"I should go out," Tubbo says, still curled against Fit's shoulder right where he fell asleep. "See what's up on the island, check in with Bagi... Maybe I can get the avocado toast factory running again? Do you think Phil would like that?"
Fit looks at him, and nods, "you go have fun. I'll keep an eye on everyone."
"... Do you think they'll be okay?"
Fit looks at Pac, and Mike, and Philza, still unconscious over twenty hours after their escape. Still, he smiles his best smile, "they're tough fuckers, they'll be fine."
If Tubbo doesn't believe him then Fit cannot blame him. With so many islanders unaccounted for... When a nuke went off... It'd taken a good hour or so for them to realise there was a deeper level in the boat, where the people who hadn't been able to fight off the drugs on the final day had been tossed. They'd got them comfortable, but that was kinda all there was to be done.
When they arrived on the island the few conscious survivors had been moved. Most went to the Order medical ward, where Roier was left to watch them, and Bagi to watch Roier. There was limited space, however, and a lot of unconscious people - Tubbo had quietly offered up his factories, and taken Pac, Mike, and Philza there.
Fit wonders if maybe Philza, the only person both unconscious and injured, should not have been highest priority to remain at the medical ward. But... Tubbo had reasoned he would feel better among friends, and Fit didn't really want to be separated from any of them either.
Etoiles, the other person with serious injuries, had vanished to lick his own wounds. Fit suspects he knows where he is, but with others here declines to think it.
"Alright," Tubbo's voice is quieter than it should be. "I... I am going to have a good day. Check up on the factories and see if I can find where Quackity put Fred."
"Perfectly normal islander behaviour," Fit says it half as a joke, and half because it's not the worst way to cope in the universe. "I'll comm you if anything changes."
Tubbo nods, and gives him a wave, "stay safe old man! I'll be back this evening."
"Keep yourself safe, kid!" Fit calls back, even as Tubbo grabs his backpack, takes a deep breath, and jogs outside.
Which leaves Fit to look after his friends. There's nothing too urgent, Pac and Mike tucked into hastily made beds, while Philza is in a makeshift nest on the floor. With how bad the sprains are - Fit thinks some of the muscles might be fully torn through, but they don't have a surgeon to help so no point thinking on it - they daren't try fold Philza's wings. Instead he's tucked up on the floor with pillows keeping gravity from pulling the injured wings, tucked in blankets. Fit doesn't think Phil will mind, he knows he has similar in his house.
Philza is also the only person in the room actually injured, and so Fit starts with him. The bandages over Philza's back and wings are for compression, not bleeding, but Fit changes them anyway. He doesn't do a full preen, but he settles the worst of Philza's feathers into place as he works, and assesses his condition. The muscles across Philza's entire back are ruined, badly enough that his breathing suffers too. Exhaustion is writ in every line of his face, but Fit is sure that is true of everyone. Scrapes and bruises, as they all have... It just is as it is.
Once he's done Fit tucks him back under the blankets of the makeshift nest, keeping him warm no matter what the weather decides to do.
Pac and Mike are easier to care for, but no less distressing - wings always complicate things, for all they saved Philza and Tubbo's lives. Now back home everyone unconscious has been given IVs for fluids, and the group stumbled through working out how to properly use them - Roier was aware enough, at least, to insert all of the cannulas. Fit changes the bags and brushes their hair and begs for them to wake. It's been so, so long since Mike was truly with them, and Pac... Pac is often missing for a few days at a time, but Fit doesn't think he can live without him any more.
His rounds complete, Fit settles between them. He refuses to seperate Pac and Mike, so it's easy enough to know where to sit - Pac on his left, with Mike pressed close, and Philza on his right here he can watch the pained rise and fall of his chest. His feet itch and his hands twist, but there is nothing to do. Fit can only sit and watch and wait for the drugs to wear off, for whatever is in Mike's mind to be fought off, for Philza to sleep through his exhaustion and let his back heal enough that the pain can be lived with.
It's a waiting game, and Fit hates waiting, but if its for his friends he will do it willingly.
At some point Philza stirs. It's not full waking, but Fit manages to get him to drink a little water and take some painkillers before he passes out again. It lasts maybe a minute and a half at most before he shifts, gives a stifled scream at the agony of his back, and blacks out once more.
Fit keeps his fingers on Pac's pulse and on Philza's shoulder, and does his best to think about absolutely nothing at all.
Eventually Tubbo returns, and offers Fit the promised avocado toast. He listens to the update - Bad washing up is a relief, is hope for everyone who didn't make the boat, though the state of him is horrifying. Covered in blood, ruined memory... Fit doesn't know how to feel anything any more, not about the people outside of this room - and Ramon, his poor, beautiful baby boy, lost and trapped somewhere after they came so close to saving him.
They'll still get him back - they have to - but damn if it didn't hurt seeing his son be ripped away.
To be called dad by his perfect son for the first time, only to loose his boy.
"Your turn to sleep," Tubbo orders of Fit as he grabs some paperwork from his bag.
"You're the one whose done stuff today, I can stay up," Fit offers instead.
"I'm going to be doing this anyway, you might as well rest," Tubbo waves said papers about. "We don't have Cellbit and Bagi wants to wait for him to investigate, so I'm on clue duty for now."
"Good luck," it sounds a bit like hell to Fit, but keeping occupied can be good in this scenarios. He won't begrude the other man that. "Just remember to get some sleep yourself."
Tubbo flips him off. It's about what Fit expects - he carefully lets go of Philza to curl around Pac, entrusts Tubbo with himself and his loved ones, and permits sleep to take him.
He's going to need it come once someone reaches out from grief and finally decides on a plan.
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anglerflsh · 1 year
"people didn't get canceled before these sjw" Dante put all the people he disliked in literal hell
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etoilesbienne · 7 months
HELLO GUYS😃 its me 😄 my name is Rayenne 🤓 i was born in Limoges 😊 Limoges is a small town in France 🇫🇷 its a small town 🤏🏽 and my mother 👩🏻 always said 🗣️ i was a cool person 😎 but im a bit shy 🙈 in real life 👉🏼👈🏼 but i can fight!🥷 i love to left click 😍❤️ yeah 😃 its me (src)
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sweetie-peaches · 7 months
Imagine like
Your Tubbo, currently in purgatory leading and managing a team that does not want to listen at 19 years old, you’re fearing for your life everyday. Enduring bloody battles to save the lives of your friends children, you’ve killed people you love, you’ll be forced to kill again, the blood on your hands is drowning you even if again and again your try to climb out using a thorny olive branch
You get a letter from your long lost best friend that you might’ve accidentally married at one point as a bit, You open it, expecting him to hear about you situation and offer comfort, or support.
What you find, An extremely detailed self insert fanfiction where you call him baby girl and fall deeply in love with each other, there’s also love triangle for some reason?
You remember your friend is Tommyinnit
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alienssstufff · 7 months
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q!carre time neow
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ryuuna · 28 days
i love the way you draw mother night so much its a blessing every time. thank you for extending my life span
Ty! she’s one of my fav comfort characters to draw so I’m very glad you enjoy my art of her :)
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angry night wip as a treat (mostly for me)
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mossrockpog · 7 months
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(Ty accessible-qsmp for the ID!)
[start ID: a screenshot of the QSMP purgatory minecraft chat:
pactw was slain by Crocodile
Fit >> ;_;
Fit >> Where is that son of a bitch
Tubbo_ >> MAKE IT HURT
pactw >> kill him!
pactw was slain by Crocodile
Fit >> I will end that entire croc's family line
pactw >> por favor fit ;-;
/End ID.]
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tubborucho · 5 months
Purgatory Team Leaders :D
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mrfroag · 7 months
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The Escape.
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delicourse · 7 months
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fall but blue
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lilbirdblu · 7 months
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qsmp purgatory as text posts [soulfire version]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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letuce369 · 7 months
"*sobbing* it's just so mildly inconvenient!"
- Foolish Gamers, about reversed controls
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etoilesbienne · 6 months
etoiles grinded so hard today but most importantly he blew up quackity's phone and that's what everyone needs to know
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dontcryminecraft · 7 months
red team purgatory day one
half of red team isn't here, nobody knows how to actually PLAY MINECRAFT, and the only person remotely good at pvp here is philza. Carre carries everyone and is off doing his own thing. Even IF the other half of the team is there, the only person i can accurately gauge the ability of is WILBUR, and i have zero faith in his skills lol. Everyone is realizing how much they're going to have to stream, and some will have to change their schedules in order to play effectively. Charlie doesn't stream for 5 hours, but he has to be here for all of this, and it becomes VERY CLEAR, VERY QUICKLY, WHY HE DOESN'T. His voice is dead and he is unravelling at the seams. He hates it here more than anyone. only half of his breakdown is a joke. They're drying. Cellbit and Slime had ENOUGH and just beat each other with sticks. They're devolving and screaming about how much they hate this and they're manic and their arms feel numb and tingly and badboyhalo keeps killing them and they keep dying and life hates them. Jaiden told badboyhalo to kill himself. In a fit of rage they declared that they no longer care about the eggs and they'd rather just go home. They're planning on logging in on Monday only to build a house and start Egg Island Survival LetsPlay where they make an Emerald Empire and only respond in Villiager Hrmms. now they're sing/screaming as their base burns around them, and i can't tell what they're supposed to be singing but they kept repeating "say something I'm giving up on you" and someone started playing the Living TombStone FNAF song. Phil got a globe and gifted everyone a fidget toy to spin and they're just sitting and spinning. Baghera just realized that Phil already had all the saplings they need and she wasted her time, so Phil took off his armor so the two can could fight. Baghera lost even though she had a diamond sword, so Phil just let her kill him so she can be happy. Corpses scatter across their yard. They're killing each other. I started typing this with 20 minutes left and I'm witnessing the longest fucking 20 minutes of my life how is there still 7-whatever minutes left??? CELLBIT JUST CONFESSED TO THE MURDERS AND THEY'RE CONFESSING TO THEIR SINS NOW???? I CAN'T TELL IF CHARLIE'S CONFESSION ABOUT JUANAFLIPPA AND THE CODE IS CANON???? Charlie suggests a cannibalism arc and everyone wants to go absolutely FERAL and cellbit it trying to act normal about that idea and kinda fails at it. And it all ends with everyone being banned to enforce the 5-hour rule. We're Free...for today. And despite this, they don't want to change teams and they're actually looking forward to suffering with friends :) ...nevermind they're planning on selling wilbur to get a better advantage.
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royalarchivist · 7 months
Fit: I don't he– If I'm with us, I don't think [Pac] will attack us. But if we're like, destroying their base though, he might. I don't know.
Forever: No, I don't want to destroy their base, just steal a lot of stuff.
Fit: Okay.
Forever: But I think he might attack us. He probably will.
Fit: If you– I'm not gonna try and kill Pac. What you do is up to you. I- you know, it's–
Forever: Aw Fit, please! Please man! Your team, your family was destroyed yesterday. Are you like, pity on Pac?
Fit: I just– If we can steal stuff without killing him– 'cus I–
Forever: Fit, you have to be brave, man. This is your family you're talking about. They are counting on you! I'm shtty at PVP, I don't even have diamond gear, I'm all iron! Man, I'm counting on you, Fit. I know that you and Pac have like, have a big history, you two are like- are really goes well together. You go along really well. But this is not the QSMP server anymore, Fit. This is Hell. We need to fight, man. The guys just destroyed our last base, remember? Do you remember what they did to our last base?
Fit: Yeah, I do.
Tubbo: [Sounding deranged] GLORIOUS DAY IN PURGATORY! Have a great day, and remember to go fck yourself!
Fit: And uh, tell Pac I said "hey". All right, let's move.
Tubbo: Yeah, I know you guys are shagging and sht.
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casismybestfriend · 8 months
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suptober day 1: liminal
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