#possibly in the morning
laceyeb · 5 months
I just finished my first listen of Tortured Poets Department at like 11:20 and was ready to do my rankings and read through my notes and look at my reaction videos and I FORGOT that she was probably going to do something unhinged at 11PM/2AM and now there’s FIFTEEN more songs?! Taylor I need to SLEEP!
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ninyard · 4 months
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exy fans + Twitter (the au where andreil gets outed)
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flamingpudding · 10 months
That's my baby brother you attacked
Jazz stood in her Fenton Ghost Peeler Suit and crossed arms before a group of Gothams vigilantes. Her little brother was hugging her around the shoulder, in his Phantom form and floating. His face pressed into her shoulder and letting out quite ghostly whines couple with her name in ghost speech. He was clearly distressed.
With crossed arms, she glared at Gotham's vigilantes. They stood before her as a group. But the front took... Nightwing? She believed that was the name he used to introduce himself, who had the current Robin clinging to his arm. The kid looked as distressed as her brother, and normally, she would care to help, but right now, she was in protective sister mode. HER brother came first.
"We really mean no harm. It's just Robin and the others mistook him for a clone, and we would like to-"
"No." She cut the guy off. She glanced at HER baby brother, still refusing to look up and face the situation as he made another ghostly whine, before looking back at the group of vigilantes.
"I can see how they could be related." She raised an eyebrow below the visor at how hopeful the groups stance became. They don't know Danny's human form, but that's the excuse they use for attack her brother? They assumed he was a clone just because he looked like the inverted image of one of them? Fat chance that she would let them anywhere near him now. "But, you attacked MY baby brother-"
"And we are very sorry about that!" Nightwing cut in but Jazz ignored it.
"The point is you attacked him. I don't care if they are related. This is MY baby brother and if that is their reaction on seeing him and handling his own ghost rogues. I will NOT allow them to be part of his life unless Phantom wants it himself."
Turning around, she pat her baby brothers head and whispered to him in ghost speech. "Common Danny, let's go. Let's visit that planetarium you wanted to see later. After that we never have to come to Gotham again, I can go to another university somewhere far away from here."
They didn't know Phantom was Danny Nightingale, neither did they know that she was Jasmine Nightingale. This would be a one-time meeting and stay that way. Her baby brother did not need people like that in his life after the falling out with their parents they had.
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hilacopter · 3 months
I think one of the major reasons the goyische left is falling fast down the Jew-hate rabbit hole recently is that they know antisemitism is bad, but not the how and why besides Discrimination Is Bad And Also The Holocaust Happened. Unlike with other minorities who's history and culture they actually give a shit about, they've never really bothered with learning ours. They don't know the history of pogroms, they don't know the timeless pattern of Jews being the scapegoat, they don't know of Jewish history in the levant and the middle east, they just don't know their shit when it comes to us since let's face it, we've never mattered as much to them as other minorities. And that's how we get a new wave of antisemitism, tropes and conspiracies galore, but with a progressive coat of paint. Replace Jews and Judaism woth a couple of buzzwords and you're fine! Because what is antisemitism? It's hating Jews, there couldn't possibly be more to it. You don't hate Jews on a conscious level, do you? Then you're not antisemitic, congratulations! Actually bothering to learn our history and culture would hit them with the hard truth that antisemitism doesn't just come out of nowhere in the 1930s and it isn't just nazi germany or the white supremacist who lives down the street, but rather the most timeless, subconscious and insidious form of bigotry that no one, no one is immune to.
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malaiikka · 4 months
The news about Rhaena/Nettles legit managed to erode all the excitement I had about season two during the past few weeks in a matter of seconds.
Nettles is canonically the only non-Targ dragonrider, her story and arc is so important in challenging the beliefs about dragons and Targaryens and blood magic incest that exist in Westeros and among the Targaryens, why would the writers look at such a character and decided to mesh her storyline with Rhaena’s?? Are they just so uncreative they couldn’t figure out something for Rhaena to do in the Vale?? Or can this show only handle no more than three black characters, all the while they continue on cooking up new storylines and arcs for the white characters that don’t exist in the book??
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camthecatchameleon · 6 months
a few days ago my brain demanded i draw polywitchlight RIGHT NOW and who am i to refuse
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original and closeups under the cut
original/template is from “Go For It Nakamura!” by Syundei which i have not read actually
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+ closeups; feel free to use as icons with credit smile
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cubbihue · 2 days
Indeed, Why did Peri get assigned Dev as his first godchild?
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Peri’s assignment was as correct as any other fairy’s assignment!
Which is to say that somewhere, out there, there is a fairy with great experience, a fairy so good at their task that they can handle even the most extreme cases.
And that fairy has been given an “Extreme Case” child whose biggest concern is “Quick Sand”.
As far as the system is concerned, Dev is classified as “Simple”. A perfect beginner’s child for a beginning godparent like Peri!!!
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
Peri's Assignment: [Start] > [Previous] > [END]
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mossy-paws · 1 month
Mangograft! (PHIGHTING!)
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Would one care for a mango? (It’s a bomb /j)
ANYWAYS I forgot to post this so here it is! Live laugh Mangograft this was a suggestion from a friend since I was bored :3
Also here’s this gem too no im not giving context
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limbel · 3 months
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🏳️‍🌈 day 4 ~ divine purpose
but isn't it the holiest of all purposes to love to the fullest and be loved in return?
click for quality and check under the cut for the static version!
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phewgitoid · 1 month
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scribbly experiments
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pink-octopede64 · 2 months
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the full cast of indigo park but as closely to the general style of 1960s saturday morning cartoons as possible
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moonsnqil · 8 months
happy birthday to neil josten and only neil josten. i hope neil josten is having a wonderful day
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kit-the-gaygent · 2 months
Lucifer created his own rose bush right ... did he do it by cross pollination/breeding roses or did he use magic?
Because in one hand, aww cute Luci likes roses and made his own out of his magic.
Or the other hand
Lucifer is a huge fucking plant nerd and loves gardening and is a plant dad/mom and that is even fucking cuter
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sneez · 1 month
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a déa drawn by me and several déas drawn by gwynplaine on the back of a ballad-sheet déa insisted they buy from a pedlar so she could hear the story :D [id in alt text]
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thegoodmorningman · 2 years
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You never know what is possible until you do it 🌞 Good Morning
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marlynnofmany · 3 months
Stranger in Need
Inspired by this post from @banrionceallach, which wonders about healthcare and the human vs alien approaches to certain things in the spacefuture. Here's one answer to one facet of that question.
The space station was a noisy one, or maybe it was just the food court. Hard to have eating areas for a dozen species without a certain level of background sound. I was ready to move on, though. I waved to a few crewmates who were still hanging around the tables, then picked a route toward the entertainment stores. While the large concourses might have been faster, and the floating walkways cooler (they went through holes in the wall!), the small hallway with nature murals looked peaceful.
I admired the paintings of otherworldly hills, all orange and purple, with a glittery starscape on the ceiling. The hubbub faded behind me while the hallway curved ahead. Unfortunately, that sound was replaced by a new one: someone coughing violently.
I edged to the side so I could peek around the corner while keeping my distance in case there was contagion about. That was a lot of throat clearing between the coughs.
When the sitting area came into view, with its potted alien plants and multiple benches, I stopped worrying about my own safety. A fellow human was leaning against one of the benches, coughing with everything he had. His clothes were nice, like he was on his way to a job interview, and they were covered in sweat, like he’d been running to get there on time. A bag of belongings had spilled at his feet. The broken shards of plastic with a metal bit at the center had once been an inhaler.
There were also two tall aliens standing nearby, the long-necked type that I hardly ever saw, with short beaky faces and skin textured like a turkey neck. They were facing each other and ignoring the human who was struggling to breathe.
I ignored them right back and hurried over to the guy. “Hey, do you need help?”
He grimaced, but nodded. An attempt at explaining turned into more coughs. He pointed at the inhaler and pantomimed a heavy footstep.
I thought back to the size of certain people at the food court. They could easily have stepped hard enough to crack the casing and not noticed. “I don’t suppose you have a spare in here?” I asked, gesturing toward the bag.
When he shook his head, it was my turn to grimace. I wondered if he was fresh from Earth, where human-specific medicine was available at every corner medcenter. The inhaler could be hard to replace out here. At least we weren’t out on the edge of nowhere; the medcenters here should be familiar with human biology.
I told him, “We need to get you to a medcenter.” Then I paused. “Do you know where it is?”
He did not. Dang. I looked over at the two turkey-neck aliens who were having a staring contest or something. “Hey, do you guys know the way to the medical center?”
The closest one turned his head to face me without moving the rest of his body. “Do you mind? We’re in the middle of something here.”
“This person could die!” I snapped.
With a shrug in his voice, he said, “It’s your child, not ours.”
“He’s not my child!” I exclaimed. “He might even be older than me.”
“Then why do you care?”
I stared at the pair of them for a long second: their vaguely irritated expressions and the way they hadn’t moved an inch to help. I made an exasperated noise and gave them up as a lost cause. The guy was still coughing, trying to force air in and out of airways that were swelling shut.
“Lemme see if I can find a map on the public feed,” I said, pulling out my phone. “Oh hey, don’t bother; I’ll get it.” He’d bent to scoop up the fallen belongings, and almost passed out headfirst. With the phone in one hand, I ushered him onto a bench then nudged the pile together with a foot while I searched madly on my phone. “Argh, why don’t they have it up front? This is terribly designed. Are you gonna be able to walk?”
He nodded, but he was starting to list to the side with a glazed expression. I considered trying to carry him, and didn’t like my odds. Had there been other humans nearby in the food court? Somebody likely to help?
I shoved my phone back into my pocket and turned to sprint down the hall. I’d only made it a few steps before a welcome sight rounded the corner: not humans, but two of my biggest crewmates.
“What’s happening?” Blip asked, a vision of muscles and flowing silks that blended with her natural frills.
Beside her, Blop turned a fish-faced frown on the ailing human. “That doesn’t sound good.” His silks were even frillier than his sister’s, and the pair of them filled the hallway. Just what I needed.
“He can’t breathe,” I told them. “The tool for his medicine broke. Do you know where the medcenter is?”
“I’ll carry him,” they both said, Blip slightly faster.
“I’ve got the bag,” Blop added, diving to gather it up with a dismissive flap of his frills at the two turkey-necks. “Of course they’re no help.”
“Why would we?” asked the farther one, sounding honestly curious.
Blip announced, “Lift and be lifted,” then did exactly that. The adult human looked small in her arms.
Blop bounced to his feet with the bag zipped shut. “I’ll clear the way!”
The pair dashed off down the hallway with me running after. The turkey-necks didn’t move, though one of them muttered something about herd creatures.
As I ran, I thought, I’ve never seen more than one of those long-necked guys at a time before. Guess they’re a solitary species. They’re missing out.
We burst out of the hallway into a crowd that parted like a spaceship fleet in the path of a wild asteroid. Blop yelled for directions, and people of many species pointed the way.
I followed along, glad not to be the weird one for once.
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book.
Shared early on Patreon! There’s even a free tier to get them on the same day as the rest of the world.
The sequel novel is in progress (and will include characters from these stories. I hadn’t thought all of them up when I wrote the first book, but they’re too much fun to leave out of the second).
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