#pov you keep posting unfinished pieces
duu-kiwi · 1 year
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grow back your sharpest teeth you know my desire
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carav4l · 1 year
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dim light
Pairing: Theodore Nott x fem!reader
Summary: After the first Quidditch match of the year, Y/N founds herself in the wrong side of the bar at the club she works at. And she’s not specially happy about it. However, Theo Nott is even more pissed, and he has all the rights to be.
Warnings: violence (not developed, but a fight does take place), swearing.
Before you read: this piece is set in a CollegeAU! English is not my first language, so please take that into consideration and be nice. Also, the whole piece is written in third POV because it’s the one I’m more comfortable with. Reader’s house isn’t specified, but definitely isn’t Slytherin or Gryffindor for the plot’s sake.
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Y/N had to cover for one of her colleagues that night, Aubrey, who was feeling unwell after accidentally tasting some unfinished potion they had been working on that morning’s class. So, much to her regret, Y/N had to experience the post-season party from behind the bar at the Witch’s Hour Nightclub. Y/N wasn't the biggest fan of Quidditch by any means, but she did love everything that came with it at the castle: the colorful stands, skipping classes to watch the other’s houses games, the tension during the match, and above all, the celebrations that followed.
"Can I have two strawberry daiquiris, please?"
Ginny Weasley's words were met with a nod from Y/N, who smiled hoping to conceal her frustration. As she prepared the drinks, she glimpsed her group of friends amidst the dance floor frenzy. Just about ten minutes ago, they had all been keeping her company, sympathizing with her bad luck until Y/N urged them to enjoy the night on her behalf, and they had moved towards the dance floor to never come back. With all honesty, Y/N didn’t blame them for doing so.
Once the daiquiris were ready, Y/N placed them in front of the redhead without a word, her forced smile still in place. After paying for her order, the Gryffindor left the bar to join Luna Lovegood on the other side of the room.
Y/N barely had time to stash the money in the cash register before another group of girls shouted their order at her, noticeably less politely than Ginny. Y/N found herself close, very close, to spitting on the three Sex on the Beach cocktails in front of her. She couldn't stand how people could seem to lose their manners with the slightest bit of alcohol in their system. It didn't take her long to realize that, when it came to those girls, the unjustified attitude was because it had been Y/N who had taken their order, not the curly-haired guy going back and forth behind her.
Theodore Nott seemed considerably more annoyed about working that night than Y/N. And rightfully so, given his position as chaser on the Slytherin team, which had also happened to lose the game that day. Well, if Y/N was in a bad mood, Theo seemed ready to hex anyone who entered his line of sight at any moment.
Y/N took the wad of bills the group left, or rather slammed on the counter, and turned to head back to the register. This time however, she ended up colliding with something herself, most specifically her coworker's chest. The boy’s hands shot to her waist to prevent her from falling, and Y/N felt the exposed skin between her black crop top and low-rise sequin miniskirt burn. She unconsciously grabbed onto Theo's forearm, her chest constricted by the sudden scare.
"Hey angel, seems like you really tripped over me there," he said with a grin once Y/N steadied herself, not even making an attempt to let her go. In fact, she felt like he was tracing circles on her hip with his thumb. Y/N became acutely aware of the places where Theo's skin touched hers. "You good?"
She lifted her gaze to his watercolor eyes and cursed herself for the effect they, and the boy himself, seemed to have on her. It was utterly stupid, as everyone knew that Theodore Nott wasn't available and didn't seem like he would ever be. The boy seemed way above any one-night stand or anything as trivial as college relationships. Y/N believed she could count on one hand all the girls she knew he had been involved with. In some way, she respected him for that.
"Yeah, sorry," she apologized with flushed cheeks, silently grateful for the dim lighting of the venue. "It's just that tonight's been a mess and I'm a bit distracted."
Her words got lost in the music resonating through the speakers. Theo put a finger to his ear to signal that he hadn't heard anything, then buried his hand in Y/N's hair and gently brought their faces closer. Y/N repeated her response, earning a nod and a guttural sound of agreement.
"Tell me about it," Theo sighed then, pulling his face back just enough for their eyes to lock. They were so close that their noses almost brushed.
"I still don't quite get why you're working tonight, to be honest. I thought there was an unwritten rule that said Quidditch players didn't have to work on match days."
"Well, let's just say dear boss couldn’t seem to care less about that rule," the guy said, giving a sidelong glance at Philippa Harvey, a rather ill-tempered Ravenclaw who happened to be the club's manager. She was on the good side of the bar, dancing suggestively with a guy Y/N couldn't quite place. "Let's say she made me an indecent proposal, and I turned her down. And voilà, here I am."
A pang of something close to jealousy reluctantly settled in Y/N's stomach. It's not like she had any right to feel that way, anyway. She opened her mouth to express how sorry she felt for him, both for Slytherin's defeat and the fact that Philippa had finished screwing the night for him, but the sound of someone banging on the counter forcefully stole her opportunity.
"Hey, you two! Less groping and more pouring drinks."
It was a Gryffindor from the Quidditch team, tall and big, with a rather ordinary face. Y/N assumed that's why she couldn't remember his name. In any case, he seemed pretty drunk to her.
After trailing her cheek with his thumb one last time, Theo let go of her and with the distasteful expression he had worn all night back in place, told Y/N that he would handle it. She sighed and resumed the task of putting away the money in the cash register. Once done, she walked over to where Theo was serving the Gryffindor big guy to attend another one who had just arrived at the bar.
As she was about to start making a gin and tonic for him, a shot glass was placed right in front of her. Y/N raised an eyebrow at Theo, and he just shrugged in response. "It's going to be a long night," he seemed to convey with the gesture. "We might as well make it as enjoyable as possible." She agreed, so she took the shot and brought it to her lips without hesitation. Theo did the same with his own shot, never taking his eyes off her, and Y/N wasn't sure if the rush of heat that swept through her body was due to the alcohol or his gaze.
"Have another one on me, Nott," the Gryffindor guy interrupted them again, placing another pair of bills on top of those already on the counter. "And another for your gorgeous coworker. It sucks that you have to be the one serving drinks after how we beat the shit out of you guys this afternoon, don't you think?"
Theo clenched his fist around the glass, his knuckles turning white. Lips pressed into a stern line, he continued preparing the jerk's drink without looking up from his task. Y/N continued hers, not taking her eyes off the scene unfolding by her side.
"I also think it sucks that such a pretty girl like you has to be on that side of the bar," the Gryffindor guy persisted, unabated. Y/N looked at him out of the corner of her eye, still working, grabbing a bottle of gin from under the bar and pouring it into the glass in front of her. "When you get a break, you could look me up. We Gryffindors know how to show a girl a good time."
Disgusted, Y/N opened her mouth to tell him that she'd rather get eaten by a basilisk than to let him lay a finger on her, but someone beat her to it.
"Don't you even think about talking to her," snapped Theo, slamming the drink down in front of the Gryffindor with such force that Y/N thought the glass might shatter. "In fact, don't ever look at her again."
Y/N was taken aback by such words. She glanced at Theo with a racing heart, but he didn't return the look because his gaze was fixed on the idiot. The latter laughed brazenly.
"And what are you gonna do about it?"
Y/N saw a glint of anger in Theo's watercolor eyes, so she hurried to slip under the boy's arm resting on the counter and interpose herself between him and the Gryffindor. For a moment, Theo ignored her and continued to glare at the rival idiot. With a slightly trembling hand, Y/N grabbed his face by the jaw and forced their gazes to meet. If he had taken her that intimately before, he shouldn't mind her doing the same, right?
"Theo," she called him. He however, not willing to give in attempted to turn his face again. "Theo, just leave it. It's not worth it."
Y/N felt Theo's grip on his jaw tighten even more, but he nodded imperceptibly anyway.
"Yeah, Nott, listen to your little whore."
In the blink of an eye, Theo had jumped over the counter and landed a solid left hook on the round-faced Gryffindor. Y/N gasped in surprise at the sight. The Slytherin boy wasn't particularly known for getting into fights, not even when they happened during a match and the rest of his team and some of his friends were involved. That was more typical of Mattheo Riddle, or Lorenzo Berkshire. By Merlin, even Malfoy could be more prone to fights than Theo.
But there he was, straddling a guy who was a head taller and twice his size, punching him repeatedly in the face. Y/N figured the only reason Theo barely had gotten a scratch on his cheek was that, as she had suspected earlier, the Gryffindor was quite drunk. For a moment, Y/N just stood there, doing nothing but watching the spectacle unfold before her eyes, as if in a trance that prevented her from looking away. It didn't last too long luckily, and once she managed to move, she went straight to the dance floor, heading for the area where she thought she had spotted Theo's group of friends over an hour ago.
If it hadn't been for Draco Malfoy's bleached blond hair, Y/N didn't think she would have found them in the mass of dancing bodies. Pushing any insecurities the group might make her feel deep down, Y/N grabbed the wrist of the person who was closest to her and shook them hard enough to get their attention. Mattheo Riddle's dark eyes met hers shortly after, giving her an unfriendly once-over from head to toe. The guy didn't even bother to speak, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Hmm... I'm Y/N Y/L/N," she introduced herself awkwardly, trying not to dwell on it for too long. "I work here with Theo. This is actually about him. He's fighting with a Gryffindor idiot, and I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it, but the guy is like twice his size, and I can't separate them."
Surprise transformed Mattheo's face, which only confirmed the belief that Theo and fighting didn't usually appear in the same sentence. He turned to his friends to convey the message, and they all hurriedly followed Y/N to the bar where Theo was still straddling the Gryffindor, as if Y/N had never left. In less than a second, Mattheo and Blaise had each of Theo's arms and were leading him out of the club, followed by Lorenzo, Draco, and Pansy.
Once again, Y/N stood still, not quite sure how to proceed. One thing was clear though: she definitely didn't want to be near the idiot once he woke up, or when his friends showed up and looked for someone to blame. Y/N approached the bar again to inform her only other coworker, a girl from her house with whom she maintained a friendly relationship of greetings and pleasant smiles in the corridors, that she was going to make sure Theo was okay. The girl nodded, and without further ado, Y/N headed for the back exit of the Witch's Hour, reserved only for staff and, on this occasion, Theo's friends.
Outside in the dimly lit alley, she found the curly-haired boy sitting on an old wooden crate, with Pansy Parkinson crouched in front of him at a distance that, for some reason she couldn’t wrap around her finger, seemed too short to Y/N. Pansy seemed to be giving him a quiet scolding even though there was no one else there but the two of them and their other four friends, standing prudently apart. Theo had his gaze fixed on the ground, and although Y/N couldn't see his eyes because of his bangs, she noticed that his jaw was clenched once again.
Y/N approached cautiously the rest of the group. The smell of tobacco from Mattheo and Lorenzo's cigarettes wafted into her nose, causing her to wrinkle her nose in distaste. Blaise was the first to notice her presence.
"You didn't need to come out," he spoke in a calm tone, giving her a friendly smile. Y/N shrugged and returned the smile timidly.
"Blaise’s right," Lorenzo chimed in between drags of his cigarette. The contrast between his boyish face and the action itself shocked Y/N. "Pansy knows how to handle him."
Y/N made an affirmative sound before giving a proper response. Why had she come out, anyway? The answer briefly crossed her mind, but she couldn't even process it correctly, let alone speak it out loud. She decided to go for the most obvious excuse.
"I just wanted to make sure he's okay. After all, this happened because..."
"I don’t fucking care, Theodore!" Pansy's shout cut her off mid-sentence. The five turned their heads toward them. Pansy had stood up and was pointing an accusing finger at Theo. "You're supposed to be the smart one in the group. You shouldn't stoop to this crap."
"Ouch," Mattheo whimpered, taking a drag from his cigarette.
"Don't play the victim, Riddle," Draco said, leaning against the alley wall with his arms crossed over his chest. "She hasn't said anything that isn't true."
"It's still pretty uncalled for on her part."
The conversation died there, unlike the ongoing one between Pansy and Theo. Y/N decided to wait until Theo's friends went back inside the club to talk to him alone about what had happened. She didn't feel up to doing it with all those strangers watching her from the other side of the alley, and there was no need to create such a scene.
The night was strangely cool for the time of year they were in, and considering how lightly she was dressed, Y/N began to shiver slightly. Thanks to Merlin, only a couple more minutes passed before Pansy concluded her scolding and headed back to the club. Y/N couldn't quite grasp the look she shot her as she walked by. It wasn't a look of complete disdain, at least not entirely, but it lacked the warm smile Blaise had given her earlier.
"Ignore her," Blaise reassured, that same smile still on his face. Shifting his attention back to Y/N, he noticed her shivering and promptly took off his green and black Quidditch team bomber jacket to offer it to her. "Here, take it. Give it back to Theo, and he'll return it to me."
Y/N barely had any time to refuse, but was grateful that Blaise didn't give her the chance to as she truly could use some warmth. She slid her arms into the sleeves of the jacket, which was considerably larger than her, and involuntarily breathed in its scent: expensive cologne with hints of mint and chocolate. Y/N couldn't help but find it somewhat addictive.
Once alone in the alley, Y/N walked over to where Theo was still seated, head down and hands tangled in his hair.
"Hey," she managed to say.
After a significantly long sigh, Theo raised his gaze to meet hers. With a tired smile, he greeted her in a hushed voice.
"Are you okay?"
"Mhhm," Theo barely made a sound in response, unsure of what else to say.
There was an air of something new between them, and neither was quite sure how to proceed. Y/N raised her hand with the intention of cupping his face to see for herself if what the boy had said was true, but her hand stopped midway. She attempted to disguise the motion by placing her hand on her chest.
"Thanks for standing up for me," Y/N finally said, feeling her cheeks grow warm.
"Anytime," Theo murmured, his voice slightly huskier than usual. In a sudden surge of courage he took Y/N's hand in his and tugged it gently, bringing her closer to him. He played with her fingers as he spoke again. "I wish you hadn't had to see that, though."
"Let's just say you could have settled for threatening him or something," she excused him, downplaying it with a giggle that made the boy smile. "But I'm still grateful you did it."
Silence once again settled between them, but this time it felt more comforting in a way. For a few moments, they simply locked eyes, trying to find in each other's eyes all that they were feeling themselves. Y/N was genuinely surprised to find herself in this situation with none other than Theodore Nott. There had always been a sort of mutual understanding between them, a silent complicity they didn't share with any of their clubmates. But Y/N had always assumed it was a simple friendship, that Theo considered her a part of the short list of people he tolerated, and that was it.
However, under the dim light of the moon that night, it felt like much more to her.
"I think we should go back inside," Y/N said in a hushed voice, fearing that if she raised her tone too much, the magical moment would come to an end.
"We should, yeah," Theo agreed, but despite his words, made no attempt to go back inside. If anything, he pulled Y/N's hand a bit more until she was practically between his legs.
With his free hand, Theo cautiously cradled her face, as if unsure if she would pull away. On the contrary, Y/N tilted her head letting it rest in his hand, unable to believe that all these displays of affection were coming from him.
"Can I ask you something?" Theo's voice caught her slightly off guard, but she nodded all the same.
"Never wear Zabini's jacket again," his words caught her with a bit of surprise, and her cheeks turned an even rosier shade.
"Why? Are you going to lend me yours or something?" she joked, pushing a couple of strands of hair from Theo's face, using the excuse to touch him again.
Theo's gaze darkened a bit, and for a moment, Y/N cursed herself for choosing those words. Maybe they weren't at that point yet, right? Perhaps they hadn't reached the teasing phase, and her comment might had made Theo close up. It wouldn't surprise her coming from him.
Y/N didn't dare breathe again until Theo spoke, eyes filled with certainty.
"Consider it done."
Her heart raced, and seeing the smile that transformed her face into one of unexpected joy, his did too.
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dayseternal-blog · 3 months
Bouncing off that anon ask from a year ago: what rensioe incomplete/abandonned fics that you wished vould have an ending?
In Memory, Katarinahime. Part 13.
This grief is Ongoing, so I’ll never call your work Incomplete.
Two years.
“Serenity Prayer” by katarinahime - Rated M for depictions of domestic violence, substance abuse, and smut, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. When their fairytale endings smash to ugly pieces, Hinata and Naruto help put each other back together.
“(common side effects)” (Naruto’s POV) by katarinahime & “Medicated” (Hinata’s POV) by szajnie - Rated E for smut, substance abuse, mental illness, and depictions of violence, self-harm, and attempted suicide, Crime/Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Naruto and Hinata, in a struggling relationship, must confront the pain inside before they can love each other.
Tragedy like this doesn’t heal. It’s a gaping wound that hardens up as is. It’ll always be there, like an impact crater.
I avoided answering for about 9 months. Wondering how to respond without reopening the scars on my hands. How frustrating and painful that a few of the first stories I think of are--
I made excuses: What is "rensioe?" Did they mean "recent?" Maybe I don't feel like answering. What a silly, unending question. There are a ton of unfinished work, including my own, I'd like to see finished. What if I just listed all my own incomplete work? As like a funny joke? What if someone sees their fic here and feels pressured in a bad way or feels called out? Well, I could word it in a way that won't sound bad. What if I just don't want to answer this? I'll work on another rec list instead.
What if I answer this seriously? (In the end, I must look; it's not nostalgia; the past is not a thing to shy from; it's grief and anger and love.)
Just know that I'll never call her work incomplete.
This grief is ongoing.
It's been two years.
I’m trying to tie them neatly beside the shared memories of mourners. A bouquet of love yous, miss yous, lunch on an afternoon, letters and letters lost, so how do I gather the consumed bits of her melded within me of four years, how do I add them to the vibrant, tragic whole?
For every post and prayer, I pushed out a mouth full of love, blooms pulled out from the roots that I traced along the words I consumed, hoping a story I could tell myself would finally make sense of my grief and love me back.
I walk around the impact, leaving notes notes notes notes
For every note, that's one who will remember, just like how I won't forget the memories others compassionately shared with me.
This is a circular staircase, a dark void at the end of the tunnel that used to echo the pieces we once traded, the Pacific Ocean carrying the waves of her earthquake to my shore, wounds-turned-scars that once stung in salt water, an impact crater,
I'll revisit and take care like it's a grave.
Tell me if it hurts. Tell me if you remember. Is she there if I keep writing, if I keep creating, will you see her, too?
I'm sorry anon, you meant nothing in sending this ask, other than well-meaning curiosity. I’ve asked questions with unintended consequences, unwanted at the start and yet here I am dwelling.
This is what I want, what a place of privilege and opportunity I have to share.
So keep me busy.
Especially for angst.
Especially for Modern AU.
Especially for my favorite writers.
If I keep recommending her fics, if I keep recommending her fics, (repeat), (repeat) eventually will everyone read them?
Eventually will everyone know her? If you read her fics, you knew her in a swallowing, you entered the door, flew off, and I hope you never came back, I hope you read her fics.
I hope you share my lists, I hope you read my fics.
I hope you know me in a swallowing and recognize how I consumed her and called our merging an unbearable addiction, I hope you trace the veins of her in my words, I hope the waves spill over you.
I hope you see that I had known her since we started writing.
“Her death hit in waves. Not a flood, but water lapping steadily at her ankles. You could drown in two inches of water. Maybe grief was the same” - Brit Bennett, from The Vanishing Half
Summarizing months of loss, it's a mess. For 5 stages of grief, let's add a sixth.
I see its undercurrent swelling up my words -
What's the point of all of this if no one's paying attention? Remember her!
You haven't heard of her? Look! Fanfiction can be more, it can be the color of the water.
What's the point if people won't read the ones who inspired me, taught me the value of my words, taught me how to be understood.
"Don't forget."
(A note to drive her character forward, the reason to not give up.)
A prayer for your peace. A prayer that all the lives you touched and all the lives you will continue to reach through your writing returns to you in love. A prayer that everything we couldn’t say and everything we wish we did say returns to you in love. A prayer that everything I’ve written and continue to write returns to you in love.
If I could keep your story going, I would. I'm trying to. At least a couple of people might see my posts or visit my page, and decide to read your fics. Feel moved by your writing and love you, too.
This is ongoing.
Two years without you.
I miss you.
I wish you were alive. I wish you would update. I wish you would come back, I wish you hadn't found your own ending, and I wish I didn't feel selfish for thinking so.
I love you.
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scary-flag · 1 year
Underrated OFMD fics!
So I've thought of compiling a list of good but unpopular OFMD fics. There are many recommendation posts going around, but they mostly feature the same 10 authors (who are great, do not get me wrong!) - I have thought, however, that less popular writers need some exposure too!
I have tried to keep the selection varied, with different ratings, fic lengths and ships. Feel free to reblog to increase the exposure of these creative people! :)
The Recommendations:
Snubs and Explanations by MzDany - T, 1,7k words, Ed/Stede. A funny little fic in which a Dutch merchant is offended by the Revenge not attacking his ship and goes there to investigate..
Le Bel Homme sans Merci by GeorgieBlossom - G, 296 words, Ed/Stede. A poem based on John Keats' La Belle Dame Sans Merci.
The Winning Prize by Birdie_Lo_Green - M, 24k words, unfinished yet, Ed/CJ, Ed/Izzy (unrequited). A multichapter story set when Ed, Izzy and Calico Jack are young and stupid.
Sunkissed by Spineless_Lobster - G, 709 words, Ed/Stede. A short ficlet full of tooth-rotting fluff!
Scylla's arms, Charybdis' mouth by Wrizard - T, 1136 words, no ships, Trans Izzy. A fic in which the Kraken is an actual deep sea creature and young Izzy Hands is a sacrifice for him.
Windward Passage by Consultingcrybaby - E, 4.7k words, Ed/Stede. To quote the author: "In which Stede is astonished by the existence of buttfucking, and Ed really needs a cup of tea."
WHERE'S THE LOOT?! A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Game by glitterpig. T, Ed/Stede. It is literally a game!
A Demon Lived in My Brow by Bazzle. E, CW: some non-con, 8.7k words, Ed/CJ, Ed/OC, Ed/Izzy, Ed/Stede. Snapshots of Ed's relationships - and sexual experiences - before he met Stede.
Leather by Chocolatepot. G, 100 words drabble with Ed and Stede, taking place in episode 04.
To Make Pan-puddings by Whatthefoucault. T, 2.5k words, Ed/Stede. In which Stede find an old recipe and wants to cook it for Ed. Fluff!
They Haven't Made the Color Yet That'll Paint Over Every Part of Your Past by Parsnips (trifles). G, 1.4k words, Mary/Doug. A lovely fic about Doug and his love for Mary.
Orange You Glad by Lesspale. Not rated but imho G. 3.3k words, mostly Roach. A wholesome fic about the origins of the 50 orange cake!
Just Let Go, My Party Piece by red-sky-in-mourning. M, 4.3 words, Stede/Ed, some Lucius/Pete and Jim/Oluwande. A ficlet inspired by the well-known s2 bts photo of a possibly special necklace.
Two pints of Guinness, a packet of crisps (and a bag of cans) by Buoymehome (Lilibel) - T, 3.4k words, Modern AU, found family. Wee John and Stede go for a pint for St Stephen Day and Stede strikes conversation with the handsome looking fiddle player.
Lucius Returns by Scaredycattales - T, 367 words. Lucius, Ed. Screenplay format! Criminally underrated.
Learning Curve by Lwwyrd - M, 13k words, Izzy-centered. Young Edward Teach and Israel Hands meet, and the rest is in the hands of Fate. Written for the Fate & Fortune challenge.
The Night That Has No End by FrazzledWriter - M, 1.2k words, horror. Frenchie POV. Everyone on the Revenge is being driven into madness by a mysterious fog, and only a few are still sane. Ambiguous ending.
The Other First Mate by Dorie22 - G, 1.5k words. After episode 05. Ed is confused about his feelings and Stede, and Buttons turns out to be an unexpectingly good listener.
Room People by Moonandsunlight - G, 1.1k words. A short fic exploring the queerplatonic relationship between Wee John and Frenchie.
Much Ado About Something by Winter_of_our_Discontent - T, 528 words, Ed/Stede. Shakespearean AU. Super hilarious.
A Lighthouse To Each Other; or, Cracking Up On The Rocks by Zmayhem - T, 12k words, Mary/Stede. A fic exploring the relations between Mary and Stede after their 10 years of marriage.
What Makes The Man by Unovis - T, 12k words, unfinished yet. A fantastic character study of Stede and the conversations he has with his barber.
Wee John Feeney's Excellent Day by Activevirtues - T, 2.7k words. A criminally underrated fic about a fantastic day that Wee John has and the joy it gives him. Super wholesome!
The Saint of Never Getting It Right by Goldblooded - G, 3k words. Ed's POV. Interesting choice of formatting, adding to the story. A short fic about Ed and his emotional issues.
Skeleton Crew Drabbles by Tipsy_Kitty - mostly T, a collection of short drabbles written for a Halloween event. It has canon ones, and AU ones. Some hilarious, some a bit more emotional.
One Thousand Sea Creatures: a Buttons OFMD SMAU by Idiotatsea, Loopydangerfrom and Otsanda - T, 23k words. A Scollection of posts from Buttons' twitter account, his Moon Journal and other media. He does try to list 1000 sea creatures, and it is hilarious.
Nostalgia by HopelessScribe - G, 1.6k words. A BEAUTIFUL pre-canon fic about Roach's childhood memories and his North African background. Criminally underrated so give the writer your kudo!
More recommendations to follow next week!
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notasapleasure · 8 months
WIP ask meme
@stripedroseandsketchpads tagged me in this. And oh my god. If you think there are Too Many Words in the fic I publish, you should see my poor notes app. Here is a sneak peek of its contents. I haven't edited for brevity/those I'm actively working on, these are just all the unfinished files I could find. Some I don't intend to do any more with, others I'd really like to pick up again. The only ones being actively worked on right now are the Andor Saga AU and the first one on the list for Andor.
I put ALL the Lymond I could find in mainly for @oughtaagh who has been leaving the most lovely comments on my Lymond fics that I have totally failed to respond to. I'm sorry! I will cycle back round to Lymond one day, it's inevitable <3
Tagging uh.... @distressednoise, @r0b0tb0y, @faceofpoe, @donnaimmaculata, @batri-jopa, @elwenyere, @notabuddhist and anyone else who wants to say I tagged them! Also sorry if you'd already been tagged, I'm not keeping up with the dash very well at the moment!
Anyway please send me asks/comments/cease and desist orders about these. xxx
C: We decided we were thirsty, and you wanted to go to Cavo's. As yet untitled Brassian alternative scene - what if instead of a great collaborative cover story this was a great collaborative fuck? Almost(?) finished?
Saga AU pt 2. This actually does have a working title of 'The Bear and the Berserk' but this doc is just a short bullet point list of plot things for a specific part of the fic.
Cassian pov. It's a Cassian pov chapter! For...drumroll...the first chapter of the Saga AU pt 2! The rest is going to be back to Brasso FPN. The file actually includes a rough first draft of chapter 2, as well.
"You're up early this morning," Bix says lightly. A follow-up chapter to Only Ever Just One Night started back when I had epic plans for continuing this, bringing in Cinta and Vel and Luthen, whumping the hell out of Brasso, and having Cassian rescue him. This is just one scene of awkward conversation with tea though.
Oh god it developed Plot. Related to the previous chapter - a bullet-pointed list of things that might have happened in this fic I Wil Not Write (not least as I'd rather just see what happens in S2 first anyway).
It was a sunny day in Batumi... Patchy few paragraphs of the next chapter of Inchoate.
Plannnnns (again). Plans for how Inchoate would/will continue.
Canon-verse/other AUs
Multiple pieces of follow-up to The next man with a ladder, Danny/Jerott post-canon: It was dark when they rode into the port town... [Chapter 3, basically done, plus most of Chapter 4 but it devolves into broken paragraphs at the end]. "I'm going to the other bed," Danny said in a voice like someone was standing on his throat... [??? there's loads of this written! This is the file where they Get Down To It] Stitch the scenes together [a few paragraphs in which I hoped to make a logical leap from Chapter 4 to fucking, but seemingly never quite got there].
Lymondar saga draft. Actually two files of the abortive first effort at writing a saga AU. I was trying much harder to write in saga style and playing with lacunae in a way that was fun for me but exceedingly nerdy. I think I found the idea more fun than the execution, too.
St Seb. Remember ages ago when I was writing a post-canon 'Jerott gets shot full of arrows and has to admit his feelings because he thinks he's gonna die' fic? This is the file! Some bullet points and some text, some of which I even posted as Sunday sixes way back when iirc.
Fait prosperer qui n'est à croire vain. Fuck me, there's LOADS of this. Pawn in Frankincense/Ringed Castle AU where Marthe steals Lymond's ride with Kiaya Khatun and persuades her they should take over Russia together. Meanwhile Francis is left with Jerott. Hahaha. It kept getting longer because Francis kept trying to escape and I kept finding ways to drag him back, but the 'and now kiss!!' with the two of them behaving in character was just not coming easily.
Francis Crawford's Holistic Inquisition Agency. I wrote this??? One chapter of a Lymond/Dirk Gently AU, where Francis is obviously Dirk and Jerott is a furious/bemused Todd.
She tried every instrument, she redrew every chart. A few short chapters, never finished, of Marthe wrestling with her role in canon and her fate as assigned by La Dame. A couple more paragraphs of a similar sort of thing in Volos.
Malta. Half-arsed few paragraphs of wondering how Jerott would cope with meeting a fellow Knight being imprisoned for sodomy.
Band AU (my 1980s rock band AU for the series, see also @theartistknownaslymond)
Au of an Au. What if, after the Battle of the Bands at Solway, Jerott went to stay at the Edinburgh townhouse for a while and he and Francis got to collaborating in the shed? There's quite a lot of this and it's quite fluffy.
Out out out! The band celebrate Thatcher's downfall. Happy epilogues for everyone! However it's an epic task trying to do all the characters justice, so I was trying to write it as vignettes to match each song on the playlist. Six-ish are written. And earlier draft with plan for characters intercting is in Ding dong the witch is dead.
Jerott/Marthe - four times it just about worked, one time it really didn't. What it says on the tin? aka you just know Jerott has said 'Francis' instead of Marthe at least once when he comes. Only the beginning of the first time exists in this chapter, but I think I explored the idea elsewhere, whenever I dig up that file...
DWTH missing scene. Jerott/OC missing scene from Don't wake the house. Not finished, probably not going to be finished. I think I have enough Jerott smut on the go.
Workshop. Patchy draft of pre-canon Jerott and GRM 'therapy' session in which GRM learns about Francis Crawford and what a hold he has on the boy he thought of as his own plaything. GRM doesn't like sharing.
F/P. Draft of a fluffy kiss prompt someone (@erinaceina? @notfromcold?) sent for Francis/Philippa. Post-canon pregnant Philippa and worried Francis written when it was too hot in summer. It's probably complete enough to post tbh! hmu if you want it posting.
Jerott behaving badly (again). Somehow this ended up in the 'comfortember' section of the notepad, which...no? Maybe it was intended to be originally, but it grew a life of its own. Post-canon, post split-up with the OC, pre-getting together with Danny. Joining the mile high club and regretting it, then ending up crashing at Joleta's (who he meets coincidentally at the airport, NOT who he's screwing in the airplane loo!!). It's meant to end up cathartic, but didn't get finished :') I'm actually really pleased with what I have - post-canon Joleta is so much fun to write!
Somewhere (Google Drive?? an actual Word doc??) there is also loads and loads and LOADS of Pawn in Frankincense band AU around Baron Morgan's place (the Aga Morat), featuring fucked-up Francis/Morgan, fucked up Marthe/Kiaya, fucked up Francis/Kiaya, and bewildered cold turkey Jerott. There's also some Jerott/Marthe from later on.
Crossover. A sequel to my ATWD fic I will shake mountains, where Merab and Irakli encounter celebrity diners in the restaurant they work in: respected musician Francis Crawford and friends take the boys for a drink and share queer/artistic inspiration/history with them. There's quite a lot written but I couldn't quite manage to finish it off.
St Mary's. Another ATWD/Lymond crossover, placing Merab and Irakli among the mercenaries of St Mary's. Mostly bullet points.
3m. Furious that there was no fic for the film Three Months I decided to jot down a scene I wanted to see afterwards. I wrote four lines and cannot remember what my plan was at all.
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formosusiniquis · 4 months
20 Questions for Writers!
I was tagged by @augustjustice thank you!! 💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
47 at time of writing!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently pretty much exclusively Stranger Things, but I’ve written for several like It (2017), American Vandal (where are my Vandal friends at), etc.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
it's his party (and i'll fall if i want to) – Stranger Things, my first steddie fic in the fandom and most kudos’d by a mile thanks to hitting the biggest fandom window.
seven old losers on twitter – IT (2017)
sandra bullock eat your heart out – Stranger Things
if you like this you might also like: me – Stranger Things
starts with an h, sounds like potential – Stranger Things
Tumblr media
5. Do you respond to comments?
No… it’s my worst author habit and I’m sorryyyyyy I just get overwhelmed by them all, but I love you all and thank you so much to anyone who has taken the time to say something nice to me about my stuff. I keep them all in a special folder in my inbox.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I almost said I don’t have one because this is a happy endings only house and then I remembered that the rest of facts and pearls (both sensitive) only exists in my mind and is still technically a one chaptered ambiguous ending thing so probably that.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again this is almost always a happy ending only house. So maybe today is a new day to find you just because it’s so long and there’s some angst in the middle before we get to the ending (and also it’s my big bang fic from last year and my pride and joy)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Knock wood, but no. The worst I’ve gotten is a snarky comment in a bookmark and I think people forget that authors can actually see those.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
On occasion, though it’s rare. (Though there may be some more for Stevie Week if I can get my shit together). Usually it’s oral, because it’s easier to keep track of where everyone’s limbs are at.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not any that are published. As a baby writer I wrote some SPN/GO self-insert shit that will never ever see the light of day. Now it’s just not really my bag. I’ll occasionally sneak a reference to another piece of media in for my own amusement (see the Justified references that will be appearing in my summer exchange fic) but that’s about as far as I go.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nothing published, but I’ve had a lot of fun writing a ronance fic back and forth with my beloved @cauldronoflove and it’s definitely something I’d be up for doing with others if anyone is interested!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Okay so I have steddie brainrot so if it’s romantic ships that, but actually it’s Steve&Robin. Some honorable mentions: Buckingham, Ronance, and for brain rots now dormant Sam/Peter (AV) and Newmann
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you will?
So the only blatantly unfinished WIP I have published is mi media naranja (and other things that need to ripen) which I do hope to one day finish (I have more chapters written that aren’t on AO3 but it’s been so long since I’ve posted I’m embarrassed to put them up). Technically facts and pearls has more to it that could be published that maybe one day I will, but the current ending is functional.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I write dialogue well. And I think I manage a pretty good internal monologue for my narrative POV character. Every now and then I’ll pop off with a little detail that implies significant character things.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I just can’t describe what a scene looks like, what are rooms and what are the characters doing in them? Idk use your imagination cause for all I know they’re all standing in a big empty room with big white walls.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I cannot do it! It’s part of why naranja is indefinitely delayed thanks to the plot I set up! I am monolingual.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My first published fic (on a platform that isn’t AO3) is from the Mentalist. But I’m sure I have notebooks full of stories that I wrote as a kid for like Sisters Grimm or something.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I’m refusing to pick a favorite child so enjoy a collection of works that I’m proud of.
today is a new day to find you – my most beloved timeloop child. Possibly my magnum opus, a timeloop fic from a non-looper POV, it manages to be repetitive without feeling stagnant. I’m very proud of it!
Am I the Asshole? - it’s an epistolary fic in an atypical format so I’m actually pretty impressed with myself that I managed to get an actual overarching story that makes sense in the format. Also it’s Stobin QPR and that’s my favorite
the bells, the joy (together in darkness) – Stobin hivemind fic, it really does it all and I want everyone in the world to read it and love it
no pressure tagging some folks whose answers I would love to see if they want to do it! @cauldronoflove, @grasslandgirl, @aberfaeth, @thefreakandthehair, @stevespookington, @sevenmerrymagpies, and anyone else that would like to talk about their writing!
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hello there! 💜💚 i hope you're well and have enough time for tea, baths and all the other lovely self-care stuff 💚💜
i would like to ask you a question... i feel a bit dumb asking this but... what are the different types of fanfics? like- i know what fluff, angst and smut is. and i know what's an AU, and more or less the concept of omegaverse (i think...)
but when is a ficlet a ficlet? or a oneshot a oneshot? what is a 221b? a drabble? idk if there are more but i guess i just don't really understand the differences between the lengths of them? does this make sense..?
i've been confused about this for a while and can't quite figure it out. if you'd help out i'd very much appreciate it!
ps: please don't be too judgy about me not knowing this *hides*
Hey Nonny!
AWW thanks!! I love tea, baths and lots of self-care, just very bad at giving any of it to myself, haha!
And NONNY, please know that there are NO judgements here at all! PLEASE don't feel bad!! Fandom isn't something you magically know overnight! <3 And it's always okay to ask! <3
Before I answer your question, I highly recommend you peruse the Fanlore Wiki; it's a good place for new people to learn about fandom terms and history, so check it out if you need further clarification, as my answers are based on my understanding of each of the things you're asking about from being in TOO many fandoms for TOO many years, LOL.
I'm not going to go into everything, since fandom is SO huge and there's so much about it that I can't cover it all, hence the link to Fanlore, so here are immediate answers to some of your questions:
Drabble: A fic that's exactly 100 words
A 221b Ficlet: A fanfiction exclusive to the multiple variants of Holmesian fandoms that's exactly 221 words long, and the VERY last word of the fic starts with "b".
Ficlet: A short story, usually under 1,000 words but can be a little more.
Oneshot / vignette: A short, single chapter "scene" fic, essentially a story covering a missing scene or an out-of-context situation. In a similar vein, there's Two-Shots, which is basically a oneshot but from two different perspectives (ie. First chapter is situation from character A's POV, and Chapter 2 is from Character B's situation).
Podfic: An audiobook of a fanfiction. If you prefer to listen to stories, rather than read them, there are a tonne of amazing podficcers recording stories in multiple fandoms.
Five and One (and variations of): A story that depicts "Five times that Character [verb] [insert situation here] and one time [insert contradicting situation here]". It's basically 6 one-shots in a single story that has the last "one time" situation be a feel-good FINALLY ending. Some authors split them up into single chapters per situation, and others write the whole story as a single chapter.
Meta / Metafic: An essay or story based on analysing a piece of media. The Fic version expands upon a theory within a given fandom so that the theory fits into the narrative of the show.
WIP: Acronym for "Work In Progress", which is an unfinished published story. Some authors "write as they post" while others finish multiple chapters prior to posting them, but only post chapters one at a time on a scheduled basis, which keeps people coming back to the story until the end. The latter USUALLY guarantees a full-story inevitably being posted, so it is the more preferred type of WIP.
Short Story: a story under about 10,000 words
Novella: a story between 20 and 50K words
Novel: Anything over 50K words. I think past a certain number (100K?) it becomes an Epic, but I'm not 100 on it. Google says it's a story that spans multiple "books" and time periods, so I'm not sure.
Hope that helps a little bit, Nonny, and PLEASE don't hesitate to ask if you come across some other terms you would like to know from a fandom-old's perspective! We love helping y'all out! <3 NEVER feel dumb, please. There's no shame in asking for help. And if someone made you feel dumb because of it, FUCK 'EM.
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talkingismylifewrites · 11 months
Hello I hope you are doing well. Forgive me if this ask is inappropriate. I am not a writer and I can't beging to comprehend the amount of effort that goes into creating piece of work. This is about #dyldyl. I understand you have written some of chapter 8. Would you consider publishing it even if "unfinished"? Again please do forgive this request if offensive and/or out of place. I absolutely love your writing and that story
Hi!! So not offensive not at all!! I know it’s been almost four years (oof) and I’ve been promising an update for a while but I’m still working away at it.
Dyldyl is a labor of love and while it doesn’t have to be perfect I wouldn’t be able to just post it unfinished. Part of the reason as to why the chapters are so long is bc there’s things that need to be added for each of them to work. The honeymoon HAS to end at a specific point for chapter nine to even start working.
Maybe it’s crazy or maybe I’m just weird like that but the honeymoon has a specific ending that I need to get to bc chapter nine has to begin at a certain point. Otherwise the story won’t flow and it wouldn’t make sense. I joke that each of the chapters are acts in a play, but it’s lowkey true. Chapters 1-3 (Roger’s POV and the aftermath of the accident) all fit together bc that’s their leg of the story. Chapters 4-7 (John’s POV) fit together as they are their own leg of the story. Chapters 8-10 are likewise their own section and their own act that will cover and wrap up the story.
For chapter 5, I think that was the one I cut simply because it was going to be waaaaay over the word count and also bc it just needed to come to an end. I think lo and I debated for daaaays about where to cut it, what needed to be in the first half and what in the second, how to keep it going, etc. I also got about 1/3 written (~10k) before realizing I was taking it in a direction that it couldn’t continue down so I had to completely start over. It ended up clocking in at 52k (give or take) which is lowkey mad.
All this is a long winded way of saying that I couldn’t just post where I’m at now because it would genuinely ruin the story. It’s not finished, but it is close. I think there are maybe 5-10k left, if I follow the story as it’s telling me. That would put us at about 45k for the chapter. 50k+ is considered a novel. In total, I estimate dyldyl when completed will be about 400,000 words (that’s if the final two chapters are both 45k. Most likely they’ll be shorter but I also said dyldyl was a four chapter max story) . For reference, Gone With The Wind, considered to be a beheamouth of a novel and so long that the film had to have an intermission, was 418,053 words. (At its current stand point, dyldyl is 267,931 words long, which make its longer than the order of the phoenix and crime and punishment.)
Basically, I know it’s been a long time coming. I know that I’ve been promising a new chapter since 2021. But at the same time…it’s a lot. It’s a lot of work and a lot of brain capacity and time and dedication. But I’m still working on it!! But it’s hard. And when you consider I’ve literally written more than a Harry Potter novel and STILL have more to go?? Well I hope it make sense as to why it’s taken me so long.
I hope this didn’t come off bitchy or snarky, that’s so not my intent! I hope instead this sheds a little more light on a) why I can’t/won’t post it unfinished and b) why it’s taken so long!
Thanks for reading 💛
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patrocool · 2 years
i would love to hear about pekka rollins:( torture fic, honey in your ears, spice in your mouth, slaz crack fic, and trying to change!!!
ooooh okay, so!!
pekka rollins:( torture fic is a rewrite of one of my 'verses from band-aids on our bullet wounds (chaps 21, 25, and 31 i think?) that has been expanded a Lot. it is now 15k words with 6/18 planned chapters written entirely. its @randomcat1832's fault that it is now so long. in this fic, kaz was taken by rollins and tortured for six months. he ends up blinded and Very Fucked up and traumatised, the the fic is over the course of roughly a year after being rescued as he slowly heals and becomes himself again. also trans kaz for the win:)
honey in your ears, spice in your mouth is a companion to my sick fic, and i hate myself every day that's dealt that i couldn't comfort you, where kanej have a fight, inej leaves on the wraith, and kaz ends up getting deathly sick, all in kaz's pov. honey in your ears is inej's pov of all of that!!
slaz crack fic is uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well. if you know me irl please dont read this. the fic is basically what if,,,, the slat,,,,,, fucked kaz,,,,, and also inej was there
trying to change is a short lil thing inspired by the mother mother song of the same name. it sits unfinished bc i thought it was bad but now reading it, i think it could actually be an interesting start to something. i just,,, dont have a plot for it. but basically, kaz is beating himself up for not immediately becoming Better for inej post-ck
snippets under the cut!
pekka torture:( fic
TW: implied past torture, extreme trauma response, a bit of racism, violence, poor mental state, all around Bad Time, and its in 2nd person!
Most of the townsfolk think Inej is your nurse. You know you should be angry and you think you are, but it feels muted. Distant. As if behind a thick curtain, or perhaps on a separate floor of a house.
(As if you were still in that cellar while your heart was out of your chest, far, far away while Pekka was too damn close–)
You consider using the knife strapped to your arm underneath your sleeve to take a stab at some of the particularly nasty commenters, but it feels more like a learned behavior, a routine you can fall back into rather than an urge in the moment. You think you might be so used to violence that it's become your default, and you hate that you even have to resort to your default when you should be angry. You should be furious–
But you’re not. You’re just numb.
honey in your ears, spice in your mouth
Once the letter was in her hands, Specht subtly nodded towards her captain’s quarters. He knew as well as she did that whatever was on that piece of parchment was important– and likely sensitive information.
She didn’t need to be told twice.
She barely even registered Wylan’s wax seal as she cracked it open to Jesper’s familiar scrawl.
It didn’t say much but what it did made her stomach plummet in the worst way.
KB is sick. Raging fever. Called-me-Jordie-again-and-didn’t-seem-to-know-he-was-wrong sort of sick. Don’t know for how long, finding medik.
He keeps mumbling your name.
Within half a bell, the Wraith was heading towards Ketterdam with a vengeance with only the little dinghy sent ahead as a warning.
Tell him I’m on my way, was all she wrote on the return note.
slaz crack fic
cw: nsfw lmfao
No one understood Kaz like the Slat did. No one knew what he needed like it did either.
Kaz couldn’t stand the touch of another person, the very thought of skin against his repulsed him, but he was still a man with certain urges and, well. The Slat didn’t exactly have skin, now did it?
trying to change
tw: implied parental and child death (kaz's backstory), self hate
“What’s wrong?” She asked, looking him over carefully– he felt her eyes lingering on his still scabbing knuckles and the stiff way his leg was laid out. 
I missed you, he wanted to say. I didn’t have you by my side. I couldn’t do even the one thing you asked of me. I’ve failed you at the very simplest of things, things that Jesper had managed within days of knowing you and yet I still have nightmares about. I can’t do this, I can’t be what you want. I can’t be the man you want me to be– I only know how to be the monster the Barrel made me into.
He turned back to his books. “I’m fine,” he said, stiff as dry wood.
“You’re not,” Inej said, her words cutting through him like a knife.
(Like a plow.)
Kaz swallowed down a lump in his throat and his eyes found the date of the most recent log in his book. He hadn’t changed, and Jordie would never get the chance to. Because that was what it was really about, wasn’t it? That’s what it always was– he couldn’t even just move on with his life. He was forever stuck in this limbo between dead and alive, crumbling under the weight of his dead forever-13-year-old brother.
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patron-saints · 1 year
2, 4, 17!
omg hiii rachel!!! hope you're well!!
2. Do you read/reread your own fic?
i do!! when i first post something i reread it a lot, just cuz that feeling like, holy shit it's done/real/out there is so cool and it's fun to picture how other people are seeing it. and then after a couple of months or years it's always nice to revisit things! sometimes rereading old stuff is like... i have no memory of this place, and it's fun because it's like reading something someone else wrote. and then sometimes i reread something and i'm like wow. the fic i JUST wrote has the same plot as this thing from three years ago. fuck. but it's mostly fun! and fun to see the ways i've changed as a writer and the things that have stayed the same.
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
so my olivier x izumi fic, "recognition," is almost all the way done -- i only have one chapter left to post! but it does still count as a WIP because sadly i keep thinking of tiny details to change to the remaining unpublished sections sometimes even minutes before they've gone up! but the last chapter will be out on saturday!
and then my other actual WIP is my riza x lust fic, which has been ongoing in my notes app almost as long as my olizumi one! i'm excited to get back to it once "recognition" is done, but a little bit apprehensive, because i think i'm getting nearer to the time it needs to go out of the notes and into a document, and the organization is going to give me a headache lol. i AM very excited to be able to share it with people, though! if you wanna get a flavor for their vibe, my tag for them is here hehe.
(the WIP graveyard currently has two graves -- one for my ryoko x ayeka sequel to "another thing entirely" and the other for the prequel to encanto i was writing about the triplets! maybe some day i'll come back to either of them but for now they languish, unfinished, in my google docs lol)
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
the next thing i'd like to work on/wiggle around after rizalust is probably lust/riza/roy? i have this sort of... dnd style au for them floating around (also you can see the inspo for it in their tag) where lust is like. An Evil Wizard (occupation, her class is proooobably more like warlock lol) and roy's a flame sorcerer and riza's an archer, and they're looking to hire a wizard for some kind of quest. but she's also really hot. mostly i just want an excuse for lust & roy to be able to give riza everything she deserves but in a sillier & lower stakes setting than canon!
and the other like. scraps of notes i've got is an ed x ling thing, which is so far only two tiny pieces of ed pov about 1) their time in gluttony land 2) post-greed thoughts. in like an ideal world this would turn into the like, development of the whole paninya x winry x ed x ling x lan fan poly chain but i seriously doubt i will ever get that far lol
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ipsen · 1 year
Anyways, could I ask 8, 20, 24, 74 and 75 for the writing ask?? Have a good day btw!!!
Thanks! Hope your day, as with all days, is good too. If it’s bad, chin up; there is always another day. Keep trying!
Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
Most of my ideas are scenes from the middle or even end of the fic, but my strongest works, in my opinion, comes from the beginning. I always have a clear vision for the beginning of a fic. Sometimes I have a clear ending, and I always struggle with the middle.
Starting a fic is always the most exciting part, if I had to pick between the beginning and end.
Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
Love, I guess? At least lately, my ideas have surrounded a theme of love. Not necessarily romantic love, but close friends and compassion for one’s fellows. Just an optimistic view of the world. I’m an older fellow, as I’m sure you know, so I have a much more intimate and fleshed out experience with the pre-pandemic culture of things than some of the others in our little circle, including school. I was never the most social kid, but maybe a part of me misses having the choice to be antisocial and laments that it’ll never really be the same for a long time. Either that or I’m just plain old.
I want to believe we were born to be kind, because otherwise what else would we have left, right?
Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
This one's hard because I take every piece of bad writing advice and literally just forget it. I guess I don’t like advice that tries to wrest control of the story from me? I prefer questions as advice to guide flow or, barring that, advice that clearly supports my direction/vision for the story.
You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
Simple descriptions that leave you wanting more. The POV character breaks down every other line of dialogue said by someone else. They're also probably staring at their love interest's butt or something idk
What scene in [Fanfic Name] took the longest to write? What was difficult about it? 
Might as well do my big fics.
Holometabolism: Chapter 6, the ending. I didn’t like writing Chapter 3, but reaching the end for Chapter 6 was particularly difficult. Following up Chapter 5 was just such a daunting task, and I felt like I caught a glimpse of what it must have felt like to follow up Rushima/Cochlea for Ishida. I had the ending strips and the falling action done, but the actual climax where the Oggai are confronted, well— I struggled.
Blank Canvas: The (as of yet unfinished) Chapter 12: Entwined. There’s so many directions it could go and I’m still deciding which path to take…
Thanks for your ask!
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gracelesslady23 · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Thanks so much for the tag @strugglequill!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
18 :)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
336K (wow thats so much more than I thought it would be) - but this does count the 3 unrevealed and anon-ed fics so...
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I've written bits and pieces for a whole bunch of different fandoms, but mainly write for Harry Potter and I've only ever posted HP fics online.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
the ghost of you, it keeps me awake (currently unrevealed for rewrites); and a love that I dreamt of came to me at my worst; In Plain Sight; The Wedding Date; Just Mates
All prongsfoot :)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes!! I adore receiving comments on my fics and try to respond to as many of them as I can (even if it sometimes takes me a while to get to it).
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm very much a happy ending writer (these characters already go through so much angst in canon, I can't help it) although I certainly enjoy building up some angst in the lead up to the happy ending... but if I had to pick probably my jilypad-if-you-squint entry into this year's Kill Your Darlings MCD fest flickering light in an endless night although I tried to give it somewhat of a hopefully ending, even if its not necessarily a happy one.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All the others lol. Haha but maybe you'll see me in hindsight I certainly spent more time with S/J after they are officially together in that fic than I usually do and there's like two chapters of smut/fluff to make up for the earlier angst.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Luckily, only few times (thank god for the small insular fandom that is prongsfoot <3), but it always hurts and turns me off writing for a period. I feel so sorry for any writer who has experienced it.
9. Do you write smut?
Sure do. Although, I do struggle a bit with writing it. I've also realised preferences sway towards the vanilla (with maybe a bit of voyeurism, exhibitionism thrown in), so that's usually what I feel comfortable writing :)
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nope. I wrote some dreadful Queer as Folk/HP crossovers as a teenager (which will NEVER see the light of day) but haven't for years and years.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I was so thrilled that someone liked my work enough to do so.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No I haven't. I am quite insecure in my unfinished drafts so I think I might struggle to share that with someone in order to co-write, but maybe one day!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Can't go past Sirius/James. I've loved them for over a decade (which is insane) but Merlin/Arthur have been a close contender at certain times of my life <3
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I want you to ruin my life I just lost steam on the project and it went in a direction that I wasn't completely happy with. I do feel guilty though, which is why its now on permanent hiatus and anon-ed lol.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Ummm... I think I can come up with a cool concept / AU idea once in a while.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing Endings is probably the thing I'm most annoyed with myself about at the moment!! Finishing projects without being distracted by new ones. Purple prose (probably), sometimes even I get tired when editing my ridiculously convoluted introspection scenes (although I think, or at least hope, i'm getting better at editing them down). Writing characters and POVs outside of the ones I'm most familiar with. Writing oneshots and actually keeping them at a reasonable length (see issues with endings lol). Self confidences... the list goes on.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I'd love to be fluent enough in another language to do so one day.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter, probably Harry/Hermione (but I didn't finish or post anything until fairly recently).
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Probably and a love that I dreamt of came to me at my worst, its probably the fic I've re-read the most and has so many of my favourite tropes in it. And idk I'm just really proud that I actually wrote something that long and managed to see it through and finish it.
Tagging (No Pressure): @lovelymasks @groundzero-v @mycupofrum @roalinda @bronzeagepizzeria
or whoever else would like to share :)
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samcybercat · 2 years
2022 Fanfic Meme
I did this meme at the end of 2021 and enjoyed looking at my stats, so I thought I’d do it again for this year. Word count for the year: 229,620 ...Which is actually a lot more than last year, even though I thought that I’d written less. However, some of this isn’t entirely accurate, as I was able to post zine pieces written in 2021 publicly in 2022 and I’m too lazy to subtract them from the total. In 2023 there will also be zine pieces that were written in 2022 being posted (and in one case, 2021, for a zine that keeps getting delayed...) Number of stories posted to Ao3: 20 (two less than the previous year) Pairings written for: Bill/Ford (Gravity Falls) The rest is all Hades Game: Zagreus/Theseus/Asterius Dionysus/Ariadne Theseus/Asterius Zagreus/Momus (OC) Theseus/Zagreus (a lot) Momus/Icarus (both OCs) Charon/Hermes Dionysus/Hypnos Zagreus/Dusa Hades/Persephone Ares/Skelly (the best!) Zagreus/Hypnos/Theseus Artemis/Callisto Nyx/Persephone Nyx/Athena Zagreus/Perilous Foes Fandoms I wrote for: Hades Game Gravity Falls Original Most popular story: I added a one year anniversary bonus chapter to “the prince with specific tastes; the king with specific regrets”, so that continues to be my most popular fic. Story I’m most proud of: Even though it was actually written in 2021 and only posted this year, I feel like it has to be “when ares met skelly” because it all came together so beautifully and was just so punchy and funny. Not to mention it has an amazing podfic based on it. Funniest: Same as above. Kinkiest: Uhhh probably “zagreus learns how to degrade hypnos (with help from theseus)” by virtue of having the most sex in it. The title explains it all, really. Saddest:  Some of the chapters of my original horror short stories, “Road to Longhanglington” are quite sad. But outside of that I didn’t write many sad stories this year compared to last year. Least Popular: “Theseus forgets not to be an asshole” got the least amount of views. It’s a short drabble about Theseus abandoning Ariadne on Naxos, which I guess I’ve just written about enough times before that everyone was bored of me writing it haha. The twist this time is that it was from Theseus’s POV instead of Ariadne’s though. Most Cringe-Worthy: I am cringe and free. Favorite Opening Line(s): “There hadn’t been a Dusa here, or anything remotely like a Dusa, back when Persephone had first lived in the underworld.” Taken from “caretaker of caretakers”. Favorite Closing Line(s): “ Thus, on the beckoning call of Chaos, Zagreus and Theseus jump.” Taken from “zagreus’s zany time travel antics (guest-starring long-haired theseus)” and perhaps my favourite because it is the one I’ve most recently written and was the end of a long and satisfying project. Top Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated: I honestly feel that my answers to this question from last year carry over to this year, but for scenes specifically from fics written this year: From “zagreus’s zany time travel antics (guest-starring long-haired theseus)”: - Zagreus & Theseus diving into the chaos portal together at the end of the fic - Any of the scenes with Momus & Icarus ...And that’s it for specifics. Literally any art at all based on my fics would make me immensely happy. Story I haven’t yet written, but intend to: At the moment, I just intend to wrap up any unfinished Hades Game projects that I have in preparation for Hades II coming out, since I want to have my table cleared and ready for all of the new brainworms that game will surely give me. I’ve actually managed to do do this for the most part, so there are just a few oneshots left (and one larger project that I may just not go ahead with). As a side note, I’m pleased to say that I achieved two of my three writing goals that I set for myself at the end of 2021 and both of them were the bigger ones: I did indeed write that full TheseZag time travel fic this year and I also wrote a bonus anniversary chapter to “specific tastes; specific regrets” to cap off the plot threads about the reunions between Asterius & Ariadne and Theseus & Aegeus. The only one I didn’t get written was the self-indulgent Dionysus/Momus fic, but I suppose self-indulgence should happen when it happens instead of being planned for. Fic-writing goals for 2023: Same as above, again. I know for sure that I have one TheseZag oneshot left to finish writing and several horror short stories that I might pick up again when inspiration strikes. But I don’t want to make too many big plans for myself when Hades II might render all of my fanfics to strictly fanon in the very near future. I’m more excited to wait and see what it gives me to work with. No pressure if you don’t want to do this, but I’m tagging @101flavoursofweird @crownofariadne @sweveris @krokonoko and @pandirpus
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ashtraythief · 2 years
I know that life gets in the way so I'm wondering if we're really getting an ending? Is the main story going to be updated or is it abandoned?
I mean, what is really certain in this world? Death and taxes. Or so I hear. As for the things within my power, unless something truly drastic happens, like death (mine obviously) or the apocalypse, you will get The End (even if I die, you'll still get the cliff notes and snippets bc I basically have a fandom last will with a friend of mine, so it's really just the apocalypse).
I'm not sure what you mean by the main story being abandoned? If you mean the main fic Underneath It All, that is complete. I know it's open-ended, but I consider it complete. There will be no updates to that specific fic. If you mean the main plot arc, that's not abandoned. It never was.
Everything (well most things) I'm writing for this verse right now and what I have been writing these past years is working up to an ending. For my own sanity and to satisfy my ocd I need to finish the prequel things of how Jared met and assembled his crew first, then there are a couple of snippets that I'll probably post to round out the picture, a fic I owe for a charity donation, and however much of early Jared's pov will be needed/the muse will give me. And then it's one more timestamp for built up and then The End. The End will be a separate fic, a sequel to Underneath It All of sorts but also a culmination of the entire verse, but kind of complete in itself if I can pull it off.
I know people get burned with WIPs no matter what the authors say, so I can only tell you that I have a finished prologue and about 10k in bits and pieces. That's what the folder looks like.
Tumblr media
I keep getting asks like this one every once in a while and I know I'm taking my sweet ass time here, and I love the enthusiasm you guys have for this fic, truly it means the world to me, but I also don't know how else to assure you. I've been working on this fic for over eight years, while finishing college, doing several jobs, getting a chronic illness, living in three countries on two continents, throughout all of my fandom life really, and I don't plan on leaving it unfinished. I know this is asking a lot of trust and that I have been truly working with the pace of a snail, but I can't do more than tell you that I absolutely plan to finish this. Very concretely. With plot points, and outlines, and looking up FBI procedure and laws, and other things that would be spoilery to tell.
If there was such a ritual, I'd put my hand on the fandom bible and swear fealty to this WIP, but alas, I can only promise to do my best.
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beckyh2112 · 2 years
AO3 First Lines
Tagged by @ragedaisy.
rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have fewer than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
Cody put in the passcode to his quarters, mind chasing itself in circles.
From you hold me up (till like a leaf we fall), my Foxatine mpreg. It opens with Cody receiving a KIA notice for Fox. Title is courtesy of Pux, and is at least 50% "I don't want to just call it 'the Foxatine mpreg' forever."
2. Wolffe woke in darkness.
From only the devil gets to dream, a followup to one_real_imonkey's Going Under, which is itself an AU of their Just keep your head above the rising tide, the sea will go out again. Delicious Coruscant Guard angst with the Wolfpack to the rescue.
Going Under is a bad end AU focused on Plo Koon, and only the devil gets to dream follows up with what happens to Wolffe.
3. Sidious hadn't expected to need to brace himself.
From there's teeth everywhere on you. Sidious point-of-view on a Fauxatine relationship. Also a chance for me to try out doing his pov and having him refer solely to himself as Sidious. I do think that's the most accurate way he thinks of himself, but it also leads to "Sidious's", which just doesn't sound good.
4. Street lamps were few and far between in this part of the Middle Ring, and Long Feng refused to draw attention to himself by carrying a light.
From One's For Sorrow, which is a repost of one of my AtLA fics from 2011. One of my favorite pieces from that era, tbh.
5. Thire isn't thinking when he goes in for a kiss on Fox's cheek after their morning meeting.
From Bug Report, a fic inspired by Bluestreak945's Beta Testing series, which is some of my favorite rape/non-con Foxatine smut. Heed the warnings; don't read if it's not your cuppa.
My fic isn't smut, and it doesn't even really mention anything from the series explicitly. Mostly it's me messing with the mind control aspect. It does contain clonecest, though, so again, don't read if it's not your cuppa.
6. "Thanks, Tango!" Sapnap yelled back over his shoulder as he threw himself out the door of the older fire demon's home, tail waving behind him.
From Error 404, my Dream SMP Big Bang fic. I like the fic, and I love the worldbuilding. But it is kinda mostly worldbuilding and focuses on Sapnap and Georgenotfound, so it didn't get much of a response.
7. Gabriel Reyes, crown prince of Argia, waited for the barbarians to arrive in the outer courtyard of Alcázar de Zaindari.
The Lion's Crown and the Crown of Suns! My one Overwatch fic, very much unfinished, completely AU. I love the world, kinda wish I still had the drive to get farther with it. Just completely lost steam on it, and I no longer have much of an interest in Overwatch.
Also, I do not want to sort out Jesse McCree vs. Cole Cassidy.
8. In the Shadow Isles, there was no square inch of land that didn't hold someone's remains.
From All's Hell That Ends Well, a League of Legends fic based on Twisted Fate's Underworld skin.
Posted in 2015; there is a massive gap in my fic-writing if you pay attention to posting dates. This, the two crowns in 2017, then the DSMP Big Bang in 2021.
9. The ground rumbled.
From There's Now War in Ba Sing Se. I don't remember if this is a repost, or if I wrote it and posted it to both FF.Net and AO3. Either way, AtLA OC fic with mine and Pux's characters.
10. Bucky and Steve used to joke over his words. "She's a moll who likes HG Wells."
From Hey There, Heartbreaker, which was inspired by @suzukiblu's we are not history yet; we are happening now. Darcy/Bucky soulmate AU. I like her fic much better than mine, but I don't think mine is bad per se. It's just. There.
Tagging @one-real-imonkey, @darkpuck, @suzukiblu, @slackeremeritus, @weirdlet, and anyone else who feels like doing it.
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valenhell · 3 years
From the studio that brought you “I can’t find good Byler fics in the ao3 tag”, comes:
"The Definitive Byler fic rec list"
Literally no one asked for this but because I spent the majority of last year (...and 2019, and 2018...) reading byler fics and coping with life, I thought I’d make a list of some of my absolute favorites. 
The other day I was basically starving for some byler fics and the angel @magicalfairy provided me with some of her faves so I thought I’d do the same, because I love reading, and I love all of these fics and I appreciate their writers💗 And fic writers in general, come on!
- This is a mix of long works and one-shots/short stories. - Everything is mostly fluff with a tad of angst and a lot of internalized homophobia conflict.  - Every fic is completed, except for the ones I mention that they are not. - I try my best to lay out the stories in a way that I won’t spoil you the plot but also warning you of some stuff you might don’t like. Either way, all of these fics are correctly tagged by their respective authors/owners, so read at your own risk. For better understanding, in between brackets I denote Rating, Words and quantity of Chapters. - I feel like I should clarify, none of these are narrated in the singular first person. None of that “And I told him...”, no. 
Long fics
a dream always the same (T, 99k, 35 chapters) What happened in those few weeks between the Battle of Starcourt and the Byers leaving Hawkins. Literally a satisfying and very needed fill in of season three, with a good dose of Mike’s thoughts and conflict. Mike’s characterization is specially amazing in this one. The writing style is amazing and I know the author put everything into making it historically accurate, and it was really sweet. You probably read it, it’s by the amazing sevensided here on Tumblr🧡
Spring Break (T, 120k, 14/15 chapters) The slowburn of my dreams. Lots of internalized conflict and conflict with each other. Conflict within the Party (uhh kind of), conflict with Mike and Will. Byers family has moved and the kids are visiting! Chaos. Characterization is on point. Yeah, I know it’s unfinished, but the fourteenth chapter actually serves as a pretty nice ending. 
This is where it starts (M, 148.8k, 24 chapters) Aged up characters. The Party is in college and Will disappears again, but now it’s different. Mike knows he didn’t vanish from thin air, and the discovery he and the Party end up making is pretty insane. Mystery solving/fantasy/third dimension, throw in a bit of D&D and Mike realizing some shit, and you get this marvelous fic. It’s a breath of fresh air. The world building is definitely one of the elements that stands out the most, because it’s very nicely described, it sounds like a dream and it’s completely immersive. Absolute gem of a fic. 
there’s a Starman waiting in the sky (M, 30.6k, 8 chapters) Do I need to say anything? Will is out there living his best life and Mike realizes that wow, umm, maybe his best friend looks a bit too nice with that costume... and wait, is he getting horny? It’s actually really fun and sexy.
The Evening Speaks (T, 23k, 7 chapters) In where Mike is a late-night college radio host and Will is the art student that stays up till late to catch up with Wheeler on the Mic. They flirt through songs y’all, this one is really sweet. 
heads or tails? (E, 24k, 3 chapters) Aged up characters. I know most people don’t enjoy sex in fics and with specific characters but this one is insanely well written. It’s a slowburn that commits to the tension and with every word you are grasping and anticipating their next move. I think you can find the author here on Tumblr as yousaidyes🧡
The Man of Average (M, 56.7k, 5/? chapters) Aged up characters. No but you don’t understand, the writing here is absolute gourmet. The story is exciting as well, it’s super interesting. Weirdly enough, for being very aged up characters, they are well characterized but they don’t feel like teenagers. They are naturally Mike and Will. The author really captured Mike and Will’s essence. I know, it’s unfinished and it’s updated very rarely, but this is the typical fic you can’t believe someone just posted on the internet for free. I will say though, I think it’s definitely not for everyone. Read at your own risk.
Heartstrings (E, 82.8k, 24/? chapters) Aged up characters. By the same author of The Man of Average. A collection of memories, the road to Mike and Will’s happy ever after. And fucking hell!!!!! You’ll cry and get angry, you’ll cheer for them, then you’ll want to crash their faces together because god dammit you love each other!!! But yeah, same thing here. The writing and the way the story is laid out as a nonlinear narrative is brilliant. And I also think this is one of the best Will versions I’ve read. The author might as well be the og creator of this two characters tbh. You can find the author here as mylesimeblr🧡
Sinners behind the walls (T, 1.5k, 1/1) And because I can’t stop recommending this author, a little thing of Mike tormenting himself but also being too deeply committed to Will. 
The Red Envelope series (T/E, 167K, two completed works) Something happens that Will thought was impossible and from there, pure drama and romance. Anything by this author has the potential to become your absolute favorite fic, but this series in particular is amazing. I doubt that any of you haven’t read this, but it doesn’t hurt to put it in this list. I’m pretty sure the author is serendipitous-magic on Tumblr🧡
A New Fight series (T, 91k, two completed works, one WIP) And finally the Star Wars AU that we all needed. But this isn’t your typical “Mike is Han”, “Will is Leia” and “El is Luke”, it’s way more interesting than that, and the author has appropriated the Star Wars world like no other. I’ll admit I’m not a 100% fluent in SW lore but this is amazing to me either way. This author is also on Tumblr, tea-for-one-please🧡
- Yes, most of these are (if not all), in a way, canon compliant/canonverse/canon continuation into fanon. (In a way)
One-shots and short stories
Sundae for Two, Please (G, 4.8k) Steve being the supportive friend and older brother these kids collectively need. (not Jonathan erasure, we love him). Steve is very sweet himself, and this little cute thing through his POV is gorgeous. Yes, it’s byler.
Backstage (T, 10k, 2/2) Jonathan, you forgot to mention to Will how hot your new band’s guitarist is, dude. Now he’s hyperventilating and weirdly flirting with him in the corner. Background Stonathan because why not.
102 Peach Street (G, 3.8k) Established relationship, but not only that, they are married :’’))) PURE fluff. Extreme fluffiness. Diabetes. 
sweatshirts and bottled up feelings (T, 3.2k) Or, Mike thinks that the sweatshirt Will wears looks insanely good on him. And kitchens are for lovers. 
kiss it better (T, 16.3k) Basically one of the best character studies of a few precise moments of Mike and Will’s relationship and feelings. 
will wonders ever cease (T, 11.3k) #i ship will and happiness. Omfg what a beautiful piece of fanfic. Will centric, this kid really deserves all the good in the world.
The Calm After the Storm (T, 1.6k) Tooth rotting fluff, boyfriends in love. Boyfriends being lazy, cuddling, love words, kisses. Boys loving each other’s company... Basically, Mike and Will in their element. What more can you ask for?
neither of us ready to let go (T, 4.8k) That scene from season three, but a bit of a fix it. 
Still in love (G, 1k) Domestic, married life au fluff. Y’all, I’m a sucker for established Byler, even if I can’t find many fics with it. But this is very sweet. It takes place in 2020, but I don’t think there are any mentions of the COVID-19 crisis that I remember.
I Nver Find Out ‘Til I’m Head Over Heels (G, 12.5K) Classic 5+1 fic. If you haven’t read it, where have you been? This is your moment. In where Mike keeps inviting Will to the school dances and Will thinks it’s just a joke until he realizes it’s not. 
Before You’re Gone (T, 5.9k) Will is leaving Hawkins and Mike thinks this is a great moment for a confession. This one I discovered last friday, thank you friend @magicalfairy 💗
You’re weird Wheeler (M, 4.5k) Mike unintentionally starts a tradition of going to each other to talk about their sexual encounters just after they finish. Will keeps getting more explicit with the details he shares, and he makes his best friend interested. This one is really fun y’all.
Out-Of-Town Friends (N/R, 4.6K) It’s not rated. I haven’t re- read it but I’d say it would probably fall in a T rating. So cute!! Will has new friends and sneaks off every friday and the Party doesn’t know where he is going, so Mike decides to follow him and is surprised. 
Snowed Under (G, 1.3k) By the same author of The New Fight series. Mike is spending christmas by himself in college because a snowstorm hits Chicago and Nancy can’t drive to see him, but then he has a surprise visitor. Ahhh just a lil sweet holiday fic. Super cute. 
you love me anyway series (T, 7.1k, three completed works) Literally just the cutest thing ever. Established Byler. Will loves to take pictures and he loves taking pictures of Mike. It’s adorable. 
you wanna be friends forever (i can think of something better) (T, 9k) This one is so amazing. So. Amazing. From Will’s POV, my kid deserves the world and he gets it. 
okay not to be okay (T, 4.9k) Mike is a bit sad but then everything is okay. 
can’t hold out forever (G, 18.4k) Y’all!!!!! 5+1 sweetness. Mike has been falling in love since kindergarten. And it’s long af, you’ll enjoy it. 
even if it takes forever (G, 1.3k) College short AU, they miss each other, they love each other, they promise all to each other. It is sappy y’all.
clear as day (N/R, 18.4K, 4 chapters) It’s not rated, but I’d say it falls in the T category. Strangers to friends to lovers. And also, everyone is pretty gay; we have our dynamic trio Mike, Max and El as disaster lesbians (and gay). Will works at the library and he is also gay. Lucas and Dustin and Will are the best friends we needed. It’s very sweet and the Party is kind of formed here!
I went overboard with the one-shots, so you must have realized how much I love long one-shots and I favor them over long works lmao but they are all amazing!!! If it’s on this list, I probably read it at 2 am, sobbing in my bed. So. Hope you enjoy it☺️🧡
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