#post ywach
ianime0 · 2 years
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Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen | Ep 6 | Farewell, Shigekuni Yamamoto.
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iheartiizana · 2 years
yes it had the shittiest ending ever and i hate how it was executed. yes it's my favourite manga
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 months
So I’ve seen ‘soulmate’ aus in Bleach where you basically marry someone by giving them a piece of your soul and then giving a piece in return
And I really like it. It’s cute
But I keep imagining in Rukongai people don’t have families in the same way people born into soul society do and so they started making families of their own
And they accidentally started adopting people by giving them a piece of their soul because it’s all they could give and eventually that became how you adopted people
And then I started imagining an au where between the soul society arc and the fake Karakura town arc that Ichigo spent his time getting ‘tutored’ essentially by someone in the Gotei (maybe Shunsui and Juushiro or Unohana) and then ends up getting adopted
And maybe that keeps him from losing his powers post final getsuga tensho and he ends up so much stronger
And maybe he beats Aizen and Ywach’s asses seven ways to Sunday while barely breaking a sweat
(I also really enjoy the idea of Kurosaki ‘godkiller’ Ichigo getting adopted by an ancient, powerful Shinigami who decided that since he won’t take care of himself, they will)
(And maybe Isshin gets his ass kicked and whatever love interest has to get the adopted parents approval)
Idk I just think it’s fun
Oh I do love that!!
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bijectiveandinvertible · 10 months
Where do you think this Bleach:TYBW Cour will end?
P.S: this post has manga spoilers
A) Chap: 600 with Ywach entering the Soul Palace to confront the Zero Division?
B) Chap 615: Soul King's death??
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m34gs · 1 year
An Anon ask from someone you definitely don't know, I swear.
Tell us your head canons for Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach 👀
Well, I wonder who this could be from. Hmmm. Not a clue. No idea at all. (based on this post)
Thank you for the ask, anon! It's been a hot minute since I talked about Bleach and Ichigo Kurosaki :D I have a few headcannons about Ichigo and I am rather excited to share them! (some of these are pretty heavy and serious headcannons...sorry, not sorry😅)
PTSD and Night-terrors: Ichigo has both. From flashbacks, to angry outbursts, to panic attacks, to waking up screaming in the middle of the night from a dream he can't even remember. Sometimes it's things directly related to Aizen, Ywach, and the wars. Sometimes, it's little things: a flash of something shiny moving too fast in the corner of his vision, an innocent noise from a tv show that sounds like a hollow, or even just not knowing where his sisters are when they're late in coming home. This boy literally died and became a hollow (briefly). There's no way he doesn't struggle with PTSD and/or night terrors.
Fear of Becoming a Parent: Let's be real. Even with a loving father, and knowing how much his mother loved him, Ichigo is probably gonna have issues. He's going to worry about another life to protect. He's going to stress and probably think "How can I be a dad, when I can barely get my shit together" every time he has a melt-down from one of his PTSD triggers. I would find it highly unlikely that anyone who's been through what he has would feel really confident in parenting. There's also the fact that Isshin, while definitely trying his best to parent and at the same time pretend he doesn't know anything about Soul Society, wasn't exactly the greatest dad to Ichigo. I just don't think he gave his son a lot of emotional support through the series, and I think that really messed with Ichigo's head. I don't think Ichigo would see him as a role model for parenting.
Substance Use Disorder: in the form of: addiction. I think, building on my other headcannons, Ichigo is probably not gonna cope very well. (We've seen how badly shit went down in the Fullbringer Arc. This boy has Issues and No Coping Skills whatsoever.) Whether he gets an addiction to some sort of drugs (probably pain killers or something else he has easy access to) or alcohol, I think he'll need a serious wake-up call (probably from Chad) before he's able to get through the addiction.
Fear of Being Alone: I think he would be very afraid of being left out and alone again. Especially after the Fullbringer arc. He can't handle not being able to protect his friends or family.
Let's have a couple slightly more light-hearted, not-so-heavy ones, lol:
Forgetting what's normal: I think Ichigo has been so wrapped up in fighting Hollows and Aizen and working with Soul Society for so long now, and through so many large events with so many people changing sides, that he sometimes forgets what is normal conversation for regular people. This leads to some very odd/concerning conversations that leave others wide-eyed and going 'what the fuuuuuuuck' and leave us, the audience, in stitches laughing. ("How did you and Grimmjow meet, Kurosaki?"/ "He tried to kill one of my best friends and then kidnapped the other one. We beat the shit out of each other"/ "...what")
Suspicion: Ok, so Ichigo has been burned so many times by someone promising him something or pretending to guide him, only to then turn around and demand something or betray him or some other form of deception. So, I think he'd be Extra Suspicious of people, especially in positions of authority. Which means, I'm picturing him going to university and the prof going "this assignment is worth 10% of your grade" and Ichigo going "Is it? Is it really? You're not gonna make it 20% at the last minute, are you? Hmmmm??? HMMMMM???????" except you know, in his Ichigo way. Meaning. He'll probably corner the prof after lecture and intimidate the shit out of him. Poor little old professor. Or: Other Professor: "As long as you follow what I say, you will do just fine and pass this class easily". Ichigo: "Fuck that" /does the opposite. gets a bad grade. Shocked Pikachu emoji/ LOL.
Tiredness x 1000: Ok, so this one is kind of not funny but also kind of funny. I think that due to being wired all the time from adrenaline and such, and not being able to get a good night's sleep, Ichigo is exceedingly tired. Always. And that leads to slightly funny (but also realistically dangerous) things on the surface because he becomes That Friend who will fall asleep on anything as long as the surface is vaguely horizontal. In class. In the cafeteria. While shopping with friends. On a train. On a bus. On the sidewalk. In the Park. On a bench. In a pool. Upside Down. One time, he falls very deeply asleep in the middle of a spar with Grimmjow, and Grimmjow freaks out and thinks he's actually killed Kurosaki. Grimmjow panics and starts planning the funeral to calm himself down. When Ichigo wakes up, Grimmjow is so relieved but also annoyed because how Dare he fool Grimmjow, that he kicks Ichigo.
Thanks again for the ask, anon! Hope you enjoyed these headcannons!!!
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Sloot that Ywach thot you just posted was chef's kiss. And that Darling no matter what species they are is just going to be trembling like a leaf as the shit storm of TYBW rages around her. Because there are a lot of characters that would target her to hurt the god who claimed her. Some with relish, some with profound regret but they outnumber the ones that would try not to hurt her.
Since she's too weak for the wanderiche you think she'd be dressed up like a doll, pet, or in pretty golden chains?
I think chains are out of the question since he doesn't want Darling to be seen as a prisoner. A doll maybe, but nothing too cutesy. He wants something nice and tasteful, with the Quincy aesthetic or maybe something black to match him
Poor Darling would be gunned for by so many people and meanwhile they're like "Look I didn't get taken BY CHOICE by the weird god-man waging war against you, its bad enough he isn't giving me agency but even the ppl against him aren't either?"
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compassionatekiller · 2 years
Founding War Unohana Headcanons 1
To be clear, these headcanons are specifically for the time period between when Yamamoto first brought Unohana into the fold to the point where the last enemies are defeated and the modern Soul Society is the last faction standing.  I call this conflict the Founding War for the sake of convenience.  
0. IMPORTANT NOTE FIRST: Just to be clear here, for the purposes of this blog, the war that saw Unohana’s recruitment is not the first war with Ywach’s forces.  That war took place 1000 years ago; the Founding War took place over two-thousand years ago (as part of a related headcanon that Yamamoto only founded his academy after the current structure was fully formed once the conflict was over).
1. When Yamamoto first brought Unohana back to whatever place was serving as basecamp at the time, she was an extremely curt and straightforward speaker.  She preferred to stick to single-word sentences or just not speaking at all, which didn’t endear her to her fellows (especially since she was the 11th of 13 to be recruited).  Also, she had already taken on the name “Yachiru” by the time Yamamoto found her; nobody learned of the name “Retsu” until after the war, and even then it was only revealed to a select few.
2. Unohana was not a kind mistress to her fledgling Division.  She generally seperates people into two different catagories in her mind: “prey,” who need a reason to fight, and “predators,” for whom fighting is the reason.  I’ll be making an entire post about her weird double-standard ethics at some point, but the important part for this post is that she had very high standards for people she considers predators, and she was not pleased with those who fell short of her expectations.  At one point, after a particularly grueling battle where the 11th failed to hold the line while she was doing her thing, she out-and-out decimated her own Division in the Roman sense: she personally murdered a tenth of her own men to set an example for the survivors that she would not tolerate such weakness from her troops.
3. That being said, as hellishly high as her standards were and as horrible as the punishments were for failing to meet them, Unohana’s 11th Division was a true meritocracy.  She didn’t care what your past was, she didn’t care what your beliefs were, and she didn’t even care if you particularly liked to fight.  As long as you were both strong and competent, she would reward your efforts.  Of course, if you were weak and incompetent, then she’d kill you herself.  But she was fair; nobody got special treatment and nobody suffered any form of bigotry from her (aside from the aforementioned predator/prey dichotomy).  All were equal in Unohana’s eyes, for better and for worse.  For example, people like Chad, Komamura, and Tosen would be just as welcome and accepted as someone like Zaraki in her Division.
4. Unohana gained the name “Kenpachi” during this time.  Officially, the founding generation of Captains is considered the overall strongest generation in the Gotei 13′s history, at least until the Thousand-Year Blood War forces a bunch of extreme powerups from the modern generation.  This means that Unohana, for over two-thousand years, was considered the strongest non-Yamamoto Shinigami in Soul Society history period.  There are all sorts of debates that could be had on how true that actually is, but it still says something about the impact she made and the enduring mythical quality her legacy retained.  Before anything else, she is the reason the name “Kenpachi” is considered such a big deal within the Gotei 13.  Even in a time when she was surrounded by nothing but freaks and monsters, Unohana was still the most dangerous of them all.
5. Unohana did not get along with her fellow founding Captains, not at first.  She was something of a Grade-A Asshole back then, and given what little we know of them, the rest weren’t exactly saints either.  Unohana did warm up to them over time, after they’d proven they had enough power of their own to survive and not get in her way.  Not all of them ever returned the sentiment, but her strength was eventually respected enough that nobody contested her status as Kenpachi, however grudging that respect might’ve been.  
6. Even back then, when Unohana was at her absolute most evil and savage, she was still loyal to Yamamoto.  If Sasakibe was the Captain-Commander’s right hand, Unohana was his left.  She was his brutal enforcer, the one he sent to “ensure compliance” from the belligerent.  A glorified thug, perhaps, but a thug with unusually strong conviction in someone else’s cause.  Even back then, no one understood why she was so devoted to Yamamoto’s ideals; if she had her way, no one ever would.
7. Unohana’s official combat role within the Gotei 13 was somewhat unique, even compared to her predecessors.  The 11th Division was the dedicated direct combat unit among a bevy of combat units, and they took to their role with zealous fervor, ever throwing themselves into the absolute thickest of fighting where only madmen and madwomen like them could survive.  Yet this was not where Unohana could be found; no, instead Unohana was the Gotei 13′s very own “hero-killer.”  While the rest of her forces would busy themselves by repeatedly beating down the enemy lines, Unohana would hunt for the absolute strongest warriors that the enemy had fielded and slay them in single combat.  This both deprived the foe of a vital asset while also heavily demoralizing their remaining forces.  Considering it is canon she never suffered an injury until her fight with a nameless child, she was devastatingly effective at her function.  It was a big reason why she was eventually crowned “the strongest,” and she remained the “hero-killer” until she transferred to the 4th Division over a thousand years later.  
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squirrelwrangler · 11 months
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
Answered this once with the easy option, so let's dig through the rest of the mental files...
Okay, wait, the easiest answer to this is the non-Tolkien fics. I've a mental block hard to overcome for writing in the many fandoms that I love and enjoy to read but won't write for unless I pull the setting all the way into an original universe (the current Sphinx's Bastard Son is an example of such projects). Thus why I have no Star Wars fics. For a specific example: for a few months now, not that I have much beyond the very detailed one-shot of the scene, an AU idea for Bleach where when Hashwalch fetches Uryuu to convince him to join the Steinritters, the second person who comes to coerce Uryuu is his resurrected mother, Kanae. The shock reveal that Ywach's premonition post-Aushwalen that this one Quincy survivor needs to be actually on his side which the whole killing of the mother messed up, so bullshit Almighty powers and revives Kanae and now she's the revered most beloved daughter of the Quincy King. Kanae decked out in Steele silver chain jewelry and the clothing of a princess under a delicate cloak of shadows, leaning hard into the symbolism of both the servant girl that tricks her way into stealing the princess's place and the missing Mary to Ywach's evil messiah with all the warped Christian theming of the Quincies to the more traditional Shinigami Buddhism. That her surname Katagiri references the kiri princess tree used as symbol of the prime minister versus the royal family's chrysanthemum. How the meta-narrative tilts because this isn't the real protagonist Ichigo's dead mother as the one revived by the villains to tempt the hero but half-blood servant girl Kanae (and even the few fanfics that reverse Masaki's death and/or have Isshin as the dead parent instead never include Kanae in their unfridging of the dead mothers). To have Kanae as this precious figure among the Steinritters, their one tribe member to have had the Aushwalen process reversed, the one person Ywach decided not just to temporarily gift his power but to restore (whose son was immune to Ywach's greed) and how she is their linchpin of hope around whom the less loyal will gravitate (How Hashwalch secretly hates and fears her). Kanae calling for her son, telling them that the world has nine days left and he is to be named heir (and your cousin Masaki's son the Protector he is coming to rescue you, good to know you boys are friends, it's been ten years, I hear he's not done a perfect job of keeping you and all your friends safe). Look at all this rain, Uryuu, I named you for it; I missed it in the Silbern. Stand down, Hashwalch. Oh look at the people arriving who finally noticed that we're here.
okay as i doubt you have any bleach knowledge and especially not the final arc...
okay the explicit smut fics for mostly OCs aren't happening but they're in my head. Or the summer after Aegnor meets and dumps Andreth she spends the summer in Dor-lómin and gets into the skaldic song battles with a young man trying to court her that makes the most understandable mistake around 'death separates me from my would-be lover'. Because Song-Fic. And definitely not writing the AU sequel to that where Aegnor ends up part of Andreth's escort back to Dorthonion and the tension gets to them, fuck it they fuck. Definitely not the "Beren's father is named Egnor because everything's a lie and a cover story he's the first half-elf; Finrod look at your secret nephew and despair"
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curlybraces15 · 2 years
Bleach re-reading MAJOR SPOILER ALERT!
Hi everyone! I'm finally back, the last few weeks have been pretty challenging for me! Hope y'all are fine! I finished reading Bleach between the 11th and the 22nd of November, so I really hope I remember everything that came to my mind while reading it. 😅
This is how I would like to analyze the last chapters, so that I can remember all I'd like to say: I'll divide my analysis in bits and I would really appreciate some comments of yours, I'd love to read your points of view. Also, please remember to always be kind to one another. ❤️
Let's get it started!
Part 1: Ichigo, Inoue and Ishida's powers.
As I said in one of the previous posts, I was, and still am, a bit disappointed by how Inoue and Chad played such small parts in this war. Reading the last chapters this feeling came to include Ishida too, since most of his scenes were left when everything was almost over.
Let's start from Ichigo: he can do pretty much everything with his powers at this point of the story. For example, he's able to wield a restored Tensa Zangetsu even if he lost all his powers (again). But, well, isn't it seems obvious since he's the protagonist? So I'll ignore this bit. Anyone knows that in Aizen kept in great consideration Inoue's power in his plan to awaken the Hogyoku, since she has the ability to negate the events. As we can see here in chapters 249 and 314:
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Now Ywach claims his powers are on another level: he's the Almighty hence he can alter the future (chap. 678). As the story goes on we learn that his only true opponent can be Ishida, whose power turns out to be the Antithesis. He's the one who can reverse events (chap. 679). We also know that he's particularly strong since his powers are different from those of the other Stern Ritter (I'm sorry I can't remember the exact chapter).
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I actually took the time to look up some synonyms of the word negation and I found both antithesis and rejection among others. So now, please correct me if I get it wrong, but in this sense, aren't Inoue and Ishida's powers almost the same? What if their powers were combined against Ywach? From this point of view, we could have had someone different from Ichigo to fix the whole situation.
I hope you find something interesting to think about! Let me know what your thoughts!
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ianime0 · 2 years
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Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen | Ep 6 | But none of what you're experiencing... could compare to the hatred and suffering... of the Soul Reapers that you have killed!
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jackattack20writes · 11 months
Jackattack20′s Bleach Fics
A Venom Is Still Poison - Ichiruki, two chapter fic done for ichIruki PostCanon week, angst, adultery, post-686, hints of sexual content.
Ichigo hasn't felt right ever since beating Ywach, even though he tried everything he was supposed to. he got Orihime pregnant, he married her. yet still nothing ever feels right and much to his surprise Rukia is the same.
a post canon twoshot about Ichigo and Rukia suffering. angst with a happy ending.
IchiRuki Week 2023 - Ichiruki, oneshot collection, fluff, angst, hints of sexual content.
four oneshots of varying fluff and angst written for IchiRuki week 2023.
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hanabiira · 2 years
I have had this blog since 2013 (and Miki as an OC since 2009), when the canon story line still had vacant captain spots within the Gotei 13. I filled the spot as Miki as the 8th division’s new captain to have her fit as seamlessly into the canon as possible.
I am aware at the end of the manga, Lisa returns to take the vacant spot left by Shunsui in the 8th division. Since then I’ve had no desire to change a large chunk of development and characterization of her just so she can fit perfectly into canon again. Miki will remain the captain of the 8th after the final time skip as her mainverse, she merely exists AU where Lisa decided to stay in the living world.
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Name: Miki Fuyuno (美貴冬野)
Age: ~500, but appears to be somewhere around her late twenties/early thirties.
Gender: Female
Race: Soul
Occupation: Shinigami
Position: 8th Division Captain (Anything post Yamamoto’s death and Shunsui’s appointment to Head captain)
Previous affiliation: 5th Division, 3rd seat. (Pre-TYBW)
Birthday: December 3rd
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 147 Cm (4’10.5” )
Weight: 45 Kg (100 lbs)
Miki is a petite woman with soft features, blonde hair, and bright lilac eyes, who appears to be in her late twenties. Her hair is long, reaching to her hips. The ends are tied together in a low ponytail commonly with a red silk string adorned with flower charms at the end. Her bangs are side-swept, the front pieces of her hair loosely gathered at the sides of her head and attached with a clip on the back of her head.
Miki wears a slightly modified version of the shinigami shihakusho and a standard long-sleeved captain’s haori. She wears a modified kosode with sleeves tight to the arm and standard hakama. Her shihakusho is tied tight and high up the waist in a bow with a red silk sash. She wears soft red flat shoes.
Twelve years after Ywach’s defeat, Miki wears a long-sleeved captain’s haori and standard-issue shihakusho, tied like women’s traditional hakama. She still wears a large red bow tied in the front. Instead of soft shoes, Miki now wears brown lace-up Victorian-style boots. She no longer wears her hair in a ponytail. Instead, it is loose, with the top half gathered at the back of her head in a bun. She wears a pair of dangling flower earrings.
Art tag here: x
Pre-story History
Canon story History  
Abilities +  Zanpakuto
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bansept · 4 years
When the fight was over - Headcanon
I recently saw such a beautiful fanart of Ichigo and Orihime after the battle against Ywach, I wanted to write this. I unfortunately forgot the artist's name but to all fanartists, the ones who draw, the ones who paint, the ones who doddle : you are the core of all fandoms. Your art work is loved and looked with wonders by so many around the world. You make us dreams and smile, cry and laugh, and I live and support all of you for healing my unsteady heart with your art.
On with the headcanon! Enjoy!
When the rumble of the battlefield died down, the smoke from all the shots fired on the marble floor of the Soul Society flying away, Ichigo kneeled on the ground, trying his hardest to breathe properly.
His arms, legs, feet, his entire body was aching from the muscle ache of having to wield Zangetsu against the Quincy leader. He was panting on the floor, clearly feeling blood oozing out of his injuries in his feet, where the bastard's attacks had treacherously hit him. Ichigo winced in pain, sitting down as Renji was barely standing, Zabimaru now back to its shikai, back on the shinigami's hip.
"We did it... You did it Ichigo..."
He kept mumbling, not believing his own words. They sounded too beautiful, too idealistic. Was the thousand year-old really gone? What of his last words? Ichigo could feel his brows knit together in worry, mind already ready to think of a way to defend himself if danger were to appear.
But instead, the sound of labored breathing and pants from a voice the two men knew very well.
"Renji! Ichigo!"
They turned simultaneously, seeing an almost healed, but still damaged Rukia holding onto Orihime, who was looking pale. Too pale. Her eyes were almost completely closed, bruises, cuts and burns all over her once smooth skin.
Ichigo didn't think and got up, rushing to her side, even when he felt like he would loose his feet. His body was begging for him to rest, but his mind shut it out.
What was more important than himself was her.
"Rukia! What happened to Inoue? Did someone else attack you?!"
He almost barked, regaining his footing once he was close to the two women. The small one looked utterly devastated to see her friend in such a bad state, and didn't let go of her as she very carefully slid her to the floor. Renji joined the small group to gently pat Rukia on the back, silently looking at the scene.
"Inoue! Hey, can you hear me? Come on, please open your eyes, just for a bit?"
Ichigo tried, leaning close to the light haired young woman, who opened her eyes a bit wider in what seemed an excruciating effort. Ichigo smiled at her before looking for something to place her head on, anything that could be used as a pillow for her.
Rukia noticed him and gave a white cloth, surely an old Quincy cape that had been lost in battle. Ichigo thanked her quickly before placing the garment on the ground, a little white puddle, and making Orihime rest her head on it.
"Inoue... Hey, do you hear me well? Press my hand for yes."
Ichigo gulped down a nervous sweat when he placed his hand in hers, and inwardly gave himself a slap. Inoue was badly injured and he was blushing and angsting over holding her hand... Stupid crush of his.
Orihime, on her side, opened and closed her eyes several times, trying to lick her lips but couldn't really so she kept her mouth agape, making breathing much easier. Everyone could see a light blush taint her cheeks as she held onto Ichigo's hand.
"Rukia, we should go look for some medics. Inoue can't use her powers to heal herself right now." Renji said, voice obviously worried for his friend. The brunette nodded, gently letting go of Orihime, and smiling down at her.
"We will come back soon. Don't make too much movements, okay?"
Orihime blinked multiple times, as if to say a cheerful yes, and managed to pull her lips up into a smile. All the shinigami's puffed out a breath of relief and laughter.
When the two shinigami's were gone and Ichigo was alone with her, simply holding her hand and making sure she kept her eyes opened, that she was conscious and that she didn't move, he felt on edge. The battle had died down for now, and they were in a weak state, it would be fairly easy for someone to pop out and try to embuscade them.
He felt a tight squeeze on his hand, a finger running over his knuckles and immediately turned his head towards Orihime, cracking some bones in the process.
"...Y...You... W...won.... Ku...Rosa...ki-kun..."
She smiled, tears pearling in the corners of her eyes. Ichigo felt his face enlighten when he heard her voice, almost identical as before, but a bit more rough. He scooted even closer and smiled the brightest smile he could at her.
"Thanks to you, Inoue... We won thanks to you. Thank you so much..."
Her eyes widened, forgetting the pain for a moment, forgetting the heavy ruins around them, the smell of dust and blood she smiled at him, a true, wide smile, raising their joined hands together so it was up in the air.
"V... victory!..."
She breathed out and Ichigo took charge of keeping their hands up, hesitating to kiss them. Instead, he gave her a laugh, clear and deep from his heart, which was radiating like the sun.
When the medics arrived, Ichigo refused any types of healing or medicine as long as the girl laying under him wasn't treated first. Rukia and Renji watched from afar while their wounds were being tended. They both snickered lightly at Ichigo's furious scowl when someone tried to tear their hands away from each other.
Orihime was healed pretty quickly, the burns disappearing from her flesh and the cuts sealing back. She quickly sat up, still a deep red carmin as she looked at her friend, who glanced at her with the same expression.
Without a word, she deployed her powers, golden wings traveling to their friends and opening up to heal them, while a smaller pair of her pin fairies opened up around them. There, in the gentle orange like veil, the two teenagers kept close, not saying a word, not making a sound, hugging each other so tightly, neither wanted to pull away.
Ywach was defeated. Orihime had managed to shield Ichigo from many deadly attacks and repair Zangetsu after Tsukishima had used his fullbring. Ichigo had delivered the finishing blow after teaming up with his friends and Aizen.
All was over. All was done.
And yet, as the two humans held onto each other like they would lack air without the other, they knew it was the start of a much sweeter story.
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Help me to carry the fire We will keep it alight together Help me to carry the fire It will light our way forever
Editors-No Sound But the Wind
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compassionatekiller · 2 years
Plot and AU Ideas
Monsters of God
Obvious one first: Unohana is one of the Sternritter; her schrift is P-The Predator, an ability that allows her take the raw power of whoever she kills for herself (specifically only allowed because it'll give Ywach that much more strength to work with when he Does His Thing later). When the Thousand-Year Blood War begins, Unohana accompanies Quilge to Hueco Mundo for the express purpose of murdering the shit out of every Arrancar and Menos she can get her hands on, taking their power for herself before eventually joining the main force assaulting Soul Society. Given their objectives, Unohana and Quilge end up teaming up for the purposes of being as capital-a Awful as humanly possible.
Necessary Oversight
A post-war AU where Quilge somehow was not brutally murdered by the myriad of enemies he made. His life is spared due to Soul Society's new "Don't Cause Trouble, Don't Get Got" policy, but nobody in their right mind would ever allow a guy like that to walk around unsupervised. Thus, he is placed under the dual stewardship of Unohana (who also survived) and Kurotsuchi. If Quilge behaves, he gets the relative tolerance of Unohana. If he doesn't, he gets the...boundless curiosity of Kurotsuchi. It's a tenuous arrangement, but it's worked so far. So far.
Cyberpunk AU
Unohana is a veteran melee-focused Solo Edgerunner. Quilge is the biggest Corpo scumbag that Vandenreich Incorporated has to offer. Unohana works where the most money and best fighting is to be had, which means that Quilge is sometimes a lucrative employer and sometimes her mortal enemy. Quilge keeps employing her because she's the best at what she does (and what she does isn't very nice), but since she's just as likely to take jobs against VI as she is to be hired by them, it's a very unstable arrangement.
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astroflowershop · 2 years
Oh well, I've been talking with a friend and finally decided to write this about Bleach.
Ichigo becomes Soul King post TYBW
So, the ending really is bad, at least from a character point of view, with many characters going against what they said, for example: Chad becoming a fighter when he said he wanted to use his strength to protect, Ishida becoming a doctor like his father when he said he didn't want to be like his dad, or better yet: Ichigo keeping his powers yet not using them, when he always said he got his powers to protect others and would keep doing so, like what his name meant (One who protects).
Given how my previous posts have a funny tendency to reach groups who dislike them and are fairly vocal, i won't tag the person who showed me this but, by 686, Ichigo seems more like his dad, and, especially, more like Kon, when Kon was in his body.
It's a stupid idea but well, that what personal Headcannon and theories are for.
Doesn't seem likely given Kubo's writing, but does fit a lot of things. I mean, the Soul King is dead post the war, and you'd need someone with a big amount of reiatsu to fill the vacancy. And given how a God would likely create things from what they have, the fact that Ichigo is part everything would make him good for the position, especially with such a high reiatsu. It'd also explain how he changes so much and why everything is so weird.
Probably at some point after the war, the vacancy starts to be felt by instabilities and such, making the Zero Squad search for a replacement. Aizen could be one but given his tendencies, wouldn't be very high on the list, not to mention he's only Shinigami, and given how the Soul King is seen as a balance, being part Quincy, Shinigami, Human and Hollow. Given how the alternative would be Aizen, who might not even be up to the task, he'd probably volunteer for it in secret so his friends won't know and try to stop him.
But eventually, Rukia finds out. Whether it's before or after doesn't make much difference. He probably leaves a note for his sisters, and his dad, if he's ever found.
Which comes around to Kon and how everything seems have gone to shit: his body is still there, and given how his body technically holds power, given his Quincy nature, having Kon in there could give him powers too, which isn't far fetched considering how all his friends have powers due to being near him, even Orihime, who only knew him for 3 years as per the beginning of the manga.
So, now Ichigo is "dead" as the Soul King, his friends know, and Kon is in his body. But how it ends in the Limbo that 686 shows us? Simple: Kon starts living in Ichigo's body, Rukia ends up marrying Renji, but by personal headcannon it's because Byakuya can't marry him, and doing it in such a way gets the elders off of her back. And for the rest of his friends, being aware that Ichigo is there in the Palace, stuck and frozen, unable to move but still conscious, only to keep the world's in place as one last sacrifice due to Ywach, makes the success bland and dry.
Having killed Ywach was a success, but forever losing Ichigo due to that? In no way that makes it a victory. So that's why they turn out lile that, as a way to forget about it all, doing a 180°, which their friend wouldn't approve, but he isn't there anymore.
About how Orihime marries Ichigo, well.... Given how straight up obsessed she is with him, it isn't far fetched to think that she might have gone ahead with it all anyways, plus Kon is shown to be attracted to her. It's also likely that one way or another, even if it's Kon, she'd still see it as being together with Ichigo in a way, and also explains how they spent all those years out of touch with each other, even when Ichigo was shown to always value his friendships and keep them together. Plus to be fair, Breaths From Hell is a mess and feels way too unattached to everything else.
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