow do I mean fine.”
Logan coughed into his hand. Roman scrambled to backtrack. “Like, super okay! He wasn’t hurt at all! I only said fine like that because he was so fine! Great!” His voice was pitching higher the harder he tried to fix it. “And his roommate’s okay, too! In case you were wondering or if you think that might be important to… add. Include? Everybody’s great!!”
This was… getting out of hand. Logan sighed. “You’re very lucky we aren’t live right now.”
“I know,” Roman squeaked. He dropped his face into his hands and when he spoke next, it was muffled. Logan could only assume that Roman was assuming he’d edit this. “I’m making such a fool of myself. What if he watches this? I’d die of embarrassment.”
“I had intended to make cuts. You are making it quite difficult, however.” At this rate, the interview would look choppy. Logan considered just starting over but their time was limited. Perhaps he could leave it as it was… It wouldn’t hurt if the hero took a blow to his ego.
“I’m sorry,” Roman muttered, sounding genuinely contrite. “I can do better.”
“I’m sure that you can.” Logan glanced towards the camera, the recording light still strong. “Let’s get back to the interview and I’ll see what I can do in post.”
Roman sat up straighter in his chair and tried to banish all thoughts of Patton from his mind. There were more important things to address. He just had to hope that Logan would be able to do enough cleaning up that it would all look alright in the end.
“Regarding your entrance,” Logan began, glancing down at his notes. “You broke in through the window, despite the door having been readily available for use. The cost of damages ended up being equal to what would have been stolen from the register. There’s also the matter of the destroyed displays; there were three of them, two of which were your doing.”
Roman looked downright offended. “I am a superhero, Logan! Dramatic entrances are just part of the job description!” He huffed and brushed a strand of hair out of his face. It was starting to get a little unruly with all of his gesturing. “I could fix the displays in no time, if necessary! I can pay for the window, too! I haven’t had a chance yet to speak with the owners. I gave the police their statement before there was a minor misdemeanor I had to attend to.”
“Oh?” Logan asked and Roman internally cursed. He had to go and run his mouth, didn’t he? Logan could sense a story from miles away and here Roman was, handing it to him on a silver platter. “What happened there?”
“Nothing important!” Honestly, it really wasn’t. A text had come from Roman’s neighbor, saying they’d lost their cat and Roman wasn’t about to let Talyn worry a single minute more than they needed to. He turned to face the camera. “If the proprietors of the 7-Eleven on Garden Lane and Vine Row would please get in contact with me, so that we can work this out, that would be delightful.” See, Roman could be responsible!
“Alright…” Logan agreed hesitantly, clearly itching still to know just what Roman had to leave in such a hurry for. Perhaps he’d get the answer once they were finished.
Patton, precariously balancing a bowl of popcorn and two glasses of soda, came rushing into the living room from the kitchen, looking very much like an excited puppy. After the Prince had returned his cell phone, he’d transferred all of his photos over onto his laptop, and was pleased as punch knowing now that he’d never lose those memories. On top of that, he and Virgil had made snickerdoodles, and then Patton had gone through their apartment complex, offering said cookies to their neighbors, because it was such a fun word to say, and they had all been really happy about it, which made Patton really happy about it, and gosh!! He was just having such a good day!!
Now, to make things even better, one of the city’s most well renowned reporters had interviewed the Prince regarding yesterday’s (almost) robbery. That meant Patton was going to get to see his favorite superhero on screen and he could gush to Virgil all over again about how amazing and fearless he had been.
“Did it start yet?!” He asked eagerly but before he could get an answer, his foot caught the edge of the coffee table. It should have been an absolute disaster; they should have missed the interview in favor of scrubbing soda out of the carpet. However, Patton felt the familiar gentle weight of shadows curling up around his legs, and pushing against his stomach, keeping him upright just long enough for Virgil to spring off of the sofa. He caught Patton by the shoulders and while the drinks did slosh a bit over the edges of the cups, it mostly did so onto their nightwear, and not the floor itself.
“Are you okay?” Virgil asked, taking the bowl of popcorn from Patton, and setting it down on the arm of the couch. The darkness faded from his eyes, lightening back to hazel, as the shadows slipped away to their corners. Patton, as he always did any time Virgil used his powers to keep him safe, smiled after them as they went.
“I’m okay!” He said, putting the cups down on the table. “I’m gonna go get some paper—”
“Nope,” Virgil interrupted. “You sit down, I’ll go get the paper towels.”
Before Patton could protest, Virgil was carefully pushing him down on the couch, and leaving for the kitchen. He sat still for about five seconds before getting cozy and crossing his legs; he grabbed the popcorn and held it in his lap. Commercials were playing on the television screen but the audio was muted for the time being. When Virgil returned, he was carrying not only a handful of paper towels, but the bottle of root beer itself.
“For when you inevitably spill more,” he teased, when Patton gave him a questioning look.
A few minutes later, they were situated comfortably on the sofa; Virgil had his legs stretched out and his feet, clad in fuzzy socks, resting on the table. A blanket was wrapped around their shoulders and Patton was nestled against Virgil, content and warm.
“Alright, I guess I’m ready for you to squeal over Prince Not-So-Charming’s interview, but can you keep it down just enough for us to actually hear it?”
“Virge,” Patton whined, elbowing him in the side. “Let me live!!”
Virgil stuck his tongue out at Patton and turned the volume on. Some generic opening music played before Logan Roberts appeared on screen; he looked proper as ever. Beside him was the Prince and Patton was immediately wiggling on the spot. When he winked at the camera, Patton flapped his arms, hitting Virgil in the face with his sweater paws, before covering his mouth, and squealing into the fabric. When Logan cut the superhero off, Patton frowned; Virgil, however, snickered.
“... a victim was held at gunpoint?”
Patton screamed and threw his handful of popcorn at the television. With his hands now empty, Patton grabbed Virgil’s arm and started shaking him. “Virgil!!!! That’s me!!!! They’re talking about me!!!”
Virgil laughed, taking the bowl out of Patton’s lap. By now, Patton was all but sitting on the edge of the couch. The pair went on to talk about how the superhero’s pyrokinesis worked and Virgil was relieved, finally understanding that Patton’s life hadn’t really been in as much danger as previously thought. Meanwhile, Patton was squeaking over the the Prince, once again, winking at the camera.
Virgil, with the eyes of a hawk, noticed immediately the dreamy look in the hero’s eyes as Logan asked about Patton’s well-being. He wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing.
“Oh!! Virgil, that’s you!! You’re the friend!!” Patton exclaimed, patting Virgil on the knee.
He nodded and made a face of agreement, even though Patton’s eyes were still locked on the screen. The reporter wasted no time in calling his interviewee out and Virgil was endlessly amused by it. Silence fell between the two and Virgil could see the realization dawning on Logan’s face. Logan Roberts didn’t smile much during his interviews and so when his lips curved slowly into a very smug sort of grin, Virgil wasn’t quite prepared.
“Oh no,” Virgil muttered, partially because oh no, he was hot and partially because oh no, the cat was out of the bag.
Sure enough, the Prince was suddenly yammering on about how he’d found Patton’s phone and returned it to him this morning. Virgil wished he could reach through the screen and strangle him. Did he not understand the meaning of privacy?!
Patton screamed and fell off of the couch. Without even thinking about it, Virgil twirled his finger in the air, pulling the shadows back to the middle of the room. They didn’t necessarily catch Patton, but they did pool beneath him to soften his fall.
“Thanks,” Patton muttered, distractedly, craning his neck to try and see passed the table so he could still watch the interview.
It cut, slightly awkwardly. Virgil narrowed his eyes. He offered his hand to Patton, who took it, and situated himself back on the couch. They moved on, discussing the broken window and displays. Patton was looking progressively more distressed at the way Logan was grilling the superhero. Virgil thought it was what he deserved but, more than anything, he was beginning to grow nervous over the fact that people knew now that they’d been visited by the Prince. It wasn’t like anyone knew who they were, or like he’d given away important information, but there had been other witnesses at the 7-Eleven, and what if they ended up recognizing Patton, and—
“Kiddo?” Patton was poking him in the face. “Are you okay?”
Virgil startled, pulled so suddenly from his spiraling. “Eehhh.”
“Okay,” Patton said agreeably.
Virgil exhaled harshly. “Just— What if someone finds out who you are from all this and… I mean, there’s probably some people that might- I just don’t want us publicly associated with a superhero, that’s just asking for trouble, y’know?” He avoided Patton’s eyes and glared at the TV.
The interview was wrapping up, but Patton had stopped paying attention to it. He turned to face Virgil fully, frowning. “He didn’t say our names, though! I guess he could’ve been a little more subtle… But still, I don’t think anyone could find us just from that. Although if we did get in trouble, that would mean he’d come save us again…” Patton looked off into space with a little sigh, and it was obvious he was daydreaming.
Virgil blinked at him incredulously. “…Jeez. Okay, we really need to talk about your priorities. Again.”
Patton snapped out of it, glancing back and forth between Virgil and the television. Logan was thanking the Prince for his time. “We still need milk!” he said suddenly, leaping off the couch. He hurried out of the room and Virgil pinched the bridge of his nose. He turned the TV off and gathered what was left of their snacks and drinks, which, given how distracted they’d ended up, was most of what they had started with.
He was in the middle of putting the dishes away when there was a clatter by the front door. He jumped and spun around to find Patton, quietly apologizing to the dining room chair he’d bumped into. Virgil put his hands on his hips and gave Patton his best Mom Look.
“And just where do you think you’re going?”
Patton had the gall to look sheepish. “... Milk?”
Virgil’s eyebrows rose slowly. “Without an umbrella?” And by himself when it was getting dark, but one problem at a time.
Patton shot him a pair of nervous finger guns before darting back to his room. Virgil did the same, retrieving his own umbrella from his closet, and met Patton at the front door. Again, Patton looked surprised.
“You thought I was going to let you go alone?” Virgil asked. “You were held at gunpoint last time.”
“You accidentally get caught up in a convenience store robbery one time!” Patton complained teasingly. He looked thrilled, though, that Virgil was joining him.
Virgil checked to make sure they had their wallets, keys, and phones before they headed out. Hopefully nothing too exciting would happen this time.
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candied-peach · 5 years
ao3: “of snakes and stars” rating: T warnings: food, sympathetic deceit, loceit genre: fluff description: Logan and Deceit have a date.
An inexplicable burst of anxiety wells up as Deceit straightens the cushions on the yellow-brocade sofa in his room for the nth time, making sure each one is perfectly aligned. The TV is fixed from the last time Wrath accidentally put a fist through it, and he's lined up every snack he can think of on the narrow coffee table, from pretzels and popcorn to cheese on crackers and chocolate chunk cookies. There are two blankets folded to the side, and he has two documentaries already queued up. One on snakes and one on the stars.
All that's left is Logan. Deceit frowns, chewing on his bottom lip, as he looks down at his outfit. It is his standard one, hat and capelet and gloves, but it feels too formal, so he snaps himself into a yellow, snake-patterned sweater and sweat pants. Halloween socks adorn his feet, despite it being September. Too informal now? He frets, tossing his hat to one side and letting his unruly hair spring free. It is even more riotous than normal, having spent so long under his hat today, and he spends a few futile moments trying to smooth it back, before he hears a knock on the door.
"Be right there!" He calls, willing the wobble out of his voice. When he opens the door, Logan is there on the other side, and all his words dry up, sticking in his throat. Logan looks magnificent. He's still wearing his usual outfit, but he's traded his tie for a space-patterned one, constellations and planets free-floating in dark navy.
"Come in," Deceit finally croaks, stepping aside and allowing Logan entry. He slams the door behind him as soon as his heels have made it through, locking the door with every lock he can imagine to conjure up. If Remus tries to ruin this, he swears-
"Are you all right?" Logan asks, looking concerned. "You seem...flustered."
"Fine," Deceit lies. "Sit?" Logan looks at the cozy TV set up with what looks like admiration as he settles down onto the sofa.
"Dee, you went to so much effort for me," Logan says, touched. "Thank you. All of my favorites and everything."
"And instead of Disney, documentaries!" Deceit says, retrieving the remote. "I uh, I thought you might like to see one on snakes. And one on space. Is that- is that all right?" Logan smiles slowly. It's brilliant, lighting up the room.
"Of course it is," Logan says. "That sounds wonderful." Deceit manages to sit down next to Logan, all too aware of his boyfriend's body heat. Logan looks down, then slips an arm around Deceit's shoulders, pulling him into that blissful warmth. Deceit soaks in it for several glorious moments, his tongue unconsciously sticking out in a small but definite blep.
"You are so cute when you do that," Logan says. Deceit opens his eyes, reddening when he realizes his tongue is sticking out.
"You don't have to put it back in," Logan is quick to reassure him. "I like it."
"Well, in that case," Deceit hisses, letting out a content sigh as he turns the TV on, starting the snake documentary. The others would be bored out of their minds, although he thinks Virgil might find the narration soothing. Logan, on the other hand, watches with rapt attention, absently carding his fingers through Deceit's hair. Occasionally, he repeats one of the facts mentioned in the video, albeit at lower volume, as if he is trying to store it in his memory. It's adorable and Deceit finds his eyelids growing heavy, nestled as tightly as he is against Logan's side.
"That was wonderful," Logan says, as the credits roll. "Hognose snakes are far more interesting than I had previously given them credit. Thank you, Dee." He leans down and kisses Deceit on the nose. Deceit wonders if it is possible to die from being too much in love.
"Now for the stars," Deceit murmurs. If he thought Logan was interesting to watch before, he is so much more engrossed now. Not for the first time, Deceit thinks that he has to encourage Thomas to take an Astronomy class. If nothing else to put that look in Logan's eyes again. They shine with more stars than the sky could ever hope to match.
"I love you," he murmurs, without thought. Logan glances down at him, a soft, sweet smile spreading across his face.
"I love you, too, stardust," Logan says, and presses a kiss to his hair.
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tmarie82 · 6 years
Cookies and Comfort
Pairing: Naomi x F!MC (Marin Tate)
Book: Veil of Secrets (Future)
Word Count: ~2,000
Rating:  PG-13 (light f/f friskiness)
Author’s Note:  This story is finally for a request from @darley1101 for Naomi x Marin for fluff prompts 6 ‘Being stuck at their house during a blizzard’, 10 ‘Watching the classics’, and 12 ‘Baking together.’  I never can shy away from a request, it may just take me ten years to finish it.  And how it ended up at around 2,000 words … I dunno.  This is also my extremely late contribution for the @choices-september-challenge day 18 prompt of ‘Bad Day.’  
Please let me know if you would like to be added to my tag list.  You can find all of my fics here - MASTERLIST
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Naomi shoved open the front door of their cozy ranch-style home, bringing along a gust a freezing wind behind her.  A few falling snowflakes fluttered in before she could slam the door behind her, drifting down to soak the rug below her feet along with the puddle forming around her snow boots.  She removed her knit cap and shook out her dark hair, tucked her gloves into her jacket pockets for safe-keeping, then proceeded to hang her warm garments on the rack in the corner of the entry way.  It was only then, as she gathered her bearings, that she smelled the warm, sweet aroma coming from their very loud kitchen.  “Mare?” She called to her partner, only to receive a loud clank of metal on metal in response.  
As she turned the corner into the large galley kitchen, her eyes widened at the mess spread across the laminate countertops.  She watched as Marin washed a large steel mixing bowl at the sink, her elbow flying as she scrubbed it fiercely.  The kitchen island was coated with a layer of white, powdery flour amidst bags and jars of sugar, baking powder, and other baking ingredients.  On top of the stovetop sat two freshly baked trays of gooey chocolate chip cookies … Marin’s favorite.  Naomi noticed the oven light was still on and caught a glimpse of muffins baking through the glass-front oven door.  Another clang of the metal mixing bowl in the sink startled her from her observations and she walked towards Marin to say hello.
“Why hello there, Betty Crocker.”  She teased playfully into Marin’s ear, pulling her by the waist in a sideways embrace and placing a chaste kiss to her cheek.  “What’s the occasion?”  It was only then that Naomi noticed Marin’s scowl, her brows furrowed and her face downcast.  “What’s wrong, Mare?”
Marin proceeded to rinse out the now-clean bowl with water, then dried it with the towel she grabbed from beside her.  She finally raised her eyes to meet Naomi’s, a worrisome look plastered across her face.  “Ummm, you remember that article I turned in last week?  The one about Millenials taking over small-town America that I worked so hard on?”  
Naomi’s heart sank as she recalled the work that Marin had slaved over for two weeks before turning it in.  She knew how much that article meant to Marin, how she’d weaved her own personal stories into the narrative.  Please, please don’t tell me they rejected it, she prayed internally.  “Yes, of course.  It’s one of the best things I’ve ever read of yours, so of course I remember it.  Why, what happened?”  She placed her hand on Marin’s back comfortingly, nudging up beside her to read her expression.  
“Well, I got a ca-“ Beep, beep, beep.  The timer from the oven sounded, startling the women.  “Oh, just a minute.”  Marin placed the clean, dry bowl back in it’s home in the cabinet, then scurried over to the oven.  She gripped the oven mitts and opened the door, standing back as the initial wave of moist heat hurled out of the appliance.  Once the zone was clear, she ducked down and retrieved the two trays of muffins, placing them on the baking rack to cool.  She finally proceeded with her story as she turned off the oven and set the mitts down on the counter.  “So I got a call about 3 today from the newspaper … saying they want me to come in and talk.  Tomorrow.”  She stopped, her face filled with nervousness as she wrung her hands in front of her belly.  
Naomi waited another moment for her to continue, but Marin remained silent.  “Okay, well, did they say why?”
“No.”  Marin replied simply.  “They just said they wanted to talk.  In person.  Tomorrow.”
Naomi shook her head, trying to comprehend the cause of Marin’s alarm.  “But that’s not a bad thing, right?  It was a fantastic article!  They didn’t say anything else?”  She asked again.
Marin started pacing the kitchen, tidying the messy countertop and placing the ingredients back into the pantry.  “No.  I’m just … what if they hated it, Naomi?  What if they’re letting me go?”  She stood up straight, her flour-covered hands massaging her temples and leaving a trail of white dust behind.  “I have such a good thing here, working remotely with a guaranteed retainer.  I can’t imagine I’d get the same opportunity starting out anywhere else when I live in Birchport.”
Naomi sidled up beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and placing a kiss to her forehead.  Marin had always been a worrier when it came to her work, never giving herself enough credit for the natural talent she possessed.  It was partially why she continued to be so successful in journalism … because she always strived to do better.  But Naomi hated to see how frustrated she would get at times … times like today.  “Mare, I think they just want to talk with you.  And, in my opinion, I think the fact that it’s in person is a good sign.  They probably loved it.”  Naomi paused, prior experiences reminding her to never imply that Marin was overreacting.  Instead, she just had to be supportive.  “So did this mess you made in here help make you feel better?”
Marin chuckled, her first cheerful interaction since Naomi had walked through the door.  “Yes, I just needed to do something to keep myself busy.  And you know I love baked goods.”  She gave Naomi a weak smile.
“Don’t we all …” Naomi jested, earning another quiet giggle from her girl.  Naomi released her from the embrace, then stood in front of her and lifted her chin with her hand to meet her eyes.  “Okay, here’s the deal … you are going to go take a shower while I clean up in here.  Then I’ll meet you on the couch with wine and carbs for a movie night.  I would take you out but …” Naomi glanced to the snow-lined windowsill above the sink and observed the freezing precipitation continuing to fall heavily outside, “I don’t think we need to go anywhere in this weather.”  She met Marin’s stare again, looking her straight in the eyes.  “Deal?”
Marin gave replied with a nod and a shy smile.  “Deal.”  She stepped up on her tip-toes to press a swift kiss to Naomi’s cheek before turning on her heel to make her way to the bathroom.  “Oh!”  She twirled around, her face suddenly lighting up with joy.  “Can we watch South Pacific?”
Naomi grinned and shook her head ‘yes,’ knowing very well that showtunes always put Marin in a better mood.  “Of course, I already had my mind set on it.”
An hour later, Naomi and Marin had snuggled into the couch under a large plush blanket with a sumptuous spread of cookies, muffins, popcorn and wine laid across the coffee table.  The tranquil notes of ‘Bali Ha’i’ danced around the living room and infiltrated their ears, bringing a giddy grin to Marin’s lips.  She took another cookie from the plate and nibbled on it slowly, entranced in the technicolor storyline unfolding before them.  As the song came to an end, she sighed deeply and beamed over at Naomi beside her.  “Thank you, Mimi.”
Naomi glanced over to Marin suspiciously, her brow quirking in question.  “Thanks for what?”  
“Thank you for tonight.  You always know how to calm me down when I’m being crazy and make me feel better.”  Marin gave her a grateful smile, rubbing her hand gently along Naomi’s shoulder.  “You always know how to make my bad days better.”
“What good would I be if I couldn’t cheer up my girlfriend when she’s down?  I thought that was part of my job description?”  She jested, a sly smirk curling the edges of her lips.  “But only after you go nuts in the kitchen.  A girl can get used to this.”  She gestured at the array of baked goods in front of them.
“Oh, that’s nice!”  Marin scoffed, lifting her hand from Naomi’s shoulder to swat her jokingly, eliciting another giggle from her girlfriend.  As the laughter died down, she leaned forward and cupped Naomi’s cheek in her hand, pulling her towards her in a slow yet fervent kiss.  When she eventually pulled away, she pressed her forehead against Naomi’s and stared deeply into her dark brown eyes.  “I love you so much.”  She confessed in a serious tone.
“You better!”  Naomi teased, receiving an exasperated exhaling laugh from Marin.  She beamed, her heart swelling with love for this remarkable woman before her.  She would never stop thanking fate for bringing them together over a year ago, nor would she ever forget the sacrifice that Marin had made to stay here with her in Birchport.  After everything they’d been through together, she would do everything in power to ensure that Marin never had a reason to leave again.  “I love you, too.”  She whispered softly before Marin could capture her lips again in another kiss.  This time the kiss was heated and hungry, portraying the need and devotion they shared for each other.  Naomi could feel the tingling sensation travel from her swollen lips through her limbs and settle in a pool of heat deep in her core.  Marin lifted the blanket to swing a leg over Naomi’s lap and straddle her hips, Naomi pulling her flush against her as they started to writhe against each other.  Suddenly the movie was forgotten and the only source of entertainment they desired was each other.
Buzz buzz.  Marin’s lips popped off of Naomi’s when she heard the buzzing of her phone on the end table.  Buzz buzz.  She looked back down at Naomi, giving her an apologetic look as she slid of her lap to retrieve the phone.  She picked it up and unlocked the screen, then started scrolling to her messages.  Naomi watched curiously as Marin read silently with her brow knitted, until a wide grin slowly spread across her face.  Her jaw dropped and she emitted a little squeal of delight.
“What?  What happened?”  Naomi inquired, shifting on the couch to read the message beside Marin.  
“OMG!  Naomi, read this!”  Naomi’s eyes flitted over the message.
Miss Tate,
We apologize for the inconvenience, however due to inclement weather in the tri-state area our offices will be closed tomorrow.  We will have to reschedule your next onsite visit for another date.
However, I did want to inform you that we are interested in developing a new weekly column with you about the life of a millennial in small-town USA.  We very much enjoyed your work in your most recent article and think it would make an interesting premise for a standing column.
We will be reaching out soon to arrange another visit.  We look forward to working with you more in the future.
Edward Higgins
Chief Editor, ABC Periodical
As Naomi finished her reading, she peered up to find an extremely giddy Marin bouncing on the couch cushions in front of her.  “Oh, Marin, I knew it!  I knew they would love it!”
“I can’t believe it!  A weekly column?  Oh my goodness!”  She bounced a few more times before pouncing on Naomi, tackling her to fall back on the couch as she hugged her aggressively.
“I’m so proud of you, Mare.  You deserve this.”  Naomi smiled as Marin’s cheerful affection gradually slowed.
Marin pulled back to stare into her eyes, a soft thoughtful expression transforming her face.  “Thank you for always having faith in me.  I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
Naomi reached a hand up to tuck a stray lock of golden hair behind Marin’s ear, absorbing the look of adoration behind her eyes.  “Funny … I would say the same thing about you.”  She cupped Marin’s head in her palm and lifted her lips to meet hers again, slow and gentle.  Despite the swirling cold winds and downpour of snow outside, the two had all the warmth and love they needed in each other inside that cozy little ranch house.  
Tagging: @simplyaiden-blog @mfackenthal @lizeboredom @walkerismychoice @boneandfur @laniquelovely @choices-fanatic @liam-rhys @the-everlasting-dream @client327-deactivated20180919 @kamybelen-blog @butindeed @enmchoices @drakelover78 @kamilah-sayeed-xoxo @parkerattano @asprankle @innerpostmentality @jadedpixiescribbles @crookedslimecreatorpasta @choiceswreckedme @debramcg1106 @mymandrake @alesana45 @christopher-powell @eileendannie @diavolosprincess @i-miss-trr @clarissafics @blackcatkita @bella-ca @writtenbycandy @stopforamoment @mind-reader1 @snyggflicka @pbchoicesobsessed @miss-cordonia-deactivated201808 @mrswalkerwrites @speedyoperarascalparty @viktoriapetit @flowerpowell @choices-sideblog @choicessa @kinkykingliam @darley1101 @marikagia @blackwidow2721
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Movie Night
Hey Everyone! So this is the first oneshot of my new series. Its all based on an au where The Losers Club and The Party are childhood friends. Its going to be sweet and sappy, and explore the hilarity that would come from having all thirteen of these teens living in one town (and more or less all living at the Byers house).
Hope you Enjoy! And Check out @losers-party​ for headcanons based on this verse. (Read on AO3)
“Are you sure we can trust you with this?” Stan crosses his arms, looking down his nose at Richie.
When the prospect of a movie night was suggested, the entire Byers home excitedly debated potential films and genres. After much bickering, Richie ‘graciously’ offered to walk to the blockbuster himself. It seemed like a good idea, but Stan was unconvinced of his motives being pure.
“Aw come now Stanley! I'll make sure to pick something brilliant.” Richie, chuckling through his famous british guy and winking.
“Ugh I'll go with him.” Max groaned, rolling off of the couch.
“So that you can get some cheesy gore fest? No thanks. I'll go.” Mike W sighed, rising from the floor next to El and Will.
“Why don't you all just go.” Joyce offered, emerging from the kitchen with a smile that said ‘its not an option’. Mike and Max shrugged, and joined Richie on the lawn.
It was the perfect day for a walk, so no one bothered to grab their wheels. Even Max left her board at home. The blockbuster hadn't been open long, but the kids frequented it enough to know the best shortcut, and for the bored store clerk to know them by name. Mike debated between The Goonies, and The Breakfast Club for awhile before getting both. Max slipped in line behind him and cleverly hid the title of the undoubtedly horrifying movie she picked. The two of them waited outside, taking in the afternoon sun, waiting for a suspiciously long time for Richie to finish finding his movie. It probably was for the best that he didn't go alone, because when asked, he only smirked in reply and clutched the black plastic bag tighter to his chest.
Back at the house, Dustin and Ben were back from their own trip to the supermarket for snacks. Dozens of boxes of candy, bottles of soda, and cookies from the bakery lined almost the entirety of the Byers kitchen counters. The smell of burnt popcorn seeped out from the open windows and filled the yard at they walked up the dirt driveway.
After some bickering over who got which box of candy, who got to take the couch, and who got to sit where, it was almost sunset. Max and Richie whispered and giggled with one another as they hid there vhs tapes, and squeezed into the weathered armchair.
Mike W ignored them and decided to play The Goonies first. It was one they had rented before, but the magic of the film, and the inspiring group of kid characters was all too familiar. It felt like a life each of them had lived.
Mike W, El, and Will crowded the couch next to Joyce. Dustin emerged from the kitchen with the last of the bowls of popcorn and found an open place on the floor next to Lucas and Ben. The coffee table had been pushed against the far wall long ago, leaving room for the tangle of blankets and pillows that seemed to permanently litter the living room floor. Thirteen teenagers crammed together, eyes transfixed by the movie on screen, laughing at jokes they had heard dozens of times before.
Stan and Mike H held hands under a warm blanket. Bill doodled absentmindedly in a sketchbook while Bev leaned her head on his shoulder. Dustin and Lucas tossed popcorn back and forth before Hoppers booming voice filled the room.
“Hey, if you are going to have a food fight then you need to actually clean it up.” The police chief got home just as the credits began to role for the first movie, and an inky blue night sky settled outside.
“Oh like you didn't start the last one.” Bev teased, turning to look up at him.
“And I won too.” Jim winked, leaning over the back of the couch to kiss Joyce's head and ruffle El’s. All he had to do was snap at the giggling kids in his chair to send them to the floor. “What’s playing next?”
“I grabbed The Breakfast Club.” Mike stood to change the tape, stepping in between the unoccupied spots on the floor.
“Actually, now that it's dark, I thought we could watch something a bit more... thrilling.” Max smirked, unearthing her secret movie pick. Dr. Terrors House of Horrors. A horribly dated looking and well loved box cover depicting the classic style of 1960’s horror.
“God Max! I knew you would pick something messed up!” Mike sighed, but reluctantly let her play the movie. He could see where this was going, so he pulled Will’s hand and dragged the smaller boy into the dining room. Neither being a big fan of horror, whenever Max got her way they would settle for finding something else to occupy their time.
As the sounds of sweeping orchestral music played from the tv set, Mike grabbed the scrabble set from the shelf. Everytime a shriek from on screen made the smaller boy flinch, Mike would grab his hand or make him laugh by placing down a ridiculous word. Mike was no scrabble champ, at least not compared to Stan or Max, but he was good enough to keep Will’s attention away from the gore on screen.
After the first act, Stan and Mike H joined them at the table. Stan looked practically woozy from scenes that were making Max and Richie cackle with delight. It didn't take long for him to get in the zone however. Playing words like ‘Foliage’, ‘Oxazepam’, and ‘Philanthropist’. They had an unspoken rule to not even bother keeping score if Stan was playing (although he kept his own score in his head). One round turned to three, and then five, and then they lost count. Giggling and sipping sodas and ignoring whatever was happening in the living room.
Eventually the numbers in the living room dwindled. Ben and Bev decided to leave to one of the back rooms when they had been aggressively shushed for the last time. Bev thumbed through a magazine while Ben put his New Kids on the Block tape in Jonathan’s old boombox.
Eventually Lucas joined them too. Not even lying shoulder to shoulder in between Max and Dustin could save him from the headache all the screaming was causing. Lucas really enjoyed spending time with this quiet couple. Lucas curls up at the foot of the bed and flips through a stack of comic books, making sure to share his favorite panels with the other two. Ben has his nose buried in a journal. He keeps sneaking glances up at the other two on the bed, and Bev takes notice. Part of her wonders if he is writing another poem, and the way he curls the edge of the journal up to block her view, she thinks he might be. She blushes at the thought.
Some point later they can hear the stomping of a sleepy Hopper make his way to bed. As well as the giddy laughter of the board game turning into more of a ‘lets see how ridiculous of a sentence i can make’ game when Bill and Dustin join the table.
That leaves only Richie, Eddie, El, Max, and Joyce in the living room. Eddie fell asleep some time during the beginning of the movie. Richie runs a lazy hand through his hair while his eyes stay glued on the screen. Joyce smiles out at the group of kids in the dining room, and silently wishes Jonathan could be here too, as well as those two terrific partners of his.
Stan and Mike H get up to get ready for bed after Stan realizes his nightly routines have run a few minutes behind. Not long after, a sleepy Will shuffles back to his room as well, followed slowly by the others one by one. Mike W collects El from the couch and walks with her to Will’s room that has more or less become a community slumber party room.
Mike H comes back out and scoops up Eddie, carrying him to his sleeping bag with a smile. The chatter in the house quiets to only a few hushed whispers as one by one the kids drift off to sleep.
Once the movie ends, Max drags herself to curl up in between Bev and Lucas on the small bed, certainly only meant for one person.
“Are you tired?” Joyce smiles down at Richie, the only person left on the mass of blankets in the darkened room.
“Not really. You up for one more movie?” He swaps out Max’s tape for his own and Joyce nods.
“What do you have in store?” Joyce smirks. It has become a secret tradition between the two near-insomniacs. Richie makes a game out of finding the strangest movies in the ‘foreign’ section. Whatever has the most interesting box art, or the most obscure description.
“It's called ‘The Holy Mountain’. Its spanish, from 72, but the back said that it isn't for the faint of heart. I figured we could handle it.” Richie took his seat next to Joyce on the couch and let the film play.
Usually Richie feels the need to make jokes during movie night (much to everyone's chagrin), but that need is never present with Joyce. Her unceasing understanding and patience. It's like she just gets him, no strings attached.
Inevitably, the droll of spanish lulls him to sleep. Slumping against the arm of the couch with his glasses falling crooked. He never remembers it, but he always wakes up in his sleeping bag next to Eddie.
Movie nights don't get to happen as often as they all might like. Given their various schedules and after school activities, but it's always a reminder of what they are. A family. Strange and often chaotic, but full of love and acceptance.
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