#post-shower magic
flannelepicurean · 2 years
New headcanon:
Goku's hair doesn't get all downward-soggy in the shower, it just gets kinda like...a slightly-more-floppy version of the nonsense he has goin' on.
Vegeta, on the other hand, comes outta there lookin' like a goddamn water nymph. I'm talkin' ✨TRESSES.✨ I'm talkin' "shampoo commercials wish they could capture this look."
The first time they're in a situation where Vegeta steps outta the shower like, "OK ur turn," and goes grumping away to grump somewhere else, Goku's brain does a record scratch, and then the gears lock up, and then it just explodes like somebody shot a rocket launcher at a fireworks factory.
The fireworks burst into the sky to spell out, in glimmering radiance, "I WANNA FUCK THAT DUDE."
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dent-de-leon · 3 months
lying on the floor. I remembered how Lucien left the last Eye right over Caleb's heart, and just...thinking of Tealeaf remembering that one day, softly kissing his Magician right over the heart where Lucien once branded him--
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takitori67 · 1 year
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More about Magical-Girl Junas (+ Bhima)
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if i had a genie lamp id wish for Three Things: 1) spiders stay the fuck away from me & out of my spaces. 2) infinite moneys. 3) draw quickly.
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Arcane Ancient,,,, this thing,,,,
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pan-magi · 2 years
Ok, I've been thinking. I know the anime is great, but every time I read it I appreciate the manga a little bit more. Not all the time, but usually. So, I'll probably be making a few different posts in the future highlighting some of my favorite things that didn't transfer to the anime for any reason. I could do one big post, but I don't feel like it. My rambler self at least tries to make things essay length.
Sinbad makes a proper sophisticated introduction of his generals in the anime, befitting a king. In the manga he starts off so drunk he can't really remember if he introduced Jafar and Masrur months ago?
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(n. 82. photo and scan is from my own copy since I'm too lazy to find a good quality one online right now. I find it hilarious with context of this post that the one thing my camera refused to focus on was Sinbad's dumb drunk face)
It's a really quick gag, yet I find it amusing. I can see why they cut it in the anime for consistency. He's pretty sober for the rest of the conversation it doesn't make much logical sense to be drunk just for a single frame. Or they didn't want Sinbad to be too much of an idiot. Already too late for that, but still.
Jafar's second hand embarrassment is always amazing and appreciated.
That's it. If you haven't read the manga, you should! I'm biased because overall the second half is my favorite. If you can, do so officially! Anything to show that it's still loved and season 3 can happen.
hey a girl can dream
I'll get around to some more manga appreciation soon-ish. I have a couple more specific cases I want to get to though not sure on when I'll complete them with everything else I'm working on.
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cjs-51703 · 4 months
So I just watched the new Demon Slayer episode, and I'm here to mention something that I'm sure has come up before.
How in the world has Tanjiro, amidst all of his battles and training and near-death experiences, never lost his earrings?
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ofliterarynature · 11 months
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[ loved liked ok no thanks (reread) book club* DNF ]
The Anomaly | Not the Witch You Wed | A Pale Light In the Black | (My Volcano)* | Klara and the Sun | Our Hideous Progeny | (A Gathering of Shadows) | A Dangerous Collaboration | Empire of Sand | (A Darker Shade of Magic) | Scattered Showers | A Treacherous Curse | Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz | The Hanged Man | Magic Below Stairs | The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy | The City & The City | The Splinter in the Sky
* * * * *
Magic Below Stairs was a charming middle-grade spin off to the Cecelia & Kate series, I had a good time and would be more than happy to read more books in this world!
The Hanged Man was the second in the Tarot Sequence, and still great! Not perfect, but the characters are so fun and the plots are extremely intense, I loved reading this. The haunted ship was scarier than the actual haunted ship horror book I just read.
Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz…bad. You took this amazing set up and look what you did with it! You made it generic and boring and feeling outdated. Justice for the centuries-old, animated, sentient, sorcerous, gender-fluid puppet who deserved better (to be the main character, to start)
(Veronica Speedwell is of course, fun as always. I have unfortunately now hit the books with longer hold times and am very D: about it)
Scattered Showers was a very heartwarming collection! Perfectly (and maybe, best) suited for fans of the author’s novels. Perhaps a little one-note, but a good read. I love the cover design a lot :D
This is the first time I’ve reread the Shades of Magic books since I finished the series in 2018. I loved them dearly. But my tastes shifted dramatically between then and now… ADSOM is ok. A decently solid fantasy novel, but not one that’s delivering what I want these days. A Gathering of Shadows, however, is a hot mess. I already did some yelling about it but there’s really not a plot, the storyline seems forced, and as asexualbookbird put it, it’s really just Book 3: The Prequel. I don’t know if reading it for the first time would be better? Mostly I was bored and irritated and would have loved to quit.
Somebody help me out, was there hype for Empire of Sand? Because I feel like there was, and I was so let down. The world building was beautiful, but it felt like absolutely nothing happened for the entire middle of the book? And the romantic elements weren’t enough to tempt me, I’d have loved this if it had gone full political intrigue instead.
I’m not a Frankenstein person, but I had a great time with Our Hideous Progeny! I’m a sucker for historical fiction with smart female characters, even if I wanted to strangle a lot of the men, lol. I might have zoned out a bit during the denser paleontological bits, but I look forward to future work by the author.
Klara and the Sun is another one I don’t quite understand the love for, it just wasn’t for me.
My Volcano. YES. IT IS BACK AGAIN. FOR BOOKCLUB AGAIN EVEN. This is such a complicated book that only two of us managed to finish it for book club when we first read it last year. Now that we have some new recruits we decided to try it again (no luck alas). BUT I am still not over it, check out my tag for more yelling. Right now I’m trying to convince the group to *not* do a third read next year and maybe try one of the author’s other books (and the author followed me back on Twitter! I got irrationally excited lol)
I was a bit nervous going into A Pale Light in the Black, having had some flops from the person who rec’d this previously, but it was so fun! ‘Space Coast Guard’ is not a thing that would immediately leap to mind as something I’d be interested in, but this goes *hard* on the found family vibes and spends just as much time on the characters’ emotions as it does on the plot, in addition to being super queer! The plot is a little clunky being split in two different directions with the investigation and the military games, but I still had such a good time (and speaking from the future, book 2 does improve on that!)
When will I learn my lesson about contemporary romance? Regardless of the fact that the plot for Not the Witch You Wed could have been ripped from one of the many many Teen Wolf fics I’ve read and enjoyed, we did *not* get along. Sigh.
I’m not sure what I was expecting from The Anomaly, but I think it was something more? Probably because it was a translation? Idk, I don’t find the “are we just a simulation” discussion particularly compelling (and My Volcano deals with related topics in more interesting ways), and the rest couldn’t hold me. Really wish I’d DNF’d this one, but I pushed though in hope.
The actual DNF’s -
The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy I wanted to like. I enjoy quirky world building, but it felt like a contemporary romance masquerading as a fantasy - accompanied by all those pesky cr tropes that annoy me. Most of the characters were irritating me as well, and I didn’t want to forgive Hart, even if I understand why he was being so awful, so I decided to quit before I worked myself up too far.
The City & The City had a cool concept, but after 25% I still wasn’t interested. I’d maybe try something else from Mieville, but this wasn’t for me.
The Splinter in the Sky is a book that probably looked fantastic as an outline. But when it came to filling it out and connecting the dots, well…it was lacking a lot. Readable, maybe not worth the effort, but I’d give the author another try on a future work.
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autism-disco · 8 months
ok the tumblr has tumbled i’ll call it there. call me falsettos because this had better come to a stop
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iii-days-grace · 10 months
just showered, i have to go car shopping in 10 min and I'm still in my underwear, but i needed to get a shower thought out real quick
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esleep · 2 years
if anything happens to pigeon, my next dnd character will be a kind, motherly, middle-aged, half-orc woman. she has multiple adult children and she is divorced. she’s also a warlock, and her ex-husband is her patron. her character arc consists of her going through miles of red tape to figure out the best way to break the pact.
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I do wanna be more active in posting my own stuff, not just reblogging, so I'm curious: what kinds of things would y'all want to see from me?
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curemoonliite · 2 years
Not gonna lie, I really wanna write one of those scenes where the magical girl forgets her transformation device on her dresser in my magical girl WIP, except it turns out one of the bad guys put a mind control spell on it a while back and the protag sees the villain in public without her device and she's just like "wait, why have I been so nice to her lately when she's tried to kill me before" and this window just appears in the MC's brain as the realization dawns on her:
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pwojo97 · 1 year
There's something very much not cishet about these 3 magical girls and their otaku fail-man boy-toy. It's not just me, right? Like I wouldn't say any of them are explicitly fruity, Pink seems the most trans-coded out of the three, Blue seems like an obtuse kind of horny that it almost seems like an ironic kind of horny. Their whole talk about becoming normal girls when this is all over is what made me think of this.
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coffepoweredwriter · 2 years
Physically, I am here. Mentally, I am an old shaman who throws handfuls of mysterious dust at a lit campfire to make the flames go wild and maybe colorful for a brief moment and amuse the rest of the tribe as I speak of the dangers of the spiritual world.
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arolesbianism · 5 months
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Some doodles
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